increase of 12 per cent over the lium-:. .r.. .'That Indiana wili use. her best and her' at tJie same time last year. Asthat Chicago will use just enough of to th�' actual' number of students re-'"hat she is capable of against Shel- gistc(cd, '\Dean Vincent will not' an­len's host to win, was the statement nOl1UCC th-is until 'next" week at which'f Director Stagg yesterday at the time tile'· complete figures will be'first big football : mass meeting of made' up;.. he year held yesterday in Kent the- The number of incoming studentsThe rooters formed a lock- exceeds b� -a.1 con�idera'bie size. thatrep in front of Cobb at -10:30 and Qf the ftesh"'man clas�. of last ye��Iter numerous gyrations about the which i�. turn was' the . iargest'l' re­ampus filed. into Kent which -was corded since the founding of the "Uili­acked to the iimit and contained no versity, Against these encouragingmall number of rooters of the fe- figures arc ;some that to the facultylin inc persuasion. .A few songs �re considered equally encouraging:verc sung and a 'few yells yelled' namely a' fallinar . -off in :·--seniors."hen' the entrance of "Grand Old This -is due to a weeding. out- cam­rousing howl paign instituted, the purpose of �hic�.. is to lift the � scholarship standard.Mr. Stagg spake in the most, en- But for efforts in this direction th�couraging . way of the team and of ,t)roportionate"increase 'of '_thiS' year's "\Vc "'i11 win. There is ·no reasonthe prospec�. for. "tod�y·s .game .. fig\lr��·,�.��r" $,'!.�se·�',�f-:-i:�f.:�ould �e ;� t¥ .�:··"Yo� �i1 ��:'micld'���d .. �da,..· .. B�� of him! why we shouldn't." "I'his was t,he"There .will .be a 'mighty goc) gre�ter�h��:'1low:-"�ere"·has been"� BUi ·�:not;'for·the·:StarS-:ue:onlyour side and'd··:.rili;:�:_1L't opinion of._;Dirc;ctor -Stagg·.last night:tomorrow" said the"e)ld Man� ;;�;;d'·It1iiion·"31'�urprising fac�." :'�' .. :-:-, .... i·(�::.:,:.{:.:.:;·i _:;'::,',' ',:;;.,: '.,.:: ., .. :: ' .. :.'.� '. on. the game against "Jimmie" Shcl-Y!'u .c.rt:<i�JY .ought .'II> ... be�,th;r�,,"": �ci:!>rcljii&::t" cb�, VIii,,",,':',,' ,_""", 'I ",i • ' ",• '." .. ' • _" ',' ,,'., .'" ' " ",.,! :,' i . ,�) • ,;lO1!'. .delegation of I ndiana, ·�OOS'b3�k' thet;�� "for 'al1�j����tt ��. �,�".�'�-:� ,����\ . �.; ,� .. � �� I '.. : ••. , � :I" : ,:.,.' _ ... ,. ':; ���: �j���.�;�·.;�!b:i:�.)?i�����balkEiel��; ........ ,,_ ...I have no' doubt that Indiana wm"do dieal. �h.c;lG��h8� �ai: dOii�··� "._ .. '.• '". _'. ."''': .. (.. � ";,�:�.;;-n;l: v; :�: .. i this afternoon at' 3 o·clack. Mr.�·' .everything she"has: law studcn�s:ate.alSo;.more· .. n�ero!l� .. C�riQrW •• ree::s-.. '��"". �9ta�t·!·��,V'. Sta'gg ·e.i:pects. to' win; but· is,: never-'we will ba�ejcause: by 13'pCr cent. . ". '.: i ·'�SeDcIa::�_· ld·"·� �(:o� .�.,��,� .. �q(tj0ll Amoq theJessj -(.citain that 'Indiana ,!ill. gi�eto reserve some of .-our �eso�r�e�' :De.D�-V-�.��� ... FO�� __ .. l�'_":� Ba��O't. ,X-4�d+l .. F�-�� . ...atadClltli.; but'I� on �he Varsity all that it needs to keepfor our fut.ure games. The .team�this, "O�!�g.!4?_��eJ�_ ���� .. !!c!1!I� yqrS ·wen ·Cmfidatt., ... .' ':.ooOd Bebavior.� •. , busy. Neither Schommer or' and� �go inaccurat�. r,eais.t�tion siatiSti�� . . ':-.-.. -.- mail �f the regular lineup�.ar�.going. '. ,., . "., ., .... '. �'., . -. " .d .' :'. _.I ., EncOUragement tQ cross ·count.-u '�s: " . lit .�.Mt.e' 'of, what· . -'ao:.. I'nterpreted' . h • I b-ares well with ... any we ,had .. The ��"':�e-..�( _ ·,·��e. report� . OJ ..... .... �- to �starl m t e. game. any un ess ahing that m�ans a' w hoie lot, to them' Ihr""lll� ::'the "01IDIrY. the U ni�� a' .po� deserving: of ,inte�,,:l>l1e.gjat1 ·"l' tbe' �':CDI?,·s. di'''i>prova�. fr,:"1une� .01utcly necessary. will prtobaJ,ly notO\V is good' live support from the -sit)' ,�.�, .�tc:d tfle policy of ho�..; attellhon and suppo(t ',�·as 81ven .yest :�ill .. be all�wed .. to:; otganlze mto. a be used. Hoffman. wits' pretty badlyleachers. Ne�er mind. the �Old Man'; ��g bac�;.p��i��Jj�tion Ur'7 terd�!. �ben 'the Conference gt�:a�, '�I���, ;pro�� t.he traditioDal.·.fresh':' hruiseu'in the·!Purdue· e;lI1}�, and .thebusiness" but'. give your loyalty to iii tabulated 'an4 'verlfied rep�rts "*,e commlt,ee met. -and. vot�: tOl pur,fut mlln·sophamote ': en)hi.ty . does not ··Old ':\[an" wints lo � bi� .. ·.ashe team. If you back .them .you "are ·avaiiable .... It ·js-·:��stomary to mp'�� rurc cr9Ss' country .runs·: .und�� it� ola�ifest itself in the meantime. When much as possible. 'Schommer'"s'�"UifI-'me. . .compariS9� ��' each week for i�e contfof Nonmber. 14,.�·lJ1�t day of :�h� ':he ')fre:ihnia� meeting' ca�led last jured hip has not" fully: recovered-asfir!'t ·fortnight .,of tbe. ,.qu:irter. The Cbic:a;n-Comell fo()t1;atl '. game.: wa, t Wem.csday' failed to· be' I,el,d at th� yet, and will'. be ��Pt out. to give tbeI�st stat�m�nt'�wa� '�de' 'up for t�e agreed,upon as .Il,e· day. "on "�h,cti �i'der of.tbe·faculty, it was commonly . .,ore spot .a· chanc� tci h�'at:)�' i:'\date, O�to�� 6 .. ���s, is far fr�m the' alft1ual inter.-colleg;ate. jog. ,w,i�qunderst� that the Univ.C:f�ity was " '.complete, and will pi'ol)ably be modi, be.heljl.'.. :,:': _:'; J <�ressing itself against da.s organi,�ed in mnny dctails when Ule'� . The., commIttee,' of which W�lba:r zahon. ,The- ',reason' for this 'action :- '.·r. f·: :figure .. ·of the. quarter are' available. S�ot�.,�Band,· is: the -Yarsity rep�e!enT Wa:t. how�nr" at' "later 'explained�Theref<'re. at tbis time aU figures �re t3tiv.e, instructed: �Secrdarj:'! QOrgt merely, that' th<:' meeting i�tcrft!redsubject to later' corrections. �orton to 'send' out ;invitatio,.. to al. \vith 'the college ·meetings held at tbat"The �tatement shows for the lrni� un'i�er�ities in tb��' :,s�t�� '. o� . bo1ir� . 1:;' '1: -versity 11:\ a ;;hol� ari'lin�r�ase of "12 country ·to entei' teams ·for: the: ru$ •• _. - -. '. thO .' .. : I t'h···' _. � • .' .. W· I An .ofhclal statcment ",o1s given out'ne rc':'nt� o"'-r that on . 'tl.- corr" �- I.S year. n e· past' �nl.cago,· I�, .. -�,; .• :- • . '. :.... ... " .• ' ". .. "... .e' • '00' . N'b' . "',:.: h-' . ,'-._"., b: yesterday J,y Dea'n Georgc E. Vm-�pondinfi date in Inft7 The Graduate onsm a. . e rasa.. a,'e U'Cen t •. " �-' -. . .' '.•... Y"" • '.' • :...... ••'" •• h·... :'�··d.T \; ent makmg It cJe"ar that the attItudeschool1l3in is 20 per cent· the Senior �o e partlC'lpants' 111 1 e' �v�nt, an ,. If' -.-._;. '. ." r·· . ' Y· •• th .h \.,-, 'h�" .,.�. '1' ,. Ie) • the Umverslty toward orgamzedcolleges sho.·· a slight decrease of 6 ISli t: ,oPe: �s. �����: .. t• b� .at:� ��s� \ class'. spirit. is not. one. of opposition,per c�nt; the .Junior colleges, �1'! in- a;'I'1 ':-!"�d �sdo .,t � .. ,.. '� .e�gh· �I'lhtit 'rather .one. o. f mild ati.pTo�'a1.· Incr�ase'" of nearly io per .cent. TJte "I an:: In uce to enter t elt' ."., - '. ' � .• •• :'-' . ',; :. ,.' 1 .. \'Ie�,' of . thl!t fact. a meeting for theDivinity school and the courses. '�n qmntets.· '.. .' .. ' . ," . . ., .... ...• I •-A " dJ·· h" "1" : ''IrgamzatlOn of a fresliman class "'InmN. icine hav.c almO!;t donbled. their n m ucement to t ose' co egC;; . - ,.....:. ." .r. h'::" .' 'h" .... ' '1 ,be .I�eld next Wednesday: .attendance.' but these' gain;' 'will t .at IRIt tcams 111 t e race will· be tlte . '.' '. !. : ... ( .. , '..d· 00' btl·e�:. L.:'" con's"lo�bly" :;r' "'::"·u :..:._:.i . -_. '.�'. .f . L1' . .' h '. 'I, ) II an mten·lew· ycsterday after-"'''' U'C IO�.. !lC"1 � olR:nng 0 a Uilnner to' t e wInner' . ,;. :'. ..',-1I-n- th" r-m .. t�ti-o'n·- I' .. com'pl�:""'.· n'd' .ld·"1 '1 .1d··1 h'·· b' : In�m, Dean Vmvent outhned. the!' at-,.... ... �e.".. .. OI;acu a In n'l( un me a!' to t e mem ers .' ,. ,. ", ;.. ..' . . .ne'Law sclioof�b��5 an increase.of of ih� �am :,,_,'. .' ;' '" .' Itl���e.of �.�e Umverslty tC!",ard class.... ',' .' :. .. . .'" organization .as folloW's: '. .'3 per' cent; the' College of Ed1ica': . caPtain Fred' Cald�'cl1 eXPTes�cl i '. �". - . ':'. ..'.. : . 0\ '.'tion ��gi�trati'on" is practically ·identi- �im�e1f as pl�ased with.. the «tcdsicin 1 �'!h�: V.�i�.ni*Y .. (Io�s o.n�t...: �fficial�ycal 'with' th�t· of.a year ago.' of -the' 'Co"riference'-'�mnmina:--He�lze 1n. .. tS ,orgamzatlon thc con,'"Tht" ine�ea�e in matriculating Jun: �ai4 that 'the, outlook f9r�t� Varsity, .�'-e��i��il··fre!lhfuan. �opbonio{e; ju�,iors . i� .' somewhat unexpected. The i� the� brigh1cs! sincc thc;�_'d�y� ",1i�I� I lor· 'and semor �Ia��es.· The: quarter(1i!l'mic!'ing of a Jal'� number of Lightbody· won for Chkagb� ThoUgh plan and the elective systcm 'Iargely�tudentl' IRst 'year �for . dekctS. i� SOme of the best men "'110 are coin- ,leprh'c the!foc terms of their old mean-"1 ,,·m ne\'cr forgct the . exhibition .cholarl'hip. and tbe adoption of �a ing OUl:'�fcJf t'bc �run�' ue .M present ing, The U!,h'ersity has a(�opted the ·:Or.�e·', Pa�e(If rcal enthusiasm that the bleach�rs mOTe' riaid 5tanda�d of execution.'i" inf!ligibiblc. Gld��n expect� to de- �m;�n college' plan; '\\'hich is believed tI}is wcek to improvc them a gre:\tg:\\,c at the end of the game with 4Ilcholarship 'w�re expected to atfee. \.�IOp.·'5':lme stars out' of' the .squad to h� of value in' adapting college lifc ,Ie:.l since la�t Saturday. Directorthe Indians last )t�ar. I us�any miss thco t'nrollment of unttc�ad":\tes�' which h� !' �orkit1t -With. -: ..... 10 ,-,�". ·.:ulditions.· For thi� pIan. the �he . �I�rc.ons are· in prime condi·those things when they do happen ABIK' l" , \".', ;.'.,: ':4: . I (;'lenities be�l)eak �he co-operation of' tion. and have he,,}. enough !'crimmagchecaus(! 1 am �t1rronnde� by a crowd. ..• �cemeat.". ., i111d�r_�:lduate§ in order, that it may �tagg !'aid .yc�tcT(jay that hc did notof I' h t I Cap and Gown contnDutl0n!l. ""tll All ont for th� pme thl� after- .... "I k f J.. peop cwo wa�t o. congratu ate • . '... .- "• ''Ie gInn a faIr ·test .. Experience ·!'o 00 or any st1(.h fmldhng as oc-_... But t had a' ml'nute or t-o a-t Ihter:.ry- and art, .are, eame!'tly SOliclt- noon. c;e •. a �onfl sheet and !l'tng i '.' '. ctlre() on tl fi t t t . t of...... ...' .• ." . : ' . t" � . 1I��r I�, cncouragtng. .' I Ie rs "'cn y mmu e!'eel by tIR �ltorS. Leave a! �aC1l1tY .nd ,liMIt the .-p�;"'�.Y.Th'; -. :'.:.'�-�i.;'" P.· •• •(Contined oa pap 4) EKIaa.... � :��.. ..... ii ·."..� ..,.n.:t- .1Ia�· .' ·�"'-, ... I 'u--._..'..:.... _'.'�) (Continued on pa� .).,.. '., ..,'" ' ,!..'''1.;� .. _, ...• �.' .... < :_ .�""",,". ,-,�" .- '9·r '-.-:; , .. ": �fl!''t'' .. : �-�-1i "�'j�'�" ':'�' .. ' � ".� .. , '.. :."1' - '�'I..-<' -:-!.• :-.',�. �.�;, .� •• :,:, :{,�. ,,�'., . ._�_ � .. "t.:'-. � .-... :, ... " ;:�l. � .... r• �1- � • _...... '''. • ,.� ... ';.-= !' .:&,.�- ....•. ::' .... , 1\,. .. '··J -,' f'... . .. M:�I·· .. : ��� ... �:I ._ ..... "-"���:---'_�--" .. ,_,_ _,,� .... _ , ...._',,- ..:; . ". _ i ." .' J .'_ __I• . _ •.I <,t. .. ••. J•--- .. _--- .." ;. cH�PA��'SA1URDA:Y.>;OcTOBER·3(,J .I��.�-•••• ......, • -.. •• 1 •.• Price Two _. Cent s :Vol. VI I. NO.7.Hatfield, 185, L. T.Trimble, 179, L. G.H06ver, 168; C.' .Dutter, 193, R. T .Sutphen; 165 •. F.' B.Capt. S. Paddack,171, R.B.B ..STAGG TALIS CHEERFULlY.� iE�nON' "Sl1S: ....OF TEAM' AT IASS-MEETlia Fipr� SIiOw � 'of 12 :p�Cent 'Over Last Year-Bic RiM m:�1a "Hoosiers'· Will Use their Beat Freshmen, Fall in KembeR of:to Beat Chi�IO iD To-day'a . Senior CoD�. ','t( �--- i:.. ,It,._First "statistical report of this quar-' :;: ;�.�.�� . 'O'tREctOR ·.STAGG PREDICTS.... VAR$ITY'/viCTORY TODAY... :.. ' ... ,. , . -".�• ··�I .. · ,-, ":"l'Can't Sec WbJr; ,Chi}:alo . Sho� - NotWin�SdlomJner .< and 'Hoffman. Out of �iDeup.Game.. .-• _...::::.. ... ,1Coach· Sheldon, Hi;.' �'HooaiC��' �2Q.O Rooters A�ved at 3 :30 ;'p� M. Yesterday.Maroons Will Hold Something in ter's �e.�i�tE.ation �a�. furnished �ctice Ne._ terdaj.,·by--f)ean· of. the facultIes,:Yells anc!" Sonp. George' E. Vincent, and sho�s anChicago., Indiana.Page, 150, R E�'" jolinson,-150,-L.-E:Kelley. 193. R. T.Hirshl, 16i. R. G.'., Badenoch, 173. C.Elliott, 16:;. L. T.S-chott, 174. F.·n.. Iddings, 163,L.H.B.: Worthwiue, �65. Netherton, 172, R. G.! L.G. i � ::Ehrhorn orRogers.rPaddock, 17:I,�.:E.153, . L. E. ..Crowley, 171. .�. -Markle,' 1�4. L.H.B.R.H.B. . ��-;:'€apt. Steffen, 160, Berndt .. 148, Q.lB.'Q. B' c• --,.. ,f.,.tieular hUm, in their clom,lO, &Del it 'QTeH- ,IIAKB. ,A- BIG H�,seems to :atfofd them satiibdion,:to ".,' '. ,i,� � ..'meet . and: clec, offi�·r •. Their � :.�Di: �,-�: of,:�w:a ':PbreU.� �Ti:. 08":1&1 Stud.,t.' PubUcaUcw uf the -':husiasm' migtit '6,nd a morc eft'eeuvc . Sacce..··.t FreUmaa'.�Uw"�t1 of Cb1caao.object fn: �mirig, the activities, �f 'DMD�--500 Wo_ Hold::.-:J�iHCa.�r,od ;&I 8ecoocl-claaa Mall at thII (."blcq? the various- Jp�i�r 'col1c�cs, .but c.n,:. dOD-_ � ,Ud,!,& �, . .t'u.tuJllt'C. Cll&l:II�). llUoob. ll&rch 18. 1»«S. thusiasm is not' to' be led, it can only. -, ' \ ,l1DCkr .ut ut llan:b 3. Ufitl.• be coaxed. Bllt a' worsc obsession 'With 'the upper :tlass women 'tarry-than this :is' that, havin� organize, d.• ing myriads �{Japanese lantern. in, Pubblbed dall)" C1U,-ept SUDda)'., )lOllda). abCl i 'bolWa)'a, durll." thhle quarttol'll uf the U1111 .... t1 thev .must do something, spectacu��r a grand outpour of some, '. soc> .. wa.• , . ".,', .:... e n.'," tb' e. auu. ai fresh'man frolic wasto show "class spirit.:�', As to J�t .... " ....what "class .spirit" 'is,'" they arc � ricit .pulled, off .bit itight:.' After· marc�il1g\·erY,c1ear. They t�i�� 'it basdso�c,,:, .aat�o�t tbt'hC C�thmproUnSg�lNb�dtoo'r�ws.'t:feI5fpKto- "thing to do with loud noise an patht • e'. ... ,"- ".. 'and posters. because they have read, Kent tbeater, where the' evening'sin the' newspapers' that freshmen and program was held.sophomores 'irl, college . m�' a . stir 'II!'"\L clever sketch entitled, "The, "�" "P' 'I h -Fate of Phyllis .. Phresh; A MOdern\vHb 'mese ""�'things. recrse y W 0gets any benefit from making, a cam- Murality Play," written by lliss �Iar�pus ,hideo�s after this" ma�ne�, �� L.. Etten, the strenuous life of Phyl-'never been satisfactorily determined. lis' and his" companions is energetical-, .. - 'h' Iy d.epicted. The distracting pu;hingl'UES'rON F. GABS. Manaclbc Editor, At the beginning of the year,t ere arc" always a greater or les� number \vho of the Alpha Alphas and the\'lX J. ADAlI8, New. Editor..L 1. FIUDSTElN, Atble:tic Editor. feel within them the stirrings of tJiis ma, Gamma, Gammas, the BuzzOSWAI.D F. NELS{)N, BU8lneu Mncr. delusion. They should bear in mind Twins, A�abena and - .,Anabella, the�hese truths. Dlor� stable 'characters of Miss wu..ASSOClATE EDITORS Demonstrations of the sort are low, Dean of Women_, and-Miss CoraMias !\lamle J.lIIy, .\Ibert D. Henderson worn out, behind the times and- ser- Rector,' 'custOdian �CRe�stration, allA. O. Whltfleld Itoberts B. Owen vilely imitative of something that added to the- decided success of thewas pretty poor business in the origi- little amateur sketch.The program and east of charactersnOlI. ,.;JThey d(!al a 'hard blow at the Uni- ·\·as t�S iol�o�s: '\'ersity, for there is no sort of ne,,·s·' � '_'" , '. 'Faculty.\\'hich tbe newspapers snatch up �fiss ,V ill ow, Dean of Women,more 'eagerly than college disorders .:. : ....•..... : '.. Helen PeckREPORTERS lf any. sort. ,and.a mere yelling con- �r Co R . A 1\1: P �IH. R. Baukhage lIlas Ernt'lltlne Evan.' ,ISS� ra ector, , 'J • •test is' more than likely to end with C'�stodian of Registratio:ri�' �It. W. Brlgp hloodshed in the country ,,'eeklies.. : .', ". '. Katharine Siaugl;t----- ' Ehthusiasm is a very valuable pos- �'Iis� :Adele Aide, Campus Guine;:' "Dtit.orlal om�,BelOt" 8 p. m..' Ellla Ball. �ession, and riv,alry between various•..•...•.•.. .:;. Wilhelmina PriddyUal9WSlt.7. � lINe Pad; 4218. After 8 'Po ... )luc)CIIl �, 474 E. � Sthet. Tel- natural groups within the -University Mis� Helen Helpem, Campus Guide,_ .. Jbda Park SCUl. is to be desired, but, the divi.ion of L . N, ••...• " ._. . . . . . . . . . • . oUlse ortonmembers of the Junior colleges into. �Ipalpha ClubBusID.. Omc.-Bei� 5 Do 111., Ellia HaD. classes is entirelj.· artificial' and out of '.Ua1�. '1'el. Ibde rU'k 428. • \\,inlla Member AdelaIde Roe Wh"'" g t th gplace in the organization of this Um- Carolyn Crush: � :.Caroline Dickcy en" .' you 0 0 e. a.meN CODtribaUoaa IIlII7 be left at Ellls Ball \'ersity. t-- The na�ural place for rival-. Gertrude Gush ,Marion Pierce Take something ·'exclusive·' with you.. I'acaltJ' 1:&c:b&Dp. add� to the DailJ' ry�an� fnth��ia��._is:in'�the_ a�tiv���s V�ra .V�lencenn�s � Edith '-Yo�ng '�w·h!llro.·t? A nl·c� g:.1 and box ofIIaroc& and contests of the various colleges.·' -. -." -, 1-F .1. , ilia -- &&Pearl Prom .•..... Virginia reeman See .' ,": I.'.': "' .. ': '." ,Ti dThe class idea is an ate���: �Q' �f� Mi�sd�' C. Stare,Alumna.Joliet Griffin VR I' - 'd f'h I t Ieonto an already complete system an' � Gainma� Gamma� Gamma <3lub· !':d!.", ���' : .!l,,'_- :"�"O.... �e ,,�\dJOtO a escntirely, \1nrelat�d piece of a system Grac" G .. t-m'o:.�n· .WI·llod-an"· CIt... .. tt·etsoI1 ',whkh is altoget.her different. , Gree;a .�e:';rl E:nest�:; E,'ans I' '.,.,' = IlUlde ,at" our, new U. S�, Gov't. inspected .Shop.Dora D .. Bate '.. Marjorie ,Day, • ..;._. " 3:.�� E. 5�th � treetT� ��� �b��uu � a� �� b�� � �u�W�« ------�-��----��--�-�--------nouncing the' 'election of sev�n ne� Kate Kribber ..•..... � ,Jean Compton I. associate editor�. This Grac'e Graft, :'Tc:mporary Registrar,The action was taken .at .a .' U. of C .......... Florence lfanni'ngmeeting of the board of ,Freshm�nPromotions cdil�r·s. held iast nrght� Ph '. yl�is Phresh .. : ..... Ethel PrestonAll of the new editors F ill H E h I K .rl a opper ,.. t e awmhave done faithful work, many of Kora Patkin Eloise KelloggIhem for a full y,ear. and in every Bijou Manypins Edith Osgoodcase the editors feel that the promo- -\rabella, AnabeUa. Buzz (Twins)tion has been richly deserved. ,The ".. Edith Coonley. Mary Louise Etten I!lew ass��iate editors are Miss Ma- B BI ff B h F ,.etty u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . et oggnie Lilly. A. G. �Yhitfield, J: Sydney Gwendolyn Grcen .... Edith PrindvilleSalkey. W. A. �,:� eanr, Roberts B:�---------------------------------------.-------------------Owen, Hargrave Long. A. N. Pfeffer.R: \V. Briggs was made a reporter.i ,r" .1�.Tit. liLt,h'eraltr 01 CWcaco Weekl,.FouDdedStlbM:riJ,lUuIl pcil-':, $3.00 IJl'r )ear: ,1.00 ,,.I.hh. �: SubIKzi»tiUDoi �hcd at. u,�Marouu om" .. , ElUa HaU, ur at. UI� .'acult, Ex·....... c. Cobb HalLl ,Hargrave Longw. A. Weaver, A. N. Pfetret'.ART EDITOUItoy naldrl�et� - �f� �.;. IlIt� Practically every University in thecountry has a fres�man class; where·fore the promisingMerely young men and womenwho. enter !he Univer-sity for, the first timein the autumn quarter fecI in dutybound to· orgallize a class. There isno particular reason for having �freshman class or a sophomore .classat the University of Chicago; in fact.freshman and sophomore classes aredistinctly out of place in the Univer­sity's organization, but this has littleinfluence on the highly original mindsof the members of the Junior col­leges, they feel that they cannot bereally and truly' 'imi\"ersity men andwomen until they have tagged theirnames with a numeral.What the incomillg student should �ETTLEMENT ,'!' ANTS COACHr�alize, and what the great majority ---of him very evidently does not real- Miss IIcDowell �'After Student to, ImitationsNewLecture on Cainpas Next week.Professor Ernst DaenellUniversity of Kiel. will give histhird and fou-:th lecture or. Tuesd�yOct. 13, and F.riday Oct, 16, in Col�blecture room, 12:00 to 1:00 p. m. The,�ubject Tuesday will be ""[he Colo­nizing system of the Spanish andp(lrt"ge�;'f on Friday the subjcctwill be "The Financial Powers of theSixteenth Century, andPolicy".AS!'<?ciatc: Pr�ressti� Slaughtspeak on "The Basis of ReligiousCon,·iction". Wednesday, Oct. 14, at7:15 p.m., in Haskel assembly room,"nd�r the a\1spice� of the Y. ll. C. :\.�ize, is that this is the University of Stap Jliiaatrel Show.Chicago, and nei:her Ra<:kwoods Cen- i, �ter Academy nor Harvard. for '>oth lhss lfary llcDowell is lookingof "'hich facts he should be thankful. tor a coach for a minstrel s�ow thllIt is the University of Chicago. a law is b\!lI1g planned for the Universityunto itself. and organized on original Settlement. J. W. Wheeler, a gradu·Hncs that rep�esents considerable ad- ate of the Unh'ersity who has chargevance over those of institutions :.f the work at present, will leave foriounded more ,than sixteen years ago. Columbus. Ohio, and, as the show isThe incongTuity of classe!' in this mtended to be staged as soon as pos­University is apparent enough in the siblc, the head of the Settlement is"ery definition of them in the class anxious to get anothcr of the Uni­election code. 'Vhen a man has to "crsity student� started���t ('ut pencil and paper and gothrou�h :\11 elaborate arithmetical cal­('uiati(ln before he can determine the Catlin Clo ... Gates to RootenCoach �Iarc Catlin, captain of. the It' ••FOWNES, ... ' . d:lss to which he owes allegiance. his Varsity de\'en in 1905, and at present('ntht1!'iasm is apt to bc rather forced. coach of the Unh'crsity of Iowa, has1t is very probable that not mor� continucd 'he plan adopted last yearth:tn (Inc per cent of those ,,·ho read of holding all practices secrct. Cat­this ",ill be able to tell off-hand the iin is ple'ase_d �'ith the prospects ofrequirements for membership in the the Ha"'keyes this year, as many of\':lriOliS cla!'ses, and a fair proportion the players are veterans and handleare uncertain as to which class they ;hc f,.,r'Ward pass well.t('('hnically belon5r.The 'freshmen and �ophomores willI Is your name on the 5\1b�criptio",or�ani7.C, of course; thcre is no par- list of the Daily :\Iaro<m? , ..<IIIIIIII •••••••••••••••11aat'. aD 7Ga aeed to know..... GLOVE., I( I�. I� ,f'h· � I, .,.�! .: .._.� '.' "$iiing OJ of ,·freshDlen"· '.. -_ . ..;- ,); . �,=,is a popularstuntamong the Upper Class­'men: To' be "sized',' up properly is most.. �important' 'for every first year man _ .. tocreate a fallo�ble impression he must wearclothes .with sfyle� indi"duali', and quali', .,clothes' 'made . for College Men by CollegeTailolS.. ]'\10s1. Upper Classrnen are alread ywearing our! clothes .especially those whoare correctly dressed,We have Ul attractive CnllegePoster -:-'-�ours for the asking.C�er6WUkie. TAILORS'1 ---IIIII 185 189 D�alborn SI.8�n" FloorTailored ofCiarments QualityFOR' COUfCif (jIRLSNEWEST SHADES AND CLEVEREST DESIGNSMADE, Up" IN' LATEST PARISIAN STYLESA Special'Price of $35 lor two weeks.,to Studenta only�tngtt & JaolotinS06 Masonic Te!np!e--._----------_..-------------------------------------------��HR"Purity ExceUence• "Hotel. Maroon:' ,", 58th and Drefel Ave ''. ;:'UlfDO NEW MANAGEMENT· 'rRESTAURANT AND LUNCH:t-.".' First Class l\,IealsPrompt Service'The best of elleryfhing sewed at reasonable pricesMusic 'elle,., ellening in dinner-hallThe National Hotel CO. J.'W. Ward Mgr.ROOMR08£R,1' C. LlNDSA YLINDSAY BROTHERS.TAILORS49 AND 51 JACKSON BLVD.Correct ClotheJ'FOR COLLEGE MENWe appeal to 70ur intelUcence tow ear ... d e·t O-IIU8llrtClothes. You will find' them better and cbeaper in nay way.We make SUITS and OVERCOATS at$20 upThe most complcte assortment of wooltn, to select from,ductina new colors and latest patterns. Materials, style. andworkmansbip cuarantced. The Collcge Man's indi9idualio indresa i. recopized aU over the world. Add tbi. individuality toour expertn�. and the result will be cU,tinctive dodles.BELL TAILORING CO..E. It, Bradley, PrE. lIadison St •. s. W:, Cor. Clark at., CbicAIO. R:'.As to the ol'pnization of so-called'am .. ' c1u�An organization for freshman and sophomore classes, the'-es and mothers of students, meets University assumes toward such en­terprises the same attitude that' ittakes with relati�n to any group' whodesire to organize for legitimate pur­poses, The University will continueto grant the use of rooms and perQlis­sit II to hold meetings to (p'oups ofstudents ,,·ho comply "'ith the usualalmonidea club will meet Monday conditions and offer reasonable guar-8 p. Ill. in Cobb 88. antees of good order and serious pu'r-pose. In accordance witb this policy.abel's for the came report at 12:30 permission has been granted to a.. "roup of first year students to hold :imeering' in Kent theater next Wed-meet Monday tneSday a� 10:30:' ,-4 o'clock in. Kent theater. Mr. "Out atti�ude i1� this matter," saidHId Alschuler will speak on the aHruld Smith yesterda?,,� ::-is' thatAll invited. class organization of;. sociabilityamong students and for the purposeig Annual Tennis Tournament ot ,·f holding them together.· By meansU'niver sity in singles starts Wed- of cla�s meetings: .occasional sm�k­day, Oct. 14. Hand entries to ers and undertakings in which . allrain Ross or leave at Information .hall have a common interest. lhcceo All members of the University .nembers of the class come to knoweligible. ne another more intimately, and'hei� college life is made morestag this titable and more pleasant.ning at 8 o'clock in Reynolds 'club" "1 know from last year's experi­ater. Boxing. wrestling and mu- ;·nce· that the organizatio nof a fresh­.Dean Vincent and Coach Stagg man class can be a success produc-SPC<lk. W�lter Eckersall will rive of great benefits to all con<7ern­-d, If the' freshmen and sophomorescan contain themselves tomorrowhe held n�ht on the occa�on of the Rey-I������������������������������������������������"ohls dub smob� ��cially � ili�I������������������������������-, 'm. wil�:�:::a ��c�::.�:�.�d ::.�: ';�:C::::�;::�:�:��:�I:��lg �::!� D O.·:i:���w:�_IO':I���:�: F::=N��,'D�� 0 �� eEg�. :sseth, ,cs.t.. ··.a,·.:.. ,f.:.:,·,.,:_e:.�:·, .. l\i,.·.';·.;list in Venezuela . ." today at 3 -lass, It �s up to us now to conduct ;'. ';.1 .. ', ., .... ,lock in Fuller hall, the Art Insti- -urselves in orderly fashion tomor- B� CALL. AT, •• ,.' ....Admission' free.' -0"" night. and to, prevent any out- . ' . s .''lreaks of hostility. or .roughness he- . p�, �. D �:. ;·,·W.e Ins teln ,Near·· !'exingtQ� Aven� :;., '.,".1:s your name on the subscription tween men of the two classes." .:: .. ,�.. :""'� .. �:.(:�- .'."':".. . .......of +he Daily !J"aiooti?�· - • -v-, - ••• ----'_'-. :� ';;_; .;.._.- ,!":., ...,.,_ .•••.•. ,: •. ,."� �'- - -LADIBS· TAmOR" ." t. •fO HOLD gEtiiEMENT' I ·�:r,l··; <: .• '- -, " ,,;::' •; • If .. : .• :. ,.,'. ,�,--, "" POPULAR. }tLAQ�", ..SERVICES IN IlAND� PhoaeiH�� P.aIk I�'-'· . ,,�.'� i;,',' :�;,'� E.. 55th � .. -. '.rtT-; � <,.'-; •.:-- ....... ---�- ....... ---._...-------------.-----�- POPU�' PRiCES. ":"'f'lyO\1r friends; if not, .r •TELL US! .... ,t' ,I. _,aame' - Cbicaco-Indianas afternoon at 3 p. m .. 'ew Catholic students, pleasep names and addresses in Facultychange. Address Brownson clubil.classes willeood Clothes TalkPut linger into yoursell Wearone of Bow's custom-tailored,chesty. snappy, dashing suitsor top coats,; ;such as you seeon the campus tbese days.When you're down town; takea look at our new quarters.605-6 Masonic: Tar.ple-betterstill. Jet us show you the ex­clusive U. of C. models thatwe've perfected for your spe­gratification.,woolens, a sweller lot.·u never opened in thistown-biCCel' may �, but weare talking of style, of ele­gance of that out-of-the ordi­nary C!uaUty, which pats ourin a class � them-:I, Regardless of the greatadvance we have madewe'stiD maintain pric:aat an aatoniahinll,econon:ical plane-suitsor t-:p coats. '15 up.Pressing d�ne gratait­ously-nery bit ofwork c!one on our own��emiRS. PRqllMAH CUllS GETS .. 0 •. K..--.oil-� CODtin�ecl �om paae I) THE DA�L� N.�99� -. SATU.RI?AY� . OCTOBER 10, IgoS." Our Clothes are Up ·to the Minute.. '. . '. I,· jNODe', Better MadeMiss Jane. Addams and Miss McDow­ell Will Speak Tomorrow-"'�:Addams Will Speak..)� .. -.---Tomorrow will be Settlement Sun­day at the. :University_ The services=-which will be presided over by Pro­fessor Floyd Mechem-will start atII o'clock in Mandel hall. The morn­ing will be devoted to a review of .theachievements and aims of the Uniyer-"ity of Chicago Settlement. •1 lIiss Jane Addams of Hull House.and lli�s llary E. McDow�ll. headpresident at the Vni\"ersity' Settle­.mcnt, will he the speakers. while Dr.A. K. Parker. recorder of the Univer-.sit)·. will conduct the devotional C?x­ercise!'. The services are open to.;·allstudents.... ,Th� order of service is .as follows:Organ prelude, beginning at 10=45.F' \finor Sonata (1st movement)..... _ _ .•.. __ . MendelssohnI ntennezzo , •.•. GuilmantAdagio in E flat _ .•.. BuckProcct'sional No. 30, "Crown Himwith Many Crown!''' ..• , EI\"cy\.I n\·ocation. (Hymn No. 12.1. "8Ie�t Day of God:'.•..•...•..•..•..•...•.... Gardiner(All standing.)Resp,<,nsh'c Reading.A nt hem, ., Appear Thou Light Di-vine" ••.••..•......•..•.. MorrisonScripture Read inK'.Prayer-Lord's Prayer. Response byChoir (an bowed).Hymn No. 228. "0 Master, �leW:alk with Thee" ..•...•.... Smit�(All standing.)Frnfessor F. R. �(echem, chairmanof the board of tbe university of("'Iicago Set�lement, presiding.Offertory, HMarche Cde'te" .;.Rea�:y to Wear l\Dd to . Your MeasureSUITS . and OVERCOII TSFROl\ll515.00 to 535.00,'\ ''t ... LANGS.. No. 104 E. M�dison St.-Near' Dee.rbernPhoneC�n� 4173...... ,.... :STETSON SILK 'AND OPERA HATS·A.PAIR DEAL WITH EACH HAT II•CAHJ.: .',; .. j:: ·B.· L�··AMES. �AT' CO.-' ONE Ql)�� CENTURY' AT O.LD· LOCATION-- NOW AT ;_;_'. - -fill SlST aIIIIi.s'IIN snri:E... ; 'DlBUD BUitDIBG ..• .' I· .' I•••I.. ,------GLOVES ::-: ANJIrA't11'ff�''ytf'a ibo�corrservn-'.t.i\·'�- sty��.1Sc.-:-:g for;.UIIBRELLAS:-:..�.� .. - ... �� .. �� .. -- ..... �.-... It's anARROWColl�VARSITY" CAfELe rendez-vous desEtudiants� g-�e 9{oot St�Jic:. ItlMBAr.r. BA LL .. ' ;,. .-243 Waba.cb, Av .... - .• 't·Original Ideas and Hxchl:;ive St\'iesinPHOTO.GRAPHS· ..a ... cla. 1\ .... ·5 .� U. o .... C. �"ldeDt.--- --. - -. _._:--- �-;-�";-(7C E. 55",l .... '. 1MEALS 2OC. 'and, up.•• ' 0..f ::, •, r .Wanted-Copies. of the Daily �Ia·................. � •.. Ros�.�t·er".' Cole roon for Friday 7 Oct. 2" I�, will be� The offering is for the Unh'crsity bought:, for 'h·c. cents each at tbe;::,ettlement. Daily llaroon �thce in Ellis Han.Hymn No. ,5.18, "0 Jesu.� I Have I We Have No Branch StudioPromised" , : El1iott 1(All standing.) IThe congregation will be seated Iduring the praye'r and reces�iona1.Pral'cr and benediction. �Recessional N9, 8.w, 'Hear Us Thouthat B�oode·st'�.·�· �. �." 1I�leyOrgan Postlude, ·'Al1egro" llaillyThe lJninrsity . pfc"acbcr next Suno: IIAJO)OLllf ARD GUITARlay ,,·m he- R�'\:�reftd' Profe5Sor Ger- narraVO'I'IOR:tId Birney Smith. .O\I�o instnll11en'ations for lland(llin: .- :', i.', .,,'" I Ilnd -Guitar Orchestras, Ad. ROlenWanted-E,-ery student in the I �hndl)lin "Virtuoso, lC'te of "RussianUniversity who 15 not a subscriber to ("ourt Orche!'tra," N.Y. 308 East 60th.ub5cribe at onc�. StrHt. Ft10ne Hyde Park 1960. I ����I��l;r:�.��::�!1 II \\'\�ntlc, will sc:,\'C a Slh.:ci�ll ,I h11lchenn ir .. m I until :! p, tn.;• f.·r l'l1in:r,ity <.lllllctlt:-, Pri�c" f\\'\"'t�'-ri\'l' "'·t'llt,... ����rl�ArICIf.CAGQ.·FaciUtiH for' ever,tbiq in. PbotolRphy.Phone Central 60g i ...\. r�. I i rq.: 1.;':0' llllldh" '11 t.. all: t! .·.t :lIlY'II1l' ""nnld \\,j�h.", 1\.. T. :\1 jlll-r, Jr., l':'l«h:nt• •r .\ nlt'rj\·:ltl S�·h .. (.1.� ����-����---,r-----�����---------fBORDEN'S . ICondensed Milk, Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk. .All Bottled in the Country." !Borden's Condensed Milk C6. Ih7-&33 E. Fony-seventb I, St.billips'FalI Showing �en's Hats and Fixings238 L. 55th Street,', ; ,' -:" .": 11,.. ,I, Ir:1! ;;. Ii�.L·r ; II'r :I : I, I! ,I, .L(',.t I :� -,h �I . ,hL._'.:.II&.-SII8IEI D�·-8TAQQ-�UDI� ... ��,�, !,<=�IMM�� ��';t:ti'M- "-�� t. �� ". . .� . vAlt8r1'Y VlCTOaY''!ODAY .'.. '. '." � T .". i-' ,�fte' 4� .��. to.�. '.: ',. � -:>. -, ".,� �dIea : Haft ,a. N_. o� �\.��� � WDr�_ iD'Pea- (Coiitinued '�rom paae I). "�-. cdber S!an oUt. .. I.::i:�' __ " StantS aJMl �OD- '., _" . .' '.::' ,', -- ", .. '., '�''.�� -: '.�O&.".>�,......• the Pl1rd� pm� today." and was. Co.'1ch Larkin of Cor·neJ,I,._��. d his,pretty �·ure there "-'ojW! not be' 'any. '�',' ·"EVa;. .. iDdication p. oints to' this �:s�istant, Pollack, �.� .. q\1a.,!���ck.,:.. '�Wallie" $teft'ello' of course, .win. be t.: � '1 ki• .hCtiUItC�S; saioker at the Reynolds �f > the team of lyuv. !Are wor. I�I(the main P.�t of the ChiCago game. 'I· CJab·jKing·. the most :successful ever - .tandidates.: for ";Y.·��.; foo.tb�U•. ;).�.,. a,mlarid "Orvie�" Pag((1�iIl be easily the 0(. < ,.{beld.· The smoker will as usual be ... �vertime in their ,;e'fI'orts to Diake. Oil• 'beIa' in· the theater •. and as a general second. choice for the, part of leading t�e n�at�rial on hand a -�i�mn� '.'iliVhaUon has' been issued, it is cer- :�an ... �he line wil! be weakeD�' � �.e\'en.· iwD' that t'he hall will be taxed to its little WIthout Schommer and H(.ff- '.. Daily scrimmagesf are being held;capacity. . -nan, but the "Hoosiers" are' but 3 I Olnd, a�cOrding to the coaches, the', :Presiderit Dille and his entertain- z-r r pounds heavier. averaging _ 170 �en. tryi�g� f�r berths are taking.!��eiit committee -haver been working �II to an average of 167 4-11 for the new style of football in encourag-]overtime to provide a high-class pro- Chicago, .and not .c�)Dside.�ed as fast. ing fashion. Arnon'g the most prom-,'gram'for the crowd. Every man who .��h;.�,eJdon .�nd hIS" .band of iSing for a half ... 'back. position is!-boasts of a "stunt" �iJ� have hi� turn =Hoosiers .: ar.rh�.ed at. the Chicago I Spero. a�fo. rmer basket�all s�ar who�e:'in the lime light and even the fresh- Beach h�tel:> cs,�ay afternoon at \�ork at this sport is holding' him in,;inan, who has �'tt1erto kept pretty ,�:30 on; t�e·�lono�(after·a reco_rd ,rip 1�6� steil- now, For ends Harris:\ quiet, will be heard . from. of only. tive. �o�ro from .BIQO��ngt�n·1 C\n� 1.Crosby are making goo�. a�d are::.1 Carl Burton, the smoker star, "ilI Sheldon brought IS men ,WIth him. hemg pushed by Pope. earher III the'L • J .1 �and .. was accompanied.. by about 200 of �e". s on ftl"back on -the scrubs .. be 'there wit� Dis dancing egs anu ..�he faithful "band :of the "Howling .· his latest melo-dramatic' hits. He willHost" who secured a special rate toeven be prepared for encore. A' pie- the city for the game, "We· are go- 'SOck aDd Bustill·-meets;ng to make 'an awfully hard fight.and "Sock": and. Buskin:.;·� th�"ftourishingnay get aw�y with something:' said slramaric club of Philosophy college"Jimmie" last night at the Chicago (women), held its first business meetBeach. C' The "Hoosiers" will depend ing of the year. yesterday at 10:30... try largely on the work of Jobnson� �fiss ?e:velyn --Phillips. who coachedthe little �pponent of "Orvie" Pag�. the cast, �f "Who Leads the Prom:'who scored .a goal !tick on',the Var- whkh the. club gave last �pring. was;ity in. the game last year. ·No small. �Iccted president; Miss Sue Chatfield.part of the "�tar shining" of the In- treasurer.�nd ?viisse� £Jfiabcth Burke'lianans. will ,'�. done by . Captain Safah Wilkes and .Er.n�stine Evans.Scott F'addock at h�lf and his brother to the e�-ectttive �·oritm1ite�. 'N ove��H., Pa�doc�, ·a.t right e.nd •.. and Bern�t, .1)c:r 6 was. set as the date for the fallthe pluck}· 'litt1� qua�te� b��k. .Some; 'l�;te;::;i�;�" -"_' "'.' ,'.. "'., '.)f the silbstitutes who may 'get -into .... - - __-_._.,_.J _!he f-:-ay for jndiana are Cuqningbam'�nd Bo�sard as: 'halves, Huckman; a. Who's Daily llaroon are yoti read-. • ';I�ard. and, Hmvard and Roberts, t�g;, , .ends.' ., " .. , f.. - �:.:.., •• . - ;;. " ... '.. I .Both.teams will use very much of ,'yosJzi CQMPANY':I'_:1;: :��b.:tY�:r;":;I�n! t�c:'���=' .� "! -t��d l�iitDjtinuous. �rocession of forward pa!is�.. , SO Jackson Blvd. :. m side .kicks. punts. and every. ot�rfeatur� of tli� so-called' . �ew ga�e. .'Specta�ui�� piays '�i11 not be la�k-made 'an annual affair. One of these ' . , .... , .:ng.· ci-nd ·.the rooters will have enough'contesn\" is-a ·tug of War in 'which the to"keep 'them ·iiitere·sted.b'r:lWniest men'of the two classes. will . '. .',partiJipate. ''Ma'combers will cap-] . . ' . :lain' the '��oDd��ear- t�am, coIhPosed. STAOO' TALJts·CHEERFUu.y· of CroWfey,• Wood�. Bohland�r, OF TEAM AT MASS-MEETiNGBaker and Colbns, while Prather wtll '.lead '.t�e" treslimen . and 'be 'aided by�rends. '\\tilliams, �uenstock, Ahl-man aDd Wheeler. "" As a��ther' test of strength and that Indian gain� to listen to thatskill between :th� representatives of bunch sing those songs and it wasth� two rower classes, a boxing bout the fincst thing I ever heard. Thatwith' 'Prather for the freshmen pitted kind ot thing is ,,-hat makes theagail1st Macomber for the sopho- :)�ys on the fietd' f�ei like playingmores, will ma�e the crowd' sit up :tnd playing hard';.and take notice:' Sophomores Tar- Cheerleader '�Bill" MacQackentarsky and Comstock' will contend . ed the mass meeting �nd Introduced·. (or lionors With Freshman Robinson .everal candidates for the. exalted ·quc·stion.arid .Nichols respectivcly on the position of assistant cheer leader.wrestling mat. Waltet Eckersall. the Hurnard Kcnne�, Fred' B·ate.· FrankfaUlOns 'Varsity athlete, will referee ,)rchard and Ned Earle .. were giventh� wrestling and' glove contests. ' chance to lead the "mass'; thro�gti. 'Unless the . game this afternoon "me yell..proves too strenuous. most members An . the (ll(� yells and songs were·rirttie- team· will 'can' around and pay tried O\·er. to brush up for�:the' voic:eit�eir joe·sPeds. ''Winst'' Henry will' (,f the (lId men, and to teach them to�. 't�ere' With the seven rahs. The the freshmen. A new song' called .ea's '. Baits: ",''_,; $a'S; $lIS,lamana 'team"and" "Jimmy" Sheldon "Wave, the Banner" and written by $30.'� "'0.�re 'also expected to partake of 'the Gordon. Erickson of the University��" 'cheer' as . best they can under was introduccd, and seemed' to make; '()verc:oau: ' ho,: hs. W, '30, '32,'he "cirtumstances. a hit with thc rooters. ,� $31, $to and up.Even 'Julius will be "on hand" to :-\ new yell was also introduced toniee(the�fresnmen. The man of ton� �ef\'c the same purpose as the "!>eVen' Saw 'about One-Half Tailon' Prices.sorial fame was in a good humor rah·s·'. It was three rah's and' then. E.ay kind--e9U7 size--every mod�1.�vhen inten.-ie";cO' 'and consented to,' three ti�es the name. of the mail orhe Quoted. team. hke the followmg:"Vot win I spoke on? Veil. not�' ··Rah-Rah-Rah. Wallie-Wallie-Wal­lings' new in particular. I links I lie."�h�l v�ce my int�rnation� senti-I_���������������������������������ments to de new men. And, by de. Haft you boob or other penoaalway. we had a, fine �unch of boys dis I \\'.mted.;_Young lady roomers. AllN k 'p.---. for sale?· If 1;0, .dvertlHyear. Bedder dan ever. �,o, I now the privileges ,of a home to right a�a .. ,·n�ti��·a�t,�.�rlL Iam�'� �rt�L Ap�y�M��EHe�� � � ��_.�n c�fi� ��'------------�----------------. dies man. My fcelings.are all mit de 6029 Dr'exel, first 1I90r. M' .'..,boys, :md be·dey fr'eshman or who- ._' __;._------ ama.· ��. per inc� for ' £N:TIOI .. The :DAll.·Y MARO.ever; I 'am' for eq�a1 'rights omd justice " :. a darw' liM' ad. . .' - .. 10' all I will say more in de even� . .f,.eri '. r,.adin", -/Wit. h. . �U' AClve.rlisers'·Typewriting wOl'k wanted by l�is!l" • - :I.iDa." Myrtle C.oodfellow, s6Z2 EOis Aye. oliCe ia EIIia Hall. Arthur Has the Real Thing '.THESNAPPYKINDoJ. VII. 1• & .. M:1JdiveisUy Styles--,·J�t�:·:12.00. Only· .", ...:,Arthur ATFeilchenfeld9 S81-83 E. '\i 34 Buren �t; and .8: Dearborn St.PRIm:r�"-I. M� E. Fitzgerald & Co.·., MAKERS OF 'GElh:a'YiEN'S GARMENTSI. 160 Ea�t 55th Street•eating contest' will be open to every­one in attendance, except' those underthe eagle eye of Director Stagg,.: The "Old Man" himself has hinted· that he will drop around: and, with a.number of "ifs' "'and "ands," figurebut, con_;en'ath'ely, of' course,.. ho',"· Chicago can possibly, perhaps, landthe football ",hampionship this fall.I now have on band. and selli�g at half priCe: .,'. Parker Lucky· Curve" John. Hollan�. Paul E. Wirt. Waterman. Id�'A. A.' Watemlan's� Conklin Self-fillers, Crocker, Blair, Simpl06lli.Auto611er . and: aU: :the ,other· well-known branc!s cf" '. . IF 0 UN T A I-N 'P ENS Repairing whi!e you wait.DA Vm THE·. PENMAN. 192' C!ark . St., Chicago... . •• j � '. • new SlIf you want to see something real swe!l in the newestshades and weaves for a suit of clcthes, an overcoat or apair of trousers for Fall and Winter ... o:e bave them to. ,'. [ . .,show against any house in the city. Our prices are within- the reach of "all.'SH<:ER�OOP" ·724 Fine i\.rts BuildingBest Modern, Principles of Artisti�, Scientilic and PracticalEminent Teachers in all Departmctn ts includin��'i1liam H, H. Sherwood, Director: Arthur· Beresford. Daniel :Protheroe. Wm. ·Apmodoc. Jo�, Chapek. Georgia Kober. Jessie ".N e\\'lin. 'Mabel' Osmer and others. For Catalogue, address .ADA H. HOLMES. Secy. WALTER KELLER. Manager"Besides ti\tr. Stagg, Dean Vincent willextend the grad 'hand to the. fresh­'men guests. He will give thcm someof3th�rty advice,' and a dem�nstration·of·'real;·lively, snappy publf� speaking.· all at the same time. The ivory key· a'ttist. � GeoTge Glrrett. will preside· at' the piano and lIven things up be­tween 'ads. A i quartette -Composed ofI Henry, Berry. Orchard and Legler\ will furnish favorite songs.. � 'series: 'of' . coDte�ts between thesophomt'res 'and'trle freshmen will'bea feature. Instead of dcciding classsupr�i:ilacy . f)y" a 'color rush. thesecontests' 'wiU':''be.· substituted and 'be(Continued from' page .. 1 >;. ..( " "-��WlP.t-�.�lt?.' .... '. , "\ �'- .,.. -� -" Many' men know and we a r"Mosala.·Clotbes.'· ,; ,·believe· in Popular. Prices. II,'$���� 'Business Suits are pos.itivel,. '$35�OO value .. You' can save' ;ust·$10.00Thafs : worth while� tet me make one"for yp.I!)�nd·:prove : it· ', •. ·0 ....Majestic T,bcatre Bldg. Weude" caJNo G ru nt,sor scowlswhen you'7S Monroem.e.nt in n'cl,othes to'them.T'h e y tried the- TBB . PALL SEASONBAS OPEDD I A. G. SPALDING & Btailors un ti It J(:'e ,�r e� ntH'OT' ,··t ire -d a' n dn 0 \V . they wear that satisfied look�"hen it' : "��es t� the cloth�s The Largest' �a�' iii.,The new autumn' and winter fab- World of official' Athletic S r:'ics show many striped effects, bat.:he colori�gs are it·c·t p{�nounced. � Official Implemen� for all. TThe' fabrics 'have )/rou;gh twiJ1�d and Field Sports.�urfacc-woven . cl ds ely' enougll -10� ·Kmart -'SavfnC " of �. dollarson the tail�(s price is anotherjtem. .. ,., give servic�. \.Olives and the variQus shades of FoOt BaD,' Basket;)�own strong 'favor. .'. ._,' . . . -,.' :,··.r·· .�.. Grey �t�ip�s and the' g�c;�s' 'shading' Ice Skates, Bockel,,:.into, the stone and slate colorings ar�' .. : Uniforms for d Atb1etic 'lecidedly correct. . // - --In overcoat-:.fabrics:the rough bas­ket "'eaves and "herfingbone� slripeS':lre considered ver� smart. i .SUits fc� coUeee wear. '$30 to ,$35 SpaltJing's' handsomely. ,. . cataloguc of all SPOttsOve�b "35 'to . "'0 .We mue 'ridiilg breeches.Look into it?Yoaac II��.: S18, 120, hs. '30,'.f'�5- ' '. . :�·.'GSSL.1t 00.S') lacuoD Blvd,Clever' Clothes It ,.,'GYMNASIUM APPAltATnumerous suggestions.Free anywhere.A. G. SPALDIRG '" B�cw York, Boston, ·Buffalo.elise, \Vashington, Chicago, I'hlphia. Pittsbu'rg, Baltimore, Sf.Denver, Kansas City. Cincinllat�troit, Montreal, Can.; S�n Fran'l\\inneapolis. New Orleans,CleveLondon, Eng. . ,TAILOR. FOR YOUNG' liENA. N. JelTems, Mer,' .Two stores: i3i La Sane St..;:and'f . ':C4"Yacboft Boulevard Starl.:......