",.Intly _«rnnnVoi: VI. No. 129· Price Two CentsMarc HirschI, polo star, and can-f S didate for the University champion- Iowa Lost to Illinois Thursda. y_ butII by Author of "A Pair 0 pee- •tacles" Presented by Club Two ship in wrestling, was found, upon di- is Likely to be Strong Opponentagnosis , at the St. Luke's Hospital for the Varsity.YeLpS Ago. yesterday to have blood-poisoning of: The Dramatic club has chosen for��e annual' Junior day play,' SydneyGrundy's amusing comedy. the "Ara­bian Nights." This play was present­ed in this country by Daly someyears' ago with great success, and has. been popula� for a long time in Eng­land.It is a rollicking comedy dealingwith the tribulations of a husbandwho has let his imagination carry him'aW':l; during his wife's absence andbas no end of trouble "explainingthings" to his mother-in-law. Com­'.plications are introduced through theentrance of a girl whom the husband�s befriended and who takes ad­:�ntage of this to thrust herself up-"f-� the family, The laughable situa­'�&ns that arise from the mother-in-,;bw's jealousy, 'for her daughter and Annual Formal Mail- of Woman.sitbe' hopeless entanglements that re- Society Draws Large Attendance!�t from "practiced deceits" make,_._ Uni(!Ue_,BavQa.:Pnseated.'-_.,1tio-btmrs..of."he:tlthY4mmor.-·-' �,,-'. -.. ,; .. This production will be of quite dif­;�&rent character from the winter'{;"lay, "The Knight .of the Burning:"Pestle," and bas been chosen in ac­:��ct,rdance with the custom of the clubi' .�io choose a comedy of a sort ealcn-lj ';�ed to fit in with the general jubila­-i ..Fiion on Junior day. "A Pair of Spec-<gcJes." presented two years ago bythe c1ub, is also by Sydney Grundy,:'arid was one of the most successful vors of the evening. Novel refresh- score of 3 to I, which is the samef I I b' tt t ments were served and the music was relative strength as Chicago showedo t ie c usa cmp s.lir Donald' Robertson, who has 'furnished by Depew. in its 6 to 2 game. On this dope, .the'been' secured to coach the play, in Miss Virginia Admiral and Mr. Ar- contest should be even._. speaking of the "Arabian Nights" thur Dady of the University of Illi-;, said : nois. assisted by Miss Gertrude Wag- RELAY SEMI-FINA�S MONDAYne'r and Mr. William McDermid, ledIAMlTlC CLUB TO STAGE'. BHUIOY'S ARABIAI �IGHTSf ".foDior Day Play to be a Broad com-. ecI1-0ne that Has. Been P.pularfor Years."I think the Dramatic club has'. �hosen wisely in selecting one of.",.. Grundy'S plays for the spring produc­� ;'tion. "The Arabian' Nights' is one� of the cleverest comedies of its kind� that I know of. I am sure it oughti· to meet with a hearty reception.'!� Trials for parts before Mr. Robert-),�; son will take place early next week,f. and rehearsals will begin immediatelyi, following the choice of players.� The decision for 'The Arabiani Nights' came only after long delibc­�. ration, and the Dramatic club chose'Gn1lldy's comcdy' as onc suited toamateur prcs�ntation, light cnoughfor the occasion, and yet up to thehigh standard of plays presentcd inthe past.FRESHMEN 'I't) HAVE TRYOUTCoach Russell ,,·ill· hold a tryoutf')r Freshmen athletes this morningon �larshall Fielel. A preliminarymtet "'as held last Saturday. hut few CHICAGO F�DEN' WIN HUIOREOS OF 'ATHLETESNORTIWESTERN DEBATE 01 HAlO FOR PEII MEET(Special to' the Daily Maroon.)Philadelphia, Apsil 24- - DirectorStagg and the six University of Chi­cago. athletes who will compete inthe games tomorrow arrived hereshortly after noon today. They weretaken over to Franklin Field in theafternoon, and given light practice toloosen- up their muscles after thejourney. The relay men Merriam,Quigley, Lingle, and Barker, practic­ed at . -starting and making. turns.Maddigan, wor·ked awhile with thediscus. Steffen set up several hurdlesand took � few trials at them,The field which will be the sceneof the fourteenth annual games was,flooded during the afternoon ·withathletes who have come :from allparts of the country. All who willcompete arrived before evening, TheChicago and Michigan. contingentswere" -��'�fid�rit ��. �inrii�g the, relaychampionship. Burroughs will be thesole Illinois entrant, and he will' com­pete in the hammer; shot and discus.The sh()�ing i of riieago, lIli�oisand Michigan �ith" the best in 'theThe University's .. first.-y�ar. de- East�thi8 is what'the big Pennsyi.-:...baters downed .Northwestern in a vania carnival at' Phil�delphia, todaJ'keen contest last night, and incident- will'be watched m'ost eagerly f�r •.ally proved that .the . class t�at The greatest 'interest, f�om a local"founded the Powwow has some point of view, is in the one' mile rebypromising material in its member- race for the ,championship. Chicago"ship.. was the best in the West in basket-.'The subject, o'f .. whi�h the '_Chic�go �all and swimming, and securedteam supported the negative, was: games with Pennsylvania, 'the best"Resolved, That the United Stat�s the East puts out. In the basketball'should establish a system of ship series, the Varsity won two straightsubsidies." The Chicago trio was games. The swimming title, settledcomposed of Carpenter, Appel and Thursday night, went to the Quakers,the promenade. Many prominent Eight Frat----;ty Teams to Compete Smith, '. h Chi_aaa wit rcago consoled .at humblingUniversity students attended. on Marshall Field. Miss Beazley had a distinct clear- the tvisitora at polo. •.- cut delivery, that made a deep im- Today a third national champion-Semi-finals. of the inter-fraternity I pression on. the audience: Her mates ship is to be decided. Captain Quig-TO P:CK GOLF CHAMPION relay race. WIll be run off Monday at on the North"'cstern team, Hassel ley, Merri�m, Barker and Ungle are-n: AN OPEN TOURNAJlE,NT 4:30 on Marshall field. The Greek 'We Smith and W. V. McIntyre, also head and shoulders above any otherteams entered are: Alpha Tau Ome- put up somc arguments that re- college team in the West, while the'Contests to Decid� Varsity Title ga, Alpha Delta Phi, Beta Theta Pi, quired some ingenuity to refute. Penn one mile quartet, consisting ofPlanned for Nat Month-En.. Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Chi, Phi The substance of the Varsity's ar- Taylor, Cartmell, Whitham and' Hay-tries Due May I. Kappa Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and gument was as follows. dock are said to be the fastest iaDelta Upsilon. The squads will be Our merchant marine having de- the East. Cornell is also strong, andA golf tourncy open to the mem- composed of eight mcn each.. I clined, naturally a' susidy would only its drawing of the pole is cODsider�bers of both undergraduate and grad- On Marshal� fie�d each man will �n . foster an artificial growth, Nothing an additional advantage,uate schools has been arranged. The 220 yards, while ID Bartlett the dis- but an . unrcasonably large subsidy Chicago took thc race last year bY'.!!!I •• !!!!!!!I\ action was taken tancc was one lap. Under thc ne'" ""ould' pro':e �dequatc to incre��e t,,"enty'_five y�rds from Pennsylvania"t 0 the requirements thc distance is length- our merchant marinc. Expcrience at Students h�re cxpcct to see the featdemand ened considerably, the octets that will home and abroad has prov�d the repeated. cspecially in view of theduring the quar- work their way into thc finals are suhsidy a failUfIe. dccidedly better perfoT'rnances this- .......... tcr for such a morc prohl�matic than ever., The debate was closely contested year oi thc mcn. That the race willthroughout. and according to theopinion of a prominent memher ofthe Political Science department.was one of the hest Freshman de­hates ever held at thc University.CHICAGO, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, '1908.WRESTLING WOUND POISONS I IOWA BALL TEAM COMESHERE FOR GAME TODAYMarc Hiracbl Taken ,to St. Luke'sHospital as Result of Match wi�Wood-Blood Poisoning Sets infrom Wounded Knee. Varsity Nine Will Endeavor to Climba Notch at Expense of Catlin'sHawkeyes.the knee. An injury received last The Varsity nine will play Iowaweek when he was wrestling with this afternoon on Marshall field in"Chub" Wood caused the infection. the third game of the intercollegiateCoach' Suiter is putting the wrest- season. The Maroons have won andling squad through a series of try- lost a game, and by winning this af­outs, the purpose of which is to se- ternoon, they will again be near thelect the best wrestler from the under- top in the scramble for the cham­�raduatcs . and the graduates and pit pionship. On the other hand, a de­these two against each other. Miller feat from Catlin's team will be a ser­was chosen at the close of the ious blow to pennant hopes. Thematches yesterday to represent the Varsity will present its strongestgraduates. The championship of the lineup today in the hope of breakingundergraduates is still hanging fire. its recent losing streak, "Pat" Page"Yith HirschI out of the running, it will pitch and Falls will probablyis intended that �eigs and Wood play second.settle the honor between them. Iowa is inexperienced but strong,having ,been doing some heavy hit-CHI SIGMA RHO GIVES tinge Carberry, centerfielder, is theDANCE AT METROPOLE champion batter, having an averagefor the season so far of 564- Two.other players have batting averagesof .350 -and .333. The fielding of the��m- .!'s;Jair_ .�nd._l�e .pjtchi�. ,sta� i�in mid-season form.The disappointing showing of theThe CIU'Rho Sigma annual formal Varsity during the past· week, whenparty was held last night in the Met- it dropped two games to Illinois andropole hotel. The patronesses and to St. Ignatius, makes the outcome ofchaperones were Mrs. John B. Wat- the contest today doubtful, and noson, Mrs. Frank J�stus Miller, Mrs. doubt the spectators will· see .in in­Nicholas Admiral and Mrs. Joseph teresting exhibition of thyationalButler. White leather card cases with game. rthe Chi Rho ,Sigma pin in gold, in Iowa dropped the first game with'which dance programs were the fa- Illinois Thursday afternoon by thecontest. Entriesmust he made". i t h Han'eyMeagher. Cap.Cap and Gown Cuts Nearl� DoneThc JallO and Ollier EngravingCompany have nearly finished thework on the etchings which areto appear in this year's Cap andGown. Therc arc more pictures ofindi�iduals and gronps than in anyprevIOus annual.Decide Oratorical Tie Tuesday�foe A. Nathanson and ClarenceA. Bales wilJ contest the tie for the Director Stagg and Varsity _ AthletaArrive Full of Confidence­Take Light Workout.Illinois and Michigan� Expect to.Get Points-:Rela� RacesMain Attraction. .be as closc as any yct run bctwecnt\\'o teams is felt on all sides. as Pcnnis easily superior this year to last.Rurroughs is thc sole representa­th'e for I1Jinois in thc meet, and hcis pickcd to score in the Jlammer andthe shot, with possihle points in thcdiscus. Maddigan will competc inthe shot a!1d discus for Chicago. Hemay get a place il) the discus,' inwhich he has been negotiating 120fect consistently. This equals Bur---------------------------� ��pap 4}};K�(Continued OD //'THE DAILY MAROON. SATURDAY, APRiL 25, 1908.-OBLIGED TO DROPOUT OF RESIDENCEOne to' FeUowshipNinety -Appointll. The uJl1clal .l5tudent hbllcaUon of th. A PPOlNTMENT of ninety-onel George William Hauschild, A. B.,Unl1'eralt7 of Chlc.COo fellows' for the year 1908-9 Northwestern University, GermanEDtered .. Secood·clau Mall at the Chlcqo was announced yesterday. Wisconsin,Poetolllce, Chlcqo, 11lIno... March 18. The Iellowships awarded vary in Leslie Hayford .. Ph. B., Tuffts Col-1903. UDder Act of March 8. 1879. value from $120 to $520 a year. the lege, Education. Vermont.�ubl.hed da117. except I5UDdQII, .IIoD- total appropriation for the ensuing Edward Atwood Henry, A. B.. Hir- <,dQa &Dd holldQII. dnrl� thnequartera year being $20,000. am College. Sernitics, New York.of the UnlYeralt7 78&1". Grace .Abbott, Ph. n., Grand Island Henry Hinds, A. B .• University ofCollege, Political Science, Nebraska. Dakota; A. B., Oxford University,Henry Foster Adams, A. B., Wesley- Geology, Minnesota.an University, Phychology, Connecti- Harley Earl Howe, S. B., Univer-cut. sity of Missouri, Physics, Mis'souri.Carlos Eben Allen, A . B., Carleton . Dora Johnson. A. B., VanderbiltCollege; A. M., University of Chicago University, Latin. Tennessee. Clara Gertrude Seymour, A. B..!�ubscrlpUoD price, $3.00 per ,)'ear i $1.00 Latin, Minnesota, Roger :\}iller Jones, A .. B., Denison University of Chicago. English, Mas-tor. 3 months. SubscrlptloDJI received at George Delwin Allen. A. B., Oberlin University, Greek, Ohio. sachusetts,the lIaroon omce. Eliia nsn, or at the College, Zoology, M;chigan. Robert William Jones. A. B., Un i- �lartin Lydia Shorey, Ph. B., A.Facult,)' E%change. Cobb Ball. Dice Robins Anderson, A .. B., Ran- vcrsjty of Missouri, Political Econ- �1., . Brown University, Zoology,Ellis .dolph-Macou College, History, I1lin- orny, Missouri. Rhode Island.Edl�orlal omce.-netore 8 p. m.,usn, UnlYersll,)'. Tel. H,)'de Park 420. ois, Arthur Leslie Keith, A. B., Uni- Martin Sprengling, A. B., North-Harold de Forest Arnold, Ph. B., vcrs ity of Nebraska, Greek, Kansas. western College, Biblical Greek, 111-Atter 8 p. m., Maroon Press, 414 Eo G:ithStreet. Tel. D,)'de Park 3091. S. l\1., Wesleyan University, Physics, John Curtis Kennedy, A. B., Cor- inois.Connecticut. nell University, Political Economy Herman Augustus Spohr, S. B.,LU'J.'ll(!;U U • .l!'.ll:KN.Al.U • .llaDag1Dg Kdltor Charles Lawrence Baker, Paleont- New York. University of Chicago, Chemistry,PRESTON F. GASS. News EdItor ology, Illinois. Frank Joseph Klingberg, A. B., .IIIinoisMELVIN J. ADAMS, Athletic Editor I J BU" f K H' K' CI'John Walter Beards ee, r., A. ., nivcrsrty 0 ansas, istory, an- nnton Raymond Stauffer, A. B.,Hope College; A. 1'1., University of S:lS. A. M., Ohio State University, Gc-·Chicago, Greek. Michigan. Samuel Kroesch, A. B., University ology, Ohio.Luther Lee Bernard, A. n., Univer- of Missouri, German, Oklahoma. George Asbury Stephens, A. B., A.sity of Missouri, Sociology, Missouri. Judson Fiske Lee, A.B., DesMoines M., Baker University, Politic�l Econ-Harold Eugene Biglow, A. B., Har- College; A. M., State University of omy. Kansas,vard University. Chemistry, Mass- Iowa, History, Iowa. Hetbert Taylor Stevens, Ph. B., A.achusetts, Edwin Russell Lloyd, A. B., Ohio B .• Adrian College S. T. B., Boston'Ingram Ebenenezer Bill, A. n., Ac- Wesleyan University, Geology, Eng- University; A. M., Harvard Univer-__ ---:- adia .University, Church History, Ind- land. sity, Church History. Kansas.Bus1nc8a omce-Before 8 Po .... KIlIa iana, Walter Raleigh Meyers, Ph. B., Arthur Howard Sutherland, A. B.,0;811, UDlverslt7. TeL �de Park.f26. Edwin Sherwood Bishop, L. B., A. Northwestern University, German, Grand Island College. Phychology,LOUIS S. BER�IN. BU8ln� ��:T� M., University of Wisconsin, Physics, Illinois. Nebraska.Wisconsin. Harris Lauchlin MacNeill, A. B., Dagny Gunhilda Sunne, A. B .. A.News cODtrlbuUona ID8,)' be lett at KUla •Frank Clyde Brown, A. B ... Univer- McMastcr University, Biblical Greek, l'I., Columbia University, Philosophy,Ball or FuCDlt7 ExchaDge. addressed to the lsity of Nashville; A� M .. University Canada. Minnesota.Dally Maroon. •of Chicago, English, Georgia. Hector Macpherson, A. B., Queens Anna Louise Strong, A .. E .• A. M.,Herbert Earl Buchanan, A. B., Universjty, Sociology, Canada. University of €hicago, Philosophy,University of Arkansas; A. M., Uni- D,?nald Francis McDonald. S. B., Illinois.At. its special meeting Monday vcrsity of Chicago, Mathematics, 111- University of Washington; S. M., Edward Otto Tabor, A. H., Tulanemorning the Junior College Council inois. George \\'ashington University, Ge- University, History, Louisiana.will do 'well to consid- Thomas Buck, S. B., University of ology, Washington ·D. C. Katashi Takahashi, Imperial Un i-er carefully the sug- Maine, Mathematics, Maine, Walter Joseph Meek, A. B., Uni-' versity of Japan, Zoology, J-apan.gestion recently made George Miller. Calhoun, A. B., Uni- versity of Kansas, Physiology, Iowa Schuyler' Baldwin Terry, A. B.,from. a number, of versity of Chicago, Greek, Flor�da.. Edger Allen Menk, A. B., Indiana University of Chicago, History, 111-sources that Junior B. B. Charles, A. B., Cornell Uni- University. Sanskrit, Indiana. inois.Day, or at leas t the Junior Prom. be versity, Semitics, New York. Egbert J� Miles; A. B., Indiana Harlan Leo Trumbull, A. B., Uni-hel(l on June 12 rather than June 5. Earl Chidester Flp:;'d, Ph. B., Syra- University; A. M., Swarthmore Col- versity .of Washington, Chemistry,the customary date for the Junior cuse University, I Anatomy, :Ma:;s- lege, Mathematics, Indiana. Washington.College events� There has been ; achusetts. Mabel Helen Millman, A. B., Uni- Edith Minot Ewiss, A. B., Ohiogrowing sentiment on the campus in J. Harry Clo, S. M., State College \'crsity of Toronto, Romance, Can- State University; S. M ... Universitythe past week that the latter rather of Kentucky, PJlysics, Washingto·n. ada,\ of Chica�o, Botany, Ohio.than the former date should be F;arl Francis Colburn, A. B., Miami Rowland Hector Mode, Ph. D., Fred' 'Wilbert Upson , S. B., Uni-chosen. Univcrsity of Cincinnati, Sociology, University of Chicago, Semitics, Can- versity of Nebraska, Chemistry, Neb- �A ditliculty unique in Prom hist.ory Virginia ada. raska.has arisen this year. June 5 is the Loyd Lync Dines, A. B., A.' :M.. \Villiam \Vest -Mooney, A. B., A John Blair 'Whidden, Ph. B., Un i-day before the Confcrence, and all Northwestern University, Mathemat- :\1., Vanderbilt Univcrsity, Latin, versity of Chicago, Geography, Illi,!-·members of the Varsity .track team, ic�, Illinois. Tcnnessee. ois.upper 'classmen as well as the Soph- Sister Hclen Angela Dorety, A. B., Elwood S. Moore, A. B., Univer- Payson Sibley Wild, A. B., WiJ-omores,more closely intcrested in the College of St. Elizabeth, Botany, :,ity oi Toronto, Geology, Canada. li:tms College, Latin, Illinois.function, would be compelled to fore- New Jersey. \Villiam Cabler 1\Ioore, S. B., U,ni- Horace Blake Williams, A. B., A.go the Prom. Final law' examina- E. H. Downey, A. B., A. M., 'lersity of Nashville. Chemistry, Ten- M .. Northwcstern l,Iniversity, Philos-tions on June 6 would also keep the State University of Iowa, Political pessee. ophy, Illinois.studious jurists away. Economy, Iowa. Francis Joseph Neef, Poh. B., Uni- Jesse Erwin Wrenc"', A. B., Cor-Hitherto Junior Day has always � Aureli,) :\Iacedonio Espinosa, A. B., ,·crsity of Chicago, German, Illinois. 11cll Univcrsity, Semitics, New York.come the day before Interscholastic. I A. M., University of Colorado, Ro· Roy Herbert Nicholl, S. B., Drake James Remus Wright, S. B., West-This year, however, the Conference mance,' New :\Iexico. University, Physiology, Iowa. minster College, Physics, Ohio.takes the approximate date ordinarily Herbert Francis Evans. A. B., Le· Jeannette Brown Obenchain, Pro B., Mary Sophie Young, A. B., Wc1-enjoyed by the Interscholastic, "'hich land Stanford Jr. University; D. B .. University of Chicago, Anthropology, lesley College, Botany, Missouri.falls on Saturday, after the Univer- University of Chicago, Systematic Florida.sity closes for. the Spring quarter. Theology. Illinois. Arthur Dunn Pitcher, A. B., A. M.,Besides satisfxing the score of. ath- �i.�bcl Ruth Fcrnald, A. B.,. 1\It. University of Kansas, M'athematics,letes and law students, the delaying Holyoke College, Phychology, 'l\Ia�· Kansas.of the Prom will virUJally make the sac)msetts. Keith Preston, Ph. B., UniversityIntersdlolastic fall within the col- John I�oberts Fi�hcr. A. :\1.. Van· nf Chicago, Latin, Illinois.lege year, as it has fallen pr.c\'iot1sly, (icrhilt University, Romancc, Tcxa�. Clarcnce J. Primm. A. n., Park Col­and instead of fin�ing a University Carol Ilorne Fo�ter, A. fl., Oxford icgc; A. �I., Univer!'ity of �Iissouri,barren of ordinary "college life," the Uni\"Cr�ity, English, South Dakot.l. Politicial Economy. Kansas.prep school visitor will sce it at the Lachlan Gilchrist, A. R, A. �I., John Daniel Roads. A. B., Ohiofitting climax of the year. It is also Univcrsity of Toronto, Physics. Can· \Vesleyan Univcrsity, German, Ohio. .argued that thc lateness of the Prom ada. Frank Eggleston Robbins, A. B..,,·iII keep over some of the student John Cowper Granhery, A. R.. Ran· \Veslcyan University, Greek, 1\Ias­body, otherwise night might flit away dolph-�Iacon Collegc; D. R, Vander- sachusetts.with the close of examinations Thurs- bilt University, Systematic Tneology, Jose Ignacio Rosario, A. n., L. B.,day or Friday morning. Virginia. S�. Thomas University, Manila,Oth�r argu�ents, too involved for \Villard Neal Grubb. A. �I., \Vash- Chcmistry, Philippines.editorial detail, ha\'e been presented ington and Lee University, Political Theliphilus Henry Schroedel, A. B ..for and against the change of date. Economy, Virginia. Northwestern UniveTsity, Sf'mitics,These, the Council may well con sid . . Arnold Bennett Hall, A. B., Frank- 1\1 innesota.er at the same, t�me that it makes lin Collcge; J. D., University of Chi- George Orin .5chr�er, A. B., Cor-the appointments. ago, Political Science, Indiana. nell UniVersity, German, New York.\ ,._--r 'OF 1II•I1II'Correspondence CoursesOuWill enable you to continue your college work and gain the degree.ClODe-balf [II] of the :s6 Majora required for .nduatiOD ala, beelone b7 correapoDcieace. ClOver 300 clau-room counea are tiluaofferecl IqIUlDben of the UaiveniQ- h.c� ClBaides the re�'ular � School aDei Co�e Counea. are maD)' that appeaJ tothole In dHfeNllt vocatioaa-aotabl)' to teachen.· qWork mq� at aD)' time. qlaquire at office ofTHE CORRESPONDENCE·STUDY D�PARTMENTJrorm�r17The Unlnralt7 of Chlcaco Weeki,)'.Founded tio:ernse<re<theadThe Dall,)'. Oct. 1. 1902. University of Chicago - -: - - - - - - - - - - - - Cobb Han. 7AThe Weeki,)'. Oct. 1. 1892.ASSOCIATE DITOIl..Jerome N. FraotDI'OIlDIISA. W. Whitfield H. B. Fuller\V. A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. -HallJ. Sidney Sal key . Mami� LillyA.. W. Wheeler, A. N. PfefferSATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1908.June5 orThe Freshman of Kappa Sigmag:lVe a HOl1se Dance last evening tothe ltpper-c1assmen. The chaperoneswere Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ossgood amI�Ir. and :\-Irs. R. H. Lindsey.GLOVESAsk for the best and seebow quick they'll brineyouFOWNES tel'.' TI.: .FaultlessinFit.Fabri!:andFashion,to Thirty Five===.====The Yates-Fisher TeaChers' Agent;Paul Yates, Manager, Suite tip-.'642# 204 Michigan Avenue. FIDe;'Arts Building, Chicago. .rl._______________________________ _._�lFULL DRESS SUITS ·;�iTO RENT . . ���{!T. G. SCHA�FNER a: co." :.t{;.AU S• S· .,1lZes. ure FIt. I ;J.We carry �'Society Brand" Cloth.�·Tel. Central 487S-' .46 River St. .! - .meet every requirementas well as the highest ex­pectations. $1. 50 up.CLUKTT, PEABODY & CO .. )(akersTel (TRAVEL OVIER THE, M 0 N ONROiTff��------ -//-DAYT.oN.Or any Southern PointTicket Office, 182 South Clark St.Depot-Dearborn Station, Polk andDearborn St.Enalewood Station-63d St. Undt\FAYETTE,INDIANAPOLIS,LOUISVILLE,CINCINNATI. •Our Greenhouses are inFestive ArrayWe invite you to inspect ourlarge stock of spring flowers.You may find s.l�e Eastersuggestions.:A. McAdams'FLORIST ]S3rd and KimbarkTelephones H. P. 18 and H. P. f5c)S7I:IPhc--BORDEN',Condensed Milk, Fluid lIiIk, C .... mand Buttermilk.An Bottled in the Co1Dltly.Borden'. Condensed lIiIk c..627�633 E. Forty-seventh St.T�£ DAILY MAROON; SATURDAV" APRtL 25, 1908.SIGMA CHI HAS BALL tAND ALUMNI REUNIONChicago Alumni Chapter of Fratern­ity Holda Affair in Honor ofCharles Alling, Jr.�,OF INTEREST TO BOOKBUYERSThe Chicago Alumni Chapter ofSigma Chi, in conjunction with theactive Chapters at Northwestern andat the University of Chicago, gave aball at the new Auditorium AnnexBallroom last night, as an Alumni re-union and in honor of Charles Alling IJr., of this city, Grand Council of theFraternity, About six hundred per­sons were present, among them rep­resentatives from many Chaptersthroughout the country. Among wellknown Sigma Chis of Chicago andvicinity who attended were Judge.Me Surely, of the Criminal Court,George Ade, Booth Tarkington. andJohn J. McCutcheon. The musicplayed for the University extra waswritten by Earle S. S�ith.The patronesses were: IMesdames E .. Andrews. 'AT. H.:\J.cSurely. L. D. Mathis, CharlesChuran Adolph Jalm, S. T. Mather.Newman Miller. Frank Baker, F. 1\1.Elliot, G. P. Merrick, James Todd.H. N. Kelsey, J. W. O'Leary, Jr ..I,,,III" Our Bargain Table will be a permanent institu­tion hereafter. Stock which does not move fastenough to suit us, shelf-worn books, -and a fewsecond-hand books will be offered at greatlyreduced prices; and as we shall constantly' varythe display, there will be many opportunities toadd to your library at figures which must in­terest you. It will be. worth your while towatch the Bargain Table... The U .. iversity 01 Chicago Press,: . Retan Department ,-oe ohe C�pus" I_, I-�t-f'Van \Vagenen Alling.THE �.AILY :6tJLLETINLast Score club dance will be giventhis afternoon at Rosalie hall.University Dames will meet at 3p. m, in Lexington.New T�tament Club ''''ill meetMonday at 8 p. m. a� the home ofProfessor Burton. 5525 WoodlawnAve. Professor Burton will speakYou on "Paul's Idea of the, authority of$1 anD $ Z Jesu_s.'. _91re IZimmerm;,nnl�E.�·�. I. .'3-50, '4, ""50, '5 and 16OnlPUr ofShoesHigh Grade FactorySample Shoes We SaveVALUES ATThird Floor, Republic BuildingState and Atbms Street 'For information, apply atroom gA, Cobb Hall" be­tween I and 3=30 P. m.:FROZEN ARTS Desires to employ a fewstudents. Afternoon andevening work.Manufacturers of'.. fINE ICE CREAMS AND ICESlit lit �Special Prices given to Fraternities, Clubs aDd University AffiUrs.086 East 43d Street. ,•Tel Oakland 290- VictoriaHotel�------------�-------------------------------------DUTCH ANDRED ROOMSHotel Maroon European Plan• .s8TH ST. AND DREltI:L AVE.ROOMS II UPWARDS LADIES' TAILORMichigan Ave. and Van Buren St. Phone Hyde Park I.. 433 E. 55th �Cm�o, U.S.A. 1------------------------------------------------Under Management 'of the NatioU1 Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 3739-The BEST Served at·POPULAR PRICBSRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTERIn ConnectioDGeorge F. Aiken'. Barber Shopremoved irom 446 to 428 55th street,in new building at Lexington ave­nue. New and enlarged equipment;more barbers; best service. Studentpatronage solicited.DO·OKS Operated byO. A. �1�Clintock, E. R. Carr,T. C. Capen.The largest sfoe" in this countrr-all "'nds-standard, newfiction, technical-conveniently arranged on our twolarge retail floors. Engraved Cards,Announcements, ftc.A. C. !W:cCLURG .. CO.215-221 Wabash Avenue, ChicaiO.r: .... BElIN BIISSJlCE a �ss co ••Quick Service our lIotto� .. 'BAGGAGE OUR SPECIALTY30 WB«OU Daily to and from Ail DepotsFurniture. Pianos. Trunks. MerchaDdise and ParcelsDelivered to aU parts of the city. Depots and SuburbsMain Office: 6154 Wentworth Ave.Telephone Wentworth 460. 461Branch Office: Information Office. Univf'raity of ChicagoPhone Douelass • . Phone Harrison 15gB71 East 39th 'Street . 4B Hubbard CourtThe Twin Cylinder Indianis the Very Latest in- MOTORCYCLES --Be sure your 1908 machine is a tw9 cylinder with mechanicalvalves. All Automobiles have mechanical valves. Don't be deceived,get the Latest.Important - At Riverside Hill climb, California, a TW. 0 Cylinder I' .Indian made. one mile in sS sec onds, fastest time made in theworld by any kind of a machine. Can and see us. Demonstrationsdaily. HENDEE MFG. CO. 1251 Michigan Avenue, �cagoDaintilv DeliciousPerfectly Pur eSurpassinglySmooth 'Won derfu 1.1,·WholesomeProf. f. B. Rowden's Schools and Academies of Dancing .Assembly meets every Thursday evening at Unity Club Hoase,. 3140Indiana' Avenue.Juvenile Class every Saturday afternoon from o� to four.Studio for p�vate lessons, 321, �ball Hall Bld., Wabash Ave., andJackson Bo1i1evard.Class for beginners Monday, Tuesdq and Friday eveniDp.Pliva�e lessons given hourly during the day. with or without music.Children's private class, $1.00 per mouth.Adults, private lessons. $1.00 with ,music or a guaranteed C01U'M· ferSs.oo.DO YOU WANT TO STUDYMIBmG DGIRBBBllIGill( the heart of a great mining country within sight of some of the.greatest mines, ore dressing an·d smelting plants in the world. and in· alive 'College, equipped. with teachers, laboratories. and other faciliti�s forgiving you thorough and practical courses in ev.ervthinsr �ertainin« tothe business and profession of Mining?• . If so, write' to the State School of Mines. University. of Utah. SaltLake City, for a catalogue and illustrated circulars of informat!OD.. ' Graduate· and under-graduate C01ll'8eLExpenses lower than the lowest �here.. Four-year courses in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical. Chemical' andIrrigation Engineering also given, (the last in connection with the. StateAgricultural College). .'IP. D. Weinstein'�RUN DOWN-TOWN LOOKLNG FOR LADIES TAILORSAND BE DISAPPOINTED iN FIT. AND WORKIIANSHIP •BUT CALL AT •••••Do YOUDeservea BetterPosition THE CLARKTEACHERS' AGENCY..... : nr..t _.. as � : ..B. F. CLARK, PROPRIETORLace ShOeJ at IFORS:V�6��1Opposite the Bank."THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COIlPANYPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and 56th St.The Cleanat ad Best Kept StoraceWarehouse in tbe Cil7 •••••Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Pack.ed andShipped to all parts of the world. 300 Private Stor­age Rooms. Large Parlor �xclusively for Pianos.Rooms for Trunks ;.nd Wheels. Larae Room (orCarriaees, Buggies and Sleighs. Tmnks to aadfrom all Depots. Loeat Tr.ansfen for Bagpce,Furniture, Packages, ete., at short notice.Special attelltioa � to UaitersiQ Orden.LXClame·�! ���gKColl� hM� in I!! �� �:. Good. II CLEAN:-NG, PRESSING AND REPAIRING At Fifth Floor, M3sonic Templei $5-00 SHOES, $2-so ,Phone Hyde Park 3813= 193 E. ssth Street. 'On the next purchase of Shoes here.----------------------------------------� SAVE THIS CO U PO NGOOD FOR loeYour Car PareTHE DAILY MAROON, SA'rURDAY, APRIL �5, 1908.'HUNDREDS OF ATHLETES .·ON HAND FOR·PENN MEET(Continued from page I)Present-Miss Chaney, Miss Kel-logg, l\1iss Slaught, McCracken, Da­"is and Fernald.\Vith a view to revising the code ofthe Senior College Council elections,a committee consisting of Miss Cha- roughs' best mark. Steffens of Pur­ney and �lcCracken, was appointed due has been entered in the discus.to suggest alterations in' the present In the hammer, Burroughs' chief:>Ian. opponent will be Talbott, the former:\ special committee, consisting of Mercersburg Academy phenom, nowFernald, Barker and Morr ison, was at Cornell, while Talbott. Kruger of.instructed :0 consider the plan ,of Swarthmore and Benbrook of Michi­outdoor mass meetings in connection gnn appear about on a par in thewith t he. Thursday ba nd concerts, to shot.co-operate with the Reynolds com- Steffen will run for' Chicago in themission in "boosting" the I nt erscho- hurdles. He made 120 yards in :1<:Listie, and to co-operate with the ath- 2-5 111 the recent tryouts. Fifield oflctic department in arranging for a Purdue negotiated the event in thesat isfa ctory Chicago section at the same time. Michigan will have Pat­Conference. terson, who in also entered in theThe' report of the committees on high nltllp, in the hurdles.the Uriiver-sity seal and the uniform The Wolverine four mile relay"C" pin was deferred until next Fri- team is making tohe trip, but from lat-IIIOW &_Dymps� tothe, �Laundey?'COUIITIY nUB..... 311eiPtaNo.1 1raNo. 2 2�'8No. 3 2�8Yoa can 2et., Stood stronlr\ A; ••• d ... de,._....... collars at two���-��_.,. ,for a quarter-. with perfectstyle and fit. But you •must remember to ask for�6tm.�.�¢• Country Club seta the ...,.it is intended-fits"cJoee up." It Is the trim .tyliah collar thatmen are � DOW.Write for able book abowine- latest abapes.and name. of the dealers who sell theBe P1ainl7better c:ollarLCorliaa· Cooa a: Co., Chic:aco. IlLOURBLUE SERGESARE GUARANTEEDNOT TO FADE •••All Weights and Shades,WIWAM IERREMS· a.ON ••Clark and Adams StreetsPIDELITY LAUNDRYCLARK ll: READI Props.Phone Hyde Park 1252684-686 E. 631'd St.jSpeciaI Attention GiVen to Student: .��rk. A Postal Will BriDK Wagon.VARSITY CAFE55th St.· and Greenwood Ave.OPEN ALL DAYMEALS 20c AND UPChop Suey aSpeci81ty est reports, has no competition. Thequartet is made up of Coe, Rowe.� .. � ... �� ........... � .. ,.� :Dull and' :May. Pennsylvania is at­tempting to get a four mile team to­gether so as not to make the trip• of the Maize and Blue in vain.Oak Pnr� and University High will'as usual have a large field of oppon- :ents in the high school relay. but the Irace will, if nothing else, convincethe .students of the two local schoolsthat one or the other has the fastestteam in Chicago,THE SENIOR COUNCIL. Third meeting, April 24.- clay's meeting.Bows' �Orre(;t laDoringTH IS Shop is an authorita­tive style center for all that isexclusive and smart in men'scustom made garments; for justthe kind of dash, style and vigorfavored by Universitynewest ormost proper for a self-respect­ing fellow to wear.We emphasize the faultless-perfection of oU!" fit, th't! criti­calIy exact tailoring we put intoevery garment and the umlsu­ally wide assortment of wool­from which you can pickchoose.f[We -can special attentionto the attractively econo­mieal nature of our prices..Our satisfying superb Col-.legiate Suit, made to yourmeasure, your choice �f fab- .rics.Thirty Dollars" and a c;ash ,discount of' ten per cent,or a fancy vest gratis oninitial order.THE BOWS COMPANY8th Floor. Masonic TempleChicago•,TOM SLATERExclusive Tailor­ofCOLLEGE CLOTHESNow ShowingNew Spring Styles25.00 to 45.00SPECIAL TERMS TO STUDENTS'TOMS LATERPhone usf Hyde Park 5037 5434 LAKE AVE.Hyde Park201-� Masonic: �empleThe Grossman Shoe Co.Ladies and Men'sFINB SAMPLE SHOESHigh Grade Sample Shoes s.. $5 and $6 ValuesFor Ilea and Wo�n at $2.00 and kso."Just one Sight UP." Corne in to ourstore and see thesnappy clothes we offer for the sty- After May Firstlish young fellow-and the censer-vative for the man who is more set­tied in his ways.We 'sell to the tastes of au ageslShape retaining is 'one of the great­est qualities of these splendid clothes,as it is one of the greatest differ­ences between these well-tailoredgarments and the "usual' tliings.These Suits, priced spedally at $20and $25. comprise the newest shadesof brown and rich soft tones in tans TATE Sand grays.' -Blue Serge Suits' up to .as stout. 'Price Suits, $20 to $.to. "MOSSLBR CO.sO Jackson Blvd.Just Off State .st. DOUncelmadellniversI!Rkingtions t.�&iarse.I .effortsThornldepart'science..,'mtuTIdentseempl." P. •• TO t II. •• Chi(.,BN,GHT III1IlBEII'L . tt:All I'I I ........ Yea WWcIa II � ia • SCridb ,......... • .,. mstruTbe music Is II:OOC1. the Vallde-rille 8Ct. are re6ned aDd briarbt. It's 811 eIlltertall_.. Jb",.�tbat would do creClit to 8117 theater.--------- toget1New ••• hII'ea To-NI.... A eo-.u.-taI7. ing c.R_el'Valloll .. T A.vaaee.FOR SALE-Premo camera, 5 x 7, in hSTATES RESTAURAuT, H_I!:'�.. �.t�I!..7 cwith brass tank for daylight de\'el- ...., •• sbort!I See OUr '20and '25. SpecialsFRIDAY AND SATURDAYRELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month,from our own factory, equippedwith modern machinery. 250 horsepower. You assume no risk; sat­isfaction or your money back. TheTypewriter Ezchange,J 19 DearbornSt. Branch of the American Writ­ing Machine Co., incorporated. I ,.The OHit:ial BallII.,." by ,All the' Big Co"lJfIe NinesIf you attend the big college games you will find that the ballalmost invariably used is the REACH OFFICIAL AMERICANLEAGUE BALL. College men won't have anything but theBEST -that's why they all use the: . � I.' r..,�Vol VI. 1:::-IISUUfBal' &-s Oufered-College men know that the Reach Ball has heen adopted by theAmerican League for ten years and is the official League Bal'. .,No other em be used inany League game. ProfessorIncludThe·�® :The firsUai\'crsit)training ,cOarse, a�IIItIlt. coriDg. subsill the J \I� specia�ege ctDbon, (;bard icl!ihe cc�dent�s al.inatiol!ji ...coasular- m� b�j�;;...·ml·f.!. •�tlon�rk'Ij' �Divefsi.m.;nberThe Reach Trademark on all Sporting Good,is a guarantee of quality-it means satisfaction, anew article, or your money back (except on Balls1Uld Bats under $1.00),TIle Ileaell OIDeIaI Base Ball Galdelor D08Just oaf-It's fbe recognized aufbom, on Bzse&lImalfcts. Tbe Official Guide of fbe Ameri­can wgue. Hislory and action pictures of 1901Wo,:d's Series. Schedules, rules, records, de.fO cents at dealers' or by mall.If"ot at ,our dealer'« 'We will su,,/Jour gDods direct 011 receipt of pnee.Write for 1908 Base Ball Catalogue andfree Base Ball Story by Elbert Hubbard.A. d. IlEIICII CO.PIINY_., 719 ,r.,. SfNef. PIIIJ.IUI&.PIII •.IWILLY H. LAU· .:12 E. Adams �treet I: W. Thol�.bsed�hY(.en or:�"Ipormnilric�ntby ·COI1�nedlege mshape (ill theservice.altern-aWe will occupy our new quarters 26�28 E. Lake Street/ .Thi� affords an exceptional opportunity of purch�; :iog our select stock of lam ps and bronzes at marke{!reduction. I • ,;' ,Pullman Building., ,'�. .....WNCH.ON po. aU.INUS MEN AND SHOPPEltS-11.ao .... to a,,"SpeoI8I ........ to .. Iok aenIo.. '�8-COURSE TABLE D'HGTE, WITH WINE, 81 SL;stJNDAYS. 12 TO. P.M. DALY FItOM6T09P. Mo....... ....... ' •• b •• ..,....·...eCIII •. l ..... ·III ..' - __opcmcnt. an unusually good outfit.price only $17.50. Addrcss 45 Snell, \Vanted-Typewriting by the page;or cali in the c\'ening, except Sat- rates reasonable. Call at 652 E. 57thurday. Street, first flat.\Vanted-Ten Young lady studentsfor work in city this summer-S'uc- Lost-At U., diamond ring thatcess Magazine. Address J. l[ M., was my mother'S; liberal reward.Daily Maroon. 5756 Madison Ave.Wanted-At, a young boys' club, a TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Reut- pin, on th campus or in Ellis orJewish student; exchange services for Special rates to students; bargains L,w. Liberal reward for return toroom and board. Apply by letter to in re-built machiaea. W. Wbite- Information <!ffice or 5520 WoodlawnMrs_ J. WoIf, J6 Roslyn Place. head. _ La Salle Street. avenue. �t's�Cons\:5tn'i,timethe s"cr'SPECIALTypewriters Rented-3 months for$5 and up. Typewriters sold on easypayments, from $10 up. Best bargainsin guaranteed machines. AmericallDesk ci Typewriter Co., 188 DearboraSt. Central 61117. ThCOurcolicmeT(Ibt'Lost-A Delta Upsilon fraternity