latly flarnnucVol. v l. Xo. 103. CHICAGO, SATURDAY, MAROH 7, 1908. Price Two CentsTAKES GAME FROM ILLINOIS BAYLES IllS UNIVERSITY IFACOLtY HONORS MASCHKE CLUB ELECTION GIVESORATORICAL CORTEST Memorial Service in Memory of the DILLE THE PRESIIEICYLate Mathematician Gives Occasion. ILLINOIS ATHLETES DUEFOR DOWNFALL TONIGHT Varsity Crushes Hopes of Orange andBlue, Getting Long End of � to 17Score-Schommer Stars-Freshmen MacAndrew Takes Second and Miss for Expression of Admiration Dr.' Noses Out SteJren by OIiJy EighteenMaschke's Colleagues Had for H!m. VOtes-406 Votes AreCut.Varsity Track Men Rely on BartlettGymnasium to Bring Victory OverDown. Staters. Defeat Culver .. 21-13- Gr!mr and Fernald Tie forThird Place.In a game featured by frequent The strong, manly personality, theMany Predict a Tie Score-Thrilling long throws, tho Varsity five took Contest to Be 'Held at Iowa CitY, genuine scholarship and the peda- Was Most Warmly Contested Elec-Races Promised-Prep Meet ! llinois in tow by a score of 42 to 17 May 1St, for Prizes of $100 gogical skill of Professor Heinrich tion Ever Held at Club-RoomsExtra Attraction. last night in Bartlett gymnasium. and ,Sso. Maschke as these qualities impressed Crowded All Day.The Orange and Blue team did no, his colleagues in the faculty wereConfident that luck is destined to come up to expectations. The men Clarence A. Bayles, in "Public Sen- clearly brought out in the speecheson it were unable to cope with the timent versus American Law," won of Professors Bolza, Slaught andfast and brilliant team play of Chi- the 'contest held in Mandel hall last Small at the memorial service held Dille ..........•.•.••....•..... ' •.. 212cago, and could not locate the bas- night to choose Chicago's represen- yesterday in Mandel Hall. Steffen ..............•........... 194 .kets more than five times out of the tative for the Northern Oratorical Professor's Maschke's memory willmany chances they had. contest to be held May r st at Iowa live as long as tlhe University con- Henry .. 0 •••••••••••• , ••••••••••••• 255Captain Schommer proved the star City, Iowa. William MacAndrew tinues to exist" was the statement of Princell .......•................• 54of the game, ringing twelve field won second p'ace, and is therefore al- President Judsen in opening thegoals, and covering ground in Iight- terriate, and Miss Harriet Grim and service wlrich summed up the general Secretaryning fashion. His intercepting oi Luther D. Fernald tied for third. TIle tendency of all the talks. Gaarde 0 •• ' 335passes was particularly good. Three winner receives a scholarship valued Professor Bolza, a close personal Newman ......•..•..•..•......•• S4of his baskets were registered on at $120. and competes in the intercol- friend and schoolmate of Professorsensational long throws, legiate contest for prizes of $100 and Maschke, gave a brief talk on Dr. McBride •..... • .• .• .•• • . . .•• . .•• I�Falls and Georgen played accurate- $50: Maschke's life and character. Morgan ......•.•.•. ,..... . . . . .•.•• 12']ly as forwards. Falls made Iour The ,contest last night was an ex- Professor Slaught spoke of his Orchard ..•.....••......•.......• 74baskets and as many free throws. ceedingly close one and the small but characteristics, !is a teacher that had� '� IIIIIII�!!I Georgen, though scoring but once, unusually enthusiastic audience was caused all of Professor's Maschke's Librarianwas fast and did stellar defensive: forced to repress its impatience while students to feel his power, ','He was Cleary '........................... 375work. the judges deliberated over a close a genuine scholar. It was love of Dille was elected president of theThe guarding of Page, Hoffman decision. The judges were Mr. Ar- what he was doing that incited him Reynolds C.lub by the small majorityand Harris was practically faultless. nett, Dr. Parker, Mr. Mac Lenn, )Ir. to his efforts as an investigator. Then of 18 votes yesterday in the closestOnly two clean baskets were chalked Gorsuch and Mr. E. A. \Vreidt. he possessed certain qualities of campaign that the Club has ever wit­up against them. The other three Miss Grim, who was Chiago'« mind which enabled him to hold his nessed, With him there will go intoscored by Illinois were made on long representative in the Central Oratori- stu�.nts. -He never forgot that the office Henry, vice-president, Gaardc,throws 'from the center of the fie'd, cal League contest last year, spoke study was difficult for the student. secretary, McBride, treasurer, andwo-'by Pe,n and one by": Watson. first on "'The Wb�nly Woman'" BY' never·:faitit'lg- to give the student Cleary. libfatiaJC' .� ...The absence of Rennacker from The oration was well composed and his bearings he produced a great The results were not announcedI the Illinois lineup was cause for sur- well delivered and many of the audi- vividness. Then there was his gen- until 7:30• For about three hours,� prise; and tO,ld in the playing of the cnce conceded her first place. eral kind disposition toward the stu- while the election commission v.iasvisiting five. Watso,n·s free throwing "The prevalent attitude taken by dent which caused him to abstain closeted counting the ballote, a crowdwas accurate. He totaled seven out men," she said, "is t'hat woman can- from all manner of sarcasm." was anxiously waiting in the library; of ten attempts. not attempt to exercise power at the Professor' Small's talk was in the and the pool room .for the announce-The defeat of Illinois. makes it look polls, and at the same time hope to spirit of one .who was one of a large ment of the returns. When at lastas if Chicago and Wisconsin will have preserve her womanly qualities. Fair circle of less intimate friends. The these were posted, there was a playoff their tie. That the Orange minded men no longer contest the modesty and quiet strength which for the bulletin board amid great; arid Blue can not beat the Badgers. right embodied in the question, but lead one to feel that Professor excitement. In a minute everybody\showin� the form displayed last night the advisibility, But the two lines of Maschke "would arrive at his desti- knew that Dille would head the club'was the general opinion., objection, namely that she loses her nation when due" were emphasised for the coming year, and the remark-: The Iineup; womanliness, and that the home suf- by him. able closeness' of the voting was the; Chicago (42) Illinois (17)· fers, have been amply proved irn- cause of interested comment,. Georgen •.•.... R. F ...••....... Penn practicable, the tendency having been ADOPTION OF SEAL SLOW: All during the day, in place of tbe, Falls .......•.. 1- F ....•.... Watson in fact directly in the opposite direc- TO USE EMBLEM INSTEAD usual serene quiet and studiousness,'. Schommer' •...... C •.. � .. '. Brundage tion where woman's suffrage exists. the library of the club resembled aHoffman •..... R. G Thompson while at the same time causing a Design of Mitchell Tower. Encircled polling place in the first ward. GroupsHarris cleaner poll system and an advance in by Wreath to be Prinl�l on of politicians were waiting" aroundPage .......•. :. I- G ••. o...... Dadant political methods." Official Publications. for the voter, always ready to 'tellJ Baskets: Schommer II, Falls 4. k him whom to cast his ballot for, andMacAndrews, the second spca cr. ThePage 2, Georgen, Harris, Penn 3, ,University has adopted an emb- the more weighty reasons whyin his "Plea for Colonization" present-Watson, Dadant. Free throws: Falls Iern to fill the place left by the ab- he should vole their way. Not one of, cd the negro problem in a forcible and4, Watson 7. Referee, Reynolds. scncc of any official University seal. them even ventured to set forth theeffective way. He said. "Casting outi Thc Freshmen won the curtain Despairing because of the slow prog- secondary reasons. One group- in:. all superfluous discussion. the realraiser from Culver by pulling away rcss made in the selection of a seal. particular bad a number of sheets fulland vital question of race in our coun- Dean Vincent has had a design made of the names of the members. and astry is '\Vill the black or the whitt' Presidentswing their way, and with it the ma­jority of points, the Varsity athleteswill tonight' endeavor to wrest vic-.tory from the Illinois athletes in the Vice-Presidentsecond dual. meet of the season inBartlett gymnasium.In the face of the 52 to 34 victorywhich the Orange and Blue team hasto its credit, it may seem next to im­possible for Chicago by any processof logic to figure out first honors inmeet. Practically the same athleteswill face the starter's pistol on thisoccasion as on the last. Lllinois won Treasurereach man came in to exercise hisright of suffrage, amid whisperedconsultations it was decided whom hewas for. In this way a fairly ac­curate "dope" sheet was kept.And the candidates �ere also there.the ncar the end of the game aftcrPlaying close three-fourths -of rule?' The negroes grow strong-Captain Clark, through having a Tar-cr. They tend to draw more andeasily last time. \Vhy not this? tcr in Clark, of the military team. more together. Colonization is aFor one thing, Chicago is practical- scored two baskets and eleven free perfectly simple matter if peopleIy sure of the relay race, which was throws for the Yearlings. Keefer also people would only agree. It couldI 1 1 Ch . nlaved a creditable �me. ·The liucun:captured )y lIinois at t re ampargn .' .r &.. .' not be accomplished in six months.('011te";t. Thcll the distance "111 by Freshmen 21. Culver 13· or a year, or two years, but evcrrtu-each Ai t h e four men of the teams Parker R. F .. ' Hoskins ally the problem would be satisfac-W:lS sr a r cc ly more than 220 yards. Thomas {only solved by this method. result-ll(,T(, the men run close to a quarter Clark •.....•... L. F Balcom ing in benefit to both black andmile. \Vhen it comes to quarter mil- Halsey ...•....... C Strauss white . ." Each one was dressed in his newestsuit of clothes, the best friend ofeverybody who would pay any at­rcntion to such unimportent people.which wilt be used on all official pub. It was rumored that owing to the un­iications. )Iitchell tower, enclosed accustomed exercise, one of them isin a wreath of laurel is the basis of laid up in bed for a week with athe dc�ign. which is simple and dis- spraincd; to advantage the University's The vote pollcd was exceedinglymost beautiful cxample of architect- l:!rge, therc being over 400 bal10ts casture. If at any time in the future �n for presidcnt. This means that 31-official University seal should be dt- most evrr mcmber ,·otcd and conse­"liescid�d upon, the substitutc will proh- quently the result indicates the willably be djscarded. of the majority of the people.- crs, Coach Friend is better equipped Brown "The Price of Prosperity" was thethan Coach Gill. Captain Quigley, Keefer R. G ...•.... Yarnclle subject of Fcrn:lld's oration, prcscnt·Lingle. :ll1cl Garrctt arc considcrably Hoskl'ns of. tIlt'ing admirably the prohlemfaqer than any three runners from Fulkcrson L. G .•.••. Keplingcr great numbers woundcd and killedI1Fnoi� :It. the' distan<:e. Lindberg isthe only Tllinois entrant who can beatthe three :\f:lroons. For the fourthpo�i'ion. "IorJ:tan or Steffcn w111 be--(C���'lf��·�d on page 3) Sturgeon. cach ):e:tr through incfficicnt protec-Baskets: Clark 2. Parker, Halsry. tion afforded by employcrs.Keefcr, Hoskins, Brown. Frct' I "The on'y solution." he said,throws: Clark II, Hoskins 9. Refcree', ------' ----------Bezdek. (Continued on page .4)THE DAILY MAROON, SATURDAY, MAR_CH ,; 1908.PRESTON 'If. GASS, Nen EdItor.MELVIN J. ADAMS, Atblet1c: Bdltor.LOUIS 8. BERLIN. Bualneu M�er.Warren D. Foster,Harry A. Hansen,Jerome Frank,Albert D. Henderson.W. A. WeaHr, Robert B. Owen,J. Sidney Salkey, Miss Mamie Lilly,A. N. Pfeffer, Suahindra Bose,Miss Caroline Dickey,Miss Esther M. Hall,Harvey B.FuIler, Jr.Formerl,JThe Unlnralt,J of Cblcago Weekly.FonndcdThe WeeklY, Oct. 1. 1892.Th. Dally. Oct. 1. 1902.for a m6ntbs. SobecrlpUona recelTed attil. Maroon Ofllce, Ellis Hall. ee at tberaeulq ibcbange. Cobb Ball.PrlDtecJ by the Maroon PreIIISA TURDA Y, MARCH 7, 1908. The lioe-up:­Reds BiuesIllinois�onight the initial contest ofh Chi sinner ..t e year, when rca- Elizabeth Franklin C H B Florencego experienced a dis-appointing· defeat. On l\fannin,llAlice See L H Ba home floor, with the team in a bet- Ha7.el Peckte� condition than in the Champaignmeet, the Varsity Should turn the Mollie Carrol Bernice CrokerElsie TurkSubs ,. sity ill basket baJl by a score of *Students of the Agriculture andMechanics College of Texas.,a branehof the University of Texas, are inopen revolt against their president.Dr. Harrington, toward whom thereis great antagonism. They - recentlyrefused to· attend classes until thepresident should be removed by theboard of directors. The latter on in-vestigation of the complaints, unan­imously endorsed by the presidentNearly all the students .went home,two hundred and fifty deciding to re­main till the end of the session. AItables on the visitors. Janet FrottIllinois may defeat Chicago on thetrack, but there will- be no excuses if Laura Chatfield----- year for the first .time. A new lawStella Radabough building wiIJ be completed in May.Mary Allan He tells of the excellent work beingLucy Brownthe visiting rooters defeat the Maroonrooters on their own floor. To main­tain the reputation for militant spiritgained in its gridiron. contests lastfaU, it behooves Chicago studentbackers to fill the gym �tands and Ollt·cheer the lIlini, as they did Chicago inthe first meet.GRADUATES WILL MEETTO HEAR ALUMNI PLANS months' trip to Europe, sailing fromNew York next Saturday. Aftervi'5iting Italy and other countries ofsouthern Europe he will go to Ger­many, wllere he expects to spendmost of his time. He will return inSeptember by way of Faris a.ndLondon. Mr. Pearce was granted alea\·� of absence last June.Candidates to Assemble in Cobb year'sWednesday to Hear Class andAlumni Presidents.A meeting will be held \Vednesdaymorning ;tt lo:jo in Cobb lecture hallof all t:.e candidates fo; degrees atthe coming cOD\·ocation. They will headdresed by president Norman Park­er on their n:lation to the class andits organizations and activities. BurtBrown Barker, pesident of the Alum­ni Association, will address the can­didates on their relation td the Alum­ni organization and an editor of the. Cap and Gown will call the graduatesattention to the matter of picures andwrite-ups for the annual.This quarterly meeting bas now be- our teams are far inferior to the greatwestern and northern teams. Ourteam once went to Chicago, but willnever try it again. We nearly madethe first touchdown, but were a thous­and miles from any other. Bot wewhip nearly everybody ir. this part ofthe country."OFFICIAL NOTICEStudents who wish to register for ARTS SURPRISES ROOTERSP. C. 12, intermediate basketball, forthe sprinp' quarter, will consult and Almost Succeeds in Taking GameFrom Undefeated Law Team.get permission from Mr. Houghton,who will be in charge of the squad.He Ill:!y be found on the floor daily,cx�ept Saturday, from 3 to 4 o·clock.J .. E. Raycroft.BILLIARD AND POOL RESULTSYesterday's results in the semi-fin­als of the Reynolds club billiard andpool tournament were as follows:Stern defeated Lawrence.Preston defeated Gifford.Carter defeated Reddy.Sbcldoo defeated IreJan.L ,. .---�:IF OBLIGED TQ. .. ·DROP \�. .. OUT OF RESIDENCE t�. CORRESPCtNDENGl>SlVDY COURSES �CW"1lJ eaable yoa to coDtiDDe your college work and gain the de�trOne-half (18) of the·36 lIajors required for graduation may �done by correspoDdm.ce. . ;1:COver 300 �room courses are thus offered by members of 4:',University Pacaldcs. . '.::iCBesiclea··the replar HiCh School and CoUe�e courses are �.,that appeal to those in different vocations-notably to teachers> .j�tIW�rk mq becin at any time. Inquire at the office of �; TIlE. CORRESPONDENCE STUDY DEPARTMENT -.The University of Cbicaco - - - _. - - - - - - - Cobb Ha11, 7ATHB·:_J)A!LY:._.BUJ,LBTIN This season's color is BROWI.,,_ Wood shades. fawn. tan, and oIMsInternat;ional club will meet at 7:115 predominate.p, m. ill Middle Divinity parlor..Mummers will have their picturetaken at 2:30 at Esmoer's, Sunday.Glee dub picture will be take� atRoot's at I p. m, today.. Score Club will give an informal onthe 14th of this month.Track Meet between Chicago andHlinois wiiI be held at 8 p. rn, in Bart­lett gymnasium tonight. Reserv­cd seats- are 75 cents and may be 00-rained at the Information office.iB CLUBAllD FBATBlUfI'l'Y-The local chapter of Beta ThetaPi gave. an informal at the fraternityhouse last evening.-William Boaz of Fort Worth.Texas a·nd Howard Dutton of Kal-amazoo; Michigan, are pledged: to IBeta Thcta Pi. '--The IJlinois Theta of Sigma. _,\1-pha Epsilon entertained with an in­formal at the Chapter house lastevening.-The Score Club will give an in­iUt mal at Rosalie hall on the after­noon of Friday V'he 14th. This willbe the last dance given by the clu�this quarter,I t was decided ye$lerday to or�an- ,ize a University Mandolin Club at a"meeting of about twenty men whichwas held in Cobb gb at 10:30 o'clock.plans will not be carriedcome an esablished custom and rep- � * * * • • • • .. • • .�resents a distinct advaeee in getting * DO YOU�IIBER' :1a systemitized relation between the *na. oaId&I StudeDt PabllcaUOD of thegraduates of each quarter with t41e .. ODe Year Aco Today •alumni of the University and the * The Maroon swimming squad •Entered as Second-Class Matter other interests represented at these * defeated the Illinois team at' �.March 18, 1903 at the Post Office at meetings, ,. Urbana -in all the events ex- ,.Chicago, Illinois. under Act of M,arch * cept the century and the plunge *J, 1879- .W. A. A. CONTEST TO BE • Literature College basketball *HELD MARCH FOURTEENTH'" team won the Junior College *PabUahe4 dalI,. ucept SUIlda,p. MoD- �• championship. ,.4Qa �d bol� dulq tllneqoarten Tryouts for Relay Races Held Yes- * * Two Years Aco Today *of tbe Un11'eralq ,ear. terday-Hockey Game Nest Week."t Minnesota defeated the Var- *A week from today the women's '" 20 to 17.LUTHBR D. FERNALD, II&cat:lna Editorgymnasium will be the scene of the * Fourteen Years Ago Today··annual athletic contest held between * Beecher hall girls were in a .­Junior and Senior colleges, between ,. turmoil of fear over a .burglary *different" Junior Colleges and between .. which occured in the hall. ,.individual competitors.. Schedules of * * :;; * * * • • * * * *the different events are posted in the TEXAS STUDENTS REBELgymnasium which intending compet- AGA�NST THEIR PRESIDENTitors are asked to sign immediately. Dr. Clark Tells in Letter of StudentThe most thriJling events are the Animosity at Texas and Activitiesraces, and this year there will be There.not only Inter-college relays anddashes, but potato, sack, and club re­lay races. Tryouts for these wereheld yesterday in the gymnasium. Agreat amount of enthusiasim has al­ways been shown in this annual con­test and even greater interest hasbeen aroused this year. Some splendidrecords have been made in broad andhigh jumping and in ring travelling.The gymnasium will present a livelypicture all next week, when the relayenthusiasts, sprinters, club swingers,jumpers, bar travellers, and ropeclimbers putting on finishing touches,will impress the casual observer as a rhough no specific charges are madelIu_rlpUon price, '3.00 per year; 11.00 grand panoramic display of champ- by t�e students, and nothing reallyions, derogatory to the president has beenNext Wednesday, at 1:30, there willproven, it is thought that Dr. Har-be a hockey game between the Tues- rington will be forced to withdrawday and Wednesday classes, The because of the overwhelming student\"'1 ednesday class will be represented the "Blues", the other by ttJe This news is contained in a per-·'Reds." sonal Ieter from James B. Clark, sec-retary of the Texas Board of William L. McDonald of the LawIndia Sharp R W F . Nellie Henry school, Dr. Clark is a graduate ofEva MacDonald C F Edna Gould Harvard, where he received the de­Tonight's meet with Illinois finds Margaret Rowbowthan L W F Olive gree of M� A. in '55. In tlhis letter heBrubrook, Ithe Varsity better prepared than in writes of the rapid. grow h of theHelen Barker R H B Gertrude Hue- University of Texas, with a presentenrollment of 2,414; of its inreasedadmission requirements, and of itsprogress in various lines of activity.In the academic department the .de­gree of Ph.D. is to be offered next out, however, until. early .next quart­er as the pressing work of the uni­versity courses at this season makesit unwise' at present to do more thanlook over the· material and outline-;ome plans. ,A .meeting will be called GENUINEearly next quarter at which officers n.-U��Twill be elected" a constitution and by- g.SP�ND'iRS'aws drawn up and arrangements wiIlpoall;n:/y ou/fAdmade for rehearsals. '1119 Ihfte pair. of•h . II ordt� suspenders." •done by Texas' debating societies, A committee of tree was appolDt- WeLLtas tntmtlAhle.�Iee club, airls' union, and varsity ed to arrange for trials, to look up Q.u.h.� UI\Var.yln� ITo Travel in Europe C!>' B� tndeatrucltL! additional material and to secu_re a E..6J.:y..v_tec•aJ1dealW.lf.tMr. Pearce of the School of Edu-cation, will leave next week for a six In regard to their athletics, Dr. leader. �&;;���....Clark says: "We play good baseball- -The Glee club 'held a meeting SO_.�trat�t.004Wp .�\.and football in the university, though this morning at 10:30 in Cobb 8b at . ...,._.I� ... IL \ .OS_!!I.!!!I..!!!t-_BR...Q�E.. �.� ,\.\W.,i,which it was decided to have a group _ ... v. _._. �._ r._ !\\\picture of the Oub taken for theCap and Gown at Root's today atI p. m.-The finals of the Reynold's clubDefinitebilliard and pool tournament will be­gin at 3 p. m., Friday, the 13th. SPRJWe have them all, ("'I1d tbQsome") in our new spring stock.THE UNION HOTE�IAND RESTAURANT . iIII-II, Randolp� Street . ITHE POPULAR PLACET.O EATEither before or after theTheater. The 'P;'itl6.12.Art:"I :expcriTeaci·pleasiThrotWe make a Specialty of Cluband Fraternity Dinners.prestI. Highmend:md l'E. E.sego,visiWiGERWi!bProf. Shulz'sInformal DancingReception W:clubclubwilltimepres(IUarfriC't1at the Forum, 43d S1. and Calumet A,URIVB:aSI'rY WOMBN eftr7 _ ..�T.URDAY 8=45 to 11:,11dance the New and Pop:1larBARN DANCEAdmission Sl,oo a couple.ailelThe green. room Will bold a very Weimportant meeting Monday at I :30 inRoom 21, Green Hall.Th� basketball Spr�ad was heldArt5 college surprised the basket- yesterday in Lexington, and was :\ball rooters by leading L.i.w until the pleasant success.last minute of play yesterday aftef- The monthly reception in the Wo-noon, Law finally winning by the men's halls will take place Monday.score of 12 to n.The line-nl):Arts (n) Law (12) Your appearance can be greatly im-�Vol(r:tm ...... R.F ... Weber. Mcllratb pro\,ed in a picture, if you are photo-Exselsen •.•..•..•. LF Railey graphed by a man who knows how.·Gilbert C.Mcllrath, Sanderson Think how much depends on that,Leaf RF , Harriman and the,n go to Esmoer, 243 East 55thLong •••••••••••• LG. • •••••• G�ry ,St., for yoar next photo. GLOVESAsk for the best and see·how quick they'll bringyou:\1FOWNESTHE DAILY MAROON, 'SATtJ'RDAY: MARCH 7, 1908.ILLINOIS ATHLETES DUE the most exciting contests of the eve- �'.FOR DOWNFALL TONIGI:lT ning is expected.(Coft�inued from page I) H inman's short, quick stride is ex�chosen by Coach Friend. Morgan has peered to bring him first ahead of:1 made better lime t11"'.1n Steffen in Long and Steffa of '\ Chicago. Thetrials. . pole vault will probably' result in - aI. \\'inning the relay will make_ th�.' slam for the visitors: as it d:d in theChicago score 39. But the Maroon first meet. In addition to Sinnock,hopes' do n�ot end here. Steffen is Disoway :1I1d Jones, Rennacker andcounted to 'Win the fifty-yard hurdles. ,":,atson will be entered for the vault.At Champaign, Jenkins. the Illinois With such a quintet against C!earyhurdle� nosed out "�allie» by the and Steffe� �Jaroon roote� haven� �I ������������������������������narrowest of margins. TIle added hope for the Varsity in this eve�tyards are considered an advnatage to �Iadigan and' Schommer should take ISteffen. The fight for third shou'd be I first and second in the shot put, withclose between Garrett and Brown, the II the remaining point conceded to Mc­Illinois man, with Garrett a slight Cord of Illinois.favorite. : With the events coming out as pre-Since . losing the two-mile run to! elided, the score would -bc: Chicago,Miller of Illinois by less than a yard.i46; Illinois, 40. .�hile Chicago mayCaldwell has improved his form and i get the favorable end in each instancewind sc� that he now stands a.; it is not thought by students t'hat the B '0 !'-O" K- S. .. ,. '...: �: 10J •. _ •The 'illVesl sloe" in ",is I couo�!', ,"fllfl�::-:,�ntlard, newfidion, technical-cooveoientl, amoged on our twolarge retail floors.,. Engraved Cards,Announcements, Be.A. C. IMcC�URG .. .: CO.�IIS-HI wabash Avenue, .C.hicaeo.,,'4"--NiiiLi�_ ... De ......I1It:IInr" DIJQN­.s--rs..-.I NOW SHOWING IISPRING 1908 CLOTHES U'·1 The superior quality of Imy clothes convey as-. sur a nee of positive• satiSfaCtiOD.1-,IYd'teen to Thirty Five DoDaraWe sell "Society B�d" clothes.-. . . 'J�in" ·p�licious,Perfedly, Pur eSurpassinglySmooth;W()pderfullr)... Whol,��omeGENTLEMENDO YOU WANT TO STUDY·MINING BNGINEERINGin the heart of a great mining country within sight of some of thegreatest mines, ore dressing and smelting plants in the world. and in alive 'College, equipped with teachers, laboratories. and other facilities forgiving you thorough and practical courses in evervthinz nertaining tothe business and profession of Mining?If so, write to the State School of Mines, University of Utah. SaltLake City, for a catalogue and illustrated circulars of iniormation .. _ ..Graduate and under-graduate courses.ExpenSes lower than the lowest elsewhere.Four-year courses in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical. Chcrnical.. andI rrigat.ou Engineering also given. (the last in connection with 'th� StateAgricultural College).-----------------------------------------------------------THE R£Coc;,a£i STAID�The •• mela ..tamped on ne�•. ; '.''oop-�p'.'. CUSHIO�BUnOl,CLASP' ----------,-------------------------------------------------Hotel! Ma.",Qon.� �. I ... ,_.. - _ "'''' -'.58TH ST. �ND D�EL AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel Co. TeL Hyde Park 3739--The BEST Served at. -.�. -. "".'" ., .. POPULAR PRICBSI RESTAURANT t.�'!.!J!..NCH 'QI.INTER,-----------------------------------�-------------------The Yates-Fisher Teachers' Agenty'Piitll Yates, �lanager. Suite 64r-6.12. 20.� :,\1 ichigan Avenue, FineArts Building, Chicago,"I am ve ry glad to state that my Iexperience with the Yates-Fisher __ .------------------------------------------------------------Teachers' Agency has been very . Maroons will come through the meetpleasing as well as profitable. good chance of capturmg the I.ong11 1 tl,tel'r' h 1 I btai d jog from his Orange and BLue rjval, with worse than an even break in theIr()t1� 1 cpo arne my score. All the events will be Closelypresent posruon in East Division Foreban of Illinois is the favorite forthird p!llcr_ contested and hard-fought, and 'will,High School, and I heartily recom- d for theiAnother run in which- Ohicago is depen or t icrr outcome a great dealmend their agency as being reliable . d ..counting on a better split of points on luck in startmg an on condition.this time is the half mile. Garrett Coach Friend said yesterday thatm�de a name for himself by winning he thought the meet would be closestthe event, and should repeat his per-\ ever seen between the two colleges informanee tonight. For second place, Bartlett. The Chicago athletes are inhuart is relied upon to beat out excellent condition. The coach ex-Hanley of Illinois. He was not in his peets victories for Chicago with Stcf­best shape in the- Illinois gymnasium, fen in the hurdles, Garrett in the h:tlfGERMAN STUDENTS IN PLAY and was forced to take third place. mile, Madigan or Schommer in theThe 50 yard dash should 'bring Chi- I shot put, and Chicago in 'the relay.cago second and third. With the dis- He looks for good work, with possj­tance 35 yards, May of Illinois took ble first places from Captain Quigleyfirst, Captain Quigley second and in the dash and quarter mile, LingleJenkins of Illinois third. in the quarter, Long in the mile,'s "j ugcndlicbe" will be At 50 yards, Steffen, who is in ex- Caldwell in the two mile, and Schom-ccllcnt shape now, is picked to cut mer in the high jump. .into the point .column, and between According to reports from the 11-him and Captain QUig!ey, Chicago linois camp, students there are ex­ought to land four points. peering a warm contest, and are com­U Schommer is in shape, he should ing up in a large delegation to rootpresent at this last meeting of the defeat Ashburn of Hlinois, or at Icast for their favorites. They will arrh'equarter and to bring with them their divide the points for first place. It is at noon today in company with thenot known whether his strenuous athletes. 1110ugh by a close Score.,\t thc regular meeting yesterday basketball work has handicapp'ed him. they pick the Orange and Rlue tobut he is thought able to get over :; defeat the )raroons on the strengthfeet TO inches, which Wa shburn has oi t lrc result of the' last meet.been clearing consistently. Wood of An unprc('cdented crowd will at-"Iinois. is the choice for third. t('I1(1 tile meet. think!' )tanager Rain).fJuartcr, It W:lS very favor:-.h'y re- :\� for the other e,.cnts, Chka�o He!'i(le<: the hea,·y (It'manel for !'eats'teind :111<1 apreciated by the audiancc has no bctter chance than in the irom s!1JlPortl'r� of Chicago and 111i-Champaign me�t. The (Juart('r mile nOls, calls have been coming in con-�lit"hig:11l's varsity play, U)liclti- looks like Lindberg's event. The fleet stantly from high school shidcllts.g(,I1c1:I." h:,,, heen so popular that Illini still appeus a trifle faster th:-.n \dto arc intcrested in the secondC:lptain Quigley and Lingle of Chica- Jlrdimin�ry m('et for local prep ath­go. though either of the �raroons may lete5. \Venclell Phillips :lnd Uni\,cr­force the down-stater into some other .. ity High arc the two chief contend­than first place. At aU events one of ers for this me.:t.. .' ..... I ••••Prof. f. B- Rowden's �ho_ols,�nd . ._Academiestof DancingAssembly meets every Thu�. evening at Unity Club, �o� 3140Indiana Avenue. .Juvenile Class every ·Saturday afternoon from one to four.Studio for private l�s .. �I Kimball Halt" BIcL. �� Av�, ,andJackson Boulevard..Class for beginners Monday .. , Tuesday and Friday evenincs.P.1ivate Iessons given hour� during the day. with or without m�Children's private class, $1.00, per month.Adults, private lessons. $1.00: with music or a' guaranteed course for·S5.oo.Wis. BEliN BACG�. a· EXPRESS .. �t;J ••Quick Service our Moito-· . .BAGGAGE OUR SPECIALTY30 Wagons D�y to and from All DepotsFumiture. Pianos, Trunks, Merchandise and ParcelsDelivered to all � of the city. DepotS and' SuburbsMain Office: 6154 Wentworth. Ave.Telephone. Wen�orth 460. 461Branch Office: Information Office, University of ChicagoPhone Douglass 288 . Phone Harrison 15gB71 East 39th Street 48 Hubbard Courtam] up to date in every respect."E. E. l 'c rkms, (University of Chica­go, A. B.)' Mathcmtics in East Di­visio : High School,' Milwaulcec,Wi!brand's "Jugendliebe" to be pre­sented Next Friday in ClubTheater.prcsenicrl by members of the Germanclub next Friday in the Reynold'sclub theater. After the play, therewill be dancing and a general goodtime. :\11 members are urged to be FULL DUSS surrs·TO.; ItBR'.rT. G. SCHAFFNER a CO.All Sizes. Sure Fit.We carry "Society Brand" Clothes I.. 6 River Street. . BORDEN'SCondensed lIilk. Plaid IIiIk, Cramand. Buttermilk.AD �ttJed in the Countl'7.Botden'. CondeDMcl lellk Co.327-329 E. ,orl7-�tb at.irjrt1(ls.aitcruoon, twelve students of the clubre;'(1 "Gchorsam", the naturalisticd�;:1l1,l written hy �Iiss Lena Movitzin Pr. ,fe .... or Schutze's class last SMITH- VAILEPumping M�c�Del7.. The 'I�tt Iron. CO •... w.Q.dtsTURBINE PUMPS' 311 Wm =. -STEAM PUIIPS cmcaco, ID.ELECTRIC PUIIPS Harrison 167.m:l11y rcqt1c"tc; have been receivedir()111 thc:ltcr:o' to book the opera. ThefaCility f:l\"ors the idC'3 of a trip tonc.uhy cities by the Dramatic clabo'11THE DAILY MAROON, ·SATU.RDA V,'.MARCH 7, 1908.given rule over cases, over which it -.,-.. .•has no legal jurisdiction. Failing toenforce the law against homicide inour country may account for thealarming increase in the number atpresent. Respect for law should hethe first consideration of this Anglo-ONE HUNDRED AND TENIN. COilING CONVOCATIONTick� and Invitations for EXercisesReady for Distribution atPresident's Office.One hundred and ten students willreceive their degrees at the SpringConvocation, March 17. Forty-onewill receive the degree of associate,seven the degree of Bachelor of Ed­ucation. and forty the degrees of A,B., Ph.B. and B. S.. From the La wschool one L.L.B. will be conferredand seven J. D.'s. The Divinity schoolwill give two D. B.'s and one Ph. B.Six graduates will be granted Mas­ter's degrees and five will receiveDoctors of Philosophy.:Andrew Sloan Draper, L.L.D., com­missioner of education for the stateof New York, will deliver the Convo­cation address on "The-Rational Lim­its of Acadc!'mic Freedom." For theexercises each associate will receivetwo tickets and the candidates forthe higher degrees will receive three.Tickets are now ready for distribu­tion. Engraved invitations for thePr�sident's Convocation reception.can also be secured at the Presi­dent's offir.r.:."It is hoped," said David A. Rob­ertson, secretary to the President. I"that candidates will avail themselvesfreely of the opportunity to invitetheir friends to the: reception, by se­curing the invitations, by enclosingtheir personal cards, and, at the re­ception, by attending in' person to as­sist in welcoming their guests."BAYLES WINS UNIVERSITYORATAOARICAL CONTEST(Continued from page r )in an awakened national sentiment.which shall prohibit treachery as re­gards our laws, and which shall se­cure a law by which every employer isliable, in all ways, for every indus­trial accident reasonably avoidable."In technique and vividness, Zed­ler's speech on "The Gratitude of .AnAdopted Son" was worthy of com­mendation, and his manner of pre­sentation was energetic and convinc­isr."As truly," he spoke, "as Washnig­ton is 'Father of our country,' theman who showed what can be ac­complished by a life of unselfish de­votion even to an adopted country,tlhe man whose life was of such realservice to our government, may becalled the nation's 'right hand.' Theman is Alexander Hamilton."The winning oration was on a sub­ject far from new, but presented withrenewed force, vividness and power.In "Public Sentiment versus Crim­inal Law," Bayles displayed remark­able ability as a thinker and writer.During his talk he said: "Sentimentin innumerable instances has beenSaxon people." i ;�e Gr�at Novelty of 1908FOR YOUNG MENw'e--BRONCO SUIT"ALLIGATOR VESTFOR SALE AT ALL FIRSTCLASS CLOTHES SHOPSTypewriters for SaleTYPEWRITERS for Sale or RSpecial rates to students; bain re-built machines. W.head •. 16 La Salle Street,THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COIIPANYPhone Hyde Park 571 Kimbarlt Ave. aDd 56th St:The �est and Best Kept StorageWarebouse in the Cit)' •••••Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored. Packed andShipped to all pans of the world. 300 Private Stor­age Rooms. Large Parlor �xclusively for Pian05.Rooms for Trunks and Wheels. Large Room (orCarriages, Buggies and Sleighs. Tnmks to andfrom all Depots. Local Transfers for Baggage,Furniture, Packages, etc.,.' at short notice.Special attention &iva to University Orden. WANTED-Students to at�ndglewood Roller Rink, 6�32 Wworth Ave. Every evening, nSat. and Sun. Afternoons t'llthe season.TRA VEL OVIER THEMON-O-N ROUTE,---------- ---LAFAYETTE,INDIANAPOLIS,LOUISVILLE,CINCINNATI,DAYTON .. �VoL VI.�IRAlAT BSa1S Pta:aDd IDr. R:Jsity bas"for the cconsin JHe saidwas nolackingit is unlees thatof ChicaDOW' exithe BarMadisusual pam as •RaycroiHutcbuing of awhetheled onlett, L"It aIerence. yestetdhave t1-pick thany otchoice.Theoptimiridingenemyhope cif the�qaintestrenglIadisscoredear.The:sore dlinois. not bgamehanThe·to mby dennisis cofeverpiratThwateh:-sbanteanUni,colicWANTED-A young man to doorial and reportorial work on ro'ing city trade journal. Apply t \Managing Editor Daily :\Ia� SteilAof ttcf'dfenJ)jllRooms for Rent.FURNISHED ROO:\I S-NearUniversity; with or withouthousekeeping pri· .. ilcgcs;light, heat, hot and coldbath. Can 652 E. 5ith St.,6at.The faculty of the University ofIllinois has adopted a new rcsolut ion Or any Southern Pointwhich says that "a student found Ticket Office, 182 South Clark St.guilty of dishonesty by the .r�l1Jty Depot-Dearborn Stationl Polk aD.sh311 not participate in any public ex- Dearborn St.ercises as a member of any student c-r Ene1ewood Station--63d organization."Students in the literary departmentat Michigan are now required to pre­sent to the dean, excuses for all ab­sences from classes. 474 E 55'1' ST.eRICA.G.Have yoo tried a classified ad in'�he Daily MarooD? W ..tch The DAILY MAROON......