(,\iatly ilarnnnVol. VI. No. 142. Price Two CentsCHICAGO, TH.URSDAY. MAY 14, 1908.IIIENT PLUS WESTERN IMAKE JUNIOR DAY PLANS WED HI.ER, CIVIL·. rwoNoTEDMEN"':HOLEAV� TRYOUTS Elo WORK OFAGGRESSIOI A MEIACE Committee Held Meeting Yesterday SelYICE IBETS CllSS WAR . THIS QUARTER J VARSITY AND FRESHMENat Which Plans Were Outlined-Prom Tickets Can Now be Bought ProfessOr Commons Makes Anal,-professor Thomas Says thina Will from Committee Leads. of Conditions WorkiD& TowardSUrpass Occident After Master- and A way from Clua Conftict.Day are as follows:9:00 a. m.-Junior College Track fessor Commons in this connection,Meet" "the outlet afforded by" political op-r':'sor Thomas alludes to Japan as a .. . Iik f I' d '"II d10 12:00 m.-nanting of Ivy and Ivy portunmes, I e ree an I WI gra-CODling power," of tremendous pro- Oration. ually close, and the class struggleIIIIrtions 'in. the"" wo;ld·s arena. .·11 b .. t "r 2:00 p. m.-Dramatic Club Play. WI ' ecome more 10 ense.He goes into' a discussion of the9:00 p. m.-Junior Promenade" In support of his contention thatcauses for the friction with the Ori- immigration is proving a safety valvetilt, especially with China. He says KALAILU GIRLS TO FAVOR to class conflict, Professor Commonsthat the universal antipathy that ex- says: "immiara. tion bas a three- fold �"HERE MAN" AT CLUB DAN�g 0"Bts between races of different color-: effect. At fi�st i� intensifies the con- ;al skins is the result of a refusal to Final Mair of. Kind will be Given flict' of classes in'. ,t�e dominant race, �naSon, and that as the Eastern and_ �ay 2'1- at:t1Ie ,�,.� ,�ex�, .!�-:,�'��!e�t.����.·, .selif.p�r�.:.:W��rri .... ��tionplse'their reason this:-::. �o('OI.t .,.Jr. l.� : . m.:a'fy; �fieu � '� �� "other 'causes for animosity will: ; their claildr� ,are Americ:aDiud �isappear. For theiirst-time Siaee.tbe·�_i pr�theY .. ftlleW.'dU�,: r" •"In comparing the conditions that zation was founded, the- KaIailw girls; meirt:- ,. WhIle iminiRnltion continue�:::.. . .�uce conflict, and the tendencies. members of that freshmaa hoDOrary in lUeat volume. class lines will be;!-::-: : Prof�'r_'E4win Erie- Sparksmat are growing toward a harmon- sr.ciety, win aive � dance for the forming and reforming. weak and :T� '. -,. b . ·:-f-h' -. f .l' t' P. , 0·· . .' mem ers 0 t e acu ty o. r�iring of the orient and occident, the unstable. To prohibit or greatly re- -: H" E'" d: .'. 'I . -. :' k bmen." .• •. ..., mner given. ast wee ytriter says in part: The afJai.r will be held in the Rey- !Ztrid Immigration would bnng forth 'f . 'S· k . d' Z bl� . II dessors par s an ue 10, ca e a t-Japan a 1Ienac:e Jd I b Wed---..I-. .,.._ ad' eiass' conflict within a generation." : '. . " " -" ,. . no s- e u , �Y.- JJt&ay Zi, a tention .to.' the double loss of unusual-"Owisrg to the ease of communica- h . 1· d' I b The writer describes the manner int e young glr s mten to ce e rate, I lj noted' men which the Universitylion, a rapid movement of integra- their good fortune in a somewhat which great corporations use promo-] will sustain this, quarter, Professorlion is going on, and while all people elaborate way. They originally plan- tion to quell brewing trouble. "If Sparks has already gone, and taken uptiIl not rapidly become of one 'blood, ned to have. their party on Saturday scientifically managed, as is done bY: hi� '\\"�rk' this week . as president of� are with the swiftness of of this week, but the freshman track the great corporations, "he says; "�t Petlh State�Colleg� .. P�ofessor Zueb-iotJght becoming of one conscious- meet at llli""""I"s led to a change len produces a steady evaporation o�' \ ! ' .'. ., - .. ' ." .• '" lin is - winding 'up his affairs in Chi-leSS. In the hands of one alien race the arranzemenrs. class feeling. I have often come � . . ,. ' .. ,... • eago, and ,,,;�I Ieave for Boston with--hite methods are having a more The Kalailu society is to promote upon fiery socialists and ardent trade- in a few weeks. Both of these mencomplete and rigid application than good feeling and friendship among unionists thus vaporized and trans- will be engaged in an even widerIe have been able to make of them. the O1I,"rls of the Freshmen class, and formed by this elevating process,": ; f - k- . 1 hi h hI'! " , field 0, wor than t 1at.�· IC t eywe begin to fear that we have the parties by the young ladies each These employes of great corpora-!Used a devil which we cannot lay year are attended by the feminine tions, according to Professor. C()mf� the score of hard labor and a 10"· portion of the entering class almost mons' analysis, are unlikely alike' tolWIdard of living, we cannot com- entire. join unions and to enter 'Politics. A�, Ifd� with the oriental, and the orien- to their attitude toward the Socialis�tal world is large l'no�l-=h to over- POW-WOW WILL BANQUET party, he says: "They distrust p�litnelm us and smite us �ith a swo .. d tics, they think the Socialist f.a,rt�dich we have put into his il'lnds. F� Chab AppoiDts Committee has no cbanc�, they are not wi1l�ngwhen we reflect that if a world- to Arrance dair to lIuk Clo. to lose their jobs, they are in' ��qroadict for racial supremacy arises, of Year. minority, and the great mass of 'theirI ers over the entire country.the colored races of the world will fellow-workmen have but little :-time 440 yard run-�rerriam, Quigley., Iand strength to think of anything WOllEN'S GLEE CLUB· TO Lingle, Garrett .. Shuart.except the gossip of their daily �O!'k� GIVE' ANNUAL CONCERT 2.20 yard dash-Quigley, �Icrriam,I do not look for a Socialist party·t;o Lingle, Garrett, �[organ.recruit. these "oters-I look for a I'rogram Being Prepared for and 2.20 yard hurdles-�Ierriam. Stcf-de�agogue. Here is a backstairs for .Dance to be Given May 23 in icn. Garrett, Morgan.manipulation, corruption and class Lexington. 880 yard run-Garrett. Shuart.�1 er-le:gisl�tion. When the public shalt riam. Whipp. Smith, )ohlin. Lin�1c.have more direct means of expressing The Womens· Glee duh of the Two mile run-Caldwell, �[cFarland.tee. A program will be arranged to its ".·m through direct· nomination, University will give it .. annual con- Klin�. Johlin. Dolin.be gh·en in conjunction with the ban- direct election, initiative or referen- cert and dance Saturday evcning.�lay Pole vault-)acohs� Henneherry.dum, then ".·e may expect class con- 23. in Lexim;ton halt. Definite ar- Steffen. Cleary.Rict to subside." rangements· for the program of the Discus-Maddigan, 11Iuhhle� Schom-Speaking of the methods o.f the big annual function are now being per- mer. Ehrhorn.trU!ft the writer says: "The primitive fected. "Considerable attention is Running High Jump-Schommer,competition of employer. against: em· being given to the selection of the Hubble �forgan.Capt. E. R. Me�cer of the George ployer is a children's game, com- numbers,'· said Miss �lary J. �Ioyni- Shot put - �1;HMigan. Schommer,School of Philadelphia, in competi- pared with the modem competition han, yesterday, "and a program of Hubhle Ehrhorn.tion there yesterday. made a new in- of manager against manager checked high standard is promise(i. The con- Running broad' jump-G:lrrett.Hen­terscholastic mark for the pole vault up every month by the cold statist�cs certs in past years have heen very nebt"rry, �Iorgan. Steffen. �[('rriam,of 12 feet 1-2 inch. The previous of cost. Under this system, man- !iiuccessfnlly given and l\·e are ex- Schommer, Ga:"t'rle. Hubble.scholastic record f..or the pole vault pecting to continue that success this,,"as II feet .5 1-8. held' by.C. A. VaiL tcoali .... oa .... J) year."ing Western Science. Junior Day plans were announcedyesterday after the holding of a Decides Widespread Class StruggleNature meeting of the chairmen of the vari- Between Capital and Labor is NotInevitable. Though Possible.OCcidental Control Overous committees. Chairman Ross in­structed the various committee headsWest's Only Advantage, and thisCan be ACCluired. If immigration to the UnitedStates should be cut off, there wouldbe a great class conflict in progresswithin a generation, according to theopinions expressed by Professor JohnR. Commons, in the May number ofthe American Journal of Sociology.as to their respective duties, and ar­ranged for the Junior Promenade.Chairman Morgan announced thattickets for the Prom are now readyand can be procured from Ross, Mor­gan, Latham, MacClintock and Mc­N eish. Morgan also reported thatBenson's orchestra of twelve pieceshad been engaged for the occasion.An outline of the plans for JuniorThat oriental culture, combinedlith the science, force, and aggres­sion of the occidental, will « produceI "devil. that we cannot lay," is the",inion expressed by. Professor W.L Thomas of the department of so­ciology, in an article on "The Sig­ai6cance of the Orient," publishedill the l\lay number, of the AmericanJourn:,1 . of Sociology, which was is­saW from the Press yesterday. Pro- Professor C_ommons also declaredthat ci'vil service laws are encourag­ing a division into c1a¥es. "If civilservice reform continues," says . Pro-..The Pow-wow is making prepara­tions for a banquet to be given atthe end of the month as a finale for·tably combine against the "'hite,that the yellow and black racese t,'cn now vaguely contemplatingh a combination, we may well beirighted. the year's work o.f the society. Thecon�mittee appointed consists ofPeak, Appel, C. W. Smith and Car­penter. The exact date and place ofthe affair will be left to the commit-Benefits of, Combination"While it is evident that increasing:ommunication between the whitelid yellow races means more strains,leW accommodations, nell· ideas, a,WIer and richer consciousness, andmorc rational control, it is. I thinkiIIpossible to predict t he preciseIfps which ".i11 be taken in furtherteYc)opment, or the order in whiche steps will be taken. We have, quet.An extemporaneous debating con­test will be the program for the meet­ing next Tuesday night.,. (ColltiDued OIl pa .. 4)_It\·cr. a general indication of thehod of progress in the history ofn'al ideas, and in the fact that aIe may become dominated by Professor Charles Zueblinhad in - charge' while at the 'Univer­sity., Professor Zueblin will be in­trusted 'with 'the expenditure of sev­eral million �dollars' in' settlementwork in Massachusetts, while P.ro­ress�r Sparks will be the chief ex-ecuth'c of one of the largest and bestknown colleges of Pennsylvania.Both men ,are well known as lectur- Athletes, Except Schommer and Tim_blin, Fit for Chicago. Day Meetsat Champaign.Director Stagg Announces Entries-­Straube Runs Fast Hundred inFreshman Trials.Varsity and Freshmen took theirlast workout yesterday for the meetswhich will be a part of Chicago Dayat Champaign tomorrow. The two 'squads, accompanied by the baseballmen. will leave in the morningthe Illinois stronghold.Tryouts were given all thc fortrackathletes, special attention being givenf . ,the Freshmen. Straube's work in thesprints was the chief revelation, Henegotiated the hundred on 'a heavytrack in 10tf..5, and looks a match forthe Lllinois yearling Stephenson, who:indoors had things his' own way.Menaul also showed up well.Bresnahan and SturgeonCanouse, who was injured indoors ina basketball game. He should winthe quarter mile if in shape. Timb­lin will not enter the half, in whichhe had a cinch for first, and it isdoubtful if Bresnahan can take theevent away from Hopkins.Following are the Varsity entries':.1.20 yard hurrlles=-Stcffcn, Merriam,Garrett.100 yard dash-Quigley, Merriam,Steffen, Gaarde.One mile run-Steffa. Johnlin.Cald-well, �lcFarland, Smith, Dolan,Kling.(Continued on page 4)THE DAILY MAROON, THURlSI)AY, MAV 14, 19b8.EXAMINE FOR ASSISTANTPA),MASTER OF NAVY --�'�"f latlu lIaronnBULLETINIF OBLIGED TO DROPOUT-OF RESIDENCESNELL A COMPETITOR OFTHE CAP AND GOWNThe omclal Student Pub11cat1oa of the .• "1'1.:_ .U I ral .cooler for IgoS to ·ContaiD A&UU� Navy. Department .... Issues Announce-D 1'e tl of Chlcap.· . .. �Pages and be Out by the First ment of Examination to be Held,of JUDe. .. Jwi� 2g.-ICDtereo .. Secood-dua Mall at the CblcqoPoatomce. Chlcqo. 111100'" Mareb 18. co .... espondence COU .. sesWill enable you to continue your college work and gain the degree.qODe-half [18] of the 16 Majon required for .raduatiOD -1l7 bedODe b,. correspoDdence. qOver 300 class-roolD counea are thusoffered b,. lDelDben of the UDivenit,r Faculties. qBeaide. the .,q.ular High School aDd CoU.e Counes. are lDaD,. that appeal tothose � differeDt vocatioas-Dotabl,. to teachers. flW OI'k IDa)'begin at aD,. time. qlDquiut at office ofTHE CORRESPONDENCE·STUDY DF..PARTMENTroster, containing- short biographiesof all members of the hall, includingTI b f h S· I Oriental club will meet at 8 p. m.the place of birth. the student's rec- lose mem ers 0 t e eruor c assh desi . f I ffici I S in Haskell. Dr. Jerome \V. Egbertord in brief previous to and after en- W 0 esrre copies 0 t re 0 era ou-BualD.� omce..-BefOl' 8 p. IlL, BIlla venir Program, and have not as yet will speak 'on "Trade Relations Be-Ball, Unl't'eral�. TeL 1b'4e Park Us. tering the University, honors won. ordered them, may ·.still do so, as the t. wcen.jthe United States and India:'and ambitions for the future. 'Therefinal date for ·receiving. orders has' 'Newa cODtrlllutlODll ID&7 be left at �118 will appear a list of honor, contain­been extended. 'Thi·s. action, has beenBall or Facul� Exc:baD&e. adclreae4 to the ing the names of Snell's numerousDalll MarooD. literary lights and athletic stars. The taken because of ·tlie' slowness with ' Pre-medics" club will hold apages -of the annual will, as, usual, which the orders have 'come in so cial meeting .in Kent" at 10:30.b bri f 11 f . d • k ,. hi far. The committee realizes that members shouk 1 be present.e rrm u 0 grl� S, JO es, ints, , 'locals, and hall new�" but the wit there are many who desire ·th�se pro- Chairmen of committees of Rey-and humor will be sharper and, more grams and �ishes all to, have a noIds club commission will meet atOf the impression which the new sparkling than ever. "The gene·r.al at- full opportunity for getting 'them. 11:30 in the south room of the club.roads have made on the University tractiveness of the number will be A sample of. the· program may be Pre-medics club-A special meet- A. G. SPALDING & BROS.public there can be n()]added to by photographs, including a seen at the Information office and or- ing of the Pre-medic club will beThose doubt. :he. impression front view of the hall and pictures ders left at the Faculty Exchange, in held in Kent this morning at 10:30.New on the mterrors of the- of Mark Wheeler, the Y.· M. C. A. care of E. G. Felsenthal, chairman of It is important that every memberRoads University buildings is secretary, and A. B. Hall, head of the the Program Committee. should be there. .Ieven more marked. house. The list of names of the class roll Junior class exe�tive committeeThey' certainly bear eloquent testi- One hundred and fifty of the 250 has been posted in Cobb hall, and will meet in Cobb 3:\ at 10:30 today.mony of the staying qualities of the copies to be printed have already prospective graduates are requested Chicago Day at Champaign will beconstituents of the new paving. Un- been subscribed for, at So cents, to see that their names are pruiJerly held ,Friday from 1 :45 to 6 p. m.fortuntely, these constituents stay where single copies are wanted. Of included. The list is intended to in- There will be a track meet, a base- Why Spalding's Shoes are Best, Becau5� we use the best Kangarooon the floors, rather than the road the $70 worth of ads secured, $60 io; elude all graduates of March, June. hall game and a Freshmen track leather for the tops.surfaces. now in the pockets of the business August and December, 19Q8. meet. On Saturday there will be an- Because we use the best ,WhiteAt fi st blush it·a h other baseball 1!ame. Oak Leather for the soles.r , ppears somew at manager. r.ecause we use the finest Handridiculous to criticise otherwise sat- TO DECIDE HOLDING A Mathematical scholarship examina- made Steel Plates obtainable.isfactory pavements merely b�cause FIFTY COUPLES BRAVE RAIN DOWNTOWN PERFORMANCE tion wiII be held Saturday. Because they are made in our ownfactory, by men who have been inthe top layer shows a decided ten- Blacldriars to Hold Meeting This Mathematics club ,\·m mcet at 4: t 5 our. employ for many years, and,fromdency to migrate and become an up- Senior Dance Added to List of IgoS Frid;ty. Mr. Dresden and Dr. Lunn �hclr kl1(""'�(;dge and experience,knowh II Moming-Cast and Chorus ·11 k '. U5t what IS requ.·red.per strata on a and club room S �._1 ·at WI s,!lea·. Iuc\.�UJ Soa Events. Favor It. I.n addition to this, we use lightfloors. However, the fact is patent wIt I I . IIRain Prevents Ba b II k 51g � cat ler, specla y tanned, tothat already much damage has been Bad weather made the attendance A meeting of the Blackfriars will ' . se a Wor gIve It the additional strength sodone, and will continue to be done to A serious crim� was put in th(' nece�sary in an athletic shoe. Furth·at the Senior class dance yesterday be held this mOTning to make a final I .' I b I II f f ' ermorc when we say a shoe IS·all Valuable floors in campus build- lOpes or tIe ase)a ans or a dou· ··h I'd" . .f II I .. h hId· f .. ... . enc I ma e, It IS rea))y madea ternoon sma er than was expected. (eC1SlOn as to teo mg 0 "The ble \ Ictory, over Ilhnols Friday and throughout by hand by a shoemakerH'bwever, fifty couples, all entering Sign of the Double Eagle·' at a down Saturday hy the hea,'y down-pour of at a bench inour factory. Tht" platesrain all day yester(lay ,'.Ill·cll pre- on all our shoes are put on carefullyinto the spirit of the occasion, pro- town theater. The cast and chorus • , " by hand.nOl1l1ced the affair one of the best have already ,·oted upon the holding \'cnted Varsity practice. Spalding·s New Catalogue of Bast-han Goods. with pictures and pricessecial functions that the class has of a do,,·nto,,·n performance and de- ,:,f ewrything for Baseball, mailedgh'en during the year. Depew fur- cided in favor of it. \Vhile thc ex- You can't say whether or Ir('e. Spalding·s Official Baseballnot a Klove is economical R(,COT(1. to �ents. Spalding·s Officialnished the music, playing himself. ecutive committee have the power �ll it's worn out. Try Ba�chall Guide. to ccnts.The tirst part of th� afternoon was to act. they "'i11 not take any definite the wear of A. G. SPALDING & BROB.147 Wabash Ave., Chicago.given up to an informal reception. stcps without the consent of theThis alIowcd many of those about to Friars.gr.,duatc to get better acquainted The performance if given wi11 hewith their tlassmates� Mrs. Laing at the International Theater uponand Mrs. Bretz 'were the chaperones. the 2<;lth of 1\Iay. The planPhi Kappa Psi will play its secondgame in the interfraternity baseball ,Much (If the success of the dance will be to give a ce�tain percentagealY!llinst Alpha Tau -in the estimation of the members to the University Settlement, as set­league tomorrow ...Omega. of the class-was due to the efficient tied upon by the Board of Student"The Snell Hall Cooler," the only The Navy department of the Unit-han annual on the campus, will be ed States has made announcement ofPubllahe4 dal17. ueept SUDd&7e. ..... ready on the last day of this mon.th. � competitive examination to be helddap uael bolldQII. durlq three quarten This will be the third number of on June 29, 1908. for the position ofof the UDIYenl� 7ear. Snell's annual, and according to all assistant postmaster in the navy.reports, is destined to surpass any Three men are desired to compete in'previous publications of the dorrni- this examination from Chicago.' Se�­tory literati: R. R. Mix is the editor- en positions are open, paying $,1,540in-chief, and \V csley Grills the busi- per annum with excellent opporruni­ness manager.while the associate edi- ties for advancement.tors are P. Francis, E. Rackaway, R. 1' .. len of good health between theSubscrlpUoD price, fa.OO per lear; ,1.00 .Kerner, and R. D. Penney. Under ages of 21 and 26 .. who have com­tor 3 months. Sub8c:rlptlOD8 receln4 at the management and supervision of pleted at least two years of collegethe Maroou omce. Ellis Ball, or at the these men, and with the help of the work are eligible. The examinationFacultJ ExcbaDge, Cobb Ball. members of the hall, who are co- will be on English, science, mathe- served at 10:30 in Haskell.operating by means of contributions, matics, history, modern languages.Edit lal mce.-Bet 8 Blackfriars will hold a meeting ator 0 ore Po IlL. BIlla the "Cooler" is an assured success, bookkeeping and adaptibility to theHall U I ral._ TeL 10:30 in Cobb 8il. The election of• D 'fe�. Ib'de Park .26. both from a literary and a financial naval service. Application for per-Aft 8 ... __ the first seven new members will beer p. m.., OOD Press •• 74 m. 5Gth point of view. mission to take the examinationStr t. Tel held.ee • 1Q4e Park 3691. "With this year's novel and attrac- should ue addressed to the Assistant Axling .�ecture- The Rcv. WilliamLUTHER D. FERNALD, Ma.na&lng EdItor tive features," said the· editor-in- Secretary of the, Navy, giving fullPRESTON F. GABS. Ne •• Edltor chief," and largely because _- of the particulars of education and fitness.energetic work of the business man- enclosing also letters oi recommend-ager, in securing ads. the 19OB Cooler at ion from friends and I rUflssors.promises to be much better than last1903, under Act of Mareh 8, 1819.The UDlYeral� of Chlcaa;o Weekl,.FoandecJTHE·' DAILYThe Weekl7. Oct. 1. 1892.The Dall" Oct. I, 1902.Junior chapel (women) will be ad­dressed at 10:30 in Mandel hall hyIJr. Henderson.Devotional half-hour will be ob-Axling, of the American Baptist Mis­sionary Union ;n northern Japan.wi)1 speak at 10:30 in Haskel 17 on"Present Conditions and Outlook inJapan."year's. It will also be larger, con- Investigators club will meet at 4 p.raining about thirty pages, and the EXTEND TIME LIMIT FORO R GRA RDERS m. in Cobb 6;\: Robert Hunter wiIInumber issued will be increased by SEN I R PO· M 0MELVIN J. ADAMS, Athletic EdltorLOUIS S. BERLIN, BuslDess ManagerASSOCIAU 1I:DlTOR...Jerome N. FrankDl"OaDUA. G. Whitfield, H. B. Fuller,W.A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. HallJ. Sidney Sal key Mamie LillyA. W. Wheeler, A. N: PfefferJ. M. Houghland, speak.fifty copies."Among the added features of this Committee to Give Seniors Moreyear's publication wili be a complete Time to Place Orders for their French club will meet at 4· p.�'m. inLexington.Band concert will' be' given at 5p. m, 'Prov-ams•ANNOUNCEMENTSTHURSDAY. MAY 14, 1908. A faultlessly fitted FullDress Suit is probably themost useful one a man canown, and certainly it is themost essential to have perma­nently in his wardrobe.There's no use puttingmoney into Full DressClothes, unless you pro­cure an exact' fit and ab­solutely correct style instrict accordance withfashion's latest edict. Weoffer a special Full DressSuit complete with extraTuxedo Coat. made ofthe best materials, tailor­ed to fit and hang exact­ly right, and in themost approved mode, allforSEVENTY':-FIVE DOLLARS80s Masonic TempleChicago ITielDep(Dea:'!.anl;!Or 1'i .. specings.Of the why and wherefore, thecause or the cure. the unsophisticatedhas no knowledge or interest. Of theGLOVESdamage done, apparently needlessly,he is most thoroughly cognizant.Before the work goes too far, hewould like to see the migratory con­stituents of the new roails eliminat­ed, or else asphalt pavements substi­tuted. The roads should be of sucha character as to stay where they are FOWNESput.management of H. H. Chandler, the Organizations.chairman of the social committee. At a meeting this morning. theThe social functions throughout the first se\'en members of this year·syear have aU run off with great play will be voted upon for member-smoothness. .ship in the Friars. We HaveNathan L. Krueger, '07. is a mem­ber of the recently organized law1inn of Gans, Sadler and Krueger,with offices in the Fort Dearbornbuildiac. _ . , e��SHIRTSOn and off like a coat.In fiL�t colors and ex­clush�e �tylcs. $1.50 up.CLUET'l', PEABODY & OO.,1bkenTry a Classified Adin The Daily MarooaTH£ nAtl Y MAROON, 1'HURtSDAV, MAV i4. 1008.�:INDIANAPOLIS,LOUISVILLE,CINCINNATI.DAYTON.Or any Southern PointTicket Office, 182 South Clark St.Depot-Dearborn Station, Polk andDearborn St.En21ewood Station-63d StThe James F. IktollougbTead1ers' AgeneyDo you expect to' teach next year?. Why not enroll with a first-ca-s:Agency, and thus put yourself in line� for the best positions?'.' -Young men who can teach Modern:. Languages, take charge of Athletics,; �r. handle Commercial subjects in'Isp'ecial demand.� 9 Jackson BouleVard.I Phone Harrison 3921.iGERMAN. BOOKS'I.N Of aU descriptions, such as class-m ics, plays, dictionaries" etc..::�est:aroo SPECIAL DISCOUNTTO STUDENTS ••••{bite{and Catalogues and quotationssent upon request.A. KROCH (:J CO.26 MonrOe Street. Chicago.own:n infrommoW' SPECIALlight1, to1 'sourth­e ismade:1aker)lat(5efully School a�d College. Suitings$25 538 and 535Bas�)rices1ailedseball,fficialDo- TAILOR FOR YOUNG MEN. Two stores: 131 La Salle St., and44 Jackson BoulevardALIENS HINDER, CIVILSERVICE ABETS C�ASS WAR III CLUBAlfD PUTBBRITY(Continued from 'page J) -The next and final Reynolds clubparty comes tomorrow night. Inspite of several conflicting socialevents, it is expected, from the largenumber of programs which are be­ing tilled, that the affair will be oneof the most successful ever given bythe club.agers go down like tenpins, or uplike Schwab. They 'hire and fire't heir employes, promote and deratetheir subordinates, with the pre­cision of rapid-fire guns. Under theirexact system of costs they measure -The Sigmas will entertain witha man :IS they do coal, iron, and kit- an informal tomorrow night.owatts, -The Kalailu club will give an in-"The output of labor is kept at the formal at the Reynolds club Satur­top by adjusting the pay exacly to day afternoon, May 16.the motive and capacity. This is --The Quallranglers will entertaindone by premiums and bonuses on at the Midlothian club tomorrow af­output, instead of the cruder and ternoon and evening.more wasteful methods of paying the -The Oriental club will meet to­same price for every piece, and these night at 8 p. rn. to listen to a lecturepremiums are nicely figured to the by Dr. Jerome \V. Egbert on "Tradepoint where the workman will put Relations Between the United Statesout the maximum exertionminimum bonus." the and Inda."-The Pen club is making definiteforI n describing the contending forces plans for its annual Authors' Read­in the: impending class conflict, Pro- ing Night, Among the entertainersIessor Commons says: ,. At the out- will be Opie Read, who appeared onid this occasion last year. More posi-51 c guess, not more than 6,000,000 tive statements will be given out bywage-earners, and 1,500,000 employ- the officers of the club as soon as acrs and investors are in the fieldwhere classes are forming. Two- date has been decided upon.thirds of the voting population are -Alpha Delta Phi will hold' aSmoker at the Chapter house Sat­spectators. We call them the public.They may be forced to take sides,but they want fair play. The out­corn, depends on the way they arebrought in. • urday evening, May 23. ..-The guests' book of the Reynolds I'club records names of visitors for.'the week as follows:"Class antagonism will Rot disap­pear as long as there is wealth -todistribute, but it can be- transferred to'the jury of the people. Then we mayexpect social classes. to state theircase in the open and to wait on thegradual process of education, ratherthan plunge into battle." W. J,' Lipsey, Riverside, Ill.; W.H. Chaund, city; Vincent Campbell.'St. Lcuis; Chas. R. Cowe, '04, We- .nona, Ill.; E. B. Bryan, Franklin,Ill.; L. J. Morgan, Mjlwaukee; H. W.· . :Ervin, Hartford City, Ind.; A. E.Schultz, Harvey, Lll.; Elmer E. Adler,Buffalo, N. Y.;. W, C. Schiele; Joliet,Ill.TO A TTE�D SOCIALISTRATIFICATION MEETING CHICAGO CLUB .MENCONTRIBUTE TO FUNDProfessor Hoxie's Proteges Are no.: Director Stagg, as Chairman ofOlympian Committee. Gets Re-'turns from Ticket Scheme.in& Much Laboratory· Work inSocialism.Director Stagg received the firstfruits yesterday of an appeal toChicago club members for contribu­tions to the fund to pay expenses ofThe class in Socialism will notmeet again for regular class workuntil next Tuesday in order to en­ the \Vestern athletes who will com-able them to attend the National So- pete at the Olympian games in Lon-cialistic convention, which is in ses- don next July.. sion in Brand's hall on North Clark As chairman of the Western com-and Erie streets this week. The mittee, of which Dr. George K.members of the class are also ex- Herman and Everett C. Brown arethe other members, he sent letterspeered to attend the ratification to the club men of this city, statingmeeting, of the Socialist party to be the hope of the committee to raise atheld in Orchestra Hall- Saturday ev- least $5,000 from their ranks.ening. Tickets will be on sale in Tickets admitting the holder to theCobh 3C at 10:30 Friday morning for Western tryouts on l\{arshall field,twenty-five cents. Other information May 28, were sent, For these, onedollar is charged, and the moneyconcerning the socialistic activities subscribed will go toward sendingwill be published in the Maroon for t he Olympian team from the Unitedthe class if there is anything that States.Professor Hoxie has to announce.O.N.BERNDT�CAPTAINOF IgoS GYMNASTIC TEAMMurine Eye Remedies�(uril1e Eye Tonic Refreshes,Cleanses and Strengthens the Eye. Elected at Annual. Banquet in Com-It Stimulates the Circulation of the mons-Kept from Tournament bymood Supply, which Nourishes the Injury.Eye and Restores a Healthful Toneto Eyes Enfeebled by Exposure to 0 N ne x ·ttto ... Berndt will captain ....Strong Winds, Dust and Reflected year's gym team, having been elect-Sunlight.rooD cd at the annual team banquet in theCommons. Those present were Dr.Raycroft , who acted as toastmaster:Coach \Va�n('r anrl the six membersof the team.Bernett was a sta· performer on theparallel and horizontal bars, but ow­ing to his injury before the tourna­ment at �(aelison. he was deprived ofa chance to compete, BRIGHTONFlat Clas,. Cartersfor solid comfort, The newest shadesand designs of one piece, ".,.. sI."web. All metal parts heavy. nickel.plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair,all dealers or by mail.�..."The Cigarette"�TRAOE HARKftfGISTEREDf 2 State StreetI Chicago, '".' 305 Pearl StreetNew York, N. Y. JCO�LEGE LARDER CAFE44 7 E. 55th· Street. .Near Lexington Ave.IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO EAT.LUNCHEON 20c UP. EVENING DINNER, 25c."PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS EATING."YOU" COULD'NT HIREBUT YOU CAN KING.RENT A MONARCH(Firat month •••• � ••• S4-oeRATES: (Renewals ••• •••••••• 300e(Sa months • •• •• •• Is-aTHE MONARCH TYPEWRITERCOMPANY..25 E. Madiaon St.Phone Central 63h.Daintily Delicious. Perfectl, pur e... Surpassi�g/,. SmoothWonderful;, _ .\WholesomeSMITH- VAILEPumping M�chiDeeyThe Pl .. tt Iron Co. worksTURBINE PUMPSSTEAM PUMPSELECTRIC PUMPS 311 Dearborn StreetCbicaco, m.Harri80n 867.The Yates-Fisher Teachers' ApntyPaul Yates, Manaeer, Suite 641-6.p, 204 Michigan Avenue. FineArts Building, Chicago. TJIB UBIOR HOTELAIm RBS'l'A1JRAlrr1t1-1I7 Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR PLACETO BATEither before or after theTheater.FULL DRBSS surraTO RD'lT. G. SCHAFFNER a CO.AU Sizes. Sure Fit.We carry "Society Braner' ClothesTel. �ntra1 487S- 46 River St. We make a Specialty of Cluband Fraternity Dinners. III(�"'tHE DAILY MAROON, THURJ,SDA Y, MAY 14, 1908.The OHicial Ball1JS811 br All the Big Co ••""e NInesIf you attend the bi� college games you will find - that the ballalmost invariably used is the REACH OFFICIAL AMERICANLEAGUE BALL. Coll�e men won't have anythin� but theBEST' -that's why they all use theBallCollege men know that the Reach Ball has been adopted by theAmerican League for ten years and is the official League Bal'.No other can be used inany League game,T"e�@The ReaCh Trademark on all Sporting Goodsis a guarantee of quality-it means satisfaction, anew article, or your money back (except on'Ballsand Bats under $1.00). ""r.e Reaela OfBeial Base BaD Galdelor lJI8Jast orJf-Ws IR recOgDized adom, OD IbseBa" arafIas. ,TIle Offldal Guide of lite IImm­ean La,.. Hlsto" aDd aclion pldura of 1901• orld's Seria. Scbedules, rules, nconls, de.10 cats at dealers' or ",-.alI. .If .tlillt Ytlur d�IIIer'J 'We tWill JUP1/Your gNds �d i�" "receipt of prICe.Write for 1908 Base Ball Catalogue andfree Base Ball Story by Elbert Hubbard.•• d. "IIEJICII CIMIPIiItIY, '"1718 r•• ...., • ......"EUWIA.' '.".Varsity Cale ••55th St. and Greenwood AftIIlI.OPEN ALL DAYMeals 20c and�hop Suey a. .Speciall7 Up• ...AIUS£IENTS....THB GAJUtIOKJefferson De Angeles, Blanche Ring,Alexander Carr and JO others inTHE GAY WHITE WAY ILLIlfOII" •• Will!' •• YThe best of Musical Farces,THREE TWINSThe Dutch Musical Incident,MISS HOOK OF HOLLANDPOWBJ&8Charles Frohman Presents1:WENTY DA YS IN THE SHADE' OOLORIALHaft 700 198THa lORRY WIDOWShe is the Intematioaal Crne8!'UDBBAKBaMAY ROBSONThe Rejuvenation ofAUNT MARY LA BALL.HONEYMOON TRAILWith C.cil Leanand Florence HolbrookTJI. AVDI�OaIV.HARRY KELLYin the �i� Laugh,JUS HONOR THElIAYOa ORIENT PLUS WESTERN . from Asia, and bettered the instrue-AGGRESSION A MENACE tion. Our advancement is slight, ex­cept in the development of a control(Continued from page I) of nature. In the slums of our greatcities and in the lot of our very poorlows:of research early in the last century, oriental has a profound respect for120 yard hurdles-Reynolds, Lor­and their results have contributed in- permanence.Our Class Problem enz, Crowley, Rogers.calculably to the increase of rationalcontrol. The newest branch of sod- .• But psychologically speaking. our 100 yard dash-Boyd. Menanl,ology, eugenics or conscious race- population is still divided into alien Clark, Morris, Straube, Watts, Davis,culture, has possibilities of race classes, and. the negro is not only Heneage ..amelioration second, perhaps, to no still in virtual slavery. but the capi- One mile run=-Comstock. Stophlet.other single science, if. only it can ralistic manipulator treats the labor- Carpenter, Simpson.once possess the minds of men, push er and the public as inanimate things,. I -. 440 yard run=-Canousc, Timblin;out the flimsy, tawdry, formal, and possessmg on y economic value-orostentatious ideals of society life, is only just beginning not to do so. Bresnahan, Menaul, Long. Schiele,inspire the world with the idea of It appears, therefore, that our class 220 yard -dash=-Menaul, Clark,children untainted alike in body and problem and our race problem are at Straube, Heneage, Comstock.mind, and purify the race by the bottom the same thing, differing only 220 yard -hurdles=-Carteton.Lorenz,elimination of the insane, the idiotic, in degree." Clark. Heneage, Crowley, Menaul,the diseased from birth or from ex-SKULL AND CRESCENT Reynolds.TO INITIATE TONIGHT 880 yard run-Timblin. Comstock.Ou� Conditions Disturbed • Bresnahan, Schiele, Carpenter,Stoph-"There is at present a general dis- Twenty-one "Will be Made Members let,turbance of consciousness and fail- of Honor Society at the StratfordHoteluseful ideas almost to the pointmania, and to the exclusion of non­useful or harmful interests. TheGerman became obsessed by the ideacess, and the habitual criminal.ure of ideals among ourselves," indi­cated by the manipulation" of themany by the few in industrial life,by the failure of many, indeed ofmost, to command the leisure andthe access to copies which would de­velop their characteristic powers, bythe fact that the reproductive life is50 little controlled that idiotsimbeciles are increasing at a morerapid rate in some localities than thenormal population, while at the same 2.1.time' the half of the population con­sisting of women is largely excludedfrom constructive work and givenover to the vanities."That Christian civilization shouldforce a great and peaceful people todevote its resources to the imitationof our h�deous preparation of war ismockery and a debauchery, and thatis the view that the Chinese take ofit.Contact of East and West"The contact of orient and occi­dent means a world-wide enlarge­ment of environment, richer not onlyin the raw stuffs for new social andrn=ntnl constructs, but in the stimula­tions to work out these constructs.On the theory of probabilities, the ..vast population of China and thefresh and brilliant minds of the Mi­kado's empire, unpreposessed byWestern habits, and their vision un­obscured by Western blindspots, butpossessed of Western ideas andequipped with Western standpoint,wiU contribute "materials which willtend at once to unify and to enrichour common consciousness."China is one of the oldest andI most respectable nations in the: world. Her moral and social sys­tems are in some points superior toour own. She is inclined to peace,and is the mother of useful arts. Herpeople are the most industrious inthe world and feel least the irksome­ness of labor. What superiority wepossess over them, we owe to thehabit of looking for the general lawbehind particular details, a trickwhich we caught from the Greeks,who perhaps themselves caught itYour Drucgist WiD Tell You.That Murine Eye Remedy CuresEyes, Makes Weak Eyes Strong,Doesn't Smart. Sooths Eye Pain andSells for 50 Cents.Murine is a Reliable Relief for allEyes that need Care. Druggists andOpticians sen it at 50C per bottle.Ellis Cafe, 5489 EJJis avenue, mealsIS and 20 cents. Commutation tick­ets. b.so fOl' boo. $1.10 foe $I.GQ, TRYOUTS END WORK OFVARSITY AND FRESHIIDI(Continued from page I)of we present a spectacle more unreliev­ed of misery than can be found inChina, or perhaps in the whole world.We have a passion tor change, the Hammer throw-Worthwine: Hub­ble. Maddigan, Ehrhorn,The Freshman entries are as fol·That Sland The Skull and Crescent, the Sopho­more society, will initiate tonight atthe Stratford Hotel. 'The followingpledges will become members: Krost,H. Long. Cl�rke.. Lewis, Powell, Pat­ton. Townsend, Beatty, Alb�ght,Gilbert, Stone, St!phlet, Baukhage,Scott, I n�ess, H. S&ith, R. Brown,... " ,Bate, Kern, Lidster, McA:ndrew.The Score club will' initiate May Pole vault-Rogers, Coyle, Crow­ley.Discus-Crowley, Elliott, Coombs,Rogers. Hayes, Kassulker.High jump-Bacon, Degenhart,Rogers, Coyle, Crowley.Shot put - Crowley, Degenhart,Heneage, Hayes, Elliott.Broad jump-Boyd, Bacon, Rogers,"Coyle, Crowley, Clark, Menaul.Carle­ton. Morris.Hammer-Crowley, Elliott,Coombs,Heneage, Hayes .DRINKS INKLIKE A CAMELTo load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in uyblk, press the ,Crescent-Filler and see it fill its owntank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereis to it I No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any time."THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Youcould fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ofsoiling. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writingqualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.LeadIDir dealers baDcUe the Cantlin. If yours does Del. order'd1reet. Prices. s:s.oo aDd up. Send. at oac:e for baudsome DeW c:atal0l'.The Coolrlia Pea Co., 310 llaahattaa Bid£. Toledo, OhioThe Twin CyHnder Indianis the Very Latest in- IIOTORCYCLES --"Be sure your 1908 machine is a two cylinder with mechanic:alvalves. An Automobiles' have mechanical valves. Don't be deceived,get the Latest.Important - At Riverside Hill climb, California, a Two CylinderIndian made one mile in s8 sec onds, fastest time made in theworld by any kind of a machine. Call and see us. Demonstrationsdaily. HENDEE liFO. CO. 1251 lIicbipa A�ae. ChicagoHotelslTH ST. AND DREltEL AVE.Under lIanacemeut of the Natioaal Hotel Co. T .... H,de Park 3731-The- BEST Served atPOPtJL.A.a PRIOB8RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfRIII CoDDeCtioaTYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent­Special rates to students; bargainsin re-built machines. W. White­head, J6 La Salle Street. SPECIALTypewriters Rented-"3 months for$S and up. Typewriters" sold on easypayments, from $10 up. Best bargain.in guaranteed machines. AmericaJI..Desk .t T,pewdter Co., I. DeatboraSt. Central 61.,.RELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month.from our own factory, equippedwith modern machinery, 250 horseisfaction or your money back. TheTypewriter Exchange,J 19 DearbornSt. Branch of the Amencan Writ­ill&' lIachiae Co., incorporated. at Fifth Floor, lluonic :rempleS5.1O Sa.ple SIJoes $2.51