._- .......�_;l­'er,ydi-[VER-ack.ed anOivate Stor·Dr PiaDos.Room for�s to ...Bagpae,) ....Idal,lofiDer,10· J1IIIat+I1�·.·'�m .� .......... .J ... matlyVol. VB. No. 14. Price Two Ce.t.CHICA,GO� �£DNES�AY, OLTOBEl� oZl. 1908.OPEN ncm SALE tODlli .YERS' GUJ�::PiAI :lnES_ DEFEAT VARSITY CHOOSE SEll OR COUiCil ..� � STIRS IUCH .. _ED Doscff'. Squad Gets Best of Scrim- AFTER SPIRITED COITESTAnticipating an overflow crowd for Fvimed with the formations of thethe Minnesota game on the Jist. and To Hold M�eting in Kent TolDOrro� formations of the Minnesota team. Race in Divisions III and IV Provesintending to eliminate the confusion to Sound Student . Public taught them by De'Tray, Falk and Closest-Miss Courtenay andof heavy sale' at the last moment. the Opinion. Dc seff, the Freshman team defeated Sherer Winning Out.athletic department will open the sail!' the Varsity by the score of 12 to 5The t wenty-lirst educational con- of student tickets for the Gopher The suggestion ·for a . rooters" club in the scrimmage yesterday. I t was Senior College Councilorsf("ren.:e of the Academies arid high contest this morning. Beginning to- in an editorial in yesterday's Maroon »rohGably first time that the yearl- Division ISdlOois affiliated with -the University day. the 50-cent rate pasteboards for has met with much favor among the in"s have worsted the Varsi.ty.· in Councitor=-Wittias» Kixmiller.d. Chicago will be held Friday and students will be on sale every day University students. - The plan itself 111::11)' years. but much of the whyf,o,re Division 11Saturday. N overnber 1 J and 14, 1908. until Thursday, October 29. in th� really originated from th� Illinois� of tile .strange occurrence is due' t CounciIor- \Villiam Paterson Mac-The program will include a recep- office of' Bartlett from 10 to 12 a. m., Chicago game last Saturday. when the fact tbat Director Stagg used b�tt Cracken.t ion and luncheon by the President and from 2 to 4 .P: .m., on week days. the systematic, organized· efforts o� two of the regulars in their 0�\'1l Alternate-Elizabeth Louise Thiel-at t he Reynolds club; a conference and 9 to 12 a. 'tn. on Saturdays. .the· Orange and· Blue enthusiast� berths. The sensation of the day. was ens.between the various high school and "The sale of tickets from the down- taught Chicago a lesson in rooting: . a spectacular run of not less than Division HIacademy faculty representatives and town booth at Spaldings, which open- The idea as advanced by the Ma- ninety yatUs for a touchdown made Councilor-Mary Ethel Courtenay.the University officials; an oratorical ed today;' said Norman Barker. yes- roon is first to form a club of real,' by Robinson. after receiving the ball Alternate-Conrad R. Borchardt.cuntest . between the preparatory terday, "has already started out with live rooters unde� a permanent or- on the kickoff from Page. The new- Division IV.school orators, in which a $120 schol- a rush. Blocks of seats have been sold ganization. Th� purposes of the clu� ly-elected Freshman captain showed Councilor-Renslow .Parker .Sherer,ar ship will be given to the winner; from Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri. and would be primarily to "boost" ·root- rare ability in getting through the Alternate-Zelma Davidson, ,.ship will be given to the winner; from all over the country. It seems ing at the games, To accomplish entire Varsity field, but Mr. Stagg Division V.wr ittcu examinations in English. as if we would have a record-break- this purpose, the club would arrange said that several of the regulars might Councilor-s-Walrer Peter Steffen;Latin, Mathematics, German, and ing sale to judge from the present for a better system of selling tickets have tackled him. if they had tried Alternate-Lester A. Stern.Physics, for the best paper in each oi outlook." for the games, so as to bri�g aU· those hard enough. . Di v isioa Vf,which a $120 scholarship will also be The biggest crowd of the year, with who wish to cheer into a compact The lineup of the Varsity was as Council-Arthur R. Wilson.awarded; and a general conferenc� the possible exception of that at the section; it would take· care 'of' ·all follows: Taylor and Briggs.· ends: Alternate=-Harry O. Latham,open to the public on various import- Cornell game is assured at the con- mass meetings and rallies; it would Smith and Elliot, tackles; Hirshl and Holdovers from the Suinmer_QuanU'ant problems of present day educa- test with theGophers on October JI. stir up anInterest infhosewho ba�e GriUs, guards; Badenoch. center: DivisionII-A. A. Smith.tion. On Saturday of the Conference. In view of .the accounts brought back not yet the spirit. and d� evcrytHi�g Page" quarter; Crowley and Rogers. Division IV-Helen F. ·Pec�, .-the University .wil'l give between the from ' Minneapolis by Coach Leo ;q�_ 19 bring: uP-t,he ·quaJ.itr �d .staodal;d hah-e�' anc1_.W()rtbw�e.JIUJa,..;�Fresl��. _Divisi(m.v-:-�J_��j.Q�iC;-..l.pay'C.:...._ .: __ .nw·rlling- ao<r·afterllo(. 11 sessions" an .Tray, the �r�D and Gold'· 'giants· b( cheerio.r.·'· ,-- .. �. .. :-., �ei1:.-Z1ig andl"Nichol, ends; -Jerend Division VI-T. M;.· Henley.informal reception and luncheon at are .sure to furnish as mterestmg' The chief, reason for th� Illinois and Prather, tackles; Rademacher a�l'Hutchinson hall to the visiting teach- a game as the.· Varsity will have. �ters' fine 'Wor·k last Saturday w�s Sciwi. guards ; Smith. center; Yeager Elections to Senior College council,ers as its guests. The admission to :Moreover, the rivalry between Chi- their orprii%atiOn a�d unity not th�t -and Harris. : halves; Sumtney. full. held yesterday under the new system,this luncheon will be free. as the cago and M�n�_e�ota on the gridiron they have any' better lungs' than U�� and Captain Robinson quarter. Coac1 proved the right of this system to atickets will be distributed from Man- is unsurpassed by any �ther tw�. Chicago men. ·This orpni�tion a�d Doseff also used a second combina place of' permanency at futur� elec-del hall. teams -in the country. unity· are. brought about mostly tion of backs. consisting of Sampsor tions, Never in the history of the. This conference has always been a Plenty of time is given the studen�s through their Athletic· association to and De Booth at halves. and Daven- Senior college elections has such aprominent feature of the University's as well as the outsiders to purchase which most of the students belong. port was used as an end. large vote been recorded as at thisrelations with the various co-ope rat- their tickets to avoid the uDgailliy This association is formed along the About four of the Gopher plays balloting.ing preparatory schools, and does a crush ·tbat- has resulted .from .. the same lines. as the suggested roote�5' were utilized, and the heavy first-year In division I. William Kixmillergreat deal to promote cordial feeling eleventh-hour sale of seats for the' club, though it has a .broader ficid. men seemed to be able to tear was elected without competition," hebetween the University and. its early games, whkh have not been as In many colleges snch associations through the Varsity line and around being the only candidate put up: Les­guests. The contests for the prep. good drawing cards as the Gopher are also in vogue and prove very suc- it at will. The second touchdown of ;er Stern. after withdrawing in favorschoc:l students have in the past been game always is. rcssflll in aiding rooting. � the Freshmen was made on straight Qf "'alter Steffen in· division V, 're-wcll attended. and the liberal· incen- An impro\'ement in the seating of Following up the editorial, Maroon football, Summy carrying the hal! ceived votes at the election. and, intives offered for success have induced the crowd is promised to overcome representatives have interviewed v�r- over the. line. Nicholl kicked twe the absence of any regular opponentthe best scholastic talent of the prep- the difficulties that gave rise to con- ious students interest��{ in rooti�g goals for :he "victors:' The lone ,)f Steffen, was made. alternate. .aratory schools to compete. The siderable complaint at the Illinoison the field with some result. 'touchdo"'n made by thc disappointcc' The fight in divisions I II and· IVC'onic:rences and program� arranged game. Cheerleader MacCracken said: Varsity was made by Crowley, the was the hottest, chiefly because ofior the benel'it of the visiting princi "Good system! It ,surely can bl" only back field regular in the gamc. thc l:lrge field of candidates enteredpals and high school teachers have CLUB LOCKERS INSTALL�D made a fine thing if the fellows push Director Stagg was cal1ed down. :n the racc, and the linal count' inheen helpful to general education and it. The matter should not be ta�n t01'.-o early in the morning �n busi �adl of thcse divisions found theto the University and its visitors. Latest Improvement of the Rc,nolds oui �f the hands of the �h��e stud�nt ness and did not return to the �Iid. digiblcs well bunched.Club _Completed body, but I am in fav9r of giving the way until late in the afternoon :mel Settlement of the official "C' 'pindub a· trial as soon as ·possible."! was unable to attempt some of thc and the University seal, quC"stions,NAME COLLEGE COMMITTEES The new lockers at the Reynolds Norman' ·Barker: "An.' excellent plays that he had planned to use ill which ha"e bcen vexing the· councilsClub are now installed and are ready ,h .If thc p;,� ycar. will'pr(Jbably comeidea. I am sure the athletic depart- t e practice ye:o;!erday. The FreshPhilosophy Appoints Four for Quar- for distribution to the members upon ment will do -everyt,hing in.. it� po".: er men· wi·n continue to try holding the up for early discussion, once the bodyt--Adds Poster Comml'__ Payment of the small fee of. twCnty� is org:lIlized and offic�rs chose�.... U� to support the plan."· I Varsity with the :\Iinnesota form;,·. :\;('rman Barker. chairman last spring,\\ralter Stl"fren·: ".Anything to make hons, which tbey ha"e been able t(the cheering. better.. Illinois put it m:lster "'ith a great dcal of efticiency. will prcside at the first meeting of the\Vetrk of 1he stiffe!"t kind that the co"neil.AINOUICE PLANS FOR 21STAIIUAL PREP CONFERENCENovember 13-14, the Days Set forBig Meeting of High School Stu-.dents and Fac: .tties. 3ets for Minnesota Game Offered in&rtlett Becinnin& this Morninc­Barker Predicts Biegest Attend- Suggestion of the Maroon to Orpn,,-ance of Seaaoa. ize Rooters Meets with Fayor of·lnteRated lieu.,'Contests in Scholarship. Receptionand Luncheon for Visitors-Ad­dress by President Judson.five �ents a quarter. The l�kers. ofwhich there are one hundred andtwo enty a�e of· steel construction and(women) hasare about five feet in height. AlreadyPhilosophy collegeannounced the following committee�for the autumn Quarter:Program-Sarah \V cines, chairman;Ernestine Evans, Florence Kiper. the- distribution' and will be on hamlEthel Kerwin (ex-officio).S cvery da�- for that purpose from 2�'ci:tl-�rary Etten, chairman; Ger- until 6.t!"l1dc Emerson, Rernice I.e Claire.�11:-,ie Chattic:d. Edith Young. Helen WaAhincton �omen Root at �C(,dy. Lydia Lee. G(,'rtrude Fish. The women of the University of:'fadel('ine Nash, Ethel K:'win (ex­"flicin).Financial-Ethel Kawin.(ex-officio):(;crtrude Fish. chairman; Clar.l AI­kll. Evclyn Phillips.A postcr committee. composed ofthc iollowing. has a1<;0 been added.as follows: Elizabeth Franklin, ('hair­man; Alice l\(cLevcy, Hazel Hoff,J.':thcl Kawin (ex-officio). se\'cnty-fh'e of the one hundred and���enty have been allotted to themembus. M;. -English has charge of --------- -------BINNING lillY mace. 12 to 50 using )Jinncsota'sFormations Against Stagg'. Util- New Election Scheme Draws MOltity LineUP. of Upper Class Votera and Bal-loting is Ck,se...;.._, IIII'jI�. .1"Old Man" kno,,'s ho,,· to give them.will be the lot of the Varsity thi:o; CANDIDATES FOR DEBATING--cek. •WILL ASSEMBLE TOMORROWThe tcam i!" rapidly getting o,'c:rthe effe(,ts of the Illinois gam�. ,,·itl,thl" exception of Ehrhorn. who i� iI' �C':2t-r5 and Fans Meet in CourtRoom of �w Building forAND' EVERY DAY 'uirrlL OCT. � prctt:f ba(1 condition· yet. Schommer':, Forecast.STUD�� ·nCKETS�OR'THJtWashington hR\'e organized a ,,'0-Illcn's rooting club. Tlfey ,,·m sin!!!,and cheer at the football games ofthe Urih·ersity. Other universitiesand colleges throughout �he countryarc fo�ing such organizations ·to en­courage the fe11Paine rooters to at­tend all gam� in a body to sing and('heer for the teams r�resenting theircolJeaes. ON 'SALE PORFIFTY C�At die 0Iic;eOF BARTLETT GYllllAIIUII 'oft broke.n nose is not keeping himout of practice. and Falle's rapidly . :\11 calldi,latt':o; for the Univer�ityrecovering strc.-ngth may enable him DehatinR tcam al)(1 c\'crY')Jle interest­t�' ltC' into the "'crimmage in a fcw �,I in t1d):tting should mcct tomorrowflay:c;. ;n the court room of the Law build"::\IinncoI;ot:t. like Chica,:ro. h:ts nr ing. �rcmhcrs of last year's team�me next Saturclay. :1I1d Or. \Vil- u·ill b� prc�ent :1I1d talk in the inter­liam� is working his mi�htiest to pre- est ... ('f debating. The plans for theparc for what he hopc.-s ",ill bc re- inler-collegiate debatcs will be dis­\"l"nge on the �faroons for the dcft":ll cnsc:c(l. C(lach ChanrlJer will be pres-er.t :md spe:tk (In the outlook for the: debating work.(Continued OD pap of>--_-'lit' la;.·· _araon dent body .. Whether any particular is·utt or is not adopted does not much mat-__ ..dRD:ii;.:;.'�;aij,:;-';..._ ·______ter if a way to organize and eoncen-"rile OISdal Studlmt· Publicatloo 01 theUa.hen1ty of 0b1cap. trate Chicago's rooting force in aneffective manner is actually workedEDt.eNd .. 8ec00d-clau Kll1l at the CbiClAl'l out.�. Clu�. llllDola, M-.rch US, 1900,UDder Act 01 Kan:b a. llmt. DAILYPre-Medic Club ....tcday at 10:30 inKent. All preparing for medicalcourses come.Professor Tufts will address the Y.M. C. A. in Haskell assembly roomthis evening at 7:15.RAtynold. Club lockers will be as­signed today.DebaUnI Rally at 10:30 in the courtroom of Law building, for candidatesfor t�ams and others interested.Coach Chandler speaks.R��ce �lub at 7 :45 this eveningin Cobb 100.'Regular Meeting of Y. W. C. L. to­clay at 10:30 in Lexington. This is amissionary meeting to be addressedby ,�Iiss Paxson .Chapel �bly - The Divinityschool, Haskell assembly room at10:30.Junior Colleg_e Council today at10:30 in Cobb gB...A.IIIOaIATE EDITORS ;'is too much engrossed withan inten­-ive study of the text, and has toonear a view of the poem,to appreciatehow fully the stories of Dido and the'Fall of Troy are worked out in de­tail." In order to obviate this diffi­culty. the author has arranged thesetwo incidents of the epic in dramatic I'I•IIIIiI"" Exterior Bows' Tailor Shop; O�r Shop, opens on the sixth floor arcade of thei MasoD1�. Temple .. Swift elevato�s take you .up.. ..This IS where your men s good tailoring comes,fr�m - �he.re those who are looking for the best at apnce within reason can satisfy their desire.THE BOWS COMPANY605-6 Masonic .Temple� ChicagoPubbabed dall),. ncept SUDdars, UODda) .. aDd� 4urlrll threie Quarter. of tbe UDbenitJ� TWO NEW TRANSLATIONSBY PROF. MILLER APPEAR1'0DIIIri7VDbChltJ of Chicqo Weekl)'.1'0GDde4'!'be WeN17. October 1. 1682.The DalI1. Oc:tob« 1. UIO'L rwo Stories from VerPl in DramaForm are Translated by Profes-5'>r Miller."Two Dramatizations from Vergir'arc the latest products from thefacile pen of Professor Frank Justus�1iller."The ordinary student of Vergi1;'In!IIcriptioD lIril"e. p.oo per reu: $1.00 fwu.- aoatha.. SublcrlptiUQI �iYed at the........ Oalee. EIIIa Ball, or .. t. the Facult)' Ex·....... ())lIb HaU. the reader is inforrned in the preface,P&ESTO� F. GABS. Muadnc Edior.IIKLVIN I. ADAlIlS, New. Editor..L ,L. I'BlDSTElN, Athletic Editor.OSWALD lI'. NELSON. Buldnau ll:wacer.AlflfOUBCBIIENTS..... Kamle Lin,., Jerome N. FrunkA. O. Whltfteld Roberts B. Owen�. 8,.dD� Selke,. Bargrav" LoneW.· A. Weaver. A. N. PfeiferART EDITOR, i Ro,. Baldrl�A Bishop Special of sterlingworth. comfortable, stylish,graceful and worthy of theBISHOP name.209 other styles, colors and Purqualities at $3, �. $5 and $6.No. 1762 Price $3-A. BISHOP &: CO.CANES and UMBRELLAS HATS, FURS. GLOVES,Est. 1860 156 State St. Cat. Free1wi'I'll•Tel HJ'de Park 114 IE.i\826. W .. 63rd StreetTel Wentworth 2038../L_ C.�OORE•• FLORIST ••272 E. 5sth Street.TeL Hyde Park 38.../ /hE !.!!�'!:�esi�� !�E!.� - "rn;::::;.Uit deserves it and. poor suit demands ilWe press aD Dnd� at replar prices Work caned for and ,He1iver�TBB 0RAftSIIAH SHOP430 ssth Streetmost deeply interested. greatness of the horizon; reading aIt seems advisable to take the over- good author and putting the mind insight of rooting out of the hands' of a state of receptivitY to the full sense B.AltDALL ·.1 L L I R Bit Ycounci] because that body must ncces- of each phrase or verse; a heart-tosarily spend so much of each quarter heart talk with a friend; but, best of 451 &. «53 r d St r e e tin organizing, and because the root- all, short periods of prayer or mere KX�LUSIVE, - 1.1 �OPULARers are likely to be much more en- sjlence and calm. "In some such way STYLES' II PRICESthusiastic and much more witting to we must escape the danger of theco-operate in seating arrangements flaily round of toil, for larger self­and special stunts, if they are running exprcssjon is after all the final endthe thing themselves. This quarter, of being."for instance Council will not be or­ganized for several days, althoughhalf of Chicago's football games havealready been played.In this matter the :\Iaroon's onlyinterest is to see that Chicago's realloyal spirit is given its fullest oppor­tunity for expression. I t does notwish even to seem to force any par­ticular plan or program onto the stu- ,. Hotel Maroon51th and Drexel AveUKDat IRW MARAGDmIn'RESTAURANT AND LUNCH �­]11BIVBB81'lY . DARCIRG8OBOOLA select dac:iDc Kilool for Unirir=­sit7 wr.eIl aDd ,women baa heeD openedin ROSALIE HALL, 276 E. 57th St.Leaons TlmncJa7 afternoon, 2:30to... Informal daDciDc 4 to S. La-110'" -5 cents eadI.Vul .... itl stadenta in't'ited. For in·forIIIatioa. caD &so3 Kimbark a-.enae,&,.t .... aaent. ROOMFirst Cia .. l\4ealsPrompt ServiceThe � of eft' ,'ltlag seIftd at reasonable pricesMusic aery ewenl,. In dlnne""'a"The Ifatio-' Hotel Co. J. W. Ward Mp-. LII,Philosopb7 CbaiI'lllUl PickedFollowing are the heads of com­mittees chosen in Philosophy col­lege ior women: Sarah Wilkes, pro­q-ram; Mary Louise Etten, socia!;Gertrude Fish. financial; ElizabethFranklin, poster. Miss Ethel Kawin,chairman of the college is. a mem­ber ex-officio of all these committees. MENTION The DAlt Y MAROOWilen Trading 'With Our Advertisers1_. THIt I)AJLY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1908.- -.------ -----.UlfIVBB81'lY \yOKIU' 'IIISS WILDER-· IS- CHAlRILUI: �:A .• USE. E H·T S-o • -••• __ •• _ " - -_ .. --;, .... ."j _.' -.'-. -,' _ •':8T:U�DB B'A&'J::a:hecomes It at a I)NChicagoterlingstylish,of theIrs andand $6.VES,t. Free \ tarv to the president.The . Rev. Professor .Allan Hoben.associate professor in homiletics atthe Univeraity, will be the preacherfor next Sundaw. Dr. Hoben is agraduate of the University of NewBrunswick. where he took his M. A.in i8c)7. He took his' Ph. D. here inDR E H)OI, and in I90S became minister ofxceDence the, First' Baptist Church, of Detroit.., , 'Bishop Jolin R �iricent.;';·lat1\er'ofSEE THEM MAD� Dean George' E. Vincent. 'and- chan-GENTLEMEN• WHO DllII f.l11ll·IUIIllS. &aD cellftllwua 1U IIIJIIOYD •BOSTONGARTERTHE RlCOGIIZ£D STUDAII�T"' ••• el.stamped on "e�.'oop-�e CUSHIONBUTTONCLASPUES FUT TO THE LEO-IEYEIaups. lUIS IORUIFASrUSClEO. noerco ........--- ....... u.a.A._..,.ALWAYS EASY ....... __� give service.I Olives and the various shades ofbrown are in strong favor.Grey stripes and the greys shadingthe La 'Salle Theater Stock Co. into the stone and slate colorings aredecidedly correct. ' '. I' I n overcoat fabrics the rough bas­T H J: I,.A. U D ITO R I U III kct weaves and herringbone stripesPolicemen's- Benevolent Association are considered very smart.COHAN & HARRIS Suits for College wear, $30 to $35---. The, women of the Science college Lit Women Name OfIicera andC�D)lDit\et 'OUR FALLSTOCKIS READY20,000 STYLESWHILETHEYLASTWm. Jerrems' SonsClark and Adams StreetsPurity3 7 0 E. 5 5 t b S t retMANY BOOKS IN' ONE• WEBSTER"S •INTERNATIONALDICTIONARYDo�'t.-tha'u. Ilft'EBlI.A'DOJrAJ. ......with bal aa1laDdw ALL JalIJ)S of..-u- ..'nIe'rradls,Al1a&lUllJd_.QeopapIaj,.J.ulpap.Blop'apllJ'. ESc.' I1aa CIt Coakllta .. to1JGtn:CGIan4 � nac-. St&Se8eala, Etc. ••Bdef�ofaa.EacU*1outpap.e.l .. to �:nmc::I&Uaa ••••••••••••••8cIaoIad,.V�of��.DIdIaa&rJ' of :ncuu .•.••••...•a...a..ofUM ... wI4. ••••••BlapapJdca1 J)IcU_" •••='=�.�� CJaisUa:l ..:r'onIp .AMlte.""_ . gathered for a basket .Iuncheon inLexington yesterday at 1 o'clock,I'he college, which has been almost Miss Laura Wilder was elected.loubled by t�! recent reorganiza- head chairman by the executive com­tion among the Junior .colleges, used mitree of Literature college yesterday.! his as an opportunity for meeting �liss Mary Phister was selected.he new members. councilor. Miss Elanor Davidson sec-I )r. Anna Shaw will give her ad- retary and Miss Mary Chaney treas­lre ss, scheduled for yesterday, before urer.III Junior wome-n next Tuesday at The following chairmen of commit­O:JO in Kent theater. Her talk will tees were chosen: Program. ,Wilhe�le r.n "International Organization of mina Priddy; house, Hazel L. Still­iducated Women:' DIan; social, Alice ,F. Lee; athletic,"An Or-iental Tea" was the occasion �lollie R. Carroll ; dramatic. E. Olin'eld by the Y. W. C. L. in the Davis..eague room. yesterday afternoon at4 o'clock, furnishing an opportunity WOMAN STUDENT HONOREDfor University women to meet Miss BY FIRST YEAR M�DICSPaxson. a' foreign rmssronary. Avery pleasant hour was spent. Miss "iss Carlie Souter Elected' VicePaxson will address the League thi- President of Class-Other Officersmorning, at its regular 10:30 meet Chosen., .seven weeks were announced yester- Hayse and Koerper were chosenday by !'ofr. D. A. Robertson, secre- councilors for two quarters. All thc-rew incumbents made speeches.ing. on the subject "Missions."The 'W-yvern club has pledged MissLucille Heskitt, 'II. :\liss Carlie Souter". a doctor-to-be,vas made vice-president of .the first­'car Medics at the meeting and clec-NAME THREE UNIVERSITY (ion yesterday. She received a unani-PREACHERS FOR QUARTER mous vote from the men 'who a,t­tended. Of less importance to those- h d I . andProfessor Hoben �ishop Vincent and w 0 atten ed was the c l,olce, of Er-Th� Rev. Frank Crane to HoldServices. nst Fischer as president of the club."Jack" Brady will fin the office' ofsecretary-treasurer, and Harry Ottenthat of sergeant-at-arms. Goettsch.University preachers for the nextrALKS ON BALKAN SQUABBLEDean Thompson Explains Interna­tional Tangle on PeninSuta.·" �Dean James Westfal] 'Thompsontold the Philosophy men yesterday oft he situation. in the ,Jlalk��� .. ',1 �.� h�talk he explained the . cause . .for th�region becoming the hot-bed of inter-: celor of the Chatauqua society, will national politics. He, declared that,follow Dr. Hoben. He will be the .he whole trouble is the .outgrowthpreacher November I, 8. 'and 15. of political tangle .. that date back aBishop _ Vincent has served in this century, and will probably. take somecapacity on numerous occasions and time to settle.is well known among, the students.The Reverend Frank Crane, _D. D.. Psychologist Advises Hazingformerly of Chicago, and at present ., ..... reshmen need hazing badly" saysI minister in Worcester, Mass" will oc- Professor Kleinsmid, the well knowncupy the pulpit for the three Sundays psychologist of DePauw,succeeding th� term of Bishop Vin- In discussing the psychological ef-E,th Street.3&.;£1lem well,Ien,ands illei ,He1ivercnOM,,;ces�ROrlisers . �., S���::::':i....".'""""""� sU:::':=:='SboaJ4 You. Not Own Such a BookfWEBSTER'S CuLLEGIATE DlCTlO:-:ART.���,l:;"�:-a���il��'"W"It"f."DldI_,. ... mu.,'· ............... :rn.. Nmtlonln","'I1"�l""ttlJu�UICl�iehc a useful ad of Col<lftd )Olaps. po<:kd size. •'� '8.1 Co ..... co., s,.t.&fleId, ...�- EDUCATIONALBOOKSof ALL Kinds atREWITTS415 E. 5ith StreetNext to Cor. of Kimbark feet of hazing he advised that everyFreshman be ducked and his high-DEAN LINN ADDRJ!BSES .. chool ways be " ra shed out of him:MEN OF LIT. COLLEG� The professor said further:"Manyboys come from our high schools. intoTells Students d Conege Fraterni- .college feeling their importance veryties-SaJ'S they are Menace to much. The very best, remedy for thisSpirit of Dem�c:y. self-esteem "'ould be to catch such-- . boys, when they come out in theirThe entire meeting of the Litera- 'lest 'bib and tuck' and duck thcm inture College yesterday was devoted he creek."to a talk by D�an Linn. on "CollegeFr:ttfOrnities:' "The great advantage Fire at Uniftl"llity of lIinnesotacent.and (lisad"antage of the fraternity,"he !"a;d. "is in the, mob spirit under­lying it; it sets a current which aHPlllst follow. In the early history' ofi he lTnh'ersity of Chicago, fraterni­ties were a minor matter, the Uni­versity stood first and the fraternitysecond. Now. however, the fraternityi� placed ahead of the University,each membcr becomes narrow-mind·ed, and is really not a benefit to theTnh·ersity. There should be simpledemocracy and unselfishness in the­UniYersity. for as you go onin liie, there is al"'ays a tendency tn:lcquire selfishness. and if the spiritof the fraternity is de"eloped in theUniversity. you can never be demo-. I' h' scribe for hiscratlc, or even mora, 10 t e hIghest llaroon. student to sub­college daily-TheThe University of ,Minnesota suf­ferc.·d its first fire loss in three years.\\"'hen flames gutted the Anatomyt,uilding last Tuesday morning.The origin ,of the fire 'is unkno,,·n.hut it "'as undoubtedly due to spon­taneous combustion of chemicals in'he Anatomical Laboratory.The loss to the state 'on theoObuild­:ng "';&s about $10,000. fully coveredhy insurance.The faculty at Syracuse has decidedto e"cuse all students who cut classesto g.o on· the football excursion toRuffalo. ,,·hen they mect �arlisle.--------­..... "' . ...-�nt..,eTstt!'t0botogtapb leljop.The Best =��ElfLAltGIRGEastman Kodab and Supplies327 E. 57t h 9t reet �ensc of the word." FRITZI ,SCHEFFin the' first production of·THE PRIMA D"ONNAr • lcoll';ge cafel447 E. 55th. St. ' , 1. --,II;:r U;�e:�; ifil p��. tell _1\TELL US!_Near Lexincton �venue I1III·,j 1!'4JOLONIALiUJ-· ,� , �• _. 'GEO. �l. COH.",:-.Jand his_. Royal Familyand Incomparable Co., IPOWERS�. ,..... THE LlO�ANI) TH E :\IOUSETHE PRINCESS"The' Quality.. 1\1 usical Play"A �TUBBORN CINDERELLALA ,SAI;LB POPULAR PLACEA GIRL AT THE HELMCECIL LEANandFLORENCE HOLBROOKpresentFIFTY MILES FROM BOSTON ATPOPULAR PRICESILLINOISA - WALTZ DREAMBy Oscar StraussTHE GARRIOKl\lR. WILLIA:\I FA VERSHAM_ .. � t :,..,:.. 1>�escilts--' -.�-, THE\V()RU) AND HIS WIFEGRAND·OPERA HOUSEWILTON LACKAYEinTHE BATTLECHICAGO OPERA HOUSERA YMOND HITOHCOCKAm] a hundred others inTHE MERRY-GO-ROUND •••1INTERNATIONAL THEATREGRAN DOPERARIGOLETTO THE FALL SEASONHAS OPENEDThe new autumn and winter fab­rics show many striped effects, butthe colorings are not pronounced.The fabrics have a rough twilled-urfacc=-woven c! : "Iy enough to ,I;,"WHITNEYTH E BIG SUCCESSA BROKEN IDOLTbe CALUMET ASSEMBLIESAnnounce a bam party Tu�ay eve·ning, Oct. 24, and a Hallowe'en part}Oct. �I, at- CALUMET HALL-63rd �t. arid Stony Island Ave.'Fine decorations. gocd things to eat.Fortuna to!d. L�ts of Ragans Or·chestra. Phcne Hyde Park 1455. Overcoats $35' to $.toWe make riding breeches. fII,r ,TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENA. N. Jerrems, Mgr.rwo stores: 131 La Salle St., aDd44 Jackson Boulevard t�i:,AnARROW Collaris rigbt to begin with and theClupeco Process keeps it thatway. 15c. each� for 2.;c.CLll'BTT. PluBoDY '" Co..lIakenMANDOLIN AND GUITARINSTRUCTIONAlso instrumentations for Mandolinand Guitar Orchestras. Ada RogersMandolin ·'Virtuoso. late of • Russian('('Il1rt Orchestra," N.Y. 308 East 60thStreet. Ntone Hyde Park 1960 .• Pu6.lIers EngrallersTHE HYDE PARK PRINTINCi CO.Succesors toGEO. W. CURRIER a: CO� and MATSON &: TRENARY.PrintersWE ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE ANYTHING INTHE LINE OF PRINTING.368 East 55th Street.Wanted-Every student in theUniversity whd is lIot a subscn"ber to,;nbscn"be at OIICe. For Rent-Light. atTy, _k parlor;�uitabl� f6r one or two; reasonablerat�s. Inquire' Mrs. Swen-son, 6059Ellis Ave, 1 .... ... ,PhiUips�FallSho�g 238 E. 55th street!\4en's Hats and Fixings� . .,. - ...THE DAlLY JUaOO1f.WEDN£SDAY,' OCTOBER_21 • .I9O!B"VARSITY YELL CONTEST.... ON IN SPIRITED STYLE , .•. -. ''1',''REPUBLICANS TO HEAR 'NEW PQSTERS OF WALLIEBEVERI1>QE ON T,RUSTS; S'l'O�EN FROM HITCHCOCK' I.IPrize Offers, of Athletic Association Seats Reserved for Taft Followem Thieves Gain' Acc:eas to Lambach'�Spur Students to C 'tribute New at CampaiCn lleetinc ToDiCht. Room and Get Away With Foot-Cheers ball Captain's Likeness,'S(:\ cral hundred tickets for theCompetition for the prizes of tell Ilever idgc meeting this evening have- Thieves in Hitchcock hall attemptedand five dollars offered by the ath- been the latest reward of. consistent to make away with a large quantityletic association for the two best effort 011 the part of the' Taft-Sher- of the new football posters whichyells handed in before the Minnesota man club to provide speakers for the we re put on sale last Saturday. Somegame was started yesterday. Cheer- Republican students of the Univer- of the plunder was later recovered,leader M:-cCracken announced that sity. It was impossible, however, to htlt. about $10 worth W:IS successfullytwo men have contributed yells which get Senator Beveridge out on the appropriated from Carl Lambach'swill come up before the association campus, and the next best plan offer- room ill Hitchcock.'When it makes its decision. ed was the opportunity to hear him The new football poster far sur-L. C. Me Nemar and D. E. Young at Orchestra hall tonight. passes any previous effort, and is putwei e the men who followed in the Tickets can be obtained throug� out in two styles. one with "Y oursfootctcps of Alvin Kramcn, the orig- A. B. Hall, l\lacCracken, O'Donnell. very truly. \Valter B. Steffen,"andinator uf the "Arroo-Arrah" yell .Hoovcr, and Tanner. The faculty the other with "Chicago-go!" Thewhich received its first tryout at the will secure their seats through :Mr. poster is a vigorous and art ist icIllinois game Saturday. Hall idealization of Wallie Steffen. whoThe men are asked to bring mega-I.15r-/:.1Following arc McNcmar's yells:I. Maroon, Maroon, rah, rah, phones and other noise-making con- posed especially for it, and made by�tis<; Lucene Goodenow, whose bro­ther, Earl A.' Goodenow, has chargeof its distribution. The poster is on,Maroon, Maroon, rah, rah trivances with them, and to meet op-Who! rah, who! rah, Chicago! posite Orchestra hall at 7:30, and, march in the halt in a body. I h U' .2. Hey, Chicago! Hey, Chicago. sa e at t e mversrty Press, at theRah, rah, rah.rah, rah, rah, rah, Reynolds club. at Kern's. on Fifty-Chicago! Yea! CHINESE EDITOR VISITS U. seventh street, and at A. G. Spalding'sYoung's contribution is: .lowrt town store. for 50 cents. all\Vhy, why. Chi, Chi So soon, Mr. Li Sum Ling is Guest of Profes- the campus the poster may be pro-Bow-wow, now.now, Maroon.Maroon sor Starr.' cured from Ea�1 Goodenow, KarlMcNemar is responsible for a song �ecfcr) "Red" Lambach, and Robin-to the tune of "Yarna- Yarna Man' ::\Ir. Li Sum Ling, the editor of the SOil, the freshman quarterback.which runs as follows: Hong Kong Mail, who is making anGo, Chicago, Chicago-go, Around the extensive trip throughout the United ROOTERS' CLUB PLANend and hear us roar, States under the auspices of the New STIRS MUCH COMME�TDown the field to pile up the score. York Herald, was the guest of Pro-0, see them go. Iessor Frederick Starr on the campus.Iddings, Steffen, Schommer and Page yesterday. He 'Visited all the placesKnow the game at every stage, of interest, making a visit to all theBetter look out or they'lI get you principal buildings. He also sawWithout a doubt, the student life centering in the Rey- (Continued from page I)Chicago ao. nolds cluh, being entertained by rep­resentatives of the organization. over us in .that line Saturday, andtaught us a lesson. If the plan wouldimprove the rooting, 1 am heartily infavor of, it." .Harold Iddings: "Good stunt. PutNEW BRYAN-KERN CLUB me dOWIl in favor of it."GETS BR�AN FOR OCT. 31ST FRESHMEN DEFEAT VARSITY Alvin Kramer: "Haven't thoughtthe matter over, but at first glance itappeals to me as a capital idea."-\\-'lnst" Henry: "The objectionof last year. Although the Gophers have at present is that it would takedid not score on. the strong Nebras- power out of the hands of the of-A recently organized inter-collegi- ka team, they will undoubtedly show ficial cheerleader, who has beenate Bryan-Kern Association of Chi- up much better in their game a week chosen by Senior Co�ncit. This mightcago has secured Mr. Bryan to speak from Saturday, with the benefit of all be eliminated. Otherwise it seemsJD the Coliseum on Oct. 3 I st, so that the intervening time f�r practice. The lall. right and I think it would greatlythe democratic leader will not appear Gophers are sorely 111 need of a aid cheering." .on the campus as the local club had kicker to replace the loss of Capron, Ex-Cheerleader Templeton: "Thebeen planning. The new democratic the little star quarter of last year plan if worked out would 'no doubtwho is out of the game this season. b odorganization was Iorrnc d here yes- e a go one and help rooting."terday by representatives from sev- Dr. Raycroft also expressed him-eral colleges in Chicago and vicinity, ART WOMEN STRONG FOR self in, favor 'of the club, and offersincluding _ besides Chicago - Lake DEBATE AND STAGE CLUBS his support to any plan for its organi-Forest, Northwestern Law and Chi- zation.cago Kent College of Law. Reorganization cf College Causes If Kent theater can be procuredAs Oct. JIst is the day of the Min- Unusual Activity-Dean Breck- Thursday at 10:30, a cheer-fest willnesota game, an effort will be made enridge Aiding Projects. he held. At this meeting the matterto' have football enthusiasts and Bry- of the proposed club will be broughtanites co-operate in a conspicuous Arts college, taking advantage of itsup aud discussed.manner on the bleachers. large size through the recent re-organization among the women'scolleges started the work of the yearwith a rush yesterday. The Arts wo- A. G. SP_ ALD_IN_ G & BROS.men have become ambitious over the _ --idea of forming debating and dra-matic clubs. �liss Myra Reed was el- The Larcest )l.aDilfacturers in thecctcd chairman of the miscellaneous World of olicial A.hletic Supplies(Continued f��m page I)Colleges of Chicago and VicinityUnite Forces-Bryan NuL toSpeak on Campus.IIIifir:�,Icommittee,New York, Boston, Buffalo, Syra­cuse, Wasbington, Chicago, Philadel­phia, Pittsburg, Baltimore, S�. Louis,J)e1Iver, Kansas City.' Cincinnati, De­troit" Montreal, C�n.; San Franci�co,Millneapolis, New Orleans,Cleveland,LoIICI-. EGa.Lit Women Appoint CommitteesThe members of the athletic andhouse committees of Literature Col­lege (women) were appointed yes­terday. as follows:House committee: May Carey, Lu­cile Heskett, Allys Bayle, MargaretHaas, and Pearl McGunsie.A meeting will be held Friday, Official Implements for all Trackand . Field Sports.The engagement of Miss AliceFrank, '06, to Mr. :\Iax Loeb, a grad-10:30, in Arts room.Athletic committee: Marion Pierce, nate of the University of Wisconsin,has J'ust been announ ced, MI'-sMildred Dana, Zelia Shepherd, and • s.Marguerite Swavite. A meeting will Frank's sister, Virginia Frank is abe held October 21st at 1:20 in Lex- student at the University. f. Ball, luket _lu Skates, Bockey, GoBUDiforms for aU Athletic SportsGYIINASIUII APPARATUSSpalding's handsomelycatalogue of all sports containsnumerous suggeS'lions. MailedFree anywhere,ington, I s your name 011 the subscriptionGo to the Delta Upsilon Convention liM of the Daily Maroon?Dean ::\1. Kennedy, '09. and AlbertD. Hendcrslln, ',,0, will leave thismowing to attend the seventy-fourthannual con\'ention of the Delta Up­siton (raternity, to be held atSwarthmore, Pa. The entertain­ment of the delegates at the conven­tion consists 01 visits to the Univer­sity of Pennsylvania and AtlanticCity.Small ads in the Daily bring large.1 1'l'BB umOR BOTBLAIm RBSTAlJUB'lIII-II, RaDctoJpb Street A. G. SPALDIRG " BROS.-THE POPULAR PLACKTO EATEith ... r bef9re or after til.Theater.retUI'DS. '- ----,- ,College CbapsWith 'a hankerinc' for clash and oricUWity in dress are In­:stantly WOIl .. permanent CUSTOMERS by the clothes weare ofrerinc thft"1l at SI5 to S35- They are clothes of TODAY�in style as alive .as an electrically charced wire, and superbl,tailored.When 7ou're down town. come in. A "comfy" chdr anda cordial crip-o' -the-hand awaits you with absolutely no obli­gation to buy.EDWARDES CLOTHES SHOP20 East Monroe StreetTailo.red Ciarments of QualityFOR COllfCif (jlRLSNEWEST SHADES AND CLEVEREST DESIGNSMADE UP IN LATEST PARISIAN STYLESA Special Price of. $35 for two weeksto Student. only�fnler &. molottnS06 Masonic TempleVARSITY CAFELe re:ndez-"�l.Is desEt1.Idia.-.ts.474! E. 55MEALS ,2Oc. an� up.No·MoneyDownTry Our1300' Kenmore PianoIn )"our own home. make sure that it .nDts')"ouIn ever)" particular. When 70� are so sa�ed.$16510 � ,way you Qke. eve .. al_ low as., a ",,"�eK.STARCK, P I A If 0 B-Regular prices S350 to $7.50, atGREATLY REDUCED PRICES AT THIS SI\LE.THIS COUPON IS WORTH A TEN DOLLAR BILLCut it 'out at once. Don't throwaway money. We not only SAVEy)U over a hundred dollars, but penn it the smallest payments EVERknown (as low as $1,,3 week); ask no money in advance and giveyou $10 �o boot. OIh you beat it?• I. eelOut-of-toWD �trons are IDVlt to avail themselves of theseMOST liberal inducements.....CUT OUTTHIS COUPON-GOOD 1'OIt.Ten ,DoUars. I'.�� · FREE CREDIT DUE BILL, One of these Coupons good asFIRST PAYIIK NT'towards purchase of one StarckPianO at this sale, at 204 Wabash.-\ venue Chicago, I II. .Piano. Shipped to Any Part ": i the United State.on These Liberal Terms. Write for FREE CataloCUes.P. A. STARtK PIANO CO.,IIAlt1JF ACTVURSAvenue. Near Adams Street. Chicaco•THE ILLIIIOII WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COIlPANY, ' ' Pboae Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and 56th.. The CJeaDat and Best Kept StorapWareboase in the C� •••••Famiture U1d Pianos Moved, Stored, Paclr.eclShipped to all pans of the world. 300 Printe S-.e Rooms. Large Parlor .E.xclusively for P'Rooms for Trunks fond Wheels. LarKe RoomCarria�� Banies and Sleighs. Trunks tofrom all Depots. Local Transfen for BacFamitu� Packages, etc., at short notice.8pedaI attelltiea pea __ Uaiftni� 0nIaIL -Vol-HO�SevWLacpsiglhallMalcauforPollineedthriEluandlamthelowticegUC1w(nocandI­tielwe:seeforonpiahai\,CJ,frabOlno:1galVahe;mebatteabelcalseaform:ltio'r1 ••co'lialeaWiglrnnl�iif1