training under leaden skies, and' chill:'Vith plans near: completion for an. winds. And now, with the' Cherryk�i-ate Quadrangle Fete in con-�ion with the Blackfriar perform- Circle meet only three days off, they.&�next Friday night, the. women are still to be treated to an ideallthe University were looking anx- training day.�io.. out at' the pouring rain yes- Th C A At' b bl th_'.I e '. . . earn IS pro ayel�Y, and wondering if the weather strongest opponent the Maroon ath­�d repeat history this year and.�. letes will have to encounter. Director tume, Constance Prentiss was theredl#e the festival indoors. Ambitious I ',� for a gay spectacle in the Eng- Stagg said yesterday that he expects MacClintock� �tty, MacNeish. Owen, Sturgeon, Hoadley, Lewis, sugita in a neat pink costume of the latest6sii sunken garden beside Mandel the athletic association to capture mode. Louise Alstyne dancedWi are being made, conditional on the dual. on Marshall field Saturday. JUNE 5 MAY BE PROM DATE SOPHOMORE, CAUCUS tODAY through her part in· a short 'whit�tDtweather. If the weather is un-. The men on the team are more op- ---- elbow sleeved dres�.· The buxomPC£itiol1s. the affair �iH be held in JUDio� Council to Reconsider Date 'Second Year Class to Name Candi-tim is tic over their chances. They Fridaw-ilaw "Hl DPft._ Practi''callw . dat- /tor Pi'"'ve 'om- at M .......... · Frau Schmidt rehearsed "a song and��corridor leadin(" tv Mandel hall, " " -:. ,r .. _ • ._ ,,-. 1:' �-._..i .:. .� d M'" figure that Quigley and Barker in Una-:I-ble _ Co-_:ttees AIr' -...... m' Kent T' odaw_v- K' een I' .. ..;.� dance that is likely to make the aud�·.,'Miss Ethel 'Preston an ISS ,VAUA &&oIAAM -� ,,--1"'""''' �F.iaces Herrick are general chair- the dashes, M!!rriam and Ungle. in at Work. paign to Start. ience roar, while the other members-I. or' the fete. Miss Jessie Heck- the quarter mile; Lightbody. Shuart, ----- of the cast and the choruses went -t" J' '11 b bl b h d t The first gun, in. what is expected._.' _/will superintend the decorations, Bresnahan, and possibly Garrett. in umor 5 WI. pro a y � tea e through their' parts with 'a degree ofh f h t of the Junl'o' r Prom according to to be a hot political campaign, will . . -. ..'. ; r-Louise Lyman t e re res men the half; Lightbody, Comstock and' , ," b be fired today. The Sophomore class. smoothness for. a first. costume re-\ations, and Miss Alice John- - mem ers .0£ the. Prom committees, ,-Stophlet in the mile;' Caldwell and J he Tuni ' otherwise khown .as that collection of hearsal that promises well 'fOf the'• the advertising. anr ot t e Jumor Counc.l, The date...b h l\-J.cFarland in the two-mile, Steffen for the Prom. it was announced yes- students who have not less than. ten 'first -night on Thursday-.·eh club will have a oot, serve, .hments, and sell music from 7 and Merriam in the .hurdles, Maddi- terday, will be. reconsidered at a nor more than twenty-one. majors. of The. reh, earsal lasted into. t.he, sm. a.. _ll _ "_'}�?.... ". f h d _1_- '·1 credit, will· lDeet in caucus in 'Kent �, � .• � .....J! �I: .o�doc�·· ... �.,. _ .. _.' �n<">�:C,r.0rley.j'P���_�fi:�· 'JD�et�J1g -�: � e: .,un� ���� ..". �o��� theatre thi� mo;nmg' at. '.' -,' d hours and'cthere' is a" promise··tha��: - �-;;ng�ntermission is planned be- cus, Wonb�ine and lHubhle in' the FrIday, and all the mdlcatl,on,� are 10.30 an th' f'l1'd' . 'Ii - \ al' witi d 'h' "-;"1"l�__, , - that the first Frid�y in ·Jun. e •. ,<ill be nominations of, candidates for 1909 .� U r�ss re ea:rs.. "... 0. - t_ .e. __n the first and 'second: acts, and hammer,' Bacon Hubble and Degen " . b Th l' h. -.., agreed upon. Cap and Gow� ;will be in order; same tomg. t.. e ,P ay, owever,_��y throats .. and hungry spend- hardt in the high jump; Jacobs and May 29' was found to be a busy The contest this year is expected ra� smoothly' and i�" s�ite.· of tb�;'-� �.·.�s will: b... e satisfied. The girls R", gers 'I'n th'e' pole vault, and Gar- _I . .• .. I' d' to be keen' as' a large number of men I· ed d '11 d d'-f� �: serve will wear paper hats dec- J aate, With ,IDvltatlons a rea y out for· ". . ma��: comp_l�t . . � 5, .an ances'ff' .:.�t-, ' f h ,tt and probably Boyd in the broad a nunlber -of fraternl'ty and club. af- hav�' alrea.d.·y ·m.,ade.·· their.. '��1I1didacy h . • d 1m·t Orated in the special colors 0 t e ." " - t e part�clpants seeme. to_ ow: ..'·r '.,. h' ·n tb h Id th' ' fairs scheduled for: that evening. June kno'!n. With the :formal recognition�;t,t,·.· �hs, which they represent. T ere Jump, WI more an ()\ elr op-12 falls outside the University' y"ear,' today of the candidacy o.f the.. various pretty weJl .what. tbey. were:'dbing ! 1r. 1iII be a ... fortune-telling booth and ponents eveD.. . h f h' 1 and why� in spite of' the short -tim, e..,- . � a�d wouJd, I't .·s "'-II'eved, be a" 'bad' mr.n ". 0 are to ·run or t e annua s,�;.: ��r surprises. �'The C. A. A. will be considerably uc: "". . date for many men. - 'June- 5 seems, five .ele, c,tiv. e, o,fficers,' the actual cal1l- given to preparation th, �s ye_ar •., ,. The Kalailu girls will wear yell 0'" r-- �.1 aud� black and, peddle candy and pea- stronger outdoors than they showet. therefore. left as the best available paign. ,will start and will continue One feature of the play that o�ghtj� outs. Other organizations which up in Bartlett," said Director. Stagg (late. for two -weeks. to live with the pleasant' memo���1,', yesterday. "The man who will be '"It I ks 'f h P . Id b Ai the caucus eight· tellers for the, u!e signified their intention of ha,'- � as ,I � e rom wou e is the new Chicag() song' introduced1 �g bo_oths are: the greatest aid �o them is Burroughs. held on June 5, the eveni�g. of Jun�or dectioll will ��so., be .chosen. in the last act. This' song is sung by'1' -School of Education-Pink and �e will compete in the shot, discus day:' said Finance Chairman Mor- The:.: el.ectio� will place onReddy in the part of Jack Daly with'f ..White. and hammer, whereas indoors he was gao, yesterday. It is not only the May· �I. a�� ,w�n· be conducted ac-. '� logical date, but' practical1y the only cor��n�; _�� the . Aust�lian system. the entire male chorus. There is not Girls' Halls-Pink. 'ntered only in the shoo t. ' 'Th I it r ...t one in' any way open. .Of cours�. it e po Is. WI I ; be oeated in the cor- doubt but that this s�ng, like "The� Quadrallglers-Dark Red. "TIl at there will be a number of 'd f C' 'bb' h II d '11 b''3 Phi ncta Delta-Dark Pink. is impossible to pick, any date . �hich rl or, � _�. .a. an WI e open Man who Wears a e" ()f last yeari .:Iosc races, ther.e is 'no doubt. and 1 will - .. ."on el t'oli d f 9 m to 5·:�t £Sctteric-·Rose Pink. ' be ,conve�ient for _.ev�ry.�.o?y. - �c I .�y. rom a.. will be. heard on th�; bleachers next." )lortar Board-White. expect also to see close to recor� but I think June '5 will be easily the P" m. . f II The custom of introducing a., ( best tl·me. fo'r th' e- 'gr' eate' r number' 'of Th, e offices for which, candidates a., .1; . Dtlt.ho-Orange. time made. When Lightbody: and . I f b ·U • tb . II'.. W-ern-'''ellow.. thos, e who are p' 'Ianning to attend. wil. be, nominated are two managing year y oot a song m e co egeJ' I: Ramey. meet in the half mile. in case . .. . I .. .' hEad, .. - '.Despite the delay in amnjpng a ecii���b�ps,."'tw� �usiness· manager- pay IS 10 practIce m test anchi Rho Sigma-Red. 'Jimmy' wants to run tbe event, there . h' d I .. after last year's excellel1t' piece 'ofPi.. Delta Phl·�reen. date, plans are alrea�y under' way. S IpS an a ,iterary editorship.will undoubtedly be an. exciting race� music ought to' become fixed here. ', ',' Sigma-Rlue. Most of the committees are' startedh hI - h' be't r " .SAyS HIGHER CRITICS Coach Cushing seeins to be well::::< SPelman liouse-Dark Green. Bot at etes are m t elr s .orm�. on the arrangements, and all 'that .is, 0-",'.J Th' e p�ofits of the fete will be ps"'d Q . 1 d BI' . th d h _..led" I f h HAVE PROVED BIBLE TRUE satisfied with the cast of the "Double,..'" Ulg ey an air m e as es n� IS the: sett ing ·0 t e date,. ., ���to(:�nd delegates to the Summer should put up a wal'A1 figh� as should before 'matters can be closed., �e- Dean Sbailer lI.thews Defendscqnference ·of. (olleges at Lake Ge- Bacon and Irons in the high jump. liminary figures on the attendance or Hi b" -"d D.J Y ,.J.;.;.. . . those who will come, whatever date & er Criti SID D'C&ore • II. C.�,,� under the auspices of the Y. and' Jacobs and Hagard in the pole A Will Speak Next Week.��.� A. Bich club will use its. own vault. IS cbosen; are quite' satisfactorY."·- ,PI;OC�ds for this purpose. The girls •. All in all, it seems to me that theQpttt to make enough money to �herry Circle it a bit better balanced,�',twentY-five deleptes: th�ugh I don't know what condition.... � Volumes Added to LI1mary its athletes are in. In almost every� �e lihrary of the Unh'ersity has �"ent there is at least one man wbo�ded 4.35.1 volumes during the win- is .Iikely to take' a first. . Tbe unfa­ttt quarter. Of these, 2,618 volume� "orable weather we ha\'c had to puthave been added, by purchase. 256 by up with �or the past three weeks islift, and 479 by exchange. Besides hard on the Chicago. men. It hastb�e, special gifts of 424 volumes handicapped them in their effort toa�d pamphlets were received. Among get intt) mid-season form.�.these wcrc 87 volumes and 44 pam- . Garrett was injured yesterdaypblcts, given by Dr. Henderson. 28 while practicin� in the hurdles. Hevolumes given by Dr. Parker, and 64 broke the hurdle he was attemptingIt-.,' Ivo urnes given by the United Statesliasite-!; g,OVemment. The largest addition ofall was a purchase of 47 volumes of.. ' Eaglish worb. lIatty , ..!lurnuti ,,"'.' ;., ":�!'_�.CHICAGOI WEDNESO�Y, MAY 6. 1908. ( .... - Price �wo CentsNo. 136PICIS C. A. � to WIN 11m \ �AISY CHORUS IN "THE SIGN.' OF THE DOUBLE EAGLE;� EX­PECTED TO MAKE A HIT. FRIAR OPERA .BEIIIS TOLOOI UIE REAL SHOWCherry Circle Team is F.ormidableOpponent of Maroons, Says Direc­tor Stagg�lose Races Asaured­Garrett' Hurt.}�.· .... ·'··ie Dances in E�glish I. on"PrOgram, if Weather Takes Fa-:�, vorab!e Turn.Leading Lady and Choruses GoThrough Soap and Dance WithFair S�ccess.Cast and :��ruses S� How LinesGo in Stage .C��Wigs_Were Lackiu&.Director Stagg is still praying for11- Clubs to Have Booths, Each For two--I good weather. r' the pa�t� Distinctive Color-Sell Musicand Refreshments. weeks the Varsity athletes have been"The Sign of ' the Double Eagle"a r��� _ comic .opera I�st .night, _�- __cept for .:.t-We . rings of the pseudofe�linine p'ortion of' �tb� .. cast 'the re",:.hearsal ,,:as car�jed through in .. cos-.'�."Its going to 'be a sbow, that youwill' be glad that you 'were in," hesaid to the cast last night, "but itneeds more real work on' the night 'of, q-hat -higher criticism has establish- the performance than has been giv�nGREED FOR UNIVERSITY cd the tnlth of the Bible more finn- at the rehearsals. I �hink you're go­HONORS MAKES USELESS Iy than it was before was the claim ing to make good, but you've gotmade, last night by Dean Shailer to work."to _.get t�c work out."·:� ,_' lIiss Spencer of NeW York School of :\tathews in the third of his series ofPhilanthropy: Asb GRater Em- acldresses befare the Y. M. C. A. Urges Seniors to Order ProcramsThis lecture entitled "The Bible; Is Chairman E. G. Fe1sent�al of ,theit Tnle r' was to have 'been the last Senior Program committee, is againof the cyde but it was announced .urging the class to order their pro­that p'r�fess�r ,}I�thew's had consent- grams. "The orders are not cominged to gh·e a fo��h address, entitled in as fast as they ought:' says Fel­"Regeneraliori; - IS it Necessary?" !'enthal, "and the 'committee mustThis wjll be given next Tuesday know as soon as possible how manynight at 7:15 in Kent Theatre. .of the programs Win be .Wanted�Announcing himse� as a high�r Only the number ca�led for in ad­Critic! Dean Mathews deplor� the vance WIll be made ·up by the print­----------------1 en, and some time wall be necessarypbams on Service.Certain types of graduate students.who collect degrees with the a,idityof taxidermists or antique furniturefiend!'. came in for a,. se,'cre ratingyesterday. Mis� Spellcer, a. direc­tress of the New' York School ofPhilanthrophy, ·a�d .... qne o. f .the. mostto clear and fell. Trainer Johnson prominent figures in' New Yorkdeclared .Iast night that the bruisinghe receh'ed Will not J,eep Garrett outof the meet Satarcla,.. (Coati .... 011 pge 4)- .. -�. - .. (Ccmtill'lled OR pap 4)' ".'1I.', ��"''':-.:) .���������������������T�H���D=A71=L=Y=M�.=A=��O�O�,��,�W�E�D�N�ES�D�A�V�,���IA�'Y�-�6�.�I��.��������������������� �'.·I'� 1I"1�""� _...:. Christwn Science treatment during BULLETIN OF JOURNALISM I � -"-P .,.... �IIUU the forty years since th�·.�e!y of ISSUED FROM iLLINOIS I·I�I.·:.' , .. ,.':.... �,.J_; IiE--: ;Christian Science could- yiry easily OBLIGED TO, DROP #) --� V J1� 0tIeIal at1lClllat Pu .... t .. _.. :iOO T�rj quickl,.' � co��eci, '��.::i� Down State U�� '�_)-AD- OUT OF RESIDENCEUal .... o or CJI16_. � l is 'a well Idlowft faCt that IrilM�st noanccmeDt of Ita N� Course of Correspo�d_.ence Ct:»urses :r 01 aU i_ .. � 1faIl.;it iii. � .��ery. inst)lHcl!. clttistlioii. -5CieIIu . JoiuuIiuD. .jd, piliPG.t.c.. 1'Il00, __ . WII1_..d.o' IIareIl 18. treatmeht minimizes the patient's ----. Will e;w,le y�u to;' continue your college work and gain' the degree. S!_.._.... A mass of �nteresting information T1· M. .._: A __ ... _ _..:.. a "utiering, even if a cure is not ef- '_ u __ ..... �.--.... ,18D. � is contained in the bulletin of jour- 40ae-half (II] ·of the 36 MalOn l'efoIuired for .raduatioa.ay befected. It is conservatively, esii- nali . . cIoae b7 COIftI.-os:"'ce. .Ow .. -. c1au-roolD ... _- .. _.&.L...__ Catl�m,.Just Issued by the University r'....."., -- _ .. URUmated tbat lifore than '-a 'itfilliodper� f II" I' h' I . offeNd �, ...... of die U ... idt)s l'acultIa. .8eddea ....... ,- senb 0 lOOIS, re atlng to t e recent y alar IliCh S� and Collep CouneI. are 1DaB7 that ap.-l tosons have been completely healed. t t b' 1i hed •.. I' those la diffaeDt __ d_ .-£_LI t t L� "W-�. .. .' _. • • .: . � es a s course In lourna Ism at Y._._.,Da--a_ '7 0 � ... VKA aaqvery greatly benefieted by C, llnstlan th St t ) U' 't Th b II . � at U7 tiiDi. 'I1il.Uke at of6ce of .<'e a e . mversi y. - e u etmSCience, ��d it is safe to say tbat contains a review and description of THE CORRESPONbENCE-STUDY DE.PARTIlENT75 per cent of these persons had .ex- the courses Included in the journalis-hausted all material means known to The University of -Chicaco - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - Cobb Hall, 7.: -:tic preparation, including the depart-them, including in many. instances �ments of English, history, economics,the "modern scientific treatment" re- political science. law� philosophy,fe�red to by Profesor Henderso�, be-__ . -:.-.' ,- .' psychology.r and mathematics.S---"pUOD p'r....... • • .... ... ••, ,1.00 fo�e they consented to try Chri.stia� "Th�& _ .-VV _. ._ e' courses preparatory to jour-.Science The last recorded figures al' '. ,. n ism," sJlYs the announcement, areshow that the -death rate among intended to give the- student suchmembers of, the' Christian Science fundamental knowledge as .will b'cChurch was less 'than, five to - theEcUtorlal oGlce.....Before 8 p. ID.. BIlla rhousand. I think statistics will sub­Ball. UDlnralO. Tel. IIJ'de Park 426. stantiate the assertion that there isAfter 8 p. ID., KaroOD Pna. 414 1D. GGth no' other class in which the rate ofStree�, TeL liicIe Park 809L 'mortality is as .low as among Chris-_-_._ .. - . .:..... _..:..:... '. _ _:_ �tian Scientists., ',That "their leaders should' be, re­strained by- .legal .-process, . like -anyother quacks," is, another of Profes­sot Henderson'� statements, Chris.­tian Scientists as 'a 'class are peace­able, law-abiding citizens of. at -leastaverage irttelHgence, who.believe :thatthey -have a �ight to ch<?�se tii-e 'form,.,i tr��t�ent, whic� they have _-foundto be most efficac���s. . �hey believethat God is the healer of ·sickness aswell as of sin, and' the,..: pr���d thecdrrectness of this belief in verya.m- om" Before 8 p. ... ID1Ia many: circumstances .. : Therefore, inBall, ttailYenit7. TeL IIJde P8n 428. 'offering their services .. to - such .as- - " -:. . ..: .... �", "" ,seek their aid they are not' pr.etend�N,wa �trUtuUCIU � � Ieft_ at:BlUa �rs nor "quacks,� a�d Professor ·Hen­Hall or �Q JiIxdwIae. a4� to the derson cab offer no good reason for��.� classifying the�' as such. ':The 'MarOOD. while inViting bona Editor the D�i1y Maroon:.fid� 'c�lIiuni�tions of stud�iit interest In the c6niinunication published infrom in�mbtrs of the the Daily Maroon yesterday .theA DUfeftuc:e UniYersity, Catinot at- statement is made by att "alumnuS"of Opbdon tempt _ the pu'blication that the Blackfriars have omitted toof expressions 'of mere ncitify' a large number' of the aiumniopinion by' outsiders� The commu- of their coming production. Thenication -appearing in another column publicity committee begs leave tois, howev�r, 'published at the instance answer,� this �road. and . evidentlyof a number 'Of University students hasty statement· in �he followblgwho agree With Mr.. Cook in his' terms: A beautiful folder" �oretell­views. Dr. Henderson; to whom the ing the wonders of the "Sign of tilecommunication had b�en referred' Double Eagle" has been sent to eachin the usual way, has also suggested and everY alumnus of the Universitythat au exception be made to this of Chicago, residing in the state ofrule, and that the "other side" be Illinois. We feel very bad, 'indeed,heard. to think that some few have been1:"--_.-Charles R. Henderson,verslly of Chicago.Professor Henderson, in speakingof Christian Science, says: "T� this.superStition countless deaths and un­told sutrering. are already to bechU:ged, - .-beCause it ,prevented the Eclac:ati'on StUdents to Reaift-early res(;i1- to modern. scientific The Students o(the �hool of 'Ed-uafm'eift_;' This" statement is. not ucation will give a reception to. the�0rRa TJie '_ d�s �ari1ac. uziCIer'. facul� OD, SatlU"dQ" niehL _ ............ � , �'1IiL._'·iW � ...... tIane...-._-" ef 1M llia1;;n&r _.,,�,.fte ·Daly....., '� � Weeki,.. 1Wbd.·TIle -a:eekl,. Od. I, 1892.'Ttij Dtnj,' Oct. 1,' 1�tOr a IDODt1& Sut.ertpUou recelye4 atthe Ilarooe 0fIIee. Ell" 11&11, or at thel'aculO 1IIi:� Cobb JUlioLUTHER D. i'lImNALD, v'Dlsinc BdltorPJUI:8TON Jr. GASS. N ... B4ltorIImLVlN j. ADAMS. Athletic autorLOuis 8. BDtiH� 'BailiUiIia iIaU&erJAtWtM atioi..lehBM, II. ftMIlaaciawA. G. Whitfield, H. B. Fuller.W. A.. Weaver �oberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. HallJ. StdiieY's-alkey M�ie' i..iiiYA. w. Whe��, A. N. Pfeffer. J. :r.L HobkhWtcl_'Obviously, as Dr. Henderson doesnot care to continue' the discussionthrough tite press, and as the Maroonhas no space to devote to controver­sies personal, political and religious,so far as. the Maroon is concerned,"the incident is closed."COIiIlUNICATION(The Maroon, 'while inviting bonafide communications of interest to thestudent-body, assumes no sponsor­ship for opinions expressed therein.)Editor the Daily Maroon:l wou1d like the privilege of cor­recting some misstatements regard­ing Christian Science and ChristianScientists which were .quoted in yes­terday's Maroon from an article inthe Bib�ical 'World by Professorof the Uni- . THE , DAILY BULLBTIR The Albert Teachers' Ag-.j:Cap and GOwn -caucus will be held C. J. Albert, 'Manager ''. �at 10:30 in Kent. .' 3:8 Wabash Ave., Chi�go .-Blackfriars· will present the "Signof the Double Eagle," Thursday, Fri­day and _Saturday nights.Freshman Social committee willmeet tat 10:30,Senior �ollege Council �il1 meet inthe President's office at 10:30.Nominations for Cap andwill be held today atKent Theatre, Alling between ten and twenty-onejors are eligible to vote.PlliIo� Meets Science for Cham­j,ioDship of JUnior College.Very :truly :yours� : \- '," Ge�r�e Sh��' C�k.aresame as for other courses inunive�sity, such" as thos-e -in thecial science group department� ..The final debate' between S�ienceand Philosophy Colleges for the J un­tOr College Championship will beheld on the' :28ih of this �nth. Thequestion is "Resolve<l: that on' or'ahout Januaty I� the United Stafesshould sutrender the entire controlof Cuba to a native government sub-University of Chicago. If so, we will • h 'lect to t e conditions which attachedmake it a poi!lt to place the blame to the est�bli�hment �'f the first Cu­where it belongs, upon the Univer- ban -goverilment." Philosophy willsity of Chicago Press. If the "'alum- upbold tbe affirmative and: SciencenuS" bas not received his sheep�k1n� the negative end of the question.we wou-Id advise that he immediately The Philosophy te�m is com­subscribe to the Daily Maroon, as posed of Smith. Salkey and Sabathwe have no other means of -reaching and lYle .science men are Kuh, Ben-him. it(.oz and McCulloUKh.Publishing Committee,E. L. BcBride. Chairman.. slig�ted in our broad distribution ofthe folders. \Ve are anxious to kno..wl1ether the person who bas been�lighted is a boha fide alumnus of tb�(Note-While on request The Mar­oo� ,,;ithholds the names of tho�contributing communications, it' re­quires that such articles 'be accom:panted by the writer's signature.' Theauthor oi the communication in ques­tion is both a well known alumnusand a subscriber to the Daily Mar­oon.) Science won irom Literature -thusgetting a place in the finals, whilePhilosophy gained a �imilar place hywiuning from Arts.FOWNESOft the clasps meaDS quality,ill theGLOVES ANNOUNCEMmt'rsBaseball, between' Chicago anddiana will be played Thursday3:45.The Fellows dub will meet forelection of officers Thursday at 7 :30in' Cobb 6A., The, Scor� club have' chariged theirdate .from Wednesday to Thursday,The Y. - W. C. L. annua'- supperwill take place· in the League ro�m .in Lexington. Tickets may be se­cured for 25C. at ,the League roomfrom 10:30 to 12, or I :30 to' 2.THE .GILSEY BOUSE: 29th 'Street � Broadway, . '. I .'New YOI'k Ci�. .thetheso-This famous Hotel is most central­ly located, convenient to all the lifeand business of the ·"Metropolis •.N ow under the management of L.F�enkel, f�vorably known to the trav­eling p�blic, through- the Hotel Al­bert.The Gilsey Housc has been refittedand refurnished. Rooms rangl from�,.oo per day uP.Club Breakfast and Meals .at fixedprices.VictoriaHotelEuropean PlanRQOMS $, UPWARDSMichigan Ave. and Van Buren St.Chi"lo, U, S. A,DUTCH AND'RED ROOMS10. A Operated by'McClintock; E� R. Carr,T. C. Capen. ��---. rIlE&BDWe.-andEstablished twenty-three yurs.We locate annually from sev­enty to eighty-five Uriiversitj' >.of Chicago students. CallSaturday and we will tell you .­of some . of our 'good va can- TETCETdes.A faultlessly &tted FullDress Suit is probably themost . useful a maD can ...own, and, certainly it is the:most . essential to have perma- .nendy in his wardrobe. 't�T:., ,�,'49 .A-_, 'j�.,.-There's no. use p�ttingmoney into Full DressClothes, unless you pro­cure an eX3f:t fit and ab-.solute1), correct style in -.strict accordance withfashion's latest edict. We'offer' a special Full, DressSuit complete ,with extra,Dinner ]acket2 "'made Of, the, best- materials, tailor­'�d to fit - and h;lDg exact­ly '. right,. and ,in themost approved. �ode� allforSEVENT��FIVR' DOJ..LARJ:THE 'BOWS OOJIP� ,;'80s Masonic' TempleChicago.-fiu.AnARROW Collar;is right to begin with and the .�Clupeco Process keepS it that�,-.ray. 1Sc. �·for i.5c. �:�PaQqy.eo.. ....IIt is not ... ,labelthat makes myclothes what �are. It is the dotbesthat make tbi -labeLFifteen to � rift Dollars• ,J --URIAN BOOIS SPRLitAif Hoblit GiRLs to,c*l.EBRAH ANNt\tERSARj,Hold ReeeptiOD Saturda, ill HoDOk'of Tenth AniUVenary of Found­ing of Girl's Club.Of aU a� _ell _ c:iaa­a. plays, dictionaries.. etc.'SPECIA.'L DISCO�NTTO STUDENTS ••••CatalOl11es aDd quotatiODSsent upon request.�A. KRaCH l:I CO.' The members ;of Spelman Housewill give' a reception in Lexingtonhall Saturday afternoon, in eelbratlonof the tenth anniversary of thefounding of the house. Invitationshave been sent out to all the alumnae, members, and preparations are beingmade for an elaborate reception, aswell as an informal reunion. Musit: '.. ----- .. .and dancing will be the features of CHfItlICAL, PHYSICAL" El.faRJcAl aii"the entertainment for the afternoon.- SURCi'C"L GLASS APPARATUSSpelman is now rounding out itstenth and most prosperous year.Though in its early history, its pathwas beset with numerous difficulties,it now seems to be in the full bloomof its career. The House was found­ed in 1898 by Pt-esident. WilliarhRainey Harper. for the benefit of the'women students who did not live ittthe dormitories, and was given themaiden name of Mrs. John D. Rocke-feller. Mis� Edith Foster, was at "M A. o O'N M.J: Nfirst put at its head, but was shortlyafter s�cceeded by Miss Gertrud�Dudley. Its first Headquarters a small room on the top floor ofth� Anatomy building. After sometime in this House they were give�their present room in' Lexingtonhall, and given some teal' furniture.Dean Nathaniel Butler of the SChool,:a6 MonrOe Street. Chicago........WHEN IN DETROITWHO lIAVB BOUGHT OUR. rio: UlUOH KOHLlBD RBSTAURART1I1�I17 Randcflpb StreetW1t MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUS·--KCCORDING TO DESCRIPTION.Any Apparatus Made to OrderW" J. BOEHM-"MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERTHE POPULAR PLACETO EATEither before Or after theTheater.We make a SpecialtY of Club,-and Fraternity DiDnera. ,•'1 Stop atHotel Tuller, Dobert 1'. Lm- A�"'J New and Absolutely Fireproof1\ " � IComer Adams Ave and Park St." ..\ LmDSAY BROS. \�������L� II1 Phone Main 2700- 171 B. Randolpb Street.CHICAGOCOLL£G�· CORNER CLOTHES:ARB luYmG- AGAIN THIS SPlUNGC� -SutTS 4ND OVERCOATS �Cit.tvet 6�Wilkie ·I0't.DIiitIrtt"St •., 'TAlLOIISof Education, is now the Spelman '.......... _.._ .-. ..... _ ..............House councilor, Dean and Mrs:,Butler were recently elected mern­hers of. the House at a luncheon]given in their honor.'J . '. . . • i• •i .• • . . . ..• • •• • •"IIEIIN 8118GII_ a ExPRESS CO.",. 'Quick Service our Mour _BAGGAGE OUR SPECIALTY:sO WaRoDS Daily to and from All DepOts­Furniture. Pianos. Tnmks. Merchandise aDd' Parce1a, Delivered to an parts of the city. Depots and SUTXiibiMain .Office: 6154 'Wentworth. Ave.;1'etephone Wentworth 460. 461Branch b�ce: lnformation Office. �tycif'�·- .Phone Douglass d& Pboile HaniiIon iS91 __7t BMt '39th:Street . 48 Bub1MIrcI CourtI have made clothes for Uni­'�ty studentS. Ask them howthey like them. ._'_ BENfDICT WALDrillor'_t-:" :- -=-r n the Center of the Theater,.Shopping, and Business District:',... la'Carte tafe,",,:lJfl"� , --.--.�-Newest �, Finest GriIl Roomin the ,CityClub Breakfast •.•.....••.. 4OC upLuncheon ..........••••••.. ·50Table de Hote Dinners ....• ·75CMusic from- 6 p. m. to 12 p. m,Every ROotD a.. PrIvate'- Ba�EUROPEA!N PUNRates: $I.SO per Day anti upL. W. TaBer, Prop.,)I. A. Shaw, Mgr. 'IIACHINISTS' AND MANUFACTURERS'Tools and Sti:pp"�AMERIC-A'S UNIVERsITiESCOMPARATIVELY 'SMALLEnrOllmeiJt' of ,European Ilfstitutionti�ar EzceeCls that of Largest Uni­venities in America.Superiority in numbers is the goalof many American universities, a factwhich is .responsible for a �eat dealof the ,rivalry existing, between someinstitutions at present. That fotyears . to come ,this' �ompetition wiitbe restricted to America, rather thanbecoming inter-continental, is evi­dent from a perusal Qf the registra­tion figures of the largest European .• '. i.' '_ •• .' ..... i' • . .. . • •CANI)IES Salttuel Harris ,Q Co.Delicious Chocolates, and Bonbonsm great ftriety, pat up in' beauti­bozes, suitable· for presents, atsse. 40C a1Icl 6oc: a pound.. Also Soavebirs _d favors for, � and an occasions..Gunther'S Confectionery81. State. Street. . OF INTEREsT TO TEACHERS � aDd 25 So ath Clin ton hreet,...._.._ . universities. A contemporary gives_Few teachers after the day's ex- the facts as follows:hausting routine are able to set their "The leading university up to aproblem and then _1ft it. : year a&o was that of Berlin. FirstYet it· is essential to pro�ession�1 place has now .been won by the Uni­success that a teacher keep alwa�s.1D versity of Paris. which had a studentthe student altitude �f mind. FIXI�y body of ,16,609 in last summer's sem­of mind means stagnation and fall,..... ester. A report just presented to th"'eure. Minister of. Public Instruction statesTl:e correspondence course of further that the teaching staff con­stud y systematically organized by the sists of 28S professors and instruc­University instructer comes to supply tors, excluding those in charge of thethe needed stimulus and direction. so-called c01{rs Iibres, The faculty ofIt accomodates itself to individual law, by far the largest, had then ,,/,_circumstances and makes possible the, db students, and �ound it difficult toturning of spare moments to account. cope with the corresponding de­It saves time and energy' that mands. Medicine bad J,33O-students •WQuld' be spent in aimless thought letters 2,� sciences 2,14"1 and.. phar­and profitless reading. macy 1.000. The g1"o1ring popularityIt furnishes material which can be of Paris with the foreign student. ap-applied and tested daily in the lab- pears from the 'fact that 3,021 stu­oratory and the schoolroom. dents. or nearly 20 per cent., wereAnd all the time one is conscious from abroad the greater part or them.of steady advance in knowledge -and as in Switzerland and Germany, be- CHICAGOHotel "MQaroonslTH ST. AND DRnEL AVa. ....,; • ,,.. ,,..aNTLit.aN---­.... ,... =.--BOSToNCAITER Under llaaqeaiellt of the NatioDal Hotel Co. Tel. HJde Park ...Tl:le ·BEST SePVed atPOPULAR PBIOBS.'.RESfAURANT A"b LU"CH COUNTERID CDfIIIr1i •HERl\PIAN JACOB A. CO •CL�ERS • DYERSPhone H7de'� 3T17PbOlle HJde Park 3790Pboae 0e1rJend A7', ,. _II' Ii n..­...... _ ..........'. ...,�....... -�.- CUSHIO.IUllO.: CLASP ,.454 East 6yd Strftt. '406 East 631d �eet17 Baat 4"" StreetCOLLEGE LARDER CAFEin gmade up of Russians:'power.It provides for the maximum ofpetscnal attention. Each student re­cites the whole of every lesson andhas all his questions answered,It is far Jess expensive than res- 447 E. 55th Street.VARSITY CAFE55th 8t. ... Oneawoo4 .w.OPEN ALL DAY IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO EAT.LUNCHEON SlOe UP. EVENING DIMMER, S5C."PROOF OP THE PUDDING IS EATING.".._--------------- �dence work.�ve "OUPON Is ;t surprising that many prererrs "'Good·· far I Oc :;::::;;;dencc 10 residence cours ••THE CORRESPONDENCE­STUDY DEPARTMENT,The University of Chicqo., j'-B R E ""\"'1,'" E R 1 � \ ( : ; � " .....- ,..,. \ (, f '- ( "MEALS 20C AID UPChopSae� .'Specialvat FiftIa PJoor. lI�c Temple'5.00 Shoes S2�O• I�A FACSINATING $15'MODEL ATff'zidettv'fhenc4', F!eat ('!!}hOP730-3.1 <!B't:wad €aIda.9!l rltau <!8'''�d f8laica90-TJI,_, Cn,r.J,SNI • I 'SAYS HIGHER, CRITICS Quarter·IID_, Entered in, C.' A. A-HA YE' PROVED' 'BIBLE TRUE II� Satuiday, Night(Continued frOm'· �&�' 'I) ... THE DAILY, MAROON, .\V£t>NESDA Y, MAY 6, 1908.abuse that has' been heaped on such, investigations 'because, tbe� meaningof th� theme, was not known.. Hepredicted that the names -lower andhigher criticism would be' displacedby' the terms. textual, and historicaland literary criticism. .As to the tempest of criticism thathas been, aroused by the higher crit­icism, he said: "The, ,trou,�.le 'ha� notbeen due. so' much to the. mei�od asto the people who use the 'method.The higher criticism is simply theunbiased application of ordinary his­torical criticism to the Bible. Peoplecry out that this denies the inspira­tion of the Bible. I admit that it maydestroy somebody's theory of the in­spiration of the Bible. We shouldapproach the Bible with 'as free andopen, a mind as we approach thel<Juestion of the authorship of thesonnets of Shakespear. We shouldbe ready to follow the evidenceBible is, whether it inspires.wherever it leads. A man is a cow­Chicago Belts-Now on sale' at the ard who does not follow, the evidenceUniversity Press. Price, $1. The test of the inspiration of theTHE INGRAYERSANDARTISIS�ORUNIVERSITIES &(oLLEGESJARN & OLLIER ENGRAVING m.CHICAGO charity work, made an address at theSenior chapel service and pleadedstrongly for students to come downfrom the high, cold realms of intel-,lect into the more human relationsof service and helpfulness.• "1 am, sick and tired," said Miss___________________________ �S�n��«��ciq �o�e gctti�,degree after degree, and having noother object but to sharpen their in­tellects. ! They 'ought to join the guildof those who serve. I wish ouryoung people in' our colleges wouldconsider how much they have been.paid in advance. For that which theyreceive 'in the universities they couldnot pay in many millions, butthey can pay for it in service; andthose whose wages have been paid in'advance must tender double ser-• ...AIOSEMENTS....ment the goal of their ambition, andignore any duty they may be underto make 'their training of value tosociety. ·'They. are simply greedy,"she said, "and' the wages of the___________________T_H_R-E_E_�__N_S �e�yareb��li� �d ���We should turn our ambitions notto a higher education, but to a morehuman one. The academic side ofeducation will take care of itself, butwe must work to make it more hu­man.THE ,GARRIOKJefle�son De _Angeles, Blanche Ring,, "Alexander, Carr, and 30 others in, . :rH�:GAY-'W-�TE:, WAY', :"-�'�'� " ','PO WB:R SCharles' Frohman PresentsTWENTY- DAYS IN THE SHADESTUDB.�,][BB,MAY ROBSONThe Reju:venation ofAUNT MARYTHE AUDI'l9RIUIITHE DAIRY MAIDSWith Harry Bulger -ILLINOISThe, Dutch �us�cal Incident,-MISS HOq_�:qlf:H����'OQLOBIALHaft 70U sealTHB IIBRRY, WIDOWShe � the Interuational <:rueLA SALLEHON�YMOON TRAIL'VYith Cecil Leanand Florence Holbrook'lBE WHITNBYSTATESResraurarrts. E. co•• srAJ'E III1D IIDII •• SIS.LU.OH.O. FO EII •• D .HO -II.- ...,.0IIII ""......... -e-cOURSE TABLE D'HOTE. WITH WIRE. .t SLOOSOlDAn. 'II To. P. II. DALY AtOM 6 TO. P. Mo.............. : tlb •• ..,.... ........ 1W 5. ,� P. •• .,.0 t II. ••.,.DN'''''T .,. • 'D,r�II.Lr Wanted-Thirty ushers, ten for.j ," If �"j � ,If j II; each night. Write name and addressAa ",.t' • .., on,.I .... WWcII II c.. elelia • serle"i"" ; .... .,. on paper plainly, and address to BenTbe muSle la � the Valldmlle Ilea are re6aed aIId briPt. ,I&-. aD _tertalImI ..tIaalwoalddocreClitliOaD,.Uaeater. Newman, Faculty Ex., .with whatnight you desire to usher.New P To-NI.... A c._ ..... _ ..... ,, , e2'Va ...... T A •• _"STATESr·�EsTAURANT. H"=...=a�-=".SPECIALTypewriters Rentecl-3 months for Georp F. Aiken'. Barber Sbop;:-:-';; _'!- '$S:€aDd up. Typewriten �Id on 'easy removed from 446 to .p8 55th street,:'r .,':':'��':P9.�is, frODi .$10 uP. Best barpins in neW" building. at LeXin�OD ave­:. ',,' '���lIt�� .-�ma�Iri�e.. - ,�bD nue. �ew and en!�� '��ipment;,,'� I ·i:»,�".,�ue.dt.i,� J�'DeaaI»om DI�re �rbers'; �t, ,,���1,Student.- •. :p"'��:;��-�:' ...... - ,:" ' patronaee- soIicited,�; - ';�"r��'�. � ".--,. �. "--:,, ... :a ........ ·.. �" LingleIGREED FOR UNIVERSITYHONORS MAKES USELESS(Continued from page I)vice." "Miss Spencer was particularlyscornful of the college students who'. make academic honors and advance-TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent­Special rates to students; bargainsin re-built machines. W. White·head, � La Salle Street..Wanted-Work in shorthand andtypewriting-job or permanent. Ad­dress J. E. A., 5714 Kimbark Ave. 'ItEL1A"BLE Rebuilt T1pewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month,from our own factory, equippedwith mOdem machinery,- :iso horsepower. You assume 'no risk; sat-'isfactioD or your money back. ThebPewliter Excbanp,J19 'DearbornSl BrlKh of ·the American Writ­inc Mada�De Co., incorporated. 'r,he, BLACKFRIA�S.Present"THE SIGN',Of THf DOUBLE fAGLE"(HanSen.. Klein and Smith.)TIle Scream of the rearMAY SEVENTH, EIGHTH and NIN�H,:,' JlABDBL RAT.T.57th and Lexington Avenue.Tickets (25 cents to $1.50) now on sale at University Theatre Agen­cy. Mail orders from Manager Ben F. Newman, 6040 Ellis "Ave.. Chicago. '",The Suit,' Coat and. Skirt, value we are offering during the balance ofthis month and May 'cannot be equaled in Chicago. Come in and..Iook over' our stocks. We have the Merchandise to support thisclaim. Silk Dresses $12.50 to $15.00 and' up. In our' Millinery Section,our Styles are 'correct, and range in price from $5.00 up. We store'and remodel Furs at Lowest Prices Phone and we will callDaintily DeliciDus"Perfed1r Pur eSurpassinglySmoothWonderfullyWholesome" II-Wolv4titJ in. Other�,�orlid ofIde��NiiiLb....."IJaIaT lieNAl"·SuIfllSllGLTs..-·. Dirtctopete ent:.eet 5:lt� CherPe!ran,ce'CiA-,A.;.. .. 't...iI!k�t tF'l'uts :l�ces.}"An ad,,,� the:._' "Us entercfdecJ firttae- shot&arrouglwith, M:,�'ho�Threermor 51last year��n:���- .. -".�ter,We will occupy o,:!r new quarters 26-28 E.'Lake Street, ,', cmtury;, 'J ', .,' , ,.1';.:1.0-This affords 'an exceptional opportunity of. ,purch�1 ' " '''',.ing our select stock of lamps and bronzes at marked; �,reduction. : -, - .: �� .::�,;- r,, ,.� t �, UIWILLY H. -LAU'" � , ...' "��'.��' aPullman Building.' - 12 E. Ad�ms' Streef,�'��� �� d':' :_ �'t �·a r· · • ',� f �'likel<�-i�' .�:i .... : :�teel. f�"""�: ; ;:-,':� ,��Stan,,' .,� .. 'bt: .�.s,,' .. : .'.ad(.;? :�h:t-, ':-f"-"... l. ;�el�r: 116' y�;�' �Wi;- ... .\r f.i ...... ...:.av-�'� i:��Send for our new 19o5' illustrated - �ta1�gues., '�:� �,�of Ilacbiniats' Fine Tools, mailed FREE OD _licatioD. : 1 �Y'The only exclusi"e ladies "Boote,," in'C";Cag�"�i �c�is-the' ' .. :;:t �e.••• ROCHESTER SHOE SHOP.:.. :;' l �:.::: :r·sbop where JOB can Iuy =e�=e .. � I !::sample Shoes for i �! W.2.00 AND $2.50 ". i � 51VISITORS AS WELL AS BUYERS ALWAYS WELCOM,E I �:.-- 1 lImian1 i'lDbtint ...t � y,i ��hyThe largest stock in this counfrr-all kinds-standard;' new { ::�l;fidion, technical-convenientl, �rranged on our 'wO .\' �nclarge retai' floors. Engraved Canl's," lamey;Announcements, ftc. 1ft, .Jf.hA. C. �cCLtJRG &. CO. .- '! ·T"o06e1,¥�Farl�'ole", AI,..:Robert Staedter Co.155 State StreetBetween Madison and Monroe-:-Phone Central 5334Furs, 'Suits, Coats, 'Skirts, Millinery .After May First1115-221 Wabash Avenae, Cbicaeo.MENTION The· DAILY MAROON.;When'Trading With Our' Advertisers