• ....��,�1\ '- .. ;.I: : lIaily ilarnnii�Vol VI. No. log. CH�ICAGO. TUESDAY, MARCH '17, Jg08. Price T .. CeDu_A dual tennis tournament with Cor-ScboJJ:II1er and Page on Angell's All- Dwight Akers. Rose Seitz, Miss Slaught Replies on Behalf of nell University, to be played in May� western-Dr. Raycroft to Pick! Jeanette Lane. Hattie Anderson, Candidatts-Dean Smith Makes on the grounds of the Country clubHis--Gopheri Beaten. Elsie Shobinger, Mahlde Droege. Quarterly Statement. of Detroit, Mich., may be scheduled,George Anderson, Harvey Fulter. according to Dr. Raycroft.Dr. Raycroft announced the dates Eight candidates were admitted to "The college man should be, always This game, jf arranged, will be the In addition to being St. Patrick's. membership in the Phi Beta Kappa, and everywhere, ,a gentleman," said . hi h U' •for the Pennsylvania basketball series nrst contest w lC a DlverStty net day, this. is the sixty-sixth Convoca-for the national collegiate champion- as a result of the elections for this President Judson ;n his address be- team has ever had with an Eastern tion day of the University of Chica­sbip yesterday. The first game wiil quarter. Three of this number were iore the Junior college' class exer- team. The Cornell squad is being go, The, exercises win begin at 8:30be played next Saturday night in men and five women, the women be- cises yesterday "morning in Mandel. coached this year by William A. when tile- matutinal for candidatesBart!ett. The �ednesday following, ing .in the majority, as usual. The "Many have lamented the loss, to the Larned, while the Varsity team will for higher degrees wilI be held, Thellarch' 25. the second contest wi�1 be following received this recognition of modem world, of chivalry; but it has be under' the - tuition of either graduates .frl)m the Senior collegesplayed in Philadelphia. A third game. their scholastic ability: Dwight .A.k- been replaced by gentlemanliness. Kreigh Collins or Harry L Ward- will bid Iarewell to chapel services ati nrcessary. will be contested at ers, Jeanette Lane, Elsie Shobinger, "We are tempted," continued the ner, _ both western champions. 10:30. when the' 3enior co'lege classNew' York. Saturday. March 28. George Ande�on. Hattie Anderson, President, "to see the' unessentials of Although Chicago will be unable to exercises will be held.The Varsity squad Was out .for Mahlde Droege, Harvey Fuller and being a gentleman; to view the meet Michigan, the match with Cor-. ' The Convocation eltercises will be'Practice yesterday, and. though Rose Seitz. mental and bodily exterior details; neil will furnish a comparative test held at 3 o'ciock this' afternoon in.somewhat under the effects of the 'The initiation was held at the the pettiness of habit. There are of strength, as Cornell plays Micbi- Mandel hall, Sixty-four degrees -arelfi�esota game. had a satisfactory quarterly meeting yesterday after- certain essentials that make a man gan this year, The games are to to be conferred;' there being twenty­workout. Page is the only member I100n in Haskell. :t gentleman, They are unqualified consist of four matches _in singles. three . candidates for bachelor ofof the team who i:-; not in the best There were fewer elections this truthfulness of' word and deed; and two in doubles. philosophy; seven for bachelor ofshape He sprained his. __ wrist in the time than at the end of the winter cleanliness of life, of thoug.ht� of The tennis schedule which will be science, six bachelor' of arts, fiveWisconsin gamey and'it is still sore quarter last year. However, this may speech and of person; courtesy, un- completed the first of next quarter bachelor of education. one bachelorand Wt:lk. be accounted for on the ground that failing, especially to those in any will probably contain matches with of law, t�o_ bachelor of divinity, and· .Captain Schommer and Page re- the total number of graduates is con- possible way inferior, and lastly, Minnesota, ,:\,isconsin, Illinois, Pur- twenty for"higher degrees, Thirty-cc:rred letters from Coach E. D. An- siderably smaller. high-mindedness is an essential due and Iowa. five are candidates for the title. of«til �f the Badgers. informing them. . to . a gentleman, magnanimity, the I� spite of the .fact that it is doubt- associate. .The , Convocation addreSs .: '. VARSITY TRACK ATHLETES abil)ity to be above the little things. ful if Capt'!,. in Fred Carr WI'II be able .�t J�ey had. been selected on_ hi� PLAN STUDY THIS WE&K _ will be 'delivered by Andrew SloanAJi:Western fi\·�· and .cong:'atu�ng .- .. . .: the� petty discords of - life, to -play (iu#ng the spring, the pros- Draper, comm�ssion-e;- of educationI':'. � .._ th�ir--go6dwo;ic-;1�rl"tlg\1i _��"iitCW'F"���-� � uAl�ers are-uoualwa,ys_a�jDfill� ���_.fC?��w!'JUi�it,_J!��... _�.4,)'1.�r f���-\t�.�����!'f �eYt��-�and fonn-. _--, i�. •�:,·i·lil· z., ..... iii' pi '-:. -, lble Index of a..gen.tleman, though. appear·f3Jrly.... favoii6Te:� -.. .,.�'. er"��f-o��llitY-or"litJDois�·-··,;.:�,--·---�.4:�Dr. Raycroft will make his Confer- T_ 'W_ _ , very ;mportant.· A man may be a The likely cirndidai�� for the t� No: Oassel will De- held afte�,twelve J;ee selection today. It will-be pub- gentleman and have uncourth .man- �re: Allen Ross of last year's Fresh- o'clock. tlished in tomorrow' s issue of The With entrance in the' Louisville ners, not because of his manners, but man team, Paul Gardner, who be- -, I"Daily Maroon. meet March 2B possible, the Varsity in spite of them. Dress, as well, is comes eligible for Varsit.y competi- --a....-· After holding Captain Schommer's quarter-railers are keeping in eondi- an asset, but not a: necessity. A tion in the spring quarter; R. }. Han '-.�. T:he' Pro&nuD.� to a close score fo� one half. rion, At the same time ,training has gentleman always dresses neatly and and Jack Ransom, .both of last year's TIle program for the day is as 101-during which they were at one time been suspended until after examina- thereby reveals his gentlemanliness. team; Joe Sunderland is also a pos- lows;: 1\in the lead by two points, the Mjn-: tions and the athletes will do DOlhing He: never wears a. costume that sible candidate. 8:30 a. m-The matutinal �or .eamli-�ta basketball players were clear- except study. strikes one in the face, or one that Weather permitting. practice will dates for higher degrees.-Quadran-Iy outplayed in the second period, The decision on entering the team fells the observer as the weare-r en- be started the first day of the spring gle club.. . h b cls f Di St ters the room. . d h h t 0 Se . II b Ilosing the game by the score of 22 to IS sn t e an 0 rector agg. quarter, 10 or er t at t e earn may 1:.30 a, m,- mor co ege cnaper,U. The game gave the Maroons un- He wrote to Captain Quigley last "Above all to be a gentleman, do receive a thorough conditioning be- Senior college class exereises=-Leondisputed claim on the championship week and stated that he may put the the right thing at the right time, and fore the intercollegiate matches Mandel Assembly ball.of Conference quintets. relay quartet against Southern col- in the right place. It is not re- 3:00 p. m.-The Sixty-sixth Uni-Captain Schommer played one of leges, Noth.ing has been beard on the quired that you be a scholar, or an DR. F. F. ABBOTT RECEIVES versity Convocation,-Leon Mand�lthe most aggressive games seen this' matter since. athlete, or a so-called 'good fellow;' PRINCETON PROFESSORSHIP Assembly hall. The committee:,ear. He was in the thickest of The Varsity relay team, Captain be a gentleman." George H. Mead, chairman;Freder-mry mixup, and time and. again Quigley, Uncle, Garrett and Shuart, Miss Katherine M. Slaught, who Takes Chait in Graduate Latin School ;c M. Blanchard, Ernest D. Burton,.leaped into the air, intercepting the handily· defeated the University of replied to the address of welcome by at Eastern University-At Henry C. Cowles, Henry G. Gale.ban intended for the Gophers, He Wisconsin ranners at the Badger the President on· bellaIf �f' th� candi- Chicago Since 18g2. Edgar J, Goodspeed. George C. How-·scored two baskets from the field and 'games Saturday night. Morris W2S dates for the associate degree, made land, Frank M. McCoy, Julius Sti�g-scven frec throws. the only Cardinal man who was a a plea· for ,greater co-operation be- Professor Frank Frost Ab�tt of litz.Page, though bandaged up as a re- match for his Maroon opponents. He tween the .faculty and the Junior col- the D •.p�rtment of Latin has· been The Procession,!IUIt of the Wisconsin gam� played succeeded in leading Lingle by a yard lege students "who seem to have appointed Professor of Latin in the The Convocation address: "Thefast, keeping Hanson, his opponent at the finish of the first quarter, He such unlimited troubles and cares as graduate school at Princeton. Dr. Rational Limits of Academic Fr�from scoring. Falls registered twice, had the pole. secured the lead at the freshman and sophomores." Abbott wiII take upu his new work dom." by Andrew Sloan Draper, I..aud Georgen and Hoffman each start and Lingle wa.s unable to get by She urged the students to carefully t1e�t autumn. Professor Abbott has L. D .• commissioner of Education foronce. Hoffman and Harris guarded bim, study their complaints, and then to been with the Uni"ersity since its tbe state of New York.1rcll. For the. Minnesota team.' Shuart quickly made up the lost present them to their proper places iounding except during the years of The conferring of degrees.Crithell registered two baskets, -Ca- distance and added several yards for the consideration which they de- '1901-2, when he was Professor of The President's Quarterly sta!e-baley onc and Anderson one. more. Garrett, who ran against �erve. "The councils are efficient and Latin in the American School of ment.In the curtain raiser the Freshmen Jeurgens, made the Badger look like willing bodies:' she �aid. "and the Classical Studies in Rome. The recession,ddeaterl \Vilson Avenue Y. M. C. A. a novice, gaining at least ten yards faculty are real1y almost human.:' He entered the University as As�o- The candidates for degrees are a!in a thrilling contest. 18 to 17. Wil- on him. Captain Quigley, with Nat- Thc speaker went on to say that the ciate Professor in Latin in I8g2. He follows:SOn seem('d to have the game cinched wick as his opponent. increased hi� parts of the' University were in a for- W:lS deparrm�ntal e�aminer from 1892 C;mdi(lates for the degr� of Bach ..in the lir:,t halt', "'ith Parker and Fa 1-. lead. and Chicago won the race by mative state. and many of the exist- to 1&)5 and in I� was given the I f r:' I • Ad I 'd '(n (,I)r 0 .':oC uC':ltlon: e aJ e � ayIe..· CdS t"·(.nty yards. ing "harcbhips" to which the Junior rank oi professor. Dr. Abbott grad-�rson 1t1 plac� of obb an tur-.. Chapin. Hazel Cummings. Gertmdeg:e I I� I d b Th" tl'm" was J:32 4-5- Each memo is subjected are due to the immatur- lIated irom Yale in l88z and took hison, t 1e . reshmen p aye etter ... ... Olive Oickerman, Mathilde Droege.t\.. 'd f I C' bAt' of the t"am WI'II r-c..:... .. a cup. ity of the college system. Doctor's degree at the !'arne Univer-,,� n Gn" rell1am er 0 t lC game. aptana... ... ...... ".. . .. e1lie e11e reen.Qark played his usual. star gam�, Dean Tufts of the Senior co1Jeges ,ity in IR9I. Before coming to the Candidate .for degree of Bachelormaking four baskets. The \;sitors ART BADENOCH IN CHICAGO addressed the candidates on their UlIh'ersity he was a tutor at Yale. of I ..1W: Gasper Edwards.committed numerous fouls, on whic.hi Arthur C. Badenoch, tackle on the chang�d relations to the Uni'l·ersity. Candidates for th� degree of Bach-Clark made four points on free Varsity eleven in 1904. and a member §;lying that the work of the �nior T. H. Sanderson Hu' the ,Maares e1or. of Arts: Hattie Rebecca Ander­:hrow�. of the 1905 championship team. is colleges was more properly Uni"er- Thomas H. Sanderson, member of �(\n, :\Iice Freda Braun�b. Pan Inow in Chicago with the University sity work �haracterized by greater this year's Varsity dcbat� team, is Vincent Harper. Hilda Evelyn Hie.of Utah basketball fi'\-e. of which he individual freedom and less personal la1(1 up in his room in Snell hall \\;th m�n7.. Thomas Canady Middeton,Chicago _ PennaylYaDia Clampion- is coach. He is here to' arrange regulation and authority. an attack of the measles. He is ex-Ibip halketbaD pme SatanIay. � pIIles lor tbe team. wbich holds die (Co�linued on �lre 2) I pected to reco�er in about ten days.it GAME WITH PEl.SATURDAY II BARTLEITvarsity Five Works Hard to pefeatQuaker Team�Ond Contest_ March 25- PBlIlEUUPPalUE DGIIt PRESIDEIT JUDSOI DEAIES I CORNELL IIl'ICIIESPROIABlE CO.VOCAnn .TOlAY;HODor Society � Three lien ESSEITIALS OF GENTLEMAI Negotiations on for ]lay Tennis TIEl . EIlllUnOISaDd Five WQIDeIl-Nambu Smaller _Tournament with Ithacana at De.Tban·Lut Wmter OwiDc to F� Tells Candidates for Associate to trait-Captain Carr Kay be Kept Spring C:;onvocation Ezerclaea to beGraduates. Avoid Pettiness and Extremes of Out. Held this Afternoon in MandelConduct. Hall.New 1Iembers.And� S. Draper to Deliver Convo·cation Addresa--Ninety-nine Titlesand Decrees to be Conferred. .r:�.-."...;in torciortnI� ainter­shouldary of)lJs.ar thelig!.tgooowatet;;ccond�ent-rgain5Vhite-d En-Went·rburs.,,roap (Continued on pa�e .. )•THE DAILY MAROON, TPESf>AY, :MAR:CH 11, 1908.-------.__ �'!The Oalc1al Student PubllcatioD of t�UD1Yeralt7 of Cblcqo.Entered sa Sec:ond·c:1asa Mall at the ChlcacoP08toftlce. Chlcaco. 11Ilnois. March 18.1903. under Act of March 3. 1879.PuhUahe4 da1l7. ucept SundQa, lion..da,.. and holldQ.. durl� three Quartersof the UDlYeral17 7ear.LUTHER D. F£llNALD. �ID& EdltorPRESTON B. GABS, Ne.. EdItor.KELVIN J. ADAllS; Athletic Editor.LOUIS S. BERLIN, Buameu lIanacer.ASSOClA TE 1tD1"I'08SWarren D. Foster,Harry A. Hansen.Jerome Frank,Albert D. Henderson.W. A. Weaver, Robert B. Owen,J. Sidney Salkey, Miss Mamie Lilly,A. N. Pfeffer, Suahindra Bose,Miss Caroline Dickey,Miss Esther M. Hall,Harvey B.Fuller, ) r,I![t t�If;:.II"� Formerl7The Unlnralt7 of Chl�ago Weeki,.FoundedThe Weeki" Oct. 1. 1892.'The D&t17, Oct. 1. 1902.lIubKrlption price, $3.00 per 7ear; $1.00f.r 8 m6nthL Subscriptions received atthe Maroon Oftlce, ElIls Ball. or at theracuJq Escha.nge. Cobb Ball.Printed b, the Maroon �bOIl. B7c1e Park 8181TUasDA Y, MARCH 17, 1908. ''Five Days . More-Then' PeDnsiIJ In accordance with its usual cus­tom the Daily will discontinue pub­lication with the issue of the las.tWtednesday of the quarter, tomorrow.....:!t·,� FairPlay"·�1'.';''.to an earned triumph,and, in the dayswhen Wisconsin teams ha\'c not bccnvictors, thcy have ncver bcen fotwdpoor losers."Chicago is to be congratulatcd notmcrcJy for victory, but for winning. on a foreign floor and before an au­dience which, while not in any wayUnfriendly to the visitors, was cJ�m­ororusly loyal to the home team."It is hard, 'where th�ee points sepa­rate champions from second-best, to servedly and congratulate . them 00 • *their winning. I t speaks much for .. One Year Ago Today *the athletic relations of Chicago and· Vice-President Fairbanks ad-·Wisconsin that bitter rivals ca� be • dressed the students of the Un:i- ..best of friends, with' the loser wish- • versity in Mandel hall. *ing the victor still greater success. • Two Years Ago Today *Chicago will reciprocate, if the op_· Chicago defeated Illinois by.a·portunity comes, as second-best, to • score ()f·.26 to )s in the second *congratulate Wisconsin, though par- • intercollegiate swimming meet, *adoxically hoping that the opportun- • which was held in Bartlett nata- *ity will be long in coming. • torium, *A present opportunity for exhibi-· The Three Quarters club fresh- *tion of real sportsmanship. however, • men gave a dance to the older *offers itself next Saturday night,when '* members in the Reynolds club. "*the Pennsylvania five, champions of .: Four Years Age Today' *the East, will play Chicago for the � Dr. Emil G. Hirsch o( Sinai *national title under" circumstances * Temple, delivered the Convoca- *similar to Chicago's uphill fight in * tion address in Mandel hall. The *winning the Western banner. While * pipe organ was used for the first *the Red and Blue will be better sup- • time. *ported in Bartlett than Chicago was * Seven Years Ago Today *at Madison, still the overwhelming ]:" The first gymnastic contest held *spirit of the crowd will be pro-Chi- * by University women took place *cago, and the Maroons will have the * in the Woman's gymnasium. *support of hundreds of enthusastic * * * * * * * * * * * *backers. The advantage is. of course, TJIE DAILY BULLETINequalized by the return game on thePhiladelphia floor, and it is no inten- Matutinal' for .candidates for highertion of the Daily to recommend any degrees will be held in the Quadran·.but a most uproariously hearty sup- gle club at 8:30 a. m,port of the Chicago five. No backing Senior college class exercises will LA SALLEfrom the stands can be too enthusias- be held at Mandel hall at )0:30 a. m. THE TIMEt.''-. College of Education chapel will' be THE PLACEBut it must be a matter of general addressed at )0:30 a. m. by Professorresponsibility' to see 'that Chicago's Myers on "The Moon and the Sun." Coming: Mar. 23-Honeymoon Trail.reputation in the East for fair play The University Convocation will beis not slurred by the acts of any held at 3 p. m; in Mandel hall. An- STU D B B A K B B. S3rd and Kimbarkmembers of the crowd. Visitors at drew Sloan Draper., L.L.D., Com- MR. ARNOLD DALY. Telephones H. P. 18 and H. P. 6QS7Chicago do not appreciate that there missioner of .Education for the State' I h P ,,:,U.MJU.l1.1.Nli N�W IN .BASEBALLn t e lay that means Somethingare always a few score "fans" in the of New York, will deliver an address THE REGENERATION Spalding'S. BOI:�C�:t. Record.audience, and credit for unsports- on "The Rational Limits of Acadern- B 0 Kild .y wen lore and Walter Hackettmanlike conduct is given to the Un i- ic Freedom." ----- --. . Edited by Henry Chadwick, teeversity audience. Intercollegiate con- Classes do not meet after )2 o'clock PO WB n. S "'Father of Baseball:' Contains au-'tests in Bartlett this year have been: JOHN DREW rnerous interesting records nevermarred by occasional hissing and ABNOUHCBMBNTS In his Great Comedy Success, heretofore collated, including winners"bullyragging" of players and offi- �p and Gown office will be open uM Y WI F S" of .National League Championshipsduring vacation week for committee each year since 1876, with games won'k. .,._ and lost and players' who batted -JDILwor ." . or better since 1876, leaders in -eachBasketball game between Chicago , 'T BE' . ,GA RBI C Jt ,':: fielding position, and' winning pitchers·,'and Pennsylvania, for the national :\ugu tu Th ' G .. Pl' each year from 1876; National AJI-- s, s. TO�E��" :r��_, ay America' selections from 1871; com-""championship, will be played Satur- - plete list of clubs, with officers and ::day night in Bartlett gymnasium. . .V.'I'f��I.NG �. dates of admission since 1876; Amer-'HOUR ican League records since organiza ..tion; World's championship recordsfrom 1884, with players' names: Base­ball Field Day records; college ree-. ,ords; miscellaneous records; all tbemajor and minor league records of,'(907; list of extra long games in1907; complete history of 1907 in baseball and other intersting matter.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.147 Wabash Ave., Chicago.Baseball Managers: Send for Spald­ing's New BasebaH Catalol?ue for1908. l\lailed free.forget "what might have been," and ..concede the victors the title unre- •cials, chiefly because no organizedeffortwas made to check the· out­bursts. It is .n.ot enough that under­graduates who attend Saturday's meetthemselves to check any incipient"fan" rowdyism that may be at­tempted. It must be a matter of Var­sity pride to treat the Easteme:.-stheir seriolls busine!'s to assembleand direct the rooters Saturday nightin a way that wi1J do crcdit to thehackers of the Western claimants ofthe national title.TURKISH / RUSSIAN 75cE PL��� c.��!H_S,25c< .r.::.p.,., ••. :-- ....., tt' uEt=S�"1( s- * * * * * * * * * * *DO YOU, REMEMBER?(Continued from page I)all nationalities and races, but o\'er50 per cent of them are fromChicago, The city has sent 373 oft� total, 1)0 are from. the state oflI1inois, 41 .from Iowa, 35 fromIndiana, 20 from Wisconsin, 19 .fromOhio, )6 from Missouri, 15 fromMichigan, 14 from New York and the�mainder from other p!aces.Last Dickens Recital This WeekM.r. Frank Spcaight '\\;11 give hislast t �\·o Dickens recitals on \Vedne.5-day cvening and Thursday aftcrnOO!lof this week. \Vedncsday's recitalwill be "A Christmas Carol;' and onThursday "Pickwick" will be. re:­peatcd by special requcst, These re­citals have always veen very pcpularso .far, and it is expetccd that manywill avail themselves of the oppor­tun;ty to hcar this talented elecution­ist, a! these are the last rccials thatMr. Speaight will give in America.Fint national championship game...... ��_. .. ��-�_. .. �� .. �--�--------------����--------IF," .OBLIGED TO DROP 0;-1":. OUT OF RESIDENCE ICOIlRESPONDEN�E-SllJDY COURSES :. . .. \Vill" �Ie you to CODtinue yoUr college work and gain the degree. 1t•IiICOae.haIf (18) of tbe'� Maion required for �raduatiOD Cflay bedoGe by �ce. OYer 300 dau-l'oom courses are thusoffered by ... ben of the UDiYenit7 Fa.c:ulties. qBesides the re i ...... � Schaa' .... CoUep Coanea. ale maD7 that ap�l totboee III diffeNDt YocUioaa-Dotabl7 to teachen. Ck Work mZl)"� at &117 tIaae. IDquire at office of'*She is the International CrazeThe University of Chicit&O - - -.THE CORRESPONDENCE·STUDY DEPARTMENT-- - - - - - - Cobb Hall, 7AFaPh• ...AMUSEMENTs....THE. WHITNEYTHREE TWINSllerriest of Musical FarcesILLINOiSBleats of Laughter Proclaim-CARL'E-in his new musical gambolMARY'S "LAMBAn all wool and a yard wide Hit.OOLONIAL'Have' you seenTHE MERRY WIDOWAND THE GIRL OJTHB' ·.A.UDI·rO.�IU.. Zigreld·s. Biii MUsical :Revue 'FOLLIES OF IO'JINT,]!�·RH.A TIaN AL'l'HBATBltCARMENIn EnglishComing: Bonemian Girl, II Trovatore,Martha.TRA VEL OV'ER THE�- ------�MONON ROUTE:'---------- -- -LAFA�TTE,INDIANAPOLIS,LOUISVILLE,CINC�ATI.DAYTON.Or any Southem PointTicket Oftice, 182 South Clark St.Depot-Dearbom Station, Polk andDearbom St. .Enalewood Station�3d Stwith the courtesy which Chicago� hasCongratulations to the Maroon always shown even its bitterestteam are ext�nded by the Wisconsin rivals, and the crowding in of a fewCardinal in the foHow- city spectators must not be alloweding sportsmanlike �1i- to spoil a c1car repute.torial of praise of theWisconsin five:U\Ve are proud of the second bestteam in western college basketball.w(' believe, in eastern college bask�t- Tlaehall ;IS well! Without (ullject�res l n Cheeringwhat might have been, we are proudof the men and of their coach for step will be taken toward winning anFast-West title in basketball. Cap- Dean Smith made the quarterlystatement of the Junior college�;com­paring the statistics of the presentquarter with the facts' concerningthe \Vinter quarter last year. HeIt took a great East-West gridiron said that there were 24 new matricu­contest to bring out Chicago spirit 'ants this quarter against 2i �a.stin the spectacular ex- year in the same period, while thehibition of the 1907 total registration in the Jumor col­Carlisle game. Satur,. leges this qtiart�r was 723 againstday night the first 582 last year. The students are ofwhat they have done d'llTing the pasttwo months, and ior the splendid rec- tain Schommer and his team oford . with which they closcd the sea- \Vestern champions deserve an ova­son. To those who saw the game last tion :'Ind a loyal support, akin to thatnight, the plucky fight from start 'to tendercd the Western football cham­finish, the nervousness exhibited in' pions bst fall. The time is ripe forevery lull of play, were proofs that, the inauguration of organized ratherwhile victory meant much to some than haphazard cheering at basketballtwo thousand frenzied rooters, it games. To cffect more clear cut andmeant far more to five men who were decish'c checring a "rooter's section"playing the game and fighting the ha5 been reservcd for the "howling- battle. Satisfaction that a team is hundrcd," to act as a llIucleus for theworking its very best at every mo- or�ani7.cd noisemaking.anent of play is the next best thing The ch('erleaders should make itshould refrain from any unfair eon­duct toward the Varsity'S visitor­rivals, but they should take it on PRESIDENT. JUDlSON DEFINESESSEN'r1ALS OF GENTLEMANGERMAN �BOOJ{SOf all desCriptions, such as claSs­ics, plays, diC?tionaries,' etc.SPECIAL DISCOUNTTO STUDENTS ••••CataJocues and quotationssent upon requeat.A. KROCH l:J CO.26 Monroe Street,' Chicago. f !Ir•ITAILORS!I149 AND 51 JACKSON BLVD.---.------_J.Robert C. Lindsay The Be'clubCLunsmOOrG(hicag(JConntr)Hotels-BeacitLINDSAY BROS.-FLOWERSFOR PRESENTATION -----AND FLOWERS FOR SOCIALAFFAIRS OF THE COMINGCONVOCATION. TH:TOEiTIlA. McAdamsFLORISTWe Iand-We--lUT.AUWe QrI Com.II. It;•i JIII...----',ProInfeRe •BORDEN'SCondensed Milk, Fluid Milk, Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed Milk CCI"327.633 E. Forty-seventh St.------�-------- -.-- - --FOWNESon the cIa�ps means qualityin theGLOVES,THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, MARCH 1',1908.! SPBJBG IS COMINGTHE UNION HOTEL And why not select your Clothesmf,��;!n�::::- I :��:�:��::� !�i::e:::'P::::I and wood browns are very modish. this Spring.The most desirable patterns aresure to be picked UP' early-why don',I you be one that seeaees ·the cream of'the showing?and Fraternity Dinners..,_____________ We have plenty: of time....now to de-.- __ -----------1 vote to. every detail 'Of your clothes.Come in and talk .over the SpringStyles. Let us show you the newweaves and colorings, whether youire ready' to ·buy 'or not.Ask ·W·.see. ourSPECIAL 'C9'-J.EeB', SUITINGS .second, Florence Lawson;. s-s and $30- .ena Underhill.Trave1ling rings - First, =MaryHeap; second. Ethel Preston; third,Bessie O'Connel.Flying rings-First, Mary Heap;.. econd, Ethel Preston. 1Horse-First, Mary Heap; second, • __Bes�e O'Connel; th�d, �hel Preston �-----�--��-�--�----�----����Parallel. Bars-First, Mary Heap;.econd, Bessie O'Connel; third, EthelI-'IISS ilEAP' VICTORIOUSII ATHLETIC COITESTIIIII••I•••I,IIIII GLOVES B. L.· AMES HAT CO.Record in High Jump Broken-MissPreston Wins Secondl MissO'Connell Third Place.ONE QUARTER CENTURY AT OLD LOCATION- NOW AT- .90. DST IIAfJ'SO.sBIEEFTlUBlJRB BUILDIlIGSTETSON SILK AND OPERA HATSA FAIR DEAL WITH EACH HAT Original Dancing a Special Feature-Winning Score 28 Points; Sec­ond 13. Third 12.UMBRELLAS :-:- CANES:-:Never was the Women's gym nasi- I'urn the scene of a livelier, more en­thusiastic performance than duringthe annual athletic meet, held Satur­day afternoon. Miss Mary Heap,with a total of 28 points, won firstplace. Miss Ethel Preston won sec­ond with IJ points, and Miss BessieO'Councl was a close third, with 12oointo;Miss Heap, the winner of the trackmeet, broke the record in the highjump, bringing it up from 4-1 to 4-3·Two years ago Miss Heap. made an­other record, on the ladder, bringingrhe time down from lIto 9 seconds.Miss Heap has won first place in the'rorse events for four years in sue­-ession, the first woman in the Uni­versity "to hold a four years' record.This is the second time Miss Heap'las won the meet, having had second:)lace in 1905 and in 1906, and first in(907, and in 19Q8..Miss Dudley presented the banner.�iven annually to Miss Heap. The.vinners of firsts are awarded W. A.A. pins if they have not �lready won'EIlCour __ 'Edgar A. BensonTHE BENSON ORCBBSTBA.The Orchestra that plays for Chicago·s Smart Sct.lSEASON 1907-190'The Benson Orchestra will furnish music for thr foItowin� well know.club throughout the season of 1907 and 1908:CLUnS-Calumet, Calumet Country Club, Onwentsia, Birchwood, Ex­moor Golf, Union League, Chicago Automobile Club, South Sherer Club,Chicago Golf Club, Highland Park Club, South Side Colonial.HomewoodCountry, Ft. Dearborn Club, New l1linois Athletic, Chicago Athletic clubHotels-Lakota, Virginia, Vendome, Metropole, The Moraine, ChicagoBeach, Potter Hotel, Santa Barbara. CaLFor open dates and other information address:Telephcne­Central 5253 EDGAR A .. BENSON40 East Randolpb Street. ChicacoTHE POPULAR PLACETO EATEither before or after theTheater.We make a Specialty of ClubI. them.The results were:Ladder, for time-First, Ethel Pres­ron, time 9 2-5 seconds; second, MaryHeap, 10 seconds.For' form-Fi�·sl, Bessie O'Connel;third, Lo-We Have No Branch Studioel- .IS ."L�.·S,I­I- .d .:: ... Phone Central 60gSHAMPOOINGr- . . Dressing, Manicuring,Facial MassageMADAME KAYNOR'S­SCALP SPECIALIST TAlLGIl FOR YOUHG lIENl'wo catol .... : .• J"p �� ... : 8t., andPhone H. P.3286 44 JacboD BoaJevardZJ7 E 55th S1.Phone Hyde - Park· 1251. Preston.High jump-First, Mary Heap;-econd, Pearl McGnnsie; third, MyraReed,Re!ay race-First, Pililosophy Col­lege; second, Literature College.Original Dancing - First. JoyFranklin; second, Bessie O'Connel;third, Lorena Underhill.20 yard dash-First, Florence Law­-on; second, Myra Reed; third, Elea­nor Freund.Junior Senior Basketball Throwing-First, Mary Chaney .After the contest, .lliss Heap ga v esome exhibition work on the bars andthe f1in� rings.The 'Officials were: :\Iiss Daly, ref-eree. announcer; Miss Livermore.timer; Miss Gladys Gaylord. scorer:Miss Ortmayer, starter; Misses Liv­ermorc. Freeman and Ortmaycrjudges.After the meet an exciting basket­ball game was played between twopicked teams., The game resulted ina tic. the score at the end of the firsthalf being 4 to 4. and at the end ofof the second 10 to 10. :\Iary 1 leapwas the star player of the -•. Blues."scoring some remarkable field goals.The AIbeI11e1C1lerS' -AfeacJ ; Florence Tyler made all the point-c.. J� AlMrt,: MlMeer3'i8 Wabuh Aft., CbicqoEstablished twenty-three years.We locate annually from sev­enty to ei'ghty·five Univenityof Chicago studente. CanSaturday and we ·will tell youof some of �r aood ¥aQU­a..Woodlawn .-Ice CreamzGo.1·,r GEORGE M. WBRNTZ. -Proprietor.Manufachrer" ofI!�!I fine Ice Creams, I,e$, :-Bc •.343 East 63rd Streft.lULL DRESS surrsTO B.BN'rT. G. SCHAFFNER a: CO.AU Sizes. Sure Fit.We carry "Society Brand" Clothes46 River Street. •• I11I:II ........................lIaDlan_ -.,.usts''mstl-a-RIa .�' ........ G8IiIIIScbanfMa. GIbe...lalYes utlaura'i�"...., I Come and see some snappy sprillI styles in College Clothes atI't BENEDICT WIILDII Tailor214 East 55th Street11 Telephone 2860. lIyde P�rk ,•••••••••••• WrIte ... CIiIIIIPI ... • CWI I , � IOIIcIIII.SlIMP e SMITII.. "I •• ....,.. .. aCIBI-IIN_"'i�S"· ... '-'11rof. Shultz'sInformal DancingReceptiont the Forum, 43d S1. .and Calumet A,ySATURDAY 8=45 to n:.;oe dance the New and Pop:!larBARN DANCEAdmission $1.00 a couple. tor the "Reds."Thr. I ine-un:Reds. B1ucs.Florence Tyler F Carol AmesAlice Gomlan :\fary HeapEleanor Freund .. C Ethel PrestonLouise Norton .... G Anita SturgesEdith Johnston Helen Freeman BRI8JfT:oNFlat' Clasp Gartersfor solid cum fort. The newest shadesand designs of one piece, ....... "web. All metal parts heavy nickel.plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair,all dealers or by mail.PIOItIEEII SIJSIIEMISI ca.. -n • ......, Sfreef ftp" ..........JI4l� 0/ Ptouer '8�FIJIT�lRobert 'Staedter Co.. 155 State StreetBetween Madison and Monroe=-Phone Central 5334furs, Suits, Coats,Millinery SkirtsWe are now prepared to show our Advance Style!'> in "Spring Suits"in the most approved materials and Models. "Best Tailor finish" rang­ing in price from $25.00 up.Latest Styles in Spring Millinery from $7.50 up. Correct Styles bothin the Most Authorative Ame-rican and European Models,Many of our Models strictly ezclu �JVe.MAROON MENWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORN£R CL.OTHESARE BUYING AGAIN THIS SPRINGCOLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOATS $35.00$c.zver {:J WDkieTAILORS 1151" De.",.", St.Bank FloorProf. f. B- Rowden's Schools and Academies of DancinfjAssembly meets every Thursday evening at U oity Club House, 3140Indiana Avenue. 'Juvenile Class every Saturday afternoon from one to four�Studio for private Iessons, 321 Kimball Hall' BId.. Wabash· Ave.. andJackson Boulevard.clasS for beginners Monday .. Tuesday and Friday evenings. .Plivate l�ons given hourly during tho day, with or without music.Children's private c1ass1 $1.00 .per month.Adults, private lessons. $i.oo with music or a guaranteecJ ·co'" ·f.$5.00 •Dainty :Delici�usPerfedly Pur e .SurpassinglySmooth'. .#._� �NiiiLi:s....... DI.mua& WonderfullyWholesomeA PROBLEMGIVEN-I. AN ABLE BODIED STUDENT. II. A LONG SUM-MER VACATION. III. AN ENSUING VACATION.TO FIND- THE WHEREWITHAL TO PROVIDE FOR:r, MATRICULATION FEES. II. BOARD BILLS. III.I CLOTHNG AND INCIDENT AL EXPENSES.FOR THE Q. E. D.-CONSULT: J.C.OBERMUELLER,)R. HOTEL IW:AROONRoom 22. 58th Street and Drexel Avenue.Hotel M:aroon58TH ST. AND DRE�EL AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 37.The BEST Served atPOPULAR PRICESRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfRIn Connection,----------------------------------------------.--------_.COLLEGE LARDERUNDER NEW MANAGEMENTPhone Hyde Park 678VIE MAKE ALL OUR PASTRIES. CREAMS AND ICES; . OF THE BEST INGREDIENTS. TRY US.I 441 EaSt Ydt:y-fifth St. H. G. HITCHCOCK, Prop.Ii-I IIIi,I��1'-�,�;., . --- THE llAILY MAR.Q.ON, 'rUESDA v, MARCH I', 19Q8. '...GET OUT IODEL EDlnOI .OF THE AURORA BaCOI half past two, when the staff gathered SWIMMERS IlEET· ILLINOISfor a picture. The news was easily AT CHAMPAIGN SATURDAYobtained, the town being anxious togive an information desired. �Coacb Knudson's lien in Fine 'FettleThe staff of the paper was as fol- for lleet--close Polo Gamelows: Benjamin Badenoch, managing Expected.editor; George E. Fuller, city editor;Charles B. Jordan, editorial writer; The Varsity aquatic teams are be­�lelvin J. Adams, sporting editor; ing put through bard work this weekMiss Eleanor Hall, society editor; by Swimming Director Knudson, inMiss Althea arren and Miss Marion preparation for the postponed meetShaffner, copy readers; Miss Louise with Illinois at Champaign, SaturdayA crowd of anxious ones was Porter, Miss Rosemary Quinn, Cole night. All the men on the team arestanding in front of the Aurora Daily Y. Rowe and G. A .. Marks.general re- in good shape and expect to repeatBeacon office. I t was a quarter of porters. :the victory they secured over thefour, and as each minute passed, the Hlini in Bartlett a few weeks ago,crowd became more anxious and CONVOCATION TODAY; The swimming events are all ex-grew in size. For at four o'clock the THEN EXAMINATI,ONS pected to be one-sided, and to go toBeacon was to appear. It was not �LD (Colltinued from pa�e I) the Maroons without any trouble,ordinary issue. Little attention Carter Godwin Woodson. but the polo game will probably bewould have been paid to it in such Candidates for the degree of Bach- bitterly fought. At the meet heldevent. eor of Phiosophy: George Harold here- the excitement of the spectatorsDown in the composing room a Anderson, Frances Catherine Baker, was kept jto fever heat in the po'odozen even more anxious than those Elizabeth Barnhart, Gladys Russell game by the close scrimmages nearwho stood outside the building.watch- Baxter, Charles Wallace Collins, both goals. The IIlini will have theed the "makeup man" lock up the last Florence Compton, Gertrude Olive advantage this time of being in theirforms. Oh, the suspense! Howabout Dickerman, Magaretta Syvilla Easly, own water, and this should make thethat "scoop?" Would it j?e ron, or George Rcin!:ard Faust, Harvey Ben- contest even closer.would the editor discover he was just jarnin Fuller, j r., Etta May Lacy, Another disadvantage againsta bit overset, and in the last hurried Lida Meredith Layton, Marguerite which Coach Knudson will have tomoment leave it out? Ellen Marks, Robert Rollins Mix, work is the fact that the tank at\Vhat was all the excitement Walter Thomas McAvoy, June Me- Champaign is five yards longer thanabout, anyway? Simply this: ·Every- Carthy, Jennie Willing McMullin, the one in Bartlett. This will bebody in Aurora knew that Dean Vin- Ella Satterthwait, Rose Josephine Quite a factor in the sixty and hun­ent's class was getting out satur-I Seitz, Nora Belle Stevenson, Morgia dred yard swims, and may make a.day's issue of the Beacon, and a like Jane Stough, Althea Hester Warren, change in the results.number wanted to see what it looked Mary Evelyn Zurawski. Lindsay and Bickel have beenlike. The subscribers had been ap- Candidates for the degree of bach- working hard to win the plunge forprised by the editor that a number elor of Science: Mathilde Droege; distance from Pillinger, the Illinoisof features, entirely original, had, been Harry Richard Hoffman,Eloise Lock- man who broke the intercollegiateworked up. The nature of these was hart, Harrison Andrew Lyding, Ade- record by going 57 ,feet, 6 inches, innot disclosed, and the suspense was laide Albertina Spohn, Annie Kath- ,the Bartlett tank. . Both Lindsay andtherefore all the greater. crine Stock, John Williamson Thorn- Bickel have been going very well inThe edition was a surprise to every- SOn the trials the last two weeks, and arebody-even the editors who got it Candidates for the degree of Bach- expected to come close to Pillinger'sout. The regular readers put a elor of Divinity: Robert Lincoln mark. No announcement of what 11-:0strong endorsement on it, and many Kelly .. Albert Clarence Saxton. linois' line-up is to be has as yetwho are not on the subscription Candidates for the deg��e of Mas- reached Dr. Raycroft, but it islist bought it out of curiosity, and ter of Arts, Philosophy, or Science: thought that Coach Hachmeister ofthey, too, judged it "great," Amanda Eddy Geigley, James Mar- the Orange and BlIue will make sev-. The members of the staff, having cus Gordon, John Cowper Granbery, .eral changes in his team and presentread the contents of the paper, and Ralph Rollin Kennan, Jose Ignacio a vastly different array from thatnoted in particular how many of their del Rosano -y Valdezco, Jessie Reid which went. down to defeat at thestories had actually seen the printed Rowat, John Elbert Stout, Bennett hands of the Maroons earlier in thepage, filed out of the office amid con- Taylor Waites. season. Coach Knudson has madegratulations of the regular staff. Candidate�' for the degree of Doc- no change in his line-up.Down the street they walked, watch- tor 'of 'Law: Kitto Stanley Carlisle,ed eagerly. by the curious ones of Edgar Noble Durfee, Albrecht Carl Chicago-Pennsy, Saturday.Aurora, who gazed in wonder at the Kipp, William Henry Leary, Perrytriumphal march. J. Long, Horace Gamer Reed, Chan-A copy of the News, the Beacon's ning Lovell Sentz.rival, was obtaine-d, and it' was seen Candidates for the degree of Doc­that exactly seven "scoops" had been tor of Philosophy: George Lane :M�el­secured by the Beacon staff. In other ton. Rowland Hector Mode, Roy Lee;\[oodie. Florence Ella Richardson�fary Emily Sincl�r. 'H. Gilmour, director of the Dra-The candidates for the title of asso- matic School of the Chicago Musicalciate are: Grace l\lary Robertson 'College. Two other one-act - playsAbbot, Samuel Barnard Arvey, How- will be given.ard Painter Blackford, WillowdeanChatterson, May Theresa Clark, John IFlint Dille. Carl Louis Valentine Ex- CANDI1i'�selscn, Isaac Edward Ferguson, Rob-] ' �c\'e�ts, in a snappy, newsy style. The crt J. Hart, Eugene Corthell Hoadley, I DeHcious Chocolates and Bonbon!cartoon by Charles Jordan, a story on Helen Elisabeth Hurd, Mary ullian in great variety, put up in beauti­a visit to Aurora by Aurora; the Kenney, Lee Joseph Levinger, Sam- fuJ bozes, suitable for presents, at"Goddess of the Dawn," by Miss uel Eslceck Lingle, Clarie Margaret 2Sr.. 40C and 60c a poUnd.Louise Porter, and some humorous Lynch, �Iyra !Halstead Nugent, Hel- Also Souvenirs and favors formatter by Miss Aethea Warren, were en Fisher Peck, Julia Reichmann. any and aU occasions.the features that attracted most at- Harry Spencer Richards, Fred Eman-tent ion. Two of the three editorials uel Roberg, Rruth Robertson, Clara Gunther's Confectioneryhad local significance. Strong Roe, �rarion Schaffner, Emily 212 State Street.The local option issue. dangerous Amanda Schmidt, India Ethelyntreading for the paper; a .story of a Sharp. Karl Park Shuart, KatharineTHERE is wanted soon a. man tosupposedly dead man being found: :\f ay Slaught, Persis Dorothy Smail-_; teach common branches in a reforma political story, and details of sev- wood, Albert Arthur Smith, Louis school in Chicago; salery $tooo aeral accidents in the town, were all Daniel Smith. Annie Cleary Temple-well taken care of. The "heads" were ton, Florence Alice Tyley, Olive Lor­written in pointed and attractive (Hc- ena U.nderhill. Roma Fern Vogt,NinaYeoman.Dean Vincent's Journalists "Seeop",Rival Paper on Every Hand­Stories Live and Snappy.Town "Covered" by Staff, News Be­ing Easily Obtained-Special Fea­tures Win Approvalwords, the News, which claims to bethe only real live sheet in the town,was decidedly "asleep at the switch." "The Strategy of Jane," a comedy­drama' in one, act, by Felix Orman(Gustav G. Abraham), will be pre­sented in Music Ha·ll, Saturday af­ternoon, March 21, at 2:15 O'"clock.The play is being staged by Mr. J.As .for interest, there was no com­parison between the two papers. TheNews had its columns filled with"dope," written in the most common­place, Bird Center style imaginable,while the Beacon handled the livetion. year. Anyone of experience inter­ested in such a proposition shouldreport at once to the Secretary ofthe Board of Recommendations.The men reached Aurora about 7:30 The Yates-Fisher Teachers' AcmeyFriday evening, and proceeded to in� �aul Yates, lIanacer Rooms for Rent.spect the town, and plan their activi- 203 Michigan Ave., Fine Arts Bldg., FURNISHED ROO M So ·Near tbetics for the next day. It turned out Chica�o. Suite 641-642 University; with or w:,hout liglltthat much inspection but little plan- Why not call to see us w�;;.. .. ��� q.re housekeeping privileges; goodning was done. Satu�day morning in the business diS. tr�t? We are eer-I :��ht, heat, hot and cold water;was taken up in serious work. The tain to have po:#ltions which would bath. Call 652 E. 57th St., secondbulk or the "copy" was written b71 be of jnterat &0 )'0& .t. ..TRADf I1AItK 'It f6lS T EJlfD12 S�,� StreetChicago, III •. 305 Pearl StreetNew York, N. Y; ,Dr. Ra� choickttball 12lId tWO(aptlin �left 'par�r: histt�m, wlgrd anWi)(()nsitbe choStiehm (CabaleyThe ,ticed yetake 'itsthe PeD)inTitedbring hifor a pTHE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANY. Phone Hyde Park 511 Kimbark Ave. and 56th St.The Cleanest and Best Kept StorageWarehouse in the City •••••Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Packed ud,Shipped to all parts cf the world. 300 Private Stor­age Rooms. Large Parlor i::xclusivcly for PianoS.Rooms for Trunks and Wheels. Large Room forCarriages, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks to lidfrom all Depots. Local Transfers for Bag�Furniture, Packages, etc .• at short notice.Special attention �ven to University Orders.--------WithFalls a100-102 RaDdolph Street, ChicagoTelephone Central 68761.J1- ...ge arrm upopponel• to. SchRISpOns.'- The Va:' J birl,.!,the. regmtes wBetwa littleimpers'ward csayed ISl)JDewandtrithe halthe auor Dr.Uoi\choicennia IRle alIIOrnil_F� teltts, IIsentdrooterThethe mSOn "day.txpec6\"e' Jth� sdo, :the pRein:'II':ls.-illlI'ilJ Ithe'AnPtct5...-ard�tntOrieKid,1I1anat t1FINEST AMERICAN CUISINE. SERVEDBOOKSThe ·'afgest stock in this counlrr-all kinds-standard, newfidion, . technical--conveniently arranged on our fWDlarge· retai' floors. Engraved Cards,ltn"ouncements, ftc.A. C. }\,fcCLURG &. CO •. <.', -. �:. 21S-�1 Wabash Avenue, Chica20.Up... �,MACHINISTS· AND 'MA NUF AC"NJRERS·Tools and Supplies.\23 and ,25' Sou t h C Ii n ton S t r e e t" CHICAGODEIIN BIIGGAGE & EXPRESSQuick 'Service our :Motto··BAGGAGE OUR SPECIALTY30 Wa�ns Daily' to and from All Depots• FUmi.- Pi8nQS� TrUnks, Merchandise and ParcelsDelivered to aU parts of the city, Depots and SuburbsMain-Office: 6154 Wentworth Ave., : �epbone Wentworth 460• 461.. Branch Office: Information Office, University of ChicagoPhone DoUglass 288 ' Phone Harrison 15gB1 71 Bast �th Street • 48 Hubbard Courtco.,Varsity···· Cafe ••55th St. and Greenwood AvenueOPEN ALL DAYMeals 20c andChop Sue), � SpecialtyTYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent­Special rates to students; bargainsin re-built machines. W, White­head, � La Salle Street. WANTED-Students to attend Eo­glcwood Roller Rink, 6432 Went­worth Ave. Every evenin&, Thurs.,Sat. and Sun. �fternoons tbroqbthe season.