CHICAGO.SATURDA� FEBRUARY���- Price Two Cents�bit'��,1t-5.� 1ft��,-... �i; latly iluranu-- '!I.T ""QVoL VI. rvo, �.BDRUB! CIlAllPIONSBIPIN SIGHT fOR CHICAGO "IN THE LISTS:'� Lure of the Quarters" �iv�up to its Title-Rivals theBlackfriars. GIRLS' BIICE TOIIGHTPOPULAR lEi SATISAEI-1.1. A. VAUDEVILLEWlIS LARGE AUDIENCE�tuU. '��:QP'ie.H�ishbisacberbtd&hitt:�SOD \�,Sc�. . ---,U Bartlett Gym Crowded to See Ma-GI1 Throng of niversity People. Inndes the Segregated Pre- roons Beat Cardinal Team-Goodcints of LeXington. Score for the Leap Year Chronicle,24-19. Reynolds Club to be Scene of LeapYear Informal-Unpopular lienMay Sit on the BaniaterLChicago won! In one of the mosthotly contested games ever played inBartlett gymnasium Chicago defeated'The Womens Athletic Association the Wisconsin basketball team with aVaudeville entertained the Universi- score of 24-19. The game started Tonight we girls are going to havety pnblic last night and is now a with a rush, and within three' min- a leap-year dance in the Reynoldsmatter of history. Eaeh year this utes Chicago had gained five points. club. Wo'd like to ask all the niceentertainmcnt, which is the bigge-st Then the fighting began, and the men on the campus, but we can't, be-one of the year given by the women, rough play which marked the previ- cause there aren't enough of us. Weis better than ever before. And last ous game at Madison was again evi- hope that they won't feel bad,night's :;how proved no exception :0 dent. those who aren't .invited. But j£ thqthe rule. The headliner, "Th-e' Lure The Wisconsin team took a brace do, they may, come up and sit on theof the Quarters" held its own against and brought the score up to 5-4. �. banisters-e-we'Il give them all the'the successful headliner of last year, From then on to the end of the. first frappe they want .. And, if our re-'''Polly Popular N early Rushed to half the difference in score did' not ' , ception isn't warm enough to offsetD�tb," a sketch written by Thyrza exceed three, and the half ended 15- JDLmS' LEAP YEAR LOGIC ILLIIDIS FRESHMEI TO the effects, they may go home. By.,Barton, Jessie Heckman and Eleanor 12 in Chicago's favor. BE GUESTS OF IAROOIS the way, they needn't feel afraid toDay. The presence of the University lIaroon Sleuth Draws Trusty Rey- sit on the banister, because we'veFrom the time the curtain went 11!) band and also a large section of en- nohls Club Barber Out On the Sub- made special arrangements aboutfor the opening number by the Glee thusiastic Wisconsin rooters added to ject of Woman's Initiative-Eleven Number of Young Men From the until it dropped on the final, the excitement of the moment, O'clock Class Interrupts. State University to Attend'" We're awfully sorry Renslow -. �eering line, "Come and cheer for The second half was started with Track Meet. hasn't been invited. He's· really beenthe Old Maroon," from the chorus Harris replacing Hoffman, and Witt Apropos of the Leap Yead dance in very nice to' us this week. He hasof "The Lure of the Quarters," the taking Harper's place, Chicago lead the Reynolds club tonight, the Ma- Wiil Entertain Our Freshmen With lovely, OJr"ly hair and we don't think�-.�en�e was in 3:Jl uproar of amuse- :.11 the.� w��:. ��r�ugh. 'Wiscons\D. r�?n steutJ:l, _ while havi!lg hi��Drvid . ���, N� pf '��'�:A"" .!���u.I')._�.�_�.,It���'tOJi� .. his.prv:-·:l'�' and' a6preCiaiio"ii.-�· scored on foul throws. The play was Warfield pompadour put in perfect Probable Outcome. . gram: �drge Fuller was one of the ';.' One of the best numbers on the not as fast and was marred by Ire- order, succeeded in drawing a few 6�st invited and we don't think hisprogrammc was a troupe of mechan- quent acts of unwarranted roughness, feeling sentiments from Jul:'us, the TJ � hair is any curlier than Renslow's,� .... re men lUll the Fresbmen class of:ial dolls conducted by Achsah Gard- :aptam Schommer's injured nose barber.. U ' Perhaps the girls don't know that hethe Jniversity have invited the Hli-lIer ni the role of Dr. Goodspeed. added a touch of color 'to the gamc. "A Leap Year dance, ees it?" twit.. - . F h is treasurer of toe dramatic club withnors res men to a track meet given. The dolls represented well known Captain Schommer, though the target tered Julius, as he combed the six�'lT'-' hei h B a hundred dollars surplus- in his.,., 10 t err onor at the artlett gymna-faculty members. Mary Heap as for most of Wisconsin's roughne' . ss, fourth hair into -place, "Dot . . . hands. We don't know whether.. .", ees Slum this evening. The affair will. :.lIiss Dudley was a "howling sue- I d hi ltd k OT ...... t pe s--d L Y_ p aye IS usua s ar game, an too �."'.. esenes ot eap ear probably be quite fonnal, as the cos-cess." Inez Jackson was the "rnechan- II th h p' , . iI V h . kl e onors at center, contrary �o ccseness, am tIt. y, c ust tm of tumes to be worn are said to. be theial image" of Miss Talbot. Edith h . f h W" lik F k Tt e expectations 0 t e rsconsm mens I e ran empleton here who regulation low neck and short s!eeves.Osgood was Dean Vincent and Flor- h h db' I h f . drooters, w 0 a ased their hope ,)n pus es e .ery time ot he sees a ·girl The evening iviII be 'spent in a pro-enee Lawson imitated Dean Salis- Sti h F II d Pa b' h h t t' k d� re n. a s an. ge were ot -c us 11l vot a gran t opportunity gram' of stunts, such as a dash ofbury. This "stunt" was arranged by h . h I I W· . t f fi' I It ere WIt spectacu ar pays. IS- ee ees or some ne grr vat ikes fifty yards on littks· strips of rubber]u);et Griffin and Althea 'Varren. . 'k I . N d I' b ...L 'consm steam wor and the marvel- 11m. ot at elief in women's carpet stretched from one end of theThe much-advertised cloggers !lUS fr�e throwing of Rogers was doing eet all, py golly, no-but dey gym to another, a long distancewere a surprise, wooden men, who 'argcly responsible for their nineteen ces a hundert vays dot she can do eet. running' high jump over hurdleswere "little, but Oh, My! noints. [ tink Frankie here would do all right I do? P ace at little distances from eachThe "Day Sisters," Ekanor and The second half ended with both cef he had a lee tie chance-dot's ,,·11 h11 � ,� oA ot er, and then just plain running forarjorie Day made a great hit :n teams weary and the score 24-19. cet ees+-ghust a Ieetle chane.:, Vy, a mile or two between guests ,fromtheir song stunt entitled "W6rried" Chicago won! And now sbnds ready l know a leetle voman myself dot I llJinois and the U. of C. Freshmen.It was . local and received hea�y to play for the championship. ride on de street car midt sometimcs Oh, yes, there will be pole vaultsapplause. Two unknowns I f I d . .r I I ouJd d 'r gave an norma alTCmg 1J01l0wed game (ot v 0 a whole lot for eef I and shot puts and high jumps, too.rish Washer-'Voman jig. and reminiscenses of the Prom were (>DIy hod a chance. Now, beeg mens. The program wiII conclude wth anut the crowning event was th.! :n order. The line-up: likc Karl Dixon here-are you vaiting relay raCf"..,musical sketch, "The Lure of the \Visconsin (19) Chrcago (2 f) for a sh,ave, Meester Dixonil• Dey Th IIQua .. e linois guests who are expect-rters," \\Titten by Jessie Heck- Rogers R.F Fans dOll't need no' chance. Dey can take ed to be present are as follows:,DIaD, Caroline Dickey and Althea S . I Id L F G f dIEW wem 10 . .. ... .'. . .'. ... e-orgcn care 0 emse "es. et ees us little ·Messrs. Barlow and Hendricks, whoarren. �Iiss Elizabeth Burke :IS St' h C S I III n I'k If Il'ke T I' h11 '.• ' Ie n . . . . .. c lOmmer e s 1 e myse , emp eton ave consented to run the.50 yardf arJOrte \\I oostcr, the uirl lookl'n'" H W'tt R G P lInd arch d d" d h 'I ·Q' 0 arper, l. ••. . age ar un .c.a zero a:, ; ;., esS!s. Barlow, Jones, Bayer,l�� a college, took her part· well, Lindman .... L. G ... Hoffman, Harris �t ,this point the M�roon sleuth Beck and Hendricks, who will run 440ISS Louise Stevens as "Aunt Alice" . Field goals-Falls 5, Schommer 2. was unswathed from his towels and yards (a quarter of a mlie); Messrs.was \'ery good. I t is hard to sav G H S . I I I II' d f • I1Vb' . corgen 2, arper 2, wem 10 ( 2. '» Ige to run or an II 0 c oek class. Herrick, Hopkins, Bereira, Jones andl[:ch QUartcr proved most alluring. Rogers t. so that the rest of Julius' sage :e- Beck. who expect to win the 88 YardI�S Murray was the leader of th.· FIR F k d .F I ... ree t lrows- ogers 9. 'alls .• , mar s were cln'cred to the "next," n1l1 (one-half of a mile); Messrs.a.1 Q.uarter chorus of pretty' ath. S I dress "'·as to be'la nd d .I ' c 10mmer 2. Butl�r, Frceland, Boyer, Gundnson,.... ve ar, rna e prm-ellc girls who sang to "MaJ' orie" of Refcrec--RcI'mc"n. H . �ess, with a little Dutch neck. Wit-b " ernck and Hopkins, who are book-t e joys of the Fall Quarter at Chi. 'Pmpl·re-B' .. rnes. Law T ....... - Wms' AllrMft d '1 'L\oJ .- __ u .-. e to run a ml e; .. , cssrs. Vernon andQgo. A lice Dunshee pro"'ed ... F' I I) 't h b _.t W- biB Ich ' • c. 'ma score-t9-24. espl e tea sence UI e er an· ar ow, who will high jump; Messrs.mung leader ,for the Wl'nter 1"1 F I ' 1 S.I f h I' 'Qua lC 'rcs lman tcam p ayed a ctlr- anlieTson rom t e me-up. the Law Pierce, Burns anrl 'Voodrow, whorter or Socicty chorus. Phcbe . . . I h "I t 't . I h S' '11''Ben w!th I tam ral!'cr W1t 1 t c ��ort lwe�tcrn cam won I s game \vlt 1 t e �mor WI p ace the shot; �Ir. Pyron will'1 - lcr company of pretty Frcshmen. \V�th Clark in. th·:y tcam. \';mlt the pole. and Messrs. Barlow.: 5 represcntmg the Spring Quartcr tunlcd thc tables and started the The lincu!l: St'.!phen50n, Hcndricks, Bush, Jones,s absolutely bewitching. But the . I • k II b .. T ("7) S· ( IJ k'I�ugh . mg 1t S wor we y wm01ng, 33: to. .:'W - en'or 2'l) .. op lOS. Pereira, Bcck and Herrick1rith came when l\f;m� Ortmeycr Captain Clark played a star game and Raillcy R. F. Princcll wi'l run a relay.her chorus of Summer Qtmrtei h d' b k H I f CI' Redtlel(1 I I" 1'1' 0' d ff \\students d T . agg� SIX as ets. a !'ey or 11- •. '. , I�S, en or :e don't know "ery much aboutlook d appeare. hey certamly cago and Piper for Northwc!=tcrn �rc lIIrath C. Vish�r the Illinois men, except that theye as the lines of their chorus. h ..I .I k TI I' H" . R G 'I t . h F h1t1I. ff\V s owe" goou wor , 1C mc,up: .. rnman .. .1.\ C zmger c,t onr 'res men once this year attlJ •rh e are blossoming perennials, Chicago '(1.1) Northwe!'tern (10) Gregory L. G. Pinkerton a track meetl and some girl friends.. ou_ we seen more like centenni:- Cl k R F B R k R dfi Id 'I II-nls, � In spite of .,' :lr ., , .' ' rackctt �s ets- e c ,5 ., c I rath, 4, flf curs at Illinois say that the men�arjorie 'Vooster these antIquelSI" Parker-Cobh T •. F , Pip�1" H arrirnan. 2, Railley. Metzinger, 4·1arc good d3llccrs down there. Butdecides to a }' Halscy C. . Rogers.I' Bliss. Princell, Olendorif. Visher. \Vl' .Ion't think they will win this ev---(-C----------! Keefer R G .•.. ;<!�t��1J �rcc throws-�fic tllrath, 2, Redfield.ontil1Ued on page. 4 ) I Fulkcrson, Sturgon. L.G .•. TltompsoD Bljss,�, Metzincu. Refe1'ce. 1I0uaton (Contin\Jc:d on pace 4 >. . Frappe Will Be Served to AU-EvenTo Those . Sitting on theBanister..._.. :-;�O��.[ :,. �- .1,."_'f':':'"':�Cbas. Jordan has a "bid" or not, butif 'he hasn't We think it's a perfectshame, because he sent beautifulflowers for the Prom and then, tohave -her ask "Bill" Hewitt! DaaFernald doesn't feel very badly aboutnot going, because there are two orthree dandy girls who haven't askedanybody yet.I must put down something aboutwhat wc g.,rls are going to wear.There aren't very many of us whohave �w dre�seS', on account of thiscoming' so soon .after the lYom. ButBenha Fogg is going to look sweetin a cer�se chiffon over a white luis­ine slip. It·s made empire with cun':'Ring do-funnys 'on the shoulders,,Merry Widow eff.ect, you know­floating out behind her when shewalks. Sarah Wilkes had a lot oftrouble about filling out her programbecause she forgot how many dancesher man took with her the last time.That is a very important thing !\)remember, for if it is leap year wemusn't be too forward. She s»d herUflutftf lowdean Chatterson is just going tow�ar a white shirt waist and skirt,becausc she is tired of dressing upfussy. Thcre oo,·c been so many par­ties lately. 'Ve can't talk any moreabout the clothes because that isn'tall girls think of.Theroe aren't going to be any dec�­rations tonight. But we are to havenew programs with the music- foreach dance printed on them. It h3Sbeen said that there are to be fonrout ol sixteen dances for gentlemen'schoice. Bot we have our progrnmsalready made out. Therefore, wedon't think the last four dances will,."... -� .(Coatu..ed 011 paaoe 4)- ...--.......:1�;t:". ;,. ,.'., '.�'1 i:; THE DAlL� )lAaoOH" SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 29, 1908.1JWeCOIIIIUIIICATIONTelegraph Ollke.·Lamar, Colorado. 8:30 p. m.Dear ·La.dies:-When I first arr�v�dhere in Colorado. 'I was greatly preJ­udieed against 'women's suffrage andwomen's rights in any form, .But- thecharms of the ladies here bave quitewon me over, So when I heard ofyour venture; I. thought 1 would takemy pen in hand to tell you tbrat 1wish yOu a great success, and' youhave my beartygood wishes.Frank John Collings.DO YOU RJUlBMBER?Iege paper equal to any' w�ich ourcontemporaries of. th��' o�b'!:, sex have__ n.._I.1 ever produced. �� retire with all.. _ ,,__. 8tucleDt Pabllca&a of tbetJalyenlt7 of ChlcaP. How Miss Edith Terry woreher hair at t.he Washington Promone year ago last, night?How Edward McBride attend­ed a Reynold's Club dance twoyears ago tonight?, How Frank Templeton carriedsix majors during the wint�rquarter three years ago? .I How Arthur Bruce wore PhC-1be Bells' black prince�s dress ,3S"Betty." in the Blackfriars ;n"The King's Calendar Keeper"Price, together withSeriously, this is a question thewomen of the University shouldtake up. The MaroonPabUahed dal17. escept 8UDcIQa. Iloo-cJQa &ad boll4Qa. dorlq three quamn The Leap is the organ of stu­dent feeling, as open tothe opinions of the "co-educated" student, .as to the "MereEsther M. Hall :'.Ian," whose ideas and suggestionsCaroline Dickey sometimes appear beside the editor­ial column. TIle women should feelMamie Lilly that they must do their part,not alone bigYear IssueManaging Editor.New. Editor .. THE TRUTH AT LAST;REPORT TRAC:�FD 'DOWNthree years aSl;o?How Miss Talbot weresleeves ten years ago today?Athletic Editor. proved the value ofin supporting the student. activities,'but in active co-operation. The col-____. Edi How Dean Vincent made a...wiIgDlg tor Esther Hall lcce paper is as much an embodimentHews Editor Mamie Lilly of college spirit as a football rally, speech to incoming FreshmenAthl...:- Edi Car fifteen years a20 last fall? Th 1...... tor • oline Dickey 'mel the same spirit that prompts 115 e te ephone in the Maroon of-Associate �itors. to wear our colors at the game, leads fice rang wildly. A frenzied reportJessie Heckman Inez Jackson us to support our organizations-not {studies taken, instructors, etcetera). reached the editorial sanctum- Hitch-Elizabeth Fogg Ernestine Evans nJl ly to be interested, or to intend �o Other subjects which may be dis- cock Hall had been robbed! Not onlyReporters. identify. "ourselves with. some ac- cussed with men of well-known in- .he telephone-box but the Ice-boxDorothy Buckley Helen Peck ti\"ity, when we have sufficient time, dividual tastes and which display an vas devastated! More than that, theLaura Wilder ... Helen Sunny but to be genuinely active in student interest so subtly flattering as to be nefarious marauders h:rd set theMamie Ortmayer .Mildred Sco� affairs. _In the Maroon work the almost irresistable , are as follows: whole second floor in flames. Ro�mArt Editors, girls have as wide a scope offered For the musical, Men's Glee club or 64 was already a blazing ruin, MenWDlowdean Cbatterson them as in any other field, provided 'University Band. For the athletic. were leaping madly' from 5th floorHelen Jacoby they choose to undertake it. Let us track meets. For the politician, Rey- windows. Men. from the PublicB� Courtwri£ht. try to make the Maroon an mstitu- nolds dub or class elections, For Speaking' classes were heard implor-tion belonging to the whole Univer- the- dramatic. Blackfriars or Dramatic ing' some feminine Romeo to rush' tosity. - Tlien,' and only then, can we club. F�r the literary, "Pen club," their rescue. Appeals came- for amake our college paper and our col- "Daily 'Maroon," "Alumni Monthly" relief party. The ISPring Quarterlege spirit find its best expression. "Cobb Hall Clarion," or "Cap and chorus from the Vaudeville was im­It is only by making the Daily �ta- Gown." For "frat" men, -promising plored to organize a rescue party.roon an institution belonging to the Freshmen. For "non-frat" men. the They offered to sacrifice tne;r elabor­whole University, that' our college undesirability of joining' a "frat." ate flower-wreaths as impromptuspir' can find its best expression. Appear to use. great persuasion. fire-escapes. This presence ·of mind,.U_rlpUOD prlee. $3.00 per 1�; $1.00for a m6Dth8. Subscriptions received at �For the benefit of Max Rhode we however was only exceeded by theThe number of dances being held forethought and accuracy of thethe IlarOOD omce, Ellis Ball. e>r at thP would like to call attention to thethis quarter brings up an important Maroon managment, Two lynx-eyedl'acalt7 EzchaDge', Cobb Ball, consideration _ the lentor college dance next W,ednesday I• i afternoon Having attended all l{ s euths, accompanied by . a stro_!l8_____________ :.__ __ ..:.._ Attention to the courtesy due to th� I' '. • 'zuard .t d Hit h k t 'fthem for two years it would be a I ?" , en ere I c COC 0 ven ypatronesses, "VI h 0 s e the rumor. It rti __ .1shame to' spoil his record now, and s propo Ions seemeq'kindnesses in chaper- - t- f .besides it· is rumored that frappe will sugges rve 0 some past experience.cuing those affairs is unfailing. Not They were cautious, masked andbe served as usual.only in class and college, but in club armed to the teeth, speaking �nS"TURDA"r FE nIt is said that Dan Fernald low-.'"1. .I., BRUARY 29, 1908. a!�d fraternity dances have the-chap- hushed tones, they slunk through theerons missed the cordial reception ered himself considerably in the eyes corridors. Finding no opposmonOnee more has woman come to the and the attention due them. They of a number of people when he fell like that which confronted Wallie L .... -__,�GENUINEhave been slighted, or ignored mere- down in the slush on the campus the Steffen, they sought the janitor, Lev- OU�OTIront and demonstrated her equality W '. Fwith man, This issue Iy because of the inefficiency of the other day, e hope that n r, er- ding at him a '45 calibre Colt, theycommittees 'in charge and the irre- nald did not feel hurt by it. demanded whether 'thel. rumor had SUSPENDERSof the Daily Miaroon :.J "'!""llP!Mliive/y out/aMAppre..; .. ti'oD . sponsibility of every student present. 1fWhen a man tells you he is too any foundation. He struggled brave- lhfte nAira of..... WIn go down in the ._,,.----_OrdlftA..vor;uapenders ... 4IIo11W11 .....A spectator at anyone of these full for utterance it is time to steer iy, but forced at last to reply, ex- _",:-u"" 1...annals of history as an _eDPt� tnlmUaDle.h. dances could not fail to draw unflat- him dear of the frappe bowl. plained that since the announcement nualuv- un""-r",'.ac ievement equal to or greater than na �(��,bae.the much talked of deeds of women rcring conclusions concerning the ffWiUiam Wrather seemed to be of the Leap Year dance had been L.�a.u_tecl-allcl .. haL!r-tother than the editors, such as Joonne common courtesy of University men going through the snow drifts fo,' out, the remaining Hitchcock tele- �genut�palrhaaname ,d'A -C ' N . and women. If the patronesses who divers reasons the other morning, phone had been kept so' hot th3t ffiwOT STAMPEDBERE...rc, arne atJOn, Mary, Queen oi _SO�-_"irat�toodrJwpScots, and Cassie Chadwick. We Jo have so 'Cordially assisted at our \YilIiam is becoming quite a "plun- spontaneous combustion had {)ro- IEr_lI.-.,.ltl.Dot wish to boast but we would cail dances in the past are to contin'U� !o ger.." duced an explosion, the report of. ������attention to the rtmiqucness, th� pure at!'{'nd them in the future, it should 'f'Vhen a Harper so pUb1dy dis- which had realChed the Maroon. offic�.. bl�c()mc the personal obligation of I I f h d i Ou re rt had h d thD31vete· tempered with gentle dignity, pays a ta ent- or t e rum an. r po ers r.eac. � e sour�e. C\'er"'onc to see th�t the office that f h t:r • •the vitality, the channing personality, J xylophone we may even �"5!'C': him 0 t c allalr, no 1naccurate state-and the perfC'ct frankness with whi�h th('y fill becomes a pleasure, rather of viol ambitions. ments in our certified columns. Inevery department is �andled. It is than a self-imposed duty, the face of danger, our correspon-safe to say that ne"er b""fore have dents had probed the heart of the And why not select you Clothes• � f7L' Perhaps after the Saturday night'.;the depa�tments been so efficl·entl-.r ':i ook tWice bcfor you leap., mystery. Henceforth the motto ·)f Now and be ready ,,,hen She ap��rs'J dance, you will decide that th� girl .,-conducted and it is deplorable that f;\Ve understand that coupled with who looked at you in 9:30 so .\t- e\'ery University home may be: "U in het" Spring Hat!th .tl at t th t W'll H 'tt you sec it in the Leap-Ycar ML.roon.. Chalk d '1 t'ey must return to the old man.. lC. 1I1tmncemen a I eWl tentiveJy wasn't trying to run aft�r � an pcnci s npes. moss tansa�ment. But women were not des- had a bid to the leap year dan�e you, alter all, it's so." and wood browns are very modish'tined for such work and it is not cnmes the news that he .has leit this Spring.. h Betting on freshman girls is now BIa-LZna' rs H-u Important lleeting Tbng t for them to give all their time school suddenly and gone into busi-. d • h f . h \;IU vru e most desirable patterns artIn or er In t e raternaty it! Who would keep up the fash- ness. Hill shouldn't takc things so The Blackfriars met yesterday at sure to be picked up early-why don't• , . I Ask the girls of the Senior c'as!' }.rt. h h h bIons 10 drcss if all the women went �cnous y. 10:30. � I�rc: J3t was set as t e you c one that secures the cream of• if they are going to do graduate date f ·d 'pt d Th .I h . '"mto the newspaper business? And �fGirls should remember in intro- world or a ml DI sprea , e tIe 5 oWIngI'who would keep up the membership ducing their partnCTs at the dance 'committees reported favorably and it We have plenty of time now to,de-of Phi Beta _!(appa if women all tonight to introduce the men to each Wasn't the class of IgoB going to �s settled that the organization vote to every dctail of your clotheS.wrote gossip instead of talking it? othcr first, as this is a point upon see about that seal? would make a loan of three hundred Come, in and talk over the SpringBut if newspaper work is. so evidently which the mcn arc very sensith'c. How many of us would votc for df)lIars to the Cap and Gown man- Styles, Let us show you the ne\fan .unsuitable vocation for Iily hand�, Many finc catches have been lost :'y Dean Vincent for President? agement. weaves and 'Colorings, whl,ther roGit remains. ncverthclc!'s. for wom�n just such small errors in etiquctte. Are girls gossips? Ask Jim Hickey. are 'ready to buy or sieze snch opportunities as this. flSince c�n\'ersation is woman's sur- Are girls flirts? Ask Max Rhode. Ask to sec ourlew as tbey are, in which t�) demon- l'st weapon we furnish a list oi sub- '\re girls politicians? Ask Norman SPECIAL COLLEGE SUITIMGSstrate their ability, and, aft�r stun. !ccts which, with a little variatio�l. Barker, It'. a S2S and S30.ning the I<>rds of creation into anoth- \\;11 suit any temperament and may Anwone who may be intercsted iner four yea�s submission by thdr he used for any dance: orchestr:l, the state institutions of J ndiana,marvelous accomplishments, to gra'Cc- tloor, decorations (if any), dosen'!ss apply to Chaplain Henderson,fully retire again- into the gentl.!:- f'f room (which can be supplemented Paul Harper-"Wel1, anyway. the:-evocation for which they were intend- hy an invitation to a \\-alk outside, .f won't be any smoke in the Marooned. Having: with this issue, demon· skillfully handled), uniqueness .>f ofOCc while the Leap Year staff ;sstrated to our own satisfaction, an,l program, number of people present, there."we hope, to our subs�ribcrs as wel1. weather, (very fetching when accom- C B TAILOR FOR YOUNG liD..arl urton-"No, but 111 bet there Two stores: 131 La Sane St.,'"oar perfect ability t,) publish a 001- panied by apt epithets), school. will be pleat,. of powder." 1"4lIlIIII 11 44 Jacbon �.Masculine • Vicilmce· Found Remissin Pursuit of RumorFLOWERSfOR PRESENTATION 'AND FLOWERS FOR SOCIAL. AFFAIRS OF THE COMINGCONVOCATION.A. McAdamsFLORISTS3rd and KimbarkTelephones H. P. 18 and H. P. 6gs7 . rCoilEFormerl7.The UnlYenlt7 of Chicago Weeki,..FoundedDris $1Footiugtnerersiandpbstfronj11111planThe Weeki,.. Oct- 1, 1892-The Dall7. Oct. 1. 1902.REPARCADEARRow'CLIPEa _ 8IIII1DI1IZECOLLAR... CEN,T. EACH; 2 FOR 25 CENT.a..n.�. a..1IIIDa -CUlDJs-nPhone Ibde Park aa1Anrow,the,ThebeoRoilthennil.. ,yeslthtfotuJul,ll�1Buigre;glacSPRING IS COMINGFOWNESlerThat'. all JO'D need to knowabout aGLOVEd;111lhiIlf"THE· DAILY MAROON, SATWlDAY. ,FEBRUARY 29, 1908.GENTLE ..... :.. --_au·......... __ .. "---".B0810l-:GARTERTHE IICI1 -I n.... T ........:� .. ��• CUSHIOIBunOICLASPUti FUT1011IILU-1IDUSUPS.TUIS_IIIUfU.GO.ftCl800 ...................... &..L �_rI'ALWAYS EASY�_ ..BORDEN·.Condensed Milk, Fluid IIilk. Creamand Buttermilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borden's Condensed·1Iilk Co.327-329 E. Forty-�eDth at., .. PULL DUSS surrsTO RI:lftT. G. SCHAFFNER a: co.AU Sizes. Sure Fit.We carry "Society Brand" Clothes46 River Street.REPORT ON MEMORIAL FUNDHarper Memorial Library a Thing ofNear Fu�egreat improvement andglad to see it go through., .utdon't,m ofo·de­)tbes.pringne"yOG Dear Miss. Talcum:- TRY 'X'O GB'!' GYIIN�1U1l .CREDlT FOR- BARN-DANCING1fEEDS-�ClllCAGO.:wOIlltJl1I'OJt: GYMNASlUII..: AIID CLUBDiIIcuaed by IIiIa HaJI·_d·iIi.. Bow Can Junior CoUece Spum ofSlaucbt in Alum"N � - Dances be Broueht to PracticalAccoant?The Women are beginntng to take-an active interest in the Alumnae A band of perspirmg but ferventmagazine, �e:"e .. are .two articles youths confronted Mr. Raycroft im­now in process of preparation both mediately after the Sophomore dancedealing with the needs of Chicago with the firm purpose of convincingwomen. Miss Katharyn Slaught's him that sufficient exercise is beingarticle will be .the first to appear in furnished all th� members of thethe .next issue of the magazine. It Junior colleges to warrant ,full creditdeals with--the present necessity of a in Jl,Ymnasium work.wometfs gymnasium; for a women's Following dose upon the Sopho­club; for new athletic fields ete., Miss more dance, comes the announcementS1augbt has many staunch supporters of the Arts men for a dance Mondayamong' the women and among the n the Reynolds club. Wednesday,faculty as. well Miss Esther Hall the Philosophy women will enter­will write her support of this argu- lain all the Junior colfeges and nowment in the MarCh issue·o£. the A· the Literature women are planninglumnae magazine, Her article will a cotillion for the day after. Couldbe confined to the need of a seo- Professor Starr have been referringmen's gymnasium. It is calculated to the dance fever of the Juniorto remove completely any doubt Colleges, when he asked in his an­that Miss Slaught's able but more thropology class, "What is the mostgeneral 'arguments may have left �n important advantage Off dancing tothe minds of the faculty. us at \pe present day?" It was aThe editor of the Alumnae Maga- Freshman who read his answer, "Itzine will confer with any woman furnishes Miss Talbot's Date Bookwho may .desire to contribute, be- with events."tween the hours of four and six ev- Under the new system, however.ery afternoon. It is hoped that the by which- only invi �:J colleges arcwomen will respond to- this sugges- to be permitted Oil tite floor, ea �tltion, those of the undergraduate as member is asked to wear a pennantwell as. of the graduate schools. on his' back, either with his classnumerals, or the name of his college:MARIAN' 'TALCUM'S CORNERon it in plain view.success."The energetic Freshman c1as!O i�again btlS). A "stunt·' party tO !IE P. S.-We have decided not to :;aygiven in the Reynolds dub theater is what "Bm" He'\-1tt said.the latest plan in which several mem-her� wiII do stunts. :\ short danCt"will follow. All dues should be paid Every loyal student is a subscriberup iannediately. of the Daily JI.,.... Are yea loyal?Your-perplexed·Howard Blackford.It seems to me that it would bemore admirable to wear somethingquite inconspicuous - dark greyand black.My Dear Miss Talcum:-J am of a nervoes, sensitive na­ture. I am very shy and I can notforce myself to go into society atall.' Your kind advice, I know,wiJI h�lp me.Anxiously.Frank Orchard.This condition you speak of, isgreatly to be deplored. If yousend me an addressed and stampedenvelope, I can send you my ad­vice in fullDear M:nun:-How an I make my hair growout? I brave tried "Danderine," andthe "Seven Sutherland' Sisters, III' batall in vain. I' am writing this inbmalf of many of my fraternitybrothers also. As I am losing fteshover this maUer every day, pleaseanswer me as soon as possible.Your Earnest Read.!r,Paul Garchwr.IgII To Entertain. FOOTBALL DATES SEnLED .I just can't decide what to wearto the Reynolds club dance to­night. for I do want to look fnyvery best. I am going to wear mygrey dteck snit, but. I don't knowwhether to wear my purple tie withDr. Goodspeed annollllces ·there green stripes across it, or my ma­is $146.000 in the Harper "Memorial roon tie with the yellow and pinkFund. He believes- that the remain- stripes going lengthwise. l'!easeitrg $54,000 will be subscribed be-. answer' right' away, for I am all intween now and July rst, The Uni-, . a �hirl .:,emty architects, Shepley: Rutanand Coolidge, are at work now on aplaster model of the proposed Southfront. The "million dollar" ·library,.,11 occupy. according to the presentplan, the Middle space in the southrow, with the History Building onthe east end adjoining Foster Hall.The Modern Languagj- Building willbe on the WC5t end with the classicalBuilding making the corner betweenthe lIo(Iern Language and South Di­tinity Hall."We expect," said Dr. GoodspeedyesterdC!y, "to exhibit the model .)fthe proposed buildings in the nearfuture. Plans will be perfected byJuly rsr and we hope to build thellrmoriaJ Library and the ClassicalBuilding next ycar. This will be :1NEWS FROM THE HALLSlfrs. Jacoby is visiting her daugh­.t�r, Helen, in Foster.lliss Ruth Paxson, secretary of theStudent Volunteer Movement, spentTuesday and Wednesday in Foster..Miss Hendrrcks will be at toFost(r girls next Monday evening.Miss Scott and Miss Williams haveleft Beechcr for the remainder ofthe quarter, and are living at 5225lradi!'on avcnue.llr:'. George Hough. formerly MissJrnnie Ikrry ·oS, was visiting in KeI- �I should advise you simJl!Y \)Iy today. A crowd of Beecher girls let your hair alone entirely� ('xn:;)t�ttmded the Donald Robertson play for the daily bru:;hing.la5t night. There was dancing at thelast Foster Hall reception-not as :lbait, but as a reward.llrs. Dunshee is ,-isiting her daugh­ter, Alice. in Green hall.Grern hall will �,·e an inform::.1dance Saturday evening,' March i·Foster ha 11 will give a dance,lkm:h '.1 Beecher hall is to giv� aDiafonnal dauce, March 1. Gopbers to IIeet Maroons on theDate of October 31•Coach-Stagg has announced to Capitain Steffen the date of the Min­nesota - Chicago football game QS:>ctober- 31, and the place as Marsh-111 Field. This promises to be thenttraction of the season as the Chi­;ago-Wisconsin game Q'D. November14 is to be played at Madison, at"!arrangement which assures Chicagoof rfuture games tat Marshall fie'd.Further, Coach Stagg wrote, "]would be glad if you would' tell thenewspaper women that there is ab­solutely no tmth in the "Big Three'fabrication." Captain Steffen ;1'pleased with the schedule thus fur.AS OTHER PEOPLE SEE US-r Eke it fine," said Norman Bar-Iker, when cornered by three zealousreporters, "the more of it the better.\Vhy, I hear that the Information of-fice is to be in co-ed hands tomorrow.and tbat the track -meet has beencalled off, that the Hlinois :prJ..;might compete with ours in a bam-"dance. Prospects for winning. meetare bright,"Miss Dudley refuses to be inter-·viewed, al she must have had a pre­monition that it was about girls, andshe has seen enOugh of them lat�y.Dean Vi.xent Staid he was glad hecould see the Maroon at last in tmst­worthy honest hands. He a!so saidthat the young women reflected thekindly spirit of the college more pcr­fectly than the men."As long as you girls have thingsin your hands," said �Hss Talbot."make thc issuc feminine throughom.For getting that Hitchcock story, Itwould be a good plan to go to MissParker. I hope your i5sue will be a BIIIQlIJ:ONRill" t:IasM.� earl ....for solid comfort. The. newest shadesand designs .of one piece .........web. ' All metal parts heavy. nickel.plated brass. cannot rust .: 25c. a pair •all dealers or by mail •II .......... rr .....71. ri .. ,...., ftM ' .... 'IIatnw ., ".__,. 8..,..,....ur.... '·;Dainty. DeliciousPerfectly Pur eSurpassingl;.SmoothWonderfullyWholesomeH'ot-el58TH ST. AND DREAEL AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel. Hyde Park 37»The· BE.ST Served-atPOPULAR PRIOESRESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfRIn ConaectioDProf. f. B- Rowden' s Sc�OO'5 and Academies of DancingAssembly meets every Tbundayevening at Unity Club. H� 3J4O'Indiana Avenue.Juvenile Class every Saturday afternoon from one .to four..Stu'!i0 for private lessons .. 3U Kimball Hall Bid., Wabash Ave. .. �Jackson Boulevard.Class for beginn� Monday, Tu� and Friday eveninp.Private lessons given.. bourly 'during the day. with or without _music.Children's private class .. $1.00 per month.Adults, private lessons, $1.00 with music or a guaranteed course for"S�DO. YO.U· WANT TO' ST·UDYIIIRIRG.· BRGIBDBIl(G"in the heart of a great mining. country within sight of sonie of· the'greatest mines, ore dressing and smelting . plants in the world. and iu alive college, equipped. with teachers, laboratories. and other facilitiea forgiving you thorough and practical courses iin ev.ervthinrz oertaining tothe business and profession of 1IiDing?If so, write .to the State Sc1Iool of Kines. Univenity of: Utah. SaltLake City, for a catalogue and illustrated circulars of information.Graduate. aDd linder-graduate C01U1IeS.Ezpeascs lower than the lowest elsewhere..Four-year courses in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical. Chemical aDd. Irrigation Engineering also ginn, (the last in connection with th� StateAgricultural College). .Robert'Staedler Co'.ISS State StreetBetween lladison and llonroe-PhQne Central 5334Furs, Suits, Coals, Skirts.MillineryWe are now prepared to show our Advance Styles in "Spring Suits"in the most approved materials and lrodels. "Best Tailor finish" rang­ing in price from $25-00 up.Latest Styles in Spring Millinery from $7.50 up. Correct Styles both;n the Most Authorative American and European Models.Many of oar lIocIeIa .tri� ezda t:Ift. •.-_.----------�----�----------�------------------_.----�-!474 E 55'l' 5T.eHICA.G.MENTION The DAft Y ·MAROO"Wilen Trading Willi· Our Advertisers I:raE DAlLY MAllQQN. CHJ.CA.GO, SATURDA Y, FEBR�ARY 29, 1908. . ..... ..,.,MAROON OFFICE YESTE:RDAY' SENIOR TABLE SERVICE;- FOSTER FRB8H1IAH STUNG w. A "A .VAtJl)BVILLE- WINS LARGE AUDIENCEWANTED-A young woman to solic­it advertising for college papers; Wanted:-A young woman to writeprofitable work... Address. J M• ., short stories and articles suitableThe Maroon Office for a High School Magazine. Willpay well for accepted articles. Ad­dress, L. S. B., The Maroon offi!;e.WANTEn.=A-;oung maD to do edit-orial and reportorial work on lea:!- POSITrON open to young .."..:ing city trade journal. Apply to three hours a day, in exchance IfManaging Editor Daily Marooo. room and board. Apply at �Unh-ersity Employment Buren.LOST-A week ago Wednesday, 011Ellis Ave. and the Midway, a pairStd Ezperiencca VariOus lIuculineInterruptationa-DifticultiesArise. --'Table of the Peeble Preshmen. Who .Foolishly Interfered With' �ourthYear Festivities. (Continued from page I) "herself with Chicago, and when she,surrounded by all the "quarters"sang once more the chorus of theopening loyalty song, the wholeaudience realized the magic-power of"The Lure of the Quarters." Butalso, there were some who wou!d getfacetious and insisted that the manag­ment should have been consistentand knocked off ten cents of the ad­mrssion price of thirty-five. Thecast and chorus were '3S follows:­ Jenkins . Wooster, a sub-Freshman girl who is looking fora college ....•.••.. Elizabeth Burke.Miss Alice. Edgerton, her aunt, .• ' ••••••••••• 1. �. • • • •• Louise StevensFrancis Fall Miss MlUlrrayPatricia Winter Alice DunsheeCynthia Spring P.hebe BellSalthistabel Summer Marie OrtrncyerFall Quarter Chorus=-Miss Law-The poor, bewildered postmanstumbled in with some registeredmail What was to be done?The telephone rang. The news ed­itor' had to imorm the startled mascu- own. In cap and gown, with lightedline voice at the other end that I candles. they entertained the other"Gass" and "Fernald" were absent. tables with mellifluous and arrogantThe managing editor called up the I song, And this happened even intoReynolds dub and asked to speak to the moment for dessert. Then didsome prominent Blackfriar, amused those not belonging to the poor sungsmiles from the staff. class of 1908, scorned, rise in wrathMr. Fridstein entered and- asked, and march with indignation towardstimorously, "May 1 get my coat?" those "spiffy' Seniors. FearingAllen Ross asked politely to enter. harm, in spite of cap and gown,But Harvey B. Fuller, Jr., broke ;11 these joined the line and marched �nunfalteringly and was promptly in- lock step about. No sooner was IhlSterviewed, done than young Freshmen, m.uleToward the close of the afternoon bold through inexperience, ..usurp"':several of the ousted staff came their places, blew out their candles,roaming back-too fixed in their hab- ate their candies', ate even theirits to overcome them. cakes. To prevent this neither SeniorAnd it happened that the Seniorgirls in Foster took it upon them­selves to retreat to a table of theirdignity, nor cap, nor gown did avail son, Robertson, Culbertson, Heap,and wroth, mighty wroth, did the Se- Crocker, Lee, Wilder Ru�, Meigs,BE GUESTS OF MAROONS niors retire. But the Sophomores, in Baker, Davis. Huntington, Reese,pity, corraled those unruly Freshmen Growman, Phister, Dean, Barnes, ,ening, and j.� they do, the judges and with many threats compelled Hastings, Shulze, Carroll, Kellogg,ought not to let it count, because them to ask pardon of their superiors. M.organ, Chaney.they won last time and it is our time So, though the candles were gone,. Winter Quarter Chorus-Missesto win. Phil Comsock du'ght to win and the candies "et," all was well. I Butler Hartwell, Franklin, Goodhue,the mile and the half-mile and quarter But the Senior table still flourishes HilI, Kelly, Perry, Cushing, Walsh,.mile for Chicago, because he used to in the hall .. ignored by the Juniors, Burt, Admiral, Hnies, Compton,go to Hyde Park High ,School and respected by the Sophomores, scorn- Wilkes, Waters and MacDuff.he has such a firm chin. He just ed "by the ignorant Freshmen. And Spring Quarter Chorus-Missesslooks as though he'd win, don't you much may be forthcoming. Cox, Courtnay, Freeman, Franklin,know, It oughtn't to take him more George, Lazell, Underhill, Young ..than two minutes to run a mile be- :URLS7 DANCE - TONIGHT Boss, Pitkin, Burton, Karvin, McDer-cause he takes such long steps. And POPULAR MEN SATISFIE;D mid, Johnson, Bellamy, Peck, Ved-then there's Frank Coyle, a cute lit- der, Cash, Paradise, Bauman, Peck,D K E d h . (Continued from page I)tie . ple ge W 0 ought to WIn Haas, O'Connel, Perry.the high jump because 'he's so nice be any different from the first twelve, '<\. Summer Quarter Chcrus=-Missesand shy. We think it will be a perfect W� hope that no one's feelings wlil Sedwick, Whitlock, Norton, Morgan,shame if they don't give him first ;n be hurt about this. The music is ;till BeCSo. n, �tter Han, Evans, Allen,the, high jump, especially as that is to 'be new and appropriate. The pro- Glemm, Fish, Bryne, Slaught, Voght,the only thing that he takes part in. gram is as follows: .Cole, Van Draeeh,But then, if he wins, Mr. Degenhardt Lexingto th .f"I'd Rather Barn-Dance Than Two- . n was e scene 0 gaycan't win and we'd love to have him Step Mr. mingling of University people duringwin, too. He has such expressive . th int rmissi b t h"Oh, pry Your Eyes." e I e I sron e ween t e two per-features, In the mile run we will bet "You Never Can Tell About a Coed.' formanoes oti the bill. Refreshmentsa box of fudges that if Phil Comstockdoesn't win, Mr. Stophlet will. WeILLINOIS FRESHMEN TO(Cor.tinued from page I)(John) "Dill Pickles." were served by a large corps of U ni­.versity Jrirls."I'm Happy at Martyn'S."don't know Mr. Stophlet, but we've Moonlight Dance, "Dirge," from The performance was well adver-heard that he is a Phi Delt a'I'heta, "The Knight of the Burning tised by the bogus -packages ofQjJld the Phi Delts have a reputation Pestle.'. "Weno Gum," the hand bills and thefor good athletes. Mr. Bacon will t d b H I J b ThBarn Dance, 'Trip Lightly O'er the pos ers rawn y e en aco y. eprobably win the pole vault, because Corn." admissions will add materially "to 'thewe used to know a man by the same "Maroon-Light, " W. A. A. Fund for athletic emblemsname who had stunning eyes, and if "Grcctings-e-Psi." and pins.he doesn't Mr. Friend ought to give "Every Day Is Ladies' Day for Karl." The Committees in charge were,bim first place anyway for trying :;0 "Waltz Me Around Again" (Mr. Mc- General, Chairman, Ethel Preston,hard. Cracken.) .. Vaudeville Committee Chairman. Car-As for the Illinois men, we don't oline Dicke C it Al h"1 Don't Like Your Fraternity." y, omrm tee, t caknow very much about them, but we "February Twenty-Ninth Was My Warren, Mary Heap, Laura \Vildcr,should think Mr. Barlow and Mr. Jonah Day." Mary Phister; Jessie Heckman Re-Hendricks would get awful1y tired, "'Vhy Don't the Girls Like Me?" freshment' Committee Chairman,'being in so many things in one eve n- Lou' L G Idi B'Waiting' for a Certain Girl's Bid." rse ymans, era me rown,ing. Florence Chaney, Katherine Slaught,The names of some of the hosts Senior Class Reception. Carol Ames, Julia Reichman, Ali�ethis evening and the events in whi.::h Next Tuesday afternoon the Senior Graper, MbSS Bailey.they will take part are as follows: class will give a reception in Hitch-50 yard dash-�lessrs. Boyd, Com- cock to -President and Mrs. Judsonstoek, Crowley ,Phelps, Coyle and and Dean and Mrs. Tufts. There willLorenz.50 )'lard hurdles-Messrs. Crowley,Lorenz, Reynolds and Rogers.440 yard run-Messrs. Timblin.Comstock, Canoose. Morris, Straube.Clark and Watts.880 yard run-Messrs. Timbl�'l.Comstock, Stophlct, Canouse andWatts.One mile run-M-c��rs. Comstock.Carpenter and Stophlet.High jump-Messrs. Bacon, D('g�n­hardt, Coyle, Bate and Rogers.Pole ya�t-Messrs. Rogers, Bacon.Coyle and Gardner.Shot put-�·�rs. Crowley, Deg('n­hardt and Bacoa.Reby race - Messrs. Comsto�k,Boyd, Timblin, Canoose, Morris,Straube, Clark, M�s, Levison andRe)'DOlds. .;"'� ;: .... !' LOST-Thursday -afternoon, on ornear the campus, a chased goldbracelet. Finder please return toCobb Informatioll a progmm consisting of severalmusical numbers by members of th�clas�. Refreshment committee con­sists of 'Misses Morton, Kelso, Wilkes:lnd Pitkin. FOR SALE-A scholanbip to aprominent business college; schol­arship was obtained through ad­vertisement; will sell it for 2S percent. off. Box M., Daily MaroonOffice.All members or the Senior classare urged to come. "We have anelahorate program and plenty ofgood cheer:' said one of the enthu3i­astic "boosters" of the .affair.Varsity'. Hopes Raised.Fred Caldwell, two-mile runner forthe Varsity, track, created a sensationin the tryouts yesterda)- by coveringhis distance in 10:23. Lingle improv­ed his time in the quarter by makingit in 56 at. TwaWaitel. for SaleTYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent-Special rates to students; bargainsin re-built machines. W. White­head, � La Salle StreeLThe F�lIowship Club met last nightat dinner in the Commons cafe..� .... -�I .f'. .)� ::,f_ ,�.. ,.' '� -t......DRINKS -INK.I,IKE A CAMEL .To load � Conklbl Fountain Pen, just dip it ill ..,;Ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its _tank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all tbeIiis to -It l No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do Itanywhere-any time. .��CONILIN'S ��G r.MTHE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER- -. �f.. .�can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. ·YOl·�could fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ti'BOlling. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writiDt.qualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed. .� dealers haDdle the Conklin. I f yours does not. cdir�L Prices. 13.00 aDd up. Send at once for handsome new cataJo&:, .' ,�'I:The Conkljn reo Co., 310 Manhattan BId£, Toledo. (iiiCHEMICAL, PHYSICAL, fLfCTRICAL andSURGICAL GLASS APPARATUSWE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORDING· TO D 1!:SCRIPTI ON.Any Apparatus Made to Order Chicof tbbaSkclthe tllion ,RayCI'the cllot Pcept�Acecidinlwtekw. J. BOEH�MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERPhone Main 27OQ. 1'71 E. Randolph Street. . ,CHICAGOis' COlroatf.lIadibiIi"t,·.-Niowa.�fCJrtIwillManicuring,' if. Dressing, Vibration Treatment, Sbampoom':); .J(III,. ',:-.t.t-Phone Hyde Fark. � 'jist________________ --. .' ....!''"..•. ,-.0,.�:.: . B4J ..'._aD;��t!.e,!'eSCtealThelcalcataasullBa.1AN INVITATIONTO YOU ALL TO INSPECT ()LR PARLORSMADAME KAYNORThe Scalp Specialist _237 East 55th St.I Cieorge w. Currier & c&''-,I"':.f"..: :�""PRINTERSHIGH CLASS JOB PRINTING5508 Kimbark Avenuemt�'fol1Ii110(b:tioistTYPEWRITERSWe' offer a convenient and satis-factory �gement to ,tadents .'others desiring to rent typewriters,with option of buying.RENTAL RATES.First month •••.••••••••••••••• S4.ooRenewaJa •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •. - . . . . . . . • . . . • . • • • • • 3-00Siz months ••••..•••••••••••••••••••••......•••.•••.•••••. 15-00TBB .OIfAlUm 'fYPBWJU'BR COMPABY,. Phone: Central 63f& ris101M:Ie25 E. lIadison at.FOR SALE-Full dress suit; f,.,Icondition; medium size. flat, 6015 Kimbark Ave,�s. aPIint1tlaal�of nOSe glasses with chain. Retur:1 W ANTED-Suidents to attend Etto Information Office. glewood Roller Rink, 6.u2 WdRoOms for Reat. worth Ave. Every eveninl, '!'1lIIIeFURNISHED ROO M S-Near th�' Sat. and Sun. Afternoons t�University; witb or without ligllt I tbe season.housekeeping privileges; good ------------- ......light, heat, hot and cold watel;bath. Call 652 E. 57th St., second (flat. ·i\Vnated-5 or 6 men to dowork. Voters preferred.The University Employment. B