SlUDum TO gil IElCOI BASKETBALL SERIES EII$. 'vUSrrY BAS fINAL ._ WOI&l.··ATHLETES-RElIIlWITH PEIIiIT FOR UW C�o FiVe to�Jude CoafenDCe FOR· TRACIIEEl TODIYin Bartlett Toqht.. MinnDOta Be-Five Representinc Jwiats Closes Sec- in. Opponent:&-Freshmen Play AmbitioUIJ to Break Recorda - Pro-ODd Season of Victories-HoUCh- Wilson Avenue. cram of· En�es Contains Manyton Picks All-College Team., Interestin& Events.Dean Vi,nc:ent, M�naging Editor The Varsiyt basketball team, cham-Badenoch, City Editor Fuller, et at, Three Lawyers, a Senior, and a ions of the Conference colleges by Sack Races, Potato. Races, Ropewill have the town of. Aurora all to Scientist Make Up the First virtue of the victory over Wisconsin Climbing and Swedish Gymnas-themselves today when the staff will Five. at Ma lison Thursday night, will tics Are Among Featuresattempt to get out an' ideal iss�e of wind up its western "Schedule in Bart-The Aurora Daily Beacon. The All-College Team lett gymnasium tonight with the Sack races, potato races, ropeThe men went down to Aurora last Picked by Coach A. B. Houghton. 'Minnesota quintet as opponents. climbing and half, a dozen othernight, and the women wil.1 make their First Team. Second Team. The members of the team are some events unusual 'to the conventionalhi . I L. F H da.. h .1% f h track-meet program, will furnish' theinvasion en masse t IS morning; eav- Raley ••••••.••• • •.•..•. ,. eu w at 'itin rom t e strenous gameing on the 7 o'cloqk train of the Au- Metzinger •.... �'F•...... Levinson with the Badgers, and expect to have means for competition to· aboutrora, Elgin and Chicago electric Mcilrath C Kuhns to work harder than usual to capture twenty young women athletes today.rnilway. Fishbein .• , ••... L G•..... Pinkerton the match tonight. Minnesota comes At' 2 o'clock this afternoon .the of­The staff of tile paper is as follows Harriman •.... R. G........... Keen directly from Champaign where the ficials will take charge of the wom-Benjamin Badenoch, managing edit- The standing of the Teams lIIini won from it by a count of 23 en's gymnasium, and the enthusiasticor, George E. Fuller. city editor. W. L Pet. to 20. - athletes will make their final effortsCharles '8. Jordan, editorial writer, Law •.•....•• ;. ...••.. 10 0 1.000 The game should be interesting to to break records and win honors. In• di h adftition to the usual events a novel .Melvin J Adams, sporting e rtor, Senior ••...••••••••••. 7 3 . 700 watc , to say the least. Minnesota'flO under duties to the home, to Miss E!eanor Hall, society editor, Science .•.•.•.......... 7 3 :700 though not having a particularly feature will be the contest in original� 'the'community and to business. Miss Althea Warren and Miss Marl- Philosophy 3 7 .300 good record during the. season, has dancing, the participants having be�n.�:.::..'.".' :�e �imes d���d;' :d.nt:�: on Shaffner. copy ,rea�ers. Miss Lou- Arts •••.....•••.....•. 2 8 .200 afforded opponents hard fights' to �v:n mlJ-sic to which they apply orig-sptaker, 10 part, t a we aJ. ise Porter, Miss Rosemary Quinn. Literature ••••••..•.•. 1 9 .100 win in all )(ames. 10a . �tpps.aubsolute:y fearless attitude toward Cole Y. Rowe and G. A. Ma:ks gen- Up ·to the last three minutes of Miss Dudley's 9:30 class.. the only·'tIl� probiems of the day. �e most eral reporters.' The intra-University basketball play agai�� Illinois, the Gophers had class, which has had Swedish"�a,;'pr:�hensive question of all that Two dailies will .have to be com- season, �hicb closed yesterday after- the �ontes<won. In the pme with nastic training may.give an exhibition'bee: ";'\01s citizens. is the prob!em peted against' t�y. The Auro� noon with a victory for Law an.d Chicago at Mitmesota, they were a.J- of that system. ..:�� ;mmig'ration. Not many wee�s Daily News and a Gennan paper are Philosophy by Ihe �core of 17 to 12; so in the Iead until near. the end, The .)unio� colleges are to be rep-�: It I ,!!s. at Ellis Island and whde tile. rivals of the Beacon, and the was declared by members of all .the Hanson and Andersen, the forwards resented in the relay. �es:. whfda� .'.. e1;.notic�d th� fi�res of the .�ember; o� the .staff.. : ....will try·tbe�r teamsc��pe.ti�g.f�.r.ho. n.or.. s.. to�. ·.t.. h. e��ga.. m.e�.now.. , a1'_d ��! consist of .sack, :potato· and clab .• ,,". 01 ,lm�lg_ratlOn, l� 1907 over, ban! es t tc\ ��!'.'!I'" .,t�f,�t�r. _,,��, !J!'����!ch,. �!� t�:,;.�et_.:!V'!},�� �; �aooI,:"f>]o'-'th"r • c''':_ .;.: ::'c;.; ',- �_5-"S·-:.';=:! .� � •- .' ",,:-.-"'>- .�.:--� � ;'� ,:;�.��, �tgraDts:. fia��'" �oJlt 'iD""itie-fie1C"� -, ., -' ., , . ea. I\. schedule of. thIrty games,. SIX 'guards..j Cabaley is the other star' 1\fiss. Mary Heap •. who won the a'th- .'. - 't ��;'and most 'of them from �taly A �rt�n has. been' 'picked . by tb.e more i�_n were ever before' atempted. memb�.r- �f tb� M�nesota �eam.· '. �etic. meet in 1907, will give some ex- '� �.'t�� rest of southe� Europe. :lass as.. the one to. be used.' It � was nan' �ff .to a.' suc�e�sflJ1 c��e, ': Dr. Raycroft win.probably put �p Inoition �work on :tlie ·rings,. the bars� �, people co�e here Without aDY� drawn bi Charles B. Jordan' and rep.. only two 'of the thirty '�emg forfelt- his: strongest tcam in. the game, but and the, horse.. J .;. ", ... '� bOwledge of popular government resents a barber .in t�e differmt p� ed, anc! the' entire schedule being .lay:� us�, substitutes.· �his means The entries:up to' yesterday were as.�_! aiaJor the sole pur�se of seeking cesses of tonsorial � treatmen!,. inter- finished on time. During 'the last that, Fans and Georgen wiD play for- follows: - .-.'� _. :': ��( the almighty dollar.' spersirig' remarks on C1UTent topi��. two seasons La� has not lost a game. �ards, .Captain 'Schommer center Clnd Ropes--Ethel _.P.rcston, Pearl Me.:. _�, "Arising in a measure from this The edit�ials have been chosen from The selection of a representative Paee,: Ho:ffman· and Harris guards. G11Isee.; �-question of immigration is the whole lmong those handed .in by members team is more difficv1t this year than Hubble and Buhlig will be first Horse-Etb;�l Preston, .M,ary Heap,·lSsue of the relations of capital and las '0 I h· ib' :.n ....·ther of the two former 'y'ears, . h· :r;' h d ·n Bessie O'Connel, Florence Tyler�of the c s, as WI a so t e squ_ s. .. C olces' u any c ang;es are rna e •b1.':'-.· The respon�ibility .of citizen- • h because of the .highet ranking of the t' h ..... II·n-IID High jump-Mary -Me. ap, Pearl Mc- .WI The staff h�s been kept I�. toac " ..ship demands that the in.terests of with· affairs in Aurora .tbc'oagb the players who participated in the The Fres!mien �;11 have their hard- Guisee; . Katherine Slaugh!, Myracapital and la�r, since so indispensi- study ot this week"s. c.opies of the series. ..fil'''''only one position is the est g;:me of �the season as a curtain Reed:h1e to each other s.hould harmonize Beacon, from which a nnmber of choice Clbsolutely dear. McIlrath �f raiser. .capt�in Clark will lead his Parallel ban:::.:-Fi�rence Tyler,· Lo­mi'�t disagree. "tipS'" have been secnred. A general the Law t�m, stands head and shoul- :oam mates ap,inst the Wilson Aven- rena· Underhill, Mary He�p, Bessie"lIach is to be obtained," con tin- line on the leading issues in the �ers over any of the other centers as ue Y. 1\1. C. A.' five, which defeated O'Conel.lied the speaker. "through insisting town and a'n idea of the. policies of a point winner and all around pl;lyer. :he · in its own gymnasium. Ladd�r� for form-�leanor Freund;IIpOD the unqualified integrity of men the paper have been obtained from Kuhns of the Science five, easily Coach Corper will use the following .Mary Heoap, Floronce Lawson, Bes-ill ",II;Ce. The only way to promUl- h B ranks above the rest because of his 'I·n-'p: Parker and Cobb, right for- sie O'Conel, Lorena Underhill; for"'(I t e �acon.. " ....pte sach a theory is by living it. and ----- .scoring ability, and gets the position ,vards; Capt.:in Clark, left forward; time, Pearl McGnisee, Etbel Preston,the struggle of a few such consden- GARRETI' AND REDDY WIN on-the second team. Halsey.' c-:nter,' Keefer, right guard, Mary Heap.;,;,.. tioas men is working a. powerful and Among the guards it is most dif- Fulkerson and Sturgeon, left guard. Rings-Ethel Preston, Mary Heap,Iar-reaching iqfluence on the country. PiDaIa of CIab ToaJDeF PJa,ed ... ficnlt to make a choice. Three men, Between the .. ha�ves of the Varsity Bessie O'Connel.�tlll, the newspapers, in the last Priae WinDen' Dec:ided. .Harriman, Fishbein and Pinkerton game, the first preliminary- in the Original dancing-Lorena Under-rnr years, have revealed along with lead the list in the effectiveness of inter-fratenaity relay races will be hill, Bessie O-C�nn�l, Joy Franklin.tK results of the good wrought by Garrett and Reddy prom the win- their work. Fishbein is undoubtedly nm. All the fratemites' have signi- 20 yard dash-J. M�yer, Eba Ras-� men, the vast need for more. nen in the Reynolds clab handicap the best blocker and field-worker on tleJ their intentiori of entering, and sel, Esther Karnopp, Alice' Grbman,W .. want moore tme optim.ism and pool and billiard toa. maments. Gar- the floor', Harriman, showed his class . k h d Mamie Lilly, Florence Lawson, Myra... the race promlscs to eep t e cro�rett won the pool finals frOm Lyon, by making twice as many baskets as . d h·1 h I Reed, Florence Tybell.mter�ste w let e p �yers are rest-the scratch man.·by tbe score of ItO his opponents. but dribbled too much ::'!t Junior-Senior basketball throwing-to 1J2. The billiard match between for saccesful team work; Pinkerto� Dancing will follow the basketball Florence Tyley, Florence Lawson,Reddy and Sheldon proved CIt close bdd the best forwards on the floor :Mary Chaney, Eleanor Freund,· JeanCclmes.fight all the way, intenst rising to a to an ev�n score, exct"pt in one game. Dr. Raycroft announced yesterday Same,s, Mamie Lilly, Clara Morton,high pitch near the close of the game, wh�n Raley ran up a score on him. that th:: ��es ,of th� Pennsylvania Aiice Groman.when each man Jacked only eight of Harriman wa.s first detcrmined upon yct be' An d....t:!nl·tely The four junior colleges will havescries ha,'c .• not ... nl ."This little definition aptly char:ac- hi� �mr.._ as one of the two for the "ali-star" flecidcd. . representath·es �n the relay races.Garrett and Reddy each win C11es. five. and Fishbein was givcn thc The meet bcgins at 2 sharp.Niblcy scored tbe high average of choice O\'cr Pinkerton, bccause of 0 Ph Y I . Con-ibg' tes to OJwwnmc Fund ak ark Takes 3d H. S. Prelimbwyt e tournament and will receive a box his absolute steadinc!"5. \Vith Pink. a e ".. J···r-. Oak Park High School easily wonor cigars. Carter, Sbeldon and Oark erton settled upon for one of the �fr Julian W. Curtiss, t�easurer of• f tllC' the Amcric;lI� ic com. mitt.ce. the third prcliminary meet of the"No man can be a good citizen tIed or the- high ma, each making positions on the team. K('cn of . . Cook County High school . dIIIt-S5 he performs his daty toward IS Seniors, Hruda of Scit",ncc, and Sa- yestc_rd,'",y received � letter �rom W��- an 001'� track championships. The scoresIris home first of all, for there lie. bath of �ilosophy,. loom up as the ter: C�mp. of' Yale ".him ytha1t were: Oak Park 24 r-4. Lake Viewtbe root of the very int�grity of the To VWt .... Worb. big men for the other place. H ",dOl. at a meeting held rece"�ly a e '6 NThe � CJ had contributed the �uin of: $500 to ,1-4. orthwestern Division 5 1-2-trae American citiz·en. Next the """'''''''·va.T ab win make a who played well at forward also, is . - . �th Grange.3. and Austin in which a man lives must trip to the lDinois Steel Works this held ov�r to tbQt position. Between to he t.�ed in defraying the expensesrtteive his attention. It is nof afternoon at J p. m. An who are. in-lSc&bath and Ke�n the latter is given of" the' Americail: tealh 'to th� 9Iym-. Raymond' D. Penny '09. of, Snellterested in tl:e trip ,,"1-' meet at the . P!C Gctm�9�t(')'be':heid at�iAndon this hall who has been ill with' measles(Continued on paae of) entral1Cfl of' CoW. Hall. . CeOllhaaed OD ,age 3) snmmer. Ih'st two weeks, is reported better•..-,yol VI. No. loS. CHICAGO .. ISATURDAY, MARCH 14, I9OB. Price TWO cent.Reads Letters Sent to Civic Federa­,.bon by Many Prom�t Menat Banquet.US FOR OEVOliOI10 CITlIEISHIP DUTIES Deaa vme-t·. au. Wall &ad Workof Quarter by mtitiac Real Hew-.paper-Ambition Is to "Scoop"Rival Sbeet&lit. Jessup Tells Common)lrealth: . CJub Citizens Should Seek GoldalRule not Calf.."Duty in politics and business�hoold include more of the goldenrule and less of the golden calf.Don't let something for nothing con­tinue to be the order of the day."1'b� words characterized the ad­dress of Mr. Charles M. Jessup of the,C�lcge ::\Icn's Political AssociationbefOre the Commonwealth Ciub inCobb Lecture hall yesterday morning.�ssup spoke on the "Responsi­·bitx*�f Citizenship" and classed.� ".. �� Pf'ssimism:ort, 'Bttwbct optimist and pessimist·The ctjffer�nce is drole;The optimist a doughnut sees,. The pessimist a hole.'1tCI·For ttrizt� the situation, but action andstnight forward devotion to dutiesof citizcn!'hip is the- form this op-timism .. Ilonld t:ake."I -;'. \. ,.•THE DAlLY MAROON, SATURDAY" MARCli 14, 1908.• • • • • • • • • • •.� -, ' ..... : ..ODe Y�....... T�.� �,.� The initial ."mber ,of tbe, Chi�·· •• aCe> .AJusDni lI�e :�de ,jts �• appearance. ,,- . 1.\\'iIlbrand's one - act comedy, * The German 'Club presented ""Jungendliebe," �s presented ,yes- ¥ the Co�dy "Ein Knapp" in the •terday afternocn j!l th.e &'e.x.oPJ4I .. �'.81"s' Chlb -tlaeater., �club theater before the members and • T1m !Yeem Aao T� , •guests of .the University. Tiver defeated - Sullivan and:"club. The cast of the ,p!lay follows: • tbus' won ,the Reyftolds 'Clu�.�LIJTIIBR D. I'IIIlMALD.' Mer'alaa I:dltor Frau von Rosen ••••••••••••• ' ••••• • • touru.:amrnt. •�N 1'. GAS&. New J:4l&Gr. •••••••••••••••• Luella De L;l;marter • Paw Yean Ap. Today •IULVUI J. ADAMS. AtIaIetIc _tor. Adelheid, her niece .•.• Theo. GoUiday * Thos. J. Meek was. selected to" � 'DAILY -BVU;z'rn, i GENUINE�IA)U18 .. BIi1IlL1N. B..m_ MaDapr. Heinrich Roller ••.••. W.·Chamberlin • represent the U.niversity iii the " I n.·U""�TItIIIFerdinand von Bruck... ••• ••• ••••• • Northwestern Oratorical League.. Sociolo", dubwill meet in front of � II V................... c. E. Pal'lDenter. n.. Ferdina nd Peck prizes of. Cobb at I p. m. for the· trip, to the 11- -SUSPENDERS.. wdJP!M,i,t!e/y oul/outHildebrand, gardner of Frau von • $25 each were won by Miss Mary * linois Steel plant. ,gDiiiI three palra ofRos P _, Swa· Um·__ :'" D-, - wl·11 meet in Lex- • orclt� suspenders; t. en •....•..••.•• -. • •• a� In. Bassett and Charles A. Bruce in • ....... _ •.". .... _ WeLLtllS tnlmltable.-Jerome Fmnk. Betty, his daughter •• Lela ,M. Wright • the finals of the Junior College * inton at 3 p. m. The topic is ",Ori- Q.ual .. � unvar,ytn�Th f II I d d R I, BaHoaLolea tnc1eatruc:tlble.AI�rt D. Henderson. e arce was we p aye an very • declamation contest. • cntal' IIJ[S.· Eudy-41_tect.allct .. hoI.:f»{comical Frau von Rosen and her * Seven Years Ago Today • Basketball Game between Chicago �genutnepalrhasnameniece Jive in the country, where Adel- I!I The new addition to Foster hall. and �inn�ota will be played at 8 p. , C&, ffi1vOT-STAMP!:1> Hl:RE...h .• I B I r . .so�a.P«U'�teve£yr!oodcJwpeid s p aymates ' are a fann boy,. wa� completed. * m. in art ett gym. _of ... Jo- _Il r_1 .... I<I... . OSTHEIMER. BROTHERSHeinrich, and Betty, the daughter of. • * *'. * * • * * * * Inter-Fraternity Relay prelimina- _CII&aTIICVU_T, P.ILAIU';LP.�Frau von Rosen's gardner. Adelheid TWENTY lIEN MEET TO ries will be run off between the halves -------------...:...:..;.falls in love with Heinrich, but Fer- FORM KANDOLIN CLUB of the �innesota game. Prof. Shultz's £1dinand von Bruck meets' her by . !,.�chance and she changes her, mind. N� OrpniA&n Calls Out Big m'OLVBAlfD:rRA� Informal, Danciofi'J:Many comical incidents arise be- Rcspoitae-WilJ H.old Tryouts --. ;Reception .:�tween Heinrich and von Bruck, and First of Quarter. -The Quadranglers entertamed last th F d S del .��the old aunt, who pretended to be at e orwn, 43 t. an a umCUIfe,:ening with their anntial formal evel"V SATURDAY 8."5 to :'.:kf!.deaf. The play ends 10mcaUy in .. f Ra h·"" ... �eo· PI�ns for the or�nlzatlon 0 a -Jack nsom has returned to t e �uniting von Bruck and Adelheid, Clnd We dance the New and PUni,versity M�ndolin club are now Uqiversity and is living at the Alpha BAR N DAN C E ;.}lHeinrich and Betty in m�rriage. weU. under way.' Yesterday mo'ming Delta P�i House. .,.. ·:':.�R.An audience of about two-hundred' ,Admission $1.00 a couple/��over twepty �en: interested' in the -The Reynolds, club g11est book ,�.> ;:..nd fifty was present ,who enJ·oyed . . . . hfOrplation of s�ch a club met 1� room records the following 'V!SltorS for t ethe play and dal1k:ed. 'gb, Cobb �all, .t() discuss matters and past· w.eek: • Charles D. R�chardson. Wood shades, fawn,h, ear the report of the bosiness com- Washington, D. c.; J. L. Hanc, ock, -�o • tePRINCELL PASSU RHODES ,px-� mma •.or at tbe mittee appoi�ted last_ week. This Edwa,rd F. Bl1l1'baker, and Bernard J .SCHOLARSHIP EXAIONATION. . commitee 'MaS composed of Ohlen- Larkin of Chicago; C. Burton· Cook,Is One of Eleven to. Succeed in dorf,' L_ong and Gilbert, chairman., Kalamazoo� E. W. Stein, Quipcy; �me")Scholarship T� Given Cum-' It was announced that seve�l new W,m.' A. GibS9D and Harry W. Ford� fpr H�or. m�n. had' beeD fOll'lld who would be of Chicago; W. B ..Wallis, Duhu,que,GERIIAK CLUB ·1tBIIDB1t8 �")UGJmfDLlBBS- Pi. STYLE • DO YOU .amIlBER?•ftII 0IIdaI .1M1IDt PUI_!eatIoa. of tileO...... qof�IIlDtend .. 8ecoDcJ.e .... Man at tbe �� Chleaco.' IlllDola, '.'�b .18,1903. 1IIlcJer Act of March 3. 1819..� �. � 8� MoD­� ,,.ad � 4arIDa tbneQauten., JIll �UalnalQ �. ,Warren D.Foster,Barl'7 A. Hansen.w. A. Weanr, Robert B. Owen.1. Sidney Salkey, Miss Mamie Lilly,A. N. Pf�er, Sucihindra Bose,Miss Caroline Dickey,Kiss Esther M. Hall,Harvq B.Fuller, Jr.l'ormerl7TIae ODlYeral� of Chleqo Weekl7.l'oUD4edfte Weetl7, Oct. 1. 1892.IIDIIIIertpUCIIl price, 13.00 per 7e&r; '1.00,_ ....ibL 8u.ertpUou recelyel at... � (MIce, Ell" Ball.�Q BzcbaDae. Cobb BalLdesirable members, and that althougha director had not yet been definitely��r�, it. �as cefltlain tbat the one� view would lend �is senrices, both,n: tryj� . ()�t prQSpective m��bersansd � 'd�e�ng. the. club- "'A pianist� �n o��.ped, and there seepl� t()be ,ample �te�al for' -the maJce-upof . tb� clu�. F�rteen mandoli�Paul P� Priricell 'og was 0Ite of· th�elev�n �u�i-�1;si\ti cand� �rom 1:'­linois in the "�'prelim�cy -RhodesScholarship, �mi�tion. 'O.,e ofthese elev�n'\riH��\ho'se'n to go to9x!ord fc,r a· tem;. oE thr� years.. ;SATVRPAY, MARCH 14, IgoR'The riitQrs :,of ,the Cap and Gownreport that during the past feyT· daysthere has ,been .a not-able decrease in the The successful . candidal� u�ceives anumber of pictures of stipend of $1.500 annually.Seniors -received by the In accordance \\olth the will of Mr.anq!J3l. Although the response to the Rhodes, tlfe Trustees in m�king their.�ll for photographs was unusually selections will consider the- candihearty during the first few weeks date�s scholarship, his prowess ill ath-afte� it was iSS1lled, unless the present lets, his �ualities of manhood, truth,apathy disappears within the little courage, devotion to duty, sympathytime remaining Wore the- final limit for and protection ol the weak, kind­�ny members of the graduating liness, unselfishness and' fellowship,class will find themselves unrepre- and his exhibition during school-dayssp.oled. of moral force of character, and ofThere is no excuse for failure! to instincts to lead and to take an in­h�d i� the Senior pictures-and terest in his them in within a very short Seventeen men entered the exam- _PaR4NTO TO' BE SUCCESStime after the request for them is ination. Chicago was represented bymade. This is the thirt�nth year two candidates, the other man beingof the University that the photo- Winston P. Henry. PriaceJl is z�phs h be d N member of the 'class of 'nn.. He wasD· - ave en use. 0 Senior '?'can 'reasonrably be supposed not to awarded an entrance scholarship; is 'know that his picture and list of Vice-president of the Junior class, aUuiftr�ty achievements are mnted. member of the Senior College Coun-And unless he is willing to co-operate cil, Lincoln House, and is on the Mr •. Edmond Privat of, Geneva,to the small extent of furnishing the Varsity swimming team. He re:- Switzerland, the youngest m�mber ofpicture and infonnation desired, his ceived honorable mention for work in the Espen.n�o congress, spoke y�ster­meatal processes are surely very Junior colleges, and a Senior schol- �y afternoon in Cobb Lecture hall.uniQUe. arship in mathematics. He was on the He �plained tbat �peranto is notThe Senior pictures should come Arts college executive committee, intended to suersede any living lan­in rapidly. The interminable delay and is a member of the Senior col- gD'age, but to furnish a common me-in securing them has alw.tys been the lege basketball team. . ditJm n( excm�2e.bane of the editors' lives a�d the The other men who were succesful ·'There is no question about Esper-main cause of late issue of the annual. in the scholarship test .were from anto being a success," he said. "Itvarious other schools in the stale has been nsed in Europe for twenty­fi�e of them being from St. Ignatius: one years by man,. organizationsPIofeaor lloulton at Indiana College. They are William S. Car- and m�ny scientific periodicals areProfessor F. R. Moulton of the as- rol, Edmund F. Cusda, James L print�d in this I�nguage on the con­tr'Ollomy department, lectured }'ast Foley, Thomas I Reedy, Joseph C tinent The congress of Esperantists,night at Indiana U,.iversity. His Roubik of St. Ignatin� College; Har- whiC;h meets ev�ry year, consists ofsubject was "The Formation of th� ris G. Hudhon, James Millikan Uui- two thousan� people who. employSolar System," in which he told of versity, Charles A. SPl1l;B1le of Ains- Esperanto exclusively among them­the new theories recently advanced worth, Iowa; Loring I. Whiteside of Hives It is only a y�ar ago that Es­by himself and Dr. ChambulaiD of Northwestern UniY'ersity.ArtJaar Wi!- peranto was first heard on this side&he ceoJou deputmcat. . Iiams of Ihe a.e iRltila .g of file AtJaatic.pb.l.7�S were �re�ent 'at the . meetingyes�erday, ,a� well as flute, guitar andvipJ�. ;a��.1\11 th�e, interested will, meet onthe first We4�,esday of �ext, quartel",when defillite arrangements will havebeen ,made as to. the time of tryoutsand plaas will be presented for thefntJlre work of the club. The try-01lts will probably be heid on thefirst Friday of, the quarter. �. OBLIGED TO,." GR.OP, �1i1�. ovr OF 'RESIDENCE �t�L J Go.I PON��DY COURSES '}}�:..� WiIIJ 70G to '-CODtiDM�..;,co11. work and gain the de�·.:_....., • '�:: • � " ,(, "I, •. ( ..'1!f�trOne-baH (�') of die 36 Majo" ftquired" for graduation ma1'�"�. . .�:doDe by corre.poadeDce. Over j)Q cJasa-room courses are '�'_offered by membera of the University Faculties. tIBesides the�i..alii HI,ah 'kbaal ..... · """ •• coureea are many. that appeal to· ...ill dHfaeat ��AOtably to teachers. tIWorl: may bec&;�-� ......... ;_at-e&ee:o( ;iF,�T$ �i).PP'SPO)lDBNCE.STUDY DEPARTMENT 'ilt'Tbe uliifti-SiiY of Cmc.,o - - - - - -- - - - - - - Cobb Hall, 'fi. �way. of Chicago;. � . Cornfield, DU­futb; Ed M�Gra�, �;�go; N. Pf�f­fer, . Colorado Sp�ngs, Colo.; D. H.lyford, Minl1Qpo)is,' Minn.; Chas.It Howe '04, Wenon� III.; EdwardPrivate. Geneva; Arthnr Baker, Chi- AN�'SPBIHG IS.COMING-:f}And why l1l()t se!ect your CI�Now and be ready· when She ap��n het" Spring Hat!:.iti,ha,kl'not tA. :\plan;:Chic;,tOI:Tt�thi"pby:TbintcllshipWC!'Inllcor nA. ()Itgc:HoltA. �A nca�o.- -The Re;�olds club smo�er, wbichCone\Vas to have been �ven tonight, has Chalk and pencil stripes, moss 'taIlSbeen called off on account of the and wood browns are very modishChicago-Minnesota basketball game this Bartlett. The most desirable patterns an-The Blackfriar poster contest it 3ure to be picke� up early-,vhY,�,is announced. will close nex't M'on�ay, you be one that secures the- cream dMarch 16.. . the showing?We ha,·e· plenty of time now to"de­vote to every detail of your clotbes.trSubsribe for Th� Daily Maroon. Come in and talk over the Sprilll: Styles. Let tis' show you the newweaves and 'Colorings, whether iaaare ready to buy or not.Ask to see ourSPECIAL COLLEGE SUITINGS$2s and $30. VAR�s._ .� of Esperanto Con-cz-.·Lectara on Uaiversal I---�---------.� Qual-::(.- YCMI caD Pa.7 tile price of 0,\lions,of G1lFOWNESGLOVES_d _, Get PennIes at71e,fit aor Hnice.TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENI'wo stores: 131 La Salle St., lDel44 Jackson Boulevard--DO YOU WANT TO STUDYIIIlURG DGIRBBRINGin the heart of a great ',mining country within sight of some of thegreatest mines, ore dressing and smelting plants in the world. and in alive �ollqe, equipped. with teachers, laboratories. and other facilities forgiving you thorough an,d pract;�a! courses in ev.ervthinll oertaining tothe business and profeSSIon of lIiIUJ1l? 'If so write to the sate School of MiDes, Universitv of Utah. SaltLake CitY, for a catafogue and illustrated circulars of information. 'Gndaate aacI aader-cnaduate courses.E '.a .... lower than the lowest elsewhere.Four-year' co.nes in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical. Chemical. anJIrrigatio.. Enainemng also given, (the last in connection with th,. StateAgriCllltural Colleee)·The Board" oi -Control of the AI- been able to play in one position, in­mni Association bas chosen Satur- stead of being forced to shift aroundday,_ J�ne 6,. as the annual alumni all during' the season. Had Exselscnday and has almost completed plans of Arts pla)'ed one position in enoughfor the celebrati�' of the day. Ac- game,s, he might have been con­side�ed.cording to th� custom of tbe associa-tion the exerciseS of the day each For the forward positions, scoringyear are in charge of the class which ability of course count� a good deal.graduated five yea.-s 1tefore, assisted The contest of the individual basketby the gracluatin,g 'class of ten years throwing honors has been unusuallyprevious. The ,exe�ci&e6 this year, close and !Jas brOU'ght out some un-A. A. U. CHAMPlONSHlPS then, will be in charge of the class usually good work this season �ret­of 19OJ, assisted by '98. Frank Mc- zinger and Mcilrath leading withQuak�r Seri.a;l and Exams Preve\lt Nair, 'oJ has been chosen general 23 baskets each. 'Those who follow(nicago from Enterirg-Ten chairman for the day, and will be are in order: Levinson, 22; Kuhns,Teams to Compete. assisted by a large committee of the .20; Sanderson7 19; CrappIe, Ii; Raley,members of his ,class. 111'. ),(cNair '5; Redfie!d and Sutherland 14 now a salesman for ·the Harris As no one is considered for 'the AII­Trust Clnd Savings Bank of tbis city. College tmm who djd not play in theThe associatioo is plranning to ;0 per cent of his team's games, San­eliminate any possibility of formality derson and CrappIe arc eliminated.creeping lnto tbe. events of the day, Mcilrath was given the ce·nter pos:­and to make it an occasion for a tion, and as it is doubtful if Kuhnspurely infonnal reunion of alumni could do the field work of a forward,and an enjoyable occasion for all he was he!d over to the center po­participants. sit ion on the second team. Metzin­The program as far as has been ger is, of course, entitled to one ofdetentlined at present is as follows: the. places·. R�ley is given the othcr I2.00 o'clock, Business meeting and one m·cr LeVinson for several rca-general t'eunion. Sons: he made a larger score in pro- .4:30, Baseball in Sleepy HOllow; portion to the number of, hah'cs inClacs of 'oJ \"s. Oass of '98. which h� played as a forward. while5:.10, Anll'UQl Alumni sing on Has- Levinson proved unable to scorek"l1 c;tt'D� - 1l1t1lCh against most of the better6:.}O, Banquet to all Alumni and a guards, and is Qlmost too light for theformal �tion of class of 1908 into place. Levinson nndoubtedly gets athe Association. The graduates at place on the seco!"d team, and theall three convocations of the year other is gi,·en to Hruda,. who. while . THEwill be �e1ved into the AssSOC'iation he played guard most of the time.,at tbis ti�_ y�t sho�ed his, ability in all the poSi-11 m f. 55 Sf.110� on tbe noor.�--.�-.� ..- .... -.��.----��----�� .. --��-- .. --�----�� .. -.:'.'1 NOW SHOWING·SPRING Jg08 CLOTHES1:'T.' • anyone to wear aDd,1� the price is moderate.{]liifteen to Thirty Five DoDarsI can 'cOnvince uydoubter tl!at my c1o,thesare good enough for• •...�,...; .1,�:� -�----� ....GENTLEMENWHO DllQ ,.llJUIUTI£IS...r.!ID �WUIllR"""BOSTONGARTERTHE RECOIIIZU ITUDAID..... T ..ta.pedO.Dne�...'MP- '>',C.USHIOIBUTTOICLASPUES FUTlO 1Hll£ • .:....nuSUPS. lUIS I. uuartlll..... ,..0.00 ....................... &.."i\RROw� SIZ£ COLLAR '� 1 ade of Clupeco Shrunk Fab�15e�2""2SeBORDEN·.Condensed Milk, Pluid II� en..and Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Comatry.Borden's Condensed IIiJk c6.327-633 E. Forty-seventh St.VARSITY FIVE NOT INOWing to the conflict of examin ..lions, and rcalizing the responsibilityoi Ghirago playing a series of games�.itj, I\'l1n:->ylvania �o:" the nat�o'lalh.1.;h·thaH title" Dr. Raycroft decidednot to enter the Varsity five in theA, A. e. games this year. This ex­plan:tticn was made ye'sterday forCJ,ic:I�(). la�t year's champions in thetOl;rt�:II11(,l1t, being an absent memberIhi� year,. The first games wiII bepby:'<1 n(,xt Thursday.The t�anlS that ha,·c signified theirintcl1ti"l1 of ct1!ering the champion­ship �l,til'� arc: Ccntral Y. M. C. A.;WeH Si(1c Y. :\1. C. A.; Wilson Ave­nue y, �l. C. A.; Detroit Y. :U. c. A.of ])('t toit. l\I ieh.; Relvcdere Y. M. C.A. oi Heh·cdcrC', .Til.; Wheaton Col­lege: tbc Chic:tgo Metcors; the. Hl111Hou<:c team; the Evanston Y. M. C.A. R('''�. :lnd the Evanston Y. M. C.� nh:�s THE DAI.LY MAROON, SATURDAY, MARCH �4,. 1908.RELAY TEAl! TO RUN ,Ill ·PRATERNITY RUNNERS I,. BA�ta�Jt oAM4S ,TOIIIQti'r To COMPETE TONIGHT', IEzpec+. to defeat W'�a: So:e PreJimiDaries of Inter-Fraternity Re- .'(lppoDeDts-�iYe 4tt1etea Wall lay Race to be Run Off at Min-Make Tl'p to Jliadiaoa. -' aesota Game. D1UNODK' '_LIKE A CAMELTo load &' Conklin Fountain Pen, jUst dip it In uyInk. press the Crescent-Filler and see it fin its owntank like a camel slaking'lts thirst. That'. all thereis .to itl No dropper-no mess DO bother. ·Do Itanywbere-any time.Coach Friend and five �rsi,y The preliminaries of the inter-Ira­quarter milers will leave for Madison ternity relay race will be run off to­this momi�K.. The occasion is the night betwen the halves of the Min­annual Wis�onsin athletic carnival nesota basketball game. ConsiderabletoD;ght in which Chicago is entered 'interest in the race is being shownfor the one mile relay for Confer- by the different fraternities, and anenee colleges. Captain Quigly. Lin- interesting contest is looked, �JF.�. Morgan and Shuart will Only eight of the sixteen fratemi­be taken. and of these the three first its had sent 'in their entries to lastnamed are 5UFe to run in the race. night. Dr. Raycroft has consentedCoach Friend has 'not fully made up to accept the delinquent names thishis mind whether Shuart or Morgan morning .•will he the fourth man on the team, The entries received yesterday areTbough invitations were sent to all as follows:the Conference teams it is practically Beta Theta Pi: Hunter, McBride:,certain that Chicago and Wiscons:n �arter. Chanters, Clark, Bacon, Gil­will he the only contenders in ftc roy and Lewis.event. Illinois has been counted on Kappa Sigma: Moore, Lightner,to enter, but has not signified its in- Newman, Ford,' Hubble; Pond.tenrion of so doing, Brand, DOIU'gherty. Bowman, CrowleyThe caliber of the Badger quartet and not known here. According to re- Delta Kappa Epsilon: Goes, Ab­ports from Wisconsjn, it is the bott, Sunderland, -Simpson, Hall,strongest that ever represented the Sherer, Morris, Barnes, Rogers, AI­college. It is made up of Morris. b��ght. Rowe, Gardner, Latham andJet'Prgens, Steinfort, and Natwick. Gilbert.Captain Quigley says he expects the Previous entries are as follows:Badgers to make -the M;'roon hustI� Phi Gamma Delta: Goodenow, Id-to win th� trophies. dings, Keefer, Lambaeh, Kellar,Baird,The report that Chicago may send Krost, Long, Brooks and Hopkins. .a two mile as well as .a mile relay, ',�hi. Kappa Psi: Maddigan, Mei�.;,team to the 'Pennsylvania games bas Sturgeon, Sheldon, McAuliffe, Kine,been started, oot cannot be confirmed Parke.r, Bliss. and Day ..or denied until Director Stagg' re- Alpha Tau Omega: Munson7 Gal­turns. from Miami. The Varsity will lagher; Murphy, Ham, Dusenbury,have -a wealth of lu:arter and half Saes, Olson, Allen, Sullivan and .Neh- iBranch Office: Information Office. University of Chicago. milers eligible consisting of Captain mar. to . Phone Douglass 288 Pboae Haniacm ·.. lsgBQuigley, Merriam. Barker, Linge, Delta Upsilon: Davis, Degenhardt, 71 Kast 39th Street 4B Hubbard CourtGarrett, Lightbody, Comstock, 'Ca- Bowman, Briggs, Bernard, Russell,nouse, Shuart, Morgan and Stophlet, Scott. Gill and Nelson.. THE ILLINOIS 'WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COIIPAKY .l\lichi�D and· Peftnsylrnnia 'will be. . Sigma Chi: Lack�er,' Christoph, .'., �e ���l�jx�.:,:�d 56th at.he chj_ef .,opponents .,f the V;u ..;ity Wendt, MacNeish7 Hoffman, CQpper, Warehouse in -1:be 'Cit7, .,.".,., � --in Fse the i,ea.m _i� e�u��e.d. Sh�w� _ Ha_yes. Ehrbom and Young:: '. F�miture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Padr.ed pd. . Sb,.,ped. to an Darts of the ,world... 3OO,..PriY2te...Stor-BASKETBALL �'Ett�� ,age' Rooms. Large Parlor �xc1usively' ,for '. PiaDos.. " Rooms for Trunks. and WheelL • Larae Room·forWITH PENNANT 'FOR LAW ·Carriaces. 'Buggies, and Sleighs. Tnmks te __(Coa�inued from. �ge I) i .. from., all Depots. Local Transfers' for �. .. 'I ' Furmtur.e_ Paekages, ete., at short notice. ' ', '.the place beceese of his good work r: - S�pea::_._ia1_a_ttleD..:..._.:t•.:.D1��.;:&i�·�v.;eu�to�U�Di�:v:.;.�aib�..:-O;�rd:;,;Ie:;a..:.;.._in all departments of the game, but .Sabath might have gotten it. bad he Prof. � B- Rowdeo·s Schools and,Academies of Daadlig"THE PEN WITH THE CRE8C£NT·nLLER�can be filled instantly without the least IncoDvenieuce. YoUcould fill it with white kid gloves on without ,danger ofsoiling. BesIdes its convenience, is the splendid writiDgqualities of tbe Conklin-the perfect feed.• � deaJen haDdle the CODkllD. If,.oara does DOt. �direct. Pricea.13.OO aDd up. 8eDd at 0DCe for haDdaome DeW cataIoc.The Coaklia r� Co.. 310 Manhaftan Bid£. Toledo, �DON'TRUN DOWN-TOWN LOOKING FOR LADIES TAILORSAND BE DISAPPOINTED IN FIT AND WORKMANSHIP.BUT CALL AT •••••I.P •. D. ""einsteinLADIES' TAILORPhone Hyde Park 1282. 4� E.. 55th 'Street.BEliN BIIGGIIGE a EXPRESS ee;Quick service our Motto ..BAGGAGE OUR SPECIALTY30 Wagons Daily to and �rom AU DepotsFurniture. Piancas, Trunks. Merchandise and ParcelsDelivered to aU parts 9£ the city" Depots and SuburbsMain Office: 6154 Wentworth Ave.Telephone Wentworth 460. 461ANNOUIiCB iPRIeGRAII' 'POR,ALUIDiI DA� EXERCISESClaSs 01 '·91 aDcI CIaa of ·03 to· BeIn Charge of CcJebration On. Satm'day. Jaue 6.Assembly meets every 1'ImtBdq eveuing at· Unity Club Hoaae,· 3140'Indiana Avenue. .juvenile Class everY Saturday afternoon from 'ODe to four.Stu�o for private lessoas, 32.1 Kimball Hall· Bid.. Wabash Aft.,· ....Jackson Boulevard. ..CIass for beginners lIo�)', T� and Friday CftDiDp.P"ivate' lessons given hourly duriDc the day, with or widaoat IIIIIIic.Cbildren's private class.. SI.oo� � montb.Adults, private lessons, SI.oo with music or a pannteed �. ferSs.oo.Dainty DeliciousPerfectly "are.Surpa_gIrSmoo'"Wonderful',Wbolesome"�'4Nui"�.... D' ....�;,�Room 22. J. C. OBERllUELLER, JR.lMAROON51th Street aDd DraeI AftII1Ie.A PRO:9LB11GIVEN-I. AN ABLE BODIED STUDENT. II. A LONG SUII­MER VACATION. IlL AN ENSUING VACATION.TO FIND- THE' WHEREWITHAL TO PROVIDE FOR:I. MATRICULATION FEES. II. BOARD BILLS. IlLCLOTHNG AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES.FOR Tlm Q. B. D.­CONSULT:HOTELSTUDENTS' LIINCIl ROOMMIKADO CArE,Meals 20c and up 0,. .. .,.--.PLEA" FOR' DBVOTIOH �O.CITIZENSHIP DUTIES(Continued from page I),-enough merely to vote. The :upliftof citizenship must come from a. con­tinued attention to the primaries, theactual choice of the right man forthe right place, and the furtheranceof. all that tends to the integrity-ofthe- man in office. Sluggards, stay­at-homes, Jagards, are not wanted. The citize.n must .fearlessly, daringlyface his responsibilities every day."To this achievement must be ad­ded a man's duty to his business; andthis duty should be tempered morewith the golden rule than with thegolden calf. Something for nothingseems to be the order of the day,and the need is for honesty notdiplomacy in business. Let there bemen who serve, not seck. Men whostand up squarely and are not afraid,and I am happy to say there arcmany such,"To you, young men and womenin coIIeges, let me say these wordsmore than to others. Have the gritto form convictions of your own andthe grip to hang on to them. We,have no room for weak-kneed, weak­hacked men."Mr. Jesup was entertained atluncheon yesterday noon by the Corn-,monwealth Club in the private dining •room of the Commons. Professors.•Merriam . and' Freund . and SamuelMacClintock were present as well asother members of the organization."The object of the league," said theguest of honor, "is purity in govern­ment and honesty in politics. Theleague is absolutely non-partisan inits purpose.' There is no doubt thatin a. few years the association wiIl bewidely felt far from the college cam­pus and will be of great significancein '.this country's' politics.",Mr. Jesup read'Tetters from' Grov­er Cleveland,Mayor McCleHan, Oscar-Strauss, Secretary of Commerce andLabor, G<wern�r Higgins of. NewYork, Baron Speck von Sternberg,Ambassador from Germany at Wash­ington, William H. Taft, Secretary ofWar, Horace Porter. Ambassador toFrance, and Joseph Choat, Ex-Am­bassador to Court of St. Jame�. Theoriginal letters are in the possessionof the Yale Good Government Clubbut copies are being prepared one ofwhich will be presented to the Com­monwealth Club. Plans were dis-'cussed between courses to hold herethis spring a mock national convcn­tion at which the probable candidates�II he nominated ..BORROWED HUMOR.'What \\'3S that?" asked one Soph­omore, as a train crossed us at high- speecf.CIA Freshman rushing to a lecture"answered another.-Acta Victorian.,Turn failure into victory,Don't let your courage fade;And if you get a lemon, why,Just make the lemon aid.-Ex.J sat on the steps at eventideEnjoying the balmy air.Frcd came and asked, May J sitby your side?"And J gave him a vacant stair.The Texan.The foTlowing is the Freshman yellat Acadia:'-Goslings, ducklings, chickens, we.Rounded up we're sixty- three;Wish I'd stayc:d at home with rnaNiDdeen-eJeyeD, Bah. Bcah. Bah J" ' , THE DAiLY MARooN,_ SATURDAY, ,MARCH 14, 1908.••• THE� ••·BRONt:HO SI1IT.�-�'Fi'�.QIIker. ,'. t('"",\�/�;WesterD-<:.;� -'Hi!.... }-.COAT and ·of fabrics in the lat-TROUSERS:�:Zs�Q and ModeVESTS of Leather, in Alligator .Ef-. fects. qA decided noveltythat has so far surpassed anything. shownin Young Men's attire. Q Particular atten­tion is called to the' unique model of theBroncho Coat as exhibited by us.qThs strap effect as carried out on pock­ets, sleeves and sides is an ' innovation initself, originated, by the swell West Endtailors and being the present London rage. ,'Dri, Rayt;:the Pel�-'the nashiP:� yestebi'PbycdJbniett .:�'25,Pili�·inif�ecessa,,1·�,· N�Yorl:ne·Val.... ' -trictice�at)(iiJiesota�O�lc;ftiae' tel�,HW.sconsiraiict -�nlc-:i:'�tain�,Iel��i�r tl" .. ";�Ise�.... _....... .s: ...Htl,.AI ali Flrsl-elass. "...r., ".e""h .. She".· ��'�Ra­!. ··r��" ,. aa.:iele&W' ill�:M:'f�After 1i<-.:'· ,'��f:to7�g'"f.:tJ.e I�'�b'Iy oatpl��it�'It' ,'FIle�ed��f�-faPtaitllCmos�. E�n:�iba1I iDte:"edtSCftIl f',",lliltoffist, kefroba scaaclGCIQ(t.'1rtILCrith�11.�ley (J'In th'dtf�ate,it a thSOn sec)q the Iktrson1tOn, :t\e reiauk .�kin�COInmiCIa'rk:hroW1I Sodd, .rand III ¢ lot b t s IITHERE is wanted soon a man to,�We Have No Branch Studioteach common branches in a reform'school in Chicago; salery $1900 �..year. Anyone of experience inter­ested in such a proposition shouldreport at once to the Secretary ofthe Doard of Recommendations.Hotel IMaroon5ftH ST. AND DREAEL AVE.Under Manacemeat of tbe Natioaal Hotel Co. Tel H� Park 37.The BEST Served atPOPULAB PRIOBSRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTERIn CoaDeetiaD �8'---- .. ·...-.s-153 "AIIASIf AVICRicAc;o.·Facilities for evet)'thinc in�ogr.apby. IPhone Central 60g I Rooms for Rent.The Yates-Fisher Teachers'· Agency I FURNISH ED ROO 1\1 S-Near thePaul Yates, Manaaer 'University; with or without ligllt203 :\Iichigan Ave., Fine Arts Bldg., housekeeping privileges; goodChicago. Suite 641-642 light, 'heat, hot and cold watet;\Vhy not call to see us when you arc bath. Call 652 E. 57th St., second"'7" E SSTl' 5T.CIlICA••• ;n the business district? We arc CCl"- flat.lain to have positions which would TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent-'he of interest to you. Special rates to students; bargaiatin re-built machines. W. \Vhite­hf":uf. .11l La Sane Street.PULL DRUS SUITS'1'0 JtD'1'T. G. SCHAFFNER a co.Aq SUa. Bare Fit.J We CUI7 � Braud" Clothes...... 8Inet.-, WANTED-Students to attend Ell­glewood Roller Rink, 6432 \Veal­worth Ave. Every evening, Than.,Sat. and Sun, Afternoons tJu:�tile KMO&