iatly ilarnnttIY AWARDED HOIORS.1T 67TH CONVOCATION CHICAGO, \V'EDNESDA Y, JUNE I�, 1908. Price Two Cents•...tal of 175 Recognitions of Schol­arship Distributed at ExercisesYesterda7 Afternoon. 399 TITLES AND DEGREESIDEDICA TE -NEW CHIMES INPICTURESQUE CEREMONYRecord-breaking Number t'f Sheep­skins Distributed at ConvocationExercises---Forty-two More ThanSt. Last Year. PROFESSOR PALMER SPEAKS:FAVORS .SPEClALIZATIONtwenty-Three New Member'S of PhiBeta Kappa-Harve�, Fuller Gets$300 Scholarship. Degrees and titles to the numberof 399, forty-two greater than the to­tal of a year ago, and the largestever given at any University Convo-cation,were awarded ill Bartlett gym-Honors for excellence in scholar- nasiurn yesterday afternoon. Ninety-ship totalling 175, were announced atone of these were awarded to candi­the Convocation yesterday afternoon. dates for the title of associate.These exceed by twenty the number Twenty-nine received certificates ofdistributed a year ago. They include the \ .� .. O years' course of the Schoolthe award of the Colonial Dames of Education. The bachelor's degreescholarship to Harvey B. Fuller, the was awarded to 205 candidates. Inelection of six to Sigma Xi, and the the Divinity School, the Dano-N or­dection _C?� twenty-three to Phi Beta ".egial1 Theological Seminary award­Kappa. ed five certificates, the Swedish The-llembf'rs are elected to Sigma Xi ological Seminary gave four certifi­(In nomination of the Department ofcates, four degrees of Bachelor ofScience for. evidence of ability in re- Divinity were conferred, and two mensearch work in Science. The election received the degree of Master ofof the following students was an- Arts. In the Law school two de­nounced ; George William Bartelmez, grees of Bachelor of Laws were con­Paul Stilwell McKibben, Roy Her- rerred and nineteen candidates re­bert Nicholl, Peter Powell Peterson. ceived the degree of Doctor of Law.Jose Ignacio del Rosario y Valdezco. In the graduate schools; nine re­Harry Lewis Wieman. ceived the degree of Master of. Arts,Members are elected to the Betaseven that of Master of Philosophy,of llIinois Chapter of Phi Beta Kap- six that of Master of Science andpa on n�nlination by the University sixteen the degree of Doctor riffor especial dis.tinctt� in general Philosophy.scholarship, ill. the U..,;versity. The, Those who received degrees andr ', .. .'- :c.,.. •" .-' ,�lecti()� , .�f' the following students titles at yesterday's Convocation -" _ .h :� .. 11. tl�' down the glory Of all' was She al�.ays.T HE. sun s one ."n ian �, '. ··'·f· k n thewas. announced: Conrad Robert., .. -'. .. . f' used . this' amaking-gt t to awa ewere:." yestet'day motpJnJ;.:Qn one. 0, _..•Gustave Borchardt, Jesse LaMar The Graduate SchoolS• .S"""-' _g" ood 'within us:' _ ".'the most picturesque 1'--. . _ ..... .. ... .Brenneman, 'Fred Cornelius Caldwell, Candidates for the' degree of Mas-.tacles it had ever lighted up, in Ch.i- ,\. "The highcr:she. r�se. the �ore s�eMary Ethel Courtenay, Abram Dek-ter of Arts: ],(ary Paulding Barnett: Hutchinson Court or .Bnglisb fa. )ovea. Her power for leadershipker, Elizabeth Emily Erickson, Hel- Bessie Boies, Frank !II oses Dryzer i �a,!:�s fili�d '""ith �t��: thousand peo- wa'.· al ways ;"'ntrolled' by 'her, poweren Eaton Jacoby, Carl Hamann Lam- Annie Laurie Renshaw Frazeur.Char- .fi I �f u�sel6sh service' to others, �eple, waiting to hear the rst pea sbach, Leon �1etzinger. Grace Mills. lotte Augusta Clara Haass, Samuel '. Abo k' ey to, her character was ,t_his ins�inc-,.from the Palmer:· chunes.. ' '. ve.'.' Iarv Josephine Moynihan, John Glenn Harrod. Adele Byrdene Mehl,h. ht"1ive , de'sir� to d'o good: an.d .to 'i�spire�, J...them rose Mitchell To�·e�. in w rc. .'Thomas Patterson,Norma Etta Pfeif- Agnes Blanche Powell, Bertha Marythe bells are to swing.which.iwith .the others to do' "t�e' 'greatesf ,thingsfer, '1.',i11ard Haskell Robinson, Jr., Terrjll. 'b 1 within thc: ,s�QPe' of their natures.nCommons, the Reynolds c1u, ��(Robert Whitlock Savidge, Eva Or- C' andidates for the degree of' Mas-b k She had a - g�nius for friendship."Mandel hall, made a beautiful ac-menta Schley, Charlcs Christian ter of Philosophy: Olive Orton An-.I President . Judson accepted. thegroun,l for the canopied an� pa rn-. interest'."Staehling Inca Lucile Stebbins, An- 'dersol.·, Hedwig Pauline Hotz, Gene-ch •. mes on beha if of the University.... decorated speaker's platform.'b Dr. Palmer said �hat many argueJ1'• e K .. therine Stock, Anita Struges. vieve Melody, Albert Frederick. He' pointed out, the simila.rity, e-.•. ••d that specialization causes IgnoranceI .... ul Wander. Probst. Ruth Read Randall. Norma Dean Vincent opened the procee -'. . th melody a�d tones of theb I thi••f bilk' tween e,"" and narrowriiiudcdncss, ut t rat usHonorable mention for excellence Lippincott S' wan, Lebbeus Woods. ings' with an account 0 e -lila mg 'bell and'the spirit and work of ·Mrs..I.-.. d t had been contradicted by 11S ownin the ,,·ork of the Junior Colleges Candidates for the degree of Mas- and bell-ringing, past an present,an< Palmer's I.ife. .b referred to, the proposed formation ofI. .'1 experiencc, whcn� far the larger nU111-"'as awarded to:ter of Science. Sarah Lucinda Dou t,The a�di�l1I:e became fami lar Wit Iber of the speciali.ts are men ofLucia Becker, Harold Boynton, Gret- Albert Wesley Evans, Louis Knox, a guild of student change ringers.the tone. of the bells during the lat-broad vicws,ta Dro,,·n, L. K. Canouse, Carl Ex- Da,·id Duke Todd. Anna Robcrta ··1 have no doubt," said Dean Vin-ter half of the sen.ice, although it,elsen, Jerome N. Frank, Alice Gra- Van �Ieter. Ada Lonise' Weekel. cent in this connection, "that if •was hardly a jair test of the musical BANDMEN PRESENT BATONper, Clarence Hamilton,Herbert Han- Candidates for the degree of 'Ooc- change ringing guild, composed of possibilities of the chime., as Mr. TO PROFESSOR BLANCHARDcox, Harriet Hartford, Thomas Hen- tor of Philosophy: Charles Christo- students at the Unh·ersity, wereBurgar and .Mr. Hutchins ".creley, Edwin Hubble, Libbie Hyman, pher Adams, l\Iary Blount, Leonas formed to study the science of ring- forced to rUR frOm bell to bell aud The Unh'ersity of Chicago militaryWilliam Kofmehl, Carl H. Lambacll, Lancdot Burlingame, Wallace Craig. ing these bells, it would please Alice .trike with a mallet, instead of ban". through its representative. Eu­�Iary Lanier, Charles Maxwell, Ada Reginald Ruggles Gates. Herbert Freeman Palmer even more than the swinging th� bells with a rope and �ene Van Cleef. presented Profe"o��JiJam, Vera lIIoyer, lIIarie Oury. �Iarcu. Goodman. Leroy Harvey. trihute we are no,,' paying her by the letting the clapper strike. Each of III.nchard with a new baton at thelIelen Rudd, Ella 111. Russell, Allen John Thomas Patterson, Milo Milton .retfkation of these chimes."the bells is' inscribed with a motto concert held after the Conference onSayes, Carlie Souter, Emma Weld. Quaife. Charles Houston Shattuck. "WI"n Alice Froeman Palmer be- selected from the Scriptures, by Pro- the "C'. bench. The haton h» threeArthur Wilson, Osear Worthwine. R.lph Edwa,,1 Sheleicn,William Wal- came pr«ident of Wellesley College. foss,r Palmer, and designate. some in.erted rings of �ol<t, the mid,lIeHonorable mention for excelleuce ker Swanson, George W.�hington the carcer 01 college president for attrihute of llr •. Palmer, in whose one hearin� �Ir. nJa;lcharcl', nan1<'.in the work leading to t6e certificate Tannreuther, Berthold Louis Ullman, women was little kno"'n," said Pro- honor the ehimes are dedicated. Pro- an6 the lower one a statement that i.of the College 01 Education: Clarence Stone Yoakum, Anna Prich- fessor Laughlin, in presenting the f"or Palmer read the mott''''., a",1 was pr",ented hy the hand on Jllne 6.lennie Adams, Bes.ie Griffing. itt YounltRl.n. hells to the Uni\'Crsity. "In tbis ca-as he rea,1 the appropriate hell was 1<)08, Van Cicci said in pr«<'n'ingHonorable mention for excellence The Junior Colleges pacity. howe\'Cr, she laid out the struck. Then the Tempest, a hymn the haton. that the hand wan'c�1 hyin the last t .... o years 01 work in the Candidates for the Title of Asso- iOllndation of woman's higher educa- composed by �Irs. Fllimer, ... ., .his means to show its apprecia.iollCollege 01 Education: ciate: tion in America. in Spain, in the pl.yeol, anel the part of the chimes in of what �Ir, manchard has done inAlice Temple. �I",ks Alexander, Arthur Allyn. world. for the worlel was not too the p,ogram was ended hy a rendi- building it np iuto an etlident concertScholarships in the Senior Colleges Beulah Armacost, Wilson Austin, large for her acth'ity," 'tion 01 "Alma Mater."' After the organi .. tion,for excellence in work of the J\1nior Vera Bass, Lucia Rccker, J. Craig L.ater· on he paid an eloquent trib- formal program. Messrs. Rurgar andCollegs: Be,wman, Harold Boynton, Jolni Bra-ute to the "'oman ... hose memory Henry Hutchins gave a short exhi- To Elect Captains Today,Beulah Armaeost, Romance; Sam- dy. Gretty Brown, Burnice Burt. AI-w.s being eommemorated. bition of eli.nge ringing.' only the The Varsity track and h"ehall1Ie1 Avery, Mathematics; Gretta hert Butler, Helen Butler, llarga!et "It .... � Iler qllality of leadership. simplest series being nsccl, as the teams will e1cct captains for nex,Brown, La t in; I.e M oyne Canons<, Byrne. LeMoyne Canouse. :l.lildredcom hined wit h her in.t inct h'e IIn,"- m .. rc com plica t ed ones reqll ire e lev -vea r this 0 i: d no,," at 4 :.10. when theChemistry; Elizabeth Erickson, His- Chamhcrlain, Weaver Chamherlain, fishness," he said, "th.t set her ap.rt en .killed men and properly hllng ;eam pictures will be taken. All tfaektory: Alice Graper •. Botany; Edwin Sltlart Chambers, Ralph Cleary, ),Iar- from the rest of liS. It ''''as this, bell., Irnen have 'Won poi�ts this :o-pring areHubble, Physics; Carl Lamhach, �-quality that gave hcr hcr power, and I----(C-oa-, -tia-,.-_--oa--pace--4-O;):--- eligible to appear 111 the gTOl1p.(Co_tiDeed oa pap 4) (Continued 01' NP 2) Husband of Woman CommemoratedYesterday, Himself a Noted Schol­ar, Delivers Convocation Address.Says Universities Tempt Men toSpread, Energies in Many Direc­tions-Specialization Imperative.The main address for the sixty­seventh Convocation of the -Univcr­sity ��a.s: delivered yesterday after­noon by' Professor George HerbertPalmer iof Harvard University. Pro­fcssor Palmer spoke on "Spccializa­tion,": In the opening of his speechhe .-icfer�ed to his wife, in whosememory the chimes had been dedi­cat�d earlier in the day, and said:. Probably not a half a dozen of thosehere this: afternoon S<lW ·her,. yet itis possible that many of you are dif­f�rent than you would have been hadshe-not loved you ami lived here. Herformative influence has so pass ed intolh�' University that it will' influencegenerations to come." A little over 1 per cent of thepopulation.' 'said Dr. Palmer, "are inour colleges .. You' are of that I, perce·nt. You are to enlighten the other-99 per cent. You arc dedicated to-i_ .clo_,this, and.ito tbi�.tmst .�hUuld :" ,�he true. .The college, like the outsideworld, has its temptations, but theyare of a different character. Theyarcthe temptations of excellencc! whichcall us in many perplexing directions�nd it is hard to keep true to our-�ft� \"Specialization,'.' he continued, "istooted in the very nature of knowl­edge. The nature of knowledge de­mands it, and knowledge cannot ex­ist without it. Only thro-vrh spe­cialization can we attain full power,for in order to attain full power, wemust confine ourselves to va singler•_.5750ut-'&in.!aite-'t1tE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 19()8.�Ipt lai1g lIaroon "That one restriction is: Thatwhat is published is true, fairly-han­dled news, which the representativemen and women of the University areinterested in reading."That, to our idea, is all there isto it. Analyze our little' creed foryourself. and we think you will findit sound.,"First of all the 'story' must besomething more than mere 'readingmatter.' or flattery, or criticism; itmust be news. roon will bring"Then the news must be true; no truest, snappiestcollege newspaper can afford to pub- Varsity that youlish anything but what is true about where.its alma mater', it must be the publi- $ . I old Lawrence, �Iary Moynihan, Etl2·50 a year 1t1 a( vance.cation of all others which shall be Preston, Mable Proctor, Stella RadSubscrlptlon price, J3.00 per 7ear: '1.00 recognized as unfailingly reliable. 399 TITLES AND DEGREES baugh, Elsie Schobingcr, Clara Vtor 3 montba. Sub8c:rlptloDII recelYed at "The qualification that the news be Nest, Jesse Waller, Mary Warren.the Maroon Omce. Ellle &11. or at the news which the representative stu�' (Continued from page I) Candidates for the degree of BacFacnlt7 E.zchule. Cobb Ball. dents will want to read, furnishes the elor of. Philosophy:finishing touch. It isn't enough that guerite Crowe, Catherine Darling, Stella Anderson, Wilson AustiLUTIIER D. l<'ERNALD. llanqlq Editor it is news for the outside world this Iva De Long; Caroline Dickey, Albert ll:trt Baker, Norman Darker, J c.I " I Donovan, I rene Dwyer, Carl Excel- Barnes, He ....-tcr Barr, Hortense Bee(enOtlllJ1atlOn or t rat sect, for the U J 1 JA. B. C. society or the Y. M. C. A.; sen, Hattie Fisch, Jerome Frank, Ar- er, Phebe Bell, Floyd Bernarthe question for the editor' is: Will thur Goes. �Alice Graper, Clarence Frank Devan, Jessie Black, AttluI Hamilton,' Herbert Hancox. Harr iet BPIt ie sane, thoughtful, loyal students ovee, cnc ope Bowman, Jessiwho are considered. the representa- Hartford, Thomas Henley. Margaret Boyington, 'Willard Brooks, Por tirive men and women in college 'con- Holzheimer, Edwin Hubble, Libhic and Hannibal Chandler, Jrsider that news? Hyman, Alice Johnson, Dean Ken- Florencc Chancy, Adelaide Chapir"The Maroon runs on the plan of nedy, \Vmiam' Kofmehl, . Bernard James Christensen, May Cunni. absolute responsibility centered in Krog, Anna Lagergren, Carl Lam- Eleanor Day, Jehn Derby, Solornothe managing editor. He weighs the bach, Mary Lanier, Raymond Latch- Karl Diebel, Karl Dixon, Ivy Dodg'story' in the balance of this scale, em, Harry Latham, Philip Lewinsky. Grace Dotts, David Eisendratland prints or rejects it, according as Mamie Lilly, Ella Martin, Miriam Louise Eisman, Florence Fox, Jait is not or is found wanting. l\Iath�ws, Charles Maxwell, Joseph- Gagnier, Julia Gilbert, Arthur GoeB H h . ine Mayer, Charlotte Merrill, Ada Alta G GreenoaIDee. Om�Ol. 8 Po DL. BIlla ,. e as to swim against. the cam- co reen, GertrudeBaU, Unlyenlq. Tel S7e1e ParlE 428. pus mill race often. The Freshmen l\Ii�am, Richard Miller, Adelbert bnum, Harriett Grim, Gudrun Gunstick posters on the sidewalk; the Moody, Vera Moyer, John M�Neish, derson, Helen Gunsaulus, Usta HaNe .. eonulbuUou Dl&7 be left at £1118 Faculty condemns the act, and is Mary Nicoll, Edith Osgood., Marie gen, Florence Harper, Jane HavenBallor Faeulq Ii:%chaop. adcIreaecJ to the inclined to criticise the editor for Oury, Florence Prendergast, Beulah Bertha Henderson, Elias HendersonDall7 Maroon. makin g in his columns any mention Reed, AT1na Reese, Joy Reichelt, May Sarah Hendricks, Emma Henne, 'ViIother than the most unqualified con- Roberts, Margaret Rowbotham Cole liarn Henneberry, Jr., Florence Hilldemnation of the deed. He answers: Rowe, Helen Rudd4 Ella Russe'lI, AI- )'larv Hill. Donald Hinckley, Leeh len 'Sayles, Karl Schmidt E'T e poster is there; the student ' va Hoffman, Juanita Howard, Showith I . . Schultz, Abraham Shulman, Emma LI FIor y IS Interested in reading about • I SU. • ora J ones, Una J ones, Charles. Sidenberg, George Simpson. C rIt.' ar lC Jordan, Lois Kauffman, Isabelle Kcl-"The Alpha Rhos are running some Souter, Charles Spence, Clara Spohn. Icy, Hazel Kelly, Winifred Kelso,one for office and they are sure it Maude Staiger, Walter Steffen, Les- Helen Kendall, Edna Kline, Frank11It has, belatedly, been suggested would be a fine thing to have a ter Stern, Melville Tait, Mary. T'ib- Koepke, Jcannette Lane. June Laun-k k bets. Yinchang Wang, Emma W ldthat the "Old Man" apparently had 'knoc • appear about the other man' e , er, Anna Lauren, Mabel Leaj : MaryMerriam called in time for the hur- but even if it is true, and even if the Belle White, Arthur Wilson, Oscar :\iaIJoy, George Marks, Eugene Mar­\Vorthwine. Robert \V' It H Idies Saturday. . .. I ecf;tor himself is an Alpha Rho he rig 1 , e en .;hall, Oscar l\Ierrillz Leon Metzinger., Zurawski.1fIt is rumored that that beautiful has no hesitation. in slashing it as Ruth �Iiller, Else Milner, Edithoverhead network shown by Allan 1I0t news of interest to the represen- The College of Education Moore, Minnie Moore, Mary Morton.tative, .fair-minded f tl t d Candidates for the two years' cer- Lloyd Mosser. George 1\, IcDermott.Ross at the Prom was only pr�cice 0 le s u entbody. tificate: Helen McKee,Frances T. Nowak,Bes.for the intercollegiate tourney.Tbe Oalelal .tndent PublIc:atIoa of theUulYeralt7 of Chleap.Entered .. 8ec:ooel·ct .. Mall at the CblC860Po.toftlee. Chlcqo. IlIlnola. Marcb 18,1903. oneler Act of Karch I, 1818.Publlebed daJ17. ueept 8G1ldQa. lion­da7a anel bollcIQII. elurlD6 thNe quartenof the UnlYenlQ 7IU.Formerl7The UnlYeralq of Cbltqo Wee1d7.FooneltdThe Weekl7, Oct. 1, 1892 ..Tbe Da1l7. Oct. 1, 1902.PRESTON F, GASS. Ne.. EditorMELVIN J. ADAMS, AthleUe EdItorLOUIS S. BERLIN, Bulns. MaoaprASSOCIATE IEDITOLJerome N. FraDkDPOa1'DSA. G. Whitfield, H. B, Fuller,W. A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. HallJ. Sidney Salkey Mamie LillyA. W. Wheeler, A. N. PfefferJ. M. Hou,ghland Hargrave Long.WEDNESDA Y, JUNE 10_, 1908.. Saturday morning, June 13, TheMaroon 'Will isSUe a special Int.;t­s�oIastic number of twelve pages. :U'Tis the prolific season for themetropolitan cartoonist. Gleefully,indeed does he whet his genius andspread it 9n upon illustrations depict­ing the woe-begone, job-hunting ap­pearance of the good.;.for-nothing col­lege graduate.scholastic.1fAnd one Chicago graduate oftyes­terday had nine business positions of­fered him in one day.At the University of \Vest VirginiaLhey are considering thc reorganiza­tion of their studentpublication. They sentThe �raroon, the othcrday, a questionaire onthc conduct of . a col-TheMaroon'sAttitudelege newspaper.In view of the intermittent criti­cism of The �Iaroon's attitude onUniversity affairs, it may not beamiss, instead of venturing the com­ment that it makes a lot of difference"'hose ox is gored, to admit The �Ia­roon's answer into print:"Y ou ask if the college ne"'spapersh()uld have any restriction or cen­sorship, faculty or otherwise, in thepublication of news. To this weanSWer: Yes, it should be restrictedin one way-and only one. "Then, he always has the �ving' r'�����--�����������������'���-·����sense of Jobian philosophy, that someday perhaps, either the milleniumwill come or some of his constantcritics will find themselves in his edi­torial place, and again.perhaps, 'makegood,' even more poorly than he did:'Graduated?y �u want to keep in touch withwhat's happening at the Varsity.Five times a week The Daily l\la-you the latest,about thenewscan find any- IF OBLIGED TO DROPOUT OF RESIDENCECo .... espondence CoursesWill enable you to continue your college work aqd gain the degree.qODe-half (18] of the l6 Majon required for �racluatioD .� bedooe b7 COI'I'eIpoodeoce. qOVer 300 cJau.roolD courses an thUioffered b7 members of the UDivenit7 Faculties. q8eaidea the nt-War 8ith School aad Con�e Counea. an maD7 that appeal tothOle lD cliffel'eDt vocatiooa-ootabl7 to teachers. ClWol'k IDa)'�iD�at aD7 time. Clloquire at office ofTHE CORRESPONDENCE-STUDY DE.PARTMENTThe University of Chicqo - - - - - - - - - - - Cobb HaD, 1AYou may see"Johnny Peters gets student ser- Jennie Adams, Lillian Beifeld. Lola sie Noyesz Bessie O'Connell, Agnesvit:e. It would double .his prestige at Buckingham, Alice DoIling, Bertha O'Grady, l\Iary O':\I:alley, Viola Par­school and allowance from home if a Donaldson, Carrie Elmstrom Flor- adise, Elizabeth Parker, Catherinepaper would mention this as a great ence Farwell. Alice Friedman: Allene Pianta, Ruth Porter, Edith Powel.college honor and Johnny as a won- Gates, Bessie Griffing, Mary Hallam Althea Ricker, Henry Roney. Hazelderful college man. But- Minnie Higley, Adah Jandt. Jean Rowland, Thomas Sanderson, Em­"Undoubtedly Chicago should go Krueger, Eva Loenard, Ethel Low- rna Shr.:dcr, Charles Schwartz,:\larye'dry;' undoubtedly the smoke nuis- enthal, Edith Lynn, May l\IcClcvcy. Shakes, Annette Silverherg. Marian1fIt's all o,'er now. ance is fearful; undoubtedly the anti- Minnie McDevitt, Ellen Mcduff. 51111On, Charles ,Speckz Leo Spitz.(T s'pitting ordinance should be en- Laura Osman" Alma Radzinski, Alina Charles Stachling. Inca Stebbins ..II It isn't hard to pick the man with- forced; so divers persons, long-hair- Roggeveen, Gertrude Shaw, l\Iyrtle Gordon Stewart, John Stockwell.out any Varsity spirit. Just notice ed a90ut or in the head. approach the Shohy, Estelle Simms, Gladys Elizabeth Stone, Helen Sunny, Gen·those who don't stick for the Inter- d' " Thonlpson Ed'tl V DIS' fe nor, mSlstent that he launch forth ., I 1 an eusen, I( a eva Will ord., Annie Templeton.into phiJIippics that will annihilate Waters. Gt'orge Thompson, William Trow-the forces of evil, etc., etc. And the Candidates for the degree of Bach- bridge, Idabelle Vedder. Olga Von­editor is told that he is an upstart. elor of Education: dracek. Paul \Vander, Edna \Veldon.degenerate, inter alia. �ollegian, for Lucy Barroll, Gladys Baxter, Jes- Paul White, Harriett \Vilkes. �Iaril'shaking his head and saying, 'But--' sie Black, Penelope Bowman, JessIe \Villiams, Paul Wood, \ViIliam"Of course, even Homer nods no Boyington, Sarah Drake. Harriet --human work is perfect. and occa;ion- Drew, Florence Fox, Usta Hagen. (Continued on ,age 3)ally -the editor applies himself to do- Bertha Henderson, Florence H ill. �-ing what he came to college for. Isabelle Kelley, Hazel Kelley, Bohu- Don't yon know a good thing when\Vhile he often has to, he doesn't al- mil Kral, Florence �[ills, �Iary you see it? Call down at Esmoer'sways get to. write or read every Moore, Lulu :\lcCoy, Bessie OTon- c;tudio and you wilJ see a whole lotword of the thirteen columns of news l1ell. �rary O'�lalley, Hugh Owen. of "nifty photos. " That's "'hat youmatter that appear every day. He Caroline Pierce, Edith Powcll. :\1- want, and you can get them theremay also have to leave the city for thea Ricker. Alice Temple, Edna ;lny day. 243 E. 55th Street.a clay, or even study for an exami- \V:ttkins, Edna \Veldon, Florence E ----.--------------nation some night instead e>f going We1Js, �rat1Cle \Volcott.down at midnight and consigning The Senior Colleges'bao' items to the 'hell box.' Candidates for the degree of Bach-"That does not, however. excuse elor of Arts:him from responsibility; holding a Augustus Bogard, Inez Buscnhcnzhigh student office of great pO"'er, 1\bry Carr, George Cassell, Kennethhe hulds him�elf personally liable for Crosby,_ Evelyn Culver, Franc DeI­whatever appears. If a wrong has 7.C1I. Sarah Drake. Lucy Driscoll. Ed­been done some oner he, of course, "'ard Felsenthal. Alice Grcenacremakes due retractions-and �es that M:lry Heap, Charles Ireland Agnesmakes due retraction-and sec� thaI Kendrick, . Robert Kerner,' Gustaf• :ibout all he: can do. � Lagergren. Florence Laufman. Har-l FOWNESGLOVESon the man who doesn'tknow what's what­you're sure to see themon the man who doea know. Bows' Corre(;t laBoringFORFLANNELAND SERGESUITS\V e have just received acomplete line of Flannelsand, Serges. Many import­eJ and domestic fabrics tochoose from. Our linecomprises all the verysmartest effects of the sea­son, Just the kind of pat­terns for young men' andcorrect dressers.We are aiming to SUITthe college man4 and in­vite your inspection ofour �oods.THE BOWS COMPANY805 Masonic Temple6ncago rS�veThis COUPON ')'OCGood forat Fifth Floor. Masonic Temple$5.00 Sample Shoes $2.50Summer Employmentfor CoOege Men •••I wal1� cl)I1ege men every­where, of strong personality,ellergy cmd �rit,. to take or­tiers for my Aluhum of Pho­to�raphs, made on the Bat­tlefields of the Civil War.S(lme�hing absolutely new.A quick money-maker. Onlyvolu�le of its kind in exist­ence. No competition, bigdemand, field as yet undevel­oJled. One agent has soldnearly 400 in five months.Agents' literature frec. Ref­erences required.Address:Edward .B. Eaton, 926 MainSt.. Hartford, Conn.TOWN&COUNTRTSHIRTSmeet every requirementq_� well as the high�t �x­pcclations. '$1.50 up.CLUETl". PEABODY & CO ... atenTry a classified ad inMaroon. 11-I·IIthe Daily•Ttl)! DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, '908. '-_.- - - If, t- GoM Money for College Mentt FINE BUSINESS POSITIONS FOR THESUMMER OR PERMANENTLY.If you want to earn money dunng the vaeation months, orif you expect to work for a living after graduation, here is a prop­osition which will attract you. - Financial returns unusually large-$30 to $60 a week not too much to expect at start; ultimate earn­ings limited only by your own efforts. Work is especially adapt­ed to college men. It is interest.ng and pleasant, and gives val­uable experience.-You may work either in Chicago or elsewhere-in your homecity. perhaps.No matter what your plans are. it will pay you to investigatethis. You can begin work now.You could arrange to earn money on spare time work whileattending college.Fer further information, add.ess or call onSALES MANAGER, THE SHELDON SCHOOL,X002 Republic Building Chicago.The Albert Teachers' Agency' If you are a· Seniorc. J. Albert, Manager3iS Wabash Ave., ChicagoEstablished twenty-three ye ars.We locate annually from sev­enty to eighty-five Universityof Chicago students. CallSaturday and we will tell youof some of our good -iacan­cies.------------------�������I BORDEN'SCondensed Milk, Fluid Milk, Cr.amand Buttermilk.I-All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk - cs. II 627-633 E. Forty-seventh St.c If I had the- extra ten addedon I could sell thirty-dollarclothes for twenty, like someothers do. My original mod­erate price prevents suchto Thirty Five Dollars====.======.====. ,.- Hair Dressing, Manicurin�,Shampooing, Facial MassageMADAME KAYNORSCALP SPECIALIST237 E 55th SL Phone H. P. J.l8fGENTLEMENWIODnnFGIsnu1U1IlIS, AI. CO.'"WUlI'Il"PIOftI .BOSTONGARTERTHI HCOCIIZlD STAIIDlRD��::��e CUSHIONBUTTONCLASPutS FUTTD till ltC-ImR. SUPS, TUIS ..... UIlfUrElSao.nOftco.�............ 11' ••• �. $1,; to $35., 399 TITLES AND DEGREES. (Continued from page 2)Wrather, Lela \Vright.Candidates for the degree of Bach­elor oi SCience:Charles Baker. Judson Bennett,Jesse Brennemann, Albert Brokaw.I'aul Buhlig, Melbourue Clements,�Iargaret Dupee, Vesta Jameson,.'::lcoL Johlin, Jr., Adelaide Kibbey,George Kite. Bohumil Kral, Michael�.Jeyer, Grace �Iills, Adelbert Moody,Frank Murrah, Fletcher Me Farland,Elsie Parker, :\Jary Pitkin, HarrisonRogers. Wilbur Rogers. Max Rohde,Eva Schley, Julia Sommer, LeonStarr, Earl Steffa, Annie Stock, GraceTrovingcr, Eugene Van Cleef.Candidates for re-enacted degree ofBachelor of Arts: Herbert Alonzowe can offer you work thatpromises rapid advancementand pays you wellIf you are anUnderclassmanwe can employ you at Sum­mer work that will leave younext Fall with a lot moremoney than you have now.If you liave alreadymade plaosthat won't materialize for amonth or two-our work willgive you ready money-intro­duce you widely to peoplewho may be of help to you-and in no way interferewith your future plans. Howe.Caudidatcs for the ccr tificatc of theDano-N or wcgian Theological Semi­nary: Carl Emil Elving, Aron Erick­son. Carl Leander Jensen, NicolayAmaudns Nilsen, Nils Hansen Wold-Ihagen.Candidates for the certificate of th«Swedish Theological Seminary: CarlGustafson.Victor Anderson, EmilSamuel Hamlllerstrom,FrankPetersonTnllcen.Candidates for the degree of Bach­elor of Divinity: Herbert MedbournCaru, A.B., Hiram College, 1902; An­drew Pettigrew Garrett, A.B., WakeForest College, 19<>2: Orrin RocJenks, D.B., Chicago TheologicalSeminary, 1905; Charles Ray Wol­ford, A.n., Hiram College, 1905.Candidates for the degree of Mas­ter of Arts: \Villiam David EndresA.B.. Christian University, 1901, D.B.,Drake University, 1906: WilliamStockton Lockhart, A.B., ChristianUnivcrsjty, 1901. D. B.. Drake Uui­vcrsity, 1906.The Law School .Previous experience is not neces- Candidates for the degree of Bach-;ary. \Ve believe we can interest elor of Laws: Allan Carter, j chnyou. Write for particulars to-day to Barry Hayes.�VERYnODY'S MAGAZINE. Un- Candidates for thc degree of Doc-ion Square New York. tor of Law (J. D.): Frederick Rog­ers Baird, Ph.B., the University ofChicago, 1906; George W. Black. cumI •••••••••••• � laude. A.B., University of Illinois.liThe Student II 1903; Charles Arthur Bruce, Ph.B..� the University of Chicago, 1906; Vir-tg£d His 0 Ib gil A. Crurn, S.B., Adrian College,,.... 0 es : 1905; Paul Hunter Dodge. Ph.B., the'Can we please the Student? Ccr- i University of Chicago, 1906; Albert'tainly we can-no question about � Blaine Enoch, Ph.B., the Univers ityl t. • cf Chicago, 1906; Thurlow Gault Es-, It. � r, l sington, 'cum laude, A. B., UniveraityI Students arc particular. We � of -Illinois, 1906; John Edwin Foster.lknow that styles must be right , A. B.. the University of Chicago.roo .. :I;it. perfect, and all the little kinks j Hugo :\[orris Friend, Ph B., the Uni­'h( ked after, vcrsity of Chicago, 19Q6; Edward,, The fabrics are young men'sI ,hhric.;, especially selected from j�hheir suits, and arc in bright and �j tfashionahle patterns and durable j ,I ews, A.R, :\Ionmouth College. H)O.l:order to secure satisfactory wear. l ,I Fred :\Iyrine Outhouse. A. B.. Uni-II f you will come and see us, we l ,vcrsity of Illinois. 190 .. : Vail EugeneIwill sell you suits, that were madel' Purdy. cum laude, Ph.H.. the Univcr-thy thc best Tailors in the United: t sit)' of Chica�o.IC)06: Oscar John Put­tStates. from $.H to szs. Our � t ing', A. H.. University of ll1inois.I()06:t;.;-;(� .. Lr �:;� Ligh-gra.!e �:ulh"'s,j' C: ii:�t:c Lelia Rice, Ph.B,; the Uni-� vcrs ity of Chicago, I�: j amcs \Vig­gins Simonton. cum laude, :\_ H.. I n­ilI (!;ana Univcr .. ity, 1903: Perry Curti ..: �EdwardsTaiIoringCo.I: Stroud. .x.n., Univcr .. ity of Wiscon-, r sin, tOO()., , 63 State St.. Mentor Bg., Rm. 157 � tII , T(\ Rehearse Vaudevi1!e TomorrowAMERICA'S LARGEST t Rehear .. al for the iutcrschola-ticDEALERS IN MERC- j vaudeville will be held tomorrow af-� t KANT TAILORS UN- j t(.·rnO(ll1;at., :JO o'clock in thc Rey· II CALLED - FOR G A R- I I n lId ... club theater. The followingt MENTS �, men arc hooked to appcar : Eberhardt.I tIt Shaw, Dixon. Robertson, Benzic:,�. • ••••••••••• and the Dai:-y chorus. Berry. :'.Iorse.Ilen:-y. Hurt- 'n� P;age. Steffen. Ken­Many wants are supplied through nedy, Gilhert, Ritchie. Joy Clark. Ex-Hawkins Hulscr, Ph. B.� :\Iornin�sidcCollege. 1905; John Irving Liver. A.B.. University of Wisconsin, 19(>8:Sidney Lyon, A. B., University of:\Iichigan, 1902; William John Mntth-I,.. __ ..-.L •• YS EASy ... l1he Want column. of the Maroon. 'sclscn and Garrett. B. L. AMES HAT CO •ONE QUARTER CENTURY AT OLD LOCATION- NOW AT -90 EAST .AIIISON STREETTRIBUNE BUILDINGSTETSON SILK AND OPERA HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EACH HATGLOVES :-: CANESUMBREL.LAS:-:""'�------------C'1EM'CAL, PHYSt�,i •. , ELECTRICAL andSURGICAL GLASS APPARATUSWE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO D:ESCRIPTION.Any Apparatus Made to OrderW. J. BOEHMMANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERPhone Main 2700- '171 E. Randolph Street.CHICAGOBEliN BAGGAGE a EXPRESS eo;Quick Service our Motto"BAGGAGE OUR SPECIALTY30 Wagons Daily to and from All DepotsFurniture. PianQs. Trunks, Merchandise and ParcelsDelivered to all parts of the city, Depots and SuburbsMain Office: 6154 Wentworth Ave.Telephone Wentworth 460. 461Branch Office: Information Office. University of ChicagoPhone Douglass 288 Phone Harrison ISgB71 East 39th Street 48 Hubbard CourtThis is the time to plantFLOWER and VEGETABLESEEDS ••.••We carry a lar&e variety ofclean and hardy Seeds.Choi�e Cut Flowersalways on hand.A. McAdamsFLORIST53rd and KimbarltTelephones H. P. 18 and H. P. 69S7--------------------------.----------����Rooms to Ren.tSINGLE OR EN SUITEREASONABLE RATESRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfR10 CoonectiaoHotel M-sroo:n58TH ST. AND DRElf.RL AVE.Under Management of the Natiooal Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 3739-An AllraeUve Propositionfor Students.We have an up-to-date proposition for University men whodesire to earn their college expenses for next year workingdcring the summer months. Don·t fail to investigate before leav­in&» the city. W. B. Company, 1J93 Ellsworth Building, 35SDearborn Street. See Mr. Horse1y.I-----------------------------------------------------------_.Varsity Cafe ••55th St. and Greenwood AvenueOPEN ALL DAY20c Bl1.d UpMealsOUR MEALS ARE AS GOOD AS THE BESTDo YOU·Deservea BetterPosition THE CLARKTEACHERS' AGENCY.... : 17Ia1tY ....... ... , ....... : ...B. F. CLARK, PKO,,'UETORTHE DA.ILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, I goB, •MANY AWARDED HONORS 'I History; Lucy Driscol, History of DEDICATE PALMER CHIMESAT 67TH CONVOCATION Art; Harriet Grim, Public Speaking;(Contlnued from page 1) i Florence Hill, History;' Leo Hoff-Iitical Economy; Mary Jean Lanier.: man, History and Political Science;Geography; Lee Lovinger, English; I Winnifrcd ' Kelso, Household Admin- The mottoes placed on the ten:'11 abel Lodge,' Greek; Marie O\;ry,: ist rat iou; George Kite, Zoology; bells are as follows: "A Gracious,IJune 1 un rEI' h L �l taing Woman Retaining Honor," "Easy toLatin; Persis Smallwood. Botany i, .a ... er, 'ng IS ; ,eon. e II -Arthur \Vilsol1, Political Science, - I cr, �erll1a�I;, ,Grace ,�,hlls., ,Botan�; be Entreated:' "Always Rejoicing:'A scholarship was awarded to lIar_,�I.'r,) Xl oynihan, Latin, Edith Pow- "Making the Lame to Walk and thevey Fuller, Jr,' lell, History;. £\'a �chley, Botany; Blind to See," "Great in Council and- Honorable mention for excellence Marye Shakes, History; Charles Mighty in Work," "Rooted and, Sta 111,'tl" G rm II' Charl . Staeh- Grounded in Love,"" Fervent inin the work of thc senior colleges: e g, e a, .. es'1"'1 GIL I St Geol- Spirit," "Given to Hospitality," "TheStella Anderson, Judson Bennett" ,g, eograp ly; eor arr,Jesse Brenneman, Albert Brokaw, :ogy; Annie Stock, History; Alice Sweetness of Her Lips IncreasingPnul Huhlig, George Cassell, Flor_ITcn.lplc, Educarion ; Paul Wander, Learning," "In God's Law Meditat-ence Chancy, Evelyn Culver. Eleanor Sociology. ing Day and Night.':Day, John Derby, Ivy Dodge, Lucy! .scholarships in the Graduate Writes Biography of Mrs, P8ImerDriscol, Margaret Dupee, David Eis- I Schools for excellence in the work of The relations of Mrs. -Palmer withendrath, Alice Grcenacr e, Gertrude I the Senior Colleges are awarded to: this University are touched upon in aGreenbaum, ,Harriet Grim, Emma I Dwight Akers, Political Econo.m,y; recent biography by her husband,Henne, Florence Hill, 'Mary Hill, I Gla�IYs lla�ter, Hou.sehold �dnlll1ts- Professor George Herbert Palmer,Leo Hoffman, Charles Ireland, Jacob tratron; Alice Braunlich, Latin; Jesse this quarter's Convocation orator. "InJohlin, Jr .. Flora Jones, Isabelle Kc1- Brenneman, Physics; Lucy Driscoll, 1�2," says Professor Palmer, "theley, Winnifrcd Kelso, Robert Kerner, History of Art; Margaret Dupee, University of Chicago was founded,George Kite, Jeannette Lane, Flor- Botany; Emma Henne, Romance; and called us to two of its chairs;ence Laufman. June Launer, Mabel j acob Johlin, Jr., Chemistry; Robert she to be professor of history andLea, Mary Millloy, Leon Metzinger, Kerner, History; Herman Kuiper, Dean of Women, I to the head of the We do not charge for our abilityRuth l\liller, Grace Mills, Minnie Greek; Elsie Milner, Philosophy; Department of Philosophy, ' It was to cut" distinctive clothes-clothesMoore, Mary Moynihan, George Me- Rose Seitz, German; Alice Temple, an attractive offer.,., .Most of those Il ress you diff�rently from other men.Dermott, Bessie O'Connell, Viola Education; Eugene Van Cleef, Geog- engaged in organizing the novel Uni- You realize that result withoutParker, Edith Powell, raphy ; Paul Wander, Sociology; Rus- versity she knew well, and many ofl\�able Proctor, Hazel sell Wilder, Anatomy; Marie Wil- its faculty were her personal friends. paying the price.Schley, Elsie Scho- Iiams, Psychology; William Wrather, She admired the wisdom of its chief Weare making a specialty of $25binger, . Emma Schrader, Marye Geology. founder, who accepted no place on its Summer Suits-that should be pricedShakes, Marian Simon. Julia Sommer, board of 'trustees, selected or re-Leo Spitz, Charles .Stachling, Leon BULLETIN jeered none of its teachers, gave nt1 below $33· , We are willing to sacri-Starr, Inca Stebbins, Annie Stock, The Cap and, Gown will be on salemoney to its buildings, but provided rice some, profit to sell this quality.Eli b h S G T' all day in Cobb Hall, All subscrib- liberal means for carrying on .. Uni- It k h fi• iza ct tone, race rovmger, .... rna es you ave, con dence in us,, ers are urged to get their copies at\Villiam Trobridge, Clara Van Nest, versity so far as others might come and we think a satisfied customer the1 once.. . The Editors. d . ,Pau Wander, Lela Wright. for war to construct It.' Here _the best advertisement.Honors for excellence in .particular Alpha Pi chapter of Phi Kappa author tells of how in . spite of herdepartments of the Senior Colleges; Sigma gave an informal dance at the approval of the constitution provid- Smart, snappy styles for the col-Jesse Brenneman. Physics; Albert chapter house, 6054 Kimbark avenue, ing for women educational advant- lege man and young business man-Brokaw, Geology; Florence Chaney, Saturday evening, ages equal to those of men, .despite good "'f)nservativf, though stylish,that their salaries would be three 'models for the older man,times what they were receiving atHarvard she opposed acceptance of All sizes, including "stouts."the COlli. "She loved her home, SheParadise, ElsieEthel Preston,Rowland, Eva'Robert Staedter Co.', .., l,155 State StreetBetween Madison and Monr,oe-Phone Central 5334furs, Suits, Coats, SkirtsMillinery ,.The Suit, Coat and Skirt value we are offering during the balance ofthis month and May cannot be equaled in Chicago. .Come in andlook over our stocks. We have the Merchandise to support thisclaim. Silk Dresses $12.50 to $15.00 and up. In our Millinery Sectionour Styles are correct, and range in price from $5.00 up. We storeand remodel Furs at Lowest Prices Phone and we will callIBOOKSThe largest stock in this country-all "kinds-standard,fidion, technical-convenientl, arranged on our twor large retail "oors. Engraved Cards,Announcements, Etc.l\)IcCLURG & CO. newA.. c., 215-221 Wabash Avenue, Chica&o.Indian Motortytles Win AgainAl�onquin Hill Climb, May 18th. The Single Cylinder and TwinIndian defeated all competitors, including special racing machines,makinl{ the fast tim� of 28 seconds up Algonquin Hill from slandinCstart.The Indians used were regular stock machines, same as we sellor that you can see on. our floor, Ride a winner. Let us show you,HENDEE MFG, CO., 1251 Michigan Avenue.SMITH-VAILEPumping M�chinel')'The 'Pl�tt Iron Co. worksTURBINE PUMPSSTEAM PUMPSELECTRIC PUIIPS 311 Dearborn StRetChicaco, mHarrison 86,: (Continued from page I),_-',_�:'YulMOSSLER CO�PANY II Suit before you go home.Clothes for lIen--andJoUDg lien Students: Get a Nobby SpringSO Jackson Blvd. 'BfNfDICT WALD-at '25214 East 55th Street••••••••••••I Victoria!Hotel I '(TTailorTelephone 2860 Hyde ParkOperated by .O. A. McClintock,' ,E, R. Carr,T, c, Capen,European ?1anROOMS SI UPWARDSMichigan Ave. and Van Buren St.Chicago, U. S. A.DUTCH ANDRED ROOMScared little for money; having modesttastes and much enjoyment in get­ting large results from small out­lays. My roots she thought were toodeep in Harvard soil for removal tobe quite honorable. She doubtedwhether our scholarly opportunitiesin Chicago would equal those of Cam­bridge, and did not like to interposesuch a distance between herself andWellesley, and perhaps dreaded thewear and tear to which she wouldbe exposed by another absorption incollege duties. \Ve accordingly de­clined the call."But President Harper was insist­ent. Founding for the first time agreat co-educational university in acity, he desired the aid of Mrs. Pal­mer's planning and superintending,even if she were not to be continu­ously on the ground. He proposed,therefore, that she should accept theDeanship of Women 'without teach­ing, and with on obligation to reside Iin Chicago more than twelve weeks.She was to have general supervisionof women's lodging, food, conductand choice of studies, and to select asub-dean to carryon the work in herabsence. This proposal she acceptedfor the year 1892-9,1, and then, findingthat measures well begun growstrong only by watching. she some­what willingly allowed herself tocontinue two years more. By thattime the position of the women stu- MOSSLBB co., SO Jackson Blvd.Just Off Stat. St. Try a Classified Adin The Daily Maroon,Daintily DeliciousPerfedly, PureSurpassinglySmooth.4NiiiLi's.... DI .....�"DIDW··Suuws..-· WonderfullyWholesomeDay and Night' SchoolBUSINESS COURSE. SHORT. HAND COURSE. ELEMENTARY PREPARATORY €OURSE. ADVANC�D PR.I!;PARATORYCOURSE., TEACHERS' PREPARATORY COURSE.LAW PREPARATORY COURSE.. PuPilS May Becin at Any TimeILLINOIS COLLEGE" COMMERCEFonner17AT H EN A E UM_40th Year. 40,000 Graduates SAMUEL B, WILLEY, Supt.Phone Harrison 1110. 18 to 26 Van Buren Streetdents was assured. They were cer­tain to hold a place in the Universityno less creditable than that of theThe Daily :\(aroon "'iII pay 5 centsSPECIAL Typewriters for SaleTYPEWRITERS for Sale or Reut­Special -rates to students; barpiDiin re-built machines. 'W. White­head. 36 La Salle Street.Typewriters Rented-3 months for�5 and up, Typewriters sold on easyr rncn. There was no need of her dif- payments, from $10 up, Best bargainsficult service. In .lIme, :&)5, she re- in guaranteed machines, Americansigned, had a successor appointed,...,._ I:UCltk T,pewliter Co., I. Dearbomand sailed away for Europe. But her St. Central 61.,.interest in the University never ceas-ed, nor did its gratitude to her." ---------.-- .... ------Found-Ink pencil. Sayles,The 1908 Cap and Gown is out. tains.Get one before: they are all gone. Hall, Address X, care :\iaroon, Ellis each for papers issued May 5.them today to the office,