.D-Ry.tlyndtli-�.:statoinLORSrSHIP.•toStreet.es�.OrdeR.CANESs depart·at onceI NIGHT1110 ferpted suerintendeDtan Ideal,nplofiller, ·Iatly iI·'"!"''''.. , .•. ;'.:'.:., - .•... :.-.-.. -ttr···ftWtu"!_.�."��-- ". Price Two c....Freshmen Tear· Varsity LinePieces with Gopher Plays inMuddy Scri�ge.Worthy "Spell-BiDden Enpaecl bFPre-Lepla to Expound ParVVirtues.TO TlIE7STRiW YOTEAFTER POUnCll DEBATESTAGG IS DISCOURAGED ,TOGIVE"ACUIlOUSMlSBAP"11TH VARSITY SHOlllB Donald Robertson and His CompanyWill Present Clever Goldoni Com­edy Thursday Night - LectureScheduled is Called Off. Students Will Select Nat U. I.Prtaident at Conclusion of FlYe­Comered Aq;ument Friday.The first of the series of threeSchott and Ehrhom Still Disabled- plays to be presented by the Robert-Squad Gets Long Hours of Prac- son players at the University will betice Satur�ay. given on Thursday evening, October29th. The play, which is a transla-Stagg was decidedly dis- tion of the Italian comedy, "A Curi­ous Mishap." is a clever comedy.built on unique lines. Unfortunately. When representatives of the s..political parties appear before stu­dents of the University in' joint de­bate in Kent Friday night, under ans­pices of the Pre-legal club, they winbe on' their merits. I t will be up tothem to "make good," for their largeaudience will be. requested, after theyhave had their say. to cast a "strawvote" {qr Taft, . Bryan, Debs, Hisgenor Chafin, according to the speechesof the' spell-binders' delivered ap-Directorcouraged with the work of .the Var­sity yesterday. In the scrimmage Mr, Robertson will be unable to de­with the Freshmen,although the Var-liver the address as announced, butsity won the score, eleven_ to five,fi d d' tear- it is hoped that he can be securedthe rst-year men succee e 10line later in the season.ing holes through the Varsity The Goldoni comedies are aspopular because of their bright. clev­er' action and succession of amusingsituations as for their literary valueand their subtle humor and pictur­esqne character ;epresentation holdthe interest (rom start to finish.The folder- announcing "The Curi­ous Mishap," describes it as a playwhich "in rich humor and cleverhandling of the sitU"a tions, surpassesmany a modern farce, while over itall is the charm of that slow unhur-again and again."Our line is weak and the'. Fresh­men went through it for long gains:,11 the time," said Mr. Stagg yester­d:1Y. "Unless there is great improve­mcnt, we will have a hard timeagainst Minnesota. They have aheavy. strong line, and a fast backfield, a combination which is U11-usual at Minnesota. and makes theteam a lot better than it was last President R. R. ¥�� _ the Pre­legal club, is working hud .. io his en­deavor . to make this debate - a :bigdrawing card .. Tomorrow announce­ments of the unique affair· will- �distributed in all the dormitories andyear."The Freshmen scored their touch­ried t:reatment which gives to thesedown early in the scrimmage whencomedies of a past age their endur­Nicholl intercepted a forward passand ran thirty yards for a touch­down. The Varsit� scored, twice onstraight footJ>all,Wall�c gettiAga_s�ssonce and p-;'g� once. The - Fre�hmenmade some dangerously long gainsh press themselves."through the Varsity, using the �P -er formations. The Varsity lineup On Thursday, November 19th,was as follows: Page and Schommer, "Rahab," by Professor Richard E.ends; Falk and Hoffman, tackles; Burton, will be presented by the Rob-ertson players. Dr. Burton willKelley, Elliott and Meigs, guards; practice around "C'� bench.speak in the afternoon of the 19th onBadenoch, center; Steffen, quarter; Thursday evening-Monster mass-d "The Theater TOday."Rogers· and Crowley, halves, an meeting in Bartlett gymnasium. ior College. Council _ This: is i.o ac-Worthwine, fullback. A Curious llisbap. Friday afternoon- Open practice cordance with the class election code,The field was exceedingly muddy, 'A -Comedy in Three Acts, on Marshall -Field, but as its provision that class .Iistsand the practice was the first hard By Carlo Goldoni. Friday evening - Prity banquet shall be posted . during the secondone that the squad has had in the Dramatis Personae: in Commons. week of the quarter, w,s not observ-wet since the beginning of the season. ed, it was thought possible that a de�Unless the field dries up a great Philibert, a rich Dutch �[erchal_1t A program that will bring the en- Jay in the nomination '!light be con-deal before Saturday, the rooters are Donald Robertson thusiasm to its highest pitch and put sidcred necessary.afraid that the heavy Gophers will Giannina,his daughter.Marion Redlich the rooters in fighting trim for the The class lists �'iIl, however, behave an advantage. The field will be Ricardo, a broker .. i , - 'V ill iarn Owen Minnesota game, has been arranged posted in Cobb hall today or. tomor-C hi I ht A . Tjtus t\1�S of the Prohibition platform ..covered with straw today to alleviate onstanzo, IS (aug er.. nna for this week. Through the com- row, and nominations wil.l be in 01'-the muddiness. De La Cotterie, a French Lieute- hined efforts of the Senior Council der during the rest of the week.The cripples of the squad are still nant ......•••....... Herman Lieb and the cheer committee, Bartlett Nominations for officers of the IIINNESOTA' STUDENTS TOin poor. condition. Schott's "Charley Mari<'nna. Mmle. Giannia's maid gymnasium has been secured for the Senior and Junior classes lPust·. be NUIIBER 3.700 AT BIG GAIIBhorse" is imprO\-ing, but it is unlikely .. , .... , .............•... Alice John mass meeting on Thursday. made "'ith the Dean of . the Seniorthat he ,,-ill be in shape for the game G:l�coigne, De La Cotterie's ser- Efforts have been made in the past colleges. All nominations sbould' be Barker Sa� Cbic:a&o Roo� WillSaturday. Ehrhorn was out on the ·v;mt : Frank Harden to secure Bartlett rather than Mandel in writing and bear tbe signature of Profit b7 GettiDc their Ticketslicld also, but his ankle is stilI too Sc�n�, The Hague, The House of for the mass meetings. but hereto- f,,-c eligible members of the etass. All in • H1IIT7.sore to let him into the scrimmage. Philbert. fore it was impossible to get the students having not less than fifteen _Kelley is suffering ·from a sore neck; �"YD1nas;um. and less than. t�enty-foat: majon· - With 3,700 titkels . being distrib-hut was used in the practice yester- Eckersall will speak at Thursday's credit are Juniors·; all,'other college "ttd amoog eager Minnesota rooters.day. C. C. RUNNBRs JUIIP PUDDLES meeting. as well as the "Old Man" students ha"ing less tban twenty- the sale of seats to Varsity followen:md the members of the team. four majors are Senior.. at the student rate is expect� tCtTit· a Slow PaCe bat Coyer Three• e This will be the first e\·.ening. mass At the !,"eeting of tbe Coundl yes- lalct a ne. 'Iease of life. The oppor-POWWOW TO HOLD DEBATE and Qauter Miles. m�eting (\f the year. and a degree of lerday, a committee �as apPoint� tUnhy' of getting two-dollar seats fur.. �ntll\1:-<iasm that has not heen attain- to take charge of the" c!"ming class .,ne-fourth tbe price i5 rapidly com­The ::-:-OS5 country candidates made c,1 hefore this year is likely to be t'lecti(\ns. MacCracken and Kixmiller inR' to a close, Thnrsday being theTo Disc:ua llicbipn'. Stand on good as steepl- chasers 'l.·esterday af-' 'd S fill d f . b •.� oT to e\'. ("nee. omc 0 t le new ye s were name, to en orce t e prOVISIOns last day.Conference-AU Freshmen In- h' they trotted" f"ll f h od d eel . '.Yited. ternoon. w en ft 'h�t have heen pouring in to Cheer- 0 t e c e a opt two years ago. "TI'crt' ·i,- Df) doubt that the stu-three and a quarter miles over, in and leader 'lfacCracken in a steady stream On Thursday and �riday of th(" (�Clit rC!lcn-ation will be entirely dis-. _ .• , :trollnd puddJe�. \Vhile the weather "'ilI prohahly be tried out. sixth ,,·eek. NO"'ember 12 and 13, posed of," said NormC'n Harker yes-The Po\\"\,"ow Debat.ing club wiil "roverl !IIomewhat of an inconveni- the elections will be held in Cobb ter<iay. "It will be to the ;ulvantag("hold a debate tonight in Cohb SR. enee tt"l the nmners and had the effcct hall. of Chicago supporters t" hu)' thdrA new schedule of the tennis tour-The subject for discussion is "Re- of slowing most of them op. it did Tn addition to 'tbe election ar- tickets' early, as the rush Ihat is slIrt"nament ,,·iII be posted today. owing!':lh'erl, That Michigan's stand in re- not cause Captain Caldwell to cut rangenlents, the Senior Council con- to come on the last day will make italloted. to the. disappearance of the old oneR"ard to the Conference is unjustifi- down the portion of work. firmed the appointment . of,. W. P. extremel", uncomfnrtahle for la1("from the hulletin board.' oT:\hle." Franklin D. Grey and Frei- The crMS country leader and coach llacCracken to tbe post of cbeer- purcbase·rs.'lich ,,·iII uphold the affirmative. white said he wants to 5-a,'e the atbletes leader. He i!\ to have �harge of tbe The sale at SpaldinlZ"s continned t 1Holtz, Fox and Brown will take the so they will be in the be!'t of shape Fre!Jhmen at the Uni\"er5ity of hiJl m:t!ll!ll meeting i. Rartl�tt. Thnr�- �et new recordlll, de�pite the b:-rlnegati\"e. An Fresbmen who are f(\r the final- trial to pick the Varsity Kan�s ref\1�e to wear green cap�. �Iay e,·ening. weather conditions. E"er �ince th�interested in debating and who Iteam £.)1' tbe Conference r\1n. Thi!' Aft�r -listening to much heated anti- ticlcet� were put on !'ale, the d�man:1wO\1ld like to join the club are ur- will come of! Friday. the work to-I c-ap eloquence, the Sophomore� drop- An enthu!\iastic Taft· club exists at hal been laraer at each I1ICCeedn..eently requested to be present. morrow, accordifteiy .. being light. ped the matter. Princeton. day....... ,�..,.. - at - houses i_� . the immediate - viciiiity�����-���-���������=::::::::=:===�:======j�!��=�;3 of the omp�L Annou�emenb ��.. � ;. ;. . -!, will be made at every opportunity tLINE OP FOR CHEER- WEEk1coONCI1:ui&EsiO_AtlOIi ana-.the full mem�rship_ of the.·�e:publican, Democratic and SodaIist��_.�_ �_ �.�� �toa ",,�!�;,,� ,��� clubs of the ca';'pus ;::red ':Y ,::_en on rhUr.scIay lor lIass lleetiiag CIia. 0JIii:e8''-_ , ..... : ���. at rions�-Sing-fest Aroand'the "C'· Be Onc:e-Committee AppaiDted·to ED- The orators..who have been securedPlanned. force call. _. __ . �nd who�e names ..;...; 'disclosed yes-terday� are all prominent spealu��sand: w(\rlcers in the parties, they reJJ­resent: . The Democratic speakerhOlds a high position. He is· Chair­man At�Od of- the National' Speak­er:�: Bureau. The'l ndependenee -party,will furnish Dr -. H. S .. Taylor,_ who isfamed as one of the greatest orators�r bis party. The Republicans willbe represented by John A. \Vatsoll.irig quality. It is a wholesome. sweet,and altogether pleasing play. its char­acters are very much alive, very - real'rrlt'Pi�-'uf _ tb�ri: c��'�hquaint language in which they ex-Tomorrow morning at. 10:30,. songThe Week's Program Nominations for offiJ:.crs of. theSenior and Junior classes .mast bemade this- �'ed" �c:cording. -to a de­cision reached yesterday t»y. the Sen-�. J. Morgan, Socialist candidate fl rthe United States senate, will e':­���d the' ideals of his party. ""h�' �WiIIi",m A. Brubaker will tell the. vir-THE DAILY MAROON, Tl!RSDA Y, OCOTBER 27, 1908.. aJlJr Baily lIarD�n ANNOUNCEMENTS�.lilAlyen1t.r 0( Chi�o Weekb.1'00000ecl ....TLe Wwkl7. OctDbI:r 1. �l88'.LTh. Dail,.. Odo� 1. 1802.. PB.ESTO!\ .It'. G ASS. Manad� Edior.MJl:LHN J. ADAlIB. Ncwa Editor...L 1.. JlRlDSTElN. Athlt:Uc Editor.OSWALD F. N&LSo.N. Bwiuell.t M:IJlqeI' ...AJ3SOOlATIC EDITORS:M1u Mamie l.111" Jerome N. Frunk..... G. WhlWeld Roberta B. OwenJ. S,dner Salter Uargrave LoneW. A. Weanr, A. N. PfeiferAUT EDITORnor naldrl�eREPORTEIl8.. It. Bauthaa;e Miss Ernestine Evana degree.Moniu H. Brias.Jrd1&orial omc:.- ·Berore 8 p. m... IClUa Hall.tJa1'f1nit.r. Teleph.o.. Hrde . Puk Cl. Alt.:!' a Prospects for at Least Thirty in Pre-. � ... M&rooD rn.. 4.14 E.. �u. 8b'eet. Tel- liminaries Thursday Night.... ooe lb4e Parlt Setal.BuaiD .... Umc.-lldure � Po m... .IWia Jl&l1. Entries. for the preliminary trialsUalnnlt.r. T.l H:rd. Puk 428;for the University Debating team are)i.�. coDtribuUODa IDQ be left at Ellla Hall coming in fast, according to Coach_ racall1 l:%ehaJIp. addrt.ual 'to the Dell1..� Chandler. From -present indications,it appears that there will be at least, thirty or forty· in the preliminaries.. The rumor that the ticket sale for Many of those entered have taken.)he 11innesota game will close 'next advantage of the opportunity a1!d:Thursday afternoon has been con- have conferred with the coach on thesubject.It is really a. most curious mishap All the plans for the preliminariesthat two of Mr. Robertson's three have not yet been completed. butfirmed.appearances here this quarter. arescheduled for the. very days and hours those in 'charge expect to have every­thing arranged by tomorrow. Thefirst contest will be held in Haskellhall next Thursday evening, at 7:30.'which are the only po�sible ·ones forfootball mass meetings.in so logical a way.. ---The man without a country has no Icall on public sympathy whcn thc Princeton Crew Prospects Brightclaims of the rootcr at Thursday's Prospects, for a good Varsity crewmass meeting who forgot to buy his at Princeton are very bright. Thetickct for thc gamc arc taken into boat-house has bcen improved, hotand cold showers have been installedconsideration.and eigIlt rowing machines oi theFootball or art? Mandel hall or most perrected type have becn set up.Bartlctt gym? Thc loyal Chicago Thcse machines ha,·c an arrangcmentWhen theRooter MustChooseI�.. '� ;, ,i i IWisconsin students, register names !at Information office. ;Miss Mary E. McDowell will give ICandidates for the University de-bating teams leave names for CoachChandler in Faculty Exchange, box 5.before Wednesday. Oct. 28, 6 P. 1\1.Contributions to the Cap and,FOWNESon the clasps means qualityin theGLOVES "Sizing Op 01 Freshmen"THThcrics sthe c'Thcsurfacg-ive !ou-br owrGreinto tdecideIn ,kt't w-IIIIIII arc c.Suit:Minnesota OD Saturday, and in arous­ing the whole university to a pitch_ where it can put a life or death strug-T'&:a omcw SlpdllDt PubUcaUoa of the gle against the .Gophers. For it isVIl1Yt:nU,. of Cbkaco..not always the eleven men on theEDLeud· .. &'CODd-dua Mall at the Chl"'-, ITr. idi;"n· who are entirely responsible-' ... ::0 address: "Serving thc PresentPo.LuJllAoe. CluI.-aI:O. llliDoil. Man:h IS. 180;1. for a victory; a team never yet putVnckr Act of 1larcb 3. 1tm�. . b fi I h th ters Age," in Haskell hall, Wednesdayup Its est g It w en e roo ers evening a� 7:15.Publubed 01&11,.. except 8UDdaYI. llondal. end \\'�re weak-kneed. Last year Chicago Y. M. C. A. Cabinet will' meet at........ 1_- d·· .... ·.... .,._� q,,-"'alll of U1. V··I,-'l7 won from Minnesota -in . the second \\' d _I ••___,.. wru_ .... _ ......... au _.. JO:"�O • e nesu:lY morning In roonl 9.half by sheer pluck, backed by superb Snell h:d!.support -from a tiny band of rooters Freshman class meets Wednesdaythat out-yelled the Gophers. Wheth- in Kent at 10:30.er history wi" repeat itself depends Y. M. C. A. meets Wednesday inupon a large number of factors, one Haskell Assembly room. 7:15 p, m.of which is the spirit of the Chicago .Sociology Club-Cobb hall, roomrooters. 4C, Wednesday, 8:00 p. m, Address. Siw.criJltWD prilOC. ,3.00 per yea.r; ,1.00 fow The most unfortunate aspect of this by Dr. Evans, Department of HealrhLhne IIWILI.W. Suu-uipUI)W rcc:ehtd &t the duplication of attractions is that itof the City of Chicagc -,lI&rouu 0%111. ... ElUa Hall. or at. the Fa.culu Ex· will - seem to put. another bar between� Cobb llalL Historical Club, with Professor• '. the student and the faculty. In all Mc l.aughlin, 5609 Woodlawn avenue,Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Dr.jcrnegan will address the club.Y. W. C. L. meets Wednesday inprobability on Thursday night, .M r.Robertson will play to an audiencecomposed mostly of_the faculty,while across the street undergrade- Lexington hall. 10:30 a. m. Miss El-ates will be gathered en masse. $t len Osgood will lead the meeting.will make it seem to the student that Mr. Donald Robertson is unable tohis instructors are incapable of shar- deliver his lecture Thursday, 4 p. 111.ing or appreciating his enthusiasms, Ushers for the Minnesota gamewhile the member of the faculty, not- sign at the Information office.ing the absence of the undergradu-ates, will set him· down as incapableof appreciating the sort of thing forwhich Mr. Robertson stands. Itmakes' a 'sharp dividing line wherethere is really only a difference inGown, both literary and art, areearnestly solicited by the editors.ENTER FOR DEBATE Leave at Faculty Exchange.MA.NY. Football Game-s-Chicago-MinnesotaOctober 31, 2 p. m., at Marshal! 81-83 E. Van Buren St. and 183 Dearborn St.Field. St�dent tickets on sale at I lit •••••••••••••• It •••••••• _ •••Bartlett gymnasium from 10 to 12 a .m. and from 2 to 4 p. m. on week-lays ; from 9 to 12 a. m. Saturdays.Fellows will send their fellowshipreport blanks to D. A. Robertson,secretary to the President.Debating Coach Chandler will be athome, 6034 Greenwood avenue, even­ings, except Monday, for consulta­tion.Devotional Half-Hour conducted bymembers of the Divinity School,Thursday, in Haskell assembly room.10:30 3. m.A Comedy in Three Acts: c'A. Cur­ious Mishap,' by Carlo Goldini. Pre­sented by the Donald Robertsonplayers. Thursday, in Mandel hall, 8George Owen Fainveather, memberThe University is going to hear a of the Varsity team of '04. will pre- p. m.joint debate between candidates of Chapel Assembly-The. Junior Col-five parti.cs on Friday ·night and then side. leges (women) in �Y"andcl lIall,Thur5-Coach Chandler wishes all thosecast its votes for the party that: it who wish to compete to han<l in their clay ,at 10:30.. thinks has the best arguments in: its names at once, and if possible. cl)n- -----'f If 1 d 'f Dick Grant Minnesota Tra::k Coachavor. t Ie country oes not ratl y suIt �ith him .... h' d .. �.. b .1· ··11 Dick Grant of the Harvard class oft IS eCISlon on hOyem cr 3ru, It WI All registrations should be ad-.. I tl t tl t h ·t 1903. winner of the Paris twcnty-fivemere y prove la Ie coun ry· asn dressed to Mr. Chandler in Faculty mile Uarathon in 1900, champion longdistance runner of Canada from 1900the intelligence to s.ettle the matter b h d d .Exchange, an� must e an e IDhefore tomorrow night at 6 o'clock.to 190i. and the present time holderl-Iowever, the votes of members of Lots will be drawn for pJaces on of scveral unbroken records in thethe Taft club and the Bryan and \Vednesday even.ing, and the order of kEast, has been selectcd as trac coachKern club S110Ul-' be thrown out·, the"" contestants . for speaking will bc f .U J at the University 0 �Iinnesota.are said to be prejudiced. posted Thursday morning .. IS a popular stunt among the Upper Class­men. To b� "sized" up properly is most.important for every first year man -- to.'l�h/ ;\:��::�.:.':.. �::��: �i��:�!� ;!:::::.:,; ahn� mq:�Ii;"�r:.,/1>/ \\\�.\ clothes made for College Men by College.I /:.) , ;.>:.:'�:. Tailors. Most Upper Classmen are already[Iii .\��\; wearing our clothes especially. those who'", are correctly dressed.We have an attractive CollegePoster --yours for the asking..CiUVer 6 WDkieTAILORSL ISS 189 Dearborn St.Bani FloorT�TwovI Don't Get the BluesBuy a GreenARTHURS$2.00SoftGreen ImportedSilk linedMENTION The DAft Y MAROOWhen Trading With Our Advertisersstudcnt will be to�n of mirrors so that the men- can sel"wit h conflicting and rectUy their own defects. Duringemotions ncxt Thurs- the summer some anonymous donorday night. when the or donors presented the rowing as- SPECIAL PRICES TO FRATERNITIESrival attr:lctions of sociation with a t"'o-cylinder, twenty- AND SORORITIESthc first appearance of the Robertson one foot Jaunch. MANDOLIN AND GUITAR I make a specialty of aU designs of Sorority andpl:tycrs, :lud the first big mass mcet- Score Club Dance Success INSTRUCTION I�raternity Pins, Rings and Fobs.ing oi the ycar arc prcscntcd to him Thc first Score club dancc of tllt· Also instrumentations for Mandolin Designs submitted .free of charge, and sample pins furnished to R-for simultancous patronage. season, hcld in Rosalie hall Satur<iay ;1Od Guitar Orchestr:ts. Ada Rogers c;ponsible parties.This connict of attrac'tions, which :lrtcrnoon, was successful in every Manddin "Virtuoso. latc of ··Russian I also do all kinds of Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Diamond Settincis likely to be rcpcatcd on Novcmber way. A large crowd of se\"cnt)' (lve Cour: Orchestra," N.Y. Jo8 East 6otl� and Manufacturing at the cheapest possible prices. I am the maker and19, on account of the Wisconsin coupJes attended and had an enjoy- Street. PtJone Hyde Park 1960. designer of the 1907-lgoB Daily Maroon Fobs.gamc. is unfortunatc. Howcver much ablt' time. The hall was tastcful1ythe Chicago studcnt may enjoy and decoratcd in maple leaves and pump­appreciate thc work of Mr. Robcrt- kins, presenting a fairy-like apJgear­son and his company, his one int,.crc:;t ance. Depew's orchestra or five play·now is in helping thc tC:lm to defeat cd for the dancinc· HATSTHEY ARE READY FOR YOUF edlobenfeld'eq],e Hotel MarooI'l58th and Drexel AveUNDER NEW MANAGEMENTRfSTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOMFirst Class �ealsPrompt Service. The best 0' ellerything se1lledar'reasonable:prices "'''. '. Music ellery ellening in dinner-hallThe National Hotel Co. J. W. Ward Mgr.TheAnn,urda6:81'Tue�lowe31.Pl---------------------------------------------------------------t----------------·--------------·------------------------�------WHA�:�ving?:�� USE?II i_f_V_O_u__d_o_n_�__k_eep tb__em p_r� •__A good sui� deserves it and a poor suit demands it.W\' pre:,s aU garments at regular prices. Work called for and delivered. IANDERSON'S CRAl'TSIU.N SHOP I430 55th Street Tel.. H. P. 4989Wanted-Evcry studcnt in theUniversity who i� not a suh!'criber to$ubscribe at once. THf HYDe PARK PRINTING co.Succesors toGEO. w. CURRIER a: co. and MATSON a: TRENARY..Pu6lislters - EngrallersPrintersWE ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE ANYTHING INTHE LINE OF PRINTING.368 East sstb Street.•"St.IIit.••••--IIIIIII5 it.'livered. iP. �Io.�RY.lied to rc-rid Settingmaker and�oo ----.-.-----.-----�-- --------;---_THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY. OCOTBER %7. Jg08..'..;The new autumn and winter fab- ::\lC'Kenzie, general secretary Wood-ford county associations. will pre- read the announcement, and reportedrics show many striped effects, butsent before the convention the new to the celebrated tonsorial artist.the colorings are not pronounced.countv Y. \V. C. A. work of Illinois. Then the fun began.The fabrics have a rough twilled oJsurfacc=-wovcn closely enough to There will be Daily Group Confer-I Julins didn't know why they camegive service. ences held on all phases of student I �.o . him �n.d alll,lOunced .. their arr��a1.Olives and the various shades of work. Among the representatives Sit dow n, you re next, he told thefrom the University will be Misses bewildered Freshics, as they gather-brown arc in strong favor. ' 'Hclen Hendricks, Helen Peck, Ethel ed in even larger number about hisGrey stripcs and the greys shading place of business. And as he finishedinto the stone and slate colorings are Preston and Louise Lines,decidedly correct.III overcoat fabrics the rough bas.} DENEEN TO SPEAK TODAYkct weaves and herringbone stripe� AT REPUBLICAN RALLY- .... DllII f. anu -, A select danc:iac 1dIoo1 for Uai"er-1U1IlH.lID CO.FIII I October �th Date Sc� for Beginning Dramatic Clu& Trials today at 3 sity men and women baa been openedIIIMmlaPROYlI, f C -� o'clock in Haskell hall.BOS�TON.', �. ;:�::n::-�:� :�::.:� University Public Lecture: "The in =:::!!yL, :c!o����Commercial and Colonial Policy of to 4- Informal dancing 4 to 50 Les-I· I I· . the Dutch." Professor Ernst Dae-� 1)( er t H: auspices of the Illinois sons 25 cents each.,GARTER state executive committee, the Young nell. of the University of Kiel. Cobb University students invitcd.' For in-. Women's Christian Association of lecture room, 12.:00-1:00 p. m. formation •. call 6503 KirDbark avenue,I tIll· stare will hold the annual con- Junior College Meetings today' at first apartment. t •I vention :.1 Bloomington, October 31. 10:30 a. 111. --' ---The City Young Women's Christian The Botanical Club, room 13, Bot- The Marinette Assemblies will hold, :\s� elation of Bloomington, the llIi- ally building. at 5 o'clock today. Dr. a CHICAGO PENNANT PARTY.jn()is \\'csleY:1I1" University Associa- Chamberlain will speak. Friday evening, October 23rd; at Cal­I t ir-n, also of Bloomington, and the The Semitic Club, Haskell Assern- umet Hall, 63rd street and JacksonI, Normal School Association at Nor- hly ruom, j:30 p. m. Illustrated lee- avenue, Everyone. attending will bemal. will act as eutertaining associa- ture : "Through the Upper Cataracts presented with a beautiful 36-inch! lions. of the Nile." Professor Breasted. felt Chicago Pennant.I Prominent among the speakers will Senior Colleges-:-Chapcl assembly This is the first of the series dur-UES RATTO THE LEC-IIEVERSUPS.TWSIORUIFASrUS • he Dr. Behan. Dean of Y. 1\1. C. A. at 10:30. ing which a set of seven different" Training School, Chicago, and Dr. Church History Club, Hitchcock cv-llege pennants will be given. DoP I flU· , f CI· library, at 8 o'clock. Topic: "The :1Ot miss these. This set of pennants'j ,tH er 0 t rc ruver srty 0 ncago.GEO.ftOftco.,JIabn I �h' - H I B it t f Disciple»: Their I'Iace in American w il] be a beautiful collection to adorn1Iadcm ....... U.B;&. .:-..:-.. e ell arnes, CI y sccrc ary orI the National Board of v: \V. C. A .• History:' Dr. Gates. .' College Man's Den..... " � cw York City,. will- deliver address- Governor Deneen will speak this Dancing every Friday evening----- I es Thursday and Sunday evenings. afternoon at 4 o'clock in Kent thea- -Adv.THE FALL SEASON Special city conferences will be also .er on the "Issues of the Campaign." --------------HAS OPENED Jed by :::\liss Barnes. Miss Elizabeth \11 welcome.Tbe CALUMET ASSEMBLIES Tonsorial Artist "of R-olds ClubAnnounce informal dances every Sat- -I·'urdc.y and Tuesday evening at Assists Three-Quarters Club to- CAL U MET HAL L Initiate Freshmen.63rd st. and Stony Island Ave.GENTLEMENTHE RECOIIIIU STAlDlRl..... The II ••• IIa_peel OD ne�.loop_ '.CUSHIONBUTTONCLASParc considered very smart.Suits for College wear, $30 to' $35Overcoats $35 to $.toWe make riding breeches.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENA. N. Jerrems_ Mgr.Two stores: 131 La Salle St., and44 JacksOn BoulevardWe Have No Branch Studioclose mecter thatwill try neither tie"thumb nor temper1.1)('.- 2 for 25c.(";n("lI .. r�ho.lr .t Co., Troy. S ... TcrIt----------_.Special reception and bam partyTuesday evening. October 27; Hal­lowe·en party, Saturday evening. Oct.31, Ragan·� Orchestra.Phone Hyde !'»uk 1455.Try :1 clas .. ified ad. in the Daily.It will pay you. guards.Nicholl. the right end, has playeda good game all the season, and moreso in considering the fact that thisj, his first year of football. In yes­terday afternoon's scrimmage. he rant!IC ball back forty yards on a fakeptlllt from hchind his o�n goal posts.Rohinson :It quarter, dircds thc! (';lIn with coolncss ami precision. I ,� __ '_ �-. __ � � __ �� e4� __ � __ �� __ '-�--The entirc Fre�hman team, with,,"ei�h( :111<1 :'\linncsota formations.�i\"Cs the Vasity the bcst of scrim-Ily {'pisode reccntly, and in\"oh·ed Iraining of husin('�s men has bcen �s­tw{'h·c unlucky Freshmcn Three- t;\hli�hed in the Fnh·crsity of \Vash­QU:1rtcrs club pledges ,,·ith him. l\ Ib 11 ' ...I' h I h ..... · I in�1i,n at Seattle. The course willt1 etm posteu m tee u . 'Ilrectcc I .II °fl Q 1 bId t i coy{'r four yt'ars of work. patterneda 1ree- uarters cup e ges 0, 'IJ 1•• d' t 1 lafter the Wharton School of Com-Ircport to u ms Imme la e y upon cn-. h I b b th merce, at (he Uni\"ersity of F\:nnsyl-I,termg t e c n , so one y one eJ 'unfurtun�� but bonMed ycarling� van�. ���----�--��--����----�----�--._�--�----�--���Y. W. C. A. CONVENTION TO THEBE H�LD AT BLOOMINGTON DAILY BULLBTIBone, he began on another, giving eachFreshman an uncalled for and, possi­bly unneeded hair-cut and shave .Twelve of them passed through theCandidate for GovemorshipRepublican Ticket to Talk onCampaign Issues. on ordeal before the upper class mem­bers of the Three-Quarters club de­cided the pledges had had enough.The Freshmen of the first-year so-\ . I D Kent cicty are conspicuous on the campusVit 1 the ,eneen meeting inthis afternoon. the Republican club for their green caps and long stream­ers, and' for the fast cross- countryend their campaigning. The gover-nor, who is a candidate fur re-elec- gait which they keep up from place, tion, '�:i1I speak o'n' �tl�e - ca-mpus this to place. Early next week they wmhe shown a number of original! afternoon at 4 o'clock.Elaborate - plans' for the stunts to do, and for the next tW.1meeting months will cause periodical spasmsof amusement to the student body.this afternoon have been made, and6,000 handbills have been distributed,announcing the meeting; More willhe distributed at Senior Chapel and FRESH¥AN ELEVEN HAS Athe Junior college meetings this WEALTH OF SUBSTITUTESmorning,The governor will Coach DeTray Has Secondary Line­speak on' noup that Gives First ChoicesClose Run.JULIUS MAKES SPORT OFHONOR SOCIETY PLEDGESspecific topic, but, on campaign issuesin general. The national questionswi!) be as fully discussed as the 10- The yearling squad of 35 men hasca l state issues. Deneen and - his developed a capable bunch of substi-party will he met-at their hotel and tutes who arc able to fill the shoes of.!scorted to t!le. campus in automo­biles by the officers of thc Law Re­publican club and the University Re­puhlicnn club.TI1(.' meeting will be presided overby Arnold B.. Hall, president of theUniversity organization. Besides Mr.Deneen, Clifford G. Roe. assistant-Iistrict attorney, will speak. . he regulars in good style. In lastnight'S· scrimmage. Altman and De[loth played the halfback positions inplace of Yeager and Harris. Bothmen weigh nearly ISo and are fast.\Vith Summey at full the combina­tion averaged tile phenomenal figure!')f 179 pounds.Satter, who took Prather's place"The women students of the Uni- at tackle, played a strong game .. vcraity," said Mr. Hall yesterday, Aurand and Rademacher were the"are cordially invited to attend, Sincethey are taking such interest in thecampaign they will certainly be wel­come to attend the one big Republi­can rally that is being held on thecampus.111:l�(' pr:u·ti('e.Jl1liu!'. clear Julius1 at cler gloriousReynolds club, got into another fun-:\ school of commerce for the UNIVEB.8ITY . DARCIRG'SOBOOL PATENTEDBAJO) AlCD.805011DOES ITABSOLUTELY NO BULGEIF U·. a ,_,..,.-MAC-HURDLE"FULL DRESS SmRTu..t.d SI.Irt s Collar (0 .• (Malus) Troy. N.Y.:ANDALL I . iCollege Cafel447 E. 55th. St. I,4 5 8 E. 6 3 r d Str e e tPO?ULAR PRICESMILLINERY Ncar Lexington AvenueEXCLUSIVESTYLES 1.1II POPULARPRICES POPULAR PLACETel. Hyde Park 884 ATPurlty Try us. and if pleasccl. tellI your friends; if not, IDR ,TELL US!,. Excellence I------------------------------�SEE THEM MADE i�.,_.·.Try a classified ad in the Daily.Sm.,11 ads br ing large returns.370 E, 55th Stret. ! . � .. , t , ! I' ,Can. Tell � FraternityBy Ir.s ClothesVVHY?-·BecauseLindsay Brothers' Makes Them.LINDSAY BROTHERS49 AND 51 JACKSON BLVD. CHIC.4G01 ILLOUR PLEDGE TO YOU IS:WE WILL MAKE REAL COLLEGE CLOTHES THAT GUAR­ANTEE SATISFACTION. OR MAKE GOOD OTHERWISE.GIVE US.A CALL. WE ARE NOW EXHIBITING OURLATEST EXCLUSIVE STYLES IN WOOLENS FORUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MEN •Watterson l:J SouthwardRoom,502 :Telephone Central 61gB. TAILORS I153 La Salle S..- i, �lieve in Popular Prices. My$25.00 Business Suits are .po$itivel,$35.00 value. You can save just $10.00Thafs worth while. let me make onefor 'OU and prove it.Wende"Majestic Tbeatn BI4 7S Monroe Street55th AND ELLISMIDNIGHT LUNCHHall "Feeds" Supplied Up to I A. M.UNDER NEW MANAGEMENTBRAIDEN, ex-'IO, U. of C.58th AND ELLISTHE DAILY MAROON, TU£SDA Y, OCOTBER 2'/, 1908.\Vhile most of the Conference col- A larger number of students haveleges remained idle. Saturday. no entered for the Dramatic club trialschange was produced in the race for today than ever before in the historythe Western championship. The day of the Dramatic club, and more en,H Y marked the entrance of Northwestern tries are coming in. The trials willave.. ou into the football arena, after an en- be held this afternoon at 3 o'clockforced idleness of three years. In a in Haskell hall. The followingS b' SCrlibedl")De-Side� contest, the Purple defeat- judgcs have been chosen: :\liss Rey-U I cd BelOit by the sore of 44 to 4. :\1- nolds, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Hinckleythough the game was hardly a fair and Miss Grim. These trials arctest of the Methodist's ability. their only preliminary, however, ami to­opponents being hopelessly weak, it' morrow at 4 o'clock the Dramaticshowed that the Evanston school has club will judge the contestants nota bunch of good material and that the eliminated by today's trials.A BargainOfferfor theDAILYMAROON?-If notWhy don't you?•75 Centsto Jan. 1stI:�:I-i,d,l1',' ,,; ;, I, ,� ;� ! If you :', are asubscriber.to theDAILY MAROONyou knowwhat's doingon thec�mpus.I'.�!1j'1"J' 1,!. :. IF NOTyou're not inthe. game.Subscriptions receivedat the Informition Officeor at the Maroon office infllis Hall. -Comell Hu Hd Tiine to Beat Ver- Record Number Will Give Selectionsmont 9 to o-IDdiaDs aDd pesmsy at PreJimiDal')' Hearing in Has-Play 6 to 6 Tie. keU Hallcoaches have done wonders in work- President Sherer stated yesterday'ing a lot of absolutely green timber that the club is ready t otake ill moreinto a good team in three weeks memhers this year than previously.time. � he number, of course, depending onCaptain August at full and Manley the amount of talent shown. Menat left half. played a good smashing arc especially in demand by the Dra­game for the Purple. Both are good :natic club.men and surprises to the football en-PuRPLE TBAII·PROYBsA B� VB. BELOITrhusiasts. With a little more coach­ing in the fine points of the handlingof the forward pass, Northwesternwill prove a formidable foe to illi­nois and Purdue, their other oppo-nents of the season. I·'The other game of some interest 10 •the \Vest was the Michigan-OhioState at Columbus. Michigan wafgh'en a close can. winning out by :1score . of 10 to 6. As in their victoryover Notre Dame a week before, theday was saved by the brilliant w?rkof Allerdice, who seems to be thewhole Maize and Blue team- In ad­dition to kicking a goal, he made abeautiful Icng run for a' touchdown.His long punts also kept Ohio fromgetting across Michigan's territorymore than once.In the east Cornell was given· ahard tussle.' by Vermont. The Itha­cans were able to run up only ninepoints, playing a ragged game, and12gi�'ing a ra'gged exhibition in all de-partments of the game, Their inter­ference was specially poor, the NewEnglanders on many occasions smashing in and 'breaking up a play beforeit started. Cornell has been in poorform all season" and unless it takesa decided brace will fall an easy preyto Pennsylvania, and to the Maroonswhen they meet on Marshall FieldNovember 14-For the first time in many yeal',Pennsylvania succeeded in holdingthe Carlisle Indians to' a tie. After a'fierce game, which was witnessed by30,t)()() people, the score ended 6-6.Penn made its score in the first half.in which she played brilliantly. Atthe close of the second half the In­dian line-up, with the tenacity thatmarked its wonderful team of lastyear; tore down the field with themost wonderful array of plays thathas ever been seen on a gridiron.The Quakers were helpless under thefierce attack of the Redmen,SELFISHNESS DEFEATS ENDDr. Henderson Declares Pleasure­Seeking Does Not Attain Object."Sclt1!'hness defeats its own end,"was Dr. Henderson's statement inaddressing the Junior men on the un­worthiness of a selfish life."Those who spend their days inthe same round of pleasure-seeking.soon tire and fail to find the enjoy­ment that is the end of their exist­ence. They do not find true happi­ness. The greatest enjoyment comesfrom giving pleasure to others, andall happiness that coming from gJv­ing, charity is the noblest."Is your aame oa the subscription,list 'of ,be Dai& IlUoOa� DON'TRUN DOWN-TOWN LOOKING' FOR LADIES TAILORSAND BE DISAPPOINTED IN FIT AND WORKIIANSHIP.BUT CALL AT •••••TYROS TO TRY OUT FORDRAMATIC CLUB TODAYmow ManyTrips'l� tothe�Laundry?Mark them and see - CorlissCoon Collars outwear others. TIleyare strong, hand made collars.Absolutely. :rou can­Dot aret better apepearance. style. nt.,CODSt.ruCt.iOD .• ear.��'�2I'fA.NICOUNTRY CLUB<'_ .. _ .... -.!'.""If :roar dealer doeII Dot wllllllCb -:r,1J'.� -=f�::e��-:db:.t-:�o�lI� .Corliss, Coon & Co., Chicairo--FOR SALE_· -A";' A BARGAINGOLDEN OAK BOOK CASESVarious SizesGlass doors, velvet-covered shelves.Sold Separately or in LotsAddress, 2g8g Kenmore AvenuePhone 6?1 EdgewaterOUR PALLSTOCKIS RBADY20,000 STYLESWHILETHEY.L�STWm. Jerrems' SonsClark and Adalris StreetsCLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGFOR RENT-Choice sunny rooms, inprivate, family; piano; phone; allhome comforts; breakfasts, if de­sired, or housekeeping. 5829 Jack­sun Avenue, znd floor.FOR RENT-J and 4 room flats,2clfloor; rent reasonable. 5i26 Drexel,WANTED-Roard, by student, rea­sonable (listance of University, withfirst-class Jewish family. AddressB. D., Maroon Office, U. of C. I\I'IIit1 Exterior Bows' Tailor Shop.lOur Shop opens on the sixth ftoor arcade of the Masonic Tem.ple, Swift elevators take you up,This is where your men's good tailoriitg comeS from - w her tthose who are looking for the best at a pr.ce within reason can satisf,their desire. .THE BOWS COMPANY605-6 Masonic Temple.College ChapsWith a hankering for dash and oi;iginality in dress are in­stantly won 'as permanent CUSTOMERS by the clothes weare offering them at $15 to $35- They are clothes of TODAY,in style as alive as an electrically charged wire. and superb1;tailored.�en you're down toWD. come in. A, Clcomf�" chair anda cordial grip-o' ·the-band awaits you with absolutely no obli­gation to buy.EDWARDES CLOTHES SHOP20 East Monroe StreetM. f. fitzgerald .&- Co.MAKERS OF GBNTLBUits GARMBHTS360 East,sstb- Street "' ... ,If you want to see something real swell in the. newestshades anel. weaves for a suit of clc;thesl an OftrCOat or apair of trousers, for Fall and Winter, we' have them toshow against any bouse in the city. Our prices are witbiDthe reach of all.P. D. WelnstelLAnDS' TWB.Phone Hyde Park 1212. ChiFTHE ILLINOI� WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COIIPAMY, Phone Ityde Park 571 Kimbuk Aft. aDdThe Cleaneat and Best Kept Stone­Warehouse in the � •••••F�miture :&lid Piano. MoftCl, Stored, PacWSJI1Ppecl to. aU pans of the worlel. 300 Priftteage Rooms. Large Parlor Esclusi.el, fer .Roo�s for Truru.cs Uld Wheels. Larce . ROOIICarna�s, Ballles and Sleighs. Trunks to(rom all - DepotS. Local Transfers for B.Fumiture, Packages, etc., at shon notice. iSpedaI.ttat:ioa ahea to Um .... unlll&l.�----------�------�----- -Vo-KEVabalCOlhctcal11l:J»l·tlynoisha:\(:'Inin:tilfn�Iinie:isaJKb:stSl:11B. L. AMEs HAT CO.ONE QUARTER cBNTriY AT OLD LOCATION- NOW AT -.90 DST .UIS8" STIIEEr'RIBlJD BUILDIRGSTBTSON SILK AND OPERA HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EACH HATGLOVES :-: :-:FOR RENT-Light, airy back par­lnr; suitable for one or two; rca-'sonahle ratcs, Inquirc ltr� Swen- �����������������������������son,6059 Ellis A\·e. DO B' 'r PAY P U L L PRIemI now have on band, .and �.t half price:Parker Lucky Carve, John HoUad. hal E •. Wi� W.terman IdA. A. W.terman· ... Co�1din Self-fillen. Crocker. Blair. Simp19Autofiller, and . aU, the. other weD-bowa brands ofF 0 U N T A I N 'P ENS Repairinc wbiIe � wait.DA vm 'lIIB PDIIAlI, 118 Clark St., CId�