," f--;:/ I'�.f�:�_t,�� ��'::�"".":� r; �.. ,.. �...." � I"t • .... ". � .. <V' ::'�:',: .:� ; �:�n.,1,� ,, .� ",...... ; (' ..•""" rr > .... "'_ ... r .......... "-.� .·�· •. "':· .• ".:�'·)�J_i�:�: ... '". : .. }:;-';-':f·'. ::: ;-:',-C, �·�5!::�����i��:; (,,:t3��;:�1;�F��;�5E� . '�:�J�'� ���:" . �< �� __..! �i:�. "-. .: ... :. ," - ·�'I .,, .� "" -, .. '..)::"':', � .. ,·tPrice Two Ceata, ."..,� . . : ..... '''_ ...._w _._ ......... � __ ...... ���.f TA� Hills UIE TGuy:· � iji'tl� ·-.�ullf.B8illlf4tt::;:,� \:",-..: ::�� GHlDAIO T"jiiVE HARD.. WILL IOl BE WALUIAl ��·�¥-P�!�'�i:���., � s"' ': .�.. '�:��,:::�.�;.:a.rJ RIMY WITH IWII TODAY. _ pi 1;Iiirdi 'bhiIiil ._. ltOlll' . iia ._.. .' ,. .s : i . ,�·Total .of 2.!113$:' AI"'" � Ollie .--ells ··HowHnc Tho�" at·Kim . ��ti�: �. :"tIbW ·lD � Detm v_ .: �- �tf"'�' U���Ii.· �v�· .. �Uad� oai� '. staU M..ald that AbSenCe of Worth-Rally that Plenty.of. Cbeeriq will ·..._-:.I� .:'. y:... lIapaiDe. -T� .of: JJ!ciWo ... !of i. .f.er.� wiDe weakens I..ine. W1ine He isbe Heecl�' : , .. � . Pacul� Conn·' INa.: : <., � �'.. _ New at Fall."OIIai ... tiM·� .f_·�.Ieaior CoUDCii;. .. -:-"' __ " .... {.'.: �";' i � l.·l:e total .r�gist�ali�n· f�i. aU' de-tef£en S2ya ··YoU: · ... t. the'�' . ' " '!. 'i)iW'D. Says Pac;ult7 1D�.J.a: JJ�d4 i)OJ�'lmcnts ·of .. the'. 'University has Rooters Yagure Close Game' in FirstBleachers and We'Will Beat .. '. RI�\;eih 11Wteiu.· Itte Teac�;� �"'-Ez- ��i�i�).��.·:fr�� .21� �<i.;a� ago� t� Half, With Victory in SecoD4-Their Tcam. .. · . :..·��m . plaiDa.... .l.6.l5 in the pre.ent;quarter, showing 2:30 the T"uri�: .. :.� ·!Cdiitd"R. �is�dl , ,.�. "i �¥ .. incre�se .?('��? .. 1h!.� count, a�-the throng of enthusiastic ' .' ..... �ary.:'t;; C�,.. That there Js_at.presel1t 'evident in n"tun�ed .ye.sterday by Dean Vincent. The lineup fo�' todayootcrs that packed Kent theater to David F. o.tj.� . '.�: the··University··a lIIarked tmden�y ·oh i��c�tides' ili�. giadua�e; ·�rtd�rV-idhatJ .. - Chicago. IllinoiLs utmost capacity, Director Stagg in' Dan W. Fer_. . the .part �(. tb� .-f���I�·.:,·t��r:d r 'ii\'i;�ity,'-�ecJicat' a�(t' law· departntesrt Page . , .. , :R. E. Richardsis usual "verbose" manner, ·i�ti�at� A� %. \-�iia. deeper interest in ;pro�lems of ��e�.,. : .. nd, the College' ·oi Educ�tio·n. . .K�·� . , R. T.· .. ' ..••. Railsbackd that. owing t� Chicago's crippled � . ··�·;IV graduate instruction,and toward jnore . \Vith st�ad:Y. �trid�5 .the aue�nce Elliott ;.R. G.V. Hook. capt.ondition, llIi"nois would be.'�a �bard . Zeldij1��n: exacting requiremeot� -'i� . ih� ��ttdr i1i\' .·Brow� 'froM' the rrtodest number Badenoch c. ' .. ' Hdggrcgation to defeat. Captain ·'Wal. .Dean Kenilectfr :of undercraduilte :��QI�ts.bip, '. is . th� t�{ i,w' i� the �.p�i��· �uarter .of, 1893. Ehrhoril"� .:.: •• '� �.;L G •..... ; .. Parnelle,'· however. disregarded' the '''Old ';·�.ic�"_�;�w. .' k\!y�.ote of an art�cle.�y.J�eall Ge�r�_ u.�til .it ��s n�w a�most .. r�ched the Hoffman .7.�"" .L. T •.....•.. Wham1 .. 11·5" 'bear story, by 'as;uring the 'ReDslwi:Sbti-"er.· � E.. ,Vincent: :� . t�e; first i.s�ue .ot t�, ��: ,��k. <;>�,.,h.� :f�,��9�ar!�r ba- Schommer L E� Damn"ooters that if they won the battle in �;" l1;niversi�y. of Cl1ic�go: ,��ill�.' TIle ��tf�.�����ng �!I ��� 'r�s�r�tiot;S f�r Steffen, CaPt. Q. B.. . . SiDnockle grand-stand,. the team V(Quld ",i� . W�l!�i_�._�t��n� .first. .nWD�r, '�'hi�h :15: t"e .. resu't ��. 9u�rter, .�� :to�l .. :��n��1 �n��ll- Iddings . ·: L H_ B.. � Ritcheyn the field. From' that' time on. Lester StenJ. :. of. :tbe combination· .�f �hc;. ��*i !!lt�'_.}� �v�r � .�; .pl.acing Chicago Worthwine ...•... F. B. ..•...••. B�erhere seemed t� be ·-no. doubt iii' 'ttl;' - �� Magazine ,and the U.niye�ity �ecor�. firs�oi; �m�r:i�a.�. f�Ue�e� in at.t��d- Crowley •...•. R.H.B •.... ,Petticrewooters' minds as to the oui�ome of. "1 �rib�:� �.�+� .. -� .will be issu�d . from. the. lJni�ersi� ance .. , Harvard follows (c\ose s�. . Jmorro\\�'s battle. '. . �.---..;. .: . '-�.- ,. Pr.ess today a�d will. �e.r��dy·for dis:- ond: I .Although Director.�Stagg·re(used-toPromptly at 10:30 �pu��ed'� ·o�··-b.!� .r .. ·S·�n'ior4·��iiege··-··sl:;;dePts ��ok'e ::up' tri�ution. o�:�on�. . - According- to. ,the. report for this J)I'edi�t a Chi�go. v'i�torY, the r�tershe drum corps. the traditional ser� yesierd�i ��d took � �eal ili\er�sf in Dr.:Vi��t's contrib��� which is ·qqa�tp.i:��;e·;·��· ��.;� �������te are·.confidenHh�t the'gam�' .:with �tli­cntitle' lock-step fOl'�ed', �n '. fro�t 'of. th.e .',�·atter of DOIDiDati� �didites the. lea.dinc: anic1Cf, �r. ����. "T�t: st�d��s; .a���st. 1,159, i� t��. �u!u�n noi�, .. �h�ch '_h�ginS _a�: '2.:JO·�o�� Mar­obb, and �ith incr�si�� . number� fO�� !�e-. co�.ncily' with the re��t�,�� St�nda�.of Uade�d�te.. ���olar-. q��rt�r 4?! I�-! �I(���te�.����i �ball Fiel4 '�i�,_'aftern�n, 'wi.lt_·,epd_ �ts way to Kent •. On /ar- �h-T��'�es �e(f;����:��t', Ie shIP."�an.d·deals.�th,th�.��r� Qf,t�e, J9� ... � �� .. �go_;.�.dl���!t!..�����ts� ls-�a��her-;VJ��.-�or:hc--,tcam>;hat\'al tbere, after many s�ngs and. oftj�:'9f.'tiiJ.$enl.or 4e�n a�� ... f-: .("omPllSslo�<whl� .ou�III�4,:�e. ���. ��.��!ea.�.:!>J.:��.! �e��I�� _I?��:.a���t �ea� ��c :���n. .. DI��ct��.,��J'seers, it was found. that .�he. fair ��tr �:��.l":' TQday stiU:.J'�DS ma�king s)"ste�,put into,�f(c;ct:���Jg 1�4!,�r' �t'!��J1..� '��: � ��.�e :t��n chief wor�y is. over �he fact that. .. �­oters had already filled one-h�lf Of r�C .. �istetinR- th�� cand��cY�'�f the .�su��er . ,quarter.< I.D :·��P�lll1rig. �:�c:a�.�!l� ,�I�g�.�! ���c:a�lon � ry S�hotti�"'charley horse'" has-Ilot •� hall. Ch�ir�a�:MacCiack;�,}�� w�f1;�·���stf.:�\e��o�i:� t�, the probJem� ��icb the cc����._ �;:.1QSfi�\�L?::' :.. .... :!'v ."" .�,� ..• ' •. cJisappeared,a�d .. �o�h,:ine .. �� have����;;��,tid!�. �� .�!��I:�17 !iiuI� .. ha� �1>ef�,�':to��':7: ':"fi�:�i;�. ,:� .. : ... �,���-::�.'�:.., �1I"the standard ChicagO. yells--a.a. �� .• IIida.--! .... ,to: tile' d! ;A� tf .:� . _-, ���'o�' •• ,�." ;) ._ �����. �!i: :�!.�e! .�� �� ·�l.�����!re!.� he �:��� ..nBs had '1M-�n rehearsed 'wlt1q�l'�f ��� �·:�-;Of�1 w���::� ��#"� � :�!l,,�!-� J:1J���: ��;n:�f .. !� �r: 1�,.��. p'!>����n.; " .. :. . �:;: _�'. _- •. _, ... � .!. .or. --Batc:'--Erickson .. and ·Sa_ .'. _., ��-_""""'--""""'-'�" -�;'-""'.; ! r' ������ •. �� ������:.� .. � �.��:l�cr}�l'i:.:��' �� ,!,,�;£��,tl' ·.'."�.:.��nf�.s.�:tl!a:t J·:..��y�J.��.�.!!��f:l!erfficiated at the piano... .' Tbie-·JP'eatest iDte�l�� l� t"�"'��::.",,' :.:_:.: .� <.�.< .�,;'y:::':: ::o.I� !T���1��fcs'�'f���'J ,�� '����t. �3: i��.����;;�«; ba�� ... !i�Id.� sa,id'!·W�.:.�uc.h clJe�ri�g,. Dji��� �'.�0��r��;��t,� i:;;;�ne:W.estd�.::�'t��l��riise!ff ;,�"!,!���l�·��,�!�}��.��l.of:���-. t���'_'Q�;'::M�"���t �,��.:, ��; ':���)�vc:,-�i:; o��ni�o�.· �.� .toe .��- �{��w.��: �� �e�'� d.� �i �.po.n vi��J .,,!�.;,�. :.���}� s�,�. :���II"1.��P.. �. r.!f!!.�!l�s "::d·.; .. �' .• ; .,;.: ..... i '_'. �.�� p.r,ed!cf�-a� .. ���o.. ry: �().Lqu._'.. ���.pnon:-�". ..... , "', .. � .... :}�:. .... ��ti&li Here .�*� pP� ·to..·:have._IQ��;A �ol�;:���cfd. :;t.�CJ?�,,,¥ ��� \� .. f�� !.�rs .n� ,m� t_l��� ��()��t. "It :��S';:"t.II.n�.��C;l �l!ot"I. read in this morninl(s p�per that �.f"'i�Ifl·� a w�n�.{atc, ;t,�P��.Y,;:� 1���8fi. �!�!� ���t,�ry.!0t.t��C; .• H�jv��si�y, .��rn���'i .I)�.:prac*e. t��get; a:�� �sed .� .. �el�ino.. i�. r.��te�s.:- h.ad ���.�._I1I�e.d .. f�r � .. �. � ... �J�on .. t��L4.• �I�.. � �de.®ess-.· .(�� e�!!p.le.... �.:Th.. �u� .. ��. 's". p. �,-';lP��f.���.:��� .��,. t.. �e �����n._ ?f ful.��ack po.s�tIO�j �s.p"�lauy.�. �th: a·t���·�. tle_'s��e. _or-�. ��t��. :��C\ ��. �.::��:f� _Jh������s. �� «f�;:� .CQIW��l�!I!-,J�q.Jt��¥; .I�.:��� I������I:VI.�I��, ���.�e�.�s,. 198; paIr �£ sensl�ve. ��� l�e I.ddln�.audhicago tomorrow," he sa.I(I ... � also .hCU' fC)l�oWlng'il "the e1ectlon #� � W�st .��a!,:;w��.;,:l!amf�_ ��ller. 1i!�,:}�j"l��J��� . �.� ,���c�tJ�n, �� C�owley .bes.�dc: hl�'�'t' '. . .,.: ":"ad that Cornell has �iJ!�"'fortj-fo �:' �y. Division V. bas two cta.� � .. ��e-,�n.:¥� ;��41�:�,!��.J.g l"h�s t��IJ�lI�e: o�,_,E.d_���i�� o_v�r "'/N:e�'e�heless�"in �.pi!e, of,t!!.e J?C��­en trying for the football team. �iclates,. while in the second and si� .�e_6;.0( !'�s�: £e� ���'� ��s� �:.peE�:;'..>�f f.�� ���r:s :ha�· �oubl�. �i�m �f Mr. S�agg.: a!ld �.�e co�fi­ird the alumni bad advised the fac- d�io. ns ·�t �'Pna�.';h:as'·�.� ;�r carele5s of leaming •. ���.�.• :_ �:; !���.�nrpl����� .�.;..��hiJC:' t�<:law.·. �chO?I �e�ce C'f t�le·. men :�rEII_l: ��'!� . �elty· tQ discontinue . football. for 'thi!\ IIa ... put up- .. , - ..: cago aud;:W���!��:��1!���: ,'!�s ;.I!��J� th�ee ti?,�s: it�.. attelldan.:=e� �tate,. t�e �oo�s. a��. '�o�ful: �pdeason. Compare this· t.o . �ur :o�� ..Dae..fDU_�of..QOJlliJJatioPS .. 'l[iJI. � dili�nt�:s��.; af��I': �� ... a�4oJ�: ,i!, ��. . .. �hare their opti_mi�m·. w:ith "Cal?��ituation. We have no'!V·.��t��y ��n J�(�o�:-���eti� �rd Mon+y, ·tqr.� \t; i� .. ��:.th�� ����� ��7�; ..:.:I •. ;;:;';, • .J 1._ •••• _.;.___ _., ". T� W�t1ie," "'bo sai� ye�!erd�y �ha�t :'�fn .�·hom we can rely as ��tba.. !I.�: :ind�l��tl.��1ti\,6: held at 9!�.';. inStitutions �ra� .... �la�e'Y· .• �.i� ��.;�_i¥.1.. ... �::��L .. ,�.e. bl�achers would .���:the I1hn��snat. Som� of them·.are I�fenonls. _ ':t:.��.� T�, . when stucl+� 1JI9.I'e;�.;\h�:.� �) �-t�... �t •. {_�: ;�91".... ��.:���CS bleachers, th,. H.-am wlll.. beat the nll-layers, owmg to t�C1r .Iack. of·ex-� .. Ift��� on tbear atte�dance s�� ... ,\.��q����;:�e��J!� l!���t:l �J <:��:.:. :.: •. �::':.: •.. .: nois eleven.erience.·.. .. , '.' �r w��(! .•�t��ft�o. vote. ��� �I���I:.: �t� �;1S7:-·.����h :: .• N�t... ���:..�.�P���.:������- .The field is in-·pcrieet conditiC>D,"The princ.ipal. drawback to. _thiS .. s!�!�.m ... i.�.IM:i� tn� as �n ���. �it�.;: .. 1;1t�:: .. ;�<�:{_�����. �'::�:.��� �f � �p.�s �e- �.id :if the !e�per..ture.lo�� a'lit��e,ear·s team IS that .we . �av� n�t.�· . ��� !,"=.-,.� �Ing t�. s�nd \�e :>roba.bIY in favor 9f the' W�tt.r'i �.� ���!!:.!!4.���·.c_I�b�. a � the day promises to"be ideal for 'foot­fficient numbe� of substi�tes.. �n �� t�.�9InPus polltlc�n.s, �D:d� a: �tra.t. :which- 1II��:;.�s;Ji: .� .. ��: ��I_':.-P9l!� .��!���� w�s baii, The' bleachers wili 'be, pa�ked_morrow's ga�e t.he VarsIty. WlI�'�., ',t� �4I�,l" :-��po�ntlon: �� ::tde�.�=.,.: ;:J�:' �;: .::.:.:!-,], :.L� I:; �1!�;� !Wh�;��.���.e�ect. to the limit, and there win be no littlerob:\bly be without .. the s��es, ?� �. ����erly elections. . ':�ba�;SQm,� �: �e .. i.".���,�.:.��ckI � •.• ;:f.��.:�_s,' ia.�I.I�� !n .��� '1Il0��t of cOmpetition in' 'the air as .l1reeeh-ed an inJury an '.' ._ .c�.;�� _.�-.' -Jw,,_,·'mtics ,wa-e ·at ,,�. 10. t.Jle was' chOleD-»�ideftt in rec:opition �ell as.·on the gridiron� '. 'rimmage. .ILLI.OI8-'ftCDr.SALB .. , 'U�ive��i�y" ';'as/·�cc�ig· .. to·.·�n of .... ·���· in" -foandmg the club. Tbe'llii��is 'rooters ,viii be he�e in"Worthwine wiil ta�e Sc�ott'� ,..... SB13 .RiQa ...ADIt �RIt 'Vincent •. recOgniz�· by"th"e: '. V�iv�-.' ·��d.�F�k�� Gi�� ... a law s�e�. t11Imbers unusual for the schoOl thatlace 'at futl-back,. if t1-.: tatter is not '.. � .-city facQltic!l�' In-this- connectioll he was��i·�1'y. :., : 1,rides it�e1f upon :. the spirit withgood condition tom�rTow,. bat .-With a ·cro�.iof fl'�m t!=n to twelve writes:' ..� .;- :·It:iS1t.i:lI� 'of the MWeSt chtb to �vhich it supports e,'en a I�sing ·team.orthwine has . not:· worked long th_gud" 'e�ted at the conte�t: On ·: .. jri�tructor�' haye'" Coliipiaffted �f itd -eintHciai,:'-1��e V� �sc10' ad- Between I,soo-and 2,000 v�ices are ex­nough in the back fi�I�� combination ��Ii Fie ... tad.,., the game win t�'� 51�c::a�(Fqua1it¥"of;their':�M�' lIn�s·'t1Ie 'itGdmb of the ·UniftrSity peeted in the Illinois yeliing . section.nd this might effect' the . smooib- 'ta�' or,' 't6e - a5� of a really :bJIt r�pdr'i s- !lAve'" ii.i»Wii: 3 r.q\1i*ttttlta: in . a'--:�ii: "mMlini' .1ft. Mandet:.. Tbt" The .eam and. the r�ters: fro� [�r­ess. We must. however, .make 'the clash. The;adVanc:e sale has.been.ui,- of failti'res iana'cotianiijft5(ih�'dea�s ';f1i�J·��1i.ooe��5· to' their idea bana. wilt embark early this morning.est of the situation m;(ler' the dr- �recedent� for an· minOis pme. .have had' many 'delinquemi on 'th�if lii icitniini the; dab: .' . .:: .. ,1 w:'! :1rrh'e some time about noon.mstances, , !;incerely hope that the '. Ye�terday 'a: cbiltmuous line stoOd probation 'listi� '-SioOents: ·t�1ia�. : :"Wej:don;'t' 'e�ct .to elect Deb. "fl.,' \ p�n style of play. will colornterc�t and !;t1pport shown by the �rore the Rarden gy1n�sium .win- h3d their" ·grimaCe.;- '�i i to" �- btttr:wc 'do- int�i1d' to make' the stu- n'��t nf the game teday. as both Chi­oting booy in fOmlt"r games 1fiJI be tio ... ' and as a coniequence the offic� ('rowd.�d �5:' �Ct .y: n1striic- "ent!' here' r�alize that Socialism· i!' �agn :\1111 Illinois are ad\'ocates of then evidence t('morrow, ... · had fo he 'cPt npen 'an boar oVenime tors.- and difficulty: in securing saHs- not as ra�. off as t1t�y think. arid that neon' game. Steffen has heen execut-. Captain "Wallie" Steffen 'ncxt took until the �crowd could be· -Suppli�. factory 'direCtron in tb�ir c·ourses." t�e' snC+.i1i�t . 'candidate is a man 1ng the f(lr'W�rd p�sses ,,-jth marvel­he stand, an.d although h� had . the Tbt" �Ie downtown was largi,,-th*ti. As :-an . �om'e .df :t1tes'e' ·conditiOi)s. wortli �upportmg .. , was' th� way one ous· accuracy this week, and ··Orvie··'Old Man's" opinion to contend with. at anT ·da,. �--te_'�5kl'd�� a' �ommission" was appointed in the of t'1t�"me�be" explain� the cause Page an� "Long John" Schommere !laid, .. ,. have heard a 'good deal Combined with tbe general: impr�- spring 'of 190; to consida- and :re: for":b�tnk 'ol tbe c·lob. :la,'c been at the r�("eiving end "'ithhout the game, but nothing aboat �!on'llla tlle-ptne·wiIt kdoser than port Up(!D ·iM�Od •• :?f:-��,:sn�r� A� .. :n���:t"� ·.q�e�rio�. i� whis�r- unerring precision. F\mting �f c1as!Jooting. Illinois re\'e1� in making ChidcO alii Ilfiaoh ".;:e" ,iayed for �du:ate KhoJarsll,,;: � The comml�- f'd: 'What thouKlitfU1 student, realiz- ,,·m 1M- !leen in ample !lufficiency, :tl'port of Chicago's rooting, and one!MJRle � is tn eJemeat � intense sion, on m:-king its repon last spring. ing the deplorable situation is poli- Wallie i� hetter than e\'er, and Rails­hing tbat must be done tomOlTow i$ rri'nla7 e� '1,etween tIM!. follow- laid empha!lis on the principles that tin, '"� st�� �', iiisgen dub, and ba'ck �f' Illinois, has been sendingo outcheer lltini rooters. Our men len of tile two teams� Hence the ex� I I fOTever .remain finn �th Mr. Hear�t? spirals a�ay for fi��y yards at a time.(CoDtiD1led OD pap .) planatioD of aD the excitement. (Cc.li e� - .... 2J Echo answers: What? • (Continued on � .) ..." "" .I.��r'<,'\ t: .' ,., ( " . ... .. . , .:ii!III'j ':MROU_··ti::·,:';­iI'O� ��_,tIle � Of .the :-:�,:��.:." �"�',.���.:�:�.� .. �,' =:':_ .....o4'P2k�IIIIiiioIII ..·t..... .. 1 faculty-..w the 'im�te aDd bis 'N_:tl�tioaa fot the �niOi-.COllq�'IDe oak:Ial � ......... til' tM. problemS.' . : =:. _.:', : ', '�On . m_."be::,�e: iii WiituiJ____ I1_III_wealQ__tIl_�_, ....... -� Whether'justified 'or 001,' a belief in aDd '�ft at thiseDic:lr OSicetor at thethe Ua.iversit,.·. iDdiif� to the Faculty Exc�"e·�o#i�:. .'.,��. ';";:undergRdtiate ·h�s. obtained' .ide cur- TIle' 1Iaimoaidea' 'C!uti. meefs' ·o�r�ncy aniong th�se .ho are studying Monslay 3t 8. p. m.; in Cobb Sb.· Allfor their, bacbelor's degree, This a.- members are ul'I'ently requested tom��n��n����r�a��,. .., ". __ ,� .. � -__.-_.�._._�_. � _)ffici3J utterances empbuizing. th� . 'I;'II;e�.' SOdOIOO ClUb. will take" aparamount interests· of the U'GiYu- trip' to the- ,University of Chicagor ...... _ '_.. _ .. '. ,.ity in' research .ork and the .ork Settlement and to Davis Park P�y­')f the g\aduate sehools; ···.hile the grQund, .'LiSa.erday,:· ·;Octo.,ei: 'I�:�'ery immensity of . the institution, the Ail members .ilI .meet at - Cobb ondjfficulty 'of obtaining any but the saturday at 1:30. ;.r,. ..briefest advice from over-worked The Pir8t Score Club Dance will be'leans, 'and the imposs.ibility of. ,;any heJd.·.in Rosalie Hall· on- Saturday,close personal contact in the great October 24. at 2:30.' AU students Qfmajority of cases between student the Ujliversity are invited .and faculty, have' combined to lay'the AD,)'_ who have signed as ushersfoundation for a feeling of neglec,t. � for die football game must. report atThe undergraduate will be glad to be the. Grmnasium gate at -12:30 sharp.convinced that he has been mistaken. IIf he learns that the faculty does not MANY GAllES IN' WEST TODAYregard him as a necessary evil that --must be endured unless it can find Wiscyam Gets Hard Test in Battle Isome good' excuse for getting rid of With IDdiaDa-Mjni'llesota· to Playhim, he will admit freely that the Nebiuka-other Minor . Contestsraculty has much more. sense than he to be Played.: •had given it credit for. The Wlder- --zraduate is willing to' admit the im- Th! teams of the "Rig Eight" willportance of research work, arid of the get their third crucial test of the sea­graduate 'stu'dent,' but subinit� di'ai his' ion tOday, and -the results are likelyown problems are . important also. to' bring surprise to many footballThat the' faculty' is really devel�ping iani_Sin th� west. Aside' from rhe.. B. Baukhap J4J.aa Ernestine ETa_ i deep interest in this portion of the a.i�go-lI1inois -game, there' will beMorrill H. BriaI- University c0inn:aunity, is both flatter- man1' other important contests.iug and gratifying, . .. T� Gophers will be given the stif-Mala! ome.-·Before 8 P. IlL. J:UIa BaD. : fes�fight ·50 far with Nebraska at� '1'e1eIIboM Blde PM as. Aft«' COllllUMlcATI9N Mioneapolis. Although the· 'Ccjtn-:..:; ::-��4 II:. AUl � Tel- Editor Daily Maroon: huskers. are not believed ·to have as..._ ua.. BeloI'e 8 Po IlL. ElliI BaD. I wish to express my pleasurc at gOod a.n. ele\'en... � in· former years,'UIII-.It7. 'N. � I"uIt 428. reading your editorial of October Coach' Cole ·has made' imProvementx ... � IU7 be left at JCIUII BaD loth, entitled "�ere. Imitation.s.... I in' his line�p' the 'Iast ·week. Nebraska_ --.u;, � � to tile DUb can appreciate the feeling of some is doped to give tli� Gophers a h��....... students in thei� dcsire to have sep- rub� possibly scoriag on them, and �tarate :Freshman' and Sophomore. �lass I.�st holding t.hem . down· to a lo�/Chicago reaches cautiously out for organizations, but the idea. of' �he�e SCQre., . :he third rung of the ladder today. as distinctions is, after �II, so much out At . Bloo�i�gto� 'Wis�onsin wUIit climbs towa'rd the of k�f:ping" with the organization of �ak�.·; "jirrimY;';:t':SlleJdOn's·.. Iridia·JaTwo Thousand championship. This the U,niversity' �iid with .the spiritand tea·m. 'While tti�:·· Hoosier's' shouidLeather Lungs will undoubt�dly be purpose with whi�h its work is done do�' some scori�g on th�ir opponents.�m��ea���� ��i����n·�d�����·����_.l��-.----�.-----------�-------------football than either ganizations will :endui-i .It may be end of the scor�' There·is likely:to : D 01(:"".,of t� conte�ts that have preceded it, well to tty the expe�ent, but event- be' b�t .little scOnng done� as India:q3 ,. . "... ... :..., .' .. '. " ., '.... .. .. ' ,RpM . �O. WH-T... .oWN " LO�KIN, .� POR LADIESand there are likely to be tImes when ually the' student or��iZati�n=- �ust is.:i strong'defensive team.' .)the team will need all the encourage- needs settle down iJ;lt� . correSpond- Iowa will. .lll:y Missouri at Colu�-' AND ,DB. l;)ISAPPO�. IN F'lT AND WORKJIANSHIP.ment a loyal and spirited body of ence With" tlie 'University's' o�ial bi.a, M;o�, for the championship of' t�e ' . BUT ·CALL: AT: ••• L �' '.rooters can give it. scJi��e'l �nd' this. -.!iIl be do��, not 'b-y two states. Marc' Catlin has bcen:What are those two thous;md Ieath- offic�I' pressure, but by growth of ��rking har� wit.1i h�s .team and :h:-tser lungs from down state going to stude�i scntim�nt' and appreciation i� develcped a' crack cleven. This gainedo? Are they going to out-yell Chi- the 'na:ural course of ev�nts. ': will be a tough one, a.; both iea�!!cago on her home field? More hu- The University has been a.. great are deterini�� to' win and are .ve�-miliating than a defeat on the field is inovator in the educational ·,!orid. 11' matched.' .. Phone H,de. Park uIa..a w��b� �W� hm �������w����n'����"����n��o� �------------------------------,­����'���������T����������·�'�j���rr�ri���-----�-;-'-�-:-,:.-.--------------------whole schooL Chicago rooters are tiarper into edugtional conditions jn �eeis M�DDi�tb' college' at La fay- � 'H·,,'r. ... ...., . I: M'··'-' ,not weak-krieed, and are always ready aU their' phaSes, �d hiS genius for'or- ette.' .: '-"�:; .�. 0 e' ·aroonwhen they realize their help is reaJly ;:.ra�iZatiOb �nd' 'f� bringing things to . From present indications it :is' '. _. aDd Drexel' Ayeneeded. The loyal little dele�tion pass were' �dapred to the needs of tbe feared t..at t�e once great Mi�higan .' ': ,,�;""'IIEW 1IAiUGI:IIaT'that went up to Minneapolis last year situation andwere in accOntance with WIll sair� 'the humiliation. of being... ·.,j�r..... �·�"M.-�, *T.,. AJ!D lU'�H ,�OO'"and out-yelled Minnesota proved the� trend of educatiooal beaten .by"N_ot�e Dame; :a second rate .' �-. TtJlat,' and jf any further demonstration work. It is·� 'futile as it is undes�- c:one&e. ·1 " •• :�t CI&s& l\4ealsis necessary, the �agnificent exhibi-Iable to att�pdo��' old.·met�Octs to '�ia-1IIe East, . Colgate is expected to ..... :. �mpf.Servlcetion after the Indian. defeat, proved fit the University life �t 'tbe lK'esent. � £omell its first real test of the I:' .,' "TIIe best oIel&,'.'" sened.af rastHiabIe pricesthe courage and loyalty of the Chi- lime. I remain Yours sincerely, �.�=_: __ •. iw ill abat .sectio�, . � .' nery'nettl",.,� f!""'_"'" . :ago rooter. A spirit of the sort that . F. J. Gamey, 'Iia�'-�� : ... ·_: ... eUi-:Bnttna·'Ud . ..� 1 r • ...... �.. ,oJ W: WMd ..... Iwas .shown at the Carlisle game wilt . Assistant Recorder. p ..... __ ., ...'..... ..... l' -' .. ��".;�:}..;:-;.;,.�, � .-�-r/:-::,�: •. � /'.�_ • I' 'I'" _te "'_.._� • -be needed tomorrow. Illinois has al- ; . ", ' :. " ,. .. • ,-,�., ,' .. ,., " �.J ••• ,', .I'"_/"' r ' .• I·ways had a merited reputation for her 'TheO:ls�ee�, ::::he re- : -- l' ·r· t "/ _jut .",. :Coae •• ·:ot .eom� I .",r;:;oting, and has always saved her i, .� r;' i_., •. t F',': ' ..... Ifhuwa.,. . ., .mme . of its newIY-�'f!cte'j officers, has Are you interested in footbali,', bas. -. . I} . . �', . •best efforts for the Chicago game. �id p.la.ns for somethinG' De. in tbe L.etball," atb.lelia of. an- ·Id.·nd? .Th. e:D '� .. :", '''',:'':''-,;'A'-,. "THENAEUM 'This time she has broken all records ... , � ... . ','. ,. !., .' . '.Iin the size of her delegation and real- way ofi ente!lainment.this �< In- sabscn"be for ,h� Maroon and k� '''.. " " 'r··. ,Iy believcs she has a chance to win. stead of the one .May festival that has posted in all athle!ic events. :. " :11 to' .. VAN inJUN STREET ,The elcvcn men ,,·ho wear maroon been customary, it will giv� a ·series • .. �OaDC people" qaa6W. ill Oar Sborthand and Basi.... depart- ,will take care of that, but the crowd of performances,. to begin as soon af- menta ia. * . morteat poaibJe time for p«*do- tbat pay at oace!in the east blcachers will have to do ter its new members are chosen as is G' 10:\ ��.. from � Ifio • � IMmdaal iatsnlCticn. DAY aDd NIGHT I:s best if it ,,'ants to make it known possible. I....r ' V I:A:J ':"'IIL '.�... '_ -time. CaD, write or phone Ham.oa 1110 forhat it is from Chicago. Tryouts for places in the club will.. . cataIope. PoI_itio..- for· padaates. 31 � of amatencapted sac_ be held Monday in Kent theater,from A* .... die '-t aDd ... c:ea.. "',,, SAJaJBL B. WI.!:,LEY, LL. B., Saperiateadeat tWhilc the underltl'aduatc's joy at (=.30 o'clock to J, and are open to all ... C(IIIck ..,.. ·kIacwomen of the tJ;Iiversity who sing.The officers elected yesterday areFloren�e Manning, president; ·EdithJohnson, treasurer, and Lacile Jarvis, ,.ViDCtDt'1 aanraac:e tUt � 11·.EIdeNd .. SeCODd c:luI IIaI1 at. eM �� Qucqo, IlUDoIa. MarcIl 18. 1103,UDde AlIt til IIan:b a. 1m.PIlbbIIIed 4a1I1, GCeSIt 8uDdaJW. Moada7a aDdww.".. 4urtI.c tm. QUaI1.ea 01 the 0111,....,rc.-b'1'be UIII'tnitJ 01. CbIcI&o W.-J7.r0ude4on.. WMl7. October 1. 188Z.Tbe DUI1. 0c:t.0bIr I, II01Z.------------------------------�D price, $3000 pel' �; $LOO r«tlahe..u.. � naeJ,_ at &beIIuaoa ()Glee, ZIUII Ban. 01' at the lI'lIoCUIt.7 Ea·........ C»bb Ban.KKLVIN J. AD.A.K8. News J:t.1tor..&.. 1.. rBID8TEolN, Athlede. JkUtor.OSWALD V. NELSON. BuaiDeu JIa.Dacer.11_ lbmle L11I,.. Jerome N. Frank',&.. G. Whlt11eld Roberta B. Owen1. 81dDe;. Salke1 HucraTe I..oncW.· A.. WaTer, A.. N. PfeJrerART EDITORreceipt of the news of a rising tend-cncy in the University'sUndergradu- c;cholarship requirementsatea and the may in some cases beFaculty rather for-:ed, tllere win secretary�be no doubt of hi! sin- All the news of tbe campa! WIll becere pleasure when he reads Dean found each day in the Maroon. 1 '-I •••••••••••••• a 1.FOWNES: -:-.-_ " "�/:- _-lily.· ·WHA�S· rifE· USE?or bawiDc coed �tJ:Iia�.�u �'t,� them .well;�E R _�IlIII...". A good suit de.�r!es ,it and a poor suit demands it.We piea aD kiDda at reauJar prices . 'Work called for and deliveredTIIB 0JtAPrSIDlf SHOP"Sizing up. of Freshmen":. '- :i� a popular stunt among the Upper Class­. men.: To he' "sized" lip properl, is most-""j�'IJI. important for every first year man - tocreate a fa,orable impressioB he must wear... dollJes with strle, ;ndi,dualif, and qual;" -clothes made for College Men by CollegeTailors. Most Upper Classmen are alreadywearing our clothes especially those whoare correctly dressed. .0SD-.. :' We have aD attractive College. Poster· ;;--YOUI'S for the askiDg.,.�er·.eWDkieTAILORs 'Ibat floor II. __A_••_tIS "' DariJora Sf.cPorltS4EXCLS'I.p�.: fi� ·Welnsteln•. .� _; . ..,. , '. - !. . •433 :& .55th Street-...\ .-.·.MEI,TfON:···Jhe ·DAft Y MAROONWlie •. r"ding Witlt 'Our .Advertisers" '}'> ;. l'� .0.J -.?; it.ered,LSS­osttot!ar�eidyzhor._I21.... "1•I_IIDee !·HT I::�)1; - ... (. • • �r '>: :.�,�<··::j·���:t·��··�·�· � ";';:'� =, '< .... -;.;': :r:·.�·t»·;·:::.f.{. .I"_� ..., �, .: r-, .- .'., .-��. y .• � \ '... : .. -.�., ....... _ ---"""\". . ...... ;:�E·PAlLy·;���:s�wRDA.y�OCToB£R:J7i'·:J�,:Try us. and if pleased. tell• your frieDda; if DOt, . \' TELL US! .l., ____Coii:�ge "'Cafel'447 E. SStIi. st. "INear Lexincton' AvenuePOPULAR 'PLAO.ATPOPULAR PRIOBSIS READYGEO.· M. COHANand his Royal Familyand Incomparable cC;::20.000 STYLESWHILETHEY Mark them and see - CorlissCoon Collars outwear others. Theyare strong. hand made collars.Absolutely. "00 caD­DOt. z:et. bett.er ap­pearance. st."le.· or·, .const.rucUOD. wear.,-emain in residence one or. two quai'·ters longer and ·to. maintain wor� �fsufficiently high character to britilthe agJegatc of honor points' up rzhe required-nUmber'�f seventy-two,"Grant AUistance OD HOllOr.�In further disc�sing the work �jthe new plan, Professor Vince�t•- .' Iwrites: ', "The .granting of assistance 'to students �iII,' other things being· equal,be based. upon 'the number of honorLAST'Maroon, Ch-ieah;':\:ROG, A-�h;Maroen, Chi-Oal.;(pause)"Siren"Chicago •. Chicag.o--- Rah!. M('re .Iike this .will make. the con­test a spirited one, and' possibly per­.nanetly bury the complaint that Chi­cago has not e�ough yells for i�srooters to demonstrate their lungpower OD.. ·S·TUDBBAKBRFRITZI SCHEFF.in the fir�t production .of.THE PRIMA DON'NA �.�':'�2�COUNTIt.Y CLUB(:"-" ..If � lleUer cloee Dot wiUhaab �;�j,:­� Write for et,lobnok aD4nameofdealer'wbo _u. th.. pl.lllI:r Iwtter �1I.n. .Corliss, Coon & Co., Chica20Wm. Jerrems' So�Clark' and Adams' Streets _OOLO.BIAL�points in -their records. The rie'"DR ExceDence plan. th�reroret' will .in' a sense estab­'lish a .waiting list for scholarships.S E E THE M M A D.E . ,.�. nd.. - st. udent servi�e' �a�POin'i�e�.1.sThe plan also 'affotds-a basis for the370 E. 55'th S t re't""- ,�' dismi�sirig 6f students, 10' a' gi�erPurityMANY BOOKS;IN ONE·.W.EaSTER9S· •.INTERNATIONALDICTI'ONARY� ".J!Ia ... tIIat .. �---;.... a-l � ALL JDJrDa .f� Sa=:; ..... , a'acr'o.��. GIIInA&trIon.cs. ..... ..u. Dc •• �.... �., ... BII&IIa1aJ.upa;e........ � .�T�of�.�.,IktMa._ ......... ., � .E'IoIeel� •••�.-.... 1AtIa ••--�- .................. .AMI ""c.PREPARE FO,1:l 'Ii:A�K �AN�year; .a student who pursues nineRAND� M ILL I B B i y ��urs';:s should, if he is advancing' �e:noCratS oa' C.m.pa"·sa� Many will�lf)..mally to graduation, ... gain als��. �t' .. ��,."O�� .4 5 8 E. 63 r d St r e�.t:',. iea�t eighteen honor points. �'�.POPuLAR ilel;t ivho gai�s less than' ten 'h��or, The second milestone in the en-PRICEs' points:' within. the limits of t*�e .Ieavors of the 'Uryari and' K�ro 'club.; quarters will be dismissed, un�i �il1 be �eacbed "when" MI'.' Norman. ,."The'·Quality Musical Play"Tel. Hyde P-:-k :�8���: .! � _: �t�e� are extenuating <'ci;C\,msta�;. �Iac��' ,��� .�tjona} .• �����t.��· .• ��a��!. �::A. S::lJ�BOR�. qNDEREI.:LA» � ...... �� ....... � ........ _ ... � .,,,h,ch .the faculty feels able to . flake luan, \VlII, b�I • .b:a&qU!ted ,,,·tlutChlP· •. '. ',� - - . -� .. - i -. . -, :iiit.?:act�u,,�. i" student who in��i� ;�o� pr.i��ie"'�.�cii�i!1�' r4�s ... #cfc�t�' -. ,,:.j�.t.,,: - ' .'.. " /' =Iff)�rth years f�IIS.below·th�mini�!. �.a.�ed� on. �.t.� :.e.·s��rd�Y. w. e.. �t..'��ti3:·"·� '''''';;��:,:�:A . SALLB· 'w,W not be dismissed. but In .�der. tc. act,only. acc�rcbng to the officers of·:"I:.e.gradaat�;will.be requia:�.o;re;' :.i��·�iub,_'aJ:ld'.·�aY"be'had tOday �nd A GIRL Ar'THE HELMm��'for ��d�tional worJC:" .. >�. • .il' 'day' Mo'�day. at' 'tlie: infOrmation 'i CEciL LEAN:.1.,9(i��--pre$�nt .attitad� ·.of-the �ac. ',ffice" or f�in a�y, �f' t1i�.-.�embers of .". ' . �nd .'ulty taward undergradUate insU,Uc .., b�. o�R3nizat���� FI.;ORENCE HOLBROOKtion; Dean Vincent says: . � . and ·t:u�··La Sal' Theatf'r St()r'1c Co.I '�There are signs of new interes1 �": ,.u_�'ci,.� ,_.Appear��ng' Chicago instructors in �tbe "'T-he Un���sitY'.of Cb�QgD Map 'lB.: A'UDITO.RIUM• prOblems' of .. �naei-graduaie teac��ng. �ine �U make' its appearance on tbe l'olic'emen's Be�ev�lent AssociationS��·��!· de�art�nts are orga��rig camp�� �o�daY. �{ana�r: Wilk of COHAN It 'HARRIS:'th;ir' .�.o�k �ore cO-oPe�tively i�d . tbe : mapzine is wor�Qg hard to presente_ffe����iy:' ..}��� ·�Prin." �� .,i,!fo��. � t��.-��!. c�y:,o�� 'of i!me� The_ 1'1:"Y MIL� FRhM BOSTONconference' of JunIOr .. co�l� .. t��c�� .' ��J�:�.�l� �,c���n. ,;�ve�' one hun­was.,caU� and. p�ns, are:�n��!��� ��:'����"�m'. �y ne� .f�tures.· JQr_ a _S�I'_I�S �� �t}cb. ��!1D� _ dUi".g. 1bo.se wbo, have s!1�s� �y Pro:· t�� .. ,p�.4;sent acad�mic� ye.ar. 10 }.�s. �c, .. t��! .c?pie� Monday m�mlng:lDd oth�r ways" mach WIll be .��- �rtJie .. �_� ,�ce in E�is �all.pli�hed . in arousing, enth�5iasm ..,'.. '. .' .', ., teaching� 'in furthering' ·diScas�i.oD '·:01 ':!� ,C:Jab -DaDce Nat· ���cbing m��ods .. and 'in' fost��.,i �fi'� '_q;;(¥.��: �lub .dance of the· .�ense. .of . cOmradeship. amOllg t� letson will .... aiRD' -ai ROsalie" Hallwho a�' devOting thenisel� pii1D&r-:- �;Frida�'�tic:tober Zlth at 2:JO.· ;l\1R. WIlLIAM FA VERSHAMily . t.o 'und�daate instrUcti.on." �. -�-:U��a;ity' 'is' . inVited the 'same P:-esents.'. ..cia fOimer·1urs .. Dates for the THE WORLD AND HIS WIFEJOSH STUDBMTS AT." !' �.� 'Of ��e 'dances haTe' DotTALBOT1I .�: iPREAD .been_- � � "J'd'1N\ the plans of the: _'.. __ .. , � �,, __ � .. _ . SoCiety indicak . t1I1lt these. dancesAfter'iaooa T_ to .,_. Ia. Q • Wid be' a!1' J)opalar . as eTer and that. for Qaib. ·_·: ...... iiii' ........ ��� .nulUber will tum oat t� them.·. .,.. ,H-.< :- : :. ....� ... _. ..... ' Y ... W� c.. L. CabiDet to DiMDean. of Women' liario'; Talbot: ·;ntc?·.tie1'itMn of th� cabinet; and.of OIIIOAGO. OPBBA BOUSByesterday p�e a' fift dc:IOck tea te the social enmmittee of the Young THE DEVILtlie deans and clerks of the Univer· Women's Christian le�gue, will have.5��. . About thirty, attended the dinner in l..exmgton this evening. -'f­"harm(lny� gathering' a� spent the ten-ards . the,. '., ...11 'go to the Rey- -......- -----­time pas!'ing quibs c.oncerning the "olds dub to be on band for the All­joys of caring for a crowd of rCglst- Unn·ersity reception.enng students and the impending funin. store in th\; way of' sending .out Ifisa Grim fo speu at' BaIIalo:'nunk" n.otices.· The scene-of this' Harriet Grim is on the program ata'uspi'�iria� . occ�5ion was" the o�ce of the Suffr:a� cOllftntion at Buffalo.the BUf'�a" of Records. She is to �aJ( Monday night. Miss. .Grim Win:· f'epreserlt·,· the yo��g "'0-.Small ad!' In the Daily .,ring la�' men of America. Miss Breck�nridgentums. ' .Will also d�liver an address. . The Daily Maroon is the officialstudent puhlication, contains all thecampus ncws and descn·es the sup­port of every student.poWDS.--.THE SERVANTIN THE HOUISEEXCLUSIVE 1.1II·STYLES'-- .. .. ........ �.- '.'Put cinger into youncJf..·.�W-·lone of :Bow's custo�-taU��"chesty. snappy. dasbing'�·::·cr top coats, such. as .you • �� _cn the �mp� �.. � .�. � ..... WEBSTEIt'S COLLEGIATE DICTlO�ARY�� � _ abddpaeats. RccaIaraacl TbIa ...,_1idIdaa. 1t1161'a;:es aacI J.4OO J�....... � ... �" ... ----��=�-=:� .... L I Co .... co., -s,rt.cfleId, ... • .When you're· down. to ..... ·· take .a lock at our new quarters,605-6' 'Ii�Jiic' Temp�better·�stin. Jet. Us ShOw· You·':the �'eX- -.elusive U. of· C." iDoaeJ8 �thatwe've Pen� for �ar_'�� .cial gratificatiC;n. -',- .'\ . 'ILLI�OI8.. A. WALTZ DREAMBy Oscar SttaussGAa.IOE ·... AnARROW Collar'is 'right to begin with and the, . C1apecG Process k� it th:a�way. . ·1Sc.· eacb-i for 2.5c.CI.uftr. PJIUoDy .I; Co..lIakers'l ••As to woo��: a. aweDer lot-,:was nevei'. opeaed ill thislown-bip IDQ ....... bat Weare t.udnc ,of _Ie,. of �.�gance of thAt oat:.of.:the �� .�. Wtiidi"patj oar'"�.in a aDa. by ��:' ..aems. aBABD OPBRA. BOUSB)',. WILTON LACKAYE g-\\e �oot· �tU�io. UIIBALI.IlALL243 Wabull.Aye •onp.., Ideas and Exclusive Styles illPHOTOGI\,APHS·�� a •••• '011.,., C. S •• d ......... THE BATTLEReprdlea of the .... i, �.'adftDce we have IIIIII1ewe Still maintain prices·· ..at an .� aatoniahb.al7' ";economical plane-saitaor tcp coats. '15 gp.Pressinc. d�ne cratuit-oasty-every bit ofwork done on oar 0'"premi ... MABDOLIB .AND GUITARJlfSTRUCTlON:\lso instrumentations for MandoliIi;md Guitar Orchestras, Ada Rogen�Iandulin ··Virtuoso. late of "Russian('Nlrt Orchcstra." N.Y. ,OS East 60thStreet. Illone Hyde Park 1960.withHENRY E. DlXEY., .CVIOK.B'BCHAUNCEY OLCOTTin his new play .RAGGED ROBINWHIT.BYTH E BIG' SUCCESSA BROKEN IDOL- ... : ..\ • / ...... � .... ::... '!"" ..l\4en's Hats and Fixings·238 L" ssu. StreetPbillips"Fall Showing-.. �. , .. >",�". ... - � . '. ...... , ..... ,.. \ '.,_/FIRaT ClUB DAMCB .UCCJiij�:�·:,-,;-" t H-"'� '.-:.�':.:'-.:/�" .. ". " .""Rf"" cr-i" w- .�/� :-3:/ ·�'·��iV"t :r'�··: ·��::·:-·5}��h4�ilege Chap. . '" -. �. iF clo� � ..... � .� �.�"'" � '1' ........ - :1 �:�3�.� ...... ' , ..... JzfoII ) ........ �� jn c1reu are ill-_ . .' ·-J�ti¢1lree.I"·�·Kau ..... ..;.�·_-perlllaDeDt .. CU�1IEJt8 b7. the clothe. weA big crowd, 'th'e'prettiest bunch �f :. v .- , ': •••• / - ..... I � ': '�:.:otr� diem :at !�.rs to' ..... TMy are �tbea of TO�AY.Freshman girls to. date ;lnd excellent . L· .' t'" . � I 'k "'h ;' ': IDj� ... aIift "'aD electricaJ17 cbarpd ware. and superbly. . .' "'·,v ';>1 .. .... ·rom He {>J:esent out 00 • t ere are t.iJo---' Imusic marked the fpeniog of· the- '.. h .' . .... f ..'. ', .' . : ..... :. : .• " .' . ..,:; :b' :"! �, s ,> , br1�t t prospects . or a �lnDl�', c;:r�ss- .�""'-- 'Wftu're �o- to� come � .. A "co-I-" _I.._! .Idancing season at t e Reynolds club "'. ,. '. " .. \" . .;" ... ' ..... ;' 'W:IKII .. _ U -... -- - ...... � �.uu•., . ' ., ,f '., • , .1 ", _ -_ tountry team thiS year. While nnt,. J -M.....I· • It 1.. __ .1 :. 'last ilfght .. The 6rst dance ,of the sea- " In'y' cain'" o'ut" 'fo:r <, t' � :.-: 't' "[ , ..•. co� irip-o -tbe-uauu · ... ta �u with a..,lately DO obli-" . . ., �.. : � e , prac Ice yes er- .._;_ .son showed a marked improvement IT .' h"�' ..... :. ' .... ,. ]"�;." ptiOD'to -�., ;;. . dav.,t e men who ran showed up J,)1 • . . - '. " 'over fo�mer years. th'� b�st �rfo�' ;., .. ':' : ���.-:s 'q.orHt:S SHOP'Two floors were used for dancing, ·.tapt�in· C�ld�'ell led the 6r�t :f'�' &at, lIoqroe ,Street'and were well tiUedj by .at least tw:o ad' t . f"a' 'I- f 'thO "iJ'" --------------. ,_'. ,. ;'., .' sqU . , a a rr c sp . orJ r\ee. m eshundred and fifty couples. Frappe '1l0d' a h;�.If, setting, the p;l�e 'the I��nwas served on the landing as former- �ill 'have . to run �in the, bjg race. A,­Iy, and on the .hearth in the lobby sisting Ca��w�II' �ere 's�v�r�1 inelig�also, The music was furnished �y �bl� �e!1 who did �ome coa�'�,ing as �o:J ackson, I '. .,the �tride. ', .::.Long; Wbip and Carpenter all.,s�o��d �p . w�ll� Long e�peCiaUy di�­t�ngui�hing hil11s�lf. 'These, withCal�weU, Dolan, Shuart and one ort�O others are the material for a wi�­nin&: team." 10 tb� se(:�pd 'squad. Seegers isshowing f�r:m, a�d i� the third bunchtwO men, Eas��u.rn and Montague.a-;eruJ1'ninJt' ,,:e!t :,TO INPORJI STUDENTS '011'.' SCHOLARSHIP srANJ)IKG...... - ., ........ . :Number of Honor PoiDts to UIIdK-., .padaate'. Credit to be 'Recorded, ill Course Book.As a part of the new system ofmarking, put into effect during thesummer quarter, students are in fu­ture to be' informed to a certain ex­tent concerning their records i,nscholarship, according to announce­ment made through the Recorder'soffice. I t has formerly been the pol­icy of the University to maintain abosolute secrecy as .to the marks givenstudents. Under pledge that themarks would not be revealed to the -Vol. \-CHiGA. ,,�" :'��f''-�' In:' .Pwaiar -fJrke$. 'If,'i$R5._ ,BliSiness Suits are p"O'Sltlr.ely.1��.OO ",'ue. you can sare just.$10.00 ",'·Tbars,worth whi/�. Letme make onefor you and 'prore :it. ExplairOU1students, parents or guardians haveh�etofore heen informed of the NEW GREEN CAPS, IN VOGUEgr.Eldes, but students themselves havenoCbeen permitted to know their Freshmen LiviDg Out 'Pledge to WearVerdant Headaear. SatisfieH_'standing unless it was bclow passinggrade. But the practice of giving 'Wendell·M.jestic Theatre Bl4 7S Monroe StreetThe. green cap is becoming promi­nent on the campus, and oppositionto the new headdres�, is Dot as strongas was expected, By the end ofnext week, it is said thdt nearly every1912 man will adorn himself wi'th oneof these covers. .They are being soldat Kerns.grades to parents has now been dis·continued.According to the newly adoptedplan students "'ill be kept periodic,ally inforrnl'd of their general stand,ing, although their marks in specificcourses will not be made known."'hen the course books are called inthis quar�er they will be sent to theUniversity press where a leaflet fully'explaining the ncw marking systemwill be pasted in. Place for record·i�g the number of honor pointsstanding to the credit of a studentW'iff be 'provided in these leaflets and The latter will also give Schommertl:J.ese will be brought up to date at some comp�tition. T:he Orange andeach posting of the books .. This re- Blue lineman has been shooting' hiscord will keep the student informed place kicl�s over the goal post from.as. to. whether he is maintaining the the kickoff: ."";� -'A.{d.'..ISBASOIf, :.llu.' OPBBBD. -"average of two honor points per The Illinois delegation o( gridironmajo'r which is necessary for gradu': warriors .expect, to . give Chicago a The new autumn �nd winter. fab.,ati<?n. much' harder fight for first hon- riC5 'show many. striped effects,· butW�ile the new system is not re- ors than has been given the Maroon' the"colori�gs 'are' not pronounced ..troacth'e it. applies to every student for. several years. Optimistic' .'1U� "The' fab'ncs .have �. rough' twilledin the University, beginning with the nois aiumni point to the'scor�' of 1904'· �fa���ven' closely �nough t�last summer quarter. The records of a�d say that the Orange and '.- Blue gi�e ···setVice.: !students before last summer will not team is- :better t�is year than it was ..OliveS :aitd' the' .' various,: shades. be taken into consideration, in reck· then, and . refu�e to concede Chicag6 Tirowri 'are' in strong favor.·ooiog h(\nor points,. but it will be her strength of former years. .' Grey striPes and' the 'greys shadipgn��a�fura����m���n III�.Willd��db���ili�I��·t��0��d�����p·��r;-,.�����.���� •• 4����._4����._4����.an average of two honor points per work of "Pom" Sinnock. their plucky ,Iecidiedly correct. . -·YOU.,.. · �:":CP.· :;T�. 'i' Fratemih. Manqu.. arter for the' rest of his cO.tlrSe in little quarter, .Ra'.I.'lsback, the sn.-edy· 'In ove'rc. oat ,fabrics. th.e rouah' b�s. '.' .. �'the University. right tackle, )V�o has be�p doill;:uch ket weaves and herringbone ·&striJ.e� .'. , .. ".:: '��B7' _"}' CI� '.commendable work, and Captain V�n ue considered ve� smart.'Wanted-Every student in, the Hook, who is eXpecte� to do untold :' �ti'fo�:'Co'DeCe '�, 13o.to $35University who is not a subscriber to �amage in the M'�roon line (rom"his' . '..' �b �$� ·to·14o . 's'ubscribe at once. guard" posi�ion. .��. ���� i:i.ii!�: ��� .The men <?� the Orange and BI�eeleven are extremely anxious to �¥.ea good showing against Chicago: be..:cause �everai of �;th�m' are 'play�(Etheir la�t :s�ason :of Varsity footb;U.'Van Hook, Pettip'�w, Sinnock,Wh�mand Railsback, ,rill not have �n-' ,'r , YOUIIG . !other chance to oppose Chicago, hav- '�N�l'" .. ,,,�-". n. • enema, -&r.ing played two years.. Baum. h .• as two.�.' .• , ... �: - i�� -, ,La. A.D.... 8t.._. ._--"For Rent-Light, airy, back parlor; I d f V b II n.;. l ��. � � .p aye.. one year o. arslty a : cur- :'" . . "'. ' .. '.J� )�suitable for one or two; reasonable nell, Richards, Bremer and Ritchey •.. . ,0. �.. :rates. Inquire Mrs. Swenson, 6059 are playing their first big game. TheEllis Ave. line is undeniably strong this year" A. G. :'sPAlIIN,' .{J'l.s.but the bac�s com�.r�d to Chicago's .� .', �. . ,.:. . "'h�:trio, even ",,-ith Worthwine taking l'be ';� . � �'. ..Schou's place are only fair, while the �orlcl; �f oIicial, . A�c: �ends are not better than fair. The' --team from down the state will try .to 08icial.lllllllemea .. :� d'�combine the old and �ew styles of .... PiekI.· SpOn._ ,play and expect to pull off some bril- 1:00'" •• n ..... 'e' •• n 1liant plays. The men are in g®<l II II.....,...a. II .....,condition in spite of the warm weath- Ice·': ft. ... M. .'1I,M'.' ��.,'. �, ..er they have been compelled to put ""I�"". �: VUIItiP wi: h th is week. UaifonDa for aD Atlaletic Sportj.GYMNASIUM APPARATUSSpalding's .' handsomely illustratedcatalogue of all sports containsnumerous suggel'tions. MailedFree anywhere. SatistIe bandone Ithrougl;tftcrnothe sormust tprepar4the 3Hlime yin disc'temptil. ThesiderintussleiDer, IIgame,w,a� �:cut,. a.. vie" Psore a,feel-:d. No.. ;but....M�- .... --Arts Women . GiVe iDance'fhe informal dance' -sriven by thewomen of Arts coll�g.e· yesterday af·tern�n in .Lexington, p;oved profit·CHICAGO TO iiA VE HARD ,. . able as well as enjoyable" since tbisFIG�T WITH ILLINI TODA¥ waS' the . first occasion at which thene'" and· old members might come' toknow each other. Refreshments ""-ereserved. The colleg is so�e largerthan formerly, .owing to the reorga�i­zation among the Jun.ior colleges. '... .: : " .. � . . THAT·GU.A�TEE SATISFActIONWE'Itt GOING TO GET "IN RIGHT" WITH THE UNIVER·. �rri .OF�;'$.�GO �P,y� Gl� (tS A. CALLWatterson & Southward•• '..• .f .. � -. - �TAILORS(Continued from page I)TelePhone Central· 61gB. 153 La Salle StreetVARSITY ,CAFEI... . ;i474f'C: 55'.MEALS'!2oC:. 'and up. son w:stituteusing ..LouisMinneteachilGc.phc'the scthis '""Tilthis y"andstron�Theymay c::Dire"'ith IlIIinoispitepaperherenni."Thin thl"It 'Wgamea prefirst Iher f:twe1vfor't1twcntIn thher tdown�er 1the rthe jl.WHY?, :�Use .Lia� BrOthen Makes Them.... ,. .. ;. .. '.-.-'LINDSAY' BROTHERS49' AHD ·-s1'j.CkSoN·· BLVD.Tmrd"�r�:' "in )�' �--�--�------------------�----�--------.---------;. 8.� L� AMEs 'HAT .CO.ONK QUAR'l'BR :cBrmJRy AT 'OLD: LOcATION.• --. -.. • .',1 I � : -, - ,.... . .. � .- II�" AT ." ·· •• � .. ·aSr_ .... STIIEET,. / ....... 'JDmUD BUILDIRG'- ..• .. 'I ��.;�A� OPERA'HATSA PAIR.DBI\L WITH EACH RAT1160gGENTLEMEN........ 111\1.......!..-IU-=-­.... ...a.BOSTONGARTER Q�� .. ", - -�-: - �RBLLA8 :-:....... . I'. �� /�q,� WA"O� AND STORAGB. CPIIPANY ....... :. "!.' .:., 'PbciDe' &,de Park 571 KiadMIrk Aft. _d seth It.. ''The <:tIl".' ad __ Kept StDnpw....... ia dIe.� •••••,Fa�itare .. d Pianoe Moyeel. Stored� Packed an�'Shipped to. an pam of the world. .JOG Printe Stor­ace Room� Large' Parlor &clasinly for Pianos.ROOIDI for Trunb ud Wheels. Larce Room forCarriqea, . Banies flDd Sleighs. Trunks to . anel. from .n Depot.. Local Trausfen for Bag.-.e.Faniihllle, Pacbaa, etc., at shan notice.8peciaI alteDdoD aha to UBi,er_" Orden.STAGG HINTS GAilE TODAY,WILL NOT BE WALKAWAY vor ;the,while:out (l5t"eindurincagoJllin(Sp�for t:pre�"careIt is,(Continued from page I)will lick 'I1inoi� on the field. All A. G. SPALDIlfG " �JU)8.they need is the support of the stu-dent body. I would advise that the New York, Boston, Buffalo, Syra­men take a separate section. and '31- cuse, \Vashington, Chicago, Philadel­lo\\' the women to f('main alone be- phia. Pittsburg, Baltimo� St. Louis,cau�e "'hen a fellow does take a girl Dem-er!" Kansas City" Cincinnati, De­he is usually timid. We want to de-' troit, Montreal, Can.; San Francisco.I feat the IlIini aggregati·on. in'. the MiulleapoJi •• Ne1jt ·Orl�,Oeyelandr___ �AL.IYS USY ...... __ .. �andstaacl ti weD as the cridiroa." .. (;0IId-..s...:. ., '.' _'. , ...•-....., D 0 If ' T PAY P U L L PRIm:I now line on band, ad IeIIiac at baH pri�:Parker � Cane, Jo1m Rolland, Paal E. Win. W.terman Ideal,A. �. WateiniaD'., CoDIdia 'SeJf-U� Crocker, Blair, SimplofiUer,Aatofil:lu.. -.id an.; tile otIIer � braDdI of'.0 U � ".A.I." P EllS . RepIIiriac wIlDe ,.,.. wait... D.�vm .. :'lIm....... IF Clark St., Cbicqo.... no.oo .......� ......... �.'.- -_ .. ..,._