: istrar of the University. before �h,,' Dr, Raycroft aD"d the basketball': The cast and chorus' df "The Sign end of this week. One of the orici�team ret�rned y�terday from.. a tc',ur.'or '�he Double Eagle" wm begin work. nal provisions that was Diade in �he of part of 'the east, taken'to- celebrate'.iii earnest tomorrow, and accordinc gift -MAs tbat if the sum of $66.t;66 the winning of, the baskdbaJl cham-:to the schedule of rehearsals, that is was paid in to the Rgistrar by A��I 'pionship from" PenlisYlYallia. Broad,'being made out,' will amply earn their I Mr. Rockefeller would �ve $2IDo.� smiles covered' the- faces ai. every·j,rief period of triumph on the sev- immediate I)". Notwithstandinc �e member. .of the; pali7 .... nd '..DObody:'tDtn, eighth .and ninth of 'lext May. recent financial stri�ency, Dr. �7' thought of .1etring_ any one of, tIl.em.There will be rehearsals' :n the after- speed has seeeeeded in coll.ectiug pass without: a hea�y �hak.e· of:BOOn and there will be rehea rsals in $76,000, much more than was neees- congratulation... ,_ .. .. :,.. ...' "tbt e\'emng, and on some days there sary.. ..The six men who: got· into .die se-will he two rehearsals. The, work of The subsc��o� t·) �M.-IlleIDO�a; ries 'with: th�. o�b;� are .pr�.\of<t;.ansCorming the ordinary type of fUD.d now lotai '$155,000, $45,000 �t :' their a�i�ye�en� namely: '�r:m�'-'· :'young- man into a. graceful .chorus of 'the a.-ount _c�sary ·�o. gel ,� &IYES OUT VARSITY DATES TO BOLD MASS IIEt1ING to the west, and still more·'especiaUy.· lirt is not to be accomplished in a entire �o�don . prollMseli �Y .:� ': : », ,.to chicago, �d '. ID'ost' �s��y "to· ��."tek, and Coach C:ashing, who has Rockefeller.': ",fhe caW a�ouut in �lle .� ,:$tacR' Announces: F�tball Basketball Champions to Be �, the' �sketball tea�;',ibe'first Aati�ai.,�f.l.tc�me expert in this feat, recognizes hands·of � Goodspeed 'will b, "lC� �.t and Boosts Seven Game Welcome TomolT�w.� :Kcn� '�. ��lIe�te' c�Pi�DShil"'�V�' dCCid�., '�th� fact. The chorus will· have- seven end of tlais' week be almoj;t $�� PJan�Pardue Comes Vat-Five .10:30. Basketball and·Track Capta,iDa �'Ghi�go. as is· �dl ,kn� .... .. . __ .�)thearsals in: the' next ten ·cb'ys. ., �n e..�ainc ,featun- of the ca�- Contests Here.. to SPeak. both . games �f ,the �erieS� 21-i�' �DC("_! "The show will be the best .sl\o. Paign for sahscriptieru to the f;,na l6-is. "' .. , . . : .· ':��e ever put on," .said MaUger.has :beeu.:�e: � 'R:ipollSe c& the The Varsity football schedule for A'mass meeting will be held tomoe- .'The fir�t game was' � 'm .B�-I· ;� 'jN�\\-man, yesterday •• '4It will eost u� ·a�,m2 . ��;��. �RC:�b next fall has been finally announced, row morning at 10:Jo�in Kent .theater: lett March �21." The Varsiq .Pl&��'" ;: {$JOO or $400 more this year than last. oyer 100: �"It:! bYe<-�' 5�t TIR first' game, with Purdee, will be to celebrat'e' the' re�ent '. baslcetbaU iei't' bif�,:� .·t�e. �e. :.���ik�!C-� ,1.:.' ! ,���g to the extra ev.ening �d the in by ��� ����.c��� played earlier than the opening' .eon-' victories over 'the .u!1�!�rs�� �f Pe.n,� ,,!��jt.$��;�.����m�.�j"'�:·._. ." �:,:;rngoments for more. elaborate tea tc>.�,_ �;.;..��., �.��J�.;.,}�.-!s ,�b+¥:fo. SYJY!'�ia,J>Y;�� .' •• �I8'��c"t--,.,..... �:,�.:; ·'�"�_�-�e·ryry·-OD��:",;�.·f;:��'=.·�.�r:SI"<.. ·.·iz.��.: �.·�".-"..;.'�"'t·o�!t�.���.i.-.;.�cf,-;i:�.A�a.�r.··;:,�.�t,."�.-�:·�- . ...:..3. ... a !wee� ,before- Inc\iana. w.as· WO,D the ch.ampronshlp;of the Ull1feif· Pilla ma4e It clear'. that .��:,�, .. ,.::�, '� � , "-"9��- �� ......... - �, -..-, tah�""'o�'ip. 1907� The i611�wing Sat- States� Track' and baseball 'athletics the weak spot of the.. �i- .. � ", �,' ;."�:-tr. ;!�play in�t appear'at 4·,� • .;:m:Wed- U __ �I� $420. WIlli wh":h. �e urciay, Oct.' .i6, Jimmy SheldoB Will will also be ·<boosted." Director' Chic�go leader .f�I� thf��tr.I :.:�·.iisday. in: the �yn9lds club. This part of-tJle..builcJi!1. is� to. be built and .bring his squad of Hoosiers to Ma�- Stagg; Dr. Raycroft, the ·basketball on hi� shoulder� ,His.Tf�.;�, pai> -::F-is:the I�st chance. preseated. ·"'rmaUy � the. """,,�s shan fiel"; and Oct. 17 Illinois' will coach; "Johnny' Schommer, the cap- offense and defense. was ftawl� �I (:'h If the whole house is sold oat on af ·the etaS$ after chI? �nlPleaon� Of 'be played. Two weeks late� Coach 'lain; "Pat" Page, the star guard, and so�e of the most bril�ut seen:int . ;�aii three evenings, the 1�h, 8th and the Iihral7.. . '� Williams will inVade with bis band Falls, wjll. speak. for the .. ·basketball Bartlett., •9th of May, there is a great' .,GsSl"bilitY ','4Despite t� handicap' placed upon 0(. GOphers. Cornell �iI1 be played teaDi Captain Quigley a.nct'. Coach From the first blow. until. the last .,that the play will be put. on.·.(io�", us by t!le fi�c.., tro�bles," said.pr. on'Marshall field Nov .. 24. while the Friend will speak for the track team, the contes� too�. 0:0' every .�pec:t.�oftown, presumably at the .Studebaker C.JOOdspeed,"1 think we have obta�d Badgers will be met at Madison '.Nov. and Captain' Gaarde and Coach Baird a championShip struggle. Sach. �or Powers.' . ..' .splendid results, and the oatloolCl is:21. The game �ith Wisconsin is the will be on the boards for the baseball fast playing as was �h,bited' � .il" All who appear in the party are' to pro.�sing for 9CC1II'iuc the remain�J only. one that wi�1 be played away men. revelation: Every point made. �,w. be excused from gymnasium - and amount �cessary. Tbe �el'01lS � from home. "It seems to me that the basket- forth a cheer hardly ,surpassable �at:,given credit for thi� quarter's work sponse of the, alumni is gr.atifyitig, This' schedule will be heavier than ball team deserves a mass-meeting," some football game. The t� se�, in that department. and we are· still CODtinuing our etro�. that' af la�t year in as much as tbe said Director Stagg. "In fact, I was tional throws.: of Scho�mer, one "!ith'The 'following i!' the' schedule of among tho �rioas . alulDD�_ assoaa- �ixth game is to be a "big" contest- the one who' first suggested such a his back toward the basket, the otber�e�arsal during tbis week and the lions!'that with WisconSIn. Earlier practice thing. The. suc,-�ss CYf the. team was frQm the middle of the field, w�re'.' 'next: This week-Chorus; \V�n(''$-than has held fortft on Marsliill field dUt" to hard, . persistent work, grit, vociferously received. Every ti�e .the.l..y, -,'.30, muSl'c', Thursd.�v dan.�: CINDER PATH. lOR ATaL� d Th I . . h P f K' h tJ.·_ ba'll dUil,t in several. years will' be . given the and spee .. e . p ayJDg an t e enn- OiIl1()US emat got, : .. �. f aning; cast; Friday, 4, Coaclr Cusb-candidates next f;all. . !Oylvania game here, the only one I raced down th� fieM with· Pace _ atI·n". Next· wee'- ra ... _·, l.lundav •• : JHrect. --- AlIDa cell Data tor. d t • h'n ror 'ts h· h I th t roO d �-.' uno �� :>0 � .. --.. Satisfaction with the longer scbed- wftnesse , was as oms I g I' I IS ee s e vas. c • �\;411� • •Tuesday, 7:30; Thursd=ty� 7:30: Fri· ..__ ....., T�.ule by the Conference colleges is pre- speed and smoothness. controll�ble .in its cheering.day, 4; O1orus; Tuesd",y, ·1. danrin�:dieted by Director Sta�g. He said uBesides the mass·meeting. I feel President and Mrs. Judson .provedWednesday, 4. dancing; WednetdAv Varsity and f�shmen )lth�tes areyesterday he feels that the faculties that 'still ,further appreciation should themselves warm supporters of bas-7:30. music; Thursday, 4. clan�inJ:' wo..l-=n- with a double parpose this be shown' .the grand showing of the ketbal1 by attending· the pme .nd... �. .. will vote to retain more games. .Thursday, 7:30, music.' week.·. While Director Sta- has .them. ' .. ,b d I· '11 1..- basketball champions. The men de- cheering the team� President .Jadson... "The seven' game sc � u e WI IK'Owing to the departure of Earle pointed 'primarily for t�e A. A. U�so well liked, in �y mind, that there serve Varsity 'C's' and I intend to being in Phil�elp� at .tbe time:oiSmith, who bas gone to Toted') Y.r. championship meet next Saturday in will not be even a suggestion to rc-lmake a rec�mmendatiori to that ef- the second game, ·witnessed. this. also.,Jl)ne�, of the Thompson MUM�;I Bartlett, he is roundinc oat their ath-vert to five games," he declared. ft'et soon." Dr •. Raycroft, .. Coach .. iHoagbt9D,company, has been engaged to take leric fare with traininc ,on the cinder "Despite the action of the University Captain �ho�mer, p�.' Fails,char�e of this part of the production track. :He is anxious that tbey get a athletic board to ,.ote for fiye' games GLEE CLUB TO REHEARSE Georgen, Hofl'm::an; Harris, �Hubbleduring the next kw week!>.' good start outdoors. He instructed after next fall, I a� confident that The Glee dub wi11' hold it� first re- and Buhlig left M�nda,. m�mi�g forCoach Cuslling is exercising hi� the Ia� squad of candidates yester- �ven here the sentiment will chang� hcarsal of the quarter this evening. I'hitadelphia. all feeling· confident :ofing(�nujty in the invention of special- day to loo ..... n muscleS ra�er than . �rr:.Webster will be present tocondutt winning from the Quakers, .. ''.;:n; when the time comes for votmg onties for the production. and it is 'p�- an. .... bi I..... the work. The greatest importance Upon arriving in Philad�lphia .'he·V' the question again.dict('(1 that scveral features tbat win The dates of ..die three- tryouts to "1 am sure that if the seven game !!' bdng attached to r.cgular attend- team retired to the Univers.ty .. gym-1)t in the nature ot �ye-openers to determme the makeup. of tbe Varsity schedul� works wel1� the board wil1 ance at all the rehearsals. Thc dub nasium. The Chicago party. receivedtill' Unh'("rsity audience win be pre- �Iay quartet �nd team of special support it, and J believe that it wil1 expects to give a number of concerts royal trcatment from the follo\��.r,f5�ntcr!. ...·· ... nts ....... were an�. ed w"ster- h d d· the sprl·ng but ,·n the opinion the Quakers. Most of the time W;t�oro, - ..,_....."... prove its right over thc shorter sc e - urmg " .day by Director Stau. The first! 'b" - of the leading spirits, will be in a po-ule in every POSSI Ie way.. .. will be Saturday. April n; the second, sition to do so witII- success only, ifThe Onentaf dub will hold Its first ",,_..I _:. A ril rr And the tbird. '. n �n('Mlay, p � •ll1eetlOg on Thursday evenmg 'lt'f Sat ...... April II, one8 O'clock, in Hitchcock library. The 1 n:c�s:r)", bea.�. ....... wee� ... :lore t .ll'lCIIn pmes. & nep:ogram \\ill be devoted to dlSCUS- hip schOol relay tryonts win be heldS'ons on India. The Rev. Max Rand-A "' II.ll1an and Sudhindra Bose will be in pnch�rge of ('vents. Mr. Handman.whohas been a missionary in India for a.-antber of years. will spuk of, theSOCial cODditons of that coun.tr,. .. latly ." ...fI--.-' �ri- .. :�.-��-. ar�nlt- . . .h.._to IAIE �II APIIL INo. III. CHICAGO, TU ESDA Y, MARCH 31, 1908.Games 'WOD from. E.tem� 1m',,,,,,,by 21-18 aDd 16-15 ��,Plqiac 'the F-are. .' .-\Ptal MAIY 'REHEARSALS� ,. FOR BLlCIFRIAR ACTORS UDinnit;' .._ ,.. lpeten",..t ofReM ........ Cad.,... Gilt .�1600'-;' fOr Harper � a.b"""'_'70.ooo of Cull ..w Ia. National Ia� ��VICtor. �·"Pean# �HiCh HonOr. lIoclliiij..• •• 4• �.-� and Cborq,_of "Sip of Doub1e';.. Eagle" GiYeD Hard Workin Preparation for Play.The first iDstallmen$ ef the dona­tion fo!, the Harper Memorial libraryby JohD D. Rockefeller wui be in ���hands of Dr. T. W. Goodspeed. ,reg···Rehearse Parts Day and Nicht­"Best Show Ever» �mIsed byJlana&ement... ,(Continaed on pace 6) .!lpent in viewing points' oi his'�ri\:interest. The mint was . par�ic.ululyattractive.When thoe time for the gam� �m�the Varsity five' becam�. mtlre' deter.mined than ever to win The Penn�sylvania contingent VU.� ho�pitable.t�ndering the visitOl'S a gftat r01l'lclof ch�er. The game sorted fa�: andI'It• Dtan George .• E. Vincent will arerive in Chi�ag< Wednesday, A.prilr. having left Re(lfield, S. D .• yester­day. e,"cry member is present at everymeeting. A member of thc club, in!'pe:tking of the situation, said yester­day:··It i5 absolutely essential to the!=t1CC�SS of thc clllb's plans that every­one should appear at rehearsals. WeI;All loyal students s .. ould attendh • '• lCt'Dt Luther D. Fernald i!ll spending a c:mnot hopc to make our concertsI e- ma�t-�� tOlDc:»rrow In'all - ';.:J, few days at Grand Rapids, Mich, tnm out well unless they do.",, ,\II .'THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, MARCM jl, 1908 ..• '" ·1I�1 .. aarlU1t1 'Then, too, 'it is generally felt that:'- * * * * * * * * * * *lINIUB the Chicago track athletes will finish· DO YOU REMEMBER? ·lt1 •• �.. " near the top at the Conference. * •r.:. .........TIle OIlclal Studeut PoblleaUoa of the s : -( ...There is _a strong suspicion that 11- .. One Year Alo Today �'. •Iinois will be made to hustle, to say If< Vacation was not y�t �ye��*EDten4u8eeood-cl .. Mall at the ClllcaCo the least, 'Director. Stagg has' not • school beginning on April d: :.::?Poetollce. Chlcaco.· I11ID" Karch 18. predicted a victory for his athletes • Six Years Alo Tod&Y •in the Conference. He will .,rubably· Work was begun on the con-·tell just what he does predict at the ... struction of the School of Educa- •PublIabed dall7" ucept S� IIoL mass-meeting tomorrow in Kent. • tion building. • -•..,.. u4 bolldQa. 4u.rlq three Cloutera . Captain Quigley of the track team, * Twelve Years Ago T.oda� *. of 'the UalnnltJ 7eu. and Gaarde of baseball, are scheduled ]" The Haskell Oriental museum *LOUIS S. BERLIN. B ........ _r to. talk at the rally. Thev will give • was completed and oceupi.;i"i'; r : • .i • .i\'i!l'Hlt.j;O�l.(fiEJ!.Is:iSTUDY .�EPARTMENT .•.an idea of how prospects look to· the first time. ;* Th U' ' ...... 1 '. ,.' .:' r : ; r.e nlversity of 'Chicaco - - - : '_' - '.- �.' .:�� � i: - _ Cobb" 'Hall, Athem. • Thirteen Years Ago'Today .• . , .' �'" , 'I ,Students will not need to he ex-· Chauncey 1\(. Depew gave 'an * TO 'DAILY" BliLLB'l'T.N; I S�M�J.;�ING �:EWIN BASEBALL'horted to come out and show tlaey * address to the students of the Uni- *) eo- . �!. .. ': . ','0:' ,'SftRldigri's OffICIAL R . 'are with the teams. They understand * versity in which he admonished '*. "'_ :". -!. '.' ", t'� I; BASE BALL e£ordUnd�rsraduate' chapel men and wo- s: Y ,.,... "the significance of the occasion. 'IiI\!Y Yo the students to cultivate a 'Iove for .' . � '.'�"'.' J.:..�ltl·il, by Henry Chadwick, tlotmen, will be held at 10:30 a. m. III "Foitl"; f B b 110' C .will undoubtedly do their share to· their Alma Mater. •.. � It: r 0 ase a. ontams &111'• F Y Mandel' hall. . .: '. .give spring athletics a good start. ourteen ears Ago Today" , . , merous rnteresting records never8umcriptioD price, �3.00 pe'r rear', si.oo • Th 1.1 h di '. ,.; College of Education chapel \vill' be heretofore collated, including wiuners� � Th J) 01 k I' e Iet 0 ists connected with .,ddi-�ssed� by' Dean' Butler in . roonitor.3 months. SubScrlptlODS received at e ai y ta es p easure In an- • the University formed a society. -., of . Nationa! League' <;hampionshipsthe liaroou Ofllc:e. Ellis Hall, or at tbe nounoing the election of Aleck Whit- • known as the Oxford club. n;e:. 214, '�Emmons BI�-ine hall at JO:30 each year since 1876, With games WO'lfield and Hilmar Bauk- a. m.": . ' and lost an� players' who batted ·300Facolq Excbaoge, Cobb Hall. ::. purpose of the dub was to pr�-;· Or �etl�r �!n.cc. 1876. leaders in eac�Competition hage to its staff of re- * mote social intercourse among its: *CL ' fielding POSItIon, and winning pitchersfor the porters, these two men IN VB AlfD PRATERNlTY each year from 1876; National An-• members, to introduce prominent;" . Arner iC,.a selec tions from 1871', (0--'Staff being successful in the • . t! e ,--- ...-• Methodists to University audi- *A .. . . ,plete Iist ,of clubs, with officers andwinter quarter competi- " ences, and to stimulate genial re- $ meetmg o-f' the. new man�ohn dates of admission since 1876; Amerotion. Two other' "hustlers" of con- • * club will be held at, JO:30 ,tomorl"O\v, :�an League rccords since organinligious life in the Un.iversity. t Wid'siderable promise wll probably be * * �*, * * *. * *: * • ;:'* * in Cobb 8B. Plans for 'the' ql1a�te; 'flon;: 88�r .s championship. records'"I .• '. ":'. "... '::'. r�m I. :t. With players' names: Base-added early cin the present quarter. ABBOUN�,. S wtll be ,discussed and probably. acted ball- Fletd ,Day records; college rec-The, competition for the spring . upon. . I '. orG.s;· miscellaoneous records; all thequarter begins at once. Any student, Mass meeting, to celebcite th� bas- The ·first· Glee club.. r�hear,s.�'( o(th� major .an� manor league records of1907;. hst of extra long games inket.ball championship, witt be held in quarter will be ·held at 7;30 tonight 1907; complete history of 1907 in base'Mandel hall at 10:30' tomorro�. In Cobb·.-Jeoture room. b:dl and oth� intersting matter.Among the speakers wiU'be Director The aitth�r's reading.which· is';l�' �an: A. (!.. SP �ING & BROS:Stagg and Dr. Raycrojt� .,: FI.J. nual event cf the' Pen cidb, �U b� 147 ',Wabash Ave., Chicag�Blacldriar program bids: will now be held May IS. in Mand�l hall.' As yet �3�e�1l Managers: Send for Spaid-received. . ' ,. 109 s New. Baseball Ccitalo�ue for'it has not been decided who will be' 1908. Mailed free.the guests at' this time. S;v�ril nameshave b�en 'suggested, inci�ding . that"of, George Barr McCutcheon: Defi:Unlnral17 of Chl�co. Of,aU dks;-pJa'SPT(Cab�----!II 'AJO) ;1903, aDder Act of March 3� 1819.IFormerllTIle UDlnral17 of Chlcqo Weekly.I. TH:TOEilTbThe' Weekly, oct. 1, 189:!.The Dali1.· Oct. 1, '1902.. Vie Iand'}(ANIClBaif DreMAS%j/ E551,-TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1908.No doubt the announcement that a��-mee:ting will be held-tomorrow, f.. is a surprise to a con": man or woman, who is ambitious for'siderable portion of the a place on The Maroon staff, is in- CoadCIlAllBore. 627-6;Timely students. A mass-meet- vited to confer with the news editorJlUs-meeting ing at thjs time of the in The' Maroon office in Ellis hall'year is unusual. But any morning at 10:30 or in the after­noon from 3 to 6. He will be cor- �. FaPIlthose' who gave ,the announcement asecond look and saw the wher.ifore 01 djally received, as the Daily is al­the call will admit that sometimes ways in need of intelligent and ener- ALL UNDERGRADUATES TO. getic ·hustlers. MEET IN MANDEL TODAY. occasions other, than football' ralliesneed the enthusiasm of the student According to the rules of the com- nite plans for this and the other m'eet- �elicious Chocolates and Bonbombody. petition a student is eligibile for elec- President Judson to 8peak at Com- lngs of the club will be �u�lined at'3 in great variety; put up in beauti-. c •• ::I11e chief reason i� to welcome the' tion to the staff of reporters after .bined Chapels of Senior and meeting to be held 'soni�' .ti�e 'next' ful boxes, suitable for presents, atI :b:l:��tbalf team home from its tri- one quarter's tryout. A reporter is J1Dlior Colleges. week. . , .• 25'< 40c and 60c a pound.�mphal trip'to the East, where Penn- eligible to promotion to the board of The annual formal .. b�O'quet 'of AI- ' ·Also·· Souvenirs and favors fO�}.sylVania Was defeated. last ,Wednes- associa� editors after he has served Presiden! . Harry Pratt f Judson will pha Delta· Phi �f ,Chicago: w�s h�ld ;lny anir all oc�ons. �:: �day. �e 'Vars�tY basketball five, by as reporter for two quarters, and any speak today at the quarterly, assembly at the!. 'V<ictoria ' hot�'" $aturd:ly·.;«:v·e.�t� " • . • ._.'rirtUe' of' two '. straight victories over associate editor may be elected to an of the Senior and Junior:\Colleges in. ing. foUowing the close -of ,the wInter . Gunther's Confectionery'the:Ouaker team' is now foremost of executive editorship-managing, news Mandel hall. Attendanc� s'ips. will quarter." "... � ,:,;. ." 212 State Street.·�oliegiate f.� 'The last "half of or athletic_ '. All promotions. are be taken up as follows: .Junior Col- iThe first dance 0(- th� spring qtiar­the schedule-··' has shlown Captain lbased on the amount and quahty. of lege women, Lexington avenue exit; ter will take' place: Fri'day': 'evening,Schommer," Falls, 'Page, Georg,en, the work done.' A student entenrtg Junior College men, corridor exit; April '3. when the Three Quarters ...Hoffman and Harris playing in fast.. the competition now, a�d. d?ing faith- and Senior College members� camPus club freshmen w:1l en'tertain 'th� Sen'­smooth �tyle. The. deciding game ful work would be ehgabtle for an exit. The attendance of all under- iors with -an informal .4a·nce. at th�for' the . Conference championship executive editors·hip in the annual graduates is required, Reynolds . club.was plaYed. Yhh Wisconsin at .Madi� election in the spring of 1909· This is the second all-University as-. The semi-fi-nals' of t�e i�t�r-'f�{er-so� with odds admitted!y ,in favor of TO CONSIDER ADOPTION sembly, the c.Jlstom ·having been in- nitv relav race wil1·�not be nm off thisthe. Badgers. Before Chicago lined OF UNIVERSITY SEAL augurated last quarter. It is thought we�k, a�cording to :an �n�oun'cemei1tup against' Pennsylvania at Philadel-' - probable that the precedent will be made by Dr, Rayc�oft l�st �ight'-. No'phia for the second game of th'e cham- Junior and Senior Council to Hold followed in the future, and that a definite datc, ha� .as yet been' set; buitpionship' series, any number of rea- Joint Meetin� to Consider Ques- meeting of all. th� undergraduateS! ;t is probable that .the mat�h 'will' takesons' were given why the Easterners bon on April 8. will be a permanent feature of the ptac� during the fore part of ne�t':_ ���������������first week of the quarter. k. 0 'Ci h ·should win. On both occasions the There will be a joint' meeting of wee. ' ur reen ouses' are - IIVarsity was victorious, the Junior and Senior College Coun- IS CIVIC J.EAGUE DELEGATE '. • f�stive ArrayIt is the first time an inter-sectional dis on Wednesday, April 80 The call- . .'. ':::' !>. I . ,We invite you .to msp' eet ourchcimpionship has �ome to the We'st, ing of the meeting is for the consid- Samue] lIacCHntock'Elected by Com- Tb�. �ates:-Fisher :reachers'. A�en(.,". large stock of spring flowers.d· 'Cb' h h h Paul Yates-;:Manager:.·,�·:. C:uite 6.$1-an Icago ' as t e onor of bring- eration of the report of the commit- moriwealth Club to Attend East- ':(. You mav find some Easter_ . Th' 6.''', do· M.ichiga-�n A.�.eri.u�.�·Fine J109 It. e great work of the Var- tee,. who were appointed at last meet- em Convention. .... �sity players, coached well by Dr. Ray- ing to 'select a design for a Univer- Arts Building, Chicago.croft, . has boosted baske.tball here i� .sity seal. The committee is com- Th C I h I b L "I' am ·very. glad t� state that mye ommonwea t c u :'lao; sen� .th S r th t d I '- I f 'I' F1 Ch experience. with .the Yates':'Fishere eye 0 e s u ents. t wtl be posed 0 .. \ ISS orence. eney, Samuel Mac� i:ntcck as � dc1cl�at�. toworth' while coming out to hear Dr. chairman; William MacCracken and the national convcntion of the Tnter- T�achers' Age� 'has be·en �veryRav.-roft t 11 f th t" rr{ k d N B k pleasing' as .weli as 'profitable'·.J -. e 0 e ea s \VOl' 0 an • orman ar cr. col1egiate Ch·ic League. T;te com'cn-to hear the� modest .. remarks of the The plan that is meeting with most tion meets on Wednc:;.ia!' in New Through their help I obtained myplavers th"msel.-'" f . h Id .d h Y . . present position in East Div}-sl'onJ ... ......... a'\"or IS to 0 a contest an c oose ork City, and on th� �ollo\\"in� IhyDI'rector Stagg WI'II 1 b tl fIb' - High Schnal, and I' hOeart1')v' ,,-com-a so e lere. rom t Ie mottoes su mttted, one the delegates will go to \\·:t<;hiri�rton. ".... J ""The "O�d .M�n" will take advantage that most fittingly represents the Uni- where they will 11:.!�: Presi,lcn: mend their. agency as being' r�1iableof the opportunity gi,'en to rcmind ,-ersity in the largest and most ap'- Roose"clt, Sccretary Taft and Justice and up to- date in every respect."the gathering 'that all. athletic pros- propriate scnse. This motto will then Har1:m (\f the Supreme Court. E. E. Perkins, (University of Chica-pects at the University ar� not rosy. he translated into Latin by that de- Tnt' Intercollegiate Ch�:c Leagne is go, A. B.) Mathemtics in East Di-While the students will ha,-,e occa- partment, and a suitable design \\;11 composerf of twenty-two cluhs from visio' High School, Milwa.ukee,sion on the one hand to rejoice at a t then be chosen by anothe� contest. as many univerSities. Tht' object c,f \Vjs.basketball championship. they will be I For years the adoption of a seal the te:tgtlc is to use the' college mantold that baseball nceds a number of has been agitatcd. but no action was as a fac:or to secure cleaner and bet­recruits before a good team can be taken, because the University was ter oolitics ..developed fhis year. Elsewhere in afraid that they would invite criticismthis issue appears an article written by doings so. The seals of most of ' Mrs. L, T. Weeks, a student in theby Director Stagg, in which he gives the collcgcs have a torch or lamp of English department of the University,a plain statement of the situation in knowledge as part of thcir designs, J8¢-7. has an article in the Febru­baSeball .. He urges those with any but the' University for obvious rea- ary number of the Kansas Universityability to come out for the team. You sons was reticent in adopt-ing this. GTaduate Magazine, entitled "Extra­may' think yOlJ can't play the game; No suitable alternative has e,'er been ordinary Criticism." It is an analysisbut just kt the "Old' Man" try you offered, and the matter has been al- of unvsual and derogatory criticismout. and :perbaps you �n be con- lowed to slide past 'as an impossible that a popular lecturer has made onwiDcecf othenrise. problem. -I_"FaasL" ------------_....:. .. ,'eli'NDIEST1ThisWood 1JiedomWe_")suggestions.A. McAdamsFLORIST53rd and KimbarkTelephone3 H. P. 18 and H. P. 6c)s7.! �.T.FOWNES'. . .GLOVES" You do not have to be ajudge of fabrics or work­manship when you buyclothes in my shop-youare not cheapest. .butthey're least expensive.•----_---- ... --�-----��. APIIIM" � i' .c-: ��� ... a. ! �... -etOI: srAGG, WRITES ON BASEBAll rR8SPEm : ('sulU o.-_�. w.o.&...·· &_-.! . ! � �Pf.� descriptions. such as cJ.aas.. A" .�� aa; -... .' .�'\.. BASEBALL prospects at� plays, dictiolWics.. etc. � �, .� Upiversity for this comingA prelimi.n.ar.y bulletin of in{ortna:- . spring lI1%y be fairly termedtion for the coerses for tbe- SUI!lIDCr mediocre. Of last year's team therequarter has, just been published a�. i. remain Captain Gaarde, catcher;now ready .fo�;d;stri�ution at the in,:, M�ig� first' baseman; Bliss, secondA. KROCH i':J C O. formation office, It is the . first of the �sem�p and Staehling, and Schorn­official publications of ttle University :m�r outfielders. The fight :for posi­to come out. with the newly:-adopted ltions on the team will be so weakemblem printed an it. The, bullepn :that all of these men are likely toI contains. general lnforma�on perta(n- ;hold, positions again. It would have'ing to the 'UlIliY.ersity, including d� ;becn happy for Chicago if there couldI. tails of registration, tuition; degrees, ;ha:ve been real contests fo� all of thecalendar, etc. In addition, there, is lpositions on the team, but this can-t .I, a synopsis of· the- courses to be .. of- jnot happen for more than two orTO EAT fered for the summer by the.faeulties lthree. 2,S there are barely enough newEither before or after the of the �rious colleges. ,tca�didates to fill the . remainder ofI The lilt of, Uirivu$ity. ac�ivit�eF !the places and have a couple of sub-I contains announcement, f�r· the, fi��. 'stitutes besides.. Vie make a Specialty of Club . time, of. the Agricullural. Guild of the Pro� Freshmen Lostand' Fraternity Dinners. Univeraity of Chicago, and. of the I have �ot worked with all the can-'-------------�. preparation for the c,oP. sula.. r and 'for 'ctidates yet, but they include, as IMANICURING SHAMPOOING '. eign- commercial service, Concerning iunderstand it, the 'iolloW!':'ng men:Hair Dressing, Manicuring, IFacial Massage the Ag,riculturaJ Guild, the. bulletin IFrom las� year's Freshman squad:says: ··A group of ten large private lPage, .�it�J1er; Redfield, second base;��!��P��I�·S· , farms in the vicinity.of Chicago �.� te�es, third base; Cleary, centerbeen put· at the 5e1'V,,:e. of th.e U 01- field, Stern and Falk, outfielders;1.!J E 55th St, Phone H. P.3216. ,- .�th bsti . I 51• .. versity for the purpose of, training, ,I am, su stitute �Jtc ier, �nd an-,graduates, of: agricultural colleges and .FIe, sub-catcher. Five of the best,other qualified persons in expert farm, players on last years Freshman'I management." ,eam. whom we had looked forwardAnnouneement of the consular pre-. jo using this year, are lost to theparatory work states that: "The, Un- plliversity, so that what seemed for�.p '��.E- versity, there have never been so few,ited States government. having, re- �bicago as' an especially good out- e41r'(.O�e:a:e ... eHZ"('o.Hec> candidates for· the University: base-cently placed' a large number of con- lock has been changed by' their ab- ball team as this year. It seems hard, -I .. Park, while specializing in tennis, and.sular positions upon, a civil service sence to very ordinary prospects. to believe that there are so. few: me�j Ehrhorn, who played outfield on thebass's, the University of Chicago bas ; There are two or three other men in the University of base ball abilityRock I�land high ScllOOI team. .' , '.' .. 'arranged to OffCT courses in foreign �v-ho did not get out £Or last year's as the list' of candidates indicates.languages, hist�rY. commercial and freshman team, who stand a chance Gaarde to Catch If there is aey player in the Univer-economic ·geo�plly. and other sub- �f making the .Varsity team this year. Gaarde will undoubtedly do the sity of fair merit who bas fai.le� tojects uP9D �hich. ,the .govornment will These are Falls, who played first base catching tfor the team. There areexamine candidates." rn the Haynes bible class team:The circular also prints a number 'Phelps, who played two years' atof. h�t£-tone Illustrations of the U.ni- Kalamazoo College; Ross.whn playedversity buildings, including the �- � little bas�ball' one year at Hydeeral. vie.w� ai, the. campus. aml its SUff �---------------------------...;._-----------_;....-----roundiogs reprOduced, from· a· phOto­�p.J1� t��, fr�, a_. �ll�n. as itfloated, over, the Midway., "l�UMAN 'BOIlS\ perience and has shown the most­: merit to date. His eft'eCti'ftnes�, I ami told, may be curtailed considerably� on account of an injury to his wri s tr�ceived in basketball this, winter •There are three men who can fill fintSPECIAL DISCOUNTTO STUDENTS ••••. �talogues ancJ quotations_ lent upon request.l .base satisfactorily, namely: Meigs,Schommer and Falls. Of these, Fallsis the best fielder, but his. seryi'.ces -.may be needed more in some otherinfield position.At second base, Bliss is' a. fairfielder and a good batter. None ofthe other candidates have had som MonrOe Street. Chicago.!HI UNION HOTEL.lID RESTAURARTIll-ll; Randolph Streetmuch experience, except possiblyPhelps, who has not yet been thor·oughly tried out. Redfield, of. lastI. THE POPULAR PLACEyear's Freshman team, fielded well"hut has not yet developed strength a� .a hitter. The positions of. third base.Theater.and short stop will probably, lie be­tween the following men: Pe�es."Falls, Phelps, Ross and Stern.s�, Cleary is also being tried out some in'the infield, but he has not had any..experience there. The outfield p0-sitions will probably be fought outamong Schommer, Staehling, Cleary,Falk, Stern and Ehrhorn.Candidates Neve� So Fewt,l�.:-BORDEN·.Condensed Milk, Fluid IIilk. Cnamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Countr7.Borden's Condensed IIiIk Co,.627-633 E� Forty-seventh St. \\',th .the exception of last yearand the first two years of the, tIai·- We Havee ,�,come out through fear of being ��classed, he has every reason to tak.�"courage and present himself for W9�,on Marshall field at once. .M 0 N 0 N R 0 U T ('- ------�- -- A. A.. STAGG -.�AUU·J:b:,?IHDIAN'APOLIS�L"OUISVILLE,CINCINNATI,I)ATrON. V�tioa Mhlctic. Notes.Ij Director Stagg returned Friday'kight,' "March 21, from M�ami, Fla.,JU'Uo. .. : DEBATE APRIL 10 :where he had been. for the winteriwith his family. He was greatly im­�..:-..._ �. Sdeace ft. �t- .}proved in health. He came back� .. Tuesday. kwo weeks sooner than he was ex-�eeted, .. but,. as he ex"plained, he didn'tThe.JDDIqI'. coll,go. debating tea�s r.llt to miss the Pennsylvani.a game.will hold, their preliminaries .n�xt 1 Reports from the Univ.ersity ofTuesday �ghL .ArU coI1ege� rep_fe- !Penl!sylvar:Jia state that the fou('teenthse�ted by" Carpenter, Sayles and �l- knnual athletic carnival at Philadel­bert, who .takes Ficlunan's place, �1l blMa this year will draw' even moredebate with Philosophy on "Resolv�d, �thletes than in 1907. when 1,500 rep­that the initia,tive and referendum, as resenting 200 college and scholasticprovided lor in the Oklahoma con- �eams were entered in the meet.stit.ut10n.R. sho\llcl�. a.st,02t��UQ. �tthe· .: Varsity fencers were entered in thestates .. Salkey. �.ud. Kcs-es. will ,_A. A. U. cnampionships, and, thoughsupport the affinnarivo for PbilosOo=not· getting points in the finals.phy." worked. their. way 'nto the lastThe Scjenc�Literature, debate willbe on "�esolve4, That the, Canadian matches of the Tournament. The mencoached. by M. de Beauviere werebanking· s)'ste� should; be· a40pted in pitted· against· various sectional cham­�he United States." &;ience has theaffinnati�; with Conn�o, Benite.' pions who have been in the gameM C from· five to fifteen years, and the�. . � -." AM "ERRE •• • .0-." Char�s Smith and qifford'. c ul-"'.ork" • ..-... � of the Maroons elicited favor-,. Clark ancJ Aua. SIreata lough as its orator'!- The: neptoivet�am consists. of McAndrews, stemand Whitfield. All- foar tUms areworking �rd,... AnangemeD&&- for· thisdebate will be �de for May 26.FRESHMEN TQ. era D�CB---�o--a. V--., WiD Ba-t ... Upper C ..... F�. rile Official' 8811-IJsefI: "r III�' tile Big; ........ ,....If you attend the big college games you will find that the b.I1alm�t invariably used is the REACH OFFICIAL AMERICANLEAGUE BALL. College men won't have any thine but theBEST-that' � why they all use the '.Or any Sou�em. PointTicket Office, 1112 South Clark St."\ Depot-Dearbom Station. Polk .......Dearborn St.Ena;lewood Statio� ItTbis season's· color is BROWN�WoocJ shades, fawn, tan. aDd oUnatftdominate. .We have them aU, ("ad tbeo_") in our new sprine stock. Ball'Co�l� men know that the Reach Ball has heen adopted;b"._ ..Amencan League for ten years and is the official Lea&ue BalLNo other can be used inany Le:lgue game.able comment. Kerner, Lescana andR31dridge· mack good showings, while).fix, at dl1eling swords, did fas.t work'.. � .. �., C. L. SCHAltPf�ilCTURES AND' PICTURB-;�: FRAIIIHG:��� East Fifty-Sneath Su..t.�� Opl)O!'ite Rosalie Coan. . Central Y. 1\1. C. A. won the Cen­tral A. A. U. baskctball champion­�ip_s March 21. The Varsity was notent�red in th� games this year. Cen­tra.1 defeated the Evanston Y. 1\1. C. The Re:ach Trademark on all Sporting Good.is a guarantee of quality-it means satisfaction anew article, or your money back (except on .Ballaand Bats unde1' $1.00),TIle Reaa OIBeIaI aa.e BaD G.l4Ie.... 1118Just ovf-It's rile ruop'rtd ardHrIrr on laseBall 1Uffets. The Official G.ide of 1ft A.m.can League. Hisforr and adion pictum of Ito7World's Series. Schd"a, ",la, reco"", eft.10 mIfs at dealm' or ", •• ,.If not at :lour dUlUr'J 'tW' �';I1II1"1:four KOMJ dirut 011 rrui,t of Inu.Write for 1908 Base Ball Catalogue andfree Base Ball Story by EIben Hubbard.A. J.IIEACII Co.PA_.'7t.r"�6 ...... 4.A. Reds in the final game of theTile Freshmen of the Three-Quar- series, 35 to 22.tel's club \\;11 give a dance in the R�y·nolds club, Friday evening, in honor Oak Park captured the Cookof the upper class men, who have County high school track title Sattlr-been �mbers af that organization. day night in Bartlett gymna!'ium, !'c­This is the first time tbat the club cnring 49 '-4 points. Wendell Phil­has done anything of this kind for a lips beat out University High hy ,·ir­num�r of years and the first yeu tue of a better �howing in the finals.: men are making every effort to make �endell Jlihillips won 4' 3·4 point!'it a memorable e\�nt. Among other and U. High Jl,.1-4. Crane, Engle­features, it is announced that tb�re wood and Hyde Park finoished in thewill be unique procrams.. "order named.AU SizeL Sure Fit.'I. carry "Society BraDd" Clotlla.46 River Street.,.I;.,.. .' , .Chic:qo, IlL,J TAlLOR FOR YOUNG lIEN: • Two stores: 131 La Sane St., and:; ..,'44 J.�_'BoaJevard. ,.. .�' •• N,!L& •• "...... 11111�---aosToNGARTER111 mil .. I m-"'��::�T�h... . CUlHIOI, IUllO.. ,CLASPun M_"UI-1ftII....... _ .... nnl .............................. 1.£.,,_"'AL •• IlIAS'�_' ..CAP· AND GaWK EDITORS'. v\dstrY:iwiilliBRs' wpr:'::�-ISSQE '.JI�Y-UP � .CAMPION SHIP 01" \VEST. � .. .......,Men Bebind Annual Do Real Work Close Coateat at- Cbampaip GivcsWhile -Other StuclcDta Rest-Add MarooDS the Titl�Polo Game ...Mew Features."__ k Close. �.If . you are a Senior and have notsent in your photo-Hurry.If you are an artist, with a drawing-Hustle.If you are a poet, witha pocm-GetBusy,I f you are an author, with a story­Speed up�1£ you are a student, with a sub­scription!..;.Whisper it, and we'll bethere in ten minutes.-The Cap and Gown Board.Tbe Albert I_ers' Agencye. J. Albert, "macer3;3 Wabash Ave., CbicqoEstablished twenty·three years.We locate annually from sev­enty to eighty-five Universityof Chicago studente. CallSaturday and we will tell youof some of oar sood vacaD-des.From the office of the Cap andG(\wn yesterday came the last cait ofthe editors for material for the. An­nal. The editors want campus �hoto­graphs, literary material, take-offs onstudents, the photographs and lists ofhonors of such Seniors as have not,yet handed in their photographs, andGENUINE ��� all other material under way or notODY0T yet. begun. Everything must beSUSPENDERS handed in this week, unless other ar-willP!O"II� outliUL rangements have been made with thel�bjQl9 three parr. of LerJ[lmlI�1 editors.ordt� auspend eWeLLlftS lnlmlta'Lte. The editors returned to school yes·. Q.uall� unvar.Ytn" terday after one week of strenuous�tndeatruetlYe.Euqy�-al"''''''r.t work, in and out of Chicago. The�genutnepalrhaa..... Cap and Gown Board bas had asCB.61JyOT- STAKPZDIIEIt&... ._.. SO_.1N'",'-"'�..... many addresses as it has members, as-..- - .. -'I......... ' many people who received lettersOSTBEIMER.BIlOTBE1tS. _�� •. _-....-&A. found out. The editors themselvessay the book's headquarters arewherever theor grips happen to be,'SPBING IS COMING and these.in the last eight days trav-:AIid why. not select your Clothes �rsed two states. Sleeping and wakeNow -and be ready when She appears 109, almost. the work has gone on,ili)ietl spri'ng l1at r '. ,These, have been days of little restCh Ik d· '·1' . ., .' for the men who are preparing tilea an· penCl stnpes, moss tans ... .'d . d'-'b' . annual for the University;an . woo " rowns· -are very modish,' •ithis' spring. L .' " ., .i : . The business system of the Call andThe most .d�sirable patterns. are �own has never been in better work­'sur� to 'be \picked up e�rly-why don't In� order. Several innovations thatyou be-one that'secul'es the cream of will be welcomed by many people.�he showing'1 .. have simplified the work and reduced� W � . .: 1 delays to a minimum. By means of, e have plenty of tune now to de- ..;vote to everv d tail of cI th a new system of. checking up, every. -.I. e_ your 0 es. t '11 be _ ... _..I.rCome in and talk ove the S· cu WI accouneen lor. Every... . ,. r pnng hoto h bmi .Sty' Ies, -Let uS sh' 0' th p otograp. sn mitred to the editors. . • W you e Ilew ·11 be,iweaves and 'C�lorings. whether you WI. returned to the owners and.�are ready to buy or not. " receipted for.. So�et"'mes ph OlC-, A'" k t \ ' graphs suffer whtle JD the hands ofs 0 see our .rSPECIAL COLLEGE SUITINGS the. engraver. �is y�r the Jahn &.• $25 and .$30. Olher company IS _takmg extra pains.: to .prevent mutilation •. The editorssay that they will. return all photo­graphs, whether th�y be mutilated ornot, in order that no ea·) a�d Gownmaterial will be floating' around 1becampus after, the book i!t (.ut.In a week the editors will be re:ldyto tell the' University alx'nt sume ofthe- good. things coming in the neWannual. Many, changes irom laUy�ar have been made. One of t�emen. in ch�rge said: "We ha,'c iO'�J1dm:tny of last year's features e�celt.;r.'and have retained them. Th�r � .. ':'�many new ones added, however. '''lieha,'e tried to make the book r�l'resea­tative' of every phase of Studen! I.-leo.and e,'en of such events -as only :n­directly affect the student body. 'rIleresult is, I think, a complete. w�a·balanced annual, which will compare 'Investigators Visit Christian Socia1istsfa,.orably with many others around The Investigator's club took a tripI the ("ountry." to the weekly meeting. of the Chris­tian Socialist center Sunday after·noon, March 21, at which Dr. Rob­ert F. Hoxie, of the Economic de-partment. d�livered an address on"What is Socialism, Anyway?" Abouthalf of the club were present. andthe contact wioth a number of Chris­tian SociaJ.ists who attempted to com­bat and explain the arguments of Dr.Hoxie, was the first experie�e of t-heclub with the work which it has plan­ned to do in the study of socialismand other DIOvem�Dts.account of ourselves.The summary of events:100 yard swi_m-Won by. Brooks,Illinois; Prineell, ChiCago, second;Day. Chicago, third. Time, 1:19 2-5'­SO yard .swim-Won by Cary, chi-cago; Lindsay. Chicago, second;Vosburg, l1J.inois. third. Time, :31 1':5. ,Plunge for distance-Won by Pil- tlinger, Illinois; Bickel, Chicago, sec- .ond; Lindsay, Chicago, third. DiS-Itance, 56 ,feet 4 inches.75 yard swim-Won by Harper,Oricago; Brooks, Illinois,· second; ------ .... ---------:----------- ..;.;.a.Bickel, Chicago, third. Time, :531-5·Relay race-Won by Chicago-:­Carey, Lindsay, Bickel and Harper. .. Water polo lineup:Chicago (0). Illinois (2).Princell. Cary. R.F ....••.. McMilIanRohde. .• .• • . ••• L.F. . •••..•• � ... BellIn a far clo;er meet than had beenexpected the swimming championshipof the west was won by the varsityteam at Champaign March' 21. Allthe events were bitterly fought, andthe IlIiDi succeeded in turning thetables in the polo game and winningby a score of 2 to o. The fight inthe polo game between Bell of Illi­nois and -Rohde, the Maroon· star,kept the large crowd 0"£ spectators onedge in both halves.In the races the former showingwas reversed in the. hundred yardswim by Brooks of Itlinois, who wonfrom Princell and Day. The otherevent taken by Coach Hachmeister'smen was the plunge for distance,which was easily captured by Pillin­ger.There was considerable talk of areturn match between the Maroonsand the Illini sextet to settle the po�ochampionship, both teams having oneVictory ,to their record. Though nodecision has as yet been made, It isdoubtful that S1lCh a match. will bemade. Coach Knudson ventured thefollowing opinion on the subject ofanother game: "I see no reason wHywe should give Illinois a returngame. I t is. true that they' defeatedus once at polo, but we have defeatedthem twice in' the meets, and thetotal of: points' in the races and pologame give us a big lead. Moreover,the meet with Yale is' scheduled toc�me off in two weeks, and I wantto keep the boys in shape for that.I realize that in the coritests withYale and Pennsylvania we will haveto beat the hardest teams we havemet' this year. and I want to ma ievery effort to defeat them. If theboy� will, do as. conscientious workand practice as steadily as they haveheretofore I think we can give a goodCarey •••.•••••.•• C.. • . • • •• AndersonBadenoch. Fergu-son ...•.••..•. R.G ..... 1 •••••• CutterKahn L.G ..•.•••. PinckneyHirscbel.. .•.•••. G ....• Hochmeister.Goals-Bell, 2. D ,,�RINKS INK . �v :�LIKE A'CAMEL t:,:�".,\. To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in &JI'f :ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its ontank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereIs to it! No dropper-eno mess-no bother. Do itan�here-aDY time.. CONKLIN'S �G·PEN·.. "THE. PEN :WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" -can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Youcould fill it with white' kid gloves on without danger ofsoiling. Besides its convenience, is 'the splendid writing.qualities of the Conkli�-the perfect feed. ,LeadlDt dealers' haucDe the CoukUu. If yours does not. order�L Prlces.I3.00 and up. !Seud at ouce for handsome new catalQ&.The CoaIdio reD Co., ate Mauhattan Btu., Toledo, 0IU0.: ..I •THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANYPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and 56th SLThe Cleanest and. Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the City • _ • • •Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Packed andShipped to all parts of the world. 300 Private Storeage Rooms. Large -Parlor �xclusively for PianOs.�iiiiiiiiiiiii�11I Rooms, for Trunks and Wheels. Large Room forCarriages, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks to andfrom. all, Depots. Local Transfers for BagPlt,Furniture, Packages, etc., at short notice.S� attention Kiven to University Orders. , .'?:; ,... ''" t_ ",l,T,.,. .. ,., : '�.'"BEliN BIIGGIIGE & EXPRESS CO.,Quick Service our Motto·'BAGGAGE OUR SPECIALTY30 WaR;�ns Dally to and from All Depots •Furniture.', PianQs. Trunks. Merchandise and Parcels". Delivered to all parts of the city. Depots and Suburbs "'Main Ofiice:,6154 Wentworth Ave.'.Telephone Wentworth 460. 461Branch Office: Information Office,' University of ChicagoPhone Douglass 288 Phone Harrison IsgB ..71 East 39th. Street 48 Hubbard Coart� c8tTH�ideaswhowhiclingattrasuit aIy tctare:COLLEGE "LARDER. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.' Phone Hyde Park 678WE M�KE ALL OUR PASTRIES. CREAMS AND ICES .. -;,;. ' OF THE BEST INGJmDIENTS. TRY U�I. 447 E�t �ifty-&.fth SL H. G. - HITCHCOCK. P!'��"'�M'C�,l.i PHYS'CAL� fLE.CT�'CAl' anllSUR(jIC�L. GLASS A PPARATUS-'WE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO ::Dl?SCRIPTION.. An; Apparatus Made to Orderw. J. BOEHM t eeont' ".YOUI.�UFACTU�R AND IMPORTERPhone Main 2,00. 171 E.. �dolph Street.CHICAGO'II"The . C.igare"�"..TRADfPIARKItf6lSTEUO12 State' Street,ClJ;�ago,. "� 305 Pearl SlreetNew York, N. Y.Phone Hyde Park 1251.Woodlawn Ie, Cream Co.. ·GEORGE M. WE RNTZ, Proprietor.lIanufaCtJlft 01fine Ice Creams; Ices, Etc.343 East 631'd Streu.• I'. Btt-,..' TRI'.1)AILY:YAROON; TUESDAV,' MARCH jt, t908. ..t ,.HOOSIERS, AND. PURPLEDECIDE FOOTBALL DATES .II,.,rONRat. c ..... Carl .... ··for solid comfort. The newest shadesand designs of one piece, .... � ...web. All metal parts heavy nickel.·plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a, pairall dealers or by mail. .'. HGI*&I.,.... ....71 • ....,....,. me d.,..."_ IItIbra tI/ l'tMNer B�P. F. JE"SENMERCHANT TAILOR . "Jimmy" Sheldon Has Five ,Out ofSeven Placed-Northwestern Ar­range Three.SOLICITS YOUR TRADE FORHIGH GRADE GARMEITS.512, 175 Dearborn StreetIndiana and Northwestern have an­nounced their 1908 football; schedules.Coach James Sheldon of the Hoosiersis in Chicago, and yesterday gave outthe following dates:Oct. 3, .De Pauw at Bloomington;Oct. 10, Chicago at Marshall field;Oct. '17, Wisconsin at Indianapolis;Oct. 31, Illinois at Bloomington;Nov. I.J, Purdue at Indianapolis.Sheldon says negotiations are pend­ing with Notre Dame and the Ken­tucky State university, but no dateshave been agreed upon as yet. Hedeclared that the prospects for bisteam next fall are even better thanlast year, and that he expects tomake a hard fight against DirectorStagg's eleven on Oct. 10.Northwestern's schedule will con­sist of only three games, this agree- Iment having been made last Decem­ber when the athletic authoritiesvoted· the reinstatement of footballat Evanston. The first contest card­ed is with Beloit, and that not until----.--- . Oct. 24- Next the Purple eleven willVARSITY NINE WINS I tackle Purdue, which should prove aFROM OAK PARK, 7 TO 4 harder proposition. Two weeks laterNorthwestern will seek further. to es- BOO K S-The largest stock in this country-all kinds-standard, new.fidion, technical--convenienfl, arranged on OU, twolarge relail floors. Engraved Cards,AnRounce�ents, Etc.A. c. �cCLUR.G .. CO.215-221 .Wabash Avenue, ChicaEO.t.A KING.YOU COULD'NT HIREBUT YOU CANMu.c;ir..al Instruments for Sale at :tbeLOWEST PRICEAll kinds of Musical InStrumdnta�ed. Best Violin Strings in Oity.GEO. WATSONCORRECT TAILORING· (First month ....RATES: (Renewals ••• .••••••• s.oe(Six months ••••••• Is.­THE MONARCH TYPEWRITER -COMPANY,. 25_ E. Madison· St.Phone Central 63h.8th Floor. Masonic TempleChica�o .• 431 East 55th Street.T HIS ESTABLISHMENTCATERS exclusively to thosewho appreciate advanced styleideas in custom-tailored clothes;. who desire the most faultless fitwhich skillful designing and cut­ting can provide ; who seek bright,attractive novelties in the mostsuitable fabrics, and pre-eminent­y to those who . wish these fea-tures combined with strictlyt economical prices. We invite(' -,your inspection of Game ClORe Until Sixth .Inning- tablish "its right to more games inLatham Is Varsity's Twirler- J909 by taking on . Hlinois at Cham-Schommer and Falls Play.. paign on Nov. 21 •Prof. E. B- Rowden's Schools and Academie�' of DancingAssembly meets every Thursday evening at Unity Club Hoase. 3140Indiana Avenue.·Juvenile Class every Saturday afternoon from oDe to four.Studio for private lessons. 321 Kimbalt. Hall B1cL. Wabasla Ave., ....JackSon Boulevard.Class for beginners Monday. TuesdaY and Friday eveninp.Paiva� lessons .civen hourly during the day, with or without IIIaIc.Children's private class, $1.00 pei month.�d��rivate lessons; .$1.00 with .m.usic or a guannfeed coan. ...,With' two defeats registered against THREE ATHLETES JOIN TEAMthem by the. alumni last week, theVarsity set out yesterday determined Merriam and Jacobs Out for Varsity.to check the losing streak. Captain lrIenaul far Freshmen.Gaarde's nine was successful thistime, defeating Oak Park -in a seven Varsity and freshman track stockinning game by the score of :, .to 4. took a boom yesterday with. the re-:The game was close up to the' sixth tum of Merriam and Jacobs�and thewhen die .Maroons -had a battin�' entering of Menaul.· Merriam aridrally, aided chiefly by their oppo- Jacobs were out for work- outdoors.nents' errors, and brought three runs Their addition strengthens Chicagoacross' the p!ate. Schommer and in the runs, hurdles and pole vauit.Falls of the championship basketball It is not known that Director Staggteam were in .the game. will enter Merriam. The ConferenceLatham was in the box for the Var- champion can be used in anything .stty: He .outpitched Mitchell of Oak from the 220 to the half' or exclu-.Park, allowing but two hits and strik- sively in the hurdles. Menaul comesing out eleven men. Director Sqgg from Englewood, where he did starumpired the game. He kept the in- work last year in the shotput andfield working after the contest. He 440.will give most of his time during ;henext two weeks to the nine, so that GYMNASTIC MEET .MARCH 9it will be able to make Q good show­ing against 'its college opponents.We Stock • eo.plete UDe 01BIG. GlADE Score by innings:lanicure and CbIro odI ts' Chicago •.••.• 0 0 2 I I 3 *-7P S .Oak Park ..• � 0 0 0 2 2 0 ()-4 The date crt the western jntercolle-InStruments Batteries-Latham and Gaarde, giate gymnastic meet has beenFdes. Chicago; Mitchell and Smith, Oak changed from next Friday to Thurs-!rtppers Park. Two-base .... its-Meigs. Three- day, March 9· The events .w�1l beBullen base hits=-Scbommer, Stolen bases- held at Madison, and as an addedN�:. Schommer (2), Butler, Lang, }dit- attraction a wrestling tournament forScissors chell, Struck out-By Latham, II; middleweights and heavyweights off,om Gbisels by Mitchell, 4- Base on balls-LOff Miinesota and Wisconsin will be' held.Knives aad I Latham. 2; off Mitchell, 3. Hit by Last year the Varsity finished lastxu Bazors 1 pitcher-Meigs ana Smith. Time of among the four competing universi-I='Doal game=-z hours. Umpire-Stagg. ties ....... r�· .. • Cw. , IlllcuollclW. 1 To Announce Senior Activities. REYNOLDS CLUB MAKESSHARP & SMITH •. : .. -GUDEDJQCVU ... CIIIUPGDI1T';- The social schedule "of the Senior OUT PROGRAM FOR SPRINGIIGtAOJlDtS class will be announced next Thurs-lIlMulll..... ClllC1GO, ILL . day, according to a statement made The program of - the Reynolds clubmg. Dyeing and Repjliring of y<'!'tcrday hy President Norman for the spring quarter was announcedGents and Ladies' Garments Barker. The social committee is 'low yesterday by Winston P. Henry.J. C.OOPER busy with the plans, and promises to chairman of the entertainment com-T A I LOR provide considerable entertainment mitrce. The first affair will be :t451 EaSt 55th Street for the Seniors during their last quar- dance on Friday, April Ii. On Sat-Betw('cu Grecnwo_od & T.cxin�ton avs ter of residence in the University. BRYANT-SPENCE TOURS,4571 1I0nadnock Bide.. CbicapOUR SPECIALTH I.RTY DOL LA RCOLLEGIATE SUIT'; As a special introductory offer'to the friends of. The Daily-.sITH ST. AND DRElOU. AVE.Under Management of the HationalH� Co. Tel B;rdePuk me-The aEST Serveci atPOPULAR PBICESRfSTAURJI'NT' AND LUNCH COUNTfRIn Connectioa • .Hotel. : cash discount of 10 per cent,' orinclude a fancy vest gratis with' a$.10 Suit. Spring Woolens andnew. styles- are waiting.' We so­licit your early inspection.THE BOWS COMPANYnate of Conference Tournament atMadison Postponed.Daintily 'DeliciousPerfectly'. reSurpassinglySmoothWonderfullyWholesome,4NiiiLi�_ .... ·DIII ••. 7eaar,,-""·_ ... .a'r:lSWU_..__..Y.YW.OWSIONE PAIl �Robert £. LindsayLINDSAY BROS. -n.. .".. .ay.. DeUp'fal, IlInpnsi"!'amm�r vacatloD trip!'. F ... ladl� alld ceatlaltetaUNIVERSITY TOURS... EUROPETwo sped�' 'olin a' •• crate costI TAILORS I49 AND SI JACKSON BLVD. II Compl'th�nsi\'� 'toar of European Capitai ••�nonally en.dueted by Prof, Jero .. e H, Ray.mond. Small _leet pany. Addrcs.urday, May 2, a smoker will be given.and on the 'fifteenth' another dance,The last affair of the quarter will hea smoker. on Saturday, �ray 30.During the. spring vacation theReynolds club underwent consider­able repairs. An the floors were re­finished. and while the club was notdosed, the members were compelledto walk on planks that were laidthroughout tbe club.474 E 551l' ST. 161WababCor.Moaroe••••The Vanity Special. Derb7,)J2.50�o Branch Stores CbLeading asHatter • W.BmeseRICA •••., I.. iIIi. I tjIIIFT-. '�Y:�<.,' ._[I.� : :" _ ... '" ��� _., - •• t" ..._'...• . � .� ... --------------------------_ .... -• .; ,i L·3:·: 'i 'L AMES HAT CO':::�':lr�!-� .ONB Q;A� CENTURY A; OLD LOcATION-.! � - HOWAT-'1 SO EAS.T aIAIJ'SON STIIEEF'lBlBUD BUILDDfG 'STETSOH SILK AND OPERA HATSA PAIR DEAL WITH EACH HATWANTED-Stucknts to att.end En- Room ad Boardglewood Roller Rink, 6432 Went- Two gentlemen, occupying a largeworth Ave. Every eveninc, Thurs., flat overlooking Jackson park, offerSat. aDd Sun. Afte{1loons tbroup board. room, and the privileges of the. the seasoa. home to gentlemen at $45.00 a month;excellent table; telephone. For in­TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent- formation, address 00, Daily MaroonSpecial rates to students; bargains Office, FURNISHED ROO M s- -Near thein re-built machines. W. \Vhite- University; with or w:,hout ligl.t.' ' head, 36 La Salle Stftet. \VA NTED-Stenographic position hy housekeeping privileges; good:t young lady; would prefer work light, hut, hot and cold _watcI; ....... -...for part of each day; experienced; bath. Call 652 E. 57th St., second,can furnish good 'references. Ad- lat.dress, Box 96, Faculty Exchange •Un"'crsity of Chicago.. ,,:" • .A _.'.. I, ........ , ..�-;�': .""r •..-..... "" GLoVEs UMBRELLAS :-: CANES:-:Robert· S.taedfer Co.ISS State StreetBetween Madison and Monroe-Phone Central S334-. ,Furs, Suits, Coats, SkirtsMillineryWe are now prepared to show our Advance Styles in "Spring Suits"in the most approved materials :ui.l Models. "Best Tailor finish" nns­ing in price from $25.00 up.Latest . Styles in Spring' Millinery from $7.50 up. Correct Styles bothin the' Most Authorative American and European M9dels.Many of our Models strictly excluSIVe.FROZEN I ARTSManufacturers o£FINE ICE CREAMS AND . ICESlit lit lit. �� Pric� given to Fr8temities� �Iubs and University Mairs:lit lit lit lit.TeL Oaklalid 2go. 286 East 43d Street.I�Z� Randolph Street, Chicaao. PINESi' AllERICAN CUISINESBR�D Telephone Central -7&,Tbose'seeking salary pOli�ionsfor next'summer should seeJ. C. Obelmueller, Jr.HOTEL �AROONRoom u. 58th Street and Drezel A�,E. C·. lWOORE•• FLORIST ••h6 w. 63rd �treetTeL Wentworth 2038. 272 E. 55th Stnet..TeL Hyde Park 3&W_ted:-A young woman to writcshort stories and articles suitable• '- 'lor a High School M:tgazine. Will.Pay Well for accepted articles. Ad­-. dras,' L S. B., TIle Maroon ofU:e. THa QAlLY IIAIlOON,tVARsrrY PIVE RIlIl'URNS .PROII TRnniPHAL TOUR(C6ntinued -from page I)was full of brilliant plays. �"o·.:!Swere unusually few, considering thedetermination of both sides.· Thescore was tied a number of times.during· the game. and it was not un­til ncar the end that Chicago's su­perior strength and endurance beganto tell: At one time during the gamethe Maroons were three points ahead.Chicago finalJy got her opportunityon a foul on which Falls tbrew a'successful' basket. Keinath -had t womore chances for Pennsyiv.uu.r, andmissed both, The Penn lila ve .... s madeseventeen fouls to t ... urr een i·:,r Chi­cago.After the great victory, in whicha championship had been �on, theChicago party, with tight hearts, tooka trip southward, the purpose being,acording to "Pat' Page, "to recuper­ate." Visits to the capitol, views ofboth houses in session, and frequentauto rides to numerous points in thevicinity were on the program. ./\boat excursion 200 miles down theriver_ and Chesapeake bay to OldPoint Comfort followed. A visit tothe navy yards at Newport Newswound up the feast of sightseeing. D�­parture was made iSatuTday night .The party arrived in Chicago yester­day morning, after making severalstops for short visits on the way.Medals for Captain Schommer,Fans, Page, Georgen, Hoffman andHarris for winni�g the championshipwill arrive next week. Th'e' ClothesWith "SWing".!'CIt�. : .....NOT the ordinaJi'fashions (?)�ally usociated __, -,;�.questionable. rea ., ri�made tailoring. but,�'·swagger" smartnesS' �i.,. _.- .,the swellest : {·�·1�:'�lMichigan Ave • .l'Due StYle :1\\\ f·. ' b�s at p.rices �t�J.·���!1 not &eggar;you. ��\ are ,the clothes fo�:#ilcoDege �I, 't� d4.. .��for 7OU. .. -, ��::'T;:"r�.Pr··.' d up.;",�Ices. Z5 an a;;'·· ... t�. :r.<t'E�TENSIVE IMPROVEMENTSOF CAMPUS UNDER WAYElm Trees to be Planted Over Entit'eCampus-Walks to be ImprovedAlso.'The work of improving thepearance of the campus has 'been re­sumed on an extensive' scale. Thework has been at a standstill' duringthe inclement weather of the winter.A g�eat many of the newly laidwalks of last fall were frozen, whichis necessitating their being relaidnow. The· chief work7 however, willbe the planting of sixty-four elmtrees along the campus.F01l'I' trees will be placed on thewest side of Kent and the same num­ber wiU be planted on the cast, sideof Ryerson. Between 'Haskell andthe Divinity halls six trees will beplanted and six more witl be placedbetween Haskell and the Law build­ing. The remaining trees will beplanted on both sides of the walkfrom Cobb to Walker.The lights, the' gift of the class of1907, will be placed over the bulletini boards. A fireproof cellar in the base­ment of Kent is being constructed inthe basement of Kent. Anothergreenhouse near the Botany buildingis also being built. :'<;,,4"'!:DO YOU W'ANT -TO- STUDY ,-.,,;,�,·IIIImfG BBGINBBRIHG. ,.�-,$:in the heart of a great mining' �ountry, within sight of some cl�greatest mines, ore dressing and smelting plants in the world. .,,,,1liye: college, -equipped with teachers, laboratories; and other faciljtieS�.gtvmg you thorough and practical' courses in ev.ervthinsr Dertainn.'tIthe business and profession of Mining? ". �.,t.!iIf so. 'wnte to the State' School of Mines. University of UtaII.:SalLake City. for a catalogue and illustrated circulars of informatiOD.>f��·, Graduate and under-graduate. courses. "- .i!;Ezpeuses lower than the lowest elsewhere. ' '�,Four-year courses in Civil. Electrical, Mechanical. ChemicaL - ...Irrigation Engineering also given •. ( the last in connection with the SIaIiAgricultural College). :,:eREMOVEDtentral toera CO. . . -.:.�Mr. Ha"., T. JagEyesight Specia�Optician YSuite IPO lI�c TemplelPhon::: : m 5 � ��. .�To 179 Wabash AvenueCAMERAS. KODAKS and .PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIESDeveloping, Printing and Enlaiging.Cameras and Kodab Rentedand Ezc:hanged. ,Telephone Central 5963-SPECIALTypewriters Rentcd-.l months for$5 and up. Typewriters sold on easypayments, from $10 up. Rest bargainsin guaranteed machines. AmericanDesk ct Typewriter Co., 188 DearbornSt. Central 6127.Our goods are strictl1Tailored and up to theThe name "Lang" stancilgood clothes.LANG 'E1THERE is wanted 900n a man tot�ach common branch� in a reformschool in Chicago; salery $1000 ayear. Anyone of experience inter­�sted in such a propo�ition shouldreport at once to the Secretary of !or IUs "ajesty, theAmerican.Phones: Central 4773Automatic 6739AU clothes kept Ii!,'repair free. '('.T�TO RENT-A �w desirable rooms,. ; �at 'Hotel l(aroon, 58th and DrexelAftiiae.' :0 FOR RENT-By owner of house,5422 Drexel ave., 7 rooms and bath;steam heat; electric light. Tele­phone Hyde Park 5326.