lIatly lIurnnttr;rCHICAGO, FRID.-\Y.�lAYX. I�. Price Two Cents- -i ... 11..,08 SHAPE PUY INDIJN�NINE lODAY'QUADRAIGLE FETE LIKELY 11908 EN MASSE IN CHAPEL BLACKFRIARS DEliGHT: FIR CDY CIRCLE MEET "Old lIan" and "Jimmy" Sheldon TO BE DRIVEN INDOORS I Seniors .tt) Sit Together at Remaining FIRST NIGHT AUDIENCE, Agree to Contest Postponed Ball Exercises of Year-Cap and Gown, Mile 'O-alE t D'__' Game this Afternoon, if Weather W h k --d . ,the Official Garb on Final - Day- �Qartu 7 ven l&ll;;,,�orCd" eat er Ta es Han an Women s "Best Ever:' the Verdict for Fifth.- • C!'o.._ f.__�-t-- II on tilODS Favor. PI d h '11 b bl To Dance May 13,. Stal� as �... 0 �"'-.7 a, ans an T ey W1 Pro a y Annual Production of OperaNot Run. Seek Shelter. :\l\.'mht'r:' of the Senior class will Club.The baseball games scheduled for :jt'rt'aftl'r :-:it together in Senior chap­yesterday between Chicago and I n-,Merriam, ComstOck. Bacon, Garrett Had Made Elaborate Plans for Pic- \,1 in the effort to promote class fcl- Cast,and J---.L..- Pi-L.-..a to C!_ .. ID' diana will be played this afternoon, t C 1 b .. Ii hi' I I'.,_. � g.-. uresque e e ration In Eng 1S 0\\,:,11111 and co iercucy, accorr mg to:1 if the miniature lake on Marshall� TolDOft'OW. I. But-tield will evaporate or otherwisethe vanish by 3:45 o'clock. This de- Strong and Well BalancedWithout Exception-Setting andCostuming Effective,the decision of the Il)o._'-: executive com­nit tee at its mect iug in Cobb ycstcr­"It's just too mean for anything' .. lay. III future chapel mcet iug« t heIt don't have auv business to rain :irst liit\.'l'n ro w s will he sacred to)rei'terday's cyclone prevented,:.Varsity athletes from doing whatflht work Director Stagg had map­-;id out for them by way of winding'lip their training for the meet withC, A. A. tomorrow on Marshall field. cision was reached after a conferenceheld yesterday afternoon betweenDirector Stagg and Coach J amesSheldon.- Detailed account of thewords spoken on the occasion arc The CastPacking-ham ,." ..... George HuntDexter Davis , .....••. Carl Burtonj ack Daley Phil J. Reddyi{wlolph _ . Weaver Chnmhc rIinSchmaltz ,., ..... A. W, WheelerFritz .... ,., •.. Charles L. Sullivanfor a whole week without :-;toppin�, lhos�.' about to grauuate, t he j unior-.and in :\[ay, too." This wail. anti the ,iltiIJg' in the rear r ow s. This arrange­same sentiment in other 'words, went mcnt will, aft er appr oval by Deanup from the entire feminine portion I'uf t s. be put into operation withof the University yesterday, for the ue xt Tuesday'» services.elaborately planned and much-looked \\-earing' of Cal' :11111 Gown all Sen-.\[=5:">, Constance Prentiss ,', .•.......... , ..... ,Chas. Spence_�IJUllt Edouard "on Blon ......... ' Earl BerryMiss Louise Alstyne,Ralph BenziesFrau Schmidt , .•• ,. Dean Kennedyfina._ , .. E. R. Robinson.\'[ilkman H. R. Baukhage� c\\'shoy H. A. Kellar•1· given below:" "There is only one event we are-Hello, Jimmy. How are you?"sore of a first in," said Director. asked the "Old Man" on espying hisStagg. ... consider Merriam superior forward t" Quadrangl(' Fete has been ior clay will be another feature whichformer pupil.'to any quarter miler the C. A. A. has. driven indoors: and will have to make t his year's'Seniors intend to make'Then, too, Comstock has a, good "Oh, I'm all right, but what kind the best' of the crowded Tower cor- a permanent custom of thc closing· , of . weather is this you're trying to;cbance in the mile .. as he has done ridor, An extra supply of coffee and clay. Previous classes have attempt-i:L-t"'r work than Murphy. There are treat me to? ,Whew, it certainly other chcerin ••r winter f I I t k I I I t i 1 ffici Itilt " .... re res rments. C( n ma .e t ic sc 10 as lC gar) 0 icra:otber events in whiC;h our chances is-" has been laid in. for the women have on the linal clay. uut'nc\'cr succeeded., Ana then "Jimmy's" fedora blewi, .. ould be 'reasonably sure. were it not been prepared for any freak, from hut the 1«)0.'> committe is planning toaway, traveling westward on Mar-for the poor condition of the men. zero weather to ninety degrees, and have every Senior appear in grarlu-shall field. After it went its owner. I .· "Captain Quigley, who stood a are determined to defy the weather a t ing gown and cap.A few minutes later he returned, and;fiir show of winnning at least one man. However. they had set their An early tradition neglected by rc-rejoined the "Old Man" in conversa- hearts-i._Oi the dashes, has not recovered on a maypole dance, and a cent classes will, it was announced.-r lion.�:from the injury to his ankle, received picturesque fcte in English I: and he -revived in the farewell march of, . "Where's you team anyway?" ask- ..:':iD the Purdue, meet last Saturday. they are vowing vengeance on the the Seniors around the campus. All�Jierriam-' is' in no shape. at all in the ed Director Stagg, "Have you come weather man. members of the class will engagc in�h _h��.,' h���lIg tried them .,�n'y here without it? And the time only The sales of refreshments will go a solemn march from building toZj'ft' hi "G-' 11' nd h fifteen minutes be!�r__c:_ the game? .1,�· I I ki I ·11' . f I II I. �e t s year. . arre s,: u er t ese -.' ._- -" -"�-� � 'Qa�""��i!1_p.£ �_t ... loUg,l s -Ies were )\11 (l11g 111 a IJla goO( -)y to t 1e1#,cumstances, _ should capture the Why� Jimmy' you never behaved hke b!ue- a�d"thc te�p�';;t�l;-;;' -l�ild: ' Ti�/ 11alls '�I"cJi;'tlH�)'-have n-etluc:nteu-,dur-$ent. Garrett, who did remarkably that when I had you under my worn-en': from the various orgalliza- ing the four ycars then ended.'�food work in tbe half mile indoors. wing:' tions will wear hats of distinctin "Thl' Iwartincss which, the class h:.:-;'(L_ "You don"t expect to play in a day'�.tIU �,worki"g at the broad jump colorc;, and will vie with each other entered into clas ,sacth'ities should�� the hurdleS 'for the most part. Eke this, do you? Why, v .. e·1I forfeit for the patronage of the spendthrift 111:1ke thc, present uncertain traditicm�: � can not .,e, e�pected to run Ra- the game first. We don't have any Rlackfriar audience. It will begin in "f the Senior class permancnt in Uni-: .-,.' such weather down in Indianny.":�Y clOSe .. if he entS's the 880, time to catch the earliest arrival at \·crsity history," said Chairman Jor-"This weather? What's the mat- AUTHORS OF �'THE SIGN OF',: �Tb� pole vault will probably go tonight's show, and will not end mt- dan, of the Senior day committec, THE DOUBLE EAGLE'"- ter with it? It·s great. Just what ."1� the Cherry Circle, as Jacobs is in til the last lingerer has part cd with Yl'stt·rday. "From present indica-we''''e had for the last weelc."poor'shape, and will be against two his last penny to swell thc fund for t ion:', the year's graduating c1as::. will"That's all right. You may be' Istar men, Freeney and Glover. In . sending representatives' to thc y, W. C:lrry out t Ie most thoroughly im-, ue�tl to it. But we're not." C L f TI ' I '. lIt' ,'l11)'die billPh__ -J·ump .. Bacon will have a . . summer con en'nce. lC prcsslIlg, l' oS1l1g programat. "Well, I suppose you have got, bard t2S1c -set to win from Miller, the hooths, their colors and thc reiresh- das�:'some advantage. \Vhat do you pro- . I TI S' '11' I' I' IIndiana jumper, and Irons, who is 111ents they wll servc, are: lC e111or:-; WI gl\'e' t lelr t l1rt, pose to do? How will tomorrow Sllndaes. clance of the "'·car _�la)· I.� at .�. o','II),'kg� for six feet. Irons will prob- .J _:t,� '- '-. ably have no difficulty in the two suit you?" P.ortar Board_:_\Vhite, coffee and in the Reynohls cluh."I don't know, but .'11 take my. Olympian events, the standing high chanc�s." and they "joshed" on, adand three. standing broad jumps. • dinfinitim, as they moved towar Bart-Schommer, the only contender we INt basement.have in either, will not compete. Therunning broad jump should hand us Success is a Blackfriar habit. 'fheweather affected the size of the au­dience, but it could not put a darn­per on the enthusiasm which greeted'The Sign or' the Double Eagle." 1twas typically a light opera, . and its,;p�l1t,aneity and life absolutely dis­armed the familiai: r.�iii-cism- of "re-n1-'illiscence" in the few places that itmight apply:Since the first. each Blackfriar showhas been "the best," but if there were" sandwiches . ITALIAN AMBASSADORSigma-RIlle, icc cream an(1 straw-AND PARTY VISIT CAMPUSberries.WY"ern- Yellow, icc cream.Fhi Beta Delta-Dark pink. shortCORNELL NOT TO "CHIP IN" n�roll<.'ss des PI:l11ches,Gl1ido Sahetta,some points with Boyd and Garrett Till' recent statement by Caspar cake. Ithliall consul at Chicago; Chcvalicrcompeting. Whether we "'iIl win Pi Delta Phi-:\[oss Green, iccWhitney tbat Cornell will contributecream :llld cake. .-\.' R;&\':Iioli, commercial attache, anll· the event I can not say. $SCO to the general Olympian fund :\[ II I I r �[C . k IChi Rho cream ancl . rs. aro ( '.. C Or11l1C', were tIl'"'n the weights., Maddigan will has been denied by the president of 11Icmhcrs oi the party th:,t visited th�.'L_ h' d' H h' h !'trawherries.I",Ve a ar time. e as no c ance the Comt:1I athletic council. The Unh'ersity yc�tcrclay :"� gucsts oifor better than a third in the shot Sun prints an interview with him to Dcltho- Orange, ice cream ali«t Presiclcnt and :\lrs. Harry Pratt In.!-pat, and probably not in the .discus the effect that inasmuch as the Olym- cake.son. The �Klr' y visitcd the Reynold ..either. Garrells aDd Burrougbs are pian contests are not a college event Spl1man House-Sage gre('n, short dub :md othcr 111:ilcling-s of the Tow-y t d G'ffi d Aid k a g-r\.'atcr superlative, it would applye crans, an n n an erman and athletes from the Ithaca college ca ·e. l'r g-rOl1p. the Bartll'tt J';Y111na:-,iuJl1,h be .... r d ' . h d' to this production.ave � dlpn an t e IS- who compete at the games will not Halls-Emerald gr('cn, ice cream :Incl Ryt'rSC1n lahorC'!tory, \\'i ... r� th·," The hCHlk and lyrics, particularly(Us, enter under their alma mater's col- anll strawherries. \'I�itor� c\'inc(',1 mudl :n'('r6t ;n ill the opening and closing choruses,Undoubtedly the team that will ors. the contribution will he a useless "'omen's Athlctic Assodation- i'roit':'sor '\Iiclh':�t)n's ��'ientilic ;n, shnw a markcd a(lvance in the tcch-Wear the Cherry Circle tomorrow, expense of money. Fortune telling. :-tn1l1H'llt:-.. Th� c:::,t'nlo!t1I:hecl f,,:'- niCll1e of the-authors: and in ")n1<.'_ill be one of the classiest and best "Although some of the collegc� School of Education-Pink anc) l'i�llt'r� (,',pre:"sl'cI thcl11:'c1\'('s as fa- ,IL_ particulars were quite comparahlc toutlJanced that the Varsity has e,'er may contribute to this fund;' says white, cflffec anfl sanflwiche-:. \'orahly i111prt':'�l'cl with the Vni\'cr- the hl'�t profes�iol1al work. Thecompeted against. Director Stagg the Sun "thc Cornell Asociation is Cll0C •• I .... t ..... ity. :111c1 ... (·"ml'li to ('njoy tl1l'ir \'i:,itOff·Campl1s - Violct. " , ...;ynnp .. i� was printcd in the pro'lid yesterday that he will use the acting within its power and purpos(' �f1 tIlt' l'alllpll- The nh'111Iwr:, 01 till' -Sl1nflac-:, gr:\01. s�, 110 ol1c worrice) ahout theopportunity for shaping the athletes in spending money only for the fur- party were later \.'ntl'rtailll'li at l\1ndl- pInt.for the,lDinois meet which he is look- therance of Cornell athletics. AI- �'lIl1 :,t tll.t' re:-iciclll'e of the Pfl':,illcllt.'ing forward to, All the Cherry Cir- though all Cornellians ",ill he ",ith Th(' Snciolng-y clull will 111('('t tn.lay 1!;lrull allli :'II r�, fl�·...; PI:-tl1l'hes h:1\'(,c:Je athletes are in good shape, ac- 1 he American tcam in spirit at thc :It 4 il1 Cohh:zC. "Socia I C onllit ions I)Cl'11 the gt1c�t s (If hOllor at s\.'\'l'ra I�ording to reports from their camp. Olympic games yet undergraduates ;n Siam:' will he the snhj('ct of an t'nlcrtain111l'nt� this \n'('k :\t tht,"'iII rcalize that it is impossiblc for atldress to he (lclin'r('11 hy �Jr�, hOll1('S 01 l1lemhl'r� of the �ocial sct". II .. er orc:l'r of cOl11po�ition than a,'craneIhe ,\thlctic association to aid th(' ,on Y. a 1l11:-'S1011ary. of Chi(';tgo. Thl1r,..c)a\· night Prc�i-.. ,..I .". 01 any pre\'1f)l1� ycar. "Slul11herlan«(,'is\V�ather proved too much for the team financially." ,lent :111«1 :\Ir,,_ Jl1�I,..()n anc) TT(lIC��(lr II'Junl'or -oman's chap""l t dDt h d ". 1 I 1 •• 'I r I' I I an e:o.:('(' t'nt 1I1stance of this-proh-_" ... yes er ay ar mont an I a e 1a,'C cae 1 put alll, .\ rs. \.('(lJ g-c ow all( wcrc t I I 1 . .TI '1 . . . I a) y t lC lest plcce 111 thc show. liemorning, and it set the example for $500 into the general fund for sup- Ie Jumor c ass e:'l\:('('I1I1\·(' ('o01nllt- ,:;mon� thosc prc�ent at the 1l111S1Calc, I ,t f 'I' . .• f ' b I '11 'J I 'I' 11a:. (nne u. JU!'otlce to a u111for1l11ytne a ternoon s base a 1 gam� by he- porting ,"-merican teams, which "'iIIl tce WI O1('('t at 10:30 .\ onc ay 111 �l\'l'n the a111has�:tII(lr at the Con-ine cal� oft. ,compete in London next July. Cobb 3A. gress Hotel. (Continued on paae 4>Bar0n �Iayor (Ies Planches, Italianto the Unitcd Statc�;Hansen KleiriSmith has advanced as l1111ch in tlwqnality of hi� ml1�ic. It i� all jl1�tol!' tl1ndl1l as e\'cr hefor(', and a mUll­h('r of the pieces arc of a 11111Ch high-TH� DAILY MAROON, FRJDAY1 MAY 8. 1908.• • • • • • • • * * • -:J-Iltt latty lIar�nn DO YOU REMEMBER?DRAMATIC CLUB DECIDES *TO STAGE SPANISH COMEDY •UnlYeralt,. of Chlca�o.btered u BecODd·clua Mall at the Chlc.�oPa.toftlce, Chl�o. IIl1no18, M.rch 18.1903, uocJer Act of March 3. 1879.FormerilThe UnlYenlt7 of Chlcqo Weeki,..FODDdeclThe Weeki,.. Oct. 1. 1892.The Dall,., Oct. I, 1002.Editorial omce.-Be!ore 8 p. m., EJllaHall. Ualveralt,.. Tel. Hyde Park 426.After 8 p. m., Maroon Press. 474 E. 55thStreet. Tel. Hyde Park 3691.PRESTON F. GASS. News EdltorMELVIN J. ADAMS. AthleUc EditorLOUIS S. BERLIN. Business ManagerJerome N. FrankUPORTDSA. G. Whitfield. H. B. Fuller.W.A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. HallJ. Sidney Salkey Mamie LillyA. W. Wheeler. A. N. PfefferJ. M. Houghland,News contributions ma,. be left at ElllaHall or F.cult7 Exchange. addressed to theDall,. Maroon.FRIDAY, MAY 8, I9OB.AGoodShowon Friday for parts.llThe rain yesterday prevented JohnSchommer from making any more Stop Winter Intercollegiate Sportshome runs. \Vherein the storm from In connection with the announce­Wisconsin showed itse1f �orc effica- ment of the Han'anl football sched­cious than the team from 'Visconsin. ule for next falll the Han"anl Athletic�lf you ha"en't I committee has intimated that in or-II )een, of courseyou're going. tier to comply with the facnlty's ad-vice for the restriction of intercolle-llThe fete wiII happen tonight-thealumni will play Saturday-tennismen will hold a tourney-golf playwill begin-the band will play out­doors-track men will hold a meet­all providing the weather permit�.1f1 t has been some time since ourfriend Garrels competed against theMaroon. The last time-but why re­caU bad memories? Your Druggist Will TeIl You. paper at the Rome Congress wa's onThat :Murine Eye Remedy Curcg an important development in analy�isEyes, �Iakes \Veak Eyes Strong, in wh'ich he has been interested, andDoesn't Smart. Sooths Eye Pain and upon which he has been working forSells for 50 Cents. !lOme lime. •-I·F'·- OBLIGED TO DROP. OUT OF··.RESIDENCEqOae-half [18] of the l6 Majon required for �raduation ca8)' bedone b7 correspondence. qOver 300 c1au-room couna are thusoffered b7 ....... bers of-the U ... aUt7 Faculties. ·4"'. the reg­ular H� School aDd Colle.e Counea. are maD7 that appeal tothose lD different vocatioas-notab17 to teachers. qWork me;,heiin at aD7 time. qlnquire at office of '·1THE CORRESPONDENCE·STUDY DEPARTMENT ..• - •- : '� II< ... ,The Universitv of Chicago - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cobb �all;' �7A"The Albert Teachers' AgenCY'c. J. Albert, Manager3�8 Wabash' Ave .. Cbi�ag� '.Established twenty-three' Yt�rs:::"\Ve locate annually from sev­enty to eighty-five Utiiversiry�f Chicago students. CaU'Saturday and we will tell youof some of our good vacan-TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo stores: 131 La Salle . St., and44 Jackson Boulnarll1--,�--------'--------------------OKSThe largest stock in 'his counl,,_all kinds-standard,. newfiction, technical-conveniently ananged on our fwolarge relail floors. Engraved Cards,Announcements, ftc.�cCLVRG & CO.'Co .... espondence -Cou .. sesWill enable you to continue your college worl.· "�ld gain the degree.The Omel.l Htudent Publication of tht> � One Year Ago Today •"Zaragueta."Which Made Hit Among· All the scats had been sold for '"Dons, to Be Presented on Junior '" the Blackfriars' production, "Sure '"Day.. • Enough Segregation." •'" Two Years Ago Today •The Dramatic club has chosen for· The Junior College Council '"its Junior Day play, a Spanish Com- � drew up a list of eligibility regu- '"Publlahed dall,.. u:cept Suncla7 .. Hon_ cdy, "Zaragueta,' translated by Prof- • lations for participation in inter- •cla1a and hollcla7a. dnrlq three quarten essor G. C. Howland of the J talian '" collegiate meets. '"of the Unlnnlt7 ,.ear. and Spanish department. .. Four Years Ago Today •The play was decided upon in pref-" Chicago defeated Michigan in •erence to the club's earlier choice '" baseball at Ann Arbor by a score '"because it seemed in many ways sup- '* of 4-2. '"erior to the Grundy Comedy, "The >t Hamilton \V. Mabie, editor of '"'I< I 0 I k . . '" TOO MANY RELIGIOUS·Arabian �ights," besides possessing . t re ut 00" Critic and. essayist, .o TEACHERS PUNY AND WEAKthe added interest of being the pro- '" spoke at the opening meeting of '"Subscription price, $3.00 per ,.ear; $1.00 duct in part of local talent. � thc Alpha Delta Phi convention '"President Bryan� Franklin Collegefor 3 months. SubscrlptloDS recelved.t "Zaraguetu' holds ranks in Spain '" in Mandel hall. '" Asks for Strong Personalities inth Ma om Ellis H 11 I 1" ... * * * * • • • * * .* *e roon ceo a • or at tne t rat incro's best plays occupy in Divinity Schools.F.cult,. Exchange. Cobb Ball. Eng-land and America and in the ··TOO MANY BRYANS;'· ---skillful hands of Professor Howland CALENDAR IS MUDDLED .. It is appalling how densely igno-loses little in the translating. President Bryan of Franklin College, rant college men are of the BibleProfessor Howland is eminently Confused with President Bryan "The man who does not put hisfitted for the work of putting into ,of Indiana. knowledge of political science, ofEnglish a Spanish work of literature history, or sociology, to practical use,LUTHER D. FERNALD. Managing Editor as he has spent part of his life in "Ton many Bryans in this conn- and do smoothing with his train-Spain and is well enough acquainted try," Mr. Alonzo K. Parker, the Uni- ing, is a stupid and undesirable citi-with the various phases of Spanish vcrsity recorder, said yesterday. zen."life to maintain the original atmos- Someone amusingly confused Presi- "A man does not have to set hisphere of the work. dent William Lowe Bryan of India- teeth or pass resolutions in order toThe play itself deals with the en- na University with President Elmer demonstrate that he has a will."tanglement of a student in Madrid, B. Bryan of Franklin College, and as These clean-cut statements werewho, beset by his creditors, takes ref- a result the University \Veekly Cal- made yesterday afternoon by Prcsi­uge with his uncle in the country and cndar contains the announcement of dent Elmer B. Bryan of Franklinunder pretense. of severe illness asks a lecture by President Bryan of the college before the University publicfor the money required to satisfy his State college, when the other Prcsi- in Haskell assembly hall, on the sub­debts. dent Bryan was the real speaker. ject 1)f "Some Aspects of ReligiousThe complications resulting from The chief executive of Franklin col- Education."the village doctor's inability to dis: lege, is a man of almost equal fame Continuing, Professor Bryan said.Bua1nea OMce-Befol' 8 p. m., Elila cover the ailment and his various with President Bryan of Indiana "Students in college should be phyH.II. Unlveralt7. Tel. HIde Park 426. prescriptions are made worse by the University, so the mistake made lit- sically stronger at the end of a colf I . I f I - tie real difference to the Universitv leg . tl lb" (Ilila arrrva 0 t ie money lender, J e year ran at t ie egmmng, anZaragucta, who demands his note. public at large, but to Dr. Parker the if college life doesn't do that thereCarlos, the student manages to make oversight has been the r:mse of con- is something wrong. 'his people believe that the money siderable embarrassment. "Too many of our religious instruclender is his Madrid physician and "What can we do]" he said. "There tors are', .puny; sick 'and weak, amthe fact that old Zaragueta is deaf are two real Presidents Bryan, and lack vieor to ·teach young men aruhelps Carlos to carry out the deceit another who is trying to be, and an- young women. .There is not mudAgain have the Blackfriars done them- with many laughable results. other William J. Bryan in Congress. hope for young men who want to beselves credit.' "The ,Sign of the Dou- The amusnig appetite of the Un- This makes four 'of that name who ministers if they can' not do largeble Eagle" is a good de and the desire of one Pio to be- are prominent. so there is no reason th·ngs. Religion needs young men 0showl well presented, come a priest despite his crafty to be surprised." strong intellects and large heartsand enthusiastically re- mother's plans for him, gi"e oppor- Professor Bryan's subject for to- Religious training should embraceceived. What .more tunity for much fun and many day has also heen changed. It will the body, the mind, and the heartneed one to ask of laughs. be "Religious Education for the Religion ·will save the stale the famany play?. The play has appeared only twice Young:' instead of "Some Aspects of ily, bu�i�less and' society, just as itLast night's show did credit to the before in America, once given by Religious Education" as announced saves the individual. This great workJolly Friars of the present, even Kansas students in English, and will be done in accordance with themore than the four previous shows once in Spanish at the University of PROFESSOR MOORE AT ROME principles of Jesus Christ, as lai(have in turn done to earlier genera- California. MATHEMATICAL CONGRESS down by the New Testament. In facttions in the brotherhood. The results :\Ir. Howland owns the copyright Head of Deparment of Mathematics the only thing worth while in thisof weeks of hard work will now ap- on the Spanish edition of the play University's Representative at In- world is the understanding of . repear ;n the e�cellence of the play, ,lI1d has made the English version temational Conference in Italy. Iigion, and the real magnitude of theand the smoQthness of its presenta- especially ior the Dramatic club. subject should be appreciated moretion. "1 thiuk that the play ought to be The fourth International Congress especially hy young people.A final verdict on a play should be well recei\"Cd at the University." of .Mathematics, at which Professor That too few religious teachers arcwithheld until it finally comes into said Professor Howland, .. It ran for E. H. Moore has been attending as mell of strong, keen, large personaliits own. First-night performances a whole year in :Madrid which means the University's representative, has tics, and that they "do things," werealways have rought edges, which it js a very long run in Spain. It is just closed its sessions in Rome two points made by President Elmertakes a night's playing to remove. as funny as "Charlie's Aunt" and Italy. Representatives of France L. Bryan of Franklin College.W. h h' ., Germany, England, Italy and Amer-It t IS accomplished, the per- yet possesses a literary merit thatformances tonight and Saturday places it on a plane with the best of ica took part in meetings extendingshould be credited as about the best the modern English comedies." over ten days. The topics for discus- 1college' play ever presented by col- '" The book is at present in the sion were classified under four heads ilege men. hands of Donald Robertson who will -Analysis, Geometry, Mechanics anddirect the play and finals will be heM l" the meetings were ;held in corresponding sections. Fromthe United States there were amongothers representatives of the follow­ing institutions: Amherst College,the University of California, Univer­sity of Chicago, Columbia University,�Iassachusetts Institute of Technol­ogy, University of Missouri, Univer­sity of Xehraska� Teachers' Collegeof Cohllnbia l!niversity,and \Villiamsgiate games, the committe,? purposes <10 away with the winter intercol-. The representative for the Univer­legiate sports. "ity of Chicago, Professor :\Ioore,hasbeen abroad since January 1, mid willnot return till next October. 1-1 is e���SHIRTSOn and off like a coat.In filSt colors and' ex­clusive styles. $1.50 up.CLUE'M', PEABODY 41; CO., "enBOA. C.215-221 Wabash Avenue. Chicaeo.--Tichc... \------Ththislookc1ainourand'II Delicious Chocolates and Bonbonsin great variety, put up in beau�luI boxes, suitable for presents, at25r.. 40c and 60c a pound. :�o Souvenirs and favors forany and all occasions.CANDIES.. Be'Gunther's ConfectionerY212 State Street.I have made clothes for Uni­versity students. Ask them how.they' like them.WALD '{'BENEDICTTailor ,,;.f... J-:.214 East 55th Stre�t .-"\Telephone 2860 Hyde Park�';. . .1>/._.--.· •••••• er.,'::(.. ':-'�'iREMOV·ED' �j:':�'iCentral Camera (Q.�To 179 Wabash Av�ueCAMERAS. KODAKS andPHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIESDeveloping,. Printing and EnIargiq.Cameras 'and Kodaks .Rented '..and Exchanged.Telephone Central 5963-'SPECIAL$chool and College5 uitings$25 $31 and $35 COnSpecWoo--_BtoTHE :DAILY·MA'B..OON, FRIDAY,' MAY ,8, 1908.MISS HECKMAN ,IN FIELDPOR.LITERAY EDITOR;P. F. J·ENSENMERCHANT TAILOR:,: Present .' ,"THf .SIGN Of 'THf ·DOUBLf fAGLf"(Hansen. Klein and Smith.)The Sc�am of the YearMAY SEVENTH .. EIGHTH and NINTHMANDEL HAJJ. '. --,.Nomillated by Petition. for .: fositionon cap and Gown Board ofNext Year.512, 175 Dearborn StreetMiss Jessie Heckman was nomi­nated yesterday by petition for theposition of Literary Editor of theCap and Gown. This brings two. candidates in the field for literaryedtior. Miss Heckman is a Quad­rangier, Kailailu, Sign of the Sickle,treasurer Y. W. C. L. '0'], Dramaticdub, Green room, Cap and GownBoard 'oS, chairman College of Lit­erature 'oS, chairman' of the Dec­oration committee, Quadrangle Fete'oS .. :Those who have been nominatedup to date are:Managing EditorsPaul Heflin.Hurnard Kenner.Carl Lambach.Sydney Sal key.Literary EditorsJerome Frank.:Miss Jessie Heckman.Business :Managers 'George Garrett.Fred Nelson.Allan Ross.Albert Sabath. SOLICITS YOUR TRADE FORHIGH GRADE GARMENTS57th and Lexington Avenue�Tickets (25 c,ents to $1.50) now on sale at University Theatre Agen­cy. ·�lail· orders from 'Manager Ben F .. Newman, 6040 Ellis:\ vc., Chicago:1" ---------------------------------------------------------,�--------.---------------------------------�����------------------------.---�------------------------ HotelMAROON MEN 58TH ST. AND DREXEL AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 373g.The BEST 'Served. atPOPULAR PRICESRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfRIn ConnectionWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORNER wCLOTHESARE BUYING AGAIN THIS. SPRIllGCOLLEGE SUITS AND OV£RCO.ATS $35-00$C�er&WnkieTAILORS tU 16 De.rfl4»r. St.:.8_ f,"rYOUNG MEN'S DEPT.___ -'iRobert Staedter 'Co. TRE :Edward Oy' £ompanyTAILORSISS State Street., Between' -Madison and Monroe-Phone Central 5334 163 State StreetMentor Building, Second FloorChicago. Our Specialty-An absolutely stylish dependable suit to order, $35.00- Furs, Suits,' �oats, .SkirtsMillinery London Office 6 Golden Square, W.The Suit, Coat and Skirt value we are offering during the balance ofthis month and, �fay . cannot be equaled in Chicag�.' Come in andlook over our stocks. W�- h�ve the Merchandise to support tbisclaim. Silk Dresses $12.50 to $15.00 and up. In our Millinery Sectionour Styles are correct, and range in price from $5.00 up. We storeand remodel Furs at Lowest Prices Phone and we will call IOWA'RETA1NS -MARC CATLINDaintily ·DeliciousPerfectly ,P;u r eSurpassinglySmoothEx-Muoon 'Athlete Renews Contractas Dircctor.of ·Athletics.the board of regents. Catlin, who-was captain of the championshipeleven of 1905,· was one of the best.ruen who ever won the football ·'C." I'He was noted .for his speed and'keenness in backing up the line on . ---------------!.defense, He bolds several records in H·the hurdles. '. alTJ .M •. D.Catlin has boomed Iowa athletics, ;having l turned out successful teams:.during the two years of his .connec­tion with the Hawkeye Jnstitution.GENTLEMEN-. - '-.' ' ........... no Dlua 'II IntE,.IUUlH;'r.: c,., •. BOSTON. CRARTER,. .. -.....' �. Wonderfully IWholesome .This is . the'. time to plantFLOWER and VEGETABLESEEDS •••••We carry' a' lar&'e variety of .clean and hardy Seeds •Choice Cut Flowersalways on hand.Eyesight Specialist. OpticianCentral OfficcA. ,M.cAdamsFLORIST,53rd. and KimbarkTelephones H. P. IS and H. P. 6c)57TO ',ENTERTAIN FACULTY Suite 1320 Masonic TemplePhone Central 5255St1Idents of Collqe of EducationGive Dance to Faculty. Hours 10 a. m. to 5 p. In.'The students of the College of Ed­ucation will give a reception anddance to the faculty of the school to­morrow night in Emmons Blainehall. Dean and �rrs. Nathaniel But­ler, lfi�s Rice and Miss Van Hoesenwill receive. The heads of the com­mittees in charge of the affair arcMiss Lucy Wolcott, reception co�­mittee; Miss Lucy Berrl, invitation,and Miss Estelle Simms, finance com- ...� BREW E R TE:\.CHERS·- :\.GE'CY...... \ I.,. ... I � • J :. ... \, l. :.... ;" ,) -: k. ,,4 �. : • '" \ •- ..... ��.. , . ,tlll\u(l,A faultlessly fitted F'ull :Dress .. Suit is . probably the'.me st· uWul one a tiW1' can ... ';' .C.V;;1, � � it·is the-t,:l(.st essential. to ilave· pcnD8-nently in·· his �wardrobe. I' I• •• fRA·N�K· Th'e T-ailor •••Exclusive styles for Y OlIDg College Men, in Spring and Summer GoodsI CLEAN�G, PRESSING AND REPAIRING.Phone Hyde Park 3S13- 193 E. 55th Street. l-.. :- ':. �. ".: � .'.: 1I.0·,RD·B.H·'. �COad�lIilk; nDd IIilk;'Crum, .• : :' aDd Bu�.; : '� AD BO�iD the Countly.BordeD�. "Condensed 1IiIk' c. ..627-633··�ii·: F�rty��th� St. Dr. McClure at Sunday Evening ClubPresident" James G. K. McClure ofthe McCormick Theological· Semi­nary. will be the speaker at the meet­ing of the Sunday Evening club inOrchestra hall, Sunday evening at7:30 o'clock, There will also be anorgan recital by �Ir. Clarence Dick­inson, the director of the chorus ofthe club. Among the officers of thisorganization are Professors John G.Shedd and Charles I •. Hutchinson ofthe University.There's no use' puttingmoney .into Full. DressClothes, un�ess·. you pro­.cure.j.n exact fit and ab­:;olut�y 'correct style instrict accordance withf f;shion;s iatest edict: 'We'......-offer a special Full DressSnit complete with extraTuxedo Coat. made ofthe best materials, tailor­ed to fit and bang exact­ly right, and in themost approved mode, al1forSEVENTY -FIVE DOLLARS -E. C. lMO-O-R-E•• fLORIST ••'Phone 'Hjde Park 1252 .FmELiTY LAmmRYCLARIt--a: READ, ProP� I684-686 E. 63d St.Special Attention· Given to Student IWork. A postal Will Bring Wagon. . 826 W. 6Yd StreetTel. Wentworth 203S. 272 E. 5sth Street. '}Tel Hyde Park J8.rdam COLLEGE LARDER CAF·E -447 E. 55th Street. Near Lexington Ave.IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO EAT.LUNCHEON 20c UP. EVENING DINNER, 2:__jC."PROOF OF, THE PUDDING IS EATING."--------------------------------------------------Best Opportunity ever offeredto have Suits,' Skirts and Coatsmade to order hy expert Tailors,and latest material from $30, $J5lip. \V� also make from our ownmaterial at the small cost of $20,We guarantee a perfect fit andsatisfa�tion in every way. Giveos a i�ial and you *iI1 see..ATIONAL·LADiES'TAILOR.:MADAME '�,QE�LE�·. Prop., om�e I.m �asoriic Temple. tIClyde A. Blair. two years ago thestar sprinter of the Conference, amione of t;lc best roo-yard men ever inthe University, is the happy father of...haby girl. born last month in- Clear­mont, Wyoming. :Mrs .. Blair, whowas �Ijss Anne Hough. was also astudent, in the. University, havingbeen a member .of the class of 1908·. I The "VarJity Special Derby '2.50f�1HE TIME· -THE PLACE- ·THE HAr. · NOV!· ·161 WABASH· 'CH�S W, BARNES-;805 Masonic TempleCbicqorDRINKS INK. LIKE A CAMELJIiscS ]Triul.'�mE DAILY MAROON� PRIDAY. MAY 8. 1908. .. �: � ..B��KFRIAR$ DELIGHT the moment of his entrance. He can scream, and got an ovation.�IRST-NIGHT AUDIENCE sing, and he is one of the few no- The daisy chorus put over anothertable eccentric dancers that the stampede with the attractive electricFriars have produced. light stunt .. The music is one of. theSpence has two «reat songs this tuneful, haunting lyrics that. stick.high-grade lot of lyrics. The excel-y�ar, which rank with "Midway The octette were, as to song, cos-lent practice of repeating iu the in- S tumes and ability to handle them-termission the music from the pre- weetheart' in giving him a chancefor his soprano stunt. From his No. selves, excellenf, Only for a mo­vious show was continued.4 slippers to his blue plume, he is ment were the dance steps stronglyThe setting was notably good- the ideal soubrette. reminiscent of "walk, walk, walk,"also well ahead of the previous ef- Benzies combined unusual grace of sainted memory.Iects of color and motion, centering and vivacity with splendid voice Mention has already been made offects of color and motion, centring f h fiquality in a soubrette part. the striking finales. That 0 t erstaround the dashing, brilliant .Saxon- U act was easily the best. The lyric ofBlackford as Miss Crampton hadian corps, were fine, from the rise of I f 1 the second was weak, but its chorusthe curtain to its final fall. ots 0 ife and snap to carry off adifficult c haracter makeup. carried it triumphantly through.There is not a weak spot in the Burton s opening speech, which Some people prefer first night, inentire cast, and the parts balanced .. . blwon a round of applause, set his order to enjoy the . mevita ewell. The defect. of the entire com- Ipace for the entire performance. His ··breaks." Some people t ie morepany is the old one, of failure to fIb f Iinished last production. Both wouldsong was one 0 t ie est 0 the Iyr-wait for the laughs, and, in the case be satisfied with last night's show.ics. He , .. as one of the three or four owof the girls, this spoiled in every The breaks were there-s-iust as funnyleading characters who threw enoughcase their opening lines. Another isas they could be--but there was alsoenergy into their work.the failure to speak slowly enough, f fi . h dThe third "girl" to. score was an unusual degree 0 ms an com-and to make the speeches carry to dRobinson as Tina, the barmaid, pleteness throughout. . It was a goothe back rows. I t is only possible whose line s, though few,delivered.Sullivan and Wheeler(Continued from pace I)were wellto mention briefly the work of theindividual members of the company.George Hunt, as the packing mag- which, developed but a little more,nate, was capital, sharing with Reddyand Burton the honors of the first would be notable pieces of comedy.act finale, which. with the novel Both we�e good.Chamberlin, Robinson, Baukhageand Kellar, rounded out the cast, andwere only limited by the scope ofhad partssinging effect, was technically oneof the best things in the show.Reddy needs only a little more fer­vor to be the ideal· 'iUackfriar lover,and is more than competent in ail his their parts.As to the chorus-which .makes or:work, but captured the house with 'his breaks a show-to the. Saxonians,. spirit in the new .Chicago foot- koes the bulk of the praise. Theirball song, which is destined to be "a gay costumes, their military evolu­winner. The applause which greet-I tions, the swing and verve that theyed its repeated encores, was almost imparted to the movement of the en­continuous, It has the whistly, swing- tire opera made them easily fore­ing quality of "The Man Who Wears most,the 'C,'''' and a� inspiring lyric. The pony ballet, beautiiully cos-Dean Kennedy makes a hit from turned, was literally a first-nightOur Piano StoresVisitBefore making • �on be sure to see oar impr .. nezl6ita-foar Soon of diapJq rooms - ColeDial Room, ArtNo� �m, Louis XIV � Dutch 200ml HandreU ..P__ ,?"Dy dUferent makes- each of aclmowledced _,.. ...acy in ita respective cl.. aD sales made at minitngm 6pnLCaD . for art booldeta of various pianos to .tudy at ioar Ieisan.T ..... to suit yoUr preferences. VISitors always we1come-aeOM arced to b1l)' I We areSole Agents forCROWN, KNABE. ESTEY,CHICKERINO BROs.. JUCPHAIL GRAND,CONCORD, H. P. NELSON.Before making a seIec.tiOD visit the PiaDO Rooms �fGEO.P.BENTall Waba.h Aven ue Chic.Co, U. & �• ...AIUSEIENTS....GAJUtIOK ILLIBOIIjefferson De Angeles, Blanche Ring,Alexandcr Carr and 30 others in. THE GAY WHITE WAY The Dutch Musical Incident,MISS HOOK OF HOLLANDPOWBBSCharles Frohman PresentsTWENTY DAYS IN THESHADE OOLORIALHaft you I�TIm·IIBRRY WIDOWShe il the Interadoaal era.------_.-_.STUDBBAK ••MAY ROBSONThe Rejuvenation ofAUNT MARY LAHONEYMOON TRAILWith C.cil Leanand Florence Holbrook.i'BB AUDITORIUMTHE DAIRY MAIDSWith Harry Bul�erTHREE TWINS Resraura. .��S. E. CO •• STATE II,.", AlJA.S .....Tells." .�., L di 1 . d "h· ir: LU.CHKO. FOR .U EN •• D SHO S:-II._ t:e, "MJss' Me ean JSp aye erse . ..p etten"'" Ie ..... .as a �irt. ..•• .8.��URSE TABLE D'HOTE. WITH WINE. ••Sugita was a Japanese daisy, I . , SUNDAYS. 1% TO. P. Me DALY f'ItOM 61'0. P....Phil Reddy deserves a real ... C" for ............. c: J hll�"."""'-..ICIII�. �''''-''''his gameness in the Chicago song. ." P. •• TO , A. &_ .Lambach, the German Irish girl, •• DIU'''.· T .,.. • '•... ,r�I·-1was ·another female flirt. .1.... ,.. &lj � .. �"Is that fine looking, big, manlyfellow there, the athlete Hubble?""Yes," her escort said.A real newsboy was imported fromAmerica for the scene in Bonn."Desperation before,· say the Cu­pid Ph.D. chorus. "and elation af-show.Company Has After-Show SupperAfter the show the Blackfriars andthe cast and chorus of "The Sign ofthe Double Eagle" assembled inHutchinson Cafe for a big feed andjollification.Ben Newman said: "Well� we haver dandy chance to give the show.�owntown. Saturday week, at the In-Iternational,'Hansen and Klein. "the Siamese ]trwins;·'· Earle Smith, the "musicalking;" Max Richards, the jolly Ab·bot; Hirshl Shaw, master of proper­ties; Charlie Paltzer.ex-Abbot ; RalphBenzies, the daisy girl; Dean Kenne­dy, Frau. Schmidt; Carl Burton, theadvertising kid; Spence and Huntresponded with absolutely impromptuspeeches of praise for the show, andappreciation for the hard-working ac-'tors and actorines ...: Foo�&htsKarl Dixon and . Esther . Hall dis-\ ...played the maroon during Louise'ssong to them; "The Tale. .the Daisyter."ELWELL1 "TYPICAL STUDENT"•Has Distinction of Presidential In­troduction to Visiting Ambas­sador.'·Here is one of our typical stu­dents," said President judson,to Am- 'bassad�r de Planches, when theychanced upon Russell Elwell, '09, inthe Reynolds club yesterday. RI­"'ell, suddenly disturbed from stu­dious cogitation in one of the clubrooms, felt distinctly flattered untilhe soddenly noticed that· his feet"'fOre on a table, a pipe "'as in hismouth and a smile was on the am­bassador's face. The feet disappear­ed before the ambassador left, butthe smile remained after the doordo�ed on the "typical student."RELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month,from our own factory, equippedwith modem machinery, 250 horsepower. You assume no rislc; sat­isfaction or your money back. TIleT)pewaiter �,J19 DearbornSl Branch of the American Writ­iDC Machine .Co., iacorporatecI. . 'To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it iD ..,bak. press the Crescent-Piller and see it 6n its ontank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereis to it I No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any tim�.CONlON'S ��G PEN.liTHE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Yotl.:.could fill it with white kid gloves on without danger of.soiling, Besides its convenience. is the splendid writlD, ..qualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed,_:t.eadIuc dealers haDcUe the CODklha. If.,.oura does .. to 0*.'dlrecL Prices. 13.00 aDd up. SeDCI at ODCCI· (or baDdaom8 DeW �. . -The CoaIdia Pea Co., 310 IluhaUaIi BJdi.. ToWo. OIUo .: wamen':tboug------------�--------· �� __ iII,· f.B. L. AMES HAT CO�ONE QUARTER CENTURY AT OLD LOCATION.- HOWAT-·98 EAST·I"IID'SON STREErTBJBURB BUILDINGSTETSON SILK AND. OPERA HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EACH HAT las. CANEI " fems, ;JdisplaYlGLOVES UMBRELLAS:-: :-:the \"ar'Os in10D :111«aD execKiss J;.·Kiss 1l6Ss A� a� exprdie BIi(t,. at'3d�erti�ted,�thc�stel.. ._. ,�The only exclusive ladies "Bootery'� in ChIcagois the·••• ROCHESTER SHOE· SHOP •••Fourth Floor. Masonic TeIDpJe.A . quiet nttie shop where you can buy ladieS hilh-gradesample Shoes for ,..2.00 AND· $2.50VISITORS AS WELL AS BUYERS ALWAYS WELCOME"�'.:Aa j� OrijiuIUea .... ....... 1M ia • SCdcdJ pee' 5 , a,. ;: '.Themusicb·�·the VaudeTilJe �t8 are reimed aDd briPt. .Ie. _ �that would do crCait to aD,. theater. - .. C':::. ,.• � - . --: . .« -- . -•. 'O�.�:: "-New FcahD'eS To-NI..... A .. _ c._ltD _1 d�.·' _:._e� ...... T A ee. . ·�l·.STATES RESTAURANT H"�t IIA�-:m�r ''tho:booth�,Qua"llor£SOlSignWy,'Phirood.DellS�1• Ottlit)".W.KaiTh�CharIHavektllyThehit, :l:banfore.rouldTHE [NGRAY[RSANDARTISrS�ORUNIVERSITIES &<OLL[GESJAHN & OLLIER ENGRAVING CO. : Ali�rlir"chiIer.CHICAGO,.____--------�TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent- Wanted-Work in shorthand:andSpecial rates to I�dents; barpinl typewriting-job or permanent Ad­in re-built machines. W. White- dress j. E. A., 5714 Kimbark Ave.bead, 36 La Salle �George F. Aiken's· Barber Shopremoved from 446 to 428 55th street,in new building at Lexington ave­nue. New gnd enlarged equipment;more barbers; best service. Studentpatronage solicited. \Vanted-Thirty ushers, ten f(lft:ach night. Write name and :addresson paper plainly, and address to Bell .Newman, Faculty Ex., with wbatnight you desire to usher. At�l'he� 'CUr, :,the <trionralleeSPECIALTypewriters Rented-3 months forS5 and up. TYPtwriters sold on easypaym�nts, from $10 up. Best bargainsin guaranteed machines. AmericanDesk. T)pewliter Co .. I. DearbornIt. II.,. ;:;·COUPONGoodfor JOeat Fifth FIoer, llaoaic Temple'5.00 Shoes 12.50 -