,. /;.i"'"E TO GOPHER NINE .IN BRILLIANT GAM�uerors of Illinois Take Advant­age· of Error in Fourth and Slipin Two Runs.and Dretchko in Pitching Duel.with Honors Even-Cleary StealsFive Bases.By a :2 to 0 score Minnesota b�s�edVarsity in a close and excitmge yesterday afternoon on Mar-11 field, By peculiar irony of fate,·cago•s only error, by 'Ross, wastrous, while five errors by theinnesota men did not figure in thering. The feature of the games the magnificent twirling of both·chers, the honors for each beingPage and Dretchko fanned•1 Page gave onlyn men eac 1.hits and three passes to first,Dretchko allowed but three hitsgave four bases on balls.The downfall of the Maroons camethe fourth inning, when Ernst, thet man UP. made a scratch hit over• t, Dretchko bunted to third, andoss' throw to Meigs left both safe.Joyle was an easy victim to Page.Cahaley made a hit to short left"Ernst and. Drctchko both sc�r­r 'Cahaley was out, attempting tcI second and Green flew out.ese two runs were the only scoresde during the game.Minnesota had but one man left onfive. Threec. a§t, and the Maroontimes the Varsity had men on bases,then a hit would have meant at lea�tlie run, and a double two runs 111Ii· - but Dretchko tightenedex case,2IId prevented scoring.The Varsity' made a fast doublepb� in the sixth inning on Dretchkomd Royle, and cut off an incipientlin. The other features of the :\fa­roon pla'ying were Cleary's clever. I Falls' high-classtase·steahng. am "fork at second. Cleary purloinedttt sacks and Falls made one assisttilhollt a bobble.g, /,..-</-ilarnntt//L--matlyHewitt, the retiring president, and season,prevails. Each delegati�n votes ac-MANY BOILERMkKERS TO· of John F.· Dille' as tr ea surer, .are l Captain Quigley, howel'er; has been cording t�' tl;�- \�ill �f the majoritySEE GAME SATURDAY hound in p�mphlet form .. t-th reo rounding' into shape slowly ever of its members, casting one vote forports con tam strong reco�(tmenda- since he sprained his tendon in the its candid:lt(..tions of several important impr<'\·e· .'nrdue meet. Until it was learned The convention will start at Jrncnts, chief of which is a club lib- .hat Morris, the Badger, tore a Iiga- o'clock and after the proper commit­rary, President Hewitt in his reo .nent, Quigley was not thought totees have been appointed it will ad­port, writes in part, as follows: have a show to win eitber sprint. [ourn until the evening, when theHundreds of Purdue students will "The retiring president begs leave .\'ow, however, it looks as if he will nominations will bc made.make the trip to Marshall field to- to report to the members of tbe Roy. aose out his opponent at the finish. The heads of the deiegations are:morrow to root for the Boilermakers nolds club that the year just passed lladdigan, the other Varsity crip- Alabama_D. Lightner.in their game with the Varsity. The bas been a most suecessful one, both ple, is still bothered by a weak knee. Arizona-Sherer.La Fayette delegation feels that its in a social and' financial. way.' For I'he injury proved a material handi- .\ k BAr 'ansas- anon.nine is the best in the league, and will the year ending Mareh r '908, there :ap against Hlinois, when the star California"!Grim.put up tile strongest backing a vist- .t' f e rv.. • \1 ight man was forced intoJS a 11(.' gam 0 't'1.5.Jo.V'.J, as agamsj . aroon we, , Colorado-\V. ).lacNeish.ing team, has ever had on l\(arshall t" f �8 88 f I d place in both Ill'S pet events- a nc r.run 0 < •. 4 or t re year econ • . Connectient-Frank.field. Incidentally the students will .I ltd di 1 S In shape hcprel"lm:s. re s 10:) an ISC I . " Delaw:lre-Parker.take in the meet between Chicago "This increase in receipts was due -hould be able to hold Messmer of Florida-Dixon.and the Bad ccrs. in pa rt to i ncreas� in me mbers hip. he Ca rd inal, even in th e d i scus, bu t Gcorgia -James.The Purdue team has played a con- The hi .... host total of n present form, can not be countedo any quarter lclaho-Salkey.previous to those of last year was -n for overreo feet. Illinois-lleagher.the winter qnarter of 1907, with a to- Director Stagg is more than ever In,liana-A. Bruce,tal of four hundred and fourteen. In f thc opinion that Chicago's chanceI o\\'a- T. �Jjller.the autumn of 190," this was surpass s no better than e\·er. Figuring by 1.- C K",ansas-. cyes.cd with a total of four hundred and ·omp:trath·c scores, the teams ap-Illinois defeated Chi-WONEN'S NINES MEET TODAYBaseball Teams Representing Juniorand Senior Colleges to Have FirstGame this Afternoon in LexingtonGymnasium Yard.The Reds and Blues will meet onthe diamond this afternoon. Thetwo nines, representing the Juniors·and the Seniors, will cross bats at1 :30 in the yard of the women's gym­nasium. As this is the first game-ince the big athletic rally on. Tues­day, the rival camps arc likely toturn out a big crowd of rooters,waving red or blue banners and rib-bons. '\; \�;J rhAfter the game, :Mjss Dudley willentertain the teams at dinner in Lex­ington. The lineup of the two nineswill be as follows:Seniors. Juniors.Jennie Roe P Mildred DanaBertha Henderson.C .. Lillian Stetzler. Olga Von Dracek R.S.S .. Ella Russell)'Iary l\loynihan.L.S.S ... E. HarringtonKatherine Slaught.r B .. Joy FranklinHelen Langan .. 2 B.. Beulah AmacostRoma Vogt .... 3 B .. Charlotte MerrillEdna Kline ....•.. R.F .• l\[ary ArcherEdna Weldon L.F Anna KellySubs-Florence Chaney, MargueriteMathis. Marie Oury.Purdue Supportprs Think their NineBest in League-Fast GameExpected. Get in the bandwagon. Be sure yousupport the right candidate if youwant to show your political foresightat the "Commonwealth" DemocraticXat ional Convention to be held thisafter noon and evening in MandelHall. From the status of the polit­ical situation at present it seems thatanybody but a Dcmocrat has a chanceto bc elected. Conspiracies andpacts are rife around the campus tonominate Taft. Roosevelt, Debs, Ju­lius, Carrie Nation or one of many'other likely personages. No men­tion, howcver, has been made ofBryan, Joh'uson or 'any other leadersof Democracy herself.Under the Democratic rules anomination requires a two- thirds:�ftcrnoon. They have been favoredvote and there is great likelihood ofily ideal weather, and most of them the convention resulting in a dead­arc .better than at any other time this lock. The unit rule, or vote by states,CHICAGO, FRJDAY, �IAY 22, 1908.TWO POINTS OF VIEWI Isistcnt �;lIne throughout the season,and has lost only three games. oneeach tf. Chicago. Illinois and Wiscon­The lineup;Chicago. R. H. P. A. E. ...in. :\ II of these games were lost byo 0 0 0 0 the n:::-row margin of one run, and,Oeary. rf. . .P ••••••••••••• 0 0 I 3 0 accrrlling' to the Purdue fans. only Jifty-cight, with practically the sam(eg1les. 5S.f b b II11 0 I 10 1 0 hecause of the worst kind 0 . ase a figure for the following quarter.eigs, lb. . ....•........Schommer, cf o I 0 0 0 luck. The noilermakers beat North- "The associate "mcmbership rose trF 0 0 6 1 0 western and Indiana d('cisive1y, and TI . I I b dails, 2b. •.....•........190. .lere IS, muc 1 t lat can e One:Gurlle. c. .. 0 0 8 2 0 ran up on smaller aggregations over- by . t.he building up of this end, .,s...hliug, If 0 0 0 0 0 wbelming scores. According to reo membersl.ip in the club places the fiscu., "'here they "'cre wcakRoss. 3h .•...••.•.•..... 0 0 2 1 I ports from the La Fayette school. themorc loyal alumni in close touch withPage, p ..•.............. 0 0 6 0 team is not composed of individual Unh'crsity and undergraduate inter- - - - - stars. but their strength lies in good ests. This increase in membcrshipTotals 0 3 27 14 T team play. The lineup against Chi- will soon cause nced for a door manllinnesota. R. H. P. A. E. cago wjJJ he R.ice or Shade. pitcher: and bell hoys, as it will require theWalker. cf ...•.......... 0 0 2 0 0 Rv5enhaum, catcher; Prag('sser, first�te\\"ar<l'� time at the desk.Ernst. 55 .•............. T' T 2 T 0 hase: Sherwood, second base; Bab- "'During thc past year much' ha�llretchko. p. o. 0 cock. shortstop: Drivcr, third hase: hecII olTered the memhers in way ofRoyle, 3h. . 0 0 0 I 0 \Jyers. left field; Boltz, center field: cnter:;, inment. Tcn danccs and fi\"C�haley. If 0 2 TOO Dalton. right field. ,mokers were givcn, hcsidc5 the an-Green. rf. . 0 0 1 0 0 The.- Punluc team has scored 6J l1ual reception. There seems to heR boo 11 0 0 run:s' 'to 14 for its opponents. .�7 ofroom for the succeeding oflicers toornal11an, 1 . • ••••••••K· I 0 0 2 5 2 these runs occurring on one shut-out round out thc club's social affairs hy Til" l:re".llmen also wound up theireShng. :2 >. •.••••�R.nd, c 0 0 8 2 3 game again,t Rntlcr College. gi\'iog a formal dance in the .n. ,,:ork for the meet with the first.- - - - -�fr. Ralph H. Hess of the Unin'r- tumn quarter. ,.ear athletes from XorthwesternTot .., I 2 I 2," 10 .5 • f ··Believing that a fair propo.rtion of ��ni\.ersity tomorro,v at Evanston... � sitv of \Visconsin, will speak thiS a -'. \....Score h ... · innings· "I k' C hh C on the IIlcreased gam should he spent on Their team will he practically the' ' . ternoon at 4 0 c oc· In 0 3..ChicaO'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 " . ,.. Tit It· prc:,ent ml'mhers. more was expended .. :lme as that which defeated IllinOIS• ... •.•..•.... "Trrl�:ltlOn FI!'1ance. e ec ure IS I}.t. 0 0 0-2 on dctails, such as dance programs l:lst week. Nothing is known ahoutInnc:oiota .....• 0 0... 2 0 0 I g.i\'en under the auspices. of th� po-.!cl b (·Conl·l·Dued OD .!lae .1) the strength of the Purple athletes.(C . d 4) litical Economy u. _oDbDue 011 paae CLUB BREAKS ITS RECORDS I ATHLETES SEE HARD FIGHTReport of Retiring Officers Shows itHas Never Never Had So Prosper_ous a Year as 1907-8-RecommendMany Improvements • Meet with Wisconsin Tomorrow Ex­pected to be .close-Varsity TeamHas Two CriP'ples, Badgers One­Freshmen End Training.Facts Showing that the Reynoldsclub has never been so prosperous,and never has had so large a mem­bership as now arc contained in theannual report of the club officers,which will be ready for distributiontoday. The report of William F. Varsity athletes finished their train­ing yesterday fo� the Wisconsin trackt cam, ana are itt fair condition forI he meet on Marshall field tomorrowlear <:>n a par.·ago 07 1-2 to .58 1-2 and won fromNisconsin 68 to 58. Messmer hasincc joined the forces of the Badgers'nd holsters them in the hammer andbe-iore.Students arc figuring on Captail'Jui�ley in the dasTiCs, :\Ierriam and! .ingle in the quarter mile. Shuart inhe hal;. Johlin in the mile. CaldwelllIld :\rcFarland in the two-milc. �Ier­'iam ;mt) Steffen in the hurdles.)C"hol11l11cr in the high jump. Garrett11 the hroall jump, Jacohs in th.e pol{'·atllt. :\Ja(ldig:ln and Schommcr in'he shot :lnrl discus, and \Vorthwine:n the hammer to score heavily. /'"I .,--J2_---,7 / !'.._-Price Two CentsMAY'SWAMP THE· REGULARDEMOCRATIC CONVENTIONRumor Says Anybody but a Demo.crat Has Best Show for Nomi­nation Today in Mandel"Party Leaders" in CommonwealthClub Affair Said to be FranticOver Affair.Kcntucky- \\Tilson.Louisiana-Buhlig.).Iainc-Marks.:\Iaryland-N. Ba,rkcr.Massachuset ts-Kramer�1Iichigan-Mc:\lannar.:\Jillnesota-H. Fuller.:\. ississippi- II ostettcr,�rissouri-\V. P. Henry.1J onta na- Leviton.Xehraska-J. Hickey.N e\"ada-Gass.Xew Hamp:"hire-Hirshl.X�\\" Jer"cY:_Fclscnthal.� ew Yark-Gregory.!\ orth Carolina-Seagcrs.Xorth Dakota-�Iorgan.Ohio-A. B. Ball.Oklahoma-miss.Oregon-nJ:lckfon1.Pcnnsylvania-\Vrather.Rhode Island-Goes.South Carolina-De \Volfe.South Dakota-Dille.Tennessee-Cox.(Continued OD paae 4)mE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1908.President·s Office. to Take Charge ofDistribution-Seniors to Be Re­lieved of Expense.UJ IJr laUu lIaronn Any member of the student body UNIVERSITY TO SENDwho failed to read President Dille's SENIOR ANNONUCEMENTScommunication aboutthe Reynolds Commis­sion and· the Inter­scholastic, published inyesterday's Mar 0 0 n,should take cady occasion for care- Special arrangements have beenful perusal and thoughtful consider- made through the President's office. Publlahed da1I,. ucept 8UDdaJa. IloD.. arion of what the Commission pre- by which the members of the gradu­cia,. &Dd bolldaJa. durlq three qouten sents. ating class can have Convocation all­ot th. UolnnltJ ,ear. The objects and advantages of mak- nouncements sent to their friendsing the Interscholastic a success are without expense or trouble to them.I n other years these announcementshave been gotten out by the programcommittee of the class. and sold tothe Seniors. This year they will bemade by the University and sent outSubBcrlpUoo price. �.OO per ,ear; ,1.00 There are two reasons why the Ma- free to all to whom the Seniors indi­tor 3 months. 8ubBcrlpUou recelTed at roon is the fastest growing college cate that they wish them sent. TheInterscho-Tbe OMc:1al 8tndellt Publlc&tlOD of the TheUnlnnltl of CblC8So.EDtered .. 8ecOlld-c:lua J.Ia.lI at the Cblc:qo :lasticPa.toftl�. Cblc:qo, 111100". II&rcb 18.1903, nnder Act ot llarcb a, 18'79.Formed,The UnlTenlt, of Cblcqo Weeki,. unquestioned; their repetition merelyserves to emphasize them. Enthus­iastic student support will make thisJronndedTbe Weeki" Oc:t. 1. 1892.success overwhelming.The Dall,. Oct. 1, 1902.the Maroon OMce, Ell" Ball, or at tbe newspaper in the country:l"acult1 Excbange. Cobb Ball. The first: The Maroon is get-ting daily more and more in­dispensable to the wide­awake college man and wo-Edltorlal oMce..-Betore 8 p. m.. ElllBHall. UnlTeralll. Tel. Blde Park 426.After 8 p. m., MarOOD Preu, 474 m. 55thStreet. Tel. BIde Park 8691. man.The second: The Maroon isgetting more and more valu­able to the progressive ad­vertiser who really wants toreach University of Chicagostudents and alumni.LUTHER D. FERNALD, Man'E1n& EditorPRESTON F. GASS, Newa EdItorMELVIN J. ADAMS, AthieUc EdItorLOUIS S. BERLIN, UnaiDeD MaaqerASSOCIAD D�,Jerome N. FrankDl"OIlDUA. G. Whitfield, H. B. Fuller,W.A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M, HallJ. Sidney Sal key Mamie LI:�YA. W. Wheeler, A. N. PfefferJ. M. Houghland Hargrave Long. PHILOSOPHY AND ARTSTO HOLD FINAL DEBATEFinals of Junior College Debates willCorne off in Haskell ThursdayNight.The debaters of Philosophy and'Science colleges will meet in theuua.rne. olllce....-BefOl. 8 P. IL, Jelllafinal debate next Thursday in Has­Ball, UDITenlll. Tel. BJ4e Park 426.kell to settle the championship of theDall, Maroon.FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1908.1jls thc band to disband?go on drowsily gleeful.�Several Seniors are learning tosmoke, we're told, just for the sakeo� appearing on the campus with am'ty class pipe.1iFrank Adams announcements will be engraved andenclosed in double envelopes as hith­erto. The. addressing and stampingwill be done by the President's office.Seniors who wish these announce­ments sent out are requested to senda list of those to whom they wishthem sent, together with the per�onalcards of the sender, to the President'sofhce as soon as possible. The an­nouncements will be ready to bemailed by the beginning of nextweek. It will not be possible to getannouncements in any other way. andSeniors are urged to take early ad­vantage of this opportunity.Souvenir Class Programs may stillbe ordered through the ProgramCommittee at the Faculty Exchange.It is expected that they will be readyfor distribuetion by the first of June. IF OBLIGED TO DROPOUT OF RESIDENCECo .... espondence CoursesWill enable 10U to continue )'our collece work and Cain the degree.ClOaeJaa1f [II] of the M Malon � for � .q be.sOlIe It)' COI'NI�ce. ,0.- 300 cIau4oo. coanes are thUloff __ b7 members of the UalYenit7 Facultiea. CI""'" the re.·uIar HiCb School .... eo .... CoaneI. aN -.aII7 that appeal totboee Ja cliff... Yocatio .. -Dotabl7 to teachen. 'Work m&)'� at U7 tI.e. ...... at office ofTHE CORRESPONDENCE-STUDY DE.PARTMENTrhe University of Chicaco - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cobb Hall, 7ADAILY BULLETIN_ Tbe Albert Teachers' Agenc. J. Albert, ManagerTHE3;8 Wabash Ave., ChicagoEstablished twenty-three yurs.\Ve locate annually from sev­enty to eighty-five Universityof Chicago students. CallSaturday and We will tell youof some of our good vacan­cies.Democratic convention will be heldin Mandel at 3 and 8 p. m.University ruling bodies will havemeetings in Haskell tomorrow. Boardof Student Organizations,Exhibitionsand Publications, 8:30 a. m.; UnitedFaculties and Arts, Literature andScience, 10:00 a. m.; Board of Librar­ies and Laboratories, 11:30 a. m.·Baseball.between Chicago and Pur­due, will take place tomorrow at 2 p.m., on Marshall field.Track meet, between Chicago amiWisconsin, will be held tomorrow at3:45. (In Marshall field.University Dames will meet tomor­row at 3 p. m., in. Haskell. Mr.Theodore Dahmer will give an illus­trated lecture on "The ComparativeAesthetic Values of the Wood Cut.Engravin garrd Eetching.". Score club pledges will Bows' COrrett laBoringA faultlessly fitted FullDress Suit is probably themost useful one a maD canown, and certainly it is themost essential to have perma­nently in his wardrobe.There's no use puttingmoney into Full DressClothes, unless you pro­cure an exact fit and ab­solutely correct style instrict accordance withfashion's latest edict. Weoffer a special Full DressSuit complete with extraTuxedo Coat. made ofthe best materials, tailor­ed to fit and hang exact­ly right, and in themost approved mode, allforSEVENT¥-FIVE BENmeet atVARSITY TENNIS TEAM Vogelsang's tomorrow at 5 :45·MEETS CORNELL TODAY Junior class members who havepaid Soc assessment are requested tosign their names to that effect at In- To ICAMElPHOT(oping,CameraBLACKFRIARS MAKE FINALADDITIONS TO MEMBERISHIP Architects at Work on Plants forAddition to Hull Court Land-News c:ontrlbuUOIUI m&1 be left at Ellis Junior colleges. The question for de­Hall or Fac:nlt7 Exc:bance, addre8aed to the bate will be: "Resolved, That the Play on the Detroit Athletic ClubUnited tSates should surrender con-' Grounds-Hostetter is Fourthtrot of Cuba to a native Government Member Member of Team.on or about. January I, 1908." Ph il- The Varsity tennis team left last nual concert and dance tomorrow atosophy will uphold the affirmative night for Detroit, where it will meet 8:15 in Lexington.and Science the negative of this Captain Harr'ison and his team fromquestion. On the Science team are Cornell University today. The match Gives Lecture Illustrated by SongslIThe Varsity vocalists continue to W'II' m K h C d B't d hi h· P f H fi Id f N hI ra un, onra 0 em ez an w IC was played yesteday between ro essor at e 0 ort west-I c. P. McCullough; while Harold Hostetter. and Mosser for a place on ern, recently gave a lecture at Wis-1fls it "The Gay White \Vay" or Smith, Sydney Salkey and Albert the Chicago team, resulted in a vic- cons in illustrated by songs sung by"The 'Gay Midway?" Sabath will represent Philosophy col- tory for Hostetter. The score was a young woman vocalist. His sub-ject was "The Poetry of Wilhelm1fA. Montgomery Ward ought to lege. The judges have not been de- 7-2',7-4. 6-4.cided upon. They will be chosen by The men who left last night were Mueller." the accompanying musicalhave a r.'���rdian. Mr. H. P. Chandler, director of de- Captain Ross, Hart" Stern and Hos- illustrations being from Schubert.lIThe Hon. B. Tillman is going to bati t tt All . d .• mg. e er. are 111 goo condition,Europe. We surmise that it won't The opponents in Thursday night's and are prepared to give the strong Iowa Cadets to Try Soldier's Lifebe the Hon. B. who "gets .111 that's contest defeated Arts and Literature team irom the East a fast battle. /coming." in the semi-finals and are thus ent After playing today, the quartet of Iowa wi1l start on a four-day ex-1fThe Junior baseball team should lied to debate for the championship from the University will return, ar- pedition tomorrow morning. The pro Paterson School of Milin·be half chosen already. Wednesday's of the Junior colleges. The members riving at Chicago early tomorrow gram of events is to -include a taste err and Designingpolitical race developed five good of the winning team are awarded morning. The Cornell team will re- of camp life, maneuvers to be report- TH E demand for good Millineryrunners. scholarships for one quarter. Arts main at Detroit to meet Michigan to- ed by war correspondents. and a insures a profitable recreation for thecollege was victorious in last year's morrow. sham battle, for which the govern- student of that womanly trade.debates. PLAN CEMENT BRIDGE ment has supplied ten thousand In addition to the mechanical workTO CROSS BOTANY POND rounds of blanks. of assembling, we develop the artis­tic sense in each studentWe teach the blending of form andcolors, and the many features which.pve you an accomplishment whic:hwill always be a valuable asset.A few leaons wiD enable 10a tobe �ar own Milliner.One repIar coune-daiJy dasIeI·-wiD make yoa an expert.Call or Write for Special summerand "Bill" Houghare coming to the Junior Prom.Some new dodge of thc "HT ", . oneymoonrail press agent's, or just b ecau�ethey'rc enthusiastic Chicago alumni?1iThe "Old :\ran· evidcntly sue- The Third Seven will be unconspicuous, and in keep-ceeded in imp . , . . hi' I" fressmg It upon the Owen, Sturgeon, :\Iyers, Stibhs, mg wit t ie srmp rcrty 0 the sur-baseball team that J'llst bee 1 di hi d 'II dd_ ' ccause t re Patchen. Keller. Baukhage. roun mg arc itecture, an "'I a tomen on the other team arc good fcl- The Fourth Seven the beauty of one of the prettiestlows, therc's no f h W k ·11 breason for giving Huhhlc. Bowman. Exselscll, :\Ic- parts 0 t e campus. or "'1 e-thcm the game. . h . f h' b' ILean, \Vhitficld. Sugita, Lambach gill on t e constructIOn 0 t IS ru gc(iWI" latC\'cr you do I . I\\,. , (on t et ally'Isconsin man hcar .S • ) ou suggcstaturday that thc Ba I � _. .I' , • ( gcr \\ eight mall,as. the diSCUS :\lcSstllcrizcd. The lastpunster Who p ,. erpctrated this at :\Iad-Ison was seriously injured.t·· Wisconsin is to haf', '. \"(' a :\Iay-day number of good mcn in the show thisetc -Cardinal.If year, some ditficulty was experienced Iy opposite ,58th strect. to encirclc a'this rcicrs to the athletl'c entcr- in selccting the successful fourteen. grass plot. An electric cable will ter-t;,mment scheduled for tomorro'" af-.. The initiation for the entire delc- minate in the center of thi!\ circulartcrnoon, We wish some k' d111 person gation will be held at the Grand Pa- plot, and later other decorations may"'ould tcll us what. \Visconsin':; fate cilic Hotel at 6 o'clock next Tuesday be added. Cement walks will be laidjs to be. evening, .May :z6. :aJon,t the sides of the road.Fourteen Members Elected Yesterday-Initiation at the Grand PacificHotel, TUesday, May 26.The Blackfriars ycsterday morningelected the third and fourth sets ofmen from the 1908 troupe of the�how. The selection of these mencompletes the list of this year's addi-tion to the club. Owing to the large scape.Architects are working on plans fora concrete bridge to span the botanypond in Hull court. The new bridge;n a few wceks,Further campus improvemcnt int he form of a macadam road. is underway. This road will cxtcnd from thenewly completed strctch between Ry­erson and Kent •• south to the ce­ment walk that ieads from Cobb toWalker. Thc road will divide direct- formation office.Women's Glee club will give its an-TeleI THE BOWS COMPANY805 Masonic TempleChicacoThe 300 cadets of the UniversitySMAISC,l]7E 55tllAll IBorde6:z7-G3�-_Rates.Suit. 611. 6 MadisonCor. Micbipn Ave.Phone Central 6859 St.AnARROW Collaris right to begin with and theClupeoo Process keeps it thatway. Ike eacb-i for 2.5c.� P'JIuoDT &Oo..Xaken;':THE DAlLY. MAROON,' FRIDAY. MAY 22, 1908.- �.u�6_'�. 1t5¢Club Beta the way it i8 intended-fitsIf." �t is tho trim stylish collar that.ean�now.for style book sbowing latest shapes.� the dealers who sell these plainlyCoon &: Co., Chicago, IlLhave Suits. Skirts and Coatsde to order by expert Tailors,latest material from $30, $35. \V� also make from our ownterial at the small cost of $20.e guarantee a perfect fit andtisfa, tion in every way.a trial and you will see.TIONAL LADIES' TAILORMADAME MOELLER, Prop.Office 1333 Masonic Temple.ntral Camera Co.REMOVEDTo 179 Wabash AvenueCAMERAS, KODAKS' andPHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIESoping, Printing and Enlarging.�meras and Kodaks Rented'and Exchanged.Telephone Central 5963.We have theeetice styles season's mostat reasonableBENfDICTTailor WAlDTelephone 2860 Hyde Park214 East 55th Street. Dressing, Manicurin�,Shampooing, }t'acial MassageMADAME KA YNORSCALP SPECIALISTrr;E 55th St. Phone H. P.3281-----------���.BORDEN'SCondensed Milk. Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.An Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk Cc..637-633 E. Forty-seventh St.GENTLEMENno DIESS FDI snuIU11IUS...1.!ID Co.roBWUR JR '.'lOna 'BOSTONGARTERTHt RECOOIllED STANDARD�The "ame Is�� .... e)��e CUSHIOIi9UTTONCLASPlItS FUTTOTHE LEe-REYERSLIPS, TUIS "OR UNFlS rusftO. ROftCO .• """BCII_ ....... U.S.A.iCLUB BREAKS ITS RECORDS Balance on hand :M�rcli'" r, I1907 ..•..... � ..•...... , ..•. $1,678.75�Continued from page 1) Receipts for year ending------------- March I· 1908:and refreshments at the different af- Billiards $2,030,,,0iairs. The entertainment commit­t ce consisted of the following men:l Ienry B. Roney, Arthur H. Vail.Chas. B. Jordan. Adolph G. Pierret,Hannibal H. Chandler, Jr., Luther D.Fernald, Charles F. 1 rclaud, W elling­t on D. j oncs, John J. Schommer andPaul A. Buhlig,"The library, or rather lack of li­brary. still remains a glnring defectIII equipment, The : retiring officersw or ked on a project which was ,Iinal­ly roulld to be unsatisfactory. HereIS room for the succeeding officers toadd the most needed ·impro\·ement toI the club.., During the past year there hasbeen an inter-fraternity bow ling tour- Bowling ,.. 1,130.70Chocolate 688 *Tobacco , .Dues ,$3.21 1.00General '" . . . . 305.86 8,295·91Total $(.).97 .. ,66NEW LITERARY SOCIETYFILLS LONG-FELT W�TCunningham, Powell, Eberhold, Bur­ton and Maddigan Form "TheWhite City Literary Society:'The great white tower no longerthrows its glare upon straggling'bands of unorganized students. nonamcnt, two-man team bowling tour-more docs the theological studentIlallll·nt. pool and billiard tourna- nervos ly search his pockets for thatments, with prizes in each givcu b) nickel hc saved for carfare home.t he club. Additional pool and bil- "The White City Literary Society'liard tables must soon be added tc has blossomed out into the garden ofGive University life, and bids fair to. sur­pass all other societies on the cam­pus, so numerous and enthusiasticarc i�s members.Recognizing thc need of some co­operation," while walking home frorn lthe \Vhite City in the ,rain Saturday \'night, or was it Sunday YlOrning,Frank Powell and "Ferdic" Cunning­ham laid plans for thc f?rmation ofthe soceity, Monday morning anumber of the members of the Rey­nolds club who are taking courses atthe lighted village, were assembled.and being i�fo�me� of the, plan.heart­ily endorsed it.meet the increased demands."1 n the ncar future the Reynoldsdub must be thorou�hly overhauledand redecorated. This, alone, willmake big inroads upon our presentsurplus, which will be greatly re­duced during the summer months,when receipts arc small. This sur­plus, in the face of our needs, cancnly bc r�garded as a sinking fund."With the support and hearty co­operation in the future that the clubhas had ;n the days gone byfrom students, alumni, and faculty,the needs of the club, such as library,check and coat room, pool and bil­liard tables and bowling room fur­niture may eventually be realized."On the financial condition of the "Ferdie" Cunningham was unani­mously elected president, on account I'of his ability as a mixer, which same'Iclub; Treas.urer Dille and Secretary ability �is 'a.,yery. necessary requisiteDixon report in part as follows: for membership. Amid hearty' ap-"The books of the club. at the close plause "Turk" Maddigan was givenf)t the fiscal year, February I, 19Q8. the position of "Pilot." everyoneshow a surplus of 3.219...... Of this conceding his fitness for this placesum $2.000 has been invested in a 5 "Kid" Eberhold was appointedIH�r cent mortgage, and the rernaind- "Keeper 'If the Coop." This is sail;er, $1,219.44, has becn left on deposit to bc a very important office, anr'to meet the expense of proposed im- Eberhold's election was only securer'provcmcnts, as well as the loss en- after much wrangling on the part oftailed in operating the club during the more literary enthusiasts whcthe summer quarter. wanted the place for Carl Burton"This surplus, large as it appears. Burton was finally given the positioris not sufficient for the needed im- of "dance manager:' and is said tfprovcmcnts of the club. The instal- have :-.lade quite a success in thatlation of the much-needed library capacity last night.wr uld alone more than exhaust the The following men were pledgerfunds on hand. Among the other pro- torlay : Jimmie Brand. Harold Gifcheck ford. Paul Gardner and Ben Newposed improvements are a1'00111, additional library furniture. r man.library clock. additional billiard and According to the president. thepool tnblc s, and the finishing of the rolls show hut one absence so farbowling alleys in harmony with the Y et Owyang, one of the chartc:rest •. .I the club house. There an' III em hers. being ill Sunday, was unalso many minor improvements 11,!e to attend. The membership hawhich would add greatly to the at- now reached 196 and is growing raptractivcness of the club, hut which idly.can not be considered until the more\1r�('nt impro\'cl11ents have been com­pleted."From the foregoing statements it'nay readily he seen that while sat­... factory progress has been made. theclul; is by no means where it shouldbe, and the effort to make it thetilll'�t institution of its kind will .. uc­cecrl only by the cont inucd Ioya l"l1pport of the �tudellt body and thefaculty."The membership since the .. prin!!quarter of 1')06 Ita .. been :1S follow .. ::\cti\'('. :\�"fI("iat(' U OF C SOlMMRBelts and BotldeSI." eadIAT THE PRESSRetail Department"ON THE CAl\IPU)5"Or see John Schommer�pril1g-. '00 ,�2� li4\utuml1. '06 ..... .�C)i IiI\\·inter. 'oi ...... 4q ,--I."Spring-, °i ....... .��J 'fl'\ 1111111111. OJ ....... ..�� IC)O\\·ilit('!". '08 '4�()' '()()1 The receipt;; for the year ha\'e h�en.. _.""LWAYS EASY ..... __ .. ;t .. in110ws: P. F. JENSENMERCHANT TAILOR. I 512, 175 Dearborn StreetSOLICITS YOUR TRADE FORHIGH GRADE GARMENTSHotelUnder 58TH ST. AND DREXEL AVE.Management of the National Hotel 00. Tel 'Hyde Park S739-The BEST Served atPOPULAR PRIOESRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfRIn ConnectioaDaintilv DeliciousPerfectly Pur eSurpassinglySmooth".'4. .... �NiiiLi's.... _, MlLIC DlD�.Uft"'AIt:NrsT /I aQI"·SuInlSllGLl'Sam.aeo· Won derfu IIVWholesomeThe only. exclusive ladies "Bootery" in Chicagois the•.• ROCHfSTfR SHOf SHOP •••Fourth Floor. ltiasonic Temple.A quiet little shop where you can buy, ladies high:gradesample Shoes for$2.00 AND $2.50VISITORS AS WELL AS BUYERS ALWAYS WELCOMEWe now occupy our new quarters 26-.28 E. Lake Street.This affords an exceptional opportunity of purchas­ing our select stock of lr rnp s and brcnze s at markedreduction.�LLYH. LAU ,12 E. �a.ms Street \Pullman Building. IICollege students in good sized cities looking for businessopportunities during the summer will do well to communicatewith W. H. Hutchinson & Son, 198 S. Desplaines St.,Chica&o.Established 5' Years.liE. C._�_O_ORE•. FlORIST .•I 626 w. 63rd Street 272 E. 55th Street.� Tel. Wentworth 2038. Tel. Hyde Park 38.THE D�tLY MAROO�. F�IDAY, MAY 22. 1908.STUDENTS BEING "TAKEN"BY EXPERT PHOTOGRAPHER! WOMEN'S GI£E CLUB TOGIVE. ANNUAL CONCERTWOMEN MAY SETTLE TITLEIN BASKETBALL MONDAYSecond Game in Championship Ser- Well-Known Photographer Record- Good Pro� of Voc:al and Instru-ies to be Played Monday After- ing Typical Campus Scene Dar- mental Numbers .Arranged-In-noon-Seniors Slightly Ahead ing Crowded Hours of Day. formal Dance After Concert.The second game of the women's Photographs of the University The annual concert of the Women'schampionship basketball series will campus and buildings, with typical Glee Club will be held in Lexingtonbe played on Dudley Field next Mon- students in the neighborhood to fur- hall tomorrow night. The membersday afternoon' at 4:30. The interest nish "atmosphere" were taken yes- cf the club have been hard at workis running high, as the senior girls terday by Mr. Hall of the • Chicago fer some time in preparation for thishave already won one game and it is Photogravure Company, who is one concert, and expect to spring a sur­only necessary to win two out of of the foremost photographers in the prise in the shape of one of the bestthree games. If the juniors win, a United States. He intends to furnish entertainments that has been provid­third game will be played on Friday. [he University with photographs ed the University public by any wom-The close score of 10 to 9 in the which will represent the real back- en's organization this year, An elalast contest indicates that there will ground of the University and which orate vocal and instrumental programbe a hard fight before the champion- will compare favorably with similar .has been arranged. An informalship is settled.The lineup: pictures of other schools. dance will follow the program.Representative students of the The two former public appearancesJuniors, Seniors, University were posed at different of the Glee club this year were a re-(Red) (Blue) parts of the campus, and their parti- ception and a short program afterEleanor Freund .. F .. Mary Heap. C. cipation in the scenes taken will the Women's vaudeville show in theMildred Chamberlain J can Barnes gi\.·c a deft touch of college life and winter quarter. Since then the clubFlorence Lawson ,(C).C. Helen Peck atmosphere to the views of the Uni- has been preparing for this appear­Ernestine Evans .. G .. Louise Norton vers+ty, ance, Rehearsals have been heldEva Schultz Florence Tyley More pictures will' be taken in the steadily under the direction of MissSubs.-Mamie Lilly. Ethel Preston, I1_Xt few days at times and places Mabel Lee.Irene Hastings, Helen Dewhurst, when students congregate in consid- Tickets for the entertainment wereMary Chaney, erable numbers, as at Cobb hall at put on sale a few days ago and sev-10:30, at Senior Chapel, and during eral have already availed themselvesS.A.E. ANNUAL PROM TONIGHT Convocation week. These times of the opportunity of hearing thehave been chosen in order to obtain concert.Illinois. Theta Chapter of Fraternity the most local .color and distinctly Those who will appear are: GraceTo Give Formal at Colonial.Club. Chicago life. Mr. Hall hopes to give Abbott, I Beulah Bass, Vera Bass,the University the best set of photo- 'Olive Bickell, Elizabeth Burke, Bes-The Illinois Theta chapter of Sig- gravures of the school that has yet sie Campbell. Catherine Darling, Ivyrna Alpha Epsilon will given its an- been presented. Dodge, Bertha Gates, Mina Hask-Dual promenade this evening at the ins, Helen Johnson, Edith Johnson.Colonial Club. About seventy VARSITY SWIMMING TEAM 'I J • At' L FlorenceLuci e arvrs, Ice ee,couples are expected to attend. The WILL CHOOSE CAPTAIN Manning, Mary J. Moynihan, LouiseNorthwestern chapter and 'the cnt- I I d G dAnnual Banquet and Election of Cap- A. Perry, Haze Roy an, ertru ecago Alumni .t\.ssociation have been M S R S •tain to be Held Tuesday Night- Stern, yra eymour. ose eltz,No Candidates Yet. Edna Weldon, Maude Wolcott, Mar-erite Swaiee,invited.MOssLER COMPANY IClothes lor M __ -and Young Men50 Jackson Blvd.TAKE· YOUR PICKat $.20 The swimming and water polo teamwill have its annual banquet and Yale now has the largest v: M. C.election of captain in the private din- A. membership of all American col­mg room of the Commons Tuesday .leges.there being eight hundred mem­night, May 26. Coach Knudson and bers at New Haven.all the members of the team whohave been in any of the scheduled !LOSE' TO GOPHER BINEIN ·BRlLLIANT GAMEmeets, will be present. Speeches willYou can't go wrong on any "Moss- be' made by Coach Knudson, andler Suit" at this price. Captain Ben Badenoch, along withThere are about 175 "Lonesome some of the old members of theS its" ( d t f ki d) Stolen bases: Cleary 5, Pegues 2,ui one an wo 0 a 10 , none team. This will be the first formalth I I $ d f I .Staehling, Cahaley. Double play:wor ess t Ian 25, an rom t rat celebration of the team in honor oft e � Pegues to Falls to Meigs. Struckup 0 '9'tO• its winning the Western swimmingT' Y Pi k $ out: By Page 7. by Dretchko 7. Bases· aze our e at 20. championship, and the national poloNothing wrong with them -only title. No one has as yet been'defi- on balls: Off Page 3, off Dretchko 4·th 'b I d 11 I Time, 1=45. Umpire, Meyer.ey ve een sue 1 goo se ers t 13t nitcly mentioned as a candidate to From the Bleachers(Coatiaued from page I)there's only an "odd size" left. You'll succeed Ben Badenoch as captain.find your size-even if you're extra Among other spectators werestoul or extra tall I The University of Washingt?n i.s to Deans Miller and Small. Of course,If yOU know value and. want it- have a new $250,000 auditorium, we do not blame them for the Ioss ofyou'll come Friday! which, when completed in Septern- the �ame, but--ber will be the largest on the coast. That one fatal error seems to beA "Scribblers'" club has been 'or- getting habitual.ganized at Northwestern, its purpose Well, we still say that we can beatbeing literary. I Illinois and Minnesota at football.What will Wisconsin think, afterbeating the Gophers and being beatenby us?ltIOSSLBR co.so Jackson Blvd.Just Off State S1..• ...AMUSEMENTS....Texas-c-Morrison.Utah--Roney,'Vermont-H enderson.Virginia-Bevin.Washington-Lee.West Vir�inia-Fernald.Wisconsin-H oughton.Wyoming-Schommer.TerritorlaAlaska-Tanner.Dist. of Columbia-Templeton.Hawaii-Wu.Indian. Territory-Lambach.New. Mexico-Natans·on.Ph it;ppines-='-H inman.Porto Ric� .ILLINOIS THB GARRIOKJefferson De Angeles, Blanche Ring,Alexander Carr and 30 others inTHE GAY WHITE WAY (Continued from page I)MAY SWAMP THE REGULARDEMOCRATIC CONVENTIONThe Dutch Musical Incident,MISS HOOK OF HOLLANDHARRY KELLYin the Bi.r Laugh,HIS HONOR THE IlAYORPOWBltS08LONIALThe Laughing Success of the AgeJoe Weber and his All-Star C('., inTHE MERROW WIDOW Augustus Thomas' Great Play,THE WITCHING HOUR._______ 00 __•STUDBBA][Jn�In the Classiest Comedy with music,ELSIE JANISIn "THE HOYDEN"LA SALL.HONEYMOON TRAILWith C.cil Leanand Florence HolbrookTHB AUDI'1'OBIU.THB WHIT.BYThe best of Musical Farces,THREE TWINS DRINKS INKLIKE A 'CAMELTo load a Conklin Fountain Pen. just dip it in oyink. press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its owntank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereis to it r No dropper-e-no mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any time. •CONKLIN'S J�G PEN"THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" •can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Youcould fill it with white kid gloves on without danger of_soiling. Besides its convenience. is the splendid writingqualities of the Conklin-the �rfect feed.� dealers handle the Collklln. If yours does Det, orderdlrect. PriceS. 13.00 aDd up. Send at ODce for haDdsome Dew cataJosr.Robert Staedter Co.I The Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldd., Toledo, Ohio155 �ate StreetBetween Madison and Monroe-Pho�e Central 5334Furs, Suits, 'Coats, SkirtsMillinery .The Suit, Coat and Skirt value we are offering during the balance ofthis month and May cannot be equaled in Chicago. Come in andlook over our stocks. We have the Merchandise to support thisclaim. Silk Dresses $12.50 to $15.00 and up. In our Millinery Sectionour Styles are correct, and range in price from $5.00 up. We storeand remodel Furs at Lowest Prices Phone and we will callB. L. AMES HAT CO.ONE QUARTER CENTURY AT OLD LOCATION._ NOW AT -90 EAST MADISON STREETTRIBUNE BUILDINGSTETSON SILK AND OPERA HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EACH HATUMBRELLAS :-: CANESGLOVES :-:,W ANT E D --- A goodsolicit advertisements for theJUNIOR DAY PROGRAMInquire ofJ. W. McNeish,or address the Daily Maroon office. H Morris,oald wil"I willtlic:ago,-------------------------------I.1Ot run j'{r�tagg!I have\.�"eigl....�. whcto�Wi!(";�:���1;PU:eoe I�hUl�arteded�for�. �I.my trailipmentley bas1'QkneslI�roon�""0 hasQsbesGrobeIJ1knOWItile morChica]lrast ei�lIerriantitan JurQm,m-e hitill the �zfter.I!11arter.I" thfast COl-I; THE INGRA.YIRSANDARTISIS�ORUNIVERSITIES &(l)LLEGESJAHN s OLLIIR ENGRAVING ffi.CHICAGOCOLLEGE LARDER. CAFE447 E.. 55th Street. Near Lexington Aft.IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE -TO EAT.LUNCHEON 20c UP. EVENING DINNER, 2SC."PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS EATING."SPECIALTypewriters Rented-3 months for$5 and up. Typewriters sold on easypayments, from $10 up. Best bargainsin guaranteed machines. AmericanDesk ct Typewriter Co., 188 DearbornSt. Central &127. TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Reut­Special rates to students; barpiasin re-built machines. W. Whitt­head, J6 La Salle Street.RELIABLE Rebuilt T�pewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month.from our own factory, equippedwith modern machinery, 250 honeisfaction or your money bade. TIleTypewliter Ezcbange.,J19 DearbornSt. Branch of the American Writ­ing Machine Co., incorporated.WANTED-Young man or womanto work for board. Mrs. Barnes,5803 Madison ave.Wanted-A J ewish man as residentin a home for 20 working boys; ser­vices required need not interfere withcollege work. Address D. B. C., TheDaiI.F liar-GOG.