latly _aruunI.--Vol, VI. No, 126. CHICAGO# W E-DN ESDA Y, APRI L 22, 1908. Price Two CentsFIVE TEAMS ENTERED;VARSITY DRAWS THIRD NOISES OF SPRING TUNE UP EMINENT JURIST WHO TOLD OF JUDGE'S POWER FOR GOOD DEDICATORY TABLET TO BEOR EVIL IN ADD RESS LAST NIGHTGIFT OF SENIOR CLASSAfter-Eastern Sartorial ConcertHolds Forth on "C" Bench-Loud­Voiced Vest, Owning Carl Burton.Grants An Interview.�enn Again Looms Up as Chicago'SChief Rival in Relay. Event­Cornell Past. Gift Committee' to Report Favorablyat Meeting of Class at 10:30 To­day.New sounds, yesterday tended toDirector Stagg to Choose from Mad- drown the usual babble of voices thatdigan, Jacobs and Steffen Today hold daily sessions in Cobb at 10:30,-Oak Park Going. They were unmistakable sounds of<pr iug, that permeated the atrnos­phcre. Fcw ::ndowment Gf Council Also to beConsidered-To Decide on Duesand Pin.The drawiugs :C orncll-s-Pole. A bronze inscription tablet ofPresident Harper, to be placed at thcentrance of the new Harper Mcm-:o rial library, will be the gift of theclass of 1908, if the recommendationof the Senior gift committee is ac­ceptcd by th� class at its meeting inCobb Lecture hall at 10:30 today.The committee, at its final meetingyesterday afternoon.discussed a num­ber of propositions for donation tothe University, but the majorityvoted to recommend the gift of, thetablet in preference to any otherSenior memorial. A minority report1)£ the committee will, however, pre­sent for consideration the suggestionto use the class fund for the endow­ment . of the Senior College Coun­cil..."The gift committee has had un­.ler consideration nineteen ... �ifferen.t...._",, �ift propositions, and has receivedadvice from a number of University>fficcrs and the representative .menlf the class before. coming to a finallecision in favor' of one of' this nine-know w hatSwarthmore-Second.Ch icago- Third,Pennsylvania-Fourth,Wesleyan-Fifth. ofsonndsspring areand thepoets havefailed to tellWith five relay teams entered foru s. Thesesounds radi­atcd fro mthe numer­o us after­Easter suitsthat madetheir debutthe one-milePhiladelphia, championship race atSaturday, as againstIt two last year, the contest holds prom­ise of being the most exciting sincethe events have bcen .held by the_' :. University of Pennsylvania. Of the Burton's Vest Grantsteams entered, Chicago, Pennsylvaniaan Interview.and Cornell are known to be strong. . .upon thc campus yesterday, .�roundwhile Swarthmore is deemed capable the "C' bench the murmurs grewof getting a. place, 'until they threatened to surpass mChicago and Pennsylvania havevolume the 'Polite roar of the youngbeen .the chief contender� every year, ladies' .' Animal Shades:'but in the race next Saturday, theA peculiar-and pierc-" favorites will have a rival of classin Cornell. The Ithacans have the ing sound. ca�.e ._f,rolll .f �"r'":'·-�'':'';'-···--fiId'--f< �lie'sOith side+of the .. •e- Or' UIC .. run, ann In a eo';: ';'6�e this position will probably prove �'C" bench, and the' Ma:- ."I . d ta to them" roon reporter made hisa rca a van ge ,. Captain Quigley and Merriam will way thither to discover•r the source, Here stood_).be against the two best men of the<Quaker team, Quigley� who will run Carl Burton, .He was:,,�'first for the Varsity, has Cartmell as apparently unconscious':�)is opponent, while Merriam will be of the constant chatter DiUe's Springpitted against Taylor, the star of the If his waistcoat, or else Celebration.Red and Blue, .. 0 accustomed to it that it no Ion-Penn gcr concerned him.. "Lt .is really -a-matter 'of' self de­fense," said the waistcoat: ., I amsick of being dwarfed into iusigniti- The American college man is not TIle enforcement of the law is not-ance, and being relegated to a back very long on' ideas of his own, ac­ always a petty practice. and some­.. seat behind these ('(,rding to the verdict delivered yes­ times a judge commits a hair-breadthfemale creations, tcrday by �lr, Hiram Parker William­ mistake that makes a criminal forcalled �Icrry wr, son 01 the French department. �Ir. life of a man who might have been'ow. master Williamson statccf his opinions of thc reformed. The above were somebought me to at- American studcn .. t in an address given .ipiuions of a' judge's 'work and re­t r act attention, hefore a meeting of the Philosophy sponsihilities expressed by. Judgeand I must live College of �Ien, and pointed out the campus, for. a bronze fountain inFred L, Fake in a lecture in the Law�fande1 court. for a bronze ornamentin Hitchcock court, and for otherpossible gifts in addition to the Coun-.. Judge Fred!.;L::·F�e� ., "!:l: ':_l, 1 '��T·TTri teen," said Chairman "Dan" Fernald�����������������������������������I les�rda� aft�r the meeting of the.CALLS SrriDENTS m�-LESS I:JOn'Gu:,··1 . MISTAKES oosn Y committee, "The committee has beenat work for the last two months 'in--- ,The other runners on theteam are Whithaf!l and Haydock, saidto be hardly in the class with TaylorI and Cartmell. On the whole, the'Penn tcam is considered better this Hiram Parker Williamson' of. Alli­ance Franeaise and the Fr_encbDepartment, Tells Philosophy Menthey Have 'few 'Personal ConvictionS judge Fred L. Fake Tells Students ofthe Great Power for Good or EvilPossessed by' the Bench-JuristHolds Students·· A�ention. considering these suggestions andeliminating those which did not seemfeasible."We have studied plans for the gift:of a stone bridge across Hull pond.for stone benches in Mandel and! 111 chcock courts, for clocks 10:'Hutchinson hall. the Reynolds club,Lexington hall, the L�w library and:\lclIlorial library. for trees on the .campus, for collections of books forthe new library. for alco�es in thelibrary, for lighting fixtures on theyear than last, On .the former occa-European student-agitator as an ex­ building last' night.ample of college mcn who han' in-sion, Taylor was not in the race, andWhitham had to take his place un-. trained,The members of the Varsity teamfeel confident that they will bettertheir record of last year. \Vith theup to my cnn-,tract, Why. lookI· 'I I ,- I I f "The enforcement' of the law shouldat my charms! I (,\'1( ua Opll110nS am t re courage 0...." , f I I' I 'le for the good of the masses ander by one-fifth of a second or more. Dan. rercuson sam 0 uc reate t rem. cil endowment ami the memorial tab-h d I) II I not for the individual," he said. "andThe final tryout fer �Iadctigan. Jac- Alligator Shoes. chamois s a e, •. 0 you co ege mcn lave any let.I' k II ff I id f Iiti -'''' I yet in many cases this is extremelyohs and Steffen. will be held this af- the ightcst the mar ret cou ( a on. leas 0 your own on po I ICS, re "For each one of these suggestionsI I 'I I' k I "\\'1 t I thi k b t difficult. . A hair's-breadth one wayternoon. when Director Stagg will Look how I am C( ge( wit 1 damty as 'e( . . ra (0 you 1111' a ou there have been favoring arguments,k I b 'f I J" ') .\ ' I or the othcr may turn a vicious crim-have his decision as to whom he will lines of black! Look at t rc caun u re rgron : Are your I( cas your own. but the one recommended by the.. I -' t ') I I' tl t inal hack on the people. or may for-take with him for the special events green glass buttons t rat grve me 111- or your parcn s : n -rancc rc s u- committee has met with well-nigh, I' 'I I' • dents exercise m r influence on ever wreck an honest man's life, With .. l(ad.ligan and Ja�ohs have been f 1,'1( ua Ity.' 0 e unanlillOUS approval. The suggestion,'\\"orking consistently. and arc in Fred Eberhard's vest breathed a politics. and ha\'c more to do with its �reatest power for ev'iI, the en- which was' made practically simulta-, I . h ";I'ml'lar prote·s't. "'.Iy tl1rec-I'nch lTo\'ernmcnt than ::11'.- oth'r one class forccment (If thc law if oft�n an aw- I b D r_ I Igood shape. :\Iaddigan IS S 10\'l1lg t e � _l � neous y y r. UUo( spee(, ::\I'r, �fac-shot almost .p feet in practice. and checks on a fine plush cloth werc thc of peopk Tn :\nw1"ic'� it is not that ful and not a prctty practice." I.can and Dr. Rurton, is to erect, justis throwing the discus 120 fect. envy of all my brethren on Statc way so much as it should bc, You In elahorating upon the system of inside the main entrance to thc ncwJacoh� is clearing II feet 6 inchcs in stre('t. \Vhy. last periml sat a arc afraid to ask (Inestions. and yon enforcing the law� Judge Fake de- memori:ll lihrary, a hronzc inscrip­the pole \·ault. and is thought ahl(' whole hour behind whole meadows take thc in:-trtH.·tor·s won: for things. scrihcd the "swcat hox" and its sccm- tic,n t;,hlet bearing a l>as-relicf por­to go three or four inches higher in and fields without one glimpse of the anti mayhe he dnesn't know. J'he ing cru('lti('s. the machinery of the trait of the first President of thecom[H'tition. professor or the board." instfth.-tor's hu:,ine:,s i:, to stir l1P court. the difference which different Uni\'ersity. and the dedication of aTI p,'lrty ·1·11 le,"\'e ton10rro'" .'\ 1101'", e l,'ke all l'I1lI'tation hoiler .,·our minds, hut your part is to I d I r t �Q� 1'1 I ' TIIe .c wrgcs mcan, an t 1e many ways of g ea .puvv.OOO I )rary to 111n. Iemorning.and will stop at the �orman- fac'tory came from the cntrance. and hring out what is insidc of th.!'n. interpreting confcssions and other tahlet would bear a general resem-flic hf)td. (irO\\"Iwd the morc modest sounds for lfaH a mind of your own. He in- cddence, hlance to the Douglas tahlet in �Ian-Oak Park will send its relay team a moment. The huhhuh was causc(1 quiring, Be or'�in;-,I in thought, nc- del corridor, the Kent tahlet at theto Phil:Hlclphia. This announcement hy a .. Iispute between the red and ,'cl"p )"flur own ideas. lTa,'c somc in closing. the emincnt jurist em- entrance to Kent and the Ryerson\\'<\s made as final by Director Stagg green stripes of Tommy Taylor's col- delinik i(ica about what you are I'hasii:ed thc (Iirect relation between tahlet in Ryerson,""hI) received word from the school lar, over which wac; the more hc- �oin� to do when yon get through crimc and education. "Twenty-four "Before going ahea(1 to final1y rec­Yestcr(lay. It was feared until latc coming owner's complexion. Tommy. coll('ge. Tn France the parents plan I P('� cen�. of criminals are illiterate." nmmeml this gift. however. the com­)'esterday that Oak Park would not howcvcr. was making a rccord sprint the inturc of children. but here. no i saul he. seventy per cent never pro- mittee presented the matter to thebe allowed to make thc trip on ac- to g('t away from the huildin�s I' o_ne �('('ms to know wl;at you will do! gre"sed farther than' the fourth Board of Trustees of the Unh'ersity,_ i �r.tdc. and only four per cent are(Continued on page 4) (Continued on pa&e 4) (Continued on page 4) tigh school or college graduates." (Continued on 'pa&e 2)exception of Merriam, whose weak'. ankle is a slight handicap. it is figuredthat every man on the quartet is fast,Is .. :��r' laUg _aroon THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 19Q8. ,',.'tlll'l. I.I, ','f •• * *1home of education the University 0 *Chicago is! It is so new, has bccn I« DO YOU�M�MBER? : IF OBLIGED TO DROPso much the target of gibe and sneer • OUT OF RESIDENCE. ., One Year Ago Today •The OMc:1al Student Publication of the by its rivals, and made so notorsou.sUnt It • Chi 1 1 'wen t. \Vinston Henry' was chosen to '*Ten , or C8Co. by alleged uttcrance�, t rat we 1.d 1 . to be penetrated by • lead the Junior Promenade, and *Entered .. 8ec:ond-clus Mall at the Chlcaco, allowe ourse \ cs.£ '" '•. ''e.I �lerrialll was elected chair- *b f the huge gray mass 0 .... u �,P_tollc:e. Chlcaco. Illlnola. March 18. the eauty 0• 1 .. man of Junior Day. *buildings, that architectural rrunnp 1 ..1903, under.Ad of March 3. 1879. fl' .1 f t 1 Northwest- *which will some day be the city 0 �, C ncago ue en e(*,ern by a score of .8 to 2 in a *Publlabecl dati,. euept SundaJ .. lion.. Chicago's greatest boast.da7a and hollda7a. durlq three quartera "Otl;er western institutions excel * rough game played at Evanston. *it in the matter of location, but the * Two Years Ago Today *beautiful harmony of architecture, thc l s In celt:'bration of the first de- *unity of its great noble gridiron,make .. bate championship that the Uni- *The Universitv of Chicago _ - - - -. . 1 '>; versity had won. a banquet to the *it iurc\'er the envy of Its r iv a s. '-I. b s .... met '" team was held in the private din- -* T'D'D DAILY BULLEfIIT'U' I"Instead of s.trivwg to ea.,J -... .D..I:a .L�'rjcal 'whole, like the University of * ing- room of the Commons. 'Gold * Divinity chapel will be addressed at. . to be * watch Iobs were presented to the *10:30 in Haskell assembly room byChicago, we at 'Visconsltl are. *scattered over the hills, the scenic * members of the te:m.* • * • * Dr. Henderson.and social unity of the institution l+ * * * • • Senior class meeting will be held atbroken and nothing gained that very DEDICATORY TABLET TO BE 10:30 in Cobb lecture room.Harvard is a GIFT OF SENIOR CLASS? Blackfriar rehearsal for the cupidmany of us can sec.,mighty institution of learning.:, butits difi'usion all over the flat floor ofCambridge no more creates its schol­astic spirit than east winds give Bos­ton beans their flavor. :Han'ard is agr cat institution, but it docs not Iol-LUTHElt D. FERNALD. ManagIng Editorlow that this bears any relation to orproceeds from the fact that some ofHarvard's buildings are next door toan engine house, that a blacksmithshop sticks a sooty face between twoothers, and that dwellings, shops,stores, intrude between its buildingsand jostle them everywhere."Nearly all of the Western institu­tions show conscious design, not onlyin their natural envelope, but in theirscholastic and spir itual intent. Letthem never forget this. Plan is betterFormerlzThe riDlnraltJ ot' Chicaco Weeki,.FoundedThe Weeki" Oct. 1. 1892.The Dall,. Oct. 1, 1902.SubscrlptioD prIce, ,3.00 per year; ,1.00for 3 months. Subscriptions receIved atthe lIarOOD Omce. EllIs Hall, or at theFac:ultJ Exchange. Cobb Hall.(Continued from page I)Editorial omce-Be!ore 8 p. m., ElllsHall, UnIversity. Tel. Hyde Park 426.After 8 p. m., MarOOD Press, 474 E. 55thStreet. Tel. Hyde Park 3691.PRESTON F. GASS, News EdItorMELVIN J. ADAlIS, Athletic EdItorASSOCIATE KDl'IOIlSJerome N. FrankAlbert D. HendenonA. L. FrldsteiDDl'OR'1'DSA. W. Wheeler, H. R BaukhageA. W. Whitfield H. B. FullerW. A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. :Hall]. Sidney Salkey Mamie LillyA. N. Pfeffer Sudhindra Bosethan luck."BualDea omc:e-Before 8 Po m.. ElllaHaU, UDlveraltJ. TeL II)'de Park 426.CALLS ANNU� CAUCUSFOR WEDNESDAY, MAY 6LOUJ� S. BERLIN, Business ManagerNews contrtbutlons m&1 be left at KUla President Cleary Posts Notice forBall or Fac:ul� E%chaqe, a4dresaed to the Meeting of Sophomores to NameDa.1J, JlarOOD. Cap and Gown Candidates.WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, '1908.I!,i',. A notice for a Sophomore classmeeting on May 6 for the purposeuf lIumin:iting officers for tllf� CapOn Thursday evening the Penn- d II GO"'n board, has been u yI .. I' of tIle an( ,sy vama SWImmers, c lamplOns f Iposted. The president 0 tIeEast, by their recent I'Sophomore class, Ralph Cleary, W 10victory over Princeton, b 1 1.1will preside at this caucus, to e le uwill meet the Varsity Iin Kent at 10:30, urges a,s arge anin Bartlett tank, to de- attendance as possible in order thatcide the swimming andthe choice of candidates may expresswater polo championships of thethe will of the entire class.colleges. The event is a bigger one According to the new constitutionthan would appear to the average oi the annual any Sophomore withobserver. than1l0t less than ten nor moreThe team will go into this crucial .twenty-one majors may nommate anycontest with the odds in favor of theother memher of the class for anyEastern c11ampions, but with a fight-vne of the five offices to be filled, anding chance to, win, in spite of theis eligible for holding office and vot­loss of two stars by a graduation and ing at the election of the board. Anyillness. Thursday's swimming meetstudent who has not Icss than tenwill draw a large Chicago attendance, majors and has not been in residencefrom those who wi�l come to see tl�e m:)re than two ycar� in this or anysport for the sport s sake. Th�re IS "oth�r university is also eligible. Theneed for a good student'de1egatloh to I number of nominees to any of thesee the sport for Chicago's sake. olliccs is not Iimitcd. A further pro------- \·ision is that additional nominationsBADGER CALLS CHICAGOmay be made by the petition of fivcARCHITECTURAL TRIUMPH memhers of the class, if presented tothe president of the class before 5p. m. of thc :\Ionclay following thenominating caucus. On the Tuesdayi(lllowing will he posted a list ofca nd ida tes, a 1:-0 of a It persons eli­High and un stinted praise of the giblc to vote at the election. which i�and architcctural plan of to be held on the third ',,"ednesdayin :\J ay. :\t the n()lllinating ca\1(,\1�eight tellers will be. cho!'cn by theclass to take charge of, the electitln,Xo candidates for t�le"hoant have asyet been seriou�ly Sltggc:o'ted. Philosophy to Debate science.l'hil"�,,phy College. haying won itsdt' ha t e i rdlll :\ rt�. witt now meet�ci('nce for the clehatillg champion­�hip of the Junior Co1tege�. ThelIhiln�;,phy team is composcd ofSahath, Salkcy and Smith. The <le­icndcrs of the titlc of Science are.:\lcCullough. :\lcAnc1rews and Bcn­itez. The debate will take place du­ring the eighth 'Week of the quart cr.or about l\lay 18. No qucstion has asyet been decided upon but full ar­ra ngements will be made this week.l..: OnThursdayEvening',i::'ij'! '"Writer in "'MidlandP, Pays Tribute toUniversity as surpassingly Beau­tiful Home of Education.Professor Edwin S. Sparks. pres­ident·elect of Pennsylvania State Col­lege, was a guest of honor at thc an­nual dinner of the Ohio Statc Uni­versity alumni association at the r�l­mer I1uusc Saturday cvening. ing.organizationthe University of Chicago was ex-1 by a Univcrsity of \Viscon-presse( ,s:' "'riter in the current isst�C of �he":Midland Magazine." In (hsc\1sslllgd western college ideals andeastern an 't Plans Tor the bettermentthe prcsen, ..,of th,c Univcrsity of WISCOnslIl, hesays in part:. 't tl'on "'as more thorough-·'No II1Stl u•.1 d before birth than the Um-Iy p anne . . ., f Chicago and no IOstltutlonverslty 0 ,rpasses it architc� . Iy beautiful"What a surpassmgI,i Correspondence CoursesWill enable you to continue your college work and gain the degree.QODe-ba1f [18] of the l6 Majon required for �raduatioD asay bedODe b)' CorresPODdenCe. qOver 300 clau-room couna are thusofferecl b)' m .. ben of the UDivenit), F .. cullies. qBesides the �.ular � School aDd College Counea. are DIaD)' that appeaJ tothOle in different voc:ations-Dotabl), to teachen. qWork mil)'hqlD at aD)' time. qlDquire at office ofTHE CORRESPONDENCE·STUDY DE.PARTMENTPhilological Society will meet atANNOUNCEMENTSCap and Gown caucus will' be heldthe first. Wednesday in :\Iay.Freshman dues for the springquarter are now payable either torV=iss Buckley or Briggs.Masonic club will meet at 8 p.Thursday, in Cobb 9B.Baseball-Chicago will play m.,St.dancers will be held at 4 p, m.Mathews Lecture-s-Professor Shail-"111'·1 to the building committee of the. k .ucr Mathews will spca at 7:15 IIIlibrary. The plan of the committee Haskell 011 "Is Jesus Christ Divine?"11',1" met with immediate and enthus-J All arc invited.. b the Universityiast ic acceptance Y Blackfriar rehearsal f,o. r,. the entire. . I 1 bad the alter- ,authontles, w 10 a so ,chorus will he held at 7':30 in Mandelnative suggestions of the mind.. "In reply to our suggestion, wethe home of Professor Kern, 385 Easthave received a letter from Dr. 1.. 56th street, at 8 p. m. Papers will )eGoodspeed in which he says: 'I am�iven by Professor Hale, Professoral�thorized to say that we shall be . D BJenkms and r onner.very glad indeed to have the class of1908 contribute to the fund for plac­ing the bronze dedicatory tablet inthe Harper Memorial library. Presi­dent Judson, Mr. Heckman, the bus i­'ness manager of the University; Mr.Hutchinson, the treasurer and chair­man of the building committee, and"\Ir. Arbctt, the University auditor, allapprove the plan. May we depend onits being carried out?' Ignatius Thursday at 3:45. Admission"The plan to endow the Council has free.not a few point; in its favor," said Central Oratorical League-Semi­"Art" G�es, another' member of the finals will be held Thursday at 8 committee, yesterday, "but I m. in Mandel ha11.think it is by no means as complete- Seniors who wish class pins in but­ly satisfactory' a�d ,desirable as the ton form should leave orders in boxsuggestion that the.,c_la,ss ,do.nat,e .. the' 370. Faculty Evchange. Price $2.25.II,.,li(':ltorv tablet of the library. How-��'er, thi� latter plan- is favored byPresident Barker and others of theclass, so the committee is presentingit as an alternative recommen(Iation. IN CLUB AlID FRATBRNITYThe two plans will be put before the At a bridge party given at the 10-class, which will decide' by majority cal chapter house of Phi' Delta Theta,votc which it wishes carried through." M.iss Belle Murray was the winner of"The endowment of the Council the evening. Shc was presented withseems to me the bette.r pian," . said a fraternity banner as a prize for the j30-31 <itcw'ld Ei3ldS.President Barker, yesterd'ay. "The most successful player. Mrs. Har- 92 <!5tatc <ltud' l81a;ca,oerection vf a memorial tablet is an per chaperoned the party. .'1'.1"".", C .. 'r.z�SNexcellent opportunity, of which one The Kappa Sigma baseball teamwill undoubt�dly take advantage for crossed bats with the ,�ology de­a gift to the library. but I think the partment team at 4 p. m. yesterdaySenior class will do well to think in \Vashington park ball gTounds.seriously of making it possible for Kappa Sigma won by a score of 14the Senior Council ,to become an ef- to s.fcctive working body, whereas at The various fraternities aroundpreesnt it is constantly hampercd by the Quadrangle are getting ready tolack of any funds at all:' cltoos,c their tcams, preparatory toOther business of the class will be the interfraternity championshipvoting of the class dues. and thc hear- series which is to be played off theing of reports from the social, pin. later part of the, printing. song and class day The next social function for thecommittces. Reynolds club is to take the form ofGreat interest is being shown by a smoker to he given May 2.memhers of the class in the 1908 din-. Thc last scorc club dance of thencr dance. to be given Friday e\'cn:- quarter ,,·ill. be held Saturday after-Pre-medic club, Thursday at 10:30,in Kent theater. Dr. Wells of the­Department of Pathology, will talk.1100n at 2 o'clock'in Rosalie.Ned Rntterfield has becn \'isitin� atthe Alpha Delta Phi chapter honse.Hands off cheap glovesif you want well· glovedhands. Hand outFOWNESGLOVES- w<in lhing i, La;it II- Cobb Hall, 7AI:::I I�c., .'-_Ph(===::T:hi:·:rty=F=iv:e.ID==011an==- I---------------' "DelFaultlessinFit.FabricandFashion,in.fulCils:s$15ffzidettv •JSHIRTSOn and off like a coat.In fast colors and ex­clusive styles. $1.50 up.'CLUETT, PEABODY & co� JlakersIG-ERMAN BOOKS\ Of all descriptions. such as class­ics, plays, dictionaries, etc.t SPECI�L DISCOUNT• TO STUDENTS ••••, Catalogues and quotationsI sent upon. request. I�. M�!O!?re�. �ic!;�i BORDEN:;_olt Condensed Milk, Fluid Milk, CreaJII, and Buttermilk. \I ' All Bottled in the Country.Borden·. Condensed Milk C6.627-633 E. Forty-seventh St..'THE DAILY 'MAROONt WEDNESDAY. APRIL 22, IgoS.Marc H irschl, the crack polo play­cr. may be out of the tine-up in thePcnnsylvania meet .tomorrow.Hirschi is on the wrestling team, andWe are now' prepared to show our Advance Styles in "Spring Suits" suffered a sprained shoulder in ain the most approved materials and Models, "Best Tailor finish" rang- match, several days ago. If he ising in price from $25.00 up. kept out, Coach Knudson will be de-Latest Styles in Spring l\lillinay from $7.50 up. Correct Styles both prived of one of his most aggres-'I d I sive players. It is not known who;n the 1\1ost Authorative Ame-rican and European .I.' 0 ( s.Many of our Models strictly excluasve, , will fill his place.__________ . . ! Another development yesterday�����-���-�����-�-�.�-�-�' was the trial of �id �alke� for thefourth place in the relay quartetWalker is a hundred yard man, butwas hurt early in the season. Hehas now fully recovered, and may beused in the relay.Coach Knudson does not feel confi­dent over the result of the meet. Herealizes that the Quakers are a.. trong aggr,egation.None of the Western opponents ofthe Maroons pushed them to their 'limit, but the work of the Easternershas been decidedly better than that ofeither Wisconsin or Illinois.Dr. Raycroft expects to receive thePennsylvania entries some time, to­day. Mr. Knudson will announce his"It is only the sick" dyspeptic andnarrow-minded' who are willing to letothers take success away from them:'declared Dr. Henderson in Seniorcollege. chapel yesterday. "Ti we arcsane. healthy and sensible. we willwant to succeed. When r speak ofsuccess. I usc the word in its broad­est, 1110st reasonable, most worthymeaning. To such accomplishmentof our purposes in life. two thing sarc \· .. scut ial : first. knowledge ac-I curate. scientific knowledge. and sec-lonlll)' that we shall make success areligion, touched with emotion, and���������������������������� 'kindl�fl "'ith fir�.·'...r Robert Staedter Co.. l 155 State StreetBetween Madison and Monroe--Phone Central 5334I• Furs, Suits, Coats, SkirtsMillineryHotel M�aroon.58TH ST. AND DRE�EL AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 3739-The BEST Served atPOPULAR PRICESRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfRIn Connection••• fRANKPhone Hyde Park 3813. TheI93 E. 55th Street.�I Delicious c�ocolates and_ Bonbo�s IIIn great vanety, put up m beauti- LINDSAY BROS.ful boxes, suitable for presents. at25(".. 40c and 60c a pound. . TA I LOR SAlso Souvenirs and favors for I Iany and aU occasions. •I I.49 AND 5I JACKSON BLVD.Gunther's Confectionery2I2 State Street. I5 . I=- ::��!��-: .... ll. III-Xl7 Randolph StreetTHE POPUL� PLACE ,TO EATEith,-r before or :lft�r the IWe make a Specialty of Club, Iand Fratemi� Dinners.BfNfDICTTailor WALD.SHOWS THE PREFERREDSTYLES FOR THE SEASON.Theater.2I4 East 55th StreetTelephone 2860 Hyde Park_. __ ... __ .. -Prof. f. B. Rowden's Schools and Academies of DancingA&sembly meets every Thursday evening at Unity Club House, 3140Indiana Avenue.Juvenile Class every Saturday afternoon from one to four.Studio for private lessons. 32I Kim!»all Hall Bld., Wabash Ave., andJackson Boulevard.Class for beginners Monday. Tuescby and Friday evenincs.P.ivate lessons given hourly during the day. with or without music.Children's private class, $1.00 per month.Adults, private lessons, $1.00 with music or a cuaranteed course forSs.oo.Daintily DeliciousPerfedl, P Ii r eSurpassingl,SmoothWonderfullyWholesomea.__.[S .. 4�1NifiLi��- .... DIaD ...."MafLD'" aDII­.��.•; ,�. I'. t.--:-\:\---- entries this afternoon.Penn Team Here TodayT�mem���ilie��e�hy � 1._ ... �p_h�0_n�e�M���·�2�7�����������I-P�&���... d_O�I_��S�tr�"����Pennsylvania swimming team, the in- �_ CHI C AGOtcrcolleg'iate champions of the East.left yesterday for Chicago.where theywill participate in four .dual meets.Tonight the team will meet the Chi­cago Athletic association; Thursdaynight, the University of Chicago; Fri-(lay night, the University of Illi­nois, and Saturday night the MissouriAthletic club of St. Louis .;����EY WINS REPRIEVE 1·Former Law Student Secures Recog- \JAttorney Frances E. Hinckley,Law ex-'06, who recently jumped Iinto prominence as a criminal lawyerthrough his masterful fight to saveHerman Billik from the gallows, has ',---------------------------------------------------------Dr. Henderson Tells Seniors only I'Weaklings Let Others Succeed.Sprains Shoulder wrestling, and HisEntry in Meet is D�ubtful-PennArrives Today.HIRSCHL, POLO STAR, MAYNOT COMPETE TOMORROWInition as Criminal Lawyer inBillik Appeal.succeeded in winning from the Boardof Pardons a reprieve for his clientuntil June 12. Billik, after a dramatictrial. was found guilty of murder bypoisoning, and sentenced to be ,hanged last October. At this point.Hinckley took .uP the case, in whichhe had been merely a consulting at­torney during the trial, and has suc­ceeded, through a . series of sensa­tional legal moves, in securing fourreprieves. A final pardon is now be- Iing sought from the Board of Par­dons and the governor.SUCCESS, A NATURAL DESIRE BOOKSThe largest stock in this Icounfry-all kinds-standard,' newfiction, technical-convel ienlly arranged on our fwolarge retai' floors. fngraved Cards,Announcements, ftc.A. C. l\IIcCLURG .. CO.215-221 Wabash Avenue, Chicaa:o.CHEMICAL, PHYSICI.L, fLECTRICAL andSURGICAL GLASS APPARATUSWE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO D&SCRIPTION.Any Apparatus Made to OrderW. J.' BOEHMMANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER,MAROON MENWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORN£R CLOTHESARE BUYING AGAIN THIS SPRINGCOLLEGE SUITS AND OVRRCOATS $35-00$185 ta9 Dumr. -6 WBkieTAILORS Bank floorBEliN BAGGIICE A EXPRESS CO.,Quick Service our Motto ..BA(iG�GE OUR SPECLA.!.TY30 Walitons Dally to and from AU DepotsFurniture. PianQs. Tnmks, Merchandise and ParcelsDelivered to aU parts, of the city, Depots and SUburbJMain Office: 6154 Wentworth Ave.Telephone Wentworth 460. 461Branch Office: Information Office. University of Chicago .Phone DougJass 28& Phone Harrison 15gB71 East 39th Street 48 Hubbard CounSamuel Harris & Co.MACHI NISTS' AND MANUFACTURERS·Tools Bnd Supplies.�3 and 25 Sou t h C lin ton S t r e e tCHICAGOHERAN JACOB .. CO.CLEANERS. OVERS454 East 63rd Stret.t.406 East 631 e Street51 East 41th Str� Phone Hyde Park 3777Phone Hyde Park 3790Phone Oakland 3697!14471- E.':���EGE LARDE�earC�!� Ave. IIS THE BEST AtiD CHEAPEST PLACE TO EAT. ILUNCHEON 2� UP. EVENING DINNER, 25C.··PROOF OF ��B:, , R�ING...-IS_E_A_T_IN_G_." _THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, APRU .. 22, I9Q8 .•SOME REAL SPRING NOISES(Sketched by a Staff Artist.) • BIRTHDAY NUMBER OFALUMNI MAGAZINE OUTNumber I of .the Second Volume Ap­pears on Campus-Is Dedicated toOld University.The birthday number of the Alum­ni �laga7.ine made its appearance onthe campus yesterday. It is dedicatedto the Old University, and containst WI) art icle s on the subject, one en­titled "A Boy in the Old University:'by Herbert A. Home. '75, and "The\\'ol11an of the University of Chicago,.'&)7-1886:' by Lydia Amelia Dexter.·�tt. These articles contain s�me in-teresting illustrations.NOISES OF SPRING TUNE UP I PURDUE OPTIMISTIC OVER Other special articles in the num-�HANCES OF RIVAL NINES ber. are "College and the Army," byLieutenant P. G. Wrightson, '00, andExponent' of Indiana Institution Dis- '·Th.e Harper Mcmorfal Library," bywhere the echoes would not be so courses on Small Chances of Dr. T. 'V. Goodspeed.Ioud, and the other noises were not Teams It Will Meet. 'Announcement is ·made of a prizegiven a chance to decide on the mer- contest for the best essays on "Theits of the case. According to the Purdue Exponent University of Chicago Spirit." TheA rich and velvety voice was heard thc "dope" on baseball "docs not judges arc P. B. Eckhart. D. A. Rob­as Tommy Taylor's collar passed show any great strength on the part crt son, G. O. Fairweather and Nor­out of car-shot. It proceeded from of Purdue's opponents." Quoth the man Barker. The length of the"Prexy" Dille's spring celebration Exponent. after a discouraging re- manuscript is limited to between LUNCHEON FOR BUSINESS MEN AND SHOPPERS-11.30 a. m. t. 2p.which was bearing its owner past the port on Northwestern: 1,500 and 2,000 words, and the essay Special attention to quick service.bulletin boards. It seemed to shrink "Chicago played a practice game must be handed in before M� 8. A 9·COURSE TABl.E D'HOTE, WITH WiNE. at $1.from the clatter around the "C" on Saturday with about the same suit of clothes will be awarded the .. �:t�.��:.:.:�rby ��!�rI�'!.�:�:I�eat.bench and hastened toward the Rey- style of playas exhibited by North- man getting fi�s.t place, and a hat to .,., p. ItI 70" A ItInokls club. western, but the score went to the the woman wrrtmg the best essay. I .. ..Cunningham's purple socks joined Maroons. Page struck out fourteen The issue contains a complete in- -'DN'''HT .,11. '0£.'.1the throng. "Why, the beauties I men and had five hits chalked up dcx of tl�c first volume of the rnaga- .r. .. IF "''''j IF.Ipossess are unnoticed and unheeded," against him. The form shown by the zine. I Aa nsolately O� Idea Whicla Is Cond.ded ia • Stricti, Professioul • .,.Tbe music is srood. tbe Vaudeville acts are refined and bril[bt. It's an entertainsaid the socks in a vinegar tone. "The Marocns was good, the only thing tbat would do creait to any theater.shimmery texture of the silk of which against them being several costly ARTS PLANS BURL�SQUE New Feal1U'eS To-N-.g-.-L--, CompUmen�.I am made is dim next to Dan Fer- errors in the field that brought in Reserval.OD 01 Tables In Advaaee.<guson's oxfords with those brass several runs." Novel Entertainment Under Consid- STATES RESTAURANT. HERMAN MACK, •buckles," eration-Men and Women to Par- T...., .... t'-'Ula 1171The half shoes hearing itself thus FIVE TEAMS ENTERED; ticipate,1)eing, gossipped about approached the VARSITY DRAWS THIRDassembled noises. They walked Plans for a novel type of enter-proudly as if the brass buckles were (Continued from page I) tninrncnt on the lines of a gardenhalos instead. "I have cause to be party were discussed a; the Artsproud for I am made of real alligator co])eg� meeting yesterday from an alligator which my mas- count of the objections of Principal It is proposed that the men and wo­ter nearly killed, while down at De- Hanna. men of the college combine to workLand ostensibly attending Stetson Dean Owen stated yesterday that up a short burlesque to be presented. University. Then I am doing a ser- the entire -arriount of $250 for de- before the whole college towards thevice for humanity. 1 keep my mas- fraying the expenses of the Univer- end of the quarter. TIle piece wouldter's feet wnrm. and never allow them sity High School relay tf'am ic; now he followed hy some ",ort of an in­to grow cold." Just then the bell pledged, and most of it has been col- formal gathering, possibly a dance.Tang and the noises were so dejected lectde, so that the "U" High boys will The matter was referred to the com­at their coming contact with the accompany Director Stagg, the Var- bined executive committees of the"Merry Widows" that they departed sity and Oak Park relay teams. Stu- two colleges. These bodies will con­noiselessly and without the formal- dents at the Kirnbark avenue school sidcr the proposition and make' a rc-ity of farewell. are still convinced that their' team is port at thc meetings next week.the best, and believe that had LowryHugo Friend a Lawyer Now not been forced to run three-quarters FRESHMEN GET READYHugo Friend, captain of the 1905 of the way without one of his shoes, FOR NORTHWESTERNERStrack team, which won the Confer- their quartet would have come inence championship, and for the past first..two years coach of the Varsity ath-letes indoors, has cast his lot with I .the law firm of Felsenthal, Foreman �Ii:,s� :odd:?i' of Kalamazoo,and Beckwith. �IICh., 15 visrtmg MISS Frank Dalzell.(Continued frorn page I)Yearling Debate Team Will MeetEvanstonians in Mandel Hallon Friday Night.Final rehearsals are being held forthe .Freshman debate next FridayFor Rent-AI suite of two front night. It will be in Mandel hall. b�rooms; special prices if taken now. A. tween Northwestern and ChicagoRhaesa, 5488 (;reenwood. year lings. Carpenter. Smith and Ap­pel will represent Chicago on thenegative side. Northwestern willsend :\Iiss Cora Beazley, Haffcl andV. M. Mc l ntyre, Admission will beRELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month,from our own factory, equippedwith modern' machinery, 250 horsepower. You assume no risk; sat­isfaction or your money back. TheTypewriter Excbange_.319 DearbornSt. Branch of the American Writ­ing Machine Co., incorporated. \Vanted-Typewriting by the page;rates reasonable. Call at 652 E. 57thStreet. first flat.Lost-A Delta Upsilon fraternity free andpin. on tit! campus or in Ellis or tend.Law. Liberal reward for return toInformation office or 5520 Woodlawn CALLSSPECIALTypewriters Rented-3 months for avenue.------------------------------------------------------------ss and up. Typewriters sold on easypayments, from $10 up. Rest bargains for work in cityin guaranteed machines. American cess �ra� a Typewriter Co., 188 Dearborn Daily �raroon.St. Central 6127. everyone is urged' to at-STUDENTS IDEA-LESS(Continued from page I)\\"al1tcd- Ten Young lady studentsthis summer-s-Sue- when you finish the threc or fourAdrlrcs .. J. :\1. :\r.. f II I .YC;Jrs 0 co cgc W rich your parentsp:ty for. YOI1 to gct.George F. Aiken's Barber Shop .. r 11 college develop every side ofremoved from 446 to 428 55th strccr.! yon. and then choosc a particular sidein new building at Lexington ave- to spccia lizc in."YOI1 can do pretty nearly what-POSITION open for young womanat a summer resort; work to begina t end of Spring quarter; $15 or $20mo.; board and room. Address theUniversity Employment Bureau. nne. New and enlarged equipment:more barbers; hest service. Studentpatronage solicited.--------�---.. ----------------� ever you please,. while you arc onearth. 'Bad luck,' and 'evil fate,'don't go here. Have a definite idea,and work toward it. There is an oldFrench saying that you .ought toponder every day, 'To will a thing 'isto be able to do it.' ..The Daily Maroon will pay 5 centsper copy for issues of the paper onJanuary 18, March 18, or APTil 7, De­liver at Daily Maroon office. TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent­Special rates to students; bargainsin re-built machines. W. White­head, � La Salle Street. DRINKS.INK'LIKE A CAMELTo load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in allyink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its owntank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereis to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother, Do itanywhere-any time.CONKLIN'S J�';;G PEN"THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"can be filled- instantly without the least inconvenience. Youcould fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ofsoiling. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writing'qualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed .LeadJJtz dealers handle the Conklin. If yours docs not, order�L Prices. 13.00 and up. Send at once for handsome new cata1�.The Conklin Pen Co., 310 ManhaUan Bide., Toledo, OhioSTATESResraurans. E. COR. STATE AND ADAMS 5TS.•OurVisit Piano Stores. Before making a selection be sure to see our impressiyeezhUU�four floors of display rooms -- Colonial Room, ArtNoveau Room. LouiS XIV ROCIUJ, Dutch Room! Hundreds ofpianos-many different m:ke:4 each of acknowledged :suprem­acy. in its respective cJass..-...all sales made at minimum figure&.Call for art booklets of various pianos to study at your leisure.Terms to suit your preferences. Visitors always welcome-noone urged to buy I We areSole Agents forCROWN, KNABE, ESTEY,CHICKERING BROs., M�CPHAIL GRAND,CONCORD, H. P. NELSON.Before making a se1e(.uon visit the Piano Rooms ofGEO.P.BENT211 W a b •• h Ave n u e:...AIUSEIENTs....THEILLIROIS GARRICI[:\IAUDE ADAMS M .. \RGARET ANGLIN :\IILLER"The Great Di\"iflc"In her Great TriumphTHE JESTERS POWBRSChas. Frohman presentsETHEL BARRYMOREin the New PlayHER SISTERCOLONIALHave you seeaTHE MERRY WIDOWShe i!' the. International CrazeSTUDEBAKERLA SALLB 'fAY nonsoxHONEYMOON TRAILWith CedI Leanand florence Holbrook The Rejuvenation ofAUNT MARYAUDITORIUMTHETHE WHITNBY THE :\IETROPOLlTAXGRAND OPERAAll This WcekTHREE TWINS is EDthusia(JIll to DirFn isBa:I bising of5cDior clasbicball gSack race jxai(lr lunclfttrnoon:btroductottct�1 car� It'cbss pnrclrttnrc.l t hepWpose 01:1) future (:Utt�e n'!':('1)' "in",<lInoun�t·('�ms WI'time.SodThe Rctht ofiicciionfor.llrid;uhh1lIg. ApriCobh Ifa�t� whrodist EpiItttsted