.· Jr('"· ;",.,.#---�; .t( .:J "·: t '• '1,-1· /, iatiy marnnnContract Let for Printing SixteenMusical Numbers Contained in"The Sign of the Double Eagle"-Tickets on .sale.pear in two colors . with a cover de­sign reproduced from a' poster by oneof the Campus' artists. Inasmuch as·Back of these secondary causes," the whole ide�· of the printed .score• said, "is a primary defect in the is entirely new here, to say nothingAlDmcan temperment, a lack of re- of the music itself, which hardly5peCt for law as law. In America needs to he commented upon, a largeemy man makes the "law for him- sale is expected.sd{ The following. is the musical pro-The . Music of Act I.I. C pcning Chorus.2. � ..>10 They Don't ComeAround Any More _. FrauSchmidt.3. Chorus-The Saxonians.4. Ensemble-Friends of CollegeDays - Count Von Blon andChorus.5. Advertising Always Pays -Dexter Davis and Chorus.6. Cupid Ph. D.-Miss Prentis!1oand Chorus.i. In Slumberlan'd - Jack Daleyand Constance.8. Recitative and Finale - Qnar­tette of principals and com­pany.Act II ..9. Opening Chorus - \Vhen theRinging S.,bcrs Clash-Saxon­·i:ms.10. In the Shade of Our FamilyTrec - �tiss Crampton.I'. La-Promenade - Octette.IZ. Dear Old ��clway - Jack andConstance.13. The Tale the Daisy TcllsLouise and fancy ballet.(Continued OD pace of>128. Price Two CentsCHICAGO, FRIDA Y, AP�IL 24, I�.(Continued CD pap of>AID NATANSOI TIE:,1 ORATORICAL CONTEST. �.,,' FRIARS TO PUBLISH MUSIC I NEXT YEAR'S FOOTBALL CAPTAIN ENTERED IN HURDLESIN PENN MEET TOMORRow VARSITY SWIIMERS LOSEBUT POLO TEAM WIISI t was announced' yesterday' that� Before Other Judges- the management of the "The Sign ofBaleS Already Varsity's Repre- the Double Eagle," the Blackfriarssentative in League. play. had signed a contract for· acomplete score of the opera to be:printed by the Talbot Lithographing(brrnce A. Bales. already chosen Company. Although this is an estab-ijltak for Chicago in the N orth- ii .. hcd custom among the more irn­crt orntorical League contest at pcrtant college clubs in the East .. it)oIi' City, May I, tied with Moe A. is the first time that "the University�Dson last night for the honor of has attempted it. This score will con­�nting Chicago in the Central tain each of the sixteen musical num­(k1torical League competition, which bers in the play and will sell for oneril occur at Charlotteville, Va., on dollar.)by 8. . The tie will be decided by This forward step ma-le by the.c .. committee of judges as soon management of the Blackfriars is ill­s mangements can be made. dicative of the general advance in theorganization's policy this year whichPrriressors Clark, Hall, Vincent, will mark this year's pro 'lucrion as a';on and Warren were suggested decided improvement over -h.�.:e uf:oSke the final choice. The judges previous years. Special expenditure.... mght were Mr. Henry Porter 'B f b t d after the!IX has been made on costuming several 'e ore, e ween an Spurred on by a crowd of one hun-"':..Aler. ·Dr. Julian Bretz. Arnold f h "S' f th Double\,IYJIU elaborate choruses which are now be- acts 0 t e rgn 0 e dred students who feel confident that1· :H�II, Professor C. E. Merriam. . h " d thing rehearsed almost daily. Eagle,' on Friday mg t, rea e they will win the one-mile inter-col-Bntnm G. Nelson and Miss Easly. f h 1ft d theThere will be three performances posters or t e annua e e un er legiate championship at Philadel-as usual, beginning on Thursday May auspices of the Y. W. C. L., to be phia, the Varsity relay quartet, withseventh. Friday night wl'l be devot- held Friday, May 8. All the womens' Director Stagg at the helm, left theed to the fraternities when the var- organizations will be represented, campus yesterday during the chapelious organizations will attend in bod- each hall, club, and other organiza- hour. With these. went Steffen andies, Saturday' will be' Quadratigle· tion having charge of a booth. Ta- Maddigan who will also 'compete atnight and if the weather permits, the bles �ill be .attractively arranged in the Penn. �arnival tomorrow. .' .'�'" subject .. -w?lS. ' ":Pub�ic. Se�_��. may" poie\talit� 'wrifils� t:ik�: Place.- ��sufikeirfgarclfnS;' tlet;YfEfc-mn�er - �Th�- �p�;ty' ;iil";;ri�;-'i� phii�d�lClI;ftlt'yS Criminal Law." He crlti-. d h B b IdWednesday' the Blackfriar reunion Hutchinson, an t e otany UI - phia . today at noon, and will stay atciSed' the apathetic attitude toward in- M . d f J . 1 . ,will be held, which will be attended ing, under yna' s 0 apanese an- the 'Normandie Hotel. A light work-mting crime and general disrespect.:. ,bw. He. produced statistics by Friars old and new, including the terns, I out will be taken this afternoon, af-cast and initiates. Candy. ice' cream, strawberries and ter which the aihl�tes will rest until_og a much greater' prevalence b ed b f bDuring the three days the girl's soft drinks will. e serv e ore, e- the time of the big race on FranklinIi crime in the United States. than in .h BI' k-clubs will have charge of the sale of tween' and after the acts of t e. ac - Field.Itkr countries. He decried "yellow .the music. The' score book is to ap-are unable to Decide Between,..;, of the Five Speakers ofthe Evening.Six universities have entered thecntral League contest, those send­ic rtpresentatives being Columbia,(jiG Wesleyan, University of Vir­� Chicago and Yale,_Iism" as. a poison to the mind,a1; the usc of technicalities" to freeairimials."It is time to cease boasting of the gram:�th of the United States, and de-� these debauching forces 'andllaadelin sentimentality. The respon­siimty rests with college men andaiDere women. They' should rise up.�-, .... �cc:ept the duties of true demo-"" .'� citizenship."Malanson chose as his subject:'tarl Marx." He dwelt "'ith forceaDd fetling on the beauty· of Marx'sie. He told of the trials of a greatIQn "'ho is ahead of his age-"to,,'­tting so high above thc masses thatt.ey grew dizzy looking at him. His"'orlt has floi'ereel into the socialistIIovement of today with the votes often million supporters. This triumphis his monument. Let us be fair tok;rl �tarx and fair to the socialists."Bales is twenty-three years old. aFre�hman in the Law !1ochoo1. Natan­Son is a Sophomore, twenty years ofan.The othcr contestants were GeorgeC. COllier, who spoke on "Americanldeals;" Paul M. O'Donnell, whoseSIIbject was "National Regulation ofTrusts,', and Paul S. Wood, whose'Petth was entitled, ·'Child Labor:' Taking . everything but the pologame, the University of Pennsylva­nia swimming team defeated the Chi­cago team last night in Bartlett poolby a score of 35 to 15. At no timein the contest did the Maroons threat­en the Quakers. Every event, how­ever, was hotly contested, and ., alittle bit more," in each race wouldhave won the meet for Chicago,":The polo game was easy for Chi­cago. Four' goals were madeIn eachhalf by the Maroons, while the Qua- Ikers did not make a tally. Splendid'team work and individual star, play-'ing on the part of every man was re­sponsible for the victory'. Anderson,the giant center of the' Varsity· foot­ball team, played his first polo gameof this year, and kept the ball out ofChicago territory throughout the. firsthalf. Goes and Princell 'did 'most ofthe scoring.:Dalrymple and' Sylvester starred for'the swims. The 4O-yard event was ane�l-a����_�l!t.-_:':..1!����_���:;:::..:.::...: __ w �:" ••and Sylvester, the latter Winning 1)y a ,..!. -.�.few. inches at the finish, The cOO _ androo-yard swims �ere won. by ��n-.sylvania with· iittie effort. R�hde heldthe lead in the breast -stroke race un- .til the last five yards, wh�n Da19'lll­ple squeezed out a victory. CaPtain�adenoc;h's team put up a game fightin the relay, racing even until thelast Iap,The one record made in the evening,,!as by Hopkinson, who plunged· thelength of the tank in '0:30 3-5 seconds.He could easily have gone ten feetmore. The distance. ties the record ofCooke.... of Yale and Solomon of Chi-'cago, but the time was a score' ofPenn Takes National Water Title, 3Sto Is-Quakers Win EveryFirst.Maroon Polo Team TUrns Tables, 8to 0 ... and Claims the NationalChampionship Title.Walter StdenPLAN FETE IN "ENGLISH I"DORING BLACURIABS'SHOW STUDENTS .CHER TEAMOFF 'to pmADELPBIA. -Y. w. c. L. to Give .Novel Festivity Better 'Eime, with Probable Victory,in Court Before, Between and Freely Predicted for Relay Ath-After the Acts. letes-Arrive �oday.friar's performance, an extra interval It is expected that Director Staggof time being given between the acts" will select Barker to run first, Lastthat the audience may, take advantage year only Chicago and Pennsylvaniaof .the fete. Plans are being' made competed in the· race.. Tomorrow,which insure one of tile most attrac- however, five quartets will face thetive festivities 'ever 'held on the cam- pistol. Chicago will, therefore, findpus. Misses Frances; Herrick and it to its advantage to get· a goodEthel Preston are in charge' of the start, Barker is the fastest starter onfete .. On the executive committee areAlice Johnson, advertising; JessieHeckman, decoration; Louise Lyman.refreshments. the. team,' and may be counted on tosecure the pole on the get-away.At least two seconds faster time is.looked for this year' than in 1907,when Chicago was returned winnerover the Qu�kers. M:erriam, whileprobably not faster now - than then,�il" 'und�ubtedly make better time inthe race. He was' not pushed to winlast year,' getting a fifteen yard leadover Cartmell, the last runner forPenn. . his time then was 50 2-,5. Ifhe' starts off with a fair lead, he willcover the lap in about 50.' If he andTaylor, the colored runner fromPenn, are touched off together, "Ned"is picked to beat his opponent, andthis .will need near :49 �-5 ..Captain Quigley is expected to ne­gotiate at least :50 2-5, where lastyear he made the 440 in :51. Lingleran his qu;\rter in :52 3-5 last year,but tomarrow should cover the dis­tance in at least 52 flat. Barker isthought good for :51 2-5 as against:51 3-5 last year. This "'ould havethe Varsity quartet mdking the milein 3 :.23 2"5. It is felt that as fasttime as thi� will be needed to de­feat the fleet Quakers."! he members on the t(:om are op­til ;lotic over their chances. Captain seconds better.. Pennsylvania, having defeated allthe Eastern colleges, now claims thenational swimming title, since theMaroons won the Western champion­ship. Chicago, however, now. claimsthe national polo title,, Summary of events:PROFESSOR CHAMBERLINREPORTED MUCH BETTE�IGeologist Injured in the East Yestei-. day to Return tothe City�---,. 40 yard swim-Sylvester,first; Cary, Chicago, second.0:22.100 yard swim-'shryock, Penn,first; Dalrymple, Penn, second. Ti�e,1:15· Penn,Time,Professor Chamberlin, the head ofthe geology department of the Uni­versity of Chicago.· who was injuredycsterday in a strc�t-car accident i�\Vashington, is reported to be muchbetter. He will return to this city"cry soon, in company with Profes­sor Jdding!;. From a message rec­civeci from him yesterday, it waslearned that his injuries were morepainful than dangerous and will soonhe ,,·ell. His accident "'as the sonrceof more pain than real injury.�frs. Chamberlin .. who l,,'es at theHyde Park Hotel, was considerablytroubled when she recei"ed newsfrom the dO"'n town press that herhnsb.,nc1 was injured, but she is nowfully recovered from her auxiety. 40 yard breast stroke-Dalrymple,Penn, first; Rohde, Chicago, second.Time, 0:28 1-5.60 yard swim-Dalrymple,first� Sylvcster, Penn, second,0:36 4-5.Plunge for distance-R. D. Hopkin­�on, Penn, first. Distance, 60 feet in30 3-5 seconds. Lindsay, Chic�go,second. Distance, So feet.Team race-Won by Penn. Time,I :J� 2-5. Men on winning team-Syl­vester, Hopkinson, Shryock, Dalrym­ple, Penn,Time,(Continued OD pap of)I ,.'ITHE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1908. ",7" "If ••, "- - - - - - Cobb Hall. 7A,..,-Po.toGlee, ch1caco. Illlnols. March 18.1903. under Act of Karch 3, 1879.l"ubllabed cIal17. Geept SunciQa. .IIoD­dQa ud boll4Qa. darlq three qaartemof the UDlnnlQ ,_,..Jronner17The Unlnralu of Chicago ,Weetl7.FoundedThe \Veeld.r. Oct. I, 1892.The Datl.r, Oct. 1. 1902.Edltorlal omce-Defore 8 p. m., ElilalJaJI, Unlverslt.r. Tel. H.rde Park 426.After 8 p. m., Maroon Press, 474 E. G:itbStreet. Tel. H.rde Park 3691.ASSOCIA'D DI'I'OIL.Jerome N. FrankUPOIl'DItSA. W. Whitfield H. B. Fuller\V. A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey �:Jri'ther M. ;HallJ. Sidney Sal key Mamie LillyA: N. Pfeffer'FRI))� Y, APRIL 24, IgoS.One', Title.AnywayUnder the chaperomlge of Dean,sophronisha P. Breckcnridge, a num­her of University women. particular­ly those from Arts co1Jcge, are goingto take a tour of instructive inspec­tion through a number of institutionsof sociological interest tomorrow�I\�\ morning.The expedition wi1l include a visitto Hull House, the Juvenile Court,the Crane University, and one of tIlenumerous sman parks of the city.Miss Breckenridge resided at theHull House during the winter quar-ler. •METHODIST STUDENTS TO •STUDY SOCIAL PROBLEMS • * **The University of Chicaco - - - - - -DO YOU REMEMBER? *IF OBLIGED TO DROPOUT OF RESIDENCECorrespondence CoursesWill enable you to continue your college work and gain the degree.ODe Year Alo Today OFThe Oll1clal Student PubllcaUon of theUnlnralq of Chlcap. Address of the Rev. H. F. Ward '" Dr. John B. Watson. instructor *Furnishes Inspiration for New • in pyschology at the University. '"Entered u 8econd-clua Mall at the Chlcqo Club at. University. to left for an uninhabited island of *'" the Dry Tortugas group for a *Th'e Methodist students of the '" study of the habits of some of '"University decided yesterday to or- If' the curious birds livin� on that *ganize a club to study social prob- * group. *lerns. The inspiration for the new • Four Years Ago Today •organization came when the Rev. H. '" Franklin J. Seves, president of '"F. Ward the pastor of the Union * the Standard Brewing Company, '"Methodist church.outlined the scheme * gave $2,000 to the University for *and the scope of this new organiza- * the establishment of a German '"tion in an address beforeI the Metho- • professorial lectureship, *dist students and their friends. Dean � * * * • • • * • * * • 40De.ha1f [II] of the 36 Majon requinHl for .raduatiOD ca., be-- b7 COft'eapoD4leace. 40Yer 300 dau400DI counIeI are tbwoffenNI • _... of .... UDivenit7 hcultW. qa..wes the ntt·alar IUCh Sc:bool ucI Co1lep Counea. are DIaD,. that .p� tothote lD 4iffereat YocatioDl-Dotabl,. to teachen. qW�k Dla)', ...... lit UI7 .... ' ."quire at office ofTHE CORRESPONDENCE-STUDY DE.PARTMENT oti�elStretl.BULLETIN act<:DAILY.AMfOUNCEMBNTSCandy Sale Fridaylege woman; to make conversation a--Down in the Deep Cellar"a fine art, by constant practice and b-"Down Among the Dead Men"habit, in contrast to the constant flow \Valtzes •.• : •.•• '.•.. , ••.... , .....•of slang so liable to be typical of col- ••.••• "Danube Waves"-Ivanovicilege lifc."· l\b.rch •••. , .:·Bwr�lo Elks"-Scouton :It 10:30 in the League room. Ftansare being made for a large supplyand a good ,assortment, so. that thelarge demand expected may be satis­fied.Hubecrlpth>n price, ,3.00 per .rear; ,1.00 Vincent is one of the promoters of DR. WELLS ADDRESSEStor 3 months. Su--rlptlona rec: 1 ed t Dramatic club will meet at 10:30 in...,.; eva this new movement, The address was PRE-MEDICAL STUDENTSthe Maroon omce, Elila Hall, or. at the given at Haskell hall yesterday Cobb SB.lo�acult7 KxchaDge, Cobb Dall. morning. The purpose of the club Tells of Dr. Koch's Visit to the Um- Pre-Ministerial club will hold aversity-Pre-Medic Club Elects meeting at 10:30 in Middle Divinityis to enable its members, "to" becomeintelligently acquainted with the so- �., hall parlor.cial conditions and the needs of the Dr. H. G. 'Veils, of the department Senior class dinner will be givencommunity, to select their particular of pathology, gave a talk on the ad- at 6:30 p. m. The men will eat ifHutchinson cafe and the women infields of study and service, and then vantages of a college education forLU1.'HElt D. .lt�EltNALD, Managing Editorto proceed first to the necessary in- the medical student yesterday morn- Lexington common�. There will bePRESTON F. GASS, News EdItor vestigation, and afterwards to the ing, at a meeting of the Pre-medic a dance afterwards in the ReynoldsUELVIN J. ADAMS, AtbleUc Editor clubnecessary remedial measures, either club. .Fresh�n debate between Chicagoalone, or in conjunction with, the 10- Dr. Wells traced the gradual de-and Northwestern will be held at 8cal forces." velopment . of medical courses from"The churches of the other denom- the time when anatomy was the only p, m. in Mandel hall.Mesner Lecture-Mr. Kremer wil1inations," Mr. Ward said�· "are doing laboratory course to the time whenmuch towards' the solution of the Harvard and Johns Hopkins decided lecture at 4:30 p. m .. today, in theproblems that group about factory to' require a bachelor's degree for North Lecture room of the Lawand city. The l\\'ethodist Church is entrance to their medical depart- building on "Admiralty �w.'"not doing anything yet in. this direc- ments. 'Chicago, he said. was the.lSualIleaa 'omce-.Before 8 p. m., WI1II tion.) We want the young men and first college to introduce the six-year'Dallr UDlverslt,J. TeL &7de Park 426. women' of the Methodist' church to system, which has since been adopt-d· University Dames will meet Satur-engage 'in social service. and to e u- ed by most of the institutions in theLOUIS B..BERLIN. BoalD .. Manager cate the church one social problems:' West. day at 3 in Lexington.News contrlbuUona IIUl7 be left at Ellis After the lecture was ·over,· a corn- During the course of his talk Dr. German scho]a�p - ProvisionsDall or Faculu Exchange, addressed to tbe mittee of four was appointed on the Wells referred to. the visit paid the are given on curr-ent "\Veekly Calen­Dall, Maroon. motion of Dean Vincent, to consider University a few days ago by Dr. dar ... · All applications should bethe desirability of forming a "Club Koch of Berlin, saying that the filed before l\l.ay I.for Social Service." .The club, when noted German was surprised to findproperly organized, wi1l be affiliated students at work in the laboratories FRESHMEN IN LIMELIGHTChicago's decisive victory over with the general "Methodist Federa- handlin g the subjects with their own MEET METHODIST DEBATERSPennsylvania in water polo last even- tion for Social Service." '. hands.ing gives the Maroon The Methodist Federation for S� "Students should not be content." Class of 1911 to Take Center of Man-unquestioned claim on cial Service was organized in Decem- said Dr-. ' Wells, "to become ordinary del Stage Tonight-Debate withthe national intercolle- ber, 1907, in the city of Washington; practitioners or a little better than Northwestern.giate polo title, in no by a body of ministers and laymen to the ordinary, but should aim to reachsmall measure offset- help engage the Methodist Church in the head of their profession. It isting the overwhelming success of the social service. The federation ap- such students that the University of The Freshmen are in the limelightQuaker team in the swimming events. pointed an executive committee and Chicago wants to turn out." today. They have an intercollegiateThe good showing of the polo team general council to spread the propo- At· this meeting officers for the debate on their hands,' and tonightwas due entirely to consistent team ganda, Professor. George E. Vin- spring quarter were elected, N. M. they will have Mandel hall all towork rather than brilliant individual cent is one of the member s of the Hokanson being made president; Ben themselves. They are going to argueexhibitions, the reverse of the swim- general council. Morgan, vice-president, and W. J. against a trio of debaters fromming contests. Coach Knudson and Kofmehl, secretary and treasurer. Northwestern, and will support theCaptain Badenoch, as weli as ex-Cap- COLLEGE WOMEN SHOULD negative side of the ship subsidytain Rohde, deserve great credit for MAKE CONVERSATION AN ART BAND GIVES ITS FIRST question. The struggling class ofbuilding up a championship team CONCERT OF QUARTER 1911. denied recognition by the fac-from candidates in no way. stars as Dr. Henderson Tells Junior Women ulty and receiving scanty considera-individuals. They Should Not Gossip or Use The first public rehearsal of the tion from upper c1assmen, expects toTwo national championships have Slang. quarter by the Univcrsity band was come into its own at the debate to-this year been won from Pennsyl- given in Mandel yesterday afternoon night, and will fill the hall with anvania. Saturday will probably add In an address to the Women of the at S o'clock. The men in their enthusiastic band of rooters.another intercollegiate title when the Junior College, yesterday morning, efforts were appreciated by a large As little is known here of the��aroon quartet speeds it against the Dr. Henderson said it was the duty audience which fin� more than a Northwestern Freshmen, no one isEast to retain the national relay of college women to keep the world third of the ha11. making any rash predictions. Coachchampionship at Chicago. . normal and sane. "You alone,," he The main feature of the program Chandler, however, believes he has a. .I said.vcan do this in the highest sense. was a novelty consisting of two pretty promising trio of debaters.who. Did it ever occur to you why The It is your duty, and we expect it of solos by the trombones, which, play- will be able to make some teUingDaily Maroon has been able to con- you. It is in your power to push ing i!, unison, produced a most points.sistentJy maintain the highest adver- at;t of existence the mass of printed grewsome and realistic effect in The judges will be W. K. Lowrey.tising rates of any college' newspaper stuff which should never have been their rendition of "Down in the Mr. H. \V. Cooley and Judge E. K.in the Wes.t? printed; you can make such rcading Dccp Cc11ar" and "Down Among the' \Valker. Professor W. E. Hotchkissmatter hated. Emerson would never Dt-ad Men:' Other numbel s especial- of Northwestern, will preside at theWOMEN TO TAKE TOUR OF read a book until it was two y�ars Iy well received "'cre "The Sere- �ebate.CHICAGO INSTITUTIONS old, and found sound and good. Such nade," and the c1os:nJr m:"''''h while : The question,of which Chicago willa test as this, if used more widely, the dassical "Fra Diavolo" was ren- take the negative and Northwesternwould bring about untold good. {��red in a pleasing and tcUb;; 111.1"- the affIrmative, is: "Resolved, Thatl\lcn arc inclincd to laugh at the her. The playing throughout was the United States should establish aprograms of \\'omcns' clubs, emhrac- spirited. an(1 its mcrits "'ere recog- system of ship suhsidies."ing oftcn c"cry subjcct undcr the nizcd by the hearty applause of thesun. nut, although thcy arc often l1C.�:lrers.carried to a hideous extreme, there is The program was as fol1ows:good, sane and uplifting work in it Opening :\Iarch, , •. '.•and such work otlght to be encour- •.•....... "Autocrat"-Vandercookaged. Overture ...... "Fra Diavolo"-Auber A special sale of an assortment ofGossip is not absolutely criminal. Selection .. ,"The Serenade"-Herbert home-made candies ami Wi11iamson'sbut there is a higher can to the col- Solo for Trcmbone- chocolate creams ,,·m be heM Friday �Quali!ySooner or lateryou'll come here­and I'd prefer tohave you know myshop after you've,'known as much asp 0 S sib I e aboutclothes whichweren't as good asyou thought they'd'be. It's the disa�pointed .man from'somewhere e I s ewho understandswhy I'm entitled to' c;1TJ0:GLOVIMA(Cmy prices,FOREMANQUALITY CLOTHES92-94·g6 Washington StreetBet:. Dearbom and Clark 8ta.tl'zidettvCffr.enck fleat c9/"op :':73D-31 �ttw,n' 83IJI. .911• �tate �''Ud C81e;ca ;"1".,.,,,.,,, w,u,.I,.H#AnARROW Collaris right to begin with and theClupeco Process keeps it th:atway. 1Sc. each-i for i5c.Curnor. Pa&BoDY & eo.. XakenTH,£ DAILY 'MARooN,' FRIDAY, AP.RIL.2.4, IgoS.game.The heavy hitting, of the St. Ig­natius batters was too much for theVarsity fielders, and the Maroonsmade several serious wobbles at crit­ical moments. Latham held his op-1 ponents until the seventh, but duringthe slaughter of that inning he wasreplaced by Meigs, who held the St.����������������������������� Ignati��men whhout further scoringthe rest of the game.score.St. Ignatius piled up six runs in theseventh inning by bunching four hits.one of them a double, and two ofthem fields,' and a' fielder's choice,coupled with an error. Their othertallies came singly, the one in thesecond being due to two hits, one inthe third to a base on balls and a longfly, another in the fourth to two er­rors and a fielder's choice and theirtally in the fifth to a base on ballsand an error.The next Varsity game will be Sat­urday afternoon on Marshall field,with Marc Catlin's Iowa team. TheMaroons hope to win the game �ndthereby improve their league stand­ing. The summary:Chicago. R. H. P. A. E .Cleary, If. • ..........•. I 0 0 0 0Pegues, SSe ••••••••••••• 0 0 0 5 2Ehrhorn, cf. . .•.•••.... I 2 I I 0Meigs, rb .•..••.••..•... 0 0 10 0 ISchommer, d 2 0 I 0 0��������������� Gaarde c ...••.•..••... ;0 I 5 I 0Goss, 3b. • .•..••..•••.•. 0 I 4 3 1Latham, ss.vrb .•..••.... 1 2 5 3 0Page, ab .•••.•..••....•. 0 0 I 4 0Faik. ab, • .••.•..•....•. 0 0 0 I IOF INTEREST TO BOOiBUYERSOur Bargain Table will be a permanent institu­tion hereafter. Stock which does not move fastenough to suit us, shelf-worn books, and a fewsecond-hand books will be offered at greatlyreduced prices; and as we shall constantly varythe display, there will be many opportunities toadd to your library at figures which must in­terest you. It will be worth your while towatch the Bargain Table.The University of �bi£ago PressRetan Department-os ohe C�pus"·B. L. AMES HAT CO.ONE QUARTER CENTURY AT OLD LOCATION- NOW AT-90 EAST MADISON STREETTRIBUNE BUILDINGSTETSON SILK AND OPERA HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EA�H HATGLOVES UMBRELLAS :-::-:MAROON'M.ENWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORNER CLOTHESARE BUYING A�AIN T�IS SPRINGCOLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOATS $35-0C4C�er i?J WDkie.TAlLOR� 1 as iI' Da""'" Sf.8.8" floorDaintily Delici()usPerfectly Pur eSilrpassinglySmo9th. WonderfulljWholesome. 4�NiiiLE's�"UCDlDUua-.r:aDT "aDI-.ENTLEMENexclusive and smart in men'scusr. III made garments; for justthe I. ind of dash. style and vigormcvt favored by Universitym-r n ; ior all that's newest ormost proper for a self-respect­ing fellow' to wear •TIl It...za STUDAID..... ne .... '.� .. �.�CUSHIOIBOTIOI·CLASPuti FlAT TO THE lie-1m.SUPS. lUIS III.FlSruS \Ve emphasize the' faultlessperfection of our fit, the criti­cally exact tailoring we put intoevery garment and the unusu­any wide assortment of wool­ens from which you can pickand choose.fI We call special attentionto the attractively econo­mical nature of our prices.Our satisfying superb Col­legiate Suit, made to yourmeasure, your choice of fab­rice.Thirty Dollars" and a cubdiscount. of ten per cent,or a fancy vest gratis oninitial order.'l'BB BOWS COIIPABY8th Floor. llaonic: TempleChicqoBORDEN'.Coadensed IIDk, Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.AU Bottled in the COuntry.Borden's Condensed Milk cs,627.633 E. Forty-seventh St. CANES/ Visitors. Pile Up Sis RWIS in BeY­enth-Meet Iowa Team To­morrow.ST. IGNATiUS DEPEATSVARSITY NINE 10 TO 5The Varsity baseball team was de­feated yesterday afternoon by the,crack nine from St. Ignatius college'by the score of 10 to 5. The visitorspiled up six of their runs in the sev­enth inning, but aside from that onebad session, the work of the. M:a­roons was better than in the IllinoisThe Varsity's runs were made inthree innings. Two errors and a hitby Ross netted one run in the sec­ond, and hits by Ehrhorn and Gaardeand an error brought in two runs in• the sixth. In the seventh, a longdouble into centerfield by Latham,two errors and a clever double-stealby Cleary and Ehrhorn, Cleary tak­ing home and Ehrhom second, addedthe last brace of runs to the MaroonTotal··········· •..... 5 6 2'1 18 5St Ignatius: R. tHo P. A. E.Kevin, ab ..••.•.••.•.... 0 0 3 2 1Johnson, 3b .•...••..•.. 3 0 3 I 2Fox, If. . � I 2 1 0 0Heckinger, c. • " 1 r 3 2 1Choinard, d. • ••........ 2 2 2 0 0Croake, lb. . .••.•.•...• 1 0 13 0 1Hankes, rf. • .••.••..... 0 0 'I 0 0Herman, SSe •••••••••••• 1 0 0 3 1Roberts, p: 1 2 I 5 ITotal , 10 i 2'1 13 iScore by innings:Chicago 0 1 000 2 200-5St. Ignatius 0 1 1 I 1 0 6 0 0-6Stolen bases: Johnson 2, Herman.Cleary 2. Pegues. Ehrhorn. Two basehits: Ross. Schommer 2" Gaardc. ILatham. Fox. Roberts. Three base I.hits: Heckinger, Cboinard. Sacrificehits: Kevin, Croake, Double plays:Ehrhorn to F.n.. Umpire, Pickett. IHair Dreainc, IIaDic:arina.Sbampooinc, Facial lI .... pMADAM£ KAYNOR'SSCALP SPECIALIST237 E 55th St. PIa •• R. P. � Robert Staedter . Co.155 State StreetBetween Madison and Monroe-Ph()ne Central 5334furs, Suits, Coats, SkirtsMillineryWe are now prepared to show our Advance Styles in "Spring Suits"in the most Glpproved materials and Models. "Best Tailor finish" rang­ing in price from $25.00 up.Latest Styles in Spring Millinery from $7.50 up. Correct Styles bothin the Most Authorative American and European Models. •Many of our Models strictly escluuve. . I. !YOUNG MEN'S DEPT.TBI Edward Oy CompanyTAILORS163 State StreetMentor Building, Second FloorChicagoOur Specialty-An absolutely' stylish dependable suit to order, $35-00London Office 6 Golden Square, W.Send for our new 1908 illustrated Cataloguesof Machinists' Fine' Tools, mailed FREE on application.9lte I F.r Vacation Work.Zimmermannl -,W ANTED-A few£D. College men andwome� of good ad­dress 'f 0 r summerwork.. Desires to emplGY a �ewstudents. Afternoon andevening work.For information, apply atroom gA, Cobb Hall" be­tween I and 3:30 p. m. Apply. at once------._------���-------.Phone Hfde Park 1252PIDBLITY LAUNDRYCLARK & READ, Props.684-686 E. 63d st.Special Attention Given to StudentWork. A Postal Will Bring Wagon. Room ZZ,BOTEL IAIOON'r:272 E. ssth Street. ITel Hyde Park 38-----------E. C. lWOO,RE•• FLORIST••826 W. 63rd StreetTel Wentworth 2038.-� B R E "l"It E R l"f- \CllI"�S�--- � ,. \ G I '\, ( "\'-. . '."..... � '�: .447 E.�!:�EGE LARDElirC�!� Ave.I-IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO EAT. .LUNCHEON 20c UP. EVENING DINNER, 25C. j"PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS EATING.':'lHE TIME- THE PLler ·THfHATL_ • NOW· ·161 WABASH· 'CHAS W, BAR�ES�'SKULL AND CRESCENTPLEDGES TWENTY-ONE DRINKS INKLIKE A CAMEL .------ __ ----111 TENNIS TOURNEY STARTS;See � 120 FAST PLAY THE FEATUREand 125 SpecWs.FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ".,.',... 'f·,par Da,edy-Or�atC'hes are Exciting, with James, Sophomore Honor Society ElectsAdams, Gardner and Henry Show- Large Delegation of Firat-Yearing Good Form. Men to Membership.ourThe largest field in a spring tennis The Skull and Crescent, the Soph-store 'and see the tournament that the University has omore honor society, has decided itssnappy clothes we offer for the sty- had for years, competed yesterday. membership for the coming year, andIish young fellow-and the conser- The play, for the most part, was me- the blue and red ribbons. which des­'vative for the man who is more set- dicere, a fact due in a large measure ignate the society's pledges, havetled in his ways. to the earliness of the season. How- made their appearance in the coat la-We sell. to the tastes of all ages! ever, some exciting contests were pels of twenty-one members of the• Shape retaining is one of the great- fought. Freshman c1ass- T. Clarke, T. Lewis,est qualities of these splendid clothes, "Win' Henry showed that all he E. PO\\'e1I, 14". Patton, G. Townsend,as it is one of the greatest differ- needs is a little practice to get into \V. Beatty, C. Albright,. C. Gilbert, A.cnces between these well-tailored championship form. James, the old Stone" G. Stophlet, A. Baukhage, C.garments and the "usual" things. Illinois. star; Ettelson, a Freshman; Scott, D. Gines, H. Smith, R. Brown.These Suits, priced specially at $2a Adams of Wesleyan, and Mac Intosh, F. Bate. H.' Kern, R. Ledster, H.and $25. comprise the newest shades were among those who displayed real Long. G. Krost, and W. McAndrews.of brown and rich soft tones in tans form. The number of pledges, 21 in all. isand grays, l:he second round in singles must considerably larger than last year.Blue Serge Suits up to 48 stout. be played by tomorrow night. when the society only had sixteenPrice Suits, $20 to $.to. The results wcre i. Waugh 'defeat- men.I range Overcoats, $20 to $.t5. ed Torrey by default, Gardner beatM 0 S S L ERe O. I Barron by default, Ettelson defeated STUDENTS CHEER TEAM50 Jackson Blvd. Gooch 5-7, 6-1,6-2; Henry vs, Waugh, OFF TO PHILADELPHIAJust Off State St. 6-2, 5-7, 6-3; Macintosh vs. Owen. (Continued from page I)6-0, 5-1; Johnson won from Mac-Nally by default; Hamm vs. Sabath, Cll'1 ley said that while he realized6-4, 6-4; Adams vs. Lewis, 6-0, 6-1; ['\.:m is faster than in 1�'()7, he, feltExcelson vs, Gilbert, 10-8, 6-3; James h team mates are good for recordComeBest Opportunity ever offeredto have Suits, Skirts and Coatsmade- to order by expert Tailors,and latest material from $30, $35up. We also make from our ownmaterial at the small cost of .$20.We guarantee a perfect fit andsatisfaction in every' way. Giveus a "trial and you will see.NATIQNAL LADIES' TAILORMADAME MOELLER, Prop.Office 1333 Masonic Temple.SAVE THIS C 0 U P 0 NGOOD FOR :lOCYour Car FareAt Fifth Floor, Masonic Temple$s.oo SHOES.. $2.50On the next purchase or Shoes here.George. F. Aiken's Barber Shopremoved from 446 to 428 55th street,in new building at Lexington ave­nue. New and enlarged equipment;more barbers; best service. Studentpatronage solicited.• ...AMUSEMENTS....TBE GARRIOXMargaret Anglin and Henry Miller"The Great Divide"POWERSChas, Frohman presentsETHEL BARRYMOREin the New PlayHER SISTER------_. __ .STUDBBAXBRMAY ROBSONThe Rejuvenation ofAUNT MARYTBB AUDI'rO;RIUJITIlE METROPOLITANGRAND OPERAAll This WeekILLIBOISMAUDE ADAMSIn her Great TriumphTHE JEST�RSOOLONIALHave you seeDTHB KERRY WIDOWShe is tbe International CraRLA SALLBHONEYMOON TRAILWith C.cil Leanand Florence Holbrook'lB. WHIT.BYTHREE TWINlS�I they may be able to win some points.Some instructions which might But it must be remembered that theyhave application to the Blackfriars will be in fast company in the meet."cast and chorus were issued for the The Oak Park team. which wonbenefit of Boston Tech students for the right to run for the West, andguidance in their play "Over the the University High quartet, whichWall," Some of them were: is being sent on funds raised by stu-Shave clean before each perform- dent subscription, left in the after-ance, noon. The Oak Park men were Mar-Watch your entrance and pounce tin, Rogers, Barron and-. Garman.upon cues. Those from "U" High were Stadden,If you ,cannot sing, yell the chorus. Fain, Lowry and Wilson.. \Vatch the stick. Give the coachone eye when you have 'your cue for FRIARS TO PUBLISH OPERAvs. Stern, 6-0, 6-1; McNeil won fromTownsend by default; Clark vs. Car­ney, 6-1, 6-2; Gifford vs. Long, 4-6,6-4. 6-1.ISSUE INSTRUCTION CODEFOR COMIC OPERA PLAYERSBoston Tech Gives Some Advice toStudents Who Will Appear Be­fore Footlights.a song. ...If you forget a line, talk about thenext president,-anything, but keepmoving. You are among friends.The SH O\V is long, and its. suc­cess depends on every man in it.REM El\\BER YOU ARETECH MAN. To load a Conklin Fountain Pen. just dip it in auyink. press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its oWntank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereis to it t No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any time.CONKUN'S J�G . PEN"THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"eaa be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Youcould fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ofsoiling. Besides its convenience. is the splendid writingqualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.Le� dealers handle the ConkllD. If yours does not. orderdirect. Prices. 13.00 and up. Send at once for handsome new catalo�. ::;!..IlMA1··&RUIIThe Conklin Peo Co., 310 Manhattan BIde., Toledo, 9hioIIiIIt--- , ,P.F. JENSENMERCHANT TAILOR _�The D;.::the annu(jrUndy'sbian Nigeel in thiyears' age. been pOllland.It is ;:with the"ho .has'away dubas no. things"plicatione�trancehas befr:nntage:t� theProf. f. B. Rowden's Schools and Academies of Dan.ing \�ns thAssembly meets evc_ry Th�y evening at Unity Club House, �140: !:law's jeIndiana Avenue. ': 7the' hopJuvenile Class every Saturday afternoon, from one t� four. �i .,-.K H Bid Wabash A __ .a� l";Sa1t froStudio for p�vate l�ns, 321 imball all .,. ve., iUN� , i-tiO-bMJackson Boulevard.' �_:: .This 1Class for beginners Monday .. Tuesday and Friday eveninp. ,P.ivate lessons given hourly during the day. with or Without 1l1usic. ': .�)ercntChildren's private class, $I.qo· per month. . XPby, •. '. .oj:' 'Pestle,"Adul" private lessons. $1.00 with music or a guaran.. teed course- *: . «._. ·i�CO· rdanc$s.oo. ..i'. .•4 �.�tor.ho(-\ CANDIES ,'J lt�o�: �'tac1e5:'Delicious ChOCOlat� �d Bonbons the' c1uin great variety, put up in beauti- :-arid w:Eul boxes, suitable for presents, It of the25r.. 40C aDd 60c a pound. Mr.Also Souvenirs and favors for 'been!:any and aU. occasions. .' speakii:,said:Gunther's Corifecfionerr "I l'2i2 State Street. - chosen�--------------------------�...... .... � Grund� 'tion.t of thet that 1i' to mel'i; TriC!Two speda' toun at .ocfeme cost SH OWS THE PREFERRED.: �; son '"-' • . STYLES FOR THE SEASON: ,":' d_ CompnbeDSIYC toar of European C.pnal�. I -, i' an r4perSonally coaductCQ by Prof Jerome H. Ray· l followmODd. �mali select party. Addrns 214 East ssth S- ;0.��� r TheBRYANT -SPENCE TOURS. - 7.� NightM dn .... _L Bld Ch' Telephone 2860 Hyde Park4S7-9 ona � C., lCagO I . ti,. fa ron• .:"'::__::�a::_:_.:_.:__::__::�_:_:_.:_.:__::�_::_:_.:_.:__::�a::_:_.:_.:_::- _!.' .!....:�-�·!!:·!!:!·�·!!:·!!:!·!!!·!!!!:!·!:!·!!!·�·!!!,:I- Un,".512, 175 Dearborn StreetSOLICITS YOUR TRADE FORHIGH GRADE GARMENTSHoteltime..Director Stagg declared that the IMaroon team, in his opinion, has aneven thing. of it, to 'say the least."I have high hopes for the Chicagomen;' he said before before boardingthe tally-ho yesterday. "They haveall improved, I believe, and I' knowthey will fight hard to' win. Theirspirit has been the right kind. Asfor Maddigan and Steffen, I hope sBTH ST. AND DREAEL AVE.Under Management of . the National Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 3'1»The·8EST Served atPOPULAR PRICESRfSTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTERIn Connection. (Continued from page I)WAI.D-_REMOVED£entrai tuiera £0."tr,HtcomA 1.4. The Stars are Looking-Down onYou and Me - Count andLouise.Chicago Go - Rousing En- To 179, Wabash AvenueCAMERAS. KODAKS andPHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIESDeveloping, Printing and Enlarging.Cameras and Kodaks Rentedand Exchanged.Telephone Central 596J.15·semble Chorus.16. Finale Chorus.The new Blackfriar poster madeits appearance' C?n the campus yes­VARSITY SWIMMERS LOSEBUT POLO TEAM WINS terday, ..The original drawing wasmade by Roy Baldridge in the com-petition, and it presents a student atease under the Sign of the DoubleEagle. The poster i.s very neat andattractive in appearance, and announ-Polo: ces the dates of the performances,Pennsylvania, o. Chicago, 8. �Iay 7, 8 and 9, 1908. Tickets for theGraham ..••.•.... C.. . . .. . . . •• Rohde opera are now on sale.(Continued from page I)Feu'stman R. F Badenoch, C.Stern ••...•.... L. F..... Princell,Brooks. FergusonRothschild Goal.Anderson.Cary�Iorgan, Capt., .. R. G....... Kahn��il1s L, G GoesGoals: Goes 3, Princell 2, Bade­noch, Cary, Rohde.Evanston High WinsEvanston High won from Lewis1 nstitute, 29-23, in a dual meet, heldin connection with the Varsity meet.The feature of this meet was thework of K. H uszagh of Lewis, whowon e"ery event in which he was en­tered, scoring twcnty points. He alsobroke the high school natatoriumrc�ords in the 40, 100 and 40 yardon hack races. His time in the 40yard dash was 1-5 of a second betterthan the tank Varsity intercollegiaterecord. CAMPINGOUTYD.LOWsroNE PARKUNIVERSITY TOURSIN EUROPE BENEDICTTailor-n.. ..,.... Way.- Deli&btful, lnexpenslvesummer yacatioD trips. Fer ladies and &entlcmcnTbe Albert I_en' Agencyc. J. Albert, Manager378 Wabash Ave., ChicagoEstablished twenty-three yurs.\Ve locate annually from sev­enty to eighty-five Universityof Chicago students. CallSaturday and we will tell youof some of our good vacan­cies. SPECIALTypewriters Rented-3 months$5 and up. Typewriters sold on amahfor t1highthe pWanted-Typewriting by the page;rates reasonable. Call at 652 E. 57thStreet, first flat.payments, from $tO up. Best baLost-At U., diamond ring that in guaranteed machines. Awas my mother's; liberal reward. Desk ll: Typewriter Co., 188 D5756 Madison Ave. St. Central 6127. PRECof')r 1onmeetof tltesttiremuc1,,"illnextStTYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent-Special rates to students; bargains RELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters,in re-built machines. W. �ite. makes, special bargains this mhead. J6 La Salle Street. from our own factory, equ'with modern machinery, 250 bpower. You assume no risk;• isfaction or your money back.Typewriter Ezcbange,J 19 DcaSt. Branch of the American VIing Machine Co., incOI'pOrated.\Vanted-Ten Young lady studentsfor work in city this summer-S'uc­ccss Magazine. Address J. �[ M.,Daily Maroon.Lost-A Delta Upsilon fratcrnitypin, on th campus or in Ellis orLaw. Liberal reward for return toInformation office or 5520 \VoodlawnWanted-At a young boys' club, aJewish student; exchange services forroom and board .. Apply by lett�r toMrs. J. Wolf, 36 Roslyn Place. avcnue.