. '�.-- _ .. -_.- � . ., ........... :::, _ .......... _-----_._.",',..� M· ;"-1'..... 'laat !J1,32. CHICAGO, THURsSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908. Price Two Centssoa:and-B�tes Present Prob­Ieni too Deep for Audience andLeave it unanswered. 'GREm BIT CINDER TUCI1MOIIIG PICTURES TO BE WIND UP WOBlFOBPUBDUE ASK FOR SUPPORT'OFFEATURE OF CLUB SIOKER Merriam Has Firat Trial· at Low sasol' TICKET PUIHurdles-Stacc Tella How Ath­letes will Run-FreshmenThrouch Tests.Delta Tau. Delta U •• Alpha TaU, andPhi P� Place. in Relay Finals­. Winning' nekes .are Ruled Out of Reynolds Club Propam for Satur-Race. . day to Include StUpendous Stringof Stellar Stunts. _.Put Director. Stag, Appeals to StudentLoyalty in Open Statement - .Praises Athletic Teams.prIok Fusser Invites Six of 'Em­Actors ·and Audience �d.ieve Ten-sion by . .I)�cing.�Do you know who leads the Prom?Who will have our Frank for a beau?We arc :»,11 really dying to know,BeCause we're girls, girls, girls.. Of cours�. we're a right jolly crew,.. AiMI 'You know we would 'like to' lead Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Tau Varsity athletes will take theirOmega, Delta .Ups·lon and Phi Kap- Fencing and Probably Wrestling rinal workout this afternoon before Only 48 Have Bou&ht Cardboardspa Psi placed for the finals of the Champion to be Determined-To the meet with Purdue University Thus Far-Apathy. coiiies . in .interfraternity relay championship as Introduce New Chicago Songs. Saturday at La Fayette. The heavy ·for ceiiSiiie�a result of the semi-final contest onYarshall Field yesterday afternoon.Delta' Kappa Epsilon finished first inits division, but was disqualified forrunning two men whom a conferenceof the fraternity team captains be­fore .··e contest declared ineligible.Each man ran a third of a lap.Beta Theta Pi .failed to start in the ; raining is practically over, yesterdayA motion picture. re_ndition of the being the last day. All the athletesGans-Nelson fight, and a comic pic- were out, and Director Stagg workedture film to be seen at Saturday'sReynold's club smoker. will be astriking new feature of the club'sentertainments. In 'addition to thisnovelty there will be an exceptionallist of other attractions. The result \Vanteu""':'lnformation' as to thewhereabouts of a �arge . quantity ofChicag? spirit,__. Last seen._ �I!. .'_g!i�;iron and on· .baskesball . floor. . Applyto A. A. Stagg� Marshall field .-.-"""- too.So "'c leave it to. you.For :we're all feeling blue.It's a problem no girl can do.Can you?"·A delighted 'audience Iitsened, paid.a4)se attention to i the performance�ich _ the young women of the Sock:ad Bu�kin presented in the Rey­·..olds club yesterday afternoon, and.:fimitted that' . '''Who Leads the1¥om?" was'· a real' problem play that Director' StaKg' meant this, if hedidn't write it. 'Yesterday he launch­ed an appeal to- ·.be::stuo.lents of thefirst division race. the contestants in of two of the events: on the progr�m,which were Delta Tau, Alpha Delta if the present plans mature, will de­and Alph� Tau. Delta Tau had the' termine"the University's best w�est­lead practically all the way, and after ler and the champion of the campus"Pat" . Page�s furious sprint 'was fencers,as the championships in thesenever pushed, A'lpha Tau finished ten two sports will be w:orked off on t_hisyards. behind, about. the same: dis- date. Arrange�ents have 'been madetance, ahead. of Alpha Delta. in for a "finish fence" between M.· dea driving finish in which, Templeton Beauviere's f<?u_r prides-Kerner,�itn't have .an answer. .gained . ten of'. the twenty yards his Lescano, Baldridge and Koepke.· .The scene 'of' the- play was laid in teammates .had :lo�t .. · Allen Ross, �s Who' .M.�. Suiters·· entries for the: �ter hall in "".Billy's" room. She second sprinter -'for Alpha Delta, ���stiing championship will be havei '. ��ed a 'letter f�om F�,ank �uss�r. made a spectacular gallop :�n a:.·Var- not yet ascertained.... ..:; :1!!'��g �.er. t? .Ie�d t�� pr�m ��th. si_t� ba���all suit.· �ich�rds of Alpb�_ Consi�erable exclte_:n��t :IS prom�,� ,'. -:SIie .... lS,Just ·d,el�t�;4r.��,�.,��. "D��:��Ir:�i��·a �ll"at- :ised··fr�-tbe._· ���d����lf :�ch a' spo�;' a frat··man� a K� �I. the,'finish of. his dash: .. � - exhibition. bout in !be "manlY'a!1-", to( .. },!I even_ re�dS his .�wn ,"Dai1! -Ba- "":T�rk�; ·M���iiP-D.'.:pbt Fbi Psi he engaged �. i�. 'b)i '. 'the: . ��I;���·�t 'i;��. ;' 'n The:,other girls. come 10 and ahead-:.iia .. the Second. division; .. but "Long . .John" Scho��er .. and· .. ���·�el� .� ','; :.- fact' leaks :out that Frankie bas D�ke'�: ne�t' . i�o.- s��iriters: pined a e1)�ted· .. �·A�di�· And��on': .. ' ':. �: \ ;;; -'I: ;;'Pit�d aii 'sbt to lead the pr()m,. and lead'" �f- '. b�lf, a, :d�n '_. ja�ds'-' 'Scott '.: Th�re '�il1 be ��si�' i�' the: 'air. :�.J:tat he makes,� daily . rou�ds �f all the brouglif D�it;. ji}l!t� se�ond place. �ause· the 'newly��!iy�n_�' �3:nciol��;btts. In righteous indIgnation. they No. changes occured .in .the rem�inin� and' Glee club� will. 'give the!r .. �r�t.'��down and write' him a "scorcher .... �a�fie/' and' Deke finished 'five -yards public reciial� .Frederick G�ge.'. :.at jusr-:to ':stiow 'him 'they. are girls, a�ead.'of'])eita ti with Phi-Psi four Eberhard h�s: been: caPt�red tei p�'�ey eac;h_� add' a ',po�tscriP�. and let l'ards ba.ck; and Sigma. Cqi brin�ng duce a pedal phenol1)o'non in the. I� know.· she . might. accept. Andup the rear.... �hape' 'of a cl';ssy clog a�d jig,tim the play ends . with the, song The 'summaries (first two qualify): Also there will· ·be more music. them 'hard to make up:for 10s't tiule..�ted above. and. t�e stars laid aside' First �ac�: Won' by Delta' Tau (t is �id ',that . "D�kc;" Jones' and Merriam �� �v.e�. a'· tria{ �t th�:�r ro"'es and' fo�got Frank Fu��er, Delta l Lewis, Willett; - Dagenhat:dt, Harold Swift. are accused· of havi,:,g hurdles: for th'e firs.t· time ·this· yC!ar,ttid started an' informal dance, in Fatton, Page, Pa�I); Aipha Tau perf�ted a new song entitled, .... Chi- and 'ran through the: event in good�";�ich the·question of leader was not Omega (Al1en, Anderson, Gal1agher, cago: the ChampiOli'� of th� .W·est."· �"'ought up. . Maloney, Shields, McFarland), sec� which 'the officers of the club. are g�_ .. ,.The com��y was.an a'U-star one, ond; Alpha 'Delta .Phi, third, time, i�g to attempt to teach the assembled'cOasisting o��.'" '.'. J :4' 4-5. tilrong through' the able I��dership�Bi11ytp.- Campus,··tl1e GIrl from Fo�tc.r Second race: w: o�· by Delta Up- of Winst6n Henry _.as .songmaster.•...•••••.••. Miss Nettie Williams silon. (Dagenhardt,. Davis, Scott, After said throng has sufficiently· Molly Muscle. Member ,W.· A. A. Bowman, Watts, Gill); Phi Kappa screa�ed "tlt'is' ditty �ome more of.' J .....••... Miss Gertrude Fish Psi ( I\l addigan, Bliss. Kent, M�- the same class ',will be att�mpted,..ptborah Hawkins Fossil, a Gradu- Aulif:·�. Sturgeon, Boyd). .second; which have r��entlY been conceived maker· entrant was sent down to· ... ate Student .. Miss Ernestine Evans Sigma Chi, third, time, 1:42 1-5. Del- by Bernard I. Bell. '07, and Earl E. Ptailadelphia last week, and is ex�_J-Ydia I..anguid, an Uncla�sified St_u-.. ta Kappa Epsilon disqualified. Bowlby. ' 'peeted by followers of the team to•I dent •••.•••• Miss Alida McDer�ml The date of the finals will be ar- L:ast, but not smallest, Paul Gardi-run Merriam a close race..porothY' Date, a Club Girl........ ranged at a meeting �f the 'four fra- nero will cut loose from some kind.• ....•••••••.••••• Miss Mary Archer ternity relay captains today or to- of a "audevj1le stunt. and_ CharleyJennie Say-Pa, a. �ud�_nt from morrow. Ireland will Occur her� and thereParis, (111.) �iss Betty Burke with pianofo.rte selections.Dr .... ...._ 11_. Oil 'D.._, The rumpus will commence at8:15, a-- ca�- Varsi- After Scalp of Wisconsin'I and the Wisconsin baseball team,Dr. shailer Mathews, dean �f the. . dThe baseball teams practl�e stren- which plays the Maroons Saturday1'h\'inity School and editor of "The I .1' h b tt' sr· uous y yesteruay In tea �ng cage. afternoon,. may be the guests of the�orld Today," delivered an address and in the' field. The Varsity men dub.�st night on. ·"Prayer: is it Futile?" feel .much 'encouraged over their re­. : "The question of Prayer;' said Dr.cent victories, as they have "'onlIathews "is one of the most im- . �.. h ., , three out of four games 10 t e mter-.. Portant subje-cts of Jesus; in fact,this collegiate schedule, and are improv-� and the subject of money a.nd faith iug in their fielding. The good workf are the three most impo.rtant,and the. in the Purdue game Tucsday was1 Bible is' fined with t�em:·.� .. :. gratifying to the coachcs, . wilo be­:. As to the efficiency of. prayer, Dr. lic\'e that. thc tcam has �truck its,"'Mathews said: "If I thought God �inning stride and ·win-go through,could not:"'answer my pray�r, l would the sea30n "'ith a majorit'y of games.: �t stand liP in the pulpit: ahd spea.k. won.to the empty air for spiritual exer- The Freshman team is also work-cise. It is no use to ask � .for some- ing hard for, its future games, and is��hi�'g 'that you know to be immoral rOl1nding< into condition. .Captain•and wrong. You cannot expect G�l' R'o,,:e �xi)ects that thc team will play-to a. nswer. prayen' outside,'. of ttie 'i) .; ...., several contests soon •.ea. ... -ol�His tireat' parpose." .. University to support _.ther seasonticket plan for. spring athletics. .�rr.Stagg, whose. open. Ieter is publishedbelow. ". �akes . it. clear .. t!':4.t . studentsl-ere are behind. those .)1 .even. thesmallest universities ;n � their sup­port of spring- athb�i� tcams;": Fol-- Iowing "is . hiS siateinent�' "-I.'"1'0 the; EdItor o·f· the 'Daily :M�r�ol1:"The' athletic department is givingtrial to .� .ne� '���ri-:-or'a .sc;a�on .tic�etior all baseball games .. -and . trackmeets this spring. I t is not an effor:tto .raise. a _large .. [ncome; "it. i; m�r�l�':a" Plan {o·ilrOnrliitemmmenffr6$U �t;:�··• :.... . --.... ;.): � .. _ • :',;." . ,,:.- .. � .: t "- 1. .. I:. -.._ .. ', JJniversity family at a price witbin· .. ·::: i the-i�ach - of: cverYf,ooy.�-·"-· .-� ... ..;�.:..: � .: �"It·.is· stilhfUnhei. :aD'! effort' to ;.en�::i'l' ��ourage·.the·:·stud�nts. to.;�lIy� to.·tb�"�:, :.support ,of:. the: : baseball 'and track-.1 t�ams _in ':thei�"" contests .. 'with�· :oth� ,;.: l �lleg�s·. for: the: horiQ�, �f th� '" Uru-'.. t ver�ty.· The� price;. for owner.: andI, Jady. $2.00 •. was. P.Ut .very low. so that,0 0!1� at· all �yal to the .Ui1iversity�sathletic interes·ts •. cou_td afford .to bewithou� a.' tidel."The· response t�· this '.. offer _ h:l5'been peculiarly . dis.appointing. Todate, about fifty students (inCluding'one woman) and a member of 'thefaculty. h .. ve purchased tickets. ."Coming from the Purdue "game atLa Fayette; where .over 1;100 Purduestudents' presented season tickets fqradin�ssion; �nd other hundreds, paidfull admission price, one' can. not feelproud of th-e comparison.'"Surely the fairly good and: im­proving baseball team and one· of the�st track teams ()f t}le West· meritthe enthusiastic interest. and. loyalThough he can not ten for a cer- support of every studen�.tainty how· he will run his athletesA. A. STAGG."against the La Fayette men, Direc- Starting wit.h the itl'eenest materialtor Stagg stated in a general way in years, the "Old Man" has. taktnyesterday that Captain Quigley will pers�nal charge of �he baseball squa.:1take care of ,he dashes, Merriam and in three weeks has succeeded 'inand Lingle the 440, Garrett, Shuartand Johlin the half, Caldwell, Steft'aform. . He .was not timed. As' wasthe case last year. he will have thehardest work,. mapped ·out of any ofthe Varsity ·athletes. He �iIl be en­tered in the low and high hurdles,and' in his specialty. the quartermile. 'He will be opposed br Fifieldof Purdue Saturday. The Boiler�whipping the men into winning form.Thus far, th�y have met only one dc­and ���Farland the mile, Merriam feat in their intercollegiate' schedule .Daniels' Bests Alpha Delt Bowler' and Steffen the hurdles, Schommer The remaining games o� the sched-�.Ijtchel Daniels last night won the the high and broad jumps. Jacobs the ule are: Wiscon5in next Saturday;anntlal Alpha Delta Fbi bowling pole "atllt, and Maddigan,Schommer. Indiana. May 7: 'Professionals,' Maytournament hy defeating Harold Hubble and Worth wine the weight�. 9: Minnesota; May 21: Purdue; MayS"'h 1." h." ch. his nearest opponent. The He will announce his entries today... .... 23; 1I1inois, May 29. The tickets alsodifference in the totals of thc two Freshmen track athletes. w�re put admit the holders to the C. A. A. andplaycrs was seven pins. through a tryout by Director Stagg Purdue dual meets' and the inter-Twenty-two'membeis of the (ra- yesterday. None of the events was schola�tic. Tickets are on' salt. atternity took part in the tournament. nto in competition, tiut instead the the Information' office .The Reynolds club al1eys,which have entrants - in e�ch were put through . . RoD of Ho�r�,been closed for the· Quarter, were es- individual tests. Mr. Stagg stated The f�l1owing members of thepccial1y opened for \this event. after the workout that a chance will University have· :parchase:«l season. '\be given this afternoon in the field ticket.�:Athletic' season tic1cet� are on �Ie. _3t the Infonnatioll o5ce. (Coati ... _ pap 4) (Coatiaaed Oa pap 4)'TH� DAILY 'MAROON, 'tHURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908.•• • • • • • • • * •..Tbe 0IIdaI 8t11d1Dt paw,,",. \o._GI.� 01'" .11 III D' ••• Get) o.t �� 11 ODe Y_"410 Toda" �IIIt1D1nn1� of CJlIc:tIIa- t;� of .WOIDeI(. lBdition- • A Chicago • branch of the .Pan- -:. . ..' - J "')fio1fJM1 �,R� ....... • Aryan Associatioo,was�fol'lDed :.at· �IIDtend u 1Ie.:.ce+:I .. Ka1l _�.Poeto6:e. CIaIc:qo, IWIac*. Karela 18. • the Universit�. . •The journalistically inclined young * Five Years 'Aco Today *women of Northwestern are "real * A portrait of .. Professor Her- *.1") ....... -- ......... ..._� mad:' aDd.defy_anY.professor.of rhe-, *�mann ·E. -von .Holst, which ·now ....;,;.l��� -=:.= toric to supp!y them :vith any ot�er -. hangs in the. Commons, was pre- *• term �that -will suffiCiently .desesibe- * sented to the 'University by'"their state of mind. And. what is. friends of the historian. •� Jill 2'" more. it is the staff of The North-. Fourteen 'Years 2\cO'Today •� .... .,� GI·��"eekl7. western that is the cause and the * ,William.:}ennings Bryan deliv- *:.r� victim of their . exasperation. This. ered an address in Kent theater. *n. WeekJ7. � 1. IDZ. staff, which is composed of fourteen. Professor Starr returned from *TM DaiIJ'. ,OIL <.1. ·1802. prominent men students .of the Evan- * a three months'. trip. in Mexico *- - ston institution, has, collectively and • and South America, *•IhlMcrl�,� ;.�� P.U :6�; ,UM) individually, emphatic and unmistak- * Charles H. Kerr �iU s� to Clubfor a 1DOIltM. 8Ja11KdpUou recelyed at . The Dramatic club was re- *·in Cobb-Club: to Attend Laborable blackmarks drawn across ·Its * hearsing for its annual spring *Meeting.;�'.� �.� .. ..,�I. or at .thename in the note book of each mem- * play. The production. was to be *I'�� . ,P''7�D� ;�� � ber of the staff of young women .. I* an orrgma one.EdItorial oIlce....;.Befon - 8 p. a. Billa who have been working for the past.& • • * * . • • • • • • •B�I. t1�lyez:al�. �� Ib'�. � .428. three .,_ t eeks to get out an edition of�er .8 p. .�. JIaropD .. PI'ea. ,41.4. iii.. GGth the tri-weekly that would make the -THE DAlLY 'BULLBTIB��t. TeL �e _� 2J89L men come' .D a proper realization ofmasculine inferiority. 'Investigators' club - Address in�U�Jm:J). .• .limMALD.'.M· •• "Dc ·"Edltor And then the men didn't play fair, Cobb 3C this evening at 7:30 'by & -Co., -the co-operative ·publishingand the whole university is laughing, Charles H. Kerr. house, which is one .of -the . most ex-and the feminine staff for the day is Junior chapel (women) wilfbe ad. tensive ·publishers of socialist works-well, "mad" is the only word. dressed at 10:30 in Mandel hall' by in the -world, �he subject of ·�is ad-The woman's edition was due to! Dr. Henderson. dress this evening -will -be -the uMa-: P cl b '11 h ld' . terialistic -Conception -of tHistory."appear on the campus at 3 .o'clock., . enn u WI . 0 an Importantand the feminine portion of' the uni-l bus!ness meetin.r at 10:30 in Cobb, The Investigators will meet inversity was nervonsly waiting fori loB. .I front of ·the 'J.nternational ,theater'the hour when their three weeks' 0(; Philosophy ccjllege executive com� next Sunday ·afternoon� at '1 �o t� at-.work would see the light, when,! mittee will meet at 10:30 in Cobb. tend a ·mass meeting of ' the Chlcagolabout noon. a crowd of horrid meni 'Brotherhood of 'St. Andrew will: Federation of Labor, which will be:rushed onto the campus yelling "yux� hold a meeting at 10:30 ·in South haUi lield to 'protest against the .recent.de-t_!Y," and evidently much a�used! parlor.. .: cision ·of the supreme court agamstB___ ..,.. �- 8;_" !"-- :JI:uJa -. h • h f • cd' Saover copies of a special edition of 'Blackfriar rehearsal for the' Daisy' t e ng ts 0 orgamz umon�.· m-. . ..... �"I •. �D1y.e,..st'-. .� � rPli$ ,us. The Northwestern, which was gotten Dancers will be 'held at 4 P.· m. . uel 'Gompers, the ·renowned Ne-a' JJP.&IBa, IS.OOIlIHG _�.UI8 � �.·I"P'!MW':tMPuer up on the model of the usual Hearst French club will meet'at 4 P. m. in York labor ·Ieader, will·be among :tnc 'And .,why ·�t·'sekct :your a�.. :N"" cOIitIibiU_� iiU; ..... 'Ieft at· KllJa sporting extra, and in big blac� Lexington. many prominent lleaders :who will I(ow .. and.be rready when I�e �p�-BaII'w raC1ll� � � to tile type was 'the headline: '''Give Girls Band will ho�d a public rehearsal at address ·the meeting. . .;n .her S,pdng .zHat! :j--Da!l7' Kuoc& the Hooks!" Ben'eath this he�dini 5 p. m. 'in ·Mandel. " . rChalk and·pencil.stripes,.-moss:#.--------------.---; was' a circumstantial descriptioh of' � 'Blac:ldriar �e8rSa1 for both �ast )fJCHIGAN "-IIA'Y p�E a.d .wood .. bJ:'owns �re 'Very .�''fHURSDA�, AP,RIL 30, 1908. ; bonfire, kindled by the college cen4 and chorus WIll b� 'held at 7:30 in THEATER ·POR �D�oJIATICS thjs .Spnng. . >t._______________ : sors, in which·it waS alleged that th� Mandel.·. - .;fhe ...most rdesirabJe _�tems"".,. �:- .. --_-:- -�. !l�-_: -�. j en�re woman'� edit�on bad.. bee� Church History club will meet at 8 'Faculty ad' S� Amueed Ower 'i�e�to,.be�.Pic:ked '!1p,eu'y_"'why�"':.- :aDe Alumm. Magazine .as .. of[enng a, bumed, as the censors had decided o'clock ton iath t in South Divinity '..lJI�; of -CoDtnct·by ADD ' :pu' be .�e. ,tbat -5CCUl'es :lhe cc_lfi:auit of .,clothes to:.the;.� .of .the; that· they �ould . not. ailow' the paperi h�1l parlor. Mr. Hoover will sp�ak 'A'rbor:·.pJayboae. t�.lihow"? . ":�.;;best ;artide 'on �Thel to be. published .... As �eas�ns for th� on. "TlJe :Tai-pi�g ]nsu�rec�ion in 'We.!h�y of ... Ume�1IQW tg�WIIDted: �. Unive�ity .. Of :Chicag� veto of the cen�ors the "ext�" iri China." ;. . That the University Qf Michigan v-«e.to :.e�erY., detail. � �ypur. ��.=ao . SP��" �t ;�e pr�� shameless violati�n �f all··confide�ces� ::'Politicat Economy' dub will meet may :purcbase .. a theater in �nn A;- Cqme � ..and .talk . .om .,.be $9 •.. writiDg, It ,Iooks·as If; gave satirical accounts of all the'im-: at'8 p. :m. in '\Cobb' 3C. M;r. G. B� bQr for the exclusive .prQduction of S�les. Let·.us .show,'�u ,the.�-• .the ··eraduate .monthly; PQrtant articles io; the women·' edil Mango��, Jorme�ly an instructor in Michigan coIIege plays is the .state- 'wcaves.,;-and �Iorillgs, :wbetller�_1r;Cre '.going JD pretty. .strOligly for, tion, fro.m �iss Mame Harris' a.c� the University C?f Pennsylvania, will m�nt made in .the Michigan daily .. are .. ready. to .buy _or ,DOt. '., �::fiction. count of "The Six Great' MOInen� speak on "Workin2' Conditions of A .number of tJte faculty at the Wol� _'S�.,$Jo.To be more immediately practical -... !.&-kof My Life" to the "Angel's'Diary" Women and Children in the State of verine university have. expressed � to see.ourthan its CODte�poAry ,around the' , I SPE,.-r .& ow .which. was really written' by .Mjs� New York." enthusi�stic apJ)rov;a1 of such plan .� ::CPLLEGE :�ITDIQIcomer •. the Daily is advertising in it$ . ... Mary Holtoo, who indignantly de'nies 'Pa� readia,-Miss Cora Patten wh.ich .,has been. a.gitated recently asclassified column for some tanmble 'D· on being interviewed, that :she lays will give an interpretative reading.a result of the failure of the Whitn�y.evidence uf the existence ·of any such' ,any claim to a celestial. character. from Ibsen's "Peer Gynt," at 8:15� the.ater of Ann ·Arbo.r to live up tospirit .. worth 1nitinJt about. . .As to the· masculine, ev:ery-da� in, Kimb.aII ·hall. Admission is 25 and, its c�ntract for the use of the thea­When :it· becomes necessary for the.'OId . M .. ' staff of the paper-well, there are 50 cents. ! ter f�r a. pl:ur. I. .all to make ·a personal ap- ,certain young men in Northwestern The br:eaking .of this contractpeal . fOf'. 'the . support of athleti� ""--O� ....... ..awho are .destined to a frigid and nn� '.:a.n' v��a&"D aroused a ,number of members of theteaJns . on Marshall field, it is pretty merciful snubbing, .if they shonld in- -- faculty, a.rld many students interestednearly: the ,hoar of the' day .when,· Mr� . D-!_ _,__ 'vite any of a certain group of young . �r ....... procnuns are on ex� in the drama, ,and, since there is noAverag&- Student should stop .ehe I'.sin ... th _. f' h . r. ar'7' women to anything from a walk to hibition in the Information office. Or� the.ater on the Mich;gan campus, ande e -017 0 t e championships. • d th P .. -on this .ear and t '.. . . a leadership of the Pan'Hellemc. er em at once. nce SO cents.- the M�jestic t��ater in Ann Arborserious .b -• .• � npt down t� � "Mad" is the only word in sight. Pro�am Committ;e. is vaca.1:t.t, an effort wjll be .. made toUSIDCSS' In tne matter of te- �_II L-t--n Chl'caaO and .• � an: .... ,,,. • induce the University authorities to. Covenng aud .reviving his lost, stray- Wisconsin, will be played at 3' ''»0 &It-ed or moribund .Chicago spirit. ..., purchase the play-house for the useTh F�N DAN.C£ IIA Y II urday on Marshall field. Admission of all college dramatic productions.. � tale ..JI tJae ·'five big titles hang- is fifty· cents.log 011 tJae wail," ·is a pleasant one �-=_'I •• ft- Entries for Univeni'" IIrftH tourna-but it fails to tell with baseball· � Commitee Fa .. OD Date .ra-u- "I .-Yided C1ab Can be·Secured. ment must be handed into the Ma-�eaans playing to' bleacbers empty, roon office before May I.ut for the high school boys and the The Freshman . I . Soath d b '11-sa socia committee em U WI meet Saturday�tb Side ·'fans," and the sparrows. has sd May II for the' date of the cat 8 p. m., in Snell hall parlor.1" armor Stagg errs in beading the class dance, procided that the Rey- Senior Collece Counal will meet'SI «If season ticket holdet's "the roll ld lb'f .. 'no s c. u may be obtained for that in the President's office. Wednesdayo ! onor." It should be ent'ltl-�lIl.ereJ I 01 afternoon. If the club is mken, an at 10:.10.It is �o"�,�e ro�! of Chicago men." attempt "'iII be made to gi\'e the ,senior dues should be left for theb' onor to be on this list; danc� on the first open afternoon of treasurer in Box 370, Faculty Ex-at It is to\ any Chicago man nosmall dishonor not to be on 't H the week, beginning M�y 10. change.-Paul Buhlig, Treasurer.ever at Mr St' I. . ow- The question of raising sufficient Tickets for "The Sjgn of the. Dou-D '1' . • agg s suggestion, the funds "'as also taken up. The offi- blc Ea�le," are on sale at the Uni-al y 'WIll pablish the names of those cers of 'ih_e ,d�s� stated that it was versity ticket �ltency in Cobb . hall. "'b.o deserve recognition as plal'n ._ ..Chicago men. ab�olutcly ne�essary for all fr.eshman daily, e�cept Saturday, .between the. "'_....... _-.-.......<-_ .... -...., ..... ".��_----- ••In a d to pay their dues, for if t.h,e money is, honn .of 9;15· a .. m, and 1:15 p .. .m:, .O·'D'& •. �&;.!� a� or two it might not be not obtained in a reasonable time. and 2 P. m. to 3 p. � and 'on Satur- c, .... "' ................ c.....amiss to publisb a list of th� who the d;ance will be �alled off. d be d at � •·oaalat t Jaa � ay tween 9 .a. m .. an 1 p .. m. All .. .' �- :b 0 ye 1wo donars· wonh of There will be a' meeting of the the reservations made must be taken AD lat'" ��.�nt USUID for Chicall'ft. b- appar- : :Ca. to 1'1." 6-eu.'- have -. .......... ommittee next Wednesday at 10:,30, up by Thursday afternoon, or theyo.y --- L_ L-oaL __ 1 .... L._ A: :. h,..,,) B. ll'on, __ vcada . at._ .J_. Wacu ...... &Ua" ........ - ...::'CIIIU" 1riJI be � oa sale ........DO YOU 1t.£�BER?• •lIEN OWE PAPER TO' THEWOllEN; THEM "'S�J)'p' � ••KELVIN J. ADAIIS, 'Athletle EdItor,,·noa .. �.�. � .)JI!Ir.Nk� .. -A.·.G.-Whitfield, ':B.;�. Fuller,W:A..Wcavu 'rRoberts B.,OwenCarolinep.idcq ! Estbet-M. IHailJ.rSidDey Salkey :Mamie ·Lilly�W.�WheeIcr. A_:N.:Pfeft'er1. M. Houghland. OBLIGED 'Ite ,..-oPQUT OF RE;"DEflQCECOmStore.yd(liSh:younsJative fortJed,ip his."e·sellSbaPe �� qualitias' it is 0� be�entsThese Su.... $25. 'of br�\Vna.d.gral·�Blue ScPrice-WiD enable you to CODtinue pur colle,e work and pin the de��-!'rIlE ;�NCE.STUD¥ DE.PARTIIE�TThe UDivenity-of -Chicaco .. - .. � - - - - - - - - - - .. Cobb Hall, _7A' .* Of aU -desc:riptio� such as claD.ia. . pla_ys. -didionaries".· etc.:.sPECIAL . DISCOUNTTO! S'MJDENTS ••••·Mr. Charles -H. -Kerr, ·the -notedsocialist publisher and _ organizer, ·willaddress ·the .Investigators' . club . inCobb 3C ·this evening at 7:30. Mr.Kerr is the head of 'Charles H. -Kerr . . Catalocues aad quotations. RIlt : upon .RqUeSt. ,!A. 'KtOCB l':J ·-CO�.i.. 26 MonrOe S�. Chicago.....:; ."';«;TIle JaJIeS F •• ct.n ...... r:Tackrs' � '-. :.��.. Do you .expect .to .teaeh next ,.jUr1·Why not �Droil ,,with .a fint�'Agency, and thus put yourself in linefor, tbe :best positions?�Y:oung ,men '.who .can· teach .M�Languages, take �arge.Off .Athlcti�.or handle ··Commercial :subjects ja. :AJ1DI!I i! .I TETCETipecial ,deJDaDd. ,;9 �D lBPal� :..:.,J?boQe·,Harrison '�; . WemdI IlI�t:. '81It· '•tI! .II.:1LAP.Iyo��.�··FOWNES.. GLOVES is-ri«llt to be«ia with and the .C1apeco- PIGeeIIIseeps it.that ..... y. 1.se. e8Ch-i I« 9k.CI.nft. � &Co..Xabnon the .man "ho \Ioan'tImow' what's· What-JOU�e are to:'_ tIIIID .on die -IDUI � .doea··Jaaow. 1- .(..,THE,DAILY ,-MARO,9N, .THURDDAV,.APRIL 30: 1908.« _._. .'. . __ == 5.'� nn ....__ \COI.LEG£> PMy,D.LtiaTitATKilRomantic Sone in:� !Now ' lie-5hearsinc. i. DeClic:a\ed· .-r�:Ia �l."and HUI8CD ...s KIein!aDd;smithRefuse :to 'J)iac:JO.e -Her' �ame. The only ,,,elusive ladies '�800tery-" in Chic�flo .is·tlle ..••• ROCHESTER SHOe . SHOP •••. -�I·I'I·!.-:.. J"�41.. " :..:i""'� .••, . ".I I I I I�.�. \11\�-��t�t See .", � ....... o.and .125 SPecws !COme 'into ··our�re and see' "'.t .h'e .Tilc .. Blackfriars have va '.mystery.�py clothes' we'"' bffer for the sty. It is .. the.mysterv of a girl. Not 'oneJiSb young Iellow-s-and the censer- of the .paiDted, decorated masculine":"ti f th h . beauties who. strive .to . -erowd 30, ... re or e man w 0 as more set-tIed,in his ways. ' inches of waist into 24, . but ·a real,.e.aell to the tastes of all acesl girl, who never yet set foot in -the.Sbape retaining is one of the great- mackfriar. cloister.� qualities of these. splendid clothes, The "mystery arises from: the fact '�ho .Leads :the' Prom?"� it is one of the greatest differ- that one' of ·the 'Sweetest melodies in In Which the:·Laundryman playa thediCeS between these well-tailored "The Sil:11 of ·the Double Eagle," IRole of Villian.�ents .and the "usual" . things. entitled "The . Stars are Looking]1aeie Suits, priced specially .at � Down on ·You·and·Me;' and-sung to- ART�WORK OF J.g08 CAP... $25. comprise the newest shades ward the end of the second act by .AND ·GOWN,A TRIUMPHof brown and, rich soft tones in tans Count '!'Eduard. bears 'above its .title Editors Say Annual Contains ·Best,.iW3Ys.' three snnple words.: "To a -Girl." Designs, of. Any Volume .Ever. Blue Serge Suits' �p to 48 stout. Only this one tof the eighteen i ,Issued at ,University.Price Suits, $20 to.$.to. songs is so dedicated. Whoever it: -nnge Overco,ats, $20 to '-tS-1 :3 written -to must feel honored, for The 1908 Cap and Gown will' be anM 0 S S L E·R CO. III the: eng are some of the prettiest artistic triumph, according to a state-SO Jackson Blvd t sentiments of. the play. \Vitness th ment made yesterday by managingJust Off State St. first '\ erse : editor Hansen, Harisen was enthu­··"'hen 1.look on-the night, sec:. th siastic over the merits of the designsstars "that shine so bright, ! which have been turned out by the, U1!I'IOlf HOTEL .1 See the moon so softly smiling.too! st all of half a dozen student artists ..om 'ft_ � Then-my -heartaehe··flits . away, and 1: "With the winding up of the form-: .IW:IUAURABT I'�. 111-117 Randolph Street ,', "r'hthink -of : yester.day,. ative work on the book," he said.� . ". ',n en ,we .paetednnd the moon-was "with the stories, articles and de- 'i. THE POPULAR PLACE I new. \ signs, it is plain that the Cap andl TO EAT Now Tve 'tra\'e'eu many miles, and;!. Gown this year will artistically sur; ,I E��'�fu�wahu�e '!, �nn����m��� ���y�d�prerio�ill��� �===���������---------�--�--�-�:, Theater. '�\lt ,I knew �he ,�ttentle stars ar{ A�other distinctive feature of th� •h ¥-rof.:£.:8. :Rowden·s Schools, and ·Academ,·es ,o·,'D' alJ(- in'. 'g" ....," We make, .��apeclalty '.of ClUb .',\1 f t ere. annual' for 1908' is the exceptionalO 'II 10 k 'II th t f . - I Assembly·,meeta every Tbunday evening at ·Unit- .Clab··Hon_·' 3Y"",I Y u 0 I you see em, 00, character and merit of tne under- Indiana Avenue. -I __, -..or: and Fratenuty Dinne� sRlilinK ns they use d to do, 1 graduate Hterary contributions." I .' .I .... �. Th - j t • hi ' Juvenile .. Clasa evuy Saturday utemoon-from.oft- to fOur.'I e �oo � ars are �·�.C 11D1: every The editors have remarked espec- ' ....._____________ ......__. 'Where." 1 I Studio :lor private leUoas" 321 Kimball Hall Bid., Wabash' Ave., andially concerning' the work of the art- Jackson' Boulevaid. . , .So -much -for-the verse. Now comes ists' "contributions" particularly those 'the chorus, which ought to rank as from' members of the art committee. ; Class for begi:mera lIoDday, Tuesday and Friday·eveaiD&L .: a disLi�ct coDtr;butio� -to literature: l � . PRvate ·'lessons :civen hourly.:during the day.· .. with .er �without music:.who are in classes 'below the Junior " ChUcJren-., ,private. clasa, $1.00 �per month. ," '"The stars are looking down on you class.. Roy Baldridge has the dis-'.' :d' '-. -;---. ·-·:t '," -. ". , .. -: r"'" ';' '.... ,", 5AdulS�rivate ��ft!II. $1.00. ·with_.·. "music or a arn • .-n. _..:I co_a, �.r.'-. �n me,. .,.__ ;','! tinction of 'having 'produced' 'some of - --. .--'"""U ... _�'I . 'kne..· that -'they .are watching ·the best work ever published in' a���; I CapandGow� Heilid�etitlepa�I�'������������������������������������������I'm ,far .... ':l.wocy from you, I know not the athletic' page, and the memorial . I,B�'�:Y��a�O��o��e 1he �tars watch; page,. b�sides other full 'andhPart 'paghe ;. .." .. \'.•. ' �.�: . :.; 1!' .. ",1'-' drawmgs. ,Fred ·Bate, anot er Fres � - - .•Te1epho� 2860 Hyde PaEk._, 1'�' ... '- too.' ," .� .: man artist on the art committe, ha� lim'. UIIll.D �..�"�""'H���. __ "�.:I 1·11. �b�::'ta kiss upon a star-b�a� donlle gOJod 'Hwolrk, Jas wbell Las H1)'�: .11,. 4aaltl-sy -liuod .ll'aIl - ." '.. . _._. ._ :�I';• � , � Fu er, r., e en' aco y, ucy rls-. .. . .•'11,11, e �". s �w.il! ·tak.e. it :to 'your .lips, coli,' Mildred Chamberlain, and. Mina Dress SUit 'is probably ·the. - -�to� .' , .' .most useful 0_ .• man'-.t�t; ;,' k· W f :'L ._.. •Hos illS. alter A. McAvoY 0 tll� OWll,i ancl cett:a.iDJ.¥ it is the 1 Isof� artist staff has contributed a numbe� mast- esSential to 'have perma_ : { 4fIi 'm:. 6��I ��. !of cartoons of students and student . neqt1y in .his wardrobe.life.The book will have more colorplates than last year and numerou�unique and �original displays are in�eluded in the special designs. Themusie publishcrs ·bad· a .line of typ� nearest approacb to poetry ever Seen··To a Girr· .which they insisted .0" from Chicago under-graduates willsiickillg in some.whCl'e� and ,probab� appear in the annual and the cna�iy 'deci(ied the Star song would do as tion of real under-graduate literature.well as any. Hansen admitted there is looke(l forward to in the form ofwas :-;:·ch a line, but: said that if theauth,.,.-s had cared :to use aames orinitials they probably would have ·FoaItb F1oor. 'Masonic Temple.A quiet little shop .where )'Oll can buy ladies high-gradesample Shoes for.2.00 ·AND .'2.410. VISITORS AS WELL AS BUYERS ALWAYS weccous .� t'�The Cigarelfe"..·"TRAOfttARKtt�615T EJtfO12 :State �Street�C:lliC4r"(), "". �305 Pearl Streetflew Y()rk,'N. Y •Daintily Delicious. Perfectl, -po u ; -e·. Surpassing I,:Sm()oth -.'IWonderflillf'�WhdlesomeI have .made clothes .lor . _Uni�ftl'Sity "StUIlents. Ask them hOw'1 they Jike . the�' . .. J •tt .' 'BEfIfD.'CTt . -,,,,I·1I, WALD. Tail()rWA_lft CAD:. 55th St. and �wood Aw. Whcre\·er. you may be, their.light you will see;Th'� stars .. are . looking down 0'1 y04and, me.'- \\Vhen the authors .were asked a_ou�thc dedication, they w'ere non-comimittal. Klein. said he imagined all________ � w________ _____�O�EN�ALL,DAY .,Desires ·"to employ a· f_students. Afternoon and�Ding . Work. . .There's no use puttingmoney into Full Dress. Clothes, unless you pro-cure an exact fit and· ab­:;olutely correct style instrict accordance withf�shi�n·s latest edict. Weoffer a special Full DressSuit complete with extraDinner Jacket, made ofthe best materials,· tailor-,ed to fit and hang exact­ly right, and in themost approved mode, all·-forSEVENTY-FIVE ''i)()LLARS ,� 1 �esidence, H.P. 961. Office, Cen. j,6sDR. BREt) "" .. -PARKERDENTIST. Office: Suite 708, Venetian Bldg.34 Washington Street. Hours 9-12. 1 :.)O:-S:�ItfAlS .. 20c.AND UPtChop .S.q,-a, SpeclIlIt7 For information, appl,. atroom gA, Cobb Hall, be­tween I and 3:30 P. m.Phone Hyde Park ,1252:rIDBLftY LAUBDBYCLARK a: READ� Prop..",-686 Eo 6341 St.Special Attention Given to· StaclentWork. A Postal WiD Brinc_W8coD.the productions containe(l in the pub­lication.'The dramatic section is unusuallydone so. In desperation, the report- complete containing mention of every"er wired Earl Smith, composer of :lramatic event that· the year . hasthe music for the 'play, who is now in, geen. For the first time the JuniorToledo, 0.,. and, will not be here un-' Col1eges wiJI be represented by dis­til early next week. Smith wiredback as follows:'·\Vrote music and not words. Girl(Juestion unsolved heore. Smith."!All . of which leaves the mystesy asbefore. The 1llackfriars are wonder-,ing ,,·hether the forthcoming publica­,\tion of ·the mu.�ic .·.iIl shed any lightt1pO�l the problem.--_--Ol)'l11pian Tryouts May :as After May First"TRAVEL Ov,BR THBtinct stories on their accomplishmentof the year, including social, athletic.debating and other events.1DfN 0 N R. [fUT(---- - --- -The literary contributions ha,·e onthe ,,·hole been both of unmmal num- Tbe Ya-.Fiaher Teachers': AcentyPaul Yates, 1IaDapr, Suite· 641-642, 204 lIicbipn· Avenue. FineArts Building, Cbieqo.�FAYETrE •.INDIANAPOLIS,LOUISVILLE,,CINCINNATI.DAYTON.Or any Southern PointTICket Olice, 182 South Clark St..�t-Dearborn Station, Polk ancJi Dearborn St..Enalewood Station�3d St 80s 'llasonie Tmlp1eber and unusual merit.A total of 5()() articlcs has been SUD­mitted, a largc number of' which hadto be rejected bccause of lack ofroom.Thursday, .May 28, has been se-Icctcd as the date for holding thc Jap;mc�c. Consul Shimizu hcld aWestcrn tryouts ror thc Olympian fare,,·cll reccption last night,to whichgamcs •. ",·hictl will, be contested next all the _Japancse students in the uni­l"ummer in London. The date ·wa.c; versity were invited. �rr. Shimizu hasoriginally set for June .12, but -had to heen promoted to the consul-gencral­be set forward because of an earlier ship of Canada, and ,will leave foropening of the games. This change Ottawa next week. A ·Iarge numberis not expected to decrease the num- of members of the Faculty have beenber of athletes who ,will try out for invited to another reception which heplaces o� the American tam. 'will hold on Saturday nighL We will occupy our new quarters 26.28 E. Lake Street.This affords an exce.ptional opportunity of purchas­ing our select stock of lamps and bronzes at markedreduction. 'We Have No Studio1!11-1!13 � AJfICHICAGO.·Pac:ilitiea for nerytbiac In. Pbotoctaplly·PIraa. Ceatral lag WILLY H. LAU \ . \Pullman Building. 12_E- �a.ms._treet .'..;;..' ."....... " :�", \ . i. Ii•, "'\ ' ..: ., - .. ,.- ,'",�E·.DAIL�,_MAROON�.�HQRSD�Y, APIU.L,.j9 .... J��.r._.'."I�.r 'fie_'V�ity ''--e�topA Catcher on a college nine cannot be toocareful about the Mitt he uses-the Big Gam�may depend on' his ability to hold the ball. 'Themajority of 'Varsity Backstops, like the majority ofthe great League Catchers, useCatchers' Miffs.. The arrangement of padding and deep hollowholds the ball every time. Reach Catchers' Mitts,are made in rights and lefts,and range in price from�25c •.to $8.00 each. ...Tbe�BaJIhas been adopted by the greatAmerican .League for a tenyear period.' I t' is also usedby all the big 'VaJSity andPrep. School Nines.TIle�GIIInIIke®'.ne' .net Tra4�" 011 all StarfhtfGood i Is a gura.fee o' qui'". I' .rMSptisfadiOfJ, a an. .. rticle or ,oar ••• q62ft (rJrcept 0 .... 115 .. II ..." a""� sr�'DIe Icda IIIIcW lise ..... GIIWe, fer._:nh����:�U:lJaI::fi=�Leagues. History and action pic­tures of the JcpJ World's Serles.10 cents at dealers or by maiLIf "01 01 YO'llr d",/n's, we fII;11 flU70"1" order direct 0" , emIl of p"u.Write f« 1108 n..e Ball CalaJclcaeaaatreu )Sue .ua1l8� br EIben Hubbard.:",- -:��fRAIK' Th � . i.lior·��. .. Ezclusive. styleli for:Yoanc College . lieD, in Spring � �� Goods" . ,'. ��. P��NG AND REPAIRING." 1PbODe.. Hyde �k 31113-� ., ,- .�, 193 E. � Street."." JaTlJDENTS� LUNCH· ROOMTH� M I K1A:·O.O·: CA.�f:'.If�a's 2�c ·and Up29J E. 55 Sf.• ...AIUSEIENIS....�BB GARRIOK. Margaret Anglin and Henry Miller"The Great Divide" ILLI.OISMAUDE ADAMSIn her Great TriumphTHE JESTERSPOWBJtSCharles Frohman PresentsTWENTY DAYS IN THE SHADE OOLONIALHaft ,-ou setaTH8 ImRRY WIDOWShe is tbe International Crue---------_._-------8�l1D.BA][ ••MAY ROBSONThe Rejuvenation ofAUNT MARY LA BALL.HONEYMOON TRAILWith Cecil Leanand Florenee Holbrook�BB AVDI'lOBIUM.� •• WBI" •• "THE DAIRY MAIDSWith Harry BulgerTHREE lWINS (Continued from page I) Ievents as well as � second oppor- ' .tunkyin the t�k �ventL =����������������������������������������.��������������.�.aD���OWing were the best perform- . The 'Twin C.yliD."--det -'Indian .. \1100 yard dash-Straube, :10 1-5. is . the Very Latest in .220 yard dash-Menaul, :24' 1-5;--' IIOTORCYCLES -­Straube, :24 3-5.440 yard ruo-Timblin, . :56 1-5;Sturgeon, :57 1-5.880 yard mn-Bresnahan, 2:.12-One mile run-Comstock, 5 :01 ;Stophlet, 4:55 2-5; Carpenter, 5:06.120 yard hurdles-Reynolds, :183-5-Pole. vault=-E, R. Long, 9 feet 6inches.Besides these, -Morris, Leech andWatts took trials in the dashes; Kel�lar, Sutch and Long in the quartermile; Tatarsky, Sheile and Gilbert inthe, 880, and Lorenz in the hurdles.Crowley will be out this afternoonand will work in the weight events,while Rogers will appear. for the polevauIt. . .Wanted-Typewriting by the page;Wanted-About five hundred live rates reasonable .• Call at 652 E.' 57thStreet. first flat.Chicago men, to buy season ticket!',hetween now and Saturday..ASKS FOR SUPpORT OF, .·SEA�N. 'TICKET PLAN(Continued· from.pace I)Fac:idt7Julian. B. Bretz.WomenOlga· Voudra.celc.lieD'A. F. Kramer, W. R. Perrin, Her­m.an Jam�s, Arthur Lake, W. F. Car­penter, W. B. Gooch, J. R. Hulbert,Harold Gifford, Thurlow G. Essing­ton .. L. C. McNemar, A. M= .Moody,F. C. McLean, E. L. Patchen, T. S.Miller, S. A. Harrod, }. W. Nichol·son, P. B. Heflin, J.' T. Conway? H.A. Stout, George O. Fairweather,Hurnard Kenner, J. W. Simonton,Renslow P. -Sherer, Frank H. Sha­kleford, � !H. Powell, F.' F. Patton.P. D. Gottfried, J. l\(. Brigham, G.L. Stewart, William MacCracken.Dan Innes, Cole Rowe, W. A. Lytle.R. M. Shri�, Clark Reed, D. Bunton,Fred 'Stokes, C. O. Smith, B. H.Krog, R. T. Radford, F. G.. Eber­hardt, Winston Henry, W. Redfield.Walter 'Morrison .. E. - B. Eastburnand H. I. Ullman."Chicago's outlook. is far fromdiscouraging," said Coach Baird yes­terday, in speaking of the baseballsituation. "When it is considered Ithat the team has been hampered bylack of veterans, by bad weather, in­juries and other setbacks, it is smallwonder that the always husky' IIIiniwon the -first game· of the season.The Maroon nine has, however, sue­ceeded in showing. numerous ele­ments of strength, and a few. gamesmore will show it to be probablythe best the Midway has had forsome . time. I certainly .hope thatmany more of the students will buy. season tickets without· delay. Theirlow price makes the saving a verylarge one."WIND UP WORK FOR PURDUERELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month,from our own factory, equippedwith modem IJIQchinery, 250 honepower. You assume no risk; sat­isfaction or your money back TheTJpewritu EzchaDp,,319 DearbornSl Branch of the American Writ­i.. Uadaiae Co., iacorporated.Mr. Harry F. Ward .second vice­president of the Union AvenueChurch, will address the Methodiststudents of the University in Has­kell hall this evening at 7 o'clock.Georp F. Aiken'. Barber' Shitremoved from 446 _to 428 ssth street,in neW building at Lex'ington a�nue. New and enlarged equipmeati jmore barben; bes·t servic� Studeit· :patronage solicited. �SPECIALTypewriter. ReDted-3 moaths hr"Ss and up. T,.pewriten sold 011 ..,payments, from $10 up. Best bar ...in guaranteed machines. AmericiiiOak • Typc.alter Co., III �It. c. ..... II.,. :;tiRINKS INK, .LIKE A CAMEL 1To load a Conklin Pountaln Pen. just dip 'It In .., ';bak� press the Crescent-Filler and see· it fill its oft··:. tank lib a 'Camel. slaking its �� �t'� all �.­Is to itl No �o mese-oo bother. Do itanywbere-&Dy time. _. v: JCONILIN'S ':=-o PEN,:liTHE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" . "can be filled instantly without the least inconvenieDce, Yoi-:, could fill it with white kid gloves on without danger· 01 .�soiling. Besides its conveedence, is the splendid writmc.·qualities of the CoDkliD-the perfect feed� ,I.ea.dJDIt deaJera baDdJe the Coaklba. If,.ours does DOt. __ .41net. Pricea.11IO aa4 lIP- SeDd at OIICO for h· .... ·ome aew cataJoc. •• Con"ig rea Co.;, 310 U .... H.g Bid£. Toledo, OIaiI,'0. _"George ·W. Currier & Co�'�RINTE�'HIGH ClASS JOB PRINTING5508 Kimbark Avenue• • • •·FROZEN ARTS:·iillaDufacturers offiNE' ICf CRfAMS AND ICfS. It-ItSpecial Prices _given to Frat�ties; Clubs &lidIt It It It·Tel Oakland :ago.. RESTAURANT 11110 .. LUIICH COUNTfR·Ja �a��.1tia.� sure your 1905 machine is a �9 cyJiDder with . mechl�,valves. All Automobiles have me chanical valves. Don't be' deceived, '�get the Latest.Important - At Riverside Hill climb, California, a Two Cyli�\I ndian made one mile in s8 sec onds, fastest time' ma,de. in tbe- '...world by. any kind of a machine. . Call and see us. Demonstratioaidaily. HENDEE lOG. CO. I.-51 IlidIipD A�, Chicaao .'YOU CO ULD'lfT :BIRB A J[IJI�'BUT YOU CAlfRENT' A MO:NARC·H�. . -�- (Pint tIa .....RATES: ( � ••••.•••••• aM(liE � :.:�.:. 'I�THE 1I0NARcH TYPBWItIT88COIIP�..5 B. ..... IL·.Pboae c.taI_1Jk. A college man; fine address; posi- TYPEWRITERS lot'Sale or � .tion'during summer, CaU 403 Trude . Special nta to students; barpilpBldg., Tuesday. in re-bmlt macbiaa.. W. Wb�head.. _ La Salle Street. '.Chicago Belts-Now on sale at theUniversity Press. P�ce, $1.-,Lost-At U., diamond ring thatwas my. mother's; liberal reward.5i 56 Madison Ave.Wanted-Salesrnen to canvass foruseful and necessary article: for men.25 per eent commission. M. J. Potter,357 Monadnock �Ioclc. �._ r �• �A "!'''"''\>-i�!-"11 ,ti.. :!"��-;. � Vol�:;·�s��"'11lJ.�"'�::". -Pr fl',' 0I0(""". Wua'PIVas:.su Iofwu. ." ,' eire...., can-?• ,�. trib(. pubr '�: den'.,,' F�! .in •t«." wa�..Sell"ley:cei'"j'h'. J.... :'... :� '; aw31tIicb. ' r:..-" .11f••..........l';4�.,::!;, :.50;: