Iy.' iIUily 'llurnnttIganiein�y'1- ., ., ..Vol. VI. No. 160. CHICAGO, TUESDAY. JUNE 9, i908. Price Two CentsCHICAGO ATHLETES TRIUMPHANT INSPECTACULAR CONFERENCE STRUGGLE TBREE'MlJlOONS IN OLYMPIC! NAMEs 7 MARSHALS, 8 AIDSMerriam. Jacobs and Lightbody I president Distributes �onors AmopgPicked by Committee to Go to Lon-; Prominent Members of Juniordon Next Month-Fourteen West- Class-All Appointees Prominentem Men on Team. in Student Activities.Ma�ie Avery, Willowdean Chatter­to son, Marjorie Day,. Helen '. Jacoby.Florence Manniug.Katheeine Slaught,Louise Norton, Lulubel Walke".·s.ler­Ie.�dhe from Stanford.Uphill MeetWin How the Leaders FinishedChicago-cas points.\Visconsin-20 points.Stanford-20 points.Illinois-IS points. New York City. June 9-Three Chi­cago nthletes=-Merr iam, Jacobs andLightbody-were among the seventy­six men chosen here this afternoonI. to compete for the United States inthe Olympic games in London nextmonth. The American committeeWisconsin and- Illinois-Merriamand Schommer Heroes.s- The New MarshalsBenjamin Badenoch, FredericGaarde, Noah Alvin Merriam, \Vil­liarn P. McCracken, Renslow P.Sherer, John Jacob Schommer, Wal­ter Peter Stffen.The New AidesIIIh­�e JACOBS AND GARRm SCORE\\'ho madeGreek Contest Abounds in Reverses­Badgers and Coast Team Tie­Illinois Fourth. scores:Merr'iarn, 10; Schommer. 6; Jac­obs, 5; Garrett, 3.tions. had intended to' limit theThe Varsity track team redeemeditself for losing dna I meets to Illinoisand Wisconsin by capturing the Con­Iercnce meet Saturday, after one ofthe most desperate and spectacularsmlggles in athletic history.It was a glorious victory, all themore so because of the suddennessand unexpectedness with which itwas realized that the Chicago team End Careers in GloryCaptain Merriam and Schommer.who will be lost to the Varsity team,ended their careers in a blaze of­t:1ory. Ned took two firsts in �equarter and the low _ hurdles, )VhileSchommer tied for first in the- highjump.' with Martin of Stanfordand Slaught of Grinnell; and took �ixty' members, �ut. found suc�. anabundance of .material in sight that itwomen- increased the number, .Appointment of the eightMichigan, with Coe, Dull and and seven men named above as Uni­Rowe, picked to cross the water, is versity marshals, was announced yes-the only western university which terday by President Judson. All ofwill equal Chicago's representation, those named were of unusual prom i­The other men chosen are May, the nence in student activities during thellIinois sprinter; Bellah of Leland year.Stanford, Jacobs' opponent in .•. Steffen is captain of the Varsity'pole vati!t.; H�ff, t�e' Grinnell 'sprint- football team for 1908 and is on theer, and five C. A. A . men: track team: ·.He is a member C?f the1 ron Mas}<, ',Sc�re :;c�ub,' Three-Quar-ters club. the Sphynx of Phi57 was out of reach of its nearest rivals. second in the' shot p�t. TogetherWhen Merriam bent down to the they annexed 16 points \-0 the 'Chica­';0 total of '24.'mark for the 220 hurdles, a first 0which would virtually bri .. g a Ma- . \Viscortsih:s' fout: !ltbtet�s, Osthoff,. n.' lanke .n:lgl.eJ'��at�i�k :a�d . Messmer,roon title, there was a great amount Jatheted 'in :.2Q points s ; 'i_eing. for ie-c-of suspense in the huge throng. "". . roughs, Garrelts,And then it was realized that only ond'· ·-with· St�llf;Ord. Illinois cameone other team had a�c;h:a�n�c�e�to�bf.�a�.t�f���u;r;th�w�·;jt�h�';1;8�:t;a�1�li;e�S�.�:;������3;n�d�p:;a;tt:e:r:s:o:n�.�-+���==���������������2:::�.,_._�'�.�"�'�'--Chicagu out io� fi'rsr:-- -- _' �;;1fE���C-HI'C--1'_GO'-- . �O-O-TERS--. R-O-A-'R- ED" LA'ST' 'SA' T-' URD: A' Y'the hammer throw- had still to be 1m- Uf� Ai AInounced.· . Should Messmer of Wis­consin win, the Badgers had the meet'all theirs. As it turned out, Messmerdid not place; and Chicago's suprem­acy was decisively shown.ThU$, ended �he Conference meetthat gave to Chicago a narrow b�t:none the less decisive victoryher opponents. Every point wasearned. There were no "ifs" to it.The victory was deserved. ,-rwo:lIile Helps �cagoThe two-�ile. run first caused theChicago athletes and: rooters to seetheir way dear. When two darkhorses, one from Michigan Agricul­tural, and the other from Ames,jumped into the lead at the homestretch and forced the favorites.:\iaundrell of Stanford and Drew ofWisconsin into third and fourthplaces respectively, the great contin­gent of Maroon followers rose totheir feet and shouted their IoudestAfter the first four, the teams werestrung along, Grinnell getting IIIIIIint9, Purdue and Michigan A. C.8. Ames /, Indiana 6 and Beloit, Law­renee, Marquette and Colorado oneeach.'. he talk about the Stanford teamhaving no show because of the smallnumber of men available. was silenc­ed in the face of the fact that the Jcoast team's points were captured by.. ix athletes, while Chicago was repre­sented by only four point winnecs.It was an ideal clay for a meet, and Hamilton,p . -,..'Seniors Take Possession. I Gaarde is captain of the baseball\�'ith .tl.1e clas,s flag �apping en�r-Iteam, .is secretary o� the Reynoldsgctica lly 111 a tw enty-mile breeze a�d I club, ,IS a member ot the Iron :\Iask,almost the entire class membership Skull and Crescent, the Sphynx, andpresent in cans and gowns. 1908 eel- of Sigma Nu fraternity.cbrated i1:l annual class day yester- SchrlllUl1er captained the 1908 na­day. The groups formed for the dii- tional championship basketball team,ferent e"ents, "'hich succeeded each d I' k' 1an was on t Ie trac, )asebaa andother in rapid s\1cce,ssion in "arious football teams. He is a member ofportions of the campus ma(le p;ctur- Owl and Serpent, the Sphynx and ofesque· tableaux, "'hich camera ell' Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity.thusiasts were quick to record. The Sherer is president of the Dra­�\'cnts of the day began with a shor, matic club, and is a member of theaddress at the t1ag-rtli�ing exercises Iron Mask, the Score club, the Three­by Dcan Tuftsl which was responded Quarters club, the Pen club, theto hy Charles B. Jordan, in behalf ofthe Senior class.Captain :\Icrriam scored first forChicago when he won a clean-cutvictory in the quarter mile run, beat­ing Lindberg of Illinois by two I(CoDtiD'lecl oa pace 4)1Y0- ,tiff competition in every event re- yards without extending himself.stilted. Though all the events e"_ There is no doubt that the thrice('ellt the high hurdles werc \\'on de- winner oi the e"ent could ha'\'e lcitd!'i\'ely, not one but was a fight for e\'en more daylight between him!'el£"liC of the three places. The Stanford ;lnd his old-time ri\'al had he notathletes did not li\'e up to their great "'anted to save himself for the hur­dles. Miller of Stanford. "'ho wasexpected to do things, if only thehalf mile, fini:-.hed close to Lindberg.beating out such favorites as Lingleor Chicago and Douglas of ·Missouri.in�te records. Their famous broad jumper,Vandcrvoort, \\'itl1 a record of o\'er2.; feet; Bell:.h. \\'ho has heen 'vault­ing 12 feet 2 �nches; Horton, th� shotfutter of 46-foot fame, and :\(artin.with a record of 6 feet in thc highjump, failed to come up to expecta- READY FOR GREATESTCONVOCATION IN HISTORYHundreds Disappointed of Admissionto Exercises in Bartlett Gymna­sium this Afternoon.Dedication of Palmer ChimesEnglish I. this Morning Eventof Unusual Interest. inThe day's events.8:3o-�latl1tinal for Candidates.10:3o-Dedication of Alice 'Free-man Palmer Chimes.er Quadrangle.3 :oo-Convocation Exercises.Tow-Processional.Convocation address: "The Im-·portance of Personality inEducation," George HerbertPalmer. professor of MoralPhilosophy, Harvard.Conferring of Degrees.President's quarterly statement.Recession .6:30-Annual Banquet of theAlumni of the DivinitySchool._ �utc":in_�pn, nsn,With Bartlett gymnasium crowdedto the limit of the law, and hundredsof people disappointed of admission.. __to the ceremony, the sixty-seventhUniversity Convocation will be heldthis afternoon. Never before has theConvocation excited so wide an in­terest. am} with prospects for a per­fect day a rarely successful series ofexercises is probable.The event which is likely to ex-. .cite the greatest interest is the dedi-cation of the chimes, which are tobe installed in :\[itchell Tower'�memory of Alice Freeman Palmer,the first Dean of Women.' The hellswill he presented to' the Universityby Professor J. Lanrcucc �ughlin .for the Memorial committee, and "y,i1lhe formally accepted hy PresidentJudson for the University. - Dean:\Iarion Talbot, Mr s. Palmer's sue­ccs sor, will speak on the qualjtic« ofthe Uni v crs itys first Dean of \Vo­men. and Dean Vincent will speak onhell-making' and hell-ringing. The\Vclleslcy club of Chicago, an' or­ganization oi alumnae of the greatwomen's college. of which :\Irs. Pal­mer was president. will he a sp�cial�lIe ... t of the Univcrs'ity. At the dedi­cation cxcrc i ... c .., which wi�1 be heldin Engli.,h I. t1'rt' audicucc witt beseated in the sunken part of the gar­den with the speakers' platform ont hc �i,l('walk at the nort hca ... t corner.The hells have been ranged along thec'·a ... t cr n cdjrc of the g-arclen since lastFriday. and will be in convenientview of the spectators.I n the interval between the- closeof the dedication ceremony and theCon\'.�cation proper. or hctween12:00 and .z:oo. a huffet luncheon ",illhe ser\'ed in the Commons.lntere.;;t at the exercises in the af­ternopn will center ahout tl'e adclressof the man whose wife has just beenso �ignally honorecl_ II e will d�Ii\'er. the Con\'oC':ttion aclclre"s, speaking '0"I"The Importance of Person�lity' inEducation:' ..THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1908.The graduate of today has the John" Schommer was the hero of theworld before him. Shan he conquer. athletes. He was in on the triple tiefor first in the high jump, and per­forming with consistency in the' shot-Again has the Chicago track team put, threw the weight for 41 feet 3.. tend .. 8ec:oD.s-cta. Mall at tbe Cblcqo won back the Conference champion- inches, an achievement that gave himPc.tollc:e. Cblc:qo. Illllloia. Marcb 18. ship. Credit for this second place, two inches better than1101. aDder .let of IIarch a, 1811. Champions victory goes, so far Captain Horton of Stanford,Again as point-winning is Schommer's rivals in the highPub1JUe4 ..u,. aeept 8aD_" Iloa.. concerned, to four Var- jump were Martin of Stanford, whodaJII. uel bolldaJII. elariq tlaneqaarten sity athletes-Merriam, Schommer, has done 6 feet this year, and Slaughtof' tile Ual""'t7 ,eu. Jacobs and Garrett. Their stellar of Grinnell, who won the jump at theshowing won a title, after. close: .de- 1907 Conference meet. \Vith the barfeats of the team by two of its rival at 5 feet 10 inches, Scho�m�r missedcolleges. once. On the second trial, he grazcdIt is also a great victory for the the. crosspiece but did not knock it"Old Man' who has turned out a down. Martin failed twice before heteam of victory-makers, in spite of scaled the height. The athletes at-Subec:rlpUoD price, $3.00 per ,ear: $1.00 disappointments and discourage- tempted to clear 6 fcet, but none werefor a mODtha. Subec:rlpUona recelYed at mcnts innumerable. able. On the tossup for the me�als,the MarOOD Uaiee. Ell .. aan. 01' at tbe It is finally a victory for the Chi- Martin was first, Slaught second andFaeultJ' Eubaqe. Cobb Ball. cago spirit, which backed the team Schommer third.50 heartily in the face of its set- Jacobs Vaults 12 Feet 4 1-2 InchesLUTHER D. It'Is:RN.A.LD. Irlanqlq Kdltor backs, and supported it at every cru- But even the work of Merriam andcial moment of the contest. Schommer was not surprising fromThis victory makes Chicago one point. of view. It was no better"Champions of the West" in every than they had done time and againbranch of Varsity sport, except base- earlier in the season. The real sen­ball and cross-country, .and national sation was Claire Jacobs, the Sopho­championships in two-basketball and more pole vaulter. Jacobs won thewater polo. event from Bellah, the pride of theA prouder record for a year of Pacific coast, by half a foot, and at"reformed" athletics could hardly be the same time made a .record half ahoped for. foot better than he has done beforeTIle (Mktal 8tacJeDt PabU� CIf lb. it, or. shall it conquer hi,m? .Val ... nltJ· of Cblcep.Fonner.,The tiDlnml)' of Cblcqo Weeki"l'oancJeclThe Weeki,. Oct. 1. 18D2.The DaUT. Oct. 1. 1102.PRESTON Ir. GABS. Ne •• �torMELVIN J • .lIJAMS. Atbletle KdltorLOUIS S. B&RLIN. BnalDeu ManaprJerome N. Ii'raD.kDPOR'I'DSA.. G. Whitfield, �. B. Fuller,W. A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. HallJ. Sidney Salkey Mamie LillyA. W. Wheeler, A. N: Pfeffer.J. M. Houghland Hargrave Long.TUESDAY, JUNE 9, IgoS.A Pledge• IF OBLIGED TO DROPOUT OF RESIDENCE TtICorrespondence CoursesWill enable you to continue your college work and gain the degree.qOoe-balf [18] of the � Maion required for .raduatioD aa� bedODe b7 correapoDdeace. :qOver 300 c1au-1'oom counea are thmoffered b7 lDemben of the UDivenit)o Faculties. qBeaidea the re.·alar �h School aad Coll�e Counes. are maD)' that appeal tothose lD differeat vocUioaa-Dotabl), to teachen. 4Work mll7�iD at aa,- time. qlDquire at office ofTHE CORRESPONDENCE-STUDY DE.PARTMENTThe University of Chicago - -'Twould be a pleasing thing next this season. He sailed over the dizzy Shuart's injury was so painful thatyear to eliminate the two exceptions. height of 12 feet 4 1-2 inches, and on he was unable to enter the relay.his first attempt at 12 feet 8, he failed The high hurdles was a closeB� omee.,_BefOl.. • Po ... 1Cl1" Telegraphic reports indicate the hy the narrowest of margins. Thus event. From the bleachers it lookedBall. UDlnnlti. Tel. II1de Pan 428. selection of three Maroon athletic he proved that his victory over the as if the race was a tie between Nat-stars to go to tlie Lon- Stanford vaulter, his only opponent wick of Wisconsin, Fifield of Pur-More don games. This being of consequence, was no fluke. Jon.!.; due and Horton of Stanford, but theHonor still greater honor to a of Illinois, took third at II feet 6 judges decided the men finished into the fun week of it for C::�- inches, and thereby caused joy among the order named.1f�lessed are the. s�al1 colleges. I Maroon tain "Ned" Merriam, the Orange and Blue supporters. Blankenagle put Wisconsin in the1f�aturday's . exhibition ought to and for· Jacobs and The other member of the lucky lead when he won the mile from Kin-just about make up for the loss to Lightbody; and also for the "Old four, Garrett, urged on by incessant kead of Purdue. The athletes ranIllinois at their "prep" gathering. Man" that built them up, loyal cheers from the Chicago root- side by side along the back stretch,UHowever, will "Pat" and "Ger- ing section, took second place in the but on the turn, Natwick lengthenedmany" keep in athletic trim d. uring CIUCAGO· ATHLETES TRIUMPH bro�d jump. This even was notable .his stride, drew away from the Boil-the summer? No football, basket- CONFERENCE STRUGGLE for its mariy surprises. The invinci- ermaker runner, and won by threeball, baseball or track. (CoAtiDued fro!Q pap ,It ble Vandervoort of Stanford, the un- yards. Each nerved out the mar-UThc new appointees to marshal- Though the time, ':50 2-5, did not bearable Watson of Illinois, and the velous Berkstresser for third.ships will be very useful people to approach the record held by Merrill lithe Coorsen of Wisconsin. all had Maddigan Fails to Place S .. v.have around. With the football, bas-jof Beloit, it was only' because the to retire in favor of Johnson of Pur- Maddigan was the only Maroon Thisketball, baseball and track captains }faroon leader was ,not�pushed to his due. Garrett of Chicago, and Bren- who did not live up to his stellar rec-under eed tassels, order should now limit. '{he race was none the less nan of Marquette. ord. He failed to get a point in thebe easy to secure. grueling on account of the, record Stanford Jumper Off Color discus being beaten by Messmer of at Fifth Flo,or., Masonic TempleUThree to the Olympic games isn't made. Miller took the lead almost at .Vandervoort was touted. to 'Win Wisconsin, Braunage of Illinois and $5.00 Sample Shoes $2.50bad. the start of the race and held it until the event with his eyes shut, his team Steffens- of Purdue. Steffens tossedthe last two hundred yards, when mates being proud to ann�unce that the Greek saucer only 119 feet 6 Paterson School of Mil in"You do promise solemnly now Merriam, who had. been running he had a record of 23 feet, Watson inches, but. this proved enough forand here that your degree shall in easily in second place, pulled up and was supposed to hr. gl}o,; for 22 feet third. The hammer furnished a mild err and Designingyour holding it suffer passed the coast runner. From then 6 inches, which he made against surprise, when Beyer of, Lawrence THE demand for good Millineryno loss of repute. See on, Ned took no chances, but gradu- Purdue. Coorsen was expected to cou1d not get better than third. Craw- insures a profitable recreation for· theto to it well that you. hold ally increased his lead until ten place. But none of the three could fo�ct of Stanford won the event, and .. tudent of that womanly trade.Alma Mater it in jealous loyalty to yards from the tape, seeing he had come up to 21 feet 8 1-2 inches.which Lambert of Ames was second. In addition to the mechanical workthe University, in hon- the race won easily, he slowed down Brennan negotiated. Gclrret� made The two-mile run caused as much )f assembling, we develop the artis-est service to your country. and in a bit, and pranced in a comfortable 21 II 1-4 inches on the last oi iris joy amon gthe Chicago adherents as ric sense.In each student.untarnished honor to yourself." conqueror. qualifying jumps. In do.ng it, :�e it threw disappointment to the Stan- We teach the blending of form andThis pledge, given by the North- The other great victory, equally as turned his ankle', and was put out of ford bunch. For in this race, l\l'aun- colors, and the many features whichwestern graduating class, has the decisive as that in the 440, came in shape for the three final attempts. drell fcll before Carr of the Michigan rive you an accomplishment .which •ring of true loyalty to alma mater. the low hurdle event. Against Mer- Schommer met a similar fate when A. C.,and Wagoner of Ames, the win- will always be a valuable asset,It speaks well for the Purple that its dam were Gardiner and Brown of he took a jump on which he leaped ner running the eight laps in 9:56 A few lessons will ·enable �oa toGraduates go ou� from its college Illinois. Fifield of Purdue, Horton 21 feet 4 inche!'. 1-5. Thc coast man held the lead �e your own Milliner.halls with such sincere devotion to of Stanford and 'Blair of Grinnell. The century dash went. as expect- for scven and a half laps, when he One regular course-dail� clauHthe ideals of their university. Steffen got a bad start in the prelim- �d to May of Illinois, ,,·ho won hy weakcned. and Carr ahead. \Vag- -will make you an expert.Chicago men and women of today's inary heat and failed to place. five feet from Huff of Grinndl in :09 goncr who had been running at Call or Write for Special Summer.graduating class can do no better Repeats in Low HardIn 4-5. and tied the Conference record. Maundrel1'.s elbow, passed the Stan- Rates.than adopt this pledge entire, while Here again the marvelous finishing Jobse of Beloit a�most beat out Huff, fordite on the stretch. The rest of Suite 6n. 6 lIadi.an St.every Chicago man and woman can power of the Chicago captain put him after being .set. h. ack, fo,!, h. e.. a.ting. the the lie1d was strung out, Drew. of'. Cor. Micbipn Ave.accept its spirit. ahead. For half the distance, the gun. In the 220, Huff won han<1il):� Wi�c��ilsil1 heini: 'fourth: '.The college graduate has today a race was nip and tuck between Mer- and it "'as May ,,·ho nearly IMt !'('c- Shuart's injury prevented his rUIl-responsibility greater than was ever riam, Gardiner and Horton. While ond place. Nelson of the Colora(lo Iling' ;11 the relay. E,·ery Chicagoplaced on the man of education be- the other men in the race appeared to Aggies, gave the Illinois captain one runller gained on his llIinois oppo­fore. There is a great need that this slow up a trifle, Ncd kept on at the of the hardest race!' of his career to llent. exc('pt Whipp. who ran in Shu-duty should be keenly realized by same killing pace, stepping over the win second in the el'ent. art's place. \\�hen it came :Mcrriarn'sbim on whom it rests. It is hazards with apparently no effort. Stanford Takes HalE Mile turn. he: had a lead of cight yards towell that he should consider his He drew a\\'ay from Gardiner, "'ho Miller of Stanford, after running a overcome. He made up four ondegree a pledge of loyalty to his un i- struggled hard to keep c,'en with hard quarter mile, captured the half Lindberg. hut his strenuous programversity to the republic and to him- Horton. Merriam cleared the last in the .r�st time of 1 :52 2-5. He had ('arlicr in the afternoon. prcvcntedself to "make good" in life to the hurdle t,,·o yards ahead of his oppo- no serious competition. Oviatt of his doing bctter. Garrett and Linglebest of his individual.ability,rememher- nents. Horton lost his chance t() Michigan Aggies, and L.wis of Ames. hoth �dined on their rivals.ing all the ,,·hile that whatever, he take at least a third and swinging his took the other two places. Shuart The adcle<1 feature of a high schooldoes adds or detracts, in little or tcam into second place, when he was spiked by Steinfort of \Viscon- relay did not prove its expected suc­great, to the fair Alma Mater and the �tumbled over the last barrier, and sin in the sc�mble for positions. cess. Only Oak Park and Culverrepublic which it is serving to u� lost to Fifield of Purdue. Blankenagle tumbled o,'er the Chica- entered t..!ams. and the Oak Parkbuild. Next to Captain Merriam, 'Long go ruDD�r. and both quit the race. quartet won the event by 2S yards.THE UNION HOTELAND RESTAURANTill-II, Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR PLACETO EATEither before or after theTheater.. We make a Specialty of Cluband ,Fraternity Dinners.----------._._.._.�..,_-I BORDEN'.Condensed Milk.' Fiuid Milk, Cr .. mand Buttermilk.I All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk Co.627-633 E. Forty-seventh St. - - - - - - - - Cobb Hall, 7·\Bows' Corre,t TaBoringFOR SUMMERFLANNELAND SERGESUITSWe have just received acomplete line of Flannelsand Serges. Many import­eJ and domestic fabrics tochoose from. Our linecomprises . all the verysmartest effects �f the sea­son, Just the kind of pat­terns for young men andcorrect dressers.We are aiming to SUITthe college man.. and in-vite yourour goods. inspection ofTHE BOWS COMPANY80s Masonic TempleChicagoCOUPON )'0· CGood forPhone Central 6859AnARROW Collaris right to begin with and theClupeco Process keeps it th:atway. l.s.c. each-i fOi ik.CLn'I"I't PIbBoDT & eo..lIabnTry a classified ad in the DailyMaroon. I;if yosi--$;ingeduabcit]thilattS.-FlJT.We cAtTel. CnDo:WhyAgencfor th.YouLanguor haspecia9TIFLOSEI'WTelelHair]ScS2!t.-'J:Twocr•I THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1908."004 Money for College MenFINE BUSINESS POSITIONS FOR THESUMMER OR PERMANENTLY.If you want to earn money during the vacation months, or Harlan Orville Page, besides be-if you expect to work for a living after graduation, here is .a prop-, ing famous in Iootball, in basketball,osition which will attract you. Financial returns unusually large and. ill baseball, has further distin---$30 to $60 a week not too much to expect at start; ultimate earn- guished himself as the championings limited only by your own efforts. Work is especially adapt- "dopester" of the University. Heed to college men. It is interesting and pleasant, and gives val- figured Chicago's total in the Con-uable experience. ference O1t 24 points, and forecastedYou may work either in Chicago or elsewhere-in your home the distr ibutiou to be: Merriamcity. perhaps. fir st in 220 hurdles, and 4-tO run,No matter what your plans are, it will pay you to investigate Jacobs tirst in pole vault, Garrettthis. You can begin wor� now. second in broad jump; Schommer,You could arrange to earn money on spare time work while three points; high jump, Schommerattending college. and �laddigan, three points in theFor. further infonr.apon, address or call on weights.SALES MANAGER, THE SHELDON SCHOOL, "Yes, 1 had a hunch that Chicago:1002 Republic Building Chicago. would win with 24 points, and the._����������������������������� talli�s came just where I anticipa�ed,' said he of the happy smile yes-terday.give you ready money-intro- Richard Myers, LeRoy Kling.Frankduce you widely to people Gilbert, B._L_Eichor1 1\[. F. Urpen-who may be of help to you ter, S. S. Viscehr, R. E. Luckenbill.-and in n'o way interfere J. W. l\lacNeish, Fred C. Caldwell.with your future plans. Alfred Kelly. D. S. Stophlet/: R. T.Previous experience is not neces- Radford. L. R. Spencer, G. K.' Meha­sen, Herschl Shaw, Walter 'Fenlon,3ary. We believe we can interest l "you. Write for particulars to-day to C. P. McCracken, Clarence .Shaver,Elmer Peak, Clar'ence Hamilton, T.�VERYBODY'S MAGAZINE. Un-1\1. Henley, A. S. Lescano, M. ·S_ Tait.Bradford Gill, V. O. Whipp,]. r,Pegues., L. A. Stern, E. G. Taylor..- •••• _ ••• _ .«1 W. C. Schiele.A, Hrudal, E. R Long.,ITbe- Sludent··- ',: E_ T_ Sturge_on_" __d His CI Ib Sig Alph Entertains AthletesI an . 0 es I Sigma Alpha Epsilon' entertainedIICan we please the Student? Cer- during the Conference the following:t ., H. H. :\Iaundrell and D. J. :\Iarlin oflam y we can-no quest ion about I I I .It· . Leland Stanford, Casey Cunningham1 .:t. j Ir of Wisconsin, John Bailey of BoulderjSPECIIiL II Students are particular. We j I and Y. G. Smiley of Minnesota.I lkuow that styles mu�t be right I IS h , d C II �Ilt. perfect, and all the little kinksC 00 an 0 ege Phi Alpha Delta, the law fraternity.Ilooked after. • I Id . I hI' h• � re Its annua anquet ast rug t atSuitings The fabrics are young men's j I Hotel Maroon. the occasion being thefabric .., especially selected from:: installation of officers for the en-S"� $30 and $6)t= . . .. uing ·year. James G. Railey. '09. waslJ.. ... I lrhcir smts, and are in bright and I •r installed as chief justice, to succeedI .fashionahle patterns and durable1 Allan Carter.in order to secure satisfactorv wear 1I � .11 f you win come and sec us, wet will se ll you suits, that were made jj I the President's quarterly reception in1 Ihy thc best Tailors in thc United •� States. from $35 to $i5. Our jIpriccs for thc high-grade clothes, I·$1 - to $3-11;l ".FULL DRESS SUITSTO RENTT. G. SCHAFFNER & CO.We carry ··Society Brand" ClothesAll Sizes. Sure Fit.Tel. C�ntra1 4875- 46 River St.The JaDleS F. McCoUoogh.. Teachers' AgeneyDo you expect to teach next year?Wby not enroll with a first-en-sAgency, and thus put yourself in linefor the best positions?Young men who can teach ModernLanguages, take charge <» Athletics,or handle Commercial subjects inspecial demand.9 Jackson Boulevard.Phone Harrison 3921.This is the time to plantFLOWER and VEGETABLESEEDS •••••We carry a Iarge variety ofclean and> hardy Seeds.Choice Cut Flowersalways on band."J A. McAdamsFLORISTS3rd and KimbarkTelephones H. P. 18 and H. P. 6g571 Hair Dressing, lIanic:urinc.Shampooing, Fiacial MassageMADAME KAYBORSCALP SPECIALISTy237 E 55th St. Phone H. P. 3281.d:hh •:0�r.'i'AILOR FOR YOUNG liENTwo stores: 131 La Salle se, and44 Jackson Boulevardy j I was the illumination of Hutchinson: :�wards Tailoring Co.'· ;�::�:;n:�::r:_:�: ����!tayed and re-� l 63 State St.. Mer-tor Bg •• Rm. 1571 II U yoo are a Seniorwe can offer you work thatpromises rapid advancementand pays you wellII you are anUnder£1assmanwe can employ you at Sum­mer work that will leave younext Fall with a lot moremoney than you have now.II you have alreadymade plansthat won't materialize for amonth or two-our work willon Square New York..----�--�----�--Many wants are supplied throughi the Want columns of the Maroon. "ORV" PA�� �'!'� ·�SCONFERF�CE DOPESTERPredicted Chicago Victory with 24Poi�ts and Named Athletes WhoMade SC<'res.SQUAD OF 32 SIGN FORCROSS COUNTRY WORKCaldwell Looks for Great Interest inSport with Championship Pros­pects •Cross country stock is booming asa result of the campaign of CaptainCaldwell to get a record squad outnext fall .and incidentally to . capturethe championship from Wisconsinand Nebraska. Thirty-two men havesigned up and the number is swellingevery day. Following are those whohave indicated their intention of try­ing for the team.Law Fraternity Installs OfficersThe President ReceivesOver five hundred people attendedHutchinson. In the receiving linev-cre President and :\Irs. Judson. �Ir.and �Irs. Harold :\lcCormick. anc1:\Ir. George H. Palmer. A featureBetas at H eathertonTry our classjfied wantUIIUL ad. 'cot- . The ,,'!'UPoCthe claspi. ('as,.. It',fiat-the only abso­lutely fiat clasp garteris the Brighton. Milli.onl of' men know this-buythem UUlI weer them, The Wt'&l"is there, nnd tilt·,. co-t 011),. a (Iuartcra pair. ltememh"'r it..-0 IIIIPEaI CI .• llll1u111lJ •• ,__,_ �l;ghton'are made orpure Iilk web.The patterns are+,,'t: new, exeluliive-l'ari­..",.. ety enough to utia,y�� ne..,.boJy. All metal parteare or hen\'" nickel-plated brua.Ir ,our dealer eun't IUPP),. '''U :'.pair will be lent upon receipt or P'�"'l'liliiii • .-a .. �'.B. L. AMES H�T CO.ONE QUARTER CENTURY AT OLD LOCATION- NOW AT -90 EAST·ItIADISON STREETTRIBUNE BUILDINGSTETSON SILK AND OPERA' HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EACH HATGLOVES UMBRELLAS:-: :-:CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL, ELECTRICAL a'ndSURGICAL GLASS APPARATUSWECCMOAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSA RDING TO DESCRIPTION.Any Apparatus Made to Orderw. J. BOEa�MANUFACTURER AND IM·PO·RTER·Phone Main 2100- 171 E. Randolph Street.CHICAGOtTRAIkI1ARKIt EGIS T EftED ..Cigarefte"E. A. CONDAX & CO.' wrr«:.-12_S_ta_te_S_tr_ee_t�_Chi_·ca_g._0_,_IlL . _30_s_p_ear_1_s_t._. _N_e_W_Y_O_rk_,_N_. _Y_.__ fTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and 56th St.The Cleanest and Best Kept StoraceWarehouse. in the City •••••Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed andShipped to all parts of the world. 300 Private Stor­age Rooms. Large Parlor l::xclusively for Pianos.Rooms for Trunks and Wheels.· Larae 'Room torCarriaces, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks to andfrom all Depots. Local Transfers fpr Baggage.Furniture, Packages; etc., at short notice.Special attention &iven to University Orclen.Rqoms to Rent.: SINGLE OR· BIf SUITE,.REASONABLB RATES " .'RESTAURANt' .AND·'LUNCH COUNTER, h- Connectian . -..Hot·eJ Maroon51TH, ST. AND DREAEL AVE.Under Manacement of" the National Hotel Co. Tel. Hyde Park 37.IBOOKS.--------The largest stock in 'his countrr-. all �kinds-sfandaitf, " ··newfiction, fe(hnica'-convenien"r arranged on' our. 'wolarge relail floors. Engraved Cards,Announcements, , f'c.�cCLURG .. CO�A. C.215-221 Wabash Avenue. ChicalO.Do YOU'Deservea BetterPosition, THE CLARKTEACHERS' AGENCYc.MO: 17IatV .......... : IIMOB. F. CLARK, P O�'UETO"..... -.._---�----- ...... ....__.�.COLLEGE LARDER CAFE447 E. ssth Street.IS THE BEST AND CHEAP];ST PLACE TO EAT.LUNCHEON 20c UP. EVENING DINNER, 2SC.·'"PROOF OF THE PdDDING IS EATING.f7THE'DAiLY'�oOH. 'TuESDAY, JUNE 9, 1908.·�'-,__Vol. V]-�IY,Irotal «arshrwen�BetaHonship hthe C<Thesedistribthe a'scholae1ecticdeclic:Kapp��lel(\0 ncScien4searclof th:noumPaulbertJoseHarr.Me:of 11. pa 0for «�cho. -eleetwasGusBreMaker,enbacMaTbfer,RomeStanit!PainwaLutaselpecoIe\�I:\111S:\iRobert Staedter Co.ISS State StreetBetween Madison and Monroe-Phone Central 5334Furs, Suits, Coats, SkirtsMillineryThe Suit, Coat and Skirt value we are offering during the balance ofthis month and May cannot be equaled in Chicago. Come in andlook over our stocks. We have the Merchandise to support thisclaim. Silk Dresses $12.50 to $15.00 and up. In our Millinery Sectionour Styles are correct, and range in price' from $5.00 up. We storeand reiacdel Furs at Lowest Prices Phone and we will callm�njTriPS.,._ ' to the. I � Laundry?, : CoUNTRY; cLuJ..... 3 JIeiPta,N�. 1,!?!No.2 2!s�o. 3' 2�8y •• can eet,� '�ood stron�/.< '/ h •• d .ide. collars at two'. for.a quaiter­with perfect style and fit. But rOllmust remember to asJc for�����.. Coantr7 Club 8etB the WQ' it Is Intended-6t.CJaee up. ,. It is the trim. .t7Uah coDar that__ an 1NUiDa DOW.wrtt. for atJIe book abowIq lateR 8haIMII.and aames of the deaIen who..n theM PIalDb'bett.r coDan.C.1iu CoOD &: Co., • Chic:qo, m. �eNew WellingtonHotelDirectly opposite theILLINOIS THEATER$100,000 being Spent in Improve­ments. Rooms Single oren Suite.The Ne� FamousINDIAN GRILLAND RATHSKELLARUnexcelled Cuisine and ServiceSpecial After-Theater Suppers"The Wellington Orchestra" NET TouiudtY B.EGINS TODAYFive Colaferen�� E�tered ��o More Eq»ected-Ross andHart to Represent Chicago in Sin­gles and Doubles.The Western Inter-collegiate Ten­nis Association will meet today, forthe purpose t)f electing officers anddrawing for places in the singleswhich are scheduled to, be played in'the annual meet today. The presentofficers of the association are Muirof Minnesota, president, and Ross ofChicago, secretary.The entries for the meet, as givencut by Captain Ross last night, areas follows:.Singles ; Potter and Muir, Minne­sota; Muscleman and Roth, Illinois;Cypke and Stiehm Wisconsin; Lattaand Ferguson, Purdue; Ross andHart, Chicago.Doubles: Stiehm and Gross, Wis­consin; -l\l,usclcman and Alexander,Illinois: Poter and Muir, Minnesota;Latta and Ferguson, Purdue; Rossand Hart, Chicago,Entries are expected this morningfrom the University of Iowa and Cor­nell College, Iowa.The' doubles will be played off to­morrow, weather permitting.NAMES '. MARSHALS. 8 AIDES(Continued from page I)Tiger's Head, the Sphynx andDelta Kappa Epsilon fraternity ..McClintock &: Bayfield.Proprietors. I Merriam is captain of the Varsitytrack team, is full .back on the Var-• s�ty football team, a member of the, Iron lIask, and of Sigma Alpha Ep-,-------------- silon fraternity.P. F. JENSENMERCBANTTmORSOLICITS YOUR TRADE FOR,HIGI) GRADE GARMENTSSend for our new 1908 illustrated Catalocuesof .. achinists' Fine Tools, mailed FREE on application.igh G�de Factol'7Sample Shoes'3-50, S4, S4.SO, IS and " We s.YeYouS l GII� ,$2On A PaIrof SbeesVALUES ATSeventh Floor, Republic Bldg.�tate and Adams Street blers.Miss Watker is a member of ·Mor­tar Board.Miss Norton is a member of Kal­aiiu, an associate editor of the 1908Cap and Gown, and a member of theSpelman house.Miss Jacoby is a member of the artcommittee for the 1908 Cap and OJGown and is a member of Esoteric.Miss Slaught is an associate editorof the 1908 Cap and Gown, is a mem­ber' of the Green room and 'Waschairman of the College of Litera­ture.AJamDi Oftr&.w CommonsA hundred late-comers turned away:ond the attendance at that surpassingall past banquets is the record madeby the lC)08 alumni day banquet andreunion. which was held last Satur­day evening on the Commons. Aboutliftv members of the class of 1908were present at the dinner. The fol­lowing were elected to office for theensuing year: J. F. Hagge, '97. presi­dent; F. H, Clark 1b, Kate B. Miller·02, and J. C. Freeman '99, first, sec­ond and third vice-presidents, re­�pe�th-ely; G. O. Fairweather '07, sec­retac;rj � 'fl. P. Behan '94, M>ry F.Strt)ng '01 and J. M. Sheldon '03, new:nembers of the executiv� committee. DRINKS INK,LIKE A CAMELTo load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it In anybak. press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its own'tank like a camel slaking its thirst, That's all thereis to it I No dropper-eno mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any time,CONKUN'S Jt�G PEN.. THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT·FILLER"can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Youcould fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ofsoiling. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writingqualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.LeadlD'l deaJers handle the Conklin. If yours does D.t. order�t. Prices, 13.00 and up. Send at once for handsome new catalO&'.The CoakIin Pm Co., 310 Maabattan BId£, Toledo, Ohio, 'Indian 'Motorcy£les Win AgainA.)�onquin Hill Climb, May 18th. The ,.Single Cylinder and TwinIndian defeated all competitors, incl.uling special racing machines,making the fast time of 28 seconds up Algonquin Hill from standingstart.The Indians used were regular stock machines, same as we sellor that. you can see on our floor. Ride a winner. .Let us show you.HENDEE ,MFG. CO., 1251 Michigan Avenue..--------------------------------------------------------MOSSLER COMPANYClothes lor Mea--and Young MenSO, Jada�n Blvd.of Sults for ,'25, McCracken is business manager ofthe IgoB, �ap and Gown. a member ofthe Senior College, Council, president. of the c Ccmmonwealth club, a, mern­ber of ·th�, Pe� club, Commercial club,Iron Mask, Skull and Crescent,Three-' for theQuarters club, and Psi Upsilon frater- ways.nity •..Badenoch is captain of the Varsity,swimming team and a member ofPsi U:p���on fraternity.Miss Chatterson is a member ofthe Dramatic 'club, was on the Capand Gown art committee, and is amember ,of Kalailu and Esoteric. .Miss Avery is a member of Spel­man house.Miss Day is a member of the Dra­matic club, and is a committee' mem­ber for 1908 Cap and Gown,Miss Manning is a member of theGirls Glee club and of tile Quib- This week we are continuing thecelebration of our third anniversaryat so Jackson Boulevard, and offer­ing suits which should be markedat $35' for' hs.Go�d, smart styles for the stylishyoung fellow and 'conservative onesman more settled in hisAU sizes.. including "stouts."HOSSLBR co.,,' Jackson Blvd.Just Off State St. TRAVEL OVIER TH;EJ(J� .... DI .. I.AI&-.",nr" 11IIAIr­·iuwwS--- 1� ... :m:I;I"'lijLAFAYETTE.INDIANAPOLIS.LOUISVILLE.CINCINNATI,DAYTON.Or any Southern PointTicket Office. 182 South Clark SLDepot-Dearborn Station, Polk antDearborn St.En.rlewoocl Statioa-63d St.The Yates-Fisber Teac:hera' AcentJPaul Yates, �er, Suite 6416.p, 2G.t MichipD Avenue. y�Arts Building. \ �caao.Resilience, H.P. 65. : Office, C�n. 4267DR. FRED W. PARKERDENTISTOffice: Suite 131� Venetian Bldg.34 Washinaton StreetHours, 9-12. 2:00-5·001Daintily Deli�iousPerfectly Pur eSurpassinglySmoothWonderfullyWholesomeDay and Night SchoolBUSINESS COURSE. SHORT-HAMD C9URSE. ELEIIENTARY PREPARATORY COURSE. ADVANCED PREPARATORYCOURSE. TEACHERS' PREPARATORY COURSE.LAW PREPARATORY COURSE. PuPIlS May Becin' at An., TimeILLINOIS COLLEGE fI COMMERCEFonner17ATHENAEUM4:)th Year. 40,000 GraduatesSAMUEL B. WILLEY, Sapt.Pbone Harrison 1110. �8 to 26 Van Buren Street ,Vant)�I�j!-.I> B R EWE R TI',:\Clil' RS' I=== :\ G l( , (�"'\ I.• I.�..... \ ,J, �'). \<1" \ d .... � .... \ \ f), - 1..( 11.' �1 :" fp,) ... -, � 'I.� ,.-.... t�iil \\.(�SPECIAL I Twewriten for SaleTypewriters Renl�d-3 months for I TYPEWRITERS for Sale or ReDt-55 and up. Typewnters sold on easy Ipayments, from "10 up. Best barpins I Special rates to students; Mqainlin guaranteed machines. Americ:aD!1 in re-built machines. W. White-Desk a: T,pewliter Co., I. Dearbom head, J6 La Sane Stl'ftt.St. Central 61.,.T�y a Classified Adin The Daily Maroon I �Iadison avenue. 6 to 7 u. m.F(,und-Ink p.erlcil. Sayle$, 5750 int' C11I(t}