- '.maroonVol. VI. No. 147. Price Two CentsCHICAGO, 'DHURSDA Y, MAY 21, 1908.=::>---VARSITY NINE TO MEET . ANNOUNCEENTRIESFORMEET PLAN VAUDEVILLE INFAST GOPHER T�AM TODAY Athletes to Represent Chicago and ENGLISH I FOR PREPWisconsin on Marshall Field AreNamed-Morris. Badger Sprinter, Erection of Temporary Stage Along-Tears Ligament. side Commons and Seats in Sunk-en Gardens Considered. I BIG AmND�CE PROMISED SALKEY AND LAMBAeH TOMEN AT JUNIOR PROMENADE HEAD 1909 CAP AND GOWNweakened in the sprints, according to 2:30�linncsota is a formidable oppo- thc Daily Cardinal. Morris, who wasneru from one standpoint, and, shouldconceded first in the dash, tore a lig­be defeated from another. Earlier inamcnt while training several daysthe season thc Gophers beat Illinois.. ago, and it is feared at 11adison thatand until last Saturday laid claim to011 that date, he will he kept out of the Conference tournament.the Conference title. hv the injury. It is certain he will be ,-:00 p m Trip to th WI't Cit L b I J . dhowever Wisconsin, which feU prey J ..- e 11 elY. a .. l ac 1, w 10 got 102 votes, anin no shape to run against the Var- Contestants wI'11 st t' b d S .1 S Ik h t IV..to the Varsity, took them in camp by ar 111 a 0 y yuney a ey, w o go "'.I votes,'the score of 3 to 2. The game was sity, from the Reynolds Club House. defeating Heflin with 55 and Kennerlost in a free-for-all finish in the 'The entries for the two teams fol- Saturday, June 13 with 43. For business _ managers:ninth. With the score a tie, both low: 9:30 a. m.- Interscholastic Tennis Allan Ross.with 94 votes, and Georgeteams started the last session with 120 yard hurdles=-Wisconsin. Nat- Tournament. Garrett, with 95, defeated Sabath,determination, but Wisconsin was wick, Byron and Smith; Chicago: 10:00 a. m.-Open House Receptions who got 72. For literary editor, )er-luckier, getting two runs to Minne- Steffen, Garrett and :\Ierriam. by the Fraternities. orne Frank received 74 votes againstseta's one. 100 yard dash-Wisconsin: Morris, II :30 a .. m.-Lunchl University Com- �1iss Heckman with 54 and ·1t:1iss- At all events, the contest Sl!.QlI.d Gr.obe,,:.Sprape �nd;-Ostlwff_;. Chica- ��n�. - ... , �. " '\ !:"'t -;MiSS':-G�d�. Tompkins _ �iVl W!t!t_;�. __ .... :::--:.C! _ '_�. .: ,.' ,(-r.,:"_. _.-b� interesting throughout. The Min- go: Quigle.v,· Merriam, Gaarde 'and 1:30 P. m.-Interscholastic l\reet. There were ISO .votes cast o'uf of aWho, with Allan Ross. Will Lead thenesota players are accurate in the Brokaw. 5:15 P. m.-Swim in the natatorium. list of over 260 eligible voters. The1908 Junior Promenade.fiehl, and ar<:_ fairly strong at· bat. One mile run-Wisconsin: Blank- 6:00 P. m.-Interscholastic Banquet. greatest fight was evidently.for theworking the bit and run game to per- enagle, 'Vipperman and Tillotsen; University Commons. The Returns totalled yesterday from a office .of business. manager, wherefection. Against Wisconsin thcy . Prizes will be distributed at canvass of the fraternities, indicated 'Sabath was beaten by a dose. margin.I' Chicago: JobJin. Caldwell, Smith, Mc- ,made two meager hits count for as Farland and. Dolan. this time. All contestants are that another Prom attendance record The women failed to vote' in' verymanv scores. The lineup of the two - invited. wi!l be broken on the night of June large numbers and this probably aidedJ .go yard run--Wisconsin: Juergens,teams follows: 8:30 p. m.-Refreshments and Dance. 5, when. the Juniors have their big the candidacy of Frank; as usuallyPeterson and Sprague; Chicago:Chicago, Minnesota: Reynolds Club House. All social event of the year. One hun- the feminine vote is favorable to itsPage ..•• p •••• ' ••• P ......• Dretschko Merriam, Lingle, Garrett, Whipp and contestants are invited. dred. couples attended last year's Jun- sex, supporting any woman candi-Gaard...� .••••.•...•. c... ... . . . . .. Rand Morgaa. ior Promenade, and those who saw date.220 yard dash-\Visconsin: Morris, � t�!ei_g£. •.•..•. ' .•.. I b..... Borrowman • emporary stage, built alongside the returns yesterday predicted that The vote for Lambach was an over-Fatfs� •••.••.••... 2 b ..•.....• Kesting Sprague, Osthoff and Grobe; Chica- Hutchinson cafe, rows of seats for this figure would be left far in the whelming landslide, while the secondPegues ..•...•... s.s........... Ernst go: Quigley, l[erriam, Lingle, Gar- the all iience in the sunken garden of rear this year. .managing editor was elected by aRoss ·• ••. · .••... 3 b ..•........ Boyle rctt, Morgnn and Brokaw. Englhdl I, and a vaudeville perform- All the committees are beginning plurality bf only .14 votes.Staehling .... ' .. ' .. 1.£ •••••••••• Larson 2.20 yard hurdles-Wisconsin: By- ance which will employ most of the to hold frequent meetings, and win These five men compose the sec-, Schommer .•..•.. c.f......... Walker ron, Natwick , Smith and Osthoff: talent that has been developed at the begin to report results within a few ond executive staff of the annual thatt Cleary .•........ r.f., Green Chicago: 1ferriam, Steffen, Garrett. Reynolds club smokers and the days. The program will include has b'een elected under tile new con-The Varsity went through a stiff. and :\Ior!!an. Blackfriar show, were tentative plans thirty dances, with supper extras. stitution adopted by referendum votepractice session yesterday afternoon, 880 yard run-Wisconsin: Tillotscn, for the details of the second event Plans for Junior Day arc gradually of the Sophomore clas� of last year.and put on the last touches before Stcinfort, Juergens and Blankenagle ; on the program 'which met with al- rounding into shape under Chairman The quintet have cOI�trol of the bookthe game this afternoon. The players Chicruro: Garrett, Shuart, \Vhipp, most unanimous favor at a meeting of the Day Henderson. The chief appointing heads and members ofexpressed confidence for a victory Smith and Lingle. of the Reynolds club commission last trouble which has been met in per- such committees as may be necessaryO\"Cr :\[innesota this afternoon. Two mile run-Wiscor.sin: Drew, night. Consent of Superintendent tecting the plans has come to the and otherwise steer through the pub-As one of the men said yesterday: Smith and Blankenagle; Chicago: :\[acLean to use the gnrden for the athletic committee of which Garrett licatiun of the annual."Illinois is out of our class. but I Coldwell, :\lcFarland, Dolan and Joh- purpose proposed, will be necessary is chairman. The athletic committeeguess we can put it over the others. lin. before it can be definitely decided. composed of EInhorn, Hubble, PEN CLUB IN AUTHORS'We shall do our best tomorrow to It was suggested that planks could \Vorthwine and :\Ieigs, met yestcr- READING NEXT WEEKPole vauIt- \Visconsin: Peterson be laid over the sod to protect it, asand \Vilson; Chicago: Jacobs. Hen- injury to the lawn would be the mainMaroons Will Attempt to DefeatTeam that Downed Illinois andLost to Badgers.Director -Stagg' gave out the Chi­ Permission Not Yet Obtained, How-ever-Women Blackfriar StarsMay Give Numbers.Page in Great Shape for Game andChicago Men Are Hopeful for aVictory. cago and Wisconsin entries yester­day for the dual meet on Marshallfield Saturday. The Chicago teamwill he the same that competedagainst Illinois. with the addition ofJnccbs, who is counted on' to win thepule vault easily,The Wisconsin team has a new en­trant in John Messmer, the hammerand discus star. To offset this ad­vantage. however, the Badgers will be Friday, June 12a. m.- Interscholastic TennisTournament. !p. m.-University Vaudeville. atwhich the fraternities and otherChicago and :MiJlncsota baseball Seventh AnnualInterscholastic Meetteams will meet this afternoon at 3:45Q'cJock �'Jl Marshall field. The 1\Ia­roons have not lost a game this sea­son, except to Illinois and the Illinoishoodoo is blamed chiefly for th:at­along with some inexcusable giftwork �n the part of Chicago. Program of Happeningsorganizations of the Universtiywill present original stunts.2:30 P. m.- I nterscholastic Tennis•oEwin."ncbcrry, Seffen and Cleary. objection to having a crowd asscm ..hied in that place. :\Iandel hall, theReynolds club theater and the wo­mell's athletic field, just north ofBartlett gynm:tsium, are under con­�ideration as alternatives to EnglishI as a location for the performance.Other propositions, including a cir­cus and a concert hy the Universityband. wcre considered, but were re­jc.'ctcd in favor of the v:tudeville.The women will be asked to give amaypole dance on Friday afternoon,in connection with the vaudeville.The Sock :-Ind Buskin and the Grccn-GAARDE ELECTED CAPTAIN Discus throw-\Visconsin: :\(ess­mer, Othoff, Storey and Wittich:Juniors Choose Fred Gaarde to Head Chicago: Maddigan, Hubble, Schorn-Class Baseball Team. mer and Ehrhorn.II igh jump - \Visconsin: Smith.Xatwick and Coorsen: Chic:tgo:Frc.l Gaanle was electe.1 capt:tin of Schommer. Huhhle :tnd :\forgan.the Junior class hasdmll tc:tm at a Shot »ut- \Visconsin: Ost hoff. :\1 il-mceting of the class yester- ler. Conw:ty. :\Iessmer and \Vittich:dar 11l0rnin�. Tt was :tnl1ounced by Chic:,�o: :\la(ldigan, Schommer and:\('tiliJ{ Presi.tent Paul Princell that Huhhle.th .. <"lass had a deficit of $2.,. T 5. which"·(lul.l ha,'c to be pai(1 hcfore the end Broa(l jump-\Visconsin: Coorsen.of the (]uarter. The finance commit- Osthoff and :\liller: ChicaRo: Garrett.:\1 orJ{;l11 , Henneherry, Huhhle. Jacohst('(' was instructNI to take any mea-I· f and Schommer.sures n.cCe:'ssary for the col ectlon 0 room will also be invited to help inthe:' a<;sessments yet unpaid. Tn view Hammcr throw-\Visconsin: COl1- the entertainment. Several of the bigof the financial strin�ency :tpparent. way. :\fessmcr, :\liller, Storey and I hits of "rhe Sign of the Doublethe class decided not to give anyl \\ ittich; Chicagn: \Vorthwine. Hub-IDore social functions this year. bie and EhrhorD. (CoDtiDued OIl pace 4) Sophomores Show Medium InterestIn Election of Next Year's Capand Gown Board.Garrett and Ross Are Made BusinessManagers and Jerome FrankLiterary Editor.I I ,I Executive Staff of 'og Cap and Gownt Managing Editorsj Karl Larnbach.Sydney Salkey,Business ManagersGeorge Garrett.Allan Ross.Literary EditorJcrom.e N. Frank.The five men who will guide thefate of the Cap and Gown for 1909were chosen yesterday. They are asfollows: For managing editors: Carlday morning to decide on som_e dcfin- Opie Read, Hamlin Garland and Ho­ite means of financing the annual in- bart Chatfield-Taylor May En-tcr-collcgc track meet which forms tertain Next Thursday.one of the most interesting �featuresof the day, It was decided to assess Three of the most prominent lit­(ach college and also to attempt to cr:lry men in Chicago will probablysccure some donation from the Uni- �i"e readings from their o,,'n worksyersity athletic department. at thc Unh'ersity next ThursdayC:tptain� for the colll·ge ll'ams will evening. under the auspices of thehe c1cctcd next Tue:-;day. EI�tries. Pen club. lJamlin Garland, Opieal'conJin� to the (Iecision of the COIll- Rca.i, and lIobart' Chattield-Taylor.mittce. Itlu!'t be suhmittc.1 to the cap- are altlong the authors who havet:tins on or before Friday, :\Iay 29, heen invited to address the studentsEligihility rules will be al!!_lounced at the annual "Authors' Reading" ofwithin a few days. The program. the journalist cluh. The event lastwhich is closely- simil:tr to that of year provcd immenscJy popular, andlast year, has becn made out tenta- a large attendance is consequentlyth'ely and is :ts follows:�:45 a. 111.- :'\laypole Danccs-T':trti­cipaterl in by the women of theJunior ·colle�es. Marshall field. expccted.The complimentary tickets of ad­missinn. issued by the Pen club, willhe ready for distribution within a(Continued on page 4) I few days. :THE DAILY MAROON,The various universities are com­ing to realize more and more the im­portance of these meets.and are spar­ing no efforts to make the visits Ofbetween 10 p. m. and 6 a. m., thecouncils might �ell suport a recom­mendation that noisemakers _ of bothsexes be forbidden to disturb theTile omclal IStadeDt PabUcatlOD of tilePubl .... ecI cl&U7. ucept 8wa--. MoL4aJa aDd boll--. dulq tbNe CJaanen Getof tile UIl1 ..... Q ,.ar. Busy,1909l'ormerQTile UIlh'eralQ of Cblcqo Weeki,.l'owade4Tile Week1,. Oct. 1. 1892.Tile DaU,. Oct. 1. 1902.LUTHER D.- FERNALD. '1IaIla&IIlc EdItorPRESTON 1'. GABS. New. EdItorMELVIN J. ADAlIS. AtbleUc EdItorLOUIS S. BERLIN. Duille. MaUprASIOCIA'D mnca..Jerome N. I'nIlII:waasA. G. Whitfield, H. B. FullerW.A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. HaIlJ. Sidney Sal key Mamie LillyA. W. Wheeler, - A. N. PfefferJ. M. Houghland Hargrave Long.Newa cootrlbuUou ID&7 be � at £111.Hall or Facult7 Escbaqe. addre8R4 to theDalll IIaroOa. ITHURSDA Y, MAY 21, 1!)08.UIt's open season in the parksagain. I Some dealerS. are after bona-fide Var-1fThe annual fray is over. sity trade. Others are after theUThe Cap and' Gown board is of a city "sport" and high school- decidedly masculine persuasion. '�chap" who like to appear to beUThe 190') board can get good ex- like and do as the college man is. hI.' and does.perrence e pmg the 1908 board out. It's an easy test to distinguish them.1TI t looks like fair weather, but it The latter class advertises in the citymust not be forgotten that the band papers and on the bm boards.'is scheduled to play this afternoon. The former go after the �llege manthrough his student publications.UWith all your faults, Michigan,we love you still, says "Billy" Bond.1TIfs not the first time the las hashesitated to interfere with Mr. H. Editor Daily Maroon:Dink and his private' estate, geo- Through the columns of the Dailygraphically designed as Ward I. Maroon 1 would like to call the at-trA New York tention (If the student body to theII newspaper man 'claims to be a lineal' descendant of intersch(llastic meet, which is to beKing David. It seems to us that one held on Marshall field, June 13. OnAnanias also lived somewhere in the this days, as well as the two pre­Bibl ceding ones Chicago will have as herI e ages; but then, genealogies doget easily twisted. guests nearly four hundred highschool athletes, representing almostUKentucky night riders of a re- one hundred schools of the - country.�igious bent are holding prayer meet- The interscholastic meets,' whichmgs while the tobacco barns burn. are held by the various universitiesWhile most people object to this pro- are the only opportunities which .acedure, some of them wouldn't mind great many high school studentsburning tobacco while prayer meet- have of seeing the different institu-ings are being held. tions and the impressions which theyUThe Hon. T. Platt, having sue- receive arc the determining factors inccssfully withstood the efforts of I the selection of a college. Not oniy�ew York and the nation to divorce do the athletes themselves base their111m from the Senate, refuses even to chc.ice (If a university upon what theybe divorced from a woman he can't sec at these meets. but the reportsremember marrying. ,,·hich they carry to their homes areuJust because the Rep bl. . in no small degree influential in set-II u Ican con- .vention is plannina to go ov S thng the problem of "What college.. er to t. h II I h �"fJoe is no ground f . sac oose. or many of their, or assummg that f . .it ;5 going over to Uncle Joe.' rtends. In '·Iew of these facts, it is�F II • hardly possible to overestimate theo owmg the example of the importance of our interscholasticSouth Orange village trustees who meet and the urgent need of theare going to forbid dogs, cats and unanimous support of theroosters from disturbing tile peace dent body.COMMUNICATIONWesleyan Employs Press AgentThe faculty of \V��leyan Univer­sity, alarmed by the decrease in stn:dents each year has hired a collegereporter from the student body, whowill have general charge of newspa­per work concerning universityevents. In this way it is hoped togain a wider publicity for the col­lege.Pre-ministerial club wiJI meet Fri­entire stu- day morning at '10:30 a. m., in MiddleDivinity parlors. IIF OBLIGED TO DROPOUT OF RESIDENCECo .... espondence CoursesWill enable you to continue your college work and gain the degree.COaeJWf (II] of the M MaJora NfluiI'ed for va,duatioa .� bedo_ b7 con.�c:e. ,COY- 3DO cIuwoolD couna are thusoffered b7 _ben of the UaiYen1t7 FacultieL 4BeaWa the reg­ular IIiCh School .... eou.. Counea. are ""7 that appeal tothole 1D dilf.... vocatio .. -aotabl7 to teac:ben. qWork ma1....... at aD7 tiIH. ClDquke at office ofTHE CORRESPONDENCE-STUDY DF..PARTMENTThe University of Chicaco - - - -libraries .from being what libraries the "prep" men as pleasant as possi-Dltereclu 8eeGGcJ.c ... Kall at tile Clllcqo are meant for. ble, A t Illinois the entertainmentPo.toGlce, Cb1cqo, DlIIl_ Marell 18. provided is always of a high order,1903, aDder Act at Ilarcb I. 18'71. Five men will receive congratula- and no labor is spared to make thetions today for having won out in "circus," which is the crowning Iea­the Cap and Gown race. ture of the Illinois interscholastic, aThey have been chosen success, �Iichigan also outdoes her­by their class mates to self in the effort to make her inter­get out the 190') an- scholastic meet one of the principalnual. days on the social calendar.Perhaps no more auspicious time To equal the standards set by ourCOUld. present itself for the members rivals will this year require an un­of the Junior class to drive home to usual amount of effort and sacrifice DEPICT STRANGE CUSTOMSfive congratulatees the fact that their on the part of the students, because IN JUNIOR DAY PLAY8ubllcrlpUoil price, '3.00 per ,ear; ,1.00 new offices are not only an honorable the meet comes the day after the Local ---tor 3 lDolltba. SubecrlpUoDli recelnd at recognition of what they have done, close of school. which gives the Color of .spanish Play Zara-tile Marooll omce, EIIIa Ball, or at the but a vast opportunity for doing a problem a phase which we have gueta, is Well Preserved in Prof.Facultl ExcbaDge, Cobb Ball. good deal more. never before had to face. To hold Howland's Transbation.The habit of mind is all too com- the meet on this date, means that -Edltor� omCL-Betore 8 p. aL, Eliia ,. Z �., hmon at Chicago for men to want to many students living out of the city aragueta, t e Junior Day come-Ball, UIlIY�ralQ. Tel. B7de Park 426. d Isieze upon offices merely for the of- will be unable to remain over for the y, was re rearsed before ProfessorAfter 8 p. aL, KaroOD Prfa, 4'74 ID. GSth HIdStreet. Tel. B,d. Part IG8L fices' sake, with no idea of fulfilling meet; it means that there will be no ow an , the translator of .the play,any responsibility. A mad scramble opportun_�ty to show the visitors the yesterday afternoon. Mr. Robertsonensues to gather up all 'the "honors" "Junior Prom;' which has always wishes to preserve not only the genavailable, apparently with the idea of been a feature of our meets; it means eral Spanish atmosphere of the com­using up as much brevier type in the a dearth of talent for the custom- edy, but also the local color, and inCap and Gown as possible. ary vaudeville; it means difficulty in the furtherance of this idea ProfessorThe 1909 five has a chance to check securing girls for the interscholastic Howland was able to furnish manythis apparently growing tendency by dance, and it means that there will suggestions.example as well as precept. The sug- be great difficulty in housing the During Professor Howland's stayti I h . "prep;' m th d in Spain he witnessed the play sever- Ige� 1011 t rat t e 1909 board co-oper- en, as e summer stu entsate with that of 1908 in getting out will have taken up the rooms in the al times, and this, with his knowledge Ithis year's book has been made by halls where heretofore the visiting of Spanish life and customs, makes it' IThe Maroon jokesmith; but it can be athletes have been quartered. It easy for him to introduce many Itaken seriously. means all these things, unless the points that help to bring out the na-The delay of 1908 is the opportun- men and women of the University tive touches. The peculiar customsity of 1909. The tyro editors can will sacrifice their plans and put in regard to the serving of chocolatework with the sophistical di'rectors forth the efforts necessary to over- the strange habits of the Spanish stu- IBuame.. ofIlce.....Betou 8 p. ..... BIlla of the present enterprise; the embryo come the handicap which we face. dents, and many other distinctly for IBall. Unlnral17. Tel. B7de Park Us. business managers can be disciplined The main thing in overcoming this eign - usages, are either carried out asby the experienced financiers of this handicap is for the students to re- they are translated into terms thatyear. Co-operation now will save main over for the dance and the meet make them appreciable to the Ameri­next year's Juniors a good deal of on Saturday. If a full attendance is can audience. jtime, trouble and -money, assured For these two events,the corn- With a few exceptions, the cos- .The opportunity is a present one rnittee in charge of the, meet will tumes are very nearly American, for Ito make th s 19CJ9 away ahead of any- answer for the succes in other ways, the time of the playIs modern. Ithing attained hitherto at the Mid- but without such support, the sue- Iway. cess of the meet is doubtful, from the BAND N'OT TO PLAY TODAY ·.... _ •• 4� ... M""" .. �point of view of showing the "prep" ---men the attractive features of the May Have No More Thursday Con-University. certs this Quarter.The program for the interscholas- ---tic contestants included a vaudeville, The band concert scheduled, fora Mayepole dance, a trip to the today has been called off. PossiblyWhite City, an interscholastic ban- the program will be presented nextquet, at which the prizes will be Thursday. but on account of theawarded, and a dance at the Reynolds number of calls on the band duringdub. To carry out these entertain- commencement, they may not be ablements succesfully, the Reynolds dub to appear the rest of the season.commission must have the undividedsupport of the men and women of the Pre-medic Club to Hold' BanquetUniversity. If such support is forth- The Pre-medic club will hold acoming Chicago will receive her full banquet on Friday at the Rosalie Inn.share of the "prep" school athletes This will be the final meeting of thewho will enter universities in the fall. club for the year, and at the meet­Furthermore, the success of our in- ing in Kent yesterday morning plansterscholastic meet will be reflected were started to make the closing af­not only in our athletic teams of the fair one to be enjoyed and remcm­future, but also in the increased to- bered by all those present. It is thetal enrollment of students. intention to establish the annualWith two such laudable objects in banquet as a regular occurence,view every good Chicago man andwoman should, and I ,have no doubt, Many wants are supplied throughwill rise to the occasion and support the Want columns of the Maroon.the efforts of the Reynolds club com--.--------------­mission to have our meet the most Don't yon know a good thing whensuccessful interscholastic ever held you see it? Call down at Esmoer'sVery truly, John F. Dille, studio and you will see a whole lotPres. Reynolds Club Com of "nifty photos. " That's what youwant, and you can get them thereany day. 243 E. 55th Street... -----------------------FOWNES_GLOVESmean richt CloftS-So buy Fowna and .. ntrouble.I�"""""".I Bows' Correct TaDoringA faultlessly fitted FullDress Suit is probably themost useful one a man canown, and certainly it is themost essential to have perma­nently in his wardrobe.There's no use puttingmoney into Full DressClothes, unless you pro­cure an exact fit and ab­solutely correct style instrict accordance withfashion's latest edict. Weoffer a special Full DressSuit complete with extraTuxedo Coat. made' ofthe best materials, tailor­ed to fit and hang exact­ly right, and in themost approved mode, allfor.SEVENT�-FIVE805 Masonic TempleChicagoNIAA differentyet a mostconserve­t.ive style,It's anARROWCollarTRAVEL OYER THEMONON ROUTe- ----------�LAFAYETTE.INDIANAPOLIS,LOUISVILLE.CINCINNATI,DAYTON.Or any Southern PointTicket Olice. 112 South Clark St.Depot-Dearborn Station, Polk ...Dearborn St..Enalewood Station�3d St.SPECIALSchool and CollegeSuilings$25 $31 a nd $ITAILOR FOR YOUNG IIEMTwo .tora: 131 La Sane St.,'-44JKboD ....... WIwis dT(CatasentA.F26 MeThisPLOW]SEEDSWecdeanCa1TdephoDo yol'by n.\gene)",� the iYoun£�nguaEor handl�eial9 J.THE DAILY MAROON, 11IiUJtSDAY, MAY 21.1908.- r• .- .- .. - .... .&'Omega today. Typewriters Rented-3 months for53rd aDd Kimbark The Phi Delta Theta baseball team $5 and up. Typewriters sold on easyr·1-hones H. P. 18 and H. P. 6cJ57 1 I S' Ch' t d b the--.. seat t ie rgma I yes er ay y payments, from $10 up. Best bargains.1IIe Ja.s F. IIcttdItIlp score of IS to 12. in guaranteed machines. AmericanTeadlers' AaaacY Dr. Merritt to Speak Desk I: Typewriter Co., 188 DearbornDo you expect to teach next year? Dr. 'Merritt, formerly fellow in the _S_t._C_en_traI__6_1_27_. _l1ty not enroll with a first-en-s department oI Political Economy, \VANTED-Young man or woman.\gcncy, and thus put yourself in linenow secretary of the Chicago Whole- to work for board. Mrs. Barnes,for the best positions? sale Grocery Association, will give an 5803 Madison ave.Young men who can teach Modern address explaining the methods of Wanted-A Jewish man as residentlanguages, take charge of Athletics, 1 . ti tonight at 8 in in a home for 20 working boys', scr-t rat orgamza Ionor handle Commercial subiects in "ices required need not interfere withCobb lC. vspecial demand. college work. Address D. n. C., The9 Jackson Boulevard. Wisconsin Students Form Bryan club Daily. �I:lrooll.Phone Harrison 3921. Students at Wisconsin have formed -T-Y-P-E-W-R-I-T-E-R-S-f-o-r-Sa-I-e-o-r-R-e-n-t--a JcAerson club for the purpose of Special rates to students; bargainsuniting student supporters of Bryan, in re-built machines. W. White-\lr. Bryan is to speak at the Univcr- h�ad. � II=- Salle Street.�1ty on Saturday under the auspices R ELI ABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allof the club. makes, special bargains this month.from our own factory, equippedMOSSLER COMPANYtbes lor lIeD--and Young MenSO Jackson Blvd.£limatic Changes1 danger unleSs PreparedChicago is a great place for Cli­. changes.TIle weather hasa rush herelight weight over­well :IS springdangerous toin this climatea li&ht over­or cravenette. Wefor theergcncy,Sprina overcoats at $20, $25, $30$3s-mostly silk. lined.Best cravenette, in plain grays,ck as well as fancy fabrics. at $25Spring suits, $20, $22, $25, $28, $30,and $.to.co.SO Jackson Blvd.Just Off State St. -GENUINEGUYOT�USPENDERSWill P5Mltil'e.{y oull.uLt.h.fte pairs oford� suspend� .. _--_WeLbiILS lnlmlla.'ble.Q_uali.� unvaeying.BuItoahoJea tndeaindlLle.EuOy a4Jaatecl-e1lUa J..a. r.t�genutne patrhaaname ���.l�CB. 6UYoT- 6TAMPEDBERE�'".50� Ct1Wlilr &t�lboclahap_e6 ... lior_u ....... 1LSTHEIMERBROTHERSl�anoa&T. "'�IA.GERMAN BOOKS.Of all descriptioDS, such as class­is. play5,_ dictionaries, etc.SPECIAL DISCOUNTTO STUDENTS ••••Catalogues and quotationssent upon request.A. KROCH l:J CO.26 MonrOe Street. Chicago.This is the time to plantPLOWER and VEGETABLESEEDS •••••We carry a lar&e variety ofdean and hardy Seeds.Choice Cut Flowersalways on hand.A. McAdamsFLORIST•5.. BORDEN',Condensed Milk, Fluid Milk, CRUDand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Co1Dltr7.Borden'. Condenaed lIiIk Co.627.633 E. Fony-.eventh St. LAWYERS TO HOLD FIRST NEIT MEN OFF TO DETROITANNUAL BANQUET IN JUNEDean Hall. to Represent Faculty andWilliam Keeley the Alumni-Tobe Held at Windemere Hotel. Varsity Team to Play Cornell To­r morrow-Ross, Hart, Stem andHostetter or Mosser to Make UpQuartet. 'The first annual banquet of the The University tennis team, headedUniversity of Chicago Law School by Captain Ross, will leave tonightAssociation \)'i11 be held at the Win- for Detroit, where it will meet thedemere Hotel the evening of June 5, Cornell University net team tomor-1908, at 7:30 o'clock. row for the first contest which theMembers of the association will University has had with an easternmeet in the parlor at 7 o'clock and team. The team, as determined byhold the annual business meeting. yesterday'S matches, will be com­Hon. Thomas R. Marshall of GoI- posed of Captain J. A. Ross, R. J.umbia City. Ind., candidate for gov- Hart, L. A. Stern, and either Hostet­ernor and one of the leading lawyers ter or Mosser.of Indiana, will be the principal Yesterday afternoon Stern defeatedspeaker, and will discuss the subject, Hostetter in easy fashion. The scores"What the Country Offers for the were 6-2, 3-6, 6-2. Mosser defeatedYoung Practioner." Dean Hall will Sabath 3-6, 6-4, 6-2.represent the law faculty, William Besides these team matches, twoM. Keeley of Washington, Ia., the interesting matches were played sn thealumni, and a member of the Senior University tournament. James, theclass will speak for that body. All old Illinois man, had a hard fight instudents who have attended the Law his match with Adams. Henry ofschool will be invited, together with last year's team, owing to lack ofthe faculty and Senior class of the practice, succumbed to Mac l ntosh, aLaw school. Harry J. Lurie is prcsi- graduate.dent, and Mr. Schriber, secretary. According to Captain Ross, theIt is the intention of the associa- team this year is in poor condition.tion to make the annual banquet an Although he takes a pessimistic viewimportant event of the Law schooland from year to year have the prin­cipal address delivered by some jur- about winning, he nevertheless looks Ifor a closely contested tournament.While in Detroit the Varsity teamist or lawyer who has made a repu- will be entertained at the Detroitration for himself in the profession. Country club hy the Detroit Athleticclub, and by the Chicago and Cor­Candidates Rule Out Vote-Pledging nell alumni in Detroit. The CornellA decisive step toward cleaning up team will meet Michigan on Satur­politics has been taken at Michigan. day.I n the campaign now on for electiontv offices .of the Michigan Union, the Steffen Pitches Delts to Victorythree nominees for president have a- The Phi Delta Theta yesterday de-greed to pledge no votes, to neither feated the Sigma Chi by a score ofoffer nor accept trades of s,upport 15 to 1 Steffen pitched for the Phiand to pay nothing for votes. Each Delts and Christoph for the "Sigs.".. candidate 'is 'to conduct his own cam- "Wallje" pitched magnificent ball,'paign legitimately and to promote and had the opponents fanning thehis interests by means of personal atmosphere until the final inning. Insolicitation, the object being to give that session, however, the "Sig's"the voters opportunity to become ac- rally could not swing them ahead.quainted with the candidates and Positions for Ig08- The largest shoetheir actual merits and qualifications. firm in the country has opportunitiesA further step was made in pro- for several active, enthusiastic col­hibitiltg the formation of tickets a- lege graduates of good a�dress-menmong the candidates for the various who are willing to go into a businessoffices. where the future is theirs to make.Men of this caliber may apply toFrat News Shoe Manufacturer, care The DailyAlpha Tau Omega defeated Sigma Maro: n, stating merely name, ad­Alpha Epsilon yesterday in baseball dress, aee and (briefly) nature ofby the close score of 9 to 7· business experience, if- any. We willPhi Kappa Psi defeated _ Phi Kappa look you up, and if you are wanted,Sigma at baseball by the score of 33 you will hear from us within fiveto 6Phi Kappa Psi plays Alpha days,Tau SPECIALWanted-c-Copies of. �Iay 5 and May12. Will pay 5 cents each for them.Daily :Maroon office.U OF C SOllVlmRBells and _IdeSI •• eadIAT THB PRBSSRetail DepartmentuON THE CAMPUS"Or _ JobD Scbommer with modern machinery, 250 horseisfaction or your money back. TheTypewriter Exchange,.w) DearbornSt. Branch of the American Writ­inJl Machine Co ... incorporated. BRIGHTONFlat Clas,. Gartersfor solid comfort, The newest shadesand designs of one piece, pure s""web. All metal parts heavy nickel­plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair,all dealers or by mail.PIfIIEEII SUSPBflllEII �7'1 • ....., Sfreef PIlI..".""".JId�ra 0/ PioruJw 8t1qmfUra.."The Cigarette"�TRADE MARKR�GISTEREOf. A. CONDAX {:, CO. wrr«12 State Street, Chicago, IlL 305 Pearl St., New Yorkl N. Y.THE HYDE PARK PRINTING CO.Succes:rs toGEO. W. CURRIER & co. and MATSON & TRENARY.Publishers.Printers EngrallersWE ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE ANYTHING INTHE LINE OF PRINTING.368 East 5Sth Street.Hotel M:asroorlsll'H ST. AND DREXEL AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel. Hyde Park 373g.The BEST Served atPOPULAR PRICBSRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTERIII Comwc:tio •Day ·and Night SchoolBUSINESS COURSE. SHORT.HAND COURSE. ELEMENTARY PREPARATORY COURSE. ADVANCED PREPARATORYCOURSE. TEACHERS' PREPARATORY COURSE.LAW PREPARATORY COURSE. Pupils May Begin at Any TimeILLINOIS COLLEGE'll COMMERCEFormerly .ATHENAEUM40th Year. 40.000 Graduat�SAMUEL B. WILLEY .. Supt.Phone Harrison 1110. 18 to 26 Van Buren StreetDaintily Delicious. \Perfectly Pur eSurpassinglySmoofhWonderfullyWholesome�-----.------------------------------------------------------ .I FULL DRBSS SUITSTO RBB'rIT. G. SC'HAFFNER I: co.AU Sizes. Sure Fit.We carry "Society Brand" ClothesI Tel. Cftltral 4875- 46 River St.The Yates-Fisher Teachers' Agenty.Paul Yates, Mana&er, Suite 641-I 642, 204 Michigan Avenue. FineArts Building, Chicago.t __THE UBION HOTBLAM> RBSTAURABT11l-1l7 Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR PLACETO EATEither before or after theTheater.We make a Specialty of Cluband Fraternity Dinnera.:VarsHr Cafe ••55th St. and Greenwood AvenueOPEN ALL DAYMeals 20c andChop Suey � Speda.lty Up.. THB DAILY MAROON, THURSDA Y, MAY 21, 1908.... l � -.� .. � .. :.. .• _JI'4 .t ...... '-'-�£..--�_""""""-l.. , " t; i .c '� •.... • _" ;� .. ' ........ �.t • .,..,_ , " .... I. _The 'Varsity"�IOJI:A Catcher on a college' nine- cannot" be toocareful about, the: Mitt he uses-the Big Gam«may - depend on his ability to' hold the ball.. Themajority of 'Varsity Backstops, like the majority ofthe great. League Catchers, useCatchers' MiHsThe arrangement of padding and deep hollowholds the ball every time. Reach Catchers" Mittsare made in tights and lefts,and range in price from 25c.to $8.00 each.The�BaUhas been adopted by the greatAmerican League for a tenyear period. I t is also usedby all the big 'Varsity andPrep. School Nines.TIie� GaaraIIIft®T. I ••• r .... _" .. ." .s.r...GNch is a ,..,aalft 0' 4u1i1r. If�_u,js,.,cliOfl, ., HW .,"ide or ,OIIr .D�Net (eac." o •... ,Is uti .Is _� Sl).• klrJI ............ GUIe'1.,1-�t�h�'t��:!�iU:!JaIl:fi=�I.eagaes. History aad· actiOll pic­tures of the 1907 World'. Series.10 ceDis -:t dea1� or by malLIf "01 al yo"" d",ler's, 711� 7II;U fiU?tJ-MtI" d;r,ct DM ucnjl of IrK',Write fOr 1 .. Rue Ball CatalClPe'a1dfree Due ISaU S&0r7 by Elbert Hubbard.k PM2'CO ..171 SL.,ftC C ' .. 1 .....Se..veThis (OUP�N.. 10"GoOd, for '�.The. Twin Cylinder Indianis the Very Latest in- MOTORCYCLES -- Y�r�,:'�n�f'Be sure your 1908 machine is a two cylinder with mecbani<:aJvalves. All Automobiles have mechanical valves. Don't be deceived,get the Latest.Important - At Riverside Hill climb, California, a Two CylinderIndian made one mile in s8 sec onds, fastest time made in theworld by any kind of a machine. Call and see us. Demonstrationsdaily. HENDEE liFO. CO. 1251 Michipn Avenue, ChicacoTHE INGRAYERSANDARTISIS Ir=-o� IUNIVERSITIES &(oLLEGES iJA�HN & OLLIIR ENGRAVING m.CHICA.GO Bx.ACXFlUARS ADD SECONDSET TO MEMBERSHIP-Seven Members of Chorus· of ''The"Sip of the Double EagleElected.The Second �en.E. C. Hoadley, Floyd P. Willett,W. J. Lewis, ,Vallee O. Appel,Enoch Brand, Elmer W. Beatty,Jerome F. Strauss.The Blackfriars yesterday selectedthe second set of seven men who willcompose the 1908 addition to theclub. The remaining fourteen, whowill be added to the membership thisquarter, will probable be 'chosen be­fore the end of the week. Prepara­tions are now being made for theannual banquet, at which the newmembers will be initiated.Two of the men chosen yesterdaywere Strauss and Brand, who weremembers of the Saxonian chorus. Therest were peasant girls and daisies.BIG ATTENDANCE PROMISEDAT JUNIOR PROMENADE(Continued from page 1)9:00 a. m. - Inter-college TrackMeet-Contests of representa­tives of the men's colleges ofArts, Literature, Philosophy andScience. Interfraternity relayfinals. Marshall field.a. m.-Inter-college HockeyGame. RepresentativesWomen's colleges.Field· The music is 2OOd. the Vaudeville acts are refined aDd briebt. It's aD eutertaitulof the that would do creClit to aDy theater.Marshall --__.�-----New Featares To-Nt.IIL A1f ...... OD COmpUmenlal7.ReservaUoD 01 Tables lD Advaace.STATES RESTAURANT. HEIt�=...:�-:.,.To Talk on SiamAt a meeting of the Sociology cluhto be held today at 4 p. m. in Cohb2('. Mrs. Paul Gerhardt Woolley will , _talk on the subject of the social COI1-'dirions in Siam. She has livcd inSiam wht're her husband, Dr.' \Vool­lev had charge of the gm-ernmentlab�ratorie�. Mrs. Woolley ",·iJl heremfmb�rcd as Miss Helen Thomp­son, wbo took her Ph. D. in psycho­logy and Philosophy at thc_ Univer-sity.I 1:00 a. m.-Trophy Exercis�s-·Pre­sentation of emblems to, mem­bers of the University teams.12:00 m.-Ivy Exercises. Northeastcorner of the Law building. Ivyoration by Hurnard Kenner.2:30 P. m.� Dramatics. 'Zaragueta,'under the auspices of the Univer­sity of Chicago Dramatic club.Leon Mandel hall,5:00 p.' m=-Reeeption by the Wo­men's Houses. Women's Quad­rangles.5 =45 P. m.-Maypole Dances. Par­ticipated in by the women of theSenior colleges. Women's Quad­rangles.8:30 P. m.-The Junior Promenade­Grand march at 8:45 sharp. Bart­lett Gymnasium_w. � • ciillplete UIIt ..IICIl GaOlIlaDiCBre; aDd adropIdIats'IiIstraDlentsat Fifth F1�r, M�Dic TemP�$5.00 Sample Shoes $2�50· , m:,penTEACHERS BoftenUniversity .of Chicaco Students in N��.Demand. No Advance Fee Required. kissersWe have secured positions fMa GIllIe ..for man� University of Chi- blves u4cago students. IazonA WEe number of vacancies I� .1_0, -DoDinow. We personally recom-mend. .rIIe lit CIIIaIICu ... • Cal 5 I. QlIOIIcIWo. SHARP e SMITB (Continued from page I).••• Call or Address ••• 1IICa4iIa. ....... em • ..,.IlUlSION TEiCIERS· AGENCY D."uUnni WilW_iilSQSAGO, 1U. Eagle" will probably also be asked to378 Wabash Ave., Chicago �==�============ give another encore.' These features.____________________________ ��,wUh num�� contribut� by �emen who have been making the suc­cess of recent Reynolds club smok­.•ers, are expected to fill out two hoursf.f fun that will make the prep menforget to worry about the morroWSPLAN VAUDEVILLE INENGLISH i FOR PREP MENmeet.A committ�e was appointed tomake arrangements for the banqueton Saturday night after the meet.This committee consists of Morrison,chairman; Radford and Whitfield.Crowley was added to the entertain­ment committee. .1',."College students in good sized cities looking for businessopportunities during the summer ",'ill do weU to communicatewith W. H. Hutchinson Be Son, 198 S. Desplaines St .. Chicago,Established 51 Years,S�ATE.SRestauranS. E. COR. STA.,E liND ADAMS STS.LUNCHEON FOR BUSINESS MEN AND SHOPPERS-II.SO a. m. t. 2 p.Special attention to quick .emce.9·COURSE TABLE D'HOTE, WITH WINE. at 51.SUNDAYS. 12 TO. P. M. DAILY FROM 6 TO 9 P. Mo,•• pedaI featare aCCOI'IpPnled b, a •• perter ..... c:.I.:l� rith HOIII P••• TO I 4. ••MIDNIGHT IIAUDEIIIL PaOurVisit Piano Stores '. ErrCalBefore making a selection be sure to see. our impressiftexmmts-four Boors of diap1a¥ rooms - Colonial Room, ArtNoveau Room. Louis XIV RolIn, Dutch Room!' Hundreds .fpianos-many different makes- each of acknowledged suprem­acy in its respective claaa-all sales made at minimum fipres.CaD for art booklets of variouS pianos to study at your leisure.Terms to suit your prefaences. Visitors always welcome-noone urged to buyl We are Minne!i;�, an.limes th.nen a Ilie run,cacfi casmd preThe .pby inmd Ro:lin. Tlroon plbse-stefork atiTe sacrithoutThe ICbieagcOeary.Pegues.lIeigs •Schorn 1Falls, �GunlcStaehli!Ross. :P3ge,Sole Agents forCROWN, KNABE. ESTEY,CHICKERING BROs., M#CPHAIL GRAND,CONCORD, H. P. NELSON.Before making a sel�uon visit the Piano Rooms ofGEO.P.BENT211 Wabash Aven ue Chicaco, U. So A.• ...AIUSEIENTS....ILLINOIS T�B GA1UUOXJefferson De Angeles, Blanche Ring,Alexander Carr and 30 others illTHE GAY WHITE WAYThe Dutch Musical Incident,MISS HOOK OF HOLLANDHARRY KELLYin the Bilt Laugh,HIS HONOR TilE MAYOR Totallinnc!Walketrnst.I>retcl1Boyle,CahaleGreen,RornaKesti,Rand,POW_B.BCOLONIALThe Laughing Success of the AgeJoe Weber and his All-Star Co., inTHE �IERROW WIDOW Augustus Thomas' Great Play,THE WITCHING HOURST'UDBBAKERIn the Classiest Comedy with music.ELSIE JANISIn "THE HOYDE�-'LA BALL.HONEYMOON TRAILWith Cecil Leanand Florence HolbrookTHB AUDITORIUM TotSeO!Chica}.tinn.THB WHIT.BYThe best of Musical Farces,THREE TWINS -