Allan "Ross' wasI '.. • "I,e'lected :'a5 . leader ,of 'the J u n fo r.prol11enade, , 'a n d, '�Iberf-': Hender-S'OI1 '. wa�', t tria dech�ii,fi��-�or ' J�a': " .' ", �: _.­i'��' d��' ��' a sp:'�": .: .... : ..cial ,meeting of.·Col-.:latly !larnnn,fI.,Vol VI. No. 130. CHICAGO, TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1908. . Price Two Cent.lIISULAR SCHOOL TAKES CLEAN BY COMPRESSED AIR THRllUIG REllY RACE FRANK FUSSEUCO.10PLAY IROIS liD HEIDERSOI ': FIRST DEFINITE STEP Plant for Cle::; Buildings by GOES TO PEII RUIIERS popular Matine;H;o and Strong HEAD JUIIOR EXERCISESCompressed Air Being Considered Suppolting . Company to Presentby University-Would Cost $so,- Varsity Loses Title Event by Two Absorbing Problem Play, "Who000- To Convey Air by Pipes. Yards, When Lingle Fails to Leads the Prom?" Tomorrow.Overtake Cartmell.b-s outline of Courses to be Of­, feted-Course to be of FiveYears .: Council Names Committees to. Ar­range for Class Day of the JuniorColleges..An unusual treat for theater-goersis offered by the women o.f Philos­ophy college fer this week. FrankFusser. the well-known college mat­inee idol, has been engaged for arn,ressor Merriam at Head-FacultyIncludes Members of SocialScience Group. The mop, the broom, the carpet- Quigley and Merriam Star- Bur-beater and other familiar weapons of ,roughs, Miller, Michigan andthe omnipresent janitor are likely to Oak Park also in things of the past at the Univer- . Morgan, Latham and Garrett HeadFinance, Arrangement and Athlet­ic Committees •.:The first circular information of the shy of Chicago. if plans now under Despite the bad weather, Director matinee performance, to be held inUah'ersity's new course for consular consideration are carried through. Stagg lost no time yesterday in put-, the Reynolds club, tomorrow after­mining was issued yesterday. The The establishment of a central air ting the Varsity athletes to work for noon. Mr. Fusser is supported by ancOarse, as outlined in the announce-]. compressing station. and thc piping the Purdue meet, to be held at La all-star cast this season in a new andJIItI1t, comprises a three years' train- of the buildings for carrying com- Fayette next Saturday. He returned vital problem play, entitled, -"\VhuiDg. subsequent to two years' work pressed air for- use of the very Sunday night with the six athletes Leads, the Prom?" Among the talentiii tbe Junior colleges. but leads to latest cleaning methods, is now being who competed the day before in the listed in the "dramatis personae" for� special degree It is a part of the considered. Thc estimated cost of Pcnn games. Light work was the or- this performance are Miss 1\1olly�ege of Commerce and Adminis- the new plant is $50,000. der yesterday. �lusclc. late of "The Knowledgetiition, of which Professor Charles The apparatus works b_k suction. Second place came to the Varsity Widow" company; Miss Billy Cam-�rd Merriam is Dean. Graduates As a substitute for the carpet beater, relay quartet after a hard struggle. pus, formerly with "The Time, Thei1ihe course will be certified to the it sucks the dust from rugs and up- Contrary to expectations, only two F�ice and Th� Man" company; Mlle.�dent of the United States, who holstery, As a substitute for the mop out of the five teams entered bent to j eunie Say-Pa, who has just come�es all recommendations for ex- it sucks up the dirty water after the the mark when the race was called. from a wonderfully. succesful seasonaIIination and appointment into the floor has been flooded and scraped. Captain Quigley was selected by Di- i"; her native town, Pari�, � (IlL):, �nd�lar service.ttb� bulletin�,;-, .IiIrb the final�, in the incdr­�tion of this�rk into theIf�aiVefsit.y cu�r:i-Last De- "l '.�' ., » .;.Allan Ross-Leader of Prom.Albert Henderson - Chairman, ofDay.Committee ChairmenFreeman Morgan=Pinance.Harry Latham-Arrangements.George GaTretf-Athletics:'Jessie .Heckman--Decoration.Inez Jackson-Dramatics., '.. Miss Chamberlain_.:.;.Athletics,: (wo '." . _ ",. __ .H urlnard KetU1er�lv.y' :Re)Grds�s.John -MacNe�sh-Printing� ,.' "Carol me: D,ickey';:'_Reception. .'. - ·WiJliam- McAndrew-Ivy, Orator.Pennsylvania Relay Quartet Which Won Mile �Event from Chi¢�?··bY·2 Yards-Dean J ..... _W. Thompson ad­-:Y'hsed t.he Phil-........oq,hy college of;n on the' op­pe;rtunities that��nt legislationby 'Congress had�ned up for col­�e men in theshape of a careerill the consular yes­terday',.,: mo'rnihg .e I couneil '_:asin I session 'for� alarge part of the, morning.and eon­,� �idered· oilly .theappointment .0 fcommittee chair­men,' l�aving theselection- of 'theShortlya n-service.afterward members of the�or.51ins..IfII various commit­tees until theUniversity, was next 111 e e tin g,��ng prepara-&. � __ �------------------------------�--------------------------�-------------- ����------ __ .lwhich will betions to introduce a consular training Expcr irncnts with portable apparatus rector Stagg to run first. and against the Misses Dorothy Date and De- held Friday. .. Abiding by the usualcoarse. Now, largely through the uf this nature arc now being made. him was Haydock of the Quakers. horah Fossil, who need no, introduc- custom, the council selected as chair-dr�rts of Professor Merriam, Dean The results have not been so saris- The Maroon beat the gun and was tion to the University public. men of the committees members ofThompson and other members of the iact(JiY as those obtained from a cen- set back a yard. But this handicap the Sophomore class. In 'the selec-The play has been secured' by the......... rtrnents of history, political tral 1·lant. The :\Iarshalt Field store proved no disadvantage in the end, ki tions, careful consideration was made-..... management of the Sock and Bus mIa'ence, economics, sociology and Iit- hns a plant of the sort contem- as Quigley made up the yard and ad- hy the councilors, unanimous consentDramatic Society of Philosophy col-:,l...turA, the plans for receiving stu- plated. tied six more. f being necessary to appointment..... .. lege for one per ormance only. It.Ji-nts into the work are practically Whitham of Pennsylvania, ,proved of Allan Ross is' a graduate of Hydeue\\ ill be staged under the direction-. mplcte. VARSITY NINE WINS the sensation of the race. Starting p '11' I l\1� S 1 Park high school, as a representative'.... ... �Iiss Eveline hi IpS am . ISS ara 1ChI'C30'0 is practically the tilrst un i- DECISIVELY FROM IOWA half a dozen yards behind Barker, he of which he won the national inter-� \Vilkcs. Owing to the fire ordinance,�L·lt\.· in the country to establish sped after the Chicago star, and d scholastic' tennis title. He is captain"�.,, � - only one set of scenery will he use •�!.."h ., course. A . similar course of Hawkeyes Lose Saturday·s Game to gradually closed the gap. Before the of the Varsity tennis team, short--. .. which will represent a room in Fosterm· struction will soon b- offered at Maroons by Score of 6 to 3-Page lap had been run, the Easterner had .. top 011 baseball team, member ofI hall, the home 'of .. Billy" Campus.IJ'_ rva rd, and Columbia ."n(I' Yale is in Box. not only caught his opponent, but Score club and Alpha Delta Phi.114l ••• , ....... The problem involved deals with ex-to.,"'tl,er offer a joint consular train- had pa .. sed him, and Taylor. his team "Bert" Henderson graduated from1'>" perlenc('s common to- every "co-ed" ,m• g COllrse. \Viscf",s " I ..., (I a CO\lrse The Varsity baseball team rcturned, mate. was touched off a yard in ad- Englewood high school, '\\"here he.. who falls in the clutches of a perfid-in her curriculum. but aban(lone(1 l't to ftlrm Saturday and heat 10\\'a in' "ance of �'erriam. was pr�sident of the Senior class,E ious college ··fusser." The lines areshortly he:ore thc legi��ation hv Con- (lecisive fashion hy the score of 6 to "N('(r' tore after the _astern 1 captain of the Cook County cham-oJI' 1 I I I bri�ht amI "naI>I>Y, and written inDT, t'ss that pl;lc � J th(: "'h-,ie scale of ,1- The playing of the :\Iaroons was ch;tnlJlion, T liS ap prover t Ie most .' .. piono;hip debating team and cham-III'T I Varsltanto.the ulllversal college slang.cons"l,"'r positions 1111(ler ti,e cI"'I'1 hctter than in any gamc so far this excitil1� of thc four. ry as 1e pionship orator. He has won the..• , so readily undcr"tood by every stn-s-n,ice cxamina�ion co(le. .-\t the season. which indicates that Coaches would. tIl(' �Iaroon could not �ain on Sons of the Revolution scholarship..the ,lent of George Cohan.time the spoils system still controlled Stagg and Rain) arc gradually whip- his rival for three-quarters of and the Peck prize, and has been anthe service and not cn('\lgh students pin� the team into" shape. lleatly way. \Vhen it came to the hack Amy Leslie says of Frank Fusscr �ssociate editor of the Daily Maroon,.. cr' attracted. )):IS( running an(1 good hatting at the str('tch. the Chicago runner began to in an eulogy of his new production: the Alumni :\Iagazine. and the lQ08Entrance R�uirem�nts critil'al moments decided the game pull up slightly. and would probahly "The effulgence of effen'escent en- Cap and Gown. He has also heenTh� entrance requirements for the for the :\Iaroons. Page pitched a ha"e touched Lingle off ahead of ergy so incvitahly expressed in every chairman of the Junior College Coun­course are ei�hteen majors of Junior ma�nificent Jrnme to the Varsity. Cartmell of Penn, had not Taylor. <:nthusiastic escapade entered into hy cil for two t)uarters, president of thecollege '\\'ork in the College of Com- gi\'ing only one pass and "'hiffing t:1king a(h'antage of his lead, hugged that enlh"eninft �ntertainer, affords Y.:\1. C. A .• business manager of ' themcrcc and Administration. including ,�of the Iowans. Hanlon. for the the pole (luring the last part of the endless entertainm�nt:' Dramatic club, vice-presidt"nt of thelh(' following subjects, which are re- visitvrs, walked 13 men, but, strange race. Hence Merriam had to cross The show "'iII begin at 4 o·clock. Fencibles and a member of the Black-and will be followed by informal friars. the Three-Ou�rter9 club, Skull·and Crescent and Delta U.psiJon. 'DOUncementmade that wastheityortoWtIdancing.(Contjnu�d on page 2) (Continued on page 4) (Continued OD pase 4) ., '.",:'THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDA Y, APR�L 28. 1908.•* .. • * * *• • • •••IF OBLIGED TO DROPOUT OF RESIDENCE•'Correspondence Cou .. s�Will enable' >:ou to I continue your college work and gain the degree.GEORGE ADE READS FABLE.f SATIRIZING COLLEGE MEN • DO YO.U JUtMEMBER?• •The Oalelal. 8tDdeDt Pabll�OD. or theVD1Yeralq of ChlC8P. Hoosier Playright and Dean Math- •ews Guests at Physicians' Club�quet Saturday Evening. One Year Ago TOdayIt was announced that John D. •* Rockefeller had given $2,000,000 ** in land to the University. The *... gift included the property on"� daU7. ucept lJudQa. IloD.. * 60th street, between Madison and �..,. &Del bolI--. el� thneqaarte18 '''The Idyl of a Lovelorn Microbe," ,. Cottage Grove avenue. *EIlterecJ .. 8ec:GDcklua Mall at the ChIcqoPoatolllce. Chleqo, WlDoJa. March 18.1903. ucJer Act of Ibreh I. 18' the name of an amusing travesty * Coach Stagg and the members *on two well-known types of college of the track team, returned from *5tud«:nts, told by George Ade, the eel- * Pennsylvania, having taken na- *ebrated Hoosier humorist, at a ban- * tional honors in the mile relay. *quet of the Physicians' club, given at * Nine Years Ago Today *the Great Northern hotel last Satur- * The Varsity baseball schedule of *day evening, Profesor Shailer M.ath- * played games read as follows i > THE DAILYews, dean of the Divinity school, was ... Chicago 20, Hyde Park '4,' Rush * Senior chap' el will be addressed attiw.crlpUoD price. 53,00 per )'ear; $1.00 -\for 3 mODtbL 8abecrlpUona recelnd at a prominent speaker at the banquet. * Medics 126 University of * 10:30 in :\l'!Iltiel hall by Dr. Header-the IiarOOD Omce. Ellis Ball, 'or at the He spoke on the existence of ideal- .. Chicago, II; N orthwestcrn Acad- * son.It'acult7 Euha.D&e. Cobb Hall. ism in this age, which is bound to af- * emy 3, Chicago 14i Lewis 13. Chi- * College of Education chapel will be________________ .fect Chicago soon. When Chicago * cago 12; l\�ilwaukee 18, Chicago * addressed at 10:30. in room 214, Em-Editorlal omc:e......Betore 8 p. m.. ElI18 gets at it," said. Professor Mathews, '" 6; Lewis 5. Chicago ·6; Illinois 4, * mons Blaine hall by Dr. Belfield.Hall. Unlveralq. Tel. H7de Park of26. "she is going to make culture boom. :$ Chicago 2; Rush Medics I, Chica- * Special Oratorical contest to workAfter 8 Po m.. KarOOD Prea. 414 E. G5th There is now running through this * go 13; Lake Forest 5. Chicago II; '* ott the tic between Bales and Natan­Street. Tel. H7de Park 3691. age a spirit of idealism, of poetry as '" Wisconsin 2, Chicago 8; North- * son in the semi-finals of the Centralfine as the world has known. Great * western 20. Chicago 23. * Oratorical League, will be held atLUTHER D. FERNALD. )lenls'ng EditorPRESTON Jr. GABS. Ne .. Editor commercial material progress always l a • • * * • * * • • * * 4:15 in Kent.goes hand in hand with what we call CONSULAR SCHOOL TAKES Conference on Practical Work willthe fincr things of life. Every greatFormer.,Tbe Dlllnralq of Chlcqo Weeki),.FoaDdeclThe Weeki),. Oct. 1. 1892.The DaD),. Oet. 1. 1902.MELVIN J. ADAMS. Athletic EditorFIRST DEFINITE STEP be held at 4:30 in Haskell. Donovanpoetic age has been a prosperous one. and Catlin will preach.Botanical club will meet at 5 p. room 13, Botany building. Pro­fessor Chamberlain will talk onThe mirth-inspired satire on the quired of all students: political ccon- ",Mexican Tropics}'college student, as told by the noted omy, 1 and 2. commercial gcograpnv: Maimonides club will meet at 8 p.Indiana playwright, concerns two English, I and 3; mathcm .. t-cs orm. in Cobb 12B.young I ndiana farm products, Wil- science. 2 courses. Also the follow-Iiarn and Cholley, by name, who went ing courses, if the equivalent was not ANNOUNCEMENTSto college. Before they left, father offered for admission: civil govern- Y. W. C. L.-The regular meetingB� oJIlce-Before 8 p. m.. ElI18 flU' .lined them up in the cow lot and gave ment 0 tne nited States; history, of the Y. W. C. L. will be held to-Hall.· Unlyeralt7. Tel. H7de Park 426. them some good advice. It took withJerome N. II'raDk No poor nation has been cultured.Poor people have no poetry-and ifthey have they can't get it published:' (Continued' from page I)�A. G. Whitfield, H. B. Fuller,W.A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. JIallJ. Sidney Salkey Mamie LillyA. W. Wheeler, A. N. PfefferJ. M. HouKhland."Beauty and Morality."Sock and Buskin of Philosophy col­lege, will present "Who Leads the3 1-2 preparatory units or 7 majors;French, German, Spanish, or Italian,3 1-2 units or '1 majors; science 1 1-2preparatory units or 3 majors.Outline of Course morrow at 10:30 in Lexington hall.Professor S. H. Clark will speak onLOUIS S. BERLIN. BaalDea Ib.Dqer William, but not so with Cholley, Asa result, William was troubled withweak eyes in his sophomore year atcollege; while Cholley was the gayestNe .. �tr1buUoaa IIUQ' be left at £1118Hall or Fac:ullT E.xcluuIp. addreaed to theDall7 lIarooD..Ki Yi of the Upsidi Yi Ki fraternity, In the three years of the course an Prom?" Wednesday, at 4 p: m .• in theand had to write home frequently for intensive study: is made of these and Reynolds club. There will be dane­$50 quick to pay for chemicals used kindred subjects, such as economic ing.Now that the Junior Council has in the �aboraiory. At the, close of geography, the history of commerce, Senior class women will hold an,appointed the officers of Junior Day their career in college, William won transportation, social institutions, etc. important meeting at ,10:30 \Vednes­and the Junior Prom, the Cyrue ]. Biters prize of a set of While mainly a prescribed course, day, in Cobb 6A_there is DO reason why books, and his father's blessing. The there is a sufficient latitude : in the Mathews Lecture-Professor\ 1\[ath-,effective work should faculty gave Cholley a degree for fear matter of electives to permit the stu- ews will speak at 7:15 Wednesday innot be .begun at once to be might come back' and stay another dents to specialize in the language or Mandel hall on "Prayer: Is It Fu-make the day and the year. institutions of a particular country. tile?"Prom a better succes than ever. In Their father then decided that they Throughout the entire course the Baseball between Chicago andthe six weeks that remain, there will should read law, which William did, fundamental recommendations of the Wisconsin, will be played at 3:30 s.-rt­be unlimited opportunity for laying but Cholley was too busy flying United States governmcnt have been urday on Marshall field. Admissionplans and accomplishing results around to house parties, where he provided and adhered to. For com- is' fifty cents.which too often have been left to the was always ace high. He picked 'out pletion of the course, 27 majors arelast minute or have not been attend- one sweet young thing who didn't required i'; the ,senior colleges and TIGER'S 'HEAD CELEBRATESed to at alL know how much money she had and Graduate schools, divided as follows: HER TENTH ANNIVERSARYBy beginning without delay, Junior decided to help her find out. He took language, 8; econo�ic geography, I;day can be made a bigger event on her out in a boat on a moonlight statistics, 2; commcrce, I; elementary Many Old Members of Honor So-the college calendar than it has been night, got hold of her hand, and be· law, I; com�ercial law, I; interna- ciety Present at Banquet in Vic-hitherto. Whether or not the date gan to tell her how of all the flow. tional law, I; history of diplomacy, toria Hotelof 'the Prom is changed, the work ers that bloom she was the one $10,- I; history of South America, I;· his-of the responsible committee will be 000 carnation, whcn she broke in and tory of thc Far East, I; total, 18. Thc annual initiatory banquet anclequally great. With all committees told him that he needn't work over- The remaining nine courses are the decennial 'anniversary of Tiger'sfinally appointed by Friday, it should time, that she had had him picked out elective, except that they must be se- Head was held Saturday night �t thenot be too much to have the officers from the minute she saw how wcll lectcd from the following depart- Victoria hotel. The following oldof the day and Prom "'report prog- his clothes fitted in the back. rnents: Political Economy, Political men werc prescnt: W. A. McDermid,ress" at the Junior college meetings a'i Now William calls each day at a Science History. Sociology, L.. n- B. I. Bell, Arthur Boyer, Langstrang,week from today. magnificent office in Chicago and guages, Geology, Geography. Paltzer, Ireland, Chamberlain,Hough-Systematic providing in advance for looks pleasant. while clients tell their In addition to the consular service, ton and Dixon. Houghton acted a!'all contingencies made the Senior troubles to a stenographer. After students may look toward the grow- toastmaster.Prom better than any of its predeces- they have gone, he rings a bell and ing needs of great industrial corpora- The initiates takcn into the cluhsors,. and second in success only to \ViIliam comes down and takes the tions for foreign business representa- were Kenneth Croshy, HirschI Shaw.the great Pan-Hellenics of ,1904 and papers and notes and digs out the th'es, as a continually increasing ficld Dean Kenncdy, Charles Spence, Earl1905- - There is no reason "'hy the law, for \Villiam is a wonder at law. for graduates of this dcpartmcnt. Thc Goodenow. Hurnard Kenner, EarlJunior Prom should .not be even bet- Then Choll�y goes out and takes courses to bc taken dcal mainly with Bolby, Frank H. Shackelford, Ralphter. his wife for a whirl in the $9,000 the subjects of political economy, po- Renzies and Charles L. Sullivan. TheFrcnch car that he has bought for liticrtl science. the clements of la,�. ilC\\, otliccrs elected for the comingThe board of editors or The Daily her. He sometimes thinks of his commercial law,history of thc United YC:lr were J1ir�chl Shaw, president;Maroon announce the election of fathcr's advice and rcalizes that it States. modern history, espeCially Ch�rles L. Sullivan, secretary anelJohn M. Houghland, 'IT, to the staff wasn't so bad after all, for if it hadn't that of the nineteenth century, to- \'icc-pre�idet1t; Earl Bolhy. treasurcr.of reporters. been for it, 'William would not havc Reiher with such training in modernbcen so much help around the office. languages as will enahle the studentAnd William has the satisfaction of to use them readily for political andDR., MATHEWS TO SPEAK being the silent partner of the best commercial purposcs, Students sati�-dressed attorney in town. factorily completing the course willhe duly certified to the President. ItTUESDAY, APRfL 28. i!)OS., For Early.Work forJUDiorDayIID.lici���!I�nbonsin great variety, put up in beauti­ful boxes., suitable for presents, at2Sr.. 40C and 60c a pound. !Also Souvenirs and favors forany and all occasions. IGunther's Confectionery212 State Street.will, of coursc, be necessary for themto take the civil service examinationbefore being eligible to appointment.These examinations are both oral andwritten, covering practically all of thesubjects included in the trainingcoane."Prayer: is It Futile?" wilt be thesubject of an address by Dr. Shailer Postpone interfraternity RacesMathews in Mandel hall tomolTow The interfraternity relay race wasnight. This is the second of a series postponed until Wednesday. owing toof addresses which Dr. Mathews is I the bad weather. The time now setgi�ing UDder the ,auspices of the Y. for the race is 4:30, on MarshallK..c, A.' .&eJd._ •• __ t •.•• _.... • Olltioe04serre(th�adtelBows' Correct TaDorin TIWe emphasize theTHIS Shop is an authorita­tive style center for all that isexclusive and smart in men'scustom made garments; for justtile kind of dash, style and vigorfavored by Universitythat's newest ormost proper for a self-respect­ing fellow to wear. -faultlessperfection of our fit, the criti­cally exact tailoring we put intoevery garment and the unusu­ally wide assortment of wool­from which you can pickchoose.«r We call special attention :to the attractively econo-',mical nature of our prices..'Our satisfying superb Col� l:Iegiate Suit, made to your:fmeasure, your, choice of fab-:�rics. '. <t�Thirty Dollars,. and a' caihJdiscount of ten per, cent;,��or a fancy vest gratis oD:initial order,'THE BOWS CO¥PANY·�8th Floor. ,MasOnic Temple 'Chicago �i>t, SPJiAnd w�andii her 51�Cbalk :iIcJ·,woctht� Spr]:The nsire to t,.. be cthe shov'We ha�e toCome il$lyles.l;. �e�SHIRTSOn and off like a coat.In fast colors and ex­clusive styles. $1.50 up.CLUETT. PEABODY a; co� Kakers �ves� read�ECIJMr. Harry T. Jack'Eyesight SpecialistOptician'Central OfficeSuite 1320 Masonic TemplePhone Central 5255Hours 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. TAlT1ro stTbe y,Paul6.t2,ArtsBRYANT -SPENCE TOURS.457-9 Monadnock Bldg .. ChicapYnLOWSTONE PARK C""P1KGOUT-n.. JryUIt Way:- Delighlful. inexpen�i"summer vacation lI'i� •• ·.r ladies and gentlcmeIUNIVERSITY TOURSIN EUROPETwo speci�1 loun at modera� cosl -CComprchc:n!'ivc lour of European CapilalpcnonaJly conduclc:o 1), Prof JClome B. Ra,mond. Small !lelccl parI)' .. Addrcn iWe237 Eie' ,ToRE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY. APRIL,28, 1 goB.COLUMBIA GIVES STUDENTSSELF-GOVIERNING POWER!, 'OF INTEREST TO BOOKBUYERS Constitution Passed at Eastern Insti·tution Putting Large Privileges inHands of Student Council. BrlgbtoDlare made or 'pure .Uk •• b.The pattema are.'J" new, excl uBi ve - ... arl­JI' et,. enough to IlAtiaf,.,,-, eyery1>04.1,... All metal pariIare or heaTy nickel-plated b ......JC ,.our u�ler can't .uppl,. ,.nu, :pair \\'ill be lent upon receipt ot P,':l'.,. :.'....... .--0_ I 'Tho J;l'UPohbeclupi. easy. It'.fiat-tbe onl,. abso­lutel,. fint elasp garteris the Drie;hlon. Killi­on. or mea know thill-bu,.them Dud \\,C'.1r them, The ... earis there. and t!u',. cost only n. cluaner• pair. Remember it..-a ...... CI., nllllBDlt .......... ;....:.I The Student Council of ColumbiaUniversity has just put through aconstitution that will establish a newrelation between the students andfaculty. Much power is put into thehands of a body of student represen­tatives. This body will nominate twomembers to the University athleticcoms'nittee each year.lit also has the right to' receiveearly notice regarding contemplatedlegislatoin of the university councilprimarily affecting the extra-curricu­lar activities of the student body.I and complete control of all inter­class elections and intramural athleticactivities. In addition the studentboard will investigate charges of mis-Our Bargain Table will be a permanent institu­tion hereafter. Stock which does not move fastenough to suit us, shelf-worn books,' and a fewsecond-hand books will be offered at greatlyreduced prices; and as we shall constantly varythe display, there will be many opportunities toadd to your library at figures which must in­terest you. It will be worth your while towatch the Bargain Table. 'The University of Chicago PressRetan Department"On 1She C�pus" TOM SLATER IExclusive TailorofCOLLEGE CLOTHESNow ·ShowingNew Spring Styles '.25.00 to 45.00SPECIAL TERMS TO STUDENTSTOMS LATERconduct, including cribbing at ex­aminations by any student or body ofstudents, and report to the, collegeauthorities the results for their ac­tion.The membership of the studenthoard will be confined to six under­graduates, chosen from any class orschool by the university, and one rep­resentative irom each departmentchosen by the students. A similar.policy adopted earlier has proved The Grossman Shoe �Co.B. L� AME HAT CO.ONE QUARTER CENTURY AT OLD LOCA'nON- NOW AT -'90 EAST MADISON STREETTRmUNE BUILDINGSTETSON SILK AND OPERA HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EACH HAT Phone usHyde Park 5037 5434 LAKE AVE.Hyde ParkUMBRELLAS :-: CANES,GLOVES :-:·'THE successful in adjusting undergraduateILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and 56th St. discipline.The Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the City ••••• PROF G C HOWLAND A GUESTFurniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Packed and ., •Shipped to all parts of the world. 300 Private Stor-age Rooms. Large Parlor l:xclusively for Pianos. Member of Romance Faculty SpeaksRoo�s for T'runks and Whe.els. Large Room {or Before French Society at BanquetCarriages, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks to and . •from all Depots. Local Transfers for Baggage, m Sherman House.Furniture, Packages, etc .• at short notice.Special attention Eiven to University Orden.. Ladies and Men'sFINB SAMPLE SHOBSHigh Grade Sample Shoes &.. $5 and $6 ValuesFor Men and Woman at $2.00 and $2.50. '201-202 Masonic Temple ,cJust one Bight UP."Professor George C. Howland ofYOUNG MEN'S PEPT.the department of Romance Lan­guages was one of the speakers at thefifth annual banquet of the SocieteFrancaise de Secours Mutuelle at theSherman House Sunday night.He responded to the toast, "LaLangue Francaise a Chicago." Hesaid that Chicago bad in recent yearsgiven much attention to the study ofthe French language. "Withoutwhich:' he said, "society and a mod­ern education would not be com­plete.""Entre Amis" was responded to byM. Charles Henrotin, Belgian consul.Other toasts were responded to byM. de Baron Houssin de St.. Laurent,French consul to Chicago; M. Al­phonse Campion, president of the::\(utuelle; M. Legrand S. Burton,- Dr.Cyrille Verrneren, Theodore Prouland Elle Vezina. Daintily' Delicious,Perfectly Pur eSurp,ssinglySmoothWOflderfully. Whplesome·Catalogues and quotations .;-#.iii\ts'_ .. ....illt:lfDT ,.� ..�--.r.s-..sent upon request.26 Monroe Street, Chicago.f CJhe !Zimmermann!Co. TIl �ward Oy tompUlJTAILORS163 State StreetMentor Building, Second FloorC�icagoOur Specialty-An absolutely stylish dependable suit to order, $35-00Ask to see our.. �ECIAL COLLEG� SUITINGS ILondon Office 6 Golden Square, W.DELTA SIGMA RHO TOHOLD CONVENTION MAY I t SMALL PRICES1: esires to employ a few��ucients. Afternoon andevening work. SMlALL PROFITS--BUT--tRIG V .A L U B S and a :4 per cent discount,BIG BABGAIBS on all purchases atTBB .ORBING STAB.385 East Fifty-Fifth Street. DRY GOODS STOUNorthern League Contest to be Oc­'casion for Meeting of Represen­tatives of Many Cbapten.TAILOR FOR YOUNG liENTwo stores: 131 La Salle St., and44 Jackson Boulevard For information, apply atroom gA, Cobb Hall. be­tween I arid 3:30 P. m.Do YOUDeservea BetterPositionDelta Sigma Rho, the honorary de­hating fraternity. will hold its nation­al convention at Iowa City on �(ayVARSITY CAFE r, at the time of the Northern Ora-55th St. and Greenwood Aft. tor,ical League contest, 'which will beheld at that place. ArrangementsOPEN ALL DAY have been made for a banquet atwhich not only the delegates will heentertained, hut also the orators, al­ternates. ;\11«1 coaches who will be inthe city in attendance at the oratori­cal contest.�1.. L. Forson, of the 10\\'a chap­ter. is also president of the nationalfraternity. and is at the bead of theplans for the convention.On account of lack of time, Chica­go will not send an official delegate.but President Fairweather said thatsome one would probably go to rep- THE CLARKTEACHERS' AGENCYa.MI: nbltv.. ... _.. ... _LIL : ..a,--B. F. CLARK RO�RIETOR- The Yates-Fisher Teachers' AgentyPaul Yates, Manager, Suite ,641-642, 204 Michigan Avenue. FineArts Building, Chicago.,n�I ... FRANK Th e Tailor ••• IExclUsive styles for Young Co]Jege Men, in Sprinc and Summer GoodsI CLEAN:"NG, PRESSING AND REPAIRINGPhone Hyde P,rk 38130 193 E. 55th Street. II COLLEGE LARDER CAFE447 E.. 55th Street. . Near Leziqton Ave.IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO EAT.I LUNCHEON 20c UP. EVENING DINNER, IaSC."PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS EATING."TURKISH $ RUSSIAN 75c! E Pl�.I.� o.��!DH.SG .. �5C, I <a a., ." ·r �"�G" �.��:fi.. 161 0 E 1 R 8 0 R N S T , MfALS 20c AND UPChop Suey aSpecialty,. ,--------------------------BORDEN',Hair Dressing, Manicuring.Shampooing. Facial Massage IMADAME KAYNOR'SSCALP SPECIALIST Condensed lIiIk, Plaid IIilk, Cramand Buttermilk.AU Bottlel ill the Co1Dltt7.Borden'. Condeae4 ICIlk Co.627.633 E. Fony-seventh St.________________ , • resent our interests.Phene H. P. 3286237 E 55th St.See our '20'and '25 SpecialsCorne in to ourstore . and see the Lost-At U.. diamond ring thatsnappy clothes we offer for the sty- was my mother'S; liberal reward. losing a shoe in the first heat of thelish young fellow-and the censer- 5756 Madison Ave. 120 'yard high hurdles.vative for the man who is more set- r'. tled in his ways. TYPEWRITERS for Sale .r Jtent- V�RSITY NINE WINSWe sell to the tastes of all ages! Special rates to students; bargains DECISIV.ELY FROM IOWAShape retaining is one of the great- in re-built ·machines. W. White- (Continued from page I)est qualities of these splendid clothes, head, J6 La Salle it is one of the greatest differ-of brown and rich soft tones in tans sion, and Schommer, Gaardc, Falls,and grays. I P ..I IWanted-Ten Young lady students Ross am agc, crosscn t lC pan.Blue Serge Suits up to 48 stout. Fl' . K' k' Ifor work in city this summer-Suc- 'or t re vrsitors, rr s romePrice . Suits, $20 to $.to. I b I I bcess Magazine. Address J. l\{. M., anc two- agger. am t rrce- aseI �ge. Overcoats, $20 to $.tSoI D'I Maroon. by Gittinger were the hattingII 0 S S L B ReO. at ytures, Seven infield errors marrcdSO Jackson Blvd. Wanted-At a young boys' club, a their playing. and at no time afterJust Off State St. Jewish student; exchange services for the fourth did thcy seriously threat-................ i room and board. -Apply by letter to en to score.Mrs. J. Wolf, 36 Roslyn Place.[i]0W Ma�Trips�·tothe" �Laundry?COUIITIY a.tJI.... ia311eiPbNo.1 1,%No.2 2liNo. 3 2�8,yo. can ��\t 200d stronlrAc; Ia •• d •• de�� __ ":='1110""__'-- collars at twofor a quarter­with perfect style and fit. But youmust remember to ask for�6tm��¢Count17 Club Mta the � it Is intended-fibI"cJoee up." It b the trim atyliah collar thatmen are weariq DOW.Write for able book abowID8' latest ahapea.and names of the deaIera who &ell these pla1nl7better co11ara.Corm Cooa a: Co., Chicaao, IlL�eNew Wellington I. HotelDirectly opposite theILLINOIS THEATER$100,000 being Spent in Improve­ments. . Rooms Single oren Suite.The New FamousINDIAN GRILLAND RATHSKELLARY nexcelled Cuisine and ServiceSpecial After-Theater Suppers"The Wellington Orchestra"McClintock c1: Bayfield,. IProprietors. •----------,.ences between these well-tailoredgarments and the "usual" things.These Suits, priced specially at $20and $25, comprise the newest shadesFor Rent-Newly lurf!ished frontTooms; rent very reasonable, if takenn�\\·. A. Rhacsa, ,5488 Greenwood.\Vantcd-To trade. set 'Of golf clubsfor tennis racket. 118 �laroonHeights.A college man; fine address; posi­tion during summer. Can 403 Trudent(lg., Tuesday.SPECIALT,ypewriters Rented-3 months forS5 and up. Typewriters sold on easypayments, . from $10 up. Best bargainsin guaranteed machines. American'Desk a 1»ew a iter Co., I. Deaabomat. c.tral &u,. Dr. Henderson Believes FatherlandHas Truest Notion of What Jus­tice �s_ (Continued from page I) To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in aJl)'ink. press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its ontank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereis to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any time.over the track to touch Lingle.Thus Chicngo was thrown back aGerman law was declared to beyard Lingle was against Cartmell.more of an embodient of modern .the Eastern champion in the 100 andprinciples of justice, than etiher Eng-2?O Cartmell traveled fast fur theIish or American law by Professor -.Charles first half of the race, and gained aR. Henderson, University good lead on Lingle. Toward thechaplain at the Junior chapel exer-cises yesterday. Dr. Henderson ad- end of the race, hO\�evcr, Cartmellweakened, and the Varsity quartervised all law students to go to the miler pulled up so that at the endGerman cojle in order to get a trueconception of what justice is."Justice in the eighteenth century," CONKLIN'S .J�fNG PEN."THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT·FILLER"can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. You'could fill it with white kid gloves on without danger of •.soiling. Besides its convenience. is the splendid writing.qualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.Lead1nz' dealers handle the ConkUn. If yours does not. ordIr�L Prices. 53.00 and up. Send At once for handsome new catalO£.only two yards separated the runners..The race was thrilling all the way,and was not sure for' Penn until thesaid Dr. Henderson, "meant simply end. The Quaker team covered the'you will get what you deserve. But mile in J:2.1 4-,5.this is not true justice, nor the mod- "Quigley defeated his opponentern idea of it. Our kind of justice Jeasily;' Director Stagg said la�tmust make every man ask himself, night. "He won by six yards. Y ctwhat kind of conduct is required forhe did not run himself out. Had IH.' the Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan BlcU., Toledo, Olaio-------Penn won the Hotel5STH ST. AND DRE�EL AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 3�The BEST Served atthe common welfare? The egotistic sprinted sooner, he would have givenidea of giving just what the individ-Barker a better lead. However, I amual deserves, has g'ivcn place to thenot complaining.principle that law exists for the ben-and event fairly, and ran a great race.efit of the weakest individual, .."Now for Purdue. I understandthat it is the duty of the' state tothey have a better team than that of POPULAR PRICESRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfRIn Connectioncome to. the aid of any man wholast year, Two of their athletes, Fi- Ineeds its help. This is the principle Tb .T · C I· dId·I d· t I' . tield and Steffens, were sent to 'the , e win Y In er n Ianrecent y announce In wo uccrsions. •of the United States Supreme Court, Penn games. \Vlnle I feel we sh�uld I.1 t . d tl h bl' t defeat them next Saturday, I eousidcr is the Very Latest inanu 0 mv mm ley are t e no es . .-. them capable of putting up hard I -- MOTORCYCLES --decisions ever handed down by any . hi • Ii d . h ..... chanica1races 111 several events." Be sure your 1908 mac me IS a two cy n er Wit a.--court .The 'West took more p.oints than it I valves. All Automobiles have mechanical valves. Don't be deceived,"Justice says that the state, the looked for in the Penn meet. Bur- get the, out public school system, ourroughs, the only entrant for Illinois. Important - At Riversid<\ Hill climb; California, a Two Cylinderuniversities and all our public insti-: ::8'tutions exist for the benefit of the in- came out with the lion's share of hon-1 Indian made on: mile in 5 �ec ends, fastest time made in th�, .":. ors, when he captured both the shot world by any kind of a mach me. Call and see us. DemonstratiOJll/:.dividual.. As Portia said, justice isput and discus throw, Miller, the daily. HENDEE. MFG. CO. 1251 Michigan Avenue, Chic:ago�_ ..only justice when it is seasoned withgreatest athlete I ndiana has had formercy." In-years, tied with Thorpe of thedians for first in the high jump, witha leap of 6 feet '1 inch. Michigan'st wo-rnile relay team won its eventeasily in 8:04 3�,5. The Oak Park re­lay ,team finished only two yards he­hind Brooklyn Manual TrainingSchool, which broke the previousrecord, its time being 3 :33 4-,5.One world's record was shattered. when Dray of Yale raised the poleWanted-Typewriting by the page;rates reasonable. Call at 652 E. 57thStreet, first flat.Try a Classified Adin The Daily MaroonSmall Ads BringLarge Returns.lOO-loa Randolph Street, Chica&oFINEST AMERiCAN CUISINESERVED Telephone Central U71vault mark from 12 feet 4 1-2 inchesto 12 feet 5 1-2 inches. Of the Var- ,,------�-----.---- ••• -- ••••sity entrants in the special events.,.Maddigan took fourth in the discus iand Steffen had the misfortune ofRailway bldg. Near Jackson Blvd.173 Michigan Boulevardto say, only one of the passes figuredn Chicago's run-getting.Lost-A Delta Upsilon fraternity The Maroons made five runs in thepin, on th campus or in E1lis orfourth inning and clinched the gameLaw. Liberal reward for return tothen and there. Four of Chicago'sInformation office or 5520 Woodlawn five hits were bunched in this ses- Clearing Saleavenue.Gowns, Smart Cloth Suits,at 35 per cent reduction$60.0� Princess Rajah Dressesreduced to $.to.oo.$40.00 Longeune Dresses,duced to $25.00.$30.00 Silk Princess Dresses, re­duced to $18.0.$30.00 Dresses reduced to$IS.SO.$60.00 . Smart Prince ChapSuits. reduced to $35.00.Silk Lined, reduced to $18.75-S30,� Long Prince Chap Suits,$35.00 Long Covert Coats, well­tailored, reduced to $22.50..! I 5.00 Long Prince Chap Coats,reduced to $8.75.$ro.oo Waists, made of fine Lace,and Net, reduced to $6.00.,fS.oo Taffetta Silk Waists, allcolors, reduced to $s-oo.$5.0:> Linen Waists, tailored andpleated. reduced to $3.00.SOC Collars and Ties reduced to 2SCSuits to Order $50.00 upwardRelay Races WednesdayVarsity tennis matches and the in­terfraternity rclay races.scheduled foryesterday. were made out of the flues­tion hy the freak we:lther. The r:lceswitl he run We(inesday at 4:.W. Thetennis matches wilt be played as SOOI1as the conrts dry snOiciently to pcr­mit resumption of play.RELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month,from our own factory, equippedwith modern machinery, 250 horsepower. You assume no risk; sat­isfaction or your m�ney back. TheTypewriteI' Exchange,,319 DearbornSt. Branch of the American Writ­ing Machine Co., incorporated.Freshmen Work for CulverFOR SALE-Premo camera, 5 x 7, A series of haT.d tryonts is in orderwith brass �ank for daylight deve1- for the Freshmen this week. Theopement, an unusually good outfit, first· year men have a mect schedulcclprice only $17.50. Address 45 Snell, with Culver next Saturday, and allor call in the evening, except Sat- the member5 of the sqnad are anxiousurday. to make the trip. ;:.;;'·ii�.Hend.:"':CltJ'Re.,", ·A. se"elScientists'�emselv(�nity. boperate ilis contail. Professor"Social. Iserially i:chapter,datie� ofkalth, is'�'ofthtUday frli�'it lirinto dut:'�'Iawsb.owled�� thrcjSpeakilcim.siianDr: HentiiS'S' to' ,(JftjJ- froll�ignliC •• elfel�'lit havecciiidact·�.b� .. - .tiC·any"Snatcesee oftedness t• undslJrewdbIiIt upGbscuralud all.,".t!-.Qnce.� deaalreadyWited 1�tifie:qGIT EIr.Hel. Loore- , The1tU .,deson ofIImt.bon oflid theIJDtpatl"We fa'It getlid getIrind c,hu tho