Official Announcement Made of.r,. Twenty-two Pr01DOtiOns and Large'(i.)icy. Though Competing With- '- I1_ Schommer and Steffa See'n Nwnber' of New �ppointmentst Junior College Annual Dance will be 8a1es, . Representing Chicago, Fails'f�,;"EasY Victory at 'La Fayett,' e. �; " Pror�r Me� is. Made.. D� OD Last Friday in May-Jwiior ·to Place in Competition �t Iowa• � .. _< " �'J_' . Day DiScussed. . .City •.. � of �ghteen will be Taken by The large n�mber of promotions' -.,--l�" • and new appointments to the facul- Final cOmmittees of DIY -aDd Prom Gets SeCond Prize an�"�:}·:Director S�CJ-Leave at s-t d duri th . t f �, 'Appointed __ ��' Beckman I d N rtb .. ,.tt,; O'C1�. y, rna e urmg e Will er quar e�, '. . ow&\ an, 0 :western Tie/�,� _,_._,._ � yesterday received their first official �;./ Resi�. .for Third •. iEighteen Varsity athletes' will be announcement. � The most important '�l .:��n to La Fayette this' morning for. ,of' the appointments are those. of May.29 will be the-:'date of the 1908 .Iowa Pty, Ia., llay I, I�Jesse:�openin�.dtial meet ,of the outdoor Professor C. E. Merriam to' the Jun�or'- pj'.rim� according' to the vote G. W.iU"'ms of Oberlin,' won' first.� with' Purdue. The ·team will .leanship of the College of Com- o�' the Junior College' Council at its place in the Northern _9r����!��1'�� crippled by the loss of two of its rnerce and Administration, to sue- meeting yesterday. " June 5. the League contest here tonight, Wis- '-�)th members, Schommer' and Stef- cecd Professor Francis .W. Shepard- evening of Junior day,. and' June 12, cousin '\vas awarded seco�d place,',. ;"l ,. b1 Schommer is bothered with a son, who resigned, and the appoint- the' evening before the interscholas- and Iowa and Northwestern tied ·for.:·;:P{inful injury of his rig-hl. ankle, and -ncnt of Professor McLaughlin to He, were also discussed., but' the.. de- third. '. The University of Chicago,i� !till feeling -the effects of the the leadership of the Department of cision was in favor of the earlier represented by Clarence A� Balesjand:s;mned tendon, from the basketball. Church History. Twenty-two mern- date. �Iichigan did not place}:�·.'&on. Ste:fta, the strongest miler hers of the faculty were m�v�d 'up a ;Acting on the resignation of Miss W�hiam�; ,as. t�e�:���e� .. · will. 'geJ;:;.oors, has not been out for work �rade during the.. quarte •.... The com�·. Jessie Heckman as chairman of the the prize of $loO( .. The -Wisconsin"'! f, �ng the past ·two· weeks.' plete list; of• appointments and' pro- 'decoration comniittee of the prom, represen.�ativ�;:.�iii:':g�t, $��' .: .{\� u�� .',... .'!�.... � squa�' und�� ��,��rector. Stagg motions is as follows: the council appointed . Miss Edna Constance 'Prentiss i"lteresting:,.�Slivery. �wa�'. the chief .:�meet With the�jt�shmen who go Giorgio Abetti, to a Voluntary Re- Walsh as chairman. 'faul�.�t��··j��ge� . _!lad' '�.' �d'/�ith .''I'� �ulver at 8... o'clock::th·is "morning seardl assistanship in the Yerkes Ob- The personnel iof the. var�ous 'daf t.HE Blackfriar .mill is grinding Bale.&.��,!speech. The.' sentiments- eX-?' ,the gymnasium, and will· be taken servatory. _ and Prom committees was also - de- I - slowly and steadily, and within p�es�ed:. and' . th� .lit;��ry. �u�lity. of·:·--.' :i· tally-ho .to the Engle�ood .sra- Elbert. Clark, to an assistantship in cided, and the final committee ar- a' week it will l!�Y� turned out a cou- his ':oration,_ w�re' ranked :high •. Hi��' ..h The folloWing athletes' have Anatomy. rangement announced as 'follows; ple dozen of as perfect specimens of s�bject·�as "Public Sentirrient'verstis-r� .. i. -; "-iiin selected to �oippete apin�t the James Patterson, to an assistant- Lt;ader of �m-Allan -Ross. the genus chorus"girl, as were, ever �riminal:Law:' and h.e..m:ade.a strong' ..' .... �:';j� .. :ierinakers ... �oda��:: Captain Quig- ship in Anatomy. Chairman of 'Day-Albe�t Hender- 'Bade' by mere' men, Also, it will P��� �or:�a,���n«:r .. ��d. morc:).��t �tti�: -, :'.' �.� �l}:,�_ ",-�� Caldwell, Dolan, Garrett, Gill, JO,hn Leonard Hancock, to an as:' son.• have �roduced as ,stun�!n�;a �eading ,tt��c: )��ar,d.,� t�e., �������� .�·:�t1J <.' ,�;(!i�;r:.,•.�'"9'. Hab�I.; Jacobs; ,ohlin, ,istan!ship in Greek.:",' _, •...... ��.�:. '.. �" ,1�!l.Y as::v..� ���:g:�SI�ck 4;&� _::' :,.' .��p�_-, no'" ". :>-�;::,:'.Shuart, Smith� a:��f'a;;�s'�ip .in Gc;oi�� and Geo-. man; Carl -Lall_lbach,: qinder' }.Iac- -010st ��-ceful and winsome' of _dan� i�' the Central �Leagut: co�teSt'-:ri�L ':;.':-_;!!2:::'�,::}!i�.;. '*'L' .. - 'L - - • • _. - ... • ... �...... ..... ... �;....' � t ". ..".., .... - -- '''' """ ._ ........ _- �' • ·1 � � ":! t:; " .• ..-,_,. .... �t 6_ "l' J �- .. ��.c "'Wo�bwine.· :, .- graphy.,· " C�intock" �ul Hef!", .�� �': .� .. '.' 'ie�c�,:n��,�:..p'i.lant. �em��!t�-�-�:d� Satu�ay"'at ·Cbi�lottesvme;�·-V�::·�';. "",!�,�:;;}?:���: Wlica'go is gerieral1y':.,c6�cecJed·:to· L�onard'BI�omfield,'to an, �ssist- ��t :-.B-,:., '-La��a!D.' gol,d�br�@ed .�.il�ta�! ,hC;,��-or:, .. i_!i� ,.; :.{!�:::--. '---.---� '-,--.�.'_��:'::;.�;5�7;:Jt:�'��e ·an·easy thing�·()fit. _ Word from antship in' German., chairman; A�bert b� . W�b�tc:r; :;'ort. matinee idols:: are .. made.' The ��� . .HINE TO,·�lIEETfi·tr-,��� :. �;;,:-\�;�;:�\.",:, .� i�ue state� '·tb�t the' B�iiermaice .. s William, Duncan MacMillan, to an Lewis, ��� Be��,\���:���f( .. �·� �����,��� ;;�. !h�/.b,�t, f��.:������;h�i� ;����S'�<!,�CL�����f�!i1}�<2:��. expectations. of-getting firsts-7fr. 1ssociateship in Mathematics. R��J;l-Car�l�ne�.key, �lia�r-" gtv�� ·a�uggestlon of, .. the:- fimshed :. ; ;;: v... :-:;<.:. '.�� ::.- .':,',-. �,'.- . ..;,{" "'-.. -::j_f:!.;::. two��ye�ts" the .discus '��d high -. Martha Elizabeth' Dean. to an in- man; 'Ea�� ��no�::1l��"'�onf .p�cid������h�� wiil �'�;on- C;Xbibitio�1 ¥:���. ��� ·;��,iof >���tP':;}:--:�;�l�s._ ,In.the· fo�er .. tbey'ha-ie st�ctorship,in th� University Ele- van,.?arah -Wi1�es,�'1Jdith."Y�D:�g. next Tfiq'r5d�y. a�d with t�e.two�r -, oJ!. "�.� .• T�,,:::,�o�i.i;T_':->":' �."".ens, ;n�- in'�lhe'hi�h �ti�ks Fifi�I�' mentary' Sch�i, Ralph de�?" )�y.' 4k,.· �,ami,it?n tb��!=·���}�f�ht �essioiJs;'·bei��:���m.� ;':: I., "w���nj:·'�-��!I!'�:'__).����· �<)i,,\=; � :_>,;.,.:'·�ftlied' on to bring five: points.�Both John Lord' .Ba�on, to �n instructor- Badge�, Dprothy Bu!=�y. Pear� Bar- ised, �ot� :�r�n,:i.pals .a�d ���� cho��� ;.' �: .. -' ':1' ::-. _.: ':, �". _".. '':;/�:��- -_A_,_.;7:.,(.���".��. wer� sent 'to the' Penn pm�s ;;hip iri-M�nual Training in the Uni- �er. -.. ' ,<�' "<�.;;,' .. '-�t.;·l0!-!gh.edg� �w;iU-;�ave be��\ Today Wi�COrisiD·.Wtil.batilc··�Wit�:_:;;·'·�· '-,';::5;:'>1:�t Satu�d�y_ ·.Steffens has a rec�id versity Hi2h Sch';lol. �i'a�:"':' Edna. ��I�h,. 'chair- ':imooth�4' away, ·and. '�The ... Si�. of; th'e :M��ooii�:in' ��:�f�the iiiost:,Ui' ;t(�.. ,.', �';�f �29 feet. Fifield' h�s �n' the h��- Ruth' Raymond, to an instructor- man; lCje PegUes, Be��fF F��g, - Ca�1 .t�e ·I??�;�le '��l�": �i�� be' r��Y.'·���� po�ant :p�;�s! of'--the- :seasOn.':::.Tti��Q .. · .�:- ;: ':��f'�. in :16'2-5 .during the week, 'i'�,�,. 5hip' in Art in 'the School of Educa- Chris�oph; .�ulu Rude��usse1_,�I:w:elJ,: ';a ; s�oot�, .�n. �f. �th�ee_ �er���_-:. �4rdi�a�,""t�a� :Jjas·; -p�ay��_' 'a�:'���i __ ,'" �:t,::�·; does not 'win, should give Mer- tion. . Eugen,e Gregory. t ". a�c_es...� . game':of�basebaIFso far-this s�o��,-:-,/�." ·.and Steffen a close ra;e. ,.�,' Andrew Constantin�des Zen os, of - PriDtin�.: John l\�ac:reish, c;hair- �e:.�a:Xionian ch?�s �h!��-p'rom�' ��Jd' th� contest,',':this .�afteritoon:.:.'·a{;.:.J�� ':,'. . .... was learned yeste�d�y th�;� the l-lcCorm.ick Theol�gi�al Sem�- man; C�.�l Exselsen,, �b�tt Ani�on.: is��� i�� '.� one. of 't�� �e�� d�l�� �� sh�uld �rove ;a��rmt�rSti�g.�:��x{:,��. '. ">; -��.?1c.�, the_�az: of-Pu��ue.1D the ha�f n�r!. to.a� Instructorsblp In the DI- A�� (�en)-q�rg� .Garret�, and.... ino�t� ple�smg .c�<!�ses seen o�. ,nibation.: � .::.. .. _'," ..... -4:;::�<J :::;.-�.:.:�;;.; .• ,- .. :rJ��ilc,·,n'rbe .i_� the �et, but i�: .V1Dlty. Schoo1., '" cha�rmanr. Herman ��o�n,.· J.' �. ·�I�n���:.:���e .. works .�ard a�d la�e -- ·�e· Var��ty 'has beeii:.��FiDg_�-en;, .. :: .. -:: ��_-an good condition. He ha� been' ..... �rthl1r Cush,�an_ M�G�ffert, of the Mel��.: ��car Wort�1"ne, ��n o�!.��:fi!,��e� propo�.nd�d .. �n� o_ver- ·coura�pa«.,;form of la�e, an� .�e= .re:,:-: ':- �_ ·ng.:��ly: tbr.� ��ys,· and IS n��; ,����n TI}e�l?!lcal. Se�lI��ry, to an Hubble. Jl-, _ "'ii : . �!=n _bY.:.f,0ach Cush1Og. ThIS chorus cent victories over Iowa an� �r�ue' ._. . ht able· to stana the .hot pa.ce ��tru('tQ!�h�p JD th�pi�!lIty �ch�( - A��· {w.omen)-iEthe�: Challl- .ma�e: u'!C0f.. the .st��ents of .. -the Ire hopeful ·indicatioDS'.of':'''1aat�.·the*' .:..� .�et and :Shuart in the 880, and" �r �c: Spring quarter.. berlain, 'c;bairma!,; �oT�e Lawson, Sa,,;ion��. �C;��� ". dr:�-s�ed� in,: .. ,tE.e t�am will do' �o 'wisco��i� .�. The ·in:,> ,,,;' ."��ell,, � �cF���� and Johlin i� :- .�d�r:.rd �enj�min �reh�iel, �o an Lillian �t�tzer; _Ca�:ttcr .. �.ry �t�����if� of the, �an Uni: �rcasing-tsale' of, season ,ii�k�!.-a;,d", '-:-��mile. � :.b��: tip.;. '. �nstrt!cto:s�l� 10 Mediaeval HIstory Arcber.'i-i >"." • . verslty�. a s�u.nnn��. �lght. . In the fact··ithat this. is,· one'; of· .. tlie ·big.;;· ,.. 0 other :ev�ts .are felt to. offer I!, the _�ty . School .- ��I_nez Ja. _�. ,��Ir- their. or�iJ.lary -"clothes �hese gentle- games. of .. the . sclied�le; -will' it-· is .' �'. �: � .. BoilermaketS . cbance� to' slip in .(Frederick Dennison Bramhall. to man; E�eline. Philtip�, .���er :·�all,. m�� ar�.tkno�n. a�. ·�[�ssrs. Brand' e�pecte(1. by - D1��t6;-"Stagg,� bring '>. -:��:1:iO!!ts._ Th�s� 'are ,th� h�.gh and \:p instructorship in Political Science. Ralph ,Benzie�. 'J,'y,:,:'<.�. ,'.. ,!�� .. :�m�,��F.:�t������: =�t"-of a:l*-ee ba�!tto!>��:��:-:'�': '��;,'_��-:,�.;�':�I_" Jumps. In the hIgh leap, the -'; Alarcus Wilson Jemegan, to an in- 19y�Humard Kenn ._" cha��, fieJd, Exc�Jse.n, �e�er:s, Stlbbs, Me-, Tile regular 'Iineup 'will be' iii the" . -' ,1't#iity wilf � weak, tbrough the :ttructorship in History. Mil1ingt,on Carpenter,·•. �b.'. Fergu-- Cullollghf :Hubble' and Creighton. game, and "OrvY'� Page will, as us-ee of. Schommer, and the fact �', Bertha Chapman, to an assistant son.. j ., -' !n�se :;�ud�nt� ar.e, the special at- ual, b�ar the. brunt· of:.:!�hel: tWirling:... �.H\1bb�e· ha� been �!l his 'upervisorship "of N�tural History in Ivy Oratot'-Witliam McAndrew. tendants o� the dashing Count, Earle Page's work so', far tbis s�son; .h�stion 'to th�. weights:' Ther� is a t11e �niversi�y Eleinen�ary School. AU io Readiness for, Club Smoker B�rry, but; there :\Te others less mil-. been good, and imp�oved' ji'eldin'g, �. ibility that Holderman of Pilrdue '. Shlrley Jachon Case, of the Cobb Th moving picture �Slms and ma- itary but .. morc interesting to tbe 'ana.batting of tbe'team has been no- '- ." cut into Chica. go's cllances here: Oh, 'inity School, Maine, to an assist- e. . audience they 'are from the Uni.: tl·c--able.� , chiuc for the Reynolds- club: smoker, .... "fllle broad jump is one of Purdue's ant professorsbip in New Testament arrived yesterday, and::' early today versity of Chicago and only happen The' Cardinals played' Northwest-::"00' g--st even'ts, "nd thrO\lg11 tIle Intcrpretation in the Divinitv School. to stop I'll Bonn on thel'r ·ay to th.. I f E�I .... " J everything will be ready for tonight.). - .... ern yesten ay a ternoon at vanston,'�1c of Cooprider and Lewis, they Thnmas Allan Hoben. to an asso- combination of song-(�:st, smokdest. Olymphian games. TIley are Clark. and after a long struggle (or twelve;""'_t to clean un some noints, Gill date professorship in Homiletic� in �h'Farlail1, Tiedebihl, Baukhape.··· led . .-�.... I' I' and all-around exhibitiGn �f the man- l'> mmngs, succec( 10 gett10g away'and Garrett wilt be Chicago's hest the Divinity School. Jy SpuTts of boxing,. fencing and Grey antI Tjomslam, with the larger end of a 2 to 1 score.lien in this event. . Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin, wrestling. " Three men, quite indispensiblc to a This victory for Wisconsin prcssages,;Captain Quigley, Steffcn and l\f er- r10 the head�hip of �he departm��t . of Onc of the Ih'cst '«;lIections of German pl�y are the ,,·:titers, Ritchie� a c1o�e contest today_ on Marshall''1'Dm, are the three athletes about 1 Church J-hstory 10 the Dl\,unty stunts cycr brought t�et}1er in the Kelter andj Boaz. field. Chicago beat Northwestern 10.. 1rbom there is uncertainty as to �ho\�l. Reynolds club theafer .. is . promise(l I n spit�-*o'f all thc' gayly dressed to 6 ":It·, the first of the" collegiate'· .'''''kh events they wilt entcr. Quig- .C1:Jarles Edward Merriam. to the for tonight, and the program makes ca\·aliers, �t is quite likely that the sea!t�n, and on the - strength. of the,�tri is sure to enter the dasbes and deanship of the College of Com- certain that somethiriif. new will ;nterest " .. iti. bc centered on the girls. Madisoh sc,.ool's· hard-won' victory:-.-�,-,. run the quarter. Merriam will merce and Administration. happ�n almost every �inate from (or of COl1rse you go to a musical yesterday. the. game- this '.afternoOn··-:7compete in the hurdles, and either Pr'omotions eight o'clock until it �omes time comedy to see tbe chorus girls. Why .\v�1I be nip �� taCk 'all the- way. .'die quarter mile or the 220. Steffen John Jacob Meyer, associate in for the first offic�l ant;\.ncement. of not? _;.'_ entered in the dashes and the two German, to an instnlctorship.. ,. .______________. I the Board of Student� nizations' Todaj it 3'=30 -is- the' Ps1cholocica1 .(Continued 00 pace 3) new midnight cJosiD.r Ia.. (CoatiD� on paae 4) IDOment ·to bay • iIeaoD ti�et. .... ,:�,-�� J '-:"1-' .. 'CHI'CAGO .. SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1908.No. 1J4. Price Two Cents'(';1"..,- .' . .I TRACI SEASON WnHROUE ATHLETES T001Y PROMOTE MANY OF FACULTY : COUIGlL�SETS 'Jll� ·29 'ASDATE OF JUIIOR PROM BLACmIABS'ADD '�ORE ._, . 08£8u1':IIIS IORTHERI, BEAUTIES 'TO, COLL�mON .: . ':ORATORICAL CORTEST(CoDtinuccl 00 page 2)t'tt '} 'I .',... ..... THl! DAiLY MAROON, SATU,R1:>AY, MAY ,...2, 1908 .ISSUE ·APRIL·.NUJlBER OFUNIVERSITY RECORD• 'J.. .ft.lI.. ... B ... Jitt yet should be supported. �e .sea­If5 :uclUB ��.. son ticket plan is· 'Workingr·admir­---------------- ably at other colleges, Live .• fudentsTIle 0IIe1al IStudeDt PIIM'cMlOG_ 'at. the �,• '.' ;.-i.� �re doing their best here .;t9 showtllllftnlt7 of � .h h .' 1'" d ...__________:.._. _<_-_. ;� at.t e� re� Ize �ts a vanta�LEIltereclu�"" at-tbt'� .... However,the large volume '!Of om­� Cbtaao. 1IllDoIIt.- IIarda 18.; inous silence -proceeding .from the.great majority of University 'people,,has come dangerously close toPalIIIIMIIr:WIdIr," � .....,.,�--= drowning: the noise of· their enthus­dQa ...... � ...... iItrie.-rten iasm.. 'of :u.:-UaaftnMi:: ,.... - publishes Full Tat· of. Dr. DJ'aper·sconvocation Address and Pres-.ident Judson's Report..� .:�:.'ftf Ua1nnl� elf, CIaleap Weekl7..�Tile Weekl7. Oct. 1. 1892-�·odT. oet,·J.-I802.. , ...� COIl�bU- _ _,.··lift"at·BlI1a __._Bait' � ftt1iiW'�a4� � tile. C.OUectiOD of Statistics Puts Chica-. ��� .. � ._ ... : ...... : .. ; .... �.. : .�� r /' go��:.G��qate De��t; . � the Front Rank,;Thitty-seven' of the students of theGraduate School of the Universityhave been accorded places among theThe baSeialli: pine this. :afternoon�tWeeD:. Chicago: : aDd.· Wisconsin isI .the second .one of im-. Se.ia.r. ",. - porlaiJc�:':f�r; the Vai�Tickets:·. sit,.. TIi� first _w-.aStA&am with:,- Illinois:. ,.Some -of .. the- students thousand ieaaing scientists, accord­ing to recent· in�estigations .p�blish­ed by Science, showing the co.mpara­tive -standing of the men of sciencein: American Universities.' The tablesappearing in Science indicate thatChicago leads all American univer­sities in the total unmber of Doctor­ates of Philosophy conf�rred during'the past ten years, the total being356. Harvard follows with 338, Col­umbia with. J22 a�d Yale with 318.In respect to the proporti�n of grad-who ·'would have. boupt. sea�ontickets;'.' in fact; .had intended' tobuy tbem,.. but· f�el now that it is too. late, ought to. see the facts as theyare; The Illin�is game was playedbefore .the. ��,ity' nine had struckits pit.- Sin�. ·then,. the team hasbraced up wonderfully, and the lasttwo -contests ,,nth· Iowa' and Purdue uate students who remained to take pages of notes on "The Faculties,"the Ph. D. degree, Chicago is' second and there are four pages given to the. have turned .. out i:!vorably �. the highest, Johns Hopkins leading with Association of Doctors of . Philos.Maroou;: l·.,20 per cent. ophy. Ninety appointments '�fo reI.�� t��,playiDg good, consist- An interesting result of th�s�: in- lowships for th'er'y�ar 1908·9 are alsoent baseball at present. Its errors vestigations has been that &Cago's published in this number.are few, and' it is improving in· bat- faculties other than in the scienceting !rom g=,me to game. � .. time. �epartments, are equally str�ng, less TO ENFORCE TWELVEis i)\st: "ilen the Varsity �fdayers ".than one-half the degrees being in O'CLOCK CLOSING, .LAWshould t.e' trc-ated· in a �elli;-!elious the sciences. In. the number ofmanner. - Baseball' has come �nto its science doctorates Johns Hopkins-cwo as· the national game. It is alone exceeds Chicago.gaining in po.\ularity in all the· col-leges, with but fe" and scattered ex- 'l'IIB SBRIOR COUlfCILceptions, and Chicago is unfortunate-ly one' of these. (Fourth Meeting, May 1) From now on all student socialThe· best part of the athletic sea- Present _ Misses Green, Chaney. functions must close at midnight un-son is yet to come. The truth is Kellogg and Slaught;' Messrs. Bar- less special permission is given forthat·spring athletics here ate just � ker, McCracken, J)-incell, Da"is, Jor- a later hour. This action, which.,was,ginning. It is' up to students to joi'n dan and Fernald. made public yesterday, was taken byin support of the baseball team; and Arrangements were made for a the board of Student Organizationsthe best way to do this is to be in special meeting of the Council, \Ved- at its meeting last Saturday. Thethe line outside of Marsliall Field nesday, with the president. rule as to the holding of affairs onlythis afternoon, and instead of asking Plans were made for a special on. Friday and Saturday nights orfor a· ticket to the game, make the baseball mass-meeting in connection other evenings preceding holidays.request for a season ticket. with one of the outdoor band con- will be ill forced. The oldA. was eXplained in the open let- certs. nde as printed in the �ourse book al-ter ,from Director Stagg, the season A Councilor was appointed' to rep- lowed affairs to. last until one o'clockdeJeet s�eme is not a nionq making resent the Council at the meetings of "The rule," said a member of theproposition for the 'athletic depart- the Board of Physical Culture and board, ''bas not been strictly enforc-.ment. It is not being pushed be- Athletics. ed in the past but will be in thecause funds are low. The �eason is future. For special occasions per-that �aseball games should not be Eajoy tile W"1K01IIin ba_baIl mission will- be granted for a laterdleapeiJecl b� fr� admjs ........ ..- ... GIl a � hoar. "Board of Student OrganizationsPasSes Resolutions to Close So ....cial AIlairs at Midnight. OBLIGED TO; DROPOUT OF RESIDENCECorrespon'dence 'Courses- .Will enable you to continue your coJIege work and gain the degr�':,.. ... I4()ae.ha1f [II] of abe 36 Malon require4 for traduatioa .. , 'MdODe b7 COfte8POII-c:e. .0Yer 300 cJua.I'OO. COUNea are tIauaoff ... It.".· ,,_ ... ...u�·FaaaItieI.· -alar � School ADd eo .. eoune.. are ."'7 that ap � :l those III differeGt YocUioDl-aotabl7 to teachen. «IWOIk' IDa7� ·at-aIIT tIae;-. ....1linfat office of' , '. -i ....THE CORRBSPONDEMC&.STUDY. DEPARTMENT� . ..� t;he University of Chicqo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Co��' HaD.The April number of'the UniversityRecord, which appeared yesterday,has .as frontispiece a striking portraitof Dr. Andrew Sloan Draper,' 'Com­. missioner of Education of the State�SKS .MONEY FOR THE of New York, whose ConvocationUNIVERSITY COLLEGE address on' "TIi�' Rational Liniits ofAcadaemic Fredom' is published inPresident Judson Calls Attention to this number. There is also an espcc-Need for Continuance of Down- ially good portrait. of. professor'.tOwn Work. .� tr'> Heinrich :\I�s'chke:" of the Depart-h _.... •• .:i.' .....--�.;..;.;..;..;.;.""O';�-------J�.-. ---: ment of Mathematics, whose sudden . Baseball game, between Chicago8at.cr1ptloo price. f8,.OO'-,per 7e&r:} ,LOO :The need for special funds for the death occurred on March I; and the md \Visconsin, will be played at 3 :30 .•for a _OIltlll. 8ablcdptloDa reeelyed at . d" 1" 1 II fi ldUniversity college was emphasized in three addresses given in Man e As- Oil Mars ia�;·IIarooIl� om�:·� �;. ��i�:the President Judson's report for the sembly hall in memory of Pro1essor Southern club will meet at 8 p. m . .:Facul17; EiCbuce.� � Ball!..\\·inter quarter. the complete; text Maschke, by Professor Albion W. n 5 1.1 ell hall .. parlors.�.I'<', �Bdltodal • oIl�Oie 8 Po m.. ElU8 of which is made public for 't�,,�rst Small, Dean of the Graduate School Philosophical club. will hold aBall, Unlyeral17. TeL B7de Park 426. time in the April number of the Uni- of Arts and Literature, and Profes- necting at. 7:30 Monday. Mr.' Tal-..After 8 -p. aLi JbrOOD.Prsi. 414 �J�th versity. Record. Owing .to the fact sor Oskar Bolza and Associate Prof- bert will speak .on "Pragmatism of .. a8tr"eei.:· TeL II7c18 Park 8881. that the special ·fund terminated. in cssor' Herbert E. .Slaught, . of' the Plain Man.".- , '" .. , .1906 the work of the College had .to Department of Mathematics, arc Theologicai club will meet at 8 p.LUTBD J);. I'BBMALD;: vo-line' EdItor . ... ... h 1'1 I Mbe in a large part transferred from published in full., 11. in South Divinity a par or. r.PBB8'I.'ON .... OASB. N ... · EdIt.; , 'Fine Art�- building to-Emmons Biain.e- 7he President's Quarterly St .. �.e- J K. Hart will speak on "The Au-.Jl:LVlM J.' ADAJUJ;-Athletlc Bdltor hall, where most of the classes' dur- merit on the condition of the Uni- thority of Religious Experience."AMOCI'''·aiD.. ing the last two years-liave"'beep�- versity includes the following topics: Cap and Gown nominations will beJenme �, ducted, The attendance duri�.:�he The organization of the Divinity Idd Wednesday at 10:30 in Kent.current year is. 285, whereas. illi.-j".I.9.'>. 5- School, the Agricultural I Guild, newA. G;· Whitfield," H. B Fdll.: er;. 6, 'before the fund ceased, the.·�nr_oU- appointments, promotions, attend-}W.l�IUN'..l.�: RobertS B.·OWen; .....r •OPEN TRACK SEASON WITHU� ment. reached .483.' T!!e .�r:eSjd.nt ance of 'students, University College.CarOlint!,Didej �tli�M�:a"'I; urges the renewal of the special fund University salaries, gifts, and theJ. Sfctifey saRce", MaDiie·-Li11�· in: order ·that the College 'may' be' en- death of Professor Maschke.A.:'W.'Wlfiele!'1 . A ·N.-Pfeft"er·J� . M: . Houahiancl: PURDUE ATHLETES. TODAY(Continued from page I)our.Lingle is sure to start in the quar­ter mile, and either Merriam or Lin­gle will be the second Chicago en­trant. They will have Heekin andKinlCeaaas-Op poneif(s: _. -lObkea'll--wittalso repr�sent the Boilermakers inth� half mile, as will White. (iQrrett,_Shuart, and po�sibly J ohlin, will han­dle the event for the Varsity. Neitheris in the best shape, and may bepushed' by �he Purdue athletes, who,however, will have to repeat in themile, in �hich they will be opposedby a str�ng field of Maroons, con­�isting of Caldwell, l(cFarland, _Joh-lin 'and Dolan.Maddigan, of the Varsity, will bethe mainstay in the shot and discus,and in both should find a tartar inSteffens of Purdue. Chicago is notstrong in the hammer� in which Hub­ble and W orthwine are entered. They Iwill have Fullenwider and Mitchell IIto contend with.Jacobs should have no difficulty in .winning the pole vault, and Henne- Iberry, though out of condition�·should .take second. There will beno relay or two mile.t.� You 'can � the- price of --FOWNESGLOVES'and not Get Fownes Ilyle,fit nor service.e�'SHIRTSOn and off like a coat.In fast colors and ex­clusive styl� $1.50 up.CLU.ETl'. PEABODY & oo� ..... Vlct:oria�Hot�lcEuropean PIaD-- -._.- ...._ - .ROOMS'S, UPWARDSOperated byO. A. McClintoc� E. R. Carr,T. C. Capen.bows' torrecfTiilo •I A faultlessly fitted· PUll': .rnre5S· Suit is probably theI most useful one a man caDI : own, and certainly it. is theI i most essential to have penna_: : nently in hiS' wardrobe.There's no use puttingmoney into Full DressClothes, unless you pro­cure an exact fit and ab­solutely correct style instrict accordance withfashion"s latest edict. Weoffer a special Full DressSuit complete with extraDinner Jacket, made ofthe best materials, tailor­ed to fit and hang exact­ly right, and in themost approveQ mode, allforSEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS1�5B:=CC:=�Cbicqo,I ._:_i Irri�Agrigrea:live •givil]: the 1.", 1t·... Labt."··:T.�Al.1re 4Tel. (TickDepoDeal-V\.-��:.,. PaG.&Plt-Il'AIft'�.p�y-'..(�o�t:nued fro�-:�agO '1)'··T0¥ ShAT£R-Exolusive Tailor, � "\ of'COLLEGE CLOTHES;�ow ,ShowingNew Spring Styles"','2S�OO . to, 45.00, f -v-SPECIAL TERMS- TO STUDENTS·TO.M S,LATER5434 LAKE A VB.'Hyde Park- William Jesse Goad. Land, � in Morphology,to .an instructor­ship in Botany.for oUr new 1908 illustrated . catalogues'of Machinists" Fine Tools" mailed· FREE on application. Edwin Garvey Kirk, associate inAnatomy, to. an instructorship.Hervey Foster Mallory, instructor. arid see;retary of the Correspondence­Study department, to an assistantprofesorsbip,. Robert Franklin Hoxie, �instructor·in· Political Economy, to an assistantprofessorship,Wallace Walter Atwood, instructorin Physiography and, General. Geol­ogy to an assistant' professorship- ingeology, . ' ,. ' .J ohn �Ierlin Powis Smith, instruc­tor in Semitic Languages and Litera,�tt1re� to an assistant" professorsbip.Theodore Lee N elf,· instructor- inFrench, to an assistant professorship.Frederic James �u�ney, assistant.recorder, to an assistant professor­ship.George Breed Zug, instructor inrhe History of Art, to an' assistantprofessorship in' Archaeology and "tHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANY, .'.• A rt.: Phone Hy�:Park.- 57.1:�k''*i9�-.,aDd?56tb� S_t. ..� The CJeaDeetn�JlMir�' "8 n' '. ,: .. ;.' :Robert Johnson Bonner, instructor UlI-_;'L.:- .' .a. __ ,..:';;-' �., . � .. _. -:.�uae m �..,.._.� •. , •• '. J,., :., ':in Greek, to-. an. .assistant. professor- iFurniture. and Pianos'; M'bved,' Stored:' Pick.ed,. aDdship. hipped to 'all partS"¥ofi th(,3QO..·PriVate�·Stor�a�e- Rooms. LaI'K.c;-.Par.Jprr:-���usi:ve'y:, for Piahos., Basil·. Celeman.. Hyatt Harvey, in.. ooms . for· Trunu...&nct ·Wht!eis . ...:.. LarKe 'Room (orstrnctor. in,�Anatomy, to. an-assistant- � Buccie ...: aDeI· Sl.ughs ..... ·T�; .. tQ.;.aD4Yo a f hi .from all :o.epo�. L9s:at.;,,'l1ransfers fOtt.'BqlPlur e,; pro essors IP.· F' p .... ka . h' .' . < ......--. urmtare, ac g�s.. ete., �t s ort n�tie . ::"',.' .$ t'a3>-Si2 tt: W�l1e�, .. �ssi:tant professor Spec:ial .a tteDtiaD�)o Uni� O��- a���e wo�����.�-----_-------_- � �_:��_.��._�_.�__._r'sociate professorship, in Geclogy.Leon. Carroll: � Marshall, assistantprofessor of-Politics! .. Economy, toan associate professorship,James W.Thompson,., assist. profes- .: Under' If_agemmt of, the "lfatio�'I1� CO:... ,.T� .�� .�,:�7"',sor 'of, European History,·to-an asso- ,J, ' . .. .Th. e: BEST served�a(,:,' ,'.;',::-,; .. �:,.,.date professorship' in History. .. "-, "- :1t,..... ,1, .====================�=====�:'�c��il�m�A�rt ¥oon� a�,.. <E���:'. ,.� • ��:�-1 : .. � DO YOU W'ANT T'O' ST'UDY ��::a!:�:,ss:::!:::::�:�:g;��:�. .. RfSfAURANi, AND': iu��, cou'ij�fR�<��'�� "�. .;, . . ltUBIBG. BNGIBBBBIHG." .� ��� �in the heart of a great mining country within sight of some of the I 's�l'5hip',in.· Mathematics. : III CooDectia. .. " ::, .�; �.�� ..... ' :'.,�:.>��. '���.�� , .�.� .greatest-mines. ore dressing and smelting plants in-the-worfd, and in a . HerMcf.Ellsworth.·Slaught: assist-, , e:- ,i II I ,4 ,'.. . ..... ,,� <.-_G!,.lhH ... �·''Itg 3;, ....!;"i. live college, equipped. with teache-rs, laboratories. and othu..facilities for 'ant:profess_or of.; Mathematics r: to an r'· -.' ••• ,' •, ,- ',.' I" :1 -'';':1' • �>!to i; giving you thorough and practical courses in ev.ervthin2··oertaiitinK to "B 0 O':�'�'- �. .�. ::''''.'_-"," 1:0 ••;� ,:the business and profession of Min:ng? 'associate prof�SSOl�lshiP.. • !: . -::' !)';.• ' -r.:":!: . L'';' .:.:"", �... �� '",,':l' ." If so"write'to.the State School of 'Mines. University .. of. Utah. Salt " Forest:..Ray··M'OUton.,.asSlstant'pr<H." l':Ij.:l . 'i<,-,,' II!".. ,::,;.�:,' z •• .,. 'Lti'!1' :I .. ake .. City, for a catalogue:and illustrated circulars of infonnation. fessor. of Astronomy,. to an associate .., '. _ . • -:',.;1� Graduate and under-graduate,co1ll1leS. 1 TL_ '4!J/t-st _. .L· do: .u....__�r,.:- ii811si �.�. EZpenses lower than the lowest elsew� I professorship., :� I:IIC>'-SV ·�oc'll.�.n ·, ... S '.(v .... ���:_ __ '.�.. ��! •• _' ._� _.,' ' ...Four-year courses in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical. Chemical. add I'· Kurt Laves, assistant· prof�ssor'· o� fiNio", fecll�()IIfeQ�IIfIr-ananged"on"o�r fwQ"-.;.. .'\\'.� ..Irrigation Engineering also given, (the last in connection_ with .tli� State � Astronomy,' to an· associate' profes- I·, a__ �fn _... r�_'1II .�.�AgriculturarCoUege). _ . .I . ._ large'rem 'IIVU�'; � gra�;,'1��, . :,,�;.�> r:__________________________ --. sorsbip� -.'. Waldemar Koch,' assistant profes- An8Q�DC�"'S,. ftc.. ". '. � .', ::', . #,sor.of.Physiolo�liCliemistry,·to ani I A. .. C •. l\4cC�URO�·� .. ":c6.·'::; �. DE�"f B�GGJI.E 'a',milESS C(I.,. ." Quick . Service our IIOtto.. ' :.;. ",' .' .-'i BA:GGAGE OUR SPEClALTY .: . .'. .... . . : .•.. ",.. .... - ... _., .,. 30 WAROU Daily, to and fra'm AIJ..DePotii· ','Furniture. Pianos. Trunks. Merchandise' and Parcela'Delivered to' aU'Parts of the city; Depots And Suburbs .Main Office: 6154 Wentworth .Ave. ".Telephone Wentworth 460. 461.. ..;I';"t.'Bran'ch Office: Information Oflic�:'University of cbiQgo.' .Phone Douclass 2. .:_ .... . . ,.,:. Phone. HarrlsOzi"lsgB71 East 39th �,treet 48 Hnbbard'Court. High Grade' Fa�ctoryl ..'. Sample. Shoes(,,'. - '_'" . "'3.50, �� "'.50, 15 and�S6VALU_ES ATThird Floor. Republic Building;State and· Adams Street· •-"'" &... 7., (� !",.:�.;:-...;..."HO.t;,e�l·.t. ��()"D,nt,.-. � t _. ..sBTH-ST •. AH�,D�jAV&(,. -' �',.:'�"_ t ••.r,Daintily DeliciOUsPerfectly , u,r e'SurpassiDg"�SJDOOfIJt. 'lssociate professorship .. - '. 215-G1 ,w� "'Ye.QII,e. � ... �- " ... "" � . ,,' ,William HiII;'assistant profesor ofl '-. --------------------..---------: Political. Economy; to' an associatei· .�; professorsflip.-· .�.,', THE �etARK.:'_' � �'._.;, ;.. IShailer Mathews, ... professor of'His-, ! ··�rEACH:ERS!: AGEN.CY· .Jii====-� '_ : toricat and' ComParative TheoI08'Yl�I_IeIlNll!lllllr i'" __ :.;mDlllw. ·' ,�I"'� - Wonde�u"v I': �nd Junior Dtan of' the Divinity: _a. 1 ..... : � ._ .... riI ... _t. ell,.. .'; �chool, to tbe headship' of the de-:. "S; F� c;:u"'Ki, "oP.luno.WlJole$ome: partment of Theology and the Dean-!�t.... \ �bip of the Divinity_School. .'�, . :;}'ULI. T�� SUITS I SPEC'JIL D..-tic Clpb to. CQaoi4er.N_ p� . TIIe- Twm C}'!liIuie. Ib_ •. :·,.. .- .� T. Go. SCHAl'l'NER I: CO. ; .,. The Dramatic club decided .. tbat it, is the Very Latcat 'io,. � AD�.. SUre' Fit. 5 h' , ad C·... would ,not be wise ·to prose�t Gnn-' - '.OTORCYCLBS,:L-- .�Y. Jre � "Society Brand" Clothes ' 'e 00 a '-OHeg,� dy!s ·'Arabian,Nigbt�. at� its-�meeting! :Be: sare yoar· 1908' machine is··. two, qliDcler with mecbanjcaJ." Tel. Cftltral 487S. 46 River St. Suitings yesterdaJl.morniRg. It refened: tbe: '�I Ali 'Automobiles have mechanical. valves. Don't be deceived. .;t, TRAVEL OVlBR ':l'HB· matter of making another selection : ret' the LIIteIt.. �I"I! $30 d $95 to a committee,' consisting· of· �uk- ImpoctIBt - At· Riverside Hill climb, California, a· Two Cylinder J''. IJfJ .. ' an (" hage, Benzies, Miss Heckman and ' ... ian made' one mile- in sa· sec onds, fastes.t time made in th�:. :�.Miss Bell.' At prese'nt, tMt-e are Iworld. by. aay. kind of a madame. Call and see us. Demonstrations ,:three plays that meet with favor- daily. HENDEE' ID'Cl CO. 1251 JIicIIi&an,A� .CIii� ..:. �one Spanish, one Italian, and one' .. . ., � ... -. •. �,:modern EnKlish.The committee will meet Saturdayafternoon and probably will, reportto the clnb during next week.'­J" _--- - - - _-�MONON R[]UTE--- ----'")WAYETTE.IHDIANAPOLI8.LOUISVILLE,CINCINNATI.DAYTON.Or any South em PoinfTicket Ollice, 182 South Clark St.Depot-Dearborn Station, Polk andDearborn St,.EnKlewood Station�3d St .TaD-Sho� at- . '. ... . ... , rFQRS:VTH. �Sl444' East 63� Street:'TAILOR POR·YOUNG lIENTwo. stores: 131 La SaDe .at., ad44J.cboa ......... Opposite the Bank.·'The Master of the Inn." a ne�volume of fiction' from the pen of8,0 R D B II �. Professor Rokrt· Her.ric1c,,, is:- beiwgCondensed Jlilk,JI'IaW .... ec-. �t'sued hy' Garles·s Sons.and Battel'lllilk. Shun" stories by. Profess_ HerrickAn Bottled ill .. C-tI7. �lso appear in recent numbe!,s ofBorden·. CondeD8el .. c... Scribner's M2gazine and tbe Adantic627-633 E. Fony-lt¥eDtb St._____________ •.• M'ont.'y. COLLEG&· LARDER CAFE147 E. S5� Street. �Near, ,LainctoD, A�IS'THE BEST AMD'CHEAPEST PLACE"TO-·BAT.'': ._;;��LUNCHEON. -� UP. EVENING 'DINBER, 25C."PROOP OP-THB PUDDIKG'IS 'EATJRG....We Have No Br.nch Studio;,_(.,-' �:.... '....e..".....One of the cleverest thing�, o�nth';whole bill will be' a singing .anddancing octette -that" does a 'stun�that will put the, f�r and, tbanks t�Evelyn, ill-famed Floradora sextetteentirely off the boards. McNeish, Coach Russell will take his squadMcLean, \Vilett, Appell and Lam- of twelve Freshmen to Culver thisbach, are to be the fair ones and morning to meet the crack CulverStraus, Excelson, Boaz and Ritchie Military Academy team. Thoughthe .mea. the first-year athletes are not asTwo other dances that will bring strong as' they' were indoors, they areapplause from the bald headed row not woefully weak in anyone event.are those with the Cupid s;ong .and Menual and Straube are' relied o�the Daisy chorus. Spence, the male to win points in the dashes. Ti�bli�soprano, in .the part of. Constance and: Sturgeon �re the ·mainstays. iriPrentiss ';'h� leads, the C�pid .chorus the quarter mile, while Timblin Bres­i� likely to capture the hearts of nahan and' Stophlet look strongest. in',. '� ;:most of the Susceptible 'young men the half.' In the mile, Stophlet willi� 'the audie�ce. D�ess� i� �brev- probably be' used. but 'fo� first placeiated red skirts' with . he�rt-�ices -Comstock looks strongest. Carpen- .. .t�e graceful troupe of- donseuses are ter is also entered in the mile, Crow­fit representatives of the god �hose ley and Reynolds are the Freshmen,name they bear. The cupidesses are in she hurdles.Owen, M�cClintock, Hoadley, WiIitt; Rogers will probably capture first'Sturgeon, Lambach McNeish and in both the -iligh jump and 'pole. ' .. ,Lewis. vault. Long ulay get a place in theRalph Benzies, new in the Black-' vaulL Crowley should get at leastfriar. world, but known as the 'knight two firsts out 'of the hammer, discusour of the burning pestle makes' as and shot put.dainty and be\IVichin� a' soubrette as . -----. ; .. ;�tore . and .see .t h e �_�u�� �e. rmagin� �i!1��g _ �e�o�e �e �t part of the sp� .. a�etic!:��wPp;'dotJies .e Offer for- the' stY� �IS "daisies' dressed in a�,�C;�[iy: sea:son � :yet .to <, come. - .oral: Get�,. r-:i:-.. '.' ._ , �. U 'd'" th'·.'·' -' of the flower he prolnises' -t(): make 'a a �cket.lD. a.�.. r·IDa y,oang 'Ae OW--QD e conser- , . < '.' '.:' "••�. �·�tin;,for-the�iDan -�iao·�·;_e· 'set- decided hit with his �ctiDJl;:1h��- -·----, ...... ·-· ..·.-I_,;-----'-........ -all:: tIed �-iuS' wa� ., .' .� .. �' .;; ...... '.'�, " ?ut ·the 'song. :McNeish. H�aiDtOck,' ���IABL��uI � :r��, h r -':. . - -' Ow Hoadl' �: " :�< ,.'. , makes, "�LbargaiDr1fif. mont 7 .-_ _, j:..". r:_:'.::c .. · •• IieIl·tO tile tata of an acesl eD,·._ ey, �::.�g�o�,. Jr�m' our"�o� ·.facto�". ·.equip�._,. d A:�er'··. Maw FifS- t .... �_. __ .. -. aiuo,e' �is· .• i� and Saaita a"".'lhe·.bisi��·"· .'• chin horse nail ., '-. �t' quainies:�rtliiS�:'sp'�" 'OtJ.���IBmiSTBRS -TO �ni.E �: ;::e;'��'::Ume'�� ;:ko sat-.. -0 o' .• .".• ELk S .u it is ODe--of; tk {Sr'" -,���,�;, .. :. WITH '. .'-isfaction or" �ur mon ·,�.:TIie: We .wlll �cupy our new quarte�_26-28 . a e treet:- ..i'- behr'eea: ti.� � .• .;n;� :>T�' "', .' �� � BAI+, ' T,pe.n;� :�;9-"t) .This �ff�rlfs an-�xcep�] �pponunity of _purchas- .I '. ���ntSe�nd:' �.the "usuai, dli�� .. _., b �s . 7?�I�g , at.. I�".'�;�� t�ef? s� ��_'·the. ,���ii�.Ji . �ri�: ; iog 'ou�..-selecbStock of lam.p_' aqd, brOnzes�: at .. mark�: .These .Salts, priced speri • ..,� ItO �!!1.;""� .I!wyers.of th�.Ch,� co�' '. iag i1iCltne.,co:" i�ecl' . ��o'" .... .:.. •• - .' .� '�-.' � _:. J; • I��.5:-compri�e the neweW sliad� tracJ· �nd tort school ��iU; �ttle wit.h· _. '.�.:��;4 •. ::', :. ' '. reduction. w.:··'of brown' and rich soft tODes in nns�·and .mit_-with:"he1oPefu� of . :Gecqe"-:·F.:':AikeD'i·� : Shop WILLY· H� LAUand gran.' . . ,. �ortfiwe5tern,� i� an�·attempt. to prove removed from' �6 to .p8 55th street;Biue'(�';:;S�its up tcl.:�· stout. which are theJ)d�er at �s�ba'l. in new building at Lexington ave- !.I;»ullman Buildi�g. 12 E. Ada.�s street; '���. I����� ����.b�.���� N��.��e_�t�l:��_��----_�;�'---�----�----------��'rap" , Oftreoats wto:Su.1 Dougherty, .a strong. player, and more barbers; best, sel'Vlce._�dent -The BLACK''':"F'RI A. -=-S�·�.. ·.·os SLB'It' 0,0.' "Freddy" Baird, the "old reliable" of patron·age.solicited.,. �"-J. -'--- Ba.... the past five Year!', are expected to ¥, present50 .�n AYU. V '1 P SP-ECIALJust otr State at. s�ar. al urdy says that he' can DOUBLE EACiLE"�������������IP�I:tC:h��:t:te:r�b:a:"�lli:a:n�B�a���d�. __ ���������b '�fSroNMfflE'i �S and up. Typewriters sold on easy (Hansen. Klein and �th.)paym�nts, fro� $10 up. Best bargains TIre Scream of tile Yearin guaranteed machines. American MAY SEVENTH EIGHTH and NINTHDesk I: TypeWriter Co., I. Dearborn MABDBL BAI.I.It. Central 61.7. 57th and Lexinaton Avenue.Ti�kets (25 -cents to $1.50) now on �ale at Unh·ersity Theatre Agen­cy. Mail orders from Manager Ben F. Newman, 6040 Ellis02' ��. 7le� _Dtr �� ON'".&"- �.�.D.e �ACnVG ��� (Penn.) .. -_ -- - -_I!S._'1I':Z'�FRIARS ADD 'MORE BEAUTIES FRESliMEN MEET STRONG I(CoRtinued fro:n page 9 CULVER A�EMY TEAM. i.Look for Clo.e· Score in Dual To­day with the Military SchoolAthletes. �LS)'f O;y_e. �a-. Of a torn"'--��.T' r�,_.l" __ "��' '-Ji?I'�.f!n. -" � '71'.l1li �� .: �ck 'scl_ .iets· arDRINK� INK_ . �ed 'yeLTU''R A CAMEL Which hi.&0 ... . iith theTo 'toad a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip It in'UJ.A. .hich Bink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its � �'avaih,tank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all,�: . r· S· his to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do.4?� r.. C Ianywhere-any time .' .;,'� �-, JIIWlstay.. •. . .. - -'-:.� :,�{;, � wisCONKLIN'S �W;;G PENi: ��<�4�t,hlctes; . ;; ..' -. OUR::�" .SDGBS.� ,GUARANTEEDN� TO:FADE • : •All W�gh� �d Shades"THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" _can be filled. Instantly without the least inconvenience: Ycni.,could fill. it. with white kid gloves ou without .danger·.ofsolling •. Besides- its convenience,' Is-the splendid wri�gqualities of the Conklin_:_the perfect feed. .;.'. (�d�:'�'�'c� 'lfy01US does D.t.��dJreet. �.13.00 and up. 0DCe ,for �me DeW catalOc." -. '.i � i.the eThe' r.o...'jn Pm � 310 ...... ftaD�BJd£. Toledo, om.i.:� :. !i1()y.1. '. '.. . I •• �. mee;r • _.... . ·';t->lIt �t4iS(: - CJhe . � ��� �:tO(Zililmernlan��, �e:::':,' . _'dear h"0' � iiddig� • witb H" big .'5\1Garret.�I •I!.otb. late !SIiuar1linke\. '.. ': ;: .. _.�. I <:. ,-DesireS to employ a few _ .. �." • ',1students.· Afternoon. and 1 -r-eveniug .... work. .' � ;See our:·lio·..... �"; .�.� �.,ea��.··tOme into_,.For info�on, apply atw.WAM IER��!tII.· 80N.. .room gA, Cobb' HaD, be-Clark mel Adams Streets .. tween I and 3=30 P. m. .A ve., Chicago. Ilhletplace,-methe 11COfhpof thHennJI.,.", Cafe ••OPEN ALL DAY·M�.l�_..r .• Oc- and.choP . Suey �. sPed8lb �e ·COUPON IOc_ Good for .' .< .• AtlChic:Yearfessoof tlbookbasiProf,Ycrii55th St. aDd Greenwood AftDW. ,- � _.. .at Fifth Floor, .aollie Temple'5.00 Shoes '2�O TYPEWRITERS fo� Sale or Ren�-J The ·Yates-y.uer· Teacben'· .Agmt'.Special rates to ltudents; barplns Paul Yates. 1Iaaqer, Saite 6fIin re-built machines. W. White- I 642, � MicbipD Avenue. F_bead, _ La Salle Street. Ana BaildiDc. Cbicap. .