.: ;;CHICAGO, \vEDN ESDA Y,FEBRUARY .26, J!)08 Price Two CentsIntly !lurnnn'�" ..-.� .' Vol. VI. No. 95.dil Treasurership.The first of the second series of :\liss Harriet Grim and Bales, Fern-plays by the Donald Robertson play- Unanimity for Henry, Gaarde and ald, �lcAndre'Ws and Zcdlcr were Northwestern Head Confirms Rumorers will be given tomorrow evening Cleary-Election to be Held chosen' 'last night' to' appear in the that Methodists· Will Stick to 'in Mandell Hall. TIle play for the Friday, April 6. finals of the Northern OratoricalA bit stiff from the game with Min- evening is a comedy by Gogol, trans- League' contest. The 'five were picked'Iesota Saturday, the Varsity was yes- lated into English under the title (If THE NOMINEES from nine contestants in the prelim- .. \ bomb was thrown in the camps''.:.:i •. terday put through fast practice for "The Inspector." President-John F. Dille, Walter inary competition in Kent after COIl- of the .. B�g Eight", 'when President(: ..�: the crucial basketball game of the Cast 0{ characters P. Steffen. siderable vconsultation on' the part of A. Vv. Harris, of Northwestern Un i-season-that with Wisconsin Friday Anton Antonovitch, governor of a Vice-President-\Vinston P. Henry. the 'judges. versity, yesterday confirmed as offi-.:. night in Bartlett. The Freshmen arc Russian provincial town .......• Secretary-·Fred Gaarde. The- 'finals', or' the' contest' will he cial the ri�mor that the Methodists. also working hard for their contest , Milton :Sills Treasurer- Edward L. McBride, held in Mandel Hall, Friday, March will, in their scaled ballot to Director'f with the Northwestern yearlings, Anna Andreyevnna, ris wife Freeman Morgan, Frank M. Orchard. 6. At this time all contestants will Stagg. support the Wisconsin side of��, �. whom they expect t� trim in the cur- ........•....... .;. Olga von Brause Librarian-Ralph Cleary. present their orations in full, and one the seven-game controversy by votingtain raiser. :\fary Antonovna, his daughter .•.. \ViII be chosen to appear in the to keep five games.A defeat for the Chicago five on .......................• Anna Titus Eight men were nominated for the League finals at Iowa City in May. President Harris explained thethis occasion will give the Badger Luka Lukich, director of sehools , . five Reynolds club offices at the an- The winner' of the Chicago scholar- complicated fsyste� of athletic ad-five claim to premier honors, and a R. G. Thomas neal caucus of the club yesterday. A ship will receive a $120 scholarship. ministration to The Daily Maroon, chance to accept the challenge sent His Wife Yvonne de Kerstrat hot contest is promised in the race f�r Prizes of $100 and $50 in gold are yesterday. According to him, Profes-both Chicago and Wisconsin' by (van Kusmich, a' postmaster....... the presidency, whi�h lies between awarded the winners in the intcrcol- _sor R. E. Wilson, the faculty repre­Pennsylvania, . ..•.............• J. Raymond Barse Dille and Steffen, and also (or the legiatc contest. scntativc, acted entirely within th�The Maroon' men do not fear the (van Alexandrovitch Khlestakof, a treasurership, where McBride, Mor- The subjects of the successful orar- bounds of authority when he cast hisCardinal aggregation, however, TIley St. Petersburg official............ gan and Orchard are entered. The ors !ollo",s: verdict for ah increased schedule. Hehave not been pushed yet to win their ...........•..... Donald Robertson three other officerships have but one Harriett Grim-"Am I TI1Y Broth- did not have exclusive authority ingames in Bartlett. Even the Central Osip, his servant. ... " .Robert Vivian candidate each, and wilt be elected hy' er's Keeper?" the matter, however, and when thecontest resulted in an easy triumph Bobchinski, independent gentleman default; unless further nominations . Clarence A. Bales-e-v'P'ublic Semi- athletic board' met, it' took the "lP-hr Dr. Raycroft's pupils. . � ' George Pierot are made by petition. The election ment vs, Criminal Law." posite stand from that of ProfessorGreat preparations are being made Derzhimorda, police officer •...... . will occur all day Friday, April 6. Luther' D. Fernald-"The Price of \Vilson. It decided that five gamesfor this game. Scats were placed on. _ � George Brown' Further nominationsl according to Peace." ! are. cnqugh,. and will tell Director;,�: . sale. at. the .Jnformation' oft1ce yeste:-- Locks�th� .Wife· .•. � •..• Ali�c.J�hn ;the ,co�sJi_tutiol:a. rC?f .the cI.lJl>, .may�· t ..... ,.;WiUiam �C' ...\ndrew:� "A' Pl� f for Siagg�:.in,4he couese .of.a,.·.fe,w, d:'3s.�._� •• l·� day, and were in demand. The largest Seargent's Wife "1' .' •••• Louise Wolfe made within tHree days on petition in Colouization." �'N�;tll\\'estern'� :maii"vote t�,� �Ir.: crowd that ever attended a basketball Avdotya, servant to Governor..... writing of tW�lty-five members of the Rudolph Zedler-"The Gratitude (If Stagg will favo�r five ... games," said', contest is looked for Friday.' Wiscon- ...........••....... Marion Chapin club. an Adopted Son." President Harris:\�l�en reached at his:' sin alumni have reserved a block of Waitress at Inn .Tda Rowe TIle election. which will be by the home yesterday afternoon. "At the;,� . fifthy. The band will probably be Acts 1", II, IV and V-Room in the Australian ballot system, will be held original meeting of the. Conference,',;. G 'H . tl CI b M h 6 PHOTOGRAPHS RAPIDLY .present to stir the rooting delegation overnor souse. In re u, arc , from 9 a. m. to Professor \Vilson, who was allowed;' .� COMING IN FOR ANNUALup. After the match dancing will 'be Act II-Room in the Village Inn. 5 p, m. A p�u-rality vote wiII decide. to vote as he pleased, cast his bal-held on the floor. Mr. William Norman Guthrie of the The election commissi�ners chosen b. lot for thc longer schedule. He had. Many Organizations and Seniors SendThe work of the Varsity against University Lecture Association, under the caucus to serve are Sunderland the matter in his own hands at the. . Pictures for Publication in-the Gophers Saturday was of high whose auspices the Robertson compa- Austin, Meigs, Phelps, Tucker and time .. "1908 Cap. and Gownclass. The f:ght between Harris and ny is playing here, has written a crit- Meagher. "When the matter came up beforeHoffman is keen and close, and Dr. icism of "The Inspector." Group photographs are being taken the faculty for confirmation, however,R· "N hi GIVE COBB HALL CLARION . kcn wi I P f wnaycroft has not. decided which of ot mg coud be more entertain- for the Cap and Gown with a rush. issue was' ta rcn Wit 1 ro cssor 1 -the two will be in at right guard. He ing," says Mr. Guthrie, "than this ex- WET BLANKET TREATMENT Monday neon three organizations, son. Thc faculty felt that in view C)fl:as given both men a thorough try- hibition in gayest mood of all the of- the Blackfriars and th� Chicago chap- 't5 desire for' 'ol}ly three .games forfi . I f Dean Vincent "Fires" S .. _tz, E-n Be- 'T I . Idr,ut, and :lonors so far are even. cJa gra t and political corruptivn �...� ter of Beta Theta Pi a11d Plli Gam- _"ort lwcstern. It wou - not seemThe men play an entirely different obtaining in a small town oi the E111- fore the First Issue Sees Light ma Delta met at Root's studio ior 'logical to aid the rCform movement.style of game. While �offman de- pire in the East of Europe. The com- of DQ. . their annual pictures: Many photo- :\s a rest:!t, the '"ote of Northwesternfends goal against the opponents, edy was first produced in 1835, when �raphers have dates for the coming \'�'iI1 ue for retaining the prescntHarris' style is the forward guard Gogol was' 25 years old and looked The Cobb Hall Clarion editorial week with Univcrsity of Chicago .)r- I:t:mhcr' of games."comhination. On the whole', it has krward. in spite of poor 'health and board is no more. The Cobb HaJI gallizations. �orth\\:estcrn's sudden and un­pro\-ed effective, for his opponents other disadvantages, to a. positi.:m Clarinn is no more. These statement.. . A numlY.!r of organizations ha\·\.' looked-for change ('f front makcsha\'e registered against him seldom, equal to that of his friend Pushkin. :ire truc, at least, as far as the in�>!.- written to the Cap and Gown c(litors Chicago the deciding factor in theand he himself has been able to ring the great Russian poet and historian cst of the student body is concern·�d. requesting their usual spacc and .fate of the lengthened schcdul�. TJpbaskets frequently. At the same time of the University of St. Petersburg. D(,:tn Vincent yesterday politely hut more. Somc of those represcnted l:t:'t to this time, thc Univcrsity has heldGeorgMl has saved Harris· from being "The comedy is fun of wit and tirmly informed the members of :li� year with half a page will usc a full hack its vote. It had bcen under­scored against on a number of OCC:l- mirthful character drawing; is as dass th!lt the Daily �Iaroon's wou1d- �'agc this ycar. This will be true of ,too<l that Xorthwestern was in fa­sions. With Hoffman in the game, fresh today as when it set all official he ri\·al. should not be shown to th(' the two councils. Each of the eight \'or of f.evcn contests, Professor Wil­Georgen is given the chance to play Russia agog from the groundling !o �tt1dent hody. junior colleges will have a group pho- �on's afiirmative vote for this mc;n­forward with more confidence that the 'Czar, with its workings of the Ju,t why. is not known. The copy tograph. :Most of thc fratcrnity and nrc heing takcn as conclusive indic:l­Chicago's goal is not in danger. elaborate system by which all the of- rC:1ders hlamc the reporters. The :-e- ::-:ub photographs have becn handcJ lion of the stand of the �Iethodi,;tTn the Minnesota game, which was ficials are served at the expense (Vf porters s:cy that the blue pencil bri- 'n, The editors of thc annu:tl say that iaculty. \Vlicn Purdtle cast what\\'on by the close score of 26 to .23, the public. -l!,\\Un J!�q. lq8n1!:) �,\1!tl Plnolls apr-.t the gronp50 are \'1Cry wcIl suited for was understood to bc the sixth andall the men played fast, and it was '''The plot is exceedingly sim'ple: ting blunders. Dean Vincent blam�!' cngra\·ings. tinal hallot for the reform. thercforc,difticuIt to pick the star. With :he a spendthrift, young� irresistiblc t:('ither department, but has {:oO\·in- Seniors who arc hav;ng their phot�). there was general satisiaction among�amc fo"m exhl'bl'ted agal'nst the fl' .l d eel e\'cry member of the staff that til... y I t k h II k 1 . the �t1r�orter� of thc incrcascd schc('I-• rogue 0 a gent cman, IS str'lnHe in a ... '.. rap l� a 'cn � ou ( as' llClr pllot,)-Badg<:rs it is expected that the game little town which is about to bc in- Clarion would not cut dceply into th(' �r:tpher tl' 1"':";e Olle picture untini<:h- de ..\\�ill go to Chicago. spected, and its "e\'il conscience Daily :\faroon circulation. cd. The Cap ancl Gown prders :he Tt w::s ne\'er su�pectccJ th:lt themakes it on the alert for the unkno'wn ''OJ cnurse. we arc sorry not to givc print th:.t h:!s not heel1 finished. T!li" '1(loptioll or rejection of thc q_t1csti01linspector in order to propitiate him the '!lIdcnts a glimpse of the paper:' i.:; hetter �d:Jpt('rl to the work of th" \\,()1tlrl he tip to the Cni\'Cr�ity ,ofwith "palm oil" and hospitality. Our said �'an;:�ir�g Editor ·and Chid '.'ngranr, .-\ Iltll1llwr of �eniors \Vhf"' ("hic;}�,). One thin� is considcr.�clspendthrift youth is taken for the �x- :\rak('-np �':tn. Rcnjamin H:trri"�!l lrC f:lm:liar \�'ith '('ngraving wO:'k l'<'rtain. Chicago will yote for :,c;pected inspector and consequ('ntly Ha(ll·nnch. Yl!5tcrday. "But. shucks, II:1\'c hand('(1 in photographs in thi� n�:Jny ganH's as it individually wantsreceh'es an of the contributions of what's the diffcrence.. any.way? Th(' .. lylc. 50 t!l�t thc r('productions will t0. play.v:tri('t) graft intended for the official. :"otnfi wo: have was collected last he "('ry goocl. Dr. Parker's statement Mon(i:tyThursday. :tnd nobody cares what· tll:.t thc matter of arran�ng thch:tppened then. I'm afraid the Clar- �ch('dule will he left to DirectorRecord Crowd Being Prepared For­Freshmen Play Northwestem­Dancing to Follow. ROBERTSONIANS TOMORROW DILLE AID STEFFBI RUI '1 WOMAN, 4 MEN SUCCEED I PURPLE FOR FIVE GAMESFOR· CLUB PRESIDEICY Five Candidates--;:- Northern Ora- 'SAYS PRESIDENT HARRIStoricat Finals Chosen Last Night-Reynolds Club Caucus Nominates Miss Grini, Bales, Fernald, McAn-Eight Candidates-Contest for d��s and Zeeder Win in Prelim,tt.F·"The Inspector," by Gogol to Be Pre­sented Tomorrow Night In Mandel-Donald Robertson In T�tle Role­Pierrot and Sills in. Cast. University Athletic Board Now HasDeciding Vote in Matter of Length­ening Football Schedule.GET LOIG PRACTICEFOR BADGER FIVE GAMECaptain Schommer's Men See Moth.mg but Victory Over Wisconsinin Bartlett Friday.Iir. P.r�sent� Conference Ruling.--:i�'.08,,-_..• �...,:I�.........1 TnIroww.:atW&Nk-ay iwcJa J�:I �l-----­.nge�at Ucau.--·nd .....W­'J'IdIS.til'" Appel, Carpenter', Kuh, Leviton,.McCulloch and Smith wcre chosenlast night in the semi-finals for theFreshman debating team. Mr.Chandlcr and Mr. Moulton acted ;;5judges. 'Ine finals '\\;11 be held inCohb SR, next. Tuesday night,' whentil;! three met:nbcrs of the team will ;lnd :t1l to his utter satisfaction. he he-h(" !"elected. On account of a con- ;ng in such "broken" straights.A "There I'S a Clll'I-'I'sh J'nnocence' ion wiII never be more than a pleas.let \\;th the snring vacation at 1 u 'n -.' ' I' ant reminisccnce. E\'en Jordan'!,'Northwestern.the debate \\;11 be nnst- ----------------l'� cdito6als "Could not redcem it in th<-poned, until April 24. • (CoDtinued OD pace of> c:yes of D�1l Vinceot." ..\ mm;ement is on foot in the Ea�t Stag�. "':'S madc hdorc he was :lwarcto nnite all �cw England atl11ctic as- Ibt the life or (leath of the longersociations, aiming to better the tone "c}J('clnlc would be for Chicago �·oof athletics in that section. decide.;'" '.�Io>.(�!:'� .. .-.;THE DAlLY �PN, WEDNESDA Y,FEBRUARY 2J6, 1908 �.-\..:,.1)."""�I,.. �-Itt IIat1u JIIarlU1n,,_ ..... - " ", . ---.strong' team out of an apparent athlet­:C void by bringing out the best thatUDlnnll7 crt Cblcaco.n.. 0IkJaI StudeDt Pablleat10D of the was in his athletes,' has justly wonhim the title of "Wizard of the West."I t is but, natural that he, as athleticPoetoalc:e.8Uerecl .. 8ecorad-dua lIall at tbe Cblcqo director" should hold views at vari-ance with those of more conservativemembers of the factulty who believePllbUded dall,., acept SQDda7 .. 1IoD- that athlecics hold an undue place in__ aDd holldQa. 4ur� three quartel'8 t-ndcrgraduate life. But no one be­eI tJae UDJyerall7 ,.ear. lieves the �airy tale" tha,t there is 311yoccasion for a breach between Mr.LUTHER D. I'BlBNALD, Ilaui;lq Editor '�t:lgg and the University for whichhe has done so much and by whichhe is held inPJlB8TON ... OASS. Me .. EdItor.IIBLVIM J. ADA)(s� AtbleUe EdItor.LOUIS 8. BERLIN. Buameu lI.aDqer.ASSOCIA'D mrroasWarren D. Foster,Harry A_ Hansen,Jerome Frank.Albert D. Henderson.W. A_ Wea ... er, Robert B. Owen,1. Sidney Salkey, Miss Mamie Lilly,A. N. Pfeffer, Suahindra Bose,Miss Caroline Dickey,Miss Esther M. Hall ..Harvey B.Fuller, Jr.Formerl,.Th. Unlnrall7 of Cblcago Weeki,..i'oondedTIl. Week�,., OcL 1. 1892.Tbe Dall,., OcL 1. 1902.Printed b,. the llaroon PnaP.boae Ibde Park 8al f: Esoteric seems to havefor reception. ..1jAppanently the rushing seasea or'the girls' clubs has only just begun.Hust about this time of year thefraternities begin to get "in .touch'· DO YOU REMEMBER? DAILY B11LLBftRBlacldria.n will hold. a meeting at10:30 a. m. in Cobb 8b.Cross Country club. 1907, will meetat 10:.10 in Cobb.Arts Collece �len will have theirpicture taken at 10:30 a. m.Divinity Chapel will be addressedat 10:30 a. m. by the University -preacher in Haskell Assembly room.w. Y. C. L. will hold an intereol­'egiate meeting at 10:30 a. m: in Lex­ington.Sophomore Dance Committee willmeet at I p. m. in Cobb, 00.Sphinx will meet at ,2 p. m.McPherson lecture-Professor Lo­gan, G. McF!terson of Johns Hop­kins University will lecture at 4 p.m., in Cobb 6A, on "Development �fthe Commercial and Transportationwith tht" alumni. ANNOUNCEMENTS Structures."lIHistory repeats itself: Another. Medical Lecture. Dean Dodsonletter comes addressed to "Mrs. Seniors are asked to have their will lecture at 5:00 p. m,. in theNancy Foster Hall." pictures in for the Cap and Gown Physiology Buildnig on "The HistoryflThe present weather seems to by March I. These will be taken Cit of llcrHcine."make the project of a permanent cam- .\�artyn·s free of charge, Prompt Bliss lecture. Dr. Frederick G. Bli"isr,US waterway quite immediate. attention to this matter is needed.- will lecture at 7:30 p. m, on "ThefIt ought to be almost time for Norman Barker, President. JTaffa Gate and Jerusalem Impresitkat long promised University seal to The Robertson Plays-Tickets - for sions."'Iuit hibernating. series of three plays can be obtained Chess Ezhibition. Mr. Perkins�The University is invited to watch It Room 5A, Cobb Hall, from 9:00 will meet all corners in a simultano.,lh� Maroon five in a lively badger to I 1:00 a. m., and f�om 1:00 to 4:00 )US chess match in Middle Divinity'runt in the gym Frida. p. m. at the followmg rates: $1.00, parlor at 8 p. m.. AIl are invited.,rThe "Cobb Hall Cl�rion" has not I ?1.50 and $2.00. Single admission Mummers will hold a meeting atyet been he3�d from. So be it for all tickets, 50 cents, 75 cents, $1,00 and 1 i>. m. in. Middle Divinity parlor.�J.50. Season ticket sale will con-Hitchcock men receive invitations tothe leap year party today," thesmashed telephones will be rein­stalled.UAs "Cap" Templeton would say,WEDNESDA Y,FEBRUARY .26, 1908 this weck the men have -it handc4 tothem "both literally and metaphori-rival would be contemporaries..ullKrlpUOD prlee. $3.00 per ,.ear; 'Sl.oo 1TThere is something doing in the tinue daily until Wednesday, Feb- Iowship in chemistry of seven hun-for a m6nth8. SubscrlptiuDS received at Reynolds Club besides a billiard and mary .26, at 4:00 p. m. rircd and fifty dollars. The holdertile KarOOD OMee, Elila Hall, or at tbe uool contest. Pre-Medic men will meet at Mar- "If this is expected to assist the headl'aeult7 EzehaDge, Cobb Hall. 1]'\Ve understand that unless certain tyn's studio at 1:00 p. m. to-morrow, ";f the department of chemistry in re­t') have picture taken for the Cap search work. Twenty graduate schol.and Gown. li"ships of the va I lie of two hundr�ddollars each, will be awarded to can-MANY UNIVERSITIES OFFER clidates next in merit to the successfulAIDS TO G�DUATE STUDY :andidates for fellowship. In addi-, �". - :,ion to these: Bryn Mawr CollegeFive" Widely Se te� •. InstitutionS Nill gh'e three foreign fellows�ips ofAnnounce Co, petitions for Sve hundred dollars each, applicableScholarships and Fellowships.. �o one year's study and residence :.tiome . foreign university, English �rcontinental. •NorthwestieTn University will award.;ix fellowships for the encouragellle�t:Gf advanced study and research.These fellowships will yield to theholders three hundred dollars a :yIea�.Two fellowships in el�trical engia­cering of an annual value of six hun­dred dollars each, are offered by theUni�rsjty of California. The obj�;t.of the fellowships is to promote Te�c;earch work in electrical "engine�ring.Again has the city sporting reporter cally." Friday the women grill us invaudeville; Saturday morning theytmhitched his sa�ron Pegasus androast us in The Daily Maroon; 'Satur­clambered aboard to day evening they snub us at the leapWiD the soar to flights of space-VV'ar dance."Old Man'" filling rh'Ctoric; and or-... __ � fJRough play has been eliminated� .... " again, after a lapse of from football. But if anyone found.a year or so, comes theheadline that "Sta; May Resign." the autumn gridiro� games tame, wesngest tha,t he view Friday's conte:;tBoiled down, this is the city pre5S for the -championship of the west.story: It is rumored that it is un- Basketball, you know. is still unre­derstood that statements have been formed. N. B. There are five mem­made intimating that a .friend ,of bers of the Varsity eleyen on theCoach Stag�s is thought to believe Varsity. five.that the Midway leader is about tocommence to get ready to begin tothink of contempl�ting that hemiJrht resign, if a change is not madein the University's athletic policy.The story is a pretty good bit ofamat�ur fiction, and quite similar tomuch of the glad rumor which eman­ates from the Chicago press duringthe "dry" �son.No one conversant with conditionsat "Chicago places the slightest cre1-ence in the occasional rumors thatthere is discord between the "Old}.�n" and the rest of the faculty onthe athletic situation. It is only theignorant outsider who is hoaxed int\)thinking that any but the most cor­dial relations exist between the headof the athletic department and his as-sociates. .True, Director Stagg has' naturallystood for a rather liberal athletic pol­icy. He heartily bclie\'cs that athlet­ics fill a distinct place in college lifeSO long as they attract men who arc�s clean and efi�cient as they arestrong and '·beefy." The "Old �Ian's"stand for "clean athletics at any cost,"and not Uvictory at any cost," as theold motto had it, has won him a placetread and shoulders above othercoaches of the country. His ahilityto build up point winners out of medi­oue men to develop a well rounded, REGISTRATIONThe registration for the Springquarter is not progressing as rapidlyl� it should and it is feared th:ltthere will be great congestion to­\\;Ird the end of the quarter. "It, isIll'cessary," said Dean Thompson)' esterday afternoon, "that the stu­il'nts register as soon as possilbe,for if they don't it will cause a greatrush at the end of the quarter. Thenit is best for the student to registerbefore the dC!sses are filled up, as hewill be compelled to register forcourses that he does 110t want, if hewaits too long.Frank Resigns from L�t College.Jerome Frank resigned from theexccuth'c committee of Literature'':oll(.'g'C a t it S regular meeting yester­day. R. D. Penney was elected "tofiJI the vacancy. Professor H. L.\Villett. of the clepartmcht of SemiticLanguages and Literature addressedthe members of the college on "Pal­eontology as a Science.'" He em­phasized the importan� of work donehy Palenntology in assisting rescar:hill the other sciences.\Vhosc Daily Maroon are you read-ing? , from universities distributed fromCalifornia to Ney York and ranbrc;n value from three hun'd:ed to twelvehundred dollars annually.The New York University off.ers afellow'ship. of the value of eight hun­dred dollars a year in the department�f Germanic language and literature,to a student making original investi­;ation in German literature. Thisfellowship was once won by Robert:\lcBurney Mitchell, a member of theclass of '03 at the University of Chi­cago.The Rockefeller J nstitute for Medi­ca I Research, of N� York willlward a number of scholarships andfellowships to assist investigations :nexperimental pathology, bacteriology,medical zoology physiology andpharmacology, physiology and path­ological chemistry, and experimentalsurgery. The "alue of these feIIow­ships and scholarships ranges fromeight hundred to, twelve hundred dol­lars each and are open to men andwomen who are properly qualified toundtrtake advanced resear-ch work.Twelve resident fellowshjps andtwenty gradoote scholarships are 'Ji­fered to women graduates by BrynMawr. Eleven �siclent fellowshipsof the v;!lue of one hundred andt\\'enty-five dollars each are -awardedir. Greek, t..,tin, English, German andTeutonic philology, Romance lan- Arts lien to Give Dance.guagcs, �istory, or economics and Arts col�ege mm will giV'e apolitics. philosophy, mat�matics, clance to Literature college and .hh . , ep YSlcs Chemistry and biology. There woman of Arts on Monday aftclllwill also be aW.arded a researda Cel-' in the Reynolds OUb. OOnOne Year Aeo Today.A conference on personal reli­gion \\ as inaugurated at the Uni­versity. H ugh Black, Bishop An­de rson, Dr. Gunsaulus and sever­al members of the Faculty spokeduring the meeting.12 Years Ago T0da7.The first regular meeting of aluniverSity of Chicago Debating IClub was held in Cobb lecture hallThe inaugural address was givenby President J. F. Voight.14 Years Ago Today.Ex-President �1�Kinley, at thattime Governor, gave an addresst.e the students of the Universityif' the theater of the newly erect­ed Kent Laboratory.Over twenty-four fellowships andtwenty graduate scholarships havebeen offered by five Universities forcompetition to graduate s�udents.Graduate'students in the Universityof Chicago are eligible. TIley come.. \t the Arts College meeting heldyesterday morning, Mr. BOYntong:ove, a short talk on "Chautauqua."He gav'! a sketch of the history ofthe institution and of the movelllenttowards more general edUlCationwhich it represented. Speaking (".fDr. Harper's conM'Ction with it, Mr.Boynton said:. "An energetic young instructor inY ale established himself across thelake ancl' thinking that "p�Qple shOUidknow Hebrew started in to tea�hthem. He was so fflthosiastic aboutit him!'elf and interested everybodJ • h' ye sc In t e proJc:ct to such a degreethat the Chautauqua people decidedthat the only thing to do was to takh. . e1m m. This they did and he was'tn-t( restecl in the work of that in t's 1-tution until he came to Chicago." "�'fIl'�"J.� ...�·�itll'v:�"-l;��d�� -�ji��ti'�At :piflonpnzts� thecontc:�OJ)P,rizes.tbis.. hiehII NOW SHOWING ISPRING 1908 CLOTHES '-II Y 011 will find per- Imanent goodness II�FH�: :y:e:we DoDan I• • •• years,c1o�Thebann(Delafr.1te:thisInterlowS:5igmHi,prize,Singlbo\\'1serieanding tiogCOI1llllorjTvawarTre:!QOulwhilsingnln30METHING'NEWIN BASEBALLSpalding' s :I:�c��� RetoldEdited by Henry Chadwick, the. Father of Baseball.' Contains au­merous interesting records never'rcretofore collated, including winners)f National League Championshipseach year since 1876, with games wo!Jand lost and players' who hatted .300or better -since 1876, leaders in each-ielding position, and winning pitcherseach year from 1876; National AIl­America selections from 18]1; com­plete list of clubs. with officers' anddates of admission since 1876; AlDer­'can League records since organization; World's championship recordsirom 1884, with players' names; Base­ball Field Day records; college rec­ords; miscellaneous records; all themajor and minor league records of(907; list of extra long games in(907; complete history of 1907 in baseball and other intersting matter.-A. G. SPALDING, & BROJL"'147 Wabash Ave., Chi�g� ,Baseball Managers: Send for s�i�-':ng's New Baseball. Catalozue {!(908. "Mailed free .. "WlLUAM JERREMS' SONS.Clark and Adpms StreetsC.L.SCHARFPICTURES AND PICTUREFRAMING26S East Fifty-Seventh StreetOpposite Rosalie Court. D�" •• ee HJde hrk 18 aDd 6� 7A. McAdam�,..." 7••• F lor' .1. ••..__--aou-maa-:'OIr.S1Iat. ... ���. Chlcefo tJ..... :..; "�.,..,._ ...��������������������T�B;E���A�J�LY�'�;'���WEbNES����R�RY�I��y�p�arou �NOO�EF����-:- '-'�-- : ' .. ��-�.��.�.���������������-�.�-�--�-�-�.�.��_r�RDEDT_H_IS APTERNOON WILL �SE ILLINOIS UHn�aSI�Y-WOIIIl� Wasbirton :Park1:Bii "k CoUiIeGnweAve.�.ton Will 'Present Prizes to Cr_iqr in Hurdles aDd Clark in Thcre will be an Important meeting" D - Ii 63ri1 St.1f;�e[s in Inter-Fraternity aDd Quarter Oai)o N_ Ilea Entered of the Green Room at [0:30 today. ' - OFFICERS:'�.Rey::old's Club Contests for lleet. The dress rehearsal of the entire WrJ. D: IIcKey. Chu. II. Poocuo. F. C. Ben. L. C. Wqner. PMprletors.{f: ._ __ W. A. A. vaudeville is tonight at 7. II. C. BUSH. Cash!er •. �is afternoon will be "prize dis- Coach Friend has picked the team Mrs, Murray has 'been visiting in THREE PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS�tion" day at the Reynold's dub. that will represent the 'Freshmen Beecher, Safety Deposit Vaults-Boxes. $3,00 per year, Vaults open until 5 'p, m,�'A't . I k V' t:'l... against the Illinois first year t ........ t- A. special ti f h�_ "J 0 em: c, icc-F're sident Tern- ._.... mee ing 0 t e Artspitton will d.str ibute the various men Saturday. Dr. Raycroft yester- Women Is called at 10:30 today to de:pMs which the club has awarded day gave out the entry list. Director cide upon a day for the visit to H,.1l1� the Interfraternity Bowling League Huff of. Illinois has not yet sent the House.contest and ill the Annual Reynolds nemes of the athletes who will corn- Beecher Hall will give a dance onalb Bowling Tournament. The pete for the Orange and Blue. March 7.prizes in these two tournaments The following men are .. entered �or.this year, far eclipse any awards the Freshmen: .,... hich have been offered ill previous '50 yard dash-Boyd. Comstock,years, their total value bordering Crowley. Phelps, Coyl�, Lorenz.elese to SiS. 50 yard hurdles=-Crowley, Lorenz, WILL PRODUCE ARTISTICT Reynolds, Rogers,he most attractive prize is the MASTERPIECE ON FRIDAYbanner which will be awarded to 440 yard. 'run-Canousc:, Timblin,Dela Upslon, champions of the Inter Comstock, Morris, Straube, Clark,, Watts. So Says w. A. A. Press-Agent Talk-fraternity Howling Tournament forh. '1'1 8&i yard run-Timblin. Comstock, in� of "Knight of thet :5 .)'1:ar. Ie other prizes in the .., .. �Stophlet, Canouse and Watts. Burning Pestilence,'Inter-fraternity contest are as followslows: High Team Game, Phi Kappa One mile run=-Comatcck, Carj-cut-Sigma, prize, box. of cigars. cr, Stophlet, That the production of the "KnightHigh Score, F�eeman Morgan. High jump-Bacon, Dcngcnhnr-le, ,f the Burning Pestle" merely castprize, box of cigars. High Average. Coyle, Rogers, Bate. 'orward a faint shadow of the unsur­Single Series, Morgan; prize, pair of Pole vault-Rogers, Ba-x-n, c. oyle _,assable dramatic skill and perfectionbowling shoes. High Average whole Gardner. .hat will be displayed by the "event". 'I . b Shot put Crowley, i.>r..!enhardt, )f the dramatic world was the 'mod-series, .\ organ; pnze, owling bag J goand ball. Each member of the winn- B a con, -st statement of the W. A. A. press-ing team will receive a pair of bowl- Relay race-Comstock, Boyd, Tim-', igent. Said ''levent'' will be called.iog shoes. The successful team is �lin: Canouse, Morris, Clark, Straube, we are told, "The Knight - of thecomposed of Russell, Watters, Briggs Levmson, 'Reynolds Watts. ,Burning Pestilence,"Morgan and George Fuller. Coach Friend stated yesterday that This "modest" statement was' fur-Two splendid cups constitute the ie will give the Freshmen their last .her elucidated by reference to theawards for the club tournament. .rard work this afternoon. All the rld saying about coming events cast­Treacy anti Gaarde, winners in the nen except Stophlet and Clark are in -ng' their shadows before them. Fromdoubles receive a cup valued at $15, prime shape, Stophlet sprained nis l phosphorescent burst of press­while ·Morgan, champion in the nstep Iast week, and is still forced to rgentine e loquence the following de­singles comes in for a. silver cup .irnp slightly. Clark has not been .ails were it3thered.Talu� at $8.50 training 'long enough to get in good The \V_ A. A. annual vaudevillecondition for the quarter mile, spasm will come off Friday, FebruaryThe work of Crowley in the hur- z8th, in Lexington. Among the manydles has opened the eyes of Coach .msurpassable "advanced" stellar pro­frtesnd to a possibility -not recko�ed luctions to be rendered, the acme dwith before. Canouse > covered the dramatic perfection 'fill be reached inquarter mile in 0:57 2-5 yesterday. the production of tHe "Knight of theCaptain Comstock ran a strong half Burning PestlIence.�' Thus spake �lllin 2:�2 1-5- Morgan of the Varsity advance agent,made the quarter in 0:57 a-s. "The real merrytho't will be pres-Dr. Raycroft announced that -Hyde cnt in all color and vividness. ThePark, Englewood, Crane and South Knight will -represent a' well' knownChicago will compete in the first high university character much praised yetschool preliminary whicb will be held much abused. Paul Harper, in the.n conjunction with the Freshmen role of Michael, was giving a prelimi­dual. Evanston and Medill, which nary idea of the character which wii!were also invited, have failed to en- be brought out in its fullness byter teams. �iamie Lilly.The crisis of the play is warrantedORGANIZE THE SPHINX CLUB :me, of the most heart rendering and.t the sa� time mirth provoking:ver witnessed .at the University andthe entire audience will agree that the.;:age is being llplifred�the drama on:he incline."The young women who will sho\\The "Sphinx," an organization the University how an Elizabethallwhich will take its membership from ,)lay ought to be enacted will make• the entire undergradtrate -body of the 1{> the cast as follows: Phoebe Mer­Uni�rsity, is the latest addition to rythot. Julia Griffin; Myra Merry­the University's group of societies. tt.ot. Miss Scull; Lucy Greenhalll.It has, aocording to its members, been rncz Jackson; Michaella, Mamie Lit­;n informal existance since last quar- ty Dean; Mair Marianne, Jessie Heck­ter, when it reoet'\"'ed practically the man; Timorous Valet. Katlrerynapproval of the 'Faculty, but it WIS 5laught; Dr. Manycalls-ye knight ofwithout a name until yesterday when ye Burning Pestilence-Mary Court..!­"The Sphin:'t" was adopted. Mem- nay.bers of the club will hold their mem-IIJ�Lui­rerelsipsrOll300�chersUl-IM­mdlet­zareIs.se­'ee­theofinaseI·,,;.,;...·..,II'...,:��"���,��'-�'..... ;io�:�,�"'''':��,!:�!�7.�"�M'CJ�"'Afl)"'��1O�J.:�J,,'i'.�'8't-, t[)et�:.ar �ENTLEMKNno ...... lTUUlDll!r.__- ......BOSToNGARTER_., ................ CiDII.- ...1IeIk._ -tttal,.-.._.Doe ........................ &.TRAVEL OYER THB- - -MONON ROUTE�.1. LAFAYETTE,INDIANAPOLIS,LOUISVILLE.CINCINNATI.DAYTON.Or any Southern PointTICket Office, 182 South Clark St.Depot-Dearborn Station, Polk an.Dearborn St...,J Miss Paxson, the national secretary'J! the Student Volunteer movement,will talk in the League room at 10:30 .Members of· Different Classes Join 'll1Society to Promote Inter�Class Fellowship.bcrship throughout thcir rcsidence in READ' WILDE PLAY TONIGHTthe Univcrsity -and the promotion ofgood fcllowship betwClm the classesis given as one of its main putpOS;!s. Mummers to Study Dialogue atIts membership will includc both Meeting in �iddle D. Parlorsfraternity and non-fratcrnity men.The club plans to give on� informal The :M nmmcrs will meet ton;ghtin �Ijdcllc D. parlors to discuss Oscar'Vi1c1e'� •• :\ Woman of No Impor­tance." Particular attention will bepaid the dialoguc of this play, whichis considered \Vildc's most scintil­l;,t;ng 'WMk. The society has decidedon next Sunday aftcrnoon at 2:30o'clock as the time for having itsCap and Gown picture taken at Es- VARSITY CAFE55th· St. and Greenwood' Ave.OPEN ALL pAYDainty 'DeliciousPerfectly Pur eSurpassing"SmoothI WonderfullyWholesomeMaroon.. sSTH ST. AND DRmtEL AVE. ... .,Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 37»The'"aEsT Served atPOPULAR- PRICBS'RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTERIn Connection, T Y PEW R I T·E R S'We ofl'er a convenient and satis­factOry arrangement to students and�thers desiring' to rent typewriters,Mth option of buying._ RENTAL RATES.'F' .Irst month •••••.•..• • • . • • • • •• $4.00Renewals .....•.••• _. , .• _ •••••••••••••..•.... '.. ••. ..••• •• • 3-00Six months ......•. " •.. � •••••.•••••••.••. - 4 , • • • • • • • • • • • •• 15-00T!IB' 'MONARCH TYPBWBITBB. COMPABY,Phone: Central 6362. 25 E. Madison St.'Cieo"e.'W� Currier & Co.. PRINTERSHIGH CLASS' JOB: PRlrmNG '"5508 Kbnbark-AvenueBORDEN'SCondensed Milk. P1uid ICIlk, Creamand ButtCrmilk.All Bottled in the Country.Borda's' Condensed IIilk Cf..327-329 Eo Forty-seventh It.MfAlS 20c AND' UPChop 'Suey aSpecialtyPhone Hyde Park 1252I'IDELITY LAURDRYCLARK A READI Props.6&t-686 E. 63rd St.Special Attention Given to Student,Work. A Postal Will BrincWagon.IOBR B'-' SHftOR OII1V:lRsrri" DE LAND FLORIDAAffiliated in 1897 with THE UNIVERSITY OF - CHICAGO.ca The President is a Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Chi­U g.o, a,!d eleven. members of the Faculty hav.e been students at th,.D1'derslty of Chicago •. many of them taking degrees. Stetson is 10:cate at DeLand, Florida, the land of Rowers, sunshine blue skiesand �lmy ot:e�n. breezes. S�m�er r.ecreations run through t�e Win­ter'd (tstly bulldmgs, ele�tlc bghts. electric bells, cement walks shell�ra s'h' road ayen.ues, .troplcal shrubbery and trees. Biggest reg;stra-b�iid:n�� �1r �8 i�s t:�s'Fa��ltJhere are �our col1elJe�, five schools, 14��E?:J�::t �:;�TW-u1I�: anoJ ���i::Oth:;�r�tsth::r a;i::g:�� '___ co ey,. Ph.D., LLD., DeLand. FloricJL I----------------------------P'!'f. f. B- Rowden's Schools and Academies of DancingA$semb�y meets every Thunday evening at Unity ClUb House, 3140Indaana A venue.J�venile Class every Saturday afternoon from one to fourStudio for private lessonsl 321 Kim!:»all Hall Bid., Wabash" A dJ L-_ Bo 1 ve.. anacAlIVn u evarc!.Class for beginners Monday, Tuesday and Friday eveninp..Pri�te �essons civen hourly during the day, with or without music.ChIldren s private class, $t.oo per month.Adults, private lessons, $t.oo with music or a tn1arartteedSs.oo. .- coune forEnalewood Station-63d St. e\"ening party each month.The membership now consists _"i______________ - Forrcst G. Cunningham, Robert B.SlIl1h'an, Carl Burton, Frank E. Pow-;\ s�r .. \ 1. L hand printing prcss for en, Francis \Vendt, Walter Stefl':n.�alc or will exchange for a bicycle; Charles II. Ireland, Joseph Sundcr­the press is good as new; will do first- land. S. Alfred Tucker, Gcorge Gar­c:ass work, such as cards, tickets, 'a- rett. HalTcy MQgher. Wilson Aus­bels and all kinds of small jobs. Calli tin, E.- A. Goodenow, Fred G�arde.1)1' write to rTess, 474 55th street. and Jolm ScbollUlla'.v ·rHE DAILY MMl�N, CHICAGO, W�t>NESDAY,FEBktiAkY:l6, 19()8INDIANS ATTEMPT TO I RESIGNATION REPORT NOTIIIITATE WHITE PATHETIC TRUE SAYS DR. .RAYCROFT LAWYERS WIN ··THE GAIlEDefeat Seniors by Score of :a6 to u­Have High Hopes of ChampionshipSanderson Injured; lIay be Out forSeason.--Hamlin Garland Tells of Trials B�- Puts No. Stock in Rumor That Direct­settinC Red Skin's Path TowardCivilization. or Stage Is At BreakinC' Point_ •With Faculty.Uncle Sam's "benevolent assimila- -- -tion" of the American Indian came in Dr. Roycroft yesterday classed asfor criticism yesterday at the hands unfounded the; report that Directorof Hamlin Garland, writer of stories Stagg is considering tendering hisof the West. Mr. Garland spoke be- resignation as head of athletics at thefore a joint committee of the women's University.Junior colleges. "Mr. Stagg has not intimated any"The position of the Red Man :s such action, as far as I know, saidone of: pathos," he said, "for they are Dr. Raycroft. "I do not think it likelytrying to become white men, trying 'le will 'take such a radical step. Cer­r-atheticalty, with a curious kind of tainly it would take more than ahumor and a singular kind of hero- difference of opinion on the seven• d 1· hei I . I dIP II I d t niors playcd the Law team even.Ism to be an rve as t ierr w ntc game sc ie u e. ersona y, 0 no . .brothers. But their trials are tinged think there is any likelihood that he I The sensatlona]. work ,of Rad]y w:�with bitterness. A well-known old will sever his connection with the largely responsible for the Lawy�rsU. ." victorv, as he got 15 of the 26 pomtsCheyenne Indian often has said to nivcrsrty." -.1'1 1'· k h D· t scored by his team. Mc l lrath andme, or find it very hard to make my lOUg.1 It IS nown t at irec orHarriman also made some stellarhome among white men.' Stagg is a strong advocate of a"There are no Indians living as In- lr nger schedule, and will be disap- plays for the Lawyers.In the first minute of play Captaindians today. They are herded into pointed if he is not granted per-mission to arrange seven games thisyear, it is not thought by the stu­dents that the "Old Man" has comerest of the season.any where near the breaking pointwith thc Faculty. The Iineun:\\ � Seniors (12) Law (26)DELAYED SOPHOMORIC 1"' W b� Bliss L.F. Mcl lrath, e cr-ence for them, but there are none to HOP THURSDAY AFTERNOON R F R '11Metzinger . •....•. al ypraise and glorify them for their -- \T h P' 1] C S dis er, nnce. . . . ..... an ersonMcIlrathThe Law five continued its winningstreak last night by taking a gamefrom the Seniors by the score of :;6to 12. This puts the Law Schoolbasket throwers pretty close to thechampions'hip, as they have a cle-mslate to date,The game with the Seniors Ia stnight was interesting and welt played,being much closer than' indicated bythe score. In the second half the S\!-Sanderson of the Law five received aninjury to his knee which it is fearedwill keep him out of the game for thereservations, 200,000 of them, in littlecabins and tepees, living like poorwhites. There they try to farm theKeene, Visher .... RG .•... Harrimanunyielding land on which they areplaced, to try to wear white men'sclothes and adopt 'white men's cus­toms. It is a hard piece of experi-hardships as we have been wont 10 None But Bona Fide Sophomores toglorify our ancestors who made their Be Admitted-To Give Outhomes among t1IC Red Man. Just <. s I910 Souvenirs. Pinkerton L. F. . Gregoryof all worthy questions there are twosides to the Indian question. The strenuous efforts of the Sopho- Baskets from field-Weber, Rainy,• II·· . I more social committee are about to 7. Mcf lrath, Harriman, Metzinger, 2,''To anyone at a intimate y ac-quainted with the Indians are reveal- culminate -. successfully, Tomorrow Princell 2.afternoon 'at the Reynolds club the Baskets from free throws-Railly,postponed dance will be held and ac- Mdlraith, 5; Bliss, 4-ed traits of courage, forbearance, un­broken pride and big heartedness thatbring home to one the pathetic situ­ation of him who was once lord andmaster in America, but who is fastpassing from the earth .. " cording to the social committee, itwill be thc first in a series of brilliant Refcree, Houghton.The standing of the teams is as fol-Sophomore social functions. An. ef- lc ws:fort wiII be made to admit only 'Soph- '�?J':�.l' •. ('"• ...AIUSEIENTS.... � ... ,OOLORIALHave )'ou seenTHE KERRY wmowShe is the International CrueLA SALLET1lea�HalpoilVisit Our Piano Sto,e ,�,iss�_______________________ '.0£ I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __ .�aThe Leap Year WIDDerTHE GIRL QUESTIONTHB WHITNEYThe llnaical WinnerA KNIGHT FOR A DAY POWBRSJOiHN DREWIII his Great Comedy SIICtCsI"1\1 Y W I F E"�-----------. VoL 1�THE GARIIO'·STUDBBAKERTHE COLLEGE WIDOWThe only Co!Jege Comedy to Last.fISubsrihe for The Dai]y M'a roo 11. ,-�Augustus Thomas' Great �THY:WITCHINGHOURTHE AUDITOII1JZieg{eld's Big Musical RmFOLLIES OF 1907 ilaDlMe..IN T B RNA TIl) if n . Athl�THEATIIALL STAR CAST·Magnificent Revival Producm80 Singers DorcLam11111.:::.:ILLINOISANNA HELD' . Willin .,THE PARISIAN J(ODIL•L.omores and only those who have W.WOMEN SPURN SUGGESTION paid their dues. Law •... 1 4THEY C.f\N'T EDIT PAPER "Unique Sophomoric souvenirs will Science . � 5--- be givcn out," said Chambers. a mern- 'Senior 3Fair Leap-Year-Day Editors of bel" of the committee yesterday, "and Philosophy 2Maroon Promise to Give Regular every effort will be made to make Arts •.•............... 1 Pc.1.000oI2 .833. 600. 4003.2501Staff Some Pointers. this a thoroughly successful and a Literature I 7 .125"Can the University women run strictly Sophomore affair. The girls The revised schedule for the ,'e-one issue of The Daily Maroon?" as well as the mcn are requested :0 maining games of 'the series is as fol-The query of several skeptical corne in groups rather than in coup- lows: _males was vigorously answered from Ies. This is the first 1910 affair and --many feminine sources yesterday. we will undoubtedly have: several Feb. �-Arts vs. Philosophy."The men of the. University of Chi- more. Hans for another smoker, an- Feb. 27-Lit vs. Science.cago will wake up Saturday to find other dan�e. and possibly a dinner ro Feb. 28-Law vs. Senior.out what a student'dai]y is really be given late in June are being talked March 2-Law vs. Arts (7:30 p. m.) "supposed to be," said one of the fair to£." March 3-Pbilosophy vs. Senior.editors-to-be yesterday. ··We have An attendance of over a hundred is March 4-J\rts vs. Literature. -taken up the challenge the men have expected. Harper will furnish the March 5-Senior vs. Science.giVC!1l us, and we will get out the best music." l'larch s-La\v V�. Philosophy (7:..10issue in the history of University CHESS C p. m.)LUB TO PLAY AGAINnewspaperdom. Already all the \\"0- March 6-Law�ys. Arts.March 9- Senior vs. ArtsMr. Perkins to 'Meet AU Comers To- .p. m.)night at 8:00. 3men's organizations and halls areagog over the proposition. Therewin be a series of clever cartoonswhich will show up some of yourcampus heroes as the girls really secthem, and the column of squibs WIllhit off male idiosyncrasies in a waythat will make some of your blasepaper; everything that wou!d appearin a regular man-conducted issue WIllbe found in Saturday's paper- andthen some."(Continued from page I)Powwow to Have Picturethe brazen impudence of this offidalgraft and political corruption of Rus- Thc Powwow decided la!'t night toh;,,·c it� picture ·apper in the Cap andGown. Thc picture will be taken nextFrid:ty at 2 p. m. at Esmoer's.sia that is most refreshing to us 3<)­bcter, solcmner sinners."The calendar for the series of playsis cago. Ill. Thc college received an in-Thursday e'Yening, .8:15 p. m. Man- Students:\t Indiana will give their v!tation from the Philosophy Collegedel Assembly Hall; February 27- annual minstrcl sh'OW March II. of Girls for a dance in the ReynoldsC'The Inspector," Gogol; March :;­"As the Leaves,'" Giacosa; March f::!-"A Blot in thc 'Scuthceon," Brown-u... Before making a Rlec:tion. be sure to .see our impraIiaezlit"bita-four Boon of diaplq rOOmS - Co!onial Room, AdNo�eau Room. Louis XIV RoOm, Dutch Room! .H�jipiaDo.-many difierent makes- each of aclmowledgecl ..,nIlacy· in its respecti� cla.. all sala made at minimum ..Call· for art booklets of varioUs pianos to study at your � .Terms to suit your preferences. VISitors always welco�oae urged to buy I We are ..Sole Agents forCROWN, KNABE, ESTEY,CHICKERING BROs., M#CPHAIL GRAND,CONCORD, H. P. NELSON.GEO.Before makin, a selec.1ion visit the Piano Rooms C)fP.BENT afpi31WftiteI:211 Wabash Aven ue Chic a C 0, U. S. A. .WANTED-A young man to do edit-erial and reportorial work on lea�l­iag city trade journal. A'ppl,. toManaging Editor Daily Mal'OOlLShow your co]Je� spirit and "Sub­scribe ior the I?aily Marooa. club next Wednesday afternoon., \Vnated-5 or 6 men to do politicalShow your co11egc spirit by sub:' work. Voters prd'�rred.sCRbing for The Daily Maroon. . The University Employment Bureau.March to-Philosophy vs. Science. The Daily Maroon WIll P21-March II-Arts vs. Senior. WANTED-A young woman to solic- cents per copy for issue of JaThe success of the simultaneoas . d .. f 11 papers;J March 12-Law vs. Science (7:30 It a vertrsmg or co ege , Bring papers to the Marooa Ic iess match h. eld February 12 has fi bl k Add J M) pro ta e wor . ress,. ., today,encouraged the Chess Club to hold p. m.The Maroon OfficeI .Miilrch 13-Law vs. Philosophy .• not icr match tonight. Rooms for Reat. ,La�t time Mr. Perkins made an ex- Unless otherwise specified.all games FOR SALE-A scbolanhip to a FURNISHED ROO M C! _.'big men' squirm. But we sha'n't ne- Il ..,..-a,'cc ent record and the chess dub bas .-re at 3:T5 p; m. prominent business college; scbQI- University·, with or witholt Iglect the regular news feature of the ...agam inVIted him to come out and, arship was obtaineod thr.ougb ad- housekeeping privileges; Itake part in another tournament. vertisement·, win sell. it for 25 perPhilosophers Tell How They Live. IiJlht, heat, hot and coN 11February t2 was a University holi- At the meeting of Philosophy Cot- cent. off. Box M., Daily Maroon bath. Can 652 E. 57th St...day and :lS a rcsu]t not many people lege yesterday morning the students Office. 8at•wcre present. However, more p]ay- fillcd ont blanks as regards theirROBER·TSONIAN·S TOMORROW ers arc expected to attend the mat.::h . d fliving accommodatIOn an cost I)to he hcld tonight.room, board and other incidentals.The memheTs of the collegc, whi]cfilling out the blanks, were furnishedinspiration in the form of "Wcno"chcwing gum," distributcd by thePublicity Department of the KnowsKnows Mffg. Co., of W. A. A., ali- T)opewaiten for Sale POSITION open to yonDC"TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent- thr-ee hours a day, in exdmfSpecial rates to students; bargains room and board. Apply Itin re-built machines. W. White- University Employment �araa.head, J6 La Salle Street.CLOSELY BOUND] tio�itt:wb"b;abwetilcom1be._ IW ANTED-Stud-ents to atttMglewood Roller Rink, 6u2'worth Ave. Every eveniq. nSat and Sun. A ftemooas "'"the scason.LOST-Thursday aftcmooa, (f'near the campti!', a chased Ibracelet. Finder please rdII'ICobb Information office.