Vt.� Vl1. No. 1 CHICAGO, FRI D,.\. Y,' OCTOBE'!{ s, I�. Price: Two Cents•_arnon--------_ .. _-- -------------Twenty-two new appointments illthe faculties of the Univer sity wereanuounccd last night by PrcsjdcutJudsun at the Faculty Banquet illHutchinson Hall. Three new dean­were appointcd : James RowlandAngell, in place of James Hayden i.1,'.�'tLI.Lrt'WII opvn to the studcn;s for the The lineup for the Purdue game,A new :-,),stem of marking. b.\·II·,·\,:·',111l·()ll, at tile tables. uf the t wcn- I . it i I f I .rvJl 1·', J t Ie 1111 ia contest (I t ie 1� sc leu-which it is planned to make it im- '.�'-'. \\'U ll·I·':, ci , .. 1 es of C-o,'I,'11 Freder-ick I I ,I b� J..� ., "- "- u e, was announCel yesteruay ypossible for - a student- to slidl'.. \ .. Speik :1I1d his assistall'is, Feruu- Director Stagg with the smallestthrough the U\ui\'ersit)' by barely ,II, (·IJI·ca ....ro's fullback of I,'I-'t yva r. I f 1'1 I . 1J , .';'1"ac (I cam It ares t rat ever tnclpassing in each course, goes into ;1I1l1 Nicol, director of athletics at the for a Maroon team. With the un-rpcrario n this'. vcar, .AccordinlY to the Hoil k . tit ti.; � uOI erma 'lor 111S I U ron. usually early beginning of the sched-new method a student must .have an r . \ \ S '11 ' IThe cilange in the arrangement was Jirect or .•. :'\.-. �agg WI presu e ule, the prospects arc better th:111Tufts, resigned, as Dean of the Sen, average grade not lowe r than C. at til" "",,..)0(1 fellowship" repast, ',IIICInroug ht about chietly by the desire - ,... J "- was anticipated at the beginning ufior College; and Penry Gordon GaI.: which is a higher mark than in. the 'II II f 1 I fof the faculty to enlarge the scope WI ca ort I many speec ICS rom training two weeks ago.and James W eber Linn as Deans in old scale. and not mer elv 36 maj ors, I f I IJf me employment bureau, In view .; t he mcm rcr s 0 loth squa. s.who will With a total of only seventeenthe Junior Colleges, Charles Hubbard before he is entit led to a degree. 111 Iand of the increasing opportunivies for oppose cac I other tomorrow 011 men on the Varsity squad, theJudd. was appointed professor u effect the new scheme raises th 0 \1 I II I�' 11 II f '\students who want work outside of t:. :11 S ra 'Ie c. as we as rom .• S' chances arc that every candidate willhead of the Department of Educa- •. ,I 1 f k f Iclas .. hours. it has been decided that stanuarr (I w orjc necessary or gr:1( sistant Coaches Dc'Tray, Doseff and get into the fray. The me� who ri1tion and director of the School of nation, \ I II lik I Ithe future holders of the position de- : IIC erson. •. r wou c I 'C to H1YC t ie start the game for Chicago 00 M. ar-.Education to succeed Nathaniel But· }" G G I' II I k .., urnt·y. t 1e assIstant recur< - Comuns well fillcd,'" said Directorler. temporary incumbent, vote t lcir entire time to t Ie wor '.I . :,hall Field tomorrow, according toMr. Bowers will ha"e thc assistance I..'r. la!' wrItten as follows in explana- St:lgg yesterday. hr am anxious to Coach Stagg, arc: Page, right end;The attendance at the hanquet wa� timl (,f the new system:. . I f II f P I)f Owen N. Walker, and stated yes- Jo{1\'e t 1e e ows rom urc ue a Kelly. right tackle; Einhorn, . rightISO, alld from the speaker's tabll ··FlJr more than a year the .general I I . I I f tld lerday that he IDay enlarge his staff ROO( we come, pOtrhCu ar y or 1l" �u<trd', Badenoch, c,.nter; Worth-h,asts were ma c on the following faculty had under con 'ideratio 1· k ftopics: ..)f ex.�cuth·e aids. S I " !'3',! 0 Freel Speik, who has been winc, left i{uard; Hoffman, tackle;A d· B h change in the system of marking ancl n,11e of Otlr l>es. t nlen. Fre<t pl:l'''cll ( . )Brand I'n cCl)r tng to ,:,Mr. o,,·en., muc .; Sci omm r 11,1. S'teffell capt .. ·o-Dean Ange.ll-.·':\_ th .I. • h .. b' f . 1 C , e u, , ...I'\\'ork of a h b crellltmg, t e mam 0 Ject 0 whIch Oil thc team four years. was captainBurning." new character as' cell h quarter; Crowley, right half; Schott.:.ecured by means of a systematic was to raise·t e st�,ndard ·of scholar in the fourth. ancl for three ycars full back: Iddings, left half.Profe�sor E. H. l\Ioore-"Greeting� shii' !11. the University, .pa ... ticularl� .trom Europe." can\'ass :Ullong busi?, ess men, Hc ;>c��{1 as assIstant cnach:' The l\ractice yesterday afternoun10 1 1.. alllHllJl· tb�- uncieJ"J!radu .. tes. �_ com·. l' . 1 tTl '!) t G I_.' ...... -- 'I'ata' � p .. , ·t'. ,.' _, _......! .... ·-S·.:-....-" _,.' -: �, ,. �- 'lb' oaics;:#l coaaiduablcf lidp - -- - ..',' - -., .!'c:;�.l C�l .I t!1 s\'�. '.J.l' '�r �'_'Vl -. �\\'a� de\'ottid -chiefly to,�-ard devdop-- -- ·.""LSSOC '" ro eS50r l�eIOW- " . mission was aplloi'nted whi�h ga\'l' I I D V' I I I"{ t I H l' " irom alumni throughout the city. !'pee( anc (:a11, JIlc('nt anc ot lcr iog the smoothncss and speed of the• �'11 ell a ea lIlit. • very careful study to' the subJ' ect Iff I I.Among the po:-;itions of the new oa- lllcm >cr� 0 tl1(, acu ty, may spe�I'" team. The rooters are optimistic, inAssociate Profess(lT Hohen-"The- examining the practice in' the Uni- I hture arc night clerks in hotels, and :tt t 1(' :l1l(!uct. spite uf the various bcar stories cir-l.logical 9reetinits." yersity, and in a large number or '1"1·' h h' d . th IDean MacClintock�"'''The' Pacil1 'Ittendants in the public library and . liS 15 t e t Ir year slI1ce e)t·· culated. The secondary line of de-'mblic park. Some political work. Other representative institutions in �inning of the cuS'tom of giving thccation of the P_hilippines." I . ]t h ld b d fens� developed to add stability tod . . . t liS country. s ou e un er- visiting iootball tc.am a hanquet tnProfessor Chamberlin - "On to:m numerous clerkmg I)pportumhes d h hI" I the rather weak line, strcngthensb - I stoo at t e outset t at \1 tlmate Y promote the interests of dean sportCI.lin3." :lrc emg lined up for the present an< tltat l'lld Qf the varsity play, and thethe standard of scholarship in any and J:ood fellowship.J)ean :\Ierriam-"Tlle '"·orkl·Jl.... of near future,'l1'li � ;nsitutinn reste; t'pon· thc idt':: .. ls of theR.)w("rs is remembered as being the tcaching body and of . the -.. studentfirst student to register at the Uni' hody, and that there is no\'crsity away back in 18c)Z. Fourteen \'irtue in one method ofy*�ars latcr he secured his bachelor'sO\'er anothcr, by whichdcgrce-a recorcl unparaUe1ed among stand;ml of scllolarship can he main­U'nin'rsity students, and prohably tainc". If, however, high ideals ar."cheri,hcd, as they· are in the Uni·:\ hr:t11alll Bowers, whose studentProfessor Anltell Becomes Senior clJllnc"'tiun with the University has Student Must. HaveDean-Professor Judd Head of uccn ullillUl', has been appointed to Average-GoesSchool of Education. take charge of the newly cstablishe ••Jt1ice lIi Iniormation and Employ-] This Year.meut, �l1Jd yesterday assumed his,antics for the coming year, As In­iormatilJll oftice head he succeeds,'cil �1. Gunn, and as manager of the-tudent work bureau, he tills the: pu­sit ion formerly held by Louis S. Her­lin.Twenty-two Additions and Promotions Made in Teaching andAdrr.inistrative Forces. The foutball �easvn uf l�. will Director Stagg Names Team WhoWill Start Game With Boilermakers on Marshall Field.�t;,rt with a rousing welcome to the"'II,;ul from Purdue at the tir st pur- Smallest SCI_uad of Varsity Candi­Fair General .ty banquet of the year to be held .u dates Ever Out-Rooters HopefulInto Effect i Iruchiuson Com mons this evening. Purdue Confident.. ·,t u o'clock, the doors will be"PURITY" BANQUEt ON BILL AIIOUICE LINEUP FORPURDUE GAME TOMORROWGreat Demonstration Planned forPurdue Leve Feast Tonight inHutchinson Commons-AU the No·AIIDUICE lEW FACULTYAPPOIITMEIT AT BAIQUET BOWERS INFORMATION BEAD. TO PUT lEW SYSTEM OFMARKING liTO EFFECToj niversity's Firat Student Takes\..harge ot Employment lSureau andIntormatioD Office Combined - Bare Passage of Courses Not EnoughOpenS New Fields of Work. to Gain Degree. According toNew Plan. ta: .ies \.;) Appear z-n Program.Dcan Gale-"Astro-Physics ill Cal­ifornia."r1'ofess'.Jr :\Icrrill-Greetings fromthe Atlantic Coast." aJllon� ulHI('r�raduates of any COtl('glo.I) CI G \lr. Cower:" has h .. d cOllsic'er:ahll·roic:'sor emen-" reetings from \'cr.;ity of Chicago. it is possihlc ...))onn." ht1sim's� c:spl·ric·nce. Hi .. offi('e hour:,) ,h�\'ise mc-tho<1!' to prnmf,tc thc ohProfessor D:lenell-"GrcetJ·llgs from are from 8 to 5· • TL.....jcct in ,·Jr.w, ITt:' comm;s!'ion mafIc'.. rcport in the spring quarter. whichLecture PAUL PUNCELL LEAVES after very thorough ('onsic1eration.UNIVERSITY FOR YALE �\'a" aflf)pteci by -the facnlty, :\ray 20,')OR. Thc ncw sy�tem goes into ef­fect with the ycar ,<)08-9.The new systcm may perhaps he­hest tlnderstno<l if first a statemcntspecialmarkin�a high �crat dependence upon the forwardKARL DIXON AND MISS pas� :ll1d the open style of play makeESTHER HALL BETROTHED I he attack look powerful.Of great intcrest to thc University "The game wm be a very intcre�t'puhlic is the annf'uncement of the ing one," said Dircctor Stagg. '·Thecn�agement of Karl Dixon, cx .. :()(). team is farthl"r advanced than isto )'Iiss Esther Hall cx-',o. htlth wl·11 'lslI:II at this l'arly timl' of the year,the City,"Dcan Linn-"From Boston to Chi­cago_known in University circles.Assistant Profcssor Rickets-"\Vin­ning Medals." Receives Scholarship at Late DateAssistant Professor Sianght-"The and Leaves After Registering forPrivilcge of Tcachinlr:' Autumn Quaner.I nstructur Fie1c1-i From: Harvard ')f If he oM JS prc!'t'ntcd, :\ccordi,w •......�..;..<:.\ ,:".I�'" ••����;/t' and Purduc is \'tory enthusiastic."The :Maroons are in good physical,·onclition. :111(1 han" hCl'n put throughsomc pretty hard work for the Pur­llue conte�t. The first week of prac­tke in the e:<tcessi\'c heat ser\'ed totake off a lot of weight. :Ind thescrimmage" of the last few clays inthe coolt'r wl'ather was chietly char­acteriZ("d hy the kicking of SteffenamI Sch')mmer, "\Vally" has c1e\'e1-npl'(1 a 11(.'\\' form in his kicking. Hehas shortened his run. thus gi.-ttingth(' hall away soont·r. ("Iiminating hisfl,rmer ... I()wnes!'. -rial" place kickillJ.:'of }(.hn Schol1lnh.'r ha� pro\'ed a:1 IIn­f"xtlt't·tec1 f�c·�or ill thl' :'\Iarollll play.The hnnl w .. rk of tIH'�t' two. to'!etllt'rwith Ihat (If (lr\'il' Pa�,·. will Iiollht-Germany,"Professor Stieglitz-":\Trip to California."to Chica.ll;o."Instructor Bramhall-"Theirom Xcw York:'Dr, \Vcver. the German consul inChicago, was :also a gucst at the!'peakcrs·· tablc,nn his part ami C(lnh'� as �I �Tl'at sur'rn'�id('nt H:lrry Pratt Judsonmadl' a brief talk on the new appoint- pri;;.e to his fricnds "II the campus.'fI(, had alrea.ly rt'gi�tt"rl".1 for Ihe fallPaul P. l'rincdl. captain of th •. tn that sy�t('m. grades were rt'portcf'Return Varsity Polo team ior 'f)O(). left tht. in Jetters on thc scalc A, B. C. D. F.Tht' pa!'sing mark w-�s�··t. if only on('l'allJpt1,-; late yt'sterclay to pursue hi:... tt)(lie!' :ll Yal�. mark "'as gil'en for a conr!'t': n in·The actinn f)f Prinn·n \\,;a� ;;'1)(ld<'n .Hcated a condition and E a (ailnre(Continued on page ,,)J1ll'nts. U»OI1 thc work of the sum-of flu:t.rt(.'r and intenfkll. unti! notillc(1Illcr quarter, and up.�n thc work()f thc Yate scholarship :twarcl. tn at-I11cmbers ot the Ulni\,ersity inother fields. such as that of Prdc�!'or tend thc Unh·crsity. II the 0017 �IPrin('cll. b('�iclcs Iwing' (,:tptain of UDder ·.radate publicationat the UDivenit7.The Dany Muoon --._ Ie .... filot11rc'ing.Th(" at'("ntion oj Ihc' Hoilc"rmakcrs'promint'ntly in tht· Sl'"r-NOW i"'1 C' \\ ill Hry likdy he lar�clyDixon and Miss Hall in EntertaLl.: cl;r",'h·.1 agaiJht SIt'ff( n. anll in C:'''�ment Given Last Year : it j ... \ a)' dJ('('tiw. tht' ha�kl·th:tll.'Ii .. � llall \\'a� prominent in �Ilc.'ial. '.. kill "j (In·ie· r�I�I' :11111 ·'I.lIng Johl1"IiIl'r;lry :1I11! dranlatic ;Il·ti\'itil'�. Ill.in.._: j! Sdl(tll1ntc'r will I,.. l'�I'.t (,n �n�lll".1 mCl11h('r oi the I lral11atic d11h. rc- I hr:tnll I1(,W f"rw�rll pa .... plays. 1 hcporter for th(' I )aily �l:tr"(lI1, m:llla�:- ! line i" 111111<111al'" light. :11111 th(' j"r­iug l'clitnr I.f the I("ap Yl:;.r cclitilln. i ",:Jr.! fl:t .... wilt' ft(' rC'li('11 on a .. the! hr"t v.-r011llfl �:tininfl rol:\".:111 ('ditl'"r (Ii th(' :'Iumni :\iaga:r.int'. I . . " .Cap ,'IHI G"WI1 .. t:tfT '08. al1fl promi-: C"1l1QIlC'k an", n,igg" \\'ill prnhahly11l'nt in social ,ltTairo; 1otC'I1C'r:tlly. I 'Crt into th(' pl:.y .ao; ('nl�" Ell�"t,Oi:OC:11l W:lS a nlackfri:.r, m("mh('r 1 n"hlaluler :1Ofl Smith are prC' .... II1�nf the Tlr:1m:atic duh. (;1('(" dnh. Si�' ! Ehrhnrn an,l \\·orthwinf' dnc(" forrna Chi. and wac; ifl('ntilicfl with J.!1I;,nl"mf'n. "Runny" Ro�('ro; m:.yJlumerous other coll�ge activities. (Continu�d on pa¥c of)\Icrriam in nmnil"ipjal improvemcnt.Pr(\ie�s,.r Chamht"rlin in China. an(1 '1('xl year'� Jlnlo t("al11. w:. ... a me-Ill-'J I '" (. IIwr .,f Linc!'ln hnu�l'. \·ict"pr(' .. i,lt-ntPrl ,fe�s"r .\ ;U1 y In (,I .• t. In�c:n. ,(Or· of the .Juninr da!'!' and a nwmh('r ofTh(' full list of :lppnintl11ents11('11I1C('<1 :lrc as follow!':Associate an- the Sl'ni')r Cnll('gc Coullcil. The best time to subscribe isCelebrate Anniversary Today$r.oo pet' �uaner by carrier,$1.25 pet' quarter by �ty mail.3.GO per 7aI'.Oftlce in Ellis Hall\\'illiam J)1IIlc:m )ra(')'fitlan, A.)(" Tlw annual r.ommcmor:ati\'(' chal1('1t ·l1h·('rsity of Chica!lo, ,q06; matht'- ��cf\'ic.·c "'ilI he hdrl in )'f;\Jlctt"l hallJ11.1tics and astronomy. this morninJr at 10:30. Presidt'ntInstructon jJUd!l;on will make ;m a(lcln,,!,. AllTn the Dtpartment of Political members of the Unh'ersity arc im'it-------------------------------------(Continued on page .f) eel 1.0 att�nd.;....-----�------------------- - __,-- - --THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY. OCT�BE� 2.1908.-----.. aua6D CLEVER BOOK IS WlUTTEHmitt Daily Slarnnn NELSON IS DAILY ........ B, PORMER u. 0 .. c. WO� au:!'OIC,!, 0.' '!'!!t: (."OXUITIOX0.' THE-_.. - .. - -- -- ---- -----_- -.�-- _' .. -:.--:Mia P'nDCCS ........ #. Siata- of R­Edel, "athewa. is AatiIor of �A. SuMtitute WeddiDc JolII'DC7."_.Feroa1� ResipinL 1IarOOD .. BoardElects Junior to Buain- 1bDq .. -Sbip--Baldridge is CboMD Art\11ti\:J..1 Stud,'"llt i>ublk.Uuul'uiu'noity uf CWt.'a¥O. uf tilll:LJlh·r.oO .Il. S.,vud·d,a.u �bU ill 0 • e Chlc .... 'U Il·.".lullio..... �l&w a I.".. llliuub. lJ.zu'd, us.· lUO-I.l·w,·r A�"t uf lJ.:&1'\:U a. 1 ... tI. Editor r :Senior Dean.Another candidate for a place in(J. L·. �. elson. '10, was elected busi-" the already large ranks of the UnilIeSS manager of th� Daily Maroonver-sity authors has appeared in theior I��I.!�, at a special meeting ofY'J'o---_' person of Miss Frances L. M�the\\"s.the Board of Directors at the T'ip-who attended the University in I�.Top Inn \\'ednesday evening. Luth·and 1907. and is a 'lister of R. Edd�-r D. Fernald. 'oS, who was chosen:\{athe,,·s. '07. Miss llathews' claimmanager in Jun�, had resigned to .ac-cept a position as ad\'ertising �·rt�er"or Sclz, Schwah & Co .. of Clucago.Xelson. who begins as manager." 1 hound booklet. which has just been\\ it h this issue, has had considerab epublished,business and :,clverUslIlg expericnce• . ltisl> :\Iathcws' Ill'\\" book is as :'1)-.I'lr·ln". ami l>rc\'ious to the Ul1Ivl'r-, • � pctizing a bit of light litl'rattlre assity. 1 the season has produced. I t is the',::el�.-()Il lIas been 'a member of t Ie .• , .> ·iascinatit!g tale of a pseudo bride and� l:rc",-llluau football team, the •. De·� groom who seem to eXI)erience :,11C"I'liul De:ln" chorus, and has been ,.' ., I".. . the hardships of the "Just marne(....ll','I·rlll',lll of Science colh,'ge. He IS.. :llld none of the pleasures. The in-"",, t1�l1lber of the Score club and ofvoluntary wedding journey and theDelta Upsilun. worse than traditional mi!>haps of..Roy Baldridge, 'II, was electe� tothe bridal trip are cleverly told wi hthe newl)' created oftice of art edItor, I'ta dcnoumellt as pleasing as isand will have charge of the cartoon, f h anexpected.and other illustrative features 0 t ef Besides being a delightful mental'.),"J)r:r. lJahlridge was a member 0• diver.sion, "A Substitute Weddingthe Cat> �nd Gown art committee lastY d Journey" is very pleasing to the eyeyear. :'l1d drew the Blackfriars anwith its pert illustrations 'lIld deli-·I)ram.atic club program covers. Hethe cate marKin designs.·I�. ,', member o"f the Blackfriars,. , Miss lIathews is at present travel-I) . cl,tb and Lincoln House.ramatlc • in� in the orient with her father.l'llbll"t..:d .1.lil)'. l·Xl"\·vt �Iluday". �Ulidll)" lln.!bo!icJa)·II. duri .. " turw quutt'r. 0{ 01':. l'lliH'III;t),ear.Th.., .·ormerl),l"lJ\l'rlOit)" uf Cbiu"oYUUUlll:dnM! \\"l�k)'. Ul'to�'r 1. )bU:!. to a seat among the chosen is basedlIpo�n her storiette, .• A Substitute\Vedding },mrney:' a neatly him'Thll I""ih. Ul'lol",r I. lW.!.F-Ir." :-;'III,..-"il'liOIl lIt;,,·. �a.I"} '''.1' �c .. r ; � I.IM' Cl.rtl"o:c months, Su�rilJliuI" r. .. "\"i" . ...t III 11&,·)1aroou Onl,..,. Ellib Ilall. ur at till' }""'ult) l-:I.dlaJllo:c. L'ul>b lIall1·ItF�T()� U.\SS. ll,,"�ililo: }:ditur.lIEL\'I� J .• \lI.UIS. Xew,; };ditor.A. 1.. }"IUll�T':I�, .\thlt·til' I:;ililul".Oswald F. �dsotl, Business �l�r.'\'s�UCI.\TE ElIlTUltSJ l-rume J.''rauk.Albt-rt lJ. lI..,lldcrsou.ItEl>()It.TEH�A. n. WldUidd.A. W. Wheeler,J. Siduer Salker, ltobcrt.i ll. O\\,l·U.A. �. l'fcIY,·r.HlU'KJ"a\'c �lir:.Editorial Otliet-- llcfure S I'. tn.. Ellib lIall.Vain-rsil)". 'l'cll"l,tlOUC llr.1e l'ilJ k "':!II. .\flt'r I­p. Dl., lllll"UOu l'n.�.. 47-4 E. :>:'lb Slr,"\·I. TeI­r�oue Ihl�e I'.uk 3G!ll.I. M. C. A. TO BEGIN YEARWITH STAG IN HASKELL PROFESSOR ANGELL IS�PPOINTED SENIOR DEANHu'dr.c .. s OmClt.'_I�:�'rc d l'. ilL.Uuin·riit}".· Tel Hldc l'uk 42U. l-:l1is lIall...... Xt.ws ronlributiolu may be left at Em." )JailFreshmen to be .We1comed at In­formal Recep�on .Tonight. After.Purity Banquet.ExchlUlce. addressed to tI,C Uail) Head of P�cholop' DcpartmentSucceeds Acting Dean Tufts asFRIDA Y: OCTOBER 2, I�.Th"! fall campaign of the Y ouog'.\Ien·s Christian' Association \\rill 'be-Happy New Ycar. Have you ac- '. Professor James Rowland Angell�in tonight with a .stag, which IS totualty· completed your registration? 8 has been apl)ointed Dean of the Sen-he held in Haskell, from [0 10Did you get ilito the .h ior Collegcs. to succeed ,Professor.I·clock. imn:e<1iately followi:lg t e - ., nl"eting is!' ��',.T-u'7t.s .• _wh_� ... �.b.ad. b,e.en"bQldingpurilY ban'luct. _ This... �of tIle Uni- the position temporarily. Prole.�sor.)pelled -to ali .the men of tllc ..Ie.'. 1�\'I'llg been ,\ngen, who is now head II"crsity si)ccial plans ...of the partment 'of psychology •. is a gradtt·made for the entertainmentof 1908 opens with the purity ball- . . ate of the Uni\'t�rsity of Michigan.new men. �\ detailed anriouncement. 11 thc president of which· institu: ion i!O.i the prvgr:un 'of the cvening cou (, .., his iather. Aftcr his graduation innot bc secured 'froril th� comnuttee in. . d h 1890. he hecame a gradtiat� stttdelltcharge ot the aff�ir. He'n Ba en� ,shall Field and give ttle rooters and . I cr.m· tlll·ttee. at· Harvard. Berlin and Halle. untildlairm;lIl uf the. SOCia Utlie prophets some idea of the Uni- ... . .. tated th;,t hc could not· announcethe prog\'am, but was certain that anFor tonight every man in the Uni- interc::.ting enh.-rtainment and at·versity should make it a point to be "'ould be ot--r:lctiH' rcireshments �at the balHluet. Director Stagg's . '\'l'e are gt·"-iered free of chargc.'� •bCC:lme associatc professor. and'905 he "'as appointed head of theThe Openin� classes you wan:cd:of the 1£ so, it is time toSeason begin to get excited,'for the football seasollquet in :the Commons tonight. To­morrow Chicago will meet FredSpeik's band of Boilmak�rs O�l llar-\,crsity's championship prospects. '89.1. when he was appointed inSl"rJ1C­tor i!l experimental psychology at:\ijnnesota., In '89.t he came ·to Chi­cago as assistant professor of e:t­perimental psychology. In 190" hepurity banqucts have developed into;tn institution of the greatest value.As a mcans of fostering the rightsort <.... f interest in athletics, thl'_}could not hc more effectivc. �IOfl'than that, it is an ideal way of hring·ing the men of the University to­gether. To eat together. to Si'tlJ.!Varsity songs and yell V:.rsity yell�togcther, to se� !he (JPllnsin� tl·.un·tete-a-tete, and \\'ontll'r if the Ill.el­who wear maroon arl' �uin� to hrictJlhome another championship - itbrings the men of the Cniversity inl(closer companionship than coulel hl'clone in any other way.�o one can sec' vcry far into thl'prospects of this Sl·ason. It is upto the students of the T Tni\"ersity ofChica�o to do as much as they can!o make its opcning auspiciously en-thusiastic. mg Ihis stag with one big purpose in\'iew," said ilen ·�adenoch. chairman" .1 department. He is at present presi-l)f the sucial committee yestcruay. ,It"nt of the American Psychologic;al'That purpose is to offer an (Jppor·I . t A sSc:'Ci:rt ion.,<unity to the new y entermg men ,pecome acquainted, not only amon�them:-el\"es, but \�'ith the older' men Da. GALUSHA ANDERSONf the t;ni\"ersity. lnfofluality will WRITES OF CIV'IL WAR"u\"crn thc affair, and the Freshman�'il1 be afforded a good chance of "The Story of a Rordcr City llt!T-. I . II I hOllles'I'ckncss hl" inR the Ch·il \\"ar;' by nr. Gahtsha):�IlIS ling;' t Ie\ndrrson. president of the dd Uni-nay Pl'sscss.The Y. �1. C. A. starts out the \'ersity (\f Chicago, is one of the re'school year under a new manage- cent hook.. that is of !'ol)ed .. l inh:r·,nellt. and under a- nc\v system. Two ��t to the University public. ',ecretaries, inste.td of one, as begore, The boOk c.pens up a compara­will control the affairs of the organi. tively un worked fieid in history. Thezation. :Mr. Roy Ne1son# Chicago, whole story of the bitter strugltlc'03, has been appointed department to save l\fissouri to the Union, issccretary, and has an office in Snell '1arrated from the point of view ofall. Dr. Sharmon has also been sc' one who has actually lil-cd thn,ugbthe conflict. of those days. As a rc-�u1t� the volume is full of many per-cured as bible-study secretary. andis ottering a cour5C in the general�onal experiences of Dr. Ar.':erson.Band to Play Saturday literature department.I�st cvening the cabinet of the or-1-:anization ball<lueted with the board.f man:lge11lcnt. Prcsident Judson.Dr. Coultcr, Dean llilJer, Ralph �'er.riam and :\[r. Butcher, respondeclwith toast<;. FOWNESGLOVES- ..:\11 doubt about the appearancc ofthe hand at the Furdue game Satur­clay were dispelled hy DirectorBiam:hard ;It the first practice of the!'C;I!'"n yc:-terc.lay afternQon. Thehanel \\":I! he on �larshall Field to.. heer Chicago to victory with manyof the 01:1 mcn hack. and thc rest ofI Da\"irl Forman. memner' of thetlil' 1)la("�s filleel hy excell(,l1t ta cntclass of 'II. and resident of Harri�·frllm the incol1lin� clas�. :\monlth Pa.� dicd Monday in Philade1-tlle�c who played last year Dolan.·' urg,d d Phia In March of this year he·lM-·Klein, lIukanson, Wickoff, Lair an .came ill with typhoid fever.llcBride are back. Yoa '*' PQ die price ofHonor Student Dics.... _, Get POWIMe 8t71e,fit IlOl' HI'Yke..'. ,, .... -- 11\ -WOODLAWN TRUST a: SAV-INGS BANKI �l \,1 ,i<-II 1:0. tiol:ah' of IlJillo'�. b"IUI''' t:1ot ... >W.UO·U .......II .... , uI I",.u ..... , vii lht' :!Uh d .. �· of �1.l�UlI ... r.·HIlIi'I. I!" IU ... ]t Iv II.__. .\lllllior u� 1·lIbli,· .\ ... -ou .. t ....'''1· tI... St·,'" Clf arh";:.. I>ursil:mt tu I .. ,,:lu-:!Wntl'�Mark' th�m and see - CorlipCuoaCollarsou�rothers. Theyare strong. hand made collars.AbIIobIt.eu. JOG ea�DOt. Itet. beLl.er -popearaoce. Bule. iii�ct.klll wear. 1'·"11,,, "uti lti .. · ..... ul ...... ,tillf4.�.1j;I $I) ... r.lr •• It� •••••••••••• 4:'4.:" t;I".).,�'U.orI 'UI.... j�.,t!.. ,,:,.) �'·lIti·I U,.... h .. ··u.III.' l'I't'IUI:lUI" Iii .'IiU 0(1lllaillulll: 11011 .. •• '.' .' • • :II •. I.II'.IIU}'ur.utnr,· "Iwl .'hrll .......It" .. fl ... · :: .··.·Ilal ttaul<... �1'.S".tI�I Dill' J"':II SI. Ie IlIaJlk. .. audIlia" ... ·,.,. ., •.•...•••CI, c:' .. "ud other (,;" .. h Item" �'n" 'I����2�COt?N�Y CLUaU:rou .......... -' ;u.la.cIJ'''�=-0 -=,=.. =..-:-=:��-==Corliss. Coon & Co .• Chica�oI BORDE-';'-;--- 1CoDclclIHd Milk. Fluid Milk. Cream-I! and Buttcrmilk.I All Bottled in the Co�tr7. II Borden'. CondelUlCd Milk ec, I· ., 627-633 E. Forty-seventh SL• �'.IIOI'.'"IU'.!(7".Udc.·ui t"Ct lUlL, Itl ·r,'MIh6lt .......1'" ... , 011 bllllcl ••••••.•••u, I:.t .. l '·uiu ..h. �Ih'r \·uiu •..••.••1;".1 T",-,,.,,r)· l·..,rtin ... t�.,'. :-:. Ii .. ",,) 1t"llk c 'urrt'1I< �'..1. 1,-';:11 T","It·r ·", .. t !M .....!.: ...U.'iO'i.I�1�"I"",·"", :::i.: ." ..... ll."ti .. ",,1 (·ur·t"u,'�'.�il".·:" .,,,1 .·.·ut-.TulalI.I.\mJ.lTI}:'�(":11,,',,1 :-.I ... ·k paill in .•• �I!I.tMII).flUSl1rl;'ll .•• ', •• ,,1 •.••••••• 111.1)(10.111''t',,,h,illl'li ,.r .. llt". I""", t":l-1"'"'''''' alld t;o"..,. ,.Id.. 111.:tS •. f.9Tin... n.-' ..... it... SarillC"S•• 2!<:1.:i21.1.�··rill'" IIt-t.lKil!l. ('t"1 t I til"H I..... 1.:'4I(I.eM.II"11U11I<1 n.·p<lSil".hulh·lclual :12'.:1:11;'911Jlt1I1:\lId 1 It· .... '" it ". ("t'rt 1ft ... tto.1 ... �t.:-.uI �ome and M:e some s�ppy springstyles in College Clothes atBenedict WaldTailo� .214 EaSt ssth StreetTelephone 2860 Hyde Park 1"'llmnd 1"'"n .. i'K. Cfortifl.:d'I ei .... ·I.� •.•••••••••••H"m:lml 1 ... " ... il •. l"uhit.-r". l�h''''k ..•..•.....•.I Ih't' Iv .. tI ... r nll"t. ... 8t" .. ,-..... -------------- ..... :.-.! l1anQ ami U.-mlll-l'lI •••• 1.400.98M.:ill":"'G :1�2.1·U.M!!r..cm.r ..�nibttsit!' .10l)otograpl) f&bop.The Best ��.a.G'ENLARGINGEastman· Kodaks and Supplies327 E. 57th S�rect }'"rl·d c. Re-n. ('lIIIlll.'r.Rubst·rlh .... 1 and !I.-om tu before 1Dt". thi." 2f\lh.t,)· ut S<.'!,I(,IlII,,·r. 11)418..(Ht�,l1 Jo'rank It. Lynn, Xotary Pub!IC'.Tub). .)"t •• '" IIf Illinui ... �., Connty of Cook..I. .-tld C. IIdl. Cashil'l" of tlle \\"OIM11 ... nrnL"t Ie Sa�llI=" Hllnk; .In !lu'l"I1ml1 swt.·" Ih.t . thea;1l()fe stJlt..-ml"llt is true, to tbe lx"!lt 0( nl)" knuw1-DRINKs :.INKLIKE ,A· CAMEL -. ,To 'load a �o:-nkli�o¥.f:ai� ltn .. iu�,�Jp 'it in any ..ink. press the Cresce�Filler anCl see it fill its own. . tiri�_1i)c�, � �alnei' slaking its thirst. Thal;s aU there. - is to it!· No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any time.GONt\lJN'S �"t:G PEN"THE PEN W·ITH THE CRESCENT·FILLER"can be filled instantly witlaout �he.least inconvenience. Youcould. fill. it with white 'kid glo'\'"es on without danger ofsoiling, Besides its convenience, is the splendid writingqtU!liti� of the Conklin-the perfect feed."LeadIDlt dealers bancUe the Conklin. If yours does not. orderdiftct. Prices.noo aDd IlP: Send at once for handsome new cataIo2.�e- �iD Pm Co., 310 Manhattan Bldi., Toledo, Ohio J,"I IArthur Has· the Real ThingNew.obb�' Green Hats THESNAPPYKIND.All Univenity Styles-Just '2.00, OnlyATArthur. Feilchenfeld9s.11-83 E. Van Buren St. ancll83 Dearborn St.. .. .. -! ----.-TilE DAILX, .MAJWQN, \ FRI A Y. OCTOBER 2 •. 1908.GENTLEMEN........c:=.�..__ SuapiciOD tbat a....u Staop, Prodi-BO' STUN' .�;..-.,::. �s= �.. " .. AdvcrUe .J�r. Hia .Return..�·G: A" R' TER.···· .�:,.�;.t�·r:ll: �ig� .. 'he �i U.It.. -I 1 hera House for the essential reason. that the members of it are' anxious111£ I£� It�TM .... la tn know the whereabouts of one....... ....,,, I·R.- ssell Stapp who hails from the... - I:!' �;n;f �:s���;� �e::�ciallY con-I cerned in this matter. so much so. inCUSHIOI I,(:·(·t. that he has gone to unheard. ofBUTTO. extremes in his efforts to locate theCLASP Ii verdant missing one. Among theUtI fUT101IItUI-.ml dassi:ied advertisements this morn­IUPI.1UII __ asrua_\SSistilOt Profes�or' Panl Osten' Kt"rl1of the German department. tookI ::way from the faculty a member whoI has been' connected with the Uni\'er:"ity �ince ils founding in 1892.I Frr)fessor Kern, who took his (Ie­gret' :It the University of Rerlin. too).I �ra(luate \\"�)rk here. and tr;l\'c'e(1 aI'·he. �h.·p" t" th(' assist:up ·pr(\fe��nr.·IshiI). il1chulinJr the pl)�Jlto�s of hnn'r:t",· (,,'10 '\-. ;lssociatc amI instrucI tor, 'TI' tIll' b:"t named office he wa!O1 :lJ)P-- iJlft';1 in 1896. and he Jldd it until H)C2. when he receh'ed the proI mod, 11 to as .. istant professor of German .philology.I . ,f.!!', . -.a==�-=======.Il STUDENT TIC� SALE. . rIN BARTL� TO�A�U.ofC.SOIMMRBelts .and Boelde.1.00THE P'RE S SRetail Department"0:\ THE CA�IPUS"Or see ?ohn Schommerin60gMANY BOOKS IN ONE• WEBSTER9S .•NTERNATIONALDICTIONARYI IAnARROW Collaris rigbt to be:;n with And theClupeco l'rocess keeps it that.way. 1.i<'� cach-� for �3c.CUl'I:TT. PauonY & eo.. Jlaken . . .._ .. ..- ..._ ... - .... - ..... -.....--.-..-"Sizing up 01 Fres.en'�.... ale PqchoJcU �f...,1' is Ap­poIntea t6 'tiucteed .L)i-." HatDaIIletINItlCl'- hotecl . -as .. Autbonty on. i'eda&�&Y, AUtJiul' .� Lecturer.Dean George' e. V inceut yesterday.uUloullced· the appo,ntllle11'1 01Wloirles Hubbard .juuu, protessor oapsychQlogy and director of the psy­dlOlogy labo .... rtory- at Harvard . lim­versity, to the otnce of Dean of theCollege of Education.Professor Judd succeeds Deal..'lathauid Butler, who has been ir,.he position temporarily since it-wasresigned by Professor Dewey. Heas a psychologist of wide repute, aU(1thein:,: will be found a most passionate as cons-dered an authority onappeal to Stapp to find his way back :oubJcct of cducatioll;·· Le:>idesto the campus. and more especiallyto Eastburn. .,5t:I.,., rambled into Chicago t"w.weeks ago. quite previous ,to be. surebut the fact is.' he rambled illWht:l1c(: he came is' all but too. ,�clkuowu ; but. alas, where. he is' riow­aye. therein Iies the ·doubt. work as a proressor, -he i� connectev.\'lth the Ieuurng' associaricns in edu­carion, psychology, .philosophy auuanthropology, and is a lec.urer 01uotc. Last year he delivered aseries of talks at the Unh'crsity 01.Lne Value of Tecbn.cal Training.re has several famous books to hrs is a popular stunt among the Upper 'Class­men. To be "sized" up propeif, is mostimportant for every first year man - - to·create a farorable i.pression he must wear -clotIJes with stple, indiwluality and qualit, •clothes made for College Men by CollegeTailors. Most Upper Classmen are alreadywearing our clothes especially those whoare correctly dressed.I As a matter of history, the experi credit, and has been' a frequent con­ence of Stapp is unparalleled. Never .• riburor to magazines.according to the archives of the Uni- -Hoi-II in Barailly, Brn ish India itversity, and A. Bowers, tile first resi .8i3. Professor Judd graduate.I dent. has a yearli�g " been known �to irolll \V esleyan Univer-sity in 1894·lose himself on 'the campus, though FrOll1 1894 to 1896, he attended the.I thc Ferdinando Jones of the campus .\.)'niversity of Leipzig, where he took,admitted that the mysterious disap 'lis Ph.D. degree .. -Two years laterI pearuuce sounds logical enough., uc murried Miss Ella Le Compte.,Though Eastb�rn would not admit In 19()'2, he rece!ve� the appointl."en�the fact when approached yesterday f,f psychology iuseructor, after' ex'he has certain suspicions that Stapp periences in the work on the Iacul-has forgotten he is living. He wore ties" �f Wesleyan University, the.:a worried expression on his coun- Uriiveraity of N ew York and- the+enn nce, and the staternnt he made University' of Cincinnati." He re.that the new addition to the student ceived the promotions to assistan,'nrollment is probably about the professorship and full professorshiJ.campus, amI may be reached throu'gh' ... hortly afterward.the Daily :\[aroon was con'ch�sive' evi: .:=�H TA-K-E-S_"P-R-O�:OIi' � R;i:��T�_L_�M_'�_;���J£ 1:P. O. KERN DURING SUlI'M� An eXllenditurc;: of $2,000 has. l)re , .\·jded the Reync,lds club. with Sf!n:r;1new iC:ltures ami an. appearance . OJ.newncss gratifying to the eye of botl.Id and new -stude�.ts_ From the top:nost . ceiling to the floor of thc. base'The dt:ath during - �he- summer of- ..n�nt, the .. building has been entirel)r.eclccurah:d. Tl�t:' study rooms havtheen improved, and a correspondel1c�·;'0001 has been provided where lettcr�may be written 011 the new club st:1 !II••I••I We have. us attractive ConqeI Poster --yours for the asking.tlC�er & WDkie: .TAILORSI\ 1.5'" DathnI Sf.a..ifIM,Veteran Member of German Depa!t-.ment· Passes A way Aftel' Lon;'Connection__ Wi� :Uni!�!��._! BRIG"TONFlat Clasp Gartersfor solid cum fort. The newest shadesand designs of one piece, ..... .".web. All metal. parts heavy nickel­plated brass, cannot rust. 2Sc. a pair,all dealers or by mail.••• 9 -.liPlB ....7'1." ......... n" ..............,...� ......... /l......,. .THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 571 KimbUk ·Ave. and 56th St.n;' The Cleanest and Best Kept StoraceWarehouse in the City •••••Furniture and Piano. Moved. Stored. Pack.ed and, Shipped to all parts of the w��ld. �oo Private. Stor­I age Rooms. Large Parlor :t.xdu5lVel:y for Planos.• Rooms (or Trunks and Wheels. Large Room for• Caniaces, BUJ{gles and Sleighs. Trunks to andfrom all Depots, Local Transfers for BaK�Furniture. PaC'kages, etc., at short Dotice. •. . Special attentiOD &iva to UDivermty Orden.YOU .c 0 U L D'N T i H � REA K I H G.. BUT YOU .. CAN-" .. . iRENT .A MONARCHlionery_Thr: coat TI!om on the first flOO1:las h�en removed· to �he hasement.;�l1d another telephone ho�th i���faJlt:(l in t he �pace pr.:>vided (Firat month •• • •• ••• s...ooRA TES: (Renewals •• . . • • • • • • • s.oo(Six moDths • • • • . •• Is.ooTHE MONARCH TYPEWRITERCOIIPANY.as E. lIadiBOll St.Phone Central 63_ IIthusIn licu of the old coat room. men�hers wiil nf,'''- be assigned lockers. a1 small cost of twenty-five cent!'fwo new tables and sct:-; oi hall·'la\'t: heen added tn the billiard roomnow resplen(lent in fTesh varnish anipaint.The south room on t.hc �econe10nr has been o,'c :hauled. as it i:smssible that the club may here hole'111 inter-fraternity whist tournamt"ntIn accot'dance with its usual cus'tom. the club will be open • .free oicharge, to all members of the cluJ­until after the first smoker. "'hidwill be held about the second weekStudt'nt ticket.s for the Purdne of the Quarter.pme will be on sale at the office in II'II0<4"Fifty-Cent Admissions W'dl be Soldfrom 10 to la and :I to 4-Par�dueites Cominc En llaae. 'Cf6mOtt IGl)to 6tubioPortraits in Platinum,Special facilities for groups.25% .discount· to Students.Phone Hyde Park 16 24� E. �:th StreetVARSITY CAFE. _',Le rendez - vous deEtudiants.47� E. 55MEALS 2Oc. aad up. .�.Rartlt'tt gymnasium today. from 10to 12 anci from 2 10 4- for fifty cent ...lThe "s"al .. cht'mc of re .. t'n·ation of George Garrett spent the summerse.:tt.s "'ilI he carried nut this ye:tr flutin� as musical director with Don·:tg:Ul1. � lei M c Oonalcl. of N ew York, stagin,.,------- .. :\ thousaml tickets ha"e heen or' amateur local talent plays in town�f)<'r('el hy Pnrf)nt' amI a lar�e dc.-lc�a- of \Vi:o;consin ami northern :\Iichigantion from Lafayette is expected at Their prodnctions. cOnSJstlOg ofthe �ame, The Pnrduitcs ha,'(' se- dances. chonlses ancl $pecialti�s fron'cnrcr! ('xcur!\io:n ratt'!I!. to Chi{'�r:t(l :tnrl all thr. leadi"J:t pop"lar music:tl com­;;re confident �n lh�ir' tE'�m: � edi�... wcre gh-en under ,'arion ..The re'f'011ar st'at sale ha!' hecn names. mo's'· po,)\�iar (;f which waceomparath-ely large. hut thc major ""The Talk of the Town." stage'.1 atportion of the attcndan.:c win donbt- Madison. \\-'is" and �'arq"ette andless tn.,. taets at tlte pte. Qalamd. Mieh.EDUCATIONALBOOKSof AJ_L Kinds atHBWITTS415 E. 57th StreetNext to Cor. of Kimbark• George Garren a Pl.,. Producerr'h� Hotel Maroon1 58th and Drexel AveIII URDU NEW MANAGEMENTRESTAURANT .AND LUNCH ROOMFirst Class l\4eals IPrompt Servl�The best of ereryflling semcf af reasonable pricesMusic eftry nening in dlnner·ltall •The Natioaal Hotel Co. J. W. Ward Mtr. I,��.��--��--� .. �����--�.!9'�":"" .,.. .. '" '-., 4, -I\ •.. ,:, .'rHE DAILY MAROON. FRIDA Y. OCTOBER 2. IgoS.START CROSS COUNTRYRUNS THIS AFTERNOON s: rC'J1K, and will stay at the ChicagoBeach hotel. They will be aCCOlD- TO PUT MEW' sriI&TDI' OJ'IlARJDMG INTO S,.P&CT hOD"r � per, major of cr4:with � redllClioas . .diDc ....the � �f' ma,i� ::'vanl':stalldiac. For- clWDple.. .tlJdeli�,.. dmittect with 2'/, majors receives 4-points and. as 72: are required' for':,..(dC(ll'ee he must make 24 hODor poi�with the remaiDi"" 9 majors ae:Auoc:iate Prote.onIn th.: Department' of Homiletiespanied by Assistant Coach Ferguson,Cross country work begins today Chicago's fullback of last year, and in the Divinity Schcol, .�-\J�D_�oben, (t.:on1Iliucd lrow paae I'with the first run of the season at Director Nicol of the Purdue athletic r'h.u., Uni\'ersity of Chicago, 1901;GeneraUq, however, separate marksami pastor of the Farst Hilptist4:15. Captain Caldwell said yester- department. Professor Moran, Pur- were given for class '_"ork and elt-day that he expected the season to due's Conference :&thle�ic representa- Lhurch oi lJetroit., .Mich.and amination, aIJ,,1 ,the, lowest pa, ssingIn the VC!l&1rllllCIllS of Latinstan with'l rush. "The work of rive, will not accompany the team. combination was D C or C D. Whenureck, Henry Washiligtoll Prescott,this year," said Caldwell, "ought to Ii student had received credit for the quired, ;"be unusually successful for several ANNOUNCE NEW FACULTY .\. 1;., Harvard, 1�)5, Ph.H., Harvard, required 36 majors (and any extras "The significance of a ne.. .��The t I b d r APPOINTMENTS AT BANQUET I�)OI; associate professor of .Clasaical ten I' I'�_' '1'11 two po.·nt"': FI·rst. a .. tud-reasons. spor las, een a ve - that may have been required on ac-" � ...... � ill �rised through 'handbills given out in ,"'hil..,ll1I::;Y in the Univer sity of Cali-} '., f- '. b' ") b" ca n 110 longer win a Baehelor's �_�,�,c, Continued from page I) ,iornia. count 0 excess a sences e re-the Spring quarter, a larger number ceived his degree, even tho�gb, his gree by getting bare credit for �Economy, J'll11es Alfred Ficld, A. B 'J I J) t r 'I 11 t' '.of new candidates appeared than in .. " II t Ie cpart men 0 .\ a iema ICS, majors of work. Seecnd, a stude..&a- �eneral ,:l\'erage was as low as C-. -previous years. Then ,too, many of Harvnrd, 1903; instructor in ecouo- ;,.jilbcrt Ames Bliss, Ph.D., Univer- "In a new system each course who has'. been in resid�nce as 1001last year's squad are expected out. .uics, Harvard. 1906-8. ! "it) of Clucugo, 1900; from Prince- ,receives ol.le grade: only, which, com- as three quarters and whose honor,I" In thc Department of Political 'ton Univer sitv.1 n addition, a carefully planned pro' oJ ,bines the record in recitation. exam- points are 10 below' -:he standard.. I b Science, Frederick Dennison Hr:II11- Professors .' '. J�raJll las CCIl arranged for the en- , ination and all' othe'r tests, ,a'Dd i,s (i. e. 2. points per major taken. nothnll, Ph.D. Unh'crs:ty of Chicago.]tire season, and new courses through I Jl the Department of History, Wil- lowered hy absences. Courses re- per �lajor credited) will be dismisse4the two parks have been laid out. 1908. .Tiam Edward Dodd, Ph.D., Leipsig, ceive not only credit in majors. but at the end of any quarter because ofIn the Department of History.Dice I • '"Besides, cross country rmniug is ',1900; trr-m Raudolph-Xlacon college, also "honor points" varying in pOllr work. unless he already hisI Ie f Rubin� .-\ ndcrsou, A. B. Randolph. V· '. beui J •t lC on y rorm 0 outdoor exercise, ,.. i rrguun ; to egm auuary I, 1909· .amount according to grade, as shown credit for 27 majors.��ICIJll College, 1900; -\ �( ibidwith the exception of football anu . - .. , . I In thc Department of History, Er- i!l the following scale: He ""ill not be allo"'ed to contim�soccer, which is offereu uuring the 1901.. : nst Da\!Jlcl!. Ph.D., University of Sign i- Credit Honor in college making a poor record. if II I ff I . . In the Department of Iltstor\'.1 K' I f I f �Q • 1 ·11 "a quarter. t a Of( s cnJoyable -, Ie: or t le autumn qll&lrter 0 Iyvu. Gradc. ficance. in �(ajors. Poino:s. . Offlcla announcement!' WI DO'h . 1 �larcus \\ ilson Jernegan 1"11. D .. 'I D f - -p YSlca culture, both to those who. _ . • 'n the epartmcnt 0 Latm, Elmer A Excellent 6 doubt be made concerning the newhave ncvcr run anu to thosc who Ul1Iv\.·rslty of Clucago. 1906. - Truc5ucll �lerrill, from Trinity Col- , A- "ystcm at th� "ariGus Chapel Assem-1 tI the Department of Sociology.: _ I, 5ILl t f I C t t u Good 4 "Ii�s and � suitable in. sert ..-ilI beI V' tEl II 11 b A B ' egc, .l ar Of(, onncc ICU . 0Il' or • nuna nc e c org, . .. Iy_) 188 : In the D�par,�ment' of Geology. B-ANNOUNCES LINEUP FOR "II e'tl 31-) t t f B'bl' I .t i: llailcy Willis of the United Statc:>' C1l lC cpar men 0 I Ica anu:'PURDUE GAME TOMORROW [' ., G k H B' Sh 'Gcoll)gic;tl Survcy' in thc spri:lg•• tllstle rec, enry urton ar- I '(Continued from page I) man, Ph.I>., Univcrsity of Chicago. fl1uarter or 19<)9. D Barely Passable 1g-e-t -a-c-)-la-n-ce- to play quart;;-'b�f�re 1907. I ,J n thc Divinity School, Carl Clem-'.'" E Conditioned 1 or I-� afterthe I:amc is over. I In th,,· Department of Latin.Charles . en, Ph.D., of the University of Honn; 'second exam. -ICoach Speik,with an army of about I Henry Beeson, Ph.D., Univcrsity of New Testament Greek, through thc F Failure 0 -aseventy- five canuida1es, has hau his Chkag-o, 1907. aututmn quarter of 1908. :'D in the new scale corresl)omls hchief worry in selecting a team from Ass!stant Professors Administrative Appointments 'I I,,�w C in the old. E to D and F to Professor Manly to Lecture Abro.lthe great amount of material, with In the Dcpartmcnt of the New Deans in the Junior Collegcs: E: Bare. ��edit fo; a, grade 'of n Announcement was made yester-which he is as yet rather unfamiliar. Testament in the Divinity School. Henry Gordon Gale. th�re:torl". d;�s ��� �ean thM � stu· day of the selection of Profess�His four years on the Varsity :lI1el S,hirley Jackson Case, D. B., Yale, Jamcs \\'eber Linn. d,ent may gct ,c,redit for a course inJohn Mathew M�nly, head of t�tthree as assistant coach under Direc- (90";': Ph.D. Yale, 1,906; from the J?ean of the SC::,!1ior ,Colleges: Janles ,1V���h �y. the,�'���' ',sy���m he 'would Dep�rtment of English, as lecturertor Stagg have made him a particu' prufessorship of the history and ,Rowland Angeli,:' in the place of ';h;t,v.c -:bef!l1.condltJoned. at the Univqsity of Gottingen fro�)arly able opponent pr�pareu to meet 'Philosophy Dh'ision in Cobb Divinity James Hayden Tufts, resigned. "For the .Bachelor·s degree a �tu- Christmas to Easter. Professor Man-'the Varsity' with a style of play na- School, Me_ School of Education: Professor del'!t must have 36majors and 72 ly's subject is "History of the Dra�tive to Marshall Ficlu. III the Department of Botany, and Head of the Department of Edu,,: hU�l)r poin<:s_ His ",'ork, therefore, in the Fift'!enth Century." :;The Boilermakers are 'confiuent, J e�sc )'loore Greenman. Ph.D., Uni- c�,ti\)n, and Director of the School of mu... t a\'cragc 2 �ades .. higher thanand Clre coming in force to support \"er�ity of Berlin, 1901; anu assistant Education, Cltarles Hubbard Judd. the,. barely passing mas:k., Lost··r-their team. The squau will arrive in �nrator of thc Fieltl �fuscum of Nat� Ph.D., professor of PSychology in "Students admitted with advanced I Mr. Russell Stapp--Call on Eastburnthe city this morning twenty-two ural History_ Yale University. standing r�ceive, provi�ionally_.....z __;lj onc�. a_t_5532. )(<<!nroc Avenue}ha ve had experience." •I 4 added to the' cour!'e books now illI�SC. An article concerning it b,T>eanVincent is to appear in the <Jt:.toller number of ''!he Unh·ersity',�lagazine. the neW' publication ",·hie.combines the University Record anithe Alumni Magazine. hcretpfortpublished."Fair 2c-o'jAN APPRECIATIONH ave you called upon usyet this Fall? Have you seenour new and enlarged shopwhich your good patronagehas made possible? 'In recognition ofthe splen­did support given us by U.of C. men, we have redoubledour effort to please you.Prices just as economicalas ever. Suits or Top Coatsfrom $:J5 up: Garments ofour make pressed free. ,!':\V � are now bU,ilding thefinest clothes in �h�cag�' to-"day. Thef(�, is nothing swellerin this to\\'n. 'No lot of Au­tumn Woolens so exclusivelyelegant./Our. styles ar' irresisti�lyattractive to anyone whowants to look his besL Youwill be del'ight�d . wit� theway we are expressing, thetone, swing and ginger of:red­blooded youth. -:.a. .....:r ...;,See us when you are, downtown.THE BOWS COMPANY605-6 MASONIC TEMPLE, CH.ICA60:".i�--------------- :