matly .. ...l,.,No. lSi. Price Two CentsCHICAGO, TH URSDA Y JUNE 4, 1908.HOJ"D "c" BANQUET TONIGHT PREPARE FOR JUNIORPROM TOMORROW NIGHTDRESS REHEARSAL OFZARA6UETA TONIGHT One Hundred Athletes to AttendThird Meeting in Hutchinson­Winners of Varsity Initials Will be PlanswithJunior Day Play Nearly Ready forRise of curtain Tomorrow After­noon, All Laid for Making History�g08 Promenade-DecorationsTimely.Announced.Between seventy-five and a hun-Professor Howland" Translator of drcd members of the "Order of the Grand March to Begin at 8=4s-Earlythe Spanish Comedy. Writes Short C' arc expected to attend the third Ticket Sale Promises Large,Synopsis of Play. annunl meeting and banquet of the Attendance.association tonight at 6 o'clock i�lt Hutchinson pr ivate dining rooms. With Bartlett gymnasium a bowerBesides the regular process of ini- of greenery and pink roses. the marchtiating .the prospective members Will. ·)i the 1908 Junior Prom will start athave won emblems since last June 3:45 tomorrow night, ready to make.111 election of o·fficers· will he held. another landmark in the history ofDirector Stagg is prcsident, Dr. Ray- University social events, The marchct oft secretary and Ralph Hamill the will be led by Allan Ross and MSss,third member of the executive Gladys Tompkins. with Albert Hen-board. derson chairman of the day and MissThe ."Order of the C·' has grown .:\iarjorie Wells second in rank.steadily since 1906, when it was The gjmnasi�m will be very taste­formed. It is designed to fill a place fully decorated with green latticewith Maroon athletic heroes, past work and pink roses. Palms will beThe dress rehearsal of "Zarngueta,' and present, by linking thcm in in- freely used for decoration, and thereone of the cleverest, snappiest and terests. It is made up of all who will be numbers of colored electricmost amusing comedies in the history have won their emblems. or are in lights, which will add greatly to theof the Dramatic club. will he Held in line for them. Announcement will spectacle.Mandcl hall before Mr. Robertson be made tonight of those who have The programs will be of heavyand Professor Howland. been successful in the award of track, white leather,. with a Chicago C inThe costumes have been secured baseball, tennis and swimming in- maroon.from Schultz, as many as are re- itials. Miss Dickey, chairman of the re-• quircd, for the play represents mo- Football winners who will again be ception committee.has announced thedern Spain and the dress differs only reminded of their achievements .. are following patronesses for- the affair:. Tn' the women's apparel" and the char- e�-Capt:ii;;. ,. Le"'Q- DeT'l-ay.--- Captain :�r�. '"iI. -P.- j�ds���- il�s. ;.. G: . iCvi�'actcrs drawn from the provincial set- Steffen, Iddings, Merriam, Ferguson, cent, Mrs. R. ::\1. Lovett. Mrs, J. W .. ting, Don Indclecio and his servants, Hewitt, Page, Doseff, Falk, Harris. Thompson, Miss E. Wallace, Missin whose house the action takes place. Handy, Anderson, Wortl1\�ine, Hoff-. S. P. Breckenridge, Mrs. AlexanderA short synopsis of "Zaragnetn" 'has' man, Moulton and Roh(fe. Those Smith, Miss Marion Talbot, ::\Irs.. been written by Professor Howland. who will receive Varsity "C's' as \V. D. l\IacClintock..which followsz members of the championship bas- I f any forecast can be made fromThe play of Zaragueta is the best ketball team are: Ex-Captain John the early sale of tickets. this year'swork of two of the more brilliant of Schommer. Captain Gcorgen, Page. Junior Prom will be one of the larg-recent Spanish dramatists, Vital Aza. Falls and Hoffman. est that has ever been held, and ar-and :\Iiguel Ramos Carrion, working rangemcnts have been made accord-in collaboration. It was produced Miss Elizabeth O'Brien of Chicago. ingly,for the first time in the Theatro Lara formerly a student of the University Fraternity relay captains have de­in ::\IadricJ, and achieved an instan- and a member of Chi Rho Sigma club, cidcd to hold the fina!s of the racestancous success. It has been played died yesterday noon after a long ill- for tl.c shield offered by Dr. Ray­in this country in the original Span- croft I:rst thing on JU1'"or Day meetness.ish by California students, and Kan-sas students have played a farcebased upon it, but substituting Kan-sas local color for the Spanish. This.however, is the first production ofZaragueta in English, preservingfaithfully the Spanish atmosphere.While it is amusing as a farce, itis a real comedy, and to anyone fa­. miliar with the typcs . presented inSpanish life, it is an interesting char­acter study, Each of the personagesof the play has' a distinct individual­ity."The play takes its name from a:\Iadrid usurer, from whom Carlos, aUnivcrs. y student, has borrowed Imoney wbich he js unable to pay.Carlos is an orpha;l and depcndent .upon uncle. Indalecio, a wealthyfarmer living ncar Salamanca. Indcl-ccio �upports also :\Iaruja, the orph'l11niece of his wife, Dolores. Carlos de- program tomorrow morning. FourStanford "Josher" Ousted\'ises a stratagem by which to g�t teams are left in the contest, six menmoney from his uncle, but before he h�ing on each. The memhers of theis ahlc to carry his plot to succcss, Vergil nellows. art editor of thc �extets will run 220 yards. half WilYZaragueta appears in � the village rcccnt Stanford junior annual, which around :\l:lTshall ficld track,where the others reside, an(1 compli- ridiculed and "joshcd" the facnlty The Greek teams which have sur­cations ensue. members of the student affairs com- vi"ed from the indoor cc.ntests in"In the Madrid production of thc mittce, has been notified that "his Bartlett gymnasium last wirter. arccom�dy, the part of Don Saturio, thc nclt�· Tati' Delta, Delta Upsilon.. I presence at Stanford is not desired:' Pili'" L".�pp... PSI' all" .-\lplla. T."lls{'lf-satisfi�(I, gcmal; village (octor, n... .. u ..something of a bore, but kind.hearted As no reason was assiJtned, Bellows O';'ega.and genuinely interested in his pro- believes that his caricatures were the Officials for the Junior Day .meet I(Continued on paae 4) ause of the professorial animosity. (eo.tiaaed 011 pap .)The CastShackleford .•...•........ Zaragueta'Ballkhage Don RuipcrlyGarrett AmbrozioScott ..•.................•.... CarlosRackaway Don SaturioBenzies ..•.....•.....••.......... PioP. Davis •..................... PericoMiss Grimm •........ Donna Dolores�liss Chatterson ......•....... MarujaMiss Jackson Donna+BlasaMiss Eleanor Day ....•...•.. Gregoria•••DO. -...t­in.Ie-:Janat•� inlete PROTEST OF RUNNER HELPSILLINOIS' CHANCES.J.7.iZ7.F?- GJ?Z .N7f..EZL.Rei..:..Vfl".o J.H JOO:YA2&> Z>..A3.RH. J. Huff of Grinnell, who, wonthe Z20 and took second in the ccn-tury at last year's Conference, hasbeen protested on the grounds ofprofessionalism by University of Il­linois athletic authorities. Huff ischarged with having run for moneyin a race with several former Illinoisathletes. Professor Goodenough ofthe downstate university yesterdaysent evidence to Grinnell. The dis­qualification of Huff is taken to meantwo sure firsts for May, Illinoissprinter.BEAT BADGER NINE 7 to 3Varsity ·Ends .Season by TrouncingKnight, Wisconsin Twirler-Page'sWork' is Steady-Rec!lrd: 8 Won,S· !.O!it.(Special to The Daily �Iaroon)::\Iadison, \Vis .. Junc ,�- The Var­siry nine wound up its collegiateschedule this aftcrnoon hy winningirom 'Wisconsin hy a i to ., score.Captain Gaarc.le·s men kept· up the'hatting bee that tirst ·in theIllinois game. and pounded Knight oithe C:\rdinal� ior clc"en safe clouts.Schommer and Falls pro\"ed Chicil­go's longest hittl'rs, the former �l't­ting a three-hagger Olnd : the latterslamming ou1. a' double.Page, tho�lgh hc was fmind for tenhits, was easily th'e master of Kni�ht.'11 c ·�ho'\"cd (oohtcss when in tightplace"" and 'managed to pull 011t ofthcm� neatly e\'ery time shutting offthrcatening rt'ns. :\foreo\'cr. he kepthis hits well scattered. noth teamsmade nnmerous errors, \Visconsin(ContiDued on PaP of> \STANFORO"TEAM OF EIQHTTO -ARRIVE HERE TODAYPacific. Athletes Blaze Way of Con­'.'; ��re";���� C�ntenders to Chicago­rnhers Come Tomorrow. .",�Bunching of Four Leaders, is Gen­eral Prediction-Chicago's ChancesThought Even.Stanford with cight athletes willarr-ive in Ch!C51�0 this morning, thevanzuard of the Conference coutc . .';;t­;n-ts .. The f;� "�:��tcrn team, small asit is .. has caused ,�l1orc comment thanany, band t -vicc thc size. It will putup at thc Del Prado hotel, and willprobably come out for light limber-ing practice this afternoon on Mar­shall field.Th� otl�er. teal]1� will probably no�reach the city until tomorrow morn­ing, so 3;S to gct plenty of rest beforethe preliminary races in the dashes,hurdles, quarter and half, which havebeen planned for tomorrow by theConference committee, Immediatelyfollo'\:i�;g the heats, the committeewill meet, and -dra wings will be madefor. positions in the final races.As the day for the meet comescloser, the margin that is expected toseparate Chicago, Illinois, Stanford,_.-.- .._ .... -� .. ,- .. - ..... _ ... ., 1.."- ...;. ,- .• ..;.::-.-1;-.-"'--" tr--and Wisconsin" becomes . less: "T�eVarsity athletes are in excellent'shape, and .hope . to gobble up everypoint possible .I n the absence . of Director Stagg,who accompanied the baseball teamto .Madison, the athletes took lightworkouts. Captain Merriam is in .fine form for the strenuous task ofwinning two firsts. We have fastfields in the quarter and the low hur­dles. both of which he captured. last.year. However .. the process of elimi­nation tomorrow should make histask less difficult ..Jacobs was not out for practiceyesterday. He wound up his workTuesday. clearing 1 I fcct. He sayshe expects a hard tight with Bellah,the Stanford vaulter, who performsaround 12 feet consistently. OutsideC'i the coast athlete, Jacobs has littlecompetition.111 the discus, :\Iaddigan has a goodshow to take second, and may beathis r ival, ::\iessmer of Wisconsin .:\1 cssmer captured the event last yearwith a throw of, ,121 fect 9 inches.:\laddiJ.!c,n has· been negotiating he­tween 124 and 1,10 feet, and if at hisbest Saturday. stands a good showto heat :\Ic:'smcr .. Garrett will haveopponents who have done as goodwork as he ha:, so far. The chiefob�tacle in hi� way is Bellah. whohas a reconl of :!2 feet 7 1-2 inches,and made a leap of 2:! feet I incha�ain�t Colorado. Coorsen of \Vis­�on�in. Jenkin" of Illinois. and Lewisoi Purdue. appear strong contcnders,each. having- heat en Garrett by nar­row margins this year. Schommer"eelllS to have an c.ven chance forsccond·.in the high jump. first in thee\·ctlt·· being conce()ed to �Iiller ofIndiana. "Long John" is workinghcttcr than e,'er before, :tnd look� aslight iavorite' oyer Siaught of Grin­nell. ,,·ho '\\'on the jum� at the Con-(Continued OD paae' 2),I • , ... ''_i'" _ ........ - _ ....... - 'tH1t DAI�Y M�IOON. THURSDAY, JUNE 4. !908.._'1aUg 'aarOIlll 'SENIOR PRO�RAIIS ARRIVE RJt.EL&CT FRED CALDWELLCROSS COUNTRY CAPTAJNSouvenir Proarama for Eaerciaes of'he � atWIIat .... tceu. ., 1M Graduatine C1ua Read, forUalnn1t7 of CJalcqe. Distribution.INa. u_ Mt of liard I. 1111.I'o�Tilt Weeki,. Oct. 1. lin.LOUt ... BKBLUf, B __ IIauprAllGClAD ......___ ........, ��.... _M.Il. G. WlUdiii("'� ttl. B" Fuller,w. A. Wayer Roberts B. OweDCaroliae Dickey Esther M. Hall1. Sidney Salkey Mamie LillyA. W. Wheeler, A. N. PfefferJ. M. Houghland Hargrave Long.Xewa CGIltrlbaU_ mq .. left at •• IaIIaU _ I'aealq !IIxdaDp. � Ie tileDaU7 ManoLTHURSDAY. JUNE 4, JgoS. Bring in Three Runs After TWo AreDown in Ninth and Win Game. , to I.Coach Bezdek's freshmen yesterdaywound up the game with Crane witha batting rally in the ninth thatturned a defeat into victory. RunniDI Club Abo ·Cbooaes lIac­Neish President-Plan to SecureInterest in SPOrt. .·'CANNIBAL'· CHORUS IIA YRECEIVE PREP VISITORStkcotiatioha for Rdum Of B1a�arShow Broilers for InterscholasticVaudeville Under Way.attempt to startle the athletes arriv­ing for the interscholastic. . It is of­ficially stated that the "Broilers" willdo their best to liven up things at thesmoker Friday. June 12, wigs, lack ofTWO SONGS TO BE SUNG costume,and an obligation. On several counts AT SENIOR SING TODAYit is up to the Juniors to attend to- To be serious, the Reynolds com-mission has enlisted the aid of theGraduatine Class WiD lIake SweetMusic at 5 O'Clock in Ene­Jish Lmorrow's Junior Day events, and theduty of Senior College men and. women to be present at the class dayaccount of the Junior Day exercisesand then go over to the Reynoldsclub and play pool, and not to con­sider �e need for an audience inspeech-makilw aDd track meets, thereare othef important matters to becODSi�red ia this connection. 'It JDaF� .. generally known thatPI:'P' ::eat·-.aeaabers of the faculty(IiIft laad "1be abolition of these ex-".ciaa under serious consideration.Not that they disapprove of the af-l.air. themselves; tMY have merely8Town exceeding weary of excusinga thousand students from class atwhat is a critical period in verymany courses, and then finding ahundred or Jess taking part in theevent. for which the privilege isaranted.The exercises Junior Day andSenior Day are pleasing customs,interesting and worth seeing. Noone wants to see them abol­ished, bat if only a minority ofthe Senior and Junior College stu­dents display their interest by attend­inc, they are likely to go under incompetition with the press 0; othereyeDt. of COllYocatioa week. IF OBLIGED TO DROPOUT OF RESIDENCE "�-Corretlpondence CoursesWill enable you to continue your colleee work and lain the delree.4o...ba1f [I!! of 1M 36 IIaien ...... for paduatioD tP7 be.... It7 con..,D"'''"- 40.. 300 c:Jua.no_ COUlMl are diu0 .... b _ ... of .. UaIY-*7 Facu1tia. q the ·................. eou.. Coune.. are JDaa7 that to... Sa ....... yoc:UloM-DOtaIt17 to teacMn. flWork_&7Mila .. aD7.... • ...... �of&ce of�HE CORRItSiP0NDENCE-STUDY DE.PARTMENTThe UDiYenity of' Cbicaco - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cobb HaJJ, 7ATO DAILY BULLBTIlf........ lee •• "AM Ka11 at CM c�� � 1Wa" Mad II. The Senior class souvenir pro­grams have arrived, and a� on sale Fred C. Caldwell was elected cap­at the Information office in Cobb tain yesterday of the 19o5 cross coun-� ..s17 • .-.,t • ....,.. 11M- hall. The souvenir is in the form of try team, and John W. M;tcNeish,tQa ... .......,.. .utq �...,.... a leather booklet, and contains, in ad- president of the club. The members01 1M UalYenlq ,..r. dition to the class roll, views of the of the club are looking forward to acampus and a complete program of succesful season next fall, and arethe festivities connected with convo- making efforts to induce a largecation week. It has been generally number to register for cross countryconceded to be the best program that when they register for the fall quar­has been gotten out by a Senior class ter,at the University. The caps for this year's squad willThose who ordered copies in ad- be awarded next Saturday.' AnotherlIu_l'lpUOIl Jl'1ce. ",00 per �MI" ,1.00f. I __ tIlL 8u.crlpUoDll rec:eI,..4 at vance are requested to call Cor them year it is possible that "C's" will betIae MareoD �.ce. au. BaU, 01' at the at once. A few extra copies are on given to members of the team. Dir­Faculq kdaaqt. Cobb BalL hand and will be sold to the first ector Stagg addressed the membersmeet at 10:30 in South hall parlor.comers Cor them. The price is, as of the club on the value and fun inIC4ltor1a1 omc:e-Beton • Po a, a.1a . Rehearsal of Senior class operettausual, fifty cents each. The program cross country workBall Ualyenlq Tel. B7de Part US will be held at '1 :30 in Mandel.,. . committee is anxious to dispose of all A hand bill is being distributed IAfter • Po" KarooD Pr.8, 414 .. �th Divinity school class exercises will•on hand before the, end of the week, urging men to join the squad. The I8treet. Tel. 11141 Pan 1881. be held at 4 p. m, in Hitchcock. Dr.and to that end, ask that seniors call arguments in favor are:LUTBEa D. I'BltNALD, Mep ..... IDdItor for them without delay. I F-PJlI:IJT()X r. GABs.. Xe .. ICdItGr You want outdoor exercise andFRESHMEN STAR AS PINCH ' I f b IIvm.VIX � • .AD.uI8, .A.tIaletle DIltGr can t p ay oot a ,HITTERS IN CRANE GAME You want the most pleasant andbeneficial form of physical cul­ture offered during the fallquarter,You don't know whether you' canrun or not and want to find outwithout getting something teohard.You are a track man and want todevelop for the indoor sea-Two men were out and none onson.base when the unexpected happened. Register for Cross Country RunningB__ .... im__ _.Btf_.... '" ... mlla A free pass, followed by three succes-TeL D__ Part 421. (P. C.4I)�- sive hits by Charters, Steinbrecherand Carleton, brought in a trio ofruns, and won the contest for thefirst-year men by a count of 7 to 6.Up to that time; the Crane boys hadthe game apparently in the palm oftheir hands,The high school team made all itsJunior College students will not be After.. runs in the first two innings.reqoired to attend classes tomorrow. h H d f h I· ttl d" t at ru a 0 t e year mgs se eSenior College mem-_A:__ b I'k I down, and was not found for the restAtt� ers are granted a Ie.of the game, McAndrews WIth twoCoD .. Da, privilege for Monday, hi ied Ii h b t . hIts carrie 0 tea tmg onors.Events Such a concession. ".h. , The freshmen made rune hits to theirW ich is an Important' fideri h h . opponents, consi enllg t at t e sprmg_quarter is a week short, carries with Junior chapel (women) will be ad- ,dressed at 10:30 in Mandel hall by',Dean Mflth�ws. ,Brotherhood of St. Andrew willSoares will deliver the address.Investigator's club will meet at 7:30 Iin Cobb 3C. I, "Order of the C" banquet in H utch- IIinson at 6 o'clock.IBrotherhood of St. Andrew will •meet at 10.:30, in the parlor of South Ihall, Election of officers .Alflf0111fODlBIfTBFinal mass meeting will be held at I10:30 Friday on Marshall field.Senior class sine will be held inEnglish I, Friday at 5 p. m. IEngraved Convocation Invitations Imay be had at the Information office.Tickets for the Prom will be on 'sale up to Thursday evening from' thefoJlowing people: Ross, Latham, Me- INeish, Morgan, Lambach, Heftin and'McClintock. Tickets may be ob­tained Friday at the T nformation of-Senior college classes will be heldon Friday, but Junior college stu­dents who desire to attend the Jun­ior college exercises, may be absentwithout incurring absent marks.On M'onday, Junior college classeswill � .• held, but Seniors may be ex­cused who desire to attend theformer danseuses in their effort to Senior college exercises.give the visiting athletes a good time . It is obviously a matter of honorSeveral other features are also being that Junior and Senior students whothe exercises of their respective col­witness a repetition of the maypole leges.STANFORD TEAll OF EIGHTTO ARRIVE HERE; TODAY(CoDtinueci from pace I) Georg; E. Vincent,Dean.Do it now! You know you needsome photos before you leave theUniversity, Why put it off to the lastweek, when you are worn to pieces?Ference last year. Do it now, and don't you forget it.Reports from Iowa City yest,·,\·day Esmoer 2.U E. 55th Street,thrower, with a mark of 120 feet tohis credit, will be the only Hawkeyestate that Stutsman, the Iowa discusl ...entrant in the Conference. With Huff.the sprinter, ruled out, dopesters inthe state are not granting Iowa theConference rooters oqbt to blJ7Get 7oaI' tidret .... Iy for tile Con- tbeir .. ta at the Re,nC)14a dab to­'4q.share of point5 its teams have se-Tickets for a section of the best cured at former classic meets.seats for the Conference meet Satur- Work was begun on Marshall fieldday, haYe been purcbued in bebaU of yesterday to get it ready for thethe students of the Uniyeni17 for the army of athletes. With the highpurpoae of formiq a rooteR' section. school relay quartets, the entry listThey are DOW on ale at the will probably number 275, as against r .desk in the RqDOW. dab. Only 188 last year, and extra accommoda-bona fide atacIen" aeed apply. tionl are under way.• II FOWNESGLOVESwiD be WOrD Ionpr thlaHUOn dwI other.­that is. other Clowa.exer�s. r worked up for the smoker.AI;4� from the act that it is noe Senior class activities will begin in absent themselves from classes onLater in the afternoon the com-exactly honest to get excused on earnest this afternoon in English I; Friday and Monday, should attendpany will adjourn to English I towith the Senior "sing," which Presi-dent Barker announced yesterday dance.and which will be conducted byFrank Templeton, chairman of thesong committee.Barker promises something in theway of revelations to the class in theform of two class songs which havebeen printed. He says they have allthe swing and inspirat�on that makethem winners, The names of theauthors and composers are as yetunknown, but ",·m be revealed tothose who attend the "sing." Thetime set is 5 o'clock, and the practiceis expected to take fifteen minutes.Hair Draaiac. IIIaaicaria&.. Shempooi .... Facial II ......IlADAIQ ][A nORSCALP IPBCIAU8T231 E 5ItIa Sc. ..... II. P .... Bows' Correct IaDoringFOR SUMMERFLANNELAND SERGESUITS\Ve have just received acomplete line of Flannelsand Serges. Many import­ed and domestic fabrics tochoose from. Our. linecomprises all the verysmartest effects of the sea­son, Just the kind of pat­terns for young men andcorrect dressers.We ani -aiming .to SUIT. the 'college man .. and in­vite your inspection ofour lootiL805 ��so�c. TempleChlcqoBoaDaN"COn4 .... 11D1r. J1DW Milk. C .....&lUI ButtumDk.AD IIottl_ ill the Country.Borden'. COad .... IIiIk ·Ce.6:17-'33 E. Forty-seveatb St.e�SHIRTSOn and off like a coat.In fast colors and ex­clusive styles. 11.50 up.CLUE'M'. PEABODY & CO .. JIaken,...GIBSON A� GALLERIESlSI. 153 Wabub Aye.. Clalalo.-c >:We Han No Br&1Icb StudioFacilities for everytbinc inPhoto&f&pby...... Ceatral logSPEClltLSchool and CollegeSu;tingsSZ5 $31 and $35TAILOR FOR YOUNG lIENTwo storea: 131 La Sao. .at., ••44J ............Good Money for CoU.MeL \'1,.�r'.'STl/SBORN CINDERELLADEPICTS MIDWAY LIFE o HAVE PALMER CHIMESON EXHIBITION .TUESDAYMr. StudentNew HoUCh-Adams Pia, Has Char- DeJa, in Receipt of Bells Forcesaden Modeled After Noted For- Abandonment of' Having Themmer Students at UniY�ty. Installed Convocation DayClothes made ri�ht lookright. There is no use try­ing to have poorly-madegarments look right. Andthere is no necessity inexperimenting with clothesthat are constructed ofcheap material, and put to­gether in an unskilled With the appearance of the new The last glimmer of hope that the <jmusical comedy of "The Stubborn Palmer chimes will be .installed onCinderella" at the Prtncessv theater,the University may fairly. rank itselfwith the first two colleges . of thecountry. already immortalized by"Brown of Harvard" and "At Yale,"for .this new Hough-Adams produc- Convocation day expired yesterday.Arrangements are now being made tohave them on exhibition along thebanks of the English garden duringthe dedication exercises so that theymanner. Just come into may be in full view of the audience,tion, besides being the work of ex- which will be seated in the sur.!:_:!t1 ,'.students of the Varsity, has for its part of the garden,setting a campus that can be recog- The dedication exercises. whichnized as our very own, and more will be held on the morning of Con-than that presents two characters vocation day, next Tuesday at 10:30directly drawn from students wellknown to the older men about theour shop and get fitted outwith' one of the many suitsbuilt by the best Tailors inthe United States. If youdo this, you can feel cer­tain you are fitted out inthe latest and best. Satis­faction guaranteed or mon­ey refunded. a. m., are attracting considerable in­terest and a number of guests bothcampus. from Chicago and the East will beInthe cast appears the name "Fat:' present. The Chicago Alumni cluba character who has been modeled af- .of Wellesley will be guests of honor Iter the noted "Bubbles" Hill ofat the dedication and at the 'Convo-naught seven, and "Skeeter," ,,110 is cation exercises' in the afternoon.none other than "Skeeter" Vogt, the �lrs. Palmer, in whose memory thebells are installed, was president ofWellesley in 1881, and was head ofthis great women's college for severalEdwards Tailoring Co. well-known member of the class of63 State se, Mentor Bg.. Rm. 157 naught six..'\. recent criticism characterizes thehero as follows:AMERICA'S LARGESTDEALERS IN MERC­HANT TAILORS UN­CALLED-FOR GAR­MENTS years..' An irresponsible college youth re- The program for the ceremony isgards it as his honorable. duty to ter- not yet definitely decided, but itsminate a flirtation with the heroine, at' t t t k. mos impor an even s are nown.lady of much position but little ex- D V' t· '11 d I' ddlean mcen WI e rver an a ressperieuce. They are in a comic opera b II ki d b II • .on e rna mg an e rmgmg.desert, stranded on account of a com- lliss Talbot, who is the successor ofic opera railroad wreck, sitting be- Mrs .. Palmer as dean of women willside a comic opera log fire. So he speak on the personality of the Uni­tells her the story of Cinderella and Pro-versity's first deal! of women.the fairy prince who disappeared on thefessor Laughlin,. representingthe stroke of 1.2 leaving her with on-'Iy the memory of her happy dream... 'memorial committee, will present thebells to the University, and President"The first act-on a college cam- Judson will receive them.,pus-is a snapping whirlwind of rnus- The : president·�., office is beingical comedy fun. Here are intro- d ith I' ti f ti k, .. swampe WI app Jca �ons or JC-duced M.r. Barrymore as Mac,.a devil.� f tL ... �.,. •. .. � . C!_. 01' '. IIC! __ CDDVOC_... exerc._scs.of a 'rah-'rah boy; Miss Fisher as La- Th . ;. C· t" d.' .e summer onvoca Ion. IS rawmgdy Leslie, OD her way from Scotland larger �nd' larger. crowds each California to marry the Grand Last year, when Ambassador BryceDuke Boris of Russia, and a dozen. . .• was the Convocation orator, Mandelsubsidiary figures who interfere ID- h II f d t II f th .:. a was oun 00 sma or e au-termitently with the romance which di d· B tl tt ., renee an ar e gymnasmm wasculminates in their betrothal at Cor-� used for the exercises for the firstonado Beach. The leading comic sit-. Th' t f th. time. 15 year reques s or reenation is formed by a confusion ofC.L.SCHARPPICTURES' AND PICTUREFRA�ING265 East Fifty-Seventh St1'eetOpposite Rosalie Court.coeds to be in love with him, and a TAKE THE CAMPUS WITH YOUpessimistic railway engineer who when JOu .leave. There's· noperforms on the Harmonica. The need to get out of t ouch withother types are more conventional- collece life just because. �.ou·vethe timid tutor, the college widow,.aNTLE.aN etc., but they are all very well acted. paduated..-'!!.=w'....__ anu "The Stubborn Cinderella" is CM-_.- - Five times a week The Daily'--- • ceded to he by far the best. of theBOSTON Maroon wiD bring you all theAdams-Hough-Howard output andnews of·the Midway da,-prompt,the clever lines. the .catchy tunes, es-accurate. uncolored.G A RT E R . ���:�!;;t�h:L�:�:::;;i;:::: :�: The Maroon i. a. maable to... the alumnus as it i. indispensa"home of one of the best attended_, • __ - di I' . he ci ble to the undercraduate,... _ •• musical come res p aymg III t e city ..... n. .... a.�"�CUIIIO.BUnO.CLASP).-eButler's address. Miss Florence Hol- , .lister rendered two selections on the beginning Oct. T. T908. until forbid.piano. Miss Lula Buckingham. sang billing me at the rate of $1.00 perin a pleasing' manner H. H. A. quarter ($1.25. by mail in Chicago.)'Beach', ·'JUDe." ($2.50 (or J� in advance.)(Fill out. this blank, and send it.Dean Butler 'Makes Address we11 do the rest):The class exercises of the Collegeof Education were he1d yesterday ed off in June.15 afternoon in the art room of Em-mons Blaine hall. About 100 were The Daily l(aroon,present. The address of the after- University,noon was given by Dr.Nathaniel Rut- Send The Daily Maroon toler, dean of the college. He took forhis subject. "Literature, the Expres- .......• , ........•..............sion of :\11 that is Rest:' Before Dean June • 19<)8.................. 0.. ........ _ ., ......-. .................... &.____ "ALWayS EASYJ ry a Classified Adiu The Daily Maroon.r FINE BUSINESS POSITIONS FOR THESUMMER OR PERMANENTLY. l�-\'i_.r.-';A,f.�t'�II!.;",·1':1!,,I!.::IIJ�,',A��!":i;1�:ii\�.I.�·1.�1."jI1j!,IIIf you want t� earn mone;, during the vacation months, orif you expect to work for a living after graduation. here is a prop-osition which will attract you, Financial returns unusually large-$30 to $60 a week not too much to expect. at start; ultimate earn­ings limited only by you!' own efforts. Work is especially adapt­ed to. college men. It is interesting and pleasant, and gives val.uable experience.You may w")rk either in Chi cago or elsewhere-in your homecity. perhaps.No matter what your plans are, it will pay you to investigatethis. You can begin work now.You could arrange to earn money on spare time work whileattending college.F�r further information, address or calIonSALES MANAGER, THE.SHELDON SCHOOL,.:1002 Republic Building Chicago,Robert Staedter Co.ISS State StreetBetween Madison and Monroc=-Phone Central 5334Furs, Suits, Coats, - :SkirtsMillinery'The Suit, Coat and Skirt value we are offering during the balance ofthis month 'and May cannot be equaled in Chicago. Come in andlook over our stocks. We have the Merchandise to support thisclaim. Silk Dresses $12.50 to $15.00 and up. In �ur Millinery Sc�ti�n._oll.r Styles are correct, and range 'in price from $5.00 up. We storeand remodel Furs at Lowcst Prices Paone and we Will callIIarsitr Cafe ••55th St. and Greenwood Avenue:-OPEN ALL DAYMeals· 20c arid· >UP. Chop Suey � SpecialtyFor "The Junior Prom'"CALL UP.MAJESTIC GARAGE5035-5037 Cot tage Grove AvenueWM. L. RUEHL1 Manager._lm���_�_�:,:&For "The Junior Prom," Call upCOLONIAL AUTO LIVERY. GARAGE CO.STORAGE, REPAIRING AND RENTING CARS50-52 East 39th StreetFINEST RENTING CARS IN THE CITY-- Special· Rates to Students --COLLEGE LARDER CAFE "44? &. 55th Street.. . ... Nw··�ngton �ve., . �. .IS :l'HE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO EAT.�UNCHEON 20c UP. EVENING DINNER, 25C.."PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS EATING.'"THE IwLi KAitd6H:'·bl'uRSDAY. J�J;:-4. 1908 .. ,DR£SS *'iaEARsAi., 0" ." .ZAltAGU£TA' TO'NIGHT ,"I D!cENNIaIAlf�uimIi6B1I w. A. A. Wi1�e Big AnnualFeast Toniglit - Preparations andTHE POPULAR PLACE I Ticket Sale Hold Promise of Un.TO EAT U5Uat Suecess,Either before or after the:;_. _;_:_t:_er_.�_._�_�_.-. occur this evening, when the W. A. "As a counterpart to the gloomyA. holds its decennial banquet in Spanish tragedies, which AmericanLexington gymnasium at 6 o'clock.WANTED STUDENT WORKERS audiences have recntly had a chance-This dinner, judging from the elab-Dignified and profitable vacation the to see'. such as The Great Galeoro,orate preparations, includingwork for several men of good ad- tasteful .1' f I Marta of the Lowlands, and Saint or... maroon decoration 0 t ie Madman, this glimpse of the every-day life of the Spanish people, withits shadows. but with a prevailingtone of sunny a whole-� ...... ,......... ..1'8 tnUOH HOUL.AND RESTAURANT111-117 Randolph Street (C�ntiiueCi from page I)Iession, was considered one ofbest things in the play. But theDonaBlasa, a thrifty widow, and her sanc­timonious, bashful son, FSo, and evenThe biggest function of the year the servants, are no less excellent asfor the women of the University willtypes.dress, introducing our loose leaf de-gym. and the record-breaking num-vices in large business houses. Full her of tickets sold, bids fair to be theinstruction furnished. Write todayfor particulars. C. E. SHEPPARD,164 E. Randolph St., Chicago.��:e -COUPON IOcGood for. at Fifth Floor, Masonic Temple, $5.00 Sample Shoes $2.50 most successful in the history of theassociation. It will be unique, insome and valuable thing."that it is to celebrate the tenth an-Tickets are selling well in spite of The�pof tile claspill ellsy. It'.fiat-the only abso­lutely Hat clasp b":uteris the Bri�hton. Milli­ons of men know this-buythem and wear them. The wearis there, nnd tlll'Y cost oll)y l\ (luarkra rair. Itemember it..-at � CI., 711I1uurSt •. , ........... Brightonlare mac.le ofpure ailk web.The patterns are��... new, e.xc) usi ve - van-�.. ely enough to sawfy�1. evcrybOOy. All meta) part.are of beavy nickel-plated bra.u.If your dealer can't supply you,:.pair will he sent upon receipt of p .:,.. .IUIDI If PlIIHI IIIIPEaOS -v" -\TRADE MARKftfGISTrltEDSuccesors toTHE HYDE PARK PRINTINCi CO.GEO. W. CURRIER. &: CO. and MATSON &: TRENARY.EngrallersPrinters PublishersWE ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE ANYTHING INTHE LINE OF PRINTING.368 East 55th Street.Rooms 10' Ren.1SINGLE OR EN SUITEREASONABLE RATESRfSTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfRIn CO!1DOCU<l61Hotel JIStu1uiversary of the organization of the the other attractions of Junior Day,W. A. A.� and will be attended by and a I:ood house is expected for therepresentatives of the basketball matinee.teams of 1898 and 1903, as well asThe patronesses are 'as follows:1908. After the banquet, there willlIrs. H. P. Judson, Mrs. Wallace Cigareffe"12 State Stree�· c�:a��!DA!5 �ea�JO�t.��r�:k, N. Y. I� J FreCcPHgram will be the presentation of theThe Yates-Fisher Teachers' Agen<y basketball cup to the victoriousPaul Yates,, Suite 641-642, 204 Michigan Avenue. Fine Senior' quintet, which wrested theArts Building, Chicago. championship from the Juniors lastweek by a score of 12 to II. Thehe dancing on the gym floor.The leading feature, of the pro- Heckman, Mrs. W. R. Harper, Mrs.Leon Mandel. Mrs. J. E. Vincent,llrs. R. 1\1. Lovett, :\Irs. S. H. Clark.lliss Marion Talbot, Mrs. P. H.Boynton, Mrs. Nott �]jnt, Mrs. G. F.Swift, Miss Louise Parker, M,rs. F.lI. Blanchard, Mrs. A. H. Tolman.TRAVEL OV'ER THE':(lI:I":13aJlli.LAFAYETTE ..INDIANAPOLIS ..LOUISVILLE.CINCINNATI.Others $20 to $45ltIOSSLER co.50 Jackson Blvd.Just Off State St. members of the team are Miss Heap.Norton Miss Myra Reynolds, Mrs. G. C. Hol­and Misses Barnes, Peck, land and Mrs, David A. Robertson.and Tyley. Pins and emblems will .Supper will be served in Hutchin­he awarded to all girls who haveson and supper extras will he playedplayed on teams this year, or who between the 15th and 16th dances.won first place in any event at theThe Nagel sisters have been secured TnLi1iorwil\\"0stu:;01�h:Jannual athletic do the catering. The patronessesDr. \Villiam G. Anderson, directorare Mrs. Judson, Mrs. Lovett, Mrs.of the gymnasium at Yale University, Thompson, Miss Talbot and Missis to be the guest of honor. The Wallace.(Continued from page I) Maroon antCOlior9 �willaseai. S8TH ST. AND DREXEL AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 37. de:thtand Chicago six.With this game over, the Varsityseason ends with eight victories andfive defeats. fJ'wo games were wonfrom Northwestern by scores of 10to 6 and 10 to' 5. Iowa was beaten6 to 2. and indiana I to o. The first Daintily DeliciousPerfectly Pur eSurpassinglySmoofhWonderf�llyWholesome . ; � co''--enbubeDAYTON. "Old Mail" has been invited, and will.' Or any Southern Point probably attend, among about twelve BEAT BADGER NINE, 7 TO 3Ticket OSce, 182 South Clark St. other members of the faculty. Pro-Depot-Dearborn Stativn, Polk an. fessor A. C. McLaughlin, head of theDearborn St. History department, is expected to getting seven chalked up against it.En&lewood Station-63d St. excite no small amount of laughterby his response to a toast on "Ob­servations from the Side Lines." MissMOSSLER COMPANY I Mary Courtnay will act as toast-M th" _., -Mdv M mistress of the occasion. .VIO as or 8Il--an .. oung en I'· .f .F ollowing a few words 0 greetmgSO Jackson Blvd. by President Judson on behalf of theUniversity, Dr. Anderson will reply game with Wjs�onsin resulted in a 6Blue serge suits, light to a toast on "Mental Development to 3 victory for 'the Varsity. Thehomespuns, brown wor- Through Physical Education." After PUrdue series ended an . even break.'steds, A magnificent Dr. M.cLaughlin's speech, Miss Eda the first game being won 3 to 2, thedisplay this week, $25- Ohrenstein, representing the first second going to the Boilermakers 4,You'll be as proud to basketball team of the W. A. A., will to I. Minnesota took its game f!:omwear one of these suits speak, her subject being "Once Upon the Varsity 2 to o. The Illinois;as we are to sell them. a Time." "Betwixt and Between" series was remarkable as ending withThe fabrics are mer- will be the title of the fifth toast, by the first victory of Chicago over thechant tailor cloths and Miss Marie Ortmayer of the team of state university in three years by acannot be found in '03. These reminiscences of earlier 7 to 6 score. The other three gamesready-made shops. days will be followed by greetings were Illinois' 6-2, 12-1 and 3-1.This is a special effort and you owe from the present. Miss Ethel Preston, ' 'I. ,.' -.,-. ---it to yourself to at least see them. f I ""Q I • hi PREPARE FOR JUNIORo t Ie I� c lamplons Ip team, re- � J, _. • .'.Don't come later than Friday. sponding to "Now." PROM T���RROW NI3HTJ •The concluding features of the (Continued from pasre T)banquet program will be the presen- andtomorrow have been selected ••tat ion of banners by Miss Preston. N� .. <Iwere announced yesterday. "-and that of the basketball cup, and of Merriam will be boss of the gamesthe pins, by Miss Dudley. After this in the capacity of referee, and John , nunoatlwIAlwigepeJ).......will come the dance. Schommer will do the best he can asannouncer. Wallie Steffen, who willbe clerk of the course, says no foulsThe University Council of Colum- will slip unnoticed. Judges at the f:1bia University has awarded a schol- finish will be Quigley, Lingle, �Ic­arship of the value of $150 to Mr. Farland and Caldwell, Shuart, Jac·Frederick Hornstein, a resident of obs and Bacon will act as timers. ifChicago, and a graduate of the Uni- enough watches to go around are fur-vcrsity of Chicago of the class ofnt__·s_h_e_d_. _Columbia A wards ScholarshipFULL DRESS surrsTO RENT 19<>5. "Rooters' section" seatsT. G. SCHAFFNER I: CO. Conference are at theWe carry "Society Brand" Clothes Conference tickets on sale at Rey-c1__u_b_. _AU Sizes. Sure Fit. nolds club. Furniture for Sale-Piano, � writ-ling desks, bookshelves, tables, chairs.Tel. �ntr.l 4875- 46 River St. Conference rooters ought to bUYI'b'd t 'I I II k·· I f. e , urc-ser, was tstanr , a 1Il( s 0their scats at the Reynolds club to- h h II d L . tConference tickets on sale at Rey- ouse 0 ( goo s. 55.13 cxmg ond� .nolds club. avenue. •• ..AMUSEMENTS ...THE GARRICK,lABEL BARRISIN andJOSEP HOWARD in M;usicalComedyrHE FLOWER OF THE COLONIALThe Laughing Success of the AgeJ ce Weber Vd his All-Star Co., inE BURLESQUE 9F ..,THE MERROW Wn:(QlV,,""'-- atthteiayments, from $10 up. Best bargains \ __ .... _n guaranteed �achines. American I Lost-A plain black Waterman"leak I: Typewriter Co., 188 Dearborn I fountain pen. Finder please leave at�t. Central 6127. I �Iaronn om« for reward.POWBRSAugustus Thomas' Great Play,THE WITCHING HOURSTUDBBAKBRthe Classiest Comedy with 7SiC.ELSIE JANISIn "THE HOYDEN"L/SPECIAL'for the Typewriters Rented-3 months forReynolds �5 and up. Typewriters sold on easy Chicago's Newest Theater,b��n:�C���IVd'ort H mger PresentsUBRORN CINDERELLABy Adams. Hough and HowardILLINOIS"The Dutch Musical Incident,1\fISS HOOK OF HOLLANDTYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent­Special rates to students; re-built machines. W. White­head, 36 La Sane StreeLJlGrand Boulevard Automobile Garage Co.Touring �J', Limoui- G' ARAG'E Grand Blvd .nd 40th St.ines. 0Pe� buses. . Telephone Oakland 284 ,I Finest and most complete Garage in! Chicago. Renting. Storage. Supplies, and Accesories, Tires. Complete: Electric charging equipment., ......