Dinyouof tailorilChieae in­a weDAY,;»erblyir' andobli-ItILLUB BILJ.good asBNTme SD4 Waco.,:a1O. ilaruDlt'.Vol. VII. No" 20.. ..CHICAGO. THURSDA�, OC1O.B£R � 1908; ',:EIGHT A�IS�' CUll QOIlLD.ROBERISn":1 "I tllm. 0_ 'NEW 'TWIWIR', 'D ftIIrrn Ell ' .. '._ . ,_ . .' . � . . �. v� • ...- UIKaI HUSiASMII� = �";:;= = CURlouUISHlP"'TGIIUT S�eDta AppIa;;;;-;-_ T-., by . REACH CUIIAlII IYIIWeek-Anotber OpportuDit7 for GoldoDi . �bert labath at Kent Sone. Prac- .Unauccesaful Candidates in SPrinl- CoI:DeQ. to.. lie,' Firat of tice- To SeD Copies at MinnesotaSeries of � PIQa' GiYal �e-Dedicat� to Steffen.Ad TJU8 o-rter.mitted to membership: Miss .�{a�y Louise Etten, Miss Eloise Kel- Conflict with II ... · lleetinc Hurts th' ··C.m11>US C�pers" is the name oflogg; Miss E!inb_etb Hurd, Miss Ticket Sa!e-Plan to 'Avoid it ' e catchy intermezzo, dance andOlive Davis, B�rrett H. Clark, Frank Nat 'lioiltb,. �'IS.o-�tcp,composed by Albert �aba�b,Parker, Kasson Dodson, and Paul ' .10. and played for the UniversityDavis. "A Curious Mishap." by- Carlo GoI- public for the first time yesterday atSWgg yesterday afternoon Kelley The final trials, for the Dramatic doni," the first 'o�. the, serjes of p�ys �he .mass meeting in Kent. The stu-changed his mind about leaving the club were held y.sterday afternoon ziven by the Donald-Robertson Com- dents greeted the initial rendition of The grand climax of the yell eele-te am and again joined the squad in in Haskell be for. the members, and pany, will be gi�n to�igbt' in Man- the composition with. tremendous ap- brat ..... for Minn.sota is . on' thepractice yesterday. The big fellow eight of the. fourteen .who were rec-: del hall. The. sal e of season tickets plause and this ovation will doubt- hoard. for tonight in the IIYmnasium;got into the scrim, mage with a vim ded b h • ' has been affected by the c�ntlict 'with Iess lead to the adoption of'the dance I t will be short,' but, accordl"";"c· tOi&y ommencea y, t e Judges were admit- .. U5'and was used at botb guard and ted. Paul Davis was also admitted tbe m ....... eting, but it i� hoped as ,It" official U .. iveraity two-step hy �lacCrack.n, "fast and snappy."tackle. The overtures toward reCOD- '0 membership without trial on the that the siqg!� a4�sions. will b e. in 'he Senior College Council. Speeches. interspersed with cheering,ciliation were made by Kelley and strength of his work in "Zaragueta," ,p:eater d ..... AcL. 00. account of tbc.· The selection is dedicated to Cap- 'ingidK' and some undiselosed fea-t he "Old Man" gave him a Inng talk As the club was in no special need small sale of series rickets. the lee- . tures, Ioill oocuPy the .attendcn of the0" what i� expected of a man who of new material, the judgment was ture. association has- Issued tic:Jii:". ·oo te rs ' from 8 ,until shortly after 9,comes out for the team. The root- strict and many who were r.jected which will be distributed, and whi.b -nd the session may be followed by �ers arc pleased to see Kelley rejoin OIl d will be, good, Joe· a I ,rcd",� .: .... n of 2�., ',boo-fire. 0 • .,\VI stan a good chance of being _-..v � ,,-:-the team. as they think that some of admitted at the Spring quarter con. cents on tick ets of 7S cents or over, For th�brst dm. this ,..arl oyer;.the other ca�didates f"� the line po- test. if signed by. the dir .• ctor of the Uni- , nember '\ 'he· V:,rsit,.. will be giv.iasitions are not as experienced as. Initiation of new members will versity Lecture Associati<!n. These � chance t� talk!,� 'v.laat is joiog. �Kelley, and every man is needed on take I!lace within, the ne: xt week. The ";11 be . issued' to Stud-� .only, : ,"ppen to 'la. GoPlael-s on M;arshall.be small squad out this year. e.xact date will be announc.d later. Mr. Payn •• in speaking.:of the con-' Field. Dir.'tor .St�lI* will 'bO., thoThe Varsity play"" io their .last tlkt betw •• o the phi" a';d the .maios : ·tar Speak.r)of the \,.vening.· wliil'scrimmage before the Minn.sota m.eting, expr.�S<C! .. hill cell'�t· ti.� .. � Or. Goodspdp i. alSq\.ched"�.Ltogame and work.d on the d.f.nsiv� IIISS.lIcDOWELL TKLLS HOW �'l.b meeti"lll' .shQ!1ld..£aUon tbe.sam. app.ar on th�.program ,'I! one, of J'isonly. The freshm.n. aided by Wal- TO ·SERVE· �E PRESENT AIJiE !late. •• As . the plays· chose .... for this far-famed talljs.- Ralpb - ·,HamiD.-. ofter Eckersali, Bob Harris aod Assist. <ng:.g.m.nt." said llr. Pal'ne "are 'h. '9I.-team,' �m: of th.·g;:".t .... (baIfon' Coach. Dosell. w.r. giv.n the ball "The J(�.at> danl!!'� to yon Univer. those intended eSIl!'�q,IlJ: t� 'plea.e backs the Variliy .v.r had;will i.�0" the Varsity 1 s- ya rd lin. and .... "" �ity .• tude�l5_ is that you are always .p. • tud.AI, it is ,�nfo<t"lli\t. tbat. ti,.. . for ,h. alumni.. \., . . .,piven un�i�",CJ� �o at��mPt'-t_O. �etting -l'�4r'; �\�mc;�- I tb# ��,.������}�.t�l:�.}���s+: = _��-,.\'.��._�.'�.�,,'L:,r�,.�,,:.,.�!,�:��,.,., ..h,y_, t,h.. e.W,o,m�n., ... aI".one. ,-: ,-,cross th.:', Varsity' goat Tlie 'ye'ar-' tllat you ought to ask the Lord to �1P.t�' I· ... �: � ,that.. aaau��s � .� ow.. UI:':u���iaJ'rilt$i�$l9al£j;;I;i�-�,����-:�lings suco..ded in ripping the lin. -to ",�k. yen: do. som.thing." d.clart.! cao b. mad. t:' - ,,!oid. tla!�; �';nruft : . ",ntatives' win'· pa'olliibly � '1ci2d'L. the 'picces for eight touchdowns, ECki .. Miss Mary E.. McDow.ll y.stetida,. t�e .next tim.�' ,... • . .: ':h�ril\g: )Si�i;�.:;t1tl *_,are. *.gettin� two, ijarris three, Nicholl �v�ning in, Haskell ass�mbly r40m �OIISTOcK JellfS'�S;:�', �� ;ir!"�t_·tc),. sit' '.a�o�· at',' tb� �.... �t ... o ani Altman 00;" . ";'tor. a larg. gath.ring ,0(" Uojy..-- CROSS- eoUNTRY "ci.nDMT .' _ . '.., - :ooti.ng will' be stronger t .... D·.r �Mr. Stagg .was pr.tty moch dis. s,ty m.o .. Th. well.known s.UIe- . _.: ...' AIberi su.dt ... ', .'. '. JOIII".courag.d at this showing,· and as a ment work.r spok�' on "Serving. the' � StrenA",,"., work-�.tIt" �i � ,." .' . .'. .... .' .. : :: .. ..' :. .: T1a�.' cbi.i· �i-t' ol·:tlIe yell ..........result is up _in the air as to his lin.. A-.�nt Age" and _rted _ tbat ·;!te, ·cross .. COUIIIn' . 1_ , ,:,!n . Vi alt�r l>et�r' St�� �d··wiII ,"II be th.; praetieing Co( : tiiec �up for thi; gam� Sat;;rcby. The ��_ ;ork,rs we"�needed wOO: ;O.� ,"men yesterday in prq,..�' f�r :;� .Ji.s ¥. �old .on Al"r�hall.· Fi.ld· !i2t'.!rdaY. "'"tiiD!t'y.llS' . and oth.rs tiiar';";'my for y.st.niay's scrimmag. was 2f a fin •. courage •. a courag. which rea1 by<HIt for tb. Va"';ity fi:' •. !land. ?I'rangements ar� being 1!"'de <on'idered b,. th.· jodge.':.,Ioctas follows: Page and Sehom";�r, knows why it fillk...... ""'" with c1.�r- which· will he· run' tOmOrrow 'after- � ... I. th •. band will play the DUmber .enough· to. be' giv.n at. the gain.:" 'Allends; Falk, K.ll.y and Hollman. cut �ision, int.lligent m.n wbo fi; .lIoon at· 4:15- Anoth.r:: pro.m.ipg ,t.ef!,re the game a)ld b�t ... e.n··. th •.th. rooters ',.-ill stand daring 'the';..".tackle.; Kell.y, Meil!" and Hirs�bl, in with ihe p�.sent sooal struggl., tandidat. in the .",,;sou: of .. Comst� "al�.�.. C:0pi.. will' be sold. through hasiasm, the men ·on· the 1100.:" ....guard; Badenoch; cent.r; Stell.n, a"d be of service to the pr.sent age th. star miler of la�t. Y.a.'s Fresh •.• �. stands and at the gat. aft.r. the ·:h. wom.n on t,h. running-·tracl,> if.quart ct; Iddings and Crowley, halv.s. ·'The present" ... age . is a social age. man .rack' tealDi was' 'oiIt for' . th •. ""m�.: '. . . �latform will' � .rect.d in the '.em-."d Worthwine. fullback. .nd the caU for workers in. the struc- If''m .tnday,. an,! h.· will. run in to- Cheerlead.r llac�racken· in iotro- '.r for the .p.ak.rs.The cont.st with the Gophers will gle was n.vCr so strong. The nature �9rfOw.'s tryoat.· daring the ·compo.ition·. at .• h.· soog Tho guat.st "purity" fea.t ··ner."be all that the rooters d�sir. from ,f the cal!"i. noi always .vident, bat .' Cap.aiu Caldwell was. pr.tty. �U practic. y.st.rday said that it was assored in·' Hntehinson· ComiaaonS"td'.he point of .xcit.m.nt and. pro",ises to on. who s.udi ••.. the sitoation, the �Jisfi.ed ... ith· the., rull .. y .. t.��y,.and up to the. University public to sup- morrow night. whO!! th." Min .......'0 be clos. down to the last minute ... Iu.;on will ultimat.ly .c"""". ".tated th�t ·Chicago·s chanc.s for. a port the .• lIor;s of Sabath .. ·'Sabath ,.am'" .... ch•. faculty r.p..esintatiYe,of play. "Look out for Minnesota" "The disgrac.ful. siat. of political ,;inning team· .... re bright"" thio year ,�as sh? .... n.• a. good spirit ill coinpos- ,Iomni and a nombcir of ·the _eotsis the slogan tba t the fri.nds of Dr. ,nd .'oda I allairs at the pr.sent time. chan ev.r before. "The iDe;,:·· .... v '",g th's. p' .. �.. said Bill. "and in �ll be the goests of the ' . V'anitt.Wimams' prot.ges are crying from is. due to the! mod.m •• paration of ';.en workill&· hard . all .ea.on;.' � giVing the work ··to his Alma· Mater. rick_ts· for· thi. ' auspicious ....... �·rilMinceapolis. Mr. Stagg hims.lf is s.cula rand r.ligioU5 matters. Wh.n. :aldwdl, -aod th.· trj-ciat Frid.,.· ...11 It ·is a good, snappy, two-step and ."" ·]>ot.' � sal. tnd2:J at· tin! l.,foe-­much worried oyer his lin.up and is ever ,.00 find tbe secular vi.w.p,int ,. a good race. I hop< tluit:" lot win surely .ak. w'ith the students." narion .�. ami' ·the· Coiaamons ;.00IIncertain whom to s.nd into the you find sin. if root.n will ·come oat· ·on·· �he .,. Mr. St:tgg thooght that the idea 're .xPect� to be eagerly snat>Ped;ine. '.Minn.sota has got a very "The call for .... ork.rs to s.rv. the ..... r •• and cheer tbe ·fdiOw .. alone a .. as a good one, and is lending his .'p. Speech making; yelling and 'sing.well balanced t.am this year," said pr.sent age is for. m.n and women littl.. Tliat five mil.' run i.' a s.!lpport.. Mr. Blanchard, leader of 'ng. led' by tfie Henry broth ·Or-.he "Old Man," and "'.n if we seor. who leel that th.y are members 01 mi!l�ty grueling job and a littl. en- tho band, said that .h. m.lody...... ·hard and Bnry; ... m .nl;-' '. theon th.m, w. ....ill not be abl. to dis- a gr.at familY. thai God is their couragem<;iii··mab,s· a man f.el a lot "eddedl,. good, and that it· .. oald f •• st. Director· Stagg. who-Will" bein.egrat. their maehin.. Or. Wil. father, and that ev.ry oth.r man. bett.r .. h.n h. i. running a hard """nd fin .... hen played by the band. toastmaster, .aid y.st.rday· t"at CIa;"Iiams always has. a strong d.f.ns., woman. and child is a human r.i .. rac •• " Th. Thompson Music Company -ago·. facult,. r.pr ••• nt:ttk-e wiJ: beand this y.ar it is strengthen.d by a lion_' for peopl. who f.<1 that t h.)' About , ....... ,. '01, the', boot m.n, oat are pablishing the t .... o-step and Mr. mnouneed tnday. '·Phil" All ... · 'will,I.ddedly fast back fi.ld. I und.r. <�ould. sorv •. th .... other. in .v.ry of the s.venty in the .cpaad ....11 fig- Thompson s'a.ed that the air is oat talk for the old·timen. Dr .. Williams•• and that th.y ar.· working 'smooth possibl. social. r.ligion. and political ure in the ..... 01 the ordinary and mak •• a dand, .,.ilI be the chief Gother oratoi-.- Cap..nd sur. togeth.r, and that m.ans .. ay." those .... 0 h.".. tWo-step' to dance 10. -Campos Ca- .. in 5,.11 ... and Sallord of the rmt.hat we will have a hard tim. to get ... ork ,and from whom the t.am, is "..." i •• he coll.ge so •• m.zzo all<; ·.ams wil1 make brief talks.through ,h.m.- ik<ly to be.·picke.l,ur. 'Captain Cal 'r.nnd. lik_ it:· h. said. TI,. ,eng practice yesterdaY' inThe Minn.sota aggregation has Prohibition Candida .. FIaJs �Ia .... lIi· l..ong; Carpent.r, Comstoe'" K,n' �"'lIt off with pl.nty·of pepper,only thr ••• '11" m.n on the .I.v.n, Ref" .. an enthusia •• ie audicnc. in Dolan. Vi.h.r, Gilh.rt and lIorga", Dr •. SIall&ht Spatb and .1Il1nred .... 111 for a successfulhit. ha"e d.velop.d some stars among Kent th.at_.r. y .... �day aft.rnoon. Th. first fifteen ...... '0 fini •• 'in A •• he first r.gular m ••• ing of the <h"wing of the V."i'y rookt!J' inthe n ... m.o on the t.am. Atkinson, William Str •• t. A-ohibjtion e.ndidat. tb. tryout.11I compose the.· ,goB Junio- Ma.hem.tical clllh. yes'erday Marshall Ylcld . bl.acher.. Gordon.h. quarter, ha. displaced Cougblan, lor stat'-' attorney. d.nounced gam. Cross Country duh, to ... hich Fre.h, afternoon. in Ryrrs"n. Dr. SI.lIght Erickson·. song, which will b. as.dI". years quarter. and is the main. b.ling •• he .xist�"ce 01 ra.� tracks. m.n ar.· .JjIP�le'.' !!'lv. hi' annual .dd .... on the .ims ",h.n the flag fnrmation i. mad •• and,tal' of .• h. Goph.n in the kicking disord.rdly hon .... and man,. oth.r of the cluh. The clllh hope. '0 keep George Garr.tt's "Chicago-go" f:mar·,Iepartm.nt; n.nk.rs at. full, and .xisting evil.. ....- EVDY. aTUIIBIIT . things humming doring the enming it. w ... f •• tared. A parody on "I�leGov<rn at I.ft laalf. have �n . "The i .. a .. is on. deJlCl!diag ion , y.ar,· and .inoe a goodly numb.r Wish I had a Girl" wa. tried ·out.more than pro",inent in the Minne- la .. and order" said Mr. Sfooet. if.... torned out y •• t.rday, the outl,",k i •• nd mad. a hill' hit with the root.r •.,ota oll.nse. and are all playing th.ir wh.n law ;s go.... libertt-.io:...... bJ:ight.r. Th. words were written by Albert• Yoo vote for a principle in ,hi. elec>- "co- PLAG JIQR. 10 CDTS .• .. Sabath, compo ... of ,h. new U'nI-nr-(Conlloaecl oa pap 4) lion aDd DOt' a pIl!nG&" 'Valter Foote, '12, of Chicago, has !IIity two-step, which al!'o had a Itear-MftllDAy ... pI� to Beta Theta Pi. m. at the meetin •.PRODIGAL Ta_·KEllEY·REJOIIS VARSITY SQUADHusky Veteran Appears 00 Field aDdis Used at GuarCi and A1ao a.t�ackJe. Great InoQation P�' for fiamat lIamuioth. GophCr ,�Tonight.Freshmen Nip Up Varsity Line inScrimmage-Eckiel Harris, andDose« Aid Yearliilp. Purity Dinner Tickets 011" Sale" for.Studen�ng Practi& Go6with Snap.After a long talk with Director...THE ))tAlLY· MAROON. TH,URSDAY OCTOBER 29, 1 goB.-_ ••.• : .. :."! ..... - .r-tl'fte lJDlftlllllQ ., .a.IciIao w..u,.I'C111DGe4'De WeIIIIJ. ()dQW 1. � COIOlUHICATlON .nomhlatioaa &Del for e1ectiODI shouldbe fixed' at loon as posSible and th.:code be broucbt up to elate.,lilt Iatlg JlarlllltlLiterature eoUeee .viomai Dance.Lexington hall today, (Thursday),4 to 6.. .With the opening of college again Joint Debate� �e-Legal CI�Thethis fall, the question of the organi- national committees of all parties willzation of the Glee club seems to me send, official representatives. - Kentto be a very important issue. Isn't theater Friday, 8.00 P. m. All in­it a pity that our University, on.e of vited,the foremost in all- eduational .ac- German Club. Friday, Lexingtontivities, should be kn�wn among hall. " p. m. Lecture by Mr. Stok­other schools as the one large uni- hardt of Danzig. "Das Deutscheversity that does'-' not have a Glee Volkslied." Classes in· conversation.dub? Umversiti ¥lic LeCtures (a)There are plenty of good voices "The - Commercial' and Colonial Pol­among the students. Is it because iC'y -of the Dutch·... Professor Dae-�. »dce. 13000 per ,..,.; fLOO r...... ..u.. � nICIIl_ d' &be they 'are selfish; because they do not, nell. Cobb lecture room, Friday,....._. om.:.. ElUa Ball. 01' aL &he I'ac:alt.r !:K. care to contribute their share to- 12:Ot.'-1:00 p. m:· (b) "Archaeologi­....... 0DIIb BaD.ward making the school prominent cal Discovery in Sweden and its Con-in musical tines? No, it doesn't seem trol by Government." Professor Os­to be that, for our Blackfriar show car Montelius, director of the De­is always a success. What· is the partment Antiquities of the Swedishtrouble? government. Friday, Haskell assem-The few men who love music for bly room, 3 P. m.music's sake seem to be the only Philosophical Club� Monday, Nov.ones who care to give their time to 2, 7:30 P. m., in Law basement. east.furthering the Glee club.' Can't it be Organization and plans for work.different this year? Won't the men Fellowa will send their fellowshipdo it for their university? For the report blanks to D. A. Robertson,sentiment which will mean so much secretary to the President.to them in after years; and which, Debating Coach Chandler will be atabove alll, will make our musical home, 6034 Greenwood avenue, even-• R01 Baldrldp standing worth something to the out- ngs, except Monday, for consulta-, ' UPO�.' sied world?'- The Glee club trials tion.. .'__ &_ u_ � �. .Un. Enu Wi11. b. e. held next T�esd. a_ y .afternoo.. n Wisconsm. students, regrster namesKorda(a at 4 o'clock, under th e auspices �f at Information office... .'.- •the Tiger"s Head, and we want fif�y 'Ushers for the Minnesota game,. -_. �. men to come out and show that i�- sign at the Information office.-...w omc.- �. ..... BaD. -- -' . d �-: C U C":1 . I�. � � , . GL AfW. domitable spirit which has ma e our �lUor 0 ege ouneu, specia�_ .... __� 6'l� '" IIIM.b � "N- name worthy and respected in .�1l meeting Friday, 10:30, in Senior of-� Ib"-= � I our athletic relations. Further pa�- fiee,--- 0..- _ .. a.. J:IUa HaD. -II '11 b' t Pu • Ban Chi M'� � � at. ticulars of the ca WI e ,given ou nty quet, icago- mne-..,._---t'-L.- ; in the. Maroon at an early date. sota, Friday evening at' 6 o'clock...' .: ..... . i '".. x_ .... 0: Ihre .u '- left at BaD Earle A. Goodeno.w. Football Game-Chicago-�inneso-., ...,.......... ..Mn..J to DaU:r---.' . --:--...t _ 1IeeaD4� IIaIl a&. tbe 0aIica&0� Qucqo. DUIIoIa. IIU'Cb 18. 1101.u.... oUt CII IIU'Cb .. 18ft.I'UUIbe4 dallJ. 8aDIIQI. Moadaa .......,., � Ibn. QurtIa 01 tbe Cabenlt;r,__ .. "Sizing Q 01 Freshmen"is a popular stunt amo'ng the Upper Class­men. To be "sized'� up properl, is mostimportant for evety first year man - to. create a farorable impression' he must wearclotlJes with strIe, indiWlaalifr and qual;" •clothes made for College ... en by _ CollegeTailors. Most Upper Classmen are alread y\1!Iearing our clothes especially those whoare correctly dressed.We have Ul attractive CollegePoster --;yours for the asking.11511' Dutbora Sf.Ia.t Floor Ifpaifit1gare,inidnmetoismCClfllCa.nrer (1 WDkieTAILORSI 'd� Kamle Llll,. Jerome N. FnlDk.t... Q. Whltfleld Roberta B. Ow_J. i,4Du Balker Barcraye· �A.. N. PfderART BDITOa:;t. E.C. MOORE•• fLORIST ••W. 63rd StreetTel Wentworth 203L stirtifJn,------------�.---------------------------------�-------272 E. ssth Street. ITeL Efyde Park 31- I�------------------------------------�------��---------I• Hotel Maroon.58th and -Drexel Ave'UJmER NEW MMAGEII&NTR�STAURANT AND LUNCH ROOMFIrst . Class ,l\,4ealsta, Saturday, 2 p. m. P t Servl .SWEDISH ARCHAEOLOGIST, Cap and Gown Editors can be con- romp - ceWILL �URE TOMORROY*': suited with any afternoon in Ellis .1. I The best of eve,.",.ing sewed at reasonable prices ;.: 'rr the - Freshmen and Sophomores from 3 to 4 o'clock. Communica- ' Music eve" even;DsJJt!fi��!.�!R _ ....-_-�,�,.t· . "'�\still have their hearts set on having Professor lIontelius of Christiania �o tions may be lefr at" Facu1t� Ex- The National Hotel Co. J. W. Ward...... ,,, .c I ass organizations, -Jlake Public Address. _ ll1ustratedl change:z80. --------------- --=�asS Meeting which is very evidently by StereoptiCOD Views. ! Junior . and Senior Class Nomina-l:lectiODS a the case, and they carl't tioDS are .now in order. SeniorMakeshift be happy until they A public add;�ss will be made on dean's office. Nominations cloSehave a president and a "Archaeo'-�gicai Discovery in Swe- Friday ..'treasurer, and all the' other bric-a- den and its Co.ntro.l by the Govern- International Club· WIll meet Sat­;b��c necessary in the circumstances, �ent:: by the eminent Swedish· arch- urday, 8' P. "m., - in- Middle -Divinity: it. __ is a notable improvement to put aelogist, Professor Docto.r Oskar parlor.;.d,'· e elections under some competent Montelius, in ,Haskell assembly room.. A Good Assortment of dainy can-:_Supervision, instead of ,calling the re- to.mo.rrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The. . dies will be on sale tomorrow at';sult of a free-for-all mass meeting depart�ent of Antiquities of the10.:30. in the League room. Better:��e will of the Freshman class, or the Swedish government, of which Dr.b r.ome early, as the supply is always,Sophomore class, as the case may e. Montelius has fo.r many years beenexhausted before II .o.'clock.The Sophomores will show wisdom directo.r, is the oldest government�� following the example. set by the department in the wo.rld, having been Mandolin Club will meet tomor-: action of the Freshmen yesterday found�d in the sixteenth century. row to. discuss plans for the quart�r.. in voting in favo.r of the Australian Professor Mo.ntelius' home is in All interested watch bulletin board- system. Christiana, Sweden, and he has just fo.r anno.uncement o.� t�'!le and pla�e.It seems evident that it is imprac- co.me here from Boston, where he-tic�ble to. carry out the original code cC'nducted the Lowell lectures. His States Restaurant Banquet to foot­_ as; passed in May, 1907, by the Sen- lecture will be freely illustrated by ball teams. All those wishing to re­, - serve plates must see Ben Newmanior College Council, in so far as it stero.pticon views.relates to the dates of the lower class between 10:30 and II:OO at the In-> e'l' -tions. The Junio.r Dean's office KE formation office today and tomorrw.,,� CLOSE STUDENT TIC Tor at the Kappa Sigma fraternity:- has found it impossible to furnish SALE TODAY; _ LEFTr - house, Saturday morning. before 12., lists as early as the seco.nd week o.fPlates are $1.'. the -quarter, and the Junior Co.llege Today is the last day for students,- C�uDcil should revise the code to to take advantage of the chance to.-correspond with the actual conditions get in' the rooters section. The ho.ur.which place the earliest possible time for the sale, however, has been ex­for issuing the lists at about the tended, the Bartlett office being o.pen.fourth or fifth week. tonight from 7 o'clock until 10, soMeanwhile, the Freshmen and that students may purchase card·-Sophomores should be patient. They boards both before and after the big'ca� exist a few weeks longer, with- mass meeting.'. 'out an organization. Indeed, they Manager Barker stated yesterday,could be just as happy all the year that all but two hundred of the 700without a staff of officers, if they, on-Iy thought so, and e:lCpended their' ..enthusiasm on their colleges. Theradically impatient one$ who can'tw�it and want to elect temporary of­ficers until the permanent ones areready to take office, should calmdown. There is plenty of time. Theonly matter in which there is neces­sity fo.r speed is in revising the pres--ent code as it relates - to. Sopho- Be a. 10�1 student and send in your,d F shmen The definite subscnptlon to The Daily' Maroon.mores an re. •- data' fOl' posti.,.. tbe class lists few Do if ... 1 We press all garments at regular prices. ,Work called for and delivered.ABDBRSOlrS CRArrSIIAH SHOP430 55th StreetFOWNESGLOVESare' Dot cheapest. buttheTre least npensive.student admissions have been dis­posed of, and that he looks for thebiggest rush of the season today andto.night. The report of the day's r ... -- ••••••••••• lliiisales at Spalding's showed ;. co.nsist­ently larp;e demand. and the gymna­sium office was thro.nged all day withboth !IOtudents and outsiders. Tel. H. P. 4989-A.US •••• TB-­POWBBSWILLIAM COLLIERTHE PATRIOTOGLOBIA�//GEO • .M. COHANand his Royal Familyand Inco�parable Co. STUDEBAKBRFRITZI SCHEFFin the first production of.THE PRIMA DONNA Th(firs �the cTh.surfa,giveOlibrowGr.intodecidInketare ISuiILLIBOIIMAUDE ADAMSIn New Co.medy.WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOW; -GUBD OPBU BOVSB_WALKER WHITESIDE -THE MELTING POTOBIOAGO OPBU BOUDRAYMOND HITCHCOCKAnd a hundred others inTHE MERRY-GO-ROUNDINTERNATIONAL THEATREGRANp OPERALUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR "The Quality Musical Play"A, STUBBORN CINDEREt.U., .. aAaalOJ[ TweLA, SAL!..A GIRL AT THE HELMCECIL LEANaDd.ad the La Sal .. Theater St�1tFLOllDrca BOUaOOElIAD .. UI NAZTMOVAIn Ibsen's"A DOLL'S HOUSE'"TilAnurcl- THE LIONAND THE MOUSE WBI'l •• Y'THE BIG SUCCESSA BROKEN IDOL'Tu10'31,]"ISt, I- I--I it..livered.P. 4g8gB:a�Fion ofJNAI:S"� KNOWI Play·'EREiLAJOEOVAJSE":y:ESS)OL,.HELMN If you doa't bOw .�._ .... � .. -painatakiDc Bo .. ' �y offittinC aDd tI'7ina, o�, ..garment. it would be •revelation to you. Theinimitable fit. bane anddrape of Bo .. ' TailoredClothes is due,. PerhaPS,more to this featUre 'thanto �ny other one thing.We take a c�at while itis still in the plastic stage--we shape, mould aDdwork it to the form of theman it's made for-wecarry this persorull try-onfurther than anyone hasever done before. Afterthat. thousands of patientstitches are needed to putinto lasting form the ·ar­tistic shape which resultsfrom such. a modetreatment.Believing �t clotheSdo not express char­acter, we omit no ef­fort to t»erfeet each in­dividual garment.Suits or Top Coats. $35-00 up.utumn Woolens in Richest THE DAlLY MAROON. THU.RSDAY,_ <>c.TQBER 29, 1908-.. 1JNIVBBBrrY 'DAllCIRG". :''''.,' : .� 'SCBOOL:�·" :,-, '",-.. ,'A '. ', .. , 'A select daIldDc ichool for Ulliver-eity mea ud"womm liD beeB �in ROSALIE HAt;L 276 E. 57th St.LesaoIUl Thunday , afternOon, 2:30to... Informal dancinC 4 to 50 La­.ona 25 Cents each. ''UDiversity stUdents invited. For in­formation, caU 6503 Kimbark' avenue.fint apartment.'marion Office.Football Tickets-On Sale..-41� ......... ��.,.. ....-'...' - �m-.�-. jjiix-;Y,-:�'iiirt·t·.!D� CONSUMPTION ·.umaiCA�-' �',_ '-"'� CHmP ECOIIOilIC PROBLEMJ!�,_'�;".a. tvch)i">,,· at 4o'clock in Bartlett gymnasium. Allcome.F=d'St Trials for the University de­bating teams,' this evening at �:30,Haskell ,�nd Law building, northroom. Order of speakers ,will beposted this mornillK."� Fenabln will meet this eveningat 7:30 in Cobb SC.Devotional liaU-Hour conducted byI mcmber� ,�f the Divinity School,today, an Haskell' assembly room,10:30 a. m.Chapel Assembly-The Junior Col­leges ( women) in, Mandel hall, thisGIRLS PLAN P�LIT�CALMASS MEETING FRIDAY,__ to make its organization something ":"1------------------------RepieSentatives' of Socialists, Demo- more than it- is at present. The TailD,,red. 'G.. a,l, m. ents of Qualify' " ...." -:rats and; Republicans to Solicit members will introduce numerous:;;-; Support. social features, the first of which .. , .. fOR ,COllEGE GIRLS........ _.4 .... � ........ 4��'� "", �_ '�'ilf probably be a·stag next Tuesday'THE FALL'SBASOR , ��.evertheless, Fm for, Taft, first night.HAS OPBBBD 'I "md' last," announced the youngestThe new autumn and winter Iab- 'Freshmau giri in the h�l1. "You seerics show many striped '':effects,' b�t father alwaYs-" �.�.. '.the colorings are not pronounced. "But, my dear," urged the sageThe fabrics have a rough twilled Junior, politician to '�b'e;' victim shesurface=-woven closely enough to had cornered in the ��cond fl�r cor­give service. rid or, "you forget th� the' future ofOlives and the various shades of' this nation depends entirely on the- hi 'ff . N to instant expulsion.brown are in strong favor. outcome 0: t IS tan question. L owGrey stripes and the greys shading our party proposes to--" That a university's ideal is to beinto the stone and slate eolorines are "Your're wrong, you·re all ,,,'rong," .•.. "an institution where any person capdecidedly correct. exclaims a vehement Senior, pounc- lind instruction in any subject" wasIn overcoat fabrics the rough bas- ing upon the two, arguments in hand, -leclared by President J. G. Schur-ket weaves and herringbone stripe!" 'it's the class struggle that is upper­man of Cornell Universityare considered very smart. most in the world of affairs today,Suits for CoU- wear. $-. to $'21:: and as Karl :Marx has .said: 'It is the-.- �- __ "The Round-Up" is the title of a",-_ .. ta .,'.JI! to .a_ working class that must, that will,'"Uy� ... ,,_._ -..v weekly paper published by the Ag-We __ L- n· A:__ breeebes ., but the Democrat and the Republican flutIIAC -... .�_ ricultural College 0 New Mexico.both shaking their heads in a "You The starUing statement that Chica­go's death-rate from consumption isincreasing at the pace of about 20per 'cent a year, while that from allother diseases combined is rapidlydecreasing, was made by Dr. Evans,head of Chicago's health department.before the Sociology club last night.As methods of checking the dead-morning at 10:30."A ,�urioua 1Iiabap." a comedy inthree acts by Carlo Goldini. Present­ed by the, Donald Robertson players.tonight,' Mandel hall, 8 p. m.Mr. Donald Robertson is unable it ly .disease, better ventilation,' espe­cially for bedtooms, aws emphasized.More sunlight. a larger distributionof vegetation-in the form of parksand grass plots, and the decreasingof smoke, were also urged as imme­diate necessities. In discussing thesmoke nuisance as it exists in Chi­cago, Dr. Evans read statistics show­ing that 12/000 pounds of soot are de­posited each year on an acre ofground at the corner of Michigandeliver his lecture today at 4 p. m. 'weuuc and rztb street.,Purity Banquet Tickets on sale to- "111e people of Chicago would doday in lIen·s Commons, and at Infor- much better," said Dr. Evans in con-today elusion, "to use the time and energyhey put into boiling water. in look­ing after the proper ventilation oftheir homes. Chicago's water isharmless .. but the impurity of the airwhich the individual secures for him­self is a menace."o�. at Bartlett gymnasium from 10 to 12a.' m., and from 2' to 4 p. m, Thisis the last day of sale at reducedrate of fifty cents.PhilOsophy College, executivecomrniteee this morning at 10:30 inCobb DB.Delegates to Bible Conference wiltreport today at 10:30 in Haskell 17-Girls' Glee Club rehearsal thisI morning in, Kent. Important.�Pre-Ministerial Club will meet thisnlor�iitg at iO:3o" in Middle Divinity, .Levinger will lead. Plan Fencing Club AffairsFencing activities started yesterdaywith the appcmtment of two commit­tees by President Jones of the Fenc­ing club. A constitution, was adopt­ed, a committee of five selected todraw up by-Iaws,and another of threeto push the matter of a Cornellmatch on November 13. the eve ofthe football game.It is the plan of the fencing clubNEWS OF THE COLLEGES--Freshmen and Sophomores at the 1University or' Nebraska will settletheir differences hereafter by a push­ball contest, Students engaging inclass fights or kidnapping are subject :, CLUETT, PE •• ODY • CD.M.IIlIE". 0,. .Illl0W COLLA ••._, ..;., . IPurity DR ·ExceUenre .: -.... ,...;. "' .�U� PALL-..sTOOltIS READY,20.000 STYLESWHILETHEYLASTSEE THEM MADE3 7 0 E. sst h S t retThe Daily Maroon is the officialstudent publication, contains all thecampus news and deserves 'the sup­port of every student. ;', c·.Wm. Jerrem.' SonaClark and, Adams . Streetslco'llege cafe\447 E. 55th. St.l Near Lexington AvenuePLACEATPOPULAR . PRICESLuncheon 20C upEvening �fI' 25cSunday Dinner - - - - : 35c I'SERVICE � �RTE. ��Try a classified, ad in .. the ' Daiiy,Smal'l ads brin2 large returns,. 'N:gWEST SHADES AND CLEVEREST DESIGNSIiAD� uP,'. IN' LATEST PARISIAN STYLESA: Spedal' Price of $35 for two weeksto,Student. only6tngn 8. Jaolotinso6 Masonic Temple I 'f'\- .. - - .. -.�----.--.��can't tell me" fashion, had gone indifferent directions, and no party hadgained a vote,Friday night, however, all parties l'he Laqest 1l,aDafac:turers in thehope to pr�sent arguments with such World of official Athletic Suppliesforce'that not only ",ill all the float- A. G. SPALDING & IROS. I believe in Popular' Prices.: $25.00 Business Suits are positivel,$35.00 value. You can save just $10.00Thafs worth while. �et me make onefor you and prove it. ,MyMajestic Theatn 'Bldg. Wende", 7S Monroe StreetTAILOR FOR YOUNG IIEK ers attach themselves to one or theA. N. Jarema, 1111'. other party, but many confirmed ad-Two stores: 131 La s.ne at.. IIDd herents of other parties will be re-44 J .... BoaIenrd formed. VARSITY CMELe renc:lez-vous desEtu.dlants.The ma.ss meeting will he held inLexington. tomorrow night. Rous­ing speeches, political songs. a quar­ter, and an exhibition of enthusiasm10 general are on the program.Speakers from the Democratic, Rc­pnblican and Socialist in turn willdiscuss the "\'arious issues, and pre­sent clearly the rtal significance ofTbe CALUMB'l' ASSEMBLIES the platform plank.Announce informal dances nay Sat- �lis=- Harriet Grim will uphold theurda, and TaacJay evening at �i:tlist party. "'hile Misses Allen,- CALUIIET HALL - Walkel, Scott, Lilly. Evans, Craig63rd St. and stOny IIIaDd Aft. and Hromlich wi11 win votes for Bry-Special reception and bam party an or Taft, All the politicians have'Tuesday � October- 27; HaI- paid poll taXy registration has beenlowe'en party, Satardq neninc. Oct. completed for the straw ballot to be31• Racaa·. 0rdIeatra. taken on election day, and interest inPhone HJde Park 1455. an the hans is running high. 08icial Implements for all Trackand Field Sports.foot BaD, Basket BaD,.Ice Skates, lockeJ, GoDUniforms for aD Athletic SportsGYIINASIUII APPARATUSSpalding's handsomely illustratedcatalogue of all :5ports containsnumerous suggegtions. MailedFree anywhere,We Have No Bnacb StacJio"�'�.wn'�AMWCHICAGO.­Facilities for eftrJ1binc inPhotocraPh7.Phone Central &ogA. G. SPALDIRG " BROS.New York, Roston, Buffalo, Syra­cuse, Washington, Chicago,' Philadel­phia, Pittsburg, Baltimore, St. Louis,Denver, Kansas City. Cincinnati, De­troit. Montreal, Can.; San Francisco,Minneapolis. New Orleans,QeVeland,LoIKI-. Eaa.- 47C E. 55MEALS 2Oc. and up.58th A.ND ELLISMIDNIGHT LUNCHHall "Feeds" Supplied Up to 1 A.. M.UNDER NEW MANAGEMENTBRAIDEN, ex-'IO, U. of C.58th AND ELLIS'Dean Lo�ett Oft'en to ConductShouts pour in to llac(:�.s .' "--L___ and So br� p omorc Elec-Close Draws Near- Judpa tions if Proper Authority is GivenNamed. Him-Freshmen Accept.Preliminary Trials for Varsity De­bate Team to be Held Tonight­Aspirants Divided' Between �wBuilding and Haskell.Th I·· . I fur tile UIII'- With the yell competition drawing D L d de pre nnmary trra s ean ovett announce yester ayto a close, 'Cheer-leader Bill Mac-versity debating team will be held to- that if the Freshman 'and Sophomorenight at 7:30; ·20 candidates are ell- Crackcn was yesterday flooded with classes would officially pass resolu-contributions from students who aretered for the first round, and from tions asking him as dean of the jun-the experienced debaters in the list, out to win the prizes offered by the ior collegs to receive nominations forathletic association. "Mac' announc- .the corning elecrions, that he woulded the close of the contest for to- .•do S0. This throws. an entirely new-lav at noon, up to which time yells I' lId it . b'. Ig It Oil t ie matter, an I IS e-may be sent in to him through the II' .1 '11 I bl tl t hIC'·Cu WI so ve a pro em ia asFaculty Exchange.a lively batt Ie is promised.Coach Chandler has been workingwith the candidates almost everyclas ses are recognized, -but I myselfwill co-operate in every way with th.eclasses. My office is for the conveni­eucc of the students, and I am will­in� that they should use it. At pres­ent we can not furnish the list. ofJunior college men so early, but wecan later in the quarter, and by thefourth week in future years. Thisyear I think the best plan is to makeChicago-go! the election semi-official. I wouldGo-go-go! .[not undertake anything, however. un-Chicago-go! IIe5S official action is taken by bothGo-Go-Chicago! etasses. as I would not under anyGo-Go-Chicago!. Rah! circumstances take part in any stu-3 C-H-I-Chicago, C-A-caw-Chica-Ident activities, unless I was confi-go! . dent that my intervention was de-G-O-go-Chicago! Chicago-Chi- sired."Professor Mechem,and Mr. Bramhall. Professor Linn,Mr. Leo \Vorm- �ymnasium. Twenty shouts weresubmitted yesterday, among the best)f which are the following:lEe! Ah! Ah! O!ser will preside. In the contest inHaskell Professor Hoxie, �Ir. BurtBrown Barker and l\Ir. l\lcElroy willgive the decision, while l\Ir. GeorgeO. Fairweather will preside.The subject is: "Resolved, Thatbank issues secured by commercialpaper are preferable to those se­cured by bonds." Each man chooseshis own side, and is allowed six min­utes for his first speech and four forrebuttal. Twelve men will be chosenin the preliminaries tonight, six fromeach group, The final trials will beheld in about two weeks, 'when theteams will be chosen from thetwelve successful in tonight's de­bate.The following is the _list of speak­ers, and the place and order in whichthey speak:Haskell assembly hall: J. "V.Hoover, C. H. Henderson, Re'!d Zed­ler, Frank �I. King, C. M. Keyes,Charles Schwartz, Charles Leviton.George Rossman, Paul O'Donnell, C. One student, who signs himself S.P. McCullough. H. E.. offers the foIJowing snappyNorth room, Law school: H. P. yell in the contest:Hostetter, William Kixmiller: Clar- . She-can-go She-must-go!ence A. Bales, John. H. Freeman, J. She-will-go! Chi-ca-go!'H. Christensen, J. E. Ferguson, Ar- (Short pause)thur \\,ilson,· G. L. Stewart, T. H. Boom! �Iaroon! (Short pause)MacDonald, W. J. Black. Chicago!Yah! Yah! Yum! Yo!Chicah! Chicah!Chicago! ·Go!2 Go-Go-Go!cage-Chicago!These were handed.\htcN cish.4 Rip-rah-Ruh lRip-Rah-Ruh!Rah! At a meeting of the Freshmanin by John . Fresidclass .yesterday morrnng, C:I eSI entGoodenow of the Junior CollegeBoom-Boo�-Rah! ICouncil announced the p an to theBoorn-Rah-Boom- entering class and submitted it tothem for their approval. The class(Siren) Chicago! Chicago!!5 E-e-e-e-e .. YC!h! Wah-HoofE-e-e-e-Yah! Wah-HoofChicago! Chicago! .(Siren)Morris Briggs is the authorthese two.- v�ted almost u�animously to conducttheir elections in accordance with thecode which is now in operation inthe Junior and Senior classes, nomi­of nating candidates and voting throughthe office of the Junior dean. Afteradopting this method of procedure.the class . adjourned. Nominationsfor officers of the Freshman classnay be made in writing by five boni­fide 'members, and submitted. to theJunior dean.Earle Goodeenow will also presentthe plan before the Sophomore classOther candidates will be given an C. Benitez sends in the following for its approval or disapproval at aopportunity to speak. with instructions that it be given in class meeting, soon to be called bymitation of a battle: President Smith.Bing! Bang! Rah-rah-rah lBing! Bang! Rah-rah-rah!(Tiger) Chicago! Rah!PRODIGAL TOM KELLEYREJOINS VARSITY SQUAD(Continued from page I) Wanted-Every student in the'Tniversity who is not a subscriber to.. ubscribe at once.first year of Varsity ball. Thc vetcr- rIGER'S HEAD TO BOOSTans are Rademacher, right end; UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUBYoung, left tackle, Ostrand, leftguard, and Captain Safford, the light- The boosting of the Glee club wasest center in football, who. however, .mdertakcn yesterday eve-ring by theis flanked by a brace of 200 pound Tiger's Head, the honorary musicalguards. Pettijohn, playing his first -ociety of the University, at its firstyear, is at left end, and has shown banquet oft he year in the privategood speed at the position. The rest djnillg room of the Commons, Theof the Gopher lineup will probably I'igcr's Head decided to issue a callconsist of Hubbard at right half. inr the Glee club next Tuesday at 4Rosenwald at right guard, and Fnrn- jl. m .. the time and place of the meet­ham at right tackle. .ng : .. O be announced later. Theabundance of good material. new andClub for Wendell Phillips Freshmen old, 'now in the University, and theFreshmen from Wendell Phillips whole-hearted approval and supportHigh School have organized a club If the faculty of thc Tiger's Headfor social purposes. The following plan, will make the Glee club thisofficers have been elected: President, year what it properly should be, theC. H. Greene; vice-president. A. R. center of the musical interest of theBaar ; secretary, Katherine French; University,treasurer, B. Moyer. As yet the club The Tiger's Head also authodzedhas not received· the ofticial sanction Gonlun Erickson, who has had eightof the Board of Student Organiza- years of musical experience, to coachtions. I he production of a concert by a dou-ble aetet at the Reynolds clubThe Purdue Alpha Tau Omcg-:l �moker the night before the Cornel1house has bcen greatly damaged hy s;ame. This concert promises to befire. Many of the fraternity men lost the biggest feature of any Reynoldstheir personal effects. club smoker given this year. RMID� MILLINBRY4 58 E. 6 3 r d Str e e t1.1II POPULARPRICES��C.LUSIVESTYLESTel. Hyde Park 88 4CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGWANTED-Four live hustlers tosolicit advertising for the DailyMaroon. Apply at Maroon Officefrom four to five.FOR SALE-Scholarship in Schoolof :\fusic and Acting at a reducedfigure. Apply at the Daily Ma­roon office.FOR RENT-Choice sunny rooms. inprh'ate family; piano: phone: allhome comforts; breakfasts. if de­sireti, or housekeeping. 5�29 Jack­son A \'�nl1e, 2nd floor.MANDOLIN CLUBS organized atRo�.,lie Hal1, 2i6 E. 5ith Stre;t.Special attention gh'en to it byProf. Slia w.Be a loyal student and send in yoursubscription to the Daily at once. Is your name on the subscription'list 9f the Daib )iuOOIIl {'�in�(1heA Bish�p Special of sterli",Worth. comfortable. atylisb,graceful and worthy of theBISHOP name. --Vol.FIRS20g other atyles, colors and Massaniqualities at $3 .., .... $5 and $6,Mr. :PilPrice $3-A._ DIS,HOP· & CO.CANES and UMBRELLAS HAT�, FU�S. GLO_VES,Est. 1860 156 Slate.St. Cat. F� lkiplain]gavcwhatedy,ThandCollege ChapsWith a hankering for dash and originality in dreSs are in­stantly won as.' permanent CUSTOMERS. by· the - -clothes . weare offering them at -.15 to $35- They 'are doth� of TODAYin style as alive as � ele�ca1ly charged wire. �d �pe�bl;tailored.When you're down to,m, come in. A "comf�" chair anda cordiai griiH>'-the-�d a�ts you with· a��l_�ely no obli-gation to b�y ...\, .�E�W�P� CLO�IJ� S"QP20 East Monroe Street . antwhihs(lldiTl:\fr.winlandtiomsyrnj;precithe &IableThPhiliunwiN�lM()-neyDown �Msuffihisacte�chta dibig)blurabst�]Try OurwasternothIn � way YOU; Iik� eVeD as low as51 '� ",eeK.P I AN 0 8-RecuJar prices $350 to $7so, atREDUCED PRI�ES AT _TH·IS SALE.THIS COUPON IS WORTH A TEN DOLLAR BILLCut it out at once. Don't th�ow away money. We not only SAVEyou over a hundred �ol1ars, but, p,er;nit the smallest payments EVERknown (a·s low as $1 a week); as� no money in advance and giftyou $10 �o boot. Can you beat it?Out-of-town patroDS are in�ted to avail tb�es of thaiMOST liberal inducements. res Iter,hersho1whhalski:Fthediepal\\"hpiavalweFr:,..CUT. OUT'THIS COUPON. 'GOOD· ·roa- ...Ten Qollam. $ro.·� CREDIT DUE BILLOne or these Coupons good a�FIRST PAYMENTtowards purchase of .one StarckPiano at this sale, at 204 Wabash1'\ venue Chicago, 111. W(in�su.mcthito�flinlPianos Shipped to Any Part .. , the United Stateson These Liberal .Tama. Write fo� FREE Catalo ....P. A. STARCK PIANO CO.,IlARUPAC'lUllBU204-206 Wabash Avenue" Near Adam. Street. CbicalO.MENTION The DAI� Y MAROaWhen Trading· Witll Ou� . Ad"rlisers Scb�ar