Inily !lUfIlUU113. Price Two CentsCHICAGO,'THURSDAY. APRIL z. 1908.'�IONWEALTH CLUB II < DR. ELIOT TO ;v,sIT CAMPOS SPRIIG RALLY RIYALS ,FAMOils CENTER ENDS,:f IMITATION CONVEITION Harvard Head,to be Guest of Faculty FOOTBALL MASS MEETIIG ._£�R_�_� ��I!!_��Next Wednesday- May AddressStudents at IO:30-To Deliver Lee- Overflow Assembly in Kent Cheerstures at Northwestcrn. Winners of National Champion-ship.The swimming -meet with Yale,scheduled for April 18 in Bartlett, isoff. This announcement was madeyesterday by Coach Knudson, who'ption was to instruct his men bl'- ,, explained that the Easterners wiUfOre that ballot how to vote. .'\not 'make their trip 'Vest this year.crtat deal of time, however, was, . They had a meet scheduled with C.r. � up by preliminary business, and -\. A. in 'addition to that with the endurance is becoming generally re-t 1:)"Oung lady, whom a head of a cer- cognized.. Varsity.biD. delegation escorted, grew we a !"),oj what she termed "a lot of rot" With no meet with Yale, the Chi-II b�" cago swimmers have only one more�ther than displease the fair maideu.on their schedule, that with Penn-� delegation head ordered the• . sylvnaai, The Quakers claim the best-ge of vote on the first ballot.'< ..." • aquatic team among Eastern colleges.• -result was an entire miscarrying".ns, but a satisfied young !ad�.. They are said to be as strong as lastyear, when they defeated theVarsity.bc,dy is eligible for the nomi- Coach Knudson is nmking a specia 1including "Bill" -Taft and effort to put his polo ground in,�or llughes. Others, mentioned shape to take the measure of the �ed" ely for the honor are "Uncle and Blue. Art Goes will be in the'�> Cannon, Senator Knox, Vice- game. He was kept out of the two "Stella, wiD we havc time to pack up MANY ALUMNI ARE W�CKS;'�dent Fairbanks and Senator games played against Illinois. and get to Chicago for that Penn- HAVE WRONG ATTITUDE MERRIAM AND BARKER TOij� Follette.' Hugo Friend is chair- No "rubber" will be played off with sylvani& came?" '_ BE' KEPT OUT OF IIEET.� ,of the comm,ittee on arrange- the Illinois polo team, according to Professor Sb�"rdson Tcll. Y II C.. -- ..••. Star Varsity WiD Not Compet'e 1ft.i. �ts. "We must push this plan Coach Knudson. He says it is not ·'1 think that they are the fastest A. Members that CollCEC Life is.:3ii., fonrard as rapidly as possible." said customary to count polo results apart five that I eVl"r saw play;' he said re- Real Lifc, Not Pr..,,_.,..tioD.: A A. U. ,Championships-Entries�, F' -r-- Ann -.I;�� • nmd Yl'stcrday. "If wc wait too from the general outcome of the ��rding the worl..- of the team. ··Their oun .. �'1.&0in,;,. bag, the campaign will be too far swimming m�ets. Since Chicago won work has been markC'd by a constant "I belie\·c. comparatively speaking.edTin(cd. and the candidate \vi11 b(' hoth meets with Illinois, the �'aroon:, tendency to put self in the back- there is no c1as� of people in the Chicago's chances of winning the""-6t 11 f, Th 1 f d' d h . ..t ..t ·11' I' :\. A. U. meet Saturday were set__ r"" Y we .mown. e c i:inCC 0 an arc un Ispute c amplOns. 1�roun" an" a WI II1gness to pay slm- world in which there arc so nmny� �citing convention will then b(' ply that the University might win. wrt"ck� as in t-he coilege alumnj�'" t,ack yesterday when Director Stag�.:......l IOn-" To Have Student Government W· Cl . d f h .. �tatcd that Merriam. and Harker will� � e at lIcago stan or t e pnncl- said Professor Shepardson last nightAn agitation for st\:.<)ent control oi pie that a victory that con not be won b�fore a meeting' of the Y. M. C. A. be kt'pt out. ,Roth men have been__ !'tudent affairs is being made at Kan- insidc the rules is not worth winning in Haskdl museum. working outdQors for two weeks to......,�.; Chicago Illini to Dinc �as University. Although the initla' ;.nd 1 helie,·c that this team .typifies Continuing, he said: .:The. most get in conditio'n for the Penn relay:r"'"'"' :The first meeting of the uUnh'er- th'e }ras het'n takcn by the studel1��. this spirit. It , ... ·ilI go down as one of l' I k' b". ck races, and wO\1ld not be able to nm- .." melancho y thmg in 00 10g lit,: of Chicago T11ini" will be on th-e the faculty favors the plan. rccom· thc famous teams in the history of over the college life is to see th'! thcir best races inooors. Merriam_;_ fftning of April 10; when a banquet mending it as the only solution f'JI" the University. wrecks. People with whom J went Wn'; ('ntered in the rel�y and Bark��'� � to be he'd in the men's commons. many university problems. Student Captain-Elect Georgen had evident· to college in 1883 are the' same, with 1'1 the half mile. It had been boped�h ';'ho expect to attend are request- represcnt:ltion on all University com- Iy anlicipated the possibility of a one or two exceptions, as they were' that Rarkt'r might be seen apinsttd to send in their names to W. B·. mittcc� and a student council are I "peech 'and could not be found. Page. at' �hat time. The trouble with ani. Ramey.Gregory, president, as soon as possi- probahilitics of the near future at Huhble joined" the ranks of weight"'- i Kansas. (Continued on page .4) (Continued on page 4) (Continued on paa-e 4) .. -Oriaftization of Students Interested'ill Making Good Government to,Nominate Republican C.andidate.President Eliot of Harvard Uni-Ask for Volunteers to Take Part in vcrsity , will be the guest of the U,ni- Director Stagg Makes Enthusiastic<Conclave-300 Students Needed to versity of Chicago next \" ednesda!. I Speech-Tells of QuiCk Trip fromAssurc Success. Miami for Game.'. The turmoil and excitement of the'i2pdly approaching presidential cam-,. � will reach a premature climax'0Il' the campus. The Commonwealth.dub·will anticipate the June conclave'to � held in the Coliseu� by a mock The team that won an unprecedent­ed triumph in basketball for Chicagoin the season of 1907-8 was shownthe appreciation of the University forits accomplishment at a rousing over­flow mass meeting, held yesterday inKent theater. No football rally everdrew more enthusiasm than this man­ifestation of the spirit of Chicago'middle of. the quarter .. The conven- that welcomed home the victorious'boo will not be strictly a club affair, PRJ.:SWE:,\T F.I.IOT five and mustered forces for the sup-j�'about three hundred people are port of the teams about to compete'�ntcd to participate in it. Th'ere He will visit the University in the on the track and diamond.were over a thousand delegates at morning, and it is possible that he Speeches by the team, Dr. Raycroft,'the national convention ,in 1904, and will address the students in a gcn- and - Director Stagg, interspersedit· 'ISO purposed to ru n the mock con- eral assembly at 10:30. This has not . h I' .wit ear-sp ittmg' exhibitions of root-m;tion on a one-third basis of repre- been arranged' for as yet. ing, characterized the celebration.smtation. The reason a Republican President Eliot has been making an Captain Schommer was the: hero of'u�mbly was chosen in preference to extensive tour throughout the ccn- the occasion. "When I heard. that we.. 'democrntic one, was because of the tral west, and next week will delive.r \ r .t I W' . ... id• .. . �e e go1Og 0 p ay lscOnStn, sal3 senes of lectures at Northwestern. 'Germa •• thei '.grtater struggle 'for the candidacy . many, on err own floor' forthilt is existing in the former party. He will be the guest of the faculty the championship of the West,' Iand of President Judson while on' the staid up all night .: The conditions of:lhe,.Pennsyivania series' were-a- tiftlemore in our favor, and when, it' wasover we saw one thing in our-oppon­ents-the right way to take a defeat.I t was certainly sportsmanlike and Ihope that next ye�r's team will haveas 'much success as we have had. DDr. Raycroft praised the team high­'y and in addition commented on therapid growth in the popularity ofbasketball. ' He said that the former-Rq,ublic:1I1 nominating convention,t�' be held in Mandel hall about the'>:\U students of the' University' are'�� to,' take part in" the _ eonven­:tio.\- and they will be divided into�ltAe 'delegates. Of each group .one'�b,e chosen as head of the dele��on. campus.1 -YALE CALLS OFF DUAL'WITH' VARSITY SWIMMERSEasterners Will Not Make Trip Th:sYear-Only Pennsylvania MeetRemains.'· :�The scheme was tried once before'J Was futI of amusing incidents. On1m occasion there had been agreed'aoo beforehand a plan to stampede· .,fOr a certain candidate on the third�haDot. The 'head of each' state dele- Iy wide spread conviction that basket­ball is a game only for girls and mol­ly-coddles is rapidly losing groundand the Of act that it requires skiII andAT. MIAMI Another entertainment in the nameof charity is being prepared for pre­sentation by women of the university .This time it is the' residents of fourwomen's halls who are to add to thegayety of the University,and they in­vite the whole student body to con­tribute twenty-five cents 'and attenda combination vaudeville and music­ale to be given on Frida� and Sat­urday mghts, in Green hall.The' occasion' for the entertainmentis the creation of a fund for the artsand crafts work of the UniversitySettlement. Each of the four wom­en's dormitories will contribute to aprdgram wh�ch will. be presentedtwice each night. The performances,I APTAIN- JOHN SCHOMME� will be given at 7=45 and 9:30 'FridayC the unquestioned premier of the night and Saturday night in �reengreatest basketball team. 'the Univer- hall parlor.sity ever had. has played the' last A' large part of' the program has:"': "�m'e of basketball he can .play on a �Ire�dy been' made. out. ����n b�n·�·: _,' .'(h. ,:��:��UniYePSit,-ka-m;"" tlre1b}-e��ear' �riile .wi";-en�my-ot1'-rrind"'ctera:. / ; �� �":" , . Kelley hall wiII "place .on: exhibition-�i11 make him ineligible next season, .His wonderful long throws to the the 'only human pipe orgait now'-in'; "basket (rom all parts of the floor, and captivity. "This hall will also contri- "th� ease. with which he. kept, coittrol bute some imitation negro �nstrels:!·"f the ball, have made audiencesmar- Foster will'rival the' realism 'of 'the'vel {or the three, y�ars he has been on' modern melodrama by' conducting athe team. His stellar position among seeing-Chicago (the·. University),automobile excursion., Accomplishedcollege basketball players is indi-cated by the fact that he has been the s;ngers from. the dormitory will ren-for der some classical music. Beecherunanimous choice All-Westerncenter for all three of the years he will aid in the classical portion of the'has played on the team. .During the program, and will have a vaudeville. I d h d . number- which was not, far enoughseason just c os� , e � e 275 pointsby his. field goa's. advanced to be announced yesterday.'Although' basketball is his first There' will be some strenuous re-:S hearsing today and tomorrow, and the�hoice�" chommer is in athletics all definite irnake-up of the entire com­Jhe yea� . round. He. will graduatewith as many Varsity "C's" as it is pany will be determined today. The'vaudeville artists from the differentpossible for one man to collect. Thedccisi�n of Director Stagg to give th� halls have developed considerablebasketball men "C's" means a fourth friendly rivalry, each hall. being de­Varsity emblem for Schommer, as he termined to draw out the greatest,has received them in track,. baseball number of curtain calls.and football .. He wiII be on the Uni- The entire population of the fourversity track and baseball teams. this dormitories will be, pressed into ser-vice in solicitng patronage, and a con- 'spring, and will probably be on the,Q08 football team. :,iderable sum for the arts and craftsWOMEN PLAI VAUDEVILLEFOR SAKE 1JF CHARITYResidents of, Four Women's Halls toAp� in Varie� ShowFriday and SaturdayInvite All University to Attend' andContribute Quarter to Artsand Crafts WOrkPay as you enter.Captain Jo� Schommerwork is looked for. ..... '"THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1908.''''" "r---------.-----------------------------�4------- ��I" F, OBLIGED TO' DROP ·1'OUT OF RESIDENCE : t �CO�RESPONDENCI>STIJDY' COURSES �Will enable you to continUe your ,coJlege work and �ain the degree. >flODe-balf (18) of tile 36 Najon "fluircd for paduatioa .ay bedoae b7 COITIB, 0D4hDce. Ov. 300 cJau.l'oo" counea Me thusOffered b7 ...... ben of tile UDiYenit7 hcultiea. flBesWes the I'C�.alar JH&Ia' School aM eo ... · Coanes. are .a.7 that appaJ tothole III diffcreat .oc:atioaa-aotabJ7 to teac:hcn. 4Work Dla)'� at &D7 time. IDquire at office ofII .THZ CORRESPONDENCE·STUDY DEPARTMEN�Th.e University of Chicaco - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cobb Hall, 7A ,"ANNOUNCBMi:NTS TRAVEL OVIER THEClq:"':I�'lliI'LAFAYErTE, ,in honor of the INDI�NAPOLIS,basketball championship, ,�i11 be set LOUISVILLE.aside at the La Salle Friday. Get CINCINNATI,c: Michigan lost to Chicago in the *tickets from the University Theater,. first debate ever held between the'" DAYTON." Ora- ., two eniversities. * Agency.. Or any Southern PointRegistration for the Central ,*.' * '* * * * * * * .::¢. Junior College Council will meet at Ticket Office, 182 South Clark St.torical. League contest closed yester:" �. n'& "y" B"TTT T 'III"'IN 10:30 a. m., Friday. :"- D bo 'IAA � u...........:a.l. ;.,epot- ear m Station, Polk IDIlday. The contest is open to all regu > Three Quarters club dance will be l Dearborn St.lar students who have. not yet re';' held ,in Rosalie hall, instead of theD ti• na1 half h '11 b I ! I En21ewood Station-63d St'ceived a master's or doctor's degree, evo 0 our WI e ie ( Reynolds club.The candidates; who are IDJ)re Dum';' by H. I. Stevens. The meeting is Dramatic club will hold an import­erous than before, have submitted called for, 10:30 a. m, in Haskell as- ant meeting Friday at 10:30 a. m., insembly room. Cobb SB.BrothCf'hood of St. Andrew will_Itt IIatlg _ works, rather than by' bluffinll. cram-" • • * * * * * * • * *.I arnou ming, or, as soai'et1ales- happens, • DO YOU REMEIlBER? •The omc:1a1 8tudeDt" PubUC:atlcia' of tIUt .ch�atinll' th�ir .: �Y' throop. For, - •Ulllnralq of' Chlap. verily, if one' takes care' of tJie daily � ODe Y" AKo Today *_ . marks, the quarterly ones will take '" S'pring foot�all practice began *BDtered u 8eeoGckluiIIIaIl at' tIie CJiJcap 'care of tb'emselves: • under the direction of Captain *PMtoGlce. Chlcap. Illbaoa.. Kareh 18. * Leo De Tray. •1903, UDder Act of IIareh 8, 1818. 1J'Now that the basketball season is • Four Years Aco Today *over, "Pat" Page says he is going to * It was decided by the friends *� ,dall7. ucept 8111lc1Qa. IIOL pitch right in for baseball. *" of the late Alice Freeman Pal- *'4IQII aa4 bolIdqa. 4a.dq thNeqaarten If\\'hat decorous synonyms we are " mer, that the memorial to her at *getting in our legal vocabulal7 now- 4' the University should be a chime *adays! After'leaming that "dementia "* of bells to be placed in Mitchell *Americana" is another name for mur- * tower. •der in the first' degree, we now are .. FiYe. Years Ago Today *told that burglary can be used as "au- *, President Roosevelt laid 'the *"tomatic amubtllation." ill. corner-stone of the University of *.. Chicago Law building. *"oaDdedThe WeekJ7. Oct. 1, 1892.The �7. Oct. 1, 1002. Fencibles will met at 2 p. m., Fri­¥ The women's gy11¥1asium on *day, in Cobb 8B.!II Lexington avenue was opened to *University night,• classes for the first time. ** T�elve Years Ago Today *CLOSE REGISTRATIONFOR "CENTRAL ORATORIACAL8ur.erlptlon price. ".00. per lear .,. ,1.00 ' --Many Out for Forensic HODOn--for 3 IDODths. Subec:rlpUoDS reeelTed at Canctictates to Speak at Prelimi-the Maroon omce, Ellis Ball, or at the nary Nczt Week.}'ac:ulq Eschanp. Cobb BalL------------------------------------------------LOUIS S. BERLIN, Bt181neu Managerjl JI'I1 papers on subjects chosen by' the'm­selves, and .next week they' will takeBy this time the Recorder's, quar- part' in a preliminary speaking, con­terly report i�' filed, and student anx- test. after which five contestants williety over last quarter's � chosen for the final eontest in themarks has been satis- Unive-rsity. The' winn�'r of this cOn�fied, happily or unhap-:. test will receive' a. thtiversity schol-\ piJy. It, would be unkind to remind arship" for one year, Valued at $12(i,those to whose work the opening let- and will also represent Chicago - inters of the.alphabet were 'Dot applied the final contest between Columbia,that the A's and E's were probably Cornell" Obio, WesleYan, Virginia,distributed pretty much according and 'Chicago, conducted this year' atto ,their due. the University of Virginia at Char- Maurice Piacoffs '0'], De!ta Kappa. Ba";"- Fest in Second Undoing of. Instructors are human, and, being 10ttesvilJe, Va. Each speaker in this. ·S_""..... __ • Epsilon, who has been absent from, --uva Team-Latham 'Pitcheshuman, are not infallible; but, never"; contest will be limited'to sixteen min- the University for a year has re-thelesa, discrepancies in the marks utes in the "delivery of hi� oration. Steady Game.always will obta, in. So. me were mark� The prize,s will be awarded on the, Playing in the face of a stronged high who deserved only a passing basis of the speech' and delivery� there 'wind, the Varsity baseball team yes-,grade; some who deserved' a passing being a first prize' of $100' arid' a sec- Kappa Epsilon, has registered in the, . .'. terday trimmed the University Hi�hD'1"!Ide were conditioned or flunked. ond prize of $so.. Last yeaf'l' Miss University colleges..,._ Scllool nine by a 7 to I s�ore. 'Ma-'-- are not .., and, connot be abso- Grimm won the, contest' for Chica:.. ' Coach Cushing of the Blackfriars,�� '"Hal" Latham was in prime formlute criteria �f the caliber of work al&o· and', had the -high school batters at his will �eet candidates to fill vacanciesstudent· docs; but in the great ma- Professor Blanchard of th'e PUblic Prercy. He allowed only two hits, on the cast and chorus tomorrow af­jority of cases the A student received Speaking Department� said. yester:. �nd kept the ,opposing team fr,ofll ternoon at 4 o'�lock in the Reynoldsan A mark and the E student, an E. day: "The nwnb�r of registrations club., ,', �coring �ntil the last inning, whenGrades however do not always, for this contest has 1>ee.n larg� and ' The Esoteric will entertain with an, , the otle and only run was made. Hethough they often may, indicate th� the prospects for the Unive"riit'y to .stntck out eight men. informal at the Reynolds club ,satur-amount of actual good the student win �gain this year see'm to me to"l)e Pitcher Rue was a mystery to the day afternoon.gets out of th-e course. A clever stu- �xceIlent." V . The Thr('c Quarters club. Freshmenarslty batters for just one inning.dent WJ·th a superficl·al knowledae of In addi�ion 1'0 ,the Central Lc'ague 'o After being retired in rapid succes·the sub,iec. may bluff or cram contest, the University wilf be repre- •.'J ., slon in the first inning, the Chicagothrough wl·th a sort of catch-as-catch- �ented in two other oratorical com-. , men started the second inning firedca'n studvina, and be ranked well, petitions. The Northern Oi'atorical nounced that there will be 30 dances,�. 0: with revenge, and before the fire had'while his 'more sincere and laborious League wilt hold a co'ntest in' Iowa died down, fOlll" runs had been shoved beginning at 8:30 sha,rp. The com-I h • I b t suo re and City, Iowa, May I. Mr. Charles A. mittee has requested ,that no pro-c assmate w 0 IS S ow U , . across the plate. Another tally in thereally leams w:h'at he studl·es, though Bales has been chosen to represent' h· d . - grams be filled out in advance.'. ., t Ir and two m the SIxth comp�etedI . the Universit¥. The Woman's sur- The Fencib�es will meet at 2 p. m.poor at cramming, may on y receive the Varsity slugging fest.frage League of Illinois win hold a tomQrrow in Cobb hall. This is thean average grade. The work of Captain Gaarde andAt the start of the quarter, then, contest at Galesburg, April Ii', and his team was an improvement over first meeting of the quarter and somethe serious attention of the student prizes of $100 and $SO will be given anything seen so far, due to a great �mportan� business will be transact·for the best and next best spe'ech'es d.may well be drawn to the importance extent to the strenuous coaching .of ek b t th on th� q'tJestion of Woman Suffrage. The Dramatic dub will meet atof emphasizing, not mar s, u e the ··Old, Man." For the first time .t t Mi!'is Hariett Grimm will , reprtsent 10:30 tomorrow in Cobb 8B.retal leaming the marks are mean 0 in three years, he is not bothered byH d·d t' spend the University' in this contest. The .Mandolin club �eting" hassymbolize. e can eCl e 0 rheum'atism, and is' taking charge of• f ad been postponed from 10:30 yester-his time. nor studymg or gr es, DISCUSS o1ttENTAL PROBLE. t1a'e work. He worked the infieldk "boring" ,.Ia).' to 10:30 tomorrow.but for the study's sa e; not hard �(eroay after the game. Coachon possible questions or craming odds Fint ()pen llcetinc. of tile Oriental :Bezdek had twenty Freshmen out for ' Have Anti-Sa!!:)():I, Demonstrationand ends of ephemeral information. Club to be' Relcl Tomcfit. the second day of practice. Complete prohibition and no sa-but getting a fundamental under- __ : Score by innings: loons, is the sentiment of the studentstanding of the subject studied. "The Political and Social Revolu- Cliicago 0 4 , 0 0 2-j body at the University of Nebraska,College training is ne�tive rather tion in India" win be discussed to-; U. Higb ..•.. : ..••..... o 0 0 0 0 I-I as recently expressed in a monsterthan positive if it trains men to put night at the meeting of the Orierifal Batt�rie5-Latham and Gaarde,Chi- mass meeting and parade. At thesuperficiality abo,'e sincerity, to put club. The meeting will be held in :ca'go; Rue and Zimmerman, Uni\'er- big gathering members of the facultydishonesty above honesty-for the Hitchcock' parlor at 8. Sudbin- ;sity High. Two base hit, Denham. and citizens of Lincoln made speechesblcfi'er or crammer, if he succeeds at dra Bose a graduate student at the U. High. Stolen bases: Gaarde and on the saloon q'uestion, their prohihi.all, wins undel" false pretenses. 'University, and a native of India, ISta'ebling, C&icago; Harding and Rue" tinn statements being heartily ap­"Working for marks" exerts a de- and Max Handinan, an'ex-missionary U. Higb. Stnlck out: by Latham. platHled hy the large student audi­generating influence on' college men, from Hindustan; will be the speakers 8; by Roe, S. Bases on balls: oft' ence.and turns their energy and ability of the evening. Latham, 2; off Rue, J. Wild pitch. After the meeting 600 student!'from mastering responsibil!ty into This is the first open meeting of the 'Ra�. Passed ball, Zimmerman. Time :oincd in a parade through the ·town.getting out of it. club, which is an organization found- of pme� 1=40. Umpire, Stagg. " "cd hy the Uni\'e'rs-ity band :lI1d theThe serios minded among the stu- ed by sevenl melilbten of the faculty.' The next game scheduled is with a c:-dN comp:lI1ies. On a float drawnclent body will profit by their last The object of the' club is to discuss ,picbp team of semi-pros for whom by the students was a student at work Iminute resolutions of the past quar- leading oriental pro'leUl� and to kee, 'Willie McGih will pitch. Games with over his books. two banners bearingfer, ,and ,achieve satisfactory re�ults in ,its m�mbers in t01lch with orifntal Armour Institute are scheduled for in the air the motto "Booze andt1.& courses hy.pilin.r up goods da1S'.. afFai.... iMonday and Wednesday. Rooks Don't Jibe."Mandolin club will meet at 10:30meet at 10:30 a. Ill. 'in South hall par- a. m. Friday.Ibr. ' Judd Lecture - Professor C. H.Blackfriar chorus will hold a re- Judd of Yale, will lecture at 4:30 p.hearsal ,in the Reynolds club at 4Jlarb m., in the north room of the Lawp. m. building, on "Training in SpecialOriental club will meet in Hitch- Subjects as Related to ,General Intel­cock library at 8 p. m. ligence and Capacity."VA'RSITY NINE TROUNCES U. lB CLUB Alft) I'RATERNTrYHIGH BY , TO 1 SCOREturned and is taking a course 'in the,Medical school.Hecage, Dartmouth Dett;t'10,have changed their original plan :lndwill now give their dance next, Fri­day in Rosalie hall. 1 t has. been an- THE UNION HOTELAm> . RESTAURANT -III-il' Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR PLACETO EATEith"r before or after the .Theater.We 'make a Specialty of Cluband Fraternity D�ers.The Yates-Fisher Teachers' AgentJPaul Yates, Manager, Suite' fip.6.t2, 204 Michigan Avcnuc." ·viDeArts Building, Chicago. -, -� JIJDeS F •• � ... '·�f�. 'TeadIerS:.Igacy ,Do you expect to teach next:'��Why not' enroll �ith a firc;t�Agency, and thus put y�UJ:se1f ir;.;-;':;�for the best positions? ' -; '"Young men who can teach M ' �\:"Languages, take charge 0'£ Athleti;r?.or' handle Commercial subjec�;!­"pe cia I demand.9 JaCkson Boulevard. :�I.:, Phone Harrison �i.ZJ: .�..Phone Hyde Park 3813-FR..ANKTAILORExclUSive styics for Young C0l­lege Men, in Spring and SummerGoods.CLEAN:-'NG, PRESSINGAND REPAIRIRG �,193 E. 55th Street..-':'jYou can't say whether or '�.not a clove is economical ;till it's worn out. Try ':,the wear ofFOWNESGLOVES �GElOf;a1l deJS.: plaYS, SPI; TOr:eataIcl_tiK� Mar..l--. g,Gents"�Btt .. ecn t�And whNawr and:a btr Sp(h21k 31JDd woocthis Sprir:The mt�re to beJOII be oribe showWe ,hav\'Ole to eCome in�t)les. ' Jweans 3are readyoTAiL1'110 sto-,", 1.'.1THE DAILY MAROON. TlIURSDAY, APRIL 2. 1908. . .. -. -...THE BOARD ',OFI mOIIERJ)ATIONi,' Of, tHE-. ONIemsRY OF tBItAGOWonderfully�WholesomeI GERMAN BOOIS.tOf fl descriptions, such as class-�: pays. dictionaries. etc." SPECIAL DISCOUNT;, TO STUDENTS ••••;Catalogues and quotations.lleDt upon request.� KROCH (:s CO.� Monroe Street. Chicago._; n", 1:,.." �artersfor solid cum fort. The newest shades .and designs of one piece, .... .".,web. All metal, parts heavy' nickel.plated brass, cannot rust. 2Sc. a pair,all dealers or by mail,.. , EW SIJSIIEMI8I co..n • .....,....., ........ .,.. ..Jldrno'�8�Editor of TIle Daily Maroon:So many questions like the follow­:lIg are constantly asked that I vcn­'ture to send you the answers to a fewof them for the" benefit of the 5tU­dent hody:I. Who maY register with the Board?The requirement for registration isthe backing of some department in[he University of Chicago. which us­ually implies at least a year's resi­dcncc.. Favorable, confidential state­ments from three or four members of writing, making a formal application,and stating clearly your special train­ing' and experience along the. 'linecalled for: H yOU are without experi­ence. lay all the more .emphasis uponyour preparation. Ask a few wellconsidered questions about the na­lure of the work. Refer to the Boardof Recommendations and to one- ormore persons outside of the Univer­sity. Send a. photograph (small, un­mounted photographs should be usedfor this purpose). Enc"tose a stampor self-addressed envelope for reply.Make your letter a model for neat-o ness and good fonn. .7· I:. a personal interview necessary?Most positions of any importanceare filled only after a personal inter­view of the candidate, and very muchdepends upon the impression thusmade. However, full and satisfactorycredentials, including the photograph,not infrequently lead to appoint­ments.8. When are most positions filled?Most boards re-elect their regularteachers about this time, but most ofthe vacancies are ·fillea later. In fact,many of the very best places arise allthrough the spring and summerthrough 0 resignations and changeswhich constantly occur. The 'busiestmonths in. all teachers' agencies are• July and August.9- Will my chances be greatly en­hanced by remaining at the UniLversity for graduate work?The good positions are calling moreand more for higher training, and, ingeneral, the better the training, thebetter the chances for the candidate.Sometimes it is best to gain some ex- :perience before going on to the high- 'er training.· Your case must be deter­mined on its merits.JO. Can I secure private tutoring. orpart time teaching, if I return tothe- UniVersity another year?'Nothing can be determined in ad­vanc� Very many ��. oppo�un� .������������������������������_.ties arise, and thcy are taken by thosewho are on the ground watching andready for them. Much depends upon sSTH ST. AND D�EL AVE.personal 'initiative and getting a start. Under Management of the N.tiODal Hotel Co. .Tel H� � 17».in such work. What is sometimes'called the "Chicago hustle" usually . The BF.ST Serv-ed 'at·brings results. POPULAR PRICBS.g, Dyeing and Repairing ofGents and Ladies' Garments.J .. COOPERTAILOR Daintily DeliciousPerfectl, Pur eSurpassinglySmooth451 EaSt 55th Street .he faculty and a certificate of eE�:·Btt .. «n Grccmvood & Lexington avs �)i!ity signed by the department rep-�H.1NG 1� CU.MJ.NG zesentut i v e are necessary.And wit)· not se'ect your Clothes 2. Are testimonials from elsewhereNow and be ready when She appears desired?:t htr Spring Hat! These arc good, and copies of themChalk anti pencil stripes. moss tan- vil! help us in forming or estimateaAd wood browns are very modish ,i you. but the Board docs not sendthis Spring. lilt copies of such general testirnoni-The most desirable patterns art' ·tl�. We recommend primarily on thesure to be picked up early-why don'i basis of first hand information sc­JOIIbe one that secures the cream of cured at the University. and by con­ihe showing? idential statements direct to us fromWe .have plenty of time now to de, places where you have taught.tOte.'o every detail of your clothes l- Should one register who alreadyCome in and talk over the Spring has a position?�t)les. . Let us show you the new· Everyone who .is eligible as indi­mvts and 'Colorings,. whether you I catcd above and wl�o wishes n�w, orare ready to buy or not. at any time may WIsh the backing ofAsk to see our the- University, should be registered,SPECIAL COLLEGE 'SUITINGS These records go on a permanent file.$25 and $30. The best time to gather the data isnow. After the lapse of even onevear, it may: be difficult or irnpossi­ble to do. so.t- What are the chances of getting aposition through this Board? \�. .,ucc.amua-.eNnr "CNM-. - ·$uIftlSlllUs..-·.CHfMICAL, PHYSICAL, ELECTRICAL andSURGICAL GLASS APPARATUSWE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUS_ AC�ORDING TO D8SCRIPTION.Any. 'Apparatus Made t� Orderw. J� BOEHMMANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERPhone Main 2700- 171 E. Raadolph s�CHICAGOTAiLOR FOR YOUNG KEN In general, the higher your prepa-TwO stores: 131 La Salle St., and ration, the better your chances," JackSon �leVard though openings are mor� numerousGENUINE .n some departments than in others,. .'. -md in some years the chances areG'UY"T more favorable than in others. ,InSUSPENDERS lny case.. you yourself should do allwill�'t'� ouf/AU �n your power to get in line for alhfte parra. (of��. ..GO&) vJonll� sual" T)osition.· e will do our best to as-: WeJ,I,tILS lRlmlla'bl,,_ I �ist you either directly or indirectly.: Q_uailly unvar,).m,-. .ButtoaLo1ealnde6truetd,le. 1 ''). Should I join a teachers' agency?EuiJy�_"�"" : direct calls for its best prepared candi-�genutne patrhU"- -11]111111"-Co.ffiJvOT-&TAMJIEl)BERE..... '�ions. The University usually has.50�.�u-at��� diect calls .for its best prepared candi---- ID-_U .... ,..&A.OSTHEIMER.BR.OT'JII:1tS dates, But many schools prefer to_�an&ET. .....-...-IAcleat through agencies. and they oftenhave special influence in placing can­didates. The Board has a large and.:ncreasing correspondence directlywith the schools and colleges, but isequally ready to assist its candidateswhen nominated through the agencies.6. ;How to apply when· notified of aplace. 'Scnd a letter in your own hand ARTS..,.1TRADEMARK·ltf6ISTEREO112' s'ate $tr�et. '.Chicago, '". 305 Pear" Sfi'eefNew . 'foIl;·· N�o;. y���. ·; We Have No Branch StudioThe above questions and answersare of practical importance to stu­dents. Other questions of .intercstconcerning the Board will be answer­ed in another issue. Preserve theseand look for the next.H. E. SLAUGHT, Sec'y. RESTAURANT AND lUNCH COUIITfRIn ConnectioDr. .FROZENIt It ItSpecial· Prices �ven to Fratemiti�, Clubs ·and University Affai!S.BORDEN·SCaadensed Milk, Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.-: Borden's Condensed Milk Cc,.��7·633 E. Forty-seventh St. Manufacturers o!a: \ BAND TO PLAY IN ENG�ISH LfINE ICf CREAMS AND ICESOpposes Trials of Guilty StudentsThe mayor of Ann Arbor has askedthat the prosecution of the. cases' ofstudent!' participating in the recentdisturbance there, be dropped. Theaction is urged ·in an editorial in theMichigan Daily. which, admitting thcOutdoor band concerts will be:le'd every Thursday afternoon at 5o'clock in the English Gardens, at theside of Mandel hall. as soon as theweather permits. Director Blanchardof the University band, said yester- d6 East 43d Street. ,-IGENTLEMEN1Il1O IIl.Q FII anuIUlIUI-t!l1 CIIIJIB.... I8fIIWU'BOSTGARTER I Tel Oaldarul -day with reference to the concerts: enormity of the offense, says that the"The increasing interest in the con-, student body has made reparation forcerts last quarter was very gratifying damages done and has shown - its10 mc. Many students attended sense of honor. This, the Daily says.every concert. and the audiences gTe\y has been recognized by the merchantslrajrcr at every concert. Several of of the town. who unite in the almostthc older members of the hand drop- unanimous opinion that the cases\ r.ecl out of residence. hut their places should hc dismissed.1 11;"Ol' been very well filled. :\ few va- ·'The welfarc of the town is closely\'allcies exist at present. but we hope conccrned in that the University:'to fill them sonn. Wc aim to p�ay cnntinues thc editorial,"and both havep{)pular ri!usic that will please the already heen deeply injured by the re­�tud('nts and foster stronger intere�t ports that ha,'c gone abr.oad, and by'n tl�e University band. and be of Ih(' editorial broiling whose _ rcek�cn'ice to Unh'crsity aff;tirs in. gen· 'Iichigan citizens have been called to�ral We hope that when the; weather enjoy. Tn the interst!' of. self-protec­h('come warmer !'o that we can hold tion, the peoplc of Ann Arbor are111(" t:{)nC'l'rts out of do{)rs the students I willing to see the. affair closed up.w:ll ("{)me t{) th('n� ancl enjoy the mn- They fear no more such outbrcaks •si,c.·' . nor havc they rcaso� ·to. The' 'duty'- 1Room 22. 58th Street and Drexel Avenue.Those seeking salary positionsfor next summer should seeJ. C. Obermueller, Jr.HOTEL MAROONT1fE ItCOlllZO ITaliAn�The 111.1 on ""'OJ �'..,-'(I"' -�e . CUSHtO.lunOICLASPUti fUTTDTlltllO-1Int1SUPI,TUIS ... _asrtll PULL D� SUITSTO ,B.BR'rT •. G. SCHAFFNER a: CO. TURKISH } RUSSI.�N 75cE PL�ol,� .���H,S25C, .... ::,H�I,�. ",:' .... -.". 161 OE1�BOw" s-AU·Sizn. Sure Fit.RO.nOftOOo�............. v ....... We carry "Society Brand" Clothes46 River Street. .'Anr�ntPTogthttandcalliecoRREcT TAILORING8tb Floor, IIuonic TempleCbicaatoT HIS ESTABLISHMENTCA T�RS exclusively to thosewho appreciate advanced styleideas in custom-tailored clothes;who desire the most faultless fit_hich skillful designing and cut­ting can' provide; who seek bright,attractive novelties in the' mostsuitable fabrics, and pre-eminent­ly to those who wish these fea­tures combined . with strictlyWeOUR SPECIALTHIRTY DOLLARCOLLEGIATE SJIITAs a special introductory offerto the friends of The Dailycash . discount of 10 per cent, orinclude a fancy vest gratis with a30 Suit. 'Spring Woolens andnew styles are waiting; We so­licit your early' ins.�c�ion. FORTY·ONE STUDENTS 'fIIERRIAII AMD BARKER �SUSPENDED AT STANFORD BE KEPT OUT OF MEETTemperance Ru.tinp 'of LelandStanford Faculty Suspended. (Continued from page I)Forty-one students at Stanford men on Marshall field yesterday andhave been suspended and 160 penal- mIilde encouraging marks with thehammer.izcd for participation in a recent par­ade protesting against the faculty'saction in ruling out liquor from duband fraternity houses. The questionof drinking among students had beenunder discussion for a considerable the meet; twenty men being down totime, the result being definite- anti- compete. Not an event but wiIi haveliquor legislation by the faculty. The three or more of equal ability, and'some have even more.students then organized a monsterThe Varsity i� well represented, as"booze" parade, to show their dis-are the C. A. A. or .First Regimentsatisfaction before the homes of the.teams. Both of Chicago's mainfaculty members, causing such a dis-turbance that twelve students known rivals have athletes who are lookingto have taken part in the demonstra- forward to points- in the Olympiangames next summer. The CherryCircle roster includes Irons, Vickery.Taylor. Lazear, Ramey. Blair. Har­low, Freeney, Haggard, Dunlap, Bur­roughs and Patterson.Following are the Varsity entriessame time confessing their own guilt.Thirty-four of the petitioners met the for the meet:50 yard dash-Quigley and Boyd:50 yard. burdles=-Steffen, Garrett,Crowley, Degenhardt.440 yard run-Quigley, Lingle, Bar­ker, Morgan, Comstock.880 yard run-Barker, Shuart, Gar­rett, Timblin, Bresnahan.One mile run-Lightbody, Steffa.Iohlin, Stophlet,Two mile .ru�-CaldweJJ, l\'lacFar­land, Kling.Running 'high jump - Schommer.Bate,' Degenhardt, Bacon, Rogers.Standing high jump -Schommer.Bacon, Degenhardt, Bate, Rogers .Pole vault-Jacobs, Rogers, Coyle.Shot put-Maddigan, Schommer.Crowley, Hubble.Relay race-Team entered.THE J:NGRAYIRSANDAlUISIS�ORUNIVERSITIES &(oLLEGESJAHN & OLLIER ENGRAVING CO.CHICAGOtion, werC? later suspended,Two hundred and forty-two otherparticipants then signed and present­ed to the faculty a petition, askingthat the twelve be reinstated, at thefate of the original twelve, of whomse,vcn were finally suspended for therest of the semester, the others beingch�ssed. with about 130 petitioners,who were penalized either by having'credits deducted from work done, .orby being required to do additionalwork of graduation ..advertiseBlst.iR_ The Dail, "a�oD,"•• l ."� 1. ..... � ,OUI Greenhouses .are in: . - festive, Array . ley a tlassilim: We iD�te you _to 'inspect our. e Jiqe stock of. spring. flowers. .. ! ·.Yoli· mal' . find S\lple- Easter'��,A. McAdams-,F�ORIST: ...53rd .� KimbarkT�boDeS H. P. 18' 8Dd H. P. 69s7 Plenty of exciting competition wiIIbe furnished in the meet in Bartlett ..This is evident from the large listoi athletes of stellar ability entered inSPRING R.ALLY RIVIALS.. :FOO,-BALL, � MEETINGS.. (Continued from page I)'j..• ...AIUSEmts....iI,I pow.asNAT C. GOODWINand his company, presentingTHE EASTERNERt,�,I1.'1"·i 'I •• GA1UlIO][Aupstus Thomas' Great PlayTHE ROSEof thp.RANCHO�B. AUDITORIUMBrilliant comic opera production'ROBINHOOD"� BEGGAR STUDENTIl T •• WHIT •• YTHREE TWINSlIerriest of MusiCal FarcesOOLO.IALHaft 70U I�THE IIKRRY WIDOWShe is the IDtenaatiODai CrueLA BALL.HONEYMOON T,RAILWith CedI Leanand Florence Holbrook however. was forced from a' point ofsecurity after a struggle. He was'"Glad that we won." Toward the endof his speech he expressed his senseof the credit due to Dr. Raycroft."1 do not think that 'Doc' can bepraised too much for the way he hascoached and managed the team," hesaid. DRINKS INK,I,JI(E A CAMELTo load a Conklui FounWn Pen, just dip it in uyink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its owntank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereis to it I No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do it .anywllere-any time.CONKLIN'S �G PEN"THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FIUERHcan be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. You·could fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ofsoiling. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writingqualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.:t.eadJDc dealers haDdlo the CoDkUu. If yours does DOt. orderdirect. Prices, 13.00 aDd up. Sead at oac:e for haadaome DeW cataloc.The CoaIdio Pea Co., 310 llaahattai. Bt.w., Toledo, OUt Vol.�illorIList ofbersCommitoPianoHaVocalHaDance.llinstrard"SeeingFoDialogUc"Gr:lIIUterThisformalman'sbeen a70{ vauarr:mgdoctiomorrono 901"GranI George W. Currier & Co.-PRINTERSHIGH CLASS lOB PRINTING5508"Kimbark Avenue..-� .,��DeLan;:,��Iiytertion�ondc,pipe 0oolySaturd. The!Jailsfor thdiarg• get thcommi:lid ales Ch:so frCrawandSchobThelaude'wardanssit),beenenceBOOKSThe larg�st slock in-this coun".,-all kinds-standard, newfiction, technica/-con"eniently amnged on ourJwolarge retail floors. fngrared Cards,: Jlnnougcements, �. flc.A. C.. }\,fcCLURG- .. CO.215-221 Wabash Avenue. CbicaCo.The music is Jl;1>od. the Vaudeville acts are refiaed aDd brhtbt. It's au eDtertaiJUllltthat would do credit to aay theater_ •,Director Stagg wound up the meet-MANY ALUIINI ARE WRECKS;HAVE WRONG ATTITUDE(Continued from page r)versity students is that they do notappreciate the true worth of the in­dividual, and they do not realize thatthey are not preparing for life: hutthat they are living in life itself."Look down the alumni list of anyuniversity and you will find threekinds of men. There are the pillarsof the University, there arc the good,ing with a speech that brought outroars of enthusiasm from the audi­cnce, He told of his record sprint------------------------------ from Miami, Florida to attend thePennsylvania game at Chicago �nd ofthe intense satisfaction he took inwatching the fast clean play of themen who represented Chicago.. Hedwelt on the fact that this is the firstChicago team that has won a nation-.=tl championship. "I glory in the----I-L-L-I-.-O-I-S---- fact," he said, "that this team hasdone something that no other Chi-Bleats of Langhter Proclaim. cago team has ever done before."-CARLE-in his new musical gambol .MARY'S' LAMBAn all wool and a yard wide Hit'common, reliable men, and there is flat.the filling which is composed of8'1' V D • B.A.][. a wrecks. The idea of a colJege man \\t- A NTEi>-Stenographic po�it!on hyKR. �OLD DALY should. be a gentleman. The quali- a young lady; would prefer workIn the Play that means Something ties of a gentleman are self_'control, for part of each day; experienced;THE REGEN�RA TION �ourtesy, punctuality, accuracy and can furnish good references. Ad-. By OweD Kildore aDd WalterHackett ,reliabilit7." dress Box 96, Faculty Exchange,Vnh'crsity of Chica&o.STATES "Restaurant�:fY.;.: ...�;��LUIICHEON FOR BUSIIIESS MEN .IID .SHOPPDS- 1-1 .30 .. ID. Ie a �,"',.. ' . � ...9·COURSE TA=-'7,::���":�INE. at ".. . SUNDAYS. 1% TO • P. M; 'DAILY FROM 6 TO 9 P. Mo,•• pecalfeat ...... CCI 11 ...... �a •• perIer� ... �s. E. COR. STATE AND JlDJI.S STS." P ••• .,0" A ••.:.'BN'GHT IIAUBEIIIlU� �New Fea'ld'eS To-Nl..... A· ........ eo •• IbacDIai7.Reservallo •• 1 Tables .. �wa.ce.STATES RESTAURAN�, HD��-:�""I'rof. f. B. Rowden's Sc#loo/s and Jlcademies!of DancingAssembly meets every Thursday evening at Unity Club House, 3140Indiana Avenue.- .Juvenile Class every Saturday afternoon from one to four.Studio for private lessoas, 321 Kimball Hall Bid.. Wabasb Ave., andJackson Boulevard. 'Class for beginDers IIOD�y. � and Friday eveniDp.Paivate lessons· &iven bourly darine the da7'. with or without music.Children's private class, $1.00 per month. .Adults, private Iesso� $1.00 with music or a cuaranteed C01U"le forSs.oo.SPECIAL Room and BoardTypewriters Rented-3 months for Two gentlemen, occupying' a large$5 and up, Typewriters sold on easy flat overlooking Jackson park, offerpayments, from $10 up. Best bargains board, room, and the privileges of guaranteed machines. American home to gentlemen at $45.00 a month;'Desk cl Typewriter Co., 188 Dearborn excellent table; telephone. For in-St. Central 6127. formation, address 00, Daily Maroon·Office.FURNISHED ROO M S- -Near theUniversity; with or w:,hout ligl.thousekeeping privileges; goodliJlht. heat, hot and cold watel;bath, CalJ 652 E. 57th St., second TO RENT-A few desirable rooms,at Hotel Maroon, 58th and DrexelAvenue.TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent­Special rates to students; bargaitalin re-built machiDeL W. Wb.head. � La Sane 5tftet.Whose Daily Maroon are you read­ing?tlSubsribe for The Daily J.farooa. ances,1.0parloladveter ";cars�t:letirkc"Pa�appr(]rdrc�Rithe his OnIh('rcof qchari