5tel'lincstylish,of theIrs andand $6.VES,:.F�in­s weD�Y,.erblyr andobli-'0L.LInly SAVEnts EVERand giftof thaiE BILL'ood aJ:NTe StarckWabashIlopes.:0.,risersTO- � : .:;-:-- ,:.-:. •• »x:m ·.. ·'f.... ··.. �... ". lutly _arDnttPrice Two �Vol. VlI. No. 21. �. � CHI�G!=>. FRIDAY, OCTOBER �, J1iD8 .. 'FIRST ROIfR.TSQ PlAy. 110m· nm _'II' iWl URSIn waRIS BAli .liEASr to 6OP11E15 IOtftGBT BARTlm's. WALLS RII6PlEASES SpECTATORS reWive iie.. u;.�_Of� POIDIS AlISH 01 PlAt Rooten Will pad< Co ........... aDd WITH CHEERS AT RALlYty Candidates for Vanity teaQl Join in RouUq WdcOme. to. EIW-Mass Meeting Cuts, Do� Attead- -Material is &�, .. ys 6W:b Roo� Expect. a N�aDd-Neck � from the North-TiCkets GOance of "A Curious Misbap'·_ Chandier. Strucgle TolDOft'Ow-Gopbera rast.To Avoid SccoDd CoDBict.. �are � Sbtu' 19Ci3- Last Mau Meeting for the GopIlenBrinp - Oat Pent-up Enthusiasm···on . Campus.The twelve men from whom Chi-, �linllesota is to be the guest ofMr. Robertson Gives an Excellent cage's two .debate teams and th�ir Have stronger Uij.�" W� . EaU the University at the prize "love Optimistic Speeches by Dr. Good-Piece of Com-l- in Philibert alternates will � picked, were sifted and L!lhter B&ckfieid�tdeD speed, Alumni, the "Old Man"�. , l.anquet" of the year tonight. Dr-Miss Redlich Good. out from the twenty. candidates last c:mCaC�'is Hope. ,VilIiams and his squad .will arrive in and the Team.night. The aspirants were divid.etl... hicago around noon, and after alkiore an audience that showed into two sections, half of them speak- With no scrimmage on the pro- ight signal drill this afternoon will The walls of Bartlett gymnasiumplainly that there was a monster log in Haskeif aoit' the rest in the gram yesterday, Director Stagg was' "pair to Hutchinson Commons to 'Ian- never in the history of old' Chi-,mass meeting running il_1 opposition Law' building. The trials went off busy on polishing and grinding thf I�joy the hospitality of Director cago rung as they did last night,to the satisfact ion of Coach Chand- 1 di th· I d ·11 . I 1.1 d-�Ir, Robertson and his company pays, spee mg up e srgnar. rs t:t!-:g, the Varsity team, faculty and when eight 1\1n< reu men an womengave an cxce'[lerrt. presentation of ler, alternated between the two and striving. generally to put the l .tudents, on the eve of the great gave Coach Stagg and the team theirwhat proved to be a charming com- 'Scenes of action.. Varsity machine at the point of "arne on Marshall Field tomorrow af- final cheers before the game tomor­edy, G(ll<1oni"s "'A Curious Mishap." "The.. con�e�s: I� both places were maximum. efficiency for the cruci�l 'ternoon, row. From the time that the bandThe play was bright and. pleasing, .�xc�ll�nt .. I believe we ought to have contest of the ��s�.n, the game with Director Stagg said last night that rcurc • .1 forth the first strains' of "Go-and the' audience, tho�gh small, was a. winning: team," he said, after the the strong. Gopher eleven tomorrow. he is bending every effort to makc .hicago" to the formation of the!iympathetic to a degree, ke�nl� ap- :"'��kers �a"; finished." Director' Stagg was not altogether ;:he Minnesota delegation feel thor- ock-step dance at the close of thepreciative to the delicate humor of I; The twelve successful candidates satisfied with the team, and is co�sid;- . ughly at home I t. is remembered meeting, there was a continual noise.the amusing situations and the laugh- were: I.·.E..: 1[erguson, C. M. Keyes, erably worried over the prospects,' :how the Gophers did all they could .The most striking feature oJ �tbeable characters portrayed. . r H. M�po�a!�, C. P. �cCuIlQ�lg11' He expects a pretty c:ven struggle, 'to surpass Chicago's welcome of meeting was th� optimistic trerid ofThe curious mishap happens to -Charles Sc�wartz ��� John H. Fre� and thinks that the winning tea� 1906, when the Varsity journeyed up dl� speakers and the audience. WhilePhilibert, a rich Dutch merciia�� w!t� inal� for the .a�rmatlve teams, an�1 will have a hard ·fight to carry oS to Minnesota last year. Whil� the no empty boasts were made .. , aUunwittingly aids a pennil�ss lieute�� Char les t.�vi�?;n,). W .. Hoover, Paul the victory, two teams are the keenest of rivals rgrecdfhat the l\laroon eleven wp�ldant in securing his daugJjter's hand ���n�, c_l8:rc:nce A. Bales, W. J. Repo�ts from Minneapolis indicate on the gridiron, they are the friend- come out of the grueling contest to­while he th'ink� he is fostering. the �!a� and H. P. Hostetter for the that the Gophers have: a better team :�iest as to official athletic relations. morrow with the long end of' thesoldier's love for another girl' �egative. this year th�n they have had sinc� Chicago's faculty. representative score. i : �,The all-wise. Philibert, played by ,; Th� .s,he �n. w:ho will compose �he 1903· Their li�e i� undoubtedly was announced yesterday. He is .to After an opening round; �f . ;eilsMr. Robertson, is unmercifully hood- Varsity affirmative and negative stronger than' the- l\faroou line, while be Percy Holmes Boynton' of. the and songs, Cheerleader Bill: Ma<:­winked by his daughter an� her Iover tea�, �II' be c�sen on the night: of t heir backfield. although a little ligh�- English departmerrf, regarded as one Cracken introduced as the "�mria1and entirely-:innocent to their decep- N�v��.� w�en there will be t�o er tban Chic�o is about as fast. Th� of the "'ittiest- :talkers on the cam- �r:�hman� of the Universitr,��;� . .:r.tions. d�bates. befo.r�.a l!i�,le. set of jud.$. Varsity has· a cODsjeJerable advan� PUS: Director' sbgg· himself will. hav� Goodspeeu. Dr. Goodspeed's talk'-\Jr. Robe.. rtso. D.> .. I:!!,:t.. yed.. :th. e.·.·,._..se1.�·... f-. ·'e·.���··�1;&.% .. se�·eh� on .th��b�� �e .. in _.<;�"p!ai� ...",���!!�� ,�9.�Jl�� '. Crl,,·«rJiBioe.·' L..� e.·ttn .ceM;c....�... -•• -.�., �shc··forth.�',)I1e�.of the -:1S1OIIt; �,:-.sufficient, gullible' old merc::� -..rit� oTt��·�&fiflf:���:�d. ability stio# �. aDi ¥Oimd' -pi�� �o(l}r�. Wi, .�hiei' f�': �U �diat br toast· �1insliistic�' bursts of ·the· 'evemn�::'H�his usual skill; bringing out the char- 'e3dl �"-Mil �·"aUowed ei**. ii;�: b��c�. AJ·�·��h .. Minnesotf lfIuster. '-Besides - Dr. 'wiDi�� Mj�. �g3n by glVlng a history of the 'fa­acter of the foolis.h scb�mer; w'1ioSe· in" his' preoaTed' -speedl' an� �� a s�dy' ·pajl_'· . of �ds, Orvle lt�sota's c:oa�h, .whose· Wl'lros '-will Dt: mo�s' Wisconsin game in 1�/'.��chemes all came home to roost; with our·mialltesda..the- rehattat-. �.: �ge,� an<i )oh�, ¥ho��er are co�. -:ageriy :Iistened to, the Gophers:'wiJ; Which' Cb'icagO went uP. to MMIiio.,a dignity that. kept· tl:t� cO�y leY�l ,-:: � :. cf""r.*�� who. �es.lr� t� ceded to be better tba.n.· . PetW9� ....c repr:esented on the' spea�rPs' �ro. : nd' decisi�ely defeated the Bad�high and created a s�p�thi fo-: th� chaDge:'hls � 'aDd side. .!.� :do an!l��ad�chcr. The g�neral d�- ···by ProfesSor James. P.ai�· o�- accomplishing the unexpected.blundering Qld Philibert,' .despit� ·.his later than � "_uTSday. fenslve play of the N�he��rs �s cfal"Conference delepte�' aDd 'pro,?- "Boys', 1 feel it in my boneS ·diat:iaid,t.o be::very st.rong. and the. tea� :ably by. rl'ofessor Hai'diDg, a' fcirm�r �e are going to win," he said. '':N�1IV0r�. w�1 tOKc;:ther. t· football star of the . institution. . have everything in our favor� .It�.is, ·''they. are f;.st i'n ��tting. do�n tht' : -"(! two cap�ins, Ste·tien and SaC·, ·going·to be a dry day. It's gOift.·����ld," said Mr .. Sta�" "�nd: no. oqe .iord, will� ddh'er some' mOdest Ifat�- be· -a good crowd. The clouds' �e.�il' see anytb�ng. that l_��� like ::. ents. -Singing will be' a great fea· :a11' blo"'n away, and I tell you 'Bat�um�nng� tea� w���. M$m�e�()ta �s tQr� of the' evening'-s celebration, a �e ·are going to gct the vlctory.·:.1plying:: Wc.;proba���. a�e,mQre e�- uartet consistipg of .'WinstOn am! noticed in a city paper this moririiaccient in getting awa� .. ""l� Ule.:for- .Hunt" Henry, Earl Berry and Frank that some' 'one said we havenT a,Ah'in Kiolmer and .1I0rriss Briggs !,�ard �sses, �.t. th�.. :.�'fjltis .al1� .. Orchard hniilg b�n secured to lead team of fighters. Now I wish the:sere last. night: a�judgc:d joi�t .i�;_ltter of pulling off. ·the p��s_ at the the� musi<:. se1ectroJ1s.· person who wrote that would: come�hares i.J.t th� h�O pr��es offered �y r�!�t .time and" getting', a��y_ with : TicketS' for t'hjtqavorite event we�� down and convince me, for I.dO::-aotthe athletic associ�:ion for the be�t ,hem. .. •. :placed on sale ,aicrday at the Com· agree with him. We have a team ofyells submitted in the contest which ;. :Tbe �v�rsity . lineup for the� p'm� mons- and Inforincition offiCe: and �ri( ··!�,·eh fighters. ;lIld they can prove it.�Iosed yes���.y; �·.iudges; M�- is u';certairi' as yet, parti��atl!. in 'hundred of the 325, "'ere sold. Tht� .Who wm 'say that Wa1te� St�fien' isCracken, Hmrj,' Bal'ker·and TemplC- (he SE't1ard �.!!� �ack!e., berths. T�' ,,,ill be offer�d at-the Commons to- aot a fighter? Who will say'tha't''id­ton, vot�. t�� ��pe���on a tie be �ac�eld t�.at will start th�. ·contc!;t lay until O')on. allG the I nformati�ll lings is not :t fightcr? Who ,rill. �aytween Kra�·a� ���, after co�· ;s practica�Y...�rt.ain, a�: __ ell as tb� offi'te ftoni then·�1ihti1'·5:·0'ctock . .1\ 'that Jobn Schommer is not a 6ght­sidering over a �ndl'etFyells, maD)' center and ends: Crowley, rigb-:" . 'scheme of. t� i'�servations will er? Wh'o "'iil say that litti�. FaKeIf which shOwed Irij1i cbss. Tttc �- .Word-wiRe;- fell-;,-IcI4iRp..-IJf,· be put into effect. The students wi)' ... not :t fighter? Who will S�y . thatmatter of making .. decision occapi�, �alf; Steffe�, quarter; Badenoch, c� be· diVided according to dbses; the every Dlan on Chicago's team is notthree hours. The' t"b winners win ter; Page. right end; and Schommer :Seniors sitting t'ogdheri and li1cewi�( a fie'bter?".divide the fif��� 4.911�-:s offered. left end:: ar� s"un; t6. - iiirt th�' ga�e the members of the ofher three class Dr.. Goodspeed closed his address. K�����s. �Jj" w,"c-,.. r�ceived an. while the tacktes�' 1rin� be filled fr�m �S: Minnesota ahurini .... iavi:· reserve" with a ,,"ord of advice to the' team, inenth�.���� t.fJO'!'{. �t the 11linoi!\ a . nuin�r' 'of seah: an'd' "the dekga _hi'c:h he b:ute them go out on thegame; runs as fol1ow5: (Contined -011 p�gt 4) lion of students' who accompany th(' �efd, and' fight f()r all that was' inArroch-arrh, Maroon. Chica! tr;'m will al!ro come mit· in full'for�e, them., He 'emphasized his remarksArrOon-am� Maroon, Cilia! . . .. on' the proper method for_them' to(Sinltl> ��� Chiagol �h! To' VaTsity. Rooters: .'. ; . -taCkle, with some unique compari-Dria-. sabinitled the' following . DRAMATICS FOR GREEN ROOIt! ;ons. to :tppro\'c(l methods in tadt-yell� cail�. the �".Ti&e�": The flag "C" will be formed when : nirl< ;\11(1 c:.t1�ed a proloi1pdE-�-e! Yab!. Wah�hOo! he band pIa)'!' "Heroes of the oa;: . ... ,. : ; :�r.. . 'Women to Hold TrYOuts ",ext 'ruesE-e-e! Yah! Wa.�hOo! \11 will. stand and hold their pen· day in Literatuie RoOm.Clli(':tgo! Chicago! (Siren) nants over their heads. Those stand· .,. . .;ng on red chalk spots will show th(':lbSlll'd cODcei�. . '. " �.,. I. •:\Iarion Redlich h·�d._ a_ ���!1�. ��:�:..-�.:. GG!i�1@!:.),art in Gi-a�-';�;, the daughter: who 'FOR YBLL COIft"BST· pRIZEwas ··forced to dissembl�" an�' pre- .� -tenu that her lover really loved an- judaa. Co�ci� ... � .•. : �Cbeen for Three H01ll1l Before. 'Pidri�C. ; -WUUier.oth('r, Her sweet, yet vivaci�. ��p� _rescntation of tb; ci�iri.;g daugb- rtcr, made tile audi�nce' fo;give h�r a'u .her sins, an". "Ion the lover" as theyshould.The part of the French lieutenantwho sought and won Grannina'shand was played with dignity andskill by Hermaa' Lieh..Richards the -diffiCUlt character ofthe miserl� broker. �s �ell ha�.,died by William" OweD,'· as was t�epart of· the unfortUnate'· Constan�",hi> loved. in vain.· �iiss' ·Anna Titu�played this �haracter. The' two· ser­vants,' Mariana and Gascoigne, wcr�well handled by Alice John andFrank Harden.The play, as far as' the player'swork went, was a success, consider·ing the 'number present jt was not asuccess. It is h�Ped' that the massmecting was solely responsible (or,this. Arrangements have been ma�eto (lb"'iate this conflict and a special�ffcr on tickets for tbe two remain-ing performances has been made.Thuc is no reason why the stu·,lcnt hody should not interest i�se1fin the Robert�on plays, and no rea­�on why Mandel should not at leasthe comfortably fitted for ·'Rabab,"the play s�heduled for NovemberT9th. The ne:'ltt sJlcaker was Ralph' Ham­iH. tlte famous half hack of '99. Ham-ill sho"'e<i the nto�t confidence of . allThe F�"�� OrpniftThe Fencibles, the honorary Soph­omore ��ting so:ciety,. held its fir;stm�e.ti':lg .9f the. y�ar ,Ias� nigJIt a�dorganized. Conrado Benitez .�aselt-cteel secretary-treasurer to filethevacancy made by J. Elmer Pea)c.':'whoba� �ot' �tum� t� the U�iversity.Plans for the work of the year weretalked over a� a ��edule of activitywas aiallPed -- r�d side of thdr fta�s, those on whitt' _.\. ho�t. nf .aspirants arc looked for!'pots the ,,·hite � sld�� ,• at the Green . R�m Dra",atic. clohHold the' flags' still until the last tri;lIs. to . be ):Jci<1 Tuesday .. N�vem�rtwo fines of 'the' song are reached, .1, in lhe .l.itu�tl1·re room in 'LexingThen all wAve 'dlm pennants as they 'on. �ltl1ougb. the. 11lembcrship ofsing. The 50,;g-: win be 'r��ated by the club is lim.ited. there· are. a largethe b:tnd, and the rooterl will hoM number of vacancies at prc!tocnt. "'hic1�their pennants over their heads �11 an be filled if sufficient good maosh('wing the opJ)O!ite �ide from be· terial turns'-'up at the trials. Everyfore. and wave on t�e bst two lines. Literature woman interest�d in dra-W. P. 1lacCnc:ba. matia is arpd to come oat. the �!,cak('r�."I am �orry that T am �oing to beout of town Saturday," he said, ··ast would like to �('e th:.t �finne�otabunch. slaughtered. I know thatHarry \Vi11i:tms' hoy!; :tre nic� boys,and t feel sorry for them, But TImow that it is going to be a case ofsl:\ughter. Tt'� going to be worseAt the University of Wasbington,SC:lttle, rowing lias been taken upby the co-eds, and in'tercbss racesar� beina held. (Continued on page 4) . �'IiI �tII�J 1:THE DAlLY MAROON •. ;'. FR1DA)"� .o.CTOBER 30, '1908.'.:..... - ........ ..;1 ...• 'J.._. JIll � •. ·.Ot- are�QQ17 _.�oiIa of . .,.. <DAILY .:�B1JLLBfiBW-r' :uaUJI JllMll'II student affain" IoUCiteid? " Th. tTai-- . '. -. ,�::' .: : »: ::'. ;:;........- ..... -..iiz...· ........ ,.;............ ----................... versity of ChiCqo·)(apziDe will. ;J�iDt, .�' Pre-Lepl Cl�The'!be 0IIc:Ial � � � tM acce-pt both 'prose aDd poetic contri- national. -co�mittees of all parties :willOalftDlQ fill � butions that reflect· tJaiversily of send official representatives. _ 'Kenta.a...d _ aIcaa4 .... IIaJl 'K tM � Chicago life. Articles that deal wi,th theater, today, 8:00 p. m. All in­,� 0ueI&0. IllbIoII. II.Ud. 11" 1101. Istudent affairs; college life, and in vited,u'" ... cI II.aM .. laD. fact anything of interest to th,. stu- German Club, today, in Lexingtondent as a student. is desirable. �all. " p. m. Lecture by Mr. Sltok·....... dUll. ��... '.....,., darIaa tu. QaaIteD fill &he O� In reference JO the Cap and' Gow�, hardt of Danzig. "Das Deutschethe same communicant asks: I, What Volkslied." Classes in conversation,is the limit as to the length of stories . University: Public Lectures _. '(a)and especially verse? Will the edi- "The Commercial and Colonial Pol­tors return articles with reasons for icy of the Dutch." Professor Dae­non-acceptance, or for abridgement nell, Cobb Lecture room, today,or revision? 3. How soon will a 12:00-1:00 p. m. (b) "Archaeologi-______________ contributor hear from his contribu- cal Discovery in Sweden and its Con­� pice. p.oo peR �. 11.00 fa. tion? 4- In short, what is the policy trol by Government," Professor Os­..... .-&-. 8gJw:rt� NOlI_ M u. of the literary .#partment of the Cap car Monteli,!s" director of the De-...... � Ew. Ball, - a &he hcalQ J:K. d Go? 'partment Antiquities of the Swedish........ � IIa1L an wnIn reference to the length .of an government, today, Haskell assem-article, little can be said. Some ar- bly room, 3 p. m.tides. and poems can be limited to A Good Assortment of dainty can­one-tenth the space required by oth- dies vrlt be on sale today aters. The editors will not go into de- 10:30 in the League room. Bettertails as to the reasons for non-accept- come early, as the supply is alwaysance, but will return the eontribu- exhausted before II o'clock,rion, if acceptable, yet in need of Junior and Senior Class Nomina­revision or abridgement. As to the tioDS are now in order. Senioracceptance of' material, the con- -lean's office. N ominarions closetributor will receive an answer as Monday.soon as the material, is accepted. The Purity Banquet, Chicago-Minne-policy of the Cap and Gown is to SOh. this evening at 6 o'clock.publish anything clever and good Senior College Council, specialthat is submitted, 'but further details "Tle'eting today at 10:30, in Senior of-a&POlL'I'&IUI may be gotten from the editors per- fiee,..... BaQhqe ilia Bmeetba. IbaD8 sonally, They may be seen in Ellis' Mandolin Club meets today at 10:30, 3 daily from 3 iG _4- . Communications :n Haskell hall. All candidates out..addressed to Faculty Exchange, Box . Brownson Club will meet today at-----------------------------------------------------........ �.JWcn ....... J:UII BAlI. .z8o. will be answered. • o'clock in Haskell 26. ----------------------.-----�, ._._.:a,.s. �.. �. '!V0men cf Science College inter- I�:: =-�i4 .. ......... No HANSEN AND KLEIN OUT ested the formation of a dramatic. OF PLAY COMPETITION dub, meet this morning at 10:30 in. ....... .... a.rc.. .. .. ... JJ:UJ. Hall. ,. ..........,_ sw. � I'uk ... Lexington hall, 3·.A.. L. 1'&ID8'rI:IIN. AUaledc Ed1&ar.08W� 1'. Ni::LsoN. Buaa.. 1IaDa&w. . �Sizing op of Freshmen" I. is,�' popular stunt among the 'Upper Class-Imen.. To be "sized" up prop'erl, is most Iimportant for every first year man - to icreate a farora.ble impression he must wear Iclothes with Slrle, indirdualn, and qualit, • '1clothes made f�r College Men ,by College ITailors. Most Upper Classmen are -al_read y Iwearing our clothes especially those who'are, correctly dressed.We have an attractive College'Poster --yours for the asking.C�er6WDkieTAILORS 185119 Dearborn,St .., San" floor --]J11* Kamle Ll117, Jeroue N. FnLDkA. Q. WblUleld Roberta B. Ow_W.A. Weanr. .A. N, Pfd_.A.BT JlIDITOa801 Baldrldp Purity HR ExceUenceAT�·,?UR. EXCLUSIVE SHOp370 E. 55th Street Tel. Hyde '1i,,,III 1,1_IIPark 3�68 .I;. i Authors of Former Bladdriar SUc­cesseS Not to SUbmit Work thisYear. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS... Widr') " � 'be 11ft _ .. lJaIl.• �"""'�totMDIU1---.:, '\J. if! Harry Hansen' dd.� A. Klein,._. The people who have bought stu- the. au.�rs of "Sate. Enough Segrc.;. ta, ·tomorrow, 2 P. m.· '. ;tdent tickets for the game t�morro� �tion" and .,�� Sip of the Dou- Cap and Gown Editors can be con-i.The sh�uld r�me�ber. that ble Jt.atlt.', the' Blackfriar produc- suited with any afternoon in Ellis .1,': this ca�nes WIth It one tion. at the last two years, will not from 3 to 4 o'clock. Communica-:JIaroon � ,obligatlon-to co-oper- ea_ a play in this :lear's play com- tions may be left at Faculty Ex­.White "C" • ate in the formation .of petition, This was the announcement change 280.. . .the ma�oon and wh,lte made yesterday.' Both Hansen and Wisc:onsin students, r�gister namestC." If thiS tableau � to be carned Klein decided �at it would be fairer ,at Information. office.:.to success, 'and there is no reasonto leave the field' open to playwrights States Restaurant Banquet to foot-'why it should not, every person who who have not yet �en successful. ball teams, Saturday evening; All'sits in the rooting section must pro- Abbott HirschI Shaw, of the Black- those wishing to reserve plates mustvide himself with one of the maroon 'friars will issue the first call next iee Ben Newman between 10:30 and. and wbite; banners, which will be- eek' f.Jr t:le entering of plays to be 11:00 at the Information office todayready for distribution on Marshall used this year .. In this way it is or at the Kappa Sigma fraternityField before the game. The student hoped 0 get a. �rly start and to al-· hous�, Saturday morning. before 12.who for any reason fails to do this, low more time. -for the rehearsals. Plat�s are $1,. will have the doubtful satisfaction of From present iddications, there will Philosophical Club, Monday, Nov.: making himself a blot in the general be.l large number' of plays to choose z, 7:30 p. m., in Law basement, east.effect.. from, as eight plays are now being Organization a�d plans for work.written by meta,JOft the campus, and International Club will meet to­several others haVe made lmown their mrorow, 8 p. m'7 in Middle Divinityparlor. Are You Afraid of Spooks?WHETHER YOU ARE OR NOT. KEEPIN, "GOOD SPIRITS" WITHHR Co-ed Chocolates. Hot Drinks� H()tel Ma .. oo�. :;58th and Drexel AveUlfDER NEW MANAGEMENTRfSTAURANT AND lUNCH ROOM"..------------------�--------------------------------------FIrSt Class l\IIeals, P...,�pt ServiceFootball Game-Chicago-Minneso-. The best of �"erythiDg se"etl:at reasonable prices-1 ' '__ '_',"_USI_,��c.-.e�_err__e"elJ_;itg. ilLd_in_n_e_r-_hal_. _'- _',_�-_. _. _' _�lt_·'".�,'l'I The N.tional BotelCo • .-{�. "!l. Ward Mgr.Refe�ence to the University of Chi­, "' I intention of entering the contest.. cago as "Chicago University IS a-•most universal among other collegesand universities. Such a mistake is aconstant irritation to University of';ehic'ago students,1 ---------. The Tbree-Quarte-rs club FreshmenlANSWER TO COIlIlUNICATION pledaa amused the {JiJiversity stu­� ---- deats �ay morning at the chap·Several communications have been el ...... r witb a choice bill of cir­': received at the Maroon office in ref- cus' sbIiIts, incl.ding a royal hippo­"trtnce to the class of material tJaat drome niay race �bout the new c�r­: both the University of Chicago Nag- cLlar driveway in the center of tbe�':"e and the Cap and Gown are "iII- campus, and a Chinese kow-tow be-PIN 'be.ing to accept. There seems to a fore the young women of the Junior: doubt on the part of somc.. as to Colleges as they dispersed from� whether the ordinary student IS wel- chapel. At noon time a number of" Ito submit material or not, Such the iloteresting Freshmen advertisedcQlDe ,feeling has been noticed to eXlst, last night's mass meeting very elree-ad the editors have done all in their tively from the lamp post in front ofan de .to dispel it If any stu nt IS Cobb hall. It is also darkly rumor-power '. .doubtful as to the class of .mat,erlal � that other forms of initiatory haz-(hat can be used, the editors of 'ather ing 'Were 'resorted to.publication will be more than' glad The pled�s of the first-year so­to explain the scope of. the, work, ciet� will pull off their annual foot-h' h they are trying to punue, ball burleSciOe, November 14, at theW IeU' 'ty' f C I ChIn reference to the nIVen1 ,0 orne 1- icago pille. This stuntChicago Magazine, a subscn"ber In- has long been a feature of the bigquired as follo...,s: I. What sort of game of football season, and alwaysmaterial does it waat from students? creates &T�ater mthusiasm in the• Are stories aDd poeIIIS ac- rooters.FRBSHIIBN S1'UNTS AMUSE Delta Upsilon announces the pledg-UHIVaUITY SPECTATORS ing of Wilbur R. Hurst.FOWNESGLOVESare a "&QOd thinK to haveon band." and aD gooddealers 'have them on hand.UntbeT6ttpIBbotograpb 6bop.lIIe Best �LOPING. I:NLAaGUfGEastman Kodab and Supplies321 E. 57th 9t reetWanted-Every student· in theUniversity who is' not a subscriber to.... 1CIibe a& oace. ... W.HAT'S· THE USE�_ • " fir having good clothes_� you don·t keep them well pressed.A good suit deserves it and a poor suit demands it. EX(POWBBS,WILLIAM COLLIERTHE PATRIOTOOL01fIAL,.'GOO. M, COHANand his Royal Familyand Incomparable Co,GBABD·OPBU HOURWALKER WHITESIDETHE' MELT1�G POTCEaOAOO OPBRA BOUSBRA YMOND HITCHCOCKAmI a hundred others inTHE MERRY-GO-ROUNDWe press all garments at regUlar prices. Work called for and delivered.AlfDBRSQR'S CBArrSMAH430 55th Street SHOPTd.. H. ? 4g8g----------�----��--------------I_" A:ii'u S B II B R T �INTERNATIONAL THEATREGRANJ;> OPERALUCIA DI LAMMERMOORTHE LION.AND THE MOUSE STUDBBAKBRFRITZI SCHEFFin the first prOduction ofTHE PRIMA DONNAILLIROl8MAUDE ADAMSIn New Comedy,WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNO;"The Quality Musical Play:'A. STUBBORN CINDERELLA.,aB GARRIOl[MADAll NAZUIOYAIn Ibsen's"A DOLL"S HOUSE"WHITNEYTHE BIG SUOCESSA BROKEN IDOLLA SALLBA GIRL AT THE HELMCECIL LEANandand tbe La Sal .. Theater St�1tPLORBNCa BOLBltOOK ClWAsoFO�iMJ!IlSFOJl�Jw," ,iI' i..most II- to Iwear Iif, - 'j,liege Iready Iwho If you d(\n't. ImOw thepainstakiDc B� .. ' way offittiD, and tryiDc on agarment. it would be arevelation to 70U. Theinimitable fit. baDe anddrape of Bo .. ' TailoredClothes is �ue, perbaPSImore to this' feature thAnto any other one thine.IIIt·1III·St. IIIIJ 'IN e take a c�at while itis still fn the plastic stage--we shape.. mould �dwork it to the form of theman it's made for-wecarry this personal try-onfurther than anyone hasever done before. Afterthat, thousands. of patient� IIIIIII I_I1il'k 3�68 .1 stitches are needed to putinto lasting form the ar­tistic shape which resultsfrom such a mode of.treatment.Believing that clothesdo not express char-acter, we omit no ef­fort to perfect each in­dividual garment._---rTHE BOWS COMPANY5.. 5 8 E. 6 3 r d St r e e tEXCLUSIVE 1.1II POPULARPRICESSTYLESTel. Hyde Park 88 ..Is it..elivered. We Have No Branch Stadio�RI .� 'I!SI-I!J3 rAIUWI AV8CRICAGo.·Facilities for everytbiDc inPhotography.Phone Central 60g. ? 4g8g--IFFtion ofNNA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING , '. '"':'THE DAILY KAROON.·FRIDAV" ocrOBER 3O�·.19OB.:D�� .W rottOW �QtIET '�lread'y declared them.ei�s· tleartilY .: 1JIfI9BUrn'-flDABeDIG: '�" :. ',',' ....;..,_o,,_ �:: lID. favor of hold�ng a.,·j'oin� con�ert .-::_ _ '.J!CJIIOOt.�!'!: �--:::'::';Five Comered Political At8ument in with the Mandolin club. A" ,. great . "A .e� 'dMC;n,:-JICbOOl fa Uuiver­Keot ToDicht at 7=45, aiMS Student I deal depends on an earJy and strOng sit)' mea·.dd WOnteD J.aa been opeDedAudience W"ill Pick NUt PnS. start of the latter organization. Last in ROSALlB- BALLI �76� E. 57th St.dent. year's club was greatI:I- handicapped ,Leaolr' Thunda,. .. aftemoon; �:30by late organization. A large to... Infbrma!·danciDc .. ,to .s. Lea-amount of good material is in evi- SODa �5 cents each.dence among the Freshmen, who are UDiftl'81t7 .tudenta inwited.. . For in­therefore especially urged to attend formation. caD 6503 KimbarIE- avenae,the meeting this morning. It is the &nt apartment. '. ."intention to have a try-out each quar­ter and thus keep the position� filledand utilize all musical talen avail­able.An experienced teacher will be se­cured to coach the club and to holdtry-outs, the date of which _ill' bedecided upon this morning. Rehear­sals will be held at regular intervalsduring the quarter, and. every 'effortwill be made to get the club intoshave as soon as possible. ResidesProminent members of all the po­litical' parties will meet in a joint de­bate in Kent theater tonight at 7 :45,under the auspices of the Pre-Legalclub. From all reports, this promisesI to me an event. of the campaign strug-gle at the Uitiversity. The National'committees of all the parties havesent their official "spell-binders" todefend the respective party plat­forms.The Democratic .party is to haveMr. Louis Post, editor of the Public,as their champion, while the Repub­licans place their confidence in Mr.John A. Watson. The' Prohibition-as a piano accompanist.;"I think the chances for a goodmandolin club are very bright," saidPresident Hokanson yesterday."There is no reason why' Chicagocannot have a good glee and mandolin club, like other universities."ists rely on the forensic ability of Mr. mandolin and guitar players, menWitliam Brubaker, candidate. for who can manipulate the violin. 'celloLieutenant governor of Illinois. The or flute. witl be in demand. as wellIndependent party is sending Dr.Taylor, candidate for United Statessenator, to expound their, principlesand the Socialists" represented byMr. Thos. �organ, also a candidatefor United States senator, will arguefor supremacy. With so many �lo­quent men pleading for their respec­tive p�rty platforms.there is no doubtthat the _aff�ir will be interesting. ro TELL OP THE REAL ITh� oider of speakers witl be de- DISCOVERIES OF AMERICAtermined by lot. The time alloted toeach to defend the party will be tim- Professor Monte1iua to TeD of Swe-Top Coats, $35-00 up. I ited to thirty minutes. President R. dish IDvestiptioDS; 11u'owingAutumn Woolens in Richest R. lUx, of the. Pre:"Legal club, stated Light on Barl7 Discov�es.. hat :111 the speakers-' are noted in The . Daily' Maroon' :is the officialYour Call would be Appreciated their respective parties as aggressive Professor Oskar Monteliu$, the, student publication,' contains all tht"debaters, and that no words will be eminent Swedish archaeologist, will campus news and ,deserves the sup-.spared by them in flaying the other deliver a lecture on "Archaeological port of every .studene.parties, and that on the whole the Discovery in -Sweden and its Control . ; .. ',affair should be lively. by the Government" this afternoon at, �--------------j...;.----The deciding judges will be the 3 o'clock in Haskell assembly room, . Tailored .Garments . ofentire._a��i��cc; .an,d it seems that t�� Professor �reasted, the di��c�or o� ., . . , ., .� " ;c.................. ��� .... " .. lii\e'iwJlI not' HC:l arawn at woman stif- Haskell Oriental - museum, . hnnseli. . "':'.c�"·- �:. - - :�" �(. FOIt-COUfGE, -G1Rl.SRANDALL MIL L I H B B. y frage or the voting of' minors. The �ot�d for his, ar�haeologicai discover � 'NEWEST; "SHADES: i:AIh>:CLEVEREST DEsIGNS"::'speaker, receiving the highest num- res In Egypt, said yesterday that the : o;'MADE�"uP':iN t.A� PARISIAN STYLES'ber of votes. will be awarded the de- lecture should prove of universal in- ' .crsron terest, ' .. A ; Spedal'Price 01 S3S:.lor;. twO'",weeks. , .I "Professor Montelius;' he said. ' ". ',,-.··',to. ·Stud.eata. O._I�,� .:.: ,� .MANDOLIN CLUB T� ,RALLY: "will .sp�ak of the :discoyeries and ex. '- �. FORCES THIS lIoRNiNG cavations made In Sweden, whicn, :6t.n�er. _ ". 16o�lOttn__ .; : throw light on· the Norsemen at the » "", Will Meet in Haskell at 10�30 'to Ou� time they crossed the Atla�tic and 's06 .�nic Temple 1,_line Work. for �D-Prospects discovered America, before ColumbusGood. • made his journey. He will also. ex-1 •. lain the methods of the Swedishgovernment in preserving all suchdisco,·eries. In this, they are fat...head of England, and, it ""ill soonbe . necessary for us in America topreserve our antiquities, we 'shouldlearn the way, in which the olde�tgovernment bureau in the world buysand keeps its archaeological discov­eries.A mecUng for aU men interested inthe establishment of a University:Mandolin club that wilt rank amongthe best in the country and help tomaintain Chicago's reputation,will beheld this morning in Haskell assem·bly at '0:30. Not only all last year;'smembers, but any new men who �ywish to become candidates should bepresent in order that definite plansmay be formulated and the wo�kstarted as early as possible.nle prospects for a successfullfandoHn club are especially brig�tthis season. I n the first place. theUniversity authorities have expresseda desire to see such an organizationformed and made to occupy' an im­portant place in University activities.They are anxious to see meritorious".Tork done by the musical club!', andif the Mandolin club maintains a highstandard it may rest assured of ma­terial encouragement and support hythe faculty.WANTED-Four live hustlers tosolicit adverti�ing for the DailyMaroon. APP,ly at- Mar�n Officefrom four to five.8tiSly,�N KNO TWO CLASSES PRODUCEA SOLITARY NOIIINEEMcBride .. Vice-Presidential Candi­date HD CIaa· Political Field to·HimaU-Bztead Time� ,11 Play�')ERELLA�IOJ[[OV�\ Although today had been set as thetime limit for nominations of Juniorand Senior class officers, the' slow­ness ('f petitioners has necessitatedthe allowance of three days of graceand class enthusiasm will be granteduntil Monday night to wake up andname officers. The Seniors are tak­ing the lead and haTe turned in onenomination. that of Edward L. Mc­Rride for ,·ice-president.The names of eligible Seniors.numbering 257. were posted Tuesday.those of the 250 Juniors appearingthe next day. Both lists may befound either on the Cobb bulletinboard or jU!IIt outside the Seniordean's office. Petitions, signed bythe required . five. may be handed incare Ma- to co-operate, and each ,,"11 receive at the dean's office or left in themntual benrit. The vocalists have. Faculty Exchanae.tion.student.of Uni- Additional impetus is to be foundin the reorganization of the Gleeclub. which will take place next Tues­clay. under the llUidance of the Ti­ger's Head. This honorary musicalscciety has taken upon itself the re­sponsibility of giving Glee club workar. auspicious start, and of pushing itthrongh to �ucce5'. With th� Gleeclub on a finn basis and well underway, the lfandolin club win be ableIYCESSDOL FOUND-A ladies' "'atch has beenpicked up on the llidway. and m:lybe recovered by the. o,,'ner at thePrcsident's office upon identifica-r.. WANTED, BOARD, by'�'ithin reasonable distance"crsity, with first-classf:tmily. Address B. D.,roon Office, U�. of C.HELM�Nter St� •... ooK Jewish SE� THE FASHION II.COLLAR,S15c. eaeh-2 for 25{'.Cluett., Pcahocl,. & Co.Klak.ers. Tror.�. Y.PurIty . HR· ExcellenceSEE THEM MADE'370 E. -sst'h S't re't ."" .... - ... , ".. �«1 E. SS�.·-St •.Near LeziDctoa ;AveDll.POPULAB PLAcmATPOPULAR PRICBS. LunCheonEveninc DianerSunday Dinner -SE�VI�� A LA CARTE, ALSO .'ROBERT P. MURPHY,ProprietorHOTEL ALBANY41st Street and Broadway· ,NEW YORK'Remodelled, Handsomely Fur-.Dished ThroughoutA�SOLUTELY BREPioOF1 n the heart of the Cityso:) Rooms. 300 Bath RoomsEuropean Ran. Cuisine UmexcelledGentlemens' Cafe, Ladies' Restau­�.l." 'rant, and Moorish Rooms. Popu­lar Prices. . Plenty of LifCo-'-butHomelike.SI.oo Per Day' and Up .SEND' FOR BOOKLET�Mee-t me at the College'Inn, under_ ,the Albany, New York's leadingRathskeller, ,a', place' to eat, drinkand be, �erry. , .Quality Ii!.�.- COllege·.·.ChapsW�Ut a �. for dash. � originality in dress are in­stantly won as permanent CUSTOMERS by' the clothes we� offering them at $15 to $� They are clothes of TODAY,_in style as alige .s an electricaDy charged wire, and superblytailored. '.,When 7O'fre down town. come in. A ··comf,.:· chair anda cordial. grip.o' -the-band awaits you with absolutely no obli­cation to buy.EDWARDES CLOTHES SHOP20 Eat lIonroe StreetVARSITY CAFELe rendez-vous desEtudlants •.474: E. 55MEALS 2OC. and up.58th AND' ELLISMIDNIGHT LUNCH"Feeds" Supplied Up to I A. M.UNDER NEW MANAGEMENTBRAIDEN, ex-'IO, tJ. of C.Ath AND ELLIS............... - �----------------------------�HallFOR SALE-Scholarship in Schoolof �fusic ·and Acting at a reducedfigure. Apply at the Daily Ma­roon office.FOR RENT-Choice sunny room!>, inprivate family; piano: phone; allhome comforts; breakfasts. if de­�ire(I, or housekeeping. 5829 Jack­!'Oon A ,·enue, 2nd floor.MANDOLIN CLUBS organized atRosalie Hall, 2;6 E. 57th Street.Special attention given to it byProf. Shaw..trn�L"I va� Doseff, lut year'. stonewalltadde, aad: c.oa,h.· of * �C$hmanteaa.. PYC bis· opiDioa that the. M�­roons would be in � -fipt t9.' ttie- - - eud, and at the end the,' would waiktla ve· You O�:�!"I�t;;::it:: responded toS·· u· bsc·.ib··e· d ��:��lSsp:��Y�: w::!I�;: e:�:a��.I I .. cally �i� that those who· were of t�eopinion that the team was not co�­posed of fighters would be forced toa change of sentiment at the close or aof the game,. W�Uie was followed by month'sseveral players, ·�u of whom were time, the "try-ens," the riskunanimous in the declaration that.. of a misfit, and a possible dis­win or lose, they would· fight to tbe hke of the style or the pat­!ats ditch, John' Schommer made a 'tern, not counting the doublehit when, with. a grin, he extended an cost of the custom tailor?invitation to those who felt that therc The best. way?was no fight in the team to c�me out Slip into a "Mossier" suiton Marshall field, with him for a per- and' you'll slip on your waysonal demonstration, It is not neces- 'happy-c-and money in,sary to say tha��� his invitation was t"not accepted,With one of the most tremendousovations that h��. ever been given on Bring 'em back if not satisfied.,the. caQlPas, Di�ctor Stagg was·cailed to the- Ptaiform. When the I Will your tailor say the same?cro�d! .��m�. �il��t� for lack of. (SaJesrooms second floor)breath .the "Old Man" told howstrong t he .G��he� w�re. I-rr there is aby one present." he. ..0 S flLE_R QQ.'said; "who d.. OUbts.. 1.hC' ability ofMi�. sO Jackson Blvd.A�ota.:S fO;Ot� t� th�; person is Cleyer C.lotbes��I� ��e� T�,Gophers, a��I�:"""""""""""",,;a. mighty, $trorW defensive team, vJ� . :" ".. �.. . '" .; VARSITY WO·RKS HA ..... Dhave never yet. been . able. to disinteg- ... " A,·.do ' rate their line, ·a�d-'we'·don;t' expect PUTTING FINISH ONWhy... 0 tyoor.� 'to.: Olii" maiiqi� .lieS in our sklil (Coatinued from ·palle I)��� t� forw�4, p8SS1 'QUI' speed �nd among' these men: FaIk, Hoffman and�uf:,cleyem��� ti �� ��, those t��e Kelley, Kelley, Meigs and Hirschi;C;icJori WiU wip. it for ps, O� cour�, will 'be used at guard. Ehrhom's in-I ,�,Dpt.UJlcleaaW.w, Minnes�ta's,oJ- ',�<. ':.: ,:., .� .:: , .. " .:, .. I· jured ankle is in fairly good. condi-�� �t, , .: �;�;.keep our,· �J's tion,-and he will probably be used atbusy. and_ �f we -ca� hold them, 1 �ard, if necessary. Schott cannot's"an be. $��6ed. . More4lver, Muin� ibl b ',� '-' - - .• .;"4 ," • ... ; 1 pO�SI Y e ID shape for the game assota, is . well coached for this gaJDfe_ : _ .-' , • ,'. . ,•! •• r .'- .�. , , •. 1 ·'115 wounded leg IS stili so sore as toIn'' adQltio,n to ... �r, Harry �alb�, -:n�ke, .hifu unfit for play,75 C· '-'·"0' tl'" W�',�<?1JV$.�,e-game as well as an)' ':-The' Min'n�soia team and a ·few of'e ... ",n�. else�th�; nave two of Yale's most 't'he ·ro' oters ·'1'1 ' . th it h". ',' :- ' '� W1 arnve 10 e CI y t .s.' famous . football stars-Heffelfinger �or' n' I"n ab t 9 • I k d '11., . 1"11 g au 0 c oc , an WI gc'J -and Tom Sbe¥.lin, These ace t�e fo the Chi�ago Beach Hotel Th('to" -an- I's't "kind'. of men- Wlfc- have ·1:;eeri resp��- main body or'the rooters fro� ,•.• .. '.SI.·ble. " for. Yale's, proverbial fighting r' ." .C-t' 'II I 1\{- I'• .. .,' .". .,..,' i, , i WID lIes WI eave anneapo IS, '5pnt, and If anyone can instill tile . . d St. .p. I th" , ., h-:;. • '- .. . ..... f." "an au IS evemng at elg tsplnt or fight .l.D a team.• It IS th�se . 'clock, a d' . ,. '·Ch. .. \ . . _.. ', �, , ':- . ., 0 n arrIve In Icago a.two men And-this hnnglS me to �p- b .',. ,, .,.. .• ;,' Jt�.:, . _, ._ I 'lout mne tomorrow mormng. TheIf you are a O�,��� P�In,t. �hi1e. I .e�p�atlcaJly Gopiier scho�1 orde�ed 3,700 ticketsdIsagree WIth t�e statement' that oar for the' ga. '.d th .t '� . , . '" me. an ese sea s are rcb boys are. ,not. �.. hters, .l want to a�d �o'rted all so'ld F· .t - d'b• . I . ,'" - !,' .... , . rom presen an ISU $.cn, er l�.at th� l\Il�n��.o�� pl�yers are fi�bt- cations, the crowd at the game willers, too, I have never yet seen a ,1.._ 0' V -r 20 000" b F' t·h 'h . ; � e , In num era Ive ous·to. ' t e" tea� � o� m.e�. frol1l. Minnesota lay lnd general admissions have been',down before the, last whistle �s provided for an dthe standing rooirIAIlY MAROON· b19WJ1,. and I do' not expect to see it bleachers at the north end of the'., .. _, '.. 'Saturday, You can rest' assured th�t ' .• field have bcen erected to accommo-_. they will.' mak� us work, to the. en_d�" 'dat� the crowd,. The "Old Man" then gave the firstyou know pnblii exPl(nailon of the small s��< ''Y.li:LI.. THIS AFTER FOURTH.. . , . m�de by Chicago against the IlJini. TOUCHDOWN FOR GOPHERS-"W L .t's do:n � He said that he had instructed tlit'� .• '1... �. :tearri to go, iii and d�feae.Jnino� ;ithth the smallest score possible, H c de-on . e dared that the team did not by anymeans show its full hand in thc gameas it was l1ecessary to sa,·e a fell'play, for the most important gam�,Director' Stagg closed by saying thiltwhile he was not buoying hirrlselfwith-any ial�e hopes, he believed thatthe Maroon would triump�antagainst the Gophers, and that the�ieven· would face Cornell and Wi!'cons in an ,anbeaterj team,After a snappy song and yell prac­tice, the crowd., parad.� 'out of the. 'O-o-(slo\\") O-o-e (sti11, slower)gyJJlnasiulJl in the lockstep formati�ri. 0-0-0, (extreme1y !;Iow) .• The' c�lel,ratiop did· �ot end at this Chicago (not a bit faster) ChicagoSubscriptions . re�e.�,d point� - Ab 'i"�1 celebration was (le!"s speefl than that) Go!at tile llIformatiOl1 Office held .. ?!J �he: Qmpus.� a� y'�Jl4l. a�d The ant;lOr, "'ho sign� h('r�e1f byat." II '.. o'ffic-e ',,' �or:tP �t:te!l"at�· _the sd.II,�e of the the nom" de plt1me of ·<Gloomy G1.1S-or 'I e aroon 'I solemn qaadraDCle .mint shortl� be lin�""i�/ f>e"�_r' hown' as 'He1en ,.\n-fiBs·, H.II. I fore 1llidDitllat. . tisdale.A "BargaiflOfferfor. theDAILYMAROON", .If not?•Ij, Ic�pus�IF NOTyou're not inthe g�me. --�----�-�--�- TH&.D�Y· �OOIf� .FlUDAV ... ·OCTOB£R 30. 1908,.RiJaJ�L:,. WA1:J8 .... �. 'WlTI( en f ,AT JW.L"(c6�fia.!ei .... Paie ') MOSSL£R COMPAIfYa.a..t.r ........ illiDi ... .so Jacboii �d.thaa slaqht!!�, lt�.&QUa& .. ty) . be. •holocaUflL' k's &'OiD&' to be a Ju,,-Is It Worth It?Fewer think so every sea­SOli.The others have too much A Bishop � of sterlingworth, comfortable, . stylish.graceful and ,worthy of theBISHOP name.money tothink atall!We meanis it worththe sever­al weeks' 309 other styles, colers andqualities at $3, 14. $S and $6,No. 1762 Price $3-A .. 'BIS·HOP, 6c CO.CANES and iI.MBREL�S· HATS, FURS. GLOVES,Est;. t860 156 State Sf:. Cat. FreeHand Tailored S�ts" $25 Don't . Get� tHe Blues, :, :Buy a� Green·AR11IURS·<,. J'�,.OO �ri:°.?o�HATSTHEY ARE,,_READY FOR YOUSoft,. Green·Feilchenfeld9 s81-83 &'.V8Q.B�o s� and'I83 Dearborn St.I .', , 1 '. � _a • • _. '. r.�No·MQne�DownTey Our;300 .. Kenmore PiaDQ,I .... .; . In 7.�Ur o� ,h�m� ..,ake sure .that it .nuts )'Oum every partiadar. Wheo' you - are- SO satisfied.516·5In .�:War,7o.u �e. eVeD as low asS·,·.·week.'STARCK .p -I A If 0 8-ReP,Iar prices S3$O to '7so, atGREATLY:: '. REDUCED PRicas AT THIS �THIS COUPON IS WORTH) A TEN - DOLLAR BILLCut .it out at once/ Don't tht.� away money. We not only SAVE'YOU o�'e� a �undred dollars. but '·peIJDit the smallest payments EVERknown (as _low �s $� _ a week); ask no money in advance and. ginyou $10 �o t;.OOL Can -you beat ,it? .Out-or-�WD patro�, are ilrrited to afti) themseIvea of lb_IIOST li� indacemeutS..., "�:CUT OUT- THIS" COUPON'.GOOD -nit ....Ten DOllars. sic. PUE· CREDIT. DUE BILL'f.One of: these Coupons gooel' ... �PIRST PAYIIENTtowards purchase .of one StarckPiano at this sale. at 204 Waba�h�venue Chicago, Ill,Tums in a CheU for VarsityContest.Chk:tgo is going to lose the gamc)'1 lJarshdl Field. It's all settled.50 says a fair rooter, ,,·ho yesterday.ubmittcd a )"ell for the contcst.This prize pessimist, who surpassesDirector Stagg in his palmiest days.has written the following foothallfuneral cheer which, she says, shouldbe gin>n after lfinr.esotai'ot1rth !ouchd(Jwn: PianoS SbipPld to Any Part -:i the United Stateson TJie8. I.a1;era1 Term.. Write for FREE Catalogues..P. A. ST ARCI PIANO CO.,IIAlnJItAcmntns '204-$106 Wabub Aftllue. Nur Adam. Street. Chicago.MfN:nON The DAILY MAROO'., . � Wile,,'· Trading - With Our Advertisers -Vol-VAlConScVarCJrP1<C:\JIICCII"CBuftheInution10\\thisulcsTitstatj. jngchaD_. h\thtomtagi111IIIafc:nlat·,Scif