iutly fI urn nuPrice Two Cents•MAROONS, WITH MADDISAIAID STEFFEl, GO TODAlDECIDE TO IiWEIII LIBRARY TAB�EJ-Stagg Selects WeightThrower and Hurdler for PennGames-Jacobs Declines.'is Enthusiastically Supported­(JIIS to Dine and Dance onFriday.for Class Day Announced­n is Chosen Captain ofBa!l Tea-'11. Relay Runners in Good Sbape-"U"High and Oak Will TravelSeparately.tic class �\'i11 give a dinner andFriday, April 24, at the Rey-. club, the men dining in Hutch­hall ami the women in Lexing­A dance will also be given on'afternoon of May 13 at the club.,.p;ogram for S�nior cl;is'�' daydecided on, and will be' as Iol- Director Stagg. the one-mile relayteam. consisting of Captain Quigley,:\lerri:1Il1. Barker and Lingle, andMaddigan and Steffen. who will com­pete in the special events. will leavethis morning at 11:15 o'clock, enroute for Philadelphia. They will ar­rive at noon tomorrow and will stayat t11e Normandie hotel.The University and Oak Park HighSchool relay teams, which will alsoI compete at the Penn games, will not� go with the Varsity party, as hasbeen the custom. They will leave thisIafternoon.Not until yesterday did �lr. Staggmake up his mind on what athleteshe would take for the special events.He explained that Jacobs in the polevault had been selected, but asked toremain at home on account of workQUIGLEY.in his courses.Steffen, in the tryout he was given,covered the 120 yard hurdles in :16., .�. .:2-'5 .. "This- makes tht="··secoml. tlt1��"Wallie" has been chosen. He wentalong in his Freshman year in 19Q6.Maddigan will enter the shot putand discus throw. He will probablynot place in the shot put, in which hehas been registedng in the neighhC)r­hood of 42 feet, but stands a chancein the Greek missle event.. He istossing it 120 feet in practice, and isthought capable of doing better incompetition.All the athletes .are in the bestshape. with the exception of l\[er:"r iarn. At that" however, he is thoughtto be as fast as last year. Studcnt�look for better time than was madeby the team last year, and realize thatit will have to be better to defeat thePenn team.All the athletes were out on thefield yesterday for light work to pre­vent going stale. They will warm upat the Pennsylvania field tomorrow.(Continued on ,aile 3) (Continued on page 4)MAROON AND PENN WATER \ HAVE' ORATORICAL FINAL TONIGHT DR. CHAMBERLAIN BUIt_. _ �Jo' �J9!!l�!rM.1t �tio-WiUCRep��nivi:nity _',,. _� � CAB A�!Ml ..Champions of West and East Will in Central League Contest, to - be:Choscn 'in -, Competition iii MandelHall- this Everiing.:The final home', contest for' the H�d, of Geology Department pain_fully Injured. While Alighting', fro� .� in. :Washington..Settle National SupremaCY _ inBartlett Tank.Washington, "D .. C." April 22-Professor Thomas' Chrowder Cham­berlain, head of 'the department, ofgeology of the University of Chicago,fell while preparing to alight from amoving. street car in this city lastnight. He was painfully bruisedabout the head and body, but his in­juries are not 'considered serious. Itwas said at the Garfield hospital, towhich he was immediately taken, thathe would probably be able to leavethere tomorrow. His condition thismorning was said to be highly favor­able by the physicians in charge.Dr. Chamberlain was ,returningnear midnight to his hotel, havingGeorge C Collier - "American. just left a meeting of the Academyldcals.' of Science. before which he had readMoe A. Nntanson=-rKarl �Ianc" a paper. On approaching his cornerPaul :\1. O'Donnell-"�ational Reg- he signalled the car to stop, and step­ulation." 'ped onto the running board ready to Makes a Short Address at the Fort­nightly Dinner of the Club LastNight.IrlDing: Address on behalf of the"crsity by the Senior Dean.bising of the Senior flag.5cDior class play.tueball game with Juniors.Sack race for Senior pillow.5cui(lr luncheon.lfternoon: Bench exercises.lJtroductory speech by president of LaSt 1':ight's' Result�:C. A. A.-5I.Pennsylvania-34- Leritrai bratori\:al League' ..... illi-beheld this ccning in ::\�aildel hall at' 8o'clock. The winner will' be Chica­go's representative at' the final inter­collegiate contest" to : take' place 011'May 8, at the University of Virginia;Charlottesville, Va. 'Five men willChicago and 'Pennsylvania willmeet tonight to settle another na­tional championship, The chancesseem to be all in favor of the Qua-kers, as they have a large part of compete in - the semi-finals tonight.the team which defeated the Maroons Coliier having' taken sixth place indown the Universityer=Frank Templeton. Rcsponsc. Janior (to be appointed).Smior Cap and Gown handed downlliss Leavitt to Junior (to be ap-). ISenior gift to Unive;sity by chair­of Gift committee-Luther Fer­Response for University byber of the faculty.Smior oration-e-]. H. Sanderson.Handin� down of Senior bench­Received by class of Iast year. and will bring a number of the preliminaries, and therefore sue­new men who are said to be crack cccdiug Keyes. who, although' he hadswimmers. won fifth place, was forced. to with-Light practice was given the Var- draw because of ineligibility.sity water-men yesterday.. Although Following are the names of thethe h'a�'l is now considerably strong- candidates, with the titles of theircr t!'::n it was when it won the West- orations:Clarence A. llalcs-"Ohediencc toern chnrnpionship, it will take a rc­m:.: kahle showing to defeat the Redand Blue, which won the Eastern!itkWalker. who has made the 100 hisspecialty. is an unknown quantity inthe relay. as are Princell and Day,who are also out for the place. CareyBickel and Lindsay are a formidabletrio in the sixty. and the Quakerswill have their hands full here.The result of most of the otherevents is problematical. The plungefnr distance in all probability will �oto the visitors. The 100 also lookst hcir s. Rohde has a good show in thehreast strokc c\"cnt. The rclay. inwhich the Van,ity has not yct hCl'nhcat('n this year, ought to pro\"c awarm rac<;_ Chicago will ha\'e a goodshow in the polo gaml:. as CaptainnCll n:Ul(,llOch's sextet is composl·d'If hi�. fast mcn. Law."PRESIDENT JUDSON GUESTOF COMMERCIAL CLUBThe Alma �Iater.Frank Templeton was unanimouslydrcted captain of the class haseball� It was also decicled that' thet1us purchase a book in which' terttnrd the class history with thepWpose of handing the hook downto fature classes. The class pin corn­:Utt�c n-portcd the securing satisfac·!('f)' pin- .and the printing conunitte('<llnoul1;:"('" that proofs of the pro­ltams would he rca(ly within :'\ shortliInt. Paul S, \Voml-"Child Labor." step off .. ' The car, however, failed toEach speaker will bc allowed six- slow up, and' swung around a sharpteen minutes in which to deliver his curve. throwing him forcibly to the«ration. The judges have not yet ground. where he remained uncon-beep chosen, hut will be fi\'c in num- SC1·OllS. W'I . k Ilen P1C er up, his faceher, and are to be selected fromvarious departments of the faculty. President Judson was the guest ofthe Commercial club of the Univcr­sity at their Iortnightly dinner lastnight. lie made a short address inwhich he emphasized reliability and.. ystcrn as thc main cs scntials of ahusincs" man. :\Ir. Trevor Arnctt,was covered with blood from a gashacross his forehead, and bruises"Thi- is the higgcst ora torjcn] con- about the nose and mouth. He didt e st of the vcar," said Profcsor Clark . ., -.. I not rcgam conSC10usness for hn'ntyof the 1 \lhllc Spl'ak1l1g elcpartl11cnt. minutes, :\n ambulance wa!' sum­"and I hnpe to !'cc more thall twcn· moncel il11l11('diatdy, :l11d hc wasty·ci�ht l)('oplc in thc a\lelienC'e tn- takcn to thc Garfidd hospital.!li�ht:':\ general im'itatioll is cxtenel('(1 tn thc Uni\'('rsity auditor,el1t, and 'gavc a talkline". :\ t thc ncxtFranklin �lacVcaghgue"t. of honor. was also prcs­along similar111cctin� :\rr.will he theSocial Service FederationThe Rc\·. Harry F. \Vanl. one of:he ofiu'crs of the �{ethmlist Fedcra·tion for Social Service will gi"e abOd :ulc1r('ss at 10:30 Thursday morn­ing. April 2.1. in the lecture room. ofCobb 11 a 11. All instructors and st\l­�t� who are members of the }lcth­rtdist Episcopal Church and others in­terested are invited to attend. the sludcnt ho(ly. Professor Chamberlain, with Pro-In a(ldition to thc hono!" of rcpre- fcssor F. R. :\Ioulton and other mem­senting Chicago at Charlottesville. hers of the Unh'ersity's scicntiticthe Sl1cc('s!'fl1l candidate will rcceive facultics. had heen in \Vashington at-Coach Knudson will pick his lin(,l1pfrom the follo\\'ing:100 yard dash -nickel. ,Carey and Princcll, .,:\ Voteen," a story of Irish pcas­ant lif(·. from the pen of :\la11flc I�Radford (:\Irs. J. P. \Varren) appearsI in the current issuc of the AsociatedSun.lay Ma�azine.a $120 'c.'1101arship. la!'tin� thrce ql1ar- tending meetings of scientists in con­l.in(lsay. tcrs. The prizes for thc lt�agl1e COll- nection with thc Academy of Science.He hall cxpected to return to Chica­go today.--. - - - -- � -_.CLOSELY BOUND I_____ .-JJTHE DAILY MAROON, THURSD}\ Y, APRIL 23. 1908...PURDUE WOMEN ISSUE •EDITION OF "EXPONENT" • • • • • • • • • •DO YOU REMEMBER?The Omc1al Student PublJc:atJoa of tbe Twelve Fair Females at La Fayette ., One Year Ago Today ..UDlTeralt,. of Cblc:aco. Publish an IsSue of �e Student .. The Univervity announced the"EDtered u 8ec:ODd-c:lau J.Ia11 at. � Chkqo Paper. .. appointments of ninety-three fel- •Po.todlc:e. Cblc:qo. Illlnols, Marcb 18. .. lowships for the year 1907-1908. •1903, UDder Act of Marcb 3, 1819. A bevy of feminine Purducites to Ii: The Varsity track team left for ..the number of twelve have bestirred .. the meet at Philadelphia. ..fublJabed dall,., ucept S�dQa, lion- themselves journalistically to such an .. Seven Years Ago Today ..dan &Ad bolldQa, durl. tbreeqaartel1l extent of late that the Purdue Expo-] « Chicago defeated Beloit in a •of tM Unl .. enlt7 ,ear. nent of April 19 was edited entirely .. ten inning game of basebnll.which ..by women. Much like the leap-year .. resulted in a score of 8 to 7. ..edition of the Maroon,a feminine car-j « A constitution was drawn up"toon and stories bearing upon mat- "t for the P:lI1 Hellenic society. ..ters cf special feminine interest char- .. Nine Years Ago To�y ..FormerlrTbe Unlnral17 of Cblc:aco Weeki,..FoudedThe WeekI,., Oct. 1. 1892.The Da1l,.. Oct. I, 1902.where there arc forty men to eachEditorial oOlce-Belore· 8 p. 10., Ellla girl. is certainly an odd one. It is a Yearling Debaters Eager for Contest11 U I It Tel. Byde Park 4�G.IIa, n vera ,.. place such that, once a Purdue girl. with Methodist Team TomorrowA.fter 8 p. 10.. Maroon Press, 4;4 E. rmth she would not trade it for another. Night in Mandel.Street. Tel. Hyde Park 3691. By the contrast association obtainedUI'ORDUA. W. Wheeler, H. R. BaukhageA. W. Whitfield H. B. Fuller3AND GIVES ITS FIRSTOUTDOOR CONCERT TODAYwhich will serve her well in the busj-\v. A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. -HallJ. Sidney Salkey Mamie LillyA. N. Pfeffer Sudhindra Bose The subject, as it will appear onthe program, is: "�esolved, That theUnited States should establish a sys­tem of ship subsidies." The 19! 1delegation of the Purple will be rep­resented by' Miss Cora Beazley,Haffel and V. M. McIntyre. Againstness wor ld." ..8ua1Dess oMc:e-Before. 8 p. 10.. ElilaBall. UniTersl17. TeL HIde Park· 4�6. Program of WeU..selected Numbersto be Played in English I at 5O·Clock.LOUIS S. BERLIN, Busfnea Ila.Dager. THlJRSDAY, APRIL 23, 1908.Next¥ear's�reshmenterscholastic commission.Pend�ng the announcement ·of the Iorganization of the commission, it SCORE CLUB PREPARES"'iII be well for the student body to EXCEPTIONAL ENDING Entries for Tournament to DecideTeam Will Start at 3 O'Clock­Entries aU In. • --�----�----------------------------�����--�--�... .IF OBLIGED TO DROPOUT OF RESIDENCECorrespoo·dence CoursesWilJ enabl� you to continue your college work and gain the decree.qOne-half [18] of the 36 MajOR required for graduation may bedODe b7 correspondence. qOver 300 ciau-I'oom courses are thusoffend b7 memben of the UnivenU7 hcultiea. qBeside� the ,..uIu B� School and College Counes. are many that ap� totAoae In different vocationa-notably to teachers. qWork IU7� at aD7 time. qlnquire at office ofTHE CORRESPONDENCE.�TUDY DEPARTMENTThe University of Chicaeo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cobb Hall, 1A•Admission free:room.Brotherhood of St. Andrew willmeet at 10:30 in South hall parlor.Pre-medic club will hold a meetingin Kent at 10:30. Dr. Wells willLUTHEIt D. FERNALD, Managing Editor in a co-educational school, the girl The class of 1911 is on edge today,PRESTON F. GABS, News Editor soon loses her false modesty and for tomorrow night its trio of ora-lIELVIN J. ADAMS, AthleUc EdItor meets man face to face and on the tors will meet the Northwestern.ASSOCIATE DI'IORS same footing. She is better equipped Freshman debating team on MandelJerome N. Frank. for her battle with the world than the stage and try to convince three �Iethodist students and their friendsAlbert D. Henderson girl of girls' for here she seems to judges and an audience that thearc invited.A. L. Frldsteln choose deliberately, her true modesty young lady and two young men from for DaisyBlackfriar rehearsals _and refinement are developed and the the Evanston institution are mis- Dancers at 4 p. m.; Cast at 7:30; inassociation leads to a broader sym- .taken in their advocacy of a ship club,the Reynoldspathy and a complete understanding subsidy. Masonic club will meet at 8 p. m.in Cobb 9R.Baseball with St. Ignatius at" 3:45.these Chicago will pit Carpenter, Ap­ this evening;pel and Smith. This is the order in Kremer Lecture-s-Me. Kremer wiIINews conulbutJoD8: ID&7 be left at Ellis which [hey will speak. The Evan- lecture at 4:30 p. m., Friday, in theAfter three weeks of indoor prac-Hall or Fncnlt7 . .E%c:ha.np. addresaed to the stonians support the affirmative,M'hile North Lecture room of the Lawtice, the University band will appear Chicago upholds the negative of theDall, �. f' I k' I building on "Admiralty Law:'this a ternoon at 5 0 c oc m t te question.court west of Mandel hall, English University Dames will meet Satur-The chairman' of the evening willI for ·the first of' a series of outdoor day at 3 in Lexington.be Willard E. Hotchkiss, professor of Germarr scholarship. _ Provisionsconcerts, which will be given every political economy at Northwestern, are given on current "\Veekly Calen­"\Vithin the next week the organi- Thursday from now -until the end of and a. member of their debating dar." All applications should bezation of the Reynolds. co�mission the quarter. board. Two lawyers, Mr. W. K.nr..O '11 b The band has a successful winter tiled before l\l.ay J.for lyuu WI. e com- Lowrey and Mr. Harlan W. Cooly,pleted, and the arrang- season to its credit. Since then it and probably Judge Edwin K. Wal- -----Dr. Wells to Address Pre-Medicsing for the 1908 Inter- has been augmented, and the fact that ker of the Municipal Court, will de- .Dr. Wells, head of the Pathologyscholastic will be be- it is" playing outdoors is considered cide on the debate. If the debategun. Already the date to indicate that its popularity will proves a decided success. it may be-has been set for June 13, and prelim- continue.come an annual feature.inary plans have been made. The nearest approach to a solo will Coach Chandler was very conser-Interscholastic, on' this date, really be the trombone effect in the num- " "vatrve m expressing hIS opinion ofcomes a week late, so far as the Uni- her, .. Down Among the Dead l\Ien." the outcome. "The men have beenversity year· is concerned. Instead The classical aspect will be furnished working hard," he said. "r think theyof coming at the close of next to last by the overture to "Fra Diavolo.' will put up a pretty good case andweek of college, it comes the day af- Victor Herbert's, "The Serenade," re- have an even chance. I could tellter the final examinations. This cently presented in Chicago, has been more if J knew our opponents' case:'1 f h I· UTI to be present.change, attributable only to circum- c rosen or t e opera se ectlOn. Iestances and the calendar, makes it Autocrat" wiII be given for the open-all the more necessary for early and ing march, and a march entitled "B. TENNIS CANDIDATEs TOeffective work on the part of the In- P. O. E.'· will wind up the program. HAVE FIRST TRIAL TODAYdo some thinking an4 planning forthe interesting of men who mightcorne, and for the cntertainment of Sophomore Society to Wind Up The first round of the trials in thethe m,., who do come. The Chicago Memorable Year With Unusual �pring tennis tournament will beInterscholastic, or, as it is popularly . Dance. played off this afternoon, beginningknown, . '�Stagg's meet," h,as come to at 3 o·clock.. I f the material is prom-be regarded as the higgest school The acti\'e memhers of the Score ising, six or eight men will be select-gathering in the West, but it can he club will say their farewell next Sat· (·d and given places on the squad,nlade stilI higger :\1)(1 still hetter ii urc!;IY afternoon when they give their Fifteen minutes will be gi\'en f(.Irmore high school men are drawn to Ja:,t (la!lCe of the year. In the realiza. appearance of contestants, at the endChicago on June 13. and they are tion of this fact: the men arc making of which time if only one contestant "'-���GENUINEhcttcr taken care of while the V;lr· e\"Cry effort to make the occasion a has ar,peared. he may claim a default .. sity·s I,!'ttests. �t1ita"lc one for the ending or a mem· Jf neither contestant appe:us, they OUYOTAn Interscholastic thoroughly suc- orahle season. The hall will he hetter hoth will be considered defaulted. SUSPENDER.Scessful in every sense of the word decorated than e\'er hcfore. the music hI commenting upon these rules. wllIP._INtllYlrW Ollf/�J�mmll • .'11 thftepafraof1'1 _WI make the high school Seniors of better, all the arrangemt'nts mort' Captain Ross said: "It is necessary Ordt� suspende__ •today the Freshmen of tomorrow. complete. to strictly enforce the 'time rulings' WeW,tllS tnlmtt.ble. ,Q.u.ll� unvaJ7(nj.A large crowd is expectefl. The so that the tournament may be finish· BatiOaWe.t�,LIe.Did you ever stop to think that members nre trying to get nn en· ccl in time to select a team before the s...1y ........... ' r..Th D'I M �femrtne ratrhea �_!W!l"e 8J Y aroon pUblishes more i1- thusia�tic company together. "E\'ery- opening of th.e tennis schedule." - -STAMJfD)RD.If./·lustrations than all the other college body should come to this," said one The place of appearance for con-. �.�U-"�'#004"bli tj' f h . ID-_l ...........pu ca OM 0 t e United States put J of their numher. ·,It will be the fea- testants is in front of Cobb 'lall, hear OSTHEIMEIlBllO'I"RERSt-.._-� __ ��. �- .... _ '" lure of the whole Score club year." the bul1ctin boards. speak.Methodist Federation for social ser­vice will be addressed by the Rev.H. F. Ward at 10:30 in Cobb 61\.ANNOUNCEMENTSNo rehearsals for Blackfriar chorusDepartment, will address a meetingof intending medics this morning at10:.10 in Kent theater. Talks on var­ious subjects of interest to pre-medi­cal students have been given pre-viously, and have been of much bene­fit. This morning the address will hemade by Dr. Wells, and every Pre­medic should make a special effortFOWNES.GLOVESwiD be worn longer thisseason than others­that is. other gloves. A.to prolleway. of 531Telephone�r WHlII,, HoI Hew am,Comer A'IIIIImentchasegoods.good.FOREMAN :IIn theShoppiuQUALITY CLOTHES92-94-96 Washington streetBet Dearborn and Clark Sta. NewestOub BrInnchcoTable tI.·llusicEvery 1EANrAA differentyet a mostconserva­t ive style.. It's anARROWCollarSuiI Cfhe IZimmermanniCO. ---Rair Dr428 E. 63rd Street. MJIDesires to employ a fewstudents. Afternoon ::andeveni�g WDrk. 217 E:;GeorfTcnHJ\·Cin ncwnut'. :more Ipatron;]---.For ·mformation, apply atroom gA. Cobb Hall, be·tween ! and 3:30 P. m.BOR DE N·SCondensed Milk. Fluid Milk. Cr .. mand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country,Borden's Condensed Milk C<..627-633 �. Forty-seventh St. s.\At IPf\L" �ITHE n�t�Y,�M�ROOt;.t •. THUR$DA,V"APRtL �j, .t908.FAST CRANE NINE WINS.FROM FRESHMEN, 7 TO 4Yearlings Give Preston Shaky Sup­port-Varsity to Play St. Ignat­ius this Afternoon.Base Bal; Go"Crane High School took off thelong end of a 7 to 4 score from theh rst-year men yesterday.. Both sidesbatted liard, Crane making 14 hits andll�e Freshmen II. Numerous errorsat critical moments by the Chicagoplayers let in most of the Craneruns.and some poor base-running andinability to hit at the crucial moment,shut off the Freshmen from several have the endorsement of the big play­ers in the American, National andMinor leagues. Reach Mitts andGloves arc used bv such famous menas Kling, Lajoie, Chance, Davis, Ten­ney and many others - sufficient e"i­dence of Reach superiority. They sayno other make holds the ball so surely.Pricess of Catchers' Mitts, 25 cents to$8.00 each. First Basemen's �li�s,$1.00 to S4.0a each. Fielders' Mitts,50 cents to $3.00 each. Fielders'Gloves, 25 cents to $3.50 each.r­, STUDENTS' LUNCH ROOM'THE C.AFEMIKADO scores.Three times the yearlings had three��Meals 20c and up Open all daVe men on bases, once with, none out,Kubat's splendid pitching for theThe � Ballis the offid.ll ball of the great Amer­ican League. Its use is compulsoryin every game played by an •American League'T �":lm.a" theReach Ball has been adoptedexclusively for a p-riod of tenye-.us by that Organization.TbeReaeh ®Guarantee�"App'i�s '0 all R�ac" Ibse Ball Goods (ucrplballs and bats under S1.00). TIlt Reach trademarll 0' a:l7 article is a guarantee 0' qualit,- it means Siltisfactioa, a ar" article or yourmoaer bOl:1I (willi tJlcep,joa a!love).TIIeREACilOIIicial'Base Ball Gllide lor 1918Now rud,. The re-cocnh:ed autborit' on all base ballmatleriThe l'xclusin' hand book of HIe AmericaD Le:lEl!e. CoDuiDS pIa,.IDC·rult"$. $.:!1��'ul..s, records an.I compiete r.,,,il'wof tb� 1907 R21011.J\lso cont:linr. mr-r 300 pbotos of Ie-adin: te-aml aDd play e rs. lIIus­troned aDd detailed aClOQUnt oltbe 19()1 Wo�ld;� Seri: s,T,O Cents at ail dealers or by maDEstablished twenty-three yt.�rs.We locate annually from sev­enty to eighty-five Universityof Chicago students. CallSaturday and we will tell you erwise the lineup will be practicallythe snme as in the Illinois game Mon­day. Page and Latham will do the .. laDs"IsCaIckrs' Mlus1iIiSb"WJPnIeden. fiddf:n" MitIsGlna,ek.twirling for the Maroons. II ,OU caDnot proc:ure our ItOOclsof yourdfOaler, .. it e to IlS, an,l on rec:eipt ofprice we will dr-li" e r what ,.ou desire.W,ife for our FREE 1301 IbnBall utalogue and 83st IbllStory b, flbert Hubbard.A. .I. REACH 4' CO ..1719Tall'p Street."""_''''.- Pa:-of some of our good va can- FRATERNITY RACES' TO BERUN ON MARSHALL FIELDdes.Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing ofGents' and Ladies' GarmentsLatest Style Clothes Made to Order.J. COOPER Dr. Raycroft Fixes Next MondayAfternoon for Contesting of'semi-Finals.�AILOR Dr. Raycroft yesterday acceptedthe recommendation of the fratcr-451 East 55th Streetnity relar captains that the semi­rinals and finals of the tournament be.ield outdoors instead of in Bartlett.OPEN ALL DAY2;O�c' 'aDdThe captains asked" that in view ofthe unavoidable delays in pulling off'the race, and the fact that most of \ Mealsthe members of the teams have beenworking out-doors, the event. be held Chop- Suey �. Specialtyon Marshall field, each man to run220 yards, instead of the lap requiredII High Grade FactorySample Shoes·'3-50, S4, 14.50, .S and 16 We SaveYou$1' flIID $2'OnlPUr' of·Shoesin Bartlett. Dr. Raycroft announcedTHE demand for good Millinery MAROON AND PENN WATERinsures a profitable recreation for the TEAM'S TO MEET TONIGHTstudent d that womanly trade. (Continued from page I)In :,.Idition to the mechanical work ,VALUES ATMr. Harry T. JackfyesiglJf SpecialistOpticianCentral Office of assembling, we develop the artis- 40 vard dash=-Princcll and Day.'j tic sense in each student. 60 yard dash=-Bickel. Lindsay and\Ve teach the blending of form and Carey.colors, and the many features which 40 yard breast stroke=-Rohrle, Fer-I give you an accomplishment which guson.will always be a valuable asset. Plunge for distancc-Lindsay and, be Ay:: o�;Ui::. enable you to Bi����y tcam=-Bickel, Lindsay, Car-H..a-ir.. D-re-s-s-in-g-,-M-a-n-icu-n-On-g-,---- One tegular c:ourse-daily classes ey. Princcll, Walker and Goes.Shampooing, Facial Massage -will make you an ezpert. Polo-s-Badncoch and Rohde, for-MADAME KAYNOR'S Latest Models=-exquisite materials. wards: Goes and Kahn. guards: Prin-SCALP SPECIALIST Special attention to making street and cell, goal: Anderson. center; Fcrgu- Third Floor, Republic: BuildingState and Adams StreetSuite 1320 Masonic: Temple ....AIUSEIEN1L.Phone Central 5255•Hours 10 a. m, to 5 p. m. THE GARRIOKILLINOIS:\[argaret Anglin and Henry Miller"The Great Divide":\IAUDE AD .. UISI n her Great TriumphTHE JESTERS POW_ItSChas. Frohman presentsCOLONIAL ETHEL BARRYMOREHaTe you seen in the New Play___T_H_E_M_E_RR_Y_W_I_D_O_W I ".�_�� �I_S_T_E_R _She is the J nternational CrazeI STUDBBAKER'1:\ Y ROnSONThe Rejuvenation ofAUNT M;-\RY_0" dress hats to suit individuals at rea- son. subsritutc.Phone H. P.3;;ro1l sonable prices. The Iollowing entries han' beenGeorge F., Aiken's Barber Shop Call or Write for further particulars. received hy Or. Raycroft from Penn-removed from -4-46 to 428 55th street) P t S h I f M-"· sylvania:in new building at Lexington ave- I a erson C 00. o. I In-�o yard .. wim=-Graham. Sylvester.nee, X cw and enlarged equipment: \ ery and DeSIgnIng Pennsylvania.more harbcrs ; best service. Student Suite 611. 6 Madison St. 100 yard swim-vSylvcstcr, Shryock.patronage solicited. Cor. Michigan Ave. 40 yard breast stroke -Graham.mE 5::-th St.LA SALLETHE AUDITORIUM:rHE :\IETROFOUTANGRAND OPERAAn This WeekHONEYMOON TRAILWith Cer.il Leanand Florence HolbrookS,WE TIlTS CO U P 0 NGqpD. FOR IOC"Your Car Fare Sylvester.220 y:tnlock.Plunge for distance-Hopkins.Relay rncc=-Grnham, Sylvcstcr.Dnl­ryrnple.I Watcr polo - Graham. Fuestman­. Stern, �lills. Shryock, Rothschild. THREE TWINSswim=-Dalrymple, Shry-On the next purchase of Shoes here. TBB WHITNEYAt Fiith Floor, �lasonic Temple$5.00 SHOES, $2.50THIS Shop is an authorita­tive style center for aU that isexclusive and smart in men'scustom made garments; for justthe kind of dash. style and vigorby Universitymen; for all that's newest ormost proper for a self-respect­ing fellow to wear.We emphasize the faultlessperfection of our fit. the criti­cally exact tailoring we put intoevery garment and the unusu­ally wide assortment of wool­from which youCWe call � attentionto the attractively econo­mical . nature of our prices.'Our satisfying superb' Col­legiate Suit. made to yourmeasure. y<\ur choice of fab­rics.Thirty Dollars., and a �discount of ten . per cent, .or a fancy 'vest gratis oninitial order.8th_ Floor. IIasonic TempleChicagoftIB URIOH 'HOULAIm USTAURABT, 111-117 Randolph StreetTHB POPULAR PLACETO BATEith\.r before or after the:', Theater.w • .make • Speci&lt7 of Club... Pra� DiDDen.-0. L. SCJIARP. PICT1JIRBS AND PICTURE. P1tAlllHG. � Eat. Pifty-Sneath Sueet, Opposite Rosalie Court.: !IIe'Ia.s'. �ladlent' ItmeJDo you expect to tea� next year?_Why not enroll with a first-caesAgency, and thus put yourself in linefor the best positions?Young men who ecn teach Modem-; Languages, take charge of Athletics,or handle Commercial subjects inspecial demand. '9 Jacboa Boalevard.Phone Harrison 3921.For Yacation WorkWANTED-ACollege menwomen of gooddress for summerwork. . fewa-ndad-Apply at onceRooll ZZ, 'HOTEL MAIOON. POSITION open (or young womanat a summer resort; work to beginat end of Spring quarter; $15 or $20mo.; board and room. Address theUniversity Employment Bureau. THE DA'ILY MAROON, THURSDAY .. APRIL 23, 1908.Student Paper Says Team is BestEver at University.HOPES STANFORD WILL COIlE MUST RECOGNIZE TRUTH-IN OTHER RELIGIONSThe Daily Palo Alto, the studentpaper of -Leland Stanford University,IS strongly in favor of sending thePacific coast team to compete in theConference. It is using all its influ­ence to help provide the expenses ofthe team for the big meet. Followingis the comment of the Stanford pa- Dean_ Mathews Tella Y. M. C. A..Men Christians Should Not Seekto Discredit Other Beliefs.It is not necessary for a Christian totry to discredit other religions in or­der to prove his loyalty to his ownbeliefs, according to opinions ex­pressed last night by Professor -Shail-cr Mathews, dean of the Divinityschool. Dr. �tathews made an' ad-per:"Our team this year is one of the dress before a meeting of the Y. M.C. A., and his audience �\'as so _largethat it was decided to hold the otherbest that has ever represented theCardinal, and would undoubtedlymake a creditable showing at Chica- meetings which he will address ingo. In addition to the atliletic pres- Mandel hall. These addresses will betige to be gained by the University, held on .Apri! 29 and May 7.I "We used to think that in order toit would be a particularly good thingto have Stanford represented at the prove Christianity true, we had toConference meet this year. because of prove other religions false," said thethe amount of injurious notoriety dean. This idea is a mistaken one,that the University has received dur- in. his opinion. - "If we find any truthin Brahminism, we ought to be glading our recent trouble."The .good effect of sending a it is there. Christianity merely com-pletes other religions."strong track team to represent ourUniversity at Chicago next June will The subject of Dr. Mathews' ad-do much to correct die many false dress was, "Is Jesus Christ Divine?"and he said the question was to beimpressions that niay have goneabroad concerning the character of decided on its merits by the result oftests. "The way to test any truth isour Student Body."year set aside for their exclusive use.Lost-s-At U,. diamond ring that The day is given up to student af­was my mother'S; liberal reward. fairs of all kinds. I n the afternoon,5756 Madison Ave. the big feature of the day-the CircusTYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent- comes off.R. Eddy Mathews, '0"/, former man­aging editor of the Maroon, has beenhere on business for- several days.ORATORICAL FINAL TONIGHTtest are $100 and $50, for first andsecond pl;ces respectively, The Many Annual Formals to be Held at •. h '11 . .. Midlothian.pther colleges whic WI parttcrpatein the finals are Cornell, Universityof Virginia, Columbia and Ohio Wes-Ileyan. It is also quite probable thatYale -will send a representative. Allthose who take part in the finals areJ ��----��------------- (Continued frolb page I)assured a royal_ entertainment :whileat Virginia, such features as ban­queting and a trip to Monticello be­ing included in the program.Wanted-Typewriting by the page;rates reasonable. Call at 652 E. 57thStreet, first flat. to see ii it works," he said. "It is not Ihow' Jesus was born, but whether He Imeets in your own life the require­ments of a God. He is not divine, ifthe soul that trusts in Him does not Ibecome divine."WOMEN'S CLUBS FIX DATES. The women's dubs will give theirannual formals this year o� the fol­lowing dates: .May IS, Quadranglers -at Midlothian; May 22, Mortar Boardat Midlothian; May 23, Wyvern atMidlothian; May 29, Sigmas at Mid.:lothian, The Esotreics will give ahous,: party at Lakeside, Mich., May28 to June I.Student pay at: CaliforniaAt the University of California thestudents 'have one day in the schoolSpecial rates to students; bargains every organization in school has somein re-built machines. W. Wbite- stunt. Fraternities clubs, Y. M. C.head. J6 La Salle Street. A. and societies of all sorts take apart, The different performances areIn this show nearlyWanted-At a young boys' club, a arranged so as to form a connectedJewish student; exchange services for whole. A parade is started at theroom and board.' Apply by letter to University which marches over theMrs. J. Wolf, 36 Roslyn Place. town I'ike a real Barnum & BaileyWanted-Ten Young lady studentsfor work in city this summer-Suc­cess Magazine. Address J. �I'. M.,Daily Maroon. production.�rdue Students Give Ade PlayThe ,. Fair Co-Ed' is the name of:1 play produced -Iast night by a com-Lost-A Delta Upsilon fraternity pany of sixty Purdue men at theGrand Opera House of La Fayette.pin,. on th : campus or in Ellis orLaw. Liberal reward for return toInformation office or 5520 Woodlawnavenue,SPECIAL The play is a musical comedy, writ­ten especially for the Purdue studentsby George Ade, the noted playright.,f Indiana. The production was en­thusiastically recciyed by a large au­dience.Typewriters Rented-3 months for$5 and up. Typewriters sold on easy _payments, from $10 up. Best bargainsin guaranteed machines. AmericanDesk ci Typewriter Co., 188 DearbornSt. Central 6127. . WHEN THE MUMMY MOVES$1,000 for a Woman and115 Other Cash PrizesThe Chicago Record-Herald here-RELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters aU' by forma1l announces that. it will paymakes, special bargains this m;nth, $1,000 in cash to the \Vo�·an or girlfrom our own factory, equipped who finds the best solution of thewith modern machinery, 250 horse remarkable mys�ery story. entitled.power. You assume no risk; sat- "When the ��ummy :Moves," and liSisfaction or your money back. The other cash prizes to women and girlsTypewriter Ezcbance.319 Dearborn who make the next best solutions.St. Branch of the American Writ- The story is to be printed serially,iog Machine Co.. incorporated. heginning today. BRIGHTON1Flat Dlas,. Gartersfor solid cum fort. The newest shaclesand designs of one piece, pure .."eb� All metal parts heavy nick�plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a ��all dealers or by mail. "t. "-'.� •• SlJSlll&WlEII co.. i;.�7'1 • ......, ...., "", d •• iait:6Gb,. 0/ � 8tUJ1t'11dWl '.... :�After May FirstWe will occupy our new quarters ,2H-28 E. Lake: StreetThis affords an exceptional opportunity of purchas­ing our select stock of lamps and bronzes at markedreduction.WILLY H. LAU 1-·Pullman Building. 12 E. Adams Street,..liThe Cigarette"�TRADE MARKftf6.STERED12 State StreetChicago, III. 30S Pearl StreetNew York, N. ·Y.George W. Currier & Co.PRINTE�HI(jH CLASS JOB PRINnNCi5508 Kimbark AvenueHotel •M�aroo:n,sITH ST. AND DRnEL AVE.Und� lIanacem�t of the National �0te1 Co. Tel. Hyde Park 37»The BEST Served atPOPULAR PRICBS .RESTAURANT liND LUNCH COUNTfRIn ConaectioaThe Twin Cylinder Indianis the Very Latest in- MOTORCYCLES'--Be sure your 1908 machine is a two cylinder with mechaDicalvalve8., All Automobiles have mechanical valves. Don't be deceived,get the Latest.Important - At Riverside Hill climb, California" a Two CylinderIndian made one mile in ,58 sec onds, fastest time made in theworld by any kind of a machine. Call and see us. Demonstrationsdaily.' HENDEE liFO. CO. 11151 Michigan Avenue, ChicqoDaintil, DeliciousPerfectly Pur eSurpassinglySmooth-4" -_.-NiiiLh- ... ��'If""· ..:IlGI1'IIII.aJr s..-. Won derfu II ,WholesomeProf. f. B. Rowden's Schools and Academies of DancingAasembly meets every Thursday evening at Unity Club House, 3140Indiana A venue.JuvenUe ClaaS evef7 Saturday afternoon from one to (0111'.Studio' (or private Ieaon., 321 KimbalJ Han BId., Wabash Ave •. andJacbcm� •Claa for bePmen lIonday, � and Friday eveniftes.PaiYate .lessons pen hourly during the day. with or without music.CbiJcJren'. priftte cIaa, 'loDO per mont&.Adults, private teacms, '.loDO with music or a guaranteed course forIs.oo. 4 I.BalesFrt�hm;1Son is aan.The ()C. ColliIdeals;"�bjectTrusts,"'Peechsenti(larencc�peak Iortil OrntoriJoii' City, �1JWlson la:�nting�oricaJ Iril occur :I1r8. . Th.c .. cormsirTanger�fesson-e-IoJIiton an»�e thelist mght ,�Icr, ·11, :Hall,Bcrtnm G.� univeUltrat Leif represelitO Wesl� Chic.lilts', St:.t,�� �aIed'the acm.mg cri.-law.iowing :J"crime irder COUI1�lism.. the uaiaUnals.-Back 0� said, ...\lIImcanspect forrmy malsdf."It is tiIQIth of5t!01 the:lQacJelinsiimtynaiDece w.tl'-,-aeeel9>- .• 'aatiC citi.� ,Natansl'tarl AI3Dd Ieeli:ie.. Hellan wh(tting sotbey gre-1tor1c haIIovemel'til milliis his mkart �Ia