Harriett Grim-£'o Am I Thy Broth- A wail of masculine anguish is be-'Yiaaid Give A. B. for HaH Hour's er's Keeper?" Satllfday's Paper to Be Conducted ginning to ascend from Reynolds Thinks Demand for lIore CoDteata isSteady Thought; Ph.D for. Hour Clare-nce�. Balc:s-"Public Semi- Entirely by Women Students- club members that bids fair to change Natural-Boilamakera' Vote Car-of It. ment vs. Criminal Law." Men Told to Beware. into a bloodth.irsty demand for �hc ties SeftD Game Rule.Emma Schrader-"Today." instigation of the Leap Year dance.If you want to test the scholarship Thomas M. Henley-"The Solid "Extra! Leap year number Daily The Daily Maroon, being always on In an optimistic view yesterday, Dr.of a man, don't tell him to write out South." Maroon!" the side of the majority, yesterday.1\.. K. Parker declared that thethe answers to a list of questions; William McAndrew-"A Plea lor If, to your surprise, you buy detailed its star sleuth to gather the chances are bright - for. Chicago:jast elamp a thought m�ter on his Colonization." your Daily Maroon from a newsgirl �----._- adopting seven games, now that the�d and determine how long he can Lee 1. LeviDger-"The Mirror of on the cainpus Saturday. and find the necessary votes have been secured. tkink on a given subject without American Liie:" columns that ordinarily bear tales" of from Minnesota;' Purdue, Northwe:st-wiudering. ,This, in substance, was Rudolph Zedler=c'The Gratitude of victooy and athletic achievement te- ern, Illinois, Indiana and Iowa. Fur-:th'wommendation made yesterd:ty an Adopted Son." plcte instead with fashion notes and ther than this, Dr. Parker expreSlS�, �ming by the Revi, G. S. Smith, the Carlyle M. Keyes-"Uncle Sam and society news, remember that this IS ' the opinion that th� athletic boardU�veisity preacher •. to the men of His Water-Way." leap year, and ·chat on "the 29th of will in all probabilit:); let Director'Z4-l9 � Juni:<>r colleges, Dr. Smith airily The preliminary contest of the- Fd.Nary the � portion of both Stagg have his own. way in the' mar-'�missed the fac� that no such ma- Northern Oratorical League wall � lJpi�ersity anct_!!���� fades into ter of scheduling gridiron contests:_:. _ch�e has: ever be��prociuced, and held tonight at 7:30 o'cloc� in Kent iJJconspicuQSity.l��·L�.;: . or thif; fall ......._,_.,76.96 -left that matter to the ingenuity of theater. There will be eight contest- In other wordst.��n 'as Friday's . "Th�ugh �thing has been done re-4&13 the inventor. According to his de- ants two women and six men. EaciJ.ecIiaion' of the ��ves the press. " - rding' the matter -sinCe ChicagoC ;n.,ti9ns, it would probably work speaker will be l:imited to fiive min- the "mere men" of" t� staff will be. "oted- apinst the len�hened sched-ci!t. the principle of the taximeter or utes. From this eight, five will be gently and firmly_ r:etjred, pro tern, . -_ Ie, there is a g�t poIfSibility that.th�.gas meter. Degrees would be chosen _for the semi-finals, which will and � host, 9f fe,llliniiiity will assume ,I, �_ .: :we shall reverse ou� Vote," .said Dr •• aafded according to the fol'owing be held on March 6. In previous years control, .. �f the paper's destiny for: ""{)\ g Parker yesterday.sdiedule: six instead of five Candidates were tW1e1lty-four hours.' " ,\J, � "As to decidil.g what we iodivid·1-2 hour concentration A. B. chosen, but the contestants voted for 50 it has 'been decreed. A deleg:!.\:SC� ),�:, .- ually shall do in � aameS_( hour concentration Ph.D. a reduction in the nalnber -this year. tion of women students- waited _on the The Veiled Unknown Who llade that will not be � ..,"V1mtil ��-o soJic. "'The purpose 'of education is 10 The wiDner at the s�-finals'will get ma�aging editor yesterday as be sat tor Stagg retums,fropt the Soath. in ... � man th elem ntal -U ', ' President Hewitt CbmI&_ e H......._ Mj,.J!d _Anrit The f, .. -�""'_.r� __ ,,--&"'_� --_. ....,......papas; .��_U& • e e aavac� a scho�rship in the. ��it.!.!o� � �n� \.:�nctum sanc�o�m .. �s��nK -�... -� � ,..-- WI�.... - __ .J�: .... :f�;.a ,ciV11iz�·.:-���.:t.�5atd· nr.:- yet(r •. ·-He-:-.wirt-rcpii(;S�f�e··UnTve;-;_. ftiF �i1ges:" u\T(;o'recan'St -t'1iiS' .,-:.�-, _:w •. ,� '. ( ' .. ��.;��_. .. �; .... �� DJti��are.�··Bv�����""'�;.t�, '�h, in explanation, "Spencer says sity at the finals, of the Northern Or- is leap year:' said the spokeswoman' 'information �sired by these men: 'af �.Ore:·gamts::wiitiof:.� -iii� ..',H'-' _�t.the inability of a savage to hold atorical Le�gU� ill' 'Iowa: City on' May' anhe de�egat�on. 'For a moment �h�, whlo- wa_nder ctisconsobtely. -around: :ts 'influ�D;c� '�w1tJj: �i..-i:�t�tliU.__ 'c., • - . the club rooms· and race· in fl'-'in'.: . C "h-'II"I' . ·:."i�· : , .... � � ..... :-,�... ..,: ..... , ·,.UlI attentIon on any. one thing for T"st. _. disciple' of Horace Greely felt hi� -� . ....• we s a eave uae matter lD JUr.IaJ i":-gth f t" f h' . . . . wedge order for tbe telr.l,ncne whe.lI- S-tagg·-'s- h'an"_ :.s··.· J ;1· f':b-"e �-_'s' 'In__"': ·.�r-·'•• '..1 .�. 0 Ime 's one 0 IS most . There are two· cash prizeS' offer-!d heart go pit-a-pat. �rha�s. he 'would U I� •• �.I �j -�pPanDt characteristics. All men by the' League,' the- winner being_ get_Q bid to the·l�p year_ dance aft-!r. :::�::� �ear a jang':! irtlM tbat in-; 'an.n·�rryJP•. ��.--ec·.s,�_:·.'�WI�_�n'�:.:-�.;...' nul.dsed·o�.··U�t':h·c .. seW- �d be startled, if they knew hOlY awarded sioo and the second man all!- But it· was not thus to be. �� � UIC u.3_'" :.11: '�I .' . .. From the facts unearthed y�sterd."lY,- 1.:_ :,:�� ;':I:.:a- '''&-I-=- -_ J- " •• --a- i;.".. :...... are the' workings of their 1950. "Being leap year, it' is only fit that' "","u'" a �.._-�"i" 1".iods. We have men who are 1>a- .• ; € wo;".n in the Univer�y ,h"a Id" if. w�'" aC��i that �ost of". tb. '. "t .�'i��a;._ticiP:;t;' tb';t tJIis qa�s- •aw- limt investigators. We need men who WILL HOLD -DECJ;AIlATIOH ha��� �� opport�nity to show 'their blame "��p !d �o the .Hono�hl� tion' Wil(�' broi)ji1lt":up 'before' a 'sPe-.. .�.ave_ the power of patient rt:ftecti�n., SEMI-:iiN�i,s 9" TH�DAY; taient as well as' theiP' rights."- con-: WiIIi:im F�," .. i�t.· -:�presi.jcn: ane' cial me�tnig of the Senate, but wn'-be_ .lIpst m� do not qnderst�nd what all ti�Uid' th� Chair�o���. .'F�u� year� chi.�£ e�.�c��: f��f .ti1=J� ��vni).I!I� _�luDj- �����ci �f� �!. t�. �a�d �f. �tliJ���s.·dhe-results of their�work are abou-;' Six Jmdor CoUeP Coa�tS�"W"ill the daily has gone ·a3.imly on paying It ��ems tna.t��n �he Idea (Sf a le�� Y·Pet'Sonal1y,-I 'should rather' bavebecause they can�ot think.tI' 'Meet � Co�'to � FoUr .!� -b� '"slight .·:'tt��t�on to,the int.erests y�a� � dan.c�.-j�'�s·. ��sf:brought:' uP···be��. �even !p�� ;�nd�r' th�' pres�nt �ies..... .. Dr. Smith indicated that civilized Speakers �r F'iuaJs. 'of the' women students :0£ the Univer� fof� _·_tlW. ��� .��� .�Iu�,. _it. �t . ·il.afun·de-�:the�oW - �ystem - of brute• . .�'s ability to look ahead is the sity,- and n�w' we demarid {�res�endJ w�t� ·.���r.���::��SIt�: f��n:' __ ��_Wi . i,trc�.g.h".· The,' game; a!! nOw p!a)'e.cIww. ':foaadation of his mo�1 sense. "Th'� The semi-fin�ls of the Junior col- echo �y other d«7legates) that we- b-::. itt., La�er,.�.v.:�-· t��..:.· ����-- :wa� -"i�'a. )va�t ;.�.t.pt�vement over. tlle- 'Olcisnage 'cannot look ahead," he said. leg.e declamation' cont�st - will be· he!J allowed -to' publish an issue of the a�m b����t :Ii�.; .. it ',�s ����!y .. sup! �tti�;'�'- j�: '�s:-;' no�_ so. �ing ,o�. ':he·�s is the essence of jmmortality.� (iil:,Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Daily -on l�p yea'r day, -namely, Sat� ported.b�.����_ .. F?�. �o�e. tIme;: th� ."fay�rs,· ��ins"'rewer injuries, aad-- ,!.lost of the immortality of iif� ira Kent theater, -T.he six contestan�5 urday." ca��� '. �.f thIS �ysteno�s ft� .er at;-�the: same ti';ne": it; more- easily un--springs from th� lack of ability to' who survived the preliminary compe- And so it bas come about that Sa:- mained �a�_k�_ until' t�e:matter acdr d�st�: by the speCt�tors. - ··chicagulook ahead." t;tion, 'will present their entire ·sel..!.::- urday's pap�r will come to 'its rea.J- der:ttly caine to ligh�, through. � c3rtt� 'throtigh .the 'Past 'sea�on: Withoattions, which, according to tbe pro- . .. friend of a friend, �ho bad leamecf .i.-e�,·.Hury::of· co'n'sequ-nc;'and' n�t -'ers without, the touch of male hands. . VI' •• � .. _, -·SEEs VICTORY FOR FRBSHIIEN vision governing the contest,must n·,: that President Hewitt had 'sClC�1red ail man was taken from the game' whoexcept those �f compositor. and print-exceed 800. words in· length. invitation - to. the leap year party by.· cou' Id not 'hav- pla'y-..1 through. .__ .. _.... er's '"devi)." A meeting of feminine .. cu--=u Friend Thinks Team lIa- WID Four �ontestants, two men and tW,) some "ery dever maneuvering.' "The' stand tak-n by' Pu-'rdu" ·an.I literateurs ,viII be held under the (1;- .. " ...From I1IiDois.. women, will be selected to compete . I� 'his official capacity, the president �ars to me to be a sane:· oi1� -'- Itrcction of the. �resent women report· ... -_ ill the finals, which will probably he of the club has bent e.'Very effort to srecifies that the seven: . p. me' pro-The F h' ers early in the w.eek, when a definiteres men were yesterday sent h�ld in Manual han on Tuesday make the affair a success, even if he �m shan be mnn a test for oneon th' I I organi7.ation wi1l be made. All _pres- e..- e·elr ast ap of pr.eoparation for: mornin�, April 7. At the final C·:)1l-. D i:; .to ,be the only guest. A.1though it )-"'r,- and. ,'f pro"-n- .satisfaaory, shallth III' . .. cnt editors of the aily will be ,!!"'(- -". e ,"0:5 yearlings. The down� t�st, one man and one woman w;�1 i� . hoped by several hundred �ampus be retain .. d. I should not be sur-stat '1 be' pelled for tht- day, and fai_r substitutes '-. ers WI I met in Bartlett gym': be' sel("cted. Each of these Will r·: I E (,elehrities that "Bitt" will not be left prised to see the University make a�sia- St' . h I -. c 10sen. yen the bu�ess manager••• a unjay mg t. n conne.:':' ceive a Junior college scholarship '11 b entirely to himself, to date there ue eo I'milar nrovision."_lion . h . WI e· ousted, and the advertise- .,. AIwit the dual affair, the first·pr� award for one Qua.rt.er, few among, the chosen and many arc· -TI 11- .' _. f .� s d -h ..EJn' ments of the day wilt b� under feml' Ie a owmg 0 an I ...... ,a e on. ea-t�=�I1' for high schools will be con- The names· and selections of tho�.� nine direction. At nine o'dock Fri. waiting. ele was made· a reality with affir-nu..who will m�et in the semi-final COI!\- Among the fortunate ar� Harvr.y' .'b h Pdf It SatC day morning the offic� in Ellie: wiil 11"(, "ot� Y. t e ur u� acu y •oach Friend sc.es a better chance petition next Thursday, are as h!- :\feaghcr. "Ch�mb" Fuller, R Du- tlrday. Pt1rdu�'s -ndo'rseinent -of thefor Iri be taken possession of, no "mac "-s proteges against th�ir oppo- lews' raine Gottfriend, Douglas Seo.tt - and· .f .d h . th- ball t· . t"f. rnan" will dare cross the thre.;hhold re orm ma e t e SIX 0 cas . �rD�nts this time than at the last mec:. :Mis� Eveline Phillips, Philosoph." D. W. Kobak. � . Th' .- -II d d A .Ii fi until the leap year 'issue is a lhi1q' I.i It. IS was a nee e. t present1.t gure� that the addition or" Crow- college (women), "The Martyr Pre;- :\ Daily Maroon reporter interview- Wisconsin is the only disseqting in-It.)" C:mouse aird Clark will do muc'b 'B h history. I II I L_ f th .t ident' - eec ere -It is understood that the rare �( persona y a arge numud 0 e sthution, and even the Cardinals may. {I strengthen th.e Freshman forces, Miss May Roberts, Science· colJegc_ stricken. individuals yesterday. and in l' h'and 111 b �h�nc� to C"ct' accounts with the·me., !' ate seven contests now t at pemus-ay e the ('ause of the me'!t (women), "The Blight of the EaSler . ;I(hl_ition to securing their . address�s sion;s' J[ranted. .turning in f;l\'or of th-m. Y ':11'e"'.. " in th(' t�rii\'ersity will be eagerly" lA .,. and telephone numbers (or handy ref- Purdue was on the· fence for sev-AI) th H • , taken adv:ltltage of. Certain dev�r. e varsity and Freshmen were Miss Lulu E. Ruder, Literatute I tt t d to • -- \. �: -.oat arti5ts in Gre'cn and Foster have .• 1- erence, a !li0 a emp e gam an ex- cral \\'e�s no, i�maflon �ljg- Ir'.ven. )"�terday. The Varsity will b'\:t college, "Child Labor and the Na- ,.ression of their emotions: h • h f •It, he re':tdy �:ice('uted-litcrally-in cartoo.l �� to w at .t_s c ances 0 sup�lng: :l\"y work this week for its meet t:on." Fnnk Te _.__ fioo Sistietb St.tr:th hr . l certain prominent cam'pus heroe... • ....... , ; the measore were. It· developed· af·�iJJ" .... .'�Ol� . [arch '1. The Freshm�n ]. E. Ferguson. Philosophy col- Te'ephone Hyde Park 152'1. ter the vote was known that the rac-.. , .. In.. h while the dining tables of the wo-.. up t eif training tomorroW', lege (men)"1 When asked if he approved of �h� alty rcpr�ntatives were almost un-.'�th .. PO!;sibily light jogging ThuT's- ---------------�. • (C.aatnue4 on Dace 4) -.. (Continueci on pay ... 4) (Continae4 on pa�e 4) (Continued '00 pa.e 4)ilarnutt, ::;!- r .\PoL VI. NCI. 94. 4CHIC�GO •. TUESDA Y, FEB�l!ARY 25-:-ig08. Price Two Ceal.jusH rullunolS;.: .. PIll 01 THOUQHT IETERS ORATOIS TO 11m TONIGHT' . DAILY MMOOI EDITORS . , lIEN WAIL; IIEWII1 LAUGHS cHtcAaD WILL .EDULE, . .....' I· .. '. .'Six lien ·ael· Two Women Are Can- EXPELLED:�FOR SA TURDlY Maroon S�th ;::vers Rcuon '!�r lEVEl SAlES, 1m FALLdidatee for Finals of �orthem Ora- _._- President Hewitt's Sudden Change'torical Coateat-Five to Be Chosen Women Decide to Exercise Leap tf? Favoring Leap Year Dance- ·'Director StA2c is to Have OwnToni£ht. Year Privileite and Oust "Mere Veiled LB:dy Appears in Cue. Way." Saya Dr. Parker-LikesMen" from Staff. Purdue'. �riIIltl Plan.� Smith Calls ,Lencth of Time. JIID Can Concentrate Mmd RealEducation Test.lier.---. It - . -".::"THE BAILY MAR.GON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY· 2S, 1908-should vote against tl!e change, ex-cept that it feels satisfied to let thingsstand' as they are. We have alwaysfelt that there was less occasi�n forreform at Chicago than elsewhere,but for the good of Western athleticswe' have taken a stand for regulatedathletics even though there is. noreason why the rules should applyto Chicago except to have its ath­letic policy consistent wfith that cfth� other Conference colleges.", -Nobetter argument than this of consist­encv could be advanced if there werereaily danger of the adoption' of a.Harrow policy, so at variance to thatof six and probably seven of itsneighbors. ,The Daily is clear on this point: Iithere really is foundation for the ru­mor that talk of "policy" or fear ofbiased criticism will make Chicagorefuse to budge from its "anti" po­:..-:tiOIl, then there will be ready .:IC·casion for student voice to be raisedW. A. Wea" er, Robert B. Owen,' b d 1in the matter. The student 0 y las1. Sidney Salkey, Miss Mamie Lilly, justly" received much commendation the em .. 1irons of Chiuago,'for its calm and dignified acceptan.::eof the faculty attitude, even thoughquite at variance with some phases ofits stand, so long as that stand wasconsistent with Chicago's position infavor of unified athletic refo�. Noneof the uproar and clamor that hasemanated from other colleges hasbeen given to the eager city press,because representative men have un-ostentatiously silenced ill-advised a�-8ub8c:rlptioD price. ,3.00 per feal'; ,1.UO tempts at .mass meetings, manifes­discon tinned.toes, and the like. This very sanityof the student attitude should, how­ever make effective' a protest again-sta ra'dical stand,. in view of the pres­cnt tendency of the Conference. Insuch a case, the mode of procedure is the present tenantsimple: the Junior and Senior col- House famous.lege coun�ils, repre.senting the entire MAXIlVIS FOR .MERE MENTUESDAY� FEBRUARY 25. 19Q8. underg'raduate body, need merely pre­sent resolutions expressing the unani­Purdue has joined Minnesota, Illi- mous sentiment of that undergraduatenois, Indiana; Northwestern and Iowa. body against such an ill-advised andin.favor of seven games radical stand. The faculty is reason­instead of five. This able, and a dignified protest on theinsures the success cf r,art of the students would availthe lengthened schedule much.PablIUe4 dall,., �pt 8uadQa. IIOD..__ ud bolldQa. duriq three quartenLUTBBB D. I'ERNALD. Iluat;taa EdItorPIUI:8TON 1'. OASS. Me.. EdItor.IIRLVlN J. ADAMS, Athletic EdItor.LOUIS S. BERLIN. BualDeu MaDqer.Warren D. Foster,Harry A. Hansen,Jerome Frank.Albert D. Henderson.A. N. Pfeffer, Suahindra Bose,Miss Caroline Dickey,Miss Esther M. Hall,Harvey B.Fuller, Jr.Former),.Tbe UnlTeralt7 of Cblcqo WeekI,..FoundedThe Week,,., Oct. 1. 1892.The Da1J,.. Oct. I, 1902.for a m6nthll. Sub8c:r1ptlODB received atthe Maroon omee, Elila Ball, or at tneFac:uIQ' kc:�, Cobb Ball..Phooe Ibde Park aal'Gamesa( Last?measure, in spite of theassured opposition -of Wisconsin andChicago. , I f every member of the Reynoldsclub exercises his prerogative and ct-tends the club's caucust11is afternoon, therewin be no occasion forafter - talk ' tomorrow.In the midst of_the general 50gh r.Jfrelief. that the Conference majority is Today'sbeginning to regain its feet again. Caucuscomes a nondescript rumor that theChicago faculty will refuse to sanc­tion seven games after the Conf.:r- The club elt>ction is oneJ of the mostimportant of the University y.ear, andit. is to the interest of every memb;!rto see that the most represenativeand. efficient men .are chosen. Eachmember has the right to nominate for·any oflice, if he does not agree withthe nominations of the out-go�ng of­licers, and. at the one business meet­ing of the year, he has the opportun­ity to exercise this privilege. Today'�caucus should be the largest and mo,;tence law passes. In other words, !tis said, while six-eighths of the COll­ference favor a reasonable, schedule.Chicago wi assume a holier-than·thou attitude and refuse to alter it�schedule as the �ther colleges willdo.The ruinor, naturally, is generallydiscredited, and, as neither offidalsupport or dcnial can be secured. it cqective evcr.is assumed that it has no particular·foWldation, and is at best an opinionof individuals. Thc only argumentpresented in the rumors is, in brief.this: The Chicago faculty has tak�na definite stand against a change in.existing reforms. which it was �n·slrumen�al in passing; Chicago b�·Jieves that things shOJlld stand�!'they are in their entirety, even though-they might be 'altered in minor -• .le·tails without harm to the cause� ,111·1so Chicago will conlinue opposed toschedule extcnsion, evcn though ,,11the othcr colleges takc on moregames.The personal attitude of the facul-:ywas epitomized by �ne of the deanswhen the seven game discussion wasyounger. "The matter of seven ··O�fivc games is a matter of no particu­lar ,importance," he said, "and th:rcb no special nason whT (]ajca� flCheer UIl, she, like yourself, mayhave tro\1ble in deciding whom �oask. put itself on record as opposingthe faculty rule, which at diattime prohibited the pledging ofQuarters."Junior College or unclassifiedj" Misa Ruth Passon will speak at 4students before they had com-p. m. in Lexington.PIe ted three majors work in andWomen of Arts, Literatureresidence at the University. The in KentScience colleges will meetstand taken' by the Council reosulted in the abolishing. of theLeap ,� dance will be held Satur­day in the Reynolds club, Girls wit!do the asking and no stags will oeallowed,Pen club will have its picture takenfor the Cap and Gown, Friday, :�t[:45 p. m., at Esmoer's.Sophomore dance committee wilJmeet Wednesday at 1 p. m. in, Cobb6..'\.Water _polo and sWimming teamwill have its picture taken Thursdayat I 1). m. at Martyn's.Pen club members will report toC�le Y. Row€: on the question of ar­rangernents for the annual dinner,March 3.Bliss lecture-Dr. Frederick G.Blisswill lecture at 7:30 p. m, Wednesday,on "The Jaffa Gate and JerusalcrnJ mpressions."Say to her: McPherson lecture-Professor Lo­··'Von't you please tell me whom gan G. McPherson of Johns HOV­you have asked .for the leap year kins University will lecture Wednes­party?"'" day at 4 p. m., in Cobb 6A, on "D.!­"1 see that girls arc making om .he velopment of the Commercial andprograms for the ,leap year' dance: Transportation Structures."can't I have onc--Or several?" Domesti.c ScienCe Course-A non- SOMETHING NEW IN B�"I wish you would go to the show credit course in Domestic Science will SpaIdin"'s !!!.IC��. RA�,' .w.ith me Saturday. But, I forgot; be given in Emmons' Blaine .hall, 5 __ ...... �.you're probably going to the leap Monday, from'; 7:30 ,to' 9:30, beginning Edit�d by Henry Chadwick, tkyear .dance; I'm not, you see, and I March 2. "Father of Basebal1." Contains a.:iorgot aU about it." Additional CImrch History Courses merous interesting records Omf."That leap year dance is a great will be given by �rofessor A. '-'. h�retofore collated, including wiauesidea; I've been on the anxious scat for Genos (1st term), and Professor k of National League ChampiQnshipsd I h 't b ask'd 'I G'ff (2d term). each year since 1876, with games 110!. •a week, an aven een c C. �'\ C 1 ert and lost and players' who batted:lf'or better since 1876, leaders io cefielding position, and winning'pitcbcneach year from 1876; National AI­America selections from 1871; COlI"plete list of clubs. with officers"dates of admission since 18;'6; AmtJ·ican League records since orguUation; World's championship recorefrom 188.4. with players' names; Ba5c­ball Field Day records; college Rf"The Freshmen debate trcials will be ords; miscellaneous records; an Uemajor and minor league records �1907; list of �xtra long games-1907; complete history of 190i io 1mtball and other intersting matter..A. G. SPALDING & BIOI.DAILY B1JLLftlRSea.io� CoUece �1 will be ad­dressed at 10:30 p. m. in Mandel hallby the University preacher.College of Education-chapel will beaddressed by Dr. Caldwell on "TheTeacher's Law of Adaptability," at Lots of peoplenever worry ,about style,.just buy ,. FOWNESGLOVESThree Years Aco ToclqCheXago defeated 'Wiscoas;nin the first meet of the season.TIle score was 4B to 29.Six Yean Ago TodayThe Senior College Councils ule, 10:30 p. m., in room 214 EmmonsBlaine hall,Full rcheanal for "The Lure of the and hit it right.1fWith the ---leap year dance fourdays off, the number increases ofthose who are Whistling, "Wartmg fora Certain Girl. ...fllf, as a Socialist agitator insists.the criminal is a microbe, a secondPasteur would find plenty to do 'n1fMinnesota has organized an.. Amalgamated Association of po­litical Soreheads." It is understoodthat \Vi:lliam Randolph Hearst and\Villiam Jennings Bryan are honorarymembers.1fPurdue is to give gold medals forthe best punt and drop kick made be­fore June I. After Purdue's erilight­ened stand on -the athletic situation,the" efforts of student kickers can he1f\Ve suggest the "B6:g Stick" asthe most fitting name for the Re­publican club of Michigan. A R\!­publican club by that na�e has madeof the Whiteor How to Get Asked Clark and Am-ms Streets: .. -;'" -I,-Philomett ill� atThis dmit a IICCD's 4rill de�:" ..Special---A BI�ckor Blue Cheviot or,Thibet Suit with em'Trousers of the sameor striped material---$25.:>t 10:30 p. m ..BUss, lecture � Dr. FrederickBliss will lecture on "Slavery and theTomb of Christ" at 4 p. m.Theological club will meet at � p,rn., at Professor Smith's residence5408 Kirnbark A�e. D�an Mathewswill speak 011 "The Authority of Em-on allpirical Science."ANNOUHCBJDBTSWILL'AM jERREMS' SONI.BORDEN'S -Condensed Milk, Fluid Milk, er..and Buttermilk..AD Bottled in the Country.Borden'. Condensed Milk Co..'327-329 Eo Forty-aeven� It. '}'hyet-""I wish I had a sister in college, 50 DEBATING TEAll PICKEl)that I could go to the: leap year TO REPRESENT FREsHMEN'Preliminary Contest for Determining"\Vhat do you think, every fellowTrio to Meet Northwestern to bein the house has been asked for the, . Held Tonight.leap year dance but me !,'"I haven't missed a Reynolds clubdance in four years; I hate to think of'leld this evening at ,8 o'c1odc :n'csing out merely because it's a- leJP., Cobb SB. Eight mcn have signifiedyear dance.... f . for the"\Votildn't it be a joke if somebody' their intentions ,0 trymg,.. team to meet Northwestern s 1911else beSIdes you should ask me to go • be II ed fid)" l11en. Each man wlll a ow veto the leap year ance. '.minutes main speech and three mm·utes for rebuttal.' From these eightmen six will be chosen to competein a regular 'debate between twoteams of three' �en each next Tues·day. At this time the- trio will hechosen to compose the team.The following arc those that wintry in the order or speaking: Kuh..\ppcl; Carpenter, Smith, WolframLcviton. Rce,'cs and M<:Cullough.dance."Eti:'., . ad libitum.FELLOWS CLUB TO DINE 147 Wabash Ave., Chicqo.,Baseball Managers: Send for Spa!&­ing's New Baseball Cataloque (Gr1908. Mailed free. ,�w e strcnuo\1sly object to the im- Fellows of. the University to Holdpc.rt:ttion of men for the leap ye'lr Annual Banquet Friday Night.c:mcc.�\'crily. the UC:1d do ri::.e again� TheHearst party actually shows signs ,)fcOin-al('scence.fJ\Vhile Bryan seems effectuallyHearst. Taft Knox a Hughes hQle ;nthe Cann�n boom.�The arr{st of thirty Chicago holJ­up men Saturday leaves ,only ten :>�rcent of thc_ population engagoo ,in '.llebusiness of holding up the otherninety. Depot-DearbOm S�tion, Polk -Glee club rehearsal toni&bt at 7:30 Glee club rebGnal. tonight at 7:30 Dearbom St.in Cobb Lectan baIL I ill Cob1t Lectare baIL . " . Enelcwood Statioa-lJl-The Fellows club of the Unh'ersh�'will ho!d its annual banquet in theb:mqnet room of the Reynolds cluh.Friday �"ening at 6 o·clock. An :\t­tracth·e program is being at:rangc�and a full attendance of the membersof the club is expectcd. Arranq�­ments for the banquet are in th�hands of the executive committee,composed of R. B. Gates, C. S. Yoa­kum and E. A. Micnk. TRAVEL OVIER THEVMDNDN ROUTE-- -_ ----- -LAFAYETTE,INDIANAPOLIS,LOUISVILLE,CINCINNATI,DAYTON.Senior Buketba1l Game PostponedThe game between Law and Sen­iors. the outoome of which is being�waited with gnat interest, was post­"oned until t:lis c:vening at 7:30. Or any Southem Point,Ticket Office, 182 South am Sa.-,THE DAlLY MldtOON; .TUESDAY, FEBRUAitv 2$, 1908.;';'" 9G UNlvERSITY,:'WOIIEtt THIRTEEN. IK�ONS. Jf�� -IN� iliSSIOHARY C.QNFERENCE)iiss Virginia Ketcham of Greeu ... -The Omnieron Omnicron chapter,. �will bl• out of residence the rest 118ny Delqata AtteDd . Jleetinp at Sigma Chi tendered a reception .. 0tbis (!uartcr. the Uni� on SatUrday and the .parents and relatives of its mem-'-1:be Prom" still continues to be .:. .8unctay. ' .. hers 011 Sunday afternoon at the� talk at the halls. -- chapter house. Among those presentAll epidemic of registering for 7 :30 l11c. .inter-collegiate missionary were: Mr, and Mrs. Dixon, Mr. anJ.'. omy has seized and mastered conference, held on the campus last .;\Irs. Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson,foster hall, Saturday and sUnday" under the aus- Mrs� MacNeisb and Miss M�Nei�:l,Gittn hall will give an . il_1�orma.l pices of the Y. ,M. C. 1\:., was attended Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Smith, Jr."4:� on March 7. 'by 'students fr:Qul thirteen schools and and Master Smith, Md-s. Mehagan nndI . colleges, not including the University. Miss Lockhart, Miss Cristoph, Mr.iIiIosophy M� t� Meet in Kent The delegations' were from North- Hudson, l,lisses Tupper and Stone,Pbnosophy college (men) will western University. Northwestern -The Chicago chapter of Delta�t in Cobb lecture hall thes mont- College (Naperville), Lake Forest Upsilon entertained at an informal� at 10:30, instead of Kent theater. University. Wheaton College, Gar- dance at the chapter house, SaturdayThis change is made in order to il·C.�- .ret Bibkcal Institute (Evanston). evening;mit a united gathering of the wo- Moody Institute, McCormick Theol- Kappa Sigma held an informalICCD'S colleges. Mr. Hamlin. G;rJ.a.l1·.j: ogi��i"' School, Chicago Theological dance at the chapter house, Saturdayrill deliver an addrcs , on this occa- S�h�l. WLutheran Missionary Train- evening._ ing' ::.:School. Baptist Missionary -Delegates from the Alpha DeltaTraini!ng School. Secretarial Training Phi and Chi Psi conventions, which"School, Chicago Training School and ... -ere held at Minneapolis Friday andNorthwestern Medical College. Saturday of last week, returend to• ...AMUSEIENTS .... �· ;'. tLS�ven national secretaries wen' rheir respective chapters yesterday.; , I present, this being one more than Delegates from several of the Ea ;t­had 'been expected, These secretaries ern chapters stopped over during thewere J. Lovell Murray, H. F. Laflam- day.mo, A. W. Staub, A. C. HuU, Miss -The members of the Pen club areRuth; Paxson, Mis� Eliz�beth Harris ,:.Ianning to have a group pictureand" 'i-Ir. Penfield, the last named. taken at Esmoer's 011 Friday at 1 : .. 5. ·sc�.r��!1ry. for theological schools, not p. m.-having .been expected. -Mjss Jessie Heckman entertain-The conference commenced with n I'd the members of the Sign of the- • - •. -_.. �� . J::¥ilbnhl meeting on· Saturday af: �ckle at luncheon Senday evening.-------------- ternoon in .Haskell. Then followed a.. -Fritz Willard '05, who ,has been- ;_ .... -� coni�rence' on missionary study, and visiting. at the Delta V. house, leftt.l': i �·:·"'i"··- ...... _- . • .•�. conference on . rmssionary actrvi- last night, to return to Nome, Alaskaties, the program for the day closing where he will remain for several Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 17.The BEST Servecl.atPOPULAR PRICESRESTAURANT' AND LUNCH COUNTERIn ConnectioD_RICIITONRill ..... ·:Cart ....for solld-: comfort. The newest sWesand designs of one piece, .... .""web. All metal parts heavy nickel.plated brass. cannot rust. 25c. a pair •all dealen or by mail.allTHE PAlWIIAN ·IIODBLIicfOr.hneial THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COIIPANYPhone H�de Park 571 Kimbark Ave. and 56th St.The CleaDeat aDd Beat Kept Storace .Warehouse in the City •••••Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, Pacud andShipped to all parts ·cf the world. 300 Private Stor­age Rooms. Large Parlor �xclusively for Pianos.Rooms for Trunks and Wheels. Large Room {orCarriages, Buggies and Sleighs. Trunks to andfrom all Depots. Local Transfers for Baggage,Furniture, Packages, ete., at short notice.Special a�tion pen to University OrclerLDainty DeliciousPerfectly Pur eSurpassinglySmoothWonderfullyWholesome ICOLONIALRNI. Have you seenTHE MERRY WIDOWShe is the International CrazeH'olel Maro·onsSTH ST. AND DREAEL AVE. e- ••LA SALLBThe Leap Year Wumer .with an evening session, at. which ad­"dre's��-s were �ade by workers fromtbd' �issionary field.'.' On �unday 'afternoon, there was a---:- n;teting· of· volunteers i.n HaskeJl, and, iii the' evening a general assembly inMandel. This meeting was -addressed, by: ili.h�e secretaries; Mr. Murray,Miss'�Pax5On and Mr. Laflamme. Mr.�[urray and Mr. Laflamme spoke "jt student l;fe in India, telling. amongother things. of the great temptation!'which continmlUy confront studentsin that country who are endeavoringto lead a. strong, moral life. MissPaxson gave an' interesting talk onthe women of China and Japan. y\:ars.TH� GIRL' QUESTIONCOBB HALL CLARION TOAPPEAR TOMORROW-MAYBEEditors Doubt Whether AnythingWill Remain After Dean VincentUses Blue Pencil-THB 'WHIT_BY".f .:REN'T II.,.' The Musical Wma_ TIle Cobb Hall Clatio11. editors are�t '�,sl�ep at the s�itch:' Nothinglike that. They put in the busiestday of all- yesterday getting theirproof sheets ready for the printer.By tomorrow the paper will be a' real-iti.Just what it will look like, nobodyknows-the editors least of all. For._.-STUDBBAKER'A KNIGHT FOR A DAYWe will rent you a 1I01Ull"Ch VISible Typewriter, Ed if 70.decide to purchase 1IFe will, aDow a full moath'. rent to �ply on the price.Liberal rates for • months rctal'conttact.THE IIONARCH TYPEWRITER'. COIIPAHY.25 E. lladisou St.Phone: Centnl 6a6I.::.,.to. -TUE COLLEGE WIDOWBAI.I.an" �15 ;.'Defti'riuDefs)0ship5esWO!.ed.JIIiD eaOlitdIeBill AD­• COlI':'rs aliA1JJJ-::i;�ge RC'aD.ords efmes •io":tet.:101lIP-. SpaY­�(or . The only College Comedy to .Last The average attendance at these before it appears as an exhibition ofmeetings . was about two hundred. true journalistic production, Dean INb'�qud w� hdd on �b�ay V��nt mud do �e offic�1 �nsor �������������������������������cvers.ng; 'as had been planned, owing "ct. He is the founder; organizer.tc dig.culty in obtaining definite :n- manager .. JlubJisher and. constitutiorf.llformation. as to the number intendinr I:IW of the sheet, and naturnlJy mu-.;t1(' b«; present. .;ce to it that the Clarion does honor PULL DUSS SOli'STO RDTT. G. SCHAFFNER a: CO.AU Sizes. Sure Fit.We carry "Society Bran.r' Clothes46 River Street.POWERS·JOHN DREW• In his Great Comedy' Success,"�I Y W I FE" 'l'lIE UBIOB HOTELAIm ·:U:STAVBAlrllIi-1I7 Randolpb Streetro him.The proo(s were gone over yeste:-­:Ia)·, but beyond the information th�t"lne. C. Jordan, turned in some edi­torials and not ond of them about theProm. nothing could be learned .aboutthe ("ontents of the sheet" Jordan. beit remembered, was accused in thesevery columns of leaving the paper inthe lurch.The accusation was false. lihelo'lS.Jordan not only turned in a string ofcditorials. but some squibs as wdl.two of which are quoted:"There is a great deal of DiJlie­d.�l1y;ng about the Reynolds clnD GEORGE II. WERNTZ, Proprietor.lIaDufact'ner ofHAMLIN GARLAND TO SPEAK THE POPULAR PLACETO EATEithc;r before or after tbeTheater.Auth�r Win Address Joint Meetingof Women's COlleges this Morn­ing.TIle CoJlege of I.iterature has c;e­cured Hamlin Garland as speaker for,'the division meeting today at 10,30.'The other women's �ol1eges havebeeri asked to meet with LiteratU!'(':n Kent to hear Mr. Garland. Hi!'subject is not yet announced, but wil':>robably be something about �h('West.'HB GARRICK MANICURING SHAMPOOINGElectric Scalp and Facial Ifassa&eMADAME KAYNOR·SSCALP SPECIALISTZ37 E 55th St. Phone H. P.3286TRAVEL OVER THE. Augustus Thomas' Great PlayWe make a Specialty of ClubaDd Fraternity Dinners.THE.WITCHINGHOURPhone Hyde Park 1251.'BB AUDI'lOltIUM Woodlawn Ice· Cream Co.-- Athletes Complain of ExactionsVarsity "0" men at Ohio Sta�eUniver�ity.· have started a mO\'ementtr, hreak down the exactring c1a:,s-_______________ 1 room rcC)u;rcmcnts placed upon them. OFFICIAL NOTICETh�y claim that more is demand('d .of) Reynolds Club Caucus. . Itht'Jn than oth('r in�titution:-; r('fl\lI1'C A caucus for the annual normnatlonof t1wir athletes. of officer'S for tbe Reynolds club wUl Cieo"gebe held in tbe theater of the club,A Fraternity Rat-Hunt Tuesday afternoon, February 25. at 4'The memhers of Phi Delta Theta o'clock. Nominations will be mariefrntcrliity '.at California rccently 'held fer President, Vice-President, Secre.a "rat bunt" at their chapter house, tary, Treasurer and Li"rarian. Allthe on(' catcbing the most rats re· members of the club are urged to at­cc1\"ing the city bounty for the entire \end.-William F. Hewitt, President. HIGH CLASS JOB PRlmNGZ'tegfeld's Big Musical Revue. these days.""The Clarion hali'. the large�t circu·lation Qf any paper in Cobb hall." Fine Ice Crea�s, Ices, ftc.FOLLIES OF 1907I INTI: RN A ItI". ALTlIBA'lBJtAl.L STAR CAST:\f:\gnifil"cnt R(',\"i\:ai Productl'l:180 'Singcts· PRINTERSw. Currier & Co.ILLIBOISANNA HELD number caught.----- 5508 IGmbark Avenued Every Joyal student is a s\�bscfib.�T: I W. ·ho�e Daily Maroon are yOU rea -or th� Daily Maroon. Ar� you loyal?jng? .in '.,'" I•·rHE DAILY )I�,Q.N, C�ICAGO, TUESDAY,.F�BRUARY 25.1908.pessimistic as to his <:hances, even at The twO surprises were the winning FOR SALE-A scholarship to athis late date. He made no state· of the high jump by Richey, a hither- prominent business coDe .. ; sch91-ment. but smiled his pleasing smile. to unknown Illinoisan, who defeated ars�ip was obtained through ad ..William E. Wrather,i66I Bond ave- Fleacher of the Soldiers, and the ront- venisement; win sell it for 25 pernue. ing of :\Iiller in the two mile' by Gib- cent. off. �ox M., Daily Maroon\Yr;lther was interviewed just as son and Armour of the First Regi- Office.he left off presiding over the daily mentemcetin�. on the first floor landing ofCobh. Aside from tlte fact that hewas "doggoned" and that the condi-SAYS YELLOW JOURNALs qf. tlie yellow.p;es_� produce an es-��DER TO IIAIMI SAV\AG�Y sential untruth .by isolating and over­emphasizing certain 'features of theorigina,l without getting clean awayfrom the copy. By this principle nilindividual or institution is isolated forintensive and unremitting attention.Some incident first brings a man intonoti<:e-a statement, not intelligibleout of its context, jocularly or mis­chicvousty handled by the press, andthe man is marked. If his position �ssuch that the misrepresentation m;IYinjure him, so much the, better; thatMagazine," a searching analysis of is the ideal disaster situation."the reasons for yellow journalism and Sees Reform Ahead will- �ear sandwich si&n� or :1:)utton­hole tags, thus inscribed:'NOT YET. BUTwe hopeSOONOthers go about humming the Fos­ter hall ditty, "When You're W.aitingfor a Certain Girl.·___'.Professor W. L TboDia ArraicnsSensatioaal Newspapers in ArticleContnouted to Karch American'1Iapzine.Making La Rochefoucald's epigram"In the misfortune of our best friends.we always find something which isnot displeasing to us," the keynote ofhi'S article, Professor W. I. Thomascontributes to the Mareh "American C�ICAGO WILL SCHEDULESEVEN GAMES NEXT FALL� Continued from page I)animously in favor of more gamesand that the arguments offered by theopposition were promptly answered.The Purdue decision. is qualified\,'lith the statement that should theseven game schedule prove unsatis­factory to the La Fayette institution,the shorter number wilt be adoptednext year. This makes Chicago ihconly college of the "Big Eightf' thathas not yet registered either way.It is felt by many that the Univer .. i·ty will not vote, since its ballot is notneeded.a scorching arraignment of the menresponsible for the yellow newspaper.Professor Thomas finds reason iorthe immense popularity of the yellownewspaper in the childish passion ofthe popular mind for being' toldstories, and, �s he puts it, in "thepersistence in men of primitive erno­tions of an essentially anti-socialcharacter, to the fact that -:motionsare pleasurable, no matter what theirorigin, and that people :will pay 'toexperience shock."Beneath an amicable exteriorthere always lurks the hunting pat­tern of interest. A murder trial, astreet or ring fight, a slanderous bit.of gossip, a game in which you havea competitor to beat, and theatricalrepresentations (which, whatever else�ay be said of them, are conspicuous­ly reflections of conflict situation i).are fascinating because they revivethe elemental emotions." Professor Thomas holds out con­siderable hope for the regeneration ofthe press. "Its broadness," be ex­plains, "corresponds with the instinc­tive badness of human nature, and it,:s as good as its particular readerswant it to be. I t is, however, morecriminal than its readers, because itis more intelligent, and consciouslyemploys a. high order of intelligencefor an immoral purpose. But it is atbottom ashamed of itself, and evennow its editorial pages are denyingits sensational features. Is it possi­ble that it is beginning to aid· in itsown reformation, and that, like SirCondy Rackrent in Mis-s Edgeworth'sstory, it may even survive its ownwake and assist at .irs own obse­quies?" It is not known what DirectorStagg has done in the way of arrang­ing his games for the coming SeaS0J1beyond the contests with l\f�nnesotaand Wisconsin. An Eastern; gamewill probably be scheduled. There jsnot much hope of playing the Indi­ans. Captain Steffen and DirectorStagg are in favor of meeting Prince­ton 01' Yale. Illinois, Purdue and In­diana wil undoubtedly find places onChicago's schedule. For the seventhmatch, either Northwestrn or NI!­braska will probably be taken on.MEN WAIL; HEWITT LAUGHS(Continud from page I)An Eleventh Commandment method employed, seemed heartily inProfessor Thomas suggests � he- favor of it, and remarked: "Quiteadoption of an eleye�th command-ment, worded:"Thou shalt not have 'the perversionof truth for a gainful occupation." inurging the necessity for this, he says:. "The difference between civilizationand savagery, and between vulgarityand culture is not profound. Thcground-patterns of human nature an'everywhere pretty much the same.Civilization simply works on slightlyimproved models; it has more senseof, responsibility, more prevision,more . organized and general action,more thrift and. more capital, morethrift and more capital, more protec­protection and toleration, more scien­tific and truthful spirit. But it is 'notan easy system to' work, and it is notyet working perfectly. It requireswatching, and it 'cannot well affordto tolerate noxious influences."It is now well recognized thatthe historical method has advantagesover that of the almanac, bu:: it wouldb Hansen secmed confused at fir5teter serve the purpose of knowled!{c Reno K. Reeve, Literature collegeto have newspapers on the alman"c when asked regarding his plans for W F.. (men)," hat the 'lag Me.ans."principle than those that misrepre- Friday night. He at first said he had Philip Wolfram, Arts Col1eget th h d another engagement for that nightsen e trut, estroy perspe�':ve (men), "The Homes of the People.'''and give us fiction under. the guis� but corrected himself when he heanlof fact. of the �Iaroon's system, and gave hislddress willingly.right. quite right." DAILY MAROON EDITORSCharley Jordan, 652 E. Sixtieth St.;Hyde Park 2320. EXP�LLED-FOR SATURDAYJordan W2S laconic and refused '0give any definite statement. It isthought that he had hopes which wereblighted in their prime. He willing'::.'furnished the addresss, however.Clarence Russell.. 5520 Woodlawn:Hyde Park 1094- (Cor tinued from page .1)men's halls are hearing all kinds ofgossip. sc;tndal' and grinds � �h�"men you m�et at the ?vl!idway.',�A "josh" story? Not. a1: all. Mi5sEsther Hall, Miss Caroline Dickeyand Miss Ma�ie Lilly have already .begun active work 011 the' leap year Iissue, and report enthusiastic supporton the part of all the women folk.Russell carefully explained that hisevil luck was due to his absence' fromthe University Last quarter, but wish­ed it announced 'that he was now do-Ye . men -of Chicago, if ye havepride. prepare to' lose it now. Satur­day, we are told, will be a day .�freckoning that the campus will noting :business at ·the same old stand,;,nd hoped to make up for lost time.Luther D. Fernald..any place aroundthe campus or Cobb; Hyde Park(094· soon forget.Fernald was so deeply troubledthat he found it impossible to speakon the matter and was left alone withhis grief.Harry Hansen, 2i Hitchcock hall. WILL HOLD DECLAMATIONSEMI-FINALS ON THURSDAY(Continued from page I)Appeals to Hate Reflex"If a yellow sheet be analyzed," hesays, "it win be found that it handlesevents and persons from the pain ()fd:saster standpoint. The event .TtscHis of no significance. The loss of life,the loss of happiness, loss of prop­erty. the Il)Ss of reputation, death anddetraction, is the whole story. I n aword, it is an appeal to the hate "e­ilex. Alvin Kramer, 3242 Forest avenuc;Douglas 7i22., •Kramer's perennially sunny disposi­tion rciused to allow him to become Illinois Beats Soldiers EasilyThe University of Illinois tra.:kathletes demonstrated their superior­ity oyer the First Regiment team Sat­urday at Champaign, winning the dualmeet by a score of 59 1-3 to 26 2-3·"But the yellow press docs not stopwith the singling out and over-em­phasis of situations of the fear anilhate type. It also distorts in­cidents and situations sO that thcywill correspond to the most crude andbrutal conditions of consciousnessand desire. It perverts facts and man­ufactures stories purporting to betrue, for the sake of producing anem·otional shock greater than wouldfollow on the presentation of theexact troth. Following the method (,fthe artist aDd c:aricahlrist. the experts Football Men Begin WorkCoach Yost Yost has startedtion of affairs was a "heck of an ode," 'football candidates to work. "Win­the reporter learned nothing as to his ler training" is a novelty at Michigandeeper feelings. and is pro"\;ng popular. The Wolv:e:--The others, they who suffer long ine coach has adopted the plan of:lnd are silent and sorrowful. Their d:viding the squad up into smallerc:-ctreme state of mind has driven squads. Over each of these is placedthem to adopt drastic m�sures. Some a veteran, w.hose duty is to break inof these individuals who haunt the 'the less experienced men for thespace bC:i":clth the clock with faces team, The work JS mo.s�ly of :hefilled with yeaming,pl'omise that they spee..! c,levcl�oping t� DRINKS INK �'.��"IBE A CAMELTo load a Conldui Fountain Pen, just dip it ui...j'Ink, press the Crescent-Filler and see it fill its ontank like a camel slaking its thirst. That's all tbeiIis to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do Itanywher&-aDy time.CONKLIN'S �WNG PEN"'''tHE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT·FILLER-can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. V.could fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ofsoDing. Besides its convenience, is 'the splendid writilII·qualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed. .,.LeadIDc dealers haDdle the CODkUn.. If YOUI'll does DOt. __dlnId. Pricea,I1OO aDd ape Sead At ODCCI for haudsome Dew Clltaloc. . '.:. the C-.'ia Pea Co., 310 �ttan BJdi., Toledo,. t-I Iiii,STlJDENTS' LL NCH RC OMTHE MIKADO CAPEMeals 20c and up Open aU dar.VIOLfTS,ORCHIDS,SWffT PfASORLILlf5 of the VALLfY' • •WHICH SHE SHALL WEAR TO Try a elassilied,W�shingto� PromA. McAdams.FLORIST'Telephones H. P. 18 and H. P. 6cjS753rd and Kimbark advertisement IIThe Daily MaroojSTATEMENT OF CONDITIONWoodlawn rrust & Savings Bankat Chicago, State of Illinois, before the .commencement of businesson the 15th day of February, 19<)8, as made to the Auditor of PabikAccounts, for the State of Illinois, pursuant to law:RESOURCES. .',".- ......LoaDS aDd Disco._�. ,: �.OYCrdrafts.. .- ._ .- 1$518,.09.') Itl200.11 I.---IMI.JU:=.0 .:,: .RoDd!, aud Securities. iDCh.d,jae Premium!l.BaDluDg House, -' - ' ;..Due from NatieDalBaa� _.-'-Checks aDd other cash itelDs -Collcc:tioD ill trallsit. -.. -.Cash iD baud -. Gold COiD. -'-.Silver COiD, - - - -Nati0!U1 Baiak CDl"ftDcy. - -Fracuo.aa1 c�9 • .pickels .ad CeDts.-I : �< ••- .47182 :-,1..51'7.05 -l2,S12..r,o 29.�1 �-I.m2.ro .,21,8i1.00- ;-.z ... ·11----LIABILITIES.Capital sto�k paid iD. •S"urplus fllDd. •'UDdivided profiu.less expcases. tax� pai�,Time deposits. sa .. i.p.Certificates, ••Demand dcpMits. iDcli .. icl_l.Certificates,Certified..cbec:b. .cashier·s c1xc:ks •. f2(X),OOO.OO10,000.0018,176.96---- ft28,1jI.zr..0I6.13 .. 1,500.00 23S,$&lS317,"7R.82• 4,97-1.H.';629.088,1;'·JO.2Ji :m..u» ....State baaks aDd baDken.Total. • $I18,1QST�TE OF ILLINOIS, Couaty ,fCock ss. I, Fred C. �II. Cashicrortbe Woodla ..... �a.� ti�.(p Ba.k do HielnDly swear thal tile above statelDeDt is.true, to the �t of my k_"aD Ie '. .' .·.ItD C. Un&.. CuWIr.Subscnbcd aDd sworu to (,cfore IDe, this 18th day of February. J1I08. _ . '. ; .• (lIEAL] FRED A. GATElI, Notary',...The Daily. Maroon will pay �cents per copy for issue of Jan. r�Bring papers to the �[:aroon oE .. tl('day.WANTED-A young woman to solic-.it advertising for college p�pers;profitable work. Address, J. M.,The Maroon OfficeRooms for Rent.FURNISHED ROO M 5-Near ..University; with or without JiPlhousekeeping priyileges; adlight, heat, hot and cold wms;�th, Call 652 E. 57th Sf., �Oat.POSITION open to young "...;three hours a day, in exchange �room and board. Apply at GeUniversity Employment Bureau.his Tn»ewriten for Sal.TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent­Special rates to students; bargainsin re-buill machines. W. White­head, J6 La Salle Street. WANTED-Students to attend &glewood Roller Rink, 6.u2 Well­worth Ave. a Every eveninl, 1'IIIIs.Sat. and Sun. Afternoons tIl_the season.WANTED-A young man to do edit­orial and reportorial work on Iea:!­ing city trade journaL Apply' toMaaaginc Editor Daily Marooia. . LOST-Thursday afternoon, on r1near the campu�. a cl1ased �bracelet. Finder please retarn toCobb Tnform:ltion office.