Women 'to TUI'Il Tables 011 IIaJe Ele­ment for Clab'. Leap Year· DaDce-Room West of Track to be Fitted Popular lien Prove eo,.-Pcrmit Trustees Decide to'" Scale ofUp as Library and Trophy lien to Pay Carfare. Uniftnity'. Tadria•Room. Force.Captain Walter Steffen yesterday f'cm:nine voice: "Hello! Is this _.TeUs Philosophy )Jen of the "Ulte- expressed himself on the seven game Books. Periodicals. and Spalding Snell hall? I'd like to speak to Mr. Annual Pa�n.�. Be IDcrealJedrior Politiea1 Motiv�" of Pro- schedule. Incidentally he declared Publications to Make Up Fusser. please. Oh, it is? Why, Mr. $tD,ooo-To Go.Into _eetposed Aldrich Scheme. his satisfaction at -the news from Di- Interesting Collection. Fusser, if you have paid your dues Nest School Year.rector Stagg that a game with Wis to the Reynolds club this quarter?"The Aldrich Bill is plainly a polit- consin will be on the Maroon list of A new member has been added to I'd like to have the pleasure of your An increase Cif 2S per ant, to b..-ginital move. The administration can gr'idiron contests this year. Chicago's large family of departmen- company at the Leap year dance on with tbe next school year,' will benow say, 'We have passed a. bill that "1 certainly hope that the seven tal libraries; Plans are rapidly pro- FebruaQ" 29. Oh, she called, elid she made in the scale of salaries to beViill prevent panics for all' time. we game schedule goes though," said gressing for the housing in Bartlet l the <at, she told me she was going paid to professors and instruetors inh.\"e cleared up the present cricis. Si:effcn. "If it does we will undoubt- of a Physical Education Library. "If to take Mr. Softheart) that's all, the University. This announcan�ntVO!e- for us:" This is what P.rofe5- cdly arrange a game with some East- cur present plans mature," said Dr. goodbye," was made yesterday afternoon by Dr,sor J. Lawrence Laughlin of the Ec- ern team. I should like to play the Raycroft, "inside of a year, we will Turning to the Maroon represents- Goodspeed, Secretary of the Board ufonomics department, declared was the Indians again. but should much rather 'have one of the finest athletic and tive who stood nearby, Fusser re- Trustees, and came as the result of a_"ulterior purpose" of the-Aldrich Bill, Icad Chicago against Princeton. The physical training libraries in the U. marked: "They ought to know· -that I recent action of that board. This ad(li-in an address on that subject, before Tigers have as good a chance- of get- S. We have as neuclus a collection of can't go to the dance with all of tien to. the niversity's eXPenditures'for. the . Philosophy College of men yes- ting on our schedule as any other books on physical training given by them"-and the secret was out, salaries, will total $40,000 a yearterday, Professor Laughlin declared Eastern team in case we decide to 'Mr. Wilson who bought the Carl There is to be a big leap year in- wben all the salary enlargements arethe bill undesirable and based on no I,lay one of them. Euler Library in Berlin. They are formal at the Reynolds club on Feb- made, w�s made possible by the ad­knowledge of practical business (,� "As to the \Visconsin game, that is J..rincipally in German and a few in ruary 29, and the girls are all hurry- dition of $2,000,000 made last monthbanking. He showed that it would about settled. Nothing, as far as I French and English and are a very ing to make dates with th-; campus to the University's endowment bynot prevent. panics, would not facili- know, has been done regarding the valuable historical and technical col- heroes. According to th... e arrange- John D •. Rockefeller. Half of thetate the negotiation of loans either details. I think the field at Madison lection. They have been packed away ment, the girls will do the asking, •• nnual inc-ome of $80,000 from this,-·by the banks or their customers, and will. be chosen. since the- Minnesota for five or six years with no place to fill out their programs. see that their gift will be -expended in· salary iO-1tould make the entire bank-note c:.U": game will be played here. I am glad keep them, but now we have fitted np escorts are-provided with plenty of crease. while the other ball will' be''rency unsafe. we are to play the Badger team." the room off' of the track for a li- frappe, and really try to entertain the applied to reducing the UniverSitY·s·In �Iling of the history of 'banking Director Stagg's letter says in re- brary, where they could be used enlucky hot air artists seated around aunual deficit., /.'m this-country the speaker said, "In gard to the Cardinal game, "We un- and we may also install cabinets in the wall ...... Every masculine pre.ro�- That t�ete'-Ir.ls ��'a_'t�.J�:�: ;�I'c#..1�J8 tli�e was a law .passed in New .doubtedly will play Wiscon�ip.. �t .the room to a('com� i)r.I""·tr� '·tive' is ��be·:U6.-rpea;-WMrtlhrsiiiile �t1.e:-�eed b'th; � seeiPed ..:y�� allowing lJanlcit 'to (Jeposit-'·cer .. '(;-li.;':· �Refeiring to' itlichigan, .the cups," -.. exception oC calling for their' part- t.) be t� consensus of opiDioo !a:Jttain bonds as security for note issue "Old Man" states that he regrets the In addition to this collection, there nero The privilege of paying carfare, night among University Ofticial� .�Jid during the succeeding period, up action taken. by the Wolverines. He are a number of the current periodi- and eabfare, if present weatber condi- The University'S present salaryt(' the civil war, simolar laws. WI!("C tr e marks that he had hoped to have cals on physical culture which will be tions continue; has been grai:iously scale was drawn up sixteen years. ago.· Ilasqd in most of the states. The the Varsrt1 play Michigan this y�ar. kept on file, Complete volumes of conceded to the males. when livinc expenses were eOBSi�-.'_ ItSUlt was the worst kind of instabil- With only five games allowed, the these are now being collected. Among In order that there may be no COIl- ably lower than they are at ��nt.:.ity in the currency; the time was Maroons will "probably not play a 11 these periodicals will be include� fusion, a list of tbe members of the As a consequence the. faculty m�-.·DoWn as the period of "wild-cat' Eastern eleven, Besides Minnesota Physical Culture, OU1ling, Reereation, club will be published in tbe MJaroon, bet- of the Univenity of a.�go in,: cUrrency and the disastrous effects Oil and. Wiseonsin, Illinois. Purdue ami The American Sportsman, Mind and and their' names checked oft as they common with ..his fellow inst,uctors· business were tremendous. I ndiana may be played. I f the two Body, and others. Even more inter- are asked. This wiU greatly facili- ;;11 over the country. �5 seen a steady. ,"Under ollr national banlcing sys· added games .are voted on favorably, c�ting than. these, will be a complete tate matters, and may save some ·�f decrease in his buying power. Thettm no one ever lost a cent from th( a clash with Nebraska and one Nith fale of all the Spmding publications the kind-heartClCt" members the paiD'of .plesent enlargemeat of his. inc�e .icvestment in United States boll(15 an Eastern college are looked for hy 011 football, baseball. and, other sports lefusing numerous invitations. Hitch- will bring him somewhere near 1he.and as long as they arc the security the students. containing pr.actica:ly a history of the cock, it is alleged,' was anticipating plane on which he started in 1892-for note issue, regardless of how un· uevelopment of these sports from the rush, when it ordered its tele- President Judson, in discussing the.satisfactory the system is for oth('r ELEVEN MAROON ATHLETES their eartiest times in the United l�hones out. the rumor averring that m�tter last night 5temed much gr:l.ti-reasons, it is certain to be scs::.ur;!. IN C. A. A. MEET TONIGHT States and embracing a ",a5t amount the long story of robberies was a fied at the decision of the trustees 1\)�''J'!Ie difficulty has been that in times of i�teresting information on the subterfuge. devote the �ntire $40,000 availabl� tothe currency should be CO:1- Varsity Track lien Ezpect to Share early ntles and their development. Delightful giggles constantly issue the increase of salaries. He said hecd .it is to the advantage of the Generously in Scoring in Cherry The library will be open -from 4 to from the telephone booths in the had long been anxious to have t�enot to issue more notcs �11r1 Circle Contest. 6 on Mondays. from 2 to 6 on Tues- women's halls and the. maDI who SlC:le of salaries increased. "The mostversa. . Furthermore, United day. \Vednesday, Thursday and Fri- "smokes" the phones ill Beecher next noteworthy action taken by the u:��.eS bonds arc scarce and difficult A squad of eleven University track day, and' from 3 to 5 on Saturday. wet."lc will be certain to reap a harvest versity in a long timeo," he charact��-;�:·obtain. 'The_ result is. of �ot1!�e. men will make up a strong .team r('p- It wilLserve not only as a useful ref- c,! nickks. ized it. ") have long been exceedil�g-·the long ielt and universally acceptl!d ('C:5cnting .the University at the C. A. erence library, but will doubtless be "Bill" Hewitt and several other� � 1.1 anxious to see an increase made inbct that ollr system is inadequa:c." A. track meoet tonight. Coach. Frie.nda great help to students on many the entertainment. committee have: the s('ale of salaries:' bet said. "TheThe speaker showcd that the AM- is expecting to cut off a considerable subjects of physical training and edu- it is asserted, the lead on. everybody, salary w.hich was adequate fiftee� .orrich Bill flOt only would not rem�dy �lice of the score to bring back whh btion. as they plan� the dance some .time sixteen years ago is not adequate .:l�the evil;; now existing, but would ad:l .him to the University. He has th(' i.. ntmlber of various kinds of tr\)- �go. It ha:s been more than a week the present time because of the greatbew and greater e,1ils to an alre:uly choice of the Varsity athletes in his phies, for which there has been no since Charlie Ireland has smoked on increase in the cost of living."intlastic system. "The Aldrich Bi!l," team, each of. the men being c<m:��bi r,lace on the Bartlett track, will be the campus and all Foster hall knows In making announc�ment of thesaid the economist. "aims to maintain points in their events. placed in the library room. and with that Gill had three girls out driving action of the trustees. Dr. Goodspeedtltt Qrne system of note iss\.�d· as:! In the dash, Steffen. Quigley :;n�l the books of all kinds arranged last Sunday. issued a typt"written statement whidlbasis for the increased issue; but to Boyd arc down. Steffcn, Dagenh:lr.!t around the w�lIs the new acquisition Artie Bovee wishes to announc.e was considered and approved by Preo;­"void the <'ifficulties of the scarcity and Loren7. will take part in the h!lr- to the group of libraries will be �::. that he will not act at all hastily in iocnt Judson.of United States bonds. it extends ct!es. Bacon, Dagcnhardt. Bate, Coyle c<,plionally attractive. accepting a partner for the dance and ·'For some time past," says Or.the seclIrity for note issue to les!' and Schommer arc On the list of com-even intimates that he will not dis- Goocf�peed in this statement:saie bonds of cities, CDunties, states. petitors in the high jump, and Iddin;ls President Judson to Speak courage competition. "President Judson and the trust�es_nd certain railroad bonds. Thus in- :md Rogers \\;11 compete in the pole rTCsidl"nt Judson will be a guest at llany of the less fortunate mem- of the Unh'ersity have felt that :thed· I' h '1" '·."uYt. With these tnn1 entere(1 C.".:1Cll 1 I . t th G t N th I' f h h' ifst�a or rcml'C ymg t e e\,l It IS rr.;.g. .. " a unc leon gn'en a e roea ,j. or - hers ha"e begun to figure up how long $:' anes 0 t e teae 109 sta we're m-nified. Any sagebrush village of any Friend expects to take the majority d ('rn Hotel tonight by the Chicago As- it was since they called and prospects sufficient. While. tJweo cost of livings'ze could issue bonds and these sen'c points ;n the meet. Steffens is .��- s.�c;ation of Commerce. He will make are bright for a sudden boom in the I.as increased "ery considerably, the"5 !'ecurity for the issue of national pected to win the hurdles and get a an ad(lrc.ss on "Chicago as an Edu- f"ssing market. 'However, even this �Iary scale- at the UniYersity has re-bank notes. This would stron�!y rlace in the clash;. Bacon is expect('d catjonal Ccnt('r." may not a"ail to win fa\'or, for only mailRd unchanged during nearly �ix-tmd towards the over indebtednc�... to tic with Irons in the high jump. yesterday Eddie McBride was heard te-en years, ever since the Universityof cities and in a short time the \.on· and Iddings expects first place in lh(' -At Princeton. boxes for the to �y, "Well,women are an ungrate- was founded. .6tions of the period of "wild-.:a�" pole ,·a11h. "Jl!nior Prom" are Soe'CUred .by seald ful lot. r,.e called on them constantly "The need of 1110re adC1Juate salarie,currency would return, ruining ;,us:' bids. No bids nnder thirty dol1ar.. for tlie last three years, to the great has' been as fully recognized by :he1IeSS and hringing back the 11ndersir- arc recehged. detriment of my studies and I ha"en', founder of the University as by tneable. conditions of the per.:od befor(' There will be a meeting of the wo- I' got a hid vet. �jdent and tmstees.the civil war. men of the Senior stars tr.morrow I Gnnd March. Senior Prom, �:'5 _(Continued on page 4) Ir.orning at 10:.10 in Cobb lecture halL Fridq. (Continued on page 4) (Coatinaeci on palre 4).'lutly lIaraonProfessor Laughlin Analyzes Measureas Based on no L.nrledge ofPractical Business..',Vol VI. No. 90.. CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19, 1908.COLLEGE mo'AT PBtJI1U.IB.IIGREASE F1IULn'SSALARY IY 25 PER CElT'1111 PROVES ALDRICHBILL UNDESIRABLE lOVE WANTS A GAIlE WITBUGERS PHYSICAL LIBRARY BEllSIISTALLED II BARTLETT"Captain Steffen Thinks Princet\)nEleven Has First Call Among theEastern Teams-Glad Badgers WillBe Played. .l"!In·PIt...••THE DMLY MAROON, WEDNESDAY. FEB. 19.1908·;.11 salaries is a change' due verymember of the. faculty. and witl proveOalclaJ Student PubllcaUOD of th� of Iar-reaching benefit. .Unlnralt7 .of Cbl� Blaclcfriar p:cq,ue will be taken"Sunday at II a. m., at Roots.Student Service ApplicatioDS must-I t is understood that the Rey- be handed in at the Information of­uolds dub leap. year dance witt hea hop: pftl Club and Mummers will ha VI! adinner in the Private Dining Roomof the Commons at 6 P. M.. Mr.haee before March 6. James C'Donncll Bennett will be theLiterary Committee of the Cap and gl:.est of the' evening.I Gown will meet every Monday. Medical Lecture. Dean Dodson ',VI' 11- .eslie M. Shaw says he does not -Freshman debaters who wish to try lecture at 5 P. M .• iD Room 25 Phys-for the Freshman Debatmg team will iology Building on "The History ofregister with Appel or Owen. or at Medicine."Box S. Faculty Exchange. before 6 Y. M. C. A. will meet in Haskell;J. m .• Thursday, Feb. 20. Assernb'y Room at 7:15 P. M.Senior Prom-Owing to a misun- Professor Starr will meet his ., n-dcrstanding with regard to Senior thropology classes .at 8 P. M.. IIIProm programs, attention is called to Ha!Okc:1I Assembly Room in an mthe fact that extras wiU precede and formal reception-The widow's might is evident Iollow the Prom supper,' which will WilJis Lecture. Mr. Bailey \Vin;::W D F be served between dances 15 and 16. will m t ti Iarren • oster, even on the Chicago stage, in view grve a s ereop rcan ecture atHarry 'A. Hansen, The grand march will bczin promptly 8 P �i· on "Chi '1:'__' ••of the fierce compebition between the �.. • '8 mese L:Xpenence,Jerome F ...... :k. at 8:45.-L. D. Fernald, Chairman Ar- :I! Mandel Hall .• 'C.UI college and merry branches of theAlbert D. Henderson. t;imily. raugements. Y. W. C. L. will be addressed atSenior Reception-The date of the .10:30 A. M., in Leoeington I by :\[is·Senior class reception has been chang- Ballou.cd from Wednesday, February 19, to Junior Co1le&e Council will '1av(.·Tuesday. March 3, at 4 o'c1ock.-H. :"5 picture taken at 10:30 in Kenr.H. Chandler, Jr., Chairman Social This includes all who were membersCommittee. in the Spring or Winter quarters ")jProm tickets now $4 will be $5 on and the' Winter 'oS.-The freshman who is excited oe- ihe day of the dance. Promenade Committee membersPubUabed daJi7. except SUDda7 .. Moo.4Qa aDd bol.lda780 durt. three qauten wish to name, the man who shouldbe the next president. 'Some peopleOratorical-Preliminaries for North- will meet at 10:30 P. M. in Cobb 8bern {\ratorical contest will be held Chapel service will be held in Has-Tuesday, Fe-bruary 25, at 7:30 in Kent kell in memory of Dean Hulbert.raining his classes daily for any num- theater. The University public is in- Senior Reception has been post-her' of years. "ited.-F. M. Blanchard. poned to March J.History Exams.-There will be an W. A. A. Vaudeville rehearsal wil'-If Purdue has the deciding vole examination for students conditioned �(' held in the gymnasium at 4 P. M,a:'> to whether the conference shall in History I, February 21, at 4 o'clock AI! the chorus should be present..o_rtptlon price, $3.00 per 7ear; $1.00 have five football games next fall or ill Cobb 8C.-R. M. Lovett, Dean. Keyser' J�cturc... Professor Keyserfer 3 m6ntlm. Subscriptions reeelyed at seven, the. author of "The College Senior Ezecutivcs":"'_ Important "'f Columbia will lecture at 4 p. m.a. lIaroon omce, Ellis Hall. ee at the \\'idow·· should be a good man to meeting of Senior Executive commit- iu Cobb lecture room on "Mathe-.... alt7 Es:cbange. Cobb Hall. send down there to do a little 10b- tee, Thursday, February 20, at 10:30, maries."Lying before the vote is lCast.-Chi- in - Cobb 16B. Action on class pin, Science vs. Arts in basketball to-cago Tribune. class reception and class .gift.-A� F. day at 3:20 P.M.1\: ramer, . Chairman.COMMUNICATION Registratien-e-During present week:Editor of The Pail,. f'aroon. Graduates (in order of application),WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19, 190& ' Almost .,everY University' man has Seniors who have more than thirtytxperience<l the inconvenience of 1.)5- m&ljors' credit; Juniors who haveir.g his "stuff" in gym. Whether it more than twelve majors' credit.was stolen or whether it was left olrt Maroon Compctition-Th�re is stilllie never knows. �t present every- oPP'ortunity for three Freshmen andthing is collected· at night ami put in five Sophomores to enter the competi­:t "lost and found" box. In the morn- tion ior the �Iaces on tho Daily Ma­iug the II o'clock class pick over the I'com staff.-L. D. Fernald. Managingthe articles and pick out everything Editor.that is any good so that when a fel­k,\\" i� the 5:15 class finds that his rRUSTS RESULT OF SCIENCEstun is lost, it is irr.etrie\'ably lost.Of course, clothes ought not to be Big Corpora�ons a Legitimate Out-'l £t out, but they are. Moreover. a growth and Indispensable-Re�odyt\�an nevcr knows whether his things for Abuses not Extermination butwere left out or stolen. Some ade- Reform.... t.red .. Second·c1ue J.IaU at the Ch1c:qopa.tomce.of the Unlnralt7 7e&r'.LUTHER D. FERNALD. Muat;lq EdItorPBES'l'ON .F. GASS� Ne� ·Edltor.,, ....IIELVUl � .. "'Q�liJ8 .. Athletic. Editor.LOUIS 8. BERLIN. BualD� �er.:: :!L.',� :".f, REfOIlTEIlS:.;,t � W. A. Weal er, Robert B. Owen.J. Sidney Sa!key, Miss Mamie Lilly,A. N. Pfeffer, Suuhindra Bose,Miss Caroline D�key,'Miss Esther 1\1. Hall"Harvey B.Fuller, Jr.�:"!:�w"" Former1,.TIl. UnlTel'8lty of Chicago Week17.FoundedThe Week:7. Oct. 1. i892.The Dally, Oet, 1, 1902.PrlDted bl the lIarOOD PreaP.b�� IUdev Park, 8691: . #, "::' No item ·of more general inter�stand importance to every'member ofthe University c0m­munity has appearedfor a' long time thanthe announcement of. the increase of salaries:for the faculty. It is most fortunatethat the. trustees have been enabledtc make this generous change in thestipend of the Univ...:rsity's teachingstaff.The faculty of the University hasalways been considered a rare -it'llfof instructors, not only admirablywell balanced, but composed of m�J1who have made their individual markill the current history of the wo:ld.whether in science, letters or arl.Probably no teaching staff in the. country has as great �nfluence, en­tirely o·utside the class room. on mod­ern thot:ght and action as the Uni­versity of Chicago. At random e\'enthe casual observer notices on thefacuity roll the names of the winn{"�'oi the N ob'cl prize, ,the editor of agreat city newspaper, the head of :-.great world·wide ednctional system.editors of magazines, authors, pas·tors, lecturers, and leaders in manyether lines.HigherSalariesSecured., This very effecti\'enes� of Chicl�')instructors outside the University en­tails a correspondingly unusual ei·fectiveness in teaching, but it resultsin the existence of a staff of mcnproCessors so "aluable that they arcconstantly being called elsewherewhere their' work is perhaps moreimmediately appreciated :in a salap'"'ely. A�ny of the faculty ha\'�.through loyalty to the Universir\'.<!(-<:lined opportunities elsewhere ,;�.volving much better salaries than t1;cChicago budget would grant themfor their services. The' increase 1)/r.: t «re awfully modest._·A, famous doctor tells us that prei .. certain death; a woman author tellsr s that pie is the- one best cure Ior;,11 matrimonial ails. Therefore--,Michigan may play Brown on t:1Cgridiron. Even if Michigan has aBrown study in the' future, we trustthe wolverine will do and 110t be donet:row�cause Professor Starr is to entertainl.is classes tonight forgets that the�cnial anthropologist has been enccr-qnate arrangement ought to �e madt't., gh'e the real owner a chance to re­(:Over his things or if the things werepltTloined to trace the thied'. Lost ar­ticles ought to be held at least untilt he following day even though ;tn:eans a little extra work to those inl.liarge.:.Iembers of 5:15 Class.SENIORS DEFER RECEPTIONMrs. Judson Unable. to Attend onDate Originally Set.The Sen.:or class rcception sched­t:led Cor 'Vednesday, February 19th.in honor of President and Mrs. Jud­�on and Dean and Mrs. Tufts, ha<;hcen postponed indefinitely on ac­count of the inability of �rrs. Judsont!1 attend. According to H. H. Chand­It·r. chairm:1I1 of the social committee •the date of the affair wi11 be ready f.)r:l11nuunccment in a few days.Michigan TQ Play Brown Eleven.Students at Brown Unh'ersity ar�looking forward to a football gamewith �richigan next Fall. The date:md place for the contest ha\'e n')theen doeided. but it is expected, thatthe clash wiIJ take place in Bost'lnon November 21. Full details will hemad� known in a few daY5. most exactly where we were at theclose of the �ghteenth century. ·-Nel---------------c:an justifiably say that the' un!,a::-­C!lIeled physical development of thl.'United States is almost whoily. dueto scientific accomplishments."Historians may talk of the battleof Waterloo, or the battle of Agin­court, or arlY other battle, a� shap:ng!he course of history, but nO mcn­t:on is ever made of the scientificevent that has probably caused theb:tttle. The battle of �ttysburg didnot have as much to do with the :u­ture history of the U:nited States, asthe invention of the. Cotton g=n byWhitney, which made slay,ery proftt-BULLBftRDAILYANNOUNCEMENTSalways forget that if it were not rorthe rapid development·in the field of'SK.,ience, such as the .invention of rai!,'mads and lelegraph, we would be :\ ,-That the trusts and large industrialorganizations of the United States �r-:::l legitimate outgrowth of thesci.entilic able."d:scoveries and general advancem�ntof scielJce in the nineteenth cent:J:·Y.;lnd c.mnot be dispensed with, is thep})inion expressed by Professor FI):"­rest R. :\Ioulton in an address rn:ul('hefore Literature college yesterday... Feople nowadays are diligently de­\'oting their energies," said Professor�Ioulton, "in an attempt to totally�hatter and wipe out the trusts, with­(Jut realizing that· they are a re�m;tcf thc acct)mplishments in the �cien-'Hic world, and in that way are as­�ociated with the general prospentyof the country. The trusts ha\'e ne·cessarily grown in ,power and SCI)rClike a larg� government, and just a:c;in any form of gO\'ernment, '=her�must be se\'eral abuses in the system.R(�medy in �uch c.'lses is certaintyl'Ot to annihilate and destroy. but t·)gradually do away with the abuse:;."The contribmion of science to :h�ract' of man, and the part it hasplayed in the history oC the world. isrot appreciated as it should be. Pol­iticians tett us that the greatness of('ur country is due to �ts republican ,hrou�hot1t the stamc.form of government, and ministe!"sconfidently declare that it is bccal1':.� Are you are the subscriptionthis is a Christian nation, bot they,ef til. Dailr UUOOIIlHARRIS AND 'HOFFMAN INFIGHT FOR RIGHT GUARUDr. Raycraft Pats BasketbaU Con·tenders Throaab Hard Test­Keen Rivab7 Bet"em ThemWith the fight between Harris andHoffman for right guard the mostinteresting f.eature of the basketballsituation, the Varsity yesterday put.ir an hour of strenuotJS parctice forthe game with Minnesota at �fjnn�­apolis Saturday.Both men played hard games in �hcscrimmage. Dr. Raycroft says thatthe work done this week will han�much weight upon the decision a� �owhich of the two guards will play ,h,,"grt'ater part of the Gopher conte5t.The Varsity players look Upullt heir next opponents as hard propo­siti')ns. Th.e Gophers are a strong d�­fcnsi\"c team. as shown by their workag�inst lJJinois, aftd Dr. Raycroft in­tcnd:c; to Keep his best team in III bave IIIUIIIe ..- ,._ -!-II �tiODS for the Sprinl .. :"':;:1SOD. Every desirable. P. ,;' �ric in many DeW modeJa. :.. ; !1·IFif� to Tbirt7 Five Do�l • �(Societ;y BraDd eoUqe �fl�Clothes) -'.t i. . -. .....;SOMETHING NEWIN BASEBALL':;Spalding'S ��� Reaii'Edited by Henry Chadwick, tJ:t"Father of Baseball." Contains au­merous interesting records D�yer,heretofore collated. including winnersof National League Championshipseach year since 18j6. with games .. os'and lost and players' who batted .JOQor better since 1876. leaders in ea�fielding position, and winning pitcherseach year from 1876; National AB­A merica selections from 1871; com­plete list of clubs. with officers aDddates of admission since 18j6; Amer­ican League records since organintion; World's championship recordsfrom 1884, with players' names: Ba:5�ball Field Day records; college rec­ords; miscellaneous records; all themajor and minor league records of',1907; list of extra long games in19b7; complete history of 1907 in basebalt and other intersting matter.A. G. SPALDIBG & BRos.147 Wabash Ave., Chicago.Ba.l� �agers: Send fpr Spildeing's New' 'BasebaU- CataJocrue lor1908., Mailed free. .A proportionateT111&SOl],-- JsSpecial-'--A Blackor Blue Cheviot ·orThibet Suit with extraTrousers of· theor striped---$25. samematerialWlWAM �ERREMS· SON&Clark and Achtms StreetsVARSITY CAFE55th St. and Greenwood Ave.OPEN ALL DAYlist MfIU.S· 20c AND UPChop Suey aSpecialtyT,HB.QA1LIC MA8�, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19. 1908.GENTLE ....._ ,.11'11&1I&1IUI _... ii __ :,BOSTONGARTERTU ..a�CI_ ... 1U.al1I\CUSH_O.BUTTO.CLASPUti FUTl'lmLII-1DUIUN.tuII nu_ ... - .........................s.in ' ••THE PARISIAN .0 .......... ...,ALWAyS EASY ...... __111-rtf:usips.rOll30Qlc!J.Usut­lID­lDdlet­:zarefsLS�'tr­theof'.inI1Se Telephones: Harrison .psg, 3401 • .p3�Automatic 5239II&BARDS, ARLEI i £0.COAL AND COKEChica&'SOl Dearborn Street..BORDBN'SCondensed Milk, Plaid IIiIk. Creamand Buttermilk. -All Bottled in the Co1Dltly.Borden's CondeDMCl IIiIk Ce.327-329 E. Forty .... entb ..., • ...AIOSEIENTS......COLONIALHave you seea�lor • THE MERRY WIDOW�e is; the Interoatioul C .....LA SALLB:k The Leap Year W�THE GIRL QUESTIOHorralleal THB WHIT.BYThe lIusical WIDD_A KNIGHT FOR A DAYSTUDBBAXBRTilE COLLEGE WIDOWThe only College Comedy to LastPOWERSMAXINE ELLIOTTIn Her Latest- SuccessM:vseH-BettinaTBB GARRIOJ[Augustus Thomas' Great PlayTHEWITCHINGHOUR.!BB AUDITORIUM will register for the spring· quarterwith .Miss Talbot. Her office hoursare daily from 12 to 1 o'elock andfrom 1 :30 to 2:30 o'clock o.n Thnrs­Bickel. With little or no speed at cays and Fridays. Special hOUTS maythe beginning of the season, he bas. be arranged if it is necessary.developed into a star. His dive of. 541 'feet 6 inches in the plunge for dis- Mcrgan and johlin in shape to eetance at the Y. M. C. A. Friday night feat Allller and Hinman of Illinois.is by far the best mark set by any of Coach Russell is giving attention tothe Maroons this year, and ought. tc Goes and Cleary, who, he hopes, willwin this event tomorrow night. He take the measure of Sinnoek and Dis­has also shown remarkable speed in osway in the pole vault.the relay_Chicago's best chance 10 secure the SENIORS BEAT PHILOSOPHYcontest is to win .the r.elay and. polegame. While the last ·is rather un- Upper Classmen Trounce Rivals incertain. it is generally, felt that the.U Rough Game by Score of 23 to 4lini will have to present a mightr fa;;t --PlAce Victors in Third P!ace.quartet tf.' get away from 9areyHickel, Lindsay and Harper, who are The Seniors defeated Philosophy zjas fast a relay- team-as has r���t- to '. yesterday in one of the hardest,rerl the V�rsit.Y in years._ Thoug� :t fought .games yet pla'yed in the Inter-is not known hOW strong Hachmeis- University basketball series. At n:,ter's polo. team is.,..the M:aroons "'"seem 'time during the contest was the out­to have a shade the better prospect come doubtful. The Seraors walkedoi getting the big end of the �core. away irom. their opponents, whoFrom-the p3� performances of Bade- proved unable even to negotiate anoch's men, and the way they .have goal. The upper classmen had thebeen going thrOUlgb the practice game clinched in the first half by the 826 W. 631"d Streetgames lately, the chances appear to be score of 12 to 2. I Tel Wentworth 2osB.211 on the side of the Maroons. Metzinger and Pinkerton starred 10;"--�------------._--------�------------�� .. ���._ .. ��throwing honors. Ford and Hergerwere the mainstays of the Philosophy ICoach Friend is turning the gr·:ater team.part of bis attentioa to the Fresl{man . The lineup:l! ack athletes. He.is driving t�\!m Seniors. Philosophy.hard in the mdeavor to lurn tahl�:\ Bliss, Leigb .•••. L. F ... _ ••.. _ Sabath Ion the IIljnois ye;arljngs, who 4�fea;- Metzinger, Davis.R. F_ .•. _ Levinson •\!d the Maroons J8 to 31 at Cham- Vis her ••• _ .....•. C ....••• _. Worthingpaign. Pinkerton •. _ ••. L. G .•••.. _.. HergerThe appearam:e of Crowley i.l a Keene, l\Inzinger.R. G .•.. Ford, Tatcmit yesterday served to brigbten the Goats: Bliss 4. Leigh, Metzinger S IIF��m�pro��� H���tioob. Va�s � �e �rows: lkt�ng«2 ·�'�-_-_-�-�-���� �_����_4- __-��-���-�_.__ �-_,the team may' swing the meet, :;s 't Keene. Sabath .Iwould ha,,·e done on the first �ca· Monday UteratuTe forfeited to�ion. lie is e�sily the superior of Law.Pierce and \Voodrow, the downsta\� The :,t .. nding of the team is a ...follows:SWQlIIUS Atqt POI.Q)l1l�"; 'lIEADY F<$ �Is· .. r �OIlO· UHIVBI8ITY. WOMEN-.Iberc .will be a _caudy Ale in theleague again on Friday at 10:30.-*Im:m house gave its quarterlyreception to the faculty and friends,�Ionday afternoon in Spelman room.-The literature luncheon will be .u. Coach KmvttlOJl PI1III � .:.amTbroUCh L¥t Har4 PnoticeBefore Meet TitIDO",*-The last hard practice before the 1 o· clock, Thursday in Lexington.Ill'nois me!t tomorrow �gbt was -General practice of all the W. A.held by the swimming men ye:5tC'r- A. choruses will be held today in cheday. and Coach Knudson expreued nmnasium at 4 o'clock.himself as satisfied with the sbowing -The Green Room will have themade by the team. Practice win be group picture taken for the Cap and'hght today, as he wishes to have ;h(.· Gown, Friday at J :20.squad fresh for the llIini. The .ee- -As yet there are few who havetries have practically all been de·· registered for the events of the "\\1-eided upon, and will, with few excep- nual W_ A. A. meet. Intending com­tions, be the same as those used pctitors are asked to sign up nowagaints the Badgers and the Cefl�tUi and start training.Y. M. C. A. -The members of the basket-baaIn the hundred Priocell will take classes gave a spread in Lexingto-ithe place of Walker. and great�thinJis last night for Miss Marjories Bellare expected of him. He has , been who was forced to. leave the Urn­going the distance in fast time the versity for the quarter on account oflast two weeks, and as this will· he ,11 health. Miss Bell leaves for thei.n this swim.The greatest surprise, however, thatI{as been sprung in the tank lately, isthe splendid showing being made bythe first test he ha-s had in a rea' \Vest soon.meet, his work YJlill be closely watch- Due to the absence of Dean Wal­ed. Day and Parker ar.e also entered .ace, the Literature college of womenthe Senior aggregation, the former hyhis ability to throw baskets, and thelatter by his knack of carrying theoal] down the field to give it to hi�•CROWLEY CO liES OUT FO�.FR&SHICAN TRACK TEAllior\Vards� Hnkerton shut out, '\\;th­His Work ill Shot Put lIay Sw:i". out a basket Levinson, who is secondRetunJ -.t-Both Squads at ·;n the race for the individual basket-Work�hot putlers.Stophlc.t is troubled with his rightfoot, and ;s unable to run much. H�FOLLIES OF 1907 will probably be in shape by the en�_______________ Iof the week. Captain Comstock ;sZiegfeld's Big Muaic:al �- IBTB B._A 'II". ALTJlBA-rBBMETROPOLITAN GRANDOPERA IN ENGLISHTANNHAUSER, ILLiROl8ANNA HELD Won.I.a\v 3Sci�nce ... Lo!'t.o Pct1.00\.Sou.66;-Scaiors 2covering the mile in fast timc. :anti Philosophy .. . . . 2:s also being tried out in the quarter. Arts 1He may be used as one of the Fro!�h- Literature'....... 1 326n�n relav quartet.Captain Quigley and his band arc ·-The University of Minnesota rcnot loafing, though their return dual gents na'·e appropriated $5,000 for ;:with the downstate kam ;s not sched- swimming pool and a running tf:tCt•,:Icd until March 7. Th,� iut! l'quaj �r� the gymna!Mum.is ap�aring daily.Coach Friend is making a sp.:d.d Show your col1elre spirit by sal)eft'on to· ,wt CaWwdl. � � KI'-. for the Dail,. Maroon. cAPITAL ......... ·Surplus ..... Profits 115.000 00Woodla.wn Trost' Sa.¥iDfs II.453 East 63rd Street. •08icera:Wm. D. McKey. President. Chas. M. Poague, Vice-PresidentFred C. Bell, Cashier. J. W. Watson, Asat. Cashier.3 per cent laterest oa Saviap &C�.. SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTSSMITH-V AILEPumping M�hinel7'The PI .. tt Iroll Co. works311 m.itr:iChica&., in.Ham..n II,.TURBINE PUIIPSSTEAK PUMPSELEcTRIC PUMPSJOBlf B. STBTSOB. UlUVI5B.SITY DELAND,JPLO:aIDAAffiliated in 1897 with THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.The President is 3 Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Qri.ago, and eleven members of the Faculty hav.e been students &.t .a-:University of Chicago. many of them taking degrees, StetsoD it Ie:cated at DeLand, Florida, the land of flowers, sunshine, blue s1i:i ..and balmy ocean breezes. Summer recreations run through t�e' ·W�ter. C(;stly buildings, electric lights, electric bells, eement walb. ..roads, broad avenues, tropical shrubbery and trees. Biggest reliitra�t.ion this year in its history. There are four eolleges, five sclaool.,.· 'LIbuildings and 4B in the Faculty. ..Students from the University of Chicago may do the�r •• * at­Stetson during the Winter Term. and receive their credits at Chi.·Address, President Lincoln BuIle7. Ph.D .. LLD., DeLan� PIorWL " -.Hotel MarOO.D:.,s8TH ST. AND DREAEL AYB..Under Management of the Na� Hotel Co. Tel ��. � ...The BEST Served al· .POPULAIt PBIOBB·RESTAURANT liND LUNCH: CQUllTfR-.- , &c.u� . ,E. C.' �OJORE, t" .",•• fl.OIUST�.2�E.�S�Tel H7� Park �I-�� -"""-"'. • • • • • •CHEMICAL, PJfrSlCAl, flEURICAL amiSURGICAL GLAss. APPARATUS ·.. '.. - .,' - - ,WE MAKE SP�CIAL APPARATUSACCORDING TO D8SCRIPTION. .An, ApparaIJIs Made to Orderw. J. UOEHMIlANUFACTURBR AND IIIPORT�171 It. Raadolpll �CHICAGOSTIJD�NTS' LlJNCn ROO"TH!: MIKADO CArEMeals 20e and up- 0"" ••• ,.299 E. S5 Sf •.VIOLETSSWU'- PEASLILIES OF THE VALLEYROSES.o. L.IOIIAPPICTURES ARb PICTUREnAinHo�s"nt, ....Opposite c.....PULL D.... 8ulft'10 ....,T. G. SCHAnrHBIt a co.AU 8iaea. .... , lit.w.�"""_"""c:.......for file WaslJinglon Pro,._ 46 Riwr Itnet.BILTON..Unusually Costly Decorations to Be Burning of Waste BUket Brings OutU sed in Fittinc Gymnasium for Prize Ezhibition pf Vari- COI-:'Big Dan�e. ored Bath Robes. "A crisis in the money m ar ketcomes like a bolr out of the L�u�.Work on what arc declared to he A fire in Section J of Hitchcock It is sudden and unexpected and '.l!";Ytl t I b t ,I ti hi , - device which hopes to relieve such1<: mos e a ora e uecora Ions w 111'.:.1 last midnight caused considerable ex-II� ,b I . ted f tl a state must be workable on v·.!:"yave ever eCI projec eu or re citement, and a brilliant display .J(f . fBI . short notice to be effecuve." Pw-tr all'S ormation 0 art ett gymnasium vari-colored bath robes among the.1 I 'I b h ' ·lessor Laughlin showed that underwas started ast rug It y t c commit- residents of the dormitory. Edwaldthe system prescribed by the A'd:-ichJ. Dykstea who extingushed ',h!flames with snow from a ncar-by ·.... in-tce on Decorations. for the \Vashing­ton Promenade under thc leadershipof i\Lis'O Helen Hurd. Hill it would take, instead of a l'!\\'hours to relieve a bank th�eah!il�ddow, posed as hero of the evening inA bi .., increase in the sum of pros- with a run. three or four months 'J)... :t bluish-yellow robe.pective patrons over the number in The fire started in Room I of Sec- go through all of the necessary :)r;!-. sight at the same period last "car ha�, I hi .1 liminaries to an. increased currencyJ t ion I of the hal, w ich IS OCCUplCulead the finance committee tomake all by Frank Paul, a Freshman. Paul i��ue for the distressed bank Theunusually generous appropriation for' .. bill cannot, therefore, prevent panics.... , threw a lightcd cigarette m a wastechanging the gymnasium into a ball basket and left the room, The drama as it is supposed to �y its backers.,.roorn and the committee has started fc llowed, "Under the practical operation l·f. thr d 1.1 f ti f this scheme the loaning power of theIn tree ays a icau 0 rme III an I� • Littlc damage was done beyond af t t thi d b banks would be greatly crippled andor 0 surpass any mg one y pre- thorough smoking of the whole sec-vious decoration committees. lion, a hole burned in the floor :�nrl the benefits to customers. to whomS· the d f II tl .1 it is to the direct advantage of themce ie uance a s on re eve anu ,SOIllC damage to a table..;,�I .�, .! -::, ;i.···� !.,-r �': .part of the day sacred to the memory banks to cater, would be lessended to..of the father of, his country, the na- MUMMERS TO JOIN PEN a considerable degree. T.he motivetional colors will figure in the general CLUB AT DINNER TONIGHT of the measure is plainly not the re-,.:olor scheme. Red, White and BIlle suit of intelIigent study or knowledgestreamers will be extended from the Will Adjourn Afterward to 25 North of banking or practical business.ceiling of the gymnasium to the run- Hall and Discuss "Arms "The administration is unfortunatening track, flags of different nations and the Man.to ir, having a panic during its term ofand maroon bunting will cover the office, The old cry that 'prosperity, walls, and all unsightly apparatus will The l\J.;ummers will join the Pen has always gone with the Republicanbe removed. Bartlett gymnasium, Club tonight at the dinner �nd recep- r:arty' is threatened; and attentionalthough it is a beautiful piece of ar- tron to Mr. Jamcs O'Donnell Benne-t. must be distracted from, the- panic IJYchitcctu r c, does not, ordinarily pre- The regular meeting of the society hammering the trusts or;' in somesent the tender warmth of a home or will follow in room' 25 North Hall. other way, whii tbis bill is rusl,!�dthe gay festive atmosphere of a tern- "Arms and the Man," G., B. Shaw's through to alleviate, -'� -lefects. ThenpIe of joy. Neverthcless, it �s assured popular comcdy, wtill be discussed, it can again be said in, the campai1:t.:1,that decoratcd as it will be on Febru- The members have chosen this play Wc hav� passcd the Aldrich niH,as a recreation from the' he.avy Ibsen We will h.we no more panics. Tlicciramas that have been taken up SO currency is now clastic, and so' (n,dry 21St it will present a setting iitfor one of the gaycst occasions, of theLniversity year.Chairman Fernald of the Commit-tee of Arrangcments laid especial em. MISS GRIM WINS IN ORATORY COLLEGE HERO AT .PREMIUMfar. Vote for us."phasis yeste_rday Oil the gcneral inter-Chosen to Represent Chicago by Wo­, est that has becn displayed o,'er this men'� Equal Suffrage League.year's promenade. In speaki1l6 of t.hc: Some who say with pride, "I havedance, he said: never m. issed a Reynolds club dance" IMiss Harriet Grim was tIle success-",More, intercst has been shown in are beginning to wear a worried lookfut cont��!�::! in the preliminarythe, Sen. ior Prom this :rear than ev�r. and to respond crossly when: asked- trials, held Monday night, by thebefore. Already more than a score of if they intend to- go on thc 29th.last \Vomen's Equal Suffrage league of 1University men than attended the Unh·ersity. The con.t.est was heldyear have indicated their intention of Arts College Assesses for Picture..at the School of Education, the twoteing prcscnt. The general good time Arts iColJege men held a short bus-contestants b�ing l\Irs. H. Tredwdl iness meeting 'yesterday mo�ing in�Continued from page I).J ',,:"j'. of the Prom will also be increascd �y <Jnd �fiss Harriet Grim,the attcndance of. a number of the I n April the nter-collegiate which it was decided to assess �a·;aCOIf- member 2(\' cents in order that atest will take place, :in which Misspicture might be put in the Cap :l1ldGrim will represent Chicago. Thc Gown, The exact date for the pictlircjudges Monday night were Professorwill be announced on thc bullet.nWright of University High School.:\1 , h�ards.� rs. Vm. Hill and Miss Agne�prominent alumni of the last fewyears, se'veral of whom are comingto Chicago from some distance to takein the l'rom. Of course this increasedC!ttendance enables the committee tomake. the Prom just that much bet- P()wett.ter. The ant,icipated expenditurcs :at{)resent exceed the anticipated re- New Home for College StudenbThe New York alumni associationsI(;eipts, but thc committee counts onenough late comers to make thing�, I.. r ...t·!, I', !i �. Professor Keyser at University of Amh.crst, \Villiams, Brown, Dart­Pr0fessor ',c. J. Keyser, Adri.m tnouth, Boston "Tech" and Wesleyan.professor of !llathematics at Colum- are to ha\'e a joint club (louse. '3, se,'cllbia. who will deliver a. lecture on �tory buildmg in New' York havingTO INCREASE FACULTY'S n�'tthematic this aftcrnoon at 4 been oblaiocd for the purpose. InSALARY BY 25 PER CENT o'clock in Cobb, arrivcd at the Uni- this manner the alumni hope to es-(Cor.tinuerl from page I) \'ersity yestcrday aftcrnoon, coming tablish a better intcr-collegiate �pi;itfrom thc Unh'ersity of Nebraska, (Jf good fellowship and to gi\'e young·'\Vhen, thcrefore, at the beginl11n� where he gave the same lecture last college graduates a lCity home.of the year, a m«;>nth and a half ag'o. week. The address will, be untech-h� ga"e to the University securi�;cs r.'cal in nature, and has aroused con· Small ads in the Da!ly �farOf)nyielding an income of $80,000 pcr yl.'ar siderahle interest in the places in bring large returns, Try one.hc pro\'ided that one-half of this il';' which it has heen heard.e\'en.."come, in whole or in part, might 1)1't:5ed, at the discrction of the trus:.:·::­'for the incrcase of salaries.' SPAN,ISH-Lessons and translatioil.'iPhonograph uSed in Drilling Play. by. teacher from Spain; 25 cents ll(.rlesson; translations into Spanish :.:0'cents c.very 100 words, 5800 Ja.�k­son avenue, Room 36,.... "In accordance witl) this pro\'is:on An innO\'ation in dramatic workthe trustees haye arrangcd to usc $..jfl.- has heen introduced at �fichigan hy000 per year for the incrcnse of' lih' the Circle Drilmatique Francaise. IIII,rofessors' salaries. They ha\'e iil- i�s pr('paration for the pre5ent=ttiQ!lcreased the scalc of s'alaries on :m av- of L':\,'arc the club is to usc :hc FOR SALE-A scholarship to aerage about 2.:; per cent, For the :1(,:1:' phonograph in training the actors, prominent business college; schQI-school year about $.12.000 wiII be ! e' r�ofcssor Biziat de Hordes, "dirc.:�- arship was obtained through ad-Quircd for the incrcase now mli1e, ClIr et regisseur" of thc Circle 11.1S v�rtisement; wilt sell it for 25 per"'ithin two ye:m; the entire $40.V')() r·repared thirty-six records whi,,'h cent. off. Box M" Daily Maroonwill be employed in providing for th(. give the playas the members will Office.increased s�Iary scale." I'roduce it. ----------------fHave you tried the classified acJ�0;' the Daily Maroon,Joint meeting of members of all Dcan Smith gave a talk on Univcr-Senior Prom committees in Cobb ftS sity life in Edinburoogh at the .\"5 ""h' D') "nOS <:1 y "' aroon arc you T'�;:f)-at 10:30 today. c<lllege meting yesteTda,., mominc. inc? . '.To load a Conldin Fountain Pea. just dip it ID IJtflDk. press the Cre&eeDt-Filler and see it 611 its ontank like a camel slakiDg its thirst. That's all themis to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do Itanywhere-any time.(JCONKLIN'S �G PEN"THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER-can be filled instaDtly without the least inconvenience. Y.could fill it with white kid gloves ou without danger Iisoiling. ·Besides its convenience, is the spleodid writiiiqualities of the Conklin-the perfect feed. .Le� dealers haDdle the ConkllD. If yours does DOt. GIdIrdlrecL Prices. 13.00 aDd up. Send at once for baDdaomo DeW cataJc. '.�VOL.�·YAII:IThe Coo.'jn Pm Co.. 310 Manhattan BJdi., Toledo,'"MAROON.MEN Coaen()4WHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORNER CLOTHES BaARE BUYING AGAIN THIS SPP"!�GCOLLEGE �UITS AND OVERCOATS SlS-OOSc..rver & WDkie 135189Dea,bo",St.TAILORS Ball" floor ' sc..t'n'swinwhelteamswina ferontthroT1gOO4Wa:mallThestrerideCt!'ie;mactheTYPEWRITERSWe offer a convenient and satis­factory arrangement to students andothers desiring to rent typewriters,with option of buying.RENTAL RATES.First month •••.•• __ .•••• _ • • . .. S4.ooRenewals ••...• __ ••• _. _ ••. : __ • _ .•• __ • •...............•..•• 3-00Six months •••.•• _ '••• _ ..• _ •• __ • .; .••• _ • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • •• 15-00'TlIB MONARCH ftPBWBlTBR COMPARY,. Phone: Central 6362. 2S E. Madison· St.senfaclM.(�. quiareThtbeSole Agents forCROWN, KMABE, ESTEY,CHICKERING BROs., IUCPHAIL GRAND.CONCORD. H. P. NELSON. OJ:ofO�lr PianoVisitBefore maJdac a selection be sure to see o� imprewi .. :' .ahibita-four 800n_ �f � rooms - Colonial Room. ��'Noveau Room,· LollIS XIV Roo:n, Dutch !Wom I HuntUea ai- 'lpianCMI' =any differeat makes- each of acknowledged � ,',K7 in, its I'eapective' d.. all sales made 'at minimum fipr& ,CaD for art booklets of arioua pianos to stuely. at yeur Jeisarw.. ..Terms to sait 'your preferences. VISitors always welc.me-aeone urged to buyl We are iia sthebnfir.C(JtltIn'e.IUiserBefore makinC a �1ion visit the Piano Rooms ofGEO.P.BENT8U Wabasb AYen lIe Cbicaeo, U. 8. A..(:CojTypewritcn for Sale Rooms for Rent.TYPEWRITERS for Sale or Rent- FURNISHED ROO M S-Near •Special rates to students; bargainsin re-built machines. W. White­head, J6 La Salle Street. University; with or withoat icIIhous�keeping privileges; adlillht. heat, hot and cold wale;bath. Call 652 E. 57th St., ... halVItlW ANTED-A young man to do edit­orial and reportorial work on lea�­ing city trade journal. Apply toManaging Editor Daily Maroon. POSITION open to young wo.s;three hours a day, in exchanae f«room and board. Apply at DcWEDNESDA Y LUNCHEONS w:1I University Employment Burd1Lbe sen'ed in the Church of the Di�ciples at 57th St. and Lexington WANTED-Students to attend &Ave" from 12 to 1:30 p. m. Meals 8at. s·IeIblsglewood Roller Rink, 6.u2 W'"worth Ave. Every eveninc, 'nils,Sat. and Sun. Afternoons tImIIiatare 20 cents each, and are appr�ciated by those who 'lave eatenthere. Students are invited tocome. the season.The Daily Maroon will pay five'! WANTED-A young woman to_·cents per copy for the following ,,- it advertising for college papas;sues of thi:; paper: Jan. 14- Brin\( profitable work. Address, J. Jl,them to the A�roon office today, The Maroon Office