in­weAY.rblyand�bU-es,Lnly SAVE0.,).ice,tF OnJera. lIatly MarnnnVol. VII. No, 16, CHICAGO. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1908, Price, Two CutsTOANSWEI STREET .EMlOH START DELAYED WORI FOR 'ROOTERS nt, OP� AlB SING UIIVERSITY WOIEI JO'IUPPER GLlSS ELEGTlOIS "C'· Bench the ;:;: �f Firat Boac ABHT FOR EQUAL RIGHTSand Yell Practice' for lliDDesota1'0 Post Names by ,Monday-Date of Game-Arrancements for RootiDcNominations Awaits Council'. Features Explainecl.JIMMIE MEIGS GOIESOUT FOR VARSITY TElM lfr. Wallace Heckman Will EzplainIntended Use of Greenwood Ave­nue Propert7 Before the City Com­mittee, Mias Harriet Grim to Lead,: in Or­canizinc Suffrqe Club NextTuesday.Falk Gets into Lineup in Scrimmagewith Freshmen-Varsity RegUianScore Two Touchdowns. Decision.At the advice of the city council The first cheer and song-fest incommittee on streets and alleys south Officers Must be Chosen in Sixth preparation for the �linnesota game Promise to Make Campus Hum With=-Mr. Wal1ace Heckman, business Week of Quarter-Immediate Ac- was held yesterday at 10:30, Instead Excitement During Co,mingmanager and counsel for the Univer- tion CoDSidered Necessary. of going to Kent. Cheerleader Mac- Two Weeks."sity, will appear before the body in Cracken gathered his band of song-Chicago football stock again took the near future. and make clear the With .the first preliminary step to- ster« together on, the ··C" bencha skyward direction yesterday. when purpose of the University in asking ward upper class elections-posting With the upper classmen orr' theJimmie Meigs, brother of the old star for the right to Greenwood avenue, the names of members of the Junior bench, and the "kriights of the greenguard, donned a football uniform. and between the Midway and Sixty-first and Senior Classes. delayed a week, cap" gathered around it, in a circle.big Louis Falk appeared in the scrim- street. This decision follows the re- activity will begin anew tomorrow t'hc old and new songs of the Varsitymage for the first time. Meizs has cent disinclination of the- committee or Monday. Furthermore, I'f the Sen- "G 'Cl' the announcement that a . movi mentr. ..... were sung with spirrt. arret s" 11- ,not been out for the team because of to allow the request of the University ior council gets around to the, mat- cago," the last year's Blackfriar pro- for women suffrage will be, �brun inparental objections, but he thinks he in view of strong objections raised by ter in time, arrangements for nomi- duction, and the familiar "Fight for the University. The 1I11}';�tilcnt willhas his difficulties arranged. property owners in the neighbor- nations during the latter part of next Old Maroon" song were each given take the shape of, an "':lj Ita 1 , suffrageWith the addition of Meigs and hood, week will be made by that body. a trial. A new one called "Heroes of club, to' be orKinii:ecY next Tuesday,Falk to the squad, the strength of the The ordinance for the vacation of These nominations will be posted the Day," by Gordon Erickson, made after the address l>{ Dr, Anna Shawline, which has been called so light property on Greenwood avenue that soon after being made. and the elec- a bii: hit, in Kent theater, -:', ,':<:_ ..and weak this year, will take on a the University brought before the tions will be held during the sixth After the singing, "Bill" MacCrack- Miss Harriett', Griin 'will havedecidedly improved look. city council, met with warm opposi- week, which begins on Monday, No- cn led a little yell practice and then charge of the �nization of theThe Varsity scored two touch- tion in ,the meeting of the committee vember 9. addressed the men ,urging them to club, In a few :"eeks, two EnglishI 't th F h on st ts h Id W d d ft ..I d h f suffragistr from '\,' \xiord coll .. ge will(owns agams e res men yester- :s ree , e e nes ay a ernoon. As already announce , t e names 0 do everything in their power, indi- ._, ...I'· "h h About fo t r t ti f th F h d S h 'II arrive to aid- in t"e' w" ork. A whirl-nay III scnmmage practice Wit t e r Y epresen a ives 0 e res men an op omores WI not: vidually and collectively to improve r' nfirst year men, who again used the Woodlawn Property Owners Associa- be published. owing to the pressure the rooting for the ,\linnesota game. wind campaign will be conducted inMinaesota taught them ion, with Lessing Rosenthal, R. Pal- of work upon the clerks and the dif- He explained the "C" idea to be car- true English ia�.hi()ll. and the cam-b C a h D T Iddi mer C Novak, F D had 'I fi I f ki di , pus is likely to ,�e tl11� scene of COll-y 0 c e ray, mgs got ,,, ,yc e n l'. cu ty 0 ma 109 an accurate istmc- ried out at the game. The schemethrough the year lings for both Chase at their head, were present at tion between Freshmen and Sopho- will resemble that of the Carlisle siderable exci �lllcClt, when thet th Ott d I' d a roused residents o f the dormitoriescoun s. e comrm ee room an exp arne to mores, there being many cases where game, althongh more daborate. In- ..-The Varsity made their first touch- the aldermen what they understood the amount of college credit is unde- stead of hoods, flags witl he used, at the east end c/ tli'c quadrangle willdown on straight football, and the to be the Universjty's intent, cided, One side of these flags win be Ma- .. tart their, fight .����!. 'the tyranniessecond \\'3S .due to a shost forward Th,�Y .also. presented a Protest By common acceptance, f.�shmcn roon, the other wliite. At: a given ,).r .. �c:, stron�et"_ ,!.��" .Th d f -f h V ' a ...... inst this acati f th t t "Wre are goi.'g to,'; fall in line forpass, e e ense 0 t e arsity b" V Ion 0 . e s ree, are those who have been in residence signal the band will play, the newth d·d 'I.'" C consisting of th f the rights of our sex," said Misswas ra er ragge ,sal lUre .. itagg, I ree pages 0 names Icss than three Quarters, Sophomores song, "Wa\"c the Flag for Old Chi-but the new lineup showed promise of the property owners in' that vi- those who have attended for a lon- cago,' and the section will arise an<l Grim to a Daily Maroon reporterf ,', t d I . h cinitv yesterday, "and we are going to worko rmprovmg a grea ea Wit prac- .,' ger period and not more than six sing. A large .'(j' will be formedti Th h b .harrl to further the cause of equalIce, e report as een current that quarters, first of Maroon, with a white back-The lineup was as follows: .Briggs the University authorities intend to According to the election od ground, and then when' the chorus is suffrage.d S h d F lk d K I b ild I ' co e The presence of the suffrage work-an c ommer, en s; a an e - UJ a arge athletic field on this :adopted last year by all classes,Fresh- being m!Dg the second time, thoseley, tackles', Hir:::chl dEli' tt l 1.' 't' ltd b 'I ' f ers from England will help us toan 10 , spo, � 15 POSI Ive y sate y�, r, men haOle less than 7 majors, $opho- who have displayed the white side 0guards; Grills, center', Page, quarter', Heckman, the Unl'versl'ty counsel, b 'II h M conduct our fight in the best manner,mores not less than 7. nor more than their anner WI turn t e aroonR d Idd' hId h M h II Fi Id 'I b We hope to enroll every woman stu-ogers an lOgS, a v�s. an t at ars a Ie. wtl e the only 1- J '0 s t I th IS or mor" side, and those who first displayed:;" una r no ess an n ... dent of the University before the end\Vorthwine, full, Schott and Ehr- place retained for athletic contests. 6 I 'I 'II t th hOt Thusthan 24. Seniors, from .24 to 3 ' tIe .;., aroon: WI urn e w I e. -Regarding the additional rumor that the "C" will be changed to white with of the year,Tl h d f " 'II b "Yes, '-'ou men can sneer and laughthe Greenwood property is intended Ie met 0 0 nommation WI e Maroon back-ground, �b ' . A d b at us a'i you please:' she added em-for the Harper Memorial building, he y petttlon, ny stu ent may e Arrangements have been made withd f ffi' h' I phatically, as the trace of a skepticalstated that' the ground for the build- propose or any 0 ce 10 IS C ass Kern & Co. to procure these flagst' "b h . , h ' , . f fi �mile played on the tips of the re-more op ImlstlC a out t c team WIt ;ng has already been chosen" being upon wntt�n petition 0 ve mem- for the nominal price of about tentl f h d b 'h IN' porter, "but we will show you thatIe appearance 0 t e new men, an located north of the Mid"'ay, be- ers ot t e same c ass, omma- or fifteen cents, The athletic depart-, 'F ' f S' d J' b we J'lIst as important as you hor-IS pretty sure to use alk in the tween th� Haskell and Law buildings. tlOns or enaors an umors may c ment has agreed to reserve 720 seatsGopher game. The husky veteran is left with the dean of the Senior col- for the rooters' section and the new rid men, And we're just as good atI b k h' I PRE LEGALS Na_D D ! h f I I b "-( the political game as any of you:'a mo�t ac, to IS norma weight, - � ATE eges, t ose or ower c ass men e- system. These seats for the stll'(:entsand is improving, FOR POLITICAL DEBATE ing �ade 'n the Junior dean's offi("�. are now on sale but will not h�'he1d"Falk is a heady player and knows One week from next Monday the after next \Vednesday or Thu�Gay. THREE-QUARTERS CLUBI II "'d .. f h ' d b PICKS FRESHMAN PLEDG, ESt Ie game we, sal the' Old Man," The Pre-Iegel club has been suc- names 0 t e nommees are ue to e This means that those who wish to"He has judgment and knows how to cessful in its e�deavors to secure ora- posted, and the election to take place be in this rooters' section must at-h' If' ,First Year Honor Society ,Puts Rib-use Imse In a game," to, ,rs f,rom the five political parties, on the Thursday and Friday of the tend at once to buying their tickets., k ' ffi bons on Thirty-one Today.Dr,. Williams of Minnesota is giv- and �as arranged next Thursday as SIxth wee. ID t�e d(ans' 0 ces, According to the athletic depart-ing his charges a steady 'grind of the time and Kent theater as the Some time before electioin week me�t, over 1,100 stude'!ts tickets werework and will give Chicago plenty place for' a big joint debate between twelve or more tellers will be chosen sold to the Champaign rooters forto do a week from Saturday, Mr, these representives who will spread equally from the fO\lr classes by the last Saturday·s game, while Chicago'sStagg declared the Minnesota eleven themselves on the glories of their re- Senior and Junior councils,each coun- student tickets numbered less thanbetter as a team than it w�s last spective parties. c:il appointing six for the elections of500. Thus I tJinois outnumbered Chi­year and said that any unlooked-for A cammittee, from the club called the cla�!'es it represents. cago more' than two to one, "This:'at the national committee head- Meanwhile the Sophomores will said MacCracken, "shows a necessityquarters and �'as promised opponents hold a meeting during the first days fo� more interest in procuring seatsof ne:'ltt week. while Harold B, Smith, in the rooters· section for the �tin-Maroon Line Will be GreatlyStrengthened -Gophers in SecretPractice Working Hard.With the return of ,Miss. Brecken-ridge and Miss Harriet Grim fromBuffalo, where they made addressesbefore the National Equal Suifrag"jhorn were on the field, but did notget into much of the practice, andwere not used in scrimmage,Director Stagg seems to be a littleThe Thr\.'e-Quarters clu� elected itsFreshman pledges' yesterday after­noon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. whichiormerly was not repre�ented in theFreshman society, was granted' onemember, The pledge rihbons will ap­pear today at 10:30, and early nextweek the usual line of Three-Quarter(Continued on Da� 4)duh !'-tunts will be pulled off,pr('sident of last year's Freshmen. ne�ota Rdme, Tht' thirty-one pledged men are�s consulting with Dean Lovett as to Another cheer-fest ,,-ill ·be hl'!" 'rt: "; p. Dymond, Symond. Shaw,matters to be considered at a Fresh- next week t)n \\rednt'sdav, Thlirsda� J '.; - Krell, Joyce, �tunger, enmson,man meeting �'eeks after that, night, in Mandel hall, the big mass Chri .. ty Carney, Donahue, \Vilkins,meeting is scheduled. On Friday af- Renton. \VhccJer, Baird. Tcnny, Eth-Taboo Yale Song ternoon Mr. Stagg has promi!Oerl an ('rifl�e. �Icl.attghlin. Harris. Timmer-TI U' , f C l'f 'I open practice of the team. Frida'y , t RelIt' 11 t'r" r, S .. tt"r Ctlshl'nCY',IC nwerstty 0 a 1 orOla las mels er, ,....... ... , ,..decided to abolish the ram�)Us "Boo- night the Gopher team ".i11 bc wcl- Linfl�ay. (lauman, P.ocher, Dodsonla" song that has been lIsed for so comed at a ··Purity'· banquet. Daly, \Y�rriner, Kixmill�r.many years by that college, This ac-BUY YOUR FOOTBALL TICKETSTODAY!BARTLETT GYMNASIUII! 9'12 A ..... 2-4 P. II.AND GET IN ON THEName OmittedThe name of Raymond Daly wa�('mitted from the list of men pledgedto Beta Th�t Pi fraternity. publishMin yesterday's Maroon.•,MAIlOOlf AND WHIH"O" tion was taken upon the grot1nds that nr. \\'illiam F. King, presidt'nt ofthe song was essentially a Yale pro- Cornell unh·ersity. ha� resigned. Theduction, and that it should not be b(lard of tritst�s have appointedsnng by California as a selection from Vice-president James E. Harlan to fillthe Yale repertoire .,f songs, I the p�sition,11.f',. ..THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDA Y, OCTOBER 23, IgoS.DAILYcarrying power of any used on the Committee Appointed at Meeting.... eaalr.'1at1m. 111&7 be left at J:lUa Ball plains. G. C. Notley is author of the Yesterday to Confer with Fac-_ � ,� � &0 the DaiI1 yell. ulty Concerning Constitution.IIanca. N. C. Lander believes that the root­ing should be conducted "interna­There should be one great over- tionally," and submits the following:whelming stampede for the ticket of-At Wisconsin only "W" men arcamount of enthusiasm at mass meet- allowed to wear the Varsity but­ings can make up for neglect to be ton.present ill the rooters' section a weekfrom tomorrow.. Seven hundred \Vanted-Every student in therooters is a small enough number to University who is not a subscriber torepresent Chicago. Chicago rooters iubscribe at once.should set to work to prove that theestimate is too small, hut they willhave to hurry.Ti;e 08Ida1 8t.a4eDt PubUcaUoD 01 theVaben1t7 01 Cl�bt.eNcl u 8ecoDd-dua IIdl at the Cblc:a&Q� Cluc:aao. llllDola. Uarch 18. lD03.UDder .A.ct 01 Kudl B. 1m.Pullbabed 4al11. euept Bunda, ... Monda,.. andIIIDlWiI.Ja. durlrc thrw Quarter. of the Uuben1t)',....1'onDer11The U • .lbcnlQ 01 Chic:a&Q Weekb.l'ounde4'!'be WeMl7. October 1. 1882..The Dail1. October 1. 1SM12.� price. $3.00 per )"eGl': $1.00 f�u.n...u.. Bw.criptlooa reoeiYed at. t.heIIaroaD omee. J:llla B&ll. or at. Ule Fa.cull1 Ex·...... 0IDIIb lIall.PB.ESTO� lI'. GABS. :!4&Dadnc Edior.IUCl. VIN J. ADAl4B. Newa EdItor..A. 10. I'BlDBTElN. A.thletic Editor.OSWALD 1'. NELSON. Buslneu !\I�..Aa8OOIATJ: EDITORa"" Mt.a Kamle LlllJ'.� .A. G. WhItfield.......... �. S,ueJ' SaUteJ'!V .. .A. We&Ter. Jerome N .. F'runkRoberts B. OwenHargrave LongA.. N. pt�.JrerART EDITORBoJ' Daldrl�e.. a. Ba� MIa Ernestine EvaD8lIonia B. BriaLMkIdal �·Btlon 8 P. m.. J:1Ua Ball.�. � B3de Put: 42Il. After 8........... � .7� JC. GGth Btzeet.. N·.... B1dt Putt IGL1IaIIr.... CI�ON 8 p. DL. J:Wa Hall.a.lwalV. ....... Ibde rut US.fice in Bartlett gym to­day. The office is openfrom 10:00 to 12:00 thismorning, and from 2:00to 4:00 this afternoon.The students who enthusiastically at­tend, mass meetings and fondly im­agine that they are rooters stanchand true should awaken to the factthat the one basic and all importantessential to their rooting is possess­sion of a ticket to the rooters' sectionior the Minnesota game.The RooterWi�uta TicketHow many of those who attended lows:yesterday's football rally had madecertain of their attendance at thegame by buying their tickets? Theymust have been precious few, for atthe close of the sale yesterday, thegrand total of seats sold to studentswas in the neighborhood of fifteen.This, when the success of the rootingplans for the game depends on seil­ing 725 tickets.The plans for rallies.sings and massmeetings that are going to enliventhe next six days, sound very attrac­tive: but the real gauge for meas­uring the degree of sincere loyaltyrepresented by the noise will be thenumber of student tickets sold. NoNotice to Deb&te CandidatesCandidates for the Varsity debatingteams will leave their names at theFaculty Exchange, care of CoachChandler, before next Wednesday.Mr. Chandler will be at his home forconsultation every evening exceptMonday, until October 29, the dateJet for the first trials. ISUBMIT WEIRD SET OF mLS DB BULJ.BTIB \I1III•lluonic .': Club .meets this eveningat 7:30 in Cobb 8B. Important.Brownson Club will meet at 4:30 inHaskell hall, for purposes of elec-Inspired Competitors Seek Cowboy,Telephone and German Jugunsfor Ideas in Efforts to Win Con­test. tion.held.The C:!lUpUS band of yell-artistskeep busy these days, and many val­uable contributions are being turned111 daily.The fact that inspiration for geniusmay be found in many strange placeswas illustrated by a communicationsent to the Maroon yesterday. con­taining a football yell suggested byhearing a s tuttcr ing man say helloover the telephone. Here it is: University Public Lecture: ··TheEpoch of Mercantilism.'� ProfessorDaeuell, Cobb Lecture room. today.12:00-1:00 P. m.German Club in Lexington halltoday at 4 p.m. Lecture by Dr.l\I eyer.Classes in conversation.Stump Club this evening at i :30 inCobb 6A.605-6 Masonic Temple.Cutting Room, Bows' Tailor ShopANNOUNCEMENTSIIel-hcl-hel-Hello!We are Chi-ca-go!Hello, hello. hello!Chica-g ... Chica-go, Chica-go! University of Chicago Dames, Sat­urday at 3 p. m. in room 15. Lexing­ton hall.Fellows will send their fellowshipreport blanks to D. A. Robertson,secretary to the President.Contributions to the Cap andGown, both literary and art, areearnestly solicited by the editors.Leave at Faculty Exchange.Football Game-Chicago-l\ijnnesotaOctober 31, 2 P. m., at MarshallField. Student tickets on sale atBartlett gymnasium from 10 to 12 a.r:n. and from 2 to 4 p. m. on weekdays; from 9 to 12 a. m, Saturdays.College of Philosophy (women)­The Deans' Reception has been post­poned from Oct. arst to Oct. 28th. Our desi&ners and cutters are trained artists and mastermen-entbusiastic specialists in young men's attire-in making gamodeled on sturdy athletic lines. If you haven't seenimported Woolens, come in now and look them over •prices always..This profane ebulirion was perpe­trated by A. G. Guthbert, who signshis name fearlessly, with no thoughtof the wrath of the sensitive censors.Another writer, who evidently hailsfrom the western plains, insists thatthe cheerleader acquaint himself withthe life and habits of a black-snakewhip, and explains that the yell beaccompanied with a "high-ooOO,"with a rising inflection, as follows: THE BOWS COMPANYDon't Get the BluesBuy a GreenARTHURS$200Rah, rah, rah, rah! (slowly)Hcigh-ooOO Maroon!Heigh QOOO Maroon!Go-Chicago, Go-Chicago!Heigh . 0-0�00! SoftGreen ImportedSilk Hoedro ENLARGE JURISDICTIONOF JUNlOR COUNCIL HATSTHEY ARE READY FOR YOUArthur Feilchenfeld81-83· E. Van Buren St. and 183 Dearbom StThis Heigh 0000 has the bestThe Junior College Council has setactively to work already to accom­plish several definite reforms in themanagement of Junior College af­fairs.President Earl A. Goodenow yes­terday appointed a committee to con­ter with the faculty, especially withIt is expected that this yell will Dean Lovett, and ascertain the exactmeet 'wjth great favor with all of the scope of the council's power. so as todraw up a new constitution by whichthe council may be run permanentlyon a sound basis. This committeewas composed of Robert O. Owen,and Misses Ethel Kawin and l-Iaryas fol- Phister, Puril7 HR· ·,ExceUenceCHEER'UPWHEN YOU'RE TIRED AND THIRSTYREFRESH YOURSELF WITHHR Hot DrinksAn.e1WaaglIce CreamSERVED IN OUR EXCLUSIVE WAY AT370 E. G5th Street Tel. Hyde\Vie? was? warum? wo?Ueber alles, Chi-ca-go!Wie? was? vol varum?Ueber alles, Ia, Maroon!students of teutonic origin, and it ishoped by the author that no raceprejudice on the part of the cheer­leaders will affect their judgment inconsidering this masterpiece.Other yells were submittedThe council this Quarter will en­deavor to regulate the conduct of theJunior college dances and debates; inshort., to establish a general super­vision over all the outside activitiesof the different colleges.··We want to make this Quarter'scouncil an active agent in the af­fairs of the .Junior colleges," saidPresident Goodenow yesterday, "Webelieve that we can accomplish:lconsiderable amount of good in thisdirection, and intend to start thingsgoir.g this fall with a rush that willkeep them going throughout theyear."Chica-go! Chica-go! Chicago-go!(Siren)Go it. Chicago!Hold 'em, Chicago!Touchdown, Chicago! SPECIAL PRICES TO FRATERNITIESAND SORORITIESI �e a specialty of all designs of Sorority and• l"ratemity Pins, Rings and Fobs.Designs sublDitted free of charge and sample pins furnishedsponsible parties. 'I also do aU kinds of Watch and Jewelry Repairinga� lIanufacturing at the cheapest lJOaible prices. I 'am the madesaper of the· 1907-lgol Daily' lIaroon Fobs.(Siren) Chicago!(Siren) Chicago!Rah-rah-rah!Ss!'-Sss-Sss!Boom! boom � boom!Ghic:lgo! Chicago! yca!,. Hotel Maroon51th aDd Drexel AveUlfDEIt IfEW JlAllfAGUlEtrrRESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOMFirs. Cia .. �eal.Prompt ServiceTIle hst of ere"",'", .ned., rusona'Jle prices•• sIc ewrr nal". In 41 • .,-6."The Ratio .... Hotel Co. J. w. Want Mer.The last is by Lewis Smith. I.2.I:i: of ba'riD& cood c:Jothes if:JOll doD't .._ diem� A�SUil deserves il and a poorWe press aD kind. at replar prices WorkTID: 0RAr1'8IIAIf SHOP430 55th StreetYon may seeFOWNESGLOVESon the man who doesn'tknow what'. wbat­you're sure to see themon the man who does know.tJNIVERSITY ·DAlfCIlfGSCHOOLA select dancing school for Univer- .silY men and women has been opened ;in ROSALIE HALL, 276 E, 57th St.Lessons Thursday afternoon, 2 :30to... Informal dancing 4 to 50 Les­sons 25 cents each.University students invited. For in­(ormation, caU 6503 Kim�rk avenue.&r.t apartmeIlt. RABDALL MILLINBRY.. 5 a&'6 3 r d Str e e tEXCLUSIVE 1.1 POPULARSTYLES II PRICESTel. IIJde Pam II"�rtedlinedicery[yde ParkonROOMIe pricesr....... THE DAILY M'AROON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1908 .STERN OUT OF TOURNEYAFTER EXCITING MATCHes in the second round of the tourna-suppose I ought to say a word In dealing with these offenses, we ment yesterday. McClintock won hisabout college temptations, though hold 110 legal trial; we offer no for- postponed match from Stern by the.he man who enters heartily into his 11131 proof of specific acts; we do not SCOfl��' of 6-3, 4-6, 6-3. The set wasstudies and these college activities, always succeed _in convincing either a close one, and i twas nip and tuck�\'ill not be much troubled by thern. students or parents of the justice of for everyone of the points. SternThat is the case with nine-tenths of our action. In a little community was a hit off color, and, though Mc­the men who come here. But in like this, where everybody is intense- Clint: ck did not play' his usual game,every class there is a weaker 5 or 10 Iy interested in everybody else, we he was much more steady than Stern.per cent, and I suppose this class of know with absolute certainty; and, The match between Christy and912 is no exception. 1 suppose there while we cannot always make public black was forfeited to - Black because.• re half a dozen of you who are al- the nature and source of our knowl- of Christy's failure to appear at the t;e:1(ly addicted to vicious practices, edge, we act upon that knowledge. courts at the appointed time. This ,.nd half a dozen more weak fellows, If this seems arbitrary. if anyone of put Black in the second round ".dJO are only waiting for some one to you does not wish to take his chance agaill:'t Ettelson, who won easily byto ._ .eM �show them the ways before they fall of summary dismissal, without for- the score of 6-2, 6-0. The hold-overinto them. I do not know yet who mal proof of specific charges, on any match between Smith and Full wasyou are ; but within three months of these grounds, he would do well to won hy Smith hy the score of 6-3.everybody here will know. Then we withdraw voluntarily at the outset. 6-.'\. Smith seemed to have his oppo­shall first do 'our best to change your This is our way of dealing with these ncnt well in hand and should forceplans; and if that fails, we shall matters. and yon have fair warning Sabath t o his limit when they meetpromptly ask you to withdraw. You in advance. tf t);IY.all know what these temptations are: Such is college work; college life:they are the temptations of youth college temptation. A million dol­everywhere-csmoking, drinking,gamb- lars in buildings and equipment; an­ling and licentiousness. other million of endowment; the ser­To begin with the least serious. vices of a score of trained. devotedThere is. nothing intrinsically evil in teachers;' the fellowship of hundredsNote-We have about 125 Mossier the inhalation and exhalation of of alumni, fellow-students and young­Protector Coats we are offering at smoke, Amonz mature men, some er brothers who will follow in 1he$25 this week. are seriously injured by it; some ap- years to come; the name and fameOthers $35 up to $60- parently suffer little harm. Almost the traditions and influence of thisSuit&--$2o to Sso. all youth of your age are seriously ancient seat of learning: the rich an<lOvercoats-$20 to $65. injured by it. varied physical, intellectual and so-cial life among yourselves: all art'freely yours on the single conditiorthat you use them for your own goodand to the harm of no one else.I MOSSI"ER COMPANYClotbes for Men--an4 yoaq Mea.' SO Jackson Blvd.Mark them and see - CorlissCoon Collars outwearotbers. Theyare strong. hand made collars.. THE 'WEAKER 5 PER CENTFast play marked the tennis match-All ADDRESS TO �RESRIIENBy President William Dewitt Hyde of Bowdoin CoUece.. The�Mossler Idea"What Is It?Many men know and wearCrt:()l.Qr.J 0ltntJ�-COtJr- . "MossierClothes."No gruntsor scowlswhen youmentionclothesthem.They triedtailors until they're tailortired and now they wear thatsatisfied look when it. comesto the clothes question.A smart saving of manydollars on the tailor's priceis another item theLaundry?Look into it?A bsolutel,.. :Joa caD­bOt. Itet. .po�rance. st.rle. fit..CODS�Ca.lOb. wear.Every kind--every size-'every model In the first place. it weakens. your\ heart and makes ybur nerves un­steady. In the second place, it de- �6/tHYw,�Z�YARSITY. 2�-1 ••SENIOIt" . 2*-ia.� .:::!�e:.=:�r!!::'Jf=��.1aO II8lJa th_ plaia'" beUer eolIan. \.Corliss, Coon & Co., Chica�oFriday evening, October 23rd, at Cal­Charles S. Deneen, candidate for umet Hall, 63rd street and Jacksongovernor of this state, and present avenue. Everyone attending will beincumbent, will address the student� presented with a beautiful 36-inchFor the man whQ has attained hie;under the auspices -of the Republican felt Chicago Pennant.moral growth (if such there are) itclub of the University next Tuesday I' This �s the first of the series dur-afternoon in Kent at 4 o'clock, on mg which a set of seven differentcampaign issues. Governor Deneen college pennants will be given. Dowill make a special trip from the not miss these. This set of pennantsstate capitol at Springfield in order will be a beautiful collection to adornto speak to the University commun- a College Man's Den.ity on that date. He is the first Dancing every Friday evening.speaker that the Republican campus -Adv.leaders have been able to secure to --------- --------smoking directly a subject of discip- ---FO» SAT 'D�speak here, but it is probable that A A.I.I.&:Iline, it is no mere coincidence that several more will speak before elec­nineteen out of every twenty studentslion day arrives. Notable amongwhom we send away for either lowothers are Senator La Follette of GOLDEN 0 K BOOK CASESscholarship or bad conduct are in-' . 12 AWisconsin. The Republican dub.veterate smokers. If you train for an Ihowever, has not been inactive anrathletic team, you have to stop smok­two hundred. and fifty strong' at-tended in a body the Beveridge mect-,ing Wednesday night.The club also has superintendedDrinking, . however excusable a the distribution of three th,>usandconsolation for hard-worked men of copies, of the "National College Remeager mental and social resources. publican" to the dormitories and the The CALUMET ASSBJIBLIBSis inexcusable in young men with fraternity houses" and will continuesuch a wealth of ph) .. ical, intellectual to hand out Republican literature a!'and social stimulus about them as -ftcn as it is supplied by the Na­college life affords. All the Iratcrni- tional committee 011 publicity.ties, of their own accord. exclude it Arnold B. Hall, president of thefrom their chapter houses. Any stu- local club, stated Iast night that thedent who injures himself cr others canvass of c::udent Republican voter!'by this abuse is liable to be request- is nearly complete and that the num­ed to leave college in consequence. hers are far greater than the mostGambling is so utterly inconsistent optim'stic could expect.with the purpose for Which YQU come'stroys your power of mental concen­II' tration and makes you scatter-bra. in­ed. These evils are generally rec­ognized. The most serious conse­quence is not so well understood.The habitual smoker tends to becomeco.MOSSLERDENEEN TO SPEAK TUESDAYso Jackson Blvd.Clever' ClothesGovernor of Dlinois will AddressUniversity ,Students on CampaignIssues-La Follett.e· a ProbableSpeaker.OUR PALLSTOCX::IS"PADY' The Marinette Assemblies will hold., CHICAGO PENNANT PARTY.content with himself as he is; be.ceases to wrestle earnestly withmoral and spiritual problems; fallsout of the struggle to be continually! rising to heights hitherto unattained.- 20,000 STYLESWHILETHEYLAST is not so serious, but for the youth ofeighteen or twenty, it means arrestedspiritual development and an easy-goingcompromise instead of the moreI strenuous ideals. As you go up in acollege class, the proportion of smok­ers falls; as, you go down it risesWhile the college does not make:\ ..W�·Jerrems' SonsClark and Adams Streets-Special reception and bam partyTuHday evening. October 27; HaI­lowe'en party, Saturday evening, Oct.31. Ragan's Orchestra.Phone Hyde Park 1455.AT A BARGAIN. . itni�er�ftpl&botograpb �bop.The Best =�ENLARGINGEastman Kodaks and Supplies327 E. 57th Street Various Sizesing while training;if you are in themost earnest training for life. youwill leave it off altogether. Glass doors, velvet-covered shelves. Mandolin "Virtuoso, late of "RussianSold Separately or in Lots· Court Orchestra," N.Y. 308 East 60thAddress, 2g8g Kenmore Avenue Street. Phone Hyde Park 1960.Phone 671 Edgewaterhere, and, when once started, spreads Is your name on the subscription 1-----------------------­so insidiously, that we always re- list of the Daily Maroon?move a student from college as soon 55th AND ELLIS:as we discover that he is addicted tothe practice. For Rent-s-Light, airy, back parlor; MIDNIGHT LUNCHsuitable for one. two; reasonab1erates. Inquire �, Swenson, 6059Ellis Ave. \:_ "Feeds" Supplied Up to 1 A. M.UNDER NEW MANAGEMENTBRAIDEN, ex-'lO, U. of C.58th AND ELLISAnnounce informal dances every Sat­urday and Tuesd:ly evening at- CALUMET HALL-GENTLEMEN.. DlUlfIIl11PIUTIIUI_.!I. a.fMWUllR...-u,BOSTONGARTER 6300 St. and Stony Island Ave.m II-=-- 1TU1III1t\.�::�CUSHIOII• BUnOILCLASPuti FUTTlTllllIl-1IM1su ... tua __ Alrul......... ,IIIl � ...JIIdk._� .......- ................ ,w. I. A. Hall'.ic,'ntiotlsness invoh'es such ahardening of the heart of the offend­er. such an anti-social attitude towardits "ictims and brings snch scandalon the institution, that "notoriousand evil livers" in this respect· arequietly, but firmly,remo'\-ed at the endof an early year or term. Be a loyal student and send in your Isubscription to The Daily Maroon. 'IDo it Dowl__ �.L.I'S EIS'�_ .. I,College CafelU/ E. 55th. St. INear Lexin&ion ... Avenue •POPULAB. PLACEATPOPULAR PRICESTry us. and if pleased. tellyour friends; if not,TELL US!THE FALL SEASONBAS OPENEDThe new autumn and winter fab­rics show many striped effects. butthe colorings are not pronounced,The fabrics have a rough twilledsurface-c-woven closely enough' togive service.) Olives and the various shades o�: .....brown are in strong. favor. . r' ...... , _"Grey stripes and the greys' s���.·�into the stone and slate colorir."s ace -,';.decidedly correct.. IJ n overcoat fabrics the. rough bas­ket weaves ��d }v�.\,;i.o;oITlDone· stripesare consider.« .v ery smart.Suits for �ilege wear, �30 to $3'Ov"-;ra!.atS: $35 to 140_f 'We �:. ridiJ:lg breeches.TAILOR POR YOUNG liENA. N_ Jerrems, Mgr.Two stora: 131 La Salle &., and44 Jac:boa Boulevarde�SHIRTSOn and off like a·coat.·In fast colors and ex­elusive-styles, $1.50 up.CLUETT. PEABODY & CO .• Kalter.MANDOLIN AND· GUl'fARINSTRUCTIONAlso instrumentations for Mandolinand Guitar Orchestras. Ada RogersFaciliti� forPhotography_Phone Central 60g inTry a clasvificd ad. in the Daily.It will (lay you.THE DAlLY MAROON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1908.CHICAGO ALUMNI PLANSMOKER FOR NOVEMBER 6IIn Club to be Present at Cornell purityBanquet Before Meeting inReynolds Club. CALLS BASKETBALL MEETING JIMIlIE MEIGS COIIES I.. OUT FOR VARSITY TEAMI(Continued from page I)They will have an even stronger ag-The Chicago Alumni club, at. its The annual meeting of the West- gregation than was used against Ne-last mceting and dinner at the Umon ern Intercollegiate Conference Bas- braska last week. when the Corn­Hotel, on September 29, pl .. nned_ t� ketball Association committee has huskers. who were doped to win.. have a big rally and reunion on �n- been called by Dr. Joseph E. Ray- barely g"ut away with a tie game, evening, Nevember 6th, the night croft, president, to be held in the Witliams, like Director Stagg. isbefore the Cornell game. Sea t� arc Victoria Hotel on Friday, October holding his sessions behind closedbeing reserved for member's ot the30. At this meeting representatives of gates, and is expecting to work out.. club at the "Purity" BanqUet"llAft�r all the Conference colleges will be the raw places displayed at the Corn-� the banquet, the members WI a -present, and Xebraska, and possibly husker contest before the arrives on� journ to the Reynolds club, where a Missour], will send delegates. Marshall Field.smoker has been arranged for them., Many of the prominent alumni of the� city have promised to attend andl join in the discussions and other Iea-l tures of the smoker program..t 'tile program is in charge of Prest-'i' dent James Weber Linn, '97, Vicc- officials who will be in charge of theh President Hugo Friend, '05. and Sec- �ames. will also be present at theI '.;!0 meeting for the purpose of familiar-'? retary and Treasurer George wen� . Fairweather, '07. The office of the izing themselves with the new rulesl:" 'H and their interpretation. Doctor Ray-, �; secretary is in Ellis hall. e may. (jif , also be reached through Box 9, Fac-f ulty Exchange, to receive applica-i hI __ -v-, -: � tions for reservation of scats at thei �r ,\ \. dinner., :t f The efforts of the club are centeredI J. \ in interesting the younger graduatesJ. \ -·_;n-.i$s 9peratioats. This is evident.• from -·the- fac): that two com1?�ratively· recent alurnnj are on the staff of offi-·r- .cers. For many years the graduates· from '95 to '00 have been in control· of the organization; not� however, served recognition of the Conference..� . from any desire to exclude others, but IS a major sport. Last winter thej .from a lack of interest on the part game with Pennsylvania drew a larg-� of t:,e younger alumni. This has now er crowd in Bartlett than "Was everIf.- been changed and a successful effort there for any athletic meet. The�} .is being made to gather together a� meeting next week will undoubtedly�' this forthcoming meeting the alu�m consider many things to continue the; ;l'. . of �1l years. and the largest meetmg ascendent growth of basketball."i. , ever held is almost assured.. .'. The club is a little. more generousl' .t'ran the general associ:tion, in thatT"D"D TT'U'TOV HOTEL'it admits to membership and full .Q.ZI U.I.-..a. .1.-'participation in all its functions and AND RESTAUBAlITI plans former men students of the III-II, Randolph StreetUniversity l.iving in the .city or su-burhs who have spent at least THE POPULAR PLACEone year in residence. Within this TO EAT1 group have been found many o! the Either before or after the1 most interested and loyal Chicago 1 Theater..supporters. The secretary of the\ I We make a Specialty of Club:club is anxious to receiv� the nam�s and Fraternity Dinners..J of Chicago men who are interested m, "f1 joining the orgal,ization, and who. . wish to receive its announcements.1�j, jjr I .,� . ';1, �-:, �f�.l f ��: J�i i!f II I, Ioj II:: iIiI;Lr ,Ili Dr. Ray�iurl, President. Names Oct.30 as Date for Conclave of Con­ference Representatives to Con­sider Rules and Schedule for 1909.The purpose of the meeting is toconsider the changes in the rules forthis year, and to make out theschedules for the basketball gamesfor the season of 1909. Many of thecroft says that many other matters ofimportance as to the conduct of thegame will be discussed, and allquestions pertaining to the claims ofthe colleges will be considered."Owing to the work of the basket­ball association in the past fewyears," said Dr. Raycroft yesterday, strength in the Maroon lineup wouldbe wasted 011 the heavy northerners.The Daily Maroon is the officialstudent publication, contains all thecampus news and deserves the sup­port of every student.Are you looking for a good placeto board, among a limited circle, withhome cooking? Apply at Mrs. Rob-inson's. 6147 Greenwood avenue.A. G. SPALDING s BROS."the sport has been raised from a pO-, The Largest M;mufacturers in the-ition of practical insignificance to a World of official Athletic Suppliessport that has now received the de-SENIOR COLLEGE COUNCIL.TO ORGANIZE TODAYHold-Overs and Newly ElectedMembers to Meet with DeanAngell at 10:30•The Senior council, made' up offour hold-overs and eleven othermembers chosen last Tuesday. willmeet to organize this morning at10:30 in the Senior dean's office. Thecouncil will organize and elect achairman and secretary for the quar­ter and decide the date of the firstregular meeting, at which NormanBarker, chairman last spring, willpreside..,The membership of the councu, asit wilt appear for organization thismorning, is as follows: Newly-elect­ed councilors-William Kixmillcr, W.P. MacCracken, Mary E. Courtenay.Renslow P. Sherer, \Valter P. Steffenand Arthur R. Wilson; new alter­nates: Elizabeth L. Thiclens, ConradR. Barchardt, Zelma Da .. idson, Les­ter A. Stern and Ha'rry O. Latham;hold-overs: A. A. Smith, division II;Helen F. Peck, division lV; MarjorieDay, division V, and T. �1. Henley,division VI.The old question of the official "C"pin - and the University seal will h.eamong the things which the councilwill first take up for discussion anddefinite action. Official Implements for all Trackand Field Sports.Foot Ball, Basket BaD,Ice Skates, Bockey, GoBUniforms for all Athletic Sports. GYMNASIUM APP�TUSSpalding's handsomelycatalogue of all. sports containsnumerous suggestions. MailedFree anywhere.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.New York, Boston, Buffalo. Syra­cuse, \Vashington, Chicago, Philadel­phia, Pittsburg, Baltimore, St. Louis;Denver. Kansas City, Cincinnati, De­troit, Montreal, Can.; San Francisco,Minneapolis, New Orleans.Cleveland,London. Ene.STUDEBAKER--A. USE M • N T s-FRITZI SCHEFFin the first production ofTHE PRIMA DONNAOOLONIALGEO. M. COHANand his Royal Familyand I ncornparable Co.POWERSWILLIAM COLLIERTHE PATRIOTTHE PRIRCBSS"The Quality 'Musical Play"A STUnnORN CINDERELLAINTERNATIONAL THEATREGRAND OPERARIGOLETTOWHITNEYTilE BIG SUCCESSA BROKEN IDOL LA SALLEA GIRL AT THE HELMCECIL LEANandFLORENCE HOLBROOKand the La Salle Theater Stoek Co.'fBB AUDI'lORIUMTHE LIONAND THE MOUSEA WALTZ DREA�1By Oscar Strauss·'lBB GAR1UOJ[MR. WILLlA�1 FAVERSHAMPresentsTH E RARBER OF NEWORLEANSGRAND OPBRA HOUSBW.ALKER WHITESIDETHE MELTING POTC!DCAGO OPBRA BOUSBRAYMOND HITGHCOCKAnd a hundred others inTHE MERRY-GO-ROUND College ChapsWith a hankering for dash and originality in dress are in­�tantly won as permanent CUSTOMERS by the clothes weare offering them at $15 to $35- They are clothes of TODAY Iin style as alive as an electrically charged wire. and supublytailored.When you're down town. come in. A "comf:t" chair anda cordial grip.o' -the-�d awaits you with' absolutely no obli­gation to buy •EDWARDES CLOTHES SHOP20 East Monroe StreetGREEN HATSTHE SEASON'S SENSATIONY?"JA'. A Bishop Special of sterlingworth, comfortable,graceful and worthy of theBISHOP name.209 other styles, colors andqualities at $3, $.t, $S and $6.No. 1762 Price $3-A. BISHOP & CO.CANES and UMBRELLAS HATS, FURS, GLOVES,Est. 1860 156 State St. Cat. FreeVARSITY CAFELe reIl.dez--vous desEt1.Idlan.ts.47� E. 55MEALS 20c. and up.THB ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and 5fitkThe Cleanest and Best Kept StoraceWarehouse in the City •••••Furniture and· Pianos Moved, Stored, Pack.edShipped to a11 parts of the world. 300 Privateage Rooms. Large Parlor Exclusively forRooms for Trunks .. nd Wheels. Large RoomCarriaces, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks tofrom all Depots. Local Transfers for BaFurniture, Packages, etc., at short notice.Special atteDtion � to Universiq OnleaB. L. AMES HAT CO.ONE QUARTER CENTURY AT OLD LOCATION- HOWAT-90 DST .ADISON STIIE£T'lBIBURB BUILDINGSTETSON SILK AND OPERA HATSA PAIR DEAL WITH EACH HATGLOVES UIIBRELLAS:-: :-:I, Illinois CoUege of Commerce.Former17 .ATHENAEUM'18 to 26 VAN BUREN STREETYoung people qualified in our Shorthand and Business dments in the shortest possible time for positions that pay at 0from $35 to $60 a month. Individual intsruction. DAY and NIGsessions. Enter any time. Call, write or phone Harrison 1110catalogue. Positions for graduates. 3'! years of uninterruptedeess, SAM,UEL B. WILLEY, LL. B., SuperintenMENTION The DAILY.MAROWhen Trading With Our Advertisers DliTb:Fastylish.heycS(1PI]CC.. �\\cctit0151ciCiltl�pn1\p]11