"...•intly tlnrnntt121. Price Two CentsCHICAGO, WEDN ESDA Y, APRI LIS, 1908.�i: I TICKET RATE OF ; NAME SUcas5fDL ORAtORS ATHLETIC CARIIVAL IS I BARKER WINS; LINGLE SECOND AODS MORAL ATROPHY. W8 DOLLARS AI.OUICED JU:i�:: in :O:Of : SCHEDULED FOR TOIIGHT Fonner Cinches. Place on Team for TO LIST OF DISEASES_..,..uon of Atbletics Department tnl Oratorical. Contest on April Dr. Raycroft·. Pet Scheme 01 AlI- �::sto��ui�:"_�;el�i:=;Of(ers Special Inducements to 23nL Around ,Events to be Staged in Show Class., 'Students and Alumni.Tile Bartlett.decisions of the judges in theCentral Oratorical preliminaries wereannounced yesterday, the successfulcandidates being C. M. Bayles, C. 1\1.Keyes, M. A. Natanson, P. M.Director Stagg yesterday an- O'Donnel, and P. S. Wood, who wert' The evening of athletic events, in-_ced that the d�partment of ath- chosen to take part in the semi- eluding the -inter-frateruity relay,Jctics "'ill issue season tickets to Uni- finals held on April 23. semi-finals, several wrestling matcheslmity students and alumni at $2 The speeches at this time will be and fencing bouts to determine the�ch for all baseball games and track limited to sixteen minutes, in which University champions, ami an exhi­meets during the. spring of 1908, ex. they may present a part of their ora- bition polo game between the firstcCpt the Conferenc�. Each ti'cket will don before judges chosen from the and second swimming teams-all thisadmit the owner and a lady. Public Speaking department and the is on the boards for tonight in Bart-This arrangement is intended to bl' faculty. lett.in� the interests 'of the students The Although five usually compete in This is the first time an oppor-spring schedule includes nine base. the semi-finals there will be but four tunity has been offered students t ;pJl games and three track meets at this time as Keyes is ineligible. see such a gallery of athletic rivalrieslI�hall field and individual adrnis- The winner of the semi-finals will settled in one n�ght. It will be asioa to each of these will be at least represent the University in the finalcontest held in Charlotteville. Va .•and will receive a scholarship for one�d Admits Owner and "Ladyr-d" to Nine Baseball Games,and Three Meets.I .. enty-five or fifty cents. The valueof)be season tickets, therefore, is atleast six dollars.The sale of tickets has already be­&UU, and the cardboards may be hadat! the gymnasium. One thousand",tal cards announcing the planbye'.been sent to the alumni of the��.��, and a large response i�txpec:t�d.�lrea.""_·�-'_:" .: ,- -. _ ..' .. ,iPr: spring schedule' of baseballputts and track meets to be held 01'Kirshall field is:.�ednesday, -. April 18, baseballX��western University, 3=45 p. m:Satur�y! April 18�. baseball, ElgirNationals, 3 :30 p, m.Saturday. April 18� track, Philadel­pC relay trials, 2:30 p. m,'ltionday, April 20, baseball, Illinois ...5:6 P. m,,·Saturday. April 25. baseball, Iowa, Fra'temity Races the Chief Ma�et­i Wrestling. Fencing and SwimmingContests Also Carded.sort of four-ring athletic circus.Delta Kappa Epsilon rules favoritein the fraternity relay, and ·is pickedyear. to at least work its way into theThe first prize is one hundred dol- finals. Delta Upsilon is' also con sid­lars and the second fifty. Five of ered a strong contender for gettingthe leading colleges participate in into the finals. The members of boththis contest .. Last year Miss Harriet teams are in good shape, havingGrimt_l1 carried of the honors, when been training for the past two weeks.'t was held-in Chicago. C -h S' Ioac utter las picked out seven'WlL�-:;eJ;OSE: .. aatlOlF: �'";-'- ._ ..... ����I�.�s�.�\:��. _ ��. .S?�s: .. �·i!!. ,_�aveCOLLEGE ELECTION TODAY' matches. among thernseh .. ·c�,. and .wil, also be ready to meet all comer!'Voting to· Take PlaCe in OtIice of from the students. Those he has .se. . leered are \Voods. Meigs, Alexander.Senior Dean from 9 to 12 A. C:lrn.n. Miller. Hirschi. and Mix:A. If. He says several of the matches be-Elections will be continued today t ween these wrctslers should he hardto determine the six Senior college contested. lleigs and Alexander:ouncilors. The Senior dean's office have met before' on the mat.\'a�sity fencers from both �f M. dewill . be the. scene of the voting this Beauvierc's classes will enter themorning from 9 to 12. Few votescontest for University champion.were cast yesterday,but today a largenumber is expected. Thes candidates Kerner Baldridge, Lescano, Jones.Wiscon- are as follows:' Mix and Pease, of the advancedteam, and Bliss and Keene of the be-3:JO P. m,Saturday, May 2, baseball,sin, J:Jo p. m.�ursday, �Iay 7. baseball, Indian·a.3=45 P. m,�turday, May 9, baseball. profes�ls. 2:00 P. m.&turday, May 9, track, dual meet.�. A. A" 3:45 P. m.Thursday, May 21, baseball, Minne­sota, 3=45 p. m.Saturday, May 23, baseball, Purdue2 P. m.Saturday, May 23. track, dual meet.\V"lSconsin. 3 :30 P. m.Friday. May 29, baseba.l1. l11inoi�.3=45 P. m.Saturday. June 13. track, annual in­ter5Chola�tic: 1:30 p. m.The omission of the Conferen("cr... this Jist is due to the fact thatt� Conference is conducted by theBig Ninc association. and not by thet1nivt'rsity department of athletic�."The Lady �nd the Tiger," the first"si�al comedy "'ritt�l1 hy Frank R.Adams. '04, and WiIJ Hough. '04- flf':' Sane theater fame, is being re­tI\t�1 hy the Phi SiR'111a fraternity oitb� Grand Rapids. Mich .. high schonl.Walter T_ Gregory,. '06, managing�ditor of The 'Daily Maroon (1905-1906), and author of "The R'!�hing ofRIlX�s," is assistant adjuster in the;djastment bureau oi the Am� .. icanTin Plate company at Cleveland. Division LPaul H. BUhlig.Alta' GreeD.Maz Rohde.Earl C. Stefl'a. ginners, will measure swords.A practice polo game between theVarsity and . sub'stitute teams, andsome races in the tank will concludethe night. . Coach Knudson's menhave been coming out steadily, andare in trim to play an e�citing gameand to swim close to record time to­night.Division II.C. B. jordan.ElSie Parker.Divisio� ilLL. D. Pernald.J. L. Treacy.EliAbeth Tbielens. CHIMES TO BE INSPIRATIONChaplain Says They Will Speak ofNoble Life. of, Mrs. Palmer.A plea for more lh·es like that ofAlice Freeman Palme�. in "'hosememory the :\ritchell to"'er chimesare' to be installed in June. was madeby Dr. Henderson yesterday in Se­nior college chapel. "If this greatwoman had been asked to 'tell whathad made possihle all that was greatand worthy and noble in hcr life, shew(,uld havc said: 'Because I thoughton Je:sus Christ and His �mage inGod: Those chimes in the towerIllinois Five Elects Popperfuss "ill speak daily to both men andH. J. Popperfuss. the star forward womcn. and inspirc them to betterof the Iltinois basketball team. wj1J ami nobler living."lead the state university five next The importance of religionseason. Popperfuss hails from Chi- was repeatedly emphasized. "Givecago, and during the last season on rc1i�ion a fair chance in yourthe Illinois team proved one of the lives. give it serious consideration.mainstays. Popperfus§ is a track lit should occupy a. supreme place inathlete also, his forte being the mile your attention. WithQut it the best I• run. w(·r).- c:mnot be done."Diviiion IV.David F. Davis.Edward IIcBride.lIarcus A. �inchI.Division V.B. H. Badenoch.D. W. Ferpson.Florence lIanninC.N. A. 1Ierriam.KatheriDe SIaUCht.Division VI.Walter S. Morrison. Results of the tryouts for the Var­sity relay team held yesterday makeit appear as if Chicago. will be repre­scntcd this year' by the same fouras ran last year. The race for thirdand fourth places resulted in victo­ries for Barker and Lingle. who 'fin-"ished in order named, with Comstockthird and Garrett fourth.Director Stagg said after the racethat Barker will not have to runN('rman . Barker.again in competition with the others,but has his position cinched. Lingle.Comstock and Garrett will have an­other race Saturday, along with try­outs for the field athletes and highschool relay teams.Director Stagg held a second race.a handicap event between CaptainQuigley. Merriam and Timblin. Mer­riam and Timblin started scratch,two yards behind Quigley. At timesduring the race it appeared as ifMerriam would· catch the leader, but"Quig" kept up a steady stride all theway, and. finished with the same gaphetween at the end as at the start.The time of the race was 0:51 2-5.In the big race of the day Com­stock drew the pole, Lingle second.Garr�tt third and Barker fourth. Al­most at the crack of the gun Barkerfiashed across to the pole, took thelead, and n:Jilintained it all the way.gradually increasing it until at thefinish he was three yards ahead. Gar­rett (Iropped back to the rear positionill1d ncver fought for better than lastthroughout the contest.The real fight was between Linglci!nd Comstock. Up to five yardsfrom the finish. it was 'impossible topredict "'hich of the two '\\'o\lId getsecond. They ran close all the ,,·ay.never more than a foot separ;atingthem. On the back stretch Lingleforged ahead with a burst of speed(Continued on page 4) John l'. Mott Warns Students thata Comfortable Passivity May beDangerous.Calls Director Stagg One of theGreatest Men on Earth-ScoresPride of Intellect.Program for the Week·TodaY-4:oo p. m. Profes-sor Tufts presiding. Address'It)' Mr. Mott.-7:30 p. m. Women's Meeting, Miss Wallace' presidingAddress by Mr. Mott. _,;.Thursday-cqroo p. m. ProfessorBarnes presiding. Address b,Mr. Mott ..--i.:30 p. m. Professor Mathews presiding. 'Address .bY Mr.Mott, . .�),... ----------- .... \ ;.Th� law that any faculty' not usedtends .to atrophy,' applies to the tftotaland spiritual sphere, as well- as thephysical, according to a theory' pro­. posed. yesterday afternoo.n, by . .JohnR� Mott in the: third meeting. of theconference on personal religion.This 'tendency to moral· atrophy is'one or- the gravest problems of theI�.i.m�� i� the.opi�n�of .. Mr;·,Mott::anct .. · .'J!e, ;d�ia�e�l' th�� ���i��ta�!y :,:��.��� ....dox church members are as.Hable �o.it as any other' portion of the humanrace. ". would rather be active thanc'rthOclo�:' 'he 's�id in .this eonn�ction."If I cease 'to cultivate the 'whole'range of my .spiritual faculties, my:naine'� may still' re�ain . onrhe ch;;rchToll,:. while 'I practically cea�� to 'be:-lIieve.": . .Mr. Mott brought the point hometo his student auditors, and' warnedthe� to look to themselves to see'that the process of. atrophy had not:.lreadY begun in them. "The fact 'thata person feels comfortable is no' safeproof that this process has not 31-ready <lone some of its deadly' work,"he said. "J t may be extremely deceit-. Iul in, its operation, and if behoovesevery one to guard' against 'it.· In theIh'es of some' of our best' studentstheir characters bav.e' been unraveled:110t as a r�lt""�r�j1ful choice to dowron.:. but because they ha\'e neglect­ed to cultivate their moral and spiri-'mal natures."Mr. Mott described the atrophy as"a numbness, indifference, and gen­eral skepticism which is but thecreeping on of the fingers of death."He also urged the importance ofcombatting the dise�se. "You mustkeep in training for emergency:' hewarned. "for you are going to be sub­ject to many many surprise trials inyour lives."�tr. �Iott suggested that as a. testoi a man's immunity from the di�easehe ask himself the question. "Am Iwith acth'e attention and·. designseeking to cultivate day by day thecomplete range of my moral nature?":'111 ability to return an affirmative an­swer being proof of saFety."Students' Battles" the NiCbt Topic."Stud�nts' Battles in All Lands"formed the subject of Mr. Mou's ad­dress last night. Director Stagg pre-(-Continued on .pa&e 4)..!it':."';� t' \I •\ '*THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1908.���������������������������������������������������������������I�' �SCIENCE AND 'LiTERATURE • * • * * * * * * • :* ..HOLD DEBATE TONIGHT·' DO YOU REMEMBER? •. ',",Cobb Han. ��.;.. I1•I••Will enable 'you to con�ue your college work and gain the degree.IF OBLIGED TO DROP'OUT OF RESIDENCECORRESPONDENCE-STUDl' (:OVRSESbteNd .. SeeODdocl .., Ka11 at tile Cblcap�tomee. Chlcqo. IIllDola. Karch 18.The Ollclal 8tadeiat PabUcatlOll of the Philosophy-Arts Debate Again post- 11 One Year Ago Today ..UDlTeraiq of Chlcap. . poned on Account of Eligi. .. Excavation was started in the ..- bility. * court opposite Hitchcock and".. Snell halls, preparatory to making ..The initial debate of the intercol- .. the sunken garden which now *.Icgiatc contest will be held tonight .. graces the court. ..after a series of postponements. The * Two Years Ago Today •debates were supposed to be held Professor Me Laughlin, now"during the eighth week of the winter, * head of the department of His- �but circumstances prevented them * tory in the University, promised ..from being held previous to tonight. • to leave Michigan and accept the ..The debate this evening is between * position he now holds at Chi-"1903. UDder .let of Karch 8. 1819.� dalq. ucept 811Ddap. II.oD­__ . aa4 IaolJdap. darlq three Qaartenof tile U ....... t7 ,.ar. . ClODe-balf [II) of the 36 )Cajon re,ubed for .raduatioa •• y bedO!ll � coneapoaMac:e.· 40ver 300 clau-rOODI COUI1IeS an thusoffeNd � ....... of die UDiYenit7 h.culties. qBeslde5 the rei­War IIi&h Scbool aad CoU.e Couna. are DlaD7 that .ppeaJ totho.e -lD diffenat yoc:.tioaa-aotabl7 to teachers. qWork may� at aD7 � 41Dfluire at of lice of. THE CORRESPONDENCE-SrUD� DEPARTME;NTTbe ODlnrait7 of Chlcaco Weeki,.1'0DDd� The University of Chica&o - - - - - -Science and Literature. The Phi'los- * cago, * THE DAILY BULLETIN!ophy-Arts debate was also scheduled * Five Years Ago Today *for tonight, but as c. 1\1. Keyes was $ ,-The contract W:lS let for the. Divinity chapel wjll be addressed8ub8crlptloo price, saoo per ;'ear: $1.00 decla�cd ineligible at the last moment- * $200,000 University of Chicago. at 10:30 in Haskell by Dr. E. D.tor 3 moatha. 8ub8crlptlooa received at this contest had to be postponed .• )Ianual Training .School. .. 'Burton on "Oriental Educational. In-the lIarooo omce. Ellis Hall. or at the again. '* The following notice posted. vesfigations."'Faealq Exchaoge. Cobb Hall. The men who will represent the * on the bulletin board heralded. Blackfriars will meet at 10:30 a. m.colleges are: Literahl�e-A. G. Whit- '" the organization of a new Uni-" ill Cobb 8il.S .1 Willi Commercial club will hold a meet-ticld, Lester A. tearns anu HI lam '.' versity club. The notice read:"McAndrew; Science--C. P. McCul- * All Flunkcrs in the University" iug in Cobb at 10:30 a. m.lough.C, .Smith and Conrado Benitez; * who desire to join th� Flunkcrs·. Dramatic club trials will be held inPhilosophy-J. Sidney Salkey, C. 1\[. .. club please report, • Haskell.Keyes, Albert Sabath ; Arts-Allan .. (Signed) Committee:'. Baseball game will be played be-LUTHER D. FERNALD. Managing Editor Sayles, David Fichman and M. F. � * * * * * * * • * * * tween (;:hicago and Northwestern atPRESTON F. GASS, News Editor Carpcnter� 3 :45. Admission is free.IIELVIN J. ADAllS, AthletJc Editor, The question for Literature and PROF. WRIGHT TELLS OF Blackfriar rehearsal for the Saxon:".ASSOClAU DITOItS Science debate will be: "Resolved, TOBACCO TRUST'S METHODS inns-and Art Students will be held at.Jerome N. FI1U1k That the Canadian Banking System .. p, m,A. L. FrldstelD should be adopted in the United Student Conference on PersonalAlbert D. Henderson States," while Philosophy and Arts Member of Economics Department Religion will be addressed ·by Mr .. DI'OaDS college representatives will wrangle Speaks on, Monopoly that Pro- Mott at 4 p, m, in Mandell hall.A. W. Wheeler. iH. R. Baukhage over the proposition: "Resolved.That duced Night-�ders:' Women's Meeting will be address-A. W. 'Whitfield H. p. Fuller the Initiative and Referendum as ed by Mr. Mott at 7:30·P. m.adopted in the constitution of thestate of Oklahoma, is desirable for "The Working of the Tobacco'our state governments. Trust;' was the subject of a lectureThe winners of the contest tonight given before the Philosophy collegeThe Weekl,. Oct. 1. 1892.The Dalll'.· Oct. 1. 1902.Editorial omce_Before 8 p.m.. ElilsHall, Uolversltl'. Tel. Hl'de Park 426..Atter 8 .p. 10., Maroon Press, 414 E. 66thStreet. Tel. HJde Park 3691.W. A. Weaver Roberts B. OwenCaroline Dickey Esther M. iHall]. Sidney Salkey Mamie LillyA. N. Pfeffer Sudhindra Bose ANNOUNCEMENTS(Sociology club will be addressed atOf _,' wili meet the Philosophy-Arts win- (men) yesterday, by assistant Pro- ... p, m., Thursday, in Cobb lectureners some time in the future for the Iessor Wright, of the department of room, by W. H. Allen, the secretarychampionship of the Junior colleges. Economics. He said, in. part: �i the Bureau of Municipal ResearchEach member of the championship "The trust controls' 75 per cent of on "Sociology's Need of Municipalthe cigaret, snuff, smoking tobacco, Rescarch."and plug tobacco trade of the United Last Student Conference on per­States, and .2S per cent of the cigar sonal religion will. be addressed bytrade. l\(r .. Mott at 7:30 Thursday.This company has found a great Kremer Lecture - Mr. Charlesdeal of diffi.culty in obtaining control Kremer of the Chicago bar. ·will lec­of the tobacco business, and has ture on "Admiralty Law," Friday, atfound that working through the re- 4 :30. in the north room of the· Lawtail end, that is, the United Cigar building,•BaslnesiB oalce..-Before 8 Po 10., ElilsHall, UolnrsJq. Tel. B.Jde Park 426.LOUIS S. BERLIN. BulD .. Manager team annually receives a scholarshipfor one quarter. The members of thefour' teams have worked ·hard, inthe contests, whichNews coatrlbUtlona ioQ be left at EUlsBallor Facalq Exchaop. addressed to the preparation forwill )be close..DalI7 IIarooD.DR. ALLEN TO' TALK ONMUNICIPAL SOCIOLOGYWEDNF4SDAY. APIL IS, 1908.Celebrated Sociologist. Chicago Stores, �ore effective steps towardDirector Stagg's plan for student Alumnus,. to Address the Soci- monopoly could be made. Imitation Powow Plans Declamation Contestadmission to spring athletic contests ology Club on Research. of brands of independent manufac- The members of the Powwow haveis one which will ap- turers, cutting of prices, and all the planned a deviation' from their usualpeal to the student \VilJjam H_ Allen. Ph.D., secretary unfair means that could be employed program in a declamation contest forbody as the best meth- of the Bureau· of Municipal Research, have been resorted to to kill compe- tonight. Kuh. McAndrew and Reevesod yet presented for will deiiver an address on "Sociol� tition. Even the Engli.sh market was will be the orators of the evening:.settling an annual difficulty. gy's Need for Municipal Research" invaded. and as a r�sult a vast agree-Free admission to baseball games before the· Sociology dub in Cobb ment has been made between thehas been an unmixed blessing. It lecture hall Thursday afternoon at 4 English trust and the American To- "Absence makes the heart growh;:as made it possible for every stu- o·clock. Dr. Allen took his bache- bacco company whereby each has the fonder," but you may be forgotten ifdent to attend, but it has introduced tor's degree at Chicago in 1�7 and monopoly of the market' in its own h· beU<J you don't have somet IIlg to re-the small boy and others 1Vho eagerly then did graduate work in the Uni- country, while the American com- membered by. Before you go home.take advantage of any "free show":' \"ersities of Leipsic,' Berlin and Penn- pany has two-thirds of the remainder come in and get a good photo forWorst of it all, .it ha� cheapened the sylvania, taking his doctor's degree oi the world_'s market, leaving the your folks at home, Esmoer's,243 E.baseball team! making it the only at last nam.ed in 1900. other third to the British corpora- h S5St • t.team which has needed free admis- Dr. Allen went from the Univcrsity tion. .sion to secure an audience. The new of. Pennsylvania to the secretaryship "The .;\merican trust owns 150 to­plan does away with this. .. of the New Jersey State Board of bacco factories, but few tobaccoTbe inconvenience of constantly ob- Charitie$, and thence to thc general 1:1I1ds. The trouble in the tobaccotaining track tickets is also removed. agenc)· of the New York Society for growing districts of Kentucky, withThe student now purchases once for Improving _tbe' Condition of the Poor, the 'night-riders,' is due to the effortsall a ticket permitting him to enjoy in which position he became one of I)f the tobacco gro"-ers to combineall spring athletic contests-and at the foremost chari�y workers in the against the trust, "'hich they com­prices so nominal as to enable every country. plain is nlining, tobacco cultivationone to be included. A year ago Dr. Allen ,,'as made in their state.secretary of the newly organized �u- "The. tmst gained control first ofADDRESSES' ARTS COLLEGE reau of Municipal Research of New the cigaret trade, and then reachedYork City. The report issued re- out for the plug and snuff lines of theProfessor Miller Declares Religion a husines�. E,·cntually. it got also theMatter of Will P�wer� c\!ntly by this bureau on Ne,,- York's(lepartment of finance has been givcn smoking tobacco monopoly, and atAthleticTicketsFOWNESGLOVESwin Fashion'. races""bands down"snch publicity that a complete reor- the prcsent time it is working hardto control. the ci�ar tradc. althoughits succcss has not bcen great."Thc trust is so organized that thefew holders of $21.000.000 of the com­mon stock control the managcmcntof the trust, ,,·hich is capitalized at$500,000,000.·'Thc immcnse fortuncs ,,·11ich themen in the trust have made would ·in­dicatc that the quickcst way of amass­ing wcalth is to be a dircctor in, atruSL"Professor Frank J. MilJer gave a ganization of thc city's departmcntshort talk before Arts college yes- of finance seems assur.ed.terday morning on "Personal Reli- Dr. Allen is in Chicago for a fc,,'gion." Professor Miller laid special days to delh'cr sevcral addresses un­emphasiS' upon the fact that religion der the auspices of the School foris not a matter of sentiment as much Social Science, dirccted by Grahamas a matter of will power. Life is not Taylur.Jived in an emotional atmosphere,and it is by witl power alone that onefaces tla"! great facts of existence and The Re\'crcnd Hugh Black whoassumes the right attitude towards was at the University last week .isGod. preaching at Syracuse this week. meet e"ery requirementas well as the hi:;h�t ex­pectations. 81.50 up.CLUE"M'" PEABODY & CO.., .�en IISolve Youi' Clotb�1I-I Question 'I 'I'• Wear Mine Onee ...II Fo_ to Tmrty Fwe DoDan'11• • .==:1 �:..CANDIESDelicious Chocolates and Bonbomin great variety. put' up in �lUI. boxes, suitable for presents, at2Sr.. 40C and 60c a pound... 1Also' Souvenirs and favors forany and ,an occasions. . " ...• :� ...... .;- - -- ... _ .. �-� f/�Ciunther's Confectionery212 State Street. 'f •: .. -.� ..IIThe Albert Teachers' Ag,.c. J. Albert, Manager3iS Wabash Ave., ChicagoEstablished twenty-three yurs.\Ve locate annually from sev­enty to eighty-five· University.·of Chicago studente_ CallSaturday and we will tell yoa.of some of our good vacau-.cies.BOR·DEN'.Condensed 1Iilk, Pluid 1Iilk. C .....and Buttermilk. 'AU Bottled ill the Country.Bord!=D'. Condensed IIiJk Co.;'627-633 E. Forty-seventh St.GERMAN :80015Of all descriptions. such as class-•cs, plays, dictionaries, etc.SPECIAL DISCOUNTTO STUDENTS •.•••. Catalogues and quotationssent upon request.A •. KROCH l:J CO.26 MonrOe Street. Chicago. 'IJRobert t:. LindsayLINDSAY BROS.I�������J:� I",'/';, ;�'Jt,� .... .,! �,���������������������T�H�E�D�A�IL;y�¥;,A;R;O;O;N�'�W�E;D;N;E;S;D;A;Y�'�A;P;R�IL�I�S.�I��.����������������=========UNIVERSITY WOMBN OPEN REGULAR BASEBALLSCHEDULE WITH PURPLE"-Miss, Elizabeth, 'Wallace, -deail ofthe . Literature Women., spoke 'tothe college yesterday morning on the:'Uermud:ls," where she has beenspending the winter. A slight discus­xion of the Literature May-pole The Maroons will play their firstdance 'l:a.;, followed by the announce- intercollegiate baseball game this aft­ment that all interested in joining in ernoon on Marshall field' with North­this festivity will see Miss Dudley, so western. The visiting ninc has beenthat rehearsals can begin irnmedi- practicing since the' opening of itsately, spring term in February, and it isAt the meeting of the Science \\'0- said to be in, good condition for amen yesterday, Miss Thtton was hard, scrappy game,elected secretary of the college, Miss Chicago is still crippled by the ab­We:"cr chairman of the program sence of Gaarde behjnd th.<: bat, andcommittee, and Miss'l\lunts chairman Ross at third. Gaarde played in rightvi t lre socia l committee. garden l\lond:lY in the game with DeThe Arts women elected Miss Paul. and Ross was out for a lightOlive Bickell representative on the practice yesterday afternoon. Withinchapel-exercise committee, and Miss a few days both wil! be in the gameLiIIi:1I1 St�tzler a member of the ex- at their regular positions, but in to-ecutivc committee. Jay's game Stangl will do the catch- �'ng. Cleary will play third bas� and I CHI C AGOVARSITY �IMMERS �T �a�e�llpro�b��ayaficldp� •�READY FOR PENN MEE1 -ition. Admission today is free. Therontcst will begin at 3:45 o'clock,Strong Quaker Team Coming toBartlett April 23-National Cham- LITERA TURE-PHIL06'OPHYpionship at Stake. TO MEET IN BASKETBALLOn Friday at I :20, the women'sgymnasium will be the scene . of alively basketball game, when the Lit­:rature players clash with those ofPhilosophy college'. !he games be­a slump since the beginning of the tween these two colleges have alwaysspring quarter and a victory over the been snappy, and as this is perhapsEasterners will mean a hard up-hill the last inter-collegiate game of thislight. The Quakers are vastly su- year, due to the nearness of the Jun­per ior to all the Eastern teams, and ior-Senior series of games, a largeshould Coach Knudson succeed in iudience is expected, to cheer on theducking them, it will give Chicago a "Reds" and the' "Blues." The bas-'. '! ��; '. .. _decis�e claim fur another nation� �etball squad� &om whkh the �n� � __ �_���_��� __ �_����������-����,f BEAN BAt:8A8E a'ExP"ESS GO ••If, BA�'G�UR "s,;�m:iY;;,. .: .': ,,> '�30 Waa:ons Daily to and·fronf"AU'Depots.,: ,.,Furniture. Pianos. Trunks. :,Merchandise .and Par��Delivered to all parts of the City. Depots �d �burbs, ,Main 'Office: 6154 WentworthAve...Telephone Wentwo�b 460. 461Branch Office: Info�tion Office. Universi'ty of Chicago "'�Phone Douglass 28& Phone Harrison 15gB, ,71 East 39th Street 48, Hubbard ,Court-title. teams are to be chosen, will be-' an-The pool in Bartlett will be the nounced today, and the training ofscene of some hard practice between, the two squAds separately will begin'now and April 23, and everything text week. . The lineup chosen' for\\":�I be done by Swimming Director Friday's game is as Iollows ; ,Knudson to get his men into shape. -Lit, (Reds). ,Phil. (Blues)Tile cclc suuad is beinc tauzht ne ...... · f n s L' Hel n P ck.-... � �. can AJarne ' . .1.... . • • • e e,tricks and the offense being strengh- Alice Graper Kar lotta Sagartened. It is .in this branch of the Sub.c-Trene Hastings.contest that Penn will find the Eva Schultz ....... C.I stronge�t opposition. The entries in.. Mildred ChamberlainI the different events are still proble- Florence Lawson. G. Ernestine Evansmatico There will, however, be a :\J.amie Lilly Eleanor Freundgeneral shake-up j'n the team, and it is The members of the hockey class­probable that the Quakers will face es, including those who played ringa different team than that which de- hockey last quarter.will give a spreadIcatcd Wisconsin and Illinois. in Lexington, room 6, at 10 o'clock.All intend in gto be present are re­quested to sign their names on theNORTHWESTERN FRESHMENannouncement posted in the gym-CHOOSE GIRL:AS DEBATER nasium.in Chicago Yearlings to Have FeminineOpponent in Debate on April FRESHMEN APPOINT BIG24th.. SOCIAL COMMITTEE..I .,t,t Bows'- torred laBoringT HIS Shop i� •an authortta­t in sty Ie center for all that' isexclusive and smart in men'scustom made garments; for justthe kind of dash, style and vigor, favored by Universitymen; for all that'smost proper for aing fellow to wc;ar.We emphasize the faultlessperfection of our fit, the criti­cally exact tailoring we put intoevery garment and the UllUSU­:'lily wide assortment of \\'001-youf'l We call special attentionto the attractively, econo-'mical nature of our prices.Our satisfying superb Col­legiate Suit,' made to yourmeasure, your choice of fab­rics.Thirty Dollars., and a cashdiscount of ten per cent,or a, fancy vest gratis oninitial order.THE BOWS COMPANY8th Floor. Masonic-TempleChic:a�o last and most importantTheswimming meet of the year is sched­uled for Thursday, April' 23. when theVarsity swimming and polo teamsmeet Pennsylvania in the Bartlettnatatorium for the championship ofthe country. The M'aroons had aneasy time winning the championshipof the Western colleges.but have had'Ir,ffzidettvffr.encft f/e_at <!1/zopj30-31 �tcwatt 831d9'92 cr£tate d'Ud, (Slde",!!or.�, Cn'r.J.�'c. L. SCHARI'PICTURES AND PICTUREFRAMING265 East Fifty-Seveuth Street. OppOsite Rosalie Court.. Our Greenhouses' arefestive Array ,We invite JOG to inspect ourlarge stock of spring flowers.Yau may find s->me Eastersuggestions.A. McAdamsFLORIST• TlIB UBIOH HOTELAND RESTAURANT111-117 Randolph Street One of the opponents of the fresh­men in their debate with Northwest­ern is Miss Cora Beazley. MissBeazley was chosen in a highly con­tested preliminary match, and shewill clash with the 191 T men on thezath- of this' month. Her two col­leagues are Hairel Smith and V. :\1.t :\fc1ntyre.; �Jiss Beazley is a member of theJ' Chi Omega sorority, anrl when herI soror ity sisters learned of her sue-ccs s they were so elated that theyI escorted her around the C:nilPUS a 11(1tendered her an informal reception.•! Thi� i .. the highest debating honorI that has e\'er heen accorded a womanI at Xorthwestern. The men who com­We make a Specialty of Clubpo .. c the varsity team are Carpenter.and .Fraternity Dinners.J---------------, captain; Appel and Smith.531'd aDd Kimbark 'Telephonn R. P. 18 and H. P. I5QS7-.i THE POPULAR PLACETO EATEither before or a fter theTheater.------ -------�!- B R EWE R TE:\CHERS�=== :\ G f-, , C "l ,�. .... I' �.." . � (� .. � �. , ); '" •.., \ � 1 !, '. I.' \", Methodists Are: Confidentl and Var­sity 'I� 'Without Gaarde and,Ros5-;.Game at 3=45.feam'J are Picked for Friday's Game-Hockey Girls are to HaveSpread.ro Hold First Meeting TomorrowMorning to Make Plan" for anEntertainment.A Freshman social committee ofiorty members has been appointed.Its membership is as follows: MissesBuckley, Burke, Hole. Freeman,Phistcr, Gardner, Alling, Cox.Young,Phillips, Cheney, �1.cCracken, Thiel­ens. Bailey, Hackett. Le Claire.Courtwright. Gridley, Lee; l\lcssr s.Rate. Earle, P. Gardner, \Vhitficld,Young. Davis, Sturgeon, Roulston,Ilrand, Hoagland, Owen, C. Degen­hardt, Sullivan, Lidster. Powell.\\"heeler. Simpson, Goul;I, Stihbs.Long and Briggs arc memhers of thecommittee in \"irtue of their positioit:IS class officers.There will be a meeting of thecommittee at 10:30 tomorrow mftrn­ing in Kent. I?lans will be made forsomc sort oi a social gathering of,the cbss in the ncar future. Those. seeking salary' positions­for next summer should 'see"J. C. Obermueller, Jr.HOTEL l\IIAROONRoom 22. sBth Street and Drexel Avenue.CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL, fLECTR/CAL and. SURCi/CAL CiLASS APPARATUS, "WE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO D'ESCRIPTION.Any Apparatus Made to OrderW. J. BOEHMMANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERPhone Main 2100- 171 E. Randolph Street.E.��!:!:EGE, LARDE� •• ��� A_I'IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO·-EA;. �.. "LUNCHEON 20C UP. EVENING J:?INNER, 25c.,"PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS EATING."447George W. Currier &' Co.�RINTERsHIGH CLASS JOB PRINTING_, .' ) -, ',,I.:",5508 Kim�rk �v�nueH,ot�1 Ma'roQ�,s8TH ST. �ND DREAEL AVE.Under M�agemeat of the Katioaal Hotel Co. Tel. Hyde.Park 37»The BEST Serv�d atPOPULAR P�CBS. RfSTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTf�_,Ia ConnectioaDaintily Delic,iou�Pened/y Pur eSurpass;ng/y�Smooth ," " cWonderfully _IWholesome.4NiiiLi ...... Cnaua,- 7fJDZI7,,, tIIaW-'Suanuswts..-·-----------------------.Prof. f. B. Rowden's Schools and Academies of DancingA&sembly meets every Thursday evening at UnitY Club House, 3140Indiana Avenue.Juvenile Class every Saturday afternoon Irom one to four.Studio {or private lessons, 321 Kimball Han Bld .. Waba� Ave., and IJackson Boulevard.Class for beginners Monday, Tuesday and Frida, eveninp.,F2ivate lessons given hourly during the ,�ay. with or without �Children's private class, $1.00 per month. '" 1Adults, private lessons, $1.00 with music or, a guaranteed couru r� .$,s.oo. .'.. ;THE DAILY,lIAItOON, WEDNESDAY .. APRlL 15. 1908. .-�'? ��:...... :.... \. .. '",'iOIlETHlNG NBWDfBAlBBALL ADDS MORAL ATROPHY ILLIHOIS GLEE CLUB AT,s,-.dinfs ;=. _econt TO UST OF DISEASES STUDEBAKER IIONDAY NIGHT�ditecl by, HUI7 Chadwick,'. th� (Continued from page I) Orpnization Has Talented Kembers"Father of BasebalL" CoDtaina, AU- in its Numlier-Cleav.ineer' i.merous interesting recorda Deyer sided, and Mr. l\{ott paid tribute to Leadet.heretofore collated, including winnen the "Old Man" by calling him "oneof 'National L�aue, Championships of the greatest men on earth." Owing .to the revived interest ineach year since .1876, with games won Mr. Mott scored in sound terms Glee club work at the University, itand lost and players' who batted .300 • . • .or better aince 1876, leaders in each the student s temptation to intellec- is expected that a large number offielding- position, and winning pitchers tual pride. "The blackest of all the Varsity musicians will attend the· e�ch )'ear from 1876; 'National All- temptations," he called it. "It is not Illinois Glee" club .America selecti.ns from 1871; com. entertainment,, plete list of clubs, with officers and only inconsistent with' college life:' which will be given at Studebakerdates of admission since 1876; Amer- he said, "but there is hardly any hope Music hall, Monday evening. April· lean . League records since organi%a - h d h . Id d hition; World's .championship 'record, tor t e stu ent w 0 has Yle e Im-. 20-from 1884, with players' names; Base self to it." The Illinois Glee club has been .oneball Field Day records; college rec "'But temptation is vincible," he 'of the institutions of the Universityords; miscellaneous records;' all tho ..,major and minor league records 01 continued: "Lt has always been and which has enjoyed the same increas-1901; list of extra long games in will always be overcome. Tempta- ed growth as the school itself. Start-1901; complete history of 1907 in base tion has also great advantages. It is ing from a small Glee dub of ten orbaI1 and other intersting matter. . '11A;. G. ,SP AWING ".BROS. an opportumty to virtue, a dri fifteen members, gotten together af-W-L. __ L. A t""':�__ ground for faith and character. The ter much work' and agitation, the club,147 ..,.... Ye., ----.0.-.n Managers: Send lor Spald- strongest personality is found in has been increased to a membershiping's. New Baseball Cataloaue for fiercely tempted men. It opens the ·of thirty members, taken from oversg08. Mailed free. sympathy of men. The person who two hundred applicants. Many ofhas been tempted learns from his the�e men have made their mark instruggles, he is not quick in passing musical circles. Mr. J. S. Cleavinger,judgments and condemning other 'leader of the Glee club, and a resi-men. Experienced life has developed dent of Springfield, 111 .• is a tenor ofsympathy. Temptation also makes no small ability and enjoys a 'state­for the progress of Christianity. If wide reputation. He is said to havethere �'ere no temptations people a tenor voice of the purest quality.would not know that there was a and will be heard in solo work at theChrist nineteen hundred years ago." coming concert. Mr. C. L. Hunt . .._ •• ---- •• ----- •••• -- •••••• �.I, He warned 'students away from leader of the Mandolin club, was .HEALTHseeking temptation,' however. "Do iormerly leader of the Minnesota ', not go into the presence of tempta- Mandolin dub, and also was thetion," he said. "I have no patience leader of a large mandolin orchestrawith the theory that men should han- in St. Louis.dIe and maneuver temptation's, so . In the line of comedians, the clubthat they may grow strong in '�is- offers Mr. Ralph Lynch and Mr. S· E: THE PRODUCT OF �HE LAn ORS FOR TWq YEARS OF, dom.' There is a 'great deal of dan- Wilkinsori. The former is a tall, SKILLFD AND SUCCESSFUL PHYSICIANS'. I ger of falling. �e,ep y.our�elf as ig- lanky individual, while the latter � -Tri!iR :oa�.. n.t as possible regarding slimy buys his clothes in the boys' de- 1-J" partment, The Publishers call the atten tion of students to this High ..... "Y ou shouid be prayerful.. It is the Class Work, with· the view of in teresting them dari�C' vacation ).'. ": ,:.. .:...a. 'EIIIIE •• - .ON. scent �f all success. No one can win BARKER WINS; LINGLE' 2D Those who may have the leisure and inclination to take' up ft"�-CJiuk ad Adama.Streets ' �ut WIthout prayer. you are doomed " t the sale .will find itia ready and agreeable method to materially""to failure if you thjnk you can sue- (Continued from page I) add to their income. ·:_-:f:ceed by persistence. The prayers , "�::will give you power to overcome all that seemed 'to Use all the strength We will be pleased to receive communicatioDS. er- Calls at our ..... � ..temptations." he had. Comstock was running with, office from Students who may wish further information, �r IIr. .' �apparently no effort, and many ex- Mills at the Daily Maroon office, can give. all information. ,.:,:�:.peered to ··see him overtake his ' .'<T:"·' ... ,scrappy opponent. But he was un-I' ' .-: :': -, �able 'to gain anyth,in�, and 'Lingle II TBB MBDICAL PUBLISHING COMPAN� .;.;_staggered across' the hne, a yard to Bo 1st uild' Chi Dl ' I' 200 Y on B mg. cagothe good. Barker .. who won the race, ,," .attracted attention at the finish" by •••••••••••• - ••••••••••• ,. ,�stumbling over the'line and faliing •"flat on his face and shoulders. He STUDENTS' LUNCH ROOMT.H e MIKADOTennessee.At a mock convention held atNorthwestern last week similar tothe one to be held here by the Com-'----L-A--·, -S-A-L-L-.----monwealth club, La Follette was � HONEYMOON TRAILnominated to head the RepublicanPQSITION open for young womanat a summer resort; work to beginat end of Spring quarter; $15 or $20Typewriters Rented-3 months for I mo.; board and room. Address the$5 and up. Typewriters sold on easy University �mployment Bureau.paym�nts, from $10 up. Best barpins ---- _ir: �ar.anteed machines. Americ:aIl TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Reat-'Oak •. Typewliter Co., I. Dearbcam Special r.at� to students; harpinsIt. CentralSI.,. ia re-bailt machiael. W. White-.... _ La Salle &net.Phone Hyde Park _1252PIDBLITY LAUBDRYCLARK ct READ, Props.,684-686 E. 63d st..Special Attention Given to StudentWork. A. postal Will ·Bring Wagon... U you don't know wba� "pen­. ' � stripes- are, Jet as mow you.· If' 700 . do know, come' and see thebest· coUection of them ever lOt­teD 'to&ether in our··..NEWSPRINGS T·O CXThreatened with arrest .. three Uni­versity stude�ts were compelled toproduce 't�e stupendous sum of fif­was not hurt, however, and quicklyTHE de,mand for g� Millineryinsures a :profitable recreation· for thestudent of that :w:oIDaDly trade. ' "� In' addition. to • tJie in�lIanical workof Usembling;: we',·deyelop· the 'artls- C�DER WAS NOT DRINKABLE":�' ... ..:..- .. ;'; :�, .... '';'� . � d' .. :',".�.'�N�'- .... �� stu en.. .•. .Wc' leach th� blending of fonii and Three Students. Refuse to Drink it,But Pay for It.colors, and the many features whichgive you an accomplishment whichwill always be a valuable asset.A few lessons will eaabl. 70U tobe 7011r own lliUiner.One repIar c:oane-cJaily c:lasses-will make 70U an apert. teen cents for three glasses o£., un­drinkable cider early Tuesday morn­ing. The three students. H. H. Mc­Ke� J. F. Strauss and J. Glerum, feltthe effect of the hot weather and in revived.Director Stagg caught Barker atO:SS flat, but said afterwards that hethought the correct time was 0:S2.Jacobs, in the pole vault and Maddi-Latest Models-exquisite materials.Special attention to making street anddress hats to suit individuals at· rea­sonable prices.Call 01' Write for furtber partic:ulan.Paterson School, of Millin­ery and DesigningSuite 611. 6 • ...,D St.Cor. llicbipn Ave. order to slake their miglity thirst be­took themselves to the Frenchman.s gan in the .weights, will have tryoutsthis afternoon.- delicatessen emporium on Fifty-fifthstreet. Here they ordered amongother' things the .aforementioned ci- NEWS OF THE COLLEGB$der. As the cider proved to be bet- The Donald Robertson players.ter in the glass than anywhere else who were '50 well received at the'the students tried to receive credit University will play at Purdue on the •for it. The Frenchman, rather than week ·of June 8.lose all of fifteen cents at one time, The Michigan basketball, team issent for a guardian of the peace, and taking a . trip through the south.in the meanwhile lockedaall means of playing at, towns in Kentucky andexit. The spending of a night injail was not as pleasant as the spend­ing of the fifteen Cnlts. So it wasduly paid. and the students returnedto their domiciles without further in­cident. Moral: Pay for "'hat you or­der at the Frenchman's, no matter tick('t in th(' ('oming campaign.what yon get.SPECIALWANTED-Energetic student tolicit subscriptions in spare hours;salary and commission. The Engle.wood News, 436 West 63rd St.Wendell Phillips high, school h:tsdecided to sen.1 .. relay team !o t:lePennsylvania Kames if it is "'ithin afew seconds as fast as the Wendell --------------­Phillips championship teams of I90Sand 1906.The high schools accredited by theUniversity of Kansas wilI hold theirfifth annual track and field meet atLaWTence Kansas on May 2nd. Robert Staedter Co.ISS State StreetBetween Madison and Monroe=Phone Central 5334Furs, Suits, Coats,Millinery SkirtsWe are now prepared to show our Advance Styles in "Spring Suits"in the most approved materials and Models. "Best Tailor finish" rang­ing in price from $25.00 up.Latest Styles in Spring Millinery from $7.50 up. Correct Styles both,in the Most Authorative American and European Mode.ls,Many of our Models strictly excluSIve.The Most Complete and Up-to-Date Medical Work for the Homeever publishedCAFE",Meals 20c and up299 f. 55 Sf. Open all dar.• ...AIUSEIENTS....'lBI: GARRIOKILLIBOISlIerriest of Musical Farce.Chas. Froman PresntsTHE DAIRY MAIDS,With' Harry Bulger David Belasco'. �t PlayTHE ROSE0( theRANCHORELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, anmakes, special bargains this month,from our own factory, equip�with modern machinery, 250 horsepower. You assume no risk; sat·:isfaction or your money haclt. 1kTJpewritU EzcbaDp,319 DearborWSt. Branch of the American Writ:­ipg 1I ..... hill4e Co., inco�ted.--------------------------�-,'POW.B.SChas. Frohman presentsETHE:L BARRYMOREin the New PlayHER SISTEROOLO •. IALHaft 7011... ,THa IIBRRY WIDOW�b. is the Intenaatioaai Crue-------._--,--------� With Cedi Leanand Florence Holbrook S'll1DBBAK ••Mil ARNOLD DALY·In the Play that means SomethingTHE REGENERATIONRv OWf!n Ki1dor� and WalterHac:1c�tt50.1 'fB. WBITRBY THB AUDI'l'OJtIUMOne Hundred SingersVictor Herbert'sSERENADETHREE TWINS , '·Dr. GcSCI',AMitic'Rod,The'icripti,. the .H'been e,and thbeen e. Rockel· 8�nccT. W .bude I·to thetees in.(0 sub:�fonC:1· to the,.', "itDr. G�; ·terday,Mem01;1'1Ie B'!�Iockel:,t- -:��Kcarir, .' ".���'.}all<.:1"0i�fDd o'\:1�dhil:_f��iUmar:',coDect;�r'�tl· die se:,aDd .tt:scrihe,��pI4aclditi<.',"Mr.. �D ir;to eve·"10 $60from ,·1nshe!_'t;atire'��te-7t1us.�e�ilbscrbve 1to.ar4aathC';1Itt f01-.coatriProfesUnive$100,01ri11 a1ri1� n. Presi(if the•.. ,,..:.'r"::GI:�..:;.,i:,.t!!l ..:"l ,.: '.'' ....... ;• ,t, ., Ilowortd 'ttt 0tht I:StafeAlphaTh(thmu!.� Prizefootb;�esPrOVebear ,