Strenuous signal' practice with thesquad divided into two teams was the:ot of the Varsity yesterday. after­noon in their first workout after the1 ndrana !,!ame.· The: men were inpretty good . condition, consideringthe intensity of the struggle With. the.. H oosiers." The electric lights haveappeared 011 the field and. the:'ghost'" ball probably be called into-here are several conditions at- ture freely. service soon..: : '.hed to the scholarship prize: The "Two parties cannot exist with 'one A number of plays were practicedrination is to be held the, first always in· office, and the other al- .'f�r the lIlinpis, p�e next .Satur-da:Y.-.k of the spring quarter, All un- ways out:' he continued. "The Re- manv of them tried for the first time..graduate.- students of the Univer- publicans have been in practically "Th� HHnois £hOle 'w'iIl, be=,:" the) fir�t ;,.• who have b�en in residence twc uninterrupted power since the, Civil News Item: " no official Freshman class at the University of �ru�ial contest 'of' the �ason,", said,'rters;who have not exceeding �ine .ar, and in' all that time 'there have Chicago. Director Stagg last" night, "and thejors credit, who have obtained an been only two years in which there comparatively poor' showing ' 'ot' tfierage 'grade of C in their Usriver- were 'a Democratic President :lI1d a ,) :Ilbnois eleven so far is 'not dec.eiv�g�··work will be eligible, , The ex��� Democratic House, If for no other 'TICKETS fOa" p'�BITY fEAST; BAQGERS LOOK FO-.aABlE .ne any. I think it will take mor� t�tion is to be conducted, and. the reason than this' uninterrupted con- ---. lefeat them than it. did' ,erih�'r ':Pd�-.:.:�rds made by, three persons ap- tinuance in power; there should be a O�erCrowding and Presence of Non- Classy Show!ng, AgaiDst Lawren" .lue or IDdi�na," '., . i�.·- ,<>' .nted by the president, No award change thi� year at the coming' .elec- tiniv�ty �ple to .be Eliminated, .. lIaka .. W"'JSCOMiQ Appear, the. Var� '�Jle,.ganl�-,�jtb .hJdiaua.,���-�., ,c ' -- .• _"-''''.' ,.' -. ,.... l':- •... �.,:Mu=t··•.. ·'.· .•��Qir.-:..�",,:=z.r ··cr...r.�,. �:'r�'.-.�a.U, �." ij"��.'JiiiPiM.. �;:��:'":'=. •. .',' " .' ,'" .to··-.maft;--::u�ess --:t1teC"pape .•. � 4M�'+,�·;:>�·���p�<;":""·-·-;.:,, "';'��l-� �: .I "'7 . .n� �u ua ' -� :;.� � "' !l most signi6CI11t·· (lne:; for" C&iC:a.o:es 2 mark. ofat 1�:1st & per cent' : - •• \\r� shoulcl'.deem -it.' a priVilege 'to i 'Ti�';�D &de T!mndaY.:'·· ' '. I Defeat M ... �· �.;� ." .' .:rhe Va'rsity �n'up a' larger .'sCor�' ."written examination may be sup- vote for a man to heatl olir· natio�al . :".' . . ..... . . . .:�han any teani�, eastern i or weste�,."'>ented at the discretion of the government who' has tong', been the .Th� 'r f banquet has b��n reform S;lturday's pmc� :sho,,'� -more .01 1.vith an �qu�liy' strong. oppOn�t ,'to': '-:.rd by an - oral examination. fir$t and foremost.' private Citizen 'of �-d •. 'From now henceforth �dmis�iol : ess of 3 slump on the part: of th(' �llay.. .. . ., .: ..this and all other cotintries of. this �.) the popular University institutiOi ; !arsity�s next three �pponents, and :., After a rath�r �ei,"d �.xhjbition t'liat � ,;:w('rld. And f�r the dtief executive wiil be by ticket only, and as a limit· .. omewhat surprising display�of· forn; -Varied 'from the acutel�y ·�xcitiDIi-.<at_' !,.:.)t this�' our,' own stat�.;. there is no f�d number of tickets will be printed ',v the iourth, While. Illinois' wor" ·,imes to the dull and. uninteresting,' i'man more fitted' by' trainirig and e�- Hutchins6� hall will not be over· :,�inst the i\larquette .. eleven . wa� th'e, Varsity. overwhelmed '''Jimmie''': .1,i)erienc� than the iormer vice-presi- kro�'ded, as in the past, and the ad· :lisc(luragi�g to' the 'lllin6is cOaches. Sheldon:s aggregation' of "HoOsiers�" ��! ••Caldwell·s Squad of So Dis- dent of the United 'States, the Hon- mission will be confined, to bona,fide Wisconsin� through a quintet of star 'in a signal victory Sat�rday 'by th�': "�'.lie:! Are Getting into orable Adlai Steveitson. University students. The tickets for· players, rolled up a 35� to 0 total �con' .of .29 to 6. Indiana drew' firstS�n·s Work. ··Preside�t ROose�elt. has been get- .he Illinois purity banquet. F�iday against Lawrence. . Minnesota anll 'blood. in t�king ad'\"antge of a. miS=S.·; .'ting a g.:eat deal Of just· c:redit for �'ight. will be put on sale "fhu�sda!' ; :ornel1 did fairly .good playing. but :arried fl)�ward pass �hich: Steff,:'n" .the bnost 'of the Confercnce, �ood intentions. bUt he is not enti- morning at the Reynolds club and al : ,roved weak in spots. ilad intended f�r Crowley. but' which' :"gnition and support added stim- ded to much credit for accomplish- the Ccmmons,. The .u.suai..price 'of-'2- : Probably the greatest reversal .. il: Captain Paddock caught in a: clear.,t P· 'I h' h h t t s "'cnts will continue; . . .,''- k f dwas gi�en cro�s cou�try work. men, nnclp es w IC e a( voca e. '-. .. . he West was' ft1rnished 'in the IIli· �e"I, ana ing a run 0 . nearly 50 yar stOda"- wer�' advOcated dg11t and, The secom.i' innovation ,,,ill be ·�e'at .. I d Th I' H'" ,.!'t JiO men are out for the team, � ',ois' Marquette CQllege. in which th(' ior touc 1 own, e "Ho,,' mg osttain Caldwell is very optimistic twelve years ago by the Democrats. tng the ro.oters acco.rding 1� their re. TJlini' �'ere held to a tie of �6� Thil- !1ere had about ten minutes ,of 'ear- .ut the outlook. and were called littie, shon of aoar- · .. pective classes' Fraterni�y reserv3· ',\'3S Illo�e' s�l�pri�';'g. b� '\:irt�e �f ·the. ... plitting demonstratio'n to its credit',o get in better touch with Ids chy, The promises o( tile Republi· lions will no longe� be permitted.: n�l ,::tct that stories sent out fro.m Cham. ,\,-hich so.on died from lack of noqr-d. he has grouped the men �n can ho��es are not to be relied o.n, ,,'m the classes be allo'W�d to mix.. pa��n'''��,<:� '�,eek .. �er� to� 't�e .c:ffect ;shmellt, as Chicago's fine temper�(1e divisions, the men who have as they ha"e had plenty of time' tc ' �The new. arrangement.wilt encour 'hat the .l1Iini were confident of clean. .'lnd "igh-�tmng ma�hine struck it�er nm before, and those who ;�stitute �fonns if they had re�ly ·Ig�. clas:'!' u�ity a�d: spirit. an, .. ng"�Ip. Chicago Sat�rday, The garn(' '�ait and Do.unded· and t�re at thoseto take it easy, . the middle intenrled to do so, They �a,=-e prom':' ,malICe th� �:udel�t -b�y .. mt!�� : mort. :'�gainst ll�rquette, Itowe,-er, sho,,'cc' Indi;mans in an e\"e-r intensified fash-p. and eighteen men on the first is�i to revise the t:'riff immedia'tely. democratic, said,' B"� MacC��k�; .. ev('ra: glaring fa.ul�s o.n the pan of ion.sion ,,-�oihit. up a pretty fast pace. bu!. they ha"e not" '''';lnd' do not say yesterday .e�e.ning;· '�And, the�e wil ':he '-O�an�e-and-mue players, Their Captain Paddock Disqaalifieds,division is composed of the me'h "'he!her they "'iII' revise it up or be 'no pOS�lblhty of over..;cro..�'dlllg .tht' .,-ork .with the fo.r,,'ard pass was arna The gOlm� ,,'as ·no.t unmarred with.have ·had BOme experience in dis. down, .They have protect� i!,rarit hall." .tel1ris� 'at'. tim�s. �ne fumble result nnpieasant features. "Captain Scott.e runn.·ng. and from .... ·hom tha. industries until the inrants have Ol1t- 1»- II k b bl h ' d'.. • :ng in the. score a�inst them. -d( (OC • pro a y t e greatest m}-.will probably be picked, The gro"'n their swaddlin� clothes. 'and DIVIDE JUNIOR WOllEN'. �lil1nesota ,,'on from Ames by tht ;dual star of the visiting team, 'Iostr two squads, for the most paf'ty donned Princ� .Alberts and '�lr('ss A.tONG FOUR COLLEG� ... core o.f 15 to 10. Th� Gophers ,,·ere.· his tmtper so. far as 10 slug his oppo-out for the sport and exercise �uits, Industries are still protected. --- 'til'cn a stifJ hat.tle fro.m start,. to: fin "ent,. ;'Ind .·"ft('r sc."\"eral uDheed�dthere is in the cross country yet labor co�es in fr�e. ,. The Repu": A nntice assigning the In'lior Wo- ;sh. an!1 a hanl time getting the Ion,: warnings by Umpire .Kelly of Prince-.'and s�em to. enjoy .themselves ticans llavc stolen the livny,of Heav- men to thc ('otleJtc."s in which tl�e�. end oi the score. Th(' game was ch�r too. he was finally 11ut out the gameen to serve the'devil wit"'" '11 I ft I' tl I . I f b Idl 1 . 111' . htly. WI. lcrea, er lc.". Ilermanell y (ass-. acterized by thc' frequent use o.t t 1(' or u y s uggmg « (mgs 111 t ework has just been get- \\'ith refe,rence �o the recent panic. 'lied. is :posted 'in I.exington Hall fnrwar«1 ·pass. "'hich Am('s workt'" face sho.rtly after the beginning oiin form. Next week the· r�al Mr, Als("huler remarked: ·'If the Re- All Junior women are reqtlested h' ';lIcce:':ooflllly. �l1t "'hich was less dc,' the second half. Fre.·«111ent calls fork will commence, for the big race publicans are to take the credit for const11t the lil't, as the new arrange· erly used hy the Gophers. :\m(' tin't' q�' were occasioned as the sec­es ofJ the morning of the Cornell the pa!'l1 years of prosperity. they ment ... ·)e5 not take into consideration m;Hlc its first tnudulowl1 h.'n minut(' ond hali progressed, becau�e of the.... b h should all'o shoulder the f('sponsibil- - I t II tl t t . I h' h' h b he .• ,o,·('m er qt . 'n ". Hl co �gc 1e S. \I( cnt rCglstere.t after play on a forwar(1 pass. �li,nl1c, Itter Jl::CC at w IC ot tcOtms wercunday. the Conference committee ity oi the late financial crisis. The nn matriculating. and to attend thc.. ot:&·s greatc.'st gains were.- 0'1 lin(' pla.>:illg.and laid out the cour�e fo.r the Ot"nwcrats in' 1896 �dvocated the free 'ne('ting pi .tht' <li"ision to "',hic], 1 I "Featherweight" L=.qe. is Speed.,',.. lunge!" an« em runs. "Starting at tht" President's coi,1aIlt' of silver, but they never ,,'ent they � .. ,.�. h�en _r ... ·�p(cti�·cly� as�iJt1'e.-.d.. .. \Yisconsin \\'on 35 to, 0 fronl I.a\\"J k P t. d �o. far a� to is.. �ue an "nlimited coin- t � thO ty till'" mornl'nO' I II 'I'se. ('ast to ac �on ar� aroun ":l ,,,n Ir, '". . �, rence. the team that. ,IC « .. \ mne:\ot ..I If I· k I h d' age of pan..r in the fOr'll o.f c1earind'- rrfi 1ft' ff'ng go m s. a ong t e nve r- ... 'I (' P :!ce� (.) met' mg· are a� 01- Ilowl1 to one touchdown .the Satur·t thc German building and the hou�e cenificate�," 1��: rJiilosophY� l�exi�Jttor. as�el1l_ ,lay pr('\"ious. ThouJ'h the work clol1t'Id Museum, down the south side bl,y rOflm'; Uteraturt. Cobb 6.,: Arts I,," nr, Hutchens' de"en "'as not exthe Midway. 10 Co.ttage Grove Th� '(acuIty of '!he School of Edn- L�xin�t;;n union room: Science. Le�� t;aorflinary. it ne"crtheless sho\\,('"nue and finish at Lexington. Flag!' cahon gave a reception to the mem- ington 3. Throngh this action 1he th;!t Wisconl'iin has a strc-.nJter teaIT'be posted along the cotlrse and bers 'of the school 1a�t Saturday dt"ans hnpe to elimin:ltc the O'·c.'r- th;an �finnesota. and ,,·m he the Ma- Var�ity lineup for the first time. beate win be about twenty clerks to nia!:t in Emmons Blaine hall, After- crowding of some colleges and the• tend the nce. ..... a iafonsal dulce was �w. lad of _embers in ot.ers... �' :e .. !.>� .. '. ,� . ., �. • . �: !';.::. "::.: ";..... .... \, .......,y 1latly.oJ. VII. No.8, CH,ICAGO. TUESDAY, OCTOBER !l, 1908. Price Two CCDtITABUSH SCHOLARSHIPII CIVIL GOVERIMEIT·'1 will not undertake to say thattbe fate ;)f tbis nation rests upon theTIME HI PAmSAN ClWtGE A CORDIAL WELCOME VARSITY PRlCllCllGPLAYS .FOR ILUIOIS"_'_'--Honorable Samuel B. Alachaler. illOpeaing-. Speech of Campus Prai­'dentiai eaiDpaip, Declares Repub­lica.aa . Have' Reicned too LOne. Squad Wcr� on Signals and Forma._ for Firat Crucial Contestcf Scuoa..·�sill' of 29 te 6 Victory Over Shel­don's Inclianans-"Hoo�rs" DrawFirst B!'3Cd •eel Don'Jr Gives $::aoo for Fi�ft'Passer of Examinationiii CiviCL, '. ,I.ritlen E��T;nation to be Held ,� result of this election, but 'it is a factFirat Week of the Sprinc proven' by the down-fall of other reo. Quarter. publics that a party long' in powerbecomes a serious menace to the pub!Iic welfare," declared former StateGovernor Hon, Samuel ·R. Alschuleryesterday afternoon at the first pub­lic meeting of the Bryan and Kerndub d the 'University. The Demo-scholarship amounting too hundred dollars a year for fivers has been given the Universitybe awarded the' student who passesbest examination on the subject"The Civil Government of the cratic organization had a. large andThe name of the enthusiastic audience out to greet itswithheld at his re- distinguished . guest. and distributedpolitical posters and campaign litera-d;, !re .One (If· th(' !'nrprising f('atl:res ofthe g'am�, which delighted the "Old�Ian·· J'rcatly an(1 drc.'''' forth mnchnoi!'e from the bleachers. wa:oo the'nar\'(�lo\1s !"pceri shown by the line:n Jlctttng down the, field. \Vorth,,·in('.Ehrhorn and Elliott, the latter in the(Continued on page 4)(Continued 011 pa�c .. >\',���.,�,���.�,.�,,����������������������T�H�E�D���MAROON.T�SDA�O�B�I�I�,".I.rf :11M.�I".. JIar.oOU ball pm.. To those who compared ADOUlfOBllBftB -_----at �I&!t rhe enthusiastic mass meeting of _Fri- \day with the alleged rooting at the Bic Annual TCDDia Tounwnent' ofTee 0tIdal �.. Pub1lcaUoa 01 the . IVllhen1u of Indiana game.on Saturday. the truth the University jn singles starts Wed-of the above was painfully. ap'p'a!e�t., ne��ay, Oct .. 14- Hand eBtri�s to Cap·ED&ehd _. 8ecoDd-dU. 'libn aL the OI� The rooting at the :Indiana' -game tain Ross ,or leave, at, I nformation of-�. Clucaco. 1I1i11cla. Ilarcb 18. I ..... ·• -If' .UDder Act' 0( .IIal"cb 3. Itml -. was di!"tressing. The spectac e 0 a nee. All members, of ,!he Universitycheerleader through, the ; �1C?- are eliaible. . 'tions of leading'" an ima gi.nary' yelf Universi� Public Lecture·. "l,'le,PublUbecl 1Ialb'. nc:ept SuDda) ... )Ilonda).. aDd .�laoU&ian. durb" three q�ra 01 tJle UDl"enitl amidst the terrse silence of the Colonizing System of the Spa�ish'�" ,.� �_, '_ ' bleacher -occupanrs is: most harrow-; and Portuguese.". ' Professor" Ernsting," Of course the unfortunate scat- Daenell of the University' of, Kiei.tering Qf the rooters -among' outsid- Cobb Lecture room, u:oQ, to, 1:00 p. Iers is partly responsible for the poor m. Today Professor Daenelll will de Ishowing. as it re<luires C'lnsiderable liver his 'next lecture Friday. I1 moral courage for an isolated rooter The Botanicai Club meets today in I___ -;, 'n among a crowd of outside,rs to Botany. 13. at 5 o'clock81lblc:rtpUoil price. p.oo per :-r; ,1,00 fow nreak out with a +bulldog" and con- Dr. \ViIliam Crocker will talk. ''w...1DODt.M, s� r_heel at. t.hlr vince them of his mental 'derange- The Church Music Club will meet •Muoou o� ElUa JI&11. 01' ." t.lJe .• '&l.-W'" EA·� CbIIb'�U. I " ment. • this evening at 8 o'clock in HaskellRut whatever the excuses, it is assembly room. Attendance of all-rinie for the rooters to wake up. to persons interested in the subject isremember that Chicago is out for the desired, as this is a meeting for or,championship this year. and if she is ganizarion.I{oing to get it they must be be- The Young Women's Christianhind the team every minute. League meets at 4:15 in Lexingtonhall. Associate Professor Behan Willi:' -----------.------------MlISS McDOWELL ADDRESSES address' the meetinz. T·, d ' GJUNU?R COLLEGE MEN N� CatholiC-Studen .... please drop I a. ore' arments of Quality--- nan�es and addresses in Faculty Ex- 1Head of UniversitY Settlement Asks change. Address Brownson club 332.for Volunteer Teachers and, Cap and GClWD contributions, bothWorkers. I' . ,iterary iand art, are earnestly solicit---- ed by. the editors., I:eave at Faculty ',IRo,. naldrl� Miss: Mary ,E. McDowell, head Exehan Re. :;,REPORTERS resident of the University Settle- Th' e YB. R. Ba oung ' Me�,'s Christian Asso-okhage Mias Ern('8tiue ETana mcut, addressed the Junior men at aa·, ti'o' n' 'will, 'meet Wednesday evening:\IOI'tUs B. Rrigp. chapel yesterday, •• !1d urged them to in Haskell assembly hall at 7:15. Ad- ,"_ take: an active interest in the work dre'",s'·. Th' i I" '" e Basi,s: oJ Religious Con·.DUtadal omc:.-'Berare 8 p. m.. ElUa Ball. h 't' 11· d' .�, Teleslhoae HJde Park 424. Mtd' 8 :' C represents. .'"' tentlon was ca eviction; by .t\�sodate ITofessor...... II..- � "if Eo 55th Stftet. Tel, to the n"ed for teachers in set�lement Slaught., : __ �_ Padt 3ClIL dasses, there being a special dema�d: JI:aIiDMa OJlke-JSe(on � � m.. .I!:l1ia ll&1l. in the citizenship class, which c�n-' WATER N V0II11"1a11U. Tel.. � I"uk 428. ' A IGATION 2,000sists of eighty, members and meets .YEARS BEFORE SOLOMON,N ... ,coatriIIatIoaa 111&1 be left at J:Wa Ball every Monrlay and Friday ,� � to til. DallJ I nstructors are also wanted for bas- Professor Breasted Unearths Relicsketball, indoor baseball and gymnas- T�t Disprove Biblical Story ofOu !he wisdom which the member� ium. while, ,there is an opening for P!onC\..-r Sa!lorof t.he, yarious JW1ior colleges dis..; those who can coach dramatics. A" ,',',' pl�Y- in their choice' of general invitation to visit the Settle� That sea "oyages were made 2.000An Important officers today, the S\1C- t:neni was �xtended to all University years before the, time of SolomonDay for cess of those colleges men; I.- was asserted yesterday by Dr. J:i��s. the Juniors and their activities for ··What we want�" said Miss Mc- H. B:-cast.!d, trustee of Haskell 1\Iu-this year will in a Dowell; "is men who are interested ;;enm a"td' Professor of' Egyptologylarge measure depend. There ar,-: in social reforms, and will come, out ':tnd' Oriental Hist'ory.great and so far. larg�ly unrealized !here and "work. 'We want, stickers. ·This huest oiscovery is one' of the I.opportuniti�s in !ohese org3nizations wh� will not come out for a' few many t:'1at Dr. B'reasted has made irfor- enjoyment .. and such friendly riv- weeks and quit. Last year we had his research in Egyptology.aIry as may be brought out by ath-' som� fine fellows and] expect: as While in Palermo, S,icily. he foundI�tic and debating contests; if the good helpers this year:' a portion of :1 tablet originally sevenmembers of th� colleges ,wish to take FUTURE FREsHMAN CLASS' feet long and two feet high. coveredadvantage 'of these privileges. they MEETS TOMORROW AT_IO:� with inscriptions. which were found FI t C�_ rs lass l\fIeals 'should look to it thai they choose in- --- to be the annals of early kings ofteres ted .and energetic committeemen Will Discuss p- for Year-To Or- Egy:>t. Prompt Serviceto conduct their, affairs, The mall ganize if En(.'ugh Are Present "These records show:' said pro-l The best of �lferyfh;�g sellfed at reasonable prices'who' wishes an office merely for the at th�ng. fessor Breasted, "that the king �hc ' MusIC ev�,., elfening in dinner-hall. sake of having the honor of being a The first meeting of the Freshman.... was the first pyramid builder made a The,Nationai Hotel Co� J.·W. WarCl Mgr.councilor should be eliminated. tlass-to-be will take place tomorrow �oyage with forty ships across the -----------------,---------------Every 'student shou1<1' do all in his morning in Kent at 10:30. The shat- ,�(editerrane.m sea to Leban<ln. wherepower to foster the sentiment that tered hopes of the first-year men and ,h'e obtained cedar for his great tem­the possession of an office is no ho�- :wClmen for ,a class organization were 'pIe,"or in itself; 'unless that office is con- '�evived' last Satu,rday when the fae- ' ,This "oyage was made' e::rly inducted in' a satisfactory manner. nlty Slated its attitude in regard to the thi:-tieth centUl'Y B. C.. 2.COCMembers' of, Junior college commit- Junior class organization as one not years before Sololmon made his voy­tees', have' not always fulfilled thc;.;r i I)f official recognition, but of approv- age ttl Lebanon which has been con�duties in a satisfactory manner. C�- aI, provided the students' conduct sidered the earliest'lege 'meetirii(s" 'and college contests pf themselves in an orderly fashion. e\'er made."vario�s kinds have fizzled out repeat- �Iean\\'hile the first and second-year The tabl�ts that Dr. Breasted studiededly; because' those in charge ha\'c men have shown thcmseh'es capable were so well pre!iierved' that he couldfailed to ta'ke enough interest in them. of suppressing their feelings of hos- study th� !'hips depicted on them:It take� energetic and interested work tili'y, amI the Freshmen, among their rigging and other smatJ detail�to plan weekly' meetings that arc en- whom much joy is evidenced on the bein� plainly in e.'·idenc�.tertaining, and' see that the college campus, are' establishing themselvesgives proper support, to its variou� In the graces of the faculty.undertakings. The various college.. :\t this initial meeting, to be catledshould be very careful today in their by Harold Smith, last year's Fresh-election of committeemen and coun- man president, social affairs for the'1 "nd the men and women who year will be discussed, and possibly('! ors. ,��rc cho�en should realize that a realrc .. ponsihility has been placed upon,-'VDlunit:r � ChIcaao "W.eu1.J'0UIIdeclTIle W.ekll. Oc:t.obcr I, 1_Tbe Daib'. Oc.i.cIber I. 1902.1'�3 F. GABS. ,llana&jll� Edlor.IlKLVlN �. ADAX8. N ... Editor •.a.. L. I'IUDanlaN. Athletk Editor.OM\\'ALD F. xaisox. H''''<!lIl'1U llullMlwr.� lla�e 1.J1I,.� , Jt"rouu� ::'\. F'rankA.. G., Whl�lel� Roberta_ B. OweDJ. S,-dot")' Melby llargrave LODe\Y.A.. WM'l'er, 'A. :X. l'teJrerART EDITOR "Sizing op ,of Fresbmen"-is a popular stunt among the Upper Class­men. To be "�zed" up properl, is mostimportant for every first y�'�r man -- -tocreate a favorable impression he ';nust _�ear'clothes with s,,'�' {!.ldivdualif, and 'qualif, -cl�thes made ��r ::;Co!'ege 'Men 'by CollegeTallo"!_ Most Upper-Classmen are alread ywearmg our clothes especially those whoare "correc�ly dressed.,".. ' ,; ----------------.--�--------------------����--------When _yO!! go to the g�meTake something ·'exclusive" with you,-what? 'A nice girl'and box ofI see!:: . HR £o-ed. £botoiates· .. _�:d .-, marOOD_I made 'at our new u. s. Gov't. inspected Shop.370 -E. 55th � treett __ , � � �_�w� hay� �_ a�activ� CoUege .'., ,'P�s� .. , :7'7-�S lor the asking.,' .... ,STYi".;il .,. l�. ;!i-' ).;• I I �i'I ,,'{ : I ', I,II.. , .'I; ,�j : I Hands 011 cheap glovesif you want well-gloved'hands. Hand out,,I, ' FOWNESan opening dance witJ be arrangedif the Freshmen turn ·out insufficient numbers. officers ,,·ill beGLOVESthem.,! . c�J(-)�cn. and the organization of theunc thing to jam into Kent cla�s completcd at this first meeting.1t is h10',.:::0. wlun there is not, - Following the action of last year'sheater at .,ing else happening class. the q\1e5tion of wearing greenanyway and do your caps will corne up and a plan of ac­pa�t in a cheerfcst. and tion will be decided upon. Everyit is another to back Freshman is urged to show his classthe uam on :Marshall r�pirit. and be on hand 'tr-morro'"Field during the progress of a foot- in Ken· Recister today or. you.-ote.saturday'sNoisel�Rooting,' C�er 6 ·WUkieTAILORS'1_, --- 185 i89 Dearborn St.Ban" floorfOR COllEGE GIRLS�EWEST" SHADES AND CL'EVEREST DESIGNSMADE 1!P IN LA:TEST PARISIAN STYLESA Special Price 01 $35 lor two weeksto Students only�tngtt ,& JaoloUn�06 Masonic "!' e!!!p!eHRPurity ExcellencelJ1rt! aotel Maroon,58th and Drexel AveUNDER NEW MANAGEMENTRESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOM� ,I"�---- .//. /' 'ROBERT C. LINDSAY'LINDSAY BROTHERS.T�ORSSI JACKSON BLV�.-"-- �;<'/- CHICAGO,Cori-ect' Clothe.FFOR COLLEGE MEN'We appeal to your intelligence' tow earClothes. 'You will find them better and cheaper in everyWe make SUITS £:ld OVERCOATS at$20 Put-�,esc,r't',on ,!Wh •a Ie605-stillcluswe'�cia)As""''a!to'9iare, 'ia�iW!'L,upThe most complete assortment of woolens to select'duding, new colon, and latest patterns. Materials,'workmanship' guaranteed. The College Man's individuality illdress is' recognized all over the world. Add this incii�duality to'our expertness. ,:And the result will be distinctive ,dotbes: 'BELL TAlLORING CO.''. E. 'R, Bradle7. P ,:E.. lIadison St.; S.' w. Cor. Clark Sl. Chicago ,, • t-- \o BE FOLLOWED IN ELEC TIONS WHICH WILL BE HELDTHIS MORNING.-- . .._ -,� -\Y-ILetl'a�, Heretofore, -there -has .be the .desired number of men chosen......... :-�.. ... ..' • _.. • •••• •••• -0' .' .... .-_.... • '... 0',!I� ,��<u:c/.or)e5s . complicaj.ion and from the whole college, to serve. as ..ncerra1',i'ty�"in • ti;� ·il1�t·t�r·· of' �l�cting .an executive committee The ·�hair. �Oll,:,d��rs and. �ilairnlcn of the vari-' man oi the college'shali act as chair­us:Ju.n1or' -�ol"cgc.s, 'be it resolved .mo.l·, of this co;�m'ittee and the c�un­hat 'the j"u'lior'_ College Council rec-' cil. r shall act . as a' member. Allmmend the adept ion by the various members of this committee shallolleges of the following regulations, serve for one quarter, except chair­lid the adherence to them in all fu- ·man and' councilor.Ire elections. Eligibility- Any member ofCh2rlrman-·The chairman shall be 'l> college 'shall' be eligible for" theic.:�ted' from !h'c colleze as a whole: of. ecutive committee. > I n caseliltl preshlc "at all meeting' s of his .1 . .1 tile" c Hurman auu councilor,ollcgc ; shan preside' at meetings of .,.• t '. J. • Iorrnity to the rules for public ap-re execnnve comnuttee ; and shall. . pea rance, and a .twoave �l'ncral charge of the executive, . . deuce in' the collegeairs of his college. He shall serve. I eligibility.r two quarters, provided he is.a r-,-sident member o'f his college, and Substitutes-In case theeligible for public, appearnncc. ' is ineligible. not in residence, or isCouncilor- The councilor shall be graduatetl into the Senior college, the. '(_'oullcilor shall filt out his unexpiredlcctcd from the college as a whole :ra ll represent .. his college on the term 011 the council. Incase bothmior College Council; shall act as a • chairman and councilor are unableember of the executive co.:nmittee to act, the college as a whole shallf his college, He shall serve for elect on� member of the executivevo�ter:s, � provided he, is'. a resi- committee to fill out theent ni�mb�r' .of·.,his .·.c�llege .;nd is terms of both chairman and council-. !. I ... . ... "ig'ible for public appearance. or. Passed by vote ofExe.cutive committee-- There shall J lInior Colteg� Cou.ncil,:d; ... '.'.:".: .�"'. '.�. �.'��� ,p.Ut-��.intO.�lf. 'Wea�one of Bow's custo�-tailor�� s�ppy.·;'�C.� .n_ts�r ·tov·coats. such as you see'. on .!t!e campus these days:. "� ,'.,. '.:t,. . (� .'•.Wbett 'yp�!re �Wn to� �e .a l�c k ;t our �ew ��uarte'Q:605·6 Ma�iuc' Tem>ple-bett�still. let us show you the ex­clusive U .. of C. mcd�!s' thatwe've" perlecte<i for your spe.- .cia! v-lti���o�rAs to woolens, a sweller lot.. -as ,n�\"�',' ope_ned in thistown..:....bigger··. niQ. be; but weare tal1Cng' of . style,' .of '� .. of tJtaLout-cf-:-the orm-,-'1Iarr"1!uality. which- puts our .,., . 'iarmi!nts in' a cl8sS by them-,�!�� '1�' �., \ . , •{ •. -if 'lO:1, �'�� . ' .. �, ... '.. . ' ..Regardless of tbe greatadvance We' have madewe still maintain pricesat an astonishingly:. �: econorrical'plane-sUits. � or t:-p coats;' $'35 up.Pressing d'.:'ne gratuit­ously...:every '. bit ofwcrk c!bne on cur. own.. ' .pr�� _ . __. .'THE 'BOWS (jOMPm' '..: .. ; .... .\ ..605-6 Masonic .'temple, Chicago. � .''.. ., -, ", .- .• ". ," '" 'j", " .Our. C�o�hes. are':Up to', t��, MinuteI ". ." .. ,.'.None :Better Made·Ready. to Wear and to "Yo .. MeasureSUITS." .. "anFROlWS'5�OO,. to" S35�OO" , ., ,• .. • j :; .••••": J • '.".'; I·. No. 104 � •. M"disonSt.,'N� �DeNbOm, " ."..If you need a typewriter-a second- GERMAN .CAT AT THE' CLUBnd, one. will do you as welt as a '. CHULIUS TO. DER RESCUE!w one. and save from 1-2 to 2-3 the 1 ..... � .... � .... � ...... ·.4 ........... _ .. �� .... 4� ........... 4� ...... � ....... 4� ........... �sL Dropan�e�N�I�M��Th�o� �ili�� M�� ��I�----------------�--------------IIMILLINERY Feline a;". M�:G�;s:� R:lates D 0 ::N'.rDOWN.TOWN LOOKING FOR LAi>uiS .TAit.O� \,4 ·s 8 ·R' 6 3 r ' d St r e e t AND BE. �DIS�POn�TED IN;t�!!, ",�D' WOR_�ANSHIP,." \Another international celebrity has BUT CALL AT ••••. ;.; •. -, .... " '.:< ; ,1.1 POPULAR, arrived upon the' campus. The Rey- . !,;_.; '.�,'.'1.1 .• .-RICES I:����: �:��:ca:n a�:�� I::d:::!u��� P." D... '� W.··.. � .. :eIIiJst¢in ITel. 'Hyde' Park .88'4" astic .recepticn.c.and �\\"itt he the' per- . LADIES' .. TAILOB.mauent home'" of 'the far-traveled\ beast. JuliUs· Englehart, the manwith the i.l.lterna.t�nal feet_ing,. s���d�I spo.nsor .f��r �e �\a�te��.de�ts. ,o!i)�heI new" arriva); welcomes the fortunatefeline as the mas,::ot of the ReynoldsClub. His version of the history of'the cat sounds much . like. this:!"Vell, she. iss all right, she hascome from Germany, . She was born. at Englehart-am-Rhine, my own an­cestral . ho��, �nd dere she passedtree quid' und , heppy years of hereggsjstence, Den ,her real history'I�l��.n:� ::Sh� "" .·exhibi�cd·'., at. derrt�'!Petlal cat 'show of the Emp ror,an�·;I1:n. it. .,She took der.'.first . price. Tinkdf it! De finest ca� in all Chermany..mel ehermany hass the fines' cats in. elef . world!"'Den� after' she had ·t.ook de im­peri:.t blue ribbon-no, no, not pabstblue ribbon-she was. stolen from herhappy home at·;and carried to ,dis glorious .land 'ofthe free .and �ome of the brave by arascally Frenchman: No, no ,noCherman would· haf did such. ·a: . ter-rible' t'in.g. lTu', ·.�b�\n�:\h�· p��;'��u�­protected female cat· came 'to ;A�r-.. , ..' . \" . \ ..ica. she escaped' from:the toils" of tllctask-master. and: rn� '�"'a)': : ."She d("n bummed. her' \\"11y (0' �hi­c�go.\1I1,1 .her artistPcratic ,instincts. J�('he� tlirectly to �e> and ,h'�r� sh'e iss.I T�ink oi der honor of it to der glo­rious Reynolds Club!, �Iister· nille.h� s�ys dat 'it ,,;ilt be 'all right. <Iat ican practice. cuttin' hair on her we:nTaint got no gu!'tomer!'. Veil. temakc.' a .long tail !'hort-" PhoneCentnJ 4773 LANGSCoUeg� Caftt\UI E, 55� St.. ,Near L�� Avenue. y,PO�ULAR .. ' P�� . .;A'£POPU!.AK PRIOBS'...... -: .. !;Phone Hyde Par� I�. .: ->, 433 . E. 55th Street. ','.'" An". . ." .. 'ARROW COllru\'. .'. . I � ,., .is right to begin ,Hth and �'! )�Clupeco Process k� it th&t rway_ . 1Sc. � aC. '�PI&doDr&eo.. .",.1\ ,.1. �j\� . 9{o�t ���.. "EIII8&LL DLL '" .:,: .. 343" ..... & .... ·,.OrigiDal IcJe .... acllbcJ1IIift se.,_.. '''PHOTOC&APIl'S' ""... cl ...... p. I. u •• r C� St ......SPBCIAL LURO!dO.··.··t. ." ,.",..,.. ..., Mrs. R� M. Gregg, 'SNJ DrexeL ... '; \ venue. will strve a' speCial :: ";�luncheon from 1 until- 2 p. m., 1 .),, fnr University students .. Priee : .. r. .---�------------------���------------------�--------------B. L�� AMES···.·HAT·,.CQ�···ONE QUARTER CENTURY� AT' OLD: LOCATION '."'"- K(l"f ,A1:' �.:! T ... , •• '.'90.' BlST .JlBISON. STIIE£T:� riuBUjiE BUri.DmG�";· .. 'STETSON siLK' AND OPERA HA'l"S '- '.. -'. "'" - ..... -... •'C"'A FAIR �EAL WITH EACH HAT,,' ".��·I----------��----------��------------------------------�GLOVES . U�BRELLAS • :_:', 51�., .,I: •. �I rs. Gregg·s luncheon is all,t);;\i any'lne could wish." tR: T. :Miller, Jr., Preside�t '�:I � i."Americ:l11 S..:-hool. " .. '.:-:� - -' .• <0 t.. � .. .. ': ..' '. • ''''. : I· t .: '. � ." .. :�VARSITY ,CAFE,'. . .,I 47C.£..55.. '., I·····���� .. 2�. �D�,·.·U_'.ANNUAL' TENNis TOURNEY' . Wa�tcd-=:=�pies' of the Daily Ma-. , ,... ";'. '., roon tor ·Frlday; Oct. 2, 1908,' will be.TO START TPIIORROW bought for five cent.; each at tl�'c;. . '�I Daily. Maroon.:office in Ellis Hall.Tht' a1111u;11' Unh .. crsit}· fall �tenni� I . : We Have No Branch Studiotourn:mtc!lIt will begin tomorrow�.a·ndl··.entries mu�t be made immediately.either to Captain R'lss or to Hart. atthe h1iormation ofticc. As to cligi·hility for thi� �('rics of contests. it· i�an all Cnh'crsity affair 'and there arC"Rut at. !hi� harrowing disclo�\1rethe Maroon reportC'r beat a hasty��t�eat; "leaving to Jtd'iu's' amI M rEnglisll.1h(.' care' of, the honor --of· thefclint'. 110 rc�tri�tio11s excluding 'any . stu­rl('nt wi"hing to participatC'.�rb"-"-iD�I-----·p�s.�.....&......---.F-;a_._,l-;..;..;.t....;__,_S-----b..__OWID___;._·-. -g-.1Y:-e-n-'S-:.·:--,�-.�-�-t:';__.$-':-e:-'___t -1.",-1-.0-0. �:. '.in60g• ,< __,_._�' MANDOLIN' AIm GUlTllCo (.."lts of mea arc wanted:' saie1 U(S'l'RU","ORHart yestcrday. "and ;myhody widt .-\Iso instrumentations for Mandolintennis ahility �hould impro\'e the op' . ," ::md Guitar"stras. Ad. Rogersi�ort\1nity and enter:' Among thc'11 0:;' t likely winner� arc Ross., GaTd·canno1ner, Henry. Stefll and Sabath .'. Register' todq or'· you :\Iancldin ··"�irtuoso. late of "Russian('('urt �rch�stra," .�,y, 3� East 60thStreet, Fflone Hyde Par�. 1960.r .. � T � �.;' ·t : .l '�·.Tot lH• 'I.. ;1�lfI, l,{ .1i• Ii,i�II• ..:.GENTLEMEN, .... _ .. FIIITtUIUUUI .... c.n...........�'BOSTONGARTERDE Kcoa.IB IT. -.-ne ...... ,� .. ��h� CUSHIOIIr�1 BUnO",': ,CLASPUts RATTI T1It lIl-lm... �".TIMI __ .rm... ftClftGD ................... ., ••• A.__ .,,_WAIS USY't:: � ... ' ;.-' ;" . '�,---" I.'OJ7IOUL BOftGU: -ras DAtL�;'MAROOM .. 'l'U£SDAY;' OCTOBER 13. 1908. ICI',VAItIITY PJtACTIClRG Rogers, 1- £ JOh�ODPLAYS POa ILLINOIS .schommet. -(C()Dtl�Ued fr,om P'�c I) • '�::�I:Y"::":":"RQiI��,',',',s,"Pat:t________________ ,; ., , , Marklesuch speedy ends as "Orvle" Page Iddings •....... L.H.IL. Cunningham,Oln� '''Bunny'' Rogers in sprinting BonsibdO"'11 after punts from Wallie's toe. Schott .. , F. B:: Sutphen,They '",ere all over the field. every- \Vil1terwhere the ball was. and tackling like Touchdowns:" Iddings. Steffen (2)fiends. Page, Crowle, S. Paddock. Goals:Captain Steffen's punting was as Keley, Schommer (3). Sutphen,sensational as usual. and m ... �:: sothan a week ago, Twice did his bootimpell the ball so far that it rolledbe)'onil the goal line when fumbledroons' strougc.itFaster or more exciting' football championship.has .seldom been seen 'than :�,gratificd ltichigan rooters 'are glum over thethe- .senses "uf the Maroon bleachers L.1J11e \�ith the �kbigan Aggies, irait�r)-iba.t dire first touchdown. .JOe which Yost's- tcam�: heled to a o-cVarliity • .just literally'. smashe';j' their tie; For" Co���!!-ble time in both".:t)' to the.. .Indiana goal. It was halves the ban . ":'w!as' ·J·in .·.·l\lichigan��through right tackle then left through territory. : r9:, �,and - around . the end, and . finally In .: the smaller :":col�eges there was"Hal" Iddings nabbed 3 perfect for- nothing startling. Purdue won IJ-C'ward pass from Steffen dodged past rrom Earlham college, Iowa buriedThe officers and chaJ'rmen of the a bunch oi clinging "Hoosiers" and Coe, running ,1P a. total C'f 92 points. The new autumn andYoung Men's Christian Association cNssed· the Indian .. line for Chica- h" largest score made thus far by 'i('s show many stripedwill, hold their re.gular ",eek:y meet., go's first touchdown. Kelley missed .any c(;Jh:ge team. North\vestern had '. ! he colorings are not -on. \Vednesday morning at' 10:30 the ,only goal that the V�rsity failed its first game in three years Satur-, Th� fabrics have a rough twilledin S��11 9.' to count after,a touchdown in the day. �nd defeated the Alu,mni. 10 to.. urfac('-wov,en closely enoughwhol� game and the _score wa's 6 to, 5 6A. D. Henderson. favor of, the visitors:Ste�en . made the second touchdown I.for the Varsity, after a \Vierd. fumbleand � pair of unsuccessful, forward,passe's. Kelley did not' miss the goal,this .. time,. and nothing . else - in thescoring line happt:ned the. first half.Lineups Same !n Second HaHThe second period started with tht:linet1p� -()f both teams the same, andthe determination of both much in·crf'ased, That, o� the Maroons. was,howeyer;., .demonstrated to· be ofp-eater· ·duratwn. as· �-Ir. St;tgg�s little,,65 pot1nd� .. s soon began to hammerholes thr:ougb ·Indiana and .. to findtunnels' and.' alleys around them and"-) '(�lCBYNOiDS, 'POm � :· ,- "Ciio:' Hrr;'WITH FRESHIIEN.�: ',' '7... '. "• ,,_•• _. _,' •• AU membeN of the' .Delta Siama'T�,.'i& p-owded aDd. Evay StuDt Rho bonory deb�iing fraternity are'B�� 'H,eartY' Response from requested to' meet at . the . Rey�0ld5; .. ' . . Audience. club this evenin¥ at 1:30.:> Tnt 'R�ynolds club stag Saturday�ight.'for members 'of the Freshman�J1d, ��"�omore classes opened wifh" �na·p;'th��ci�b's:acti\'iti(.'s for the year.Not. ��ty',\\·a's'a large cr.owd present.but tJl�' ��I1��al' g�� feeling and. jol-. lilY :,h�t�\·�eji· ·the classmeu was evi- WOMEN·S CHAPEL NOTICEAent:. ,. '," p' ,J • 1 n accordance with the plan adopt-:,: ,The program wils opened. by Eber-, cd during the summer term by the�hIlrd, who' e'ntc:rtaincil, those pres�nt' �oljeg�s. the Junior college WOOlen by an Indianan.:,rit,i -a .wcll-cxecuted dog dance, arc . expected to s�at tbeniselve�' at' ' . PJay is Very Fast .tfhcll followed 'a quartet singing chapel assembly iii �lal1del hall as�"Vave the Banner," which. started foUo\\'s: Art's \:oll'ege •. west section:[he .general �i"gil1�; continuing all Liter.liu�e collcg�:' 'west mid(h�' sec�¢n'ning during .the lulls of the 'regu- 'tb��,; Philosophy ;oil��e, .ea�t ' program. Everything from "AI- section; Science college, east' section.J�la �J utcr" to the latest popular Each college is a�ked to appoint two'irags" was gOJic ·thrOltgh. representatives 10' ���i�t in' ;aking� The next attraction was a heavy-· charge of the exercises. . ."eight wre.s�lilll; match between Ma- By Order of the Dean of Women.�omuer, �p'�eseiitilli:. 1911: and :. Pra­�C'r of the Freshmen, :\ftc� twoi�teresting rounds in which noboo)doulll claim ad\':tntge. �!acomber wa�f�rccd to rctirc1 as ile hurt:�'hititself.4eferee Crowley awarded th�' in�tchto Prather. '� Next was a number of a different.\, .. , ,.',nat�r� ;sotJfething: more civilized, asDean Vin�,e�t / later. relt)arked. . '�Bob'Carey pleased evcryone with .a finecharacter sketc;h (rom Rogers Broth·er, .�'hi�h"" ,,�;s full of laughter. Thenagai� followed somel�hing of a sav·ag� �har:acte" in the shape, of a i>ox·ing ,'bout • between" Liglitweight Tat·ar'sky, of last year's fame, againstF�eshman Robinson. After thre�hot rounds, in one of whi�h Tatar­sk.y, thr6ugh a well-aimed hit. 'causedRobinson to take a flying leap to thefloor of tl�c theater, it was evidentth'e ScphDmore '\\'3S the \·i�tor.Dean Vincent .then brought thingsUP. to a higher scale of thought withonc of his!. fa r-fain ed ·�alks. "Gentle­men ,ami Freeshmen:' ,,�as his styleof opeJliilg. "Another bout. this time�f the 14s-pound" da;s.' Mitchell,191�, managed·.in !three r:ounds, to de­(cat, Phil Comstock. 191 I.Undcr -£:rptains Woods and Pra­ther ;two teams :l,�emhled for' a grandexbi�ition of m:fo'ry,' strength. -F�rtlVO tor three secon�s no one couldclai� any advanta�e,. _but> sDoJenlythe Freshman pulle4 ,'the -Sophomore!'I .' .acrosJi the stage. 1ifJis wa� 1912'Sthird �vict()ry, � gained for them theevening's I!'ln�rs.The: pit-�ating; 'in whichwith their. hands behill<l their backa� a bib� OJ] • the�r manly chc�s. sixFfeshinen attempted to devour asrn!any <:irc;les 'of blue berry' pic. Gerenc1'J)roved that he was the winner by!���sumin'g his share of juice and'�I�ugh ·in:·the �ec�ml tinle' of 2:.". J2;f)O. e1a'!'t 8ato�. wa,rd passes" into, and. touchdo\Vns "Walt.-r Pa$De (Unit'. Oo�, 9;00-1%:00. 415' E. 57th; streeto. .-\. � 1IuIIiu., 16:.10-11:.00 UId �:O'). �er�' made with increas,ipg frequency f:1:00. rx'-"'!It. 8atanla.J. , . as the "Hoosiers", slackened their rc- Next to Cor. ,of Kim�kRoIHn n. SalUburJ', (G� ;·SdeD�). Cobb. i6:l� ISh ::. jce. ' .' ----J1:OO. �li.� aaturdaJ-. ,_ •• " --------------:..:..----------------R. Eo Slall8ht. (�.Iioaa)" Cobb �A.: &>on after the begmnmg of the JIO:o1O-Jl:UO. second· half the Indiana defense re- I M'f ret . . ... 'd r_ ·c'·' ..\. ';�:�I�nd:;..obb U-I, 1�IZ� UId mained so stubborn that Dircctor I ..' •. : .,--, z g e r. fJ . o.I�. P. Small. U'lQ'sIdan). Cobb 1.\, 8:00.0:00. Stagg sent. Schommer in for Rogers MAnBS OF GBl."TLBUIi's GARMBJrlSl.-Xl'o."flt, 1I01Jdq UId 8at�,.. and Hoffman for Ehrhorn. to strength- t.\luandn Smith. Em. IZ. 10:00-11:00. � en .the Chicago offense. The effect I 360 East 55th Streets.turda$. •\larion Talbot, (8dencr. WOIMI\). Cobb UJ. was· immediatel apparent. Steadily I1:�1:00. n;� Satmda,.. Chicago gained, faster and faster.-'. w. TIIO-.-. IC1Ua 10. n::IC-Jn::lO. est"ellt C I d Id . I)fOllda,. .. IICI s.turdai. row ey an '. dmgs worked the ball.;. £.. ,.ilK:da. (Facal�). Oobb :". 10:00-11:00. steadily. down the field. the. formerrXl'f'rt Fricla)' aDd s.'tunIu. playing like an old vcteran,and work-J:Jizabdb Walla«.'e. (Utfontnl't', Women" Lesi ... •.too, 9:.Jd..l1:OO. .• . ed through for' ,i.e third touchdow�. •Schommer kicking. the goal. makingSTtJ�ENT TIC�S ON SALE the score Chicago 17. Indiana 6.__ ._ Punts were exchanged after theEarly Rush for Sfats for Saturday. next kickoff, and. s�nl with the ai:'Game-Illinois. DeJecation Larce;. of. a, beautiful fora,,·rd pass a�d, pret-I' fy run ot thirty yards around Pad-Seat!> for the 11Ii'��':�' game "wer� dock's end by Steffen. Page got. overp:laced on sale yest�rday. and will be thf' goal· I:n� Jot another.,touchdown.�t the- call of students "at the regular ;md,Schommer kicked goal.student rate for th� rest of the week Stetrfll Makes. GrUt Ran- t... ',' .' ', •• I I, e •• •trom Ie -:0 12 and from' 2 'to 4- Early. Through an error. ftofessor Starr's12 o'clock class in Anthropology 11-tcenerol ethnology;was not announcedon the bulletin. It ",ill 'meet inWalker.UEASg' OFFICE HOURR..1. n.. AIl&:�lI. (Senior}. Cobb. UT. 10�1I:30 •t'Xl'1lt Tueada,. &net SaturdaJ'.R. I". Rrec.kbuidp (Alta, W�). Lai"'�'1%.1:\11 :t:\. ex�· Frtclu aDd SaturdaJ'.NatbaJ,iI'l Butltt (Col !:Il Ed.). Bla1De BaD. 100.9::.14"U:OO, eLcept i:kbll'lb.r.J. Y. Dodsoll (Uedlcsl). PhJJdolocY. 13, 9::30-11 ;flO. Ob 1I011d.,.. aDd Tbancla.....F. J. lIJllu (EsamillB). Cobb M. ·10::.30-·J2:OO.un1" SatQrd.a,).JI�or.,· G. Ollie, � lc;t. JO:.1O-11 m. ..x�Batwda)'.J. P. IhU (La,..). �wr:, BIdc.. 9-12 a;D4 %-1:30.l"reIid�lIt .luclaoo. HaUeU 10, tty aJll')OiDtmetlt withSe-t't-etar,-. ,. ' .. ' •JIlm."A W. Lion. Oobb UD? ,JO:30-11:OO. ��lI.,n.tay and 8atruda.r:,Robt-rt lI. Lon'Ct (.1unior,. Cobh :,\1, 8::30-9:30.,''llrPpt Satlll"11ar; 00 � :..4:00.W. P. lIc:ClintoC'lt. LesiupCIIJ. 10:30-1%:00. n;cepISatunJa.r., . .•. ,W. B. 'hren (Wah �ool) .. ,;u, T. BulIdJ ... 11:00- ipotS .. here: and' .tJlcre . to thr(lw for-··Wallie" m;.de the most spectacu·huyt"rs ,,·ere numerous, and Manager tar run of the game in the "next few�orman Barker predicted that a large �inute!'. when. after some buckinftcrowd witl be at the game with the back and forth, he caught a puntdown-state university ele\·en. from Sutphen on Indiana's 45-yard\Vhilc the demand from" the cam- linf' and wriggled and snaked through!>t:s was brisk. orders from Orange· Ie entire "Hoosier" "outfield·' for the.Ind-Hlue rooters were more numer- !ast touchdo .. ·n of the game. Schom-I f,I1S. Illinois alumni .wttending t11e mer again kicked goal. ancl the scor· school and Rush Medical col· in� "'a� O\'er "'ith Chicago 2C) anellege. an,1 those connected 'with husi- Indiana 6,nes� hr.t1!'es in the city are sending �nrcsl'n'ations for scats in liberal num­hers. Director Huff of the state uni­versity. write!' that stt1�lentl' 'there Chicago. Indiana.Page ; R. E H. Pacl,lockRobertsKelley .-. R. T.. Dutter; '��lIiott , It.-G Netherton,Whose Daily' "Maroon are you '. �� ':'.�:: ::':. _-- . Hack.manreading?" ' ;,,_',.-:. :.:, :. :: RaileriOdJ.· .. :._:'�·-:.:C: .: � .. Hoover_____., ..-- .. _. -�._.: t\'r..l��--·;:- L;G· .. � TrimbleI Is ynur name on the sab�cripti� Ehrhorn. " L. T .-. Hatfieldlist of the Daily Maroon? j Hohan. The V;. \ #_. .., ,.:� �TO PLAN, STUDENT RAUY0·�FOR D&BATDiQ JMTERJ£Iit,r. ',' ' . ,,,.Delta Sipsa Rho to lleet this E-._ Team Tria1a to be Held .Oct. �Debating' prospects will be c&("us�ed tonight at a meeting of ,tlkOel:a Sigma Rho honorary debatiai{r�ternity. to be held at the Rtj.11�lds club .at 7:30. The Delta SigalaRho. is composed of all for�BADGERS LOOK FORMIDABLE members of University debatialteams. At the mee,tilJK. toniPtpian.; for. she year will be talked omwith .ehe coach, Henry. Porta..; opponent for the Cha�dler" and plans will he made tohold.:1_ student: rally.It is purposed a� tbj�:J;�lIy to briac�gether all the debating-talentIn tbeUni\'l'�;sity and to' see'.,\\:h;al ,naterf.Ji� �c!tt,allr �t hand, The'.'�l!i�' f9r the'hlr�ity team ",ill be held on the 29dof this month. vet- VI.1, <. .. (Continued from page I, "SHDSFRIicbola-Id�. 1:BB FALL' SEASONHAS OPENED.I,'age·yelays ofssistan'carling:esulted�ive scrvice.Olives and the various shadesbrown are in strong favor.Grey stripes and th.e greys shadia;into the stone a'nd siate colorings are'.'1: '. • •. ',lecidedly correct. '. i;. �vercoat fabrics the ro�gh b�ket weaves and herringbone stripti:ue considered verY ·smart ..Suit. 'for. College wear" $3o'to S35�Overcoats 'IM ·to·$to·-w�; �e" riding breecheS. 'as the,ng the Iiful piaSU�SCRI�EFOR THEDAILYMAROON..:. .. ..Db11" ..NOW.JBOOKS; ', of ALL Kinds at,.. .. _ ...... 7'B-1: W�I,T 1'8touchd{"Thesaid DcIf you want to see something real swell in the' aewestshades and weaves for a suit of clothes, an overcoat or apair of trousers. for Fall and Winter.,,� have them toshow against any house" in the city. Our prices are witbiathe feach of all. .factor."BothTHE ILLINOIS WA�OUSE ANI) STORAGE coiIPANy, . /Pboae Hyde Park ·.571 Kimbark A ..... aDd s&b ... / The ae.taat ad Best- Kept StlDrqe\VareboDse in the � •••••Furniture and· PiaDOS MOftd., Stored. aM! Shipped to .all pans of the world. 300 Pri_te St"� age Rooms. Large. Parlor bclasiyel7 (19r �'j Roo�. for Tran� �Dd Wh�s. Larce., Room •! Carnaaes, Buftles and Slelch.. TraDb to ...from all DepotS.,. Loca1 TraDifen for .....Furniture. Pac:kaliH, .. etc.. at short· DOtice. ':' 'ff'SpeciaI .. �� Pea to Vai .... e;, 0nIen. (, .' ", , iDOB'T PAY PlJ'LL PBlcmI n"w haft on ,band, and 1eDiDc. at baH price:Parker Lucky Curve, Jobn- HollaDd, Paul E. Wirt. WatermaD Ideal,A. A. Wa�'., Conidia Self-&Den. Cr�, Blair, SimplofiDer,AutofiUer. and aU the other well-known braDda d'F 0 U N T A I N PEN S Repairing while :FOG wait.DAVID '1'BB PBlOIAR. 192 Clark St., Cbicaao. Theseason.and <lCommThe'been jAle"al, �facVtfuturelerns IThl'part (Jwas t:actualduh i�ity "into (and amen c•••••••••••••••••••••••••• r., believe in Popular' Prices •.$25.00 Business Suits are positivel,$35.00 value. You can sare jU$f $10.00fhafs worth while. let me make onefor you and prore it.Wen'dell 75110arve-StreetMy.Majestic Theatre BIde-