latly maroott:;;;..---- --Vot. 2. No, 106. CHICAGO, THURlSDA Y, MARCH 12, 1908. Price Two CansAudiences Have Shown IncreaseWith Eacb New Play-Tonight TO pmENr JU6ENDLIEBE CDITEST loi BY MISS IALUllNlIlAGAZINE APPEAlS PLAY AT IISCOISII FORPHILUPS AID WOLFRAM Forthcoming Issue Haa Several CHAMPIOISHIP TOIIGHTNew Features-Articles by Presi­dent Judson. Mrs. J. P. Warre:1,Miss Slaucht, Harry A. Hansen.ROBERTSON PLAYERS TO81D FAREWELL TONIGHT Six Members of the German Club toPresent Wi!dbadt's Comedy To-Morrow Aftemoon at Reyn�ld Club Chosen Victors of Winter Declama-Theater-·Dancing to Follow. non in Mandel Hall Yesterday r.Varsity Five HopefuI� of DefeatingBadcers, Leaves for I&disonTbiA Mominc., �'Brownmg Tragedy Generally Consid­ered Fitting Climax to -Sen"es ofMomin�."J ugenliebe," youthful love. will be The first issue of the Alumni M3g-presented at the Reynolds club thea- azine und r the new m nag t' .Women Speakers. Outclass Men in ,e a ement, IS Scrappy Game Before Record-Break-.ter tomorrow afternoon at 4 0' clock. b t t d'· bC 'Be" (J;.� C' a ou 0 appear, an promises to.e , . ':-cr Crowd A--.'�-Chicago�nt"est-- gmnme of "'tth on- UAa ZNMP�The play will be given by six memo the -best number of the magazine n..:":" Shavocation Program. : I,Team in rl.&lDe peebers <Yi the German club. yet issued. The reading matter hasThe University will be given an 01>- The story of the play deals with Mil'S Eveline Phillips and Phiiip been increased twenty-five pages, andthe u-nstable affection of a young girl. Wolfram were adjudged winners of several .new features have been ad-portullity tonight to see what promis-, IAdelheid, for a youth away at ';:0 -the final contest of the annual quar- ded. The undergraduate side bases to be the most satisfactory dram-1\[ lege, reports of �hose conduct have ter JU:lior College declamation com- been developed. as was planned byatic presentation given in . andel hall led the maiden to believe that she' th t d't' hthis year. when the Donald Robert son petition, held yesterday morning in e new managemen, an I IS! e sin will play to determine which ,_,{has been neglected for "wine and . . f h bo d k hR b B' �Iandel hall, as the first number in intention 0 tear to ma e 1 e h '11 h U' . -coinp.IIlY will put on 0 ert rowu- , t e two wi meet t e �lIverslty Q[song." During the first love's ab- ] . bli ti t k tbe I - -ing's "A Blot in the 'Scutcheon." the program of the sixty-sixth Convo- a umm pu rca lOB a e IJIII:' p ace or Pennsylvania quintet for the cham-sence another young man appears (\11cc .. tion. The con .. est of the. women in the old Monthly M'aroon in relation .In bringing forward this play )Ir. """" pionship of the country. The follow-Robertson has tried to bring to a the scene who. though he treats Ad- which Miss Phillips represented Phil- to the student body. ing men will �ake the trip: 'Captai:1elheid as a child, wins her love, OSOpllY. college wirh Beecher's "The The most important article of thefitting climax his successful engage- .. Schommer. Page. Falls, Gcorgen,ment at the University by choosing though she does not realize it. Driv- Martyred President," and in which month is "The New Education," by Harris, Hoffman, 'Hubble, Buhlig anden nearly frantic with exasperation 1\1 LIE R d d L' President Judson, containing the firstthe work <If one of the greatest writ- . ISS U U • U e represente rtcr- Cleary.ers of English poetry in what is char- at his patronizing manner, she forges ature with "Child Labor and the Na- public utterance by the President on Arrival in Madison will be shortlya note challenging the offender to a th d· ti I I' f th U'.I d - o· tion' seemed to merit more praise e c uca rona po ICy 0 e .mver- after noon. The squad will get in 'Inacterized as a great exarnp e of ram- duel with the first love, whom the ..atic literature, as well as an excellent than the men's contest. The speak- sity, and contains much of interest 10 hour of practice and will spend thegirl still thinks she loves. ' . b th I .d d dpiece of theatrical writing. His com- ers came up to a higher standard, o a umm an un er-gra uates. remaining part of the afternoon rest-Complications which arise !from this F t dditi t th . I db·· f I' d h . I compared to the men in the contest, 11 ure a I Ions 0 e currrcu a. an ing up for the big game.matron o, iterature an t eatrrca . situation. and' the mirth-provoKing,..-riting is rare, as may be easily re- than' is usually the case. a comparison between the secondary Probably the largest crowd thatquestions of a deaf aunt unite to form t .. . b th II d' alized by anyone who tries to read "The Homes of the People," by rammg, given y. e co eges, an ever witnessed a basketball game insome of the plays being presented to- a very' clever and entertaining plav- Grady. was the selection of Wolfram, the final training necessary for en- the West will gather in the Cardinalda let..the successful .man, who was given trance into the duties of life are some gymnasium tonight. An idea of how' 1.'.U' Although the play will be given �n 'the decision over 1. E. Ferguson, who of the points discussed, in the arti-movement undertaken by -".. C_ G great the demand for seats has been. '.' erman it is expected that many of rendered a selection from Ingersoll's de.��:� -rn --���"g: so elevate. �he hos' h' . b is indicated by, the report from Mad-.standard �f the .rioder� stage b� l�r�- 'tth os: w o a:e-thno� ct:n�efsand t .;;�It� oration:'on Humboldt; ·a1id�wh.G.·\V3S : ..._M!:s. J. P·... W�rr��,. a, �e�! �__?� i!�I!.!��_L!�J�����!� .. I!!�£�d_,.�!\,�l�:;: .: _ ... �.,.;'. e ongue 0 e a er an WI at- one' of the contestants in the contest writer of sh-ort stories, who before' T d·.enting to the public the more signifi- tend, as admission .. in company witn It' ues ay were disposed of within an''caDt plays has already met with suffi- Dancing which ended so peculiarly in a four- \l��r recen maknrnage to Professor hour; A few loyal Chicago -rootersmembers, . is . unrestricted. MdL.'-'-cfnt support to demonstrate that this cornered- tie last quarter. 11!e win- arren, was Own as au will accompany the Varsity team., .',' w.·.. ric is not in vain, When p'lays C'f will fC}lIow_ ners of the contest yesterday, each Radford writes an article of the im· It' is generally r.ealized here theThe cast of "J ugenliebe" is as iol-'lb'sen, Maeterlinck and Moliere mect receive a scholarship for one quarter portance of ,the work .done by the Badg�rs have the advantage in th�t!ow�: . University Set. dement. The writ�c the contest I'S to be played on 6l.el·rwith success berore college audien :es as a pnze. •&AIFrau von. Rosen • - ,' •. - . - - - .•..• �. • • TI' d .t d f those mem- emphasl'zes tbe ,r_ct that the hl'ghestand again receive the support olf audi- ·l� JU ges consls e 0 Il4i floor. On the other han�_.the Ma-._.,_.� •.•• �_ .•• Luella De Lamaner b f h J' II fl' s·ocI·all·d as ha b t - ttleIIces in districts like those in which ers 0 t e u�lOr co .ege acu ty woo e "e een pu ID 0 ac ua roon five is used to the nooks andAdelheid, her niece .... Theo. Golliday .. b h k r h -,Hu)) House is sit�t-ed, there is hope were present and arrived at their de· practice y t e wor ers 0.1 t e ,:)d- corners of their opponents' territo.y.·for a final Utopian stageland. Heinrich Roller •.•••. W. Chamberlin cision in less than three minutes :tf- tlcment. Captain Schommer and his team.. Ferdinand von Bruck .. - - ter the beuinning of thleir delibera- Another item of interest is a review.. As the Leav,:s," last Thursday's .,. mates are in the best shape of .he. __ _ _.c. E. Parmenter '. of the life rk f Ch I Dplay, was even better attended than Hildebrand, gardner of Frau von tlons. wo 0 ar es. ensmore seasQn, and intend to make the gamethe previous week's "The Inspector," A. D. Henderson as chairman '.)i Wyman, '72, by a class mate, Dens- interesting for Wtsconsin.Rosen •..... - ... -, ...••. Paul Swain I J . C I' C '1 'J I more is one fo the most enthus, i tic� it is exp.ected that, increasing ;n t Ie umor 0 ege ounCl, preSI''':l The Wisconsin team will be thatBetty, his daughter, - Lela M. W rigat as chairman. and all members of f.h.' me,mbers of the Alumni association.lhe same ratio tonight will find Man- � which faced Chicago'in Bartlett, withdfl hall sold out by the time the three LECTURES AT PURDUE Junior coneges were supposed to bl' He is one of the leading promoters the exception that \Vitt will be insignificant knocks are heard that r,ig- ON AGRICULTURAL PLANS ,resent.._, of the electric' light industry of Bos- Lindemann's position of left guad.� �� the bcginning of the play. A' P � Hill S- ... Ire Witt has been playing a star game_ofssastant rollessor a-- on Miss Katherine Slaught contributescOMMERCIAL CLUB MEETS tbe Agricultural Guild of the late. In the contest with IlI�ois heUniversity. INTER-FRATERNO'Y RELAY an article on "The Needs of the Wo- the Orange' an� Blue &t3r.BUSINESS MEN'S FAVOR ENTRIES ARE DUE TODAY men of the University of Chicago:' Watson, to get only one basket.--- Assistant Professor William Hill '.)f Several pressing needs of the women Swenholdt, at left forward. is alsoOzicago Association of Commer� E H .... ____._. be R d d I •the Department of Political Economy very ouse --�.._. to epre- arc name an an appea IS ma<le l)Utting up a 'strong game, but Har-Takes Organiation of Prospective • Ra Man T f th d . f .addres9Cd the Agricultural assemilly sented III ces- y eams or.. e rem� ymg 0 present condl- ris and Hoffman are counted on !o. Business Men in Tow. at Purdue on Monday evening, ::lis Already Picked tions_ Another undergraduate con- .. low him up. Page took care of Cap-_'-- theme being .'·The Agn· cultural tribution is by Harry Arthur, Han5en . R f W' . I •A . tam ogers 0 !sconslD ast time,t the regular bi-weekly dinner of Guild of the University of Chicago," The last call will sound today at on "What is a Fair Examination?" .the U. of C. Commercial club last and Will probably keep 'the Badgerin the interests of which he is trav- noon for fraternities to hand in their Some interesting and appropriate re- I d .rlight in the private dining room of ea er "rom piling up goals tonigllt.cling :lml lecturin�. entrie-s .for the relay races, the fir,.;t marks aile made by the writer, who Falls will keep his eyes Owwon fot'Hutchinson hall, Mr. Gibson, exe.:u- " '11 b ff h b' f ,..-Professor Hill brought out the pur- prehminary of which WI e nm c; treats t e su Ject rom a novel point Harp�r the Wisconsin guard whotire secretary of the Chic;lgo Assod- S d . h be h h I r'1a1 poses and methods of the guild, stat- atur ay mg t tween tea vcs <'- View. counted six baskets against him :Ita::on of Commerce, spoke to the m':n f h Ch' �I' b k b 'I � d f hing as its general purpose the prac- 0 t e Icago-. mnesota as et al . ncw epartmc:nt 0 t e maga�ine the last ga�e at Madison. Captainon the work of the a�sociatjon and !ts. .. f h' f gamc. Entrics have been coming 'n makes its appearance in this issue I'n� tical apphcal10n 0 t e sCience 0 'lg- Schommc:r and Stiehm should put "1'nefit� to the city. M'r. Gibson in- Th d d h fast, declares Dr. Raycroft. It is the beginning of a scries of stor,' '"_soriclllturc. e a \'antages an en-a hattie royal, as on the last two (t';:-tit�d the club to dine with the ways fi h' h h '1 '11 ff thought that ·cvery fraternity will cn- An attempt is begun by the edl'torse ts w IC t e gut d WI 0 er were Co'lsions. Georgen is cxpected to �Iip:nd me;Jn� committee of the down- dwelt upon and the method UPOil ter:t sextet.. to el'tabli:,h a regular fiction dep:art- a few baskets past \Vitt 'of the Badg-O\tn or':':-;lI1i7.ation at the Great Nor- which it is to be conducteu were ex- The conte�t this year promises to ment. featuring, above everythingr. :ern hotel and al:o:.o· offered to int�'l-I p'ain'('d in det:lil. he as dO!'oe and exciting as last year. clse, srortes of college life. and espe- ers.�I re, thl' c1�lh. to the Commer\:ll] 'The prospective candidate," .. airl �(:II1Y athletes of class arc- entercJ cialJy those with local color. hEle_e . ,e.n s a""Oclatloll of Gary, Ind., for a Professor HilI, "will not be admit�..:d on various teams. "nope" sheets are mClltary Rushing," a satire on the To AdoPt Exemption Gracie Systetft.':511 to the great steel plant. At pre- nn account of lack oi acadcm:c heing made ont in the differ�lIt antics of fraternity men 0If the Uni-\10 I' t A movement is on foot at Vand-:r-us (1llI1crs' the clt!b has been :\( - training and on the other hand. �he hou�es. :md cons:<lcrable speculati'Jn wrsity of Chicago at the opening of--- dre5scd I 'I \\' 11 H k n hilt university to' substitute for _. )y .\ r. . a ace ec rna , most e::densi\'e !'cholarship will nof :s being shown on the- outcomc-. :\ tl:e fall quarter, by Eleanor Day. d,l- ..L bll�ine"s manager of the University, aid a man who is afraid of work in shidd will be offered for the winning pl'ars in this numher. A humorous aminations what is known as the Ex-and h:r :\1 r. John Esher Knobel .. man- h LID F t' G d ST'heing admitted. :eam. !'otory, y ut l�r . 'ernald, entitl�d cmp Jon, ra e ystem. hiS systemager oi the Quo Y 0111lg estate. "C II S' Th Sh N rAn - th d kThe greater part of the course is de- '() ege tones as cy ould ot .. ,.mrcs e stu ent to tna e as mu:n,vot('d 10 practical farm work, !>ut Announcement of rates and times Be:' and "The Oassics of the T�n, as 80 to 85 �r cent on his daily andseveral courses in the theory of the 10f departure of trains for Ibdison for Twent', Thirt,'" a poem by Melvin J. monthly grades. This systcm iseconomics -of agriculture will be in the championship £arne toniah� "j)11 Adams, are two other contrihutions I practice� at Leland Stanford. Jr.,the curriculum_ be found posted on Cobb buDetiD. by underarraduates. Columbia, Cornell and Purdue.Performances;To Be No Exception.Dr. Raycroft and his squad of Var­sity basketball athletes will leave at9 o'clock this morning for Madison,where tonight Chicago and Wiscon-At Yale it has been decided '0-at orr. a�rd .. y" ior the individual intercol­I�ate ch:mlpionship.; in golf, tennisalld gymnastics.THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDJ\ Y, M.AaCH 12, I !)OS.WhJever \'to und:actinging wPreberI· F OBLIGED TO DROP. IOUT OF RESIDENCE �eoiUtESPON�TlJDY COURSES -.Wall enable you to continue J'OUI' college work and gain the degree. I-.rOne-half (18) of the 36 lIajora required for graduation may bedoDe by correspondence. Over 300 class-room courses arethuS otfered by members of the University Besides the replar Hich School and College courses are man,that aPpeal to those iii ditferent vocations-notably to teachers._Work IDII7 beain at an,. time. Inquire at the office ofTHE CORREsPoNDENCE·STUDY DEPARTMENTThe University. of Chicaco - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CObb. Hall, 7A-Sigma Alpha Epsilon commemor­suffer by the absence of several lead- * Miss Anna Montgomery and * ated the anniversay of the foundingo!ing social lizhts, * Robert Francis Baldwin, repre- ,. the fraternity at the local chapter We carry "Society Brand" Clothes1fReport l:as it that "Fat" Handy * senting the Upper Juniors won * house on last Monday evening. 46 River Street.was recently mistaken for Secretary * the: contest for the Ferdinand * -The newly organized MandolinTaft. "Fat" always did manage to * Peck prizes in declamation. * club will meet in Cobb 8B tomorrow Prof. Shultz'smake a big impression. 4: Four Years Ago Today •morning for the purpose of outlining1fIt is understood that Mohan Sing •. Dr. John M. Coulter. who spoke *some plans for the club's activity Informal Dancinghas been promised membership in the * at thie Y. 1\1. C. A. meeting in'" next qu�rter. About twenty men R t·Glee club, if he will enter the Uni- * Haskell last evening, addressed·"!< have already expressed their intention ecep Ionversity. • the meeting of the association on ,. of trying out for a place and many at the Forum, 43d St. and Calumet A,1fHas the Sphinx absorbed the � the advantages and work of the *more will probably appear before the every SATURDAY 8:45 to n:,jlBlackfriars? The comedy club hots * Y. M. C. A. at large. • final tryout, to be held some time We dance. the New and Poplllarnot been heard from recently. � Seven Years Ago Today *during the early part of the spring BAR N DAN C E1fCoach Wagner, when interviewed," A Canadian club composed of "(luarter. Admission $1.00 a couple.remarked that the gymnasium team * Canadians and B�itishers was or- * -The Chicago chapter of Sigmais a gym dandy. * ganized at the University. .. Chi was entertained a few evenings1fNinety-six "Greeks" are to com- * Fifteen Years Ago Today. * ago by the Northwestern chapter .. t Ipete in relay races Saturday night. * It was announced that John D. � the Chapter hOUSe in Evanston.T.he classical department sugge:;ts· Rockefeller would visit the Uni- * -Liocoln House men have invitedthat this feature be called the "Olym- * versity for the first time. * their lady tfriends to a. banquet which* * **********lows: Ireland lost to Stern, Lyon And why not se'cct your Clotheslost to Garrett, Lawrence lost to Car-] Now and be ready when She appeanter, . Gifford lost to Sunderland, Stern n her Spring Hat!' •- meet in South parlor at 10:30• Chlost to Reddy. alk and pencil stripes, moss.WSHU Correction - A belated correction Devotional baH-hour will be heldT RSDAY. MARCH 12, 1908. The finals which will follow the and wood browns -are very modiYshould be made of an error in an- at 10:30 a. m. h· S .f • d pla.ying of the semi-finals are �pe�t- t 1S. prmg.nouncing the decision 0 the JU ges IDvestigators club will meet in Thin the Northern Oratorical contest ed to· attract a large number of t�e e most desirabl� patterns mCobb '3C at 3 p. m. r t b . k d .I I d"members of the club, as the .contest su e 0 e ptc e up ear y-w ly OJIlast Friday. The decision was' that Prencb club will meet at 4 p. m. in '""U b th h·.JMiss Grim, Zedler and Fernald we:e L . promises to be an unusually close �t- e one 3t secures t e cream �extn&t<?1L he showing?piclc.ed . for third place, and not Miss ��...... R--=-' M F k one. .o ing."-Wisconsin Car- va-'...... ...,;&w - r. ran We have plenty of time now to de-diDaL Grim and Fernald, as originally Speaight of London, will give a Dick- WILL SPEAK 0 ON MODERNISM vote to· every detail of your clothes.stated. .. MChicago, in losing t!le ens recital at 4 p. m. in usic hall, __ Come in' and talk over the Sprin:"telephonic toss," lost the great ad- from" A Tale of Two Cities." F.r O'Ca1laban to Talk in Haskell Styles. Let us show you the DC'fvantage of playing the fin�l game iQr Dtini in Appreciative Mood. Bl'OWIIsOn club will be addressed hy on Eible IDtclpretation. weaves and -colorings, whether �the basketball titI� on a familia:-, The Daily Illini has the following Father O'Callaghan of the Paulist _ are ready to buy or not.rather than Wlknown floor, but lost comment to make on the lleCent tra;:k Order, on "MDdernism vs. Catholi:::- Reverend Father O'Callahan of the Ask to see oura greater ad\"3ntage in being forced meet: "Last evening's track results ism," at 8 p. m. in Haskell hall. Church of the Paulist Fathers will SPECIAL COLLEGE SUITINGSto meet the crucial test before a show that our track team is not al- Robertson pJaJ'el'S will present "J\. speak this evening in Haskell $25 and $30.howling, hostile, rather than en- ways sure of winning; although we Rloth in the 'Scutchea�" at 8:15 P "Modernism versas Catbolicis:.�'thusiastically loyal audience. Wis- have a high degree of con'fidence in m. in Mandel hall. Considerable attention has beenconsili will be ther�as much of them on ordinary occasions. Their ADOUBOBIIBRTS drawn recently to the question (nWisconsin, at le�st, as the Badger defeat at the hands of' Chicago was which Father CYCallahan will speak.gym can bold. partly due to the odd shape of the Pope Pius X. recently. issued a de·' .... eek B I G b • I Score c:lab 4ianer has bt!en po�t- -The strangeness of the floor can- trac at at ett ym, ut was mam Y from the Vatican to the el:L...-t that .·.·11 TAlLOR FOR YOUNG MERk f � poned until next week. Il�due to the good wor 0 �homm�r. interpretations of the Bible mO.1"'. t Two stores: 131 La Salle St.,'"M dd· d Q . 1 Th h 8eaion who are going to graduate ..• a Igan an ulg eye esc t ree come from Rome. 44 Jackson Boul_men made twenty-one of Chicago·s tbis quarter and want 1908 class pins.may obtain them, if they win leave The application of modern methodsa note in. box 370, Faculty Exchang-e of scientific investigation was evident­The pins may be obtained Mond37, Iy aimed at by the Pontiff arid Fatherand. will cost $2.25. O'Cal1ahan's talk should be especiallyas Burroughs is no longer eligible, am. pertinent.and the Chicago man is a sure point lOt' promenade Pictures may toe ---------------winner. When the two other weigbt obtained at the Maroon office :.)revents are introduced out-t)f-doo:s., $'s work will count lor a Re,DoJda dab smoker. schedu!edd..l I for Saturday, bas been cal�d off, ow-goo nP:l.We do not seem to have a deart:, ing to the basketball gamf" and theinter-fraternity relay races.1j"A Cardinal supporter suggests tbat" * * * * • * * * $ • • \more Stiehm in the Badger play:, DO YOU�EIIBER? :TIM CMlelal 8t1lCJeDt PabileatiOD -CIl the would give the basketball champion-UD.lTen1t7 � CbJeqo. , ship to Wisconsin. Another Ptage in .. ODe y.., Aco TodQ *Cbicago's basketball history would .. 'Law basketball team defeat.�d '"EDtereclu 8eeoad-clw Mall at the Chlcaco enable us to record the hanging of ·Philosophy team by a score of 21 *PoatolBce, Chlc:ap. illinois. March 18. that 1908 pennant in Bartlett gym. * to 16, and won the Unlversitv "1003. under Act of March 3, �8'i9. 1JSix days more. and tben .exams. * basketball championship as a »1fWe wonder ifo the Robertson play, .. result. *PablJabe4 da117. euept 8U1ldQa. MoD. "A Blot in the 'Scutcbeon," bas any * Maurice T. Price took first *dQa aa4 bolldQa. darlq three Q1Wten reference to the absence of a distinc- * place among the men and Miss �of the UlllftnlQ Jeer. tive seal at the University of Chi- • Izelle Emery and Miss Clara. *(":,,�o. * Spohn equally divided honors *LUTHER D. I'BBNALD. �D& EdItor 1IIt is altogether unfortunate that * among the women in the Junior *just because the denizens of Aurora * College ckclamation contest for *are to be benefited by the influx of a * the winter quarter in Kent"number of University journalists, the • Theater. *Score club dance should be forced to • Two Years Ago Today •PBlCSTON 1'. GASS, Me.. B4itGl".MELVIN J. ADAMS. Athletic Bdltor.LOUI8 S. BERLIN. BualD.. Manapr.ASSOCIAD II:Dl'M8SWarren D. Foster,Harry A. Hansen,Jerome Frank.Alben D. Henderson.w. A. W eav ere Robert B. Owen.J. Sidney Salkey, Miss Mamie Lilly.A. N. Pfeffer, Sunhindra Bose,Miss Caroline Dickey,Miss Esther M. Hall,Harvey B.Fuller, Jr.Formerl,.Th. UDlYenlQ of Chicago Weeki,. •.Founded�e Weeki,.. Oct. 1, 1892.The Dall,., Oct. 1. 1902.they will serve in their club room inEllis hall tomorrow evening at 7o'clock.-The semi-finals of the Reynoldsclub billard and pool tournament wi11pian relay race."lITo continue to be really different DAILY BULLB'fiN• O_rlptioo price. �.OO per ,.eIlr; '1.00for a m6Dtba. 8obllcrlptlona recelTecl' atthe IiarOOIl omce. EUls Ball, or at th�1'acult7 EschaDp, Cobb BalL from the common herd. now that fairweather is here certain men who havegone hatless all winter should dontheir unused overcoats and earmuffs.1f A fierce diamond war is threaten­ed in the jewelry circles. Another be addressed by the University chap­lain in Mandel hall at 10:30 a. m.Brotherhood of St. Andrew willPre-Medic �ub will hold a meetinga_t 10:30 a. m., at which ProfessorStieglitz will speak. close at 3 p. m. tomorrow. The latestjunior college chapel (women) will results of the semi-finals are as f'Jl-will soon begin in the Conference .."The 800 seats lleServed for theChicago gaine were all sold <»ne hourafter the sale opened at9 o'clock ·this mom-FollowthoTeamnot be overcome, nor can the hos­tility of the stands--except in pan.The small body of Chicago rooterswho are already planning to follow'the team and support it in its finalcontest, can be added to by a numberof last-minute recruits. The effec­tiveness of baving even a kw stanchbaCkers of the Maroon with the teamfrom tbe time of the game may makeall the difference between cham­pions and �econd-best. When the suc­cess of the Varsity is. thus at stake,there is no need to point out that thejourney to Madison is a sbort and in­within the rcach of points in the nine events, exclusive ofthe relay. Maddigan is to be fearedby Illinois when outdoor work comes,of good pole \"3ulters." Youmq_FOWNESGLOVES.0aD •• '.Ccmdeaed IIiJk, 1'IaI4", Cram.... ttai .......AD Bottled ia tile ec-.tr7.Bordaa's Caah. I .. Co.187-,., &. Pon, .. mdl It..GERIAN BOOKS on the man who doesn'tknow wbat'. what­you're sure to .ee themon the man who does know.Dean Mathews Scores Useless Debate"TIle iD\'cstigator, the deb.ltecannot argue a people into a religionor righteousness. It is daith that iswanted. The world can only be a contagion of faith." In thesewords Dean Shailer Mathews address­ed the divinity students on the reb­tive value of faith and investiptiOd,in the exercises of the DevotionalHalf-Hour yesterday iu Haskell As­sembl7 ball. Of aU deac:riptiona, such as claSs­ics. pia,.. dictionaries, etc.SPECIAL DISCOUNTTO STUDENTS ••••Catalopes aDd quotations-- apGD request.A. KROCH (I CO.-' • .,.. Street. Cbic:a&n.expensive one,everY student. The presence of evena few stanch backers of the Maro.)nwith the team from the time of lea,-­ing Chicago until the tide is won �rlost, may make all the difference be­tween being champions or s�con41-best. An the odds are against Chi­cago in its uphill fight, but the Ma­roon five can be counted on to maleeChicago history repeat itsel� if tbeseodds are not too overwbelming. 'I�Ellng'Seutehckst CJtrer m",ailingThe scTresh"dent :11as so I,,'omen. immatl"bad knand noThe shher. ..much,the dalowith a"Sin h:mtnt."FULL DRESS SUITSTO RENTT. G. SCHAFFNER & CO.All Sizes. Sure Fit.beforekneel 1bumsstretchbenignall her!� �ON._����L I.a..a.-.u RESTAURANT 01IIIrll7 Randolph StreetTHE POPULAR P�ACETO EAT had noI fell."ing refsistentpnce,iers, nof thethe cr. upon 1Dot blonly a'scutchwhispeheir 0"I w. Either before or after theTheater .We make a Specialty of Club .jand Fra�rnity Dinners.SPRING IS COMINGcome,"wiserhow t("I sait comman's.In 1_ProdUIwereWollefer abof NCl-3 to-8at1. ARCADEARRowaIfBI_ eauro SIZECOLLAR.• CEIfT. EACH; It "0'' as CENT.·1LIII'f.....,. ca. ..... SVITI In .day athe 1toriOtdar'sto T.playcfer.R(IndiatvalfargFLOWERSfOR PRESENTATIONAND FLOWERS FOR socIAl.AFFAIRS OF THE COMINGCONVOCATION.A. McAdamsFLORIST53rd and KimbarkTelephones H. P. 18 and H. P.'}��'" .THE. DAILY MAROON, THURtSDAY, MARCH 12, 1908 •.BU" .IN mI THERE is a line i� Robert Brown-ing's tragedy, "A Blot in theSeutehcon," that breathes the sad­ckst epitome of gir:ish lamentationever maid spoke since Ophelia wentwailing through the halls of Elsinore,The Scene is the chamber of MildredTresham, sole daughter of an an­dent and noble house. She has been,as so many of Browning's men andwomen arc, the victim of "instincts, immature," of "purpose unsure." Shehad known "the brief madness" andand now she feels "the long dispair."The shadow of doom is heavy upon tragedy, emotionally impressive andCAST 013' CHARACTERS, poetically alluring." Norman Hap-Lord Thorold Tresham ", .••. , good, speaking of Browning as a..•.••••••.•. Donald Robertson dramatist, and particularly of thisAustin Tresham, his brother... play, said: "H� is dramatic in the• 1 •••••••••••••••••• I. R. Barse sense that he gets inside of variousMildred "'I:'.-.�ham, their sister.. minds and hearts: makes them talk..•..•....... . Florence Bradley brokenly their own language." Clem-Guendolin Tresham ,their cousin ent Shorter, an intensely practical..••....••..••••.••• Alice John critic, pronounces "A Blot in -heGerard, an old Iforester ••. ,....• '!Scutcheon" to be, "not obscure" but,....•......•.....•. Robert Vivian "an exciting story dramatical'y told-Earl Henry Mertoun.Milton Sills as readable as a railway novel,' AndFirst Woman &eta�ner •....... lIrs. Browning, responding to the................. Marion Redlich passionate note of humanity in thisSecond Woman Retainer...... . and other work of her future husband,..•......•.•. Yvonne de Kerstrat defined its appeal in a poem of herFirst Man Retainer •••. J. HardingSecond Man Retainer .. G. Pierrotmuch, so to suffer," she whispers to Act I-Lord Tresham's grounds.the darkness, and to her lover cries, Act II-Mildred's Chamber.with a woman's prescience of the enol, Act I·II-Lord Tresham's Library.Act IV-Mildred's Chamber."Sin has surprised us, so will punish- Act V -Mildred's Chamber.ment." She is left alone. She stands ... --= The ,",'nspoCthe dupi. ('8,.4;:r. IL'.ft:lt-l!tc only nbso-luh'ly flat elasp I,"flrler �i .. the l:rHlIon. Killi·one of mea l�now thi,,-buythem uud Wl',:r them, The .... t'&I'is there, nnd t!ll'y ('04 ol:ly a fluarkra pair. Itcmemlwr it •��CI .. 71.�1r •• '__'_her. "Needs must sinned own: FROZEN ARTSManufacturers offINE ICf CREAMS AND ICES·Special Prices given to Fraternities, Clubs and University Affairs. I'tilt 'tiltnite.' ,86 E S1; Tel Oakland 2900 2 ast 43d treet.Which. if cut deep dOWIl the middle,_Shows a heart within blood-tinctured, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••--------------------------------------------------------�--�of a veined humanity."have I"From Browning somc "Pornegra- ,BOOKS'Is Comprehensiblebefore a pre-dieu, not daring to into a perfect passion of sorrow. Tokneel before the hallowed light that say that there is anything in its sub­bums at the Virgin's deet, She iect save what is lovely, true; dCC'piyaffecting.Iull of the best emotion, thestretches out her hands, then to the So much should reassure thc hig,popular public that too often is fright­ened away from the observation nigood acting because it has been toldmost earnest feeling and the most. " that the medium through which suchtrue and render source of interest ,,,.. .h . I' h . h actrng IS to be expressed is "deep."to say that t ere IS no Ig t m teoIt I'S bscure, Browning certainly oftensun and no heat in the blood.was, but in this wonderful compactfull of genius, natural and great tragedy 'which he wrote for Mac­thoughts, profound and yet simple ready in five days, be was as simple,and beautiful in its vigor. I know. , . . as direct, as strong, as old Testamentnothing that IS so affecting, notlllng. �I P b d 'J'. . scripture. !� r. 0 ertson an rrsm any book I have ever read, as Mil-, I I f h f .' f B .players 1\\ ve c e t t e ruit 0 rown-dred's recurrence to that "I was so. 'd .... . h fiI " I k mg s rarnatic msptratron Wit arm,voung--I had no mot ier. now-.. straight stroke, and shown the bleed-no Jove like moulding of a spl\!n-. h . I . . I tL� t tmg eart WIt lin WIt 1 1110 U mosdid thing after its conception like it.poignancy and rapture. The play isAnd I swear that it is a tragedy thathuman, and so is the present inter-pretation of it, but poetic too, likethe play. Mr. Robertson in his por­trayal of Earl Tresharn produces . "themost, beautiful effect of subtle arid The largest stock in this coun",-_ all. kinds-standard, newfidion, technical--conrenientl, arranged on our fwolarge ret:HI floors. Engrared Cards,Announcements, ftc.McCLURG & co.benign mother of Heaven she tellsall her story:"I was 50 young, I loved him so, Ihad no mother. God forgot me, andI fell." Those words steal as a sigh­ing refrain through the play, more in­sistent than the tumult of man's ven­gance, heard above the clash of rap­iers, more potent than the assertionof the' family's honor, silencing at lastthe cry of wrath: A blot there is. upon the Tresham &utcheon, butDot blood is to cleanse the shield- A •. C.2IS-221 Wabash Avenue. Chic:a!!O •.Prof. f. B- Rowden's Schoo's and Academies r of Da!,cingAssembly meets every Tbursday evening at Unity Club House, 3140Indiana Avenue.Juv:eniIe Class every Saturday afternoon from one to four.Studio for private lesson� .. 321 Kimball Hall BId.. Wabash Ave., andJackson BouleVard. .Class for �gumers Monday, TueSday and Friday evenings.Psivate lessons given hourly during the day. with or without music.Children's private class. $1.00 per month. �AdUlts,' private lessons. $1.00 with music or a guaranteed course fer$S.oo. ' must be played. If you tell Brown­ing that I have seen it, tell him that Ibelieve from my soul there is no manliving (and not many dead) whocould produce such a work."come," Austin says, but the: brother, searching pathos, of reverie and ofwiser now because he has 'learned Charge Play's Failure to. Macready rapture, Nothing could be finer, forhow to die, only smiles: The play was duly produced by example, nothing more accurately in 1'" said that yet it did come. Should Macre31dy, who is charged with hav- the spirit of the grand style of dec­it come Vengeance is God's, not ing: ruined it. The beautiful Helen lamation-which docs not mean gran­man's. Remember me!" . Faucit (Lady Martin) then in the diose than this recital -of Tres­Why uA Blot in the 'Scutcheon" early days of her career of glory, was ham's apostrophe to the dark, gauntthe original Mildred: In 1848 Sam-: guardians of his ancestral demesne.ever was lost to the stage it is harduel Phelps revived the piece wnh the trees that hear his sorrow and histo understand, .It promises enormousacting value, it tells a story of mount- sBTH ST. AND DRJaEL AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 37»Th·e BEST POPULAR PRICBSRfSTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTERIo ConnectionOI1Iy a woman's tears. "Hold ourusIisi 'scutcheon up, Austin, rio blot on .:t'."whispers the dying Tresham to :hcheir of the name. "No blot shallHotel Ms(.ro.o.D.4�NiiiI.h- ... �,,"'".s-.a-r�newNOl "moderate success," and in this conn- farewell and in some sort answer himtry Lawrence Barrett made a grace- mercifully. Here l\l'r. Robertsoning worth, and it is brief and com-ful production of it in the .earley So's. unrolls the majestic, rugged, somberprehensible.Expert observers of the cornrnercial pageant of Browning's rough-hewnDickens Deeply AJfec:ted stage_ have. always seen and warmly lines with a deliberate and masterfulIn 1843 when preparations for the commended the. practical value of hand. The traits of a nobleman,_production of the play by Macready the piece. Regarding Mr. Barrett's proud of his lineage, his patrimony.were under way, Charles Dickens restoration of it to the stage William his race, his country, proud of him­wrote the following remarkable iet- Winter called it "Robert Browning's self as their representative, yet kindlyter about it to John Foster under date superb tragedy," and Lewis Strang, and royal in his personal nobility,of Novcmhcr 25th: in his valuable history of our stage, shine throughout his Characteriza-I"Browning's play has thrown me wroll< of it a. a "strongly fateiul lion..IEDS WIN BY SMALL SCORE Snht;: Speaks on Pragmatism ':--------------IN INDOOR HOCKEY GAME Hazel Peck. Elsie Turk Assistant Professor l\[oo.� of theMollie Carrol Stella Radabough Department of Philosophy, :::)(.kl.'Janet Frott Mary Allan last night on "Pragmatism;' be foreLaura Chatfield . Lucy Brown Ithe Social Science Groups club. Pro-T· fl' h ' fessor Moore showed that each gcn-he new oor 10 t e women s gym- ,. b' d h hi h eration has 90mething which is dc�:n-nasium IS emg 1este t oroug y yed the tmth, yet supersede by m3r(the strenuous rehearsals of the am-ad,'anccd ideas. I n this connectionbitious contestants who art pnepar-Wh he cited the Ptol..?m:.�; FI:l11ctar�'ing for Saturday·s meet. ile theenthusiastic rope-climbers climb, the Dainty DeliciousPerfectly Pur eSurpassinglySmooihWonderfuJ#,Wholesome,311 .Dearborn StreetChicago, mHarrison 867.SMITH-VAILEPumping M�hiDe173 to I Final Score-Athletic Meet-Saturday Afternoon to be VeryLively.In a hotly contested game yest.!r­day afternoon, the Reds, representingthe Tuesday hockey class were vic­torious o\�cr the Blues of \\rednes- TURBINE PUldPSSTEAM PUMPSELECTRIC PUMPStheory, which has been superseded by,modern :Jstronomy. I ._------------------------------------------------------------,day's class. the final score being J club swingers swing, the runners run,10 T. This is the last game to lJe the jumpers jump, and the tim�­played in the gymnasium this quar- k('ICpers time-keep, the interested, hutTl I· I kid' At a meeting of the B1ackfri:trsler. Ie me-up was: less zea)()us on 00 crs, app au mgReds. Blues. k'll • yesterday morning. it was ckcidec.i 10every extra !'how of s 1 , conJectnre, d' SI R \'� F ,. II' H postpone the midnight supper. scheli-n la larp .... �. ' .... "e le cnry the outcome and tell how "So-and-E 'I D I I C F E I G ld t ulcd for tomorrow night, till Ap"i1va �'ac ona (. . •.... '.( na ou So won a pin last year 'in that MUllllargar('t Rowbowthan with a record of 3:2." I' nh. The club has been planning·L.W.F,Olivc Rmhrook for several wecks to give a midnightHdcn narker ... R.H.B. supper in the Common!', but the man-Gertntde Huesing�r The U.nivcrsity of l11inoi5 is !'oon agement refused to accommodate :hcElj,�:lhcth Franklin.C.H.B. to havc a number of new huildings c:!' party and they were forced to seekFlorence Manning the result of recent appropriations hy other quarters. T�e place of the ban-Sec ...... L.II. B. Bernice Croker t he State legislature. .. quet has not yet been decided up.>n.Blackfrairs Postpone Banquet A. PROBLEMGIVEN-I. AN ABLE BODIED STUDENT. II. A LONG SUM-MER VACATION. III. AN ENSUING VACATION.';TO I'IBD- THE WHEREWITHAL TO PROVIDE FOR:I. MATRICULATION FEES. II. BOARD BILLS. III.CLOTHNG AND INCIDENT AL EXPENSES. .FOB. THB"Q. B. D.-CONSULT: J. C. OBERIIUELLER. JR;HOTEL �AROON58th Street and Drezel Avenae.Room 22.P.-r ,",i-:"";','s.,:10:'! .., ,: ...j .�'"I","j II.!I" •Iii:;I� ;''1:" .I"t J. SENIOR I'IVE CLOSESSEASON WITH VICTORYThe Literature collegle' of Women-YOIIDC Leader Baa SpRad Knowl-A _;_ n..:..tet' Gets l:a of the 36 Pomts gives the .last luncheon of the qu�r- 'Il"__ All.uut "C-ter today in Lexington. Mrs. Fbnt edce and Use of �&antoMade-Science-Law Game Today. Ova- the World.will be present.Mr. Edmond Privat, one of theforemost exponents of the Esperantomovement, will give a llecture on theEsperanto language Friday afternoonat 4 o'clock in Mandel hall. Mr. Pri­vat was born i� Geneva .Switzerland.He is but 18 years old. but since 1903.when he came upon a chance copy (Ifan Esperanto grammar and appliedhimself to learning the languaqethoroughly, he has been anactive ;,d­vocate of the world�wide use of thelanguage. He believes that in the'Case of its spread in every civitizedcountry, it will bring golden opportu-nities to its users and better under­Metzinger •..... R F. • •.. Luckenbill, The origin, growth and purpose ofstanding between nations.Exselsen the Student Volunteer band were ex- Mr. Privat has been a delegate '0C Ex I plained yesterday in speeches by D. r.every Universal Congress of Esper-Visher •••.••.•••.. • . . . . • • se senh 1WoMram Henderson, the University c ap am, antists since 19(>4. He has broughtand members of the organization. about its use in schools in England.Pinkerton •...••.. L.G. • .0 •..... Long The occasion was the rally held !OFrance, Switzerland and Prussia, has �Keen .••••.•.•••. R.G. • •........ Leaf acquaint the University public with published several pamphlets on Es- ,the aims of the society. peranto, and has delivered innumcr- �Baskets .from the field-Bliss, Met- Dr. Henderson, in making the lead-able lectures. In the course of his tzinger 3; Keen 2, Pinkerton 2, Wol- ing 'address, pointed out the oppor- work he has traveled over a larze ifram 2, Luckenbill, Long, Leaf.8, tunities now open in the foreign mis-part of Europe and is now visiting.Baskets from free throws-Bliss d f d to Jane Ad- . Ision field, an re erre America, where he has already visit-��mbma �m�h�d�t�H�H���an �a�ttnciti��d&�ftredmore ._� � � �Referee-Houghton., example to his auditors. than fifty lectures. He will remnirrLaw �i11 meet Science this after- fThe other speakers at the. meeti�: in Chicago a week, carrying on ;liSnoon in what promises to be the mostwere Florence J. Chaney, Eleanor " . Esperanto work at Northwestern 1interesting game of the season, Law Whipple, G,erhardt C. Brennec�e, university and other places.has already clinched the champion- Benjamin J. Badenoch, George M._ • '.shl�b�Scimti�are��rm��to C�"�m��KLa���d A�neYa�����e�Ag�(y ��==============;==����=������win this game, and thereby obtain a thur \V. Hummel. Paul Yates, Manager, Suite 641-1clear title to second place, instead of 6.12. 204 Michigan Avenue. Finegetting a tie with the Senior five for Arts Building, Chicago.the' second honors. 'TO TELL OF RUSS� INFLUX "1 am very glad to state that myThe standing of the teams is as. . --• • experience with the Yates-Fisherfollows: Dr. Goldenweiser' to Address Political Teachers' Agency has been veryW. L Pet. Economy Club. Tomorrow Evening. pleasing as well as profitable.Law' ••..•••• '. '" •...... 8 0 1.000. -. Through their help I obtained myScience 0 •• ···7 2 .778 "Russian Immigration to t�e U�lt- present position in East DivisionSenior ; .. ; ••..••••••. ·7 3 - 700 ed States" is the topic for dISCUSSIOl) High School, and I heartily recom-Philosophy •..• _· •• ···3 6 ·333 at the Political Economy club's ��et- mend their agency as being reliableArts ••...• _ .• , •.•••.••• 2 8 .200 ing tomorrow evening. The, meetmg and up _to date in every respect."Literature •....••••.••. 1 9 .100 will be held in Cobb 3C at 8 p. 1�. E. E. Perkins, (University of Chica-Dr. E. A. Goldeaweiser, who wll1 gO, A. B.) Matheintics in East Di-speak, has been making special in- visio.:t High &:hool� Milwaukee,FOR;S.EES ALUMNI MEMBER vestigation of the subject under the Wis.OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES auspices of the Carnegie Institute,Washington, D. C. Besides Dr.Burt Brown Barker Points Out Im- Goldenweiser is a native born Rus-portance of Alumni Association sian, so is doubly able to Candidates for Degrees.The groore:Senior. Students' Volunteer' Band Addressedby Chaplain Henderson and SixMembers.The Senior College basketball :tveclosed its season yesterday afternoonin grand fashion by playing a ligh�­ning game against the rejuvenatedArts team and winning by the scoreof 24 to 12. Pinkerton's work was.easily the feature of the contest. Hescored two baskets himself in addi­tion to feeding the ball in well andholding' his man. Bliss scored eightpoints out of ten free throws. The Green room women will m!din Lexington at I :30 today. instead ofGree� hall, as at first announced.. Miss Anna Ray. of Northwestern,has been visiting in Foster hall.Candy will be on sale in theLeague room tomorrow ..STUDENTS HOLD RALLYArts,Bliss L.F WolframLuckenbillBurt Brown Barker, president c f To Arouse CoUece Spirit.the Chicago Alumni association, ad- A series of covocations at the noondressed the Seniors who are to take hour has been arranged at Wisconsintheir 'degrees next week,' yesterday for the purpose of getting the stu­morning at 10:30 o'clock in the lee- dents together and developing atnre room of Cobb hall. spirit for the whole university. TheHe urged every Senior to join tile Daily Cardinal. incommenting editori­association, and thus keep interested ally on the matter, says:i� the work of the University, and "Jt has been remarked that Wis­also recommended that all present � consin alumni are lacking in loyal:ysign the subscription blanks Of the I and active interest, and we are 'lb­Olicago ,Alumni magazine, which liged to admit that the criticism is ingives the news of all the classes every a large measure justified. Comparedmonill. with the alumni of the other collegesMr. Barker said that he had 111) and universities our graduates takedoubt that in a very short time there but an indifferent interest jn their al­would be an Alumni member of the rna mater. The reason for this atti­Board of Trustees of the University. tude 011 the part eX the \Vsiocnsinto act for the Alumni in plans for :ts men and women has never been Jolt­growth. He urged every. Senior to isfactorily explained. We offer tbejoin the association at once. suggestion that it may be in a largeGeorge Fairw.eather, editor of the measure dUe to the fact that thl!reCl1icago Alumni magazine, also spo�e is too much specilization and too lit­regarding forthcoming alumni ccle- tIe generalizatj!on-too much engin­bration!t, mentioning the ball game eering or law and too little Universi!yto be held on almuni day in June, the of \Vi"consin.alumni song and the alumni b,anquet.Norman Barker, president df the Se­nior class, also addressed the Seniors.asking for their support to the alum­ni association. One of the Cap "ndGown editors told the Seniors aMutarrangements for the publication �ftlleir pllotographs in tile Cap andGoWD. Zueblin Speaks at Come1LProfessor Charles Zoeblin recentlyspoke at Cornell. In .,Ilis address heasserted that this a godly but immoralage, and censured the inconsisten:yof many who make dClO1It confes-.sio .... TRAVEL OV'ER THELAFAYETTE,INDIANAPOLIS.. LOUISVILLE,CINCINNATI.DAYTON ...Or any Southern PointTicket Ot&ce, db South Clark St.Depot-Dearbom Station, Polk an.Dearbom Si.Eqlewood Statio�3d St.TIIe ..... f.�ladIas" AtmeJDo you expect to teach next year?Why not enroll with a first-ca-sAgency. and thus put yourself in linefor the best posit;ons?Young men who can teach ModernLanguages, take charge 0If Athletics.or hand1e Commercial subjects inspecial demand.9 Jackson Boulevard.Phone Hanison 3921.Try I elMSllledaberliselleat iDThe Dail, .,roo� To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in aJJ'f;Ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its on,tank like a camel slaking its thirst. That·s all thereis to it t No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do it.anywhere-any time. ., SELF' PENCONlUN'S FILLiNG :MTHE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"can be fi11ed instantly without the least inconvenience. You �could fill it with ·white kid gloves on without danger of .soiling. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writingqualitits of the Conklin-the perfect feed.� dealers handle the CoDkUn. If yours docs not. orderdirect. Prices. 13.00 and up. SeDd at oaee for handsome Dew cataloZ..The CoaIdia Pm Co., 310 l\l.ohaUan Bldi., Toledo, Ohio (._�Vol.---IBI�FarewCOliCHfMICAL, PHYSICAL, fLfCTRICAL andSURGICAL GLASS APPARATUSWE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO DESCRIPTION.Any Apparatus Made to Order ]lloreI:Vel']"I \1ml"· ..eru!sin, 31ment�pot1c. tendergirl \\Miss"A HIwho tMildn:.lJ�stot'��'Jl;�l�_,";..' I�efl.'- ''',. p_orti(J.mend:eellenWi!,'.� erw. J. BOEH�MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERPhone Main 27000 171 E. Randolph Street.)'?Wel,'�1���Lc�.. T;.. .Thr: scene:'poweldead:-prtul:: ilt .,:.'tiroaCHICAGOIlENT ,II TYPEWRITERWe;wiIU:ent you a Monarch Visible Typewriter, and if you'decide � to purchase. 91e will allow a full month's rent to ap­ply on the price.Liberal rates for siX months rental".. Jut IcIima:Mr.clecidlwork.eertailentTh.mentSCtneway 1tion.the season. howe�����--------------------------------------------- .. � ntbatshoaltight-o\hSfrie!baVtpleaslD�ntof th.. ImtellthatRobecult IhimTh"Thein Ifconsrace; " ./�THE MONARCH TYPEWRITERCOMPANY.:as E.rMadison St.Phone: Central 6362.STtJDENTS' -LUNCH ROOM-'1' H"f:"'-'-M: I-'-KA,�'D 0 . �C A F E ,j1m f. 55 s�.. .Meals. 20c and upTYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent-Special rates to students; bargains Rooms for re-built machines. W. White- FURNISHED ROO M 5-Near �.head. l6 La Salle Street. . University; with or without &Pt-W ANTED-Stucknts to at�nd En- housekeeping' privileges; POiglewood Roller Rink, 6.t32 We�t· ,light, heat, hot and cold wmljworth Ave. Every eveninc, Thurs., bath. Call 652 E. 57th St., s�Sat. and Sun. Afte'moons tJirough flat. Open all daj.• ...AIOSEIENTS....CO'LOBIAL,Haft 70U seaTHB lORRY WIDOWShe is the Intematioaal Crue P·OWBn.SJOHN DREWIn his Great Comedy Success,""M Y W I FE"LA BALL.THE TIllETHE PLACEoAND THE GIRLComing: liar. :a3-Hoae,moon Trail. THB GARRICKAugustus Thomas' Great PbyTHEWITCHINGHOUR'lB. WHIT.BYTHREE TWINSMerriest of Musical FarcesSTUD.BAlt.aMil ARNOLD DALYIn the Play that means SomethingTHE REGENERATIONBy Owen Kildore and WalterHackett THE AUDITORIU.Zig{eld's Big Musical RevueFOLLIES OF 107------_ .. __ ._ILLIROIBBleats of Laugllter Proclaim--CARLE-in his new musical gambolMARY'S LAMBAll aU wool aad. prd wiele Hit IKTBRBATIIlKALTHBATBRCARllENIn EnglishComing: Bohemian Girl, It Trov�t()lt,Martha..