_....'.'WBIElBERSHIPBREHS. :IW� I.�·,· '.�.:.:'�: oilAs}' �O.EIISH.J!": :laLDioino� B8� oME CAIiIDA�S FOR·RECORUF LAST YEAR 'Pn>:.!:. �: c!:.. i ARTIST II .. tJjIJt�I����e�::'"c:w::a.:: SEIIOR CODICIL TODAYEtimolou w_ ,II� Ii. AriDo�' v� Get 3 ."(o�: .• ud -v ; 3 -��u.e to Call 'l"bemMiftS Ollt F"lI'St .Election Under New Systemmeata-:�·�y .. _ '�"� Kicka OD.� •. �·.Of . cf·C�pion.bip �ce. will be Held at ChaPel Meetinc- .� .' .' ..... . .'Next. Tuesday.Pr�felsor Frederi�k .s·ta�r. is in a (Special ·to The Daily Maroon)quandry�'tiHe .h�s been scanbliig everY Director Stag ��r��;'l� �� .Urbaua, IlI .• Oct, 14, ;1908-The Var- Division· Liats .to·be ,Posted thispassing �Ud�nt 'wllo eDier�·· WaUcer ir playa for IlliDQiJ Gaai�Practicc sity is, out for. a week of. the. most Morning-New Plan Wins Unani-the hope that he 'may me�t lome whp. .�' S��_'·· .. -. -'.strenuous � kill� "of pract�c"e for the mous Endorsement.are I�kfng fOT hi�. and.. also '�e .. ,., .... .game with Chicago Saturday. TheReynolds is well and prosper- meeting" pia��' of-IUs 'coUnt in- A11'�' .The Varsity showed a much strong- team is being worked to the Iimit by Senior College Election Scheduleg, according to figures given out :hropoloD 11,. which mekn�. ·general er" class of footb�li �est�rday' in tti�ir C�.!ch: Loewenthal .and his assistants, Name_s by divisions posted today.esterday by Mr. English, who was Etbn�loJy, and 'meet� at 12 o'eloek, dally ,tilt with t��. F.!esh';�p�' #. Three Lindgren and Han. The play last Nominations tcday and tomorrow.usy the greater part of the att�r� -oa, dear; Db, .ctW:·�::M� .d.cId�. t.ouchdowns a!l_d tJ�ree g�als ': ��� Jhe _:,ll.r(lay. was .not considered up . ro No�nations posted Mon·day.oon receiving d�es and signing mem wThink of it� think ofIt,' and be pro.. rield for a total of tbirty points .were . Hillds� . st�ndar:d;·. a�d a' great im El�on' � Senior' ChaPel Tuesday.ei ship cards. At the �lose of busi-: ce�'ded to' explain. his .troubles to �a counted against Coach D'os�ff!s,:�6'rst ·;.r�\t:mej'jt is necessary .. and certain . -ess, the membership total ila<:i rea�h- Daiiy 'Maroo� repott�r -�'ho . 5t� year 'hopefuls in whi�h �Loo'aj�bn" in order to make the proper showing A new scheme will be put into ef-• 340. Tbis number is an increase near. .Schommer wa's tJl� shining�:sia� _'i�e �gai��st ·.i5.ireCtor- 'Stagg's lineup. The feet ��. the 'occasion of .tbe Seniorf eighty .over the size of. last fall, "Here �l- .hoWe only- three students artist .. The versatile end kickt:4 '. it!ree Chicago' papers 'have called: � Illinois College Council elections. Insteadnd was the occasion for much grati- r�gistered fOr-· my' cO-Vie i� Ethnol- goals afte�. the touchdowns and,got out' oftbe running (or die champion- of. holding th.e elections at the deans'cation on the part of President John ofry, a�.<till �lw.ough an _error. Think away �ith as ma�y �l��� kj��·.goa.ls s�lip on _th�:J)asis of the. game with office an�t having them last throughiIle and ·Mr. En£lish. .?,f i!._' �: ��e: was·. not even �D" from distances. of. from. ZS ",to . 40 l\lanju�tte, but. nothing definite can two d:,ys, members of the coeaeil to:"Of the members of th� club most D�,.aod,�·.n�y.regi.st'���<I yards. He isJast losjng:his:�arly .• s�a_' be dedtice4, fro�.that co�test, as 11-:- be chosen this quarter will be se­t them are new, and that is. enco�r- explained _tfie mistake on' th.e bulletin �on. ina��uracy in. ki�ki�g. and.'is g�t- linois as .. we�l as all.other college·s-. lected at the ch��el meeting nextging,'� be said� "There are at pres- ���.d,.��� .���t.:·���_���e... It�; .!t ting.his. foO·i�o�k'�c;��.�:�Jl·,�ct has n.?t.y�� show.n tl'.� .. r�al.��liber of Tuesday, the syste� being. for the't o\"er tbree bundred men wh(hiitv� i'nanced 'three innOCent· -students tQ 5ciencc:..in- a way' that� .promises-,.�.'to her. t.earn· ,this season: The r�ters SeniQl' College IDen and ·women ton members' and fire still in the jail).' Bitt "what ""is 'that; compar�d: -to �ake 'a differe�c�. in-' some'.: 0-( .ihe he're 'siill' believe' tha� tbe .11_lini' have indicate' on' their chapel slips theirnl·versity but ""ho have not pal·d up b b -.I ed'd h .. J ". -. ... fi h . h t f th n�m�', divisl·on andch·ol·ce. for cou·ncl·l .... •.'. . : e one uuur . an twenty w 0 scores. on Marshall Field in the re- a. g ta�lg c �nc.e . ._to !co�c: ou .. 0 t" �.et tbem. remember that the club will !,ave ��en the" �.�urse e\·�ry. �tber mainilllt pm�. ..' � . ".: Qia�a�o ::Bam� -Vic"orio�s. '.'. . ._ lr 'Cl£' that division._. mi.ch�.stricte� �this ve'ar' than' ;;er lua��r � �ve �ofreied i�? .., .. The Fre�h���:d"l.not;�bave �beir To;nn from t-be' �(aroOns.· . hard , ���_�p�.e�ent·.D!ethod· of hol���g .th�efor�: 'a�d those who do not pay' up :. "Ob, ',yeS, indeed.' I did 'enjoy·�,. best' �en in their. iiiieup:: .:yesterday,; wClrk a�l:d>lenty'. 9f ·it. is .. ne�essary,. elec�lons \Vas adopted after. a coosul­dore the dance will be excluded t,b� :�Pi.:)V�, 1 a.��d t�' CO :�ong *e �.ing��inu� th'� se.�i�� �f. �s�n, �nd��1re .���,�S;·��·:�.�� ,e��t _to .�ai\tation. between n�an V�ncent of ��� ..-riviJeges of the club." ,:" 5aV� alone:]' Jio,:1 ..,as .not. Wh)' the .back wko has beeD makiug -some; t9 gn'e It t9 ou� gndlr�n ·squad. �o fac�lt��s_ .and Dean Angell of th� Sen-·Tickets for the ;'Furity" -�n�llc:ijo ,sbo.dd. r,�? Savag-:s, are.·just:li�� .tcnh;g·�runs�.t}1�ugb:�·V�ityJline.\ �!=r��!��s·l1elci. tbe'6rs� d.aysof ior fol,leS-e., This f,?Uowed-aii-appCal. . ...... '._.!be lJlin�is team _tcm.� ry-ow ·.�ll : .• � apybOdy .�t,.e- ,e�pt .. t·tbe7. �1� n� V�r' i�"���' r.��·��' •••• ) ,t�is �wC;�.�:.b�t �he::si�(aD4 sPed&l �y W •. 'p. lIaG��cke�� .who �tition-' ':" ,�:. "':;llt·�n··salC:-for'·tDC::Di.)ers-·or the'" t -. '';. :·�ii.Ji;$l,""'����ea �UP-."':�/:!1�i�'i2:":��";�'o'--;':f·�-jt-s..�.· ��.���.--.:'. i �����iUp':'p-y<�·iiicP-�tt. c'd�ao�.· '!'fO!',;iPjM)Iiit�D�ear.",.".��··:,�.��, .._" . '�-'. . -'. .• ,. '"" , ._.. �'. - ". . e .., .......... uu .. �' ·�l .. orID-f ,,1-3: �nlC:. __ .. . '. : -. ,t . , _._ ..... <0,.... _ - __ '." ....his morning.. Only 'thOse in--good �ea"I,��;theIii.: .. They·,'are�� ,;� ::rin :�t:··&dL�:�hJ���:;.W�h-! �iJ;;d� t����ol� t�m<���k��7�eil�!t� ���:.�'n�:;pla�� Tot: t�e. balloting; in." . ���;tan�ing will'be sold the. tic��,:�c:. �e,:���g/'i�� iDte�tiDiJ:_:�f �n::��'�:���1�··�'�:.:a: ��e�':'�_Si,�����i��� � :�,i�.:�or_n,�! �ie";_ �f·.t�c; a��?t·.?f.y":o-:)c_ �o. be. \": .... '�:�:�ordmg_ to the .. ofiicers �f .the_dub: b,oa��t.��._-IIIIIIiIIMI'+Of-��t i�ttIC;'�"��l ��� � .��.��. in: t�.e. ��s��s .. ��?�t p.e�f��tlra ..�. t�� .. ���-: .. Jode. �Y the� co��cd .d�n�� ��� .foo��. "�,.' . iJ�ther member� �f the Umvenlty may 1 pnze hIghly •., But, you maSt'��e scrimmage yesterday. FallE,:is. �_ �lty':,��I .. �ur��y ���d :�n;t�-pass; ')�II, �e�s.on .. �d. the unfiDlsh�· busI� .��, ;2.�urchase 'aduusslons at' thc··dwr."f ine:-':'"JIere�are my-tliiCe-:·stud�m.s 'ro in .• steadil '. but. Dr.,: Raycroft a� � ·..ito� &r�und "ille� .' :.� >�,,:,: ne�.std! �n �a��� '.,.. '." ', .. �" .. : :'��;he ·Commons .at 6 o'c!?C� • '. n ":���;}��.�� p���!" to n�� ��' ��_ ��' ou��n��, t�·:pb1 i�j�e r .': ;�e;' �:��h��, . �w.�r�': .·��ber -' '«;fi��� .. <?ne}f ��e . fir�t' ·��i�g�. t�� �.e,! .'� :' .��:The club will loo�, Its .�r�tt!est f��. Io..� _�. � .. wLereas It w�lil, 81� lIIinois; same. The two "eeks' 'rest pomted' �t tJie. excess_, of. fumbllDg •.. ��� •.. ��I �o ',�., to p�� .. u�n t�e. . ""'�t +�. � . dana tomoJT?W ����" ��� .f�� �� :,����d����y .�ore p��asur� to e�-: �i��;:' �c:�t '�t��;ay;� s ����t��' ::.��l�.·�n: b�( ���f;�' �.?- ���.ii#te. ��is evil' ��-! �poi�t�eitt �of �ac��c�en .� che�'r�. I. ':1;?1!1t1e5 fo� ,acc����ti.�� ��.el �rQ�( :��w:ass 1i ��a,.����� ��rny." '... dou�t�t brjDg .tr.� �.:�ell�� .. �t«? ��d!r:��IY.: .R3;����':�� w.tI�·. �e ".��, :��der. '. H� wa� �pPolOted' by �o,�- "_'.�1I1.�, much Impr�ved. through.t.h� .: .. '.', ,.�1· " ...... , ',. pretT·�:.s�pe .. for.·'�e:.lf:i.�ne�t� b�ot.I!1.� .. st�rJ�r.t��.:Var�lty,.���·�111 ��D' ��r�,ek.chalnnan �f last .�P_!1�t(� ,',.ddltlr::n of new l�kc;_rs.,�l!d.a che.ck �L: �""'!> ARRANGE : game, Octo�r:'.3I;,;-·.�3C.,.�s' .• a:.�!t�le �t,;�.�f��I��11] St��e.o.s:��e ��en. c�m- t"o.lIncII,.ln v��w �f the: �m�ediat�}�:­� .� the bas.em�n� ,??e ���_l.s .o!- _ ... : ;1!,�'Rlf ,�� .T� �re all tbis w�e�.���� � �(,r!rip'g: �n p�t�.!�?�_(�r .. :�o�,or�· �� ��at ,dep�rt-, po��nt w:ork to �e �o��. ,�n�' .�ashe main roo� and_ th�se. opposIte ��e, .'. '. N _., .--, -•• r. ..; first-class conditicm,Dow. . �ent A� :the, gam!!. f.�ar �f a'lack of go�e. ahead and .arra:n�ed. v�nous �e-have been rh��ecl.obratedb'be·becad �fte. ����.�. of�!. ·.liai,e..t,,; Tb.!S- Dir'c�t�'r ·st�·� -��'n�J' "at an:.o\tei-- ��.�1:8�n�e r.iR· tb� sec�nd' .haIFi� the: t-:lils in .conection w"ith his. work' a�t e c u ru . 0 ..' ..... , oct. a ... Date fof' .opti�istic.. conce�� _ " 'ch�'s chi�f'_"������" for n.ot 'positively: pre- cheer leader.in plues. .. � e;.:.Ccii.lpetldOn ,=hafl�es. fo� .��'.I���y�.- -.. di�ti��J{fJ.�S! .. ·����.,�� not .a�· ac-: .The�.n�w scheme Eor .claoosi�g �hc .• - - ... - -._ •.j "We are ,not a�:-t� �tt:ong," .he ·.ual V:IC.t�� _�����Y'" _..'. .. .-;_'. 1 �em�r� ?f_ ,the co�ncl� has dra�nY POR BIG RALLY. The >���� ... c::t�� �,n .... h�I�; its said last night-after prac:tice." alicf'a .' �e c.�·�.�es:�;���:. Ritchi� at half) .\lr�h ��.proval �ro� all .q�a:ter�. ��a'AND �uRrrY 'BANQmt't first regular meetmg of""tlie year to- !Ue�t deal, �1I .depend. O!I �e. work; a���. ���.' ���.e�.':.I�n� )�u.tz-:r werel1� nnaDl��usly .c�ed_ a .s�ep ID. ad:­•lIS "'-de __ Raise Pn-D& .m��w' _��i��: fcr:�!tbe purpOse '�f of CaPtai� Stefren.� ��.a�ay: w(jr�� .. at.. ·��rd .. �i!d �ac.�Wrespec-1 va�ce. of the s.che�e:�erly ���.PnqMlI'IItio. . ��C ,�.-: _ • '. •.. :' �k!!,g. tb�. :fi�l._a'!Anaemeots for for' long ·-:UDS.� �1I�o,is.;;�.s .:a goOd: .tivdy ,�x-c:aptain Gardiner was. out: The. c� great .advantage IS tha� .r�-CelebradcDS to Hich Pitch the trials which are to he. held . on team" and ,wilt. m�e' ;& .. real ,'pt 'alli on,.�h� ��ld_'�n,-a-J�� Q"a� h� did.not� :tsentatn·e. c�olces to .t�e cou.ned �I.of BntImsi� ... ���.� '1 .' '•• �, ·r�_ .. �i� . . t��h the pme,· I am sure." .' .�� 'in��o a���v�: �ractf�� •. �e .loss Of:' b�. sc�ured ,Since prac:t.lcally every stu-j�r' �e .t��.s are�.oPeD &0 aD staclents The' .Varsit,-: practice has.: been Gardiner lor �he Chj.c�go· pn're can-' dent- ID the college. will vote, and t��Preparations for enthusiasm of thcdJajymity. aDd the cI,D ho� �argefy. devqted. to .. Pcr(ectiDg .a��t: �:ot: be over t!it��a�� ... ,1. J,J." ��s; ·,hopcct; chance .for a .. Ia�ge amount of thehe IlIin,ois game .are weil .unde� 'Way. .' ..... ,.' A···· -' . •.•• h t h h ..' dto' .relDfon:e.. its; membershi., With ·;�.s; eightl. new. 91:l)S t"�� �r�tor. ,S�(;g: lip· t.?· t�c.._·\�ei"y. last.-th.��.. � .-.ht•.. w. oul�' b. e, �amp:ltgnmg. t a as c arac.enze .nd both the mass meeting tomorrow -. ..� b -. • rn�' '1 t· "II b I·· t�'d�ach .DeW �..• as is availab�. is ·attemptin-.to.tea, ch the, eleven. ·this' a Ie to get 10 to sha� for the big :0 ler_ e �c Icns WI e e ImIna eo.oming' and the banquet in th'e "even� J' 111>, � T1. h '11 be 'd�nCl �ff�.rs .� chalICe for the new wee�' and a nllmber more that· they �mc;· O"tebe.r ·.li':-bDt- at pnsent it! ,,& lien, .too, t e matter WI decl edng are 'sure of a big turnout of stu- L...... 10.. bi:C-' 'fi' . I ho I' 1n. ".·.�h '..oore promntly·. .memll'lCrs as tDear a .• "�.7 Ja�tl es. have been ,working 9n. aI. ,season. He seems a most·-; pe ess�.,:; ." r rCh I '�he . club will preseDt two plays' is not entirely· pI�ased at the way tlley: .! ...... :.• ,,' Tod� the makeup of the six di-eer eader MacCracken has al"- .I •. '. 'h-' -._.- �'. -: .� . ...L. •. :-..;:s_ ;' ,.' • . .., !2ITCHCOCK ·SIIO�". SUC ... DIIII" �-isions .of the Senior· college Win be. - ... unn« t e yeal",'. as 15 me cusfuln� have been ex«uted so far, but· is � � �nged a drum to draw the crowd· at· �.' h"· _'.- � � .- " .nd '. . . . ..'" .! ftftsted. 0.11 the .bulletin boo ard. a. nd ou. t-. . "ln� In t e WInter 'qall11er a one In trilling them in-ir.ani; - - f"""he rally.. He has received no DCW J ... .�. '. . • . • .'. ." .. ' :'.. .. "d th d • ffi 'd t d t .II d· '. - une. � t"IC �ts .. ot: ,these p.r�ac- ··It. is: M" "man: Job: to .�Jm:to'-.ge� .. �: Readeata elf SectioD ODe"At- <;. e e eans .0 ce.:an s u en 5 Inongs or ye s uong the wee'" aoo' • I' .! .' •. ". . "!' . , ."'_" A�----: a.- ·w..r- h· II ·11 h h· h' '.W· .. �. nons arc cho�en entirely by compe- of( new pby�" :safd the "Old 'MaJl� .. -.u ...... 5"_""""'_ t �s C.o ege �. ave t elr c ance Im-ys the·' ave the Banner" mjr,.1t .•• '-.r ..,',' .. -�!,. . ...' . �_ t· I h h . d'd''11' " tJhO� alD�� 'me lllellatiers the nOYat- yestet'day "especially if there: is any _,,�...... "11ec latc y to c oose t elr can I ateI get a thorough rehearsal so that. h - ., &h � , •.• h he Id ,� , J - tor c.o"nt"ilor� in their rcspecth·e· di-t will be ready fo� use by t�e root- �a�� . a�._�� c a�e. �It. t 0 � �e� �f c��pl��tion' in th� Th�. Th<�. memhe-:s of Se�tion '1; Hitch '.. : t��. They wilt be given' all dayrs Saturda.... '. ,. �ri'���', . succe,ss of die plaYi'·r"'""'·-"!0!'dng.0!1. t"ock' hal.I .• <.gav� a smoker. and ac: . .01, ..... .:.._..:_... of aLI;. ,.an., r t �- k • h' . :-�')f!4l'" :mcl tomorrow. to make up their' -• �<MJOO; nn:' -I.i/I eques 5 1KJt: depends on every man nowmg I� '. . . 01Tickets for the banquet for Rey- l'" ,. � . f •. . .' .' . . qU�lnt!,n.�e party. last mght in the mind� and turn in their nominationsnolds dub members will be placed on. Z" ·.r�pe�1tl,On 0 .t\b�:· .. Ju�or. pl�y. pan absolu.tely and. being able to. p.ul} Hitc·�c .. o�(ci'ub r�m: .. " T'be'P;\rty wasaragueta." the cia . I� consldenng h . k f( • h ed d' ·t .. · ... :;· ".' ;. : . at the deans' office. The slips mustsale this morning. The policy of reo . . ___. '. �" .' e trlt" s 0 WIt spe. an ac u�. an ex��ust\'e .one, .as only·. members of cent."t·n botl1 tIl'" n."nl"'S of thA c."n-• . a Sttvuu �sentatlon of the' clever :lcy.". _. )< ;' .'� . ,'. 'Il . _.. .. " .• '" .• '" '" II!oervmg tables for. frat�rnities �as �panish coinedv: . ., . :, '.'1! f�rst sec�l�n "'ere invIted. About didatcs and the nomina!ers.been done away with and eeftorts Th f h· lib' . forty men. were present.. '. e secntary 0 tee a IS Pftpar- .'. .,",III be made to keep out the non:- __ ..... h • • _It. . J . Olic:ial Notice ; The. affaIr was planned by Arthur• • nI to recelV.,; t e ftIIStnatlOn."VI ..·ftlc " '., ;..... '. . Tl P' ,' .. , D b t' lb' t IUmverslty element. ,. '.,'. : '.1• • �. I.ake. "'ho I�� t'he repres�ntatl,!,e of. lC ow ,vow e a mg c \I "'0. C(mnte5t:lnts. 'WIth the name of the;t.. There. W111 . be a meetll'K of the! c: t' I tl.. H't' h k' S .. I' tn man ... • new members at a meetmg�Iection h .,. � I', • _ec Ion on .. Ilc..... I c coc ocla 01 .t l"?'Igh the F,cu'�· ,r'1 ��ec_utiv.� commfttee of Philosophy committ·ee .. The "feed" 'con�is1ed of �eld last night. and tiTea� enthusiasm.C''''n� college 1ft Cobb ?B at IO:JO.. �u�sday cider. doughnuts and ·apples. Music I' bemg shown for the annual debatemomina: This applies to,;t� newly- 'a�d a few impromptu· stunt� were with Northwestern. The club will beArts 1 daflC'e. - .�riday, in Lexingto� � '. members. Im�rta�L . basi- .oven bY .. the meinJ;erit .. of..the section, held in the courtroom of the Lawbmch room. ttom ... to 5 • .".. . .__ a. . .... & • • •'9 -- -- '-':�'. J��b WSl:c. attatly enjoJ'ed. school on Weclne�day; October 21:4 .... ' ...... � .. -:.,','" .� . .-.��; .. >. �\y:·: .. :,y,"�r:��.�:·1'1\\,..... ",�·/.·::- .• ",.1_ _'\ ;f· .... f . " .·H·'-_'_.:" ':",:"_ .• .: ... �; ... '. _ ..... " "j -- ... ·4Price Two Ceataotal of 340 H� �ned for Quar­ter at CIoae of BuaineuYestt:rdI.7.iaeta for Purity Banquet on Salethis -Mo� io� Club MembersOnlT·. Pow Wow Admits New lien. Harva·rd University .has sean-ed,..\I&ed Shl'Uft 'of England, the '�u..�pion long-distance pl"of�ioa n..ner of the world. to coach the'VarsityaDSS coaDb';t team....'. ' ". � ),THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, OCTO�E� IS! I_� ..�����=����������� ....... - �������������FRaHIdUI vOn TO W&Aa .,.. DAILY; B� .. '·�-'_"''''''_''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"""",_-----------GItB&M � ... 011 CA,llPU8 :.'. - ,:�" ;C.·;'Si··:,,·.,j;I·,·�··-r"�, g:'._'�.'.:�::- :p:·.. ·.··ol ',-eslia-en",--' ,..�. Chab·���� ��y at I&W ,DIU.� ... _ '... ._, 4 p.··aa in' Cobb -6 A. 'Assistant State'.'Acree to � � of F� Attomq. Jtge' . �il speak.�· All ,invito!Firat-Year CIa II A4joanl ill 'l ed, '. ', . ..•. ,. ':.: "_ by 'members of the Divinity Sch 00,1 ,Sophomores c"arried 'the Freshman win be held [n Haskell assembly hall.PublJabed .1ai1J'. �«pt SuDdaYl. Moucla,.. aDdh' h ba dboUcla1a. dUrihll, three QuarUrs of th. VDl,enltJ meeting yesterday with a Ig n . IO=3Ot.The Freshmen are going to call � - Gitla' Glee Club will h.Pld a busi­meeting themselves in the near fu· ness :ineeting in Kent at 1 :30 for oldlure, and are at present making ar- m����nIYC·I_L. �� . ---. 'jrangements for it. .rn:-�SQ&c.' UU' meets at .'·1():30 InDean Lovett ;;pened the meeting ;Ke�t. �11 :.,preparing . f�� . medicalwith a brief address on the demoe- courses -eome. I. racy of the Ulii�ersity, and it�' intol- Aria daoce Friday in . Lexington-----------------era-nee' of 't' yran'ny in any form. In lanch'roOm; from 4 to 5:JO o'clock,allt.c:ri�tJol1 price, $3.00 Pl'1' ,-e&I'; $1.00 forthn. moatha. Su�U$ re<%hed at '� spite of this, H�rold Smith, president The Pre-lliDiaterial Club will meet •M&I"OOU Odl.ce. Ellia Ban. 01' at tile Fa.c:ult7 Ez.,of last year's Freshman class. de- this morn in£' 'at 10:.30 in' Middle Di­� Cobb HalLclared that if the Freshmen decided vinitf parlors. All men expecting toagainst green hats, they would be enter Ministry invited; .forced to wear them. B� aa,d Eel'll -CI�ImportailtAlthough indignant at this' speech meeting in C III) lecture 'hall at 10:30 ....the Freshmen considered the ques- today� . . - _tion of green caps, to promote class ..��t�dd���bhili�m&o�:dilie '·��S·· 1,��·-�-a·-,·'�o·-·'re'-·-d�-(i-a-.-m�e-n-t.-s�O�f -'Q-u-a-'-,.���.;;ophomores_ The motion was e- -• � • Idared carried, �ithout a vote b�ing Drtmatic Club Tria!a have beentaken. Election of officers was post- !)()stponed to Tuesday� October 2']., ,fIJI COUfCif GIRLSponed, Hand in 'name and selection' not Ion- NEWEST SH,tJ)ES AND' CLEVEREST ,DESIGNSThe first-year men attempted to �er' !han two minutes to 'Faculty Ex- MADE UP lit LATEST' PARISIAN STYLESvote that Sophomores be excluded c'hange 348. . , 'from all future \Freshman. meetings, Jaalor College . Comicl meets' Fr i­but Chairman Smith refused to put day ��. 10:30 in' Cobb 9B, for purposes.he question, and declared the meet- of Mganization.B. R. Baukbage Mlss ErnesUne EUD8 ing adjourned, amid indignant shouts R�cect rates to the Chicago-IIIi-from the Freshman class.' nOi!fgallle' will discontinue Friday at4 P.}' m. These' rates apply' to' stu- iSCORESBAN�GUA�� d�tsa�b�h�" ------------�----��-�---..u.&odal OtIl�·Btlont 8 P. 1IL. JClUi Ball. �1Jalftnlt7. TeIeIJboIIe IJJ'de Pad dL .a.tter II AT MEETING OF BANKERS -Rqnolda· Club informal, Friday.,. a. II.II'OCIIa � .14 E. :5Gt.b Btnet. Tel . ,. For members only. . I_ ... lbde Putt seD1. .....___ JProiessor J. I..aureD,. ee LaacJWn Sats -&&Uatic' dub 'meets . Friday' at 4� Olllce-Be(ore 8 Do ua.. J:Wa H.aJl'!·IfIIIftIIfU. Tw1. IbcIa ram .... Scheme of �ta is for 10:30, Cobb 8D. Important.·LUDatics. Debatine RaUy�' 'next' Wednesday,x ... ClIIIItribatiaa 1DQ be Iflt at J:UJa BaD__ . 10:.30. 'Lew ,court-room; All 'interest-_���totMn.lb tIIazooa. •Guaranty of b�nlc deposits. as a ed in ',debating -attend. . "'! ,'" ',. .icheme worthy of lunatics. ,c�me in German' Club will meet Friday at ,,' 'Hi'" .... :;�., .•..• : , •• FLORIST.. Ifor another scoring at the ha�ds of 4 p; m.'in:;LexingtoD hall' Dr� H;111s ",.; , �.; " ..Ie:: :::u:::: i:e��:;:;:d t�:: ;�� ::��s�: !dd�:r:e7or�t��=:n::: ::':'-yri:�1 ����'!::�;:a:::' .ll.lld· �J.����:,� .:� ';,,:: - :'; ... I:eL H; �;- .. ,Senior College Council tion oi Illinois �nkers. . . -. Cap Ud Gowa 'Contributions, bC?th ['" ;�!.',' ': ,! . r,Something I there is ,no possibility of "If A steais B��' ho�se," said �o- !iterary and art, are earnestly solicit-_ � n � ._.; .. I !...fo�.Each his being elected to that fessor Laughlin, Ulustrating bis point eel by Hie' editors. Leave. at Facu�ty ,.� , . "SeiUorto DO body, but some people b� a p:l�lIel, "g§' to the most bon- .Exch�D'e. '.., ,'.will not wak.e up to the cst man 'in the v!!f;age, � and rob him New Catholic ·Students. please drpp m..:�,'� ,:H':_.' '0'•: ·te',:, 'I' 'M',, a'roo ...... ·fact until the results are announced �f a horse to pay; fo� B':; los�t will names and addresses ic Faculty Ex- -�� .a aneft.'Tuesday. When .the . Senior' c:Ol- "> f' II t chan-. Address B. rownson club "'''. ,. '.' ,.,' ,'. ": .51' .i.L,' ,.:... _....1 ��_11 &-e' "increase the 'eag�rness 0 a m�n 0 .- � I� .,� ...lege divi.siOl1 �ists ar� p�st�d t�ay. be hon�st and discourage horse steal- ;SoatJIem. Club will meet Saturday.. "': ' ';' 1J!O)��1IEW ..... EII&IITevery Senior should take time off for ing. C, the succ�ssful m;;', wjn, en- October 17, ·at 8:151 in' Lexingt�n RESTAURANt :.- AND;; LUNCH ROOMa fe.w minutes of conscientious and joy paying for B�s car�lessness in hall All Southerners come. 'independent thinking on who will keepmg no locks ·on his bam; and if AD UDW,enity Reception 'at Rey- � .. CIsss'l\fIealsmake the best councilor from his di- C has to pay for all the deviltry i� nolds club, Saturday evening. Given. p�.nPt �rvlce .vision. It is up t(' him; if he leaves the town, it will stimulate others to by Y. M_ C. A. and Y. W. C. 1- All I The I best ", .. ere",IIillf served at reasonable prices.the nominating for the next man to !tet honest so that' they ccln' pay simi- ('ordially invited.. .. "U�c,�" ereiJiDg In cliane,-halldo, he ".i11 be going around with a tar losses. As C,)vho had nothing'to Gir ... Glee Club trials Monday. ()C- ..... - N Co '_-..1 .. �_T d k· h be K �,.I� �tioDal Hotel • J. W.·W .. u a-aa.long, face next ues ay, as 109 w y d Qwith the case. is penolized,and not to r 19, ent I ;30 to 3:00. All ne:w;. . . . �.----.-.--------��-----"�------------------------------------so-and-so's name wasn t put up. A. the horse thief,. the plan will dis- guls invited to try. .,'T���M���Coo�il·��ro������h� TheKh� ;�� •• 4����.':�'.·4���� •• 4��� ••• 4����be the most important body to .which is perfect; it woujd work perfectly- BKc:baII&e Profeuon With Germany ., .'�' , , ..students can be elected. It IS the :n the addled mind of a lunatic." Herman A. Schumacher,' an in- � " 'A' . SI�Y· C A �Eranking official representath'e of the structor 'from the Royal 'gymnasium I ..., y\ .' ; .,.. �students, and' its members should HOLD DEBATING RALLY TO of Cologne, has been secured by Bos. I • ",:: :.' ,,'dhave ability and dignity correspond- SECURE TEAll MATERIAL ton Polytech, as teacher in German. Le rendez-"ouS esing with this position. It.. will have' - The announeement comes as the,.re- I Et'"U·';· d'". -antssome important_ work to do this quar- J.aeetinc Next Wednaday �ted suIt of plans perfected by tbe Pros- ., • ' .•ter, among other things the adoption to Raise EDtbusium in DebatiDc sian Minister and the Carnegie Foun-: I . Y..... ·:-n_of an official "C" pin and an- official RaDb. dation. The instruction of Dr. Schu- Iseal. The Seniors should see to it - macher will take the form of a seriesA preliminary debating rally willthat among the names to be voted \)f eonversational talks in the Germanbe held next Wednesday in the courton next Tuesday, there are in each language upon German life and in-rooms of the Law school. P. Chand-division men or women with suffi- stitutions. •ler, the coach of the University de-cient initiativc and intercst in the -----bating team. will explain the scope ofUniversity's welfare to bring this andwork in. debating for the year, andother impf'Jrtant business that haswill :tttcmpt to persuade all to tryhe en passed along from quarter toQuarter to :l satisfactory conclusion.�ltt !aUg _arnon.....-.:;:.ADpr. Devotional BaH Hoar-Cond�ctedT'ue Oftldal StudeDt PubUcaUoD of theVDlrenlt7 of Cblc:qO.EDteNd ... St-cood-dul KaU at t.be' Chic::ac'>Po.ww.... CIu�. llliDola. Much 18, 19O:J,Vndn Act' 0( llU'Cb 3. 1819.,.....Formerl1 'The L'nhenl� of Chic:aco \\'Mkb.FOUDdedII I'I j1 f1'1I \;\ :�I (::! �t J.: Ii �i Mla.VIN J. ADAlIS. New. Editcr..&.. L. i'BlD8T&lN. Athletic Editor.OSWALD F. NELSO!ti, Bualntu 1I1Wqft'. ,�:' .. is a popular 'st.9rit among. the. Upper Class­men. To be "sized" 'Up ,iope'" is mostimportant for every first year man - tocreate a farorable impressio" he must wear. do�a with style, Indircluidifr and ,ualitr -_.clothes made .. for. College Mea, by CollegeTailors., Most ,U pper Classmen are alread ywectring" our clothes especially those whoare c��ect�y dressed,.t..SSOOlATE EDITORSMI .. :Mamie 1.111,.. Jerome�. I-'rankA. O. Whitfield Roberta B. OwenJ. S1dn�,. &lIb,. Hargrave LoneW .. A. Weanr, A.. N. PfeJrerART EDITORXorrila B. BriaL We have UI attractive CoUqePoster_ --;YOUl'S for the asking.• . IBe a 10Y:1! �tudent and send in yoursubscription to The Daily Maroon. "Do it now!out f(lr the University team.The preliminary trials will be heldMandolin Club Meets Tcday on the 29th of the month, whenThe Mandolin cluh. revived last t,,-eh'e speakers will be chosen to"car. will meet this morn;ng at 10:30 spe .. k in the finals. From these sixin Kent theater, and . discuss plans speakers will be chosen to repre�entfor carrying out the work started in the University against Michigan andthe spring. All who are interested North�stem. The members of theare im'itcd to the meeting. Tryout� team each ft'Ceive a scholarship forwill he held s()on under the director- three 'luarters.ship of the leader of the Wendell Are you in-te-r-e-st-e<l-i-n-football, bas-Phil1ips instructor. ketball. athletics of any kind? Then'-_ subs('ribe for the Maroon and ket'J)­All the news of the campus will I";found each day ID the �Iaroon. posted in all athletic events. 1"1l1lI ••••••••••••••• 1GLOVESFOWNES." CaaVer. & WDkie;:'TAILORS' .' . 115 .1". Darbora Sf.Bani fINr..lI.jadc Theatre BId&.'j Wende" 7S lIonroe Street, ,A S"ciarp�ce· 01 $35 lor two weeks.- to Studeou ooI;y,,, _tnger . &. 1601otfnso6' M.sonic Temple'.MENTION The DAILY MAROO.Wilen . Trading ,W ... ·: Our' Advertisers '�;".�• .. ...• t ����.. : . I!"'4jC��5s": ! M�ALs 2Oc. 8nd up.I I' I: .' J, "',iere in Popular Prices. Ii,$25.88 Business' Suils are positivelr$35.f» �a.lue.. You. can sive just $10.00That's ,,{orlll while.' Let me make onefor rou: and ,prove 'If... �. '0', )•...... :-t .. 1r.�,�.------�-;------�-.--------------:-�-------�--��.r-' -r-r- �--���. .... .. � �THE DAlLY· MAltOON .. ·.THtlltSDAY,,:...ocTOBER Is, 1908.PItB8�""''' --.a" O· 'OB. '.IID• �9�_fi ft-:- .... A.;.�-TO-:-,.-t: "_' .';:.�.. . .. � & -...8£ ... '-'�., ... 'ft6.�.-�., � .• ;U.I .�r:t·".t:.,.- > .... -�;., '" .•.! VA:JWTY. ��� A �, . aPBAX 1M .CO.B� TODAY -;: .• :.;: .. :.. ..... �'''�._.;�� .. '.'' �.:.��;.:;.� ... -l(� Not � by AYOr- �._��., �_.�.�·Tbe .J"'l" ·IUOODd--...1. . aDd e..-:_I.... ....- .. -.::....-��__.,-- ..... ----.' ,._.--",.-- '_.' ,.. ... �. Hcnwewer. . .&"IU_.. .. m�._.IK.-- .. �to!f .·.OIL.� {', '!',.: .. '• "')". '.� or:':. ,�.. . .of �:.:.:' .' ...... _._. �.- .. =.,_;;'-: , ' . ". • �\.' .;.�' .. " ,. &est _.ace. _.. . .. -' :-:-;".: ""!' -. : > • '. � '.- �- .•, ".':-. ':.: �':���':J. -:��:��.::.::.:''' .• '., '. .. ..• � "\;" '... .;This year·s Fresbman : '8�uad com: - 1.-1.� .. Oitford G. Roe, as��,tant. states ' "� .�. ';. It_ IS '.70Ur' 7�" yOIII'�;'l:ises one of the beavlest and fastest .It.t9r�ey •. ��11 :ddi\'�'" ·a:..··le;ct&:i�� "on. (tkC. .'�,,' ��. f�r . yo�.lggregations . of men that:· ever: wore :··Wh�tc; . .Slave :�TUffic" at::�n o�'ri .. : .. B:b0!t� yo�, .. appreci:atiOD'��('i� class numerals at Chicago. Th� :neeiing' of the Investipt9rs' Club .; � _. �t:d' .�ur : �Y8;1ty by �1912 team outweighs the regular Var-;- ihis' �fte���n at four .o'elock.in Cobb. .. &.�biDa,·; " .' .',ity team by over eight and -one-halt Sa. Mr. Roe; in 'co-:operation with thepounds . a -man .. This discrepancy is office of. United 'States "-listrict , a tto r.;..ccounted {or largely by the two ney Simms, has been aktively identi-�dants of the squad, Gerend of Mot- fied in the past fe\v y��rs with th�---- __ • t gaR Park. and Rademach'er of Clin- organized campaigO inaugurated.· toOUR PALL OD, Iowa, who tip the scales at 212 extermina :e the "�hit'e:' slave". evil in-STOCK .md 215' respectively. Chicago. .. . . s: � .. 'The-Hue from end to end averages Prosecutions in Chica'go 'have beenIS READY-::- .: .. -:-:.�:.::-.:'l..� 175 3-8,l0tlDds. while the back field ,i, earried on by Mr. Roe':(or 'yea,s andnot Iar 'behind with the phenomenal he. is especially' qualified' to talk uponaverage of 172. . Togetb�r- the eleven' �his subject which' has ';re�ently at ..men average nearly' 175 pounds, Tbi� rracted so much attention in reformweight compares favorably with that circles. The In\'estigator� have taken.)f the he�viest college Jeams i� th� ·tp this subject for ··iri'·estigation"��untry; As an aid to the University his quarter .and·· witt . pfoh.ably. :hearteam _in scrimmage. work, . the year· : ther lecturers qu�1ified � t� talk' onling's . a�e . proving' .. �f " Hie' highest 'lis phase of' ·s?cial· refortT\: . .. ,;: .value. .�The eleven men who have play�d NOTED SWEDISH SClEN'l"IST·most in' s_crimmage and seem sure;! TO ADDRESS: l1N�ERsrry.of positions on the team a�e all fast - .. -; ... .·a�d reliable· players. N:�h<:>l1� the left Professor MODteliU_� Standinavian .: r' .. '. a.c c e p tend,. �ails .from. Lewis Iristitute,w�ere Archaeologist, to �"�D Swe- 'COLOB.IAL, gO'spelhe .captflined the .track team an.d dish Archaeoloiieal �veries . t ruth.DR played on the J..a.ske. tban tcam. He �f' W henEw, Den I.f GEO. M. COHANAce ce al�o' .was with th� C. A� A. last spring Profe�sor Oscar .. M�ilteliu� t the .' and his Royal' Family I your doth.!si� � the Jumping events, His' special�y 'noted S"'edi;;h Archaeologist,. will ' and Inco'�parab� Co. p' rr--1l./ ar�. finishedM/AIDE "\'i� .drC',p-kiCking., .Severitl- .. times in. peak at the :Univers�ty ?n·":�b,e:.3Oth , .. �r'> ' ... :) 'f."..!.: �. 'I' ,. L .�. -rlsrbt or.scrimmage he has scored. on .the Var- )f October ,.on . the Subject· ;t�Arc::h-.55 t Ii S t ret ,sitr team'.in this manner. �e1ogical Discovery in Swed�n: and ,its _ .. . '-'i-O'WI:,..... b·- . wrong-you must accept ·them. .Th'ere is no .rebate. The cloth is cut.At left tackle, Gerend 'of last .:ontrol by; the Govetnmen�" -.The .' ....... :i �.HE ....�SED�.:..Jlllo1'"'" ""h I h ?MIL L I It B & Y .' . . .. ,'",' _tS:n..&-c........ " " .', ':1. e, .. ,C ot es are your or fight. It's:.'; .." " ...,,' ;�ea'i!� M?rgan Park: team. is �. #jx- �ime and place will be anno�nced .as··· ;.{N:,:·TJi,K:·.IJfGGlSE: :�":�, ' .. :� d.iffe��nt with Mos�ler .clothes .. ¥.o�.·,6 � r d si r e e t '<. ture:. 'He.i� latge, .s,tt:,ong u.d ,h�·D.4les '�oon 'as they are' determined. > ,,-./:, r •his'iml11ense weight in an agile man . Prp{essor' MonteHu£:7S5�, at '-pres�ntt . __ .- -----.-..-.. -. -!-,.-�-.,... -.'\:_;.'_____ try <_;In until you find what ·b�comes1'1 POPULAR .' . � . ..'. . TBB p'D"I"'DIIWISS you :.!?eet .and YO.,u .get .�.. �t vOu., .' �qr .. � Hi$ experience is gradually .. ;ecturing before the L.o:W¢ll; Institute! '�. .&W.L'''.D "! -II PRICES�. �.'.' te��liin'g him the finer po!nts of lines- '·n Boston>H� i� the�chict£.of the.�ohb :�. '�'. ",�:::-,�,; .':,.��� (. "J ':": want. The risk is. an, with us .. '. ..;-Teli: IbcJe .P:-:-� 884 ;""'" ¥ao's' play:' ·His team mates, Sm�th' ;�st' government :'orga���i� ,jnrrathe- �., .; "I�c' Q�:l!ft(MtisicaFPlay"" .�nd Prather�. �?I�··��-:ri. }ert�:�� �ri\i; Horld .establ�lhed".Jor���� :P'I�Q�a.Df4 :. �A_, ���!��N .... �!�?��E��"7right tackletiespecliveiy ni the �e preserving' the.lrsu���t .. a. ... ti�iti�s' .t, :;�.;.�., "J,;!:. ';i'4!"':� �.'. .. :.<� ..! satisfactory . fashion.. The fo�h >\:hlch' dates 'ba�1( �-to' tb� ·�e..�e�e'lH· .. ' '. L A S� Ii!' .•.. j., !�Morgan Parker' on the team, RobIn- :century. .:". . ". ! ..•.. , . .':".' ' :' .. , :; • :; .. ;:.I..:..I�., .�:. �.;."'�''so�,"nin� the team: at' -quarter�ck Professor'Breasted in 'diS��S.j,�g.tfte.: .: �. .;,.:. G'o, .• ' :.'1,' �:;� t� '�.;.'�'. ". . • h . I nd kill 'll 'd "Th' .' _'.; . - •. � i 1\ IRL i\'T ·.dIE n.E�MPOSItion Wit coo n�ss a . s '. e ,ddress. sal.: ,.o�e: 11Dter/��' JD. ": '" "i •. ,: 't�iL·I.LEAN':: � ... )'. _I"�' e� ... :... born. fic:ld <gen, e.. fa." Rad, e- -emarkative'. retna.',I.�ns .. of N(')rs.e:: ciVi, I"; .';;: ::" � ',::�; .r .'11.':'1.:'."".- .::. ." • '. . . ",..,.-." . t. T..· .' .I ., . • ·anu· ; .'macber. plays,one��rd.·'.' . ization in ·the days when the ·Nor!C!!. :... i·F·· ..· or; . '�'.�... ..'. .. _ - ,. . . �''''.;' LORr.NCE; '"nOL1lROOlC.... tAbl1lms:of·lastyear·s.Iowa Fr�sh- men preceded Columbus :�Cross··.the "'d"� �"';"La:: s" ·····1.1 ''J ... '. . .. . :. ". \. '.. .' . . .. an tale � aile-' 'TheafEr Stork Co.' ...... ,Iman tcal.1, .. and Aurand.another �WJS Western"Ocean" to 'our shores; 'Will ..' J: ;..;�, -.I·� :.. . &EjsS§§�§�5�§§a!5.m"�;:.. have �'" 'p�yed at th� ......... e�aining find the' ad(lress 'by' Professor Mont..;· . .guard. ' benh�' . 'Da;e�Po�'- the Okla- elius. of gn:at value" .. .�.l � B".: . :�'lr �'�'� 0 II I U.·. hOn!a',track man� ·is strong as an, end. . , .. , '. ..., PQlice�en�s. _BCu���i�rit' Associati�qThe ,back. 'held"comprises Yeager. EXCHAriOU!' . . COHA�_& .HARRIS. .the i7o-pound DePauw re�it; I)ar- ., ': ., • �resentris, a ·sprinter from Des Moines iiigh Such a keen ·rinteres·t··has fof '·late FIFTY Mf:t.ES .• F�O� BOSTON'sehOQ1. and So�ey.· the: powei-ful l)een taken in journalistic matters nline .pl�1Dger from Davenpo'�t"s sc;h'bol. the University of Wasb·jngton. thatOkl�h�ma prep. All th�se' �men �ay the students have,· established . a. well· 'together. 'and are .especiallY�··to Press Oub .. )iot'eover; jf·is· begin­be feared on line plunging. Sampson ning' to j(,te'ifue' with' studies .� ;the'or :J. ea�h,�are: able'_'s\1bstitutes for the :fol1owing quotati�ns from their paper�ck' fi�ld lX)sitio�s:' "'. shows:. . � : .� ..• }: 0 � �."The' Daily Wave' ·sho\Jld'· appeaw; ·r.·� GAalllOK a� (j) .§t' Q !�HALL :;� intheevening�'forit"isproriDgtci"b� (Jl\e �oot ·�tuCliC:.J() demoralizinfJ a factor in the class AIR. WIUIAM I1AVERSHAM CoHeg�. Cafel.. W�.55�SL INear Le�on Avenue . i. POPULAR PLACEAT···. POPULAR PRICES"'NOW ITry us. aM if pleased. tellyOIII' frienet.; ii Dot,L TELL. US!$,:.00. per Q.� by carrier.$1�5 per quarter . by city mail�'per year ••. I MOSSLER COMPANYClothes for lIen--and Young MenSO -Jackson Blvd.. .. .. II···· ... - -.. :·" •. 1;. j-�.j ..•. ,.,. ·1.l·j�ftice in Euia Hait. of •• -.,- .. _ -'. , ..J _ 1 : . 1. :.1.. ; , . • ; :,. :-... ...... .. : I..... __ I • , , .·20,000 ST,YLES,WHILE ..THEY, i iLAST .--A MU S EM B l{,T'S- h .-'. - .,.. W y Men WearSTUD.B,�,A][BR.. !Mossler�Clothes.� ..•. FRITZi' SCHEFFt.h eW hat ever tailorin the first production of .THE .�PR_.Il\IA DONNAWm.J�s' So�Clark' and Adams Streets . asDllBALI. BALL243 W.bull Ay'l.Original IdeaS and Exc:�ive Styles ill '. PHO-rOGRAPHS'..-cI.1 ... , ... to u .• r c. S' ..... I�'� Sui� to Iso... : Overcoa�� �'�s.' >.- ". ���ry. kind-:every. size-everymodel. "', .. , ;.CJ .\MOSSLBR . CO.·�?� .,.SO � JacboD Blvd.: .. �", ..:",!�" Clever ClOtheS' " • .';,.,., I'.� .-:-. ..... ;.>' --:. ;,.:" - . ..' .;�Put 'ginger into ·yourieJf. Wear '.De of Bow's custom-iano� .chesty. �ppy, dasbiq sUitsor top coatS, � as· � seecn. the campus these,� e-4�·;":';;SHIRTS- ;I.'.When you're down to1m,' takea lock at our neW quarters.605-6' lIasonic T�l��u. � Us show' ycm the' ex­duSift' U. �f ·C. modelS thaiwe've perfected for "ur spe­cial gratification;." .: '\ On and off like a ooa�. � .In f�t colors �nd ex� r:elusive styles. si.so .up.·;.IL.LIB.OIS ...... � ." _, ... A VI ALTZ' . DREAMBy. Oscar Stra�ss CLUETT. PEABODY ... CO .. 1IabtS ..";As to woolens a' awell ... lot.' , .'O, .was never t'pened in thistown-biger IDQ be. but weare talking, of �le, Qf eJe.poce of that out-of-the CmJi'"aary quality, which patS ourprments in a daa by. tJlem.;. ..�e8I :'.. _ P:-e$e.nts. .. THE '\vORI_D, A�,D., �I:S WIFEIIr. Han CODtinues D' CllairmaD--To .oom. Ins:roctors niust· descend' to. laitiate �. -\. the -sensatiQnal te) get t�ir:·h�arers:-. '. . .attep�lon. . .Th� members of Snell hall' organ- Co As 'soon as. the . stud�ts; . al1"h·t-ized Tuesday niglat. Mr. Hall will rrom the' city they �agerly sieze; th"continue to fill the office of. chairman, Daily· Wave. The girls .especiallyand., R�einhart Beims' ��s el��' scan its columns �ncJ. �<:'ple entirtly�t'Cretary. The different· floors 'eleCt�' 'lblh;ous to their enViron�ent The... .. . .cd their councilors, who'. hold· office masterpieces of literature pale intofor a year. insignificance beside the new daily,The initiation of Freshmen memo Chau(,er, :SPcnccr, .and. �eh KipRn,b:ers will be held. at t�e firs� c'stag" lrive "'ay' to the matutinal message;;on Hallowe'en. Later in the quarter from our eml?qo joumali8t:s>la rec:eption and dance will be held. Were the \\'a"e issned in the n>en-:ng it wonld prO\'e a plea'sing post­prctndial dh'ersion instead of.�a, ·real :.. GBABD OPW "'BOUSEWILTON ·LACKAYE· . We Have No Branch Studio \ \"."AD ... R'II.9.L-, � ... ,�.G.�'��jr,;��... �'"\ ,�"!_,./: ��I.SJ-IS.S rAMU AY8,. ( . CHICAGO.·.Facilities for everything iD .Photcgraphy. .Phone Central 60giuT·ME BATTLE; .CHIOAGO opBU BOUSBTHE DEVIl..RepnDea of the patadvance we have madewe sliD maintain priCesat an astonishinglyeconorr.ical plane-auitaor tt'P .:Gats. '15 up.Pressing d-:-ne entail- .ously-nery bit of'.work' done on oUr oWnpremdea.' .-. - -' � withn.ENRY E. D1XEY. I.::":':=OLllf AND GUITARINSTRUCTION.\1.,0 il:strumentations for �Iandolinand GU;lar Orchestras. Ada Rogers. �(!tnddin ··Yirtuoso. l:ltc of "Rus5ian:. �('urt Orchc5tra:' N.Y. 308 East 60thStreet: Phone Hyde Park 1960.. \Vantcd- E,·ery student in thet 1ni"ersit:v who i� not a subscriber tosubsc:ribe at onc:e.!leVIOKBa'8Cl-I.:\UNCEY OLCOTT. in his' new play .RAGGEO ROBINGcral� Burnham of Chicago. hasbt'en elected vice 'president 'of the cla!'s rO(lm .distraction ....Sheff senior cl:lS5. At the meeting ofthe academic' senior' class William.· The Univer�ity of ll1inoi� ba!! be­Whiting Bordon of Chica� �as 'elec-: come a mec:ca for the�tude�ts �fromted on the cIa!! bOok c:ommitt�e. the Cele�tia� ElJ1pi�e: Tbet.e art e:.tev,­while AI�rt Day Farwell. of ·Lake. en' Chin�se students in 'atien�!!'ce:_at •Fore�t"'W:ls' made chairman 'of . tb� the unh�r8ity this year, nine of wbomcap ·an.I 20'"' ·committee. .. an! !'C'nt by the government at Pe�ing. �,1 ... ,....·, . WBI'rRBY ..,.BOWS OOIlP� .. . .THE� .BIG SUCCRSSA 'BROKEN IDO�'. ,, .�en's �a�s and Fixings238 L "55th Street . , ..I IIIIr1lItIIi!I\I!, 111I, .{: \I. ' . ,' ...... .. ' .'r,"'. fi,ii. DENEEN T8 stWjfllSt - ..... �. __��iu_R•· _ .. 1.1:_ ... Cluba WiD Have �- ere. ,�� 2iil�::� ".' �"�� Ir_:'� u";, __ .,, :;;-;;. Govemcr' Addraa StD- 'Pift W� TiJOiit .... 7- � � .ct::::: �-. denta-Senators Borah and Bever- -1IaDi ubi)' '11_ IIake Pros- �, . .. : :id,e Possibilities. peetS for .,..m �. . .o..t .0DCIa�.fjemocratic enthusiasm on the cam-Captain Cald\\'��1. ��k s��� of his pus will reach a high point Mon�aybest material over the regular five- e�eJli'na: ir.· the banquet which "'i11mile course of the c'�oss c�uritry run � :,{ivcn ill honor of National Chair­yesterday for t� fi�st time. With �'a'; ���man E� �fack by' the Bryanthe largest squad of men .that ever �iid Kern- club of the Uhiversity illcame out for the .invigorating outdoor Hutcliil1s�n ca�e. The entire me�runs. the men are .6eiDg.� through bership of tbt' dub will be 'out in full.. titler work tJi�I� 'u�ual this year. force to ,,�elcome the energetic man­Caldwell has his, three squads, num-, ager of W'iliiam' Jenniilgs Bryan'sbering nnw about -sev�n�y-five .stron_g. �aD1paign.· :Mr. Mack' will speak ,on.. ettling into t.he, ��!=� that is' to win his, e�".c:iiences in managi!1g 'politicalor lose the We�tern Conference In- cat11�igns .and will give the campustercollegiate , cross' country, run for polit�ians some advice on how todoChicago on the date "oj' .the· annuai the b�st work for their par:y.race, which comes on Jlfovember 14- The J;lrya'n. ad Kern club is goingSome of the men ir'o�' the team of :lfte�' the campaign i� real earnest.rive will most likely be picked. are Precinct heads have been named forCaptain Caldwell, Carpenter, Visher, each :�o�it(lry 'and fraterniti.' and aDolan, Gilbert, Harper; A. S. Long, �ysterii�tic canvass is being made TorE. ·R. Long, Simp�on,' Whipp' and' .. ' ,.Del1locratlc votes. An. effort is be-Smith. Caldw�ll,.:Visher. Dolan and !�� ni�de' by . the' :exe�uti�e commit-Long are all experienced men, and tee to secure J. Hamilton Lewis as aWhipp, Simpson, .'Gilbert and Carpen- ;;peaker next week. A definite daterer are men of some experience, ,who has' sipt yet been arranged. .The na-may make .,,000 this year. . .I '•. ,. tiooa central committee has given itsSome of the fastest, men running ct)J�se�t: to arrange a date f�r the �p_with the squad ar;.e _ in�I�'r?le, but the p�,,����e �.f B��n '�n the campus inchances for a good team are, never- an a<l�r�ss, and the .·officers of 'thetheless bright, according to .Captain- dub 'a:e,"preparing to make this oc­Coach Caldwell casioh the. �lima'�'�(their enthu�iasm.'�I ani trairiing ·the' feliows with 'theidea of matcing: 'the: whole 'squad im­prove as a unit; �nd' do 'not want tostart 'any' 'iridtVid� c()nt�sts afflorig � I'.ALL SBASOIfthe 'men 'a�' tet,� He '�ilid� "Some;' of lIAs' OPBBBJ). �...: t· _. . _,the �andid�tes 'have ja: tende'ncy to. /fhe ne� autumll and winter fab-trY to' get ahe:aCl ':of 'tli'e fielci: 'bui t ri�� show. many s,tripect e�ects, butlin w'or-king against tllat as:- opposed the",c;_olorings are n6t .pron6unced�to the best 'm�adS\'f g(X;d·res.ilts.n.;- ,ne fa�ri�s 'have a rough' twilledIt is· , not: kri;').';':·h'�w tiiany�:'of t'he �i�c.��Q�e.n ,�losely enoughConferendi t{;��e�s .. m !�iit'er i�anis give, ,�et'Y.ice •. , ,,"!n the'" �a�e t�is� '���� ���(� ".i� .i�" '�i:: ';,�}�,�� ��� th� . v��io,u� shad'esSleeted that the aClded stimulus ,�f I)rc)� ar� iiI .strong ,fajror. '. ,Conferen(:� rcko��iti��. ··a��.�: r��,��.� � ,G;�� .$u,i�s '��d' '�h'e �re;s sh'adingHori' witl e'nc()ura(�' new trJlms to,len'- intq::t.he. �io.kand si.ate· colorings are, ·'�I.• : ''':\ _ :$' �� ,.. 1-.· .. :'�. -_": '. • .• �ter. For several ,,Years, die race has lecidedly" cQrre�t.'leen' a :-thtee--td��re(h)� "':M�weell ,.,iri 'O:Ve��oat fabric;s the rougb bas-��C"=;��!::'l: fi�:: i��t�����1 � ;t��:r;;f j;�:!��e stripe.!ast year,"a ... � �s: cI���ly' sec�nded, �tS �� c=oUep wear. $30 to $35'>y th� �i�eon!;� ... �nne.rs .• A �i�- .: !�. ,�� .• � 'to s., .go ,third In a.:�eld' �� t,bre� .. ls ��nsld- W� ���rridiq '�es.:!red less possible :thlS yea� In !Iew of .. " , ..the great intel;cs't �sl!4)wn in' tlie runs.• - I !'.,. ._ . t Piano. ShipPed' to' Any Part" of ,the UiUted S�tes'on TheSe'Liberal Terms. write for FREE CatalOpes.:. � t ." '. _ ....P. A. STARCi( PlANO. CO.,'·..on AC'lUltBBS204-206 Wabash Aveime�� ·Mar �; Street. Chicago.1:·:_···'. _ .. __ - c" .. eg� �PI _. ._.'-wit1! •. � �_r:c¥a J� o�t.7 in ctreu are in- ';.'-stantl)'.,won,,,;��UsroIlBRS by·dIe �� we-:are offeriDc � at. 'IS. to 135- � are cIotbe8 of TODAY. �in stYlC a. alive .. an etecmca11;' � wire. and superbly,., tailorecL z.. ' .: ._'J'': : • >: �. .When 7Ou're don towa. come' in.:A "comEy- chair and ;,a 'cOrdial"pip-ol -tbe-bUd .RitS )'o� with aIMIolate1)' no obli-cation to bu)-. " ... EDWARDES, Cl+OTHES SHOPGovernor Deneen, it was announcedlast night, will address the Universitj'students on campaign issues underauspices of the Tafr-Sherman clubsome time next week. The exact datewill be annov-ced later. It is, alsoprobable that Senator Borah and Sen­ator Beveridge will speak to the Uni­versity body.A t a meeting of the Taft leaderslast night in Snell hall, plans for thecoming campaign were formulated.Jf the matters can be arranged, sever­al -llundreu seats will be reserved atthe 'Coliseum for the University Re­publicans to hear Mr. Taft. It is pur­'posed to form a marching club andhave the' students enter amid thenoise of a drum corps and collegeyells adapted to campaign purposes.Alfred E. Lunt, Harvard's '03 presi­dent of the National Republican Col­lege league, explained to the mem­bers 'of the club, the purposes andsignificance of the league. "TheLeague;' said Mr. Lunt, "is not only'to influence the voters of today inth� . present campaign, but is to in­terest as well the non-voters, who in� f�iv �ears 'will be leaders in theircommunities and 'men of influence.The league is now 17 years old,and' has more than one hundredthousand men enrolled in its' ranks;Every state in the union is" repre­s-ented, and practically e�ery collegehas its independent club allied withth� n'ational association.At'� poll of the Republicans on thecampus� there were found to be overthre� hundred and fifty men. "This,"said' Mr. 'Tanner, secretary �f. theclub� "<i�es not represent nearly ourf�lI st��gth,. as returns are only part­iy iii. 'W� feel, confident, however,that' ',,-e �i11 poll the usual Republi-CaD majority." .The Republican . activities on theCampus are' divided into two orga��:%alions. which are in co-operationwith each other .. They are the Un i­�ersity of . Chicago-Taft Sh�rmanclub, and the Law School Republicanclub. The officers of the 2nd are: G.P. Gallagher, president; Paul O'Don­nell, vice-president; J. W. Hoover.secretary; A. L Weber, treasurer •. 'The Taft-Sherman club is headed byA� B. Hall,. president; George Ross­plan, vice-president; A. C. Tanner.�ecretary; Dave Eisendrath, treasur­er; Charles. Stroll, executive comit­tee.·····The s�hool representatives are: ].'Young, Divinity; Neil If. Gunn,Mt-dicine; MacNeimer, Graduatesch90l; W. P. MacCracken, UnderGraduate.SALE AT SPALDING'S LARGEPicks Up _ Considerably and Assures.. Big �de Following. 'No Money'DowTey Our'1300 ,·Keilm.ore Pia�oIn )'our Own �Ome. make s� that it -"Iits1n"everY particul.u-. When )'ou 'are- sO, -.� -S16$In' u" waY 7.00 lite. even as low as$.1: a ",e�f< •.p. I A II 0 8-Regularprices 13.50 to $750, at�DUCED 'PRICES AT 'THIS SA!.E.'THIS COY.�L)N IS WORTH A T� DOL� BILLCut 'it out' at or�e. Don'f tlir�w away money. We not only' SAvou over a h�ndred 'doliars, but pe,rrnit ,the smallest payments E'known (as low as $1 a week); ;ask no me,ney in advanc� and I':you �J� to bp.ot.: Can ·you beat i.t? .Oui.:of-toWn patrOns are in.nted to avail ��ves ofMOST �� �du����•.' �., •• _I "'. ,"I $io FREE. ;�.'9�e- o( thes�41o.Jpo��'\.g�_.��·�FIRST PAYMENTtowards purchase of one SPi'aacf at 'this .. sate/ at' 204. . � .." ..,Avenue Chicago, III.'J' ,J'i'-, ... ,..CUT OU�". THIS COUPON:: '.' �,' ;GooD -.oR::'" .',Tel{Doll�TAILOR PO. YOUNG 'IIBR' ..... A_ N. JernmS, lIer" .. ""Wo' atona: 131' La Sane St.. and'<- ." "�J�� . DRINKS INK� mE, �',C4MELr..e LUp.t ·..... ctaren in the.�Id: 'of oiic:iil Atbltftic SuppliaBod ancI Room �. CONlUN'S J:O P.: . I" . . ... t• ' '.• •. -THE PEN WiTH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"A -. .can be filled iJlS!aDdTwithout the least iDc:ODftIliellc:e. Y. c:oUlt;l .fill it/wf�/. whih. kid gloves o�, w:thoat d�ge:r;8OiI�.' Beiides ils.lcollftDieDc:e. Is the !.plendl� w." qUutles of the CoDkUll_:the perfect feed. ,I '",,, 1Aiidac ..... , ..... P1f8 � 1f':?Oan,� DOt, -/.� PrIces. S1GO � ap. .8eDc1.at 0Me for b .. ,some DeW catal�·• CoMJW Pea Co.,310 ........ BY£, ToWo,omdaJ linplemeata' for all Track,aDd Field Sporta.Seats for the Illinois game "'ereWanted-Copies of. the Daily ,Ma·roon for Friday, Oct. 2, I� will Mbought for five cent.; each at theDaily llaroon office in Ellis Hall; Ulliforma fOI' aD Atilletic SportaGY"��IUII APPARATUSTho J:ftQnrtlaeda.·pis N.Cy. h'.h:-t!IC on1,. sb!o­lat.-I,. C.!1tel:L"P rarterif t�tC I!n-lnon. Mml­nM or nw.l 1;:low thi,_ba7tbem'nrnl wc-::r t:,""" The WftI'b a:tfl't', ft�l t�t'-1' <'n't only n quam!''s pair. I:MnC'1D!M'r i� : .,_.- .Cl..f1I_" ..... -'r'•----