•/_-'�,;r ;-r:;,�; A',;', ' � t'" :"r� '\:, 'lajlg,-.. :.,.b.,�.II�iE�.�;�;OT�·:�·PlA�J�O�FF�' =�to�EDIr=�MI��=�IEA=_=:�:T.I;:::;==·::D�:::��:::�I�A;�,y�::;�c��13�'l9089.'·::D::R.�M;;ASC=�=-K::E,:=SNO=f=ED�M�AT=H::IE=M�A;:::··(=;7.;�-��:' ..' TIE WITH WlSCDISI. ::5:�N; UD��D�!S��� �� DIES AFTER AN ILLNESS OF ONE WEEKDr. Ja1CfOft SaYs VictorioUs ,Five Meantime. rector Stacg Opportunity to Take ...Will Accept Challmge of Quak- on an Eastern Eleven.ers for National Title. •� Games MuSt Be Wonpjrst _ Northwestem Defeated� Score of 18 to 10. Chicago Limited to Six Contests­Resolution FaYors but Five forNext Year. Met Clauca OIl Priday# PebntAry' ��and H� Been in Perfect H"Until Striclra.R---teaching under the rigid Prussian -c-vote for seven games. if only as an qurcmcnrs, and his experience of tenAthletic ScbedaIe for the �eek. experiment, At Purdue pressure was ycnrs in the Luiscnstaedtische Gym-The '£oHorwing, adhletic events aN also strong for gh'ing the longer nasium of Herlin ali combined toGo� Aspirants to Meet Tomorrow. slatecf for this week:• schedule trial. Both ,faculties cast strengthen in 1,im the inborn charac-Dr. Raycroft has issueda call to all � � Chicago vs. Illinois ;r.ttheir votes in favor of seven games rcristics which com pelted the admira­candidates for the Van:.ity golf team basketball in Bartlett. Freshmen V!1t.next season, to be cut down to five tion and homage of all his stndcnti.fo be held in his office tomorrow at .. Culver' Mili'tary academy... should the greater number not prove It may not be possible to anat1:�eo·ct ..... k. The work of the team will � - Chicago and Hlinois. f Th U· . ho I h J' • ..I • h�h·gil l�bS actory. e mverslty ar.t. t csc, qua ItlCS ann to assign to caebe explained at this me-eting. Notfl- track teams in Bartlett. Second ( '1---------------'ing in the way of training \\;11 be school pnliminary. Chicago swim, "4aae until aext quarte... .._en n. IUi.ois at � (Co.ti-.ecl OD pa� 4) (Continaed on paee 4) At the Illinois bar �xaminatiOft�,held on the' 25th and 26th � lastmonth at Ottawa, Wayland Mag�and Dwight Dickerson, 'OS and 'aU,respectively, stood the test.The �ngineering students at p,.nla.'are soon to make an inspectioa tripto this cit,..." r-.THE DAILY IU.UP. TUESDAY;' MA:RCH J, 1908.,believe that the lengtheneing ol the Ischedule will' prove an absolutelyharmless modification, and that theTIle 0IIdal Stuclellt Publleatlou af tbe Conference of 1909 will find', no �UDlyen1t7 of Chleap.cause to make the change suggested � The Illinois 'track t�am marnedto Champaign, having defeated111 the Varsity team by a score of48 to 38.Siz Years Aco 'Today.Colonel 'Francis ,W. Parlc!eT,head pf the school o.E educaeion,died at Pass Christian, Mass"where be had gone for his health.to admit that its conservaive policyhas been in the right direction, work­ing toward the general athletic. uplift.and yet liberal enough to makeminor conc�ssions to the others of 'the "Big Eight." In the same way,even those who differed with the stu-I dent body," as the majority of thefaculty did, could only commend itsattitude in avoiding ill-advised sen- PERUVIAN GOvERNMENTSENDS TWO STUDENTSdies' dinner .. .at 6 p. .m. in .the cafeA. S. Lascano and L. T. ,Traverso of: the Commons.,:The' editors congratulate the erst- Study in School of Education at McCormi� ,.Iecture-R. R, �Cor-while editors of Saturday on the sue- Peru's Ezpense. mick. will lecture at 8,'p. m. i�' thecess of fheir "leap year" issue. Not south room of the' Law building .)Iionly was the news of the day handled The Minister of Education i� tJle "The Opportunities ",of the Youngin a clever and novel way, but much Republc of Peru has sent two normal. Man in" Politics, �material of unexpected interest ap- school graduates to the School of Ed� ,.Bo��l club will,�, addressed atpeared. In view of the practical ex-' tJ'C'3tion in order to introduce the besthaustion of the "woman's issue,", ref- American mehtods of education :nerence is made of disappointed read- the republic. A. S. Lascano and L. C,ers to the down-town press, which Traverso are the first of their COUIl­gave from one to two columns to the trymen to seek education in the. Uni:special number, quoting a large' part vf'rsity.Lascano and Traverso are. bothk�aduates of the Peru Normal Schol)1.SENIOR MODESTY HINDERS They secured the governn. ent sch .Ii-WORK, OF�ciP' Aim GoWN a�ship, which pays their expenses, ��N '��MAN ADD� _.�O "here, by passing an open competitive." ,CLUJl,�Et;r�9N,. r.ICKETexamination for it. After· finishing'their education at Chicago they '.\'111c;pend some time in visiting- the lead·ing educational instituti'ln;; of Arne;-A new disaster has loomed upon the ica. They are also likely to be sen:I I· I' t' h ''Th by their government to EurOPe ioroca Journa IS lC • orozon. e man- Ben Newman is the latest entry in,. d' f h C d Go further study and travel., cagIng e ltors 0 t e ap an wo 'the Reynolds' club, _ ' ele�tjon rac.!,. t bl . th od ' There are at present ,m.: hundr�d,are 1n roo e concemlOg . e m esty which takes,' plaCt'�,:·next�, Frid"y,;of the Seniors. Not only do' some of and fifty studrnts from Peru studyingl'n M�rch ,6 .. ' N:ewman" is"'out, for,- :hethe members of;this ye.ar's graduat.- e�gineering and commerce Ihls, . secretary's chair, 'his opposing can'ing class withhold a list of their col- c_!luntry. Most o£ them are supportedThey .g,.. "n didate . for this' � O�deI ' ,being F-redby their government. ..,. ...Gaarde� With Newaitaii- m,'the, fielrl,an average about $ioo a month.Professor Maschke's Death.Again, after' a 'year:'s interval, theUniversity h� lost another of, itseduca'tional· leaders by death. Profes­sor· Maschke,' from the very incep­ti�n:� :of . the' University, ','occupi�d adistinctly valuable', pO.sitJion oil, lLS ors,'-his preparatory school, the .)r-fa'Culty. and, a recogiliz'ed important ganization to whicli he belongs, andplace in the world of scholarship. His his probable location after graduation.loss will' be fieJt not' oulf by those The· name and University addresswhc:h,now him�pefsonariYii6tif ,by the �hould be written on the back ott thewhole 'Uni�_'::;_ity'," which, m'� 'a ";,m-' photograph. Incidentally, it might De.... �.,.. their guests will meet at 6 o'clock Inply 'way,' bears inbute to his memory ';'\ good thing not to forget to enclose the cafe of !Hu�hinson ball. In or-\ the 50 cents for the UStlQI charge 'rorthi� motniD-K'. der to be real literary, everything is'� .. , ' ,-.. reproduction." done informally, and it is hinted thatSenior' pictures have been comingBy votjn'g in favor of seven games, in rapidly, but not as'· rapidly as thethe faculty on . Saturday cast the t]e- editors have hoped for. They should. "�Ii-,' qiding vote and made all be in this week. Norman Barker,� the longer schedule president of the Senior class, is co-GaqI� possible again. Whil� operating with the management in itsfor. the ,not in sympathy wi:h effo'rt to get the photographs in time.West .having seven games as The managing editors have an­the permanent maxi- nounced that anyone will be consid'-'I Once a year the Pen club invites itsmum of the gridiron schedule, . lC ered a Senior who can reasonably beyoung women friends into its �­fa�lty,rightly re{used to take a dog- expected to graduate at the end of• '. eluded meetings. The annual auth-m,.the-manger, stand by nullifytng the the spring quarter or the wintcr. oi . J or·s reading of the club will be heldWlII._, five.. of the other eJg lt COll- quarter, or who has graduated at theu in Mandel hall on May 15, whentr�!ling. colleges of the \" cst. Til;: autumn or summer convocations prc-C . George Ade is expected to be pres-compromise of six games for l11caso cceding. Individual cases of irreg-1 enLshowed a yielding to present popu:u nlarity in standing will be determineddemand, while the statement of :�l- as they arise.IJItt -1at1g _arn�'r - "r'Entered as Second-Class Mau�r now.March 18, 1903 at the Post Office at ,Chicago has been fortunateChicago, Illinois, under Act of l\l,arch through the: present athletic disturb­J, 1879. 'ance in the West in acting deliber­ately and sanely. Even those who.PUI.IUed 4a1l,.. ucept SUDdQa. MoD- differ with the faculty, as the D1.l-dQa ucJ bolldQa. dub. threeqaartera jority of the students do, are willhagLUTHEIl D. I'IIRNALD. �D& Editor. PBBSTON '11'. QASS, Ne.. EdItor.KELVIN J. ADAllS. Athletic EdItor.LOUIS 8., BERLIN, B.-mesa �r.Warren D. Foster,Harry A. Hansen, sationalisrn by expressing, its opinionJerome Frank,Albert D. Henderson. quietly through other sources." uroaasW. A. Wea"er. Robert B. Owen,J. Sidney Salkey, Miss Mamie Lilly,A. N. Pfeffer, Sunhindra Bose,Miss Caroline Dickey,Miss' Esther M. Hall,Harvey B.Fuller, Jr.Formerl,.TIle UDlnnlb" of Chicago Weeltl,.FOUDded'!'b. Week:" Oct. I, 1892.The DaU" Oet. 1. 1902. of its, contents,lIu.crtptlOD price, 53.00 per ,ear: $].00fGr 8 m6nthL SubacrlptioDa ncelved atthe Ilaroon OMce, EliSa aall, (It' at, ,the Prospective Graduates Withold CoI-1'anIb- Exehaoge, _ Cobb BalL lege HOnors and Even Names, . When, They SabJ;nit Pictures._.;. Printed b, th� Maroon PI".­PIa_e 117d8 Part BalI:II!:!,I,;,1j1 .' i' ..TUESDAY, MARCH 3,1908.!ege� honors; their prep�ratory school,and . the other details usually given,but a .few have riot even seen fit ,tosuppl)' their names."Eoi<eh Senior should enclose. with DO YOU REIIBIlBEItlFifteen Years Ago Today.A Constitution andwere adopted for the By-Lawsfirst ora-tori cal society in the University,The society was being promotedby Professor S. H. Clark.� SOMETHING NEW IN BASEBAitSpalding'S :=':t. R_Edited' by' Henry Chadwick, tlt"Father of Baseball:' Contains __merous interesting records Deftr'heretofore collated, including �sor National League thampio�each year since 1876, with games wo,and lost and players' who batted.YJIor better since 1876, leaders in C2C!Jfielding position, and winning pitcherseach year from 1876; National An.America selections from 1871; a..plete list of clubs, with officers aliidates of admission since 1876; Ama.ican League records since orgamution ; • World's championship recordsfrom 1884, with players" names: B�ball Field Day records; college nt.ords r miscellaneous records; all themajor and minor league records cl{907; list of extra long games ia1907; complete history of 1907 in baseball and other intersting matter.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.147 Wabash Ave., Chicago.Baseball Managers: Send for Spaid- ,:ng's New Baseball Catalozue forresidence at 5533, Lexington aV,enu�. (908. Mailed free.at II_ o'clock,AU 12 o'ciock classes will be, SUi­.,ended� ,�wiDi',o the funeraf:-�' Pr0.­fessor . Ma9C'hJte.��'�ly of the Junior andSenior "Colleges (men and women),will be addressed by President HarryPratt Judson at 10:30 a. m. i'n Man-d�r hall; , ,,' � - , .CoUege of Edc:ation chapel will beaddressed at J():30 a. m. iii room2J4� 'Emmons Blaine· ball� by Mr.Crowe, on "The Masque in England."Y. w. C. L. will hold a meeting at4 p. m, in Lexington, .Dr, HermanPage will speak on "The Value ofB1JLLftIiI. _.. .s:... ��' ::'; '��:'"--DAILYLent."Senior reception will be held at 4p. m. in Hitchcock reception' room.Special events: -, ;coDimittee of the.Cap and Gown 'wiII' meet in Ellis T 1.- .Pen -Club' win hold its annual 1a-5 p. JD •. in roo�; 13 ��. the ,Botan)buiJding :by :Prof�or Caldwell on"Some Problems' in the Teaching ofBotarty.", , , ' "Funeral of,- ,Professor H�ch�e �j�l.�'.h�ld frO� _his .late,�".:.:"Blackfriar'� Manacer: �t for Secre­taryship ,of : CI�Electioneering'" Begins to -Get Strenu0'l:lS-" -.-_.,-there' is now oppoSiti9n . for all the''DICK·' LITTLE TO BE' offices, except that of librarian, forGUEST' OF PEN CLUB whidt· Ralph 'Clea� is' the candidate.Evidences of strenuous ekction­e�ring are begiJUJilng to be seen ab�utthe club. Prospe'ctive voters ofwhatever obscurity have all taken asudden leap into popularity� -One new member of the club. washeard to say: "I never knew I was sopopular before. Why, -all the bi'g menof the' University talk to me now!I even talked over the prospects ofthe coming; election with one of theprominent· seniors, and he confiden­tially ga'ft' me' a', tip on the probablej'i' the picture a list of his college hon- Literary Lights of University to Have.' War CorreSpondent at Ladies'I»1ner Tonight., \'ote to every detajl of- your c1otlla.Illini Club· Adopt. Constitution Come in and talk O\'cr the SprUeThe "University of C1i�go' IIUni" 'Styles. Let us show you the De"at a b1l'5iness meeting held last Sat- weaves and 'Colorings, whether JfI'urrlay e\'ening, fra�d a constituti"n are ready to buy or not.Carlisle Adopts New �tigibility Ral�. for the' ciu6 'and dr�w up 'a sems of Ask to see our.�s a result of the whol��.e cri i- hy-Jaws. TIle purpOse Of the club, as SPECIAL COLLEGE SUITINGJ"Ned" Buterfield Visits the Campus cism directed against Carlisle, dl,\r'�- stated in the constitution, is "to pr.:>· $25 and $30."Ned" Buterfield, 'OS, has been ing that members of th� ::I?' Ind;�I' mote among its members the Spiritvisitng the campus for the last few football team were l,ro!essionals, the' of loyalty to our: Alma' Mater, ". I'i-'days. While in t11C college he W1S �ollege authorities ha\".: adopted ;� nois,' and to seetlTe' tbe true mRni-:a prominent member of tbe Dramatic new eligibility rule, whIch wili bar ;,:1 festa'tion of that 'spirit upon' all � Oc­club, the Blackfriars and other Uni- Olen who are not regt!larly enroll'�ll casions and toward al.- persons."versity organizations. He became �tudents or who have "!O!YC;d moreconsumpth'e while in London, and 35 than four years.a result, became a member of a tentcolony. He has now tmtiTely re-..... �te�tio;' to return to five games nextyear, indicated that tl!c hue and cryat' other colleges had not chang�Jtile prinCiple which: is', directing ath­letics at Chicaito.The other collcgtes in the \V cst arcnbw'free 10 schcdule seven games orJess; as they many !lee fit. I t is theDaily's undestanding that the \ic�tennination to �ert to five gam::sfor 1909 is not irrevocable, but rath;!rrepresents a present . intention. Thesupporters of the lengthened sdhedaie covered. Tonight is annual ladies night forthe Pen club. The members andsome of the members may even ap­pear in soft shirts :lnd check suits.Others prefcr to appear in cold tyi)c.The guests of the club will bel Mr.Richard Henry ,Little, presiden,t ofthe Chicago Press club, Mr. and Mrs.Homer Carr and Dr. and Mrs. ManinSchutze. outcomc."The candidates are, up to date, asfollows: •President, Steffen and, Dille.Vice-President, He�ry and �JTincell.Secretary, Gaarde al1d Ntewnlan.Treasurer, ,McBride, Freeman,Morgan and_ Orchard.Librarian., Ocary.Arts College devoted its meetin�Every loyal student is a subscriber yesterday to choosing the pictureof tile Daily lIaroo1l.. Au� •.. �? � put in the Cap and Gown. '.... . _- '��:�:'....0-".") ,l.':nec >1If!.t,i,of�tk.cciJj.-,�:Mror ,thecd rtJFOWNESGLOVESNets.. ���HDda oft' cheap glovesif 70U want weU .. gloved '.-band.. Hand out -:flCkelRcfwCheckTot.:,),{asrcp.uiJdiAttcDIIDCid(,Tot·WMarathe dof tbmnmoth�J_ the c';;� �7�lpimat�dDfe... :JW.'-THE-­BUSON ORClIBSTIl'- TH�T'S ALL - . ':.: )UD4.' 40 East ��olph Street "BORDEN·SCondeuseclllilk, Fluid lIiIk, «=r­and ButtermiJk.AD Bo�ed in the Countrj. .Borden·. Condensed IIilk c.. 'P7�329 &. FO�-lICftDth k. ', De:�laid'-------------------------------� �haySumAnd why not select you aotlld, AllNow and be ready when She appelft the c'n h« Spring Hat! ,:; 1Ity,Chalk and pencil stripes, n:wss tJIS ODS,lnd wood browns are vcry mocfij the �this Spring.The most desirable patterns �;ure to be picked up early-why dollyou be one that secUl'CS the crnlD fAthe showing?We "ave plenty of time now to-de-SPRING IS COMIHGTAILOR FOR YOUNG IIEIITwo .lOra: 131 La Salle St., _-44 Jacbon BouIIII.... ------------------------------�----------1>' . THE ,DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY,. MARCH 3,1908.,.�ENT DANCE IIAKlra court. ,\thereat "�d" 'Stewart arose IN CLUB AND �'lBB1IrfY�':';ROFIT OF NEAltLY IJOO and declared: "I have twice as iituch -"Major" Tucker, '10, entertained'i!' . t -', contempt for this court .as any man l�le members of the Chicago Chapter:i� of $2go.20 is Turned Over to here, and willing to pay for it." The of Alpha Delta Phi at his home on!-jetdement Lcacue as Donation sheriff was ordered to buy refresh- Saturday evening,IE',' from Students. ments for the crowd out of the' pro- -Om:cron Omicron chapter of Sig-�. ceeds from the fines. : The 'counsel ma Chi held a reunion dinner of thef'J'be net receipts of tlhe Settlementc .- held in January for the bene­�of' 'the University Settlement, were.... ft. . h f$ija.2o, according 10 t e .report 0� eommittee, made public. yester­;:. This sum has been tu'nled overIII· id&Ait ��Mrs. Franklin Johnston, pres. e�t cited Irish reports. "Sid" Lyons then The next social event to be givenof d.t Settlement League. The detail- asked to be cited to a Jewish re- by the Reynolds dub is a smoker and:If i "port is as .follows: port. He was fined "Budweiser" :IS vaudeville, which is scheduled for theReceipts liquidated damages. 14th of this month. This is the lastI tttI.·_ rICkets ·$350.5� The judge ended by fining the jury affair which the club will give thisriefu' Refreshments (net) .. .. • 21.20 fifty cents each, and the jury retal- luarter., ' t1.ecking room :.... 2.00 iated by bringing a verdict against -The annual ladies' night of theiJ1De1s VI BRIGHTON,Flat Clasp Gartersfor solid cum fort. The newest shadesand designs of one piece, pure all.:web. All metal +parts heavy nickel­plated .brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair,all dealers o� by mail.I PIfiItI&II SfJfWEltlllEII c�n ....... , Street ,.",..".""".JIlU�N 0/ J"tDrun- SU6pmthN.'was fined .for attempting to demur a members of the active chapter and oila cart. TllIe',_ .judge fined himself a, the alumni in the Oity at the chapterdollar ilnd hiS clerk, Driemeyer, a house on Friday night.like sum. ,-Ross Parker of tfbe. University of1-f';organ pleaded that it was .'10 Michigan is a guest at the Phi Kappacrime to kill a wild Irishman, and Sigma chapter house.CHfMICAL, PHYSICAL, fLfCTRICAL andSURGICAL GLASS APPARATUSWE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO DESCRIPTION.Any Apparatus Made to OrderlSbipss 11'01d�I ezc!JtchersIAJI.COlI-'s.Ama.�DizaecordsBa. Pen deb will be held tomorrow nightat 6 o'clock in the priviate diningthe judge and prisoners.Totll 1 •••••••••••• ·$373·70Expenses,llas1c ••......•••••••••••••••. $ 40.00p.uildings and Grounds.::-...... 2'].256.1)() Vjf\RSITY ATHLETES TRAIN room of the Commons. The guest ofFOR ILLINOIS DUAL MEET honor is to be Richard Henry Little, Ipresident of the Chicago Press Club, +Dr. and Mrs. Martin Schutze will be �Ithe chaperons. The picture of thedub for the Cap and Gown was talden I Phone Main 2700- 171 E. Randolph Street.CHICAGO..----------....----..w. J. BOEHMChances Vastly Better than atChampaign Contest-Friend SeesPossibility of Victory. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERAdrtrtising .. 1 •••••••••••••••••Attendants .Incidentals .........•....•..... 7·:;0ere last Friday afternoon at Esmoer's,.Total ,. ·�3·50 Coach Friend set the Varsity ath- The Quadrang!e club's annual elec-$373.70 letcs to work for their meet with tion will be, held Friday, March 13th.$ 83.50 Illinois, which will be held next Sat- But one ticket has as yet been drawnurday in Bartlett. He is determined up. The candidates on this ticketNet receipts _. .. $290.20 to hold the Orange and Blue men :1 re as follows: President. S. 'R Lil-Signed: down to a much lower score than at lie: vice-president, A. C. Me Laugh lin;Alvin Kramer. the last meet, and said yesterday that secretary, R. A. Milkan; treasurerGeneral Chairman. if Chicago loses, it wiJI probably be G. M. Hobbs; counselors,' C. L. Hut-\Vm. McCracke;n, on account of dearth of good pole chinson, B. H. Mead, C. E. Merriam,Ticket Chairman. vaulters. G. T. Greeley, Preston Keyes.Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., However, the coach is counting on .The latest results in the ReynoldsChairman, Refresdllnlents. several points that were not the !ot club 'biJJiards and pool tournament are·We are all pleased," said Alvin of the Maroons in the last meet. as follows: Billiards, ElJi�tt 150 vs.Kramer, yesterday, "at the result of The relay race is an event that Chi- Carter 140, Lyon 175 vs, Hancockthe dance. It as the general desire cago lost at Champaign and should J 10. Pool, Smith 140 vs. Bate. 125.of tbe University to make this an win in Bartlett. Victories in the -Bartlett HegeruJeoger of Cincin­aDD� affair, as it fills a place that no hurdles and the two mile, in both of nati 'has been pledged to Phi Deitaother University affair does. This is which seconds were secured last time, Theta.,',_ the '�IY truly democratic affair w�� are looked for by the Varsity athletes.';;.� bTe-:-lad. At�ilie "last - '(lance 701 Such a turn of affairs is 'considered LAWYERS RUN UP A BIGpcop� 'attended. Next year it :s entirely possible, and would make the SCORE ON ARTIST FIVE�. for the fall quarter when score a tie.� dates are not so full, and we'll Caldwell is doing the best work of Have Become Favorites for Cham-bye even more tlhan we had this his career at present, and on paper pionship, with Science Still a- .. seems to have a shade 'the better" of Strong Contender.JW.Miller, the Illini' man, in the twomile. Steffen, who lost the hurdles The lawyers continued on theirby an eye lash to Jenkins, should confident race for the inter-Univer­sity basketball championship, winningfrom Arts by the score of 28-2. Theartists, without Captain Excelsen and We are now prepared to show our Advance Styles in "Spring Suits"in the most approved materials and Models. "Best Tailor finish" rang­ing in price from $�5.00 up.Latest Styles in Spring Millinery from $7.50 up. Correct Styles bothin the Most .Authorative American and European Models.Many of _our Models strictly exclu :JVe. •�-----------------------------------------------------------!e IU.lU therds clies itDbaseSpaid- ,ae forIt\-III Robert Staedter Co.155 State StreetBetween Madison and Monroe-Phone Central 5334'Furs, Suits, Coats�Millinery Skirts�:',: JUDGE FINES. TO PAY FORLAW MEN"S BANQUET"show up" -the' down-state entrant at__. � Ipore Leap, Years Dance fi,fty yards.IIId Have Hair of Own at Oyster Coach Friend discovered a new. pos-sibility yesterday in Garrett, 'who another of their' regulars, were un-previously had put all his time in at able to score a basket from the fielcl.the half mile. Garrett went over the The final victory is still a matterDespi�e the fact that they were 110t sticks in 0:07, within one-fifth of a of considerable doubt, although th.�asked by any of t* fair ones to at- second of the record. Law five are picked to win. Science.laid tbe leap year dance, the second The relay should go to Chicago by taking all its remaining games,JQr laws managed to pass the time easily, with Captain Quigley, Lingle, including the one with Law on 1-�1 at the Boston Oyster house, Garrett, and either Steffen or Shuart Thursday evening of next week, canSmmby night. entered. Illinois is short of quar- fie for the banner', and should LawAfter a toast by the president '")f fer milers, -Lindberg being the on�y lose another game besides the one Ihe class, to the Law school and fac- one of class. w.ith Science, the latter will be1Ity, tbe best in the West, "Sid" Ly- Wendell Phillips, University High, champions, The. Seniors, who ex-��e offici� «n�� ��rt�n� H�n�Ha"e� C�um�Cm�wd �ct�winhom����yth��� ---�-------------------------------the crowd in his own original way. Lake are the high schools entered f/Jr I ternoon, and from �nce on Thurs- PULL DRESS SUITSfoHowcd stories by AI. Hough- the second preliminaries Sanrrday. day. have a chance to tie for seconr' FLOWERS TO RENTVan Schack, "Navy" Henderson, nlace. T. G. SCHAFFNER ci. CO.Ambassador Hsu. TWO FORMER STUDENTS The score of last night's game was fOR PRESENTATION All Sizes. Sure Fit.The "scream" of the evening was SOON TO BE M;ARRIED .28-2. The lineup: AND FLOWERS FOR SOCIAL We carry "Society Brand" Clothese trial of Schwartz and Weber, on __ . Law, Arts. AFFAIRS OF THE COMING 46 River Street.indictment of three counts, charg- Engagement of Miss Gertrude S. But- Flanigan L. F Sayles CONVOCATION.grave and heinous crimes lcr to Frank Honon, Football Railley, Weber R. F Long A. McAdamsst said dcfendents. First, loud, Hero. Announced. \forgan , ...•.... C. .. . .. Gilbert ..terons, promiscous language. Harriman ••.... L. G.......... .. Leaf FLORISTd, attempt to kill the president, Announcement was made y.c-st�r- Gregory R. G..... Luckenb:ll 53rd aDd KimbarkM. O'Donnen. Third, childish (lay of the engflgement of :\Iiss G<.'T- Rask<'ts from field: Harriman 2,:\Jor­lty in thc class on part of de- trude Scovel Butler to Frank O. ga.n 2, RailIe, \Veber, Flanigan .'.tDdant Schwartz. HOMon. :\Iiss Butler is the sister of Ha,kets from free, tJ'Jrows: Raillc 2,Rames and Oglcsby were counsels ::\Irs. J. E. Raycroft and a graduate l.ong', Leaf. Referee, Pinkerton.the state, and :\Iorgan and Hoo- oi the Schol of Education. She is at The �tanding of the teams at ·.hefor the defendants. Rt. Honor- pr�S'('nt residing in Chicago. hc!rinning of the crucial period is :15'ble JUdge �lcDonald presided. Wit- �Ir. Horton was a" memher of _the follows:, for the state were Stew'art, Vars-ity footban clc\'cn in 1900 and W. L.·OOIon and Yaple; for defense Hcr- f!)(H, playing half back. He now Law ... ,., , 6l, Ske�n and H�nckle. lives in ClcarnlOnt, \\�yoming. Science 6lJenkowitz butted 'in with an un- The wedding will take place in the Senior ·········,······3for remark, 'and was fiRed fall. It has not ben rl<."C'idcd wilcthcr Philosophy ...•..••... 3Cents. Then Mix: was '\"isiterl it will be held in Chicago or Clear-I.'\rts , ..•.••..•. 1a like fine for contempt of mont. Literature •••.•.•••• , .. IHouse.MAROON MENWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORNER CLOTHESARE BUYING AGAIN THIS SPP-lNG..COLLEGE SUITS AND OVERCOATS S3s.ooSt85189 Dearborn St.�er&WDkieTAILORS Bank Floorrto"dothef.SpriJche De"ler JfI' :\IANICURING SHAMPOOINGElectric Scalp and Facial MassageMADAME KAYNOR'SSCALP SPECIALISTTelephon,s H. P. 18 and H. P. 6957 237 E 55th St. Phone H. P.3286._-------------------------------��������.J358 .·500.167 Under Hotel Maroon,: 1.000 51TH ST. AND DREAEL AVE.Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel. Hyde Park 37»The BEST Served atPOPULAR PRICBSRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfRIa Coanectioa.111t�--��.-.--�---. __ ��� _. __ � ___Pc.·500.1 �rHE DAILY MA"4¥'Nit �. ·TUESDAY, MARCH 3,1908.I •DEF&AT ILLINOIS FRESHMEN' WOMEN BRING FIFTY liENTO LEAP YEAR DANCE Washington Park Bank eour�-'iDR. HEINRICH IIASCHKE. ;:'r"(Yearlings Romp Away With Meet byScore of 4 to 23. (Continued from' page I) OFFI CERS:Bad Weather Fails to Discourace \wrJ. D. McK", Cbas. II. Poacue,. F. C. Bell,. L. C. Wacner, ProprietGli,.Fair EScorts-Banister Brigad� ... C. BUSH. �r.Coach Friend's Freshmen showed Present in Force. its proper sh�re of influ�nce in m.,�- THREE PE� CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS.the yearlings how real athletes per- ing up an estimate of his power, Ior, Safety Deposit Vaults-Boxes, $3-00 per year. Vaults open until 5 p. !Doform, when they turned tables on Although rain. wind and sleet, often times, these very qualities in a• •6cirriv�shomChampaign toa bmc comhined to make S�urday night the great �acher baffle descriptioa Oue �\��������'����������������������.of 46 to 23 in Bartlett on Saturday. stormiest of the winter, more than may be brought under their spell, may Dainty DeliciousThe Illini came to Chicago with a 18 half a hundred delighted girls put be charmed by their subtle interweav- .to 31 victory to the�r credit, and !X-l:n an appearance at the Reynolds ing, may be reseeed from intellectual Perfectly P u'" epeering another triumph. club, each with a very bedraggled despair and stimulated to the grcat:�t I SurpassinglyIn the early stage of the meet, it species of the genus homo in tow. mental activity by their appeal to t,,:-. Smooth'appeared as if tbe affair was destined In every respect, the dance was a hicher seU' and his nobler ambition.,.,. ·4to be a repetition of the first dual. zrcat succesS. Not only as a novel and yet he may not be able l('.cxf-hin I iihi'sStephenson 01( Illinois took the dash, social stunt, thoroughly enjoyed hy these things to ·another or C\'cn �o bamwith Ford second, in fast time. 11- all, but as a very accurate index of account for them himself: He simp'y - ... &AlaIinois, with Barlow and Hendricks the socially elect of the University. knows that in one class room he nasente�� took �e�wo in the hurdlc�. The dallce exceeded all expectations these experience� while in another �������������������������������Barlow's performance equalled the Both floors of the dub were used for he does not. Professor Maschke as agymnasium record, but it \wll 'lot the dancing and consequently there teacher possessed these subtlestand because he toppled two of the was little or no crowding, thouuh charms. He knew how to set in mo­hurdles. some' flattered mcn do pretend tint tion these lines of influence. He couldThen came Chicago's turn. Com- their partners took advantage of this reach these inner springs of thestock and 5tophlet captured the mile and cut their other dances. soul's activity. He never spoke offrom Gunderson, the only competitor As originally planned, the women these gifts to others. He never tookfor Illinois. Butler and Freeland who made out the program for the twelve part in pedegogical conferences, 'tewere expected to enter, did not ac- dances, and the men were allowed never attempted to tell others howcompany the team. The Maroon the privilege of filling out the four they should teach. He doubtless hedFreshmen had no difficulty in captur- extras. pronounced opinions on what CO:l­ing the race, Gunderson dropping out The banisters of the grand stair- stitutes good reaching, but his only-when he saw he had. no chance. wav and the corridors of the. club proclamation on this subject 1n ourComstock's time was 4:46 2-5. were crowded to overflowing wi':h midst was sixteen years of inimitableThe quarter mile brought out a the less fortunate, m�re jealous and !teaching in th� University. o� Chicago.new possibility in Canouse who held much ignored mascuhne element of Some: of his characteristics as athe fleet Barlow of I11inois to a dead the University. It had been planned I teacher may be enumerated. His Iec­heat in a heart-breaking finsh. Tirnb- to form a sore head's parade of the tures were always made clear an-Ilin's race against Hopkins of Lllinois great unmasked, and to make a dem- comprehensible to those for whomin the half was a repetition of the onstration befone th� women's ha�ls, lthey were intended. He never talked440 except that at the finish Tirnb'in but owing to the tertffic storm which over the heads of those who weremanaged to pull up slightly and won raged, this was not done. Instead, ready for his- courses. He began at aby a foot. t1te Coxy's anny of. forgotten Ius- known point and developed gradual-Bacon, Degenhardt, and Rogers sers had to content themselves with l:v and surely the steps leading highertied for first in the high jump at 5 repeated raids on the punch bowl, in the subject. He never seemed ��feet 7 Inches, Vernon of Illinois be: where many vindictive and ve .. y hurry. His students were nevering unable to dear this height. Rog- bachelor-like toasts were drunk be- flustered or ill at ease, but were al-ers and Coyle- had no difficulty win- fore the affair was over. ways able to enjoy the opening up ofning the pole vault at 10 feet 4 in- According to the society columns the subject as one would enjoy :heehes, Coyle'S performance was a of the city papers, Geo. Fuller was changing landscape in a new andsurprise. the belle of the evening, but Eddie 'strange country.·' And at the end ofCrowley did. the expected by de- �Tcnride contests this assertion very a course, one could always �ee how 299 f. 55 Sf.leating Pierce of Illinois in the shot warmly, saying that he. himself is en- 'each particular part had been plannedput. At the first meet Pierce and titled to the position of honor for to fit in the assigned place. He didWoodrow won first and second. reasons too evident for argt�cll- not attempt to include in a course ;,11 w. Stack • eo.pIeteLID. 01Crowley was not pushed to win from tation.· that is known on the subject, but -ma GIADIthe Illini men this time. "One thing is very evident," said rather presented in a most clear and IIaDlcare and adropodlsts'Illinois was beaten by almost half one of the disappointed ones, "and direct manner the chief fundamen!,ll InStrumentsa lap in the relay. Boyd, who ran that is that the real college heroes principles underlying the subject.first for Chicago gained a lead over are, . with the exception of Albert and then dwelt .sufficiently long Filesthe Illinois opponent. Timblin :n- Hcnderson, the matinee idol, not the upon these and t!leir applications to 16p=..creased it_ five yards. Canouse gained people seen so often and heard so produce a vivid and lasting impres- NaD aadfifteen more for Chicago, and Captain much of on the campus." sion. The crowning results of hi'S I CuticleComstock, running against Barlow, As one prominent man put it, "the teaching lay in the power gained by Scissorsadded a few extra yards for the fellows who were there were those his students to grasp the fundamentals Cera c:IliselsFreshmen. who really �tave social position in the of the subject, to proceed intelligent- �dCrane won the first preliminary University; with all others, it is ly in further reading of the literature I�high school meet with a total of q merely assured." in that line, to begin independent IeatlJ -Ioae1-2 points, the victory being cinched Owing to the storm, many of the thinking and research on this basis, ...... c.a.c- .... ew. 5 5 � IOIIcIIIt.through the winmng of the relay. fair escorts used carriages in calling and finally, and perhaps most import- SIlAltP ,,;, SIOTBEnglewood nosed out Hvde Park, for their partners. a- of all, to become possessed of a ... GI .......... Ca.-I�f ..-n:r'ttS'� In lNSi __ iSgetting 12 3-4 to 12 1-4 for the Blue certain liking for the subject and aft ..... &� . aac_ SII.�dW�e &whChlap g� �ALLUNDERG�DU�§ «rt���Qli�bke��.��its��------------��-------------point. Lipski of Crane, Coleman oi MEET IN �NDEL TODAY fur-her consideration and study. It Wanted:-A young woman to write POSITION open to youngEnglewood and Clippcngcr of Hy-Ie was the writerfs privilege as a grad- short stories and articles suitable three hours a day, in excbaqePark were the individual stars. uate student in 1892 to be' a member for a High School Magazine. Wilt room and board. Apply atSenior and Junior Colleges in Jointof Professor Maschke's first class in pay well for accepted articles. Ad- University EmploymentCha�l Service at 10:3G- Pres- . . h hi dres l... S B Th M ffi .------- ..Y- the University and to follow WIt nn s, .., e aroon 0 ce.ident to Spe8k.. ------ .... --.nearly .every course which he offered WANTED-A young man to do edit-for two or three years thereafter, and orial and reportorial work on lea:!­it is with mingled fcedings of admi- ing city trade journal Apply t.ration for the great teacher and sor- Managing Editor Daily Maroon.row for our great loss this tribute isofl-ered to him. Through all the:-;cyears of the University's history the�n;tecf testimony of students and fac­ulty alike indicate the sustained andgrowing power of Professor :\Iaschl;eas a teacher of the first rank. ;\ cer­tain mellowness and richness bor1lof maturity and experience had come Special rates to students;to be his. He seemed to be in :h(.' in re-built machines. W.prime of his usefulness as a teacher. FOR SALE-A scholarship to a head, J6 La Salle Str�et.He will be mourned as a personal prominent business college; scb91- ---------- _.I.loss by e\'ecy student who ever ''':It arship was obtain�d through ad-, WANTED-A young woman totmder h1s instructions. The Unh'er- vertisement; will sell it for 25 per I it advertising for collegesity, the country, the world, has lo.;t cent. off. Box M., Daily Maroon profitable work. Address.a lVeat tenli;r. Office. 1 The 1laroon 'OfficeWonderfullyWholesomeJ)aIIIProf. f. B- Rowden's Schools and Academies of DancingAssembly �eets every Thursday evening at U nily Club House, 3140Indiana Avenue.Juvenile Class every Saturday afternoon from one to four.Studio for private lessons,. 321 Kmt!)a11 Hall BId., Wabash Ave., andJackson Boulevard.ClasS for beginners Monday,. Tuesday arid Friday evenings.Private lessons given hourly during the day, with or without music.Children's private class, $1.00 per month.Adults, private lessons, $1.00 with music or a guaranteed course forSS.oo.Phone Hyde Park 12SI.'Woodlawn' Ice Cream Co.GEORGE M. WERNTZ, Proprietor.5(frtei,.cl��Manufact�[er of tilAfine Ice Creams, Ices, ft'�343 ·East 63rd Streer,STU�ENTS' l.UNCH ROOMTHE MIKADO CA FE·'� ItOf,�"'eals 20c and up Openal.···.i.1TRAVEL OVIER THEv-=----��------ -)� 0 N 0 N_ R 0 U_TtLAFA YETTE,.INDIANAPOLIS.LOUISVILLE.CINCINNATIaDAYTON.Or any Southern PoiDtTicket Office, 182 South ear. It.Depot-Dearborn Station, Poa"Dearborn St.CAST DECIDING VOTE INFAVOR OF SEVEN GAMES W ANTED-Students to alkMglewood Roller Rink, 6.u2 V;ftat.An "aU·undergraduate" m�ting f)fSenior and Junior college men ant]womcn will be held tbis morning, the.dlOl.c undergraduate body assembl­however, has taken a far-:o-ighh:d ;1l� in· :\Iandel than at 10:30. Presi­pol�'cy. It has already decided t,lnt dC'llt Jtubon will make a short :.d­the Se\'en-game schedule is a fO(JI- drc��. This is the first time such ahardy experiment, and consequ�ntly. meeting has been' held in the middlehas provided in advance for Ii\"(� of the ycar and is the first time Pres­games next year. idcnt Judson has addressed the un-As the vote nOw stands, Chicago, dergraduates since his accession 10Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, Itldia!l:t the presidency.and Purdue, fa\'or seven game!', whi'e J.f the meeting today is a success itWisconsin and Northwes'tern ca:;t is thought probable that it will 1)eadverse ballots. Thus the neccssa�y maintained as a perman�nt event totwo-thiTds \·ote has been 5ecurcd, and be held from time to time, the pur­every coll�ge is now at liberty to ar-l po!'e being -to promote a .feeling ofranee seven pmes next fall unity among the undegraduates.(Continued from page I) worth Ave. Every eveninl,Sat. and Sun. Afternoonsthe season.Rooms (or Rent.FURNISHED ROO M S-Near the Wnated-5 or 6 men to dowork. Voters preferred.The University Employment BUniversity; with or without ligllthousekeeping privileges; goodtillht, heat, hot and eold water;bath. Can 652 E. 57th St., second Typewriters for SaleTYPEWRITERS for Sale or