lIatly aarnnnTUESDAY. MAY 19, 1908.CHICAGO, Price Two CentsVol. VI. No. 145·:BLUES liD II�DS MEET II_ 'SENIORS COMPLm.ROGRAM_IIG ATHLETIC RALLY Time Table of Events Scbeduled forSenior Day Finished and An- WESTERN FRESH MAN CHAMPIONS BASS IS MAIA&IIG EDITOROF 1908 DAILY MAROONMass Keetine of SeDior and JuniorWomen Enthusiastic. AlthoughChief Speakers are Absent.The detailed program for Seniornounced by Chairman Jordan­Many Events from 10=30 t� 4:00. Board at Annual Meeting Also ElectsAdams News Editor and Frid­stein Athletic Editor.Annouace Anderson of Yale as Day on Monday, June 8, was made 1Dr. public yesterday, The committee,Guest at W. A. A. Banquet onb _I Iheaded y C Jar es B. J ordan, hasJ1IIle e. completed the details of the plan,which has several features not givenThat spirit is not entirely a nega­ by preceding classes,tin quantity among the Univer-sity, Fernald Shifted from Editorship toManagership-Maroon is Largest11 College Newspaper.Preston F. Gass, '09. was electedmanaging editor of The Daily Ma­roon for the year 1908-9 at the an­nual ba nquct and business meeting ofthe board of editors in Hutchinsondining room, Saturday eve. Melvin J.Adams, ·09, was chosen news editor,and A. L. Fridstein, '10, athletic edi­tor. Luther D. Fernald, 'pS, wasappointed business manager at themeeting of the board of directors. AllA race across the for acampus•'. �omen was shown yesterday morn­ing by the amount of enthusiasm dis­played at the mass meeting held by; rbe W A. ·A. in Kent theater. The" fact that Director Stagg and Miss- . Dudley, who were scheduled tospeak, were unable to appear, failedto dampen the ardor of the femininerooters and the cheering, led by MissEthel Preston, president of the as-sociation, was the best that has been and person capable of refereeing such' .. _ the elections were made unanimously ..:.'� f .. a contest with victory to the I�' . , Gass the managing editor elect""aeard in Kent or a long time, yuvI Coach Russell, Carpenter, Canouse,. Straube, Rogen,' Coach Friend,' - .,R�st'ng speeches ..... ·ere made by team to hand in his names. "We've " has been a member of the Maroonv.. .. Bate" Re¥Dolds, Bacon, Crowley. Degenhart,� heri got to win, you know;' is the slogan editorial board since the autumnMiss_ Ortmayer and �hss Kat erme St�p}l1et,_ . Boyd, Capt.· .co mstock, Coyle. Lorenz •. c:1au.....l.t. MI's's' Florence Lawson and of the Seniors "and the umpire .is B d .. I d f . h 111"· I· F id Chi F h quarter of 1907, having begun work�. 511 Y ecrsrve y. e eatmg t_ � �IDI_ year mgs nay. icago res men1I.'I·SS Mary Heap, captains of the the most important man on our. I I . b W first-vear+ ti 1 h as a "hustler' in March, 1901. Dur-"" won a c. ear. calm. to t e ._ estern rst-year tit e, as .no ot er Confer-Junior and Senior baseball teams, team."encc college has made pretentions of a strong Freshmen team. Midway ing the present year he has held therespectively.. also spoke.. The Seniors will, appear <luring the 191 I men and those from Urbana had an e�;ell break indoors, and the out- new.s editorship. He has been on the "'the ·plans for the annua1 W. A. A. ceremonies in cap and gown, and the door meet was needed to senle the 'ri.val claims. .'. v , . literary committee of the 19o5 "Cap.banquet which will be held June 4, procession about the campus to the . �nJ 'Gown .. .and is a member of the, _ a�ced. -Dr; Anderson, .. :., ben�h� aft�� th� Senior luncheon" FIRST IW'O __ .YEAIS· VltlL IInCt ,lO.i'£fElT ��. -�en:-��l,�b�: a.�d_-_ L!,�col�}.��use, �nd�-:_bead �f athletics at Yale, has con- will be m the claSSIC garments. ,The _",__. -- -__, - ! .. ' �-�' .. ,. ,"-1 Is-secretary of the Umverslty Chap-':-::'_scnted to be guest of honor':, and wilt class intends to wear, cap� and gowns' Presi6mt Hunt of Dennison Univer-� �; i\fbietea -Not DiscOuraged' at' fer of the -Brotherhood of St. An-r-» '",,make an address. Tickets for the 'altogether; so that the day's program sity, T�1ls Junior lien to Kuter' 'Showizic APimit . nho�. Whom drew. .-' '-':>hanquet have been placed on sale in may. be more impressive and more in Uncertainty and Develop CbUac- 'Tu,. RoPe to nown at Conference Adams is journalistically but little;f the ,Oaice in- Lexington, and are be- harmony with. the, growing. tradi- ter Before .EDd of sophomore Year. -PreaIaIiieil to � .�� the junior of Gass.1whom he succeeds�' (.Qg purchased rapidly. . tions of the 'University. :: ,�. as news editor. Adams was promot-� 'The .first game of the baseball ser- 'The Day's Prograni "During the first two years of a Confident that the-y will win from ed 'from a reportership to an associ-,--its, Friday afternoon at 1 :15 o'clock. 10:30 a. m=--Raising of- tb� 1908 flag; college stude�t's; life; his instructors the :Badger athletes' wheta . th-e - two ate editorship' 'in the winter quarter. f 11' at the fialWOIe. never kn ow 'ho w he will tum �oU.t·, team, s. meet on 'the. track next Satur- of 11V\7.·· and,' has .served during the. is now claiming' the attentron 0 a :r-'-1Jie ... omen. The game will be played, Address on behalf of the Univer- there is a spirit of gambling among day .at . Marshall field,;che Varsity ath- present ye�r as athletic editor. Hein t'e- umnasi.m yard. The lineup sity, James Hayden Tufts,Dean the faculty at this period'of the' stu- ·Iete�· went through .tbeiz: Pac-es: yes- was on the 'literary committ�e, o� theof the Senior Colleges. dent's life'" These thoughts were ex- terday. They are not discouraged by 1907 ··Cap and Gown, ... atJ1l�tic;:' cd i-Raising of the flag on behalf' of pressed by President Hunt of D�nni- �heir defeat at the hands of ·lIIinois tor of the "Cap ami Gown" this' year,the class of 1908, Charles But,;, son University yesterday morning in at Champaign, consi�ering how the secretary-treasurer of the Mummers;ler Jordan. his address before the Junior men�s lIIini beat- them in the dual meet last anc) a member of the Commonwealth11:00 a m.- The class play, Mandel chapel assembly. ''Where there is an year., 78 to 48, but, won the Confer- club.hall. element of uncertainty there is ex- ence 'by a bare" 1 �-:3 points. They '_Fern�ld: who succeed cd Louis S.12:00 m.--Senior pillow race" across citement," he said. "He may sb,?w are confi<lent that they can defeat the been a �einbCT of the boar� of as-campus. .pro�ise, but no one is sure 'What he Ba<lgers by a larger margin than· 11-· soCiate editors during the past twO!12:30 p. m.-1908-1909 baseball ga�e, �'il) accompli'sh. At the end of the Hnois did. quarters. He was corresponding sec-in "Sleepy Hollow," north _.,of first two yea�s; the element of un- Captain Quigley, will be in ,better retary of the Esperanto club 1907.Haskell museum. certainty ,is elimin�ted. .A man who shape than when he ra� against May, member of the Invcstigators club,1:00 p. tn.-Senior luncheon. Hutch- is carried off his feet by the new '�n:- and is counted on to defeat Morris secretary-treasurer of the SpenccrSOPHOIlORES TO HAND DOWN inson ball cafe, fluences' he is"subject ta' �t�ol��ge and of Illinois in the 220, with an even dub.SPADE AT IVY EXERCISESi 2:00 p. m.-Procession in cap and does not f�rget hIS footing- again by cllance' in the century. Maddigan Fernanld, who succeeds Louis S.go","n from Hutchinson about the end of. his .s:ophomor�, year, . 'is "'ill not b� bothered by the weak Berlin as business manager, has no.wJ� Coaac:il Accepts Proposal to the campus to the "C' bench. pretty' likely to be done -for." "ace, that handicapped him against been elected, to every position onIIake ... Ceremony a Class Concert by the University. of The speaker dwelt �n the 'st�nd�rd� IlIin�is. Merriam will probably not The Maroon( In addition to. sen'ing.-air. Chicago A[ilitary band' at th� by' which � 'm�n should be mea�urt�d be pushed in ,the quarter, and will be as managing editor during the pres-_ "c" benCh.' ,in colleile ;'nd out: able tQ sa,:e himself for hard races in ent year, he has also been connectcdThe Junior College Council has �:30 p. m.---Class· bench exercises, ';1 am more concerned' with- 'what the hlJrdles. "'ith the business department. Fer-accepted the proposal of the Quad- Senior bench. YO� are .gettin� to be in college� t�an Three events in which the Badg- nald h .. s also been managing editor ofranglers, and of Psi Upsilon that the Introductory speech 'by the presi- "'ith "'hat you kno\\"; with your c�ar� �r!l; appear, sure of firsts are the shot the �fonthly :Uaroon,treasurcr of thetransfer of the spade on Junior Day dent of the Senior class, Nor- acter' more 'than "'ith your learning. put with Osthoff, the mile "'ith Junior class. 1906 winner Colonialbe made a more democratic tradition man Barlfcr. All of us ·w-a�t· to.'-b�' big men .. This Blan�nagle, 'and the· two-mile with Dames s�holarship, chairman 19(>8by baving it handed d�\\"n from one Presentation of the Senior cap is a laudable' ambition, if accompan- Drew. .However, Ca1<lwell and Mc- gift committee, chairman arrangc-Sophomore class to another. A let- and gown to the class of 1909, ied by'proper standa;'ds, 'I ,,'m �e Farland may fool the Badger two- :nents 1908 \Vashington Prom, Uni-tcr ,,:m be sent to the present Fresh- Florence Belle Leavitt. you a' way of measoring a man, Take miler, in spite of his "ictory over ,·crsity marshal, and a mcmher of thcman class, asking that a special �eet- Response in behalf of the class the height of his personal, intellee- Formall of Illinois. The broad jump Skull and Crescent, Owl and Scrpcnt,ing of the class be held to elect a of 1909, :\Iary Ethel Court nay, tual and practical ideals� then -the will' undoubtedly be close between .1nd Dclta Upsilon. Fernald wilt be"·oman. to receive the spade from a Presentation of the, University d�pth of his genuine convictions, 'and Gar�ett of Chicago and Coorsen and in the Law school ncxt year.Psi U. Sophomore this year. The hammer to the class of 1909, finally the breadth' of his' sympat�ies; Osthoff of \Visconsin. In recogniation of special ahility asclass of 1912 ",ill elect a man to re- Frank Herbert Templeton. If a nfan is big in all these ·respects, ur am satisfied ,,·itl. the work of a "sub" reporter, Hargrave LOIlb: wasrcive it from the class of 19tt. Response on behalf of the class he is a big manl rio matter -if 'he is Chkag6 against Illinois, e,'cn though elected to the staff of reportcrs forof 1909,De\Vitt Rrewster Light- four feet eight or eight 'f�t' four." they didn"t win," said Dircctor Stagg the present year. Editors anel report-ner, yeste'rday. "The meet was close all ers for 1908-9 «-ill be chosen at thePresentation of the class "_ ift to TI J . 'I th t· I' lub met th'" dI"> le untor'.l' a ema Ica c e _ay, an not an event ,,'as ,,·on June meeting of the hoard.the Vnin'rsit'-" Luther Dana '" tIt 5 m· room � -1·th t th h i J{! h Th I,J ,.cs ert ay a 4:1 p. " 111 .lV'". 011 e ar( est ng t. e resu t The business manager's prO\·isionalFernald. in Ryerson physical laboratory. Mr. means nothing at all as to ho,,· the report showed The :\Iaroon in a 110ur-Response for the University of MacNeish spoke on the topic, "The Confe�nec Wll1 come ootl on account ishing condition.Universal Solution of Algebraic:_,91 Senior class pillow, promise to be themost amusing feature of the day.But quite as interesting will be thebaseball game at 12:30 between theSeniors and Juniors. The Seniorsarc looking with Diogenes' lanternfor a m�n "honest" enough to um­pire the game, so that they will win,and the committee has requested that\ . of tlle two teams follows:Seniors. Juniors.Jeanne Roe P., , Anna, KellyBertha Henderson. c .. Lillian StetzlerOlga Von Dracek R.S.S .. Ella RussellMary Moynihan.LS.S. E. HarrnigtonKatherine Slaught.1 B., Joy FranklinHeleD ,LaaPII�.2 B .. Beulah AmacostROBIa Vogt .•.. 3 B .. Charlotte MerrillEdna' KIine .....•. R.F .. Mary ArcherEdna Weldon ... L.F ... Mildred DanaThe last meeting of the year of(Continued on pap 4)th� N�w Testament club ,,·as heMyesterday at 8 p. m., in south Dh·in­ity parlor. Mr. Oippinger spoke onth� topic, "Paul's Idea of the Au­thority of the Other Apostles."IIIfII,51(Continued on page 4)I Equations." :.� ','f�:��.- , -.THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1908.Unlnralty of Chlcaao.The University of Chicaco - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cobb Hall, 7A_ .. IF&----------.-----�----------------�-------------------------IIso long' since.1fWe are going to the Dramatic.Publlahed dally. euept SudQII. IIoa- dub play just to hear "Zaragueta"da7a anel holldQII. elurl� three qaartenl properly pronounced.ot the Unlnrlllu 7fJU. ,1jWe find the S. A. E.'s guilty of The leading article. of • the Aprilnumber of the Alumni Magazine.which wiJI appear today, is on "WhyMichigan Left the Conference;' byWilliam Scott Bond, '97, of theBoard of Physical Culture and Ath­letics of the' University. The author- .. , Itd1 •• _ar�on 1fe've heard of the Cornell heights, APRIL ALUJINI APPEARS;War 'IUD the Columbia steps. and the Yale FULL OF GOOD FEATURES.fence, but the Harvard stoop is aThe Omclal Student Pub11caUoa or thenew one on us.1iT�e Reds -and' Blues are to have a ----OBLIGED TO DROPOUT OF RESIDENCEEntered u Secooel-c:lua llall at the Ch1caco special athletic' fete. Reminds one ofP08tomce. Chl�' IlIlnola, Karch 18, a certain Orange and Blue fete not "Why lIichigan Left the 'Confer­ence .. " and Other Articles Fill66 Paees of Reading Matter co .... esponden�e CoursesWill enable you to continue yoW- college work and gain the degree.son.College of Education chapel will bequestion of a new womans gymnasi- addressed at 10:30 in room 214, Em-urn presenting a list of varied argu- mons Blaine haJlby Mr. Bertram N el-Editorial omce_Before 8 p. m., E111a ments. She states the. situation here,Hall, University. Tel. Hyele Part 426. and speaks of the conditions, whichAfter 8 p. m., Maroon Presa, 474 E. 5fith DEAN MILLER PUBLISHES she has found more favorable in aStreet. Tel. Hyde Part 3691. VERSION OF LATIN POET dozen other universities.the ldaroon Office, Ellis Hall, or at the No student bod7 was ever more.(o�aculty Exchange, Cobb Hall. satisfactorily reached by a stu­dent publication.1903, under Act of March 8, 1879.Formerl7The UnlTenlty of Cblcaco Weekly.FoundedThe Weekly, Oct. I, 1892-The Dally, Oct. I, 1902.Subscription price, $3.00 per year; $1.00for 3 months. Subscriptions received at 40ae.Wf [II] of tile 36 Maion ,..uired for �raduatioD aaq bedODe b7 c:on.�ce. ,4OY. 300 c:Iua4oom courses an thusoffered b7 _Mn of the u.� Faculties. 4Besides the �­alar Ifi&b School ... Collep Coanes. an ...... ,. that appeal tothole In dlffereat yocUiou-DOtabI7 to teac:hen. ClWork. me)'� at aD7 tJ.e. 4 ...... at office ofTHE CORRESPONDENCE-STUDY DE.PARTMENTBULLETIB Paterson School of Millin­ery and DesigningTH E demand for good Millineryinsures a profitable recreation fur thestudent of that womanly trade.111 addition to the mechanical workof assembling, we develop the artis­tic sense in each student.\Ve teach the blending of form andcolors, and the many features whichgive you an accomplishment whichwill always be a valuable asset.A few lessons will enable you tobe your own Milliner.One regular course-daily c1asses�-will make you· an expert, I .Call or Write for Special summer�violating the smoke ordinance.It is not disputed that the Jarcestcirculation of any college new.paper is held by The Daily I(a­roon. Ayer's 19oB AmericanNewspaper Annual supports thisclaim. takes up aJJ the reasons . for Michi­gan's action, treating the subject THE DAlIa Yfrom a liberal point of view,Professor Siaught discusses the Senior chapel wiIJ be addressed atwork of the University in putting 10:30 in Mandel hall by Dr. Header­students in teaching positions.Miss Esther Hall takes up theson.Y. W. C. L. will hold a vesper ser-vice this afternoon at 4 in Lexington.�1iss Florence Manning will lead, theLake Geneva Conference being thesubject,mer quarter. In its usual place, the Botanical club will meet at 5 p. m.undergraduate . department takes up in room 13. Botany building. Pro-Frank Justus. Miller is the author the student activities of the month, fessor Coulter will speak on "Theand includes a comment on presentof a poetical translation of Seneca, Embryo-Sac in Angiosperms.""The Tragedies of Seneca." This campus improvements. Pow-Wow will meet at 7:30 p. m.volume has called forth most excel- In· another part Dr. Goodspeed dis- in Cobb SB.lent criticisms from the book re- eusses the latest developments in the Romance club will hold a meetingviewers, and has established a place Harper Memorial Library.. at 7:45 in Cobb lecture room. Thefor. itself among the literary classics The annual ballot of the Alumni topic of the evening is "Recent pub-of the time. Association is included, together with lications in Romance."Professor Miller has maintained the Part II of the index of Volume I. Religious Pedagogy club will meetSenecan spirit throughout the trans- This index contains several thousand at 8 p. m. in Haskell 26. Pierre Da­lation in a wonderful manner and in names of alumni. vis, an ex-Catholic priest, will speakthe descriptions the beauties olllie The magazine as a whole, containson "The Conflict Between ChurchLatin poet, so commonly lost in the twelve cuts and sixty-one pages of and State in Education in France."English versions, are represented in reading matter. Maimonides club will meet at 8 p.smooth, flowing English, which m, in Cobb 12B.keeps the original feeling and brings WOllEN ATHLETES HAVE.AFTER-GA:dE �URITY FEASTPRESTON F. GABS. Newa Edltor Announcement is made of the in-LUTIIEll D. FERNALD, Managing Ed1tor Excellent Criticism Greets I'Thestructors and lectures for the sum­Tragedies of Senaca" as a Lit-erary Classic.'out the delicate shades of expression.The introduction to "The Tragediesof Seneca" has. been written by Pro- Junior and Senior Basket-ball Teams Reynolds Club Commission willB.- Hatchet· at Dinner After t t . ht t .. th.. fessor John Manley. This essay, un- -01 mee omg . a 7:15 m S01l roomThe baseball team has been defeat- der the title "The Influence of the CJiampionship Game. of the Reynolds .club ..ed by I1Jinois three times.' 'This all.but Tragedies of Seneca on the' Early An enmities resulting from the des- Womens mass meeting will be held. absolutely p�ts Chi�a-IEngliSh Drama," is o. f � decided lit- perate basketba1l game between the at 10:30 in Kent on·\\tednesday.Back the go out of the runmng erary value. AJI in a1l, this volume teams of Junior and Senior women Brownson club will give an infor-Nine Just for first place, giving makes one of the finest of the pro- were wiped out Friday at the dinner mal Saturday evening in the Rey-'t1\e Same IlJinois the western ducts to literature that the U.niversity given the two teams by Miss Dud- nolds club.,title ag��. Chicago's has put forth in some time. . ley and the fair contestants smoked Blackfriars will meet Wednesday totrack defeat was a clear case of ath- the pipe of peace, figuratively speak- elect the second seven.letic bad luck; but no one can ques- ing of course, over the supply of Baseball game between Chicagotion that the Illini baseball victories MAKE TRIP TO STEEL MILLS goodies placed before them. The and lJIinois will be played at 4 p. m.,of Friday and Saturday were de- banquet was given to the victorious Thursday.cisive. Members of Commercial Geography Seniors and the vanquished Juniors, Band concert will be given at 5 p.After a temporary regret that the Class See Big South Cbicaco in honor of the hard fight put up by m, Thursday.championship making .year should be Plant. them for the championship. Baseball game will be played be-marred by a title loss, it will occur to With the appearance at the latter tween Chicago and Purdue at 2 p.the average Chicago man that now, A trip to the steel mills of South part of the dinner of Miss Eva m., Saturday.- more than evcr, is there occasion for Chicago was the class exercise yes- Schultz of the Junior team, who had Track meet, between Chicago andterday of Mr. Whidden's class inloyal and enthusiastic support of the been carried away by her cohorts in IJJinois, will come off Saturday atbaseball team. It is easy enough for commercial geography. Twenty-five the thick of the fray, suffering per- 3:45 P. m. TAILOR POR YOUNG liENeveryone to support a victorious students of the course went yesterday fecdy dreadful from a nose-bleed, the Y. W. C. 1.. will hold its regular Two stores: 131 La Sane St., andnine, but the rub comes when the afternoon in the rain to the plant of dove of peace was reigning supreme meeting tomorrow morning at 10:30 .44 Jackson Boulevardteam is definitely relegated to second the Illinois Steel Company, and wereover the former field of combat. Af- in Lexington. Miss Florence Chaneyplace. shown about the immense establish- ter the dinner, the two factions vied will lead. . •.ment by guides, who explained the in their cheers for each other, and the Cap and Gown elections will takevarious processes of the ma. nufacture· ... I d d b d .restrvmes were cone u e y ancmg. place in Cobb hall tomorrow fromof steel to the members of the managers: GeorgePresent "Comus�' AIJan Ross. Albert Sabath.Under the direction of Donald Rob- Mandolin club will meetertson, the dramatic club of North- afternoon at 4, in Haskell."My. I never heard so many ques- western University, wi)) give an out-tions in my life." side presentation of Milton's "Co- Students Plan Summer Conferencemus" during the commencementFriars to Complete Electio... week �t the Evanston institution. The Eastern coJleges are making plan�The Blackfriars wi11 hold a meet- play will be given on the evening of for the twenty-third annual Studenting Wednesday to elect the second lune I, which will be the 300th anni- Conierence at N�tb6dd, which is atseven new members, another Tburs- versary of Milton's birth. The play tended by representatives from lead­thank you." 'day to elect the third seven, � i" one of Milton's best· known, but ing . institutions� such as Harvard,. �The Alumni :\ragazine is catch- probably another Friday to elect the alth�ugh it has been produced many Yale, Princeton, Brown, West Point,ing up; the first thing we know the fourth seven. May 26 has �n .men- times in England, it is said that it Annapolis, Amherst and Williams. ItJune number wilJ be published dur- tioned as a possible date f� the an- has Del-a been produced in this coun- extends over a period of three weeksjng the month of June. nual banquet and -iaitiatioa. 117. ain July.t .. ·__ .. _ ...MELVIN J. ADAMS. Athletic EdltorLOUIS S. BERLIN, Bualneu ManagerASSOCIAT& DI'IO&..Jerome N. FrankDPOIlT&ItSA. G. Whitfield, H. B. Fuller,W. A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. HallJ. Sidney Sal key Mamie LillyA. W. Wheeler, A. N. PfefferJ. M. Houghland,Bua1n� oftlce-Befou 8 p. IlL. ElilaHall, UniVersity. Tel. lI.Jde Park 426.News contributions IDA7 be lett at ElllaOall or Faculty Ex�,' adcJreae4 to tileDally Maroa ... , . .� \.. -: o· , ... �,. ,. •With the Carlisle incident fresh intheir minds, the members of the stu­dent body can be counted on for agflod measure of the samc hearty�Upport with which they greeted thebruised and beaten eleven, after thewily Indians had triumphed on thegridiron. Captain Gaardc's nine willbe heard from further this seasonparticuia'l"ly with cordial backing fro�the stands. Even if the 1908 title islost, now is a good time to lay plansfor annexing that of 1909.There is no time like the presentfor an exhii,;l jon of the alJ-the-year­round and winning-or-Iosing brandsof Chicaito spirit.1rAnd I1Jinois said:. "We AlUfOUHODIBlfTSThe participants were: Misses Liver- 9 a. m. until 5 p. m. The candidatesThe young ladies of the party were more, Barrett, Ortmayer, Dudley, are: For managing editors: Paulparticularly impresed with the color Heap, Sturges, Peck, Groman, Nor- Heflin. -Hurnard Kenner, Carl Lam­oi the molten steel, one of them ex- ton, Barnes, Preston, Freund, Cham- bach, Sydney Salkey; for literary edi-claiming: "Isn't it just like straw- b I' L'II H' Ch Ler am, I y, astmgs, aney. aw- tor: Jerome Frank, Miss Jessieberry frappe!" They thought the son, Schultz, Tyley and Evans. Heckman, Miss Mamie Lilly; forgigantic cranes "were just too cute!"and the small engines used about the Northwestern toyards were pronounced "just dear."One of the guides afterward said: Garrett,tomorrow cGLOV.;,.---rII1I112 S11--THERates.Suite 6, I. 6 Madison St.Cor. Michi� Ave.Phone Central 6859This is the time to plantFLOWER and VEGETABLESEEDS •• _ ••We carry a Iar�e variety ofclean and hardy Seeds.Choice Cut Flowersalways on hand. UnderA. McAdamsFLORISTSlrd and KimbarkTelephones H. P. 18 and H •. P. 6c}S7 ._flair Dresmng .. Manicurin&,Shampooing, Facial Massage·ltlADAME ][A nORSCALP SPECIALIST237 E 55th St. Phene lie P. p86Be Sllvalvesget tl�ImPOIIndiaiworlddaily.SPEt;IAL.School and College·Suiting� .$25 $38· and $35---TOWN&COUNTRTSHIRTSmeet every requirementas 'Wen as the highest ex­pectations. 11.50 up.CLUETT, PEABODY � CO., KatenWe Have NoFacilities for everything inPhOtography.Phone Ccatral 60gBORDEN"Condensed 1Iilk, Plaid 1Iilk, CreamaDd ButtermiJk.AD Bottled ill die Countr7.Borda's CondellMd lIiIk Co.. j ..... h_7-'33__ E.__Fo_I't7_--_'ea_tb_S_t._� 447 :8. L •. AMES HAT CO.ONE QUARTER CENTURY AT OLD LOCATION- N_OW AT-90 EAST MADISON STREETTRIBUNE BUILDINGSTETSON SILK AND OPERA,HATSA FAIR DEAL W.ITH EACH' HATUMBRELLAS :-: CANESGLOVES :-: Alvin Prather, a Senior in MorganPark Academy, who is prominent inathletics, has been pledged Phi Delta,Thetn.The inter-fraternity baseball game,which was to have been played yes­terrlay between Alpha Delta Phi andSigma Chi. has been postponed untiltoday, on account of wet grounds.'Phi Gamma Delta entertained Sat-IN CLUB AlO) FRAftBlfITYIIII1'2 State StreetI Chicago, III. tI'---------------------------------------------,---------_______ urday evening at the chapter house• with a dancing party.The Zeta province convention ofPhi Delw Theta, held at Evanstonfast week was entertained by theChicago chapter last Friday night.About one hundred guests attendedduring the evening,The Qundranglers held its annualparty at Midlothian Country clublast Saturday afternoon and evening.The house warming last Saturdaynight of Sigma Alpha Epsilon attheir new chapter house, has beenTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANY the subject of no little comment byPhone Hyde Park 571 Y�bark Ave. and 56th St. fraternity men about the campus. ItThe Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the City ••••• is probable, from several rumors. thatFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed and this example may be copied by sev-Shipped to all parts cf the world. 300 Private Stor- . . .age Rooms. Large Parlor �xclusively for Pianos. cral other fraternities,Rooms for Trunks and Wheels. Large Room {or Delta Kappa Epsilon defeated PhiCarriages, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks to and Gamma Delta Saturday morning" onfrom all Depots. Local Transfers for Baggage, fi" f ".Furniture, Packages, etc., at short notice. .Marshall eld 111 the inter- raterrntySpecial attention &iven to University Orders. I baseball league by the score of 24 to3. The invincible pitching of .Thayer._�� __ ���� __ ��� __ �� __ �_� __ ��.������� for the Dekes w�� the cause of thedownfall of the Fijis. The· Dckeswill play the Psi U.'s this week forthe championship of Section IV,Beta Theta PSI the other member ofthe section, having defaulted..."The Cigarette"�TRADE MARKftfGI�TERfD30S Pearl StreetNew York, N. Y.Hotel Marool'l�58TH ST. AND DRE�EL AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel C-o. Tel Hyde Park 3739-The BEST Served atPOPULAR PRICESRfSTAI)"�ANT J(1tND· iiJNCH···COUNTfR·. ._. ,,In Connection. --------------------. �--'----------------�---------------The Twin -Cylinder Indianis the V ery Latest in-- MOTORCYCLES --Be sure your 1908 machine is a two cylinder with mechanicalvalves. All Automobiles have .mechanical valves. Don't be deceived, .get the Latest.Important - At Riverside Hi.1I climb, California, a Two CylinderIndian made one mile in 58 sec onds, fastest time made in theworld by any kind of a machine. Call and see us. Demonstrationsdaily. HENDEE MFG. CO. 1251 Michigan Avenue, Chicago• NOTED BOTANY STUDENTDIES OF TYPHOID FEVER.Miss Nina Holton '96, In' {ioIVetnment :Service as Abtra:ciet;!�cl·'Tran�:-: �!ator Until Her ·Death.Nina Gates Holton; whb' graduatedfrom this UniversityIn i896,,·died re­cently at Washington, D. C; afte�a three-weeks' illness with typhoidfever. :Miss Holton, while at Chica-'go, made an- enviable record in herwork in botanical microscopy.Since 1901 she had been assistant .to the Assistant Chief of the Bureauof Plant Industry. Dr. Woods. 'Inthis department she had been ap­pointed to the position of translatorand abstracter. because of her com­mand of several languages in whichshe had gained proficiency during hercollege course. Her ability as ab-Daintily DeliciousPerfectly Pur e stractcr and translator met with theS • I highest praise from Dr. Wood�,Urpasslng y :\Iiss Holton was the daughter ofSmooth Professor Isaac F. Holton, formerlyI eminent as a scientist and writer, andWonderfullv' � whose herbarium, said t� be second,. only to the Gray collection at Har-Wholesome vard, is now in the possession of. the: University of Chicago. The Gray--------.- herbarium itself was largely of Pro--.�:-; _ .... DlDUiAK ."Malar /I aQI­·SUiililWis.--·We have· a �eod· business opportunity for young menwho wish to work in Chicago during the summer. Callon or address C. B. Hall, Sales Department, W. H. Hutchin­son & Son, 19B S. Desplaines St., Chicago.,_ . Established 57 Years.�--.---------� .... --�--------------------------�----------�������-----------------------------------,C. MOO.RE•• FLORIST ••212 E. 55th Street. ,Tel. Hyde Park 38. 1I,E.III1826 W. 63rd Street1 Tel. Wentworth 2038.I- . _ ...COLLEGE LARDElt���� .,447 E. 55th. Street. IIS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO EAT.LUNCHEON 20c UP. EVENING DINNER, 25c. I"PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS EATING." fessor H olton's collecting. Previousto her entrance at Chicago. Miss Hol­ton had taught in various schools.and had studied a year at Wellesleyand at the University of Zurich, inSwitzerland.Phone Hyde Park I252FIDELITY LAUlIDRYCLARK a: READ, Props.68.t-686 E. 6Jd St.Special Attention Given to StudentWork. A Postal Will Bring Wagon.Your Druggist Will Tell You.That Murine Eye Remedy CuresEyes, Makes Weak Eyes Strong,Doesn't Smart. Sooths Eye Pain andSells for 50 Cents.Murine is a Reliable Relief for allEyes hat need Care. Druggists andOpticians sell it at Soc per bottle. - -.lHE TIME· -THE PLACE-t· NOW· -161 WABASH' CBRIGHTONFlat Clasp Gartersfor solid cum fort. The newest shadesand designs of one piece, pure silkweb. All metal parts heavy nickel.plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair,all dealers or by mail.PlONEEII SUSPOIIJEII CD..7'18 ......, Street ""''''e''''''aJliUn-I of PiMt«r 8uqntJn-,l·P. F. JENSENMERCHANT TAILOR512, 175 Dearborn StreetSOLICITS YOUR TRADE FORHIGH GRADE GARMENTS"·�----------------------------------ITH� HYDE PARK PRINTING CO.succesors toGEO. W. CURRIER & CO. and MATSON & TRENARY.Publishers EngrallersPrinters· -. WE ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE ANYTHING INTHE LINE OF PRINTING.368 East, 55th Street. I� � __ � T�� tOUPONIOcGood for2he'.' New· WellingtonHotel. at Fifth Floor, Masonic Temple$5.00 Sample Shoes $2.50 .. Directly opposite theUL1NOIS THEATER'..... ......" ., ! � ... },.$loo,ociO . ¥ng_ Spent in Improve-�en�. 'R�� 'Sing� oren. Suite •The New FamousINDIAN GRILLAND RATHSKELLAR. U nexcelled Cuisine and ServiceSpecial After- Theater Suppers: "The Wellington Orchestra"McClintock & Bayfield,. Proprietors,THE INGRAYIRSANDARTISTSF""O �UNlYERSITIES &(oLLEGESJAHN s OLLIER ENGRAVING mCHICAGOI· SMALL PRICES- BUT­BIGVALUESBIG BARGAINd in LADIES &: GENTS FURNISHING GOODSat THE MORN ING STAR385 East .Fifty.Fifth Street. DRY GOODS STORESHALL PROFITSand a l per cent discounton all purchases \.THE CLARKTEACHERS' AGENCYCIIICIIO: 17b1tV ............. 1 ......... : _.. ...B. F. C·LARK, PROPRIETORDirector Stagg, as chairman of theOffice: Suite 70S, Venetian Bldg. Western committee in charge of theAmerican Olympian athletes, an- Sigma Alpha Epsilon gave anounced the results to date of the moker to the fraternity men of theappeal to club men of this city. A:s:- University at their new house onThe Yates-Fisher Teachers' Agenc.y cording to Mr. Stagg, $225 were con- MODt"oe avenue, Saturday night, andPaul Yates, Manager, Suite 641- triLuted up to the noon mail yester- recognizing the majesty of the law,642.. 204 Michigan Avenue. Fine day. the Greeks subpoenaed turned out enArts Building, Chicago. "Contributions 'are streaming in masse.steadily," explained Mr. Stagg yes- Everybody was there, even a fewtcrday, "'Ve are pleased with the socially inclined faculty membersway the members of Chicago clubs were seen wandering in and out ineire responding to our call for support the haze of smoke, which so effec­of atulctes from the West. tively violated' the much-heard-of"How many athletes we will send smoke ordinance. Refreshments of.every kind were to be found in thedepends on how much is contributed,and how great, our chances will be dinin� room in such profusion thatdepends on how many athletes repre- even the continued attacks of the'sent the United States. We should hundred hungry Greeks present failedlike to raise $500 at least by a week to make an impression on them.from Thursday, when the tryouts for Urged on by the hospitable S. A. E.'s,Western athletes will be held on I�cry one did his best, and he whoMarshall field." did not eat at least ten sandwichesternate. Norman' Barker, as vice-Or any Southern Point chairman, will be head of the CouncilTicket 0fIice, I� South Clark St. TrY Murine Eye Remed�. for the remainder of the quarter.:DearboiD Station, Polk aD. For Red, Weak, Weary, Waterym St. Eyes. Murine doesn't smart-it Small ads. in the Daily Maroon......... � Se. sootIIes Q.e paia. Jwiap aree fttaras.A faultlessly fitted FullDress SUit is probably themost useful one a man canown" and certainly it is themost essential to have perma­his wardrobe.There's no use puttingmoney into Full DressClothes, unless you pro­cure an exact fit and ab­solutely .correct style instrict accordance withfashion's latest edict. Weoffer a special Full DressSuit complete with extraTuxedo Coat. made ofthe best materials, tailor­ed to fit and hang exact­ly right, and in themost approved mode, allforSEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARSTHE BOWS COMPANY805 Masonic TempleChicago£entral £amera £0.REMOVEDTo 179 Wabash AvenueCAMERAS. KODAKS and.PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIESDeveloping, Printing and EnJar�g.Cameras and Kodaks Rented_ and Exchanged.Telephone Central 59630Residence, H.P. 961. Office, Cen. 3765DR. FRED W. PARKERDENTIST34 Washington StreetHours 9-12. 1 :30-5 :00.VARSITY CAFE55th St. and Greenwood Ave.OPEN ALL DAYMEALS 20c ANDChop Suey aSpecialtyPULL DRESS SUITSTO RBB'lT. G. SCHAFFNER a co.AU Sizes. Sure Fit.We cany --Society Brand" ClothesTel. Cmtral 4875- 46 River St.TRAVEL OYER THE1=111: ... :13111111LAFAYETTE.INDIANAPOLIS,LOUISVILLE,CINCINNAT�DAYTON. . rv..Meagher and Felsenthal toAgain Next Saturday. iContinued from pace J) .Page Pitches in Great Form" but I ,Dramatic CllIb Rehearsing for An-Cleary and Rosa Make Fatal other Succeu.-"F"me," Says- Mr.Errors. Robertson. Saturday. Captain Harvey Meagher and Ed-ward Felsenthal played their matchBaseball candidates are looking to "Caramba." of the opening round of the Univer-the games with Minnesota and Pur- There is immediate danger of cor- sity golf tournament on the Jacksondue on Marshall field this week. They ruption in University Dramatic cir- Fark links Saturday without a vic­expect hard contests with both nines des, if the Spanish influence gets -t ory for either. At the finish of theand are especially anxious to beat loose and strays away. match, the score was a tie, each ad­the Gophers. Careless playing was This expletive might be heard Ire- ditional contestant finishing thealone responsible for the defeat of quently almost any afternoon after 4 course in 64. They could not make.the Varsity nine at the hands of 11- o'clock, in Kent theater. The case convenient arrangements for playinglinois at Champaign. Despite the fine is not, however, so dangerous as off thc game Saturday, and will op­t wirling of Page, the Orange and might first appear, for :'Caramba'· pose each other next Saturday.Blue won from Captain Gaarde's men :really means nothing bad at the score of 3 to I. But it is real Spanish, and there is EXPECT TO DEFEAT BADGERSUp to the sixth inning, Page held a lot more of real Spanish in the play,the mini batters without a hit. In but fortunately it has been reduced to "In spit ... of the general restriof advertising patronage duringfollowing the panic of la�t fall, which college publications in pi,ticular suffered, and even periodilike Munsey's, Cosmopolitan and UClurc"s lost from 30 to 40 per eThe Maroon' has shown a considble increase in the amount ofadvertising run," said Berlin. 'subscription list has been greatly extended. and now The Daily Maris recognized in Aver's NewspaGuide as having the largest circulition of any college daily. While' ;Wiliam, La'l�Vol. '.: �"SCORexpenses of publication have inere(Continued from page I)the sixth, a bounder was batter' out terms which are quite understandable ctl_ considerably over r0-:07,tbe ioe,to Cleary, who instead ?f limiting the to a mere American. "Zaragueta," of the entrance of so many more ath- ed expenditure will be offset by tbnumber of bases to one, let the which is really pronounced "Thara- lctes than ever before, and more par- increased income of the paper."sphere slip through and Bussick got gueta,' is going to be ODe of the ticularly the Stanford team." According to the constitutionto third on it. He was brought in a brightest comedies that the Dra- The freshmen have a meet sched- The Maroon. the net profits for thfew minutes later. matic club has ever attempted. uled with the Northwestern freshmen year are to be divided between th. Ross' anxiety to field two bunts At the Saturday rehearsal, Mr. at Evanston next Saturday. They are\ ... hich would have rolled foul, and Robertson said: "Fine." That is a elated over the showing they made board, the managing editor recei .�which he threw into the grandstand; small word, but considering the against the Illinois yearlings, and ex- 25 per cent of the total profit, �was chiefly instrumental in bringing speaker, it was enough to put joy pect to win easily from the athletes news edtior IS, and the athleticin the two runs for Illinois in the into the heart of Manager Hender- along the north shore. As a side at- tor 10 per cent. In addition, the exeighth. Thus, of Illinois' three son. Characteristic of the Latin peo- traction to the meet, the rival first- ecutive editors and the business IDa;runs, not one was earned, and but .ples, the play of full of a fire and go year baseball nines will play. ager are given scholarships by �for the careless playing of Chicago, that has been very successfully , University.all would have been shut off. -brought out by Professor Howland's The June election eill leave .a.-SWIll,students at Minnesota are agitating ber of vacancies on the staJf. of.a movement for a college theater. porters of The Maroon" whicbMichigan also is considering the pur- Le filled from the "cubs." whochase of a leading Ann Arbor thea- He DcHoweJThat. Confer;. desiral;', tion�.:',an arti;( Alumn\� liam S�: mild \1The Varsity team is determined to translation" and this, combined withwin the next game from the Illini. M�. Robertson's excellent dramaticOvitz will probably pitch for. the interpretation, is bound to result in a � the C�'''\Ve f�; a 111C[!�Slll' i;�. j'0grapl'. -hcr st.��·:�,sOJl tlstate university team, but he is not successful production, if all goes well ter.feared. He 'was found for seven hits with the dramatic personae.last Friday, and is considered no Rehearsals are being held everymore invincible here than Hinrichsen. day, and although the time is short, Try a classified adPresident Sherer hopes to have Maroon.CLUB MEN GIVE $225 things well under' way at least twoTO OL YMPIAH SUPPORT weeks before the dress rehearsal.- been connected with the paperone quarter or more. Their pwill be filled, from among those ..,in the Daily begin work before the close of t� itquarter. her.-.numb.; scpara,. ellcc.: perha:\; guess. trouh. that ,1. .havc­. iii difDirector Stagg :says Responses Are S. A. lEo GIVEs SUCCESSFULComing in Steadily and Results HOUSE WARIIING SMOKER!Are Satisfying. rU)O Fratemity Jlea Vie in Efforts toconSume Sandwiches, Cigar-etsaud 1Iusic:.I�- Rand� ·Street, Chica&OFINEST AMERICAN CUISINESERVED ,: ous c:':at :\"1______________________________ .... � •. : ablehash;tli cc....AIIJSEIEm....UP 1i,!I tenseathleleticTHB GAIUtIOKJefferson De Angeles, Blanche Ring.Alexander Carr and 30 others inTHE GAY WHITE WAY The Dutch Musical Incident, .MISS HOOK OF HOLLANq crcaslooka hrrbestyearditiicisurrnandCnnrst.uuall tlwhatheartYl'ar:hutconuPOW_RS'Augustus Thomas" Great Play,THE WITCHING HOUR OOLORI.&LThe Laughing Success of the AceJoe Weber and his All-Star Co., iaTHE MERROW WIDOW'------- .. _-.STUDBBAJ[�aIn the Classiest Comedy with music.ELSIE JANISIn "THE HOYDEN" LA SALL.HONEYMOON. TRAILWith C.cil Leanand Floreac:e Holbr�"and smoke a couple of dozen cigaretswas branded as a quitter.During the course of the evening,several of the Blackfriar troupe sangselections from the opera.accompaniedby the S. A. E. orchestra, which suc­cessfully distanced everything thathas been heard around the University,in some time.SENIOR PROGRAM COMPLETE TBB AUDITORIUM tonChicthat'lB. WBrr •• yThe best of Musical Farces,THREE TWINS(Continued from page I) HARRY KELLYin tbe Bill Laugh,HIS HONOR THE,MAYORChicago, Harry Pratt Judson.President of the University.Class Poem. CI'1IIl1 i"n �SPECIALTypewriters Rented-3 months$5 and up. Typewriters sold OIlpayments, from $10 up. Best ba, guaranteed machines. A.-.DaIr a T,pewdter Co., I. �St. Central &1.,. .�,TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Reut­Special rates to students; baqainsin re-built machines. W.· White­head, 36 La Salle Street. gan':COll,'lowsThomas HarveyClass oration,Sanderson.Presentation of the Senior benchto the class of 1909, Henry Bu­e1l Roney.Response in behalf of the class of1909, Hatry Arthur Hansen. cxprFernald Resigns from Senior CouncilOwing to pressure of other busi­ness, Luther D. Fernald has resignedfrom the Senior College Council ofwhich he was chairman. His resigna­tion bas been accepted, and his mem­bership in the Council will be filledby Miss Elizabeth Thielens, his al- -xoi trca-,.it hIothclhatferci9:00 p. m.-Convocation reception. RELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month.from our own factory, equipped '5 and 20 cents. Commutation tid­with modem mcachinery" 250 horse ets, $3.50 for $3- 10; $1.10 for $ faction or your money back. TheTypewriter Excbanp,319 Dearborn WANTED-Young man or wo_St. Branch of the American Writ- it) work for board. Mrs. Bamtt,ing Machine Co., incorporated. sSoJ Madison ave • fl"��. it "iClass sons."Alma Mater." Ellis Cafe, 5489 Ellis avenue, meals