llaDy DiKij,lea' of the "lIaDly �Appear aDd OrpDize 'Club-IL' �Last Heavy Practice for IDdiaDa Beauviere Greatly Pleued-Brlcht Previous Date PreventS COntemplatedOutloOk for Team. ! WelcomiDc Feast to �·Jimmy"rt Uuiversity fencing club was or- . Sheldon ',��" H� Elev.eJLThat the: ground will be broken Work of Next Year'. Bock Is. Wellganized at the first meeting of M. ',)'de He�uviere's fencing class, held Bass Drum" Lockstep March and f. r the William Rainey Harper Mem- !.&unched - Coatributiou .urc�" Feminine Roo..;" .... to' .. Fea, ture <.ri.ll Library at the June Convoca- ently Requested by Editon. . 'last evening in Bartlett. W. R. J on�s -.Sic Cheer Meetine- '.: i., n, is practically assured, accord-was elected president and Roy B��- • •iil�' to) the announcement of the pres, The heads of the committees' forridge secre�ar�._ A�though the pro,-The: first-year football hopefuls Indiana, which has 'proved one of _'I:t plans of President Judson and the Cap and Gown. 1909, were ap-jer.t has been under way for somescored a goal k. ick on the Varsity _in the most popular of visiting elevens, 11i<.' cther . officials in' ch .. rge of the pointed yesterdayat a meeting of rbe- time,. no definite step was taken untilthe last heavy practice before the ' chieliy on account ,of Coac'h "jl'nlm' y" "brary project, and the fund for i's board held for toat" purpose.. Th, eRobert j. Kerner, acting as tempor-Indiana game yesterday. The work-' ' Sheldon, will not have the opportun- 'ccti,:Il. Mr. Coolidge, of the firm personnel of the committee is as fol-ary chairman, called the fencers toout, which was held behind closed order. ity to enjoy Chicago's hospitality to- '.'f Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge, till' Jows:gates again, w�s strenuous in the Robert 'R Mix, a member of last morrow night. Director Stagg' an- .: niver sity architects, visited the Art-Roy Baldridge,extreme, to ju4ge from the appear- year's dueling team, stated the ob- nounccd last night . that owing to cainpus last week and conferred with Fraternities and Honor Societies-ance of the men after practice. In .. ''1 previous arrangements, the expected [he trustees on the plans and speci- Howard Kenner.ject c.f the meeing, He said m pa�t,the scrimmage, the Varsity scored· . "Purit ... ·'· -banquet has been called iiacations for the building. A ce- Student Activities-Paut He8ilt.,"It Is our object to organize _a club oJ -four touchdowns, and were scorc1on to promote enthusiastic and unit�d off." mcnt plan of the south elevation of Literar;-Miss je�sie rHeckmaLby the f�eshinen once, Nicholls kick· interest in fencing and to make plaps It develops .that the Baptist Broth- 'lie structure is now being .prepared Dramatics-Hirschell G Stiaw�'::ing a "oal fro�' the thirty-five yard for contests with various Y. M. C. A. erhood and Chicago Mission Society according to the accepted plans for Social-Miss WiJ1o�dean: 'Chatter-line. .. , have secured Hutchinson Commons. the' approval of the' University au- son. . .,: "clubs and turners in the city . andThe lineup for the scrimmage was prob .. bly with some of the colleges for the occasion. -Mr. Barrels. ste�'-' ·thorities. Faculty-s-Miss Mamie Lilly.:IS follows: Page. Briggs and Eh..-- where fencing is practiced. We shall ard of the Commons, sai'(I last,' nigitt At the presenn time the subscrip- Woman's Athleti��Miss ._Mad�ehorn, ends; K�liey and Elliot, tae- boost this. club and do all in our pow- that the two religious societies have tion fund amounts' to $168;000 from Bell.kles; Bohlander and Hirsc hI, guards; been 'unable' to arrange otherwise for private subscription, leaving a mar- The head of the Athletic couuiur-er to promulgate mrerest in fencing .Badenoch and Smith, center; Com- . U· ." the dinners, and. since he has not the gin of $j2, ,000' yet obtainable to 'reach tee and the repre sen·eta.· ti.ves � �f 'lhe35 a manly art. in t!I1S DIverSItY'. • .. - .,stock, Rogers and Crowley at halves; Several of the fencers made' short accom�odations fur ·both banquets. the maximum 'set by Mr."J. D. Rock- Law, Medical, Divinity('s�h�is 'andand Steffen at ·'quarter. Worthwine. talks,. eX:pressing their interest in the the Varsity-Indiana 10�'e feast' has efeller, ,vho agreed to give three dol- the School of Ed�ca:tioD ���-y�b t;;�beIddings, Hoffmi� and Taylor did not dub. A' committe was appointed to h3d to be postponed until ne�t year. far's for every dollar raised by pri- he appoint�. These and the ,mem­get into the scrimmage, but Direc- d-:aft: a constitution to be adopted 'at -Meanwhile p""reparations for the' big ,,:ate subscription up to $600,000, Last I,)ers of the various committees ... m� tor Stagg' put _!hem th��ugh some the' next meetin". mass meeting. go. me�i�y. o!'. A �prin� the ti�� l.imit for the subscrib- he appointed in the near future. ' Thestrenuous. runm:ng exe��lses. to .�k�.. All o{ last year·s team with one ex- bass drum will be borrowe�· t� draw mg C?f contrabutlons was extended If appointments to the staff;..;:aa ;,;.._a.te ,, -�p�.f�, -the;-:bc�-�!-r-.lC�"�:::; «��iin;� bidC·�·:for.r --:-:"'�rit<Ii:;""'lti>y- the'::a·d-\"�����ty.-I� ... o�I�k.. iD:�W .... � ... �I999. .. ���!L .thc;.�_J�J!le;;,_ f�,r • .Y�ster,�ay.:!�-:c;��!��y.::::!���,�:!!!�-:-�,.. .,._..........."""",_,_,"1- lice. ', . .Baldrid�, R A.4ice�er -A �VIS��O' All the Jiv-c ones- will form·' in line �in th,eir 'collection was extended to 'Oc :lre only .to. be:... �/.:ar.:�.�,�, .. �._O�r�nce He�schber"er, the' star W. R. Jo�� and Frank KOepke'�r; front of Cobb� and after snakirig tober i, 1909- Efforts are, therefore basis. -If-ariimember":'oe.· ·.iihe·.halfback 'and "kick artist". of the the 'members_ who appeareed in m�sk over a considerable po�on. of tlte being made to secure, tbe remainder fails t� do th� 'reQui�·ite· � �izM,isDt'; oftealilS rii '94, '97 a�d "gR, who is 'now yestcrday. campus� will march lockst�!' to t1te :�f the $200,000 fund within the timl' \vork his or h�r positi�D ��lI,.,e·,fiijed. '-co.Ching at Lake Forest. was on the,M.- de Beauviere ed h' If big Kent theater. limit, in order to obtain the f�,J1· \vith sOIne <?ne cap'able' or ,riiO��'·,.in--ii::.-w ... "_6ching 'p' �ctice. but had noth- exprcsthse Ims� .'IQU -..... as well pleased with interest Cheerleader MacCra�icen said· y�s- $600,000 gift Cpndi�ional1y donate," :lined to work. - _.ing to say.abo� th�·team. shown by. the men in fencing a�d terday that dte women who atte�d by Mr. R�cI��fe�ie�:'�� The' \vurk on ,the Aunual has 'al-Hirshl. the comparatively new com- the club arid over tlie prospects � � in the enthusiastic.: _gathering' will be .The latest additions to the fund ready commencedin -earnest aacl ar-er ·as gua�d. h�s been -sh�wing very t'�cted to 'yell better than the a't- �r(. the (ionation of $I,QOO receh'ed ti"'les th3t can be written at IbiS tiiiiegeneral. Although, as he says, �he -r- "'. good ·form this' week alld Mr. Stagg d I h L_' from Mr. M�rtin ·W. Hughitt am�novelty has worn off, mOre m�n h�ve te�pts ma east yeaa- w en tnc Ide!,, has been using' hini constallly in the . 'I I)f women' cheftr'I'ng alon· e w' as' neu;. $200_ received from the alumni:registered for the course than ,j&t ... ••'scrimmage. He will undoubtedly , . •. iff oS and nroued successful.any time berore. .Dien 0 encmg &."play apinst t�e Hoosier.s. Schom- b" f h 11 ed Director Stagg, Dr. Raycroft and GIANTS V�NQUI.SHED· IN,mer has not been used very much af drty r?m 01 t er co. eges aPdpear:. .' .. ' or practice ast evelllng an will all, the members of the Varsity. SNAPPY �AME. SCORE 12-4this week on account of the IDJUry' I.. bl k ood . I f h' teanl. have af'rY'eed to appear and (1 ... -, _.'. . . pro!la. y rna e g materl� or t IS ... -hC7 suS1suned ID the very last Play.,:� vear"s team, M de Benuvie'�e vie�'5 liver short talks. The rest of the Women's Athletic Association Re-the Purdue game. He has a (�fte ieda of contests with other c�l- lime will be taken tiP wi�h' practicing '_ c�ti�� Dr�.:s ,Ou� 'Large'Crowdbruise on his side which may keCI) -.leges very favorably and will train l:ais the songs. MacCracken stated yes- of F�en"� o.ut of the. 'game Saturday.t Ifmen witll such contests in mind. ': terday that he is anx�ous to get some"Long John" is not 'in good enough .- . . A large class of women is also reg- new word� and tunes.· So far onlyconditio,(eit"cr Ehrhom or Briggs i!'tered for the 4'manly art� and, �c- one newi.,Var�ity . SO�K ha�' .,beenwill be utilized. at right end in his . , .' . .cordillr" to the instructor, will s�n tnrned in.' It· is caned "ll3roon Vic·alile to sb� th men wl.at "sCi- tory," and is .set.·.to .... tlte tune.· of ":Aentific fencinK _really is." Rig Night 1:()�·ig�i':':":.,_ ," :"'_:.. ,�. - t.".... .:. �: ""': .. ... � �.:..,..:.._ ........ ��.�,: �.._t", " ':t' .... :.- .: ::�' _: ..."�:' -:I,·' ·I��·'-":t��I"�D",·�··r';'.':�;':' "�!I'"':'�'::'-"'a" r n- '0-''U·,..... .",_.. . � !: �:: � ."' .'o.. '-.. ..... . ... .. - '.., ' ,I­I-1II11I·. - .Vol. VII. No • s, CHICAGO: THURSDAY, OCTOBE:�_8, I!f8.illG �O�I"IN' fENciNG STU: "PORIn" . ,BAIQUEr TO:HDOSIERS::CAu.ED· OFF TO START LIBROYIN m� HEADS OF CAP AlI·.:,Work oil Wallim Rainq' H� .COlllntES lPJIIIIITb. ",. Memorial LiDrary May Com- Membeni 'of Varioaa CoIDIIIi�'menee at June' Convocation�Pri- Toeether' With School- Re,,1I1v�te Publication Fund,,' $168,000. tativea to be Apopinted ISoOLFR�SHill SCORE, _ EaR"II VARSITY SCRIIIIBEContest-Schommer lIby NotPlay AP,inat "HOoden."Indiana Squad in Heavy Work­.IHowline Host" of "ooaiera toAccomp&D7 Team...II.are being rapidly gotteD into a .stt�cfor publication. This, the edittri_hope. wiU relieve the great pres's,reat. the last moment and ,win haSten�he appearanc'e of the book OD theplace.. Both of' these men have beenworking lB. that position. in )Wetlygood style this week, and Rogenhas' been boldipg down in practice theposition ot' \"�teran ·�Hal" at half.Comstock has also- been laboring in)he halfback notch of the machine inscrimmage, and, in fact, the entire�oble seventeen'" and its recent' ad­ditions havc been used at every pos-5ibl� place and in all plausible com­binations.The ··Old Man" would �y nothing:,b�ut his hopes -or .fears for Satu!r­day, b!,t certainly did' not seem to be!Ieeply worried or harrassed aboutthe prospcct�. The "H�iers" aregiving out reports 'aoo11t the terrific­ally strenuous effort� Coaeh "Jlm­mie'· She1dnn is exacting from his Before a goodly crowd. prepared to'let 011t store,d�up enthusiasm. theformidable Gian:s d,rew up in fro�llof th� confident Pigmies yesterday�fter��on' in··'i.e�in�on· gymnasium,M.i.�.s D�di�y a.c"t'� "as ampire for therwo DAY TI�T SALE1--------------- .first basketball pme of ,the year.. OPENS THIS IIORNING - campus.The.- editors of ·the' Cap' and Gon"An Annual to be at its 'best,'· saidnne oi the editors yesterday. �5hoGl.be the ge'rieral concensus of coll�;irlea!'O. To accomplish this purpostf it 1must draw its contributions frOm;dlarge a number as possible." 'w. FORD 'os. �.. . . ., :HARRYEz-llanacinc Editor 9f·tt. IbrOo!ialIuries 1I1IIIC"lc. lad.,' Gil( •- Despite the fact that all were some�h�t short-�inded from lack of prac­ti�e.both t�:tms put up 'a snappy figh�and Quick work seemed the mostpr�minent fe.-a�,ires of the game.The '''Pigmies'' proved the best team,both in team work and in actualpoints gained •. tl�e resulting scorebeinJl 12-4 in fa"or of "Pigmies:'The Giants did fast. passing. but "·�r:: Harry W: Ford, ·os. was' marriednn T�esday, October �, to' Miss., Lota.Woolfington of Munciep lad. Fordis at present the' advertising mana':"-:er of the Sheldon si:hool ,of ,Scien­tific Salesmanship and was 'prominentin many' acth-:jt;�s ·whiie at. tbe...l)�i-ersity. He was manag;�g·.editor ;""f' 1):>;I:r Maroon and �a _ ·�ber of.(.' 1 hi Delta fraternity. . �r" and'Irs. Ford will live at 2w" E (J;6thn. nIl ,"a rd. Chicago, after December1st.Studeat Rate of SO � WiD Ad·YaDCe Tbree-PoW After' Tomor':'row at .. O·c:Iock. Tbe .. DaBy I�.. n._ .... _. -.._�.�","" .......... -,,: .--.... ·-r·· .-.Ticket8 for the Indiana game willbe placed on sale at the SO �ent stu­dent rate this m�rning at the Bartlct.icke� office. Only two days will be al­ottC\1 stQJe�1ts and faculty' �emberst., purchase the admissioa' card·'JO:Ird�. The custom of putting tbemun sale on Saturday mominp, theclay of th� games. has been drop�.Manager Norman Barkeer stated yes­terday that after .. o·c1ock tomorrow It is 70- paper. �1Ir'newa, : pgbhbed·"fOr' ;o��w .,.,ar .. ,ptnCiatiOD,,�_, lo��.'�'�b-� ..... �1I1able to ·make btlt t',,·o scores. Fdlo,,·ii,g i... the lineup: .Gianls. Pigmies.Carol Ame� ....• F,Loui, .. c T.h·crmoreFlor.cnce Tyley Miss OrtmaycrHelen Peck c. Ethel PrestonIrene Hasting�., .G,. Eleanor Freund Noti�:\bmie Lilly Alice Groman \Ve arc :m!l(ions to get .H manyTmmerliat('ly after the game. the.- ne''" song� as possibie. and hope thatlarge cro"'d indulged in dancing and our call for' Varsity football lonp.�dreshinents, Ry !he large cro,,'" ,,·ith word!' or music or both. origi­out' .the W. A. A. has a bright out- n:\1 . will be answcred. We haTeInr.k hefore it, and hopes to carry enouf,!h old songs. but are sadl,. inlout many successful "entufes durfng need of something new .1Id . Snappy.thc followinK year. ' i W. P. )lacC�NOWt'har'fes at Bloomington in .. Author- the price of admission for studentsclom.'· The India�s irc worki,g, on w-iJ1 be raised frOTh SO cents to th'1ce.. br;lce of special ,faYs to be S�ll:"\n �imes the amount� rIl,ublic for the first ,time' .It next S�t-' The scats �t· aside for the stu-ttrday·s game. They are an, extra fine dent!' arf' in the rooting section.hrand of forward-pass' - etc.-trick- which -will be directly behind t�eplays that haTe been impregnable band in �edioIi·. EE, oppOsite the:aljl�,!st .t�e Freshmen. forty-liTe � :')ine. The h,OU!s �fsale tOday .nd· tOn.orrow :are from ,..I. � .. � �. to... '�!0IiCe11.00 per'-� .. by carrier.�I"� per : .... _ �' mails.- ... ,....(c,......_. oa .... 4)- ....... _..._- ..... '. ...,. -. .<... ,..::���� _��������.���r-_·_�_·_·��·_·���·;�'�X���-��'�-�������.������� __ ��'\ T •• '*- ........ � � tho ;�;,d::r=.E;:'?ii�� L�!i,.'t�:f22t_;�, '. '. ". .·.::s�g'-,��<,�J.'�,f_en".Qah'ftlit1 .of. � .. ...../ •body .. No 'one is in such' aD ad-': :,�' ' ... � ','- -. ':'.;EDcn�_'_i18 �-dau JWl 'at the l..'l&k.a�"vantageous· Position' for cettin& ·.a I PN-Ih.&c:: _ 'm�s ',�is.:'mOrn­PuaLuUIo... Cblc:aco. 1l1Wuia. �b ltJ. lUUJ. thorough understandiog of the whole ifc af�Jo:lo.'� Kent. . AU· 'stud'ents'. ',CItdn A.t:t 01 � s; 1�. ..' .University and picking out what �ill preparln�, tor' medical courses 'in-0. ......-.0 ' .' benefit him most as the mao who vited... '• ".� t.J&lb".: .ftftpt � ... )louda). aucl. 1IoU4II.;' durirl(' thrw 4uartt'h of the Uljhft.it,. has co�e to know the institution' in' " - ..... "�: ,_... : '- �. the course of ne'ws, gathering: .In':' :.Sociolou� d.I* meets today at 10:30deed, the manner i�. which the Daily. il} '.Cobb �. - Atr'graduate students; . /,' 1,.- ., Formerl,. . .•• I' .", • - has been used. as a stepl'ing stone in .soe iol�, � invito ed, Ir '., TIle; 1:.�benlt.1 ,01 .Cblc:qo W"l'IJ". "':."'; •.• � .. ��,:.� .;. ; FOUIICIed.. to other st�d��i activities by ambit- --- .:-. '., ,ft .. ' ·�.'.WI'lk11. �·l •• l� ious' young reporters has always IDwndpton· cIDb wiD bold a busi-�. • :... �. �aU.)'. Odubw,.l. 11lU"� been a source of tribulation for the DeSS meet�ng tbis: ��ing at 10:30" �_. _._. _. . edito�s from the 'Ioss of'edltorial til1_l- iri Cobb -..1C .\ •. 81lbKriptJuil pril-e. p,w· IIt"r )\lIU'; �1.OO toa- ber entailed., U£IM 1DODl.ba. SUt.c.:riJKivlU r"'()I:in'\l at � Freshmen need not be timid in Student tickets for the Chicago-�: Muoull Ollll"e, Elila Hall, VI' at the .·anllt)' J::J:. ... � Cobb lIalL making. known their candidacy at hidiana game next Saturday will be... , the Maroon office it! Ellis hall .. They placed on: sale today from 10 'to 12,P��ON F. ·GASS.llanqiu& £dhor. will be treated with kindness and and from 2 to 4 o'clock in BartlettKnHN J. AD..utS, News Editor. consideration during the first few �mnasium..A. L. ,VWDSTElN, AIJIMlc Editor. days of their novitiate, and they can08\\'AI.D J.o'. ·Ni:LSIJN, lluslot'tlS lIogr. be certain that acceptable, eonscien- ,Stump'dub �wi1l mee+ Friday at 7tious work will be rewarded with p, ':m. in Cobb 6A. All members arepromotion. The staff' wiil meet with urged tn be present. .the managing editor this morning. at10:30 in the l1:aroon office, and C}nyintending candidate would be wise inattending, as the ?rganizatio� of thework will be explained.' questions are: invited.�SoC1ATE EDiTORSUm!enity _New Testament Authority'. on Way .. to A.w.. .Political . Eco�omy chd, wilt holda meeting tomorrow night at 8o'clock. All interested in economic.Alb('rt . n. Ut>DdenJonAUT ElJITUlt' .... :: .. Itoy . ll.nldrldgeREPORTERS WILL FORCE FRESHMENTO WEAR G;REEN CAPS DR. BURTON NOW IN TURKEY.:\II.ss llamle l.llly, lllSii Ero('I-Itine 1':nmNA. G. ·Wbl1field ltoberts n. OweoJ. Sldn",,:Salkey lIargra\'c Loog Sophomore Class to Attempt En-W.lA. Wl'uer,· . II. U. llnukbnge forcement of Green Cap Rule on. A. N. Pf�lrer. Frenchmen. _ A . letter r;eceiv::d from. Professor.. -: -I'.dl-todal-··-:�-Qmee-.Betore .8 p. m. • .Ellis nall. Em�st' 0: Burton. �h� i� i� charge11111ftn1t7�: -Te1edloD. Jh\le Put 426. After II The days of green caps are· rap- of ih� "University:' exp�ition into' the. Po "';·.KarooD PreM, 414' E. �tb StnoeL Tel. idly approaching. Rules, prepared Orient. announces' his a�rival in Con-..... �� :�azk 3ClI1. for the Freshmen,' to be presented sta�tinopl�. . Dr. .. BurtOn left' last. '.' '. to the Sophomore class at its next In!� fOr Eng�an�, where he sp;cnt� 'o�Befo� 8 Po m. Ellla lIan, meeting, are said ttl consist. of the .. C • h Elha1.-en1t;'.':".'l'.I. IbdC ran.' 426. some time m conlerence WIt nJl':. ": . . . !f(lllowing: lish uniy�rsitr � �fficiats: �. . .N cootri� IDa1 'be left· at Ellla Hall I. Freshmen must wear green The expedition, will stop in India��.._;:">'.� ... �. �': ��. .to the Dan,. C32P.S until November 31�t.·. _. {In: its �y to China, �here �esearcb� 0 freshmen may sm�ke on the. work' iri the 'political, religious �n�... ' campus. ':, � �odall �()nditions t'.will be carrie<t"'on�:. . Staff Meeting. 3. .No freshmen may sit on -the The CODlmercial 'situation in Chin;.A 'me��.ing. of. the .staff and candi- "C" bench. will also' ·be·· studied, thus gi"ing ;>da�es (�. the: ,s·tatI wjll be h�ld this A cupy of these regulations must broad scope' to the work.mornin'gLat . I'P:30 in tbe Maroon of- be kept by the freshmen shown ·to . ·Professor Burton will be joinedfice. By order of the upper classmen if requested. later by Dr. T. C. Chamberlain, h�a(l. �; .. ,. MANAGING EDITOR. \-. 'of the department of Geology. anrl; ..... ,.,_--.�. ---- ATHLETIC pRESS BtJREAU will return in a year.ESTABLISHED AT iLLINOISI'. � . .. , The -' �Q\larterly . competition forplaces' on the Daily's reportorial staff:. _ .',' . begins this week. The Department at_ State UDivel'SityCo Uti, ····:i �tarts Syndicate to Send Reportsmpe on 'cuitors are anxious toror Maroo"� n' . to .NewspaPers of State.ll' see"'a large number ofStaff live, intelligent men..... and women too, as can­didate�. for 'the very life of the paperdel'emls on the new blood thatcomes in each .Year.P ; .. c··· '. iug out athletic reports, or ··stor-romotlons are' made according to. les," tf) over 100 papers in the state. p�L I"�- .. -- ... "'___necLa"merlt syste�: ,New men who have ll'� � -_ .&' ..... ....-th" .' ...... . fh..: bureau is conducted by Ernest The meeting of'tbe Freshman c1a�s.e�r. n:ames ent.cTcd as "hustlers" are .I• 'bl f I" .' f. Ingold. assistant to Coach Huff of scheduled for this morning has beCll.·. [e Igi e or e ectlOn as full reportersh d ti.e Ulillois �eam. t d f tit k' � 1at � e .e� ... �f their first '-Iuarter of pos pone or a e�s a wee owmg. �ervice. I,n such el�clions Quality and Each. (!c1y the latest news �s writ- to the conflict in engagements of th�(IOantitv .of 'work .1 b I tcn, uumeugraphed and mailed to place of meeting. There. is al.s�..; '... . uone are a so ute- .,Jy.' the only." consl'd t' . II d Ithe sportmg edItors of the largest .. orne uncertainty as to the attitude. . era Ions a owe toenter' int� a_'" cando It' I'fi' ,I)apers 'ill Illinois. In this way the of the faculty towards ogr.mizatio. n.. , • J( a e s qua I catIOns., :..The. Daily' .is ' not I I athletic department believes It has of the class... .. now am ne\'er lasb '..' _.. ' '. solved the press problems, deriving •.. een an a .POs�tlOn to be ahle to af-� I I' ... ..' the benefit of the most efficient ad-I�m to e� �,of any man whose ser-•. ' .' f t1 ..I ' vertising, and at the same rime get-.·Ices. ar� 0 ,,,.1e s ightest value to it,so no ma'�� �eed be' afraid that accept. t;ng accurate· reports in the papers.able '\\·or.�; ;�Yi�1 not be rewarded bypromotion�., ... � The ne:oc:t step beyond Lone CbairmaD of Arts.. rAp rt r "I' .• h" . E:-mond L, ong was elected tempor-•• .. 0 e sn p IS t e pOSItion of as-sociate editor to which a man is clig- ary chairman of Arts college at theihle after' sen'ice of two quarters as meetllig held yesterday morning.reporter. The associate editor has a Dean Gale persided 'until the chairvote in both the editorial board and was filled by the balloting. Fishman,th b d":'f t '-. . Carpenter and Gilberts were appoint­e oar.·o rustees: the t\\'o gov-erning b.'ldies 'of "U1e .paper, '\\'hich ed a nominating comnaittee, in an-control tli�-' editorial and busines!Ii ticipation oi the elections n\!xt week.managem.e n f'. The three executh'e ANNOUNCEMENT�itors are chosen from the associate ,-\11 men interested in gym work.editors. .-- .... . . who want a pleasant form of..Jlealda,. FASHIONABLE LADIES'The value' of training on a college cx:rcise. are urged to report on thenew=-papcr is so "'ell recognized that gym floor at 5:45 to Paul Wagner,it need hardly be dwelt upon. Its instructor. Material for the Varsityhelp :n English compcsition is. gcn .. fO'In team is in demand. Lack of, er.Uly' fil'�t thought of, �ut I�ss im-Iexperience should keep no one fromportant IS the opportUnity It far- entmac tile dau. Kgb -Ez-'JG . OD'..wiIliams TeamEdwil\ Kuh. a former. student· atU. High. is a membe,: of the ten!1isteam, representing 'Vi1lia�s at t.heinter-collegiate lawn tennis ass�ia.An innovation in college athletics tion tournament to be held at Havor·has come' from the Uni"ersity of llli- ford. Pa., next week. Kuh was! allois ill the formation of an athletic member of the Freshman tennis teampress bureau for the purpose of send- here during the season of '�.FOWNESGLOVES:I ; .GAIdI_'&--IN THE. HBWBIT SHADES AMDCLBVBItB8T·DESlGNS........ A'BOLO'fIlI.. -. bah �"�, -.t • • .',': ._• ",._ • '. ',. I> l •- is a ·p<>pu.l�r..si:u.i!�-���)Rg the .U pper Class--�en�. : To be ·'�z�".' lip proped, is mostImportant for every first year man' -- tocreate a favorable impression' he must wearclothes with sf,le; 'ilidirdualil, and. quam, -cl�the;; made .. for 'CoUege Men by .. ,Co".eTa,'o� . Mos.t U pper Classmen are already ..wearlOg our Clothes especially those whoare correctly dressed. .. :' '.We have."� a�c�v:e CoUege. . Post.. �-7ours for the. asking.I�TA.eILrO·eRS" )"�Ide ."'.Ibni floor1_' .. ... ;.9"j\e 9{oot �ili�·l ", "' EDUCATIONAL"�::;:1!!:' .' ·IB"· 00 K'S'Original Ideas and exclusive �tyleSiD . ,'. .PHOTOGRAPHS' I: ...••• cla. "at ... to tr, or c. �tad.Dt. !'S.'89 Darbol'll St.BBWITTSof ALL Kinds atI PlEISllT,JOURIEYI •••• ured wheR JOUTra".. between.Chicago, ·IndlanapollsCincinnati" Louisvilleand .. French Lick and'West Baden. SpringeIf JOU • .., by the.., of .tII.:: . 415 E. 57th StreetNext to Cor. of Kimbark.ltnfber£sitp1&boto�apb .�bo�. The BeSt � ';Eastman Kodaks and Suppli�327 E. 57th StreetDRINKS 'INK. i..' .:LIU .. 4. .('�.. �,_ T?,load a.CbDkliD.POUDtaUr�j� dipJl�' ,mk. press tbe Crescent-Filler and see it fill its ontank like a camel slaking':its thirst_.': That's all thenis to it! . No. drop�no m�o bother� ",00'. _• anywbere-any .ti��: .: .:. . - .CONILIN'S '::6 r".... can be filled �nstautly '�oUt the l� iDConveDience_ " ' .could fill it with white kid glOWS on without dangersoiling. Besides its cOnvenien�," is: the splendid· .'qualities of the Conklin�the perfect f�. • . .'.LeadIaa' dealers haDcUe', f:be. � If 1'0QI'S does �.t. -dIreet. Prices. $3.00 aud up. SeDd at 0DCe. for baudsome DeW c:atalaIr •. _.. ne Coni. in "Pm Co., 3l(;-lIard.atfaD Bid£, T� 0 :�• .".. f•. Hotel Maroon. "58th and Drexel Ave' ..UJO)ER' MEW "-',AGDlENTRESTAURANT' : ·IIND-: 'LUNCH ROOM';"'", / . ,.'jFI ... ' Class l\,Ieals. PrOmpt·serVICe· .The be$l of�"'hi:;7selftfl at reasoaable prites. Music eve" aening in 'dinner-hall ,"The National Hotel Co.' J.·W.·WanI MP'.( I'�'Thc�ot'bedL.cpb ftIlIy. It'.ftat:.....thc onl1 ohio­lot4'11 fiat. c1»p rvterh tlle r.n�lllon. .IImi­nn. or men l:nO\T tlai�:""bu7\hem nntl we:r lh.-m. The .... t'U'is th..n-, nncl t:'('y ro- t nnly n'lnarttr• pair. l!Mn('m�",r it.,_._.-C!l .. 71t1lam" ..........'THB ILLINOIS :WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COIIPANYPhone H,de Park 571 Kimbuk Aft. aDd 5-. The . CJeaa� aact �. Kept StoraceWarehouse 1ft die· City •••••F�rniture and �nos . Moved, Stored. PackdShIpped to' all .pans of the world. 300 Printeage Rooms. Larae Parlor i:.xclusinl, for P'Rooms for Tnmb &nd Wheel.. Larae RoomCan-iasea. Buggies and Sleiahs. Trunks to .from all Depots. Local Transfers for BaFurniture, Packages, etc.. at short notice....... attatilll ...... VaI._*, 0ItM.' �. ,./ceu... ,.� ..POP'Near.-POP1Tr,. -.. your frU.01'Be11R"ONOr�l�,uI�·�i THE1_ T��I The.k=5AD]...... ... ,_.We .Ii�Pacili1PIIoto1-1.,. �.:: �;.t "#. ',- � ... � .e: - .. -.� ·0 "7.J :-j 0" "; .... • t. '.'.. , ... ' .......... - � _. , .. : ..� --:-r ... __ . ... i::... ::: .' e. � .,; : .....·.TlIE·:DA1llY;-,MAaOON:;.!'THURSDAY�-�OCTOBER 8,.,Ig08.�:: ., ICollege cafel4KI E. 55th. sa. INear !.eziDcton AftDiae All Univ�it)". �.omen. especia1ly.new students, are reminded of theFreshmen .... rolic Friday Diaht at 7:30iu the Leaaue room in Lexiqton.A Dumber� of instructors' J from,large Eastern colleges (women's)are living in the ,,·omen· s halls thisquarter.Miss Blanche Riggs. a formerUniversity student and resident ofB'�cher hall, is again in residence."lliss Mina SedgwiC"k is attendingthe' University of Indiana this year.Miss Helen Peck will address theLeague in Lexington I thisat 10:30 •• All are invited.- ...,-POPULAR PLAcmATPOPULAR PBlOBSTr,. ... and· if pleaed. teU. your frieDda; if DOt.T£LL USI.. SIJITS- � an" OIfERCOJI TSLAMGUAGE TEACHERS HAVEMUCH TO LEARN Our Clotltei are Up to the Minute'None' 'Bett�r Made, R�dy '.. to Wear, and to Your Measure. .U. 01 C. SOlMMll. Belts and Buelde lIapzine Writer CoDdemDs School·I&thod-That of Helen Kellerthe Proper One._That the ordinary methods of ·lan­guage-teaching are extremely inade­quate and fall short of accomplish-A'T' T Ii: B. P R B S Sling their object is the opinion' of•Jean S. Rankin, who says that lang­uage teachers have muchfrom the system adoptedSullivan in the trainingI Keller� This .wri. ter, in Octobe. r'�"The .Elementary School Teacher,'Ijust issued from the' u1niversity_______________.. Press,. quotes at length from the let-I ... _.-I ters and reports of Miss SullivanTJIB· UBIOR BOTBL Iconcernin. g her rem. arkable e. xperi-I AM» I'!�:!!:""':':_ I z: ::����:s b�:� ::�.:::�::�=: Correct' i • €IOth.e.r! cess with "the -absurd p�rfor. rna. �cesi .'THB POPULAR PLACK no" going on all over -America in ·FOR COJ.;,LEG£ MEN ,. -I TO EAT the·name of 'language work.···_··· We' appCat to YOUr'inteJqence to we'ar' Made-to-Measure'_ Eith�r before or after the I' Tile main points o. f difference. be-. . Clothes. - YOg� wD1 'fiDd' . them better and cheaper in every way.I �ea,�er.' . -. . tw.een the. general. met.�� used -:. �y' We' niake SUITS' :aDd OVERCOATS att!!r�!��":! �� __ I :�;�_i.��!hV;:�.�Wt!:���s .:�:�.=.,:, .: .. �:,���;/".; �:.,:· •. �O:. ''-II) .[ ....... u &"'" •• ..- ...... .:J' ......... -- teaching of normal students, and the r . The· most;;·comp1ete.·�ataIOrtmeftt of woolens to select - from.· ·in--school process, are that 'the former dudinc"--aew .coIOn .... -eDd .,Iatest··PatterDS. .�,;,-1ityle. andrests on the natural acquiairiorr' of . ·workmanship .. cuUanteed. . The College lIan's individuali� inwords by imitation and �y a�s�ia- dress is· recopUsed . all, over . the ·world. Add' .this : iDdiYiduality toling them with the objects and�, ac- our �esa.. and the· result, will be distinctive clothes •tiou"s . they represent. It prescribes B •• -·L TAILORI'NG- ·COthe unconscious imbibing of mOdes' �&.i# �.of expression from observing the I' . '.. . E •. It. B'melle),. Pres.speech of associates, and in r�ding ,_ 134 E.; lIacti'lCfn St., S. W. Cor. Clark, S�, r9,icaco• . _. :and writing. "Too often," says �iss ".-- •• - •• � .•• �-_ ••• _¥ •••• _.'i':Sulliean, "children are required to TRUsTEE BARTLETr SPEAKS"'write' before they have anything to : AT COKJIERCE BANQ�Tsay. Teach them to think and '�ead .•and ta�1c without self-repression;' and Precedes Bryan and Taft on Toastthesy will write because they cannot List at Au�toriain Dinner. FROl\ff.� :"ON THE CAMPUS·' SI5�OO· to 535.00Retail DepartmentOr see Iohn Schommer LANGS No. 104 E. M�disoD St.!(� D�bom :, .Phone<_ "Cen�:':4n3Try a Classified . Adthe Want columns of the Maroon .:GENTLEMEN...... �-=w-__ .BOSTONGARTER Selz Royal Blue'- EVERY. shoe' store 10town has the be��shoes; ask 'em' and they'Il'. - tell you so.We' have. They're Selz.,·.· ': .:'Royal Blue, at $3· 50� $4,$ 5 ; and if you'll wear onepair we'll l�ve it to .yourjudgment to �y. wheth��you ever had any' shoes �. good.·. _These shoes are goodenough for th� maker to'THEc..-' •( l "px, n. \Ctitf��'\(J::\(l_ .._ � ..... z._ �... ....,,_ ....... o.-. ................ -... ._ ........................ &. help it." Pleasure in the work, ab-solute ireedom from perplexing First among the speakers at ·lastllI"ammatical rules and explanations, night's great Chicago Association' ofami' attitude of receptivity are in- Commerce banquet at the Auditori�m�isted upon by this great teacher. was' Trustee Adolphus C: Bartlett."whose name,' says Mr. Rankin, "onor' of Bartlett Gymnasium. Mr�"wili be honored 'side by side with Barflett is :i member of the Associa-)!hOSe of the world's most famous tion executive committee and of theeducators." Refering to' 'the joy "of committee on waterwayS .the work, Miss Sullivan writes> '·We Folfowing Mr. Bartlett came Davidmake a sort of game of it and try: to R. Forgan and the two Presidentialsee who can find . the wor,'!!!' most, candidates. William.· J. Bryan andquickly. Helen "'ith her fin�'" : or William H. Taft. I 1", with. my eyes. and she lea., . as Among the 'other 1,340 present were( ('an explain with the hel�.-of, thbse Charles A. Marsh. trustee'of the Uni- HITCHCOCK RESIDENTSsbe. knows." Of the past' acedm-. ,·ersity Y. M.· C. A.. representing , HOLD FIRST MEETINGpiish�ents of' Miss Keller �nd' their. the Mar�h it· 'Bingham ·Co:� 'and Lu- '. --secret )fro Macy is qao.ted; �H�leri ther D. Fernald,- ;08..! repre�enting Dr. Parker Addreaea Meeting-PlanKener'is sappo!';e(1 to have a s�ial 5elz. Sehwab .& Co. Mr. Marsh is a -_. Reception to .n. Hitchcock�Ptitude for languages. It i; �� member of' th� Ass�iation commit- '-,.' I'. On Her Return.rather that she has a special' aptitbde tee 0" le.ri�i��i;;n.' '__ ., - -for thinking. Of grammar she·' be.'nothinK and she cared nothing. Shegot the language from. the lanR11:-"\g�;t�lf.·' 114 Clark StreetFort· Dearborn .BIde.Op<'n e'·ening� 11n!il 9B.F�C�K ... '378- :lS.S "·aba." A\fe.CHI��qO., �. -:�---.-QRD&N·'C_JiH.I.IIIiIr,·.lIiIN:--.c:r...� � �''-- "'.Bpi- t.} ,. 'AD Botdld � eo.iati7.... ........ CDlull.nn� 1IiIk�c..'''7-6.11 K. POI." ".caacIa It. 'We Haft No .... � Stadio and we11 make it COCMLguarantee your satisfaction;. 11ic.� resitfcnts of Hitchcock· llall�thcrCd in Hitchcock Library 1:- -.Dean Linn �.' Liter.� e,·cning for their first ho"ise meetin�,At the ()pening meeting of _Littra- Dr. f'ark�r presided and aided in get­lure college .yesterday mOrning.:..l?e:ant!_i�g·lh� ol� .men and Fr�sh��� in theTh�odore Linn. the new dean of the ban acq"amte(1. SllOrl t:ilk� were('one�:made'''i�- fir�t ·.addft5S:.tcl';'Lit·1 m�de in an informal way and planstnen. The election of offlc-ers' -'\"a� I for H·,·('ral social events in the nearpostponed, until the next ,m,eeting. future WCTe fiiscussed for the time,. . " . - ,heing.Annqan�ent. House due� of So cents "'ere le,·ie(!r.h�, C;ap. a",� _Gow.!,t. ,1909. is no,,' =mcl a social committee was appoint'::rea�� to .r�e},·e ,�!.i���·;:art':OT literary ed'to arrange for a reception to Mrs.contr:ibaiioiu�.,· .. rAtr '��nuuai,cation!': 'Hit�hcock to be given some time this: may '�,J�'�,�·�a��.�f��I� )ichange; ��. ' ' LBO.·S���ae��na�_ARrCRIGA .. •Pacilities for .,ez,tIIiIC'''·Phote�. '-ltboDe Ceatra1 60g Science Nama Committee.At the Science college meeting yes­terday morning, Brown; \Valker.Cobb. Moyer and McJ.ean were ap­pointed a nominating. committee toconsider candidates for committeedection. Come and He some SDappy spriaa. styles in College Clotbea atBenedict, WaldTailor\I . .14 Eat SStb s�Telephone .. Hyde ...IIAlmOLIR AIm aurrABmByaUO'1'IOK1"0 instrumentations for M. J afinnd Guitar Orchestras. Ada RoPnla"olin ··Virtuoso. late of "Russianc-.rt �hfltra," N.Y. 308 East 60thRet fIIone Hyde Park 1960. \ \.. ��:::� '_P-�'�:- ;1 � .. � :� ...". "..' .,. .. � THB DAILY lI�OON"'. THURSDAY; OCTOBER 8, 1908.._ ".,., �.-ko: ....... .;,r._';' '1�" • ' ,'. ---:--�. • '13_' ... -: .... �'< ... : .. :- ...... :-.y� -', r.», �-;' ... ,:.t.� PW ...... 0" �RB8HIWI. --. IIAJ' .. ' aa.� ... �AL� Ow;>'. t:._·:;" .. :SOUAD DO coon WORK "Ill 'V� .. �A •• •��I" �.._.ad � Po- '(C"DtiD���:�·�. -;r:< .: ;.atiCUi is -rakeD caie of iA StellarStyle. The rooters' Official 'noise· and .. en� .rhusiasm., committee, which will'· ae- ,company the' tum from BlOominc­ton. �o .. n a�. �r�e �wl�nc Host,"and numbering. 175 strong, will bethe most eouspieuous part of the"Hoosier" support and are guaran­teed to warm up the atmosphere fortheir team's support, win or lose.'.'. ::Several new men are making a hard.:�. 6gh'· f�� positions on the freshmant�a'� wr.ich Director Stagg has de­c·larej one of the strongest in Chi-ca,Q bi�t�ry!Sampson. a fast heavy man. hasbeen tri�d at full back, between Yea­ger and Harris. and .the combinationis proving a good one. All three menare of 'uniform stocky build, and can_buck the. line or run the �ncls with, equal skill.Ralph ilitchell. all-star Cook counfy end.who played on the Hyde Park1906 team. has done good work inthe -Iast few scrimmages. and seemsassured of a position. Baird. brotherof the former baseball star. has dis­played gri� and coolness at end andquarter,. Th'e ��avy line is beginning tograsp its duties and is becoming for-� mldable. Davenport has the speed tc-m�ke 'good gains on open field work.All. the men are in good condition.and show no staleness in their play­ing iri the daily scrimmages with theVarsity.-.. Ot� new men are Kassulker, whcpI�y�ci' on the 1911 baseball team. Heis heavy ��d fast. Tatarsky, left em)on last vear's freshman team, has. �b'��n ;subbing at quarter back. Walk­.er, Fred Walker's brother. is recov­ering from his· sprained ankle andmay play at half. Dr. Hend�D GiftS TalkDr. Henderson., University· Cbap­�ain. spoke to a gathering of. Univer­sity men last evening at the first Y.M. C. A. meeting .of the qua_fter. Histopic "':\50 the ,oC�llege· �tan·s Re­Jig-ion.'· .Dr. Henderson contends that' acollege man's religion should be one,f reality o:S he lives in a world of-rctuality and has rea' duties to per­form .. "He must be courageousenough 10 face the discoveries ofmodern learning," said Dr. Hender­son, "and if he i� unwilling to do so,he wiJl excite the contempt of hisfellow student. ,NClr ca'n he' expectto commend his· ieligibn . to 'hi�' fel­low students if he is slothful in his.-tudies or neglects his 'duties. A col­lege man's religion demands intellec­tual vigor. Je�iJs �as the IP-eatest-hinker, and all '�dence and learningyx>int to God. T-he prac:tical· expres­.. ion of religion _ -:oust . be t.brough·manly �i!,dn�ss •. friendship and pur­;ty."._UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Success follows a classified ad inREPUBLICAN CLUB TO MEET -he Daily Maroon. as has been prov-RepubliC'aDS m the University to -n by testimonials. fr�� advertisers.Hold. ·Their First Meeting T�sEvening. I �.I�� Gr�:::::=1\nnue. will . serve a specialj. lu.nCheon from I until 2 p. m.,f�r University students. Pricetwer�y-five cents. ."�frs. Gregg's luncheon j:; allthat anyone could wish:'R. T. Miller. Jr.. President'Ame.rican School." ... AnARROW 'Collaris right. to: begin with and the• Clupeco Process keeps it that. way. . .. lSe.. � - 25e.��&eo..lIabn--A II USB II B H T S--... _;_ "�".� -The political bee is loudly b,uzzing('·il -: the University campus� Havingroused to a sudden outburst of brayjng the Democratic donkey, it is nowstir.ring. up to trumpeting the Re-l'pu�lican. quadruped. I n plain Eng­lisb. the Vniversity of Chicag.) Re­publican club, not. to be outdone byits rival, the Bryan-and�Kern organ i­%3t.ion, 'is to hold its first meeting· at.7=30 this evening, in Cobb lecturehall'·'.'\5 a matter of fact:' said Presi­d�'nt . A. B. Hall last night; "the Re­publican club was founded weeks�go. to\\'ards the dose of the sum­mer quarter. Not only were the of­ficers elected, but thirty charter.members were enrolled. The pur­pose of the meeting tonight is toeffect a ·more. perfect organization,to $ecure new members, and makea��cIngemeDts for addresses byprominent Republicans. It iet highlyprobable that Senator Be,·eridge will,address us in the near future."We are anxious to h:we e"ery'Republican in the University turnout to night and enroll as a member.A book ,,·ilI also be placed at the in­formation office where those wish­iDg �o join the dub may inscribetheir names.'·The. officers are: A. B. Hall. presi­dent; Laughlin, "ice-�resident: Tan­ner, sectetary. .ILLiBOII·.A WALTZ DREAM·By Oscar StraussG.A· .. BIOItMR. WII�LIAM ;; r\ VF.RSHA�iP:-es'entsTHE WORLD'AND HIS WIFE..t:�I' .�t� c' .:;..;",r'1I� :�(r :t, �i�i,f· GBAIm OPBRl. .ovaWILTON: LACKAYE!iDTHE BATTLECHICAGO OPBBA .ovaTHE�EVIL-JithHENRY E. DlXEY.cVIOK ....LEW DOCKSTADER'SlllNSTRELS 1"-. ,_-------·STUDBBAKER_ ... FRITZI ��HEFf··in the" first.�pr9duction . of{·THE.PRlMA. DONNAIIII• I --------------�08LORIAL -,All University St),les_ ..Just 12.00 .Only Vol.- VII..:': GEO •. M. 'COHANan.d .'bis·. �0y31 Familyand Incomparable Co.PO�THE SERVANTIN, THE HOUlSEVThe Quality Musical Play"A STUBBORN CINDERELLAA GI��. AT THE HELMCE�IL L�AN·aDd' ,,F�ORENCE H9LB�OO�and .t:ae La Sall� .The�t .. r Sloe-Ie Co. . Aithtir AT· '1F eilcheDfeld'� ALbSn"flTE·t81-83 E. Van Buren St. snd 18� .Dearborn "StreetA rcal'·line, i� ilothers; \\·1ingtoll anwhich " ...Louise �Eable first, -Mandel t:poor rh)"Polly' PwhQ wasWhat liamen girlsbetweenAlphs an- rna's 'Willweli knoCollege ChapsWith a: banker-ng for � and originality in dress are m­stantly WOD as permanent CUSTOMERS by the clothe. weare of[e�ng. them at $15 to $35- 1hey are c!?thes of TODAY1in style as alive as an electrically charged wire. and superblytailt-red. .When you're down town, come in. A "comfy" chair anda cordial gri�'-tlie-hand awaits y(.u with absolutely .DO obli- " . Contain. .maD 'Gil.di4gation to buy.EDWARDES.CLOTHES· SHOP20 East M�nroe StreetSHERWOOD' MUSIC;SCHOO724 Fine· Arts BuildingBest Modern Principles of Artistic, Scientific and Practical Value:'Eminent Teachers in all Departments including - \. �·iIJiam H. H. Sherwood, Director; Arthur Beresford. Daniel l.:Proth.eroe.: Vim. Apmodoc, Jos. Chapek. Georgia Kober; Jessie :}Newlin, Mabel Osmer and others. For. Catalogue. address . - fADA H. HOLMES. Sec:y. WAL'TE'R' KELLER� Manaaer:). . . · ·�·t campus ,in 'aU:' tMan:lingRegistTaiMiss Wi_iyn Sla��S'flln<.�' \!m-Kent as.... ! .4try·'to 11.Fresh··�nthe 311-tlGa�ma'lMisscomedy,end of ..sketch. 'Ito her: .y'l)ractical(Jou6Cta', .witnessi[Amoiij-;{�i':�;if� �i�sCA;gg,"'F�:iugb·t.,�r,,;Edi'iJa�ilie .' ... w· -10lowd��nand malM�ss.�.:J'�'.l�.. . :\ROBERT C. LINDSAY ';1LINDSAY BROT!:!ERS� .':':-! -'-�TAILORS: ; �'I: 1SI JACKSON BLVD.�:lI believe in Popular:· Prices. ", Mf:�:.:�$25.00 B.usiness Suits. ate : positive�r .��$35�00 value. You' can.save .. just'$I(J •. OO .... �Thafs worth while. . Let·me maie"c:one" �fOl you and prove it. . . ... . ..Y:We,_de"Majestic Theatre Bldg. 75 lIomoeTHE FALL SEASoNlIAS OPBDy/.'· ,The new autumn ";nd winter "'b­rie.s show many striped effects, butthe colorings are not pronounced.. The. fabrics have a rough· twilled.. urface-woven closely enbugh to Olicial Impleu1eata' fo� all&nd Field ��.,�ve .service.'... .......... f.. . i- Olives an.d the vari�us shad�--, o( "'oot' BIll,. Bask_Ibrown are. an strong favor. . ':':1. Grey stripes .and the gr�ys i�hading I� SIIItes, Bocler,Into the stone an� slate colot:'ngs are' UDifonna for' aU Atbletic\'ecid�ly correct. . .I n overcoat fabrics the rough bas­ket ,,·e.&\·es and herringbone st�ipcs:lrc considered very smart..Saits for College wear, $30 to $35Overcoats $35 to ,",0We make riding bi-eeches..1\ 'lB. AU.DI!'O·ItIU.\ Policen.en��: B�",.ev,�lent . AssociationCorrespondence Cour-..es Added THE BIG SUCCESS \ ... COHA� " HARRISThe correspondence department is A BROKEN IDOL . . presentoffering as new courses "Clas5 Man.- .! 1 FIFTY' MILES FROM BOSTONag��nt� and �S�o� Adm��tt�I_������������������������������'�. tion:· by Professor Chancelor, whvtaught during the summer quarter.Hervey F. Uallory, .secretary of the(:epa_rtment. has announced that theincrease in the number' of stude�tsfor the year ending June 23, 1908·was 2n per cent over that of the p�e­vious· year. Indications at th.e. pres­ent are' that there will be· a corre-'spoadinc ' inCrease' Ihis )'Ur. WBI'l •• YWanted- Young lady roomers.- Allthe prh'ileges of a home to rightparties. Apply to Mrs. S� E� Heald,"1029 Drexel, first floor�";, Haft yoa boob .or other penonalpro� for sale? If ..0. advertise t •Spalding·s handsomelycatalogue - of all sportsnumerous suggestions.Free anywhere.in the D-17 lIaroon claaified col; A. G. SPALDIRG " B The 1. � cw York. Roston, Buffalo,cusc, \Vashington, Chicago, Phphi... Pittsburg, Baltimore, St. Ij)envcr, Kansas City, Cincinnati,!�oi�. Montreal, Can.; San Fr:t .,�llinneapoJis, New Orleans,Cle .. .".London. 'Ena.umn.. �-&ft- Cents pft inch :(orTYPc"'rlting" �orlC .anted: b'j �fisi � � �\;"�:�:',".; �,. . ...Myrtle: C�feljow, '�2' Eiii� '��'e_ '. �: ia aia:' tbu........ -. • � •• :.:: ••• _':": -"'_" - :� .••• -�... ,.�-�""",:,,,:,�� .. _. "(I.'- ••. �. __ ..... ". . �. TAILOR PaR YOUNG liEN'A. N. Jerrems, 11 ... _rwo stora-: 131 La 'SaDe at., aDd' •... '.' .' � 4..Jacboa IIoaIiftnJ the two!'nould .;