.hi,Ad.j; II ail!} flarnnuCHICA<:Y0� THURSDAY, FEERUARY 27, 1908. Price Two Cents--UlE WOMEN WHO WILLSUPPLANT DAILY EDITORS TO DECLAIM IN lENT TODAY DEAN VINCENT SEES HOPE IFRIARS TO FINANCE ANNUAL BIG AUDIENCE TO WELCoMEFOR INCREASED SCHEDULETo .lect Four Speakers for Finalsin Annual. Winter Quarter JuniorCollege Declamat�n Contest at ."O'Clock Today..1IeD Editors to Be Set Adrift T'J- afternoon at 4 o'clock of the semi- Final Decision Not Until March 21-Morrow Morning- '.Copy" AI- College Councils Expected tofinal of the annual Junior collegeready Being Received. Adopt Resolutions.struggle .for declamatory fame. Prob-ably more than usual attention is be-The Staff. A hint that the faculty may rcvcr se Decide to Lend $300. to the Cap andGown as an Aid in Meeting Cur­rent Expenses-Rate of InterestNot Large Patronage of. Last QuarterDecided on-To mve Dance. Surpassed by Advance Sale upto Last Night.ROBERTSONIANS' RETURNDses Hall, Lilly and Dickey; Ex­ecutive Editors .. Choose AssistantsFor Leap Year Edition.Kent theater will be the scene this Complications that Caused AdverseVote 'Have Disappeared for MostPart, He Says.The Blackdriars decided to lend theCap and Gown $300 yesterday morn­.ng; and a committee was appointedto take charge of the arrangement s.The loan is made as a means of aid- Gogol's "T� Inspector" to be Pro­duced-Arthur Dunham to GiveRecital Between Acts.I' . ·t� stand against seven games. when il;g t he annual by giving it a source :\ larger Univcr s it y audience th ming drawn to this. contest, because Ji .hc athletic board meets Saturday, (,f supply to meet current expenses . ..lIas ever before greeted Donaid Rob-the peculiar circumstances tit t \1 I 1 Ia uc- ..\larch 21, was contained in a state- . t roug 1 t ie exact rate of interest -rt s cn will wit ncs s his pcrforman cccompanied the contest last quarter. nent made by Dean George E. Viu- has as yet not been decided upon by of G·ogorS comedy, "The Inspector,"Owing to the unsettled system of .ent yesterday. the Friars, it is expected that it WI!! ;11 ).landcJ hall tonight. The scat salejudging, there was an uncertain de- "I do not know how the members h�� a!" low as possible. 111' to last night ,for the series and forcision in favor of 1. E. Ferguson and of the board feel about the matter;" The situation which led to this t ouigh t, was far: greater than theM'iss Mable Lodge as winner of the .lcclared Dean Vincent. "There 11:t<; move on the part of the comic open series of playS ginn by the Robert­two scholarships,' given as prizes for 'icen absolute ly no talk since the last dub was explained by Warren D. ";0:1 company last quarter. This pb:vthe contests. Later another judge's nccting, when the vote favored five Fester, one of the managing editors has been criticised as one of the be-itvote was uncovered, which caused the rames. I will "say this much, how- )f the annual, �s ,follows: un the rcper toric of the company, Mr.decision to come out ·as a four-cor- -ver, The lengthening of the sche:1- "The board which edits the Cap Robertson himself appearing in chenered tie betwecn all of the contest- .ilc was opposed at the time, owing ·,1Id Gown each year is absolutely :n- leading .role, that of the inspector.ants, namely Ferguson, Miss Lodge, to a number of complication which dependent of the one which prccc.l- The entire cast follows::\Iiss Carlie Souter and E. J. Dyks- made it impossible to vote other- ed it. In this way, there is no stand- Anton Antonovitch, governor of aThe three executive editors of the tra. Each of these thereby received wise. . ng fund to draw on at the beginning Russian provincial town ..•••.•.leap year day Daily Maroon, Misses one-half of the one quarter's schol- "These complications have, for the of the year. As a result, the current , , . . . .• Milton .SillsHall, Lilly and Dickey, yesterday ap- arship; �nost part, disappeared. 'But whether expenses which arise previous to the Anna Andrcycvnna, his wife ..•....pointed the above staff for Saturday's Ferguson has again entered the the change of conditions now over :mblication of the annual, must be ., ,. Olga von Brause,�.issue of the paper. At the beginning contest on the supposition that he has what they were then is great enough .nct by the managing editors. So this :llary Antonovna, his daughter •...':0£ business tomorrow . morning the not won a contest, and is therefore �c cause a reversal of our vote, is yeat; the business managers decided , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Anna Titu:i. 'Maroon office will be cleared of the digible. There are in all six en- something I am not able to state. A:= to negotiate a loan from the Black- Luka Lukich, director: of schools .•�.masculine element and the women trants, thre men and three women, ;ar as I know, nothing will be done ;riars, as that organization is in a po- R. G. Thomas� wade into the campus news field who will cO!1lpete in today's contest, ibout the question amtil the meeting -ition that will allow it to lend us His \Vife Yvonne de Kerstrat��eiinined to gather"io' aWtne ne'Ws ·they·llaving be"en� chosen at the pre- "If the board, even though it",:.::- rnorx .he muncy requ�re(. !he money is... I:'�.� K�:_m;ch. a' postmaster .. ": :."'tltere is, .liminaries. Of these six, four wil' .han three weeks off .. No, T'have rot loaned to the business managers, and I :- � L Ra"ytiiond liars�:'Sparkling editorials, communica- be selected by the judges of the pub- 'teard any talk of a special meeting. not to the Cap and Gown." Ivan Alcxandrovitch Khlestakof alions. first pag� stories and new5y lie speaking department to speak :n and do not think the Senate will take r t was also decided at the the meet- St. Petersburg official ..••••... : •..items," said one of the editors with the finals to be held in Mandel 0:1 a hand in the aff:lir. As to. my per- ng that the Friars will gi�e a dance ' .: •... ; ..•.... , Donald Robertsonwhom a brief interview was snatched, Tuesday morning, March 7. sonal view, I can not give that, being +nd midnight supper this quarter. A Osip, his servant Robert Vivian"have already come pouring in in such The contestants and entries follow: 1 member of the board.": :.:ommittce composed oi Jordan, Ire- Bobchinski, independent gentlemanabundance that, excellent as they are, Miss Eveline Phillips, Philosophy President Judson and Dr. Park"l land and Meagher, was appointed to George Pierotwe have had to begin weeding out un- college (women, "The Martyr Presi- -tated last night that there is Iitt le look after the arrangements. Dcrzhirnorda, police officer -•...•.•.til all that will remain for the printed dent" -Beecher. possibility of an extra session of the The "Sign of the Double Eagle' , . . . ....• George Browncopy \\,:11 be jewels of worth. A com- Miss May Roberts, Science college board being called to consider the will be prcsented on the evenings �)i Locksmith's \Vife "... Alice Johnmunication irom 'The Mere Man,' has (women), "The Blight of the Easter seven g:1ll1e proposition. �Iay 6. 7, O!nd S. Scargent's \Vife ... , Louise \Volfcbeen received, important looking, but Lilies," In the 'meantime, the student b01y Av<1otya, �cn'ant to ·Governo� ...•.ao; yet its contents are a close secret.:' 'I . t k' I . h" ILLINOIS RE�AY TEAM IS �I' CI ..!.\ iss Lulu E Rude Literatll�e 1-5 a 'mg t nngs p 1 osophically. N � ..... , ..... , . . . . .. . .• anon lapmS k' f h h b .. PITTED AGAINST VARSITY \ .pea mg 0 a rumor t at as een college, "Child Labor and the Na- excitement is bcipg demonstrated :n VaJtres5 :1t Inn Ida Roweaftoat, one of the editors said, "The ' " d . '\ ct I I I J V d V R . ItlOn. any quarters, an more JS anticipate.1. Coach Friend .Undecided on His . 5 ., an - oom 10 t 1Cpcblic is certainly mjstaken if they I. E, Ferguson, Philosophy coi- There is no intention on the part olf Quanet-Freshmen Ready for Governor's House. -are expecting' a 'fake' paper. Not only lege. (men). any of the undergraduate leaders t'l Meet. :\ct I I-Room in the Village Inn.will all the current news be given in Reno K. Reeve, Literature collegc stir up a protest in the form of :� Betweell the acts �ol1le organ .5C-f�ll, but the paper will be SO full d (men), "What the Flag :\Ieans." mass meeting, at which both sides of lIinois' acceptance of the challeng': \:cti0I1S will be pl:lyed by Arthl1rinte-resting information that the read- Philip Wolfram,. Arts Coregc the seven-game rule ,,:ill be heard. from \Vis'Consin to enter a team ::1 Dunham.us will wonder why they don't do it (men), "The Homes of the People:' Such a step is considered unwar- the Badger relay carnival :\Iarch l�. Thi� will be th� first of a series 0:I:ke that all the time." • I Iranted, since it is not certain that any makes a Chicago victory in this event I lrcc pays to bc given by the Dvn-of the members of the athletic board �.eem a harder proposition than it wa� :: ld I�ohcrt:-;on company within �h;!Of-pose the increased schedule now. ':;st year .. 111e. Red and Blue quart·:! lIext few weeks. The· other playsAccording to a prominent stud\!1It defeated thc'Varsity ill the dual me;:! whic:l \ViiI be prc:"clltcd' arc:yesterday, the method of informini� at Champaign, and seems to have a �Iarch 5, ":\s the Leaves;' Giacos:t;the faculty that the'students arc over- .shade the ad\'antage in the comi:l:'; �larch J 2. ",\ DIot on th'e 'Scntch-ilanat.ng Editor . Esther HallHews Editor Mamie LillyAthletic Editor .Caroline DickeyAssociate �ditors.Jessie Heckman Inez JacksonElisabeth Fogg Ernestine EvansReporters.Dorothy Buckley Helen PeckLaura Wil�er A. Helen SunnyMamie Ortinayer . Mildred Sco:tArt EditOrs.Willowdean ChattersonHelen JacobyBes�e Cou�eb�aDItCOMMERCIAL CLUB NEWEST ROHDE AND HARPER OUTUNIVERSITY· ORGANIZATION OF SPRING WATER MEETSStudents Interested in Business JOin Two of Varsity Stars Lost, and Teamto Entertain Prominent Business WiD be Materially Cdppled asMen of the City. Result.---(Continued on pa�e 4) whclr.1ingly in 'f:tvor of more gam·�s. sames.will be by resolut:ons of both �ht: The Conference rules will hold.tlw:-Sel'o .I J' II I . PHILOSO· PHY ADVANCES A11 r an( ul1Ior co ege councils. (cprlvillg Barker of the chance 01 AIt was announced yesterday th:)t "It appears to me foolish to g:.!� competing for Chicago. Coad POINT BY DEFEATING ARTSMax Rohde and Paul Harper will ill' wrought up O\'er the matter:' he sad Friend will probably enter Capt:lillout of the spring tank events. Roh'!l' yc�terday, "\Vc don't know hut what Ql1ig!ey, Lingle, Barker and Steff':;1 Al"�ists G�t Small Half of 16 to 9will graduate at the end of the quar- the facu'ty is in favor of Sc\·cn gamc�. :n the r:lce. Shuart will bc the IlC"� Score-Lev�nson . Heads Basketter and n3rper wilt' leave for Ger- :'\;-,turally. wc can not tind Oilt for ;: choice. Throwers,many. c('rtaiuty. It is only r('asonahlc th t: Light wurk i:, 011 the hill for til,H"rp r' f t t th' , ' , I I I� l'hi'n�t)I)h_\' .,h(.wc<l a rctllrll to :t:o;•• e IS as a e !'lxty yar' 11(llll� 01 !II<' )Oaf( cares to commit . r('shmcll this aiternoon. They WC,','swim. He is also one of the 111,'11'11' >:111:,cii. llowl'\·er., I t'e"1 <_··llr.' t1.1·.... I 1 I . ·l'�r·i('r :'ll:-m YC",vi,hy :litcrtlOl)ll �Iy.. � � put t lrOl1g I t �clr paces ill hri� k ia �ll"st .. '\..s of th rela ttl' I 1 tIl 1 1 1 l' <dea:i!:f:; :\n� 1(' to 9· The (T�m'�'.• '" e y quar e , w 11C I la" c ca Ill: �alle met 10( to >e cmploy· 1011 )'\.'!'lerday. and :Ire now fit to ;:n 0t t t d r '1'1 . \, h:k (I,,�,·h- cI111!e:-tcd:11 the lir . .;tno ye me e eat. l·(,. t ),' l'(.lll1':l .. will h;\\'c it .. (ksir �d ter the meet w:th the Illinois fir": JI R I d I 'I . ... i:alL \\i:ich cl1ded i to 6 in i:n-or 0[11 01 e t lC .;.\ aroons WII! losc olle �'Ih'-:t 1)11 tlle board. year team Saturday ni.dlt. St"P:1t' th btl I I "'1'1 '11 b : 1:<: !i I�;d willller:'. \\,;:5 Crliddy 1)I:1.v,:\I .o e es po 0 men t mt las cvcr ll':'(' WI e no ordcrin� or i:l· let's �prainc<1 in!"tep i� not hotheri1Jl' -J"(:pre�ented the Varsity. His wo:"k stn1ctin�. \Ve have learned tll:1t suc:) him. The phi'o!"ophers wall .. imp!y hy h�\-·th f f 1 . \ :p� het :C;" l11eI1-t(,:1111 \\'(lrk not Cli·was e•. eatar.e 0 t 1e. ga.me wit.h a. proceeomg docs mor.c h:um tha1i The IJ!inoi" (,l1trie" were rccc:\'�' 1L. th '11: d III I I TI f l{·,:I1::- ilito the nllestiol1 :It :111.In) "Isconsm an mOIS, an( :1 gOO(. lC acnlty Wll1 not stan·l hy nr. Raycroit yesterday. Fi:t .. ':"': .(both h 'hl II' J I . LC'\·;n�ol1. S�h;\th :lnd FC;O';I"OIl c1;:1ca�.s e was responsl e for llelllg to ( Its husiness. \Ve �hal' nwn will he cilo:"cn from the Ipl1m' bt f I I H. . the iw"t work tor the victors. T fmos 0 t 1C goa s. e IS also best at 'tSI1llP1Y exph';n that the resolutio'l ins:: .('.1the breast stroke e"ent. lie was cap, presented r('prescnts the studenb'l :llld E"ccl�en <bl the bc�t work forl tain of tbe te:&m last year. side." (Continued' on oage 4) (C')lltinued on P:-'bC .J)',011." Bro\·;ning'.The Commercial dub, a new organ­ization. held its first fortnight. din­n�r las! night in the Commons. Thegtest of the evening 'was WallaceHed:man. husiness manager of. thetni\·er"ity. who spoke on the busine.;sor�nization of the UniversitY.The cluh has h('en .fonrted by stu­d�nts who have already had commcr­tJal experience and intend to enterb�sine�s after graduation. It will ha,·cdmners :)t the Commons every two.... eeks. to which mil be invited prom­m�nt h:lsiness men of the city. Theclub h:ls twelye students as charternJ�mh(' h. rS.:1S onorary members, Pres-:�e"t Juclson_ Professor Lat!ghlin and�alJ Hace eckman, and as associate.'.'t -I ...�,, THE DAlbY MAROON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1908.�������������������������������������"�."r la1lil • .dIar, .. rtH _ 1jWeek end. leap year stunts seem to DAIL� BTrI' 'I" • ..wld [jiWar 'UB JIll 6&P&I tc be keeping the girls on the jump. DO YOU REME.BER? ,& U.&.I&&D.a.&1.'t "', I��'_-----------------I "TN 0ISeJ&I 8tuclent PubUcatloD of tbt. 1]'Of all sad words of campus men, One Year AIO Today Junior women witl be addressed ill Lots of people\ UDlnralt7 of. Chteaco. the saddest arc these: "I haven't The Platform club was organ- chapel at 10:30 a. m. by the Univer- never worry about style,ized for the purpose of revo» shy nreacher. just buy. .tiouizing debating in the Univer- Devotional half-hour will be .\J. FOWNESsity. dressed by the Rev. C .. B. Allan.Dramatlc club will have its picture GLO' �Staken at 2 p. m. at Esmoer's, I V J:::.Water Polo and'SwimJDing Tea.-npicture will be taken at 1 .p. m. at�Iartyn's.Pre-Medic club will have -its pic­ture taken at 1 p. m. at Martyn's.McPherson Lecture-ProCessor L·)·�an G. McPherson of J ohns Hop�kins University. will lecture at 4 p.11. in Cobb 6A, on "Main Channelsof Commerce."Sophomore dance will be held at:he Reynolds dub.Jt:nior college publicpo.tomce. been asked."IIDtend .. 8ecoud·cl ... )lail at the .cbtcasoflFrom present appearances onewould be justified in calling the ath­. PabUahe4 dal17. ucept SuudQ .. HolL. 'eric field Lake Marchall.� ud llo1lda7a, durlq -thl'eequartena �Thc badgers, as well as the Uni-et lb. UDlnralt7 7ear.comicopera will be given Friday night inthe Women's gymnasium. There Willbe two performances of "The Lure o!the Quarters" at 8:30 and 9:4::. Ad- P f ." S".. ro essors Fredenck tarr of themission is 35 'Cents�_ .1 f A hronol c: -The dance \\�iIl not be a formal one, . uepartment 0 . nt r�po ogy and :"1°'Friday evening tlle Varsity basket. and everything which will go to make SECOND' YEAR LAWS TO �iology, and Professor Wiiliam D.ball team will meet Wisconsin in tll:. a jolly informal, is being adopted by MacClintock. of the English' depa�t�FOOL GIRLS SATURDAYcrucial contest of the the committee in charge. ment, will leave tonight·- for theChampions? fight for the Westcn D Philippines to lecture before tl.o'championship. S.:> jar, FIFTH BAND CONCERT TODAY ecline Numerous Invitations to summer session of the teachers 1..,£'b_ Leap .Year Dance. and Plan the I·slands. In December las-t tIle.Di&dgers Iead)1l the race for the title, Banquet Instead.suffered but one defeat6 by Wiscon- Laird and Ewing to Give Duet Onsin. Defeat in Friday's game WliJ Chrinet.'therefore mean that Chicago has no�hance !!or the leadership, while vi-c� A clarinet duet by E .. Ewing and. tory will place the Maroon even with H. Laird will be the leading featurethe 'CardinaL ' of the fifth weekly band concert, fObe held this afternoon at five in Man-the music starts, either Allen Rossand Miss Tompkins.Ralph Cleary an-IMiss Wells, or Frank Orchard andMiss Fogg will be at the head of theTHURSDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1908. line.LuTBBa D. FERNALD, Mua ..oJua EditorPBESTON Jr, GASS, Newa EdItor.KELVIN J. ADAlUS, Athletic EdItor.LOUIS 8. BERLIN. Business Manager.Warren D. Foster,Harry A. Hansen.Jerome�Frank.Albert D. Henderson.Ul'OaTDSW. A. Wea"er. Rolvrl B. Owen,J. Sidney Salkey, Miss Mamie Lilly,A. N. Pfeffer, Suahindra Bose,Miss Caroline Dickey, .Miss Esther M. Hall,Harvey B.Fuller,Jr.Formerl7Th. UnlTeralt7 of Chicago Weekl7.FouudedTIle Weet'7, Oct. 1, 1892-The Dall7, Oct. 1. 1.902.• Ull8c:rlPUOD prICe:'--I�.OO p:;-;::;�rr'Mtfor a m6ntbll. SubscrlpUoD8 received atthe Maroon omc:e, Ellla Ban, c>r at theraeulq E%c:baDge, Cobb Ban.PrlDted bl the MarOOD PreaPhODe Ibde Part 3691 Track meet b t tl Ch'e. ween IC rcago speak on "New Evangelistic move.iRAND MARCH IN I,) DANCE Freshmen and th Ill' . F he mois u- res men, nent in the German Church."together with the first high school Robertson playerS will I'rCil!11lClass of 1910 to be Informal, How- preliminary, will be held at 8 p. m.D . this "The Inspector," !>v fjos·)l, 111 �Ian·ever, espite Feature. Saturday. Reserved scats a:,:- :;.) cents .•.• 147 Wabash Ave., Chicago... 'leI Hall at 8:15 p. In.and may be obtainel ;,t the I nhrl·l�·.� B th h d f St_ Andrew wail Baseball Managers: Send for Spaid.tion office. ro. �r 00 0 .:ng's New Baseball Catalo=eenect at 10:30 in the parlor of South 1 goB. Mailed free .Championship basketball game �)(!- Divinity hall.tween Chicago and Wisconsin will beplayed at 8 p. m., Friday. Reserved .'ROFESSORIS LEAVE FOR .seats are 50 and 75 cents, while gcn- PHILIPPINES' TONIGH'Ieral admission is 35 cents.W. A. A. Vaudeville andversity public, are requested to danceFriday night in the gym.lI\Ve trust that the present heartygreetings, back-slapping's and tete�a­tete conversations so indicative of acordial fellowship between Universitystudents will continue even after the:Reynolds club election.fl�lembers of the present Seniorclass may leave orders for the U ni­vcr sity pins planned by the 1906 coun­cil with members of the Freshmanclass who may constitute the counciluf 1911.rrHints to Freshmen: For realsnap-courses, take anything underDr-s, Merriam, Thompson, Salisbury,Vincent or Angell-but don't give '1?thoug-ht of study altogether.The latest development in theSophomore dance, which is to beg ivcn this afternoon for "Sophomoresonly," in the Reynolds club, is agrand march. It has not yet been de­cided upon who will lead the march,but it is highly probable that whenThe game will be the most brilliantin the history of Western basketball, Gcl. Following is the complete pro-and it is doubtful if two such stelhr gram:M arch-"\Vasb;ngton Guards." •.teams will soon again meet on a Chi­cago �oor. There will be no question Overture-The Time, the Placeand the Girl Howard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . Rosenkr()�sof a crowd at this game, as ci!y"fans" are intensely interested in �hefinals of the college play. The ne�t1 Clarinet Duet-"Nannie" .. : .. MarshalE. Ewing and H. Lairdi� not Ifor student financial suppOrt.b t Z d TI Intermczzo-·'Iola" •.....• _ Johnsonu lor stu ent team support. Iestudent crowd that supports the Chl� Patrol-"Salute to Chicago" ...• #ago five in this critical conte-;t . Reydensshould tax ,the gym's capacity. The \Valtz-"Enchantress"....... Blankefive men who make up the basketball :\(arch-"Regimental Review" ................ '.............. Reeves-team have drawn the enthusiastkcheers of thousands in ,championshi.lstruggles on the football field. Shouldtheir backing in a championship ba.,­ketball contest be anything but theheartiest? Does not the old slog:mring as true on gym floor as on gri:l­iron: "Chicago must w.in?"lAnd behold in the day of regis­tration, the snap�bmter appeared :nthe land.1J'Julius is inststmg that \Vinst·)11Henry is the best man nominated forclub vice-president.f.A c.:>nfirmed punster assures 1I�that the power house chimney stackspretty hi�h.1fWby not label the various cluDbenches in Cobb so as to keep theunwary off the sacred precincts? Botany department, but, owing to til.: The most desirable patterns ZIt�llness of Professor Barnes of hi:: :;ure to be picked up earIy-why dOD'!ciepartment, the University could 110t you be one that secures the cream ofre!ease Professor Coulter. the showing?The summer session is held in We have plenty of time now �o�·Manila for six weeks, from April.. vote to every. detail of your clothes.�nd is attended by some 500 teach· Come in and talk over the SpriDi�rs. The work is much like that of Styles. Let us show you the, Dewa large normal school, but has :, weaves at:d colorings, whether.-,..'�irge amonnt of strictly university :re ready to buy or not.and academic teaching. Ask to see ourAfter the lectures whirch the profe5- SPECIAL COLLEGE SUITDIGSsers will give, Professor Starr will $25 and $.30.remain in the islands to do some eth·'1ological work in re�arch and col­lecting. while Professor MacClinto.:kwill trayel s�owly home throug!,'-DAN" BOONE ENGAGED China and Japan.TO SOUTH SIDE GIRL Dr. Barrows, superintendent of Ed·ucation in the Philippines, is a Chi TAILOR FOR YOUNG l1li,ago graduate, and it is through hi:: rwo stores: 131 La Salle St.,"efforts that this invitation was ex- 44 Jackson BoaInIritended to the University. The Uni· .. -.--------------,'versity gives the time of the men. TBB UNION HOTEL ,Announcemen� made yest\!r- but the Philippine government pay� ABD BBSTAURANT 'day of the engagement of "Dan" 'the expenses.' 111-117 Randolph Street IBoone to Miss Mary M. Brough, ;.��ut�� side girl. Boone was on the Mummers Discuss Wilde Comedy T�E POPULAR PLACE Iarslty football tcam in 190� an.] The l\�mmers met last night ;n T EAT1905, being one of the star halfback,. Eithc;r before or after theboth years H' r'l '1' 1- Middle D and disucsscd :'';\ Theater. IS e Igt >t tty was pr'>- Woman of No' Importance," by Os- .tested by :\Iichigan in 1905. and car Wilde. Emphasis was placed onrather than have any friction, Dirc.:- the brilliant dialogue of the comedy.tor .Stagg kept him out of the gam.!. The members of the club win have.'Smce leaving the Unh'er"'I'ty th' . t k SB " , etr ptC nrc ta en next unday_ ;ttoone has been in the automobjJ.· E 'b . .... �mocrs.usmess. He started in as salesman.and at present has an interest in thefirm. The wedding '11 t k ! . Show your college spirit and sub-WI a e pace m .the spriue.. Iscnbe for tbe Daily Maroon.Two Years Ago TodayTIle Reynolds club elected EarlD. Hostetter, presidcnt ; . Hunt­:nb'10n B. Henry, vice-president;Edward G. Felsenthal, secre­tary; Donald P. Abbot, treasurer.and Wiriam A �lcDermid, li­brarian.14 Years Ago Today.It was announced that JohnD. Rockefeller had given $18,000to the geological department ofthe University.15 Years Ago TodayThe number of students in theUrrivers ity was Boo. There werethree schools: the graduate, thedivinity, and the under graduateThe Law and Medical schoolszere being contemplated."Htte is a side light on the Rey­nolds Club leap year' dance.Owing' to the larg� number of in­vitations that have been ext'ended thesecond year Laws, the future coun­sels for the plaintiff and defense will�ive a banquet next Saturday night­the night of the dance- at the Bos­ton Oyster House .� rousing good time is planned,WIth no professors admitted: Speech­es, in which the significance of theoccasion ai well as a eulogy of allfeminine charms, will be delivercdby the men of the class.This occasionbiggest joy fest is to be made theof the year by themen planning it.Tells of Railway DevelopmentLogan G. McPherson. 'of Johns Fonner'Varsity Ibif Back to ManyHopkins University, gave an addre.:;s Miss Mary Brough Soon, is An-yesterday afternoon on "The De­velopment of the Commercial an:!Tran;-;portation Structures." Therewcr� about scventy-five pcople prl!:i­cnt.�I r. :\k Pherson ga "c a preliminarytalk on the history CYf railroads in theUnitcd States, bringing out the var­:ous stages in the devolpment. H�then spoke of the man ncr in whichthe cond!tions of the country had ef�fcctcd the rise and the fall of rate:;.\Valter L. Ballou 'n, has - be.:nforced to withdraw from the Univer·:-:ity on account of ser:ous eye tr\.lOl­ble. nouncement. md hit it right. I a"'51colle:Tb.30METHING NEW'IN BASESpaldio"'s OffiCIAL R5 . BASEBALLEdited by Henry Chadwick,"Father of Baseball:' Contains CfI. lIlesi:.1 Httc eham;ftrioTh.It­merous interesting records ne,heretofore collated. including wiDD�sof National League ChampionshipSeach year since 1876, with games ""01and lost and players' who battedor better since 1876. leaders in eu�tielding position, and winning pitcher!each year from 1876; National AJ!.America 'selections from 1871; COIIt­plete list of clubs. with officers aDddates of admission since 1876; Amer.ican League records since organization; World's championship recordsfrom 1884, with players' names: �ball Field Day records; college nt.ords; miscellaneous records; all themajor and minor league records of(907; list of extra long games is1907; complete history of ICfll in butball ana other inter sting matter.A.. G. SPALDING & BROS.speaking caDStandnol"hI)!otsi,semi-finals will be held at 4 p. m. inKent 14.French club wiU hold a meeting a!l p, m. ni Lexington.Band concert will be given at 5 p.rn. in Mandel hall.ChUrch history club will meet ate He'!npolitrourrrtS'of"to 'tIntip. m. in South Divinity parlor. Pro­fessor Franklin Johnson D. D., wiilIfhe hif hea c:presthe�gfurseekin��10ate(Professors Starr and MacClintock tcLecture Before Large Sessionof Phitippine Teachers.University received an inVitation ·.0lend Professprs Staa and MaocClill''ock and Professor Coulter of the And why not select you qOthcsNow. and be ready when Sbe appanin her Sprinlt Hat!Chalk and pencil stripes" moss tansand' wood browns are very modishthis Spring. Uni�bollatlemla,tl);!We make a Specialty of Cal»and Fraternity Dinners..Phone Hyde Park 1252:rmELITY LAU:rm.,CLARK & READ, p�614-686 E. 63rd St.Special Attention Given to SaIII'Work. A Postal W"alI Brine W.- It:·J)Al� Yt .¥A �. THUkSDA Y, FEBR:U�RY 2'/, 1908.Increased confidence was brought I�:f. 55. St.to the Varsity basketball team yeste-r-�NQ1c.v�� �.9��!OF day. 'when it wa� learn�.d thr:ough a ..._.---------------------------"SCHEDuLEs. AT.. H.ARVA�, report from Madison that both Har-__ .f,er and Lindemann of the Badg. .!rOffer- DediDed b7 MichiganO�ing to the inability to arrangcrules passed. and, from the present a date with Cornell, Michigan.situation Harvard will play football thrpugh Assistant Athletic J)jrect,>rr:ext year j�t as usual." Ritchie. has declined a game with theIthicans. November 14, the timeWhose Daily Maroon are you read- suggested. is the date of the clashiII�? with Pennsylnnia. TeJepboaa H. P. II aD4 H. P.6957•siasrn and .earnest conviction above leaders and political thinkers ofall 01<1 kind.·I saw in one young group of Col-, Newspaper work brings a man illumbia law students three or four men contact with politics and politi cans..at least out of a dozen tbat would It makes it, easy for him to engagemake useful newspaper workers. I actually in politics if he wishes. Itbelieve that in devoting their Jives to should convince him that the effortthe. fights of the people through jour- to influence politics for the benefit (Ifnalism.. these young .students could the people outside of office is moredoes not give his thought find greater happiness than in selling satisfactory than any other work thattc one of these three branches of their energies to corporation fights can be done in office.human effort must necessarily do ia- ill the court room. Newspaper work of today is largelyferior work in life. May T� to 'Ten-�iUions. anonymous, and that fact' is dis-The man who ignore .. ' politics be- Already it is .pO:ssible,.for, one. news- couraging to those who would de-cmse he lacks interest in humanity paper writer in this .ooun.try to talk Iight in the sound of their own names.and in the problems of legislation, is to. ten millions of Americans in a His Satisfaction in Good Work.no less contemptible than the man day.1 am asked to answer the question:"Should a young man on leaving.college go into po!itics? 1f so, how?""'.The most important works' of man, art:':, Go"crnlllcnt, or !>olitics.;(:: Original scientific research.Creative labor, in art, literature orBut' Jet a man select for his guiding\those political activity is based upon If the young. graduate were taken thought the half cynical toast of olddesire for the profit it may yield him. back to old Athens. he would not Teufelsdroch :Newspaper Widest Politi'lc:al Field.. miss. a chance to have his say in the "Die Sac-he der Armen in Gottespublic square.The simplest,. narrowest field cf Th di . 1 I f lind Teufels Namen,". . . e e Jtona .. co u�n 0 a greatpolitical actrvrty is discussion with . .. . Let him work as hard as he can -fornewspaper is the public. square of to-roar neighbor. The widest field at the millions of human atoms un-day. The man who talks in that col-present, with the possible exception h . known to him, as he is -unknown toof work in a .few high offices difficult urnn as the oPP.C?!tPl!lty .()f .. the orator them. Let him find satisfaction inthat addressed the· ancient Athenian good work and be content to saywith the old philosopher ef Weiss-:; com.�rs iDd: Amer.'ganiQrecords;:�'ge nc.alliheords ofmes isin basetter;�ROS.ago., . Spaid. to 'reach, is offered by newspaper'- crowd.,,,'riting or management. Politics an Industrial Feudalism.;If the college graduate realizes iil:lt nichePolitics, \)ffec. innumerable oppor-he has thus far only learned to study; tunities. for _ American ability of all ,�'Two writings of mine. not indeedif he combines a desire to learn with kinds. Our government 'has become, known as mine (for what am 1) have1 capacity for receiving strong im- au industrial organization largely�a f:!�len. perhaps not altogether void,pressions and a real sympathy with. system of industrial feudalism. Con. into the mighty seed-field. of Opinion;the people; if he is willing to wait a cent ration of industrial wealth and fruits of my unseen sowing gratify-or while, and perhaps indefinitely, power means added government ,re- ing'y . me�_t . me here and there. I��, wealth, I should advise h°im to sponsibility . for the protection of thank, the Heavens that I have nowseek 'political and other usef.ul activity citizens. dealing. with., monopolies. found my Calling; wherein, with r-rin��wspaper work. The government will need here- without. perceptible result, Lim mind-Journalism is in its babyhood, It after especially capable business ,ed .dilegently to persevere."Deeds new men. new, energy� .. entbu- minds, in politics. as well as mental ' ARTHUR B:R,ISBANE., .'lICLUB A.lO) FltAftDPrY ·to, .the-Ddta_Ul>�.tQ{1_�ze�e!.nity •. the I LOSS O,F:iCARDIN� S'rARS,,j� __ ,., ,Fbi Karu»,," �igpla., f{,at�wity.Freem�, SPR.&\DS . CON'ID�cr� IlE:RE',::;'E. G.' Stibbs and H. B. SmitB Morgan; and Tr�cy and Gaarde. .. .bYe been initiated into Psi Upsilo», A petition'is being ci�culated by the .Vansi .. \.F�e,- SQr� of Victory,. wi�....;_The Chicago alumni of Cornell friends of Paul,.:Prmcelli�to .nominate ,Hauper. �d Lindemann,. Out-University extended a reception fO him, ior: �Il�;.vi��pr��e�cy. of the F�en, WQrk... President Schurman of that institu- Reynolds club. The other candidateboll'in the form of a banquet given 'i�� -;h� :��j�' He,niY •.at the Mid-day clue rol)�l'i, Tuesdayerening, Dean James P. Hall. of tnelaw schoo), Cornell '94, acted" astoast master_-The "Sphinx" held a meeting .1:2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, to :\r­I2llge for the club's orctivities durin�the Spring quarter.The resu!t� for the current weekill the billiard and pool tournament ;:.t� Reynolds club ,are as follows.:Billiards, Harris 120 v�., Bliss '103;Scebcrman 135 vs. Harris 120; Nib­ley 101 vs. Stem 125; Nibley 124 \IS.F.!!.horn 150; Bliss 93 vs. Ireland140; Elliott ISO ,·s. Christoph 116;Rttfdy 125 ,·s. Ehrhom 127; Hall gsTS. Innes 125;· Kern 60 vs. SheldO!l130; Eliiott 150 vs. Barne� 102; Law­ItlK'e 125 \"s. Christoph 120; Hall .46TS. Reddy 125; Ehrhom 126 vs. Innes125; Sheldon 130 vs. Bliss 82; Harris107 vs. Ireland 140; Barnes 107 V3.Clrristoph 125; Ni'btey 125 vs. Inn�s12.4; Carter 140 vs. Lawrence 12;;lIehtgan 115 vs. Hancock 110; Sil­berman 135 YS. Ireland 140.Pool: Gilbert 105 vs. Sunderland1-40; Lyon liS vs. Gar�tt 100; Smith135 vs. Preston 120; Smith 140 vs.Yoog 64; Hancock loS vs. Burton125; Rriggs 113 '·S. Burton 125; Gif­ford 1(1) \"s. Gilbert 110; Bate 124 vs.Clark 140; Bowman 120 vs. Young1.26; Pardee 125 vs. Gilbert 107; Lyon175 '\"5. Rriggs 103; Clark 140 n.Bowman 120; Simpson 120 vs. Giffor:l130; Bale 115 vs. Preston 120.-Vice-President Templeton of the,Reynl)!ds club, presented the prizesfor the dub bowling tournament yelJ­ttfday afternoon. The presentationru Trry informal. Prizes were giyen'GClOthesap�[)SS tansmodishms an�y dOli!ream of Presideat "Eliot: IlecIan-. Himself, a five are' not in shape to play againstStIuIDch FDeadJ ofr.RefOl1lJ. Foot�. Chicago tomorrow in Bartlett. A.::.-ball in .hy Amount.. cording to th� dispatch, Lindemanai.:; suffering' from a weak heart andWith. the declaratioD that· the new wiJI not take the risk orf playin�.VI �o�'clothes.5,riDihe"ler--� Harper has just recovered from anstyle· of football· is· a vast advan.:eover - that -of- t-w&,yeal'S-ago,. PresidentEliot ot .lbrvar�, ha$ declared him­scM in fa.vor·of foolbaU as now play- attack of mumps, and is not in con­dition for the fast contest in store forthe two fives.The-Varsity men were disappoint"!dat the. new.s, as they had hoped !.�meet .the iall strength of the Cardi­naJs�. \Vith Harper out. one of therDlGS ed, and has put' himself on record asfa,;-oring' no .limjtati(>n. on. the numberof pmes played by Harvard elevens.·'1 believe· the new, rules .have madem.o,st eff«tive basket ringers is lost.In, the gam,e at Madison. he thougnplaying guard, threw six goals fromthe field.the ,game more· interesting, have i�­proved it, and made, it. more sports­manlike,w said .P.resident- Eliot. "Onaccount of' the stringent enforcing ofThe' FresJ¥ncn were given theirII1IIt.,"-----,,-I$ Ithe the present rules, a more certaiTlpenalty is placed � upon aIlfair play. last workout before. their contest Wi!�land consequently it is � questioil the Northwestern yearlings, sched­now whether it pays to vio�ate them t!led a� a curtain raiser to the b!gor 'not. t am inclined to think, how- �me. Coach Corper is looking forever, that the team which' plays a. vit-tory o,'er the pnrp'e first Y�:lrfairly and clearly will defeat on� eve.using. unfair means, and .. this is an end Tickcts for the games continued ,0to be strived for in inter-col!egiate go fast yesterday. The Chicago:\Visconsin contest is consid�red the!ports-:·'In regard, to the recent regulati,)npassed by· the �brvard faculty advis­ing that the number of inter-col1.:­g:atc contests should be larg:cIy r.!­duccd. Doth,ing definite has beendone. There have been no °five game' most important game of the season.On the outcome will depend the rl'1'1ath'e positions of the two champio:1-.ship aspirants. L ll�lghtOD.-ve wade of;i ... pure .ilk .... b •. , .... The pattern. are... "Jt'-·Dew. excluait'e- Yari­• '<1"-::' et1 enough to 1j8tia{1't enrybotly. All ru(·tal pan.are or hea "Y niekel-plated brua.I; :If your dealf'f eun't supply you, "pair will be sent upou receipt or price •_.'_._""II• ,.�. f."" . � ;-. 1Dainty . QeUcious.Perfectly Pur eSurpa5�ng'y., .Smooth"Wonderfully'WhDlesome�,H-·,QJ.�1 M·a,ro·o·o· .Under 58TH ST. AND DREllEL AVE..' ' ." - � .Managemenf of the. NatiOnal Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 3739-, 'The.B�jr Se-.v����.'POPULAR PRICBS.. ,RESTAURANT AND· LUNCH COUNTfR.In �nilfictio�· " ,i .,IProf. E. B- Ro"'t!�n' � $chopls a�d Ac�d�m;es of DancingAssembly meets every ThurSday evening at Unity Club House, 3140Indiana Avenue. .'Juvenile . Class every Saturday afternoon from (line tc. four.Studio for private Iesseas, 321 IGmbdI. H�ll BItL, Wabash Ave., andJackson Boulevard. .', . . ." , .. ,.,Class for beginners. Monday, Tuesday and Friday eveninp.I "", " .Private lessons given hourly during the d�. with or Without music.Children's private class, $1.00 per'month. .'...., '. '.IAdults. private lesSons, $1.00 wi� music' or a gu��eed course for$5.00. '.... � - jSTUDIENTSj LUNCH 'RO�M ,T H_f:'- M�,I_K�Dr.O,. f.C·A-;r .. e�"��1�/�OC�aDd'JUPd ' Open al} ��,.BORDEN·SCondensed II� Fluid IIilk, Creamand Buttermilk. :AU Bottled in thC toimtry_Bord��� '�nd�' IIiik C<..327-329 � Forty-SeyCnth'S�PRJ��ERS:.HIGH: CLASS .JOBi PRINTING.. I •.5508. Kimbark A.veD"� .fl.,WEIS_·.fOR PRESENTATIONOr any Soathem PointTicket 0tIice, 112 SoatIa Clark St.,Depot-Dearbom StatioD, Polk aD4IDearbom St.En&l�� Itation--6lC1 SLTRAVEL OV'ER THE� ---MONON ROUTE'--- -_--- �AND FLOWERS FOR SOCIALAFFAIRS OF THE COMINGCONVOCATION. -' ,,-.... '. J'LAFAYETTE,INDIANAPOLIS,LOUISVILLE,CINCINNATI.DAYTON.A. McAdamsFLORIST ,.- ��I·rHE DAILY MA:RQDN, CHICAGO, THURSDAY, FEBRl!ARY 2'7, 1908.National University PlannedCHORUS SIRLS STRIKE FOR \ A burlesque performance eutitlcd. ,"The Knight of the Flaming PC�ti- The establishment of � nationalAUDITORIUM PRODUCTION: lence' will be given, which is a gentle 't:nh'ersity in Washington by the u«-___ : take-off on the recent play of the dra- itcd States government, to give high-Dancing Girls Prove Refactory When marie dub. For fear that the title oi cr instruction which the state univer­They Learn morts will be Wasted che comic operatta which hea-Is the sitics cannot give. has been declaredon "Amateur" Audience. program, "The Lure of the QU:lftcr� .. ' for by the National Association. ofmay be misleading, the management Presidents of State Univer sit ic s,Prominence of Later Presentation in wishes LO announce that the price vi which met some time since in Bato:Kandel HaD Appeases Them- idmission will be 35 cents. Rouge, At the same time that this.chanical Dolls Run Down. declaration was announced the an-PHILOSOPHY ADVANCES APOINT BY DEFEATING ARTS"What?" nouncement was also made that l'll'.!association might as well be preparedfor a hard fight against influencesthat will 'be used by the large East-"Rehearse all day and half thenight, endure the horrors of rouge (Continued from page !)ern colleges to dcfeat the establish­and grease paint, and become letter Arts. Levinson, by ringing four fi�ld. mcnt of this national university. Theperfect in awfully hard parts all for a oaskets, took the lead in the individ-committee on the University of themere amateur Lexington hall au.l- ual basket throwing contest, with a. '.. .." L I f I· Aft hi f II' United States was appointed at theiencer .;0 a 0;,. er rm 0 ow 10 or-J S ,I (L) C' Ilast session, and the report was mach!"Never!" retorted the fair chorus cr anuerson aw 14, rappie .' '(S .. K I (S . ) at the- sesscon this year by Preidcntgirls, who were to have appearc 1 PI c.encc) 12, u Ins crence II,Railly I Law) 10. Baker of the University of Colorado.the W. A. A. vaudeville tomorrow \. ..wbo in substance recommended theestablishment oat 'Washington by thenight. "We appear on a down to c n l Kcar the end of the first half,stage with this performance I")::' i: ! =: Worthing of Philosophy was . de­United States government of a na­back to our studies for us." and th=y barred from competing during the re-tiona! university. This report wasunanimously adopted. It was ,;;clIeral­ly admitted by the preSlidents in theirdrscus'sion of the subject that there.naindcr of the season because of un­necessary roughness.Science will meetstamped their feet in unson with ,tdetermined stamp.And then they struck, for DeanTalbot had said no to the propositionand they recognized her decision asimmutable.. This happened yesterdayafternoon.For days hope had run high in the Literature this.rftcrnoon,would be a serious opposition to theThe score: .PI 'I h A establishment of a national university11 osop y. rts.Ferguson, Sabah.L, F.. ... .. .. .. Lea£� by older educational institutions �.,iLevinson R. F......... Gilbert the East," LuckenbillRenews Fight on FraternitiesPresident Otto Schneider of the "To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in Uyink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its ontank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all thmis to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any time."THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. YOIcould fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ci(soiling. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writblr·qualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed.� dealers handle the ConlJln. If yours docs DOt. *cUrect. Prices. 13.00 aDd up. Send at once for handsome DCW caWloc. �. Vol---IIThe CooJdin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan BIde., Toledo,OWi . 'th!iSCOLLEGE CORNER CLOTHESARE BUYlNG .AGAIN THIS SPR!�JGCOLLEGE SUI:rS AND OVERCOATS $3.5.00$C�er & WDkie 185 189 Dearbora Sf.TAILORS it'thenilBank floor Dcth.faituRENT A T�PE"'R'TER anletbMt�DfcCOLONIALHave you seeaTHB KERRY WIDOWShe is the International CrazeLA SALLEThe Leap Year WmaerTHE GIRL QUESTIONWe will rent you a Monarch Visible Typewriter, and if youdecide to purchase "fIFe will allow a full mor.th's rent to ap­ply on tbo price..Liberal rates for six months rentalcontract.THE MONARCH TYPEWRITERo COMPANY.�5 E. Madison St.Phone: Central 6362.. D-ca. j.,'. t,1hearts of many feminine participant:'h . b Worthing c. Excelsenthat t ey might ave one appearance Ferguson.on a professional stage to boast d. board 0: education is determined toO b '1 bl h Herger R. G .....•.. Wolfra,nne y one every avai a e t catrc eradicate fraternities from the highhad been discused and dreamed of- Sabath, Ford .... �� G.� ........• Long schools of the city.and eliminated-for one reason or The standing the teams is as "We are going to scrape off thisfollows:another. Only the Auditorium re- barnacie from the ship of the boardmained. Not a dissenting voice WlS W. L. Pc. of education." President Scneiderraised and the project was laid before Law ··················4 0 1.000said today, !. f i Science···············5 1 .833 SMiss Talbot by a delegation 0 LIC Both President Schneider and u-. h 5enior ················3 2 .� b ������������������������������.,.most conservative, while among t ose perintendent Cooley have een op-• ish Philosophy ........• ··3 3 ·500 • ...AIU' SEII1:'UTSoutside the delegation, girfi en- posed for a long time to allowing se- .,DlLlllhArts ...........•...... 1 4 .200 .....thusiasm waxed, high. And t en cret socities In· the schools, with the"l. • T b Literature " ........•. 1 1 125 fcame the ultimatum. Miss al ot rc- . result that a rule is now in orcefused to consider it for a moment, which prohibits pupils belonging toILLINOIS RELAY TEAM IS'The disappointment was keen to all fraternities from public recognitionPITTED AGAINST V #\RSITYbut it proved too much to the sum- as members of the fraternities, Nocontests. 1A Chicago' high school "fraternity"athletic league. was launched yester­day by graduates of the Hyde Parkhigh school who say they intend :'0fight the board of education to a fin-440 yard run-Barlow, Jones, Boy- ish. The new organization is pre­er, Beck. Henricks. pared- to combat the board at every&.� �ard run Herrr·ck Ho k'or -I P 10;, turn. in its effort to keep high schoolthat if the affair proved successful Percira, Jones. Beck.enough on the Lexington gym stag:!, lOne mile run-Butler, Freelanfl,measures would be taken to produ::� Boyer, Gunderson, Herrick, Hop­it later in Mandel. When inform'!d kins.oi this the rebel "chorus ladies" ap- High jump-Vernon, Barlow.pcared to be somewhat mollified and Pole vault-P""'·on..J wood and Lewis Institute.were persuaded to return. to their Shot put-Pierce, Burns, Wood-respective ranks. row.Aside from this slight interruption Relay race-Barlow, Stephenson, A Chapter of Horrorsin the plans, everything has progre5s- Henricks, Jones, Bush, Hopkins, Per- First Russian Statesman-Just lis-ed smoothly. Last night the. fir.:;t eira, Beck. Herrick. ten while I read these head-linesdress rehearsal was held and was from this American pape,r: "Past;)rpronounced a perfect succc ;�. J:' COMMERCIAL CLUB NEWEST Roasts the Vice-President," "Westernthe absence of flower garlands the UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATION Go,·ernor on the Rack." "Entire Jurymembers of the spring chOru5 �llh· Hung." "President Flays Dr. Long."stituted fur boas and dotted . veils. (Continued from page x) "Whole Cabinet Bound Hand andh• h produced p->ther" st"rtl;lIz Foot for Years !"w IC. au.. .. � memhers Trevor Arnett, University '.c! dR'· cH. h th t of tl . d' . '�econ ut;Slan Statesman: eav-contrast Wit e res lClr am j' :1\1ditor. and David A. Robertson, se�-'costume.c;. ens! And our misguided subjects as-retary to the President. The charh�rOnce or twice the wheels oi tll<.' members are George Fuller, Ben Wilk, pire to have a democr.atic govern-Z-. u1 h· I d 11 d ment of that kind here ill Russia !"--.... c ty mec amca 0 s ran own H. \V. Harriman, Robert L. Allison,d h rf . t 1 Puck.an t e pc onnance 'was Int-.!rrup \!; raul Buhlig, Frank O'Brien, Harryuntil the said faculty regainccl th,_"r 1larper. John Dille, Alvin Kramer, J. the Typewriters for SaleE D �:- An American speeding over.:sual composure. ven can v.ll- C . I" C E \,r d u� TYP.EWRITERS eor Sale or Rent-ral� ,owman, ' !.. ,yatts an vv. • f E . I' b'l I'cent's smile gave out occasiolF:llr, P. ?lTcCrackcn. contment 0 urope m 11S automo 1 C. h ask.cd of his chauffeur: "'Vhere are,due to its strenuous part 10 L <! r�· It is intendcd to. increase the mem-hearsal. bership to between twenty :md thirt�·.Some other features of the pr('1�ra."will be the Day Sisters in an 111\1.;0 Janitor As Necessary as President.trated song entitlcd "Worried:' 1 ia·y That the janitor is as necessarY ahave quite a. reputation as sinltill;� personage in the conduct of a greatcomediennes of high class and :lr\! university as its president. was thesure to make a hit. A numb�r of I moral pointed out by Miss Ruth Pax­·'ghost pictures" will be given, iIl,,:s· son, ill speaking before the Y.trating the prehistoric oyster m:ll! re_!w. c. Lcently uMarthed by Professcr Starr "In God's great uni.versity," shein his explDratioDs. said, .cno man's life is ul!important."'i W ANTED-A young woman to solic- FOR SALE-Full dress suit; �it advertising for college papers;profitable work. Address. J. M., condition; medium size.. IThe Maroon Office third tlat, 6015 Kimbark Ave,inlts."Oh, never mind the detai:s," irrit- W ANTED-A young man to do edit-ably screamed the American mi1lion- orial and reportorial work on lea:l-aire; CCI mean what continent?" ing city trade journal. Apply toManaging Editor Daily Marooa.(Continued from page I) member of a fraternity or a sororityis allowed to take part in any schoolmer ·contingent."I just won't be in it at all." ex-claimed one "summerite," brandish- 50 yard dash-Stephenson, Bush,ing a chinchilla muff, "to think of Pcrcrra, Vance, Morton, HeDficks,having to be made up and go through Barlow.that awful dance twice in one evening 50 yardjust for an 'amateur' audience. It's ricks.just too, horid."A hasty conference of committeechairmen was held and it 'Yas decided hurdles--Barlow, Hen-··fraternity" members out of athLet­ics. The league as now fonned !Scomposed of the different "fraterni­ties" of Hyde Park, Lake View,Wend.ell Phillips, Oak Park, Engle-we at?""In Paris," shouted the man at thewheel, and the dust flew.The reason we call money ·ccdust"Is, as I ha'�e cause to know it,'To get it we must raise the wind­How e:asy tbea to blow it !-Ex. T.BE WHITlIEYTI1e Musical WIDDerA KNIGHT FOR A DAYSTUDEBAKERTIl E COLLEGE. WIDOWThe only College Comedy to LastILLINOISANNABELDTHE PARISIAN IIODELFOR SALE-A scholarsh�p to aprominent business college; sebol­arshil? was obtain�d through ad­. vertisement; will sell it for 2S percent. off. Box M., Daily MaroonOffice.Special rates to students; bargainsin re-built machines. W. White­head, 36 La Salle StreeL'Vnated-S or 6 men to do politicalwork. Voters preferred.The University Employment Bureau.. POWERSJOiHN DREWI n his Great Comedy· SucCUS,"MY WIFE" -. : :THB GARIUOX'Augustus· Thomas' Great PIalTHE .WITCHING'HOURTHE AUDIT01UUIZiegfeld's Big Musical ReneFOLLIES OF 1907INTB RlI A TIO.AI.THBATERALL STAR CASTMagnificent Re.vival Prodactm80 SingersRooms for Rent.FURNISHED ROO MS-NarUniversity; with or withoathousekeeping privileges;liJtht, heat, hot and coldbath. Call 652 E. 57th St.,Rat.POSITION open to youngthr�e hours a day, in exchaJllt ffroom and board. Apply atUnh·ersity Employment Rami.W ANTED-Students to attdiglewood Roller Rink, � Wworth Ave. Every eveninl.Sat. and Sun. Afternoonsthf" !!lea son.LOST-Thursday afternoon,.ncar the campl1�, a chasedbracelet. Finder please retarJCobb Information office.