lIutly fluruuuVol. VI. No. 151. CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY. MAY 27. 1908. Price Two CentsIS GENEVA' ATBLmc BEAD DEPRIVE QUIGLEY OF "C". AII'ATHLETIC EMBLEMSIITERSCHOLASTIC MEETGIVEN WIDE PUBLICITY ELECT PRINCELL AND CAREY ILLINOIS NINE COMES TOMARSHALL FIELD TODAYSwimming and Polo Teams ElectCaptains fer Next Year at AnnualBanquet-Carey Swimming Lead­er; Princell Polo Head. Ben Badenoch Will superintend Phy-sical Training at Lake Geneva Con-ference of Y# M. C. A. Next Month Board Upholds Stand of. Director-To Play Ball With Illini. Stagg�enior CoUncil Asks Show Leniency.Game Schec;luled for Friday to bePlayed this Afternoon-ExamsCause Change.committee' Notifies SOO Papers inMiddle West of Coming AthleticEvent.Eugene Carey and Paul P. Princellcoach Stagg Predicts Success in were elected captains of the swim- Page to Oppose Ovitz in Desperate Ben H. Badenoch of the Univer- Expulsion of Ex-Captain from Uni-Number and Grade of Athletes ming and polo teams. respectively. Attempt to Land Maroons in sity, appointed by the National corn-: versity Not Discussed-Morgan'sCompeting. at the annual banquet for the mem- Second Place. mittec to take charge of athletics at: Suspension Appr:o\,�d Of.bers of ·he team in Hutchinson cafe the Summer Conference of the Y. M.Preparations for the Seventh An- last night. This is a departure from Chicago and Illinois will meet on C. A., to be held at Lake Geneva the The Board of Physical Culture andnual Interscholastic meet and con- the usual custom of electing one I the Marshall field diamond this af- middle of next month, is a very good Athletics met yesterday and votedtests are going actively forward. The man to captain both aquatic teams. ternoon at 3:45 o'clock, The game I selection .. Many of th.e best athletes confirmation of Director .Stngg's ac­press committee of the Reynolds but it was thought best by Dr. Ray- to be played had been scheduled for of the middle west Will probably be tion in expelling Raymond Quigleyclub commission, of which Earle croft and Coach Knudson to follow Fr iday.but owing to a sudden change present at the Conference. and ath- from the Varsity track! team.Goodenow is chairman, will send to- this course. Ben Badenoch is retir- in the examination system at the state letics. will play a considerable part in I t further decreed that Quigley for­day a letter describing the meet for ing captain. university, another date had to be the program. Badenoch is captain feit the privilege of holding the "C-:use in the reading columns of five Carey has been on the team two chosen. Director. Stagg arranged of the '9(?8 swimming team, and is a emblem, and such prizes as he hashundred papers in the middle west. years, and during the past season I with Director Huff for this afternoon brother of Art Badenoch, the grid- won since competing professionallyThe letters have been printed by the was the mainstay of the team in the rather than tomorrow when the iron hero of a few years ago. last July. Following is the state­University Press, and by this even- Pennsylvania and Iflinois meets. He Olympian tryouts �'iII. �e held. I The .-ql�iversity 'of Chicago v, M. ment from' Dr. Parker, Universitying will have been mailed. is a- valuable man in every event. It is to b� hOp'e� � the Varsity C; A. l.7fs organieed . a. bas,eball t�a� Recorder. explaining the action ofCircular letters setting for the plans Princell is seen to best advantage in wil.1' '" a�l� �� _ s��klC;}�� IIIinois.: hoo- and serh a. c�a.l.e�ge �o th,e,_: I�linois the athletic board.for the entertainment of the high the polo sextet, where lil" played' a doo that has stuck to. them so long. Y. 1\1. C, A." which has been accept- "The Director of Physical Cultureschool athletes and requesting assist- strong, consistent game ;ttir&ughout The V�.rsi/t�_ni�_�;��ll-have-its··last e�.� ��f�'ga�e will be p�aie·d.:o"n .. Mon� reported to the Board that the cap-'ance for their accommodation during t\� seasons. ; .: _. . ch�I:ce. '.��� br�a� .)�e.:}._I}.i_?�i.�::, c,h�rm �a!! Ju��:, I� ••. -; N�d : �f:llle .: _ h.a.� ... �e�n tain of the track team, Mr. Raymondthe two days' they will be at the Uni- Speeches were made by '):>i: _Rai- that �asr= ��I�:,:�.�;a.y /��.� the �y��� ... two I c.ho�r::�?�t��n� of. t��}��_, :��� .: wIII L. Quigley, had been charged withversity were sent yesterday to all the croft and' Coach Knudson,'1:o-';gratu- y�a��. :.�t��:\!��h��,:"lr: �t�e :.b?�'L��ld I hke��.:h�}�e.:.a. !or�ld����: ���a�: of professionalism in competing in af�ternities, colleges, and other stu- . �":. ..... _'.• .... - •. ,. ",.' . ...• .'p . :, ... . . race for money prize at Crippledent organizations by the publicity ". ,,� .. :. Creek, Colorado, last summer, andcommittee of the commission.·... . :7:.'·i:; •. ! :'.: ...... '.:: .� ..•. �.�� •.__ �:��;... ��.,. :.. had acknowledged that these chargesEntries for. the .meet. will. close to- . ;.�,!..l.." !"'t', . arc true. - It wasvoted unanimouslyday, and Coach Stagg hopes to have ':,:.:, �. :.�' .. :.�� �/ ��:.:';�� _.. .' ,"i':'-�: " i. that Quigley's athletic honors.includ-l�reeUrtl;J)l:ca1f�lRIIte:-: �.�:. ��hc:,�»...!!!y�r!ii.tY��C.:� .. :l?!;.�voked,."Five. TIIO"und Invitations Issued :a:nd 'tliat,"any athletft:"prizes�w�.p.byNearly five thousand invitations for: him. since this 'offense � returnedthe Seventh Annnal Interscholastic through ··Mr.' Stagg." .meet .and relay races. have been sent At the meeting which was called by� _.. high:· , • sch�ors arid 'academies Director Stagg to consider Quigley'sthroaghout the country, and the most case, the former captain appeared' be-brilliant' event in the seven years of fore' the body and explained the cir­cumstances which led him to win andthe meet is expected this year..A . total of 3,B4o invitations havebeen sent to high schools �:one. Fol­lowing is the distribution of the in- accept the prize. He offered no ex-cuse, declaring that he regretted his:ICt and desired to offer an apology tothe track team, students and faculty.A petition from the Senior College. Council, presented by Chairman Nor-will b.: opposed by either Ovitz or diamond runners to support himman Barker. was read. It purposeding that was made by them, in win- Hinrichsen. Illinois already has against the Illini. The material forning the Western championship in the champions, hip by virtue of its this would-be bunch of stars will be to represent the general student at­titude. It stated that while Quigley'sswimming and polo. and the nation a! victory over Minnesota last Satur- select�d from the following bunch oftitle in polo. A speech was also made day. A defeat for the downstaters men: Ben Badenoch, Anderson, Bertby Captain Ben Badenoch, in which today, however. will tie up the situ- Henderson. Frank Gilbert, Van'Nuys,he expressed his appreciation of the Cation for second place, whereas, if the George Crabb, john :\lacNeish, \Vet-The Stagg meet, as the interscho- faithful work done by the men. Varsity loses, Minnesota will have a zel, Mark Wheeler, joy Clark andIastic has been called, comes at the 'Those present were: Dr. Raycroft, clear claim to the position. Grills.end of the school year. and has be­ Coach Oscar Knudson, Bickel, Carey,Princell, Rohde, Goes. Day, Fergu-vitations by states: Minnesota, 154bigh schools and 7 academies: Wis­consin, 225 high schools and 7 aca­lating the men on the splendid show-The Athletic Field at Lake Geneva, Where the Y. M. C. A. Summer Conference Will be Held.demies; Michigan, 368 and 4; Ohio,m and 12: Indiana, 556 and 8; Illi­�, 395 'and -26; Iowa. 344 and 17:Ifissouri, 308 and IS: K,... msas, 287. andt; Nebraska, ,348 and 2, Kentucky,is 3nd 15. act was inexcusable, in that it wasa violation of laws of amateurism,the' council felt that leniency shouldbe shown. It asked the Board tospare the athlete the disgrace of be-ing expelled from the University.Todav's game will be the last of a "The expulsion of Quigley from• of f b h V . . FRIARS HOLD INIT1ATIONseries 0 ��r etween t e. arsltY'1 college never entered the minds ofand the Illini, The :Maroons Will have. Comic Opera Club Takes in Twenty- the Board in considering the case:'one more contest to play this season. eight NeW Members said Dr. Parker yesterday. after thethat with Wisconsin at Madison. Fol- •meeting. "We felt that under thelowing will be the batting order: The Blackfriars held their annual circumstances. we had no right .to goChicago . Cleary, rf.; Pegues, ss.: initiation and banquet at the Grand any further than to deprive him of'�Ieigs. rb.; Schommer, cf.; Falls, zb.; Pacific hotel last night. After the the rights of an amateur athlete rep­Championship Gaardc, c.: Garade, c.; Ross. 3h.:of tbe Junior Colleges-WinningTeam Receive Scho�ps.come famous as til.' championshipmeet, where the winners in the otherson, Kahn, Anderson, Brooks, Lind­interscholastic touranrnents gather tosay, Hirschl, and Badenoch.decide the final honors. The 1908a'ent, according to Coach Stagg. i ..c� •. rain to be highly successful in pHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCEpoint of the number of athletes com- DEBATE TOMORROW NIGHTPttitors. Debate WiD DecideSecondary schools from the Pa-citic CO'lst and the Mississippi valley10 the eastern 5ection, are alreadyIIlaking arrangements to come to tht'Chicago meet. The University ofChicago' students have made elabor­ate plans for the entertainment of thehigh school and academy boys. Theithlctes will be lodged at the various Ehrhorn. If.; ntge, p.Illinois: O\·itz. p.; Penn, .1b.: Sny- initiatory ceremonies, the club ad- resenting the University .. Personal­journed to the banquet, Iy, 1 admire QuigleY7 and am trulyAm0ng the toasts called by Ab- sorry to have him put in the positionhot :\lax Richards were :\Iartin A. he threw himself into."Flavin and Frank' B. Hutchinson of The Board at its meeting also rati­the alumni, and Harry Hansen. lied the action of Director Stagg inCharlie Jordan. Phil Rt'ddy, Carl suspending Freeman �Iorgan, theBurton and Ralph Bcnzies of the Varsity broad jumper, for the re�t ofundergraduates. the season. ':\Iorgan apologized forn'Fla\'I'n took' deserting the team in the \Visconsinoccasion to enter ameet Saturday, explaining that it wasstrong plea for the possibilities ofder. lb.: Schaefer, If.: Buszick, ss.;The finals in the Junior college Disosway. cf.: Hinrichsen, rf.; Right­debates will be held tomorrow night' er, 2b.; :\1 ason. 8 p. m .. between Philosophy andScience colleges. The question to he,Iebat<,.d _is the evacuation of Cubaon or about the first· of january nexlyear. The Philosophy team is com­post't1 of Salkey, Sabath and Smith.and the Science end is upheld by :\Ic­matic performances, receptions, an(l Cullough, Benitez and Kuh. The firstIJther social features will he inclucledteam will uphold the ·affirmative.\\·hilein the days' itinerary, Science has the negative. Tho de­An additional. competition will be bate will take place in Haskell. Eachiratcrnity houses, and treated to au­tomobile rides and trips to theamusement parks of the city. Dra- due to a misunderstandingthe American stage as a profession. part.desiring those ,,-ith dramatic ability onSticklnot to disre�ard it. Ehrhom is Lit Track Captain---- :\fr. Gor�uch gave rcacling� fromThe strong JIlinois haseball team Mplicre yesterday before the Liter­,,·ill meet the Varsity this :'lfternoon atnre' college men. Herman Ehrhornon Marsball field. was elected captain of the track team.member of the winning. team will re­ceive a scholarship for one quarter.(Coatiauecl OD pace 4) --".: ....hisTHE bAlLY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1908.I�f laUu _arDonProbably the chief attraction willhe the 800 meter race between "Jim-my" Lightbody, wllo will compete I'llTiger's Head meets at 10:30unattached, 'and Horace Ramey. thv Cobb 6C.ex-Michigan athlete, under Cherry Senior operetta trials at .P)() inCircle colors. Both men have beenI I Cobb 9:\.. All Seniors are requestedtraining hard for the past mont 1, ancto try.should furnish a merry race. Light-Baseball game will be played be-Drops from Athletics.�It is unfortunate that the Ball lee- MANY STARS TO COMPETEIIf h b II IN OLYMPIAN TRYOUTSture comes on the day 0 teagame. Something has to suffer, andthe game isn't likely to. Varsity Athletes in Shape for Bi�Event Tomorrow-McFarland1I'With 300 "prep" athletes to pro-vide for, there will be need for thefinding of a number of' places where, Director Stagg gave the V:lrsity"there's always room for one more.'and freshman athletes who will com-Tbe OtIlclal, BtadeDt PubllcatlOll � theUDlnnlt7 of ChlllPalbatencl u 8ecoGcklua Mall- at aM �PGUoGlee. Chlcqo. IUlDoIa, Karch 18,1803. UDder Act of Karch I, 1811.PMla.M4 �. ucept 8udQa. 1loD_ FRIDAY'S MOCK CONViENTION. ..,. .... � dvlq three qaarten PLEASES DAILY SOCIALIST pete tomorrow in the Olympian try­outs, their final workouts yesterday .Those entered are in prime shape,without an exception, and expect toshow up well in the games on Mar­shall field.Seven Column Head Line in Mon­day's Issue Claims Theory isDeeply Rooted at UniversityFor�T... UDlYenl� of Chlcqo Weekl7,l'owa4eAThe Weeld�. Oct. 1. 1892-The �. Oct. � D02- The expected· has happened. TheChicago Daily Socialist has heardabout the mock Democratic conven­tion, held by the Commonwealthclub last Friday, and in its issue ofMonday went into ecstacies over thenaming of Debs by that assembly.In a seven-column head, extendingclear across the top of its front page,the socialist publication announces oppose."Socialism Has Taken Deep Root at The Varsity C. A. A. and FirstJohn D.. Rockefeller's University." Regiment teams will be most heavilyComing down to smaller type, if not represented, while Illinois, sounder truth, the report ,states Indiana, Michigan and other collegesthe votes cast for Bryan, Johnson will send their best performers forBubec:rlpUoa price, f3.00 li)er· 7ear; '1.00for a months. Subec:rlpU� recelnd attIM MarOOll omce, Ell. Ball. or at theFacult7 Kzchall&e. Coblt IlatLEcI1torlal . oalce.-Before 8 p. IlL. EllieBall. Unlnralt7. Tel. B7de Park .20.After 8 p. IlL, I4arooIl Prea, .74 ID. 55thStreet. Tel. 874. Park 8811. OBLIGED TO DRO-;-----lOUT OF RESIDENCE ,ICorrespondence CoursesWill enable you to continue your college work and gain the degree,qODe-ba1f (18) of the l6 Majon required for �raduatioD 0Ia)' bedone b7 correspoDdence. qOver' 300 clau-room counes are thusoffered b7 members of the Uoivenit)- Facultiel. qBesidel the re.'ular H1th School aDd CoU�e Courses. are maD7 that appeal tothose In different voaWooa-Dotabl7 to teachen. qWork ma)' I'he&iJt at ao' time. qlnquire at office ofTHE CORRESPONDENCE·STUDY DE.PARTMENT .The University of Chicqo - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - Cobb Hall, 7A I·;;;-DAILY -BULLETIN The Albert Teachers' AgencyC. J. Albert; Manager378 Wabash Ave., ChicagoEstablished twenty-three yt�lrs.We locate annually from sev­enty to eighty-five Universityof Chicago students. . CallSaturday anti We will tell youof some of our good vacan­cies.body will also compete in the milein which he will have Comstock to tween Chicago and Illinois at 4 p,LUTHER D. FJl:IUCALD". Kanac1Q EditorPRESTON ... GA8S� Ne .. Ji:4ltorIlBL VIN J. ADAIIS, Athletlc BdltorLOUI8 8. BERLIN, Dum.. llanapr and Debs. and continues:"Conservative members of the Uni­versity were shocked at the immenseextent of radicalism. Prayers, threatsand arguments were used to preventdelegates from 'disgracing' the Uni­versity by voting for Socialist meas­ures. From light pleasantry in the.beginning, the assembled studentsbecame serious and realized that afundamental issue was at stake.BuSn_ oIIh:e.-BeIbl. It po .... Billa "In the afternoon session, Mix ofBall, Unlnnlq. Tel. IIJde Park 428. Pennsylvania, caused rage and des­pair to' enter the hearts of the capi­talist class by making an amendmentto the old-time Democratic platform.The amendment was adopted, after afierce fight, and favored t�e govern�WEDNESDA V, MAY 27, 1908. . f '1 d telement ownership 0 rat roa s, -phones, telegraph a�d express com­The Board of Physical Culture and panies and other public utility Cc,i-Athletics has acted, and acted con- porations. It favored the adoption ofservatively and wiSelY,]an income and inheritance tax and anFinis on the cases of the two old age pension. .athletes dropped from "Every Socialist at the Universitythe team Saturday. The track cap- wears a s�ile now." A celebration in honor of Latin-tain,. who voluntarily professionalized Thus ends one joke which Univer­himself and then continued to pose as sity sought to perpetrate. The dead­an amateur, has been stripped of his Iy earnest with which the socialists"athletic honors, but the extreme pen- mouthpiece received. it, furnishedalty of expulsion from the University, considerable amusement to those ac­has not been resorted to. quainted with the motives of most ofThe athlete who left the field dur- the Debs supporters. Some specula­ing the meet has been suspended for tion was furnished as to what com-b t h t b b d b the Iowa students are to have no morethe present season, u as no een ment would have een rna e yrefused a chance to retrieve himself Barber's Trade Journal, if the em- parties except on Friday and Satur­next year. bryo attempt to carry through the day, according to a social regulationThe whole incident has been a bad nomination of Julius succeeded. adopted by the University, and now that it is over anddone with, a "rest in peace" shouldbe carved on its tomb. The less saidand done now, the better. The Uni- Ex-Illinois Star Drops Three Straightversity which has acted so admirably Sets. 6-3. 6-3, dealing so undeviatingly straightforward with an athletic scandal with­in its doors, must not bruit the sorrytale about aside. More than enoughhas been said and done already.The incident is closed; it shouldstay closed. m., all Xl arshall field.Ball Lecture-s-Mr. Charles H. Ball,chief sanitary inspector of the De­part ment of Health, will speaktoday at 4 p.m., in Haskell, on"Sanitary Control of Chicago."Candidates for the Associate De- BORDEN'SCondensed Milk, Fluid Milk, Cr.amand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country,Borden's Condensed Milk CCI.627-633 E. Forty-seventh St. F�wCtJallcdclcc..511sc..teCIV\tlviothe contest.Fletcher O. :\lcFarland, the Var- grcc will meet at 10:30 in Cobb 6:\.sity two miler, announced yesterday The Young Women's Christianthat he has given up running for the League will meet in' Lexington atrest of the year. He said he feared a 10:30.repetition of the collapse in the \Vis- The Philosophical Society meets atconsin meet, from which he has not S p. m, with Professor Buck, 5733fully recovered. Lexington avenue. Professor Manlywill read a paper on "A Knight.Twenty-seven Seniors Engaged Ther Was," and Mr. Beeson will giveStatistics of the Princeton senior "1'11(' Mss, of Isidore of Seville."class of 200 show that 27 claim to be I.THLPIS2-------_._---------David R. Forgan, president of theengaged, and there arc two "has First National Bank of Chicago, willbeens.' Thirty-six have been arrest- address the Y. 1\1. C. A. at 7:15 ined, and 160 confess that they h�ve. Ha�kell.kissed girls. Seven have supported M Ch· I H B 11 hi f itr, ar es • a,·c re sam arythemselves wholly through college. inspector of the Department of158 in part. The favorite girls' col- Health er Chicago,' will give an illus­lege is Wellesley with .Radcliffe sec-: k' I '1 ktrated lecture in Has el at 2 0 C I)C •ond. The most popular professor is .' '. : . :C) . "on: � "Sanitary Control . in ucago,Harry Garfield, who will go to �Til-: Al nte�bers of the University are in-Iiams next fall... i . r.. ..­vit'ed:........A. G. Whitfield, H. B� Fuller,W.& Weaver RobertsB. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther � .Ha11J. SidneySalkey Mamie LillyIt W. Wheeler, A. N. PfefferJ. M. Houghland Hargrave Long.Ne.. cOllulbutloaa IDQ' be left at BillaIIaU or l'aeult7 lbc:haDp. addreae4 to tnen.u,. JIarooD.Celebrate �tin-American Night·American countries was given atWisconsin last night by the Univer­sity's I nternational club. This wasthe last of a series of nights given bythe club, including United States, thePhilippines, Germany, Austria, China.Japan, Norway, Italy and England.GARDNER WINS FROM JAKES Arts Awards Emblems to BasketballTeam�Cheer up, the worst has come.1rThe Fencibles is to he congratu-lated1rIt is fortunate that this athleticb . 5S has been sealed up beforeusmethe warm wcather hits us.f1Second place if Chicagoday?1rThe parahle of the �ise virginsbecomes daily more pertment.1i.They certainly were tbe "JollyFriaf's" l�st eveni:!�.tiMr. Stagg evidently intendsmake if "some Inter!'cholastic." Five members of the Arts Collegeba3ketball te�m were awarded their'emblems yesterday at the regularPanl Gardner, who last year :was meet of the colleges. The were:ranked seventh best player in the Luckenbill, Wolfram, Long. GilhertWest, won three straight tennis sets and Excelsen. A committee C0111-from Herman James, the former Uni- posed of Carpenter, \VilIett andversity of Illinois star, in a practice Luckenbill was appointed to makematch yesterday. Both men played arrangements for a play which will begreat games, their work being steady presented by the college a week fromfrom start to finish. The score for tonight.the sets was 6-3. 6-3, 6-2.Don't yon know a good thing whenyou see it? Call down at Esmoer's.. tudio and you will see a whole lotof "nif.y photos. ,. That's what yO\1want, and you can get them thereany day. 243 E. 55th Street.OFFICIAL NOTICESCandidates for the title of Associ-ate are requested to meet at IO:3()"'ins to- \Vednesday, �Iay 27th, in Cobb 6:\,to chose a speaker for Junior closingexercises.-R. :\1. Lovett.\"our wants can all be supplied by• using the want column of the Dailyto I. ,Maroon.!. On and off like a coat.In fast colors and ex­clusive styles. $1.50 up,CLUETT, PEABODY'" CO., :Makerse�SHIRTSGERM·AN BOOKS·Of all descriptions, such as class- 'ics, plays, dictionaries. etc.'SPECIAL DISCOUNTTO STUDENTS ••••Catalogues and quotationssent upon request.A. KROCH l:J26 Monroe Street. Chi!:AgC) .. -Lots of peoplenever worry about style,just buy ;.. �.-: FOWNESGLOVES This is the time to plantFLOWER and VEGETA.BLESEEDS •••••We carry a large variety ofclean and hardy Seeds.Choice Cut Flowersalways on band,It McA�amsFLORISTand hit it right. ·CO.·J�sberoll-1S3rd and KimbarkTelephones H. P. 18 and H� P. 6957HER�AN JACOB & CO.CLEANERS &. OVERS454 East 63rd Streu.406 East 631d Str�t57 East 47th Str� Phone Hyde Park 3777Phone Hyde Park 3790Phone Oakland 3697Hotel MarOOIl�58TH ST. AND DRE�EL AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 3739-The BEST Served atPOPULAR PRICESR�STAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTERIn ConnectionTHE DAiLY MAROON. ·WEDNESDAY, MA"V z;, 1908.more Freely on this topic, because Ihave not seen anything lately of anobjectionable nature, and do notI know the name of a single one of the����� ��p��� p��nt �aff of �udent re�orter� the bculty � genern� and Pre�dent ,�������������������������������rClothes lor Mea--and Young Men :\�Y complaint is general, not specific. Harper in particular, and one of the BEliN BIIGGJlGE _ EXPRESS CO.,50 Jackson Blvd. and not in any way personal. It is, most virulent articles in Chicago's Quick Service out Motto"1ft 5· 't h· h of course, a matter of commou o ellowest paper. was signed by one- BAGGAGE OUR SPECIALTY.,2. lS� :'::' tAa�i;S�l.t �:::�I::::��yt::���:;;::!:�;::�::��:��� :�o:::���d::�:e ::l.�h:::';:;�= :;�: =:������:�j!�tE�::� .it? the amount of matter furnished respect. Their position simply gives Main Office: 6154 Wentworth Ave ..A cool. comfortable which the papers will accept.and that accasion for that lack of considera- Telephone Wentworth 4�. 461. the most acceptable matter is that tion fur the University's reputationsuit in a light hOJnespu� Branch Office: Information Office. University of-Chicagoor brown worsted or a which is most likely to make a sen- which I am deploring, to express it- Phone Douglass 288 Phone Harrison 15gBsoft elegant 'serge. sation, quite irrespective of its truth self. What I long to see is such uni- 71 East 39th Street 48 Hubbard CourtYou nlaypayasmuch 0r the propr�ty of its appe�rance in versai lov� loyalty. and devotion to' ��������������������������������as $50 at some tailor public print. our noble Alma Mater, that everyoneshop. and you wouldrr't lly far the greater part of what bas who comes within her walls shall_:iUS appeared in the papers has -been gather some true sense of her' loftyget better.Just think ·this over-and drop in more or less detrimental to the Uni- ideals, that every student shall feelversity, much of it se-riously so. The himself the guardian of her honor.papers themselves, supposed to ex- and that the man who would makepress the public mind, have been re- gain at the expense of her reputationI markably unsympathetic toward an in- should find himself ostracised.stitution which is one of the most She could not love her sons so well.potent forces in the higher life of the Loved she not truth and honor!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II-Ipapers were almost a unit in not :merely condemning a plan about Iwhich they knew next to nothing, butin heaping ridicule and abuse uponSTUDENT ETHICSws' Correct laBoring From the Alumni Point of ViewI. Her· Reputation cent conversation, that it would takemore than, a �eneration for the Uni-FOR SUMMER One mig-:a suppose that every stu- versity to outlive the ill-repute which(ic!t would be nobly jealous fur the the papers have given it, wholly with­reputation oi his Alma Mater. The out cause. nut, ii the papers havecustoms ami traditions of been blinded by shortsighted venality.American college life .during the two surely our own students ought not t�centur-ies and more of its history,�"! their instruments. Is there nothave produced a practically universal enough news of genuine and whole­presumption that it is so. One of the some interest to furnisu copy. insteadm-ist pleasing and gracious features cf stuff that has again and againJf higher education, in its institution- filled their columns? Yet adminis­:11 life, has been love and loyalty to trarive actions have been rnisrepre­OIll··S own college. which is to be sentcd and ignorantly criticised. pub­found .throughout the rank and file iications by members of the facultyvi. the vreat student body. It has. have been garbled, and their utter-.t herfore, been to me a cause for sur- ances given out of connection andprise and perplexity, as well as of used to make them ridiculous, thingsdeep regret. to see so many of our said incidentally' in the classroom,own students very little concerned and statements on technical subjectsfur the reputation of the University have been distorted and taken as theof Chicago, willing, yes eager, to basis of e�itorial condemnation, and.sacrifice it without compunction, for perhaps, worst of all, private con­the sake of temporary personal ad- cerns have been pried into and vul­vantage. garly displayed before the eyes of aThis is seen particularly in the careless public. A few years ago,items and art iclcs concerning the when segregation in Junior collegeUniversity and University people. classes-a plan whose wisdom haswhich appear from time to time in been amply demonstrated-was un­the daily papers. J may speak the der discussion by the faculty, theFLANNELAND SERGESUITSWe have just received acomplete line uf Flannelsand Serges. Many import­ed and domestic fabrics tochoose from. Our linecompr-ises all the verysmartest "cffects of the sea­son, Just the kind of pat­terns for young· men andcorrect dressers.We are aiming to SUITthe college man, and in-vite yourour goods. inspection ofTHE BOWS COMPANY8�S Masonic TempleChicago'.'97 Mr. Samuel S. MacClintock, fellowTwenty-one members of the PO""- in the department of Political Sci-\Vow have been elected to Fcncibles, 'f 1. ence, was the most success u com-t he honorary Sophomore debating . . h .. h I-I I. . . . . petit or 111 t e exammatrons e u astsociety, and WIll be initiated at a I 1 f .. I Imont 1 or vacancres 111 t re consu arbanquet in Hutchinson Cafe Thurs- . H h , h 1· f·S I ·11 b service. c ear s t e 1St 0 mne-clay evening. pecc res WI e made .I I teen successful men out of thirty col-and toasts proposed )y t ic past lege men who took the examinations.members of the society and the including names from Harvard. Col-before Friday.Others $20 to $45)957 MOSSLER co.50 Jackson Blvd.Just Off State Several members of the Un i- more.versity, who have been here many. Let us, therefore, prove worthy ofyears, expressed the opinion in a re-. cur s .. nship, G.]. F.Robert c. L�dsaJMR. MACCLINTOCK HEADSLIST OF CANDIDATESTWENTY-ONE FRESHMENELECTED TO FENCIBLESLINDSAY BROS.�A�����L� II Honorary Sophomore Debating So- Is Best in List of Thirty '¥Ino Tookciety win Initiate Members of Exminations for Consular ServicePov-Wow Thursday Night. Vacancies..1 �GENTLEMEN.. 1IDS._nu1111IIH..&.!81 ClIIfIIR.WUI ... PIftII IBOSTONGARTER initiates. urnbia and J ohns Hopkins universi-.. vrrang cmcnrs for the dinner arc in tics. Mr. llacClintock in 1896 re-thc hands of Robert A. Allison and ccived his degree from the UniversityValle O. Appel. Those who have of Chicago. and after some expcri­been elected to membership are: v.\ cncc as teacher in the Philippines.O. Appel. H. R. Baukhagc. Donald, returned to the University. and forGr('y: C1�a�l('s 9r(.'y, J. Eitner p�.a�·1 two years has been following the:\. (_,. \\ lllt field, R. n. Owen. R. '\·1 courses prcscrihcd hy the UniversityRowe. A. :\. Pfeffer, William Kuh, in preparation for the consular ser-l Courado Benitez. c. P. llcCullou�h. vice.In. A. TjOm�land.\Vil.liam :\lc:\ndrcw.\ 'I \, CI· k· . I f. \ r. . ac mtock IS prest( ent 0J. D. Scott. R. R. Reeve, R llor�an. 1 C I I I b I h bt ll' nmmoJ\wea t 1 C U an( as eenE .. \. St·('�ers. C. W. Smith. \t. F'I . I· I . I·· I .actl\"(.' y mtereste( In po Itlca sCI('nceCarpcnt('r and L. P. Fox. affairs on the campus.TMt HCOI1nJ[I STIlDllD.... The "I.e II�� .. ')��e CUSHIONBUTTONCLASPutS RATTO TIt UI-.mRsun. TUIS IIRUlfASrtlSGO. ftonoo . .JIabn.......... v ....... liany wants are supplied throughthe \Vant columns of the Maroon. Try our classified wantumn" ad. .-.". � Wonderfully I"'DT"DtaI- Wholesome.-----------'�J II IIVISITORS AS WELL AS BUYERS ALWAYS WELCO:\IE•Send for our new IgoS illustrated Cataloguesof Machinists' Fine Tools, mailed FREE on application.18 00 K SThe largest stock in this colln#I}-. all kinds-standard, newfiction, technica/-convenientl, arranged on our two. large retail floors. Engraved Cards,Announcements, ftc.�cCLURG .. CO.A. C.215-221 Wabash Avenue. Chicalto.----------------.--------------.----------------------------�MAROON'Mf:NWHO HAVE BOUGHT onaCOLLEGE CORN£R CLOTHESARE BUYING AGAIN THIS SPRING_ COLLEGE. SUIT� AND OVERCOATS $35-00$185119 Dearbor. Sf.. C�er & WnkieTAlLO_' Baa" floor·Sa1t1uel Harris &: ce.AND MANUFACTURERS·MACHI NISTS·Too�s and ·Supplles.23 aDd 25 Sou t h C Ii n ton S t r e e tCHICAGODaintily DeliciousPerfectly Pur eSurpassinglySmoothThe only exclusive ladies "Bootery" in Chicago;s the••• ROCHESTER SHOE SHOP •••Fourth Floor. Masonic Temple.A quiet little shop Where you can buy ladies high-gradesample Shoes for.2.00 AND S2.50 ......,ICOLLEGE LARDER CAFE44 7 E. 55th Street. Near Lexington Ave.IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO EAT •LUNCHEON 20c UP. EVENING DINNER, 25C."PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS EATING."-"� B R E ''''IT E R -I l-_:\CliE�S'- �, .\ G l'� '- C "'._ - ,� ,�q : "-��... , � , � � t : \ \ I \col-toarrtHE DAiLY MAROON. wtb�ESDAY, MAY 27. I�.SOliE OF THE' PROVISIONSC. A. SUMMER CAMP FOR ATHLETICS AT THE Y. II. SNELL COOLER READY FORAT LAKE GENEVA FRIDAY'S �NNUAL BANQUETYet Owyang, the Chinese g<?vern­ment student at the University, gavea second talk on Chinese customsand language before the Philosophycollege of men yesterday morning inKent. ·Owyang is a son of MingO�yan�, the Chinese consul-generalin New York city, and a nephew ofKee Owyang, the Chinese consul­general at .San Francisco.Owyang's talk was on contrasts be­tween the American or Europeancustoms and the Chinese. "For in­stance;' he, said, "in China we usethe lunar calendar, where you usethe solar. Consequently the year hasonly 360 days, and we have to add amonth every four years. Thus leapyear at home gives the girls onerun, the event. will . be. run in two month more of chances than theraces. and a full set of prizes will be girls in this country."GIVEN WIDE PUBLICITY given for both. He also illustrated the apparentElaborate Plans for EntertainmentPlans for the entertainment of the counting board, over our system of LUNCHEON FOR BUSlflESS MEN AND SHOPPERS-11.30 .... t. a p ...visitors this year will be more elab- counting. Chairman Donovan wrote Speola! attention to ·.ulok ...... 0 ••the annual University of Chicago in- orate than ever before, and the "glad a column of figures on the black- 9.COURSE TABLE D'HOr'E, WITH WINE, al $1.00terscholastic tennis tournament!n hand" will be out for the "prep" beard while Owyang used his abacus,singles and doubles. This will be held men.' and before Donovan had a line drawnon the university courts June II, 12 The visiting athletes will be expect- on his column. Owyang called hisand 13. Prizes will be given to win- ed to register at the Reynolds clubners of first and second places in when they arrive in Chicago. Dele­both singles and doubles, Coach gations of students will meet the vis­Stagg having offered" three, sih'er itors a" all trains by which athletescups in each class for first and sec- will be known to come. team received their emblems thisond places. Friday evening has always been a morning as a reward for their ser-Sixty handsome loving cups will be feature of the Interscholastic, and vice on this season's team in the in­given to the winners of first. second, this year the outing will be made tra college games. The men whothird and fourth place's in the track more enjoyable than ever before. were "decorated" were Captain Sa­and field events. A banner ,\'ill he The vaudeville, which will be given bath, Levinson, Allison, Ford. Her­presented to the team winning the Friday afternoon, promises to be the ger and Ferguson. The emblem is amost points as a school trophy. A "best yet:' as many fraternities have maroon and White circle with a "C"special prize will be given to' the in- signified their intentions to stage and a "P" for Philosophy inside.dividual athlete who scores the I ather elaborate stunts. The arna- Captain Sabath was called on for alargest number of points. �Iercer- teur comedian and other individuals speech and gave a short talk on theb A d I 1 I b . I . . d . �t. Central 6127.urg ca emy won t ic sc 100 an- wit 1 cntcr tanung an amusing man- work of the basketball team last will- ...;. _ner last year. In addition each con- ners, will be on hand with' new lines ter,testant will receive a "C" watch foh. of wit and humor, and it is rumoredThe events to be run are the 100- that Carl Burton will appear.yard dash the 220. 440 and 880, oneThe Baseball DiamondThe Tennis GreenThe Bathing BeachWe believe we have a fine opportunity for a younc collegestudent to make some money during the summer, provided hewishes. to stay in Chicago. Call on C. B. Hall, Sales Depart­ment, W. H. Hutchinson 11 Son, 19B S. Desplaines. se, Chicaco.Established 57 Years., Day �Dd Night School',"BUSINESS COURSE. SHORT-HAND COURS� ELEMENTARY PREPARATORY COURSE. ADVANCED PI$PA�!ATORYCOURSE. TEACHERS' PREPAAATORY COURSE.LAW PREPARATORY COURSE. Pupils May Begin at Any Tim.ILLINOIS COLLEGE" COMMERCEFormerlyATHENAEUM40th Year. 40,000 Graduates SAMUEL B. WILLEY, Sup,"Phone Harrison 1110. ' "18 to 26 Van Buren StreetINTERSCHOLASTIC imEi-(Continued from page I)mile run, two-mile run, I20-yard highhurdles, rz-pound shot' put, rz-poundhammer throw, discus throw, runninghigh jump, running broad jump, and\ ' " ,pole vault. On account of the num-ber of contestants � .tbe 44o-yard." .. Compulsory education in Italy ap­plies only to children from 6 to 9years. Most juvenile arrests takeplace there between the ages of 9 and12". Crimes against property causealmost ODe-half the commitmeDts. Residents of Hall Wait Anxiouslyfor Appearance of Year Bookthis Week..The Cooler, the official annual ofSnell hall, makes its first bow to thepublic next Friday evening at thehall's annual dinner, held in the com­mons. Bound in maroon. with goldtrimmings, the magazine takes uptwenty-eight d?uble column pages.Most of the Snell hall residentswalk in fear and trembling this week.They are suspecting the sla�s andgrinds that occupy a liberal portionof .the Cooler. Few have escapedpunishment, and most of those arethe editors. A roster of the entirehall is contained in the book, with alife history of each and every Snell­Ite.Other interesting features of theCooler are the poems, stories and ar­ticles scattered throughout its col­umns.The editorial staff consists of thefollowing men, residents of Snell:Robert Mix, editor-in-chicfj EdwinRackaway, Percy Francis, RaymondPenney and Robert Kerner. assist­ants; Wesley Grills, business man­ager.OWYANG TELLS OF CUSTOMSOF CELESTIAL EMPIREChinese Government Student Talksto Philosophy College Men ofHis Native Land.superiority of the Chinese abacus orsum off, much to the amusement ofthe audience.Give Qut Basketball EmblemsThe Philosophy college basketballF.ciJitia for everything inPhoto,npby.Pbaa. Central &og -----------------------------------------------�Robert Staedter Co.ISS State StreetBetween Madison and Monroe-Phone Central 5334Furs, Suits, Coats, Skirts'MillineryThe Suit, Coat and Skirt value we are offering during the balance ofthis month and May cannot be equaled in Chicago. Come in andIook over our stocks. We have. the Merchandise to support thisclaim. Silk Dresses $12.50 to $15.00 and up. In our Millinery Sectionour Styles are correct. and range in price from $5.00 up. We storeI and remodel Furs at �owest Prices Phone and we will call :::::­Vol. \=::-.-UlIVIFsearch'MeIII "Wal(nee jChic:!!Prl!sidcago.'Thebas LImnsstep it�e Ueuitsers tlmermg 0And will sell you atS18, SZO, SZZMr. Student THE UNION HOTELAND RESTAURANT111-117 Randolph Street Art olIm(WOULD YOU LIKE TO WEARCUSTO�' !'IADE CLOTHES?I F SO. HERE'S A CHANCEFOR YOU TO DO SO ANDSA VE !-j what the custom tailorscharce. We are America's larg­est -dealers iti MERCHANTTAILORS' UNCALLED - FORGARJ\IEN�·S. THE POPULAR PLACETO EATEith, .. r before or after theTheater.We make a Specialty of Cluband Fraternity Dinners.------------------------------Suits, Overcoats, Full Dress andTuxedo Suits that were custommade for $35, $45, $55, $65 and$i.:;. \V e buy all' the uncalled-forgarments from tailors all overrhe United States. and can sellthem to you at one-third whatthey originally cost. Bear in mindwe do not handle second-handclothes, but strictly new and up­to-date goods. Ca.1l and inspectour goods, you will not be urgedto buy, �Ioney cheerfully refund­erl if goods do not satisfy. Thiswill illustrate our wonderful of­fers:Snappy Sack Suit, made of thefinest imported unfinished worstedthe new shades of mauve brown.Coat cut in the new a-button ef­feet, long lapels, four outsidepatch pockets. and other recenttouches of high-class tailoring.This snit was made by "HANTZ"--one of New York's most promi­nent tailors, for $65. Our price$25� Many other garments to se­lect from. If'in tirDever35 ncresouing t;,JDon��1"be ��,�-�aductmelotunc,trainmad,ousinspin Cgestclanlowethebe:Uni:tor)thethethatMy price is verymoderate for the kindof clothes I sellIf the other fellow·�price :5 less, theto Thirty Five Dollars=====. .=====,Edwards TaDoriaO CO.State St.. Mentor Bg., Rm. 157 Try a classified ad in the Daily,STATESRestaurants. E. COR. STATE liND ADA.S 5TS.SUNDAYS. IZ TO. P. M. DAILY FltOM 6 TO 9 P. Mo •• 8pec:IaI ........ acCI.�."" b .,.patar ....aCIII.n� tarenoidetc11 P••• TO I·A •••.,IJNIGHT IIAUIJEIIILLE.·h lNol.t.., "",1.,. WWdl .. Coa.Kt� ia • Sbictly rnl ....... .,.Tbe music 1.1rOOCl. tbe Vaude"f'ille acta are refiDed aDd brhtbt. It'. aD utertala."tbat would do crecUt to allY theater.-- ._ __ san:Dirtrillthao'c1seaNew Featares To-Nt.... A - 0. eoIDpU_ealal7.... eI"YaUoa 01 Talt A .... ee.STATES RESTAURANT. HU�:: .. _���-=-- 1Uo�i,gyrrinwhtoarcrinfintoin"SCIrinwiSPECIAL TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Reut­Special rates to students; bare-insEuropean Tour-\Vill the student W. White-Typewriters Rented-3 months for'5 and up. Typewriters sold -on easypayments, from $10 up. Best bargains-n guaranteed machines. AmericanDesk ct Typewriter Co .. 188 Dearborn in re-built machines.head. 36 La Salle Street.who advertised in the Tribune for atour-ist party. please apply to Eel­Olund Buckley, 301 E. 56th St., Chi- REI.JARLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month.from our own factory, equippedwith modern machinery, 250 horseisfaction or your money back. TheTypewriter Exchange,J19 DearbornSt. Branch of the American Writ­ing Machin� Co., incorporated.cago,Wanted-s-A Jewish man as residentin a home for 20 working boys; ser­vices required need not interfere �jthcollege work. Address D. B, C., TheDaily Maroon.