;�:w�:j:.ad ';.tUd_�.eeives 41red for..t. ' ....lor POIDts',_ �ajors �...... :Ilew I��a :ltudeateler's �:it for.a studeat'� as lour)5e honorstandard.:aba. notdismissedsecause of;eady has:) contimarecord. :will nor the ne.• et Assem­·t will bets now ining it b,'in the Oe­Universit)'·.tion ",·hie..ecord an4heretoforelJ'e Abro.iIe yester.Professesd of thelS lecturer:ngen fro.�essor Man:the Dra�, ., ..',.n EastburnAvenue.·�... j"!j:1-;,i�- ;-.,.'...... 'J. ! .t'�. II_till.... �", tlnrpun: Vol:-_ .VU. No� 2. r: - --r- "CHICA�O. SAURO.,. v, O:CTOB��.{ 3, 19().i. Price Two CentsOIImn BiRo AID _lAD ,iDs fusaiuN stAPP LAUCH 1,90aJooTBALL _ • rLAN COUISE IN CIIIIIlNG'Y1RSm PREPARED TOlLUIII:-A&AZIIE _ JOII Vlat Studeat Dirc:ctecl Tbroacb the SEASOI 'iii ENTHUSIASM Campolocy.La!est Addition to S�y DEFEAT PURDUE TODAY. !Jaily to Phi � HOllIe, WlIcre Schtedule. Will be Pursued by Uni-. Newl, .·C0a801idated ·lIontbly PtIIaIi- He Receiv. Ropl Welcome - First. Purity Banquet of Year Puts versity Chance Rinling Guild-catioD � Orpn of University ·.leU. Hia Experieacea. . Rooters, Speakers and Cheer- Instructor Coming.� Gr��, Leaden m��e LiehL . '- ._-'..... ..,.. Yt'r,' . they' 'r f�'. himl'(.�.md all Of cours-e you ha ve registered byWiD � Caned the UDivenity of through the�'DaiJy' M.arooli.'· Harold Id� Makes Speech of this time. but that does not put you Purdue Heavier. Chicago Faster-CbiCaco JIacuiae-F"1rSt laue Russell·Stapp, who sprang into Six' Worda-Op�on; o� Today's . r t uf the running for a course in Lack of Subs a Handicap-ScoreOc:tober IS. fame as being the first freshman who ProspectS· Reserved. C:lI11IH)logy, according to the an- May be S:nallwas ever known to lose himself on --- ' nouucement made yesterday by llr ..the campus. read his student paper ll;IY the best team win! David A. Robertson, secretary to the Chicago. Purdue,As a combination of the Chicago �esterday, and saw that he "as want- A magnificent outburst of Chicago prt.·sidellt. Campolcgy? If you are Page, 150. R. E ..... Shade, 165, L. E .Alumni Malfclzine and the Univer ed by Eugene Eastburn of the Phi enthusiasm greeted the Purdue foot- a shark in philology. presumably y( u Kelley. 185. R. T. Eggemow,' 2OO.L.T.sity of Chicago Record, the Univer- Delt .. house. Full directions ,,,ere oall team in the first 'purity banquet know what it means, nrul you need Ehrhoril.I�.R.T. 'Kassabaum.17S.L.G.�i�y of Chicago M:1gazine has taken gh'cn, and, foltowing these instruc- of the season yesterday evening in no further elucidation. But SUPI)l'S Badenoch. li8. c. .... Lickey, 18-4. C.its place in the list of publieatiions rions, he, aceordiag to his statement Hutchinson Hall. II;.{ you nrc not" wouldn't you be Worthwine. 165. L.G.Sparks, 19S.R.G.on the campus. The new publication yesterday, entered upon a worricd The boi1ermake�,. squad, with ikely to suspect that Campology Hoffman, 178! L.T.Brundige, ISo.R.T.will make its: Jitial appearance with and unsuspecting crowd 'or- anxious Coach Fred A. SPcik �nd Proffessor :tad something to do with battlefields Schommer, J67.1_ E.(joebel, 155, R.E.the Cct�.ber .ssue, which comes out friends at the fraternity house. and, Stanley Coulter at its head, sat with nul : tent-pitching? That would be Capt. Steffen. 160. Q. Ruffner, 165. Q.October '15- it being the noon hour. he enjoyed a the Marron players at the end of the entirely logjcal, yet .such is not the Iddings. 158.L. H.Rochfonl, 155. L.B.The University of Chicago �Iaga- good, square meal, Last night he long hal! and shared. in the hearty meaning of the word. Cnmpology, Schott. 166. F Gettinger, 172, F.zinc \"�Il be published and owned by was among the most enthusiastic at welcome of the sQo�Chicago' rooters .... it is understood by those who Crowley, 170. R. H.Capt. Halloway.the University Alu�ni Assaciation, the big ·'Purity" banquet. to the: football season of Jge8, know jt best, is the art of ringing 163. R. H.It wil! be the: official monthly maga- "1 was anxious to find Eastburn, Director St?gg'_ ��s toast-master chimes correctly,zine o�f the Un�versity, as well as the and he was just as anxious to locate brought out hearty responses from This new feature of the broader After barely two weeks of prac­:\Iumi_li Association, and will be .ed- me;' said 'Stapp yesterday. ··Just Professor Coulte:;Pro£essor "Teddy" Universjty education is to be studied lice, with five veterans on the Chi­ited �intly by George Owen Fair- think of it! Here 1 have been wan- Linn, Dr. Raycroft, . Coach Speik and assiduously by the guild for chime cago team, Chicago is going into the\veat�r, �eneral Secretary of the dering around for two. long weeks, Captains Holloway and Steffen. Th� ringers now being organizcd among �ame with Purdue on llarshall Ficld.\Iumni ,Asso�ia�;on, and' Assistant �ver sin'Ce I came up from 'the South. scntiments oif the :speakers were· for the studcnts and faculty; prospcctive ·.his afternoon, ready and sure to. Recorder Horace Sueiu::er Fiske. It [ forgot the address Eastburn gave ath�eiic purity. and ··M�y the best !ncmbers of which are urged by llr. �vin. The game will be called at 3will ��. published by the U'lliversity me, and 1 ',,,as all up in tbe air how team win." R(\berts')n to send thcrr names to 't'clock and promises to be full of ex­Presi.' Benjaolin, Wilk is business to 'ever reach him. I'm not saying Harold Iddin,g(. and his brother, him. The work of the guild will be- citement from start to end. AlthoughmaDater- \"here I ha"e been. but, l"v.e had .Maurice (.,f Purdue, were introduced �in in earnest in a month. when an Coach Speik has had a wealth ofit $, !h'e intention of .the editors p�etty fine treatment. However, by .Mr. Stagg, aed: Hal, for the first hlstrt1ctor and director of chiming material from which to pick }aisto' _kc the '.new paper a· general I � ��I.ad,,�� .,�e! back. I ,guess they time � ... hi.;' football career, made � will be secured from the East. eleven .. contrasted to the meagreUuiv�rsitv magazine� '.'of. interest, ,;v�)U�t !�ke �lDY cha�ces with �e an� brief's..,eech_ Lickey, ·the veteran Thc necessity of a knowledge or:alike1O:--:th�:fac"tic·�;_s���nis.0,! ..t�: ·�crr:;.·'o BU4,t� .change �.the:��j�.t� "B�jJer�)*r:'t"e����.n-spon� �tr.w�-:�lJgi�:.,,:t��is,,...c:UJ�pol':lIU" i- r,- ..c!1mp�s ':iu;'C t�ctAhini� J�}1� :map- �y. �l�o�e, funty, ban(l�et� �.re ::·.,�b�y to a .t.o�st. Neither Captairi . Hollo';' is emphasized by _llr., Robertson. ir.zinc 'frill publish .. the' official .news 01 Ime, aren t they?" way Ilor aptain Steffen expresscd \·iew of the numerous accidents.somethe' Uni\'�r;iity, 's�di a,s �he quarterly ;OIlMONS BREAKS ALL confidence of a vlcto�y today;' though ,f them' ratal,that h;l\'c resulted fron:stateillent, th� '. �eside'nt's quarterly RECORDS DUitNG SUMMER both were sute their teams would de;- inexpcrienccd mcn attempting to op:I;jdr�� the r�rt5" (.f. the ruling -. their .utmost' to. W\11 erate· the brlls.bOdies .and the iaCultie3. and reviews Stewai'd Barrel!s. ,Report. �rd:", High praises for the '··Old Man" 'Tbe Alice Frcman Palmcr chimes. • " breakin'" DaiI·' A.,,;_'-_ of Four- ' . J U f C I' I . I h' I .of bf,{-.ks by memhC"rt; eif· the faeul- .. 'I -_- were given )y .a; ro essor oulter and ". lie 1 'are 110W 111 I. ace Ig 1 up II�ties. ; ....".11 tbe �ws of interrest to . teen Hundred Mc3Is.: CelClch Speik, uf rurouc .. and to lfr. .\Iitdwll tow<"�. will he prominent iralumni will be handled as forme'rly, The Commons had its busiest 5tagg was ascribed the credit for the the futurc musical amI religious his-.An addition' in this department will summer in the history of the Uni- presenl reformed state of athletic� tory of the Univcrsity. as thcy ha,'l'be t'IC' news of thc sP.eci�1 Alumni versity, according t'o 1\(r. Barrels in the West. .Mr. St,agg himsclf pail. heen since their installatil)n late lastAssociations, such as the asSociations yt"sterclay. During the first term. of a sltkndid tribute to Coach Speik July. The wl)rk of placing t�e bell:,of the LaW' school, the Divinity the quarter the meals served C\'ery who was. much movcd by the praise ,\'as a ditlicl1lt engineering fc.lt. Theschnol and the Doctors of Philos- 'ay averaged over '400. while the of his former instructor. 10J' of the t �'cr hael to be lifted ofophy. For the undergraduate, there total numher 'of meals for the month for the occa!"ion. and thc chimes leIwill be a spccial department. There l\f July was about 45,000. The aver- �t� F�tba1l Song lown frnm :lho\'c' the Imi1cling. Sincrwill be a review of the happenings of 'lfrC for the second term of the quar- The following Varsity , footbal then they ha"e heell rung fnr fiftect':he . month, :md also a column open ter was '.300 meals a day, and the song, to the tU,ne of "Looks I,ike a minutes cvery Sunday before �cr·f . I . I�' N' ht T . I ., b " d 'dccs, and were al.so \t�ed at theto all studcnts or artlc es on tOPICS total number served was 37.390. The �Ig & Ig omg tt, ,,�as S\1 mltte •f I . l t I b f d 8 yesterday'. ..urn mer convocation and the FTcsi·" genera meres. reCf'r( num er or one ay was 1,72There will also hc several'lcading me::ls, It looks to me like Maroon victory, :Ient's reccption. At. all future:trtic:les on subjects of intcr�st to a There were sixty ,,'aiters in the Maroon victory. l\(aroo!, victory. chapel services 01� llond:,ys. Tu·cs.- : ,., 't I an "dl' '. h' h:' Fc.,r·--·hen Stef g,'t"'. th- ball. l't'S •.•. da_,'s :l.nd Thurs.da�·s. relig' ious h"'mn�L-mvcrslty cr,mmum y, am ... - commons an t !s quarter. t IS bemg" _ ., ... oJ oJtorial section. Contributions for the :� ;argcr number than e,'er before \\'as touchdown:""that's all, will be pI3)'ed for the five minutes �e,'enteen sticks of Varsity timbermagazine will bc acccI):ed from al1 ·mpl,"'yce1. The changes made last 0;,. it looks like llaroon victory·! beforc thc exercises. :Ivailable to Director Stagg. the su-J\c("ording to the -latest plans.a dr- I,erl'or rref)er."I .. III·P ()f ··\\·· ... III·c·· I'S c ... -students. helpe,l materially to handle the large f"o" .. ". - d Y. M. C. A. Welcomes Freshmen cubr staircase ,,·ill soon he built, te ','''cte(1 to •. w. "eI ""I'tll tile' s·moothn"ssSANDERSON. '08, TO STUD.Y <"row<1s ot St1nlmer stu ents. " ...." ..." I b f f h he t.,p of the tower from which ;l, LAW AT WISCONSIN The present quarter has opencd up .,. arge 'num er 0 re� men "'ere 'lI1el �p\·ed nf the Varsity machine.hetter than last year. as between 750. welcomed by the Y. �I. C. A. at it!" i°od view of the �outh side can b" 'Thc Roilcrmakers' regular line\lphad and the chl'me rl·ngers. c."n � ..• . .." outweighs the Varsity by a total of;eell in .\1ction. ·Ihont ;5 pnnnels� and the ;avcragewciJ,tht of thc men from Lafayette isBAND READY FOR ·BIG GAME 'R.l rOllnel .. to 168 for the Maroons.Punlue he'S a s'rnnJ,t tine, and if itl"wo Days of Hard Practice Mak� .... nearly puncture-proof forMen WC'rk Smoothly. h' .!:i,.;::!.,. the oottnJ: skill of Captain�h·'t�n. Pa�l' ancl Schommer will bc-e1i,'c1 upon to .. core. The rootersf('d th:at th(' s('ore rna,· nl"t he a larJte�ct the nlt'n ... ufti,·iently harmllnizecl one allel that a lar�e part of Chica­to make a showing this afternnon at I:o'� .. hare of it witt he from the foothe P'1nh1l' g:ml<,·. The pr:acticl' s(' ... · w(\rlc of thesl' men... iol' la!'tc(1 until c1o!'e to 9 c,'clock Y c .. tl'r(lay·s practice ,,'a!" de"ot",1':'on�id('rin� the f:lct th�t ,,"ly ',,'f' I�' �i"cll"1 (trill and :nircctor St:\�glays ha\'e h('en de"oteel to playinJt. f'�rr(' ... c:('{l him4;;elf as usual by hOl.­'hr hand i .. in fair' tnne. It went 'ng for the \·ictory of the best team.'I,rnugh the familiar foothall !litrains ScaT(·it�· of s11h!lititnt('� !l:eems to be'moothly. The Pt1rdnc ban(1 witt the chief worry or the "Old lbn.""ake the trip "'ith the Roilcrrnak-. _er student delegation this morning, IBoilermakers Stro� but "Wallie's""SnakiJlC' and Chicago'. Kick­ers Expected to Win. It1,,f,11. .Captain WaIter SteffenProminent in Uniftnity Activities :tnd s�o meals arc no,,' ..;en·cd daily anl1l1al stag ion Haskel last night.Practi.ce and the prospl·ctl' for hoth ·'the mainWba1e .in Chicag:>-WiDin Wisconsin.. ,lining hatl and the hanquct han are�ood. There are now 45 men em-" 5 1 '_0. llloyed .. � waiters. of "'hom most The DaDy IUOOD.Th(\mas . an'ey elm �r!'()n. OCtk 1, !lre cx!,erience<i.has lett the lTni\'er�ity to ta 'c np liSstudie� '1t \Visc"n�in. Owing to the'fact that he !� to practice law :nt-hat state ancl is fnrther ahle to ar­range 'his credits ra"orahly at thenadg�r school.. he ha� d;cided t(\ Director Frederick Hlanch:arcl work�c1 the Unh'cr:-;ity hand ovcrtime!;t .. t ni�ht in a (Ie:-;per:ate effort tf'Faculty Club Undergoes Repairs II the 0017 0�1The Quadr:lI1gle. c1ub1 "'hich was under gradate pub&cation':tmaJ.!ed h� fire elnrin� the snmmcr. at the UnIYenit)r.t·a:, h('en put in shape and many ad­'Iitknal imprn\'ements are being-nadc to it. Mis", Hammond. "'hohad charge of the Tea House on The best time to subscribe is!",,, ,'C Chicago.Sancler!ton was a member of Uni­\'('r�jt'· (lcbating team 'oS, class ora­tor .�. literary editor of the Capand Gown. member. of Lincolnl1o"!'Ie and Phi Alpha Delta law fra- NOW�7th strect. is now chief !l'te",arde!'�'ff th(' faculty club.Charl('� W. Yeck. rrominent in '1-00 per C!aarter by carner.:tuc1ent circle�. at the Ul1n'er!'i1y ttf '1025 .per quarter by dty maiLfnin."i!'. yt'!I'1erday entered the ra,nk!' I 3.GO Pu �.of IIIeIIk:s. 0Iic:e ia EIIia HaD. (Continued on page 4)terni1y.DoDOt forget the pme this p. m.r,jjf11�I,.�: 1.'.:�.r,j.,.'i'I!: �.� �� ������������_�_ ���_��������- �T�H���!,,���_�L�_�i�A�����_O�.��:_...��__ :,,�u���_����_��_��_o�__���O�BE�R�3.����,,_�.!'!������_�__�_�_���_�_�_.���������--".'U �mlJ' lailg _aroon D�CTOR HOXIE CONDEMNS 1S a force destined to play an import-ATTACK -ON SOCIALISIl ant part in the development ofAmerica II polit).:..·· :.. ..... "ize this book in moderate terms, hy the Ullin'rsity and hns formerly"'hat,c\'t;r may b� our �rsonal att i been rented out in th!' S. is a greatimprovement . :'o\:�r 'the 'old scat ofrhe department at 5708 Ellis avenueTl .• (ldld .. r t;ltldml l"ublie•.tiuuCulu'rWl) uf �Wcqu. Oeclarca" in� ReceDt �DOmic Jour­,nal that B':itisb Antaaoniat WasUnfair iii Hia Opinion. u.IPSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENTMOVES TO NEW QUARTERS "Sizing up of Freshmen"popular stunt among the Upper Class­men. To be ··sized�' up properl, is mostimportant for 'every first year man - tocreate a favorable impression he must wearclotIJes with str/e, indivdualitr and qualit, •clothes made for Co"eg� M,n by CollegeTailors. Most Upper Classmen are alread ywearing our clothes especially those whoare correctly dressed.1· ... lo .. I...... t.:hlO'''''.... Jla'IOI.. -.\lucia U�. 11M"'.l'IJd.r .\0.:1 ... 1 llarch :1. 11;'011.Professor R. F. Hoxie, of the de- Old Building Proves Inadequate toNeeds of Rapidl)' GrowincDepartment.1'IIbh"I • .-.j J .. i1�'. .·:I."".t HUUWI)". llu.M1a). IIl1libu:iu.)'". .IIIIII'I! llJJ'�"" "llUll·... of the l·III�t' .• i')) ....olI'. partment of political economy. COIl­lemns the latest book of Mr. W. H,.\C:,lIoc.-k. the English opponent ofSocialism in no uncertain terms in a A new horne has at last been pro-review published in the October vided the psychology department of Inumber of the Journal of Politieal :h(· l:nh'ersity in the three-story nnt .Economy. In expressing his opin 'milding nt 5728 Ellis avenue. north I. fIb k I . I· . i' )f th�. .I)t(�ss building. Classes areIon 1.1 tie 00. w lIC liS, en)lt \!(l. '.,"".'. bci ,.I 'I:' .I I '- .. I r-o •• f·...· '. ; no�w erng Ie u t rere. :l thouzh the. rurca r.X:l1lllnatlOn 0 Socialism.' ,. IDr. Hoxie says: work of fitting _Ul> the building : i�_.. It is ditticult for -th� intelligent 1I0t as yet entirely completed.Till' I-"«tDt'rly1·I.h.·t.-ll)' u( Chic�o.·U\IIJJI."dTioc \\' .... ·lIb. Odol ... r J. 1�We have an attractive CollegePoster �-7ours for the uking. II·_j'rhe "all). O(:lol.Jo-f 1. JIIU"':'C�er '6 WDkieTAILORS 135139 OurlJorn SI.Ban" F'oor$::,."" I-'r ),'Ur; IF 1,110 rOl'L---- .. � .. �._.� .. �-- .. ---------Ir;.·.·.lI.t':" U'Olllll.ll. Sulb(.ri1lliu'h " .....·i"-d I&l the)bruolJ Olll�"". .:11;" U .. II, 01 itl lilt' 1'·a'·1I11) t:",'IUU'i'l. (·obb II all. and fair-miuded student to character- TIle' new building, which. is owned------------------------------,i �i )l!OOOKS! of ALL K!nds at I.I�i�}( Next t') C-zr. of KimbarkJ----,nyTrip. S ....to theLaundry?�ni\t er�it!' .I&botograp b f&bop�!'the Best �::JD'G• £JllLARGUtG 'Eastman . Kodaks and Supplies .�317 E. 57th S:reet .�l·I:I·;S'rL� ..... (.;;\1$8. llalt�ill:: t:UitOI'.lU;l.\ I� J •• \II.U1S. �c�" t:dilor..\. J. ..1t1ltt;T.:I�. -'tIlMI" t:'lilot.OSW,\I." 1-". �J-:I.S::�. Hush .. """ �l11a;r. tude toward socialism, we all wishI take it. to sec: it discussed, whendiscussed, with Iairnes« and compre which for a long time has been in-hension, III this work neither of .ulequatc to the needs of t he departthese virtues is in evidence. ' :\1 r. ment.�lalllJck':, is the ndvccates plea. futl The remodelling of the new build-of subtlctv o'lll'I' . ;l1g has been ... oine en all summer .- J uusrcpresentatton ., Powhile his main criticism of :\larxian 'Imi will he cOlllpleh'cI in a few day ...t henry. which aPllan'ntly gh'es form : t cont:lills twenty roems and 1:1hora;.nd color to the whole tn'atment, i� tories. On the first floor arc t w"asecl upon a merdy ntlgar misun- largc� recitation rooms. accomodat­c1erst:lllclin.... since it goes withotlt :ng 60 !"tudents. The offices of theEditorial Olli':t� nefure 1:1 I'. 111.. t:llb IIllll. ,..Pnln-nll)'. T"It'l,lauIlC Ih'J .. 1"l1:k -&::6. Mh'r" s:lying tlt:lt the labor suhst:ll1ce dcpartmcent are on the sec('nd Hoorl', w •• �l:Ir()OII 1'r • .,. •• -&'H t:. ;;:;'11 Sln..,l. Trl· ("homogencous human lahor: .Im On the, third floor are the labora-.. ,"'ulle Jhl1e I'arlo; 3,,'11. • • I I I·' Tl 1 'Id'Illan lahor' is the abstrac.-t: ·human tOrtt'l' am t Ie I )r:lry. le)\11 II1gI:lhor. pure and siml)le: ";l\'erage will ha\'e its own machine shop f.,rIh"h:h'i omt'\.,--u.·f.)r... St·, IU.. t;1li" Ibn. 1 I the repairing of the lahorator'-' .IJnift'n<it)'. '1',,1. Ibl1" l'ark 4:"'U. :, lor pOWl'r of' society:' 'simple :lV. J 111-erage ):lbor') in which Marx sought .. trumen!!'.:S.ws t'OlItrlbntloll.i mar 'lJt> ,,-I, at ..'liA nan !he source and measure of \·alue wa� The interior presents a good ap-lOr .·"l."lIlty .::11."11.11,,-". ad<1n� to tll� l)alb' not manuC11 I .. hor in the concre.c. I)earance with a furnishing of rich.ll&n>oll. ....\It prn,tllctl·' pl· I . tl oak. ami chairs :and tables of goldenI" - ' \ e ower W lIC 1 IS ll�con.lI1on sense of all human effortNo ,56 to 0 SCdre today. From directed toward the creation of com­the little that' can be known as yet morlities. It would be interesting toof either the :\I'aroons knmv whether Mr. �Iallock has for animals and instruments.or the Boilermakers. a really ever read Marx"s 'Capital: andrea'l gamc of foothan if l'0. for what purposc.J.'rlOuic ."1'all"..1llx:rt IJ. Ih,"J"r""li, EDUCATIONAL.\. W. Wllt"t.'lcr.J. Sid .. ",. 8alkt'1. A. ,.. l"fclT .. r • Mark them and see - CorlissCoon Collarsoutwearotbers. Theyare strong. hand made collars.Absolutely. )'OU eDD­DOt. �et. bet.t.er u ..pt"arance. st.),le. lit,.CODSuucdoo. wear, HEWITTSBarEI'a,e Lone.----------415 E. Sith StreetO:1k.The old building will he retainedby the department as a storing place ,���Z�CO�YCLUBII 7O'lr dealer doee DO& �lllaab ... ;PI�� Writefol'llQJebcdt aDdDAlDeo!dealer.110 .u. tIl_ pIabaI� bKter eolian.Corlise. Coon & Co., ChicagoThe P.'=UJP,ortlle da..;pi. f:a"r. It'.a:l:-t�Ut only nbso­Int(·ly (at,cl�p rnrteri. t!lC r.ri:;luon. lIilli­cms or nle:t 1=now thi_buytheln nml we::r t�ll'm. The..-ttl'- is thert', :mcl t�,..y t'&.'t only n qnartera pair. I!('mem!"'r it..-a UUiWc:a:. nl �Ir.. "'_'_ BrigbtoosAre made ofpure .ilk web.The ta".ems, ��",+"'� Dew, exclusl\"'e- T&�--'� ely (·noa�ll to �tiafy, � eft�h()l)y. AU md.I-pan. "are or hen\"'Y Dickel�rl.ted' bra&�, If your d�ler eDn'l 81Ipply, Y"ll. - :i;pair will he RIlt upon reeeipt of p, ,�:..... .-a_._--A Real.FootballB. L.' AMES HAT CO.ONE QUARTER CENTURY AT OLD LOCATION- NOW AT -98 EAST .118'$8. STIIEETTRIBURB BUILDINGSTETSON SILK AND OPERA HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EA�H HATwill start this' :\ftcr- "On its posith'e or non-con trover- PROFESSOR DAENELL TO11('011. ;It threc o·clock. sial side, thc hook before us merits OPEN SERI� �F TALKSBotli: t(':antS ,ha,.e c,nough spirit �ncl �1() particular �omment. \Vhere it i:g-rit te. furnish a very iair rC)reserita- 'not positi\'ely} erron�ous it is merelytion oi an irresistihl� force mceting commonplace,'·:." immovable body, and the pro� Mr. 'Uallock became knOll·n at the"crbi�lIy doubtful r�sult of such a University last year when he gave :1cont:i�t should gi\"e the rootcrs a seril's of lectures under the auspices The lecture hy Pr,')fessor Ernstchance to �o wild. of the Ch·ic Federation. in which h� Daf'nell. of the University of Kid.:\s to the roott"rs. they should re- attempted to disprove certain! con, �Iond"y. �t '2. o·dock in Cobh Lec­membcr that a special train of large- tentions of the sociali!'ts. ture halll will have international sig­"oiced enthusi:l!'ts, ready to m:lke the In an article in a previous number nificance. ami it is expected that aechos ring with • bully for oM Pur- of thr. J (.urnal of Political Economy large represenation of students anddue:' will arri\'e in Chicago thi� on the con\·ention of the Socialisf faculty will attend to welcome Pro�morning. It is a time for ,foilowers partv. which was held in Chicago fessor Daendl in .the first talk of theof the Maroon to pro\"c that tl_ere -are during the, month of May. Professor series he is to give.more than elc,·cn, men at the 'Univer- Hoxie comments on the strong class- When Professor John lL Manlysity of Chicago. conscious nature of the party. and its was 5ecured to delh·er a series ofTonight the prophcts 'viii hcgin to importance trnlay. He says: lectures on the sixteenth centurypredict the d�stil1ation of the T90R "In a general \"ay.e-.uite apart from .drama at the University of Gottin­championship. Those who are inter· it.:; specific actions. this convention gen. arrangements were made withestetl in Chicago's fortunes, will r("\'ealed many important character- Professor Daenell for an exchangewatch today's �ame with breathles� istics of socialism.. and sl1ggeste(1 agreement. TIle German professor'sintercst tt) discO\·cr some gronnds m:tny significa •• t, conclusions in re- talks ,,·m he gh·�n during this quar­for tiH' hopc tlt:.t Chicago will con- gard to it. The careful observer ter, amI the series of the lJ1niversitytil�t!� her Ic;ulcr,hil) of the \\�estern i coul<!. not fail to be cOIl\.jnccd. for English department head will la .. t;,{rl<uron for yet :mother year. Heres example. that though socialism il' it, from Christmas to Easter. Dr.hoping th;tt we may still hope to- thi!' country not n mere mo,'ement Daencll's subject is "The Colonialnight. ,)f worker ... still, as represented thus, :and Commercial History of Euro-it i� :1 movcment definitely based on pean� from the Sixteenth Century toDR DAVENPORT HEAD OF the conception of dass struggle. and �he Presc-nt Time."ECONOMICS AT MISSOURI is essentially a conscious. orltanize(1stru�le for the soci:11 domination ofthe working c1as�.: It seelfts' to meat� AU out for a Chicago victory.'in short an attempt to re'construct Student tickets on sale in the officethe political ancl leJral fahric in the of Bartlett· for fifty ("ents this morn-IHerhcrt]. Da\'cnport, :\��ociate interests (If this class. H<.' who ing between 9 and II Lm.rr()f('� .... or in tIlt' Il("partnwnt oi Poli- works fot this end is :\ socialist. let ttical EI'f'n01l1Y, ha� resigneel his po- him ha .. e his action on theory of any�ilic n in Ihe t:nivcrsity to lake c:ort whate\·cr. on scntiment. or on("h;lr�'c (Ii th(· clcpartl1lCllt at Ihe l;11i- �elf·intcrc.'st. Thus socialism as it""r"it)" pf ::\1i"�(>l1ri. :acttt:IJly presents itself to us hereI·r .. ie��f.r Pan'llport tnok hi... ;lI1el nnw is a stranJ:c.' mi:tttttre oi ele-• Inl'tor· .... ft('gr('c at tlw Cnin'rsity of ments-ntopi:l11. Christian. scicntificChkaJ,!n in I��. ITc �"as a fenow -o,en coming to it hy all mn(les of. in thi.; tmi\'('r�ity for the ye:lr T89i- thought ancl sentiment-the on,:1��, lit' rdl1r1l('cl as an instru('tor common hond being strnJtgle forill ")O! :lI1cl �ct\'ecl in tha't ('apacity working-class political supremacy.lll1til 1)(· r(,(·(·jn·cl hi� :1ssociate pro· "On the "'hole, close obsen'ation(('s,..or�hip in 190... Dr. Da\'cnport J (If the socialist party :tt "'r.rk (to('�"'as also Ill':UJ of Xorth naif. not we2lcen the conviction that Ih�rcGame.--;--German Lecturer� Secured' by "Ex­change" Arrangement. Will. Tellof European Commerce.GLOVES UMBRELLAS:-: :-:Resign! from University Faculty toAccept High' Positicn WithSouthe� State Institution.You can pa7 the price ofFOWNESGLOVESand not Get Fown" style,fit nor service..1-.--------------------.I./.// ,.-Rl!N DOWN·TOWN LOO.tL.,,{G FOR LADIES TAILORSAND BE DISAPPOINTED IN FIT AND WORKMANSHIP. .BUT CALL AT ••• ' •• 'cP. D. Weinstein� . ./ . 'LADIBS'.TAri:.o:a /Phone H7de Park Ida. 433 E. 55th street.IL• Hotel Maroon58th aDd Drexel AveUlfDEIt NEW MANAGEMENTfifSTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOMFirs. Clas. �ealsPrompt ServiceI The bat of ere","i", serred at reasonable prices .- - Music ere" erening in dinner-hallThe National Hotel Co. J. W. Ward M.r. \�.e4 � � • __ � • .. �� __ �� __ ��MfNTION The DAILY MAROONWhen Trading With Our Advertisers CcIss­)sttoear�ge,dy'hoII·,'J_ _Jr.--,k_.,-;ORSHIP.I"-_\�ON '".......... " _'..... . ' .. _. _.,• », • I ... �. I . .' �;-.-' .� ..... ,THE DAILY �AR99N .. ' S�UR'p�� y� OCTO�£R 3, 1908.' ..• • :.. �. ,..: • '&'c AlUfOURCBIIBKTS "u. oIC�SOIMNlR, .Belts and BuddeAfter several years of work. thenorth side of the campus is nowrapidly nearing completion.The department of buildings- and Iwbicb appca1a to ftC1'7 drcaq col- I• listao,· Speciallee. maD.Your ideas of bat atyle.. qaaJit7 aJIdhatteR' '.c1'Yice are all catetcd to b7a fo� of aperta wbeD JOu tradewith us. W. DeYer aUow an WIbe­camille color, atyle or a bat Dot� pI"Opa'l, fitted to!) leave our eatab­. '_ lisbmeat. WIleD such Mnice is com..:: bined with ..tidactory wear.. which::i�'�:' � cooda aI .. � cive.. JOur aDoaey_.J) :., i •• urel� expeDdect.iIl a· way that."" ' makes �o" a.laatiD4 frieD�:l'1'II.!1tI!\:.The question for the 'UniverSat,debate 'llf '08-'C?9 is: "Resolved, tbath4!. k issues secured .by commercialpaper are preferable ,�o those securedhy bonds.' Announcements of trialsfor teams will appear shortly.Church History club meets Tues­day ..Oct. 6 at �''P. m. 'in S. D. parlor.Informal address by Prof. llcLaugh­lin. "Our Plans for the Season," AllAT .1.00THB PRESS New Walks Laid on Campus aDd�mproyemeDta Made in BuildiDcs-Builclinc and Grounds pepart­ment Busy All Summer.Retai! Department.. O� TilE CAMPUS"Or see � ehn Schommer!-:r '!I1d .. ha« been hard at work 011C:Ul',PlI!O improvements ' the last interested are invited.•. m ·ntl-,' anti as a result � of it" 'lei i\·i:;. ,�r�reasor.. HeDdCZ:SC'.D·. Seminar I�1 ii� �.� �Jje .. hiiil(fji1��.�I�d -:rnmp'as-'''i;re-: .��et� ·l'ti���a)·.-:Q���· �.. -i.l� Co�b .2,C.:, II ��I���::� .. ·��llIch" improved appearnnce :Itu �oC�r fEK�tl D�lel ndell·ko�1 th� J.' th.c:_'JJ1CI�iD�. oJ. tLw year. J 11I\·l'r:.lly U ier. WI spenx ,�, on- .'I ,.,.. day :It 12 o'clock in Cubb lecturec A circular wnlk and n�:Icadani road'tan' been laid on the north end of room.··Ill' t·:II11PUS. Trees will be plantedin tho ct'nt(e of the circle at tHe en/' CURRENT OPINIO.�, ,OFBIB:LE IS FOSSILIZEDMANY BOOKS IN ONE'.:i:W.·.S�·R!S ':.INTERNATIO.NALDICTIONARY"� -De�lIMwllad"'�II.&L .......·=:=l===.���......-,&tc., llaaot� .. MRa:- _0IIIn&rw...1'IIca .=':*�=��.� ..IcIIiIIIId7 'Yeca111a1ar7 of�.ft«•. �-:..�:::::::: ..�IdealDIcU� ••••���...... matauaa ..1' .�. of :I"tUl11n. A walk has also heel'laid front' Kent to' Ellis· avenue.. 'WitJl the .. e improvements thonorth l'ide of the campus wil! shov"P as well ":" the rest of tilt.' Uni\'er'sity zrounds.Another improvement welcomehy the �hlll!!n�s will he the instnlr; I t ion of a double switchboard in th­I telephone exchange in Cobh Hat''WEBSTER::; CuLLllGIATI! l>lCTIOSARV. I "'hen:;Is but one operator ha-I..aIzest or 0U1' abrid"mmts. .. Rqular .... I·nUD �pa� &u6Pqaud1&oolllustrati_ ; '1:uu1Iecl the Univcrs'ity . telephon-1hl"f..·"'Dlct;l�lI'rIIIkJ..." aa4."'_ : business. t wo operators' Will bc em S�tate U uiversity, in an article on=:e�::':r'���rM�':.t�:�aad . Biblical Sociology" in the current'-�IC. .• E8IlIAII._... CO.... ;SprI.,. ngfI.eJ.d,...... to 'IPIOyed this' year; Super:laenc1ent- , number of the American Journ:ll 01!;==============:I, �1:Id.(.';1I1 hdi(.'\·es the teleplv ne ser:. SoCiology.·'IViCt.. in the Unnver!'ity will he e(I'I:I' .. \V c know the Bible, and. yet \Hto that of any pri\'ate exchangc.· il'know it not. Let. us be frank. Are, thf; city. The two telepll( I"e hooth!'I wh'ch ht.·n··oforl' 'have het.·n in tht' wc' not, most 'of us, under the in,Iluence (If the ancient dU:llistic vie\\i inf('rmatinn bureau. ha"e' been re', .hat the Bible and its religion wert.',: mov",d to the sC'llth end of the firstput into this world from an outsidt.'i I :lclor of Cabb Han. "'orld? \Ve carry about with tis ar.A plc)t of ground 3eo fe'et sCluar�'iiiiiiiiiiiii�;;;-�-;;i-�iiiiiii;;;;;'" at Sixtil'th strl'et and GreenwoO(' :I11Jlrcssion that the Bible is a bookI avenne has h"en le\'eled and fenced. .pccially ad:lpted to tile uses of age�.. wa,URES.F. snu It will he u .. cd as a hockt.'y field for �aints. who arc about to depart "thi�. lOBUS. ,aD. CO.nB life" and who must prepare for tltl. WURTKEI.'ROY£I � �Tni\'(.·r�ity women.OS II . 'W(lrld, to come:' W...: arc taught h:"'8 . 'J... ft·- . r;x. t.('I1�h·l' ,l:lndscap�. im1)ro. �·'em,.. e�,t:'- nourish our pie:y on scattered pas-"t' , '.. -, I ;;�yt." also 'lecn made, at .the '\: c;rkc!O ., . ;o;ages, . ·wrenched from their' 'conteKt..GA'!R''','. ER'f:�,I�s��at::�lc�:::;n:: �:C�'�'�d��:�� ami brought togethcr for purposc!,.. )f spiritual. edifica tion. \Ve are fa'.. '- �. h.alf a. mile long has heen built. '. . .11iJiar with the proposil ion that it h. or' :I ron�d the observatory, .Five acr, e!',mr duty to' read the Bible. We',TIIE REcOuau ST.... d ground ha\'e also bee!, levened ofT�T1Ie .. i •• I,· :. for a lawn. r:'itI!iped es�:.'.... -: As .. lislmJ. 'minor changes and im-., .... -, .' p.r{'ven�ent� have beer- made in the, T�e . . h.ti!r!in�s. In Cohb hall the rn�c1err" langnage library has, het�n .�nlargcd,.. "US' HION book is .:l l)aradox.. ,- .'" � . ." Room sC on the third floor has beel1,. _ .UTTOII given o,'er to the library, and is "The \luestion before us, then, i�. ' ... CLASP connected to t�le main room of the aot merely, \Vhy do not the peopJt:Uts FUTTOTHUEC-IrnR libr:lry tm the fourth floor by an iror know more' about literary and his·SUPS .. �IORU.FlSruS ,stair��'·ay .. N�w: shelves ailli readinJ.' (Oric;" criticism of the Biblc? It,\·idens into the (·omprehen�h.·c ques·Lion, \Vhy uoes the Bible· count forNriter in American Journal of Sodolcgy Deplores the popular le-ne rance cf the Scriptures."When we hear the Hihle referred» -we connect it at once with sol... un-faced clerical . persons andchurches. and coffins.and graveyards,and the "other world:' is the opinionexpressed by Louis \Vallis of Ohicknow of saints who plod through the.acrt�d . volume once a year. OUIminds are fun of Bible' verses am.�cntences that we are unable to Iq.cate. Our whole attitude' toward t1li�ATTERIDGE TO MAKE BOW'AS COMIC OPERA AUTHOK�;I�lc� h:I\·c heen put !n the rooms.Th.... Haskell Assembly HaJJ ha�heen ,n'-carpeted anrl re-dccoratetl. ..0 little in culture?"T'�e dlair:, in the haJJ ha,:c an be�nr'e-uphol$tercd and re-leathercrl.The, men's· .and women's dormi·I t�ri�·s"· h�\'� . 'also been it'1c1�l(led inlii,'c I:Irgc house cleaning plan of the,btlilclil1� and grounds department:�cw ch;.irs ha,'� been put in all thl�rooms, and th.e· buildings ha\'e becnreno\';lt�cl ,ill. ,��ncra_J., .. _, ,I PLEISilT dOUBlET••••• ured .. "." ,ou .TraM' bet_ee.. '. Chicago, IndianapolisCincinnati. Loulmlleand -.French Lick and I�est Baden 'prJ,..., JCMI .�'Iby the way Of tft. Former Univerdty Student's Il1:itialEffort, ··A WinDinc Miss." WillOpen Garden Theater.Following . in the foobteps ofFrank AcJam� and \ViII Hough. Ha.r,1«1 Atteridge. ex 'oi. has entered tht�anks of Ur.h·ersity of Chicago playTights .and Win h;l\'C ,�his maidcn c(Students .and, Faculty Sign Petitior. fort l)rrn!uced next :\londaY'night 01,FC"r Electrification he occasion of thc' Garden theatc"pe.'nin1t. :\ttl'ridge has supplied tht'The Illinois Central smoke fight ')onk :m,l lyr:c;. to the.' melodies ofhas spre.'ad· to tlle campus. An ap \Viltiam Frederick Pcter�. of ":Mayor,)eat. �tarte.'d TlmrsdaYI to force thc �f Tokio" fame. The comic opcr:­lake �horc company to electrify it� has been named "A Winning :\(iss:'.rain... had se\'eral hundred hehind Bell' ,Tl';': has stage(1 the productionit hy I:lst night. Thou�h stuc1ents �111c1 the 1t.':Hlil1r: roles will he filled hyh:ln� hl'cl1 tht.' most promint.'l1t nu- Julb Frary. :\lilIy Veanmont. Hal"J!h'ri(";ll1y on the list of '.,Petitiflllt.'rs. II:unilton. Jo"(.'ph PhiJ1ip�. Frankf;ICl1lty memh�r;:' ha\'c heell mort.' Shl'a ar.cl ('("cil Rreton.th:ln or(linarily interested. alld most :\th·ricl�t.' .. who is' "'dl known toof th�m Jiving in thc "icinity of the �tlldellt'" a� the author of hllornin',lJJinois (,('ntral route 11a\'c ad(led 51." the ramou� barn dance, "'a� :'their names to the p.rotest. �poplllar ('ntert:tiner at Reynolds Club:lff.lirs. His imitations werc...,le:,(lin,rS("nd in your suhscriptions to the fe:-atnres, ami in addition to the�e h('Daily Maroon. Do it now. contribut�d 5e\'cral .k�tch�!I.TAKE UP I, C. SMOKE FIGHTCorne and "Ce s".:'!T.e snappy springstyles in College Clothes atBenedict WaldTailor I214 East 55th StreetL�hOne:t860 HY�:�_���e, �oot �tuJicIt'-BALI. BALL243 Wabull ATe.Original Ideas an(1 l�xc:1ush·e Styles inPHOTOGk'APHS•• ecl.a k., ... Ie» lI_ of C. �, •••••• N-,:' r14�l"..;,,�ur.-Gr�� Tan. 'Brown a Blue.CHICAGO'S LARGEST LIBB....I Ht;S.�����ro��g�.tEst. 1860 . 156 State St. Cat. Free.�� ��I believe in Popular Prices. My$25.00 Business Suit$ are positivel,$35.00 value� You can'save just$fO.OO;Thafs worth while. Lefme make onefor you and prove if..W�nde""!Majestic Theatre Bldg. 7S Monroe StreetArthur Has' .the Real ThingTHESNAPPYKINDGreen· BatslAll, Univenity St7.les-."Just, 12.00 Only,AT,Arthur Feilchenfeld9 S:_81-83 E. Van Barea St. �clll3 DearbOl'D St., I .' ,"� A. G� SPAlDING ',BROS•The new autumn and win:er fab-! T�e Laqest �fa� ill �edC's show many striped effccts, but, World of offiCIal Athletic Suppliest he colorings arc not pronounced. I �,The fabrics have a rough twilled I 08icial Implemfats for � Tz:ack.. urfac(."-·woven closely enough to i and Field Sports..�"e sen·ice. 'Ol"'es and the' "arious shades of foot_. Ball, B"sker�")rown arc in strong favor. I �.. I L I'�HG.-e): strtp�s and the' greys shading ce .JUles, OCaey� ,UUy'nt� thc �tone ,and slate colorings are I " .Iccidedly correct. Uniforms for all AtJaletic SportsIn o. ,"crcoat fabrics. the rough �as-I GYIINASIUII APPARATUS':ket ,,·ea,·es and herr1l1gbone. stripes Spalding's handsomely ilIustratC"d:lre considered "ery smart. catalogut! of all sports containsSuits for coneg�,�. $30 to $35 numerous �ugges:ions. MailedOvercoats .35 to "0 Free any,,·here.We make riding breecbea.TBB' FALL SBASOB,HAS OPBRBDA. G. BPALDIRG A BaoB.�I Ncu York, Boston. Buffalo. Syra­cuse. \Vashington. Chicago. Philadel-I phi:.. Pittshurg. Baltimore. St. Louis,Oc-nwr. Kansas City. Cincinnati, De­TAILOR POR YOUNG liEN I!r :!. �I ntreal, Can.; San Francisco,A. N. Jarema, IIcr· I �'imh-apnlis. Ne\\' Orleans,Cleveland,fwo ,,:�pa: 131 La SaD. S,.. and 1 Lf ndc..n, Eng... Jacbcm Boa�", .-' ;THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COllPANY• . Phone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Aft.; aad seth St.'. The CJeanat and Beat Kept Sto .....Warehoa_ in the City ......Furniture and Piano. Moved, Stored. Pacbd aaQShipJl"Cl to all 1):1"' of the world. 300 Priftte Stor­aile Rooms. ' .. ore Parlor �lItc1u.iyeI1 for Pia ...., Rooms for Trunk. :nd Wheel.. l.arae Roma forCarria�!'. Ru�trie. and SI"�h!'. Trunk. to •• 41from all �t.. Local Transfen for Bqpp,Fumiture. Pacbtres. etc.. at !thon DOtice,..... ..... p.. Viii .. ., 0.....�·t.&.'�'THE DAI� Y MAROO!( SAURDA V, OCT9BER 3. J�.' ·l'JIAWY=."::.I.IEW��CIIAIIGB8:::':'�.��.�I����-�'�.S§$�$51�$����R�;S"'��-"�'"' ......�··..5·�.,r J.19a1l ·FOOTBALL RULES I '-CODege'_ Cb8.PI-- -- -.: . _A:'�mT1 t;i.f'a"�,'N�I\'�-'-U:I/"i - · -_· ", .' �, ',:- .J'.' With a � for., dUh ad oriciDaIi� . iii dreu' 'are, lD-New RuJi ... 'OD POtward.- � � ..,D .. � CUSTOImBa ·by·the do� we ;>·Halves �cre.�i ...tO: �(�� are 08'eru.e �_at "IS to ,as. 'TIiey are �!'Xha '�f TODAY,-...... iD'liqle .. alive .. � etectri�Y'charced wire. and 'aperbiy II to � VAN aUREK STREET /.tailored. YouaC people' fl1IaIified in 0lIl' SIIortbaDd and Jbaeineu cIepart�.Wbcn 7Ou'rc down tOWD. come in. A "comfy" ¥r aad menta, in the morteat poAible time for PMitio- dlat pay at oncea corcWll pip-o. -tbe-baDd awaits you with ��7, DO, obli- from I3s to .., ,a moDtb. �ftdual iDtaructioa. DAY aDd NIGHTcatiOD to IMI7. aeaioDL Enter --. time. Call, write or pbODe HarriaoD lilo for'EDWARDES CLOTHEs SHOP �talope. Poaitiou for Cnduatft. 31,ean of IlDiDterrupted sue-cesa. SAIWEL B.· WiLLEY LL a, Superiateadeot'» But iI�DI'oC Street' ---...,.---------------. .... •• ' �A 'number, of more or less interest­ing changes have 'been made in thefootball rules for J�. and these will"ery likely. be of inter est to readers'of the Daily 'at this time of the year.The - principal ones of these new'rules are described herewith.': The halves are again .. increased to BIG SQUAD OF CROSS:35 "minutes in- length. and the inter- COUNTRY' CANDIDATES SHERWoob Music;SCHOOL'f'JVARSITY PREPARED TODEFEAT PURDUE TODAY 72. Fine Art. a.ild·inaRest �fodern Principles of Artistic. Scientific and Practical Valu'Emin�!'t. Teachers in all Departments i�lcludinlC c.Walham H. H. Sherwood, Director r . Arthur -Beresford, Daniel.! �ro�h.eroe: Wm. Apmodoc •. Jos. :Cba�k e.. Georgia Kober. JessieI Ne\\ Iin, lfabel Osmer aod othersl i Ft!f CatalQRe. address.ADA H. HOLliES. pecz. "'- ". "ALTER KEIIJtR.. llaDyer -'mission "is increased to 15 minutes.·the referee to notify, the teams three Over Siaty. Ilea Report to Captain I (Continued from page I)minutes before. its expiration, , Fred Caldwell for Outdoor I ; .Five minutes after this notifica- .. "R� {... : bt1t·'·ile is hoping for.. the good lucktion, if either team has failed to ap- ! .• f last year during which the regu-pear ,t_he ball shall be put in playas With thc 'Iargest squad of candi- lar team never met with a singfefirst down by :the offended � side on dates in years.the cross country team serious accident. There arc a spare Have you. boob or other personalthe offending side's thirty-yard line. aspirants took their first run of the six men who can be sent into theThe penalties for fouls,' except -eason yesterday. Over sixty names fray to replace the regulars. and the properl7 for sale? If so" - adveitise .penalties under the .. Iorward pass, were in the hands of <;aptain Cald� chances are thai they will all have a_ in the Daily lIarooD clasaified c:Ol-may be declined, by the offended well, who was much pleased with the chance. For the end positions, Com-side. This. however, in cases where outlook. stock and Briggs have been show", WDII. Twenty-five ceitts per iDch for-the penalty .includes disqualification, "There were some good men out," i�g up well, and Bohlander. Elliot, id C Id II' d ht hIS· h II fl· fresh- a three line ad., does, not prevent .the _playe.r from sal a we I °a_n we oug to ave am nut. a 0 ast year sbeing put out of the game. fast work this fall. I have worked man eleven, are comparatively strong Office in Ellis, HallThe penalty' rpt 'batting . the ball lUt a lot of new routes through candidates for the guard positionsforward' is,. the loss of the ball tt Washington and Jackson parks. The Rogers is 'a promising understudy ofthe offended side, the ruling being men just took a short jog today and '�allie:' and may get a chance toplaced '-under the Jurisdiction of the we will start in earnest Monday. I :10 some work.umpire and field .judge, The tioJ,1 would like to see even more candi- Speik is" pretty well supplied withjudge is also made -time-keeper. lates fer -the team and have then. reserves. having nearly enough subsThe score of a forfeited pme· it- run regularly Monday, Wednesday with him to make up a second team.made 1-0, in order to distingu ish it -nd Friday. \\'e want the cross lforris Iddings. brother of "HaIJ' W _.1 P f .antlll:'U"""""" roo reader; for work atfro�- 'a'ny other possible score. country championship this ·year:· may get a chance to play abrainst ltis• . night. See managing editor Mar�The rule regulating 'the' (on�an! stellar veteran brother in the posi- office. Ellis hall.pa5s�js .. alter�d as follows: When tht' Hold Commemorative Chapel tion of half. Fleming, Spencer, Hol-.' forward pass,.is. le�ali� .1.otU:hed., 'on.i)' Stue:ieaits of the University turn.J '=lnd. and McFarland as linemen, and Choir rehearsal will � held at 3the man of th, e passer's sl'�e" wh(� -. - ..' Driver, l\Iehagam, Gardiner and 'M d I h I �out in a body jn Mandel hall, yester- P. m. m an e a I this afternoon,thus fir"'t Ie.' gaily touch· s I·t., ,shall be Me'rril as. backs. are some of the A I' ..I;:t day for the exercises in celebration '�pp Icants may !iee the .clirector:. fromt'tl d t th b 11 "1' Boilermaker likelies.en leo reco,·cr e a untl It of the' sixteenth annual commeration ():3G-3:oo, northeast °corner . �erithas b' -t h d b t Thf! Boiler.makers will be well 'St'P.- h; .,:.. een ouc e y. an opponen. sen'ices of the University,. t eat�;., I, Als6:if:, a for"'ard pa�s is thus legally Presidt"nt Harry Pratt Judson de- por.ted by their rooters who willtouched' fumbled' and ,touched, b:y' an 11·,'''r·ed 'the come in hundreds on a special train... address : to.. the students,other player of the passer's side dwellingl on' the 'differe�ce be� weea: 'In: the .Monon this a. m.·' "1 ,,·ouldb· f h I.. II h - cl d not pradi�t 'n ,·ictory over the strono-e orc t e -uD. . as tou Ie an op- the students and the University of II'".ponent, the' b�il sh�l1 go to 'tile op today and those on the opening day Chicago team". said. FrofesClr �icholt th'd h . of Purdue c\·esterday. "but we' areponen s on e ,Sl e were It was in i8g2. At the same time Dr. Jud- -fi • I II' t'�' h d Wh·1 th' b II �oin� to gi"e Mr. Stagg somethi1:lFrs� ega y' ouc e . '_ } � _ e" a son said, the. students number nois in the air for a forw�rd pass, I more than 500, and the only build- he does not look for. We have: 'theI f 6h d f' 'd .;trongest· team Purdue has had il'1, .p �yers.. o : e e ens.lve. Sl e may ings on the campus were. Cobb hall. nt)t �se th�lr Eands or arms o�-op- and the donnitories south of it. years and one' of Director Stagg's'. . ,,�. --b 'h' 'f . best· 'products. as a coach to train qs" pon�llts� ,except to pus t, em, ,out. ,� : rbp. President emphasized the dif-th 'd t h b II . , in lhe' :i.une, style of play th:1t ,�ee way an or er 0 get tea ference in conditions today, whenth�m�;lv�s�o:1it�yet�' of llie siaeO'mak-' the're are over 5.000 students in 30 are going to meet on Marshall. th h I' 'bl t Field." The same confident spiritmg e pass, W 0 arc: C IgJ e 0 re- huildings.�eive the 'p' a'�s •.. �. a,y- use' the hands '.,v-ut the' seems to prevail among. all' of tlieD real significance of this,".and arms, as in the case of players . Purdueites although they expect tohe said, "is not the material changeaoi_ng ·.do, "·n the fi c. I. dun, der a kick. fight for all they get.,.. in numbers and -;ize, but the increaseNeither side ·may, - howe"er, ·'hold'· of the . influe'nce of the institution "1 hav� only had the men for two"t' r.J·'" d' .h h weeks". said coach Speik last nigh.' t. or . aCK e an. o.pponent �,. 0 a� throughout the country. We now. t"tl b II .F' II' f at the Chicago Beach Hotel, " butno Ie a;' ana y" III case a or- ha\"e upwards of 5,000, alumni, whosed "111 II t h d t the ..' are' full of fiaht and have come,,: war pass IS I ega y ouc e ou - devotion to their alma mater is one oJ ro-'� f tl . . d b tl) '",in if winning is possible against'.- Slue 0 lese- pro"lslons name a ove, of the most v�lnerable assets to ourthe p. enalty shall be that the ball will Chica�o's strong team." .University."1 go to the opponents at the spot from Ruffner and Gcebcl will be depended.· w�ch. � the,: p,ass was' made. Time i� on for the pu�ti�l( 3'od 'goal kicki�gto be. taken out during the enforce- Two Classes in Fencinc 'of the visitors, �ut their work is' notm'��t of. ':.th� �na1ty. Jor an incom- On account of the increased' inter- likely to class ,,;ith that of Chicago'spleh.-d f(lrward pass. est in fencing this year, the Physical trio of booters-Steffen, Page and.:If �a ball. 4lr. a . forward pass or a Culture department has announced Schommer,:- "kjc;�ed J.)an..�c:-",,�eDt u:y at goa1.strikes that two courses .. �II be offered. M. "the uprights or crossbar. the balt de Ceau,·iere former .fencing cham- . Say �"\chers Should Be Brief:s�all be considered as having crossed pion of the French army, will resume Dr. Frederick Blanchard of thethe 20al line. ,'hargc;., �f the classes. Elementary, public 'department yesterday statedIn case of the ball accidentally work' '�'i11 be ;Jiven at 4:15, and an his endorsement of tbe movement·�striking an official, the play shall be ad"anced course -at 4:45· Baldridge, foot to limit· the length of :sennon�played :o"er aEain. Uni�rsity champif.n; Lescano and "No preacher should sperk longerThe ficlcl'is marked into five yard Da"is are among the last· year's than thirty minutes,", he said. "andJines pareIJel to the side line5. i!! ad- iencer� who are back agaiu -this ten mil."Jes is ample timc for mostdition to' the five"yard lines runni�g year. of th�in to express themselves funy.across :he field. The: day of the hour and a half ser-Libraries Get Additions mons is past. People want rt"ligion.Six thousand ,;olumes were' added but tlJey. want it in concise form:'REGISTRATION DAY TODAY to th� general and departmentalToday is registration day for the libraries of the University during Settlen:ent Sunday October IIpre�idcnlial eJection to be' held the the months of July, August and Sep- Settle�-�nt Sunday sen·i�es will be 'lB. AVD,I'I'OltIVIIfir"t TlIed�y in Xo,·cmb<:r. All temher. Of these the majority were held at the Uni\"Cr�ity Settlement Policcme-n's Benevolent Association�t\ldents or' the Ic�ai age who have purchased, about 'one-third being re- Sund .. y, October II. Miss· jane COHAN It HARRISlived in 'the: state- one 'year, the city cehetl as Rifts. :lnd six thoU5"ncl Addams, head' of -Hull H0t15e, and pr�sent.three months· and. the precinct· thirty through exchange. "'.' - -. Miss, M,ary ���Do,,·ell. heacl of the FI FTY MILES ��OM· BOSTONtI"y:. ;lr��'/�i�gl1),I� (0' re.iistc,r.-. ' As to thc_ nature of the: newly a�� Setdcment. ,,�m be the speakers of --:E=�.-a-,--�----:'-------",.;0 • f . atadeDt of �Q&O caD pt I-- '" �Iuired literature:., 'it: :.ro.n.'IS,u .. 0 r�- the (l('ca�ion. . '_L-& A.L...J _-....:.::...._ _ I- 0 , • ti� fOl', .... ...n.- for IStud�nt tickets lor fifty" ceIIU":-OIL ���!�hra�cal �ks, misceJlaneous &fty ceatil tIda,� at· oI&Ce tl and.. Ie in the �naSl� �� ��ominc treatises :lncr-ttxt�s� ���re wew:e AJi,-�o"ior die pIIIe.:: Sappo� tile in BanIctt " ..... -� ·n •. &olD . .JiII. FLORENCE HOLBROOK �fnIIIi-, -to II. DO special sifts worthy of notid•• taiiif - - .. - : c�:_. _:�_.:--,:=:::::�_ �:""_:!�_ ��_ 't, ; _ _ 'lOad tb� La Salle nea_ So ....." . CLtJ&'l"1'. �DT .. oo.. 1iabnSHIRTSOn and ofF like 'a coat.In fast 'colors and ex-o elusive �yles. 'l.� ,up.Wanted-Young lady roomers. Allthe privHeges of a home to rightparties. Apply to Mrs. S. E. Heald,5029 Drexel. first 800r. ���--.}"BORDEN·. JCmdeD ..... 1IiUr,. Plaid IIDk. c. ...ad BattenDiJk. - 'AD aOttW ia tbe-CoUDtI7� �Borda-. Con ...... 1IiJk· Cc.. Jh7�" ic.' PO��tb St. iWe·_�...e No a�ch Studio -�'1, ..•--A.U,SB.'B.'��----����---------�ILLI_OI8 SrUD •• AKB._�IABEL TALIAFERROTH E lUG SUCCESSA BROKEN IDOLFRITZI SCHEFF-in-. in tile first production ofTHE PRIMA' pON�A,.PO:':,LY OF THE CIRCUS----------------------------'OOLORIALl: ··'r •• 'GAJUtI9,K', ',/ GEO. �1. COH_-\NLEW FIELDS, and theGIRL" B�HI�D THE COUNTER and his Royal Familyand Illcompa�ble Co.l • .. � "POWBBS'.." : GRAlm OP� SOUIBWILTON LACKAYE //' THE SERVANT/,/ IN THE HOtr,SEiaI( ,;rHE .,BATILE..... .. '.� ... : :.. J.. /- /,� �nDI�:,.·'The Quality Musical Play" ,A STUBBORN CINDERELI..AOIIIOAGO OtDA.',BOUnTHE DEVil.withHENRY E. DlXEY.Cvl�J[.a..THE LION AXDTHE �IOUSE WBIT •• YLA,'" GIRt AT THE HRUICECIL LEAN r -�:...-DIHEGnTEACHAre ScattIDcJiamWith tIseason. t,arhletes afootball tin additiocapacity .some aredepartmeijng suece:loud in tlfor tht: ihim.A� to,is notabhVarsity 2: (::hicago.,he limit· eastward.are repre']JIe-coA. H.BrighamUtah.'H. 14' •..'os-UnilYiIle, 'ArlM.' S.·05-Uni';IUW�l.D. B.1907-St.111.S. W.nell Col:C. �.91-98-1 ..W. F.98-9c>-AC, F.UniversiJ. P.ver�ity tF. W.· 1905. Ri.. N� A.ricultur:C�lIegeE. J.'-Pritc�tE. E.'o6--OkStmwat,c. RII·rado ScL D.braslca'Neb.J. M.�OI-02-ington,F..\.-PurdlJ ......Hallo,,'Utah.C. F.Collegef'. AI-Agricgan. UW. I"050006-Jc�, IIIIt i�"eni:yfrom J