Intly !lnrnnnCHICAGO, TUESDA Y. �IA�CH 10, 1908. Price Twe» CeDts-UYCROFT'- DISCOURAGED TO BOlD Rlmrm IEUY' 'ARSm -ATHIIfES SWAMP' 'II?SY�, HOLOGIST WHO LEAVI ,_:, ' '_ FOR JOHNS HOPKINSAT BASKETBALL PRACTICE Firat Prelimiaary Will Be Run,Nest IWIOIS TEAM, 55 TO 31 ',Saturday-Dr. Rqcroft AImOunt'CS 'Details-Entries lIust Be in By Coach Friend's Men Star in MostTh1ll'Sda7 Noon. Tbiilli!:� Meet in Years-ReversalsAre Frequent. CORIELL'S BID FOR GAlEWITH YARSm ACCEPTEDSaJS Playing of VlaRity Lacks SnapaDd Is Not Up to That of theWisc:onsin Fivo. Students Glad Director Stagl Has �ArranEed Match on IIarshallField With Itbic:ans.Dr. Raycroft yesterday announcedplans for the interfraternity rehy Work of Quigleyl Lingle, Steffen,races, the first -preliminary of whkh' Garrett, Caldwell and Scho.r.Dlerwill be run off next Saturday in con- Stira Huge Crowd.JIIdison Chosen for Playing Cham­pooship Game With BadgersThursday Night. Agree on November 14 as Date-Wis­consin to Be Played November21 at Madison.nection with the Chicago-Minnesotaf t h' quad..,i Var'Dr. Raycro t pu IS s basketball game in Bartlett gymna.ii- Chicago, 55; Illinois, 31.'t basketball men to work yesterday Followers of the track tC:l111 spentSly• h W' urn.for the championship game Wit IS-T'�e sixteen fraternities have been yesterday in rejoicing at the vh:t.,ry.'n n"'xt Thursday at Madison. ,F' d' II I'J'consl .... divided into four groups of four teams of Coach Orten s at 1 etes .ovcr 1-He said after practice that the work each. All entries must be in at J Jr. nois Saturday in Bartlett, 1 twas not particularly encouraging; Raycroft's office by noon Thursday.' earned. not won by a streak ot lucklacking briskness. He admitted that It is expected that every fraternity It was not the weakness of til'! 11-it is unfortunate for Chicago's chan- will enter a team. The races were lini but the strength of t he i\'41r("J!l';ees that Madison was chosen instead popular last year. that brought the winning ':!l1d IIf theof Chicago for playing off the tie thatThe rules for eligibility specify that score to the University. Never di-l aDO� exists between the Varsity andall fraternity men may compete ex- squad of athletes enter '1 meet morethe Badgers. cept those who have .won points for determined and in bccter c-mdit ionMadison was chosen through an un- the present Varsity of Freshman than Captain Quigley's t'!ll11.usual process. With "Ned' Merri-teams, This does not exclude those Illinois, on the other hand <ec'lWc.!am as Chicago's representative, Dr. who competed OR tformer' track teams, to be looking for a victory, and r !Iy_lUycroft arranged with Dr. C. P. Six men will run 'on each team, �ng chiefly on the glories of the �r.'tHutchins of Wisconsin for the ilipp- each runner to cover one lap. Four meet to bring it. In other words theiDg of a coin by the later to determineteams -will run at a time, two on each state university athletes were slightlyd be his duties- as professor of experiment-whether the game shoul contest- side of the track. The winning sex- over-confident. the Wisconsin game.fl 'B t �I and comparative pS,ychology at 'ed on the Badger oor or m ar -tets will run against each other at I n not one event did Illinois cap- Wisconsin authorities state that .Di-. Johns Hopkins University, is a pro-lett, Luck favored Wisconsin, succeediDc .;Rces. 'The' champions ture more points than at the' down- rector Stagg wrote them to change'h d'f ' , (duct of the U nivcrsity of Chicago, V"It docsn'f make so very muc I -'II b ' "t'� wit' h- a trophy. In state meet and in only three diu it the Qat,e of the game with the arsityDRaft WI e presen IC'U having received his degree of Ph, D.Ierence after al1," said r. aycr order to pay for this prize as well as come, through with as btany. These to November 21, one week later than'h T here in 1903., ''yeste�day� "·T-hQugh I should rat er tbe:,:ldmissio�.to -sames' at:wnich -the were _.the, mil.e,� fiftl"_:.,yaid., ,da�h.:' �d , the original date, The propositionhave the contest played here, I should races will he-'nin. off, an entrance fee Pole' vanlt.. -, .Dr. Watsoil is author of numer- was approved of by them 'without hes-pick the \Visconsin gymnasium above of $2 will be charged each team, Not since the 61 to 25 victory of 11- .ous scientific works, his most promin- ieation,any other in the West as my second Following are 'the' divisions decided linois three years ago has a meet cnt works being "Animal Education" The game with Cornell will, there-choice." on by Dr. 'Raycroft: been the scene uf so many reverses as and "Kinaesthetic and Organic Sensa- fore, be the last for the Varsity �The Varsity men are anything but Division I":"'Alpha Delta Phi, Phi the one Saturday night. Even the 46 tions, Their Role in the Reactions of Marshall Field. To play the conclud-optimistic over the fact that the de- Gamma Delta, Alpha Tau. to 40' prediction, considered radical at the \Vhite Rat to the Maze." He is nig contest away from home is anciding game is to be played - in the Division II-Beta' Theta Pi, Sigma best. was far from strong enough. also noted for his extensive reseaches unusual experience for the Varsi�yenemy's territory, They' see small Nn, Psi Upsilon. 'em Psi. ' The work of eight Chicago men wilt in the field of animal psychology. D,'. teams.hope of victory, and will be satisfied Division lII�Delta Tau Delta, Phi not be forgotten for some' time to Watson has been connected with the Dr. Raycroft says th.rt nothing, :nif they can only 'hold the Cardinal Kappa Sigma� F!ai Delta Theta, Sig- come. Steffen, by his defeat of Jenk- Psychology department of the Uni- far as he knows, has been done in tilequintet to a low score. On the rna Chi. ins, the Illinois hurdler, Captain Quig- versity for live years. and was ap- way of scheduling a game at I,h�:astrength of Wisconsin's victory at Division IV-Delta Kappa Epsilon, ley and Lingle through winning the pointed associate professor this year, in '909. Cornell wanted one thereMadison and the closeness of the Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Sigma, Del: � fro� Lindberg, who was conceded last year.score at Chicago, 'the horizon is not ta Upsilon. a victory by the most conservative GRADUATES AT COMING As for the other games, little doubtdear, followers of the team; Garrett, who CONVOCATION, TO MEET exists among the students that 1Ib-The members of the team are still COIIIIERCIAL CLUB TO DINE equalled the gymnasium record in the nois, Indiana and Purdue witl be I il�sore ,from the strenuous game with 11- - half mile, and Shuart, who reversed Norman Barker and Burt Brown three teams to fill the open places onlinois in Bartlett, and probably, will William Gib.oa to be Gaest of New.,. expectations by defeating Hanley. Barker to Ten Them Their Du- the' Chicago schedule. But r;,r the' not be in their best shape in the -� CIab. the Illinois crack; Caldwell, who ran ties As Alumni. fact that Speik will coac-t Perdue, i�game with the Badgers. They will the best two'miles of his career, g:\ln- :s felt that the Boilermakers mitt!.t '.ehave their last practice this afternoon. The Commercial dub o! the: Uni- jog over half a lap on Miller of IIIi- Norman Harker, .president of the dropped from the Chicag- s.ihednle,The hope that Illinois would be able versl'ty will hold a dinner in the Com- nois, and �fcFarland, his' team mate, S· I 'II dd tl di- t'111<!r c ass, WI a rcss re can 1- INTERNATIONAL CLUB ELECTSto make the' extra game unnecessary mons on March II, in honor of Mr, who took second close to Caldwell's dates in the coming convocation to-by ddeating the Badgers has enti re ly William A. Gibson. the executive heels; Schommer, who scaled the bar morrow morning at 10:30 in Cobb Ollie ... for Spri.qr Qaanec BleeWdvanished. Rennacker, the star center, se creta- ry of the Chl'cago Association - f t 9 3-8 . ch"'s an<1 thereby I . I II H' "'II be I"" at;, ee :n ... • 6ccturc 1a. IS tOPIC WI t lc at, MeetinC-New lIembers Ad-is ronfincd to a hopsital with typhoid of Commerce. forced Washburn of l1Iinois into sec- relation of the student to their class. mitted.fever, and Illinois' championship as- Mr, Gibson, who is an authority on ond pace-the peliormances of al1 and its organizations and acth'ities,pirations are no more. matters pertaining to commercial ac- these athletes served to stir the largl' Warren D. Foster or Harry A.The outcome of the game wi11 b� th-ities in the city, and who is well crowd into a state of unusual l'nthusi, Han�en will also sJ)cak at this meet-.for the remainder of the year werewatch cd with more keen interest than known among such circles, both as a :Ism.. ing in regard to the Senior pictures. dected at a mcctins- of that Ot"ganiza-h:-s 'hel'l1 exhibited toward a basket- srwoaker and a practical administrator, III' . h If' I' I I 'II... � For a while the mOis an� 0 \\'nte-Ui)� :11)( so tort 1 t lat WI ap- tion on Saturday. The staff chosenban conl('st in years. The winning '11' h h' f dd f the C . ,WI give t e c Ie a �ss 0 leather lun�s was joyful. the 11Icago pe:lr in this ye:lr s is�ue of thc Cap is: O. F, Forum, presid�nt; 5. W.ttam will accept the challenge of the 'k' l'....r th ught J k' Ge,'emng. ta 109 up a Ine �I 0 rooter�. qUl'ct an(1 hopeful. en 'ms ant! own. I,r ' !.I P I W dU .."I sii, "Ice-presment: au an er, cor-nh'crsit), of Pennsylvania for the h h C . I I b h be n '(t at t e om mercIa c u ave e L_at out Captal'n Quig!e'l.· and .. \ a'l.' Thc csident of thc ChicaO'o Alum- J R B 'IK" J J ... responding secretary; . , enZles,colh·giate titlc of America, f II' 't' h h' of ak Io OWing GO an tee olce spe - broke the tape ahead of Steffen in tIe ni As!'oci;·t ;011. Burt Brown Barker recording secretary, and C. J. Benitez.StefFen Gains Three Votes on Recount ers this Qtlarter. premilinary heats of thc tifty yard will ;tl�o addrc.·ss the !'ttull'nb, speak, tr(.'a�urer,A r('('()ll11t of the \"ot�s for pre�ident dash. Jenkins a'nd Brown ran the in� of their rl'iations to the gradu, Thl're was chosen a program com-of the Reynold's club was held yes- Pr;sid;nt Hadley of Vale, has re- first heat �f the hurdll's in record :ttl' .. and thl' all1mni org:lniations. mitt('e. consisting of Jerome Frank,teMay :lft('rnoon, and Walter p, S,tef- ttlrned after a three months' sojourn time. while Steffens made his hl'at Tht' \,;t!ue oi thl'sl' nH'eting ... which Sudhindra Bose and S. \V. Hsn, waslen gain('d threc ,'otes on John 'F. at the University of Berlin where 'Ie one-fiftlt of a second slowcr, ha,'" no\\' h('comc rc.·gular. is realized also appointed to arrange for the sO-Dillc, the successful candidate. The deli,'ered a series of lectures, \Vhilc the finals of thc.'se two e,'cnts and they haw hcc.'n carcful1y system· dai affairs of the club."ote as corrected is 212 for Dille and Profe�sor H. R, Fairclough of Stan- were anxiously awaited, the milc run atizl"ci. l1y mt'ans of them the grad, After the election. H. L Lager-19i for Steffen. The discrepancy liu ford. hall been appointed as Amerit'all was called. It was e\'idcnt ofrom the u;,ting student is ahlc to gct a c'car green. the representative of the Cor­in the f:let that, three ,'otes which proft"ssor to take c�arge of �he start that Hinman of Illinois was bent idt'a' of the ,"arion .. institutions con, nell chapter, addres�ed the members,Wcre cont(.'!'ted at the first cotlnt were ."merican School of Oassical Studies on brin�ng his team first, and three nectt'd with each alnmntl!' or the Uni- speaking of tbc growth of the Inter-adniittcd at the recotlnt. The original in Rome dari .. 1910. laps from the finish, the race was ad- vei-�ity and comt's cfirectly in touch national clubs throughout the coun-nUmher, however, was corr�ct, as far President Woodrow W;)son ofI with the leadcr� of these ,'ariol1s in-as the hallots allowed. were con- Princeton, ha."I retarued to his wortc terests.�4. i after a foar weeks' rest ia Benauda. (Continued on paae 4) At last the Varsity d'ootball sched­ule is considered complete. Follow­ing the opening of negotiations by theCornell athletic authorities for a gamewith Chicago next fall came the an-nouncement yesterday that the heardof physical culture and athletics hassanctioned the request of DirectorStagg for a contest with the Cornelleleven.The news of this arrangement cameas an agreeable surprise, to tho! ,;1\\­dents yesterday. It has been tltOU«lt.tthat Cornell's challenge would not beProfessor J obn Broadus Watsonconsidered on account of the insist-P ROF�SOR JOHN. BROADUSence d'rom Ithica that the clash beWATSON, who will leave the held on November 14, which had pre­University in September to assume viously been decided as the date ofOfticers of the International club(Continued on paae 4)THE D�LY MAROON, TUESDAY, MARCH 10,1908.��������T���������������������������������:'��_. �'JIIarUn and assistaDts� If the Junior exems- * • • • • • • • • • * '� -----_..,...;;....:....J ...... : .. �es really amount �o.�nythiag would it • DO YOU ItEIlEIIBER�.» : .• :.�.�. IF 00' BUTLloGF�DR"·.c-TOS·10"- DERNOCPE ....i" ,'De c.cIaI IItadeat ..... � tile be amiss if even a few fuJI-fledged •. ......tJ .. � tit aiIcaao. professors �ho�ld drop in on the e�- � ODe Y., "0 T� .' *. CORRESDRN.., BENe.'., E-SYlJDY COURSES,;� _., • . ereises some time? '* Final pb�s were announced for" *' • y. Will enable 700 to � J'OUl' coUece work and gain the �Entered as Sec:ood-Class Matter PJerhaps,. as has been jocularly sag- * making the Cap and Gown dis- * �,. 8' , . f[ One-baU (18) of the' 36 Majon required for graduation �; Lo..uarch 1 • 1903 at the Post Office:lt gested, it might nat be a bad idea. in * tinctly the publication of the * -, •Chicago, Illinois, under Act of M,arcb order to secure a re�nable interest * Junior cIa"5. * done by .. :c:_orrespoD4_ience. Over 300 claaa-room COUI'ICI_8 ' thus ol"ered 1»7 membera of the University Faculties.3. I � among the faculty, to require their at- * Chicago swimmers defeated 11- *tendance, as the student presence is. * lmois, '1 to 2. * tI�� .. � .. �:.!!�.ScbooI and Colleee courses are.�� �. aapt 8u4Q11. MoL and to have them hand in slips at the * Literature College \yOn the}un- • tba� ap�.;.to �ose in different vocationS-notably to teadIiiI.'� � .� ,4� tlanecaaanera "oor. * ior college basketball champion ... ·- '«[Work mar'_'�� at -7 time. ._'IDq�e at the office of ' '.of tile tJDl ...... Q 7eU'. * shiD. *. ,,�II.E �Q����DENCE-STUDY DEPARTMENT . �.A slump on tile part of the IIlini * Two Years Aco Today * The UniversitY.' of ChiCa&o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cobb HaD, 'fALUTIIBB D. I'IQ,NALD. llau&laa EdItor was less responsible for Saturday's * Plans for the Harper memor- ..PJlB8TON JI. GABS. N� J:cJltar. victory over the state * ial library were .�nnounced. .. TIIB D� y B�TINKmLVIN J. ADAlI8. Athletic EdItor. 55 team than the favora-" The Conference voted. down a" Divinity school preaching' serviceLOUI. 8. BBIlLIM. B ...... 1laDqer. to ble form reversal on the ., proposition to permit summer * will be held at, 10:30 a. m. in Haskel31 part of the Varsity. The .. baseball, and passed' regulations" assembly room. H. M. Gam. willstory of the meet is * denying preliminary practice," preach.Warren D. Foster, told in the story of the seven firsts * training table, professional coach-" Senior college chapel will be ad-Harry A. Hansen. won by Chicago, where but two were .. es and Thanksgiving day game�, .. dressed in Mandel hall at 10:3'0 a. m.Jerome FRLDk. won at Champaign, The general im- .. and limiting the number of games .. by the 'University chaplain.Alben D. Henderson. provement in the work.of the whole 't to fiVf"_ .. College of Education chapel will beteam speaks well for the ultimate .. Three Years Ago Today * addressed at 10:30 a. m. in room 214success of the track season. lot is also * The Varsity defeated Iowa in * &nmons Blaine hall by Dr. Ray-].an effectively favorable commentary * basketball, 20 to 16. .. croft.on .the success of the training or the" Snell "all "Indians" held their" Junior class finance committee will P�of. Shulz'sgraduate coaches, Ex-Captains Friend .. annual "powow," '* meet, at 10:30 in. Cobb 8B. IIand Russell : c1:�c:::;nt'!..;:'::':!:' Reynold.: 13�::� b:�i��11 meet in room Informal Dancing�me one has called the basketball * Hugo Bezdek was elected" Receptionfive the Raycrofters. * speaker for the Winter quarter * STUDENT VOLUNTEER BAND F. TO HOLD RALLY TOMORROW at' the orum, 43d St. and CalumctAt1fHow deserted the Reynolds club * associates." every SATURDAY 8=45 tolooks no'!. * Four. Years Ago Today * We dance the New and1J'Eight votes kept Dille from get-" The order of the Skull and" Chaplain. Henderson to Address the BAR N DAN C Eting in a rather bad pickle. * Crescent was founded. * Assembly on Foreign. Missions-r Admission $1_00 a couple.1fJt. took leap year to bring an in-. The Kelly-Foster team defeat- * .' .Cal4weli to Preside,door IlHni defeat. .. ed the Beecher-Green five in bas- ..' -- , I.1fGarrett also rars=some, * kethaU. .. The Student, Volunteer band will.USteffen ran well in the club elee- * T Y AT" hold a rally tomorrow afternoon at 4II en ears go oday o'clock in Mandel hall.' Fred C. Cald-tion, but better over the hurdles Sat- * Chicago scored 4Z points in a"urday nl·nht. fi h * well, who is the leader of the move-,_. * ve-cornered track meet in whic'" ment in· the University, will' presideuCahjIJ was quite Mortified when * Wisconsin scored 22 points, *at· the meeting. Dr. Charles' R He�he 'heard that his 1901 record had * Northwestern 13, Notre Dame 12, *been tied by Garrett. * and Illinois 10.. .. derson, University chaplain, will givefl'Th CIt I h. . * ... * * * * * * * * * • a talk on foreign ·missions. ' Elfreda!!.1. e e ep onlc COlD toss" is the .. ...- M. Larson. Flor!!nce J. Chaney, Elea-!:ltest' of Dr. Raycroft's unl·que '-ys In speaking of the dutl·es of men '....., ' nor' M .. Whipple, Get-hard C.' Bren-of settling disputes diploma"t;callj: Dr. Henderson discussed the duty �'fnThe wise joker will begin today to a man toward society, his duty to­think up new "strikes" abo1Jt Friday ward existing institutions as hethe J3th. finds them, an�' his duty toward 'thew. A. W ea� er.. Robert B. Owen.1. Sidney Salkey, Miss Mamie Lilly,A. N. Pfeffer,. Sucihindra Bose,Miss.Caroline Dickey,Miss Esther M. HaU,Harvey B.FulIer, Jr.IrormerqTIM tJDlyenlq of Chleqo Week17.I'01lDcJecJ'I'Iae Weekl7. Oct. 1. 1882.'I'll. DaIl7. Oct. 1. 1102., -lIallKrlpUOIl price, "-00 per 7eAr: $1.00fer a IDhUIL 8alleerlpUou recelyecJ ataM IIarooD 0tIlc:e, Ell" Ball. or at theI'anIq Ibdwlp. Cobb BaILIt might not �e a�ss to' call theattention of members of the Juniorcollege !acuity to page29 of"·the course book,where citation is madeof th� provision of theBoard of Student .Organizations, Pub­lications and .. Exhibitions, that in theJunior college declamation finals·'members of the Junior coliege fac­ulty act as jU,dges."Last quarter the declamation finalsFaculty .Apathy necke.� Benjamin J. BadenOch and Telephones H. P. 18 and H. P ••Arthur W. �ummeJ 'wiU:�'each ,give a MANICURING SHAMPOO!!Gthree-minute talk in ·which the his-1fW e are warranted jn branding asabsolutely and unqualifiedly falsethe rumor that the Board. ofTrustees had finally adopted a U ni­versity sealOorrecticm-Saturday·s issue of theDaily contained a typographical errorin the report of the Reynolds clubelection. Henry was elected vice­president, with a total of 255 vot�s;Princell received 136, and not S4. aswas erroneously stated. tory of the organization and, its: pur­poses wilJ, be outlin.ed -in detail. TheyJJf QLlIB ABD:l'BADiIln'rY will also give sQ�e 'of their personal- experiences. '. Alpha Tau Omega entertained with The Stu�e-nt Volunteer Band is aan infonnal party ISaturday' night. branch of an association which isProf�ssor and Mrs., .Millikan chaper- worl.(f:�de in its ,organization andoned �be party. influences. Tile membership" is com-The Chicagoo chapter of Delta Up- posed of those who - intend to takesiJon entertained 'with an infonnal up foreign mission work as their life'sdance at the chapter house. Saturday vocation. Last year five studentsevening, with Mrs. Paul Shorey and from the University' went abroad asM,rs. Robert M. Lovett as patron- missionaries. One ·.of ·this· . �t1mbeTesses: Among those present were: was a woman., -9ne ':went' to ChinaMisses Kauffman, Compton, Porter, two to the Philippines and 1-wo toCuba.inner, liff"_were made a farce by the decision of DEFIANCE OF CONVENTIONSa quadruple tie in favor of all four NOT EVOLUTIQN;S "'_ONcontestants, eight members of theJ�ni�r faculty being present at thecompetition. There is some questionwhether this present system of decid-ing declamation contests is the best, A plea for an intelligent under-bu� to quote ·official language, "it is standing of the theory of evolutionin the course book,and no one hCls any was made by Dr. Henderson in an ad­excuse for not understanding and ac- dress made at the Junior chapel ser-comodati h· u: ." .. . n� ImselJl to It. I. vice yesterday morniog. The subjectEh�lInatJ�g those who give J unlor bme !lP in connection with a discus­college courses, but are not technical- sion of the three fundamental dutiesIy "members of the Judor College of a man's life.faculty," there are fifty-nine who are "Not all morality is conventional­eligible to judge tomorrow's contest in ity," said Dr. Henderson in discuss­Mandel at 10:30. It can readily be ing evolution. "Evolution does notappreciat�d th�t some Of. the faculty mean that all conventions are chang­��y find It as Impossible as most find ing and flowing. E,·olution does cer­It JRcODvenient to attend theSe Junior tain things that are relatively exercises, of which so much And yet a weak-minded youth hear­has �em made; btlt the campus ing of evolution gains the idea thatdoubtmg Thomas· . I· d '..• .' IS mc me to 10- as tflmgs are changmg he need notqUIre If the ratio between those fac- heed conventionality. But he opo-ult� members Who do find it con- poses existing institutions at hisvement; �hose who do ,not attend peril. Moreover since all things arean est�bllshed university exercise is changing, We �re able to mould contInue � 51 is to 8. And should We are not placed •• _ •� h n�.�,�ose W 0 �o, attend be principally YIelding world, where we are help-the younger CeDeRtioD, the fdew. leu.. room 21, GreeR hall.Foster hall will give a dance on vote to every detail of your clotbes.Come in and talk ovcr the SpriDlStyles. Let us show you the ne1'weaves and 'Colorings, whether yo.are r�ady to buy or not.Ask to see ourCOLLEGE SUITINGS825 and 830.Dr. Henderson PleacIa for IateDipniUnderstaudinc of Rial lleaaiac ofEvolution TIleory.- Furniss, Foss, Dolling, Rose, lHesket,Day, Chatfield, Leavitt, Stillman,Fr.eema� Peck, WOlfenden, Wa 'ker,lJuc�l�y, Plaister and Jackson.Delta Tau Delta entertained at an.informal dance at the chapter house,Friday evening. The patron and UNI-V·IUl8ITY WOMBRMiss Eleanor Whipple will speakin the League, room, Wednesdaymorning at 10:30, on "Medical Mis­sions." 'AII University women in-Patronesses were Mrs. Patton, and vitecLMrs. Barker.Psi Upsilon will give an infonnaldance at the c:bapter house Friday,March 20.The monthly reception of the wO­men's halls were given yesterday af­ternoon at ... p. m. in Foster, Kelley,Green and Beecher. Green hall gave an �n.fonnal danceSatuday night.There will be.a meeting of thegreen�room Thnl"sday at I :30 inFriday, March· 13-Mrs. Gilbert has been Vlsting herdaughter, Julia, in Beecher hall.Miss Luanna Robertson entertain­ed one hundred 'members of- the Sen- TBB umON HOTEL .AND RESTAURANT111-117 Randolph Street:THE POPULAR PLAc.T9 EATEither before or after theTheater. . T.AUWe caWe make a Specialty of CIdIand Fraternity Dinners. --__________________________ .. ' � YcPaul6,J2.Arts'1 anexperielTeachel.pleasin�Th'rougpresentHigh s�end tand upE.E.lgo, AvisioWiseFLOWERSFOR PRESENTATION'AND FLOWERS FOR SOCIALAFFAIRS OF THE COMIHG'CONVOCATION. Kasi,..alA. McAdamsF�ORISTHair'Dressing, Manicuring,Facial ....MADAME KAYNOR'Sl'(,SCALP SPECIALIST .-.. , 'J)e1icio,pat "ima,fltaD(AlIa",aDGaDPhone �P�331F .,�w!4 SIZE COLLAR •�hde of Clupeco Shrunk FabricsISe 2 .... 2SeCLUC'TT. ",,_D'I' & co .••• KC_ She-SPRING IS COMINGAnd why not select your Clotlles�ow and be ready when She appears:n hu Spring Hat!Chalk and pencil stripes, moss baSand wood browns arc ,'cry �this Spring.The most desirable patterns lRiure to be picked up early-why d<r.l'tyou be one thlt secures the cream of'the showing?We have plenty of time now to M- -.�1--In II---BIThe «loft ItOre that car- jor class and alumni yesterday after- SPECIALnoon in Kelly. D�an and Mrs. Bel-field, Dean and Mrs. Owen received.lies • aoo4 IiDe of�-FOWNES,GLOVES... . ", An---TAILOR POR YOUNG lIENTwo stores: 131 La Sane St.,,,44 Jacbon BoaJenrt In• +: .. ,", � TlI&:DAJ1;.Y 'MARooN, TUESDAY. MAR"CH 10', i9oB.-��f... : u·' ----------�II ANMOUKCB 'nfj).18QUlAMD should contain the name of the insti-·.�. w. StIck..:: � ..... II ....... -DOLl..\It ICaQl,A_IP8. natioo in which he, is studying. The_ .papers should be set on 01' before"'cure • QdrepeIIIsta' Htrt. .. h....... "._� .e..... June 1, 1909 to J. Lawrence Laughlin.Instrameats For. Bcooomic � _ �Pab- Esq., The Vniversity of Chicago,. filea' IiabecL Candidob. Hamed Chicago, Illinois..�& The fifth _nual Hart, Schaffner· andNaIl... Marx contest for the belt studies inCiIItIGII a series of:topics on commerce andr.ra = industry was announced yesterday.IDlY.... Prizes aggregating two thou�Dd dol-.... lars are being offered for the compe-......... tition which will close on .the fi�stleatl'.... of June next YUf. In the .three con- The faculty and students of the..... lIrcatal.,.. ... • Cas ,c ......... tests which have already been held University of Utah are in a peculiar-.* .. �a::�� two Chicago men, How�d and Mer- 'dilemma over the selection of the sue-DISTaUIliNtS rit won the first prizes. The fo�rth ces S'fu I candidate for the Rhodes'• wasil ...... c.MI.� contests ends on .the 1st of J1lDe this scholarship for Utah, Ralph HartleylULL DRBSS SUrl1l year. The prizes. are divided i@to and Frank E. 'Holman, two studentsTO B.'Blfr three p,rts. class �, for all pers�ns of the Salt Lake institution, were tiedT. G. SCHAFFNER a. CO. who have received the baehelors de for the scholarship in the recent ex-AU Sizes. Sure Fit. gree from an American college in amination, and as the examinationWe carry "Society Brand" Clotba 1896 or thereafter; class B, composer' committee was. unable to make any46 River Street. of undergraduates, class C is com- decision., it was decided to let theposed of pe�ple without academic student body make the choice. The.. '!'be' Yates-Fisher' Teachers' Agenty training. Any person, however, in a students, however, refused to acceptPaul Yates, Manager, Suite 641- lower class may compete in a higher the responsibility, as this would in-6..2, 20" Michigan Avenue. Fine division,volve according to the Rhodes sehol-Arts Building, Chicago. Last year there were o.nly two 'ificati id tio narship spec I cations, a cons! era'1 am very glad to state that my classes the prizes of the first were of the manly qualities and the char-experience with the Yates-Fisher $1000 and $500 and in class B theacter of the candidates. This the stu­At Teachers' A�ency has been very prizes were $300 and $ISO. Next year dents-refused to do. The matter is.pleasing as well as profitable. the prizes will be for class A, � . d till dnow practically at a stan s I , anThtough their help I obtained my and $400, class B, $300 and $200 and the :faculty is unable to devise anypresent position in East Division class C. $500.means of' solving the problem.High School, and I heartily recom- The subjects for next year's con- The two candidates are F. E. Hol-�end their agency as being reliable test in class � .an4;B are.: man" a senior, and Ralpb Hartley, a.... d up to date in every respect." I. Guman and American methods f h...Junior,and brother 0 t e present rep�E. E. Perkins, (University of Chica- of regulating trusts. resentative.go, A. B.) Mathemtics in. East Di- 2. The logic of "Progress and Pov--risio '. High School, Milwaukee, ertv_" URGFeS EIGHT HOUR DAYJ. What are the ultimate ends of FOR WOMEN WHO WORKMiss Sophronisba P. Breckenridge.assistant dean of women, addressedthe Women's 'Trade Union LeagueSunday upon. the question � the.?��-·tecrion of the Amelican working wo-,.. -' . . .man. The meeting was called in or-:der to boom a campaign for the leg­islative. enactment of an eight-hourworking day for women. The pass-,ing of restrictive lI_leasures to protec,young girls,Jrom work that is heavyJ. The proper spheres of the trustor dangerous is also sought.�orppaIlY· and .the. colDDlUciaLbaDk. "This campaign for relief may la�;... .The relatiQns. of. oreintal .imml- through many years,"said Miss Breck-'gration to America.n industries.en ridge. "but the fight is worth th�50 The relative �fliciency.o£ A�er. time .and. the trouble. for American,ican. and �rope�� .1abo:- in nl.:1111·, motherhood . mnst be considered infactorine industries. this m:a�ter..u. Wise------ trade-unions and -ean these be gainedby any application of the principlesof monopolyP4- In view of existing railwayprogress, . should the. U�ited' State5encourage ·the construction of water­ways?50 . Is, it t� '�" qpected that tbt:CANDIES present and �nt production of gold1Il". • Chocolates· aDd will. cau� �. bi��r, l�v�.1 pf prices? .J)eJicious . .. .. -'" I Th. e subjects suggested for class Cpat variety. put up in beamu.w are:-:- ..� suitable for �ts, at 2SC, �. The .best . sch�e for uniform.pi 4IIC and 60c a pound. c.-o��ti� . flf;C9uP��.'� Souvenirs aDd favors for BY 2. Desirable methods of improvmg ... ' lIasir�l Instruments for Sale at theLOWE$'!' PRICEAll kinds of . Musical Instruments'Repaired. Best Violin StriDp in City.GEO. WATSON,431 East 55th Street.W .'• >'... aD occasions.Wer's Confectionery� ". .212 state Stteet:. our trade with ChiDa.� .• ...AIUSt:IQ'IL.COLOBIALHaft :JOO· seea ,THE IIBRRY WIDOW These subjects.. h.ow�vc:r, are nCltobligatory and can be c:h:uaged wtrhthe consent of. ,'J� ,. n,mittee u:charge. The· committe is composedof Professor J. Lawrence LaughIiD�U Diversity of· Cllicago. chainnan"AMD THE GIRL P f J B Clark Columbia Uni-ro essor •• ,ComiDc: Mar •. 23-HOIlqDlOOD TraiL versity, Professor Henry C. Ada ... $,University of Micbip"" Honc_e.White, Esq., Ne:tV York City andHon. Carroll D. Wright, Clark Col-She is tbe IntenaatioDaJ en.'!'HE TIMETHE PLACElit102'1Dol ·lfB. W.I� •• YTHREE T.WINSlterriest of Musical Farces le�.de­:bes.rillne1'yOI STVDBB.A.K.11 .IIR. ARNOLD DALYIn thc Play that means SomethingTHE REGENERATIONBy (h'cn Ki!dorc and WalterHackett The cwnership of the copyright ofsuccessful stadies will vest in thedoaors, and it is. expected th�t, wit�­out precluding the ase of these pap­ers as theses for higher degrees, theywill cause them to be issued in somepermanent form.Competitors are advised that thestudies should be thorough, expruseclin good English, and although notlimited a� to leocth, they should notbe needlessly' expanded. They shouldbe in5Cri� an assumed name.the class in which they are presented.and xcompanied by a �aled envel­ope giving the nal name and addressof th� comPetitor. If the competitor• is ia au. ., ... � caulilleILLIBOISBlcats oi Laughter Proclaim-CARLE-in his ncw musi("al gambol�I:\RY'S LAMBAn all wool and a yard wide Hit"..... pow·.asJOHN DREWIn his Great Comedy SDccess.··MY WJFr UTAH IN DEADLOCK OVERRHODES SCHOLAR'S CHOIC£.Fac:a1t:r UDabJe to Decide BetweenTwo Candidates Student. Resfuse to Settle Matter.Dainty· DeliciousPerfectl, , u r eSurpassingl,SmoqthWonderfullyWholesome... c. ......--.arDT" DIJDII­'·�Sesu_Hotel58TH ST. AND D�L AVE.Under Management of the NatioDal Hotel Co. TeL Hyde �._.The' BEST Served atPOPULAR PBJCB8RESTAURJtllT AND LUNCH COUNTfRIn CoaDeCtioRDean Breckenridp Addresses Wo­�'s. Trade Union League onLepdative Restrictions. Prof. f. B- Rowden's Schoo's and A.(ad�m;es. Qf .Dandllf�mbiy meets every Thursday evening at Unity Club· Ho� 3 •.Indiana Avenue: .Juvenile Class e� Saturday afternoon from one to four. '.Studio for private l�s, 321 Kimball Hall Bid., ·Wabash· Aft.. an4.Jackson Boulevard.Class for beginners Monday. TuesdaY and Friday 'eveninp.Plivate lessons given hourly during the. day. with or. witboat �Children's private class, $1.00 per �th. .AduI� private lessons. $1.00 with music or a guaranteed COIII'M .... ;,.:. ,�.'TIe Legislature must Mandarin ",�ura,.,lOG-loa �o� �t;. �FINEST. AMERICAN CUISDIE .. :: jSERVED Telephoue CeatraI �7!i .I.TBB ILLIROIS WAREHOUSE AIID STORAGE ·CO_MlT- -.'�'"·Phoae BY4e Park 571 K.imbuk Aft. _ """ t.The CIeaDest and Best Kept� S-nee - -. Wareboaie in the City ••••• .�' .Fumiture and Pianos Moved, Stored, PacMd .... ·Shipped to all parts of the world 300 Private ��age Rooms. Large Parlor bdosively. for ·.PiaDeL·Rooms for Trunks r.nd Wheels. Larce� .. �;Carriaaes. Buggies aDd Sleighs. TrUnks'to ....from all Depots. Local Transfen. for �Fumitur.e, Packages, e.t� at shott. �o�Special atteDtioa PftII to .V ••• ., _�consider·BORQ· •• ••CoadeaM ............. en­...........AD Bottled ia" c-�.BonJiII .. c..1'1 I' I .... c..P�PI &. JI'__ --, , ....equality. it must recognize wom�'�worth, it must protect the young girlentering the working industries, safe·'guard the .future of the married wo­men,' and _grant the women protec·tion against bodily injury during tht'years of their life marked from girl­hood to mothrehood."Miss Mary McDowe-l1 of the Uni­versity Settlement, spoke. In her ad­dress Miss McDowell. suggested thatthe league prepare bills that would�et up a working standard for the wo-'-nen of the whole c.-onntry. C. L. SCJIARPPICTURES AND PICTUREFRAIIING265 East Fift7-�tb SlRelOpposite Rosalie Court.Phone Hyde Park 1251.Woodlawn Ice Cream. -:Co.GEORGE II. WERNTZ, Proprietor.To See Japmese Prints. A gallery tonr of the Art Tnstitnh'to view the collection of Japane�('prints,owned by Frank Lloyd Wright.will � conducted by the Woman'�Un:on nut Thur!'day �temoon. AllUniversity ",·omen are invited. and alarge crowd is expected. Tickets ofadmission will be furnished on ap­plication to Miss Driscoll at the Sen·�or bulletin board. A crowd \\;rstart from the Woman's Union roomia LaiaatOia IaaD at l J). .. lIanufact:.uer offine Ice Creams, Ices, ftc.343 East 63rd Street.'STIlDENTS' LllNJ:1I ROOMTHE' MIKADO C·Af".E/,Meals ·2Oc and upTH,E DAILY ·MAR.OON, . TlJ..ESDAY, MARCH 10, 1908.VfARSITY ATHLBTBS 8WAtIPILLINOIS TEAll. 55 '1'0 31Weare now prepared to show our' Advance Styles in "Spring S�s·in the most . approved materials and Models. "Best Tailor finish" rang-ing in price from $25.00 up. I . tLatest Styles in Spring Millinery from $7.50 up. Correct Styles both "Gein the Most Authorative American and European Models.In place of the regular college meet-I. Many of our Models strictly exeluerve, : I�gs toda� all membe� of the Jun- �����������������������������_!ior colleges will meet tomorrow in IMandel hall to hear the finals in thedeclamation contest. Attendance ofall members of the Junior collegesmile by even the most conservativeScience meets Philosophy this af­Chicago rooters, was forced intothird place to Captain Quigley andLingle. As iln the half mile and twoSeniors. Arts. mile, the Chicago entrants jumpedBliss, Ohlendorf L. F ..... Luckenbill dinto the lead at the outset, an wereMetzinger •••• - - - . R.F Exselsen h hlet.. '. . never headed by testate at es.Vlsher - .: •••. , .. , •.•. (;: •....... _. Gilbert C . Q' I h b f. . aptam urg ey ran t e est race 0Prin:ceU, Pinkerton.L.G. . ..... Long .his career, hitting a teriffic pace and at this contest will be required.Keen .•• .•. __ , •. R. G ..•....••• Leaf 1 h' He wonmaintaining it a I t e way. There will be four speakers in com-Baskets from fie Id-,Bliss, Metzin­ by three yards. Lingle's superior petition for two scholarships, twostaying power in the! face of the pace men and two women. Miss Evelynset by Quigley got 'him second pos- Phillips will speak for Philosophyition over Lindberg by a narrow. mar- college, and read Beecher's "The IBaskets from free throws-Ohlen- Jti'1. Martyr President." Literature col-dorf, 'Metzinger, Keen, Exselsen 3. The finals of the hurdles pushed lege �s. represented by Mis� Lulu E. �. ,-.����&�� I��d������ ��a��w��I�R �Q� �� --�--��----------�-----------�.��Referee-Clark. " '"I .,i, theilfen, with a fast start, .. breasted th e �n� the Nation," by Beveridge. The ,·c· ..In . the afternoon Law won .from a . . . �1I1., tape ahead of Jenkins and Brown of work of the women so d'ar in this con- .::� ,:.0£ Bfiv� .;;r Philosophy substitutes by the . . S '1 H ..c C .�:the visitors. The event was close. test has been especially spirited, and amue arrlS \I. O. '.: eon,'score of 23 to 4- . • •not more tlran a foot separating the the competmon tomorrow promises :: ,;kn 1contestants.' Steffen equalled the to be a close one. Ingersol's '·Hum- MAC H I N 1ST S· AND MAN U F ACT U R E R S· " whoLaw. Philosophy, gymnasium record for the hurdles. boldt" will be presented by I. E. Fer- timeRedfield, Flanagan.L.F .•• � •• Levinson Caldwell showed his real ability in gu�on of Philosophy college (men). Too� and Supplies. 11111Mcilrath R.F _ Sabath the' two mile. In this race he not Phillip P. Wolfram, of Arts college. . tleilSanderson ••• _ ••.•. C .•••..•... Allison only defeated Miller, another of the will give Grady's "Homes of the peO-I 23 and 2S South Clinton Street .: 'nigIJHarriman ••.••• _.L.G ....•. Silberman Itlinois favorites, but won the race by ple," ': .thei:Railey, Gregory. _.RG ...•• t •• Tatarsky more. than half a lap. passing' Red- Last quarter the faculty vote over CHI C AGO'.R .. to tBaskets from field- edfield 2, hed who took third, and Miller fi* the declamation contest resulted in a iaritAa�p�Mcllraili �S��rs� �YM� from ili� bhh. M�rl�d� ti����iliewn����recciving �I -----�-------------�--� ASahatb. game race was also cause for exnlta- a. scholarship for one-half the quar-Baskets from free'tbrows-Sander.;. tion on the part of the rooters. He terson S. 'Sabath � took second not far in the real' of"Referee-Pinkerton. CaldwellThe standing of the teams is as 'Maddigan and Schommer did thefollows: expected in taking; one-two in theW. L. Pc.-_SENIORS DBPBAT ARTSAPTER .TYIHG TWICE and Blue opponent until ,CaptainQuigley pr:mce4 in five yards �headof Lindberg, the gap between.the twoteams gradually widened. . The run­ners for Chicago were Lingle, Mor­gan, Garrett and Quigley.U. Hip Willa Preliminary ..The' second preliminary for highschools was captured by tr niversityHigh school athletes with a' total of20 1-4 points, Wendell Fhitlips com­Ing second with 14 3-4 points. Curtisand Lake, the other two schools. took3 arid 1'1-2 points respectively,win the race.. The Wendell Phillips team wasBut that was about all from Illinois. forced to forfeit the relay to .Univer­Scarcely once after this event did a sity High because of. a foul by one ofcheer come from the state university the men on the team.rooters. The chief' reason was that Wilson of University High andthere was no occasion !for any out- Kuhns of Wendell Phillips were thebursts. ."rom then until the end. stars of the meet. The performancethe meet resolved itself into a series of Wilson in the shot put, in whichof reversals over the first dual. Not he broke the former high school rcc­one event after the dash except the ord by over two feet, was the featurepole vault, brought the Orange and of the meet. •Blue as many points as were secured,at Champlain. .The first occasion for a cold shiverto run down the spines of .the nii'Di'came when the mighty Lindberg whowas conceded a victory in quarter(Continued from page I)'Time of Game Hu to Be EztcDdedTwice Before W"mn� IsDeclare4.'_.a--In the closest basketball game everplayed on the Bartlett floor, the Se­nior five last evening defeated Arts.Wben time was up the score was atie, each team having 13 points. Ac­cording to the new ruling, five min­utes' extr� tim� was given, duringwhich each team scored four points.the Seniors on two baskets and Artson a basket and two free' throws.made by·Luckenbill. The return to atie made necessary another five min­utes, in which the Seniors speededup and won, Visher, Metzinger andPinkerton each scoring from thefield, and Medinger and Keen mak­ing points on free throws.The Arts team has been playingwith excellent team work lately, andhas lost several games by close scoresThe final game for both Senior andArts, to be played tomorrow after­noon, is arousing a great deal of in- mittedly his. Steffen and J ohnson ofthe Varsity romped home comforta­bly in second and third four �behind Hinman.I n the finals of the fifty, May of theOrange and Blue finished first, Jen­kins third, and Quigley brought sec­ond to Chicago. The time was fast.and May was pushed to his limit toDECLAMATION TO DISPLACEUSUAL COLLEGE MEETINGSAttendance to be Required at Con­test ..... omorrow Instead of RegularTuesday Gatherings.terest.ternoon.Line-up;ger 3, Visher 3, Keen 2, Pinkerton 2�Exselsen I, Luckenbill 2, Gilbert,Lonz, ' ,Line-up: 'INTERNATIONAL CLUB ELECTS(Continued from page I)Law •••••••••••...•. 8,�ence •••.••• _ ••.•. 6Senior •••.•. , ..•.•.•. 6Philosophy ••••..•... � shot put, the interest in this event be-1.000 'ing furnished by Hubble, who beat·750 out both McCord and Litt of IlIin,ois..667 Garrett gained fame' anew in the·-375. ha'1f mile which be won by ten yards..222 H' rf d .I� pe ormances was rna e In 2:05-.1004-5. which equals the record made by try, and the benefits theybrought forth to both foreignAmerican students in differentIqes. haveandcol-o2'Arts ....•• ' .... _ •.... 2 357 The following men have been re­cently elected into the club: Josi DeRosario, Phittippines; P. Wander.Cahill. He ran a consistent race at a r�nnany; Jerome Frank, American;Law Students Come to Blows f Sh rt t k d H nlast pace. ua 00 secon, a y Yet Owyang. China; R. D. Elliott,Legal forms proved inadequate to of Illinois "blowing up" at the finish. America; J. H. Christensen, Den-Literature ..••..•. : •. :1 9 DRINKS INKLIKE A CAMEL 'To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in ulInk,' press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its Oft:tank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thereis to it I No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do it.. anywhere-any time.CONILIN'S ��G PEN."THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Yoa'could fill. it with. white kid gloves on without danger ofso�ing. Besides its convenience. is the splendid wriwlgqualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.� dealers baDdJe the CoDkUn. If yours does not. 0IdIrdirect. Prices, $3.00 aDd up. Seud at oace for b&Dd£ome DeW cataloc. 'The C-.IiD reo Co., 310 Maahau ... BId£, Toledo, om.Robert Staedter Co."155 State StreetBetween Madison and Monroe-Phone Central 5334Skirts ;.'�' .. ---.; Vol.'.-­-, RobeBreFurs,' Suits, Coats,Mi"i�ery WillPI.MAROON'MENWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORNER CLO l'HESARE BUYING AGAIN THIS SPRINGCOLLEGE SUITS AND C?VE�COATS $35-00$Ca3ver l=i WDkie 185189 Durborli St ••.TAILORS -ILaAuMiBank floorTYPEWRITERSWe oller a convenient. aDcI satis­factOry arrangement to students andothers desiring to rent typewriters,with option of buying.RENTAL RATES.First month •••....•.••..•••.•. $4.00Renewals •• '" • _ •••• '" ••••••••••• '" ••••• '" •........••.•..•••.•• 3-00Siz months •••• '" ••••••••••• '" '" ••.•• '" '". . . . . ... ... •• •. . •.•... 15-00Tm: .OHARCB TYPBWlUTBR COMPANY, Gu.,� FiJ):I ">�L,. Fil'SeAcAcPhone: Central 63«& 2S E.' Madison St. fl'ertsat teve1floaCOl[sureeritldiet11011tatiIIconBrc"'hithe.01poidraRooma for Rent.FURNISHED ROO M S-Near the --------------------------�Isettle a dispute between two Fresh- S h m displayed rare form inc om er 1 I' mark; A. S. Lascano, Peru; Danielman Jaw students yesterday morning, the higb jump despite his strenuous J' d T· ,. .,.n rew Joms,and, America, and H.and they resorted to primitive meth- activities in basketball. He cleared 5 A. Keller. America.ods that drew a crowd to tbe smok- feet 9 3-8 incbes on his third attempting room of the Law �uilding. which _fter both Washburn and Wood of The international chess tournament'was the scene of the melee. Half- Illinois had failed. The two visitors between representatives of Cambridgeback Dougherty of th'e Freshman tied for second,tbree-eigbts of an incb arod Oxford and si:lC American coll.:;{­football team, and 'H. H. Speed were lower than Sshommer. ians from Pennsylvania. Columbi,l.the principle actors, and succeeded in The pole vault was easy for JJ1jnois. Cornett, Princeton, Yale and Harvardinflicting considerable mutual damage Cleary, Chicago's sole entrant went will begin on Marcb 21. The mah'hbefore they were separated by the out at 9 fe�t 4 inhes. Four Orange wiJI be conducted by cable.spectators. Tbe quarrel arose, it is and Blue athletes vaulted this hei�t!laid, because Speed laughed at a re- anrl took aU tbree places. They weremark made 'by Dougherty in class. Jones, Watson and ISIinnock.The relay race wbich was lost attbe Champlain mee� went to the Var­sity handily this time. From thetime wilen Lingle, touched Morpnoff two, prds Mead or ... Draap University; with or without ligl.thousekeeping privileges; Coodlittht. heat, hot and cold water;bath. Call 652 E. 57th St., second, lat..; A Spanish society has b�':·l fonnf!dat Illinois, composed of students ofSpain and states of Central and SouthAmeri�Ii: i. j. JOBB B� S'lBTSOH UlflVBRSITY DE LAND,PL9RIDAAffiliated in 1897 with THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.The President is a DOctor of Philosophy of the University of Cbi­cago, and eleven members of the Faculty hav.e been students at th�University of Cbicago. many of them taking degrees. Stetson is l�cated at DeLand, Florida, the land of flowers, sunshine, blue skiesand balmy ocean breezes. Summer r.ecreations run through t�e Win­ter. CGstly buildings, electric lights, electric bells, cement walks, sheDroads, broad avenues, tropical shrubbery and tre�s. Biggest registra­tion this year in its history. There are four colleges, five schools, J.fbuildings and 48 in the Faculty.Students from the University of ChicCigo may do their work atStetson during the \ Term, and receive their credits at Chicago. IAddress, President Lincoln Halley, Ph.D .. LLD., DeLand, Floricb. JW .. tchThe DAILY MAROON.For Cunpus NewsTJpewdtaa for SaleTYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent­Special rates to students; bargainsin re-built machines. W. White­head, � La Salle Stftet. W ANTED-Students to attend £toglewood Rol1er Rink, 6432 W­wortb Ave. Every eveninl,Sat. and Sun. Afternoons tiltbe season. 11101"'nbyWjalheII.I.,