latly ilarnnn,..� "CHICAGO, TUESDAY, 14A Y 12, 1908. Price Two CentsS ATHLETES .HARD 'MA 'TAKE SHOW DOWNTOWN "COlfEREICE TO BE FOUR-FOR MEET WITH IWNI Comic Opera Club May Appear at /' CORNERED FIGHT --STAGInternational or Studebaker-Sat-'urday's Presentation Proves Great Chic:aeo, Stanford, Illinois and Wis-Success. consin Declared to Have EqualShow in Big Meet. MEET NORTIIWESTERN tOD1Y ASSIGI PARTS FOR JUII08BAY PLAY, "ZAUGUETA"Maroon Ball Player'S to Invade Meth­odists' Territory for SecOnd GameBetween Two UniverSities -Chica­go Looks Like Champions. Temporary Cast of Spanish Student.Life Comedy Holds Its FirstMeeting.or Stagg Hopeful of Capturingu.iI Event at Champaign Friday!..;..Quigley Limbers Up.The Blacfriars may give a perform- The Varsity baseball team journeysLoses to C. A. A.. Merriam, ance of "The Sign of the Double Entrj List Numbers 325, and More 'ioda� to Evanston to play North- First Rehearsal to be Held Today-CDIJISlock. Iacobs and Degen- Eagle," the Hansen-Klein-Smith to' Come-28 Athletes to Wear western's nine for the second game Donald Robertson to Coach'llardt Starring for Maroons. comic opera, which made such a hit Maroon. 'between the two universities. Ac- Players.last week on the campus. at a down- cording to previous performances,Director Stagg set to 'Work yester- town theater this week. The move- "Those who think that the Confer- Chicago should win in a walk, as the The Dramatic club has made ato' point the Varsity athletes for ment has been under way for some ence this year is to be a dual meet M'aroon nine has lost but one game. temporary assignment of parts dual meet which will be b C II' . " " I' dtime, and Manager Newman an- -etweeu hicago and 1 mOI�, are and has decisively beat the Purple Its J urnor Day pay, 'Znragucta," an_the least important feature of the ". Stanf d . . . I I I .nounced that the play can be given not grvmg Stan ord an Wisconsin team in the 'first game of the inter- tnose w lose p aces were given met-i"al or athletic events at Cham- either at the International on Sat- the recognition due them. I have collegiate season. Since the opening in Kent theater yesterday afternoon. Friday and Saturday. urday night, or at the Studebaker figured out the scores these four of baseball in the colleges of the for a preliminary sketch .of the play.of the Illini over Wis- for a Thursday. afternoon perform- te�lDs are reasonably sure of, and my West, the Northwestern team has The cast, as .announced, is subject to .ance, totals come to about 20 points for lost the majority of its games, and change, but stands at present asThe Blackfriars tried hard in the each. the steady gait at which the Maroons follows:beginning of the agitation for a play Director Stagg yesterday stated have traveled should insure an- Shackleford .•.•..•......• Zaraguetafor a performance out of town, but his opinion of the chances of the other victory. Baukhage •............. Don RuiperlyThe 22 foot 6 inch performance of B' F . h C f G b .the faculty refused to sanction a trip .. Ig our" 10 t e on erence meet The only thing to be feared is arrett •••.. - • . . • . . • • • • • •. Am rozloatson in the broad jump. assures Scin spring vacation. It was promised on Marshall field, June 6. He said over-confidence, a new danger for ott •..........•.......... , •. '. Carlosof a first not granted before. salve to the I' I . b . R k D Sa .then, however, as a the c aSSlC event should e DIP and Chicago baseball teams. However. ac awC;ly •..•....••. '... on turro(lpta�n Quigley was out practic- ick II h . h h fi n . Piwounded feelings of the Friars, that tuc . ate way, WIt t erst team Coach Stagg looks for another vic- ,"�enzles ..••......•.........•. 1 •• '. 0at the sprints. He expects to be bl D . Yll... •a downtown performance would be impossi e to foretell. tory for his athletes, and expects to P. avis ..........•.•.......•. c�rlCQhis best in the race against May "TI . db' . d ,.. . .�. D D Iall right, b. ut Manager Newman was rere IS no ou t m my mm go to Urbana Friday fit to meet the mISS -unmm .....•••. onna 0 ores'IDinois. Schommer may compete M' Ch .unable to conclude satisfactory ar- that the Conference will be close and Illini in the series of two games J, ISS atterson •••.•. , .•...... Marujathe. high jump, though Hubble's h d f h b h f 'f' J k D BIrangements with downtown theater ar - oug t etween t e our teams Friday afternoon and Saturday and ., ISS ac son .•..• ... .. . onna asak in the Cherry Circle meet Sat- M' EI Dmanagers until recently. The Friars I have mentioned;' he continued. conquer. A victory today and two • ISS eanor ay ....•...•.. Gregoriawill decide immediately upon the "Our team's caliber is slightly over- games won from Illinois will make Mr. Donald Robertson, who hasproposition. rated, and the Badgers are decidedly the Maroons the favorites for the coached the Dramatic club's produc-Saturday night's presentation of under-rated. They 'have several Conference championship in base- tions for some time, will again direct"The Sign of the Double Eagle" out- stars this year who are sure to figure ball. The players are keenly alive the preparation of the play. The.n athletes against . Cherry . S . h ed 'Z ' hi h. .' Th did the two successful performances in the points. Messmer, winner of to the situation, and hope to win the pants com_ y,.' aragueta,' w ICSaturday. e team was.. h di I -'11 obabl h D . I b hId f .;'ilI: -:..compet_ -4Fitboat. �hl�E_. preceded !t. �al!deL�a� ��-, t e ISCUS ast year, WI pr y championship of baseball to hang up t e ramatic c u as se ecte or Its"1IIi,iC.�ted. I d Sc b d hrely sold out.' The' players, showed r�ea� -his' 'perlonnance" . Ostb';.( ean with the football, basketball.polo and show tbis' quarter�. iS�J very' amusing'm. QUlg ey, an ommer an; . , .h 'h .,f h .d 1.. If 'd .d 't' .d '''h-t'' , - b .tha presence" born of experience, and put t e s ot orty-t ree an a na swimming, and relay championship!' an rna e a rernen ous· I 0• .B, ae.on out of condition. . . .' , 'handled' their parts with a smooth- feet. Messmer should also get a for 1907-8, now held by the Maroons. �1�es It was' presented in this conntryAs,'St' was, the. athletic club won, 84 I . h h h B I ' . . E I' h ] K dness as marked as -the .nervousness of pace 10 t e ammer trow. ert es Saturday afternoon the Maroon once 10 ng IS 10 ansas, an once'i.j The meet served to show the . . S . h . -.. . f C I',... Thursday night. in the two-mile Naturck in the regulars met a picked alumni team III pants at tne universIty 0 a 1-'Points in the Chicago team. h dl . h b d' f " Th' I I dur es, Coorsen m t e roa Jump, on Marshall field and. received the orma, e pay was trans atehelped Director Stagg indecid- .' f f h S . bb P f G CTO HOLD TRYOUTS TODAY and Morris in the sprmts, are our short end of a 9 to 2 score. A clus- rom t e pnms y ro essor . .athletes H I f Imore stars from Wisconsin. ter of seven runs in one inning was ow and 0 the talian and SpanishFreshmen Track Athletes for Illinois "The records of the Stanford ath- the undoing of the younger players. department.'Keet will be Picked. letes, sent here recently, show the :Meigs and Stangle were the battery The play deals with the tribula-coast men to be at least as strong as for the regulars. For the older men. tions of a student beset �ith financial '.Tryouts for the Champaign meet, any other team entered. When ask- Baird and Bezdek, the present coach- difficulties, who feigns illness to a-in a point in either event. Mer- hi . di IFriday, will 'be held today and to- ed by the �tanford coach what I es of the regulars and the Freshmen. cape IS Importunate ere rtors, am, after winning the low hurdles f hi I I'" hi h . fhe fore, entered with Lingle morrow. :\ large squad of year- thought (If the chances 0 IS team, were stars. t ie comp icatrons w IC arrse romlings is out for the team, and com- 1 was forced to confess that it look- his predicament furnish abundantouarter mile. He allowed . .f hI petition for the limited number of ed as strong as any in the field. ELEVEN MEN IN FIELD FOR amusement or t e audience.of C. A. A. to get what ap- "Illinois will be hard to defeat. It Rehearsals for the cast will begin�. to be a lead that he could not positions promises to be keen. Direc- CAP AND GOWN OFFICES� , tor Stagg has picked most of the men will have May in the sprints, Lind-. . me, but when it came to the berg in the quarter, Hanley in the-, stretch, the Conference champ- for the trip, but wants to give sev-......... eral ethers a tryout in their events half, Hinman in the mile, Watson in"'Cut down his opponent's advant- before making his final choice. the broad jump, Washburn in theand captured the race with a high, Jones in the pole vault, andt but safe lead. Lingle nerved Gardner and Jenkins in the hurdles.'Vigeant for third place. Bigotry of Church Aid to Science,. As for Chicago, I look for Cap-S!n;art hy falling and Timblin by "The Bigotry of the church has tain Quigiey to do at least as well.g sh(J\'ed out· oi his position lost b 'd'" 'd De�n a great al to SCIence, sal r. as he did in the Conference last year.• chances to beat lfurphy of C. Ilenderson I'n Junl'o'r' 'chapel ye�ter-. Merriam ought to "'in the quarter,At out for second place in the day morning. He was speaking on and get a place in one of the hurdleRamey was conceded first and the poslu"e aspect of morality. events. If Garrett trains for theno trouhle taking the event. "\Hh h h 'd h' 'yen t e preac cr sal to t e half mile, he may figure in the scor-Comstock won the mile;n a pretty 'II I dyoung man, a e se you may stu y, ing. Caldwell is improving fast in(.om �rurphy. Until near the but the door of science you shall not the two-mile. Jacobs is in the classof the r�ce it looked as if the open,' the young man only opened with any of the "aulters entered.tic club runner had a show to h I h 'd fl't e ( oor t e WI er, on account 0 t 1� I ( Schommer is in shape, he shoultlbut he lacked the strength. f h' f b' Id .,very act t at It was or I( en. get something in the high jump. �[ad-�hJct was not in conditicn but D H d hr. en erson t en went on to digan's late work in the discus an(1�d in a comfortahle third. "'ay that, not only I'n the fi II f I OfJ e ( 0 shot make him a contem cr.\aJd,,"c1r� race against Harlow of science were there ventures, but also cours(', I shall be able to tell better� Cherry Circle in the two mile in the ,ield of goodness. There arc what Chicago should do after thea s::rpris(', He lead his rival l1n- opportunities in all lives to be pio- meet witlt Illinois Saturday."i t�e la"t lap, and kept close to him neers in some field of righteousness. Entries for the Conference arejourney. McFarland There are splendid chances for vol coming in steadily to Presidentunteer sen.·ice. George Horton of the Conferenceget no' hetter th:m "People generally spcak of moral- managing committee. All of themd in the high hurdles, in which Ity as something negative," he said. have not yet been received, hut thcrrells and Lazear took first and k"But those who have to cep hold- list is already longer than for any'ont] respectively. The low hur<1-· b k d' h I'109 ac• an saytng to t emse ves'l�onfercnce previous., The Universityresulted more favorably for Chi- 'no, that IS dangerous,' are on the .:.. - . 'edge of a precipice.", . (CoatiDDCd a. .... of). �in last Saturday, when, cornpet­without Burroughs, they won, 68:S. makes the state athletes loomstr(,lI1�er than before.Ij1 puts him in the class with'ashburn of Illinois.Dirtctor Stagg expressed himselfnil satisfied with' the work of Illinois next Friday.'Barker found Hamilton, VickeryTaylor of 'the Cherry 'Circle tooy in both dashes and failed to,1his afternoon. and work will pro­Miss Lilly Added to List . of Those gress rapidly as the play will beRunning for Literary Editor of given as a part of the Junior dayAnnual program.With the addition yesterday of BALES WINs SECOND PLACEMiss Mamie Lilly to the list of can- IN CENTRAL ORATORiC�didates for literary editor, the 'timelimit for petition nominations to the1909 Cap and Gown expired. Thereare now eleven candidates for thefive clecth'e positions on the annual.They are: University Places in Last Intercol ..legiate Contest-� Re<:eivesPrize of .:;0.Insufficient teleitT'aph rep�1 ts Fri­d:\)' evening gave the Central Ora-Managing Editors torica! contest as a tie between Cor­nell and Virginia, with Chicago un-P.tu} HeRin. ,laced. :\ corrected report receivedlater, however, gave Chicago secondplace in the contest, Clarence A.Rales. Law, '09, winning the prizecf $so with his oration on "PublicSentiment vs. Criminal L .. 'l""." L"lstyear Chicago, represented by :\fissHarriet Grim, who spoke on "APlea for the Summer 'Farm," ,,·onorS5 Hurnanl Kenner.Carl L"lmbach.Sydney Salkey.:natLiterary Editors'Jerome Frank.�liss Jesie Heckman.Miss Mamie Lillie.ll1b,ed first place.Business Managers After the close of the contest, Chi­c:\go finally withdrew from the Cen-seliernit- George Garrett. tral Lcague, thus sevcring all inter­,=ollegiate oratorical affiliations. Abig University contest is planned in-"stead.Fred Nelson.Allan Ross.Albert Sabath.(Coatiaae4 OD pace of)J-_ . .j'- .. -_�IJ•�mE DAlLY MAROON,BULLBTIRTUESOA'I, M} V 12. 1908. -DAILYUnder the circumstances, Friday,May 15, appears to be an excellentoccasion for a visit to Urbana on thepart of a sizable delegation of loyaChicago men. 'Chicago is to meet Il­linois in Varsity track, Freshmentrack and Varsity baseball.Chicago has a fighting chance ofdefeating the Orange and Blue inPublI8hed dal17. acept Baa'" � baseball, a fair chance in first-yearcJQa alul bollcla,p, 4ar1q threeqaarten track, and, from Illinois' showingof the Unlnnlt7 �-.r. Saturday against Wisconsin, an ex­cellent chance in Varsity track. Anenthusiastic, if small, delegation fromMidway could work wonders FridayThe Oalclal Hta4eDt Publ1eaU_ 01 theUnlnnlt7 of Cb1cap.Entered .. 8ecoG4-c .... Mall at tbe CIllcqoPoetomce. Chlcqo. IllIDol8. Marcb 18.1903, aDder Act of Karch a. 1879.J'oan4edThe Weeki" Oct. 1. 1892-The Dall,. Oct. 1. 1902.Subscription price. $3.00 per ,ear; ,1.00tor 3 months. SubscrlpUons recelYe4 at at Urbana. Senior chapel will be addressed byDr. Henderson at 10:30 in Mandel.College of Education chapel will beaddressed by Profesor Mead at 10:30in room 214 Emmons Blaine Hall.Divinity School Religious Servicewill be held at 10:30 in Haskell as­sembly room. A. P. Garrett willpreach.Curti. Lecture-General N. M. Cur­tis .will lecture at 4:30 in the northroom of the Law building on "Capi­tal Punishment."Botany Club will meet at, 5 p. m.the Maroon Oalce. Elila Ball. or at the Figures Compiled by Recorder ShowFacull1 Exchange. Cobb Ball. Similarity of Marks in BothCases.Editorlal oalce.....-Before 8 p. m.. RIllaBall.' UniYeraltJ. Tel. B,de Park 426.After 8 p. m., Maroon Press. 414 :m. 55thStreet. Tel. B,de Park 3691.LUTHER D. l!·ERNALD. Man.aglng KditorPRESTON F. GASS. Ne.. EdItorMELVIN J. ADAMS, AthleUc EdItorLOUIS S. BERLIN. DnaIDeaa IIaDqerASSOCIAD DDOLJerome N. FrankDI'OR'I'DSA. G. Whitfield, H. B. Fuller,W. A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M •. HallJ. Sidney Salkey Mamie LillyA. W. Wheeler, A� N. PfefferJ. M. Houghland,BualDe. oalce-Betou 8 Po m.. BIllaBall. UnlYenll1. Tel- B7de Park 426.News contrlbuUons m&1 be lett at RIllaBall or Facnll1 Jachange; a4dre88ed to tileDall, Maroou.TUESDA Y. MAY 12, 1908.Friday's meet with Illinois, how­ever. counts a great deal. It settlesor at least is significant of th •tr f e set-mg or, the championship of thWest. Chicago and Ill.' emOIS areagreed to be, in the final analysis thereal contenders for the C f 'title. on erenceIt ,,:ould be especially a great da .for Illinois if the U b )d f r ana team shoulde eat Chicago Frida .several h . y, particularly asundred mterscholasticwould witness th .' menlini OVer Capt' eOl �ctory of the 11-am uigley' •the othe h' s men. Onr and, It would b d' .a great day for Ch' e IstlnctlyIllinois "With Icago to -in fromtant neJtt several hundred hesi-stands. year's FreShmen in the That the work done by correspond­ence is of the same high grade as thework done in residence, was shownby a report sent by the recorder toMr. Mallory, secretary of the Corre-minus."The correspondence work," saidMr. Mallory, "accomplishes' ev�cy­thing that residence work does. withthe exception of creating a quicknessof reply that is necessary ill class­room work. Even if we could ,gaugethe time of the mails, a student wouldhave three or four hours at the 'Ieasr, .The Freshman class entertained atits final dance of the year in the Rey­nolds club yesterday afternoon. Aboutone hundred of the yearlings attend­ed the affair, and, for the. first time inthe history of class dances, the me!,were forced to be wall-flowers for thelack of young ladies to dance with.Every girl present had a full pro-gram. and each one said: "Wasn't itlovely nut to sit out the dances?"One popular Freshman younglady said. vindictively, "I wish therewere fifty young fellows who had toThe young people danced from 4to 6 and a large social committeeassisted materially in getting themembers of the class acquainted witheach other. The members of thiscommitce were distinguished by bow!of green ribbon, prominently display­ed, and the dance programs wereprinted in green, with eleven dances.Dean and �'rs. Miller an-I Mr. Bretzchaperoned. AlmOUHCEMBNTS; Score of "The Sign of the DoubleEagle- is now on sale in the Rey­nolds club for one dollar.Following tennis players will re­port to Dr. Raycroft Wednesday at2:30: Excelsen, Hart, Stearn, Ettel­.�on, Sabath, Morgan, Barron.Gifford,Lewis .and Clark.Candidates for 'C;1egrees in the Di­vinity }chool ,,-ill See the dean atonce. ',.-_/Miss HelenHurd is 'visiting friendsat the Kappa Kappa Gamma Soror­ity house at the University of Wis­consin.The song committee of the Seniorclass will be glad to receive contribu­tions from any member of the classfor a 1908 class song.EDUCATION STUDENTSENTERTAIN FOR FACULTYInformal Reception and Dance HeldSaturday Under Direction ofStudent Council.Allen and Crum, at AI�ha TauL. C. Allen and S. W. Crum of tees,Alpha Tau Omega, returned yester-day from Madison, Wis., where theyrepresnted the Chicago chapter of Don't yon know a good thing ,,·henAlpha Tau Omega at the annual con- you see it? Call down at Esmoer·sclave of the second province of the studio and you will see a whole lotfraternity. Delegates from many of "nifty photos. " That's what youother middle west universities were want, and you can get them therein attendance. any day. 243 E. 55tb Street. OBLIGED TO' DROPOUT OF RESIDENCECo .... espondence CoursesWill enable you to continue your college work and gain the degree.ClODe-half (18) of the 36 Naion nquired for .raduatioa � bedoae b" conespoadeace. ClOver 300 c1au-rooDi counes are thusoffered b" _ben of the Uaiv� Facultiea. Clae.wea the �.u1ar � School aDd Co�e Counes. are DIaD)' that appeal tothose la differeat voc:atioaa-aotabl" to teachers. qWork me)'� at aa" time. qlaquire at office ofTHE CORRESPONDENCE·STUDY DE.PARTMENTThe Universitv of Chicago - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cobb Hall, 7AOURBLUE SERGESARE GUARANTEEDNOT TO FADE •••All Weights and ShadesAs the Daily News puts it: "Chi- to write out his answers."cage's defeat by the C. A. A., al-though an overwhelm- FRESHMAN GIRLS TURNOn to ing one. was no black TABLES .AT CLASS DANCEUrbana eye to the Maroon ag-IM -gregation of cinder- ,enHat Y�ling's Final Dance Learnow It Feels to be Wall­path men. They met the best ath-letes in the West who have been Flowers.leaders in their events for the lastfour or five years. The Michiganavenue club had old-time stars, pick­ed from the leading schools. Chicagocould not be expected to beat a teamcomposed of such men as Garrelts,Ramey, Vickery, Hamilton, Irons,Taylor, Burroughs, Harlow, Griffin,Lazear and Blair. These men form ateam which could hold its own withany in the East or West, CoachStone is even counting on winningthe Olympic games."The Sot to 42 score was made by ateam of all-stars against an under­graduate team, temporarily crippledby the disability of several of its bestmen. Under the circumstances, thedefeat by the Cherry Circle countsbut little. in room 13, Botany, building,CORRESPONDENCE GRADES Professor Bames will speak on "ASAME AS REGULAR MARKS Review of Recent Work on Electro­physiology.Y. W. C. L. will hold its annualmeeting from 5 to 8 p. m. in Lex­ington. Supper will be served. AllUniversity women are invited.Mathews Lecture - Shailer Math­ews will speak at 7:15 in Kenttheater on "Regeneration;Is It Neces­sary?"Religious Pedagogy club will meetspondence department. The marks of at 8 p. m, in Haskell .26. Pierrestudents who have done both resi- Davis, an ex-Catholic priest, willdence and correspondence work are speak on "Conflict Between Churchremarkably similar. One student and State 'n France on Education."who �las finished eighteen maors by Maimonides club witl meet at 8 pcorrespondence, attained a grade of m. in Cobb 12b. .,.B double plus, and a similar gradefor eighteen majors in residence. An­other student received a grade of Bminus in all her work. ,So through­out the list, the marks nearly tally, Senior class dance will be heldthe only difference being a plus or a Wednesday from 4 to 6 in the ,Rey­nolds ' club,'The students of the College of Ed-ucation entertained the Faculty ofstand around instead of this twenty. the School of Education in an infer-It is revenge to us. Well, I should mal reception and dance on Satursay so." day evening. May 9. in the Artroom of Emmons Blaine hall. Thisreception was one of the most en­joyable affairs of its kind given by'this college during the year. Al­though there were rival attractions,the attendance was large. The mem­bers of Snell House were the specialguests. Those receiving were Dr.and �Jrs. Butler, Miss Rice, Mrs.Norton, Miss Pierce, and Miss .Snow.The success of the occasion was dueto the student council and to thechairmen of the various commit- Hair Dressing, Manicuring,Shampooing, Facial MassageMADAME KAYNOR'SSCALP SPECIALIST237 E 55th St. Phcane H. P. J286TRAVEL OVlER'THELAFAYETTE...INDIANAPOLIS,LOUISVILLE,CINCINNATI,�AYTON.Or any t Southern PointTic:k� Olice. 18:2 So�tft Clark St.Depot-Dearborn Station, Polk andDearborn St..Enalewood Station-63d StWe Have No Branch StudioResidence, H.P. 961. Office. Cen. 3765DR. FRED W. PARKERDENTISTOffice: Suite 708, Venetian Bldg.34 Washington StreetHours O-T2. , :�o-� :00.The Yates-Fisher Teachers· Agenty. Paul Yates, Manager, Suite 641-642, 204 Michigan Avenue. FineArts Building. Chic8go.�---------------------------BORDEN',Condensed lint. , Fluid 1Iilk, Creamand Buttennilk.AU Bottled in the CountIy.Borden'. Condensed lIilk Co.627-633 E. Forty-seventh St.Cfhe IZimmermannllCO.428 E. 63rd Street.Desires to employ a fewstudents. Afternoon andevening work.For information, apply atroom gA, Cobb Hall, be­tween I and 3:30 P. m. It . is not the label•I4•that . makesclothes what mytheyare. It is the clothesthat make the labeLto Thirty Five DoDmaWe Stock a Complete lJDe orBlGB'GaQEManicure and Chiropodists'InstrumentsFilesNippersBuffenNallandCuticle '. ScissusCorn ChiselsIDives utRazorslepairiqNeaO, ......rIta"'� .. """ Cec. 5 « ce .....SHARP 6 SMITHIIG11-GUD£ IUIQCUU ... CIIIIOPODISTS"II Delicious Chocolates and Bonboasin great variety, pDt up in beati­Eul boxes, suitable for presents, •2Sr.. 40c and 6oc: a pound.Also Souvenirs and favors forCANDIES-IIIIIGunther's Confectione"212 State s�any and all occasions..AnARROW Collaris right to begin with and theClupeeo Process keeps it th:lt"ay. 15c. each-2 (or 2.Sc.CL'C'ET'I'. hAJIoDY & 00.. XUe1"I ,J:;:�e COUPON 10"Good for "at Fifth Floor, Masonic Temple$5.80 Sample Shoes $2.5.,A .AS THE JOLLY FRIARS IMPRESSED THE CARTOONISTTHE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, MAY 12. 1908 • . -- ....!'I..n �Isut ","I_....��&&. ·Vli\\\e·��. WON4ey'JU!neT�'0lIlati- nyTripsto theLaundry?COUITIY CUJI..... 3 .....No.1 HiNo. 2 2HNo. 3 2�i.. y •• can �\ r ,'" �strong, .• // •.........__...� collars at two�........!II-=�"'_ for a quarter-with perfect style and fit. But youmust remember to ask for��- - 2�.�f)Coaat17 tile wu It b Intencled-fits"eJo.eap." It is tile trim abliab c:oIIu tJaat... aNw.riDc DOW.Write far able book ahowInc latat a1aaDeLand _ of tlM deaIen who Bell thae pJalnIibltt.r c:oDua.c--. eo.. & Co., • CIaicqo, m._ .•• "'.t'eM iilQ!42W4MANY AT SPEL�N HOUSEANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONPULL DUBS surraTO JlDTT. G. SCHAFFNER • CO.AD Sizes. Sure Fit.w. c:art7 �ty Brand" Clothes Chicalo Belts-Now on sale at theTel. CnIraI "',s. 46 Rner at. University Press. Price, $1.,Itfor-r Murine Eye Remedjes�Iutinc Eye Tonic Refreshes,Cleanses and Strengthens the Eye.It Stimulates the Circulation of the 'I'enth Anniversary of Club for Off.Bloocl Supply, which Nourishes the Campus Girls Observed withEye z.nd Restores a Healthful Tone Reception •to Eyes Enfeebled by Exposure toStrong Winds, Dust and Reflected Three hundred friends attendedSunlight. the reception given by Spelman houseMurine Quickly Relieves Redness, in honor of their tenth anniversarySwelling and Inflamed Conditions of last Saturday. It was given in Lex­the Eyes, Makes Weak Eyes Strong. ington Library. between three andMurine is compounded in the Lab- five o'clock, �Iiss Dudley and Dr.oratory of the Murine Eye Remedy and �Irs. Butler were in the receiv­Co., Chicago, by Oculists who have ing line. �Irs. Judson, Dean andused it for years in a Succesful Pri- Mrs. Tufts, �Iiss Ballou and 'Missvate Practice, and is Safe and Pleas- Hreckinrjdgc were among the guests,ant in its application to the most sen- The rooms were decorated withsitive eye, or to the eye of a nursing I banners, lilacs. and marguerites. �1\1-'infant. sic was furnished hy Mrs. Watsonand �Irs. \Vhite.Murine Eye Remedy affords, Rclia- After the reception, the activeble Relief for the Eyes that Need members gave a spread for the alum­Care. Prevents many from the nee- ni. They introduced informally theessity of \Vearing Glasses, Aids new pledges, About sixty enjoyedthose 'who must wear glasses. An thi� event.Eye Tonic Compounded by .Oculists-hcnce Strictly Professional. Ask :\1 iss Jeannette Williams is pledgedyour Druggist for a Package and Phi Itcra Delta.Our 48 Page Book-" A. B. C. EyeHave you tried a classified ad inThe Daily Maroon? Tbe graspoCt.he claspis easy. h'sfiat-the only abso­lutely fiat clasp saneris the Brrghton, Killi­ons or men know tbis-buythem and wear them. Tbe yearis there, and th e y CO!'t only 0. quartera pair. Remember it..-a _ "'CI.. 711 -..air ......... Brightonsare made orpure silk web.The patterDi are+<1-'" new, exclusive- Tari-.",. ely enough to satisfy�. nerybotJy. All metal pariIare of heuy nickel-plated brua.If Jour dealer can't .upply you, II.pair will be sent upon receipt of p:·k<·.__ .-&_1 'I100-10:1 Randolph Street, ChicaeoFINEST AMERICAN CUISINESERVED Telephone Central 6876Hotel58TH ST. AND DRE:k.EL AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 3731-The BEsT Served atPOPULAR PRICBSRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfRIn CoDDKtio.The Twin Cylinder Indianis the Very Latest in-- MOTORCYCLES --Be sure your 1908 machine is a two cylinder with mechanicalvalves. All Automobiles have mechanical valves. Don't be deceived,get the Latest.Important - At Riverside Hill climb, California, a Two CylinderIndian made one mile in 58 sec onds, fastest time made in theworld by any kind of. a machine. Call and. see us. Demonstrationsdaily.' HENDEE :MFG. CO. 1251 Michigan Avenue, ChicagoDaintily DeliciousPerfectly P II r eSurpassinglySmoothWonder:fu"y \Wholesome.------YOUNG MEN'S DEPT.m Edward DJ tomplIlJ. TAILORS163 State StreetMentor Building, Second FloorChicagoOur Specialty-An absolutely stylish dependable suit to order, $35-00London Oftice 6 Golden Square, 'W.---------------------------------------------,Varsi!r Ca'e ••55th St. and Greenwood AvenueOPEN ALL DAY·20c and:.:.... �. UpMealsChop Suey � Specialty·',-HERl\IIAN JACOai & (:O •. ,:!,CLEANERS • DVER� ::'!t�l;" '.. " .�.l:. .Phone' Hyde' Park ·3tr1·:·Phone Hyde Park 3790Phone Oakland 36971447 E.��EGE. LJ\RDE�_C��A�IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST p�� 'TO EAT.I LUNCHEON 20c UP. EVENING DINNER, 25C..-pROOF OF THE PUDDING IS EATING."THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, AlA Y 12, 1908. .,..CbicagcEvan.�.� .Exclusive TailorofCOLLEGE CLOTHESNow ·Showing.'New Spring Styles25.00 to 45.00SPECIAL TERMS TO STUDENTSTOM SLATERPhone usHyde Park 5,037 5434 LAKE AVE.Hyde ParkTHE demand for good Millineryinsures a profitable recreation for thestudent of that womanly trade.In addition to the mechanical workof assembling, we develop the artis­tic sense in each student. 'We teach the blending of form andcolors, and the many features whichgive you an accomplishment whichwill always be a valuable asset.A feW lessons will enable you tobe �our own lliUiner.One replar course-daily clasSes-will make you '. an expert.Latest Models---exquisite materials.Special attention to making street anddress hats to suit individuals at rea­sonable . prices.Call or Write for further partiC1i1Us.Paterson School of Millin­ery and DeSigningSuite 6n. 6 IlacJison St.Cor. Michipn AVe. McClintock It Bayfield,Proprietors.. fieNew WellingtonHotelDirectly opposite theILLINOIS THEATER'100,000 being Spent in Improve­ments. Rooms Single oren SU:ite.The New FamousINDIAN GRILL- AND �THSKELLARU nexceIIed Cuisine and ServiceSpecial After-Theater Suppers"The Wellington Orchestra"SIIALL PRICES SMIALL PROFITS- . BUT- and a 3 per cent discountBIG VAL U B S on' aU purchases 1..BIG BARGAIlfS in LADIF$ It GENTS FURNISHING GOODSat TBB MORN IHG STAR385 East Fifty-Fifth Street. DRY GOODS STOREB. L. AMES HAT CO.ONE QUARTER CENTURY AT OLD LOCATION-'NOWAT-90 EAST .ADISON STREET-:ramURB BUILDINGSTETSON SILK AND OPERA HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EACH HATUJlBRELLAS :-: CANESGLOVES :-:MENTION The DAft Y MAROONIViea Trading Wilb OUI AdrerliselS (- ..DRINKS INK'LIKE A CAMELTo load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in allYiDk, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its owntank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereis to it I No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any time.(Continued from page J)CONKLIN'S ��G PEN"THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT·FILLER"can be 611ed instantly without the least inconvenience. Youcould fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ofsoiling. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writingqualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.Le� dealers haDd1e the CoakUD. If yours does D_t. orderd.lrect. Priccs.I3.00 ADd up. SeDd at oac:e for' haDdsomc Dew catal�.The ConJcI;n Pea Co., 310 Maahattan Bldi., Toledo, Ohio :!!­Vol. V=:;....-pURPIBEl1>rvie,'RennTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COIIPANY ,CONFERENCE TO BE' FOUR-. Phone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark AYe. and 56th St. CORNERED FIGHT-STAGG.� The Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the City •••••Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed andShipped to all parts of the world. 300 Private Stor­age Rooms. Large Parlor �xclusively for Pianos. of Mis'iouri entries came to Direc­Roo�s for Trun� and Whe.els. Large Room (or tor Stagg yesterday and he forward­CarnaCes, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks to andfrom all Depots. .Local Transfers for Baggage. ed them to Mr. Horton.Furniturot, Packages, ete., at short notice, Seventeen universities, entering 325S� attention civen to University Orden. athletes, have signified their inten-�������������������.����������- tion:of competin�. The institutionsare: University of Illinois, UniversityI of Chicago, University of Indiana,, TOM SLATER . Purdue University, University ofIowa, Northwestern University, Uni­versity of Minnesota, University ·ofWisconsin, Iowa College (Grinnell) ,Iowa State College, Michigan Agri­cultural College, Lawrence Univer­sity, Morningside College, Drake uni-Iversity, Beloit College, Oliver Col­lege, Leland Stanford University.Director Stagg has entered twen­ty-eight athletes in the classic meet,these being Captain Quigley, Brokaw,Caldwell, DeTray, Dolan, Gaarde,Garrett, Gill, Henneberry, Hubble,Jacobs, Johlin, Kling, Lewis, Lingle,Maddigan, Merriam, Morgan, Me­Farland, Otten, Page, Schommer,Shuart, Smith, Steffa, Steffen, Whipp, P. F. JENSENMERCHANT TAILOR51� 175 Dearborn StreetSOLICITS YOUR TRADE FORHIGH GRADE GARMENTS lThe�treakloping'the IlHtime t!oird ipmc,:a jockmiind<.to .I:ct) 'Direr1 in 1.,CI',sho'the g;held tthe filsecoruits se:00 basinglea runWorthwine.WORKS ATHLETES HARDFOR MEET WITH ILLINI(Continued from page I) THE CLARKTEACHERS' AGENCYCIICMD: 17 Eat v .... 1tnII......... 0ItI0e: IOISE, 1lIIIOCieorge·.W. Currier-& (0.PRINTERS.-HIGH cLAss JOB PRINTING,• ...AMUSEMENTS....General Newton M. Curtis, notedopponent of capital punishment, will Wanted-Work in shorthand and Wanted-Thirty ushers, ten fordeliver a lecture on this subject this typewriting-job or permanent. Ad- each night. Write name and addressafternoon at 4:30, in the north hall dress j. E. A., 57'4' Kimbark Ave. on 'paper plainly, and address to Benof the school. The general Newman, Faculty Ex., with whatto at- TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent- night you desire to. usher.Special rates to students; bargainsin re-built IDKhine.. W. White·head. 36 La Salle Street.cago, Merriam and Steffen outclass­ing Hamilton of the C. A. A.Jacobs won the pole vault fromFreeney. the interscholastic champ­ion of 1907, when he sailed over JJfeet 10 inches. Freenew, after break­ing one pole, failed to clear thisheight. Rogers was an easy third.Degenhardt appeared in the lime­light. in the. high jump by trying forfirst with Irons at 5 feet JO inches.Bacon was out of shape and did notplace, Hubble taking .third, Boyd,the freshman, got a third in thebroad jump to I ro�s and Nichols ofC. A. A.Maddigan's second in the discus, inwhich he beat his rival, Burroughs,showed the Varsity athlete up as alikely first i-l the Conference. Mad­digan's throw was for J23 feet sixinches. . Griffin won the event.Worthwine scored in the hammer.getting third -to Burroughs and n-a­there M.addigan failed to tally inthe shot, Garrels, Burroughs andPrather making it a slam for C. A. A. 5508 KUnbark Ave�ueTHB GARRIOK IJefferson De Angeles, Blanche Ring,Alexander Carr and 30 others inTH'E GAY WHITE WAYNOTICE TO IPS GRADUATESAll those who expect to graduateduring the calendar year, J908, are re­quested to see that their names areincluded in the list posted in theInformation office in Cobb hall. This Charles Frohman Presents• list is to be used in the Jg08 class TWENTY DAYS IN THE �HAD�POWBn.Sprogram, and is to include alI thosegraduating in ��arch, June, Augustand December of the current year.Copies of the program, a sample ofwhich may be seen in the Information office, may he ordered, throughEdward G. Felsenthal, chairman ofthe program committee. care of theFaculty Exchange. STUDBBAKB.MAY ROBSONThe Rejuvenation ofAUNT MARYTHB AUDITORIUMHARRY KELLYin the Bill Laugh.HIS HONOR THE MAYORNoole Opponent to Speak lI'�rcAt I,tp lorallow"Orviwithocouldsecurs(ILLINOIS"clu1r.lathe:dUIS:ttizadc1H:1m:1. d:llThe Dutch Musical Incident,MISS HOOK OF HOLLAND sphei"'hil<WIVarsthe:FivetachSchcbattitwoSchcIy tlB�theunl»a tolostthe�aathetnrcto 1Chi,�odChiNorCOLORIAL_ Ha� �01l seeDTHB IIKRRY WIDOWShe is the International Cn.eLA BALL.HONEYMOON TRAILWith Cedi Leanand Florence HolbrookTHB WHITRBYTHREE TWINSUniversity Public is invitedtend.SPECIAl.George F. Aiken's Barber Shopremoved from 446 to 428 55th street,in new building at Lexington ave­nue. New and enlarged equipment;more barbers; best service. StudentpatrOllage solkited.,, ::'i.;'! >� r , �for RELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month,from our own factory, equippedwith modem machinery, 250 horseisfaction or your money back. TheTypewriter Exchance,319 DearbornSt. Branch of the American Writ­inc Machine Co., iqcorporated.