Director Stagg, Miss Dudley andMiss Ortmayer to Address RivalsGathered in Assembly.(- ., Iiutly _urnnuCHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13. 1908. Price Two Cents�RPLE NINE HOPELESS '��������I_S_��BY�T_H_E_M_A_RO_O_N_T_�_T��������BEFORE PAGE'S TWISTERS ATHLETICS ROUSE WOMEM;TO HOLD MASS MEETINGWe AreToHave a FewNewWalk�··· Championship Contests BetweenJunior and Senior Women Prom­ise to Create Unusual Stir.1>rvie," the Boy .Wonder, RelievesHenneberry on Slab, and VarsityTriumphs, . 10-5.Chicago Outplays' Opponents atEvanston in Fifth Successive Vic..tory of the Season.The Varsity continued its winning A degree of excitement over ath-streak in baseball yesterday by wal- letics that has not been seen orloping Northwestern at Evanston to heard in years is brewing oyer in thethe melody of 10 to 5. From the southeast corner of the campus, andtime that Page warmed up in the it is scheduled to effervesce, boil!ilinl inning until the end of the over, or otherwise make its presencepmc, the Purple _- batters never had visible and audible next MondayI jock-in. Only once during the re- morning at 10:30, when the womenminder of the contest" were they able will hold a unique mass meeting in'to.l:et a batter past first. Kent theater .to cheer on the teams'Dire,=tor Stagg tried out Henneber- entered in the Junior-Senior cham-iy- in the pitcher's box, but the twirl- pionships in basketball, baseball andcr'sho,,;ed his lack of practice before hockey. Director Stagg has been:. th� game had progressed far. He • __ -- - - - corralled for the occasion, and will, �held the- .Mcthodists to one run in Note:lllePoorOog make a speech, subject as yet notI Think" The DtiSJr livulecd .the first, and shut them out in t ie Is a:n l�o-rT'o f ! (IVU geu. MISS Dudley and Misssecond. But Northwestern started .f3lfL D�/DG tuG! Marie Ortrnayer will also be amongits session of the third with a base the speakers.on balls, and followed it up with a The Juniors and Seniors will besingle. Two more bases were drawn. WIND .,UP HEAVY TRAINING FAVOR DOWNTOWN PLAY·TO ARGUE FOR SUFFRAGISTS seated on opposite sides of the thea-a run was forced in, and the bases ter, where they can flash their bluenre full. Varsity Ready for Dual Meet with Cast, Chorus and Blackfriar Club Miss Grim Chosen to Represent and red rival banners in defiance ofAt this juncture Page was sent out Illinois at Champaign Friday- Members Agree in Wanting to Equal Suffrage Advocates Before each other .. tp loosen up. The umpire would .not :. ,E{C$bm� � Timb_lin,. :Qpera .OD-eit.y�·Stage- Platform Committee' of Republican The promoterso! the rally hope toallow the game to be delayed, and Miler. -International Theater Chosen. National convention, arouse enough enthusiasm next Mon-"Orvie' had to get down to business day to push through the entireh Varsity and- Freshman athletes will That "The S' f h D bl 'I' H - G' f h 1 f h d 1 f .without any practice. Before e .. ign 0 t e ou e n ISS arrrct rim 0 t e c ass or. sc e u e 0 contests With a zest that\�ind up their training this afternoon E I' '11 b d h I heonld retire the opponents, they had ag e" WI e presente at t e n- IgoS has bcen chosen as one of five as never been approached in thesecured two hits and forced three fur their meets Friday with Illinois. tcrnational theater on the evening of women to represent the Women past.After this 1 hey took their last heavy work yes- �Iay 29, was_ rendered almost a cer- Suffragists before the platform com- If the weather permits, the games"tventit�l evening, however, a row of terday, and' the program for today tainty by action taken at a meeting mittce of the coming Republican con- will be outdoors and the field <will'.se eggs was the best the Purple will be let down. Director . Stagg of the Blackfriars yesterday. At that vention, The representatives beside be decorated, though the exact man­. t�m could get, chiefly because of took charge of the athletes in the time it was ascertained that the mem- Miss Grim are Miss Jane Addams, ner in which the spirit of the Junior-, their inability to connect with the morning and left Coach Russell to bers of the club and the members of Mrs. Henrotin, Mrs, Watkins, and 'and Seniors will manifest itself is-sphere. Page struck out eleven men put them through their paces in the the cast and choruses of the opera Mrs. Trane, These delegates will kept a close secret from each other.",hile he served. afternoon. presented in Mandel hall last week speak for their cause before the The dates of the basketball gamesWhile all this was happening, the The Varsity team is in good shape, were almost unanimously in favor of platform committee on Jun� 14. have been set for May 15, May 25Varsity found Toarson and Rader, except for Schommer. who in all the presentation at the big theater on Miss Grom will represent the and :\Jay 28. The baseball and hock­the Xorthwcstern twirlers, no puzzle. probability. will not be in condition \Vabash avenue, The management of younger women, and as she won sev- ey schedules have not been announc­Five runs were registered against. to take the event from Washburn, the show has secured a favorable op- eral prizes in oratory for the cd. The W. A. A. will furnish sca­tach slab artist. "Long. John" Illinois' strongest entrant. Captain lion on the playhouse for the night University, on this particular theme, sun tickets for the three basketballSchommer fattened his already big Quigley, who was kept out of the C. under consideration, and the attitude she is fitted for the task. and the three baseball games. Thebatting average by hammering out A .. A. meet last Saturday, because of of the University Settlement in push- Miss Grim won the first prize in first game to be played is the Jun­two two-sackers. Pegues duplicated a weak ankle, is rounding into shape, ing a ticket-selling campaign is the the Central Oratorical League con- ior-Scnior basketball game, Friday,Schommer's work,thus sharing enual- and should push M.ay of Illinois in only matter remaining to he ascer- test last year, in which several of at 4:.W. The teams have been chosenIy the hono-rs of stellar batter. the dashes. taincd before definite arrangements the leading colleges competed, and as follows:By winning the game yesterday, The athletes took advantage of the are made. she recently took second prize in the Juniors. Seniors.the Varsity nine makes its record an first good day for the last three A large share of the profits of the contest held at Galesburg. Here (Red) (Blue)unbroken string of five victories, and weeks, and all appeared for work. downtown production will be turned her topic was a defense oi the suf- Eleanor Freund .. F .... Mary Heap, C.a total of six games won and one Steffen went through the hurdles.and over to the Settlement. which is ex- iragist movement, and it is thought :\Iildrcd Chamberlain Jean Barneslost out of seven played. Illinois is practiced at sprinting. Merriam is pectcd to reciprocate by disposing of that on account of this - she was Florence Lauson, (C.). C.Helcn Peckthe only team to win from Captain in "rime shape for his races with Jen- a -Iarge number of tickets. \Vith all chosen by :\Irs. Stewart, the president Ernestine Evans .. G ... Louise Norton6aarclc's men so far this year, and kins and Gardner, the speedy llli- ether difficulties' removed.the amount rtf the Woman's Suffragist society of Eva Schultz Florence Tyleythe Maroons are. determined to cap- ni .hurdlersl and Lindberg, the quar- of enthusiasm displayed by the Set- America to represent this move- �Iamic Lilly .... Subs .. Ethel Prestontnre at -lcast 'one of the two games ter miler. tlcment workers will decide whether mcnt before the committee. J rene Hastings Helen Dewhurstto be played between Illinois and Hubble practiced at the high jump, or not the performance is to he �.ary Chaney.Chicago at Champaign next Friday and cleared 5 feet 8 inches. He will given. MILLIONAIRE SOCIALIST TO Miss :\Iary Chancy was chosen;nd Saturday. The score: be the chief entrant for the Varsity. A rough estimate of the financial MAKE SPEECH TOMORROW manager of the Junior team. TheChic;-.go , .. ..', 1 4 0 0 0 3 1 0 I-tO Lingle went a fast 300 yards. Cald- results of the three performances last Seniors elected Anita Sturgis to tillNorthwestern .. 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0- 5 well and McFarland jogged a mile week places the profits at $500. The Robert Hunter to Address Investi- this office .. and a half. One of these athletes expenses of the production were con- gators Club on Socialism as a The game will be one of the mostTo Dance in English I will probably run in the mile, as sidcrably more than they have ever Political Movement, closely contested ever played byA novel feature of the Reynolds j I I' . 1 I ,�o I 111 IS t ie so c entrant at pres- been before. Univcr siry women. While the indi-club dance next Friday will be the ent. \Vorthwine is improving his Xot onlv the universities have Robert Hunter. the millionaire so- vidual players of the Junior team are(.1:111 of the officers to have the or- oJform in the hammer daily, and is summer schools. The Xorantum cialist lecturer and author, will de- well matched with those of the Sen-che�' ra play in thc sunken garden counted on to defeat Litt and Me- Summer School of about 400 hoys liver an address in Cohh lecture hall inr, the latter has better team work.dUrill;': the eighth and ninth dances Coni of Hlinois, '1"(I(II'g"n hnrlcd t ft 'I k :\1' I I . 1S �, .. c. and "iris, where the children learn omorrow a crnoon at "' 0 c oc - on . ISS leap las been d0111(.t some stc -�tllrday night. Of course, the real- h .... t e discus 120 feet, and put the shot s ewing; cooking, basketry, etc, Part "Socialism as a Political :\Iove- lar work as forward during squadizatiol1 of the plan depends on the l"''' J....41 feet 6 inches. of the time is devoted to training in mcnt." The lecture will he given practice.' :\liss Chamberlain, whoclc;ncncy of the weather man. G arrctt worked for form yesterday out-of-door sports. under the auspices of the Invcsriga- played center last year. will play (.toal1 he music ,,,ill be furnished by in the broad jump� He could not tors club. Mr. Hunter has recently Friday on the Junior tcam. HcrHarper. The officers of the cluh are .keep from fouling in the Ch�rry Cir- retuiOe<i from an extensive tour of playin(.t is perhaps the fastest of anyI \Varr('n P. Sights, 'oS, of Paducah,c e meet, and consequently could not Ellr�pc, which he made for the pUr- \)f �hl.! players. �Iiss Freund, theKy., is "isiting at the Phi KappaSigma House,;5nIt(Continued on page .f) (Continued OD pal[O 4)Iemaking every effort to make the. d:ll1cc worthy of the long list of suc­cesses this year. (Continued OD paae 4)'r.HE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1908.--(1)ISCwill be carried into our buildings af- �my, sociology, and of kindred sub­ter every rainfall, if these roads are [ects, If it were not for the Chineseinstalled. Not only are these roads "discovery of printing, the Reforrna­Tbe omc:la1 Stadent PubUe&Uoa � the highly undesirable from the point tion would have been impossible.UDlnraltJ of Cblc:8� of view of the mud .. which they will Had the Chinese failed to invent thegenerate for distribution throughout: compass, Columbus would have neverEntered .. 8ec:oD4-clau Mall at lb. Cblcqothe buildings on the campus, but dared to cross the ocean. I do notPa.tolDce. Cblc:qo. IlllDola, Ilareb 18,during dry periods they will be want to say anything derogatory toequally efficient in rarsmg a nice Roman and Greek civilization," con-Publlabed daU,. ueept SaodQa. MoL thick layer of dust, which every wind tinued Owyang, "but they did not4&,. &Dd bollclQlt. 4ar� tlmIe Q1W1en will pick up, sift through the win- sho� the powers of endurance thatof lb. UDlyeraltJ ,eu. dow cracks and leave everything in were paramount in Chinese civiliza­the rooms beautifully coated. The tion."dust will also be sifted over the Owyang was elected historian oflawns from where it will be trans- Philosophy college when that officefer red to the garments of those who was created a few weeks ago. Heare so reckless as to recline upon the received a high school language edu-cation in San Francisco, where hisgrass.I took the trouble to investigate uncle. is the consul.Subecrlptloo price. $3.00 per lear: ,1.00tor 3 mODtba. Sub8c:rlptloDa rec:eln4 at this matter a little, and find that thetbe MarOOD omce, Ellis Ball, or at tbe additional cost of asphalt will be but'Facultl Exc:baDge, Cobb Ball. slight. I f the cost is more than theuniversity feels willing to bear at thisEditorial omce-Betore 8 p. m., Elila time, then postpone the work untilHall, UDlveralt,. Tel. By4e Part 426. such a time as the funds are forth-1903, aoder Act of Ilareb a, i81e.FormerqTbe UDlnnltJ of Cbleqo Weelll,.Foao4e4The Weekly, Oct. I, 1892-Tbe DaU" Oct. I, 1902.A faultlessly fitted FullDress SUit is probably themost useful one a man canown, and certainly it is themost essential to have penna­his wardrobe.IF OBLIGED TO, DROPOUT OF RESIDENCECorre$pondence CoursesWill enable you to co�tinue your college work and gain the degree..0aeJaaU [II] of the M Maion ....,... for .,..uatioD � be... bJr �ce. flo.- 300 cIaa.a4oo .. counea are tIaua...... lip h __ u.h'.ae;, FacuI&iM. ............. -alar IIi&b ScIIool ... eo CoaneI. are ..... 7 that appeal totboee la .uu...t yoc:atiolll-aotabl7 to teachen. qw OI'k .. q... at aD7.... _ ...... at office ofTHE CORRESPONDENCE-STUDY DEPARTMENTThe Univenity of Chicaco - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cobb HaD. 7ATHE DAILY BULLJ:TIRDivinity chapel will - be addressedAfter 8 p. m., MarooD Preu, 414 m. 55th coming.Street. Tel. BJ4e Part 3691. Yours for Alma Mater.ANlfOUNOntBJlTSthe process of acquiring a degree, orwho takes three years of undergrad­uate work merely because they arerequired for entrance in the Lawschool, was severely censured byDr. Henderson at Senior collegechapel ycsterday morning. "Such astudent," said Dr. Henderson, "doesnot deserve much in later life, afterhe has gotten 'his degree."The importance of the higher,The plan outlined in Senior chapel 'broader life and of the humanities in Score is Twelft to One in Jilirst of.yesterday, and to be finally inau- a college education, which would lead Inter&atemity Baseball Matchesgurated next Tuesday, I to such a plane of existence was em- -EDoch Stars.Seniors of having all Seniors phasized. "Be more than a mere law- Dean Shailer Mathews of the Div-Together sit together in chapel, yer, more than a chemist. When you flaying in true mid-season form, inity School spoke last evening onis one which should leave this place, be a full grown the Delta Tau baseball team defeat- "Regeneration: Is It Necessary?'"meet with general approval. Merely man." ed the Delta Upsilon aggregation by This was the fourth and last lecturegetting together en masse once a The duty of college students to irn- a score of 12 to I in the first of a series that have been deliveredweek will be a good step in the uni- part the benefits and the many good game of their division in the inter- weekly by Dr. Mathews before thefication of the graduating class. it things which they have so excellent fraternal baseball series. The match Young Men·s Christian Association.·11 b ffecti Itt th t it t btai d It was contested at Washington parkWI e an e ecnve supp erncn 0 e an OPP(lr um Y 0 0 aID, was we . Dr. Mathews spoke of the necessityclass dances, sings and dinners. upon. "The best and choicest and with Enoch and Briggs as op- of a favorable environment for a manIncidentally, of course. the unify- things are held in the posses- posing pitchers, the game was an striving to lead an upright of the Junior class will be a nat- racy, after all, that govern life. But interesting one. The excellent field- "Take 'an ambitious potato thatural result. The Juniors will become they must not put the bushel over the ing of the Delt nine and the failureidthought it was time to sprout," sal. d J.. hith I· ht Th I· ht t b II d t of the D. U. contestants to solveacquamte as umors 111 a way I - Ig. re Ig mus e a owe 0 Dr. Mathews, "and had sent out lit-.. d t ·11 hi fr el that Tt rna guid oth Enoch gave the game by a gooderto unique, an nex ycar WI s me e y. I Y I e -tIe sprouts in a dark cellar having noprobably not need to sit together to ers on the various paths of life." margin to the Delta Taus. food but the dampness and darkness.I· hei Itt The personnel of the opposingrea Ize t elr c ass s a us.Then reward this ambitious potato. h h Se· d h J .teams was as follo,,"s: Delta TauWit t e mors an t e umors OWY ANG sPEAKS ON THE and plant it in the rich soil, and letsitting together in Senior chapel, it CHINESE CIVILIZATION Delt:-Pitcher, Enoch; catcher. the rain fall upon it and the sun beatwould be a good plan for the under- Paull; s.s., Trimble; lb., Creighton; II .upon it, and you wt notice at onceclassmen to sit in Sophomore and Historian of Philosophy CoUece Ad- 2b, C. Degenhardt; 3b., Rothermel; an improvement. It is similar inFreshman ranks in the respective dresses His CoUece. Explaining I.f., Powell; c.f., Ferguson; r.f., Cobb. mankind. Put a man in the rightmeetl·ngs of tIle Junior colleges. tbe CI·Yl·1:-':on and· T --_ .. - Delta Upsilon: Pitcher, Briggs; . J·k h�w -A511N15111O sphere and he will get to lew atcatcher, Morgan, lb.. Henderson; h f bh d We ormerly a orre. e cannotNotice-Important mecting of re- Yet Owyang. a Chinese student at �.s., Bowman: 21>., Watts; lb .• Stokes; think God nor feel God but we mustthe University, addressed Philosophy 1.£., Kling; d .. Nelson. li\"� with God. \Ve must have a God-college. of which he is a member, Junior Committeemen lleet Today like environment.yesterday morning. Owyang spoke The chairmen of committecs, whichNews Editor. upon the Chinese language and Chi- ha\·e charge of the Junior promenade, Phi Kappa Psi defeated Sigma AI.------ ncse civilization. The language, ac- will hold a meeting in Cobb 3:\ at pha Epsilon in their first game in theCOMMUNICATION cording to Owyang, contains over 10:30 o'clock this morning. Those interfraternity baseball league by theEditor Daily Maroon: .ifty thousand pir.torial characters. who will meet at this time are AllanI ,,·ish to register through your Some of thesc arc used in different Ross, general chairman; Freeman score of 23 to 9.columns a protest against the in- combinations to form other words. ',Morgan. finance: Harry Latham, ar-stallation of macadamized roads Thus a certain sign means the sun rangement; Edna \Valsh, decoration;throughout the campus. These and a line under it signifies the sun John MacNeish, printing, and Caro-roads arc bound to prove a source of on the horizon or morning. Another :line Dickey, reception.discomfort and ann�yance to the stu- sign stands for boy and still another The follo,,·ing chairmen ".i11 meetdent body for all time to come, and for girl, but the t,,·o together signi- Chairman of the Day Henderson atimmediate action should be taken fy nice. 10:.10 o'clock tomorrow morning, inwith the propcr anthorities to have "The Chinese ch·iJjzation is the Cobb 8B, to make arrangements forasphalt paving substituted. oldest of ali," said Owyang. "The the annual Junior Day program;One nced but to see the condition language is over five thousand years (rtorge Garrett, athletics (men);of ��andel hall and the Reynolds club old, and from some of the works of Miss Chamberlain, athletics (wo-LUTHER D. FERNALD, 1laDq1� EdItorPRIi:STON Jr. GABS. Ne •• EdItorKELVIN J. ADAIIS, AtbleUc: EdItorLOUIS S. BERLIN, BoalDea ManagerASSOClAD DI1"a...Jerome N. FrankDI'Oa'IDSA. G. Whitfield, H. B. Fuller,W. A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. HallJ. Sidney Salkey Mamie LillyA. W. Wheeler, A. N. PfefferJ. M. Houghland,BdalD.e. OMce-BefOl' 8 P. ..... Bill.Ball. UDheraltJ. TeL BJde Part 426.Ne .. epltrlbaUoDa IDQ be left at ElilaBall or :-'aealtJ Exc:haD&e, adclreaed to theDalI,:- ... 1brOOll.!DNESDA� r.:�y 13. IgoB.porters and "hustlers'· in the office ofthe Daily this morning at 10:30.Preston F. Gass. by Professor Johnson at 10:lO inESPERANTO A PANACEA Haskel assembly room.Y. W. C. L. will meet at 10:30 inProfessor Williamson Says Universal Lexington.LanlWlge Would Stop Misunder- Chairman Junior Prom committeesstandings. ,,-will meet at 10:30 in Cobb 6A.Professor H. P. Williamson spoke Senior class dance will be heldyesterday morning before Lit men on from 4 to 6 p. m. in the Reynolds"The Value of Acquiring Foreign club.Languages." He advocated Esper-anto as the panacea for misunder-P. S.-Pardon the Incog, There's no use puttingmoney into Full DressClothes, . unless you pro­cure an exact fit and a�solutely correct style instrict accordance withfashion's latest edict. Weoffer a special Full DressSuit complete with extraTuxedo Coat. made ofthe best materials, tailor­ed to fit and hang exact­ly right, and in themost approved mode. allforSEVENTY'.-FIVE DOLLARSSCORES SNAP HUNTERS.. standings between nations, and saidDr. Henderson Says Man Without that people would see more that isAmbitions Beyond Pass Work human in foreigners if they could un-Does Not Deserve Much. derstand their languages. Philosophy college executive com­mittee will meet at 10:30 Thursday.inCobb loB.Postponed Band Concert Tomorrow Fellows club will meet at 7 :30The man who goes thr:ough col-The University band will give a Thursday in Cobb 6A. The electionlege without doing any other workthan is absolutely necessary to ob­tain a C grade who excludes from hiscurriculum all that is not needed in f p. will be held.concert Thursd�y a ternoon at 5m., in English, I, if the weather is Band concert will be given Thurs-good; if otherwise, in Mandel" hall. day at 5 p. m. in Mandel hall.The program to be rendered will in­clude:March-King Radium , .. ,chambers,Overture-StradelJa FlotowOriental I ntermezza=-Persia .. DarnellSelection, Merry Widow Waltz.LeharNovelty March-M issoula ScullWaltz-Nourhalma Barnard once.March-Chicago Post : BrooksDELTS DEFEAT DELTA U.IN INTER-GREEK CONTEST ChicacoOriental club will hold a meetingat 8 p. m. Thursday. "Dr. Jerome W.Egbert will speak on "Trade Rela­tions between the United .States and'India,'Candidates for degrees in the Di­vinity school will see the dean at80s Masonic TempleTALKS ON REGENERATIONDr. Mathews Addresses Y. II. C. A.Last Evening in Last' of HisLectara. De: Albert Teadlers' At..,c. J. Albert, Manager378 Wabash Ave., ChicacoEstablished twenty-three yurs.·We locate annually from sev­enty to eighty-five Universityof Chicago, students. CallSaturday and we will tell youof some of our good va can­ e,·ery requirementas well as the highest ex­pectations. $1.S0 up.CL'UB'rl'. PEABODY & CO .. )[akersFOWNES�. Clothes of Now.GLOVES The kind I sell.are a "Coo4 thiac to bafton baDcJ." and all 1004dealers baft them on this moment to relize ,,·hat we literature.. ,,·e find that the ancients men); Hurnard Kenner,may expect in the way of dirt, which had a decided knowledge of astrono- John MacNeish. printing. Ivy, andI'• rI DamaSttThethe Ubeingmalicithe reArborThe (rhe Iasiblethe S6city, 6·of �ris anever,the csuchsaid:"Ascity,and uhas bkindszen abody .whollattemandprovetramjthe hdulymereis thefavor:" ··Trbor aupondoespart.conde�it)' 6fakes,theirPtUec;insultsuchcomp-uprevaout'si.campindiffities,sionmenence,not tfromor rceel innnpai22-"nlrecurIf thappr.the �imperegelinteg�ty«nprO\·ftthl.isorThstitnraisetost�to tI«,unAtSignandon •llaypres.THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13. 1908.(1)ISCHARGES . UNIVERSITYOF MI�HIGAN STUDENTSThe cases against the students ofthe Univeraity of .Michigan,who werebeing tried on a charge of rioting andmalicious destruction of property inthe recent student disturbance at AnnArbor were dismissed last Saturday.The court emphasized in its decisionthe fact that it was as lenient as pos­sible with the offending students forthe sake of the good name of thecity, and especially the University·of M'khigan, of which Judge Kinneis an alumnus. Judge Kinne, how­ever, made some caustic remarks onthe consequence of a repetition ofsuch an arising in the fueture. Hesaid:.. As to the police department of thecity, 1 think there exists an honestand unfortunate misunderstanding. Ithas been charged that there are twokinds of justice; justice for the citi­zen and injustice for the studentbody. I believe the assertion to bewholly without foundation. I haveattempted to run down these chargesand in every instance they haveproven to be a myth. The disorderlytramp and town boy go to jailor tothe house of correction. The disor­derly student escapes publicity,by themere payment of costs or a fine. Itis the student who is the recipient offavorable discrimination.. "Traders and dealers in Ann Ar­bor are doubtless largely dependentupon the student body; but the factdoes not establish servility on thepart of the general community. or�ondone disorder. The police of the�it) are human, and may make mi�­fakes, but in the proper discharge oftheir duty they should never be c0rri:- With the reappearance of spring The appearance of black. and yel­PcUed � to submit to jeers, gibes and yesterday tennis men turned out in low ribbons announces that pledgeinsults; Their conduct should be numbers. The first important match day has come around again for thesuch as to command respect and. n the schedule this season is with Score club. The Sophomore societycompel recognition. Cornell College, Iowa, at Detroit, on has pledged the following Fresh-"If it be true that the sentiment May aand, Six matches will be play- I �l1en: Kee.fer.l Sullivan, F. Degen­prevails among the student body that, ed four in the singles and two in hardt, Briggs, Meagher. Roulston,outside of the recitation room and th� doubles. Cornell plays Michigan I :\, Richi�, Roger�. Gardner,campus, their conduct is a matter ofon the following day. Patchen, Pardridge, Robinson, Coop­indifference to the University author- The bad weather of the past ten er, Parker, Sturgeon, C. Degenhardt,ities, it would seem that this impres- days has caused a setback which it I Cobb, Smith, and Gould.sion should be removed, Among the will be difficult to make up in the The Skull an� Crescent, the othermen of mature thought and experi- remaining days before the Corncll , Sophomore society pledged the fol­ence, individually I am sure this is meet. It is hoped, however, that lowing men earlier in the quarter:not true; but so fa� as I know.neither within sight of three weeks the team l Clarke, Lewis, Powell, Patton.Town­from board or senate or lecture room by extra work will be able to catch send, Beatty, Albright. Gilbert, Stone,or rostrum has one word been utter- liP the practice which it has lost. Stophlet, Baukhage, Scott, Innes, H.eel in censure or condemnation of the The remainder of the schedule, Smith, R. Brown, Bate, Kern, Lid­unpardonable misconduct of March with the possible and Iikely addition ster, H. Long, Krost.22. of Mi,1t1esota, and the Quadrangle"nut there must be no repetition or club is as follows: SAYS MACADAM PAVEMENTrecurrence of the affair of last March. M:ty 29-lllinois. IS RUINING CLUB FLOORSIf there is, then. in my opinion, theappropriations by the legislature forthe support of the university will beiJnJlerill�d. if not suspended. and theregency will have ground for the dis­integration or removal of .the univer­�ty to a locality where the presence� metropolitan police wjll ' render arecurrence impossjble, You and 1i 'lave our deep personal gl'ievance�:�t, no matter what may be the"ovocati,)I1. it is not our privilege toftthrone the I�w and invoke riot ancl Coach Bezdek's freshmen trounced phah paving in the 11r�t place:' Thisdisorder. the Evanston Ac;ul.emy nine ycstcr'l was the s�:ltement of :\Ir. English.The students at the Ann Arbor in- day on :\lar�hall Field by the �core steward ot the Reynolds club, yes­stitntion by popular subscription. of 5 to 2. The visitors had what ap- tcrrlay in talking of the poor condi­raised $1,000 with which to pay the pea red to be a safe lead upril the rion of the iioors in the club. "\VeCosts of the damage which was done eighth inning. when a hatting rally, have removed heaps of dirt broughtto the Star theater and the city and aided by errors of the academy ream.I I· I . 1 in irom the wet ;\Iacadam pavement«,lInty officials. put t te year mgs t iree points to t .gt)()d. on the campus during the rains ofAlpha Pi chapter of Phi Kappa Cohen, who twirled for the fresh- the last few days. It is almost irn-Sigma gave an informal reception men. met his match in nragg ,)f possible to keep the floors in a con­Evanston. who but for the one hadand dance at its new chapter house dit ion fit for dancing. That cementinning. held the first year twirlerOn K'mbark avenue 'lon(lay .. •• ... ninz and mud nets scraped into. the wood." " •• , .. n. ."" even. Allbright starred in hitting. ,..llay II. Twenty-five couples were getting two safe clouts. Steffen urn- and it may be necessary to plane thePI'�sen&. pired the same. Iluor to make it usable again.". . ,Damage Suit. are Dismissed TryingStude.nt. for Diacorderly Con­duct.,IIJ SENIOR GIRL WHO WILL HE LP TO . HAVE EQUAL SUF­lIRAGE PLANK PUT IN REPUBLICAN PLATFORMMiss Har riet Grim·(From Photograph Taken While She Was Playing the Part of a Citizen's\Vife in the Dramatic Club's Production of "The Knight ofthe Burn :l1g Pestle.")NET MEN RENEW WORK FOR I SCORE CLUB PLEDGESINTERCOLLEGIATE MEETSI ITS TW�TY FRESHMENShort Time Remains Until Match Sophomore SOClety Announces NewWith Cornell College at Detroit Additions to Its Membership-. Kay 2� Pledge Ribbons APJ)Car. -certain members of the team to re­port to him today at 2:30 p. m .. inOr. Raycrofr's office. The Iist is asfollows: Hart, Sabbathl Lewis, Et­telson, Steam. Gifford and :\Iorgan. being used in the campus will in fif-J 1; 11l' 3-1 ntercollcgiate.Captain Ross has issued a call for Mr. English States that Much Dam­age and Lots of Cleaning Resultfrom its Use."The macadam pavements that areteen years, cause enough damage andBEAT EVANSTON ·<CADS." 25- cost enough for cleaning in theFreshman Nine Trims Opponents by buildings of the campus to pay fif-Eighth Innin� Rally. teen times over for the cost of as- Robert Staedter Co.]55 State StreetBetween Madison and Monroe-Phone Central 5334Furs, Suits, Coats, SkirtsMillineryThe Suit, Coat and Skirt value we are offering during the balance ofthis month and May cannot be equaled in Chicago. Come in andlook over our stocks. We have the Merchandise to support thisclaim. Silk Dresses $12.50 to $15.00 and up. In our Millinery Sectionour Styles are correct. and range in price from $5.00 up. We storeand remodel Furs at Lowest Prices Phone and we. will callDaintily DeliciousPerfectly "U r eSurpassinglySmooth.4 � _-A.Niih.i�_ MI ... Dlamun"'Itr:Itar"aQI".�s..-. WonderfullyWholesomeHotel Mflaroon58TH ST. AND DREAEL AVE.. Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 373g.The BEST Served atPOPULAR PRICESIffSTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfRIn Conaedio.STATESRestaurants, f. COR. ST4"EIIND ADAMS STS.LU.CHIOJl FOR .U$INESS liEN AND SHOPPERS-: 11.30 a. m. Ie 2 p. IDe, Special attention to quick·COURSE TAB1.E D'HOTE. WITH WINE. at $1.00SVNDAY5.1Z TO. P. Me DALY FItOM6T09P. Mo •...... fcatan KC I '" b7 ••• perIor.....acal entenel"""., , ,.. III. TO 1 A. ItI... 'DNIG:II·T IfAIJD£1I1LL£Aa .u.IIdeIJ ..... Yea WWda .. Coa_� ia • Strictly Pnfessioaal w.,.The music ia ROOd. the Vauc!e ... i11e acts are refined and bri�ht. It·s an eutertainmeDtthat woa1d do oreClit to aa,. theater.--------------------------------------New Fe.t ..... To-NI.... A �DdsslOD ...... Talala .. Advaaee.STATES RESTAURANT.· HERMAN MACK, •• .,..-T ....... 1'-"- 1171TH[ [NGRAYERSANDARTISIS�ORUNIVERSITIES & (oLL:t:GESJAHN & OLLIER EN NG ffi.CHICAGOSpecial rates to stndents; bargainsin re-built machines. W. White­head, J6 La Salle Street.TYPEWRTTERS (or Sale or Rent- RELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month,Irorn our own factory, equippedwith modern machinery, 250 horseisfaction or your money back. TheTypewriter Ezchange..319 DearbornSt. Branch of the American Writ­ing Machine Co., incorporated.SPECIALTypewriters Rented-3 months for�5 and up. Typewriters sold on easypaymt!nts, from $10 up. Best bargainsin guaranteed machines. AmericanDesk a Typewriter Co., 188 DearbomSt. Central &127 • Have you tried a classified ad inThe Daily Maroon?Chicago Belts-Now on sale at theUniversity Press. Price, $1. I,.THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1908.""Execution has a more deleterious yesterday. This leaves three men ineffect on a community than murder," the race for the two positions.declared the general, and its ill ef- The nominations now stand as fol-fcct s continue even through several lows:generations, Managing editors {two' to be"The execution of a father brings c1ected}-Paul Heflin, Hurnard Ken­season's most I I a blight upon his children which they ncr, Carl Lambach, J. Sydney Sal­at reasonable I I can never remove. So ingrained in key.our makeup is the animal instinct Business managers {two to bewhich seeks to destroy the life of an elccted)-Gcorge Garrett.Allan Ross.WALD opponent that, not content with de- Albert Sabath.I stroying the stalk, we seek to destroy Literary cditor-Jerome Frank.Misst both root and branch, and fore�er Jessie Heckman Miss Mamie Lillie.I t shun the relative of an executedI t criminal."As to the comparative effect of LAST CONFERENCE ENTRY INexecute him produces a shock, andConference committee, announcedwhen the execution is over, the shockyesterday the twenty-second and last Ipasses. college to enter the Conference meet"Although public executions havebeen abolished," continued the gen- this year. I t is thc Colorado Agri-(r�, '� fur wone conilition now ex- cultural Colleg� A wke was recci� ���������������������������� __ ��FLORIST ists, in the publication of the details ed from Coach Rothgeb, the' old 11- tS3rd and Kimbark Iinois tackle, asking permission toof crime, particularly in a certainTelephones H. P. 18 and H. P. 6c}57 class of the daily papers which seek enter one athlete. Though entriesto attract attention by grewsome de- closed yesterday, the request. wasG E R M A N B 0 0 K S tails. granted by the committee.�History proves that the abolition The entrance of University of Mis-souri, 1 ake Forest college Marof the death penalty has been follow- Ld ,-ed by a decrease in the crime which quette college and Knox college,makes the total number of teamshad been punishable by death. Thedeath penalty has been abolished in who will compete 35. This is alarger number than has yet enter­Belgium, Holland, Portugal and many ed. The high school relay quartetsWe have theeffectice stylesprices.BfNfDICTTailorTelephone 2860 Hyde Park214 East 55th Street.-._-._ .• _'_.11This is the time to plantFLOWER and VEGETABLESEEDS ••• _ •We carry a large variety ofclean and hardy Seeds.Choice Cut Flowersalways on hand.A. McAdamsOf all descriptions, such as class­ics, plays, dictionarics1 etc.SPECIAL DISCOUNTTO STUDENTS ••••Catalogues and quotationssent upon request.A •. KROCH (:s CO.26 Monroe Street, Chicago.CANDIESDelicious Chocolates and Bonbonsin great variety, put up in beauti­ful boxes, suitable for preseats, at25 c, 40C and 60c a pound.Ala... Souvenirs and favors fO.rany and all occasions.Gunther's Confectionery212 State Street.BORDEN',Condensed Milk, Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttennilk.AD Bottled in the Country.Borden'. Condensed Milk Co.627-633 E. Forty-seventh St.•• NTLEM.N....... 11llIIIMI!._................... �BOSTONGARTERTHE ItCOlllllllTUllII... T ....... I'� .. ���• rICUIHID.IUnO.. CLASP...... ,., 0DaIII ...... _ ..-.- ...................... &.__ � .... I'.UlY�_ .. get him a second to Watson.The makeup of the Freshmanin a volume entitled. "Socialists at ,�����������������������.����.���team will be decided today. Coach •Work." He is also the author ofother sociological works, notably NELSON OUT OF. THE RACESA YS HANGING' IS MOREHARM�UL THAN MURDERGeneral Curtis Makes Earnest Ar­gument in Favor of Abolition ofDeath Penalty. Withdraws from Candidacy for Busi­ness Managership of Cap andGown.General N. 1\1. Curtis.soldier, schol­ar, jurist and former member ofCongress, addressed the Law schoolyesterday afternoon on "The Aboli­tion of the Death Penalty." Oswald Nelson has withdrawn hisname from the nominations for thebusiness managership of the 1909Cap and Gown, according to the an­nouncement made by PresidentRalph Cleary of the Sophomore classexecution and life imprisonment uponthe criminal class, it is obvious that Colorado "Aggies" Get Permission toa man locked up for life is a daily Send On; Athlete.example to his old associates. ToPresident George Horton of thecantons of Switzerland, and the rec­that will run for the trophy have notords of these countries give a strongI indication of the beneficient effects of been selected. but will be given outby President Horton soon.folJowing the abolition."MILLIONAIRE. SOCIALIST TO IND U HEAVY T ININGMAKE SPEECH TOMORROW W P_ RA(Continued from page I)(Continued from page I)of negotiate a good leap. He is in shapepose of studying the conditionsto make 21 feet 6 inches in the I11i­the working classes in foreign coun- nois dual, a performance that shouldtries. The results of his observa-tions abroad have just been publishedRussell will give the first year ath­letes �nother tryout. The yearlings.' Poverty" and "Tenement Conditionsare confident they will win from thein Chicago." state athletes. They will enter theMr. Hunter is married to the for- meet without Timblin. He was spik-mer Miss Caroline M. Phelps- ed by 1\1 urphy Saturday. and is un-Stokes, and for many years has been able to do any running.actively interested in numerous set- G II d R f h Ch. arre s an arney, 0 t e errytlement house enterprises, and other C' I . d 1\[ 1 11 f ld.. . I rrc e, trame on! ars ta e yes-charitable and sociological activities I TI I k' f d. 'ten ay. ley are 00 109 orwar toin Chicago, New York and London. I 01 . b h ld. . t te yrnpran tryouts to e eHe was orgamzmg secretary of the 'I 8f . . f l\ ely 2. Garrells put the shot 44Chicago Bureau 0 Charities rom feet 4 inches.18?2 to 1902; ;is; a resident of HullHouse; has been on the Small Parkscommission, Lodging House comrnis­. ion. and various other such bodies..He IS also a member of the AmericanAcademy of Social and Political,Science. and a graduate of the Uni­vcr sity of Indiana, class of '96.hut some exceptional work is lookedATHLETICS ROUSE WOMEN;TO HOLD MASS MEETING(Continued from page I)other Junior forward, is a FreshmanYour Druggist Will Tell You. for from her.That Murine Eye Remedy Cures The outcome of the game is veryEyes, Makes Weak Eyes Strong, uncertain. The Seniors have held theDoesn't Smart. Sooths Eye Pain and championship for five years, but theSells for SO Cents. strong Junior team of this year willpossjbly be able to turn the scale inCare."Murine is a Reliable Relief for all their own favor.Eyes that need Care. Druggists andOpticians sell it at Soc per bottle . Try Murine Eye Remedy •For Red, Weak, Weary, WateryTry a classified ad in the Daily Eyes. Murine doesn't smart-itsoothes eye pain.Maroon. The only exclusive ladies "Bootery" in Chicagois the••• ROCHESTER .. SHOf SHOP •••Fourth Floor. Masonic Temple.A quiet little shop whe�e you can buy ladies high-gradesample ,Shoes for82.00 AND $2.50VISITORS AS WELL AS BUYERS ALWAYS WELCOMESend for our new 1908 illustrated Cataloguesof Machinists' Fine Tools, mailed FREE on application.______ � 4 __ � __ �� � __ �� __ � ____.MA·ROON MENWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORNER CLOTHESARE BUYING AGAIN THIS SPRINGCOLLEGE SUITS AND OV&RCOATS $35.00$C�er f:J WDkie 185189 DearIJorn St.TAILORS Bank floorDEAN BAGGAGE & EXPRESS CO.,Quick Service our Motto··BAGGAGE QUR SPECIALTY30 Wa20ns Daily to and from All DepotsFurniture. Planes, Trunks, Merchandise and ParcelsDelivered to all parts of the city, Depots and SuburbsMain ·Office: 6154 Wentworth Ave.Telephone Wentworth 460. 461Branch Offi�e: Information Office. University of J)ouglass 288 Phone Harrison 15gB71 East 39th Street 48 Hubbard CourtSamuel Harrfs & CO.MACHINISTS' AND- MANUFACTURERS'Tools and Supplies.23 and 25 Sou t h C lin t:o n S t r e e tCHICAGOHERMAN JACOB .. CO.CLEANERS & DYERS454 .�t 63rd Street.406 East 631'd S'tr�tS1 East 47th Stree't Phone Hyde Park 3777Phone Hyde Park 3790Phone Oakland 3697BO OKSThe largest stock in this countrr-all kinds-standard, newfiction, technical-conveniently ananged on our fwolarge retail floors. Engraved Cards,Announcements, .Etc •A. C. McCLURG .. CO.215-221 Wabash Avenue, Chica&o •y---------------------------1I THE UNION HOTELAND RESTAURANTIII-II, Randolph StreetRobert C. LindsayLINDSAY BROS.THE POPULAR PLACETO EATEither before or after theTheater.We make a Specialty of Club' "1and Fraternity Dinners.TAILORS ·49 AN1> SI JACKSON BLVD. I,STUDENTS' LUNCH ROOMTHI: MIKADO CAr:E,lIeals 20c and up Opal all da,_2f9f. 55 SI. ( .\II ---Vol. VIIEI·JprofeSSClSW"pal()Cdden'West'�Thatwith thesion ofa "devil!'PinionL Thonciology,lificanccill the �JournalSIIed frolessor 1CODlingportionsHe gocauses frIIt, espthat theists bet:ri skimmon,Ibt aniziug oiniter !"Owislion, aSon is Itill notiey aioaghtleSs. I.bite ncompletIe havrwe_d ;� thelImdar4Jete wii� wor"elm'"ieh '"Whi:ortJmmlid yclInr aCI·idler ;J