latly flarnnu..: ,---------CHICAGO, THURSDAY, APRIL 9. 1908. Price Two CentsNo. 117.CIGARET .A FOE TO DRINK HEAD OF POLITICAL ECONOMY DEPARTMENT WHO WILLDISCUSS PENDING CURRENCY LAWS TODAY MlY EST1BUSH SEIIORCOiTESt II ORATORY,\braham Bauers� University·s FirstStudent.. Now Worker AmongCriminals Suggests Unique The­ory-Makes Analysis of Problem. Senior and Junior Councils" ConsiderNew Public Speaking Event atProfessor Clark·� SuggestionWithdrawal from 'IntercollegiateContests Also Considered-MakeAdditional Plans for' Seal.',�n Account7£"An Actor·' to beered by Literature DramaticClub. ing Department is the develope mcnt .of thought and' simpleness and natur­alness of expression rather than lh�mechanical delivery and gestureswhich characterize the· styles ,,,f .many representatives of other c,!­leges. It is difficult to secure ju ���e5who arc 'able to get outside c.f theancient method of judging whichfails to recognize the system taught,at Chicago. For this reason' a changeis sought' said an authority pf thepublic speaking department. "that if,the senior oratorical contest is in­troduced. substantial p�izes are as-'Vith a team crippled by the loss of' Slued. He further, stated that theOtto Berndt, who was ::;;ured sen- public speaking department is anx­ously on th� parallel ha:".� urly th;.. ious to secure more student opinionweek, Coach \V'agner will endeavor on the matter and wishes the change,to win the Western inter-collegiate if a change is, made, to come as agymnastic. meet tonight at Madison. student movement.The party will leave at 9 this morn- The withdrawal of the Universitying; and will consist of Dr. Raycroft, from the northern and central Ora­Coach 'Wagner, Captain Murrah� torical Leagues is suggested partlyKennedy, Perr'ill, Smith and Bart- because it is feared that the estab­lett. lishment of an additional contest willThe other teams entered in the spread the efforts of the Universitymeet are Minnesota, which captured orators too thin for effective workthe event last year. Wisconsin and and because it is felt that the Univer­Nebraska. Reports from Wisconsin sity's method is not generally under­confidently predict the triumph of stood by the men who act as judges �,,:.he posted �ronday. and one councilor the Badgers over the Gophers, who in intercollegiate competitions. Theami one alternate is to be chosen inInter-scholastic: ,Dela- Club Plans, have been conceded the meet on ac- Chicago department of public speak-,- each of the six divisions.The Reynolds club program for this count of the 1907 showing. The ing has developed a method whichquarter will be definitely announced Dean Clark of Illinois to Be Guest. tournament last year was close, only puts particular ernphasjs on natural­as soon as the date for the inter- Professor T. A. Clark. Dean of five points separating the leaders ness and simplicity.o{ d,eliyery. It isA mcctiug of the newly-electe.' cholastic meet is given out. It, has undergraduates of the University of from the second best. satisfied that this is'1iot.:.the. only�ralure college executive commit-] been the custom of the club hitherto Illinois will be present at the ban- No word has come from the Min- rect method, but the �candidate is�tt will be lIeltl today. under the dock to provide some sort of entertain- q.lI�t of the Univ.ersity of Chicago 1I- \nesota camp 'within the last two placed at a disadvant:age, who, train­III (',hh hall. The nc vote of 20 to mcnt for the prep. school men. such hOI Club on Friday evening of this weeks, as to the work of the gym- ed in this way, ap�ars. before judges� between Briggs and Nickerson will as a smoker or vaudeville. .It is t week. nasts, and it is not known what con- who consider that. -aency in ges­he, decided. Winston Henry and planned to follow the tradition this The banquet is to be given in the dition the Maroon and Gold contest- tnres and o�'toriQ_. ��� is moretttlO Reeve are the other new mcm- year also, provided that satisfactory �f(:n's Commons and will begin at�s of the executive committee. dates can be arranged. 6:30• (Continued On paae 4) (Continued on paae 4)[ CLOSELY BOUND�TO NOIIINIIE COUNCILOiS ;6YI1NASTSCO.mTONIGB1Nomi!l&tioDll ro-;-;emben Of the I �"':"DS' .Hopes Blichtecl by Inju'7Senior Co1lece COUDCll to be Filed I of 'Berndt-WiSConsin and Mione­in the Senior Officc Today Post sola confident-Vanity ,Atblet:sList of Eligibles. Leave at 9 O'C1�i on Acco� An Actor," of a one-act comedy to be�by the Green room early thiscr. The dramatic club of Lit­e college of women has de­to produce this play in lieu oflay postponed last quarter to en- Today is the �ay for nomina­tions for candidates for the 'SeniorCollege Council. The names of must intervene to preventthis.As to the general character ofcrime. Mr. Barnes asserted that it is"more of a habit and a harder one tobreak than is drinking. \Vhen a manhas been arrested the fourth time he the Seniors eligible to vote in eachdivision, and likewise eligible fornomination in each division 'of theSenor Colleges will be posted on thebulletin boards from the Senior of­fices today. Nominations may bemade' from these lists until fouro'clock Friday afternoon of this, ;_ many of the Green room mcm­�. to take part in the W. A. A.nllde\"ille.Parts oj the play will he announced!lis week and the work on rehear­�s will begin at once. The Litera­ture women expect to produce an The nominations must be made inwriting to the Senior College offices,and any number of candidates mayhe named. The list of nominees willis practically irredeemable."In conclusion, an urgent appealwas made to students to take upprison reform work as probation of­ficers. who not only ,are wel1 paid asto salaries but have an excellent op- week.tten greater success than was ac­cotnI,lishefl l:l�t year. "A ProposalUnder Difficulties." is the name ofthe play given last year. in whichparts were taken hy Misses LorenaUnderhill, Vesta Urcy, Jessie Heck­� llallll Mamie Litty. portunity to do a good work...... I' I. ( .'1, .. ',;-,".·�H� ,DAILY MA�OON, THURSDAY, APRI�'�; t�.;1;":'1J1tr '18Uu .aarwm:·_ !�cte:. bY�it, ant t�e���dm�n!stt:a��� ;. *DO* Y*O'U* =�IIE*'*..'·B'*g'*��*.�: IF OBLIO' ED .'TO·, DR"O· P:::},.': _ .•• '.. '. .• < _,.'. . as een eset. y ··lnS.lstem emaD� , &UJt I"The'" 'om'_.':',· 8·t.:. .... -t ..• ' . that the application�cithe� .. ODe Year ACo TcMsa,. � ,,:- *, '., :.. OUT' OF RESI"DENC�.._. uua& ·PubllcatlOD· Of the '. •. . .;-! « : ' ! ,I' • . •.' , � ,,' ....- ... �1"� �.:.�U{�al� .pr., �ea�.�ed��t:". �n. Warre�t IC woOd, 'IO� wOn. the * , '. .. . ".,' �.. Ulllyeral.t7 01,., c:e� �:: �." :POints. -;oY�elding .io tJie�:l.imJ)oftUni� * amateur golf championship ·at.; :,¢.oRRESPOND�C�TlJDY COURSESEDteft4a. �cJ.da. � at�e' Ch1� :Jie�:� Pres'dent�. RoOsev�lt : �ha�;' now '* Pinehurst, th�. �cventb .anmial .*: -'. :.9ra)]�enable you to continUe.·Yout. eolle&e �work and gain the decree.·p,�. Cbl� llli.i.';·lb�i/'·i·8, �p�int�dr'a b�ard of'�hemi�ts'd�\vn * tournament oJ the unit�d- 'north .. " .' r . '.' •1903. under Act of March 'a� 1819. . ftom five different universities, and • and south. � 40De-Wf [II] of the 36 N.j� .� ... for �D •• , ..has referred to it the question' of * Five Years Aco Today .. "doae b7 con ... , Da_ce. tlONt 3IJO clua-roo. coanes are tbaa., • f offered b7 _ of'" UaiYertity hcultiea. ,41eaWes the,.·PubUaIMcl .4a1l7. ucept .8undQI. IIoD.. preservatives m oods-an action.' The � public .speaking - .depart- • aIar'ltiCb -sdIoo1· eo .... coanea. -are �iD"7' that .ppeliJ· to -'" •_ - - which practically suspends ,for a .. ment and the Dramatic dpb- be� • tboee lD .uffenIat YOCatio .. -aotabl7 to teachen. 4Work.....,,da7a, �4.)U)ll4aJ8. 4arlq threeQaarten _ � U. 41 air ffk fconsiderable period any 'decision with *' gan .preparation , for, the first pro.. • • ..... D at aD7 e. •• eat 0 e 0��{e���ce to this phase of the sub- * duction given by the t�o �iub�,' 1 THE CORRESPONDENCE�STUDY DEPARTMENT:Ject, . notwithstanding that the physi- * ·F.!""__' Y' 'A_ T-.a- • Cobb H .. n '7A,IA ....... " ears �o --I I'The Univei-aitv of ChicaCo - - - - ;_ -. - - -..,���e�ct�"����6 h�* ���n� ��� ���,.�_, � •been thoroughly studied and is well * princes. and a variety of 'Europe- *, TilE DAILY" �BlJLLBTIN i ........ 4� ............... ��MIroY.· ..understood: Almost simultaneously * an nobility, were visiting ·the *; � .. _. I ::A FA:with this action, the President has * University. while in America at- ., .'. _- "-. '. I Bo" ws·, "O·"Act ranOsanctioned action on the part 'of the * tending the Colu�bia� Exposi- '" "-Jmuor-clulpei (women) will be ad-l " aa" ,�"IOD]_,;.:.;;:::..:.. ... �:'�, ,,; _.;. ...... '_. _ Treasury department in releasing for * tion. •'.: dressed at 10:3cra;-m. in Mandel hall] THIS Shop is an authorita- CSw.c:ilpU��'·-ptlce;-.s.OO per "ear; $1.00 consumption a large number of con- * * * * * * * * * *' * •. by Dr:': Hugh -Black. '! tive .style center. for all thaUs.••••• •, - " ' 4 signments of imported foods which TO GIVE HIGH SCHOOLS = 'DevotioDat hair-hour held at:, . . _. .. .' , Cfor'� ·inOnths. :.subsCriptiOns recelnd at excJush'e and smart In men s.. . _, had· been held back at the suggestion PICTUREs OF CAMPUS �0:30·a.·-nr.'in Haskell assembly room. . _.... '.1 ., .f ',.;'the-"1Iaroon . OfI!cei Ellis �all. or at tht' .:ustom maue garme�ts; or Just ct'� J.t�ac�16-�chaUge; C�bb Hall.� of the-Department of Agriculture . :Pre-Medic club will meet;'_ at :10:30 the kind of dash, style and ,vigor (Jt,because they had been erron�ously University Will send Framed Copies in Kent. : .by Universitylabcled, or were impure or unwhole- of Birds � Views to Co- 'Inv�tigator's- club ·will meet atsome in content. This leaves noth- operating Scliools. (o:jo' in' Cobb 3C,�ng but' the (Juestion of labeling dO- .' Brotherhood· of St.' Andrew . willmestic food products within the con- The University has decided to send ineet at 10:30 in South hall parlor .· ......... _._ ......_..._ __. ' ...... , _J.-__ trol oi the Department of Agriculture· out framed copies of the remarkable .' seDidr executivc coDimittee will_' ; .l�:: q��or�. � JJ, :..� •. '. KlI.1s and even will require to be elaborat�- _bird's-eye view of the campus taken meet, a" 10:30 a.'· m.. in Cobb loB. for� ,11a1l •• U.l)ly��I�. '.Tel.� �yd� ,;l�ark·. 42�. Iy and carefully contested 'in the rerently from a baloon to all the c� the elcction of officers.courts before the exact status of the operating schools. The reproduct- .:.; Mandolin club trials will be held., .. .' portions of the law bearing on label- I'ons wl'll be large, bel'ng of the sam' e' �ro'm'·3':30 to 6 p. m. in the Reynolds_ .• New ... contrlbutloJla. lila,,; be :·left: at ·ElIIslIali or g"culty. Excbange� iuldress� to tbe ing can be ascertained. Expressions proportions as the picture now o� dub. :.This is the' last. chance.of public opinion thus far have been • I .:, ,BJackfriar rehearsals will be. held· . DQU7 "Maroon., '. . .'. , . vIew, in the window of the U niver�. ityfriendly to this.practical-nullification b ! at:4 ·P.·· m. for: entire choru,s. and·. at· .__._.._ .. ,., _. , ook store, They are being, approp:-r • . . of the pure food law," 'n-ately frame'd and are expected. tc:.. 7::30:for:the ,cast and ch«;>rus.·'::�O�IS:;�:Bm.[R� .Biu.lA� '��r",c::.:'! ''::�; .:� .l,·'; .� ! ; _ .. J • �;� ; 'I make a hands�me exhibit of the Unit' French club will meet at 4 p. m. in.,a .';.� ,;: .:'" J ", ' ... _ :.. • '; J G· ... ; �ARV ARD PRESIDENT IS versity in the several hundred co-op: Lexillgton,�th XHP��*X.'JA;t?RJ�:;9'.l:I.�J ENTERTAINED ON CAMPUS erating schoo�s� In addition to th� �ughlin Lecture-rrofessor Laugh-picture a handsomely engraved an" lin,will lecture at 4 p .. m. in Cobb'3C., on:;"P.en.ding Currency . Legislation;framed certificate of co-operation will. I the Aldrich !BiJl; the Fowler. Bill:b� 'sent to each of the schools. The. i Proposals: to. Guarantee .Bank . De-_ ',U. n_iversity �r.ess is supervising th p'osits." _. .President Charles W. Eliot of manufacture of the pictures and cer Ch ch H· cl b 'n tdtificates. . ..... ur . lsto�. U WI ho a:Harvard, was the guest of President _ 'fl'!c:�ting ,at 8.p. m. in south hall par- :and Mrs. Judson:at a luncheon yes- .COACH KNUDSON COMPLAIN� lor.: Mr. Stephens·will review West- !terdar, In the 'afternoon a reception . --- I '!rmarch·s "Origin and Development Iwas . tendered to Dr. Eliot at which GroWs Pessimistic: Over Slump o� f M t, Jd ',' .. 8th Floor. lIasonie: Temple' '..'v . s· 0 lora, eas. Jarsaty wammel'S. I R Ii . Peda' cl' .b '11 b C1.:a.o..-o ., __ ." . e glC�US· gogy. . U W_I e : aq�prese_nt. , . ,.; A deep gloom has settled ov�r B�rt-i �pdressed at 8 p. m. in :Haskell 26 by I'.[hlrty-Slx persons were guests: at ,leU pool. The men on the sWlmmmg, Pr¢.essor A.; W. Patten ·of North- ��_.i4"""".""""''''''"the luncheon, incJu�i�, g. all of the I team ':are no. t coming, out regul�rly� � �e�tc;r� on "The .Teilehing of. Re- : _ .trustees of the Umverslty and the . according ·to Coach. Knudsonl an' hgt�n ;m Secom'ary' �ch�ols in: Ger- lOurgraduates of Harwrd on ..t�e" faculty those:' whO- appear are not' working many.".being invited to meet PresideDLand bard:enougb. �He' �ays 'the' MaroonsMrs. Eliot.. The table was decorated will "hav� to "Show a wonderful re'="4 •• ... ,-·,!,��#��17·,! .'I'M UnlYenlq' 01 . Cblcqo Weeki,.'- =; . . ., ir��ded w-. :;' trIle�W�I, •. Oct: 1, .1892.'.•. � .: .. ��. �.1�:.Ock:.l •. �90; _ .. Editorial � :C,mCe:......Betore·· S·· 'p. 'ilL. _. Elils- . Uan:.;·Unl.;enl't;-:··i 'lfeIX'Bide :-Park ;426.,,: AlQr 8'�' iD .• 1MiiOOni Prftss,-'414 E.: Gr;�h. '. Street. : T�I',· Hide Park': 3691:" . ;,- .. - ......., � , . ....-Cl!1 1 .'.' .• ' ..... ,; ;.,: •. , ... ' .'. "':.'J, . With the. Penn�ylvania' meet. butnc���: ����S�.�ff,:.t�e�<:i�· _"����: !or' a. drastic and Immediate;?�\witic '. " revi�I' of . interest 'onr.,KP'aUt;·, the:' part' of membe;s ofof -.1':1llt � : ', ' .••. '.. .the Varsity sWlmmmgor -:o;_ I.. .�._. • - Apparently satisfied with hav-n i .�')� '.,: . '. . ... _.109 w�n the sWlmmmg champIonship-'�f �iii� West. 'Chicago swimmersl�;ivtii��n, froni t�e start of th� quar­"tl�i-':"'IJjrng down" in their work.' Ir­hr����til� of tr�i�ing lias been the��uib;Tg�'l'ier than the exception, and:'apiih1r JiHif pervaded all but a fewfo�inlriy" �c3Dsistent and satisfactory-1ae1itl>e��f��1 the team. .!il'It lis' iii6'thtoo late to defeat Penn­·sY'lvarltii.1. ':A?aecisive defeat will give'J tbit:i�b 'Td�HH to another national� cliitiiiriori�'Wp as Pennsy lost the'!Easl��tt�titrlby a bare margin of. -toar jiC;liits. }\t tl\e present rate, how­: ev�r:1 tlffritllletidi management would'�iini,st 1Y�� Wiiilt)- of petty larceny in:b:k'itig mroim!)Vi.from spectators to see!thelmee:(J::r.lie��m will be as strong�I'e\;er; i()'ttir: nfembers rouse from'�ii' 'apatJf:r! :EHli :fnake up for lost''iime:! 1)y :antJ·) bonsistent tra'inin'g'J'II6�i,aitd';:¥Jt'hu��lic competition onthe n1tbt o:ofiffie iffl�t. With the ath­Je!ric �brd-)t� CBfcago has achiev­ed; lin �tgd�;: tbei'*am cannot be al­towt!d ; "livltlfl the intercolle­giateltith!f�t'lSta�_ :':'11; Dr; and Mrs. Eliot Guests Of Honor�at Luncheon Given by PresidentJudson. for awear.· \Ve emphasize the faultless'perfecti(\n �f our fit� the criti··-:aJ!y' exact t�iloring we put intoc\'ery garment and the - UDastl­aUy wide assortment of wOol­from' which you can'· pick T. C� :All�hoose. ;", .'·f::! •• '�i Do y<:Wby I��AgeDCY,�ior the'f: YOUDl�"�gual�O(. haneTsPeciaI: ' 9 J;fl We call speci� attentio� �to. the attractively �n�':I". �ical nature of. our pric�;!. Our Satisfying superb Col-·:.,. ,legiate Suit;· made to .)'G1It .. 1· measure, your �ice of.fab-:;.·�rics. ., I.Thirty Dollars" and a cash· - discOunt' of· ten per . cent, .,or a fancy vest' gratis Oil. : initial order.. .f_·.' __7:.,��· S1�'::And '�#_.'''an.::�"}i.._" ,��lKr ,:::Cbalkaid wo";5 -5»1, ,The 1sure toJOD bethe shoWe hlOte toCome iStyles.Weaves� rt:umany members of the faculty wereGreenhouses are,·in. festive· Aria,. , We invite 'You' to inspect ourlarge stock of 'spring fto�You. DUly find rk>ine Easter·suggestioilLSAYS ROOSEVEl!'rr:lS UNDER this city,·�!i,:-:.,'fHUJlB: OF IBlO! BUSINESS.i�-:') {.�"n"·)-; hn,._�(ft-:(. ..... AlmomtcbBifTs. .in Harvard crimson and the Harvardcolors prevailed throughout.In the afternoon from 3 to 4:30o'c1ock,a reception was held to whichall of the members of the facultywere invited to m'eet the presidentand his wife.A luncheon was given in his hon­or Monday by President J. G, K.McClure of McCormiCk rheologicalSeminary. and one on Tuesda,1 byPrcsident Harris of Northw{�.�tcrn.Last night President Eliot deliver.!dan address. before the Twentieth Cen­tury club, and today he begins th,�series of five N, W. Harris lecture�en "University Administration" atNorthwestern, Tomorrow. he willaddress the public school teachers of ver�al of. forl!l in. o.rder . �� win fromPenn on April 25. Harper·s gradua­tio.i· �ill ieave pol� the' st�;ong point "..of the:Maro�ns: With Rohde;' Goes' .-Won-Ien·s A. A. witl ,mee� at .1:20 :and Anderson' out, the' se'xtet"should ;P. � .. in �xington ,�innasium; Fri- ;be 'a hard: one to beat. In the swim- �day�. _ . 1mini events. Lindsay' and Carey are i. ��� Lec:ture...:-Professor �arion 53rd aDd Kimbarkperforming .. coDsistently, while Bickel ; Lear�ed will .lecture at 4 p. m .. Fri- i Telephones. H. P. I� and H. P. Cigs7,is steadily improving hi$ form in the ida>,: �n Co�b lecture room on "Cul­long ·dive. :ttlral ReI:tt�ons. of Germany. and••• am' Dot happy over 'the pros- !America as a. Field of Research." .pects," .was_ Coach Knudson's .. state- : Mrs. Park, the c01lege. organizer ofment yesterday. "The men did. good �he �qual stlffrclge. moverrrent. willwork up to. the dose of the quartet, �speak at. 7 p. m.l Friday in Greenand the' results were seen in our vic� hall.. All women are invited,tories over Wisconsin and Illinois. ' U�iversity, dames will be addresedBut they do�'t seem to keep it up. It at 3 p. m., Saturday, in Ha�kell as­is hard to see us win under s11ch con- �embly room' by .Prof�ssor Bonner on"Gre�k Art.'� . 'A.·McAdamsFLORISTThc Yates-Fisher 'Teachers· AgeIK'I .' .: Paul Yates, Manager, Suite' 6(r.6.t2� '204- Michigan Avenue. ,.*Arts Building. Chicago.- ....ditions."FOOTBALL SQUAD GETS TWOBresziaban and Allen Come Out forSpring Work.Of all descriptions. such as class­ics, plays, dictionaries, etc.SPECIAL DISCOUNTTO STUDENTS ••••ILLINOIS GLEE CLUB TOPERFORM IN CHICAGOII .-. FOWNES·GLOVESThe second day of, spring footballpractice yesterday brought out twonew possibilities in Bresnahan, endon the Freshman team, and .AlIen,The work was of the nature of :Mon·day's practice, the aim being to gctthe candidates familiar at handlingthe pigskin, A wind test in the formof fast straight footba1l with simplesignals and quiCk passing, occupiedthe greater part of the attention ofthe candidates. Captain Steffen saysthat the work of the men during thesping session will make DirectorStagg's task of coaching the candi­dates next year considerably less dif­ficaIt. r.ct,--. ,('.�t!'t'B61'ti7:�Concert to be Given in StUdebakerMusic Hall on the Day AfterEaster. mean right gloves-So buy Fownes and savetrouble. • GERMAN BOOISCatalocues aDd quotationssent upon request.A. KROCH 6 CO �.-\ J,' " • .,.', •• t "'-26 lIon)�� ��, �hi�gI) •.. " �.�������������i•• • J':. '�J j',)ot. t ,I.f. . ,I." ".,. , •._,,;.1 ,c.":', �,#,:,,�, � .�:;.I�I.�,.I .I_:I� ,.,/. j o' ." .... ..4.I''\.'r".j, ._ ...... -.....�_.�_ ........ .........._ __ r __ :-�I r- . , , ,_ '''J:>'3iFRiGm . BREEZEs �'BAHE '_, �.,.; �T9�E;N.1S _ 9Q QN, stJUKE,TO ATHLETES' TRAtNINO' , WHEN ON� IS S'USPENDED_ .. �. '" J_' _, _ _ _ �Relay Men to Have Trials ToaiorTow. ", ' .i __ � i-Race Tuaday_TOhWi�:i, I;'_ . DucJrjng.of Fr� EnlPtJes _C�,'.I rooms at ,N, ew .Yoik 'J.uftci. University, ... .."ill Cold weather," with a seasoning-ofhigh nor·east�rs,� is putting the 'd"am- Because Henry Bloch, freshman.'per 0 •• the �work of the track ath-. was ' ducked in a fountain and A. A.letes. A large squad- of Varsity and Young; president of the junior class.Freshme� are appearing, but, can do: and captain of the varsity crew, was�nly 'light training until miide� days' suspended, 350 students of New Y �rkcome. �mh'ri-sity are on strike.Director Stagg had originally plan- They avoided classes today, . andned to hold the first race Saturday, unless 'there is a settlement at' a meet­but instead wjJJ send the competitors ing tomorrow morning by the 'stud­::A FASCINATING t 15 for the relay team through individual ents most of them probably will go,! .... ODEL AT ." time trials tomorrow_ afternoon.' to' their homes. The boys struck be­Tuesday the first race for places will cause they' felt that it was unfair tobe held. If the results 'are not de- suspend Young' when many otherscisive, another' race will be run Sat- were as guilty of breaking' the rulesurday, April' is, the day on whicl: in the case (,f Bloch as he, and' be-ff'tenclt EJeat <!ikon Cook County high schools will hold cause: they were anxious to have' ther their tryouts. Director Stagg and faculty know everything in connec-;30-31 �tcu',n.t 83IJ9· Coach RusseJJ are coaching th; tion with grievances they have��,g2 rS',lIc C!Btu�t (8"i:,;.90 'weight candidates every day. The against Bloch.7".,.,_. C.,.,ral,SN "Old �fan" will probably have his The' faculty of the university met, aFULL DRESS SUITS complete team picked by the end of committee' of' five of the senior stud-TO RENT next week. ents tJiis afternoon and wenf over theT. G. SCHAFFNER & CO. ]ohlin, the mile runner, met with trouble growing out of young Bloch;sSure Fit. a painful .accident yesterday, when hazing, Th'e students' were parading��.- All Sizes.B' rand" Clothes his nose was' broken from a thrown about the unh,'ersity' and' things were�'.:We carry "sOciety' u ,Ri baseball. He wiJJ be kept' out of 'getting so serious that the facultytTt1. Ct"ntral 4875- 46 ver St. training for a week or more. Cap-. took steps toput a stop to the excite.f;' ...._ J F Ma6'_D b I tain Quigley, Merriam, ,Barker" ment., ,: ",�� ,IlK; mes ., ,Q,a.U-U 'S< Garrett, �om�tock and ' huart took Means were -found -to temporarily'� ,Teacllers' 19aacy jogs yesterday. : ston the students' parade, and Armor�i Do you expect to teach next year?, : I K. :Payson" .secretary- of, the Young7Wby not enroll with a first-ca-s VARSITY DEFEATS FRESHMEN; .1\[en's .Christian Association, address-"�ency, and thus put yourself in line_ -- ., ed -,tJiem� Mr. Payson urged the�ior the best positions? ' Yearling Nine Loses Game by Score stu�ieni�. n6t 'to resort to' "'mob law"f.; Young men who can teach Modern ._ of." �o �. ", . :�n' �aking a - de��nstr�tio�, a��'ins't:,kn,'guages, take charge of Athletics, The VarsIty baseball team defeat .. "h ' "'�' ,. '-'t 't'h f' It and,t'he.. t e .umversr y' .or e acu y�or,:". handle ·Commer.cial subjects in ed the Freshman aggregation yester- . .' 'd . '"'b 'k ' '.. -,• para e was,' ro en up.,T,�ol demand.. day afternoon on a muddy field by 'T'I" t" te .t . f' t'h f' 'It' was'..... ---. 'le ,C; � emen .0, e acu y� - 9 Jackson BoUlevard. the score of 4 to 2. The Varsity men.. ' , ..i 'f' �l'l ;�" t' h" . f' , , .'th. ,. lss�e·, 0, owing e con erence w�Phone Hamson 3""1. played better but the '!ilow diamond : . ..1 -' ., '.' ,.;,- • ,I '. the, student committee, and also. setmade fast work impOSSible. Hal '.: '.. . ..... .. '. . ..... '. � .».-, .d - h d fonrth . that membership In the umver-Latham was in the box an prtc e :'. .. '� . ,. -,T 'b f slty' and retirement from member-a steady game. he attery 0 '�" .. ' • ,.,' .In: the ab- �l1�P:�r:', t��e sa�e were questions to beCleary was � feature.,, determined hy the governing rathersence of Captain Gaarde, whose fin- '. '.. ", '. ",than the student body. The facultyg.:r was hurt 'Monday, the catching ..'.' , .' ,'would not recede from' its deCIsionwas done lJy Meigs and Stangle.- 'in' the, case of young.Fa�ls played fi,rst base' for the Var- ..-W. he,.n· tbe ,st��en.ts �ad formallysity. .For the freshmen Taylor at firstbase, -Rowe on third, McAndrew be­hind the bat, and Charters in thefield, did espe�ially good work. TheWe have plenty of 'tim� 'now to' de·: pitchers showed' up well, Preston androle to every detail of your clothes Hruda being particularly effective. ,1etennined.Come in a�d talk over the Spril_l@ Preston fanned several of the regu- To-night, Harry Bloch, who hadStyles. Let us ,sltow you the ne\\ lars, and at times had them com- spent much' (\f the day with his at.ftaves and 1:olo_�ngs, whether yo\" pletely at his Illjercy. Coach Bezdek 'torn�y, i�suC'd a statement throughare r�ady to buy or not. was much' pleased 'with the work of council, in which he admitted that he.$25 and $30. the yearlings. h;td been in the wrong. He added� Ask to see our Th� regulars will play Armour that while he felt that he had been.ECIAL COLLEGE SUI:rINGS Institute this afternoon, and will go �nfficiently punished, he was willingIinto the game to win. The men in- �o �u'>mjt to any further correctiontend to avenge l\{onday's defeat at that the student cabinet might deemArmour.·s· hands. By a mistake this wise to was aimounced for yesterday Thi� �tatement served somewhat toinstead (If today. clear' the atmosphere, though there is:"AILOR' FOR YOUNG lIEN 'Saturday the team will playa prac- some doubt as to what the studentsTwO stores: 131 La Sane St., aDd lice game with the \Vest Ends, a will do to-morrow. The class rooms-44 Jaclmon Boulevard strong semi-pro club. were empty today.The violations of unwritten studentThe Dartmouth college dramatic law charged against Bloch are sum­club, on its western tour, presented marizeC'l as follows:"The Other Fellow" at the Y. M. C. T. \Vot1ld not nib down the mem­A. auditorium last evening, The her� of the varsity team�. as all goodperformance was well supported, bUI frC'!'hmcn are !'t1pposed to do.did not approach the smoothness and 2. 'Vore violet colored tie!', !'ameheing the col1ege color and a privil.c�e nc freshman is'-allowcd. ,,,, r. '3· Sa.�,; 9." th.� ds�ep';� ,�f: :�'��.�·)��f�����wh"ro no "fr""hios" art" �t1Dnoc:..-d, tor :,P·.l,�,.fl �.n •. "�l ,,,11 r,.I'"rf" I -.""1 ,.� ,,\1t�st. �� 1" Ir. .t",,·)I A mass, meeting ordered him, told�.\·er 'Y ....T,hcn. J\I delfgate i!of I the! lupper,�1c(��ftf,ledd ntooh:� to I a: .11one trobgh.We"l111« 'ftl .aWcb.... cIb �I 'hiqll"figurc:s in .the ,regttlar"hallow-• '., I � T e ·e.n dudcings ·eRrll. year.' 'Blodt Went� ',"\ . inost ,"nwjJ1inglyrrr"�ltr; ,oompletel.,.,.""....,.., , J" :. - ,.� ,lCAICAGOt.Ie r, ' t.i1t!r h1lAdted,'&'ndent!t" roaTed: ""P_II:' J1�il�I'"\�. iD", , .' �lau�e,.and BJoobrtlOina IriwJd�,,'�i�­; �� �" I!� {lnf'/'ff! ,r .. , +re.,'Il'hC1l ,the"iln�rsity.r:t1tthHrit1e·sPboae �16Qlk_ ',LI'11 took:l, balldJ'" .... '" ",,,1.:..:.;'1: ,�;Jl8tidettv\ �. . l.'L.' SPBJRG IS COMING:��Dd why not select your Clothes.,.., and be reauy when She appean-!��ki Spring Hat,! ,:::Chalk and pencil stripes, moss tan:� wood browns are very modish'is -Spring... The most desirable patterns arc�re to .be picked up early-why don",)011 be cne th3t secures the 'cream, ofthe showing? receivp.d this communication they an­��u��el, that �t w�uld b�,' conside�edat a meeting to be held at 10:30 to­morrow' 'mor�ing, �hen th� furtherattitude of tIle· student body, will be57,8 O-,.'»RM",Condensed IiU'IPhilI iIiDk, Cream-----met":' . " ""1. fr'AU BoftJeCs iD-tbe'COun'f.' · '.t�'B6rden'. cODdenied�1fi1k (:G,:i'.,:633 't. P()rt7��tti";St: ", .. ,.' ..... )... ' ". -" ',__ _ .,':;7-'....... --�71.· . ...,.....,:.m..,IWMrB. YOUNG _MEN'S DEPT.TIll Edward By 'omilloyTAILORS163 - State Street�rentor Building, Second FloorChicago, Our 'S�cialty-An absolutely stylish dependable suit to order, $35.00London Office 6 Golden Square, W.,'4' -Niih.i's"'C.Dd&al&. �,,�s.-�' ____ Daintily Delicious:Perfectly P Ii r eSurpa�s;ngtySmoothWon�erfullyWholesomeThose seeking salary positionsfor next summer shoul� seeJ. C. Obermueller, Jr..HOTEL .!MAROONRoom 22. 58th S� and Drezel A�ue.Under 51TH ST. AND � AVE.Management of the Nation&l Hotel � Tel, Hyde Park 3731-,The BEST Served 'atPOPULAR PRICES'RfSTAURAIIT AND LUNCH COUNTER,ID. eonaectioaThe Twin Cjlinder -Indianis the Very Latest in ,� -'. ... � . -MOTORCYCLESBe .sure your 1908 machine is a two cylinder 'with. mechanicalvalves. All Automobiles have mechanical valves. Don't be deceived,get the Latest.Important - At Riverside Hill climb, California, a Two CylinderIndian' made one mile in s$ sec onds, fast$.-.:.tim� made in theworld by any kind of a machine. Call anel-" see, us. Demonstrationsdaily. HENDEE IIFG. CO. 1251 Michipn A��, �lIanufac:tarers o!.'TI\��t·WII·)Tel Oak1atl�n� MJ..t?' "'11� "r,i�'{(J .lIninA :>'I!"i"�l bnA ·'ltn..;}·<1i'Tfje"q�.�'� '»'.1)% m ... II5�,,(J, 1 .R 0 J t .A T12 State Street : 305t�! "1 "CIrltI'gtJ;·,nt,:r. t· I.: U"I:,.'fITtew Wtt,;;L,.;, !1."",'1.TRAOfrtAaItf6lSTO!O� '��-:-- ':. ' "", � --. ..,.�""1,: ." -, .-:..THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY" APRIL' 9, Jg08. ,"r.-, ".... ..,. ...... KAy'En:ABLISH SENIORCONTEST IN ORATORY •• ; h')\gain we call your atteatiaia;,to our opening of Spring CJotb;� btg, Suits. Top Coats and Trc,t;.cI��ra, ·ready to wear and to,oarmeasure.Cut for the most conservatiYtto the Swell Dressers; oarprices range, from $Js-oO to$35.00 for suits and top Coat.. .Trousers from $3·00' to S7.tia.,Our goods are strictly b�fT�Jor�d and up to the miDatt.�The name "Lang" stands _�)good clothes. .' .. ':;�.- ....The 'Varsity Baelmtop, A Catcher oil a' college nine cannot be toocareful -about the Mitt he uses-the Big Game.may depend on his ability to: hold the ball. The)li�J<lritr of 'Varsity Backstops, like the majority ofthe 'great League Catchers; use(. Catchers' MiffsThe arrangement .of padding and deep hollowholds the ball every time. Reach Catchers' Mitts�_ ....' are made in rights and lefts,and range .in. price from $8.00 each.The�BaD:.has been adopted by. the greatAmerican League for 'a tenyear period. I t is' also usedby all ·the big 'Varsity andPrep, School Nines.TIle�Gun*TIte' R�ac:" Tr.acf�.a,1r 0:1 all StJDrtf.,Goods Is a gU;JTaa'� of qualilr. ".�aassa'isbclloa. a a�w .rlide or rOil' .o.�6ac. (�.IC�p' OD Barrs aDeI ibis u""�, $1).Tkla:lllllicial Bae .... Galel.rlllS:r�h�'t��:!�iU:J::aIJ:fi:'�. LeaKUC:S. History and action pic.tnres of the I'P7 \\'or:d's Series.10 cent» nt dealers or by mailIf' "01 at .vow" d�aln-'s, 'flU will fill?OU" or drr direct ON ru,ipi of J>"u,wrUe for 1 .. Rue �ll CalalO«Uf! aDOfree Hue nau KtDrJ' by Y.lbnt lIubbard.A..L REACH CO .. '171 ....... p£L"0whla* ••• Pa., , 'IO�� f; .B. Rowden's Schools and Academies of DancingAssembly meets every �l;hursday evening at Unity Club House, 3140Indiana Avenue:. .'JQV� Clasa every Saturday afternoon from one to four. .�tDdio fo� private leSsoDS .. _�I, .lDmball Hall BId., Wabash Ave., and'.. jacbOn Boulevard. _ .' ":-:.> '. ._Class for 'begmneris' JloridaY;-·� and Friday' eVenitip.P.ivate lessons given hourly d�g the',day, with or without m�sic.ChDdren's priva� class, $1.00 per month.Adults, pnvate Ieao� $1.00 with music, or a· guai'anteed course fer$.s.oo.Varslfr . Cafe ••55th St. and Greenwood Avenue, OPEN·ALL DAYMeals 20c BildChop Sue7 .. Specialty .Up (Continued from 'page J) .important than the simple, earnest: and convinced manner for which theUniversity strives.'The members present at the meet­ing were in favor of the introductionof a' senior' oratorical contest butpostponed action on the matter, de-'ciding to request Mr. Clark to pres­ent his views on the subject at the,next meeting of the two councils.In addition to this question, nearerapproach toward the 'attainment of auniversity seal was made. A .. com­mittee composed of Norman Barker,Luther D. Fernald, Bradford Gill,lfiss Chaney' and -Miss Sunny wasappointed to superintend a contestamong the students in which studentswill. have an opportunity to submitdesigns and mottos for the seal. Itis' .thc purpose of the councils to ap­point, through this newly selectedcommittee, a committee of faculty Imembers to act as judges in the con-test. The best suggestion for seals' . THE M I K ADOoffered will then' be submitted to the \Board of Trustees of the University, 1299,' ,f! ,5,5. St.for their consideration and approval.'Morewmp���ecifi�tioM�dr�: ---�--�----------------------�quircments for the contest will be an-.nounced as soon as the committee of . After May Firststudents,' which is designed to rep-,resent the student body meets and.more fully outlines its plans. LANG104 EAST MADISON ST'·'Builder of the Finest Clot1iei-"or his Majesty,. the Yourli'American. '.f ,"_r;I� .Jg..IaftPhones: Central 4773 AJaricbBi,tiDa-Fo'"proves'Automatic 6739An clothes kept inrepair free..tPro�essC·kId.of tl�omy,�nce attadaY a.��, th;�Lel·.'Fowll�ee BaliU -erow1&oly il'�usio¥'1{ei··.�goro'�gdi'�nte(�in��Iuti'��of C(Jf.r.�.'�.�.: .•...� "';�'!iI'V('i.".�._.. ".' "'�'--.' ".: .. �® D·" .. � ..... :.·.::n,.�t·.· . "> �Ol.��)D;'· ··.·�_-.-·.:IJ1(�s��hQ)��l���. .---.�,f,>.-\"" ·';'7,:";,j;;�1l;>�!'::;,�:/!:. '.. ;' � ,;(� l:{t!�it"!;JJ��� . < ';..J.. .�enr • ..• ':t,,*,} " Y_ ,'* : _.� ·��er :J-4�;:;:::��':��::��1���;;:.}� .�; ·�fhe... -=-�, �.--' �� ... --��'�' :�' '.l·to�tfl'£J.�·i·i5::,j;ril�tJ--�� . t :'�'talJ; 't;;.-". '.... , ..;.f '�es�_.I 'lrfrOI1:�:p______ iiiiiii.i. ..... _IiiiiI ............ iiiiiiIiiii... ' .•. 'ide.,' i\e'.,a�<\, i.. ... -�.-.. .�---------------------------... ;_tialH ;you � not wearing t.�$ocl�t, Sr_nd (tlotb�$ ·:t.�r�be-l+, .:� Ie.{ideres::'-11i���.'.-'''Th�!a*es·�t •'tile ASTUDENTS' LUNCH ROOMCAFE-Meals 20c and up Open all dar.We will occupy our new quarters 26-28 E. Lake Street. '(,This affords'a�'exceptional opportunity of purchas1: �ing our select stock of lamps -and bronzes at marke4'�',:; '"reduction. � �i 1GYMNASTS TO COMPETE(Continued from .page' I) .ants are in. 'The makeup of theirteam is the same', except that Wat­kins, one of the stars. has been lost.At Wisconsin optimism has, beenspread. through the addition of Os­thoff, the. football and swimmingstar, He is said to be one of' the WILLY. H. LAU . �l·Pullman BUilding. 12 Eo street ':best. tumblers the Madison Institutionhas had- in years, and is counted toget' a place in the ri�gs.· CaPtainZeidlehack, who won t�e. i�di�idualhigh total, is with the team, and issaid to be . performing' better thanever before., ,Coach Wagner say.s he fears theWisconsin team more than' tIleGophers. He counts on each' 'One ofhis five entrants to �in :places intheir events, 'as 'they are in' goodshape. Berndt was the' strongest'Ma­roon on the' parallel bars, and untilhis injnry, was picked by CoachWagner for a second at least. Cap­tain Murrah and Bartlett are expect­ed to make the best showings. You are not It. VVake up.I !:.".!t!:= IAt al t Ilrst class shopsTO RENT-A few desirable rooms,at Hotel Maroon, 58th and DrexelAvenue. ----.POSITION open for young womanat a summer resort; work to beginat end of Spring quarter; $15 or $20mo.; board and room. Address theUniversity Employment �ureau. • ...AMUSEMENTS....THB GARRICK. David Belasco's Great Pla�THE ROSE-or theRANCHO countlb;sed�p<If so,'ponsi1party�y 1kankiRutbpsepanictxpalHillaightariff,and·txtr.. Ifd I'''V�o ,1es�thebtll.all IILLINOISChas. Froman PresntsTHE DAIRY MAIDSWith Harry Bulg�rTHB AUDITORIU.One H11ndred Singer5Victor HerberfsSERENADETIll: UlfIOH HOTBL.ABD USTA1JRABT TRAVEL OYER THEOr any Southern PointII,I.' IW. make a Specialty of ClubaDd Fraternity DiDnera. . WANTED-Stenographic position bya young lady; would prefer workfor part of each day; experienced;c:m furnish good references. Ad­drec;s Box 96r Faculty Exchange,University of Chicago.111-117 Randolph Street v---- - ------MONON ROUTE"._--------.THE'POPULAR PLACETO EAT AFAYETTE,INDIANAPOLIS.LOUISVILLE.CINCINNATI,DAYTON.Eitb",r before or �fter theTheater. OOLONIALHave you seeaTHB MERRY WIDOWShe is tbe InteMlatioDal Crase POWBRSChas. Frohman .presentsETHEL BARRY:\IOREin the New PlayHER SISTERSPECIAL"ype\Vrit�rs Rented-3 months for$5 and up. Typewriters sold on easypayments, from $10 up, Best bargainsin guaranteed machines. AmericanDesk & Typewriter Co., 188 DearbornSt. Central 6127. . -------- --------LA SALLEHONEYMOON TRAILWith Cedi Leanand Florence Holbrook STUDEBAKERMR ARNOLD DALYIn the Play that means SomethingTHE REGENERATIONr:l" OWf'n Kildor(! and \Va1t('rH:lc1ctt'C�" DJeinI and R� of Ticket Olice, 182 South Clark St.. Gents' and Ladies' GarmentsLatest Style Clothes Made to Order. Depot-Dearborn Station, Polk andi I. OooPDT A I L () R Dearborn St.4Sz Eat 55th Street RELIABLE Rebuilt Typewriters, allmakes, special bargains this month,from our own factory, equippedwith mo<1ern. machinery, 250 horsepower. Y 0\1 assume no risk; sat- -----------------------------------------------------------i�faction or your money back.' TheTypewriter Ezcbange,.J '9 Dearl)OrnSt. Branch of the American Writ­ing Machine Co., incorporated. -THB WHIT.BYTHREE TWINSl'�rriest of Musical FarcesTO RENT-V�ry desirable ,light TYPEWRJTERS for Sale or Re1lt-room; brick house; hard-wood fin-I Special rates to studf"nts: harg2ddish; modern; all outside rooms: $.15. in re-huHt m�chin,.s. W. White"Apl,ly 5408 Kimbark Ave. . head, 36 La Salle Stn:eLBetw�D Green�ood " Lexington avs �lewood Stadon-b! S ..