ii' - '�', ,'". - '_,. � . - ,-"- �'- -" ,--arnntt'DECIDE NOBlIlERN, ,,-i SCHOllER LOST TO TRACIAT IOWA em TONIGIT TEAl FOR PURIU� lEErStar Jumper and Shot Putter Both-.ered by ADlde-Henneberry Outof Shape.New Locations are Hard toObtain. . ,'Director Stag AImoUDCeS Entries-White of BoiJ.ermaken, Not to- Compete TomorrOw •.".:--Vanity Was PlQiDa ill Bacoarqinc'l'oma qaiaat PreIIImen WIlenWeatber la_med. .Hubble .-Baseban ' practi�e was enlivened.yesterd� by a practice -game be- The Yale varsity crew coveredtween the Varsity and the Fresbmen foar miles for the first spin of the ,Worth-The .Phi Gamma - Delta 'fraternitywill bold an inform&l smoker tonightto ce1ebral,e' the ��e';tb anni­",marY, o�:�fo.i·nding· of tbe fia-�. .,terDQ." .' .4,; --�, , • IT.H� DAILY MAttOON, FRIDA V,, MAY I. 1908.": .. C11i1iert7TIle UDlnnl&7 01· CIaIcqo Weetl7..o�The Weekl7. Oct. 1. 1892.TIWt DaD;'. Oct. 1. 1902.MELVIN J. ADAlIB, Atbletle BditorJerome No 'i'raDkaiicaiwA G. Whit6eld, H� B." Fuller"W. A. Weaver Roberts B. O�enCaroline 'Dickey Esther M. Hall.J. Sidney Salkey Mamie: Lilly:A. W. Wheeler,' A. N. ,PfefferJ. M. HouKhlabd.things, gets undesirable publicity, 'toNorthwestern's hurt.Wednesday brought the worst in­stance. Four students got out a"sporting extra" of the college daily,filled with' scUrrilitY. leveled. at thtfaculty, and the' girls .. of -the . unive�­sity in particular. This' was t�much, and the; student body. in right-. eous indigliation� is demanding th�tthose, responsible be expelled . fro�the .university which their attempt at.at humor has . libeled.DRAMATIC CLUB 1'0RECONSIDER CHOICEGrundy's Play Meets Disfa�or ofMembers aDd Others win beCoMidered.The Dramtic club will hold a meet­ing this morning to consider the se­lection of a play for Junior day."Arabian Nights,'" by Grundy, whichwas accepted provisionally, I}as notmet with the faTor of the membersof the clab,· as it is not considered tobe of sufficiently high character.In aD pro�bHity, the trials for�rts . will be he�d ��ring tile nextweek-'.'"'L _"' ....... :. SEND MATHEMATICAL DATA *TO PaRlIER 'STUDENTS •• * * * • • • .. • • • •DO YOU RE�IIBER? •• IF· ,OaUGED"": :bttop. 'OOT OF R:EIiIbj:NCEwill enable you to cont"im1e .. t� �1iece work and pin the degree.CODe .... f·[1IJ of die 36 .... on ....... for .pdpeHon .. , be... b coal.,on_ce. .0.. 300 c:lua4oo. coaI'8III 1ft tbuaoa.-a.a.r ._ ;,c·r...... C _-ww'JIrCIa -sc&oot ' COJreje 'coane.. ·1ft.1IIIAV daM .- -tothole Ia tIiffeNat TocatioIIa-aotUl7 to teacMn. ·�Wotk·...,......... .."ItEL .......... efIIce ofTHE C�I'OJlbEMCE-STUDY D��ARTIIE�T·.The University -of Chicaco - - - - - - -.- - - - - � 'HaIl,Tbe (HIe'" BtadeDt· h ...... ,._ � tIM lIathelitatic. � Mailing" One Yar Aco"{foday .' � .•VDl.enl&7·'" � Circidar of InfOl'lD&tion to' Doe- • William ·P. :Maccracken, "'a's •EDtend u 8ec:GDck1dII-Mm '_t ta.. � '.tors aJid -Badielors. .. elected vice-president, and.. Waf-··• ter S. Morriso� secretary of th� '.P.tomce. � DllDoI8, Kareh 18..• Reynolds club commission.' •18Oa. aDder Act of IIareh a, 1819. The Department of mathematics isthis week mailing a unique circular * Miss Jane Addams and Profes- *.......... 4*117 ..... ·8aad1ip. '1Iaa;. to ail former higher students of the * sor Zueblin spoke 0."- .1!1.!�.rnil- !..,. ad IIoUdIp. 4aI'IIW tbne qaarten department, containing a number of • tional Peace to a large audience •.. II om. "1TIl2tMdt7 ',.. interesting data and "lliormatio"n 01' •. in Mandel hall. •special interest tl) students of mathe- •. ,.,' :T�elve Years Ago Today �matics. The work bas been prepared j " The' University defeated IIli-.under the direction of Dr. H. E. • nois in baseball by � score of 10 •Slaught, and contains a .Ietter by .. to 4:· � Thi s clinched the chnm-;> 'l'IIB DAILYProfessor E. H. Moore; head of the * pionship oi the team for the'..__department, desc r' ibing the catalogue * state. AbeJJs captained the team. •... Dramatic dub 'will-hold an import-- f h'l h k b h � • _.'. • •...•. • • • • • :$But.crlpUOIl price. P.OO per 7ea1'; 'LOO of doctors 0 p I osop y ept y t eant meeting at 10:30 in Cobb 8B.tor a DlOD� SDbKrlpUou recelYe4 �t University, and urging' the recipient Glee ciub rehWsal will be heldof the circular to send any informa- GIRL IN SIXTH GRADE TELLS' the Maroon 'Omc:e, Ell" Ball. or �t �e . HOW TO . MEND A CHICKEN 2 IJ. 01. in the Reynolds club.. .Facw&7 EuhaDae. Cobb BalL tion of his occupation 'that niay be of Lutoslawski LeCture-Professor W.use in amplifying this' catalogue. . . o fI - Eileen Sype, .of University Eiement- Lutoslawski of the UniversityEcl1torlal 'o1!l� '8 -Po ID.,' Ellla, A. number of interest_i.ng ."statistics dSch I ,-,-11_ f 0 . 'nal 'D- Cracow, will lecture to gra uate stu-Ball. UnlTeralq. Tel I17cJe Park � are contained in the circular. In the ary OO,.L � -0 ngt .I:oA-. . periment in Knifeless Surg- dents in Sociology on "Social Condi-After 8 'p." 1Do, M&rooa Prea. 414 a GGtb fifteen years since.. tho e opening of the' -"bb-tions in Poland" at 3 p. m. in CoStreet. Tel Diete Park a89L 'University, October, 18g2, to Octo--_;.;._----------'"-.. -'.- "How we Mended a Chicken," is ",C. Graduate students in other de-LUTHER·D • .,...,.0.., ......... V.n • ..rft!P VA'tor ber, 1907, 1,194 students have pur- partrnents a\.__e invited..� .. � ----- - � the title of a contribution to the lit- IfPRESTON ..... GADa N- EcJ1._ , '. sued courses in Mathematics and International dub will meet., � ..... ..... erature of modern experimental sur-Mathematical Astronomy of grade 6 S d 1gery, made by little Miss Eileen Sype in Cobb A. tu ents are we come.above and including" the calculus. .I b '1'1 h ld :of the sixth grade of the University Pre-Ministerial c u WI 0 ameeting in Hitchcock library at 8 p."'m. Dean Mathews and ProfessorSoares will speak.Blackfriar rehearSalOf these 1,194, students, 68g were atthe· close of their residenc� members' Elementary school. Her account off th 'd t .hI'., b' . - the operation is contained in theo e gra ua e sc 00,,4 elOg ...B h I .f th .U· 't f Ch' May Is;;ue of the "Elementary Schoolac e ors. 0 e DIvers I yo. 1-ca'g� and 6i5 being"'· Bachelors Fof Reporter,'" a mO,nthly edited and,published,· by the pupils of the Ele- dancers will' be held at 4 o'clock.other institutions..:i. .Of th� 68g graduate student�, � mentary school.were in residence three or more sdc- "One year we were . at' Eurekacessive quarters, 274 were in. re�i-' Springs, Arkansas," writes ·little Miss Golf entries for the University�.l. .... Sype. "We lived on the top of a b h d d . t theB� oIIc:e-Before 8 p. � BIlla dence a total of three or more quar- tournament must e an e 10 0 :Hall. UDl.erwlq. Tel Ib'de � � ters, and 104 were in residence a total mountain. After papa· went away -Ma;oon office today.. f 6' ... C •we could· not find much to do to Universi- and FreshmanLOUIS 8. BEBLIN, sa.m...1faDIJ&'er ! o. or �ore' quarters.• .,7.': In the departments of mathematics amuse ourselves, so mamma bought candidates desiring to work under:Ne ... ·c:ciDtrIbUti .. __ ·be; � ·at 'B1� aDd �athelliatical- aStr�nomy there some chickens. They made fine my direction between 12 and 1 dailyBaIlOr' F"&C1IIb·�·� to "te have. be�n offered '624 major cour!ies pets. We soon· had them so' tame \1.iI1 find me at the ;field at that time.DaJI7 JIarooD.. ! (c�lculus and above)' for which the th.at we could 'Pick them tip any- -A .. A..j Stagg.t----...;._--------------:-' -.'tal . '. -'". ..Q ...- • where, and they would fly upon our Frest....&...--_ _1.. ..I'--ce wl·.11 beto registratIons were 5r1fU7. lillIAn � u.uFRIDAY. -MAY I. IgOB .. _: While- -in 'all cou"i-ses" the . sciences shoulder when we went.. ,into th;� May 'Ii •.--------------�:. ar�' r�presented .��. �iring- and '.8rot..- yard.. ;. ing. th-� int�re�ts:_�f i�vestig�tion'·-ire "One day my· sister and· r were rEAN VINCENT GOESEvery. institution suffers occasion- .. ". .pl�ying. with the chickens. . Gl'3:ndma. d .f fostered especially. by the Research . .ally from ·the . unauthonze .. acts <). '- ,;_ • � . ; told us to. leave' them alone, .that 'we Will' - � in �. '!v0i'k, :AiDstet-Seminars; . by tne: Mathematical club, .....,_... A"GW" '�,. its. indiTidual members.which, has beld ,fortnightly meetings would kill them, but we did not dam·ana '�aence..' Northwestern Nor t h w e g t ern has .it· k d .t �I' . hsince. ·Jan.nary, IQ.". . ." and by t.he 'JtlD- ... an - so an wen on.p aymg WIt. ina FalSe learned this:to her vy., h IW . d k h d .ior Mathem�tical' cI�b.· conducted t em. e tne to.ma e t em stan'. Dean Vincent left Wednesday af-T :-ht cost. Every little whire t . h I'k I Wh�. . 0 b d h up s ralg t I. e gent emen. en ternoon for Boston,' Providence and.some Northwesterner, smce. ct<? er, 1904,. un er t e, aus-...we went; to· put them on the .roost for New York. On· Saturday evening heWI'th . a false' l'dea of th·e. fitness of pic�s of the advan.c�, students.the night the· one we called Brownie . dd . t· f the Unl'. In th�se: de�artments 25 . graduate IS to a ress a mee mg 0 -scholarships and 58 fello�ships have did not act natural.· We thought that' versity.of Chicago 'alumni in Newbeen awarded. The Master's de- by, handling it so much we had brok- York City.· He will also address thegre� has been conferred upon fifty en' its tail. We were so frightened teachers of Amsterdam •. New Yorkfor fear, Grandma would see it' that and Providence, R I., in connectionwith this trip. A, faultlessly fitted' Full. Dress Suit is' probably themost useful- oae. a; man canown, and -c:ertainly it is themost essential to have,perma-'his Wardrobe.There's no use' puttingmoney into Full DressClothes, unless you' pro­cure an exact fit and ab­solutely correct style instrict accordance withfasliion·s latest edict. Weoffer a special Full DressSuit complete with extra.Dinner J ackct, made ofthe best materials, tailor­ed to fit and hang exact­ly right, and in . themost approved mode, allforSEVENTy-FIvE nOLLARS GLoVEScc,COlc�IDI TAIUDder MaRf,'13'··".'al1"lidTlTH E demand for good MillinerYinsures a profitable recreation for tb'estudent of that womanly trade.I n addition to the mechanical workof assembling, we develop the artis­tic sense in each student.We teach the blending of form andcolors, and the mapy features wbichgive you an accomplishment whichwill always be a valuable asset.A few lesson& wiU eDab1e J01I tobe your own lliUiDer.One regular coune-dail,. cluses_-will make J'OQ an espert.Latest Models-exquisite materials.Special attention to making street anddress hats to suit individuals at rea­'sotiable ·prices.teams and each runner covers a third ers that some one wrete him recently CaD or' Write' for 'fardier panic.lan.of a lap. In the rac�' Wednesday, asking 'his advice aboUt" athl�tics and :PaiersOn iSchoo"-o,'IIHlln­Delta Tau Delta made' the' best time, �he college situation. He said that inand won easily' from the Alpha TaliS. his reply he advised that more games elY and - Desi",ingDelta U. won its' heat almost a· sec- be WOD' by the· t'eams of the institu- SGite Sn. ,........ St.� slower•... , • doll. Cor. Midlipa A�we ran into the chicken yard and putit in a !nest. We looked around tosee what we could do. After awhile r saw a nail over the nest. Itold my sister to go and get somestring .. When she came back, we tiedthe string on the chicken·s tail andthen tied it to the nail. Next morn­ing we hurried out to see if it was allright, and ·.when we got out to thechicken yard it was running aroundas if· nothing had happened. Youcandidates, and the Doctor's 'degreeupon ',33..The. circular als<? contains a partiallist of Ph.Ds. and their present lo­cations. O_f; the Masters and Doc­t.ors_ and· other advanced stu�ents of.ext�nde4 'university residence nearly�JI are., engaged . i� teaching. Theyare scattered all' over the� country,and some of them are in �earlyThe two thousand students who ... '• .• th .I • . • every umverslty and college inare SlgDIDg e expu 51 on petition are.. •h'gh k. Th d Amenca.on ten t trac e egeneratejokesters have forfeited their right tobe called Northwestern men, and thesooner the Evanston community, andthe college world is rid of them, thebetter. Freshman' Dance � for. lIay IIThe Freshman dance has been defi­nitely set for May 1 uh. The exactdate could not be announced be­fore, owing to uncertainty whetherthe Reynolds club could' be obtainedfor that date.FRATERNITY FINALS TO can be sure we were more careful af-BE RUN JUNIOR DAY ter tha1."Ten CaptaillS Accepted SUggestionsof. Dr. RaYcrOft-Disqualify,. Delta Kappa EpsilOD. "SOLVE ATHLETIC SITUATION�Y 'WINNING GAIIES"-T. R.'The Princeton baseball team w)srecently told by President Roosevelttbat � President Eliot of Harvard iswrong on the suhject of athletics.The President dOes not helieve thatdi�couraging athletics will. help theinstitutions. He' told the ball play-Fraternity relay captains held aconference yesterday at t�e sugges­tion of Dr. Raycroft, and decided torun the finals of the inter-fraternityraces off on Junior day. It was- alsovoted to role the Delta Kappa' Epsi­lon team oot for' running. ineligiblemen at the semi-finals Wednesday •.Four teams are left in the contest,these being Delta Tau Delta. AlphaTau Omega, Delta Upsilon and PhiKappa �5i. Six men make up the President Tells Princeton Nine that'Athletics Should be Encouraged.• ChiCago'. ;rbis- is ·the·�time ;tb plant'FLOWER and VEGETABLE.. - ... -. - .. �.- _ ....SEEDS ••• ' ••. : .-'We carrY -a-J;iqe vanety ofc1ean'"'attd haz.cb.� ..Choice' 'CUt ,,IP101rera.always' oD' �d.-A.�.Adams. FLORISTsard aad'!�TeleplloDH H. P. 18 1IDd:ll. ·P. 8957Delicious ChoColates 'ad: Bbabolllin great variety. pat up iIl'..ati­ful'lOtis, SUitable' tor >pitidll, lat2SC".. · 40c afIc1 tioC il pound.A1ao S01Wellira' Md fiton � fbrany mid ail oeeuIOlis.GuntlJe;'s 'ConfecfioneIJ212 State· Street..meet ncry' requirementas well as the high�' eX­pectations. 81.50 up.CLtJBTT, PEABODY .. 00 .. XaaenTIll· AIItert �TeadIen' �'c. J. Albert, ilatallpr3i8 Wabash' Ave., Cldcqo�stablished twenty-three 7eUS.We locate annually from SCT­enty . to eightY'"fiYe Umtersityof Chicago stadents. CallSaturday and we will tell youof some of oar good. vatan­cia. Be' sure1I1Yes. }cet the ]IIIIportanladian nWorld bJ�.;. �,.-.;"' ---} ---STANFOitD 'ro' SBiib 'TBAIiOF -STAis to -ceNPBRENcE,·,B. °L. ·AM� HAT·CO.ONE QUARTER CENTURY AT OLD LOCA�ION- NOW AT-90 as'- '.lIb ••ON STREET. TRIBUlfE 'BUlLDIHGSTETSON SILK AND OPERA .... HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EACH HAT With Coast 'Attiletis 'competiDc,ClM8ic 'Event Pi'oIDi8es . to beMoat TIuilIiDc Held. ISS State StreetBetween Madison and Monroe-Phone Centra! 5334furs, Suits, Coats; Skirts'MillineryFinal word was received yesterdayfrom Leland Stanford Universitywhich gives assurance of sending of ateam to compete at the Conferencemeet on Marshall field, June 6. Nine The Suit, Coat and Skirt value we are offering during the balance ofwl'll be l this month and May cannot be equaled in Chicago. Come in andathletes, everyone a star,look over our stocks. We have the l\ierchandise to support thissent.Students see through the addition claim. Silk Dresses $12·50 to $15.00 and up, In our Millinery Sectionof Stanford to the list of entrants a our Styles are correct, and range in price from $5.00 up. We storemeet this June that win rival any and remodel Furs at Lowest Prices Phone ·and ·we will call.yet held. From records credited toStanford athletes, it is evident thatChicago and Illinois will have tolook to their laurels in the big event.There is not an event, in which theI far Westerners have not at least oneentrant who has a mark close to the����.����������====������-��-������-��� record, and in several they appear tobe stronger than either Chicago orIllinois.The athletes who will make thelong trip are: Captain Reed, dashes;: Brown, 440 and 880; Lyman,' 440;Miller, 440 and 880; Bradford, one. _ mile; 'Maundell. two mite; Horton,low hurdles and shot put; Vander­vorst, broad jump; Bellah, pole vault'and broad jump.GLoVES CANESUMBRELLAS:-: :-:�--------------------�--------------"--_'---'-_--_'-'---�WHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORN£R CLOTHES R�OVEDCentral ,tuleta ,Co.ARE BUYING AGAIN THIS SPRING,COLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOATS 'S35-00SC�er & WDkie IIS1'f"Dearborll St.mI TAILORS To 179 Wabash ·AvenueCAMERAS, 'KaDAKs aDd·PliOTOGRAPH-IC SUPPLmSBaui FloorDeVeloping, PrlntiDc 'and EnJarging.Cameras and Kodaks Rentedand EzCliaDce.LT.eIephone CcDti-al 5963-Hotel58TH ST. AND DREAEL AVE.UDder Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel Hy'4e Park 3739-·Th·e BEST SerVed -atPOPULAR PRICBSREStAURANT AND LUNCH COUN'TfR -q:j,e IZimm�eir,mannl�(jO.In Coruiectioa iA :FACSINATING'FACULTrs ·ACTION CAUSES !MODEL :ATREBELLION AT HARVARD"I..... - __ .... 4 ........ 7r .... 'I"I'i4 lIS8'tidettv',BOO K:S HarYard ·Students . Make PrOteStAgainst Rec:eDt Fa�ty Anti�Ath-'·letic Ratings • Desires to employ a fewstudents. . 'Afternoon andeVening work.:• largest stock in 'his coun'rr-all '1tilids-sliindard, new. fidion, 'echnical-convenien"y ananged 'on oa; 'fwolarge retai' floors. fngraved Cards,. Announcemen's, ftc.A. -C. iMcCLURG .. CO. 730-31 �'ew,n.t mld9· F !_" . I '-., , or uuormation app y at:g!l �'a.te etlret (8laica!l0 'ro�in gA, Cobb' Han, be-r .. '....s.....;." C6alrM ,�.. \ ' . d. �,_; • .._ ,t:-een I,' an 3:3� ,�. �, -I Harvard undergraduates are ac­� lively revolting against the faculty's: recent athletic rulings. The "revolt".. 215-";121 W� ���e�. Chi��. , at present consistsvofa -le'ogthy peti-"�-.-�----�--''----- � lion, reQuesti'ng the faculty' to 'settle'i�,T"h.........e.-----.'1',-.·.W-_'-1-0-'"-yUnd' er ;1" 00''-an' � the question Of. the curtailing of -in-_ I" ! tercolleg'iate contests and the abolish-'hig of 'winter sports .. ."is the Very: Latest in The athletic committee last night-- ·IIOT.ORCVGLES -- : 'indefinitely postponed cOilsidetationlt, Be sure your 1908· machine is a two c:yliDcJer with mechanical, of the' desirability of abolishing Win- It waites. All Automobiles have me ch�nical valves. Don't be deceived, : ter sports, and the undergraduates�. Itt the Latest. : decided to deal �th the, faculty di-:�1· IIIIportaDt - At Riverside' Hill climb, calif,ornia, a, Two Cylinder 'I' rect in a final stand in the cause of{ IDdian made, one mile in s8 sec onds, fastest' time made in th� : athletics ... •Meetings of all four elass-'World by any kind, of : a machine. Can and see us. Demonstrations es have been called for 'tonight, when" daily. HENDEE MFG. CO. 1251 lIi�pD Avenue.. CbiCiiao' the petition ·will be signed generally:, ..... --------------,- and other resolutions probably:t._----------------------------------------------�--�adopted. YOUNG liEN'S DEPT.•..._. .iII·Edward OJ t1�TAI:nORS163 State streetMentor Building, Second FloorChicagoOur Specialty-An absolutely' stylish dependable suit to order, .• �London 0Bice 6 Golden Square, W.Oain'i', DeliciousPerfectly Pur eSllrpassingJ�SmOOffl TO ADDRBSS JIJIOSTBRSAT BV'AIISTOM SUNDAYDr. Sbailer -llathews -and' Dr. WiUetI to 8Peak. at Nortbem Illiaois� IIiaisterial lastitate.---.... --------------�---.---.-.--WonderfullyWholesome. Send for our new· IgoB . iUustrated Catalopaof lIachiniSts· Fine Tools, mailed FREE on appJicatioD..Dr. Shailer ·?(athews, dean of theI have made dotbes for Uai- 1 t Divinity school, and Dr. H. L Wil-�ty�����, �ril�����.n��el-----------------.-_-.,-_-_-_-.--.-_-_-_-.-_-.-.-_----i they like them. meetings of the Northern Illinois I C!BEIIEDla UlA1D II Mini!ttcrial Institute next Saturday IE. •... , I I and Sunday. II The meetings will be held inI t Evanston under the auspices of the 826 W. 63rd Street 272 Eo 5sth Street.I State Executive Commitee of. the III Tel Wentworth 2031. Tel HYde Park' 38-, IIl�o� � M. C A_ The �shW� ������-------����-------����---- __ ���Telephone'aI6o H,. Park ',1 is for the benefit of those college 1 .... --- ............ --------------- ..... ------ __............... _ ,I , men who have definitely decided toenter the ministry, and for those whoare contemplating the ministry as apossibility for a life work.The lectures are divided under fourdivisions: "The Opportunity, Eligi-.,CA ..... GOVI'.... Iryua War.;'" Delilbtrul. iDexpeDsin.. _" .. catiOD trips. Fer ladies aDd centlelllen�$ OIIIttRSITY 'fOUltS .Df'EftOPE l\11,O'ORE•• flORIST••',"_.pedaI ,..,. at .04eme costcc-tnbaaslyc tour or European Capitals....... 11,. co.ductea b,. Prof Jerome H. Ray.Slll.n sc1cct party. Addrns;jRYANT-SPENCE TOURS.457-9 Monadnock Bide.. Cbicaco . Tailor� BREWER '1� \CIH,RS'-- A \ (:, f '''; ( , � ,- '. .........., .. �. , I � •j BORDEN'.1 c.denMd lIiIk, PlUid 1Iilk, Cream1 and Battennitk..' 'AD Bottled in the Countr7.Iorden'. Condeilled 'llilk Co.·5i7�633 E. Forty-seventh St. J. -�------------------------- Hair Dressing, Manic:uriftC,Sbampooinc, Facial lIassaceMADAM£ 'KAYMOR'SSCALP SPECIALIST. Phone· H. P:_ bility, Preparation and Rewards."Both Dr. Mathews and Dr. Willet 'r • i 5" ,,' ; . o' •Z37 E 55th St. IThe VarJity Special.�:r f2.50.1•-. .j- ....win speak on the preparation. Dr .Ma"thews ....rill speak on "What shonldOne Expect from a TheologicalCou.rse?"Dr. Wi11et wi11 talk 'en ··The Cul­ture of the Personal Religious Life•and Social Pow�."�e COUPON lOcGood forat Fifth FloOr, Masonic Temple'5.00 Shoes 12.50Phone Hyde :Park 12,52lIDBLI'l'Y LAUBDRYCLARK & READ, Props..6&t-686 E. 6341 St.Attention Given to Student, Work. A Poatal wili Brine Waeon. ---------- ----- - --- - ------ -- - -IHE TIME- THE PLACE- ·THE HAT· NOW· '161 WABASH· ·CHAS W BARNES'. ,---------------- ----- ------ -- ---' ......; .....-THE DAt-LY -MAROON, FRIJ>AY; MAY-t.··t!;)08. '.mow &nYlHps�.totbe. �Laundry?_Q)UITI! a.ua...... 3 .......No.1 1raNo. 2 ·2�iNo. 3 2�Y •• can 2Ctrood stronar••••••••" collars at twofor a quarter-«with perfect style and fit. But youmust remember to ask for�6tm.' ��.�¢.. Counb7 Club Mta the ... It Is lDtended-lta(:be up.... It Is the trim �Uah coUu- thatIDea U'8 weariDc DOW.Write for 8t71e 'book ahcnrfq- Jatat IIbapee.ct:=the deaJera who aell theM plalDJiCorIiu � a: Co., Chic:ap, m."'SPECIALSchool and College. Suilings'25, 530 aod 535TAlLGR FOR YOUNG lIENTwo· stores: 131 La Salle .at., and44 J.cbOn Boalev.nt.aNTLE.a .._-:.:-..=... iti ..... ,BOSTONGARTERDE lie.. i sI-..n. ......::��.�_'_ CUIHIOI" BUmJI. ·c.LAS".............. c.a. ....... _ ......_ GI ...................... &... __ �AL.A'SEISY� __ .. IIR. c. H. KERR EXPLAINSSOCIALIsT PRINCIPLE CO�SYL SHIMIZU HAS IPRAISE FOR UNIVERSITY---Investigators PlaD Trips and Lee- • Di I . . � ',. � -=_1: C . DcpartiDc p omat Gives Maroontures .. or So�st oDventioD I '. .th eelW k.. Reporter mpressaoDS_ Ga eree During Five Years Here.An elucidation of the materialisticconception of' the history of econo- Mr. Shimizu, Japanese consul tornic determinism formed the sub- Chicago, who was recently promotedstance of an address before the In- to be consul-general of Canada, andauthor. Mr. -Kerr traced the effects ter of culture and education which isof methods of production upon the constantly growing larger, better and'thought and conduct of man and more influential, Mr. Shimizu, whoshowed how,in the jnind of the scien- lives in Lexington avenue, acrosstific socialist, the present mode of from the campus, said:production tends toward a world- "Yes, I have appreciated m\- fivewide realization of the inevitability jears 6f life here in the atmosphereof common ownership, of the means of the University. This great insti­of production and distribution of the tution is growing all the time, andnecessaries of life.' many people whom I know in JapanAfter Mr. Kerr's talk, the club took have been very much interested 'in itspart with him in a general discussion development. I believe that manyof his statements. young. -men who now go to Harvard,The Investigators are planning an Yale and Princeton, will, in the ncarenergetic program of "investiga- future, 'attend the University of .Chi-tions" for the coming two or three cago.weeks. On next Sunday afternoon, "When visitors come to me to 'see'at the International theater, they will. Chicago, they always want to go to"attend the mass-meeting of the Chi- the Union Stock Yards, and· whencago Federation of Labor, which, is they have been through that interest­called to protest against the several ing place, I always tell them that _recent rulings of the United States Chicago has also, besides the Stock ISupreme Court, considered detri- yards, a great University, which' ismental . to labor unions. At this the center of education and .culture ofmeeting, a number of prominent lao' this great, community. It is then mybor leaders will .speak, John J. pleasure to show them the UniversityMitchell, ex-president of the coal of Chicago. Your campus is a won­miners' union, will preside, and 'Sam- derful place. (Was Mr. Shimizu_ re­uel M. Gompers, the New York labor ferring to the improvements?)leader, will speak. The Investigators "College fraternities? Well, I don'twill meet in front o_� the Internation- know much about ,them, but I believe, al theater at i :30 Sunday. that they are intended to do good forOn May loth, the national conven- their members and .to benefit the coi­tion of the Socialist party will begin �·Iege .. Are they,' not?in B�and's hall, on North Clark St.; l "What do I think of what you calland during the week Morris Hilquist . co-education?' We haven't anythingand several other socialist leaders, like that. in Japan� and it is quitewill probably address the Investiga- novel to me. In Japan we train our'tors at the University. 'The club will women to begood wives and mothersalso make a visit to the convention but here-s-why, they· 'take' every­in action. thing, Oh, -yes, . we have education.The . class in Socialism will also for the girls, but it is quite distinctmake a trip to the convention, as an- from that of the young men, andother step in its "Iaboratory" method there is only one university for the. of study. women. Co-education would be im-possible in Japan, and. here., it . is-PEN CLUB PLANS FOR 'well, I don't know. - What do you. A�NUAL AUTHO�' �DING think about it?ILLIROISMAUDE ADAMSWheeler and Owen 'were appointeda committee to . invite the guests ofthe: Pen club for the authors' night,to be held May IS. It has been thecustom of the club to invite authorsof note to give readings from theirown works before an audience ofUniversity. students once each year.It is planned to observe this customthis 'year on May IS in Mandel hall .It has not been decided as yet whowill be the guests of the evening,but it is hoped that Opie Read maybe one of their number .• ...AIUSEIENTS.... .THE GARRIOKMargaret Anglin and Henry Miller"The Great Divide"POWB'ItSCharles Frohman PresentsTWENTY DAYS IN THE SHADE '--_._--_. __ .8'l'UDBBAK ••MAY ROBSONThe Rejuven.. ation ofAUNT MARYTBB AUDI'lOaIUM. .. ,THE DAIRY MAIDS, With Harry Bulcer{�;;-.-I.------- .. -:. " : In her Great TriumphTHE JESTERSCOLONIALHave 70U seeaTHB KERRY WIDOWShe is the International eraRLA 8ALL.HONEYMOON TRAILWith Cecil Leanand Florenct HolbrookIf ••. WBI'l •• V- THREE TWINS p� ·F. JENSENIlEBCBANT ImOB.- SOLICITS YOUR TRADE FORHIGH GRADE GARMENTS5�2, 175 Dearbol'll street*",Vol VI.t "vestigators' club, given last night in will leave next week for Ottawa, ex- =::::C�b h�l by M� C�rl� a �� pre���M n��h�appreci��n� �--------.--------�------,---� •. ,� 11the noted Socialist publisher and the University of Chicago as a cen-The only exclusive ladies �'Bootery" in ChiJi, .1�RI;s the . -'�{ �••• ROCHESTER SHOE SHOP... .f:-s!Fourth Floor. Masonic Temple. ' 1 � ,:f'". . sfiad of.;:. ,.:� �":.DirecA quiet little shop where you can buy ladies high-gradesample Shoes for$2.00 AND $2.50VISITORS AS WELL AS BUYERS ALWAYS WJ::LCOME"�-:' "'jEightec• �A:_:���D toI :H;openi••• F RAN K The . Ta i lor ••• .f: :.� �Exdusive styles forYoung Colleg� lien, in Spring and Summer � F�ri::;I ' CL�_:-NG, �RESSING AND RE�AI�NG ;f. �'b! SchcPhone Hyde Park 3813- -. 193 E.. 45th Street. .".�; '; �Dful il-------.--- ...... ��tstill f,Best Opportwiity ever ofeili" .... tt·,.t:- :ijrainedto have Suits. Skirts and � �n .made to order by expert Ta�� ,-Woors,and latest material from $3O • .$3S �.t:.;.u� tlUP. We also make from our. on �.t:;.�itbe S(material at _the small cost of._� ):it meeWe guarantee a perfect fit., � �. Culvesatisfaction in every way. G!iC ��the gus a trial. and you will see. » , ,�� :.1 'a tallNATIONALLADIES'TAILOI1 h T�ADAME' MOELLER, � -� sehOffice 1333 lluonic: TempJt� Werm..•• �."f:-" iT.: Cal,',-4 .. :{. ebcDeNew Wellington'Hotel .'",Directly opposite theILLINOIS THEATER$100,000 . being' sPent in. Improve­ments; Rooms Single oren Suite •.The New FamousIN DIAN GR:I:.LL:,AND RATHSKELLARUnexcelled Cuisine and ServiceSpecial A�ter- Theater �uppersc'Th� Wellington Orchestra"McClintock 4 Bayfield,Proprietors. .... ,,-) "i -----------------------""--.. .-�:i.".HarrYiT. ;Jack· M� ..Eyesighf Spedal!��, '·Optician: .. - -1�;. ... ;:, ,_ t:s1.'Central 08ice i��;. .�Suite 1320 IIasonic T��lPlume Cen_ 5255 :�Hours 10 a. m. to 5 p .... :;�STATESGeorge F. Aiken'. BarberWantcd=-About five hundred live removed from 446 to 428 55th stftir:Chicago men, to buy season tickets, in new building at Lexington iw!hetween now and Saturday. nue. New and. enlarged equip �:more barbers; best service:_ stadeliRELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allpatronage solicited.makes, special bargains this month, ..........from our own factory, eq.ip�with modern IDGlch!nery, 250 honepower. You assume no risk; sat­isfaction or your money back. TheTypewriter Ezchaap,J19 DearbornSt. Branch of the American Writ­ing Machine Co., incorporated.Athletic season tickets are on saleat the Information office. Special rates to students;in re-built machines. W.head. � La Salle Street.SPECIAL '\l •Typewriters Rented-3 months .,'5 and up. Typewriters sold OD ..paym�nts, from $10 up. Best ba_in guaranteed machines. A .....Desk. Typewaiter·eo.. I. n..­It. Central II.,. �.� '-J r.�·tIIe qt: is ftlt4--