CUT :'l1li015 TO IE fEWER fAll DOIS UltFORI SlVDi6·tIDs:FOJYoSJTy· PiJI MOISTER :IW.Y.·AI.Herof PeDalty for Ezceuive A�' AT ,ARsrn ""OTICE �ooun �Z- of Surpri8Dc '.FOR '11IDiA 'FRIDAYseaees to be Left to Diacretit?D of Cbicqo-Work 'c.f BRadt aDdProfCSdOr L"aUCblin Attac:b � Instructors - Professor Blanchard BiC Ta� 'of 1907 Team � He JOImsoD CPp-... ... in H�cratic Plank in' Lcctnre Before Puts Limit at 4- Will be in Shape for IlJiDoia :CCteptiOD Of ·ROOter. ComiDc.. .Political I EcoDOlD7 Clim. Game. I'Consiledable wonder has been oc- .(Special to The' Daily Maroon.)Says Succcs& of Plan in Oldaboma is casioned by .tbe new rule on "cuts" Freahmen Scored Acainat Fo ... ·Bloomingt��, � d ... Oct. 7.-NeitherNot so Great as Advocates ,�hich was put into effect during the Times in Fast Scriinmace- the decisive. victory of Chicago. overClaim. summer quarter and was explained Hinchl Shows Up Well Purdue or' the '.' s�all s(;or� re.psteredyesterday by Assistant Recorder by indiana apinst De -Pauw is',c�u=,-Thoughtful -condemnation of the Gurney.' Maroon stuck took another. jump ing the playcrs . or, students here to Deprived of, the opportunity ofproposed scheme for the guarantee "The cut minor scheme has nor yesterday with the reappearance in lose 'co�iid�nc�-in figuring 'on the out- hQlding a mass mecting_, before _!_heof bank deposi�s and a qualified en- absolutely been done away with,": he ,i �niform of Louis, Falk, last year's 1 CVIl.1e to the chicago-Indiana contest [\Jrdue game, Varsity fQOtball root­dorsement of the postal savings bank said, "Lt has been the popular rm- big star tackle. After he underwent • n llarchall fi-eld next Saturday. A ers ,,·ilI ·make up for. lost time nextwere the kcy notes, of an address by pression among th.e stud�nts h�re :.111 examination by Dr. Raycroft, his' I:u� ·.. number. 'of: students . win. come. Friday morning in Kent. at: the. c6�erProfes�or J. Laurence Laughlin yes- that no more cut mmors will be gw- condition was declared hopeful. "I; up "With Coach Sheldon and, the squad fest for the Indiana. �s the timc·forrerday . aftern¥p in Cobb lecture en those who are absent too often. am feeling pretty fine," said FalSt.:' to ��. fo� the' Ca�in�I' elevcn.· the game draws near' interest in it"i.n­half-before the Political Economy To a certain extent this is true. "My heart seems to be good, and (I Chicago's .ends, . .Page and' _schoin-: creases. Mos� 'of ��e, �e�m, 'fon�we�sclub .and visit<?rs on the .subject, "'A Whereas formerly they were given have put 011 three pounds in the last. mer, the basketball· stars,· will· have: expect .to see ·'JI��y .. �.be�on:.Campaign Issue." for excessive -absences from classes, few days. I did not get into thel' plenty of w�rk�t!> ,dCJ . in thc' game:; proteges put: up .a stiff arga�:e���aH·-'Sound 'b'anlCi�g . never has, arid they are now given only fer chapel scrimmage, but . worked in the signal,' They wil� pr!>bablr have considerably, the way.' ,.'...,never. will; depend upon artifici�1 services, college meetings and gym- practice with the regular lineup .. I' more of a time than.agai�t theends: . Director Stagg. says that the ,mas�-schemes, ,such,.as .the_ .. gCJvep��ent· nasium. won't get into scrimm�gc, for a; of' t.c 'P�rdue 't�am. .. Dire�t�r 'Stagg; mceting is needed' and that h� wiltguarantee of bank deposits', bat will Insted of allowing fifteen cuts. a while." ; had Han:is, a �tar� �f,last year's Ma-; be 'g!ad-to'spcak-on the occasion.-;Rcdepend ntlici' :uPon' sou� manage- quarter, the instructors use their dis-; Practice yesterday was again hcld;. rooa' team, down here 10 witness the: wa.ts the chance to' tell bow· ·Oyer ....ment, integrity. and ·skill:;. Professor eretion as ro the' number to allow, behind closed gates, and in th�1 game �jth 'De' 'ra�w, - and' 'he ha� optir •• stic . many"of' the campus' 'en­Laughlin' stat� : .. ··.Ni�e-tenth.s of all their classes. They may set whatJ scrimmage. the Varsity made- 'io�r; I p'r�hably' made' it clear tbat. the Indi� ihtiSgsts"" �- -'Captilln-'Stdfeil���I.public 'qucstio� 'are cconomical, and ever' number they �nt. '-'and �ke, touchdowns on thc freshmen. Th� Iana tea� is' a da�ge'rous oppo�erit oJ 'also '.t�II',: thOagh 'h� sta:ted y�t�ay •.it . is quite impossible for them to be such rules as they' de�ire regarding first year men, however, play� a I forward 'passes: '.. ... ,., .'. t he . will �under no circumstallcestreated' of as'political matters. .thdatc of those' who_ cxceed the lim� good game, said Director Stagg. j1t� I Joh':'�on' �ememberCd as" th� ma� v;Dhare- a� - opinion on 'ilie -�uicome."The - bolnk -guarantee system is it they set. In somc ·cases thc cntire Varsiiy Ii�eup was: P.lge and' Ehr� who Cros�cd the' Chicago gOal last ·�aliie". says be·.iS "in :!jacl" with:.tbepurely populisti� or socialistic. I� is credit may bc taken away, and in horn,-ends; Worthwine and K�ney� year on'_a .brilliallt forward j,aSs, 'i� tWedictioD- inusc·,this, yca!,�. : ," . �i".an attempt to make aU banks equally �thers the amount of credit· will b� tackles;'- Bohlander, Elliott' aD(� the rUin 'c:eC. -ii.--the iiliiia'na' 91ferise� ,-JOhn ·Schonim«;r�·. _;rho. made ·.Ii�, which is impossib�c in view.:� less.. ��.':,· .: :. : Hirsbl, �ards;.,��aiul .• Bad�t ��..;::.��B" 'F:�: . sJio� I e:v���ting.�imprc�iOo: b>i.:�;��� ..,·dWfl· .' .� - "ot _,,:_.,i�.:::..;s�-- -.� " .• A·.sHant -· ... -.P,-I;ofe"�, � _ .. - "- ..:...:....:_..;.:����f, .:::, .1I'1i-�· .tj, .' •.. �' '� •• i:' ·�·:·.'·�'.1i""j·"·!fI-"fiIi�."�iIIi�-��'-"�-��!!C-''"-:8·�,;' � .• apuc.'��\�!:" �� ....!::.�,'!.i_ -r.'>--" .>_.-.-:- ,; ,::",'," :pt"��r" __ , _ .. _'. -�� 11;. _. ,p, ..• _ •",rity. "� .ro7JJ ' 'roa�f ,! to' banking. BJa���ard, of', thc public -:spca� de+- 'sChott; "fallback, '�nd:' ,.' It.> ,': �_':.j'" , .�. ..-. . :�-�1J�' "-e: lias"" - .... �"'St'�SS ·is" ·skili,. intcgrity� 'good 'man- partment- y�tenlay. dcliv�: bis:ul� Cl:Ow)ey; halvcs. - . '.. ,' . '.... r " iF.��:_':PC;;"f� fOOt--.,;aif�b '�to .' - cI.eftr���mate, at tJie..otherexa.... "agem��t .a.nd t��e for thc public,' to timatum to �thc member� of his 'd�s� Mr� Stagg, was well pleased� .. ;�it. �d�tage.·,· in�:���: -'�Ptiai� ':b '�ty: �pG�tion;� aDd;:. Ha� : Iclctina.,,:· ilieiearn of these 4ualities. es. A c�ording to Dr� Blanchard. f�uf the ,'�ork . of ��rschl �t. right �ar1' t th'�'s\o! - t�o -men ". a�d: >�.e ... �d�oc; �ctcr;liL: St;i� :half-baclc;;: ..;..iI" �(w.�t'�nc gu�i�" act does. 'not' urge *':1,1ts. will be ol1�w� ��h and ev�r as _�e�, con�ltlon .of I:I��, .n, wh� I brothers hav�-, b�e�. �h.e _. cause. of c. 0, nr they are �Oln� t� do tp.'tlae. hoos.�ts.each bank'to.:tUarantee its own: d�- one, .and those who �av� �rc_ t��� was IJJJurcd In Saturday's ga�e, ma� t�dence on.. the part of t,hc, r�.ters.! whel)' they. ,carry the ball, Tbe:Qth�reosils,,·l>ut.toj�uarantee the dePo�its this number will not·gct full crc�:bt� keep him out of the In.diana con· .As. is ,wcll known 'indiana will t4: men:oa:.the .tum.:will havc a:dI��ccof .�notb�r .ban� which it may' nev�r Just how mUCh. credit 'will .be. ��c� t�st. "Things' look pr�tty.·'�ell dQw'=I , �trongcr: . agai�;t cl.ica¥o·' ·than �r<to: say .. so�ethin� '.,.' '-,have .)lcard '-i,. and in which it ·bas. depends, he said, on thc mdlV�du�1 here,�' said, Jimmie Sheldon in 'a .Iet- Sat\!rday.'s gaDle. 'Thc' line bas only', The :yclling .practice, �hicb. w!U,.�had absolutely no control whatso- case, He a�vi�ed thosc who are ,af- ter to Director Stagg receivcd yes\cr- t�? _v�'ter3�s -in thcm,· a�d the ��'l the first of. thc: y�ar and �iIl f�rn,,�enr. This is' manifestly' unjust. ' ter any c��dlt whatever to be caref,!l day. "We at Icast don't cxpect to men 'did not show the- ,form· they are the- initial .chance for ma:oy: 'tud�BlS--The loss to. depositors undcr the how "they cut. be beatcn by as large. a score as Pur- exp,�cted' 't'� sh�w -apinst Stagg�s to learn the Iootball. shQ"ts ; .• ,pd,.pre�c:nt national banking system for For the next few days students due." The Hoosiers are. 'workin� warriors. The wcek of· practice �s songsp win _ be_ c('nducted : by .. Bi ... ·-more than thc last forty years has "'ho learn of this new ruling wiil hard for the gamc with Chicago, � an" do'i'ng a '·.p.cai- deftl of gOod.-. 'Sheldoh .:\Iad:ra�ken,; Ma�r.u:k.ep .. ! .y'�s-b I h TI' prob ..;" bly be anxious t� know how h�- 'fl'" '. t· f 'ba hf Ieen ess t an one per cent. 115 are surc of ma�ing \ the con Ict :t is :saving his·bac�·fiad so tbat it will terd;!y,: that .much.o : the. :$.u n(�sproves that thc banks themselves nient their good-hearted instructors spicy one. be' ai,its' best oo',l\f'ar-shall field. 'Pad-' f: the. Chicago rooters, ,during., t,heh . th - -t nd d tis have d�cided to be, • Whcn such a h;,- Th . . f' 1 GOd' d' ,-' ,. ! I' ' f h �tr p'ave an· c pas. a 0 now, a. os e team IS 1D air y g con 1- dock is 'getting !>vcr his injury 'an� !a'r ler: part. 0 ,t .e cont.cst '"'!.,� �r-to themselves. insurc their depositors eral.spirited example as Dr. Blanch- tion outsidc. of Hoffman, and, bat- �iI1 be in shape for tbc 'game Sata*- due �'as cxcused by, the. la�� of ,��c-against loss. The foUo"'ing figures ard .sits down so hard on his 'inn� rillf� accidents, .will be ready to .pl��' day; .:, ... ,,' '. _' tice .. George: Garrett ,,"iII .. �play. thewill show the im. mensc resources of cent charges. what, asks the campus their fastest· aa!llin,st the�,·. . r h V ·t. . e-_ ., j M)ngs.o t e, arsl y.. . .)the banks of t�is country, the sta- ilrophet�, will Dean Jabes Wcstfall Director Stagg will probably 'Pse al- GOPHEaS -ELICC'l' �ORD '_ ,; : . .. ,_ , . "tistics being ta"en for 6,778 nalional fhompso':' deci�e ,upon? most his entire squad against the ,. . ' THIRD �AIN- III· YBAk COLLEGB -LIFE TRE REAL ()Ifa' ,banks: .:Hoosiers, and is working thein' aU at -, , .!. . " .Capital ••.•••••...• $g12p36I,919-S9 FRESHMEN TO ORGANI�E � stiff· gait this �eek �hrhot:n �.�to� �-!�a_.��.��. �� P, �C'�._��!!ceud, 10.'.ft, n..�� V�.�.. f .Surplus ....••••..•• 55S,000.,248.1:4 AT IlEETING TQIIORROW showed spced and ginger at cnd arid -� ---..u _ � .-.- VlUlUII:'U , .. �_ ..... �.,Undivided profits •. 203,108.414078 Worth,wine played .. with his usual . '.' oifOrkBrOr(',' : ..- -.. . . _' _. _ . . ..,Sharehillders' l'bil',000.00 Opening lleeting of YearIiDc to be agility in I:Icffman's' tackle 'position,' ,- - l r. '11 . not t' forHeld m• K ..... t to ..:=o'ed �- . : '. ',' ·f'oo·. 'tL'!11 "�o egc IS' a ·prepara Ion:-- ..g,a '-'III_a. R t •. - ,t h If . At, last Minnesota' has a UiI' Pr 'dogers 'pu . up a snappy .ga�� a. a. . ' , . ,'., . ---. . ,.. _. I iife;·· it, is Jifc:"· declared. e�, entcaptain� . �e i� Orrin Stafford,. t�c I U: •.. - , . , . Judson iii addressing thc al - mvcr-aU-Westcrn center of J!)06, who was sity chapel asscmbly' yesterday illout of the game last. ycar,. but' is �-li�1 on: to' pr� a tower ,of strcn.rlh �:=�t business men neCcl moreTbe DaD . ' •• 000: :.�,·:,:n.. ·�.�.·.:\gua.o.'" f,t�:, ��er�,. ,he,' hr,:I_ -than anything elsc is confidence, qneJ .. � -_ in:' thc other:, Thc; stuctent alsO can. �., Safford' is' the tbird man who h�s not afford' to oni-look thc, value: oft . �n elected to. the position· sinc,� the, I'" Th ..... ,,'5' "n:, "bsu'rd'- _L thesc qua ,t,cs. """ --i . �I()se·of last season .. Dann, 'tlie. pI111",- �Ji!C';r(':i(ln drawn, betwe�n: collegeing.fnll-badc,· "W�s' fi�si �h'os�n tC).sUc­;;Ild . :ifc� which, in _ reality; cloes . notceed ·SdnJ�necht,. and. � died: duri�g �xist.. A. reputation for' honesty', andthe' .summer; �apron,' thc . phenom· inter-ity'i!l' as much nef'ded 'in col-�i1al drop' kicker, was c1ec�ed infor- leg� a" in the life after,"mally to Dann's. place. Hc rcsignedin the face of recent ramors that hehad pb)�-. JWQfessional b�seb:al1 .. :' ' ) .. Ralph Renzies. who was promin­Che�tff:' W. Wrfgbt' has' been 'ap- ent ·:in 'drCtmatic •. literary and musicalpoi��� He�(f-or 'Mort" j,�i1 ,.; 'pla('(" .t:i�(o'4"� "n!'t year, 'has ,accepted a po­of A�socia�e p.:�fe5s;'� Her�rt', J �ition on' the Clevela�d l_eader an(,nav�np�rt:' �bo has rffently taken will not return to the 'University ,",isthe' �ition of. 'head �f thc depart- quarter. Mr. Renzies was formerlyI ment of �litjc:a1 economy in the proofr(ad�r on t�c Daily MaroonUnmrsity of Missouri. and has Wlany f�nds on tbe staff.. � .".: .. .,'• ',I, ,-, .: . � to.' .,', •.. ;_.�. . . '* •• �.I.:' .' '.", I .� . , .'.:'� 't.' ••• �� ... , ,� -,.... �- -�- .... to!' t.1• lIatIy) -Vol VII. No .... : .'CHICAGO, WE�NESDAY, Op-oEER 7. i9OB.-' , Price, Two CeD�GAUl aUlRlITEE OFDEPOSITS SOCIlUSntDinctar s_ eaPtiii steffen 'aDdM�oDTamwTdof�A&UDat ROo .......Ydl and Bone PractiCe Win BelIacle a -Part of Enthusiutic-- - ,, DOinP' oj ·K�t..-� .••for the Year.Total $I,943.470,582-SI ."Thus, from this statcment. if theassets of these banks, should shrinkSO per cent, thc amount yet remain- meeting in Kent - theater tomorrowing $,� would be morc morning at 10:30 o'clock. Thc meet­than twenty times �he amount ing will be caHed to order by Haroldplanned for by the advocatcs of thc B. Smith, presidcnt' of the' class ofbank gnarantee act -to insure deposi- 1()12. Officers will be elected for· thetors alr-linst loss. year, and the question of "'caring"The immediate ndcmption of all green caps' will also � taken up byd�PosilS is impossible. particularly in the freshies.a scritlus crisi� where cash would be From present indications theespecially needed, Such Ct panic as number of yearlings that will atendthat of ):'5t year would be a mere' hi� meeting will be 'ar1{est that hasb�gatell� .. howcver,' compared to .the enr b�n ,\t the Midway. Severalpanic which would occur under the candidatcs haye already becn me:n­l)ro"i5io';:5 of the pr,,!posed gov.erl1- titlned for the c71ces and a hard fightment guarantee of bank deposits.' is expected."Thc advocates of this act make a ifurther exhibition of ignorance by Extn Reynold •. Dance Pl�urging the absolute safety· of bank Owing to a !"istake, the datc ofI November 25, a dance. \\'as omittedfrom the R�ynold!' club programp�blishM yesterday.The class of 1912 will hold its first,LAII 'the oD17 'ot&cIi.fuader ......... pa"''''at the Uah-lit7. iThe bed tilDe to.t.c:ro.e IIN.OVV'1'..00 per' Q1IUteI'. 1»7 carrier.11.25 per qaaner � city maiL.$.00 pel' �. ..�THE DAILY MAROON,. WEDNESDA�� 'OCTOBE� .7. I�: __ ...•... __����������������������I��S����::��� �---------.".. ----------------'-.------���------------�.��1Jr Iailu .aroon :::�n=:;n �� t��e �:::e:;:y:::: i:·�VO"n: Score Club. meeting Th. urSd��'I' "S··: lZID·.• .r·Up· 01 Fr.' eslUlen" '�sidered . good euouah, an inere�sed 5'I'&:e OIlkUl 8tucleuL l'ubUcatloo oi t.he • t .. e"t in the athletic contests of 10:30 a. m., at Reynolds dub. Im-III �r ", '. d '.V&&itnail1 of Cblca&o. the cc.lIeges wculd make a .m�r�e portant, is a popular stunt among the Upper Class-in the present To L" "SI·Z-�" up PIO''''''' I·S mostThere will be a m�tin� of the uc cu r"freshm'1I1 class tomorrow morning at im portant for- every first year man - to1�:3C in Kellt. crt ate a favorable impression he n: ust wearc10tlJes with st,Ie, indi,dualil, and qua"'r •clothes made for College Men by CollegeTailors. Most Upper Classmen are alreadywearing our clothes especially those whoare correctly dressed.' :)?ROF. DAENELL LECTURES Freshman Debating Club DiscUsses I PWSIIT . JDURIE!--- Plans for Co�ng Year. t,.. I ured when;JoUNoted Authority from Kiel Univer- --- T betwe ..sity Disc�es German Colonial The Pow Wow Debating Society Chicago, IndlaniipolisPolicy. held its first meetiilg of the year last Cincinnati" Louisvillecn:ning in Cobb Se. Many of the . and .old 11lcmbe�s w�re presenet to. �is- French Lick andWest Baden Springscuss (.>Ians for� the coming year and "IOU ." by the ..,.Or tilemake arrange-ments for· taking in 1114.�Ii�ii· �!ii-"'.�ji' �·i··'·jiiii.�· members. About fifteen Fresh- I. y;n:ltI:1iIIIIUImen. debaters of some experience in" --= II: _ ==. _ _. == -� _ 1:1_ � ,their respcCtive high schools, were y_. Lecal 11ebI ..... 'on hand and each man made a shorttalkI -' //·E. -c .1W.O O'R E'I1826 W. 6Jrd StreetTel·Wentworth 2�I�------------------ir '1M Hotel Maroon1 ". 58th aad Drexel AYeI UNDER NEW MANAGEllalTIiESTAURANT AND WlleH ROOMFlr.t Cia •• �ea"__ . PPOtnpt serviceI TIle best of e,re"".ing serftd. at reasona"'e prices. !Muslc ere" erenl!1g in dinner·!.a"I . The Na� Hotel Co. . .J. W. Ward �.�·eN �"�" __ �_� �,,� _,�� �_M£N'TION The DAilY MAROOWilen rradia,· With Our· Advertisets�?,,�.��;;.:�.<:... � -:.-.:�i�;:;. ,EaICM iIa &-coucl-clua )laU aL Lht! (..,.icll�) iml)r("'enientPw�. (.."'1u�"O. llUuui». �arch 1�. 100.:. IVbdcr A4", u( lluch s, 1�i'l. DR HENDERSON TO ADDRESS·FIRST Y. M. C. A. MEETINGPublubN Jail,.. ",,'"lit SuIMla,.a. )lundll). a1Ml1IolWa7a. durihll thrue quan"h uf the . The Pre-Ifedic club will meet inOrganization .�it: Ho�d lrutial Meet-Kent tomorrow morning at 10:30, in-m• s l·n Haskell .A&Se. mbly Hall fl'"stcad :o t us , O·Clock.�.l'ozmerllTb" . CW;t!�t1 '01 CbiC8iO \\·""U!.FQUlICM\Ttw W4L't:kly. 0\.1u�1' 1. 1�.!.Tho Dall)·. 0 .. :w1l« 1 .. lW.!. A College Man'. Religion is theThe first regular' mid-week meet- subject of ,,'n' �l(ldress to �e'n of, theing of the Y oung Men's Christian Uni\'�rsity to be delivered by Pro­Association will . be held tonight at 7 fessor Charles' Richmond . Hendersono'clock in ·Haskell hall. in Haskci! hall this evening at 7:15.Dr. C. R. I-I enderson, chaphrin of Enter ing men especially invited.the t:niHrsity. will address the meet­ing .. DCI)artmcnt Sccrctary R. Nel­son intends to make this year's reg- business meeting Thursday at 10:30ular \Vcducsday night meetings pop- til Cobb :�C.ular among the University students.and plans to have every meeting ad- Student Tickets for the Chicago­dressed by well known men who are I ndiana game next Saturday will becapable of talking interestingly on pia ced on sale Thursday from 10 to�eligi("'us aud practical subjects. AI-12 and from 2 to 4 o'clock in Bart­though all men in residence ate lett affiliate themselves with Y. M. C.1511t.c:riJ,lUuo pr'l-e. $:S.OO Ill'r )'�: $1.00 furWe. 1Il0llLba. �ulM;.ri�uuo r,-'"-'in'\! at til.:Marouu 0111(.... Ellia IbU. Ul' ilL t.Ue l-'lM:lllt)" l::JL.�.·Cobb HalL.. ; Investigators' club will hold aPltESTON F. GASS. llalaaaiu& Editor.K1I:1. \"IX J. ADA�S. New. Editor."- L. FlUDSTElS. Athll'tic Editor.OSW AI..D F. NELSON, lluuloetlS lIogr.A.&SOClATE EDITORSREPORTERSA. wvrk. POW WOW IN FIRST MEETING"- I). WhlU1oJd. Roberta B. Owoo."- W. Wheeler. A. N. Pfeffer.;r. 8tdDe7�, Jlarlr&ye LoIJC.Jr.ditorial om� Belu� S P. m., EIUa nsn.VDl-nn1ty. Telephone H)�e Park -&:6,' After �'J). ilL •. � Pr-. 41-& Eo �th StZl.'Ct.. Tel,epboae HJde Pan .3ClI1. .Although the Freshmen who will-: � O�Before 8 Po 111.. Ella H.n.Ullhenitr. Tel Ibd. Park �. The first of a series of lectures tobe given by Professor Ernst Daenellof the University of Kiel, was d�­liver�d in Cobb hall ycsterday. Hespoke en' "The Commercial and Col­onial Policy of European powersfrom the Sixteenth Century to thePresent Ti��:' Professor Daenellwas introdticed by President Judson.The speaker gave an interesting_ dis­cussi.-,n of the subject.Professor . Daenell will . lectureevery Tueday and Friday at 12o'c1ocq in Cobb h:tll.' The 'Univcrsitypublic is iuvi.ted .. he voted in at a meeting in the near;f�tu�e wili. assume active· control of: .the affairs of the Pow Wow, the'members of last year will retain theiraffiliation with the club until things:lre well under way .. Weekly debatesN.... t'ODtrillutioaa ID&1 be l�t at Ellis Hall.... I'ac:ulty EzdiaDp, .dd.._t to the Dail1IIuI1cJD.'.;:.,.f :. '. -t �.I. A' proposition for the. organizationof athletic. competition between theU lliversity has beenReorganizing put' forward at CornellInter-Univer- and seems 'to fit - tlu:sicy Athletics situation at Chicagoclosely enough to meritserious consideratior.. The Cornellplan, as published in the Daily Sun,is as follows:"In addition .() havinl! a separate. ai-g;lnization, such as has bee�formed in some of the' colleges, it isproposed' to have a central board -. from Junior Ccl!ege ·Studentsmade up of reprcsen:atlves .. cient stirn. \tIllS for earnest endeavorFirst Meeting of The Quartereach college which shall have con- on the part of all Freshmen interest-at. Ten'ol over all athletic contests. In- '!d in the work.tea,1 of having a separate contest in -----Another :t1ceting of all '12 men of. EJe.,tions to the Junior Collegeeach' branch of sport and presentmg � debating ability will be called in. < II g pOI'nts COllllcil .;Jul for chairman· cf the \'a.. -F . Ia CUI' to the wmmng co e e, Kent theatcr at 10:30 rJ< ay morn-will be assigned to the colleges ",in- riolls Collcges. will probab�� t:�: !ng.ning first, second, third and fourth Jllace thi� morning at 10:30 w lcn.II fir"'t 11leetings of ·thc sevcral junior ANNOUNCEMENTplaces (s, 3, 2, I), and the co ege �winning the most points by the end colleges are held,. The men·s col-All men interested .in gym workof the year will be awarJed a bal�- :ege� will mcet . as. follows: who want· a pleas�nt form of bealthy-'"n'g "'I'tll I't tIle .athletlc Arts. room S· .. Ellis Hall; Litera- I h.• r •• exercise. are urge( to report on t ener ca.., ture. Kent chemical laborato�y; Phil-championship of. the UniverSIty. gym floor at 5:45 to Paul \Vagner.b . d t osoph'·. Kent theater; Science. KentThis plan has the 0 VIOUS a van .J instruct."lr. Material for the Varsity.' cllem,· laboratory (east room).f keeping interest m mter- «ym team is' in demand Lack ofages {.I. • all the Thc women's colleges will meet in 1'0 '. •univcrslty contests gomg'. experience should keep no one fromd f helping to preycnt any, the followmg rooms. zlltering the class.year roun 1 0 , L . ton' Litera·t uch as basketball. from Arts, room 2, exmg ,one spor, s C bb PI'I � ph"< Lexing-., h • and putting the ture, 6a 0; U o�o J' T I'fi d .t' tl D �IeclipSing t e reSl, .' L ray a c assl e a( m le al y.t f the competition in ton hbrary; SClcnce, room 3. ex-It will pay you.managemen 0 .f more or less permanent ittgton.chargc 0 a _.,....1 • t ad of the haphazard (hree-bouY, ms e. .. tion of the haphazard dl�ectlo� ofrl '1 dcc'ted team uncton Y '....Wheth�r or not any chang� m the. Ie Jumor eol­rescnt systcm l!!t ma< ,fege studenl_; shoultl have bcgun toI· bv this time that they are let-rca Ize .T. ol"ien oPI'Qrtunitics in �he wayun� g u••of -!xciting inter-colt.!ge competItiOnSslil) by. Soccer is a good game, and. t pia'" as well as tointcr('stmg 0 • J' •w;ltch. hut la�t ycar it had to b�abandoned, because of lack 0f play-H' k y tennis and half acrs. vC e , ,b in-do.zen other sports, coul�1 e.dueled in the charnpionslup se,nes,and half the students f,f the l;�I\'er­�it'< could be brought into one orotl�er of the various athletic contests.�Iembcrs of the Junior Collegesshould gh·c some consideration tothis plan, Now is the: time: to make: among the members wi�1 be under-HOLD ELECTIONS TO. taken at .once. and every eeffort ,,·iIlCOUNCIL THIS MORNING be made to procure another debate'with �orthwestern, . and probablyto Hold with Illinois. This will offer a· sufll-Dr. Henders{'n on Charity Commi:teeDr. Chades R. Henderson. Univcr­sity chal)bin.· '�'as a member of acommittee ,,·hich· Ill .. t in :\Iayor Bus­sc's office yestcnlay morning to takesteps to relicve the condition of the:Iestitute iamBics of the city. th('children of which havc heen found,> be :lttencling school daily withoutthier hreakfasts. The other memhcrsof t he �ommittee were: Presi(lentSclll;ci(lcr amI �chool board oflicialsSherman C. Kink�ley. Relief and Ai(lSociety: \V. H. Rrown. sccrctaryCh'ic Fedcration; Jlulge Julian W. FASHIONABLE LADIES':\Iack. Jewish Aid Society: J('lm W. GARMENTSReI mont. county a�ent: J. f. Kcn- IN THEnedy. St. Vincent de Paul socicty: NEWES!' SHADES ANDOr. W. A. E,·ans. hc.,1th eornmissiofl- CLEVEREST A. M. Wilson, Chicago Rnreau d SIBGBIt" BOLO'lIROwities. .so& lIaoaic Temple'FOWNES.GLOVES.meaD right gfoves--So buy Fownes aDd AYetrouble. We have an attrae.five CollegePoster --yours for the ·aikiog.�e('6wnkieTAILORS1 -----g�e 9{oot .�lu�iQ: �=��� S'". 0'·'. 0" 'Kj SOriginal Ideas and HxclusiveStyleSiD . �� .... .'I .PHOTOGR.APHS fga" floor· ..... to U. of C. S".d •• 1a415 E. 57th' StreetNext to Cor. of Kiinbarkof ALL Kind. at..HBWIT.TS,-----------�--------------�·�ntttem{t!'PboioJjrapl) �bop .. ·TIle 1Iest.�. / ·EIILIIRGIIlG .Eastman. KOdua.and Supplies-327 .E.' .-57th .StrcetTfie�oc.tbe clasp e:l.Sy. l.t!B ..ftat-t!lC only ",bSQ;.lutd1 C:1tel:uop cuteris thc' nri:;l1ton. Killi­ooa or me:! know this-bu,.them'rultl ,,"�r t!lt"Dl. The .. ear·ill there, nitcl·t�l�y e&.>L onl1 n quartera.pair •. P..('memher it.fIIIia'_liwac:a.. nl-.ulr .. � .BriijltOu -,. .:are made of '� pure ailk .. eb.. The patterns -are+�... ' Dew� eiclusin- �, ely 'eui)ugh ·to .satW,. ;.,.�. eTeryhotly. All metal pu18.are of heavi' nick4!1-pJated .m...·n·,.nur"cJealer:an'lllRlpply Jnut,·. pair ... ill be at upOn. receipt or p:' ,�.. ...iDa' .. '�:i:iiu � . -, .'. ' ...... �.. . ". . -·B. L. -AMES HAT co.ONE QUARTER'CEN�R:Y AT OI;D LOCATION- NOW AT-.90 ·£tST·-.IIBISON s-rREEr·'lRIBURB BUILDmG'STETSON SILK AND OPERA. HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EACH HATGLOVES UJlBRELLAS :-:" :-:-----------.----�-------�-------.�-------------------------.�flOR'Sr ... ./'.,,' .'272 .R. 55th ·Sueet.Tel H� Park: 31. ,/ .,�o-cent ranhoards' willnon-rcsidenSpaldings, 'The sche:de'nt ticket!chaser istime of 'b,ticket itselfAt the tiinepresents Iri!'site Hul! (the pasteb.the holderof the :Jicl.d. EXPECT GIndiaDa Gall• Bic AUStadeDt Slrow KomiManager lpariug to accrowd whento Marshallannual gamesaid yesterd.sudden displ"icillity oft"(lually CCiDirector St:J'61 drawing ,more than ccoaches, is,Stagg·s footof the oppcforw:lrd' pastactics.The seatmorning atgymnasiumto be resurn2 until 4 0ule - will .besale. No ti�CALLS G1. : 'D..:·....iI-t,-"-'(COIl.1 " dept)sits, .·would�bc.··. doubt thcgreat dealpir�ti���antee· "thd,a preacherIus Hock',, to. e�er�asldl.ctor topatienb'W''In reg;�eriment,'_ national s:pl�n,' thcr. evpose.ihe 'bai:ks'the. state,- 'to thc,:ac\trary trafunds frolto the stafore wholdecrease -ibesides. ttplained bcreps, anpear whelIn Nebrathan in Cthe prcselhad Neblas Okla�h;we beeact..··Failur,under tl�ystem (1('an pr\',"l'I'tl dell t I;mywh-:Tc�hail payty llot tl1insurance:t!le premnositor. isareci"sllIIIIII. III'IIOur Co.thes are Up to the ·Minute·None Better Made. EXPEcT OOOD4JDB �WB I Mil. LJa�.:o.:-not be. is!lDdiaDa Game. � wm I'roft�ce this year.a me AriractioD .. _ Sa;' . iIarDr�StudeDt �. sale 0..... TOIDM. A lare� per cent of the residentsI'OW 1I0miDc ill Bartlett. - in the women's halls are new stu-dents.Manager Norman Barker is pre-paring to accommodate a good-aized Miss Jane: Biaelow, is travelingcrowd when the Indiana team comes Marshall Field Saturday for itsannual game with the Varsity. He Miss Majorie Wells and Miss Ruthsaid yesterday that in 'view of the Hartwell are both attending Easternsudden display" of :confide�ce in the' colleges this year. . -"\'iciuity of ·B�oomin.ton,. and theequally cautious . :. p1eclictiQns" ofDirector Stagg.: the 'game. will �r.ove'a drawing card. Sheldon, perhapsmore than others of the "big eight"coaches, is fol1owi�g in Director Miss Helen Gunsaulus.Stagg's footsteps in taking advantage in Europe.of the opportunities" offered· by theIorward pass and other new football . -.Miss Inez Jackson. formerly a res­tactics.ident of Green Hall, is attendingThe seat sale wilt open .tomorrow-, ·Wells,:Coll.ege this year.morning at I() o'clock in' Bartlettgymnasium and will I�s� until nOOIl, � - -to be resumed "in the afternoon from. 'The; beach south of the2 uittil 4 o'clock, The Same sehed-. building was gay with' two moonlightule will .be. .followed for Friday's parties ias't evening. when the memsale. No tickets will be sold at the bers of both' Kelly and Beech. rso-cent rate' saturday. "The . �ard-. 'halls entertained th..e new hallites.hoards' wi.ll ,be put �t the' disposal of Marshmallows were . toasted, songsnon-residents tomorrow morning' at" were sung and both .partiesSpaldings.' .' .. ,',.. , ,' .. ' .'. r enjOya.ble eveni�g. ;,'The scheme followed with the' stl1.�· '..dent tickets is 'a� .follows: The pur':':' .chaser is handed a re�eipt at the I ILLI�OIS COACHES WARN.time of' buying his ticket and the TJtAM OF STAGG'S 'TRICK�ticket itself is .plaeed in an .envelope, .\ __ JAt 'the tiine o�the' p'me. -the student I ��ten .Fear 8t�eIl. :and Arepresents Iris re�eipt at the' gate oppo- Wbriing 'Cm 'a -DefeDtie :tosite Hul! Co�r,,' and. is .'tpen. handed Stop Him.the pasteboard: The ticket' entitlesthe holder to a seat near the centerOf the ;fie1.d. in 'the: rooters section. . The old members of Green· HallIrBve � party last night tothe new 'students,Ready to Wear &nd to Your MeasureSIJITS an'" OIlERCOATS,515.(18 to 535.00·LANGSFROlWPhoneCentreJ 477aTHE HYDf PARK PRINTING CO�Succesors to.GEO. w. CURRIER a: co. and MATSON a: TRENARY.Uiiinrsity of Illinois coaches. stu­de�t$.:a�d p�ers �fea� ,t�at ;J?ir��torStagg and. the Varsity team a!,e dan­�CAL�S GUARl.JfTEE O� gerous ·��ntenders for the large �"d... .: .:. 'DBPOSITS ·SOCIALISTIC of-the��ct)re··in''the,p�e·.()ctober. �7.�...;... fcc-', '�;��;:j "� :;_�·�t '!h.��·J.t:� 10���g�.upoif-�t���i��O.!"!�(Continued from page I.) clash with Marquette as a matter pcourse. and: the trio of ur���.:.��. : .'.' .. " ua'te: co��hes, Lowenthal; Hall �� f r---------.---�-- .·,.deposits, a.:5. l.. '.�b .. SOI.ut.e. ?ecu. 'r,i�.Y1 t...iiadg.... �n �.r.e po�t1.·ng i," prote�.�'!i I . I-I'would� be pos�t1��e �1� <�n�l�g. " N� for .. the: big -eontest .:,!ith !Jle <;bica)o . .. doubt the advoCac� of thi� act. has' a team, 'and' are prepari�g. a' defe�� C &1 �l;e .g�e C a f e Ig�eat_ deal to d� With pre�!Alenbal. as- that will stop Captin Steffen. T�y, £ th St.plr�U.�.��� .. �ski�g .. ���rs. _to: �r- have a wholesome respect. for !l'� W - 55 •antee their d�poslts ��� as If 'aSklD� wily Chic-a1to leader. . . NEAR LEXINGTON A W.a preacb�r. tocguarantee that none ot Coach Hall, ��ho ,owas the OrangeIns Hock. would .ever tell a lie, or KO and Blue emissary .at the Chic�go. to. everlasting �amn.ation, or asking ,a. game �th p¥id�e·,.· was h,u�y all "tedLctor to guarantee that 'none of his time ,with paper-an;d pencil and lhe- patienb:would �:v�r.di�._ ",' .. , .. : btbifthd'*=k'a �4iagram of Sta"'� UP-TO-DATE PLACE TO EAT•. 10 regard to the- .oklaho�mi ex: be'St' OUrid�gaining rricks, He ;rc�eriment', 'wllich 'the ad��ocates of the ports,grho�.e\"�r, that the :numher .. �f. national sy�tem use to�' ilustrate their tricks .used was limitel, :and' that Pi,pl�J1.· there are' �e"eral f�lIacies to 'r�ttor .Stag�: i.:. saving his Lest ones I. evpose. The increase' indepo'shs. of f�r ,th����l1Iin� Lyon Gardiner, t�� Try us" and if pleased, tell 1.-\MAlfDI�'Oinst'l"U'Cl!rOuLINmelll»nta�·ABDjoC:nsrlf?Gr�l�II.·all·lARd(llillihe 'ba.:ks under the guarantee law of Reet half-hack of last year, is in all.Y- I your friends; if not, .u."g.a.A ....., the. st�te, :W�ich' is ascribed,of course. tbin� bot encouraging shape fbr t TELL US!: to �he,:act, is really due to a� arbi-Iwork, and. it is,doubtful �f '!e will'be ,_______________ and Guitar Orche!"tras. Ada Roger.;trary transfer of the state school able _ to <:erne ,around in time by a �fandolin ·'Virtuoso. late of "Russianfunds from �he' national depoSitOrie�lweek from -Satu�clay. 'I .Court Orchcstra," N. y, 308 Ea5t 60thto the state'insirutions, and is there� . TIIB URIOR HODL i Street._ Thone Hydc Park 1960.fore wholly unreliable. Similarly lhe '., AlQ) 1t:ISTAt1llAK'l Idecrea::.e -in riatiohal bank depOsits, :aIVAL ;W0llBN::11VBS 'FIT 111-117 Raadolph Street , MANY BOOKS IN ONEbeside::..this 'Ooc transacti<Jn, is c:x- r.FOR'THBIR GAIlE TODAY I ·1 • WE.ST.1l9S •plained by, the . necessities of the . THE· POPULAR PLACE "I I NTDNATIONALcrOPS, and· the decrease ,.'will disap- "'Qi6ma".ad ....,..._,'·COa&d�t:o. TO EAT 1, il 'DICTI'ONARYpear when the crop rettl�ns come in. W"umin& Fatale Bftat: of W. A. ..:Eilh�r· before or after ahc ,: .. J!laa.. ..... III"'U .... .u. __N 1 k I" I ;.- ==F-=� ..In e Jfas a"an even': arger�mcrease ·A..�oa. . '1 ·Theater II , 1IIra.,.,....._�than in Oklahoma' as occurred, under 1_ 'I . ���=:: ..the prc5cn�n atio�l, .. la,,·s. No doubt, "Giant or Pigmy?" asked the eage' : W. make - Special� of Club . I =:'��.riiiM::"had Nebraska had such a state bW: junior as she rushed up to the ;un, I ,ancI .. F:��i� Pinnera. , • • �':..�:::::: ...Okl h h· Id' f h ! ....... -.-----�------. • M '� a o�, t e mcre�se wou suspecting -fr�an. The res mal ���ha"c hccn as�ribed rcntirely�'to th;at _as_not.foun·d '1V�nting, for w. ith cart' i ...... CIiIIIIIIIIa ..I � .act.. . �h" ·h·.d· r"ad f the' Imlletins and po!'t· 1 t'!L .. h II ' 1 I .. I.'" ... .. e IC .",l"SOClatlon (" (!' It!' annua rc- I__ ....;;a.I�nTlrN"Failure� ha\e already oCcurred ferS. not orily in 1.exington. Ha�kr' . Icepth)n to ncw s�udcl1ts. Aftcr th(' Iunder the Oklahoma system. 'No and Wlaker; but even those in frn,,' �mc, there will be a gcnt-ral gOllf' II�ystcm of suarantcl" bank tlepoSit5 of Cobb, and she knew .of the cofli('t time. with refrcshmcnt!" and dane'('an pn"'cnt failures.. \Vc:,k' _mi' in- billed for this afternoon in Lc�infl; ;'1J[. ..\11 "'omcn of the Unh'crsit, Inll1\.ie. nt;.cers 3re apt . to occur to,-. gymn ..... nJ' m. "'Pigm' ' .. ," -hc- an .. I TI I' .f' ";Y J'" ;\rc IIIvttC(. lC lDeup or the- l:a01('anywh'!rc, The questio nis, ""ho .. were-d' finnly. =s :to; £oHows: I�hail pay for their-mis:akes. Certain- .�·Good! Sit with o!'; we'l he ·th. (jiants. Pigmics. ily not the good banks. In 'aU other f'ed!ll. you kno,,·:· and, having satis,. Frne�tine Evans .. F .. �Iiss Lh'ermon'!insurancc plans, ,�� ''benefitted' pay� fattorily 'Pi�on .. hokc1 the nc"· root r.')orence Tyley Miss Ortmayt-r It!1(� premium, and similarly the de- er. the Junior hurried on. ,.r I P k eEl P I,e en ec .. ' _.. tlel restC'n"ositor. if he' w:ants';his cIepo5ih in- The''YiCtory.t:WiJl!M �ecjdecl thi!' 'rene Hastings_ .. G Elcanor Fricndsared •. should. S1and thaJ eT.�nse�:.. . afternoon, when _,�he .\V��en·�. Ath· �Iamie Lilly Alice Groman' -==============-Pu"'-"ers -, E.."rallersPrintersWE ARE 'PREPARED 'TO HANDLE ANYTH�N� INTHE LINE .OF PRINTING.368 East· 55th Street.BOR·DE.N�'Condensed Milk, .Fluid IIilk, CrUIII. and Buttermilk.AU Bottled: in the Country.Borel.-. Condenaed IIilk CCI627-633 .K. F'orty-aevcDd!. St.-..1THE ::MOS'r POPULARANDWe use 001)" the bestMeats 'and Foodstuf(s.'I. ,I,,. ,IItI,I.. .. ....., -.. No. 104 E. M�D.$t.Near Deal.rborn _}Selz Royal 'BlueShoes. for all. wearers.'-WH'EN ·you· s= readyto buy shoes this; fall,make a test of our claimsabout the Royal Blue shoe,at $3-50, $4, ·$5-We asSert that this s�.qewill fit be�r, feel better,look better, wear betterthan any shoe you ev:�r_saw or wore.Every Selz shoe has aprinted guarantee of satis­factipn on it; and we'llmake it good.LBON-S184 Clark Street!".,rt Dearborn· Bide.(jpcn c\'cning!' un:il 9: 'Corr.e and �ee some snappy sprinc I, 'styles in Cel!ege C .... thes at�Benedict WaldTailor214 East 55th StreetTelephone 2860 Hyde Parltft�:���-:�· .. ,,�- " .. - ,�,",» .. ' ... 1 .. ' ••",,' : .I : '.� � .� .... ' . .GYM TEAM OUTLOOK BRIGHTBcrDdt# Smith. Kennedy aDd Daviaof Last Year's Team, Appear at�'First lleetinc Yestcrday-Cbam­,pionship Chances Good. ORGANIZE BRYAN CLUB IDemocrats Start �I Y_ with ICampaip Association.•A Bryan and Kern, club was or-ganized yesterday morning at a. \Vith Berndt, Kennedy, Davis and meeting held in the Law school atLouis' Smith back in the ranks and which a hundred or so loyal Demo­the probability of Bartlett's return crats attended. While the nucleus ofnext quarter, the prospect Hor a win- the association is composed of menning gym team this year arc decid- in the Law school yet it is the in,edly bright. After the first meeting tention of ,::� club to derjve itsof the gym class yesterday afternoon membership from the whole Uni­Coach Wagner expressed the opinion versity community, 'that the chances of capturing the The club will hold meetings week-'chamvionship from' Wisconsin next Iy at which some prominent Demospring' are unmistakably good. "If crat will speak on .sorne phase of theBartlett comes back in the winter campaign. The first of these meet­quarter," said \Vagucr, "and every- ings will be held next :\Iondaything goes along smoothly as we ex- afternoon at four o'clock in Kentpect, 1 see no reason why we haven't theater. The speaker will be an­a fine show for the championship this nounced later. 'The club intendes toseason. All the material at hand is have :\lr. Bryan address it, the nextex cclle net, hut there were only two time he passes through Chicgao, Atnew men out this afternoon and there the meeting held yesterday morning�h�mld be a much better showing the following officers were elected:than that. All who are at all inter- .\luellich, president; Yaples, vice­ested in such work cveen though they president; Stewart, treasurer; ::\loore,have had no experience ought tc secretary, Any men who wish tocome out and at least join the class." join should lea�e their names at the\rt1� L' st year's team carried off sec­ond place in the intercollegiate con­tests, and four of its members, witha year's training and experience be­hind them, form a strong basis tobuild upon. As the regulations re­quire that the number of members ona team shall be five, there remainsone place to be filled by fresh mate­rial: At present Barron and Leviton,IJOth considered promising, are theonly candidates for the position. Inaccordance with the recent athleticrulings Freshmen are not eligibile.Among the first year men who willprobably make 'next year's squad isEd 'Russell� from the Hyde ParkHigh,"Captain. Otto Berndt will special­ize on the clubs and horizontal bars,Aind �ennedy ull the rings and par­allel bars. Smith will resume hisstar work (In the horse, while Daviswill perform on the rings. 1,All four are living up to their rep­utation and will be ,sure point-win­ners. Zeidelback of Wisconsin is in­eligible, and Nebraska and llinneeso- THE GARRIOKInformation office.The club will be addressed on.\fonday by Samuel Alschuler, for­mer Democratic, candidate for gov­ernor of Illinois, and at present amember of 'the Chicago bar. The ad­dress will be given in Kent at 4.The cover design of the Universityjf Chicago Magazine has been de­• igned by Thomas B Stevens, who ishead of the department of illustrating:n the Art Institute.Better subseribe- today. -., CoU�e �Ch�pl.With a baiIkeri.Dc fOI: dUb Im4 oriciaaJi� . in, ,draa are m., IltaDtIy trOll _ � -CUSTOJlBRS ,b7 .e' cIotbM �ue deriDe tbem at $IS to $35- 'They ue .clothes_ of .TOP��#in style as aliy� as at electricall, dwp4 wire. , aDd superbl�tailorecLWbcD ,70u're down town. e�e in. A &I� chair aDda cordial Inp-o'-tbe-baDd a�,�u �wiih, ��lute1y � ,ob�.catioD to�. . '£DWARD£S CLOTHES SHOP,Mark them and.: see - Corli" ,.;Cooo Collarsoutwearctbers. !beY -:are strong. hand, nlade � :At.oIuwb-. �oa ea.' i •DOt. �e' beU.r ap. ,»euaDOe. .".e. a&.OODIIIDC&.IoD.. wear.Vol. VII. 'JFR�SHI'II ,� ..............•......••...VARSITY' CAFELe rendez-"ous des- ,Et�dlants�� " Last Hea,Contest·PlaySPBCIAL LUlfCHBON,� Indiana �"Howlil1lAllrs. R. M. Gregg, 5743 Drexel. \ venue, will serve a specialluncheon from I until 2 I). 111 ••Ior, University students. Price'twcr-ry-fivc cents. The tirscored a gthe last hI ndiana gaout, whichgates agaiextreme, tance of tIthe scrimfour touchby the Ireing a "oaline.The line:IS followshom, endkles; Bohllladellochstock, R<?J,and SteffeIddings, }get into� tor Staggstrenuous,.�p�{vF' -tb:- .... �� .. � ... 4�� ......... ��.,._.�� ....... _���· •. tlee,Oar�ncthalfback":te:llils of'�dling.!lieicJ ',waleiog to A3Hirshl •er ·as gu;.gOOd fon. has bcen·scrimmagplay apimer hasthis weeJ, lae ' suS1BilItH Purd47C E. 55MEALS 2Oc. and up."Mrs, Gregg's luncheon is all1that arty-me could wish:'R. T, Miller, Jr., Presiden�American School. I S'HERVVOOD �8HA�L,. ,,':: 7-24 ,FjDe Arts BuildingBest Modern Principles of Artistic. Scientific and' Practical Value. 'Eminent Teachers ih all' Departmen ts including ,William -H: H. Sherwood, Direc tor; Arthur .Beresford, DanielProtheroe, Wm. Apmodoc, Jos. Chapek. Georgia Kober. JessieNewlin, Mabel Osraer and others.' For Catalogue, address"ADA H. HOLIIES�:'Secy, ' WALTER KELLER, lIanyer. " .. -, .. ' � _ -,�sJ' f··�·····�··�·�··�·-·······ROB'ERr. C. LINDSAy·NIAA different.yet a mostconserva­tive s�yle1Sc._' foa"i5e. .-It's anARROWCollar LINDSAY ,BROTHERS •;:.TAILOU. -. .:�.:.. � .....49 AND.:sl 'JACKSON; B�Vp�� , CHICAGO; _ ILL ,',.. '.. ";':'�VI" • ".ILLINOIS�i ,j J-" -A .ltI_J1,_S • ltI E, B T �.A WALTZ DREAMBy Oscar Straussto are not feared.In the meantime Captain Berndt MR. WILLIAM FAVERSHAMP:-esentsTHE WORLD AND HIS WIFE'. ,I plans for two meets with two cityY. :,1. C. A:s the West Side this�Iuarter, Hyde P;lrk next Cluarter.This will give the men valuable pre­liminary practice fol' the final con­test,It is to be hoped that Coach Wag­ner"s call for material will meet witha hearty response. I t was largelydl1e to his efforts that gymnastics asAi "arsity sport have attained theirllresent rank at. Chica&o. CHICAGO OPBBA. HOUSBTHE DEVILw,ithHE�RY E. DIXEYI �l.:.."....� GBAlfD OPERA HOUSB·WILTON LACKAYEinTHE BATTLE� • i; .':i I" 1Iii: l. ANDERSON COACH AT KNOXBig Center is Engaged to Work withLine lien..ItCYIOKBIL'SThe twenty-second Varsity athletet� bc.-come a coach is John A'nderson,who yesterday Idt to work with theKn\)x college line for the next threeweeks. The taU center was unex­pectedly declared ineligible this year011 account of participation in a gamewith Indiana for four minutes in1905. Up to the time of acceptingthe position with Knox, he helpedh-Olll Doseff teach the freshmen foot­ball. LEW DOCKSTADER'S::\11 NSTRELSWHIT.BYTHE BIG SUCCESSA BROKEN IDOL STUDBBA.K,BB.,::.,FRITZI SCHEFF" 'in the' first. production' ofTHE PRIMA DONNA· .:No'Money,DoW'. '.OOLOBIALGEO: M; COHANand his Royal F�milyand Incomparable Co. ,.-,: :'300. K� .. m�r�-J�i�� .. In 70Ur owa'holDe. make SQre,tbat·it.ndts 70iIn eve.;. pUticul�. ��' 70U' are So" � satidi.(p&7usPOWBltSTHE SERVANTIN THE HOUISE 51,65TBB PBIBCBSS .i- : .. "T::t:.. ; �" -·Ia'�"W87 7OUlike. eYeD as low as"S1�a'�eeK.8'lARClt 'RIA'.O�R���bsO to "SOt atGREATLY �UCED PRlcU'"it...� THIS SAL&.. : � .,''THIS COUPON IS WORTH A TEN DOLLAR BILL,�ut it out "at once, ' Don"t thr:ow away money. We not only SAVEyOU o\·er a hundred dollars. 'but permit the smallest payments EVERknown, (as low as' $1 a week); ,ask--n;;,money in' advance and ,give, " ._/. Jyou '�'o to boGt� Om 10u, beat it? "Oat�·toWD PatroDS are iDYited (0 a..n ,tbeIMeheS ofIIOST h.... iadaceme..ts,. j ,, : sible platbinalionsThe ,.(:,b:)Ul hiday, b�l�Ieeplythe prO!"The Quality Musical Pby"A STURBORN CINDERELLA,Iland A GIRL AT THE HELMCECIL LEANandFLORENCE HOLBROOKthe La Salle Tbeat .. r Stor.k. "110 PUR CRlmIT DUE BILLCUT OQT.THIS 'COUPON800D .allTeD�Uars.Policemen's Benevolent, AssociationCOHAN It HARRISpresentFIFTY MILES FROM BOSTON One of these Coupons good asFIRST PAYMENTtowards purchase of StarckPiano at this sale, atAvenue Chicago, III.Have you boob or other penoaalHitchcock Meeting Tonight.. \V�nted-Yo\1ng lady roomers. AllDr. A K. Parker, hC':ld of Hitch- thc privileges of a home to right property for sale?cock Hall, has issued a call for a parties, Apply to Mrs. S. E. Heald,in the Daily Maroon claaified col-hotlSe meeting tunight at 9:30. The f,0.l9 Dre-xel, first floor,purpl)� e uf the meeting will he to get PiaDos, Sblppecl- to AD7 Part of the United Stateson ,..._ Liberal Terms. Write for FREE CatalopeLth� new members acquainted and. or- I P f I f kWante( - roo real er or "'or at hr Ii ad.�ani.7e the Hall for the new ,year. n;glit. See managing editor Maroon a t ee, nePlans for sC\'eral social functions ,'D 'Dn.:s Hallufficc, Ellis hall. Office AlUduring the quarter witl also he dis-c\l�sed by the members. P. A. STARCK PIANO CO.,IlARVPAcmJUB8 -�� .. 'WabaIl Awaae.· N ... Adame Street.(PbiIlips'Fall Showing �en's Hats an� Fixing238 L 55� Street