_aronn, ;....... .-. '\, �\ ...-CHICAGO, �TURDA Y, FEBRUARY 15. lQOB. Price ·�c.iDt.ilvlLLE TO IE IEIT.ITTIlIIIII AT UIiVUSln LIlES IASElALL PItSPECISDownstaters Take AU of noabtf:alEVeD� aDd Keep Lad OvetMaroons in Double.Co� ·Bakd �b v�_ ad �----------------------------------------------�Freshman HiDes Will, be ,iDDen,Despite Small N�FortyMen at Work • ' ... -\':.Fifteen regu'ar . and twenti�f�rFreshmen are" appearing daili' ,forbaseball practice. ThoUgh C�chBaird considers both squads :...$�11,he' declared yesterday that ther-� �3n""1be Lure of the Quarters: tho unusual amount of good �hial510rr of a sub-Frt!'Shman girl Who is from which to pick the Varsit� .���]COking for a college, is the next at- first year nines this }'Ietar. He expeetsInction scheduled for Universrl y to turn out a team that will rival tl;�t, . boards, being on the program for season's. !'�./: .Frid3y evening. February 28. Its Captain' Gaarde wi:1 be- be1ilnd' :be ; �" aathors. MEsses Dickey and Althea bat: Rockwell. sub-catcher on the l ;',' W� dee'are it has no rteierenc.e to Freshman squad last year has made.. -,: lb, financial situation. considerable improvement and win�:i . 'De playlet is one number of the probably gIeIt' some . WIOIrk at backstop'!.;"� aimuaJ W. A. A. vaudemle. befort the season 15 over, Sutherland;',�:\ nle' other numbers on the pro- pitchee on the tftshmtan squad la..c;tcri.ui will include some clOg ckmGers year,' is showing up well and wfIll he'�, -.eYer before seen at the University, given an oPP01umity to �i.st Page. '--;" :.'tmQp of mechanical dolls, a short with � twirlbg en.f�·tbe.game. Urbana, Ill., Feb. I.f.-By cOvsist-',� . sketch, a take--off on Ulnive=-stty life, StadJling's 9itchinJ':um seems to entJy carrying off all the cIoakf1Ila' song· by two well-known singing be' good and this � with·-his even.s, the Illin<ls agarcptioll' ofm(;, umaedians and an Illustrated shadow excellent work in the '�e'd, makes track athletes succeeded ill takiDa aJle�Dg.· Vaudeyille liiil� will soon be. him sure of a place :agailL agreeable end of a .52 to 34 score inor,.tistn'butcd arcund the campus.' '. Competition' for the iJi\tGal sack the dual meet With tile Maroou.s. here ._ .·Great . entlhusias.m is. manifested will be' between Meigs and Scbom- tonight. The meet proftd as. ·,iPter-.&moDI the people who are talDpg mer� with Ross\:ls a po� bidder -!i ��I:.�n�,.��'-'=',*"!i=lr� ���':; .-.� "--.' ",_:Pn. 'Every. one expects one of the for' the pJa<:a, Among tile g�. ·ia- 41!�eft� -f�l�, to be: '�':reat"�L ..t :bcs�'most. fun-provoking _!���: P��d ... ;��!��.c)f:JaSt ! Su�prises· oacurred in' bodr' caal,,; .�:,;:�.,. '," ;"'CJliiCii·hive:��'iiVeu.": Year's FruhmaD �.Pbdps; SbeJ- !' Maddigan cctdid �� in .� Shot·'�lPmton 15 � cliai� doD aJid·&eftL·· .. :: .. ' ..... �. !. 'put, and the � rd:iy t.-._ .... ',�oIiDe /Dickey chairman" ()f . nUde:. ; �� ,ha4 aD, �dta_.t . show. f�' a! '. _ . .' . ", ,. . I cxpectcdly lost � � ." .. . . ,.� _ Louise .Lyman cbalnoan of post· in· the out�� .beiDg. iast and a .-'-es. �'pa .. � Citizen's Wife-" In tile 3S-yaI-d dash' May' Cot:. a .·tdres�cnts. FJormce Manning has l.ard hi.';" .. CoItinp wilt also coa- '., . : 'c.._. gOGd .start, � �di� ��� �C!Cl.jn-� �J adv�rtising, and Mary Heap tend for a, p1ace in the �tfi.eld if, be S_ 'TEAll DEfEATS. J)BAMADC CLUB ADDS . winning in O:G4 �-s. St��,'.'is .baSness manager. i-e.tums to scbooI � quarter.. CEtlIIAL . BY 26. '10. 20 '� 'NEW 1RIDIIPB' TO ITS LIST c:ame in a' dose sec� �o .JeiIIliM .n.c Cast for "The Lur1e of dle In all . probahi6ty, t.1le Fresbmen ",. .. " -'.;" . '. .' of Illinois gleaned the· siatrIe ·Poia�. ,�n has been clrosen as fol- �n have � 'tcsam. -:t;wc;nty�r' � 'Varsitv .lien II� :a6 Points :to. 'Op- '�The KniJtht �f' the �� p.� The 4O-yard' hurdles Sa. � �"10_: �re ou.t, Qmoog �em some excell� po�' �Win Polo Game aD:d. ; �ligh� Bic.AucHence at � .a revH'sal of form. He � ��_Ilary Wister, a sub-Freshman.... material, a«onIing. to Qoach B:u.nI. Relay Race. . ta.ion in MaudeL to nose out the fast. Je:JJIDas of � ..•.•••.....•... .... .• Elizabeth Burke McAndrew appears to have the c:atch- .. ,nois,' wOo got a perfect -It, �.)lias Annie Edgerton, MarY's aunt er·s �r6 ci� being sure with By a cosc SCOlte di :z6 to 20 tbe Val" T,he:: "�nigh� of the �uming Pest:e" crossed the tape first iD. fa,.t·� :................ Miss Alice Dunshee the big mitt and a good hitter. Latb- sity swi�ming �n defea:ed the Cel1- was the vehicle" for the best produc� 'followed by Steflm. a.kaIlO', __Frances Fall _ ...••.••• Miss Murray am. the tw�ed twirler looks good tral Y. M. C. 'A, team in a dual mee .. tGon the Dramatic club has evu Brown of �llinois. .�. Winter .• Miss Alice Duns� to do part of .the pttchiDg. Charters last night .. Th�meet- was held .at lht: given.' .At the' clUb's 'mid-�nte� per-. I...1ndberg, IIIinoi$. took the 44C)·.in .Cecelia Spring _ ..... Miss Ph� B�ll will undoubtedly make a place in t"� Y 'To • iorm.ancc last evening in Ma.ildel hall a hot race, in whidi,". h. e' was tha Ii;. .�ent14l1 . ..I.�{. C. A. ·nataton.um.Sari&h sUmm�r •••.....•.•...••.• �. :nfield, having bad considetrable ex- The re!:ay raClC: of ]76 yards '.vas he large audience gave the play.:::rs vorite:· The t� 0:53. 3�S, was fti7.. : Miss Marie Ortmayer perience. won by the Chicago �en in 1:52. .m enthushstic reception.. fa"5t for the I1llDois track.• fi' �s.Dudley, Miss Barret and �iss &JbOt�ehr mBrie� outGai�lltheHta1eaml, H�:: The team \\"'35 cOID.posed of Bcckd� A.II �lae l?arts we're 'wiusually w�n A surprise came in die �T-l��' Liftnnore are training the dancing " ng t" ggs, s, -Carey. Befltley and Princell. t�kcn, C\'�ry, character enterilng :hor- run. Hanley, the fast dowustater.• ,; 'aDd Miss Dunshet, Miss Bell, Miss nngton, Innes, £.ink. Mosser, Njc�- The polo game was won by a �0re' oU'Khly il1to the spirit of his part. The had a good lead tbto1lpoat tbe'1¥C,.JJ Sqmollr and M:rss Ortmayer the erson, N-ichols, RiChie, Ro ... , Schedeof 2 tJo I. '1 pJay ()�er� exce]!etr. o.pportuniti:le'S to which was the. kieeDes't of the eftIi-�: -ging. A IfWl rehearsal will be Smi:ll, Tait, Gilbert, Smith, Bowman The line-up was as follows: many of its charnc�s, and the actor.; ing, ","'hen GalTett, � .'b;r •� held in the gymnasium on Wednes- and Braud. Chbgo. '�ntral Y.M.C.A. made the �ost of these. Th'e audi- beautiful spri .. , � paSt � tak ..tiJ: ·7 at " p. m. EveryOde should be Kahn •••••••.•...•. G •••.•... Par'<cr cnce was fon:ed to lau� from the tng first in 2:05 1-5. -:1' Pmalt. F�N-=��IlEET U.rschl � R.B Soloman \·c.ry beginning of the. ckwer satire, As looked for,. Hinmaa. IlIiaois ..}. Brooks .••. : LB De�lar which played qtDetly wil'h the inabil- captured the premiier:pbCe'ill th ..PROF. SllALL:&Y TO TALKBa� Ropn ad Waadt Bapect '!O Princell •......•.... F. . l\r.cni�:lt ity 6f the London public .of their nVIe' run, finshing' fail be yanIs inT Taylor .•••..•.•... F. . H ill time to accept the necessary drramatic tM I�ad.- Arbor EcODOlllllt to Lectme OIl Compete ID Opea MaIr � P.adenoch _ C. • Gehk:\�r iIIu-;ion and bur:esqucd knigbt-er- Chicago':l two-milers wrte com-RaiII'OIH!a ill, Cobb -In the second 'half Driscola sub;ti-l rantry. p'et�ly ouaclassed by the lIIini 4is-'Che First Regiment «JI)en .meet to- 'tuted i(lr Brooks. Thc play was run off smoothly !n tanc� men, Miiler, lIIi�s,' wilUlm.night at the First Regiment Annory Th� ,othcr c"cnts of thc mcet n�- all the acts. TIle production was not that e\�nt easily, wi::fi. Caldwell, Chi-will haft but a slim Mra.roon repr-e- ;ultcd as follows: ;l revival but an at:cmpt was made to cago. a �rsi5tent secondsentation � the comptt"!itors. Dr.66 ". .1 S . I, iulicate the EL:zabethan style of pn:- Washburn. Illinois, unexpectedlyIarU W1111. •Raycroft bas entered nine meny butIf I . \. 'I C ". C . Cll:(">-: sCI:tation, signs being used to show outjump�d Sch�mer.- Ch�,.:"• ca C), .• \. . .'"\., arc). ...,not more than three expect to beo an the placing of the different scenes. crossing the bar at' S feet 10 inc:he$.n_._ �o; Nanion, Chicago. Time, 42:4·the affair. ThC'Se are &JIi&OVn in the � :\Ir. llOll:11d J.\ob<"t'.50n. coached th� one inch higher than "Long Jolut."I •R '..a.. 1_ I . 10 Yard Swim.l;gh jump, ogers I� lQIe POac vau t, I Wood. Illinois, took the single point"'00 W ..... nd·· t I'n d..e -J..� put. Klewer. Y. M. C. A.: Priilcell. Chi- I- ayers... 'I: 'III :IIIII� CI)�U1llCS were luxuriocs in every'. cago; nore'hers, Chic:t�W. Time, T .. ��;.The list of ClIicago mtnes, as �nt instance. :\Iiss Hall's espccially beingin �y Dr. Raycroft. is Madctigan,Wendt and Crowley in the shot ?ut.Steffen and � in die hllrd­'(,5. Iddinp Uld Ro� in the ")olevault, Boyd in the dash and Bacon illthe hip jump.'iocu athletes from the C. A. A.- ONE QF DRAMATIC CLUB'S NEW ACQUISITIONS WHO MADA DECIDED SUCCESS LAST NIGHT IILUII CAPTUIE IEEl .BY SCaRE IF 52 TO 34Pla,Jet Entitled'� Lure . of the. QaartUS" to Be llaiD N�of Varsity Proaram.1(ecbaDic:aJ Dolla, CloC DaDces,Sonpaad Take-Offs to CompleteW. A.. A. .Bill. Ho; Contests Characterize BMnts­Maddipn' -Outdoea Himaelf-­Garrett Sprints SauIationaIIy.Event,J5-,yan.l dash Chicago, Illinois.3 ' ,.;a:;-yard hurdles •.. . • 3.wo-yarn run ......•. ....�yard run •..•.••. 6 .5r-mile run .•••• : .. 3S,2-mile TUn •• "........ 3High jump... .•. ...• 3Poje vault •...•. r+»> 0_Shot put .. _......... 8 ,,IRelay ..•...•...••••.• 0 5.Total ....•......••• 34._ , .�: ./0... •i .�:•• ;� .. J..ProCessor Harrison 5, Smalley, ofdie departnrmt of Political EConomyof t�e University of Michigan, winde�r two le'dur.es on railroads next_It in Cobb Lecture Hall The6nt \\'ill � given on Monday at 4·00P, 1.1,. and will deal with ''The Lt'galNature of the Railroad Business."The second lecture at the same h'I)Qr011 Tuesday will be on "'The CourtsIUd Railroad Regulation.'"�.,.,�;- ne Mobamedan University atCairo. E�t, is celebrat,ng thetJaocsandth anniversary of its fOanda-.... . Illinois Ah:mni of the Unh'c;,,:,ityof Iowa r�ently held their first ,m­nual banquet at the Grand Pa.:iticIto·el of ·this city. This banquet -��spart of Iowa's "Greater Universi:y"fI1ov�ment to promOte the interest oftllal institution. �'aklllatcd to arouse; . admirat�IJ'l.The make-up d.C'ser\'es particularmention as being all that could beasked of cnn a professioool com- a.t 5 fc:et 8 inches.lIIinois was corteded � majorityira tbe pole vault, and' took t. 2, 3 !Uthu event,·With Jones and Diuoway.Mpddipn sensationany broke anhis own Morels -easily, bringing dte. .. ,pany. Maroons fint in the Ihot -pae with •Side by side two stories move on: throw of ",0 feet 10 inches, an4 was(Continued on page 2.) (Coatinae. Oft pap 4)--.. _- - � - -- -- - - - - -�- _..... -,THE .AlLY MAJtOQN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1908. ..JIy ... .-,1CDter'ed .. tIel-oDck ... MaJJ at tile ChlcacoPoatollce.God'�How did yOtt like "Peter Pan?" •. -------------- ...-'08--Rot-ten. DO YOU RBIIEIIBER?LUTU":IC II "'Klt.�Ai.lt. lau."�11& Bditoryour steak cooked. sir?Stude-First rate! I never did likeWaiter-JIow do you like to have'fte, CMlcIaJ 8tadeDt Pabl�tJOG. of. tM - '()()-What was the matter? Dido'UDlftnlt7 of Cblc..o. it Plan out?'�·No; It Petered.e-Ccraell Wid.At the Hall Dances,'IO-·Hang it, I don't feef weU to-� dal17. aeept 8aa4Qa. Iloo. nigh-todQa aDd WkIQa. dU'llaa .�Claarten . 'II-Why don't you cake a pill?of tl» UDJY.raI�· ..� ».I. -Harvard Lampoon.J nstructor , in Public Speaking­"\Vhat is the matter with you, Mr.Brown? Cari't youspeak any louder?Be more eeuhusiastic, Open your14n ....... pllnn �. $3.� per year; $1.00 mouth and throw yourself into it."lor. II m6Du.. ttubRrlptiOD8 recel�ed. at .' , Sacred Heart ReviewSATURDAY. FEBRUARY 15. I9()8. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT OUTThe Unusual stretdh of bad. weather Registration for Coming' Quarterwhich has centered -about the ca.m- . Will . Start N� Week.pUS' during the past twoFor '. weeks bas continued to em- .With the official announcement 'oi. Better . phasize the need for some the c'ourses _ for 'the Spring QuarterWalb. special provision for better oomes the announcement also of thekept walks beshveetn th\! schedule oi registration. The! au­JiuiJdings. ,A .sea of mud separates rtouncements will be ready for distri­Ellis Irotn Cobb Qud Lexington from bution r.rom the Information OfficeBeec:h�r. whil� the. dmp� in' general Monday m01"ning, and next week willshoWs �'�in1ciDg, lik�ness-:to the origi.- be the beginning of the! regi�'ra.tion031 .frog.,pt>ncJ from whikfu it evolved. for the ensuing quarter_To .�: �re. rain and sleet are rain Following 4S the complete sc(h'ed!lleand� sled.. and a-pl�nty oJ both is of registration:likely to �ke a morass of even tihe Week of Feb. I7-2I-Gradua�::sbest kepr:. property. (in order of a.pplication), SeniorsSo�e sl!eciall. provision is, .hoWle-ver, who. have more than thirty majors'needed;for' usable walks Where thou- credit. Juniors who have more thansands, pass daily, as hapPens in a twelve ma.i:ors credit. .dozen places OIl die campus where Week of February 24-29--Gradu­students and' faculty'have been forced ates (as above), Seniors who haveto flounder dlrougb puddles: and more than twenty-four majors credit.m�niatu.re ponds during the past Juniors who have mone than nine\"ee� E,;en such crude arrangement majors credit.as laying down planks through the Week of March 2-6-Gradu�tes (asrudd!es is' bet er than tbe present above), Seniors who hve more thancondition oi, the walk. twenty-one majors credit. Juniors . .A.t� L, with Jess than nine majorsHUMOR: CF' COLLEGE PRESS credit.If It's Leap Year. W.eek of M'.arch 9-'l3-GraduatesWliy j� it that we st:11 must ask (as abo\"e), Seniors with less thanThe ;;:rls 0 dance, to see 'the show, twenty-one majors' credit, JUiliorsRC��:Vl: I'}ur' flowers and chocolate? M to Z, with less Itfla.n nine majorsIt i�n', fair: y'know. credj.t, Unclassified (on application).Harva.rd Lamp\)on Candidates for th� title of Associ-:lte registe'r with the'Dean of the Sen-Eth'(')-Was he satisfied with one ior Colleges.kiss?Ghldy�""'--- Ht'mph. I think he was Change in Senior Dates.Y R Three ootes' of the ·intra-University"=1tistlcd with aU of thcm.- ale ce.basketball schedule have b�l1\U:Lvr.s J. AI'Al.lK •. Ubletk' BcI1tor.LOUIS ='",,\ arr en I) I· .... rer.l l ar r v \ Hausen,Ierome Frank.Albert J? Henderson.\V. A. Weaver, Rober. B. Owen.J. Sidney Salkey, Miss Mamie Lilly,1'\. N. Hefter, Suohindra Bose,s:- Ca. oline Dickey.\Jj::.s Esther M. Hal),Harvey B. Fuller, Jr.Formul,.flat" '·nl� .. nlt,. of Chlcago Weekl,.Founded�n.t· \\'-".) .. -et, 1. 1892.rh .. ,,.11,. 'trt. 1, 1902.� :th!, JIaroou ollt"e. Ellie Hall, or at the"-&culey RzrhaDge. Cobb HalL1.';"lateci b7 tiae�KarooD Pn.Plaoae - Ibct. Park 1801�." -",.,t'1.('... , She-Do you like tea?He, -Yes; but- J like the next Je::te-rhet ··er.-Wiscon�.n Sphinx.;. 'aw meat-e-Cornell \Vidow..;::.e.e was a man in Worcester,;,.' 110 owned a figb,ing rorcester,The bird got old,Its feet got cold,";0 it doesn't fight ill like it eurcester,Harvard Lampoon"Didn't he fine you for runningover that drunken spiritualist?"1'\ 0; the judge said there was noIaw to prevent a man Striking a..iappy medium."-Yae Record.,Prof-s-Have I made myself plain,:;lr? -Disgruntled .Soph.-No, Sir,did t'hat.-Harvard Lampoon,L�ttle drops of wfUiskey,. . Little drops oiil beer,Make this mighty KPJlege.Do things awful queer.-Harvard Lampoon.changed. They were announced ye!li­teT'day as final. These are:Feb. 24-Law vs. Senior.Feb. 28-Law vs. Senior.March 3-Philosophy vs. Senior. lI�DU PROFE.SSOR SEESPERFECTION OF MAN AHEAI_' the career of men prominent in thisfield. .The magazine tide page contains.the word "Princeton" in orange' and "Father of Baseball." .Contains nu-black, and also the Princeton shield. merous - interesting records Dever\\Then it is published for Chicago the heretofore collated, including wiDDers"You, are God. You are divine. of National League" Championshipsy . . white "C" with a maroon background .ou are not a born sinner, You .are each year since 1876, with games WO!Ierf and the University 'slhield W1iU 'sun- nd ltd I ' h b tt d '111ftP. ect in potentiality, though not in ... a os an payers w 0 a e �plant the Tj� emblems. A .Iarge or better since 1876, leaders in eac!JactUality." This is the remark made fielding position, and winning pitcher.by Professor Sakharam Ganle:sh Pan- number of st�dents. jn�eoted the each year from 1876; . National AD- ..dit, of Central Hi .... du college, India. sample c.�i� and it is p�edict� by all America selections from 1871;, com­. h .. -' �ho have _�een." it that the magazine' plete list of clubs, with officers 'ud1D t e ,course of his lecture on "The dates of admission since 18]6; Amr:i-Higher Teachings of· Hinduism." de- will secure the� needed backing. The :can League records since organiuive.r� YC4Sterday eveninw at COb! price of an annual subscription is $3- tion; World's championship records,o from 1884, with players' names; �hall. When you.r mother 'Mlnts so�e- ball Field Day records; college ret'-Mr Pandl't I-n hlS" I - ,. J" ords,' miscellaneous records', all .. 1.-.... . e..,Lure exp,ame thin"', "ou ought to .ret it for her. UKth b �. oJ D major and minor league records'ofat elief in reincarnation: is the h: She deserves it. Get that pho�o for 1907; list of extra long games iDsis of Hinduism. R' . I . 'h' f • L.._. em·;a:-n.l1.:.>n her, an4 get it at Esmoer's Studio, 1907; .comp ete IstOry 0 1907 ID U�the necessa Ia t f' ball and other intersting matter.. ry corro ry 0 I'er ectl,·u 24J E. 55th St. There is �i!l time;for �ic:b all human. being:: are dt·: A. G. SP ALDIlfG & BROS.don't put it off and forget it.tined. One Year ABo TodajThe Law Scbool basket ballteam defeated Literature collegeteam by a score of 29 to 15, beforea large audience in Bartlett.The University freshman trackteam defeated the Hlinois fresh­man team by a score of 4S to 24.Six Years -co Today IThe \V�sconsin track team de-feated the varsity team by a scoreof 47 to 33.II Y�ra Ago TodayThe committee in charge '.� theWashington Pr1om. announced thattnere would be no filling out ofprograms before the dance:Fourteen Years Aco To-dayProfessor J. Lawrence Laughlinhead professor of Pol�:lica.l Eoon­omy, left for the Republic of SanDomingo to confer with the au- Iothorirics of that government con-Icerning their monetary situation,wi.th particular reference to plac­ing the! Dominican coinage on apermanent good basis, similar tothat of the United States.IS Years Ago TodayThe announcement was made ofthe first course in journalism givenin the University, The deparrmenc.was' under the direction of Profes­sor W. C. W.jlloinslon.Professor Pandi� Tells of Belief ofHindus-ReiDcamation TheoryIts Basis."Do not be in a hurry to save yOI!t"soul. There is plenty of -lime. Y �cannot, sa.ve your soul by any le�'subst!tute. Y 00' can o�ly save yot:r­self by manly efforts. The Hea,-eliYou wish to go to is not a. plac�You cannot be ,thrown into it. It i:.only a state of consciousness. It .IePends on the poWer of respons('whidi is in you." ."All human beings," remarked MrPandit, "are not alike. No two facf::;ate alike; there iIs a good deal of .mfCl'ence belwem the two. The Fi,;Islanders cannot count more thanfiVe. oRe has no idea of good andevil. He Ibas' no sense of right andwrong. There is a vast diffe� �­tWeen him and t he people of the civ­iliZed world. Why are all these differ­ences that we see around us? Isthere any reason?". He maintained that all the physical,Int.eJlectual and spiritual diftercnc�sin men that we meet wi .;h every jayCtre not wholly d-ue to environment.'They are the cause of different stagesof evolu.tion in which men are living."Hinduism tcaches reincarnation Itvindicates the goodness -and jus�iccof God to His children. J t is taughtby most of the religions of the world.lnere are several allusions to thisdoctrine 0[ reincarnation in theBible."··Hinduism does not teach salv:l­tioa. It teaches perfection aad cein-I --TAILOR."Amateur Athletics." Run on Unique WIL.Ll.AM JERREMS' SOli .. ,:Plan. Interests Students-Aimof lI&na&ement.carnation �: th. procc.s. wbich l-w.to it.·.6' ..�Jioth.er teaching' of Hinduism,"Mr. Pandit r�rked in concluslon,"is tolerance. It recognizes that allreligions. are fundamentaHy true.There can be ,no patent .. scheme ofsalvation, God remembers' all .Hischildren. though they are trying toreach . �iD!... J?Y. diftere�. f'9!3ds. Thatis the I'Qson-why 'Hindt.1f6m does noseek to make converts. And this tol­eration on die part of the Hinduismtowards other religions is the recog­nition of her higher teaching."lNTRODUCE NEW COLLEGEQUARTERLY ON CAMPUSThe latest idea in magazines wasbrought to the campus yesterday inthe form, of l\.telliourlX'·S FlidorialReview, "American .Athletics." Therirst _ copy of t�e magazine, which 'isa college quarterly, was placed in theReynolds club ifIor inspection.I t is the intention of the manage­anent to secure enough subscripeions�rom. students at the University tomake the pubtic�tio.n of "AmericanAthletics," dedicated to ,the Univer­si:y"a paying venture here. The copyat the Reynolds club deals with'I'rinceton athletes and athletics, con­raining a photograph and. account ofFOWNESGLOVESThe � tbeTre made basa gOod deal to do with theway they wear.PULL ·DaBIB 801ft.,0 .....,T. G. SCHAPPNBR • co.All Siaa. Sure .Pit.We CUI7 � ,anal" a.tt..46 Rift!' Stftet. Special---A .BI�i�or Blue Cheviot 09Thibet SUit with e�Trousers of the saml�• ·'t·'lor striped material]---525.·, .�;A proportionate reductio� OD.�:l:!f• . .. .-1'1our fancy suitings, ;���!,(��f� ;'\!���;;Clark and Ad&tms Streets'_lSOMETHING NEW IN BASEBALi�Spalding's :::�:t. BeardEdited by Henry Chadwick, tl:t VICfL1LW�IMT�FOR147 Wabash Ave., Chicago.BasebaD Managers: Send for Spald­ing's New Baseball Catalocnte (or1908. Mailed free. . PHarsvetcel06\VA:,Ie.W()SaltherUlBe�een Season Wei"in Bl&ck,Bloe and GraJ.,SUITABLE WEIGHT FOR.IIOST ANY TIllE OFYEAR.Suit and Eztra Trousers,130 to Iso.Also early shipments of New SpriDcWoolens for those going South «10 California. rt?c-POSthlTncent:. �uesHrinlo-d�TAILOR FOR YOUNG MENTwo stores: 131 La Salle ·S1., ad44 Jackson BouInII' FURUrholighalfta-TVISpinhe474 E SSTJI ST. WA.oriinlM:'-r h�ar Blank ha� water on theknee. Wonder what he'll do for it?"··Wcar pumps. probably." Have you tried the Classified AdsYale RsDnL ia the DmlJ'lIarooa? eRICA.G.t.L'; THE RECOCI111ED STAN01RDl�Thc Name lastamped on eve.., A: jyIOOp- '1A.�r�W'�.CUSHIONBUTTONCLASPLIES FUTTD THE LEC-HEVERSLIPS. TEARS NORUIFASruStl:e "'OLfTS,ORCHIDS,SWEET PEASnu­�,erierslipsiJO!I�2C!Jlet,All-_·DDt-iu�lIer­iD'.rcls,ase­ree­thei 'of;mme ORL1LI£S of the VALLEYWJ:IICH SHE. SHALL WEAR TO .Washing�on PromA. McAdamsFLORIST.T�hones H. P. 18 and H. P. 695753rd and Kimbark \.THE DAILY MAttOON,· SATURDAY, FEBaUARY IS, 1908.The Di visions'Simpson, Stern-Ehrhorn, Innes.FOR SALE-A scholarship to a .'-eb. 19, 3:oo-Hancock-Briggs, Ire- Feb, 27, 3:00-HanC"o�k-T.yt)n. Bliss­prominent business college; schol- land - Silberman, Barnes -I Carter, Sheldon, Smith-Bate, Scott-Barnesarship was obtained through ad- Bowman- Young. Feb, 27. 3:00 - Gifford - Gottfried.vertiscmcnt; will sell it for 25 per .;"ch. 19, 8:00-Reddy-Innes, Gilbert­cent. off. Box M., Daily MaroonOffice. GENTLEMEN ! HANDICAPS AND scBULE OF POOL AND IIWAID TOUR·"��:E°:Sf.,S:"�o�:��� J I NEY TO BEGIN MONDAY IN REYNOLDS CLUB.. WUIl Tt;E .MPROVE8 ', T'-- H . dil I � an '.:aps.80 S TO It I f;,,"cuck, L. .. ��� ;00 Lawrence, H. ��I�'�� 13SGARTER I�l'it::I, Preston I.!'.> Reddy,- C. J. ············� ;.?5Cia r k, J. R.� qo barnes, C. L. . ..........•...• ' 120�m)(h:rlalld, \V. G ql) Bliss, E. R., Jr .•................. 120Smith, C. O. . !.10 Ehrhorn, H. J. . isoYoung, 1-1. C.' ................•... I �o' Can.er, \V. 1'., Jr .•.•......••..••• 140Gilbert, Charles R. llO N(blcy, J. O. . 125Garrett, George A.· :!O Stern, Lester .....•.....•....•. � .125Lyon, Sid. (Scratch) 1:'5 Silberman. D. .B. •••••.•••••••••• 135Bate, 1 B !.t5 l i all, Ed .............•............ 115eriggs, :\I. 11. !25 Elliott, It E .•.••••......•......• I.:;()Simpson, \V. H reo James, D. T .................•..... 125;\Iel:egan. G. F ...........•.......• 1'5 Sheldon. George H : 130Parker, C. P. . i �5 Kern, 11. R. . 1101J0 wina 11. G. F 120 Ireland, C. H !..I0::;ottiricd. R. D '10 Scott, ]. D : .. r zo�iliord, 1-1. C l.'O Davis, P. • •...................... ! 15l:urtnn. J. c. 125 Christoph, C. •......•.. '...•.•.... 125. Poo!..Division 1.:\f,cheganLyonGarrettHamzcckBriggsBurtonDivision II.SmithClarkPrestonBowmanYoungBateDivision IT!.G:fTordSunderlandGottfriedSimpsonGilbcrtParker_'cb .. f7,' 3:00-��he-gan-Lyon;· Bliss­Kern, Smith-Clark, Scott-Elliott�'. "cb. IS; 3 .oo=Sunderland - Giff()r.j,.Nib�cy-Hall, Garrett-Hancock, Da­vis-Sheldon.. . ..:eb. IS, 8:00-Preston - Bowman,La wrcnce - Christoph, Gottfrcia-Parker, Burton-Mehegan, Bliss-D:t-vis.---- -- ----------_.WANTED-Students to attend En- .'"cb. 20, 3:00-Smith-Kieth, SCOlt­glewood Roller Rink, 6432 Went La wrcucc, Gifford - Sunderland,Xibley-Stcrn.. the season.. worth Ave. Every evening, Thurs ..Sat. and Sun. Aiternoons through Feb. 20, �:oo-Hat1Cock-Bt1rton. Da-rOUND-.\ watch.roon oflicc, Inquire at �b·E. V. E.POSlTIOX open to young women: vis-Silberman, Smith- Y.oung, Seo-t­Carter.:cb. 21, 3 :oo-Gifford-Gilbert, Hall-Innes, Lyon-Ga nett,three hours a day, in exchange for, ton.room and board. Apply at the I Feb. '21, 8:co-CI�rk..lBate. Ehrhorn-University Employment Bureau, Reddy, Kern-Sheldon, Elliott-The Daily �laroon will pay fiw Feb. 2+ 3:00-Lyon-Briggs, Da'\"i:;·cents per copy for the following 1S- In�land, Gottfricd - Thrker, Hall­. �ues oi thc paper: Dcc. 17, Jan. q. Reddy.Barnes.nrin� them to the )'laroon (.flic� ·"'ell. 25. _3:00-Cartcr-L.'w�nce, Bate­t(rd:!y.________ Keit.11. Ellio' t-Chri:-toph. Si111PS')�-:-I�ooms for Rent. Gifford.FURXTSI) ED ROO:\I S-Near the: F(·h. 25� 8:00-Garrett-Burton, 81i:-'5'Uninr,ity: with 0r withont lig!.,housckccpilii� e pri\'ilcgcs; �o�rIlight. he:11. hot and cold watcT;bath. C.ll 652 E. 5;th St., secondflat.- Safety Deposit Vaults-Boxes, $3.00 per year. Vaults open until 5 p. m.:\rarch 4. 3 :�Sheldon-SiJberman.(lowman - Bate, Gilhert - Gottfri.!d.Parker-Simpson.:\rardl 4. 8:00-Nihley;Reddy� Lyon-Billiards.Division 1.KernBlissDavisSheldonIrelandSilbermanDivision II.ScottElliottLawrenceChristophBarnesCarterDivision II I.NibleyHallStearnEhrhornRcddyInnesIreland, Clark-Bowman, Christoph­�arnes.Feb, 26, 3:00-Sunderland - Simpson.�iblcy. - Innes, M�e� .. Briggs,Kern-Silberman,Feb .. 26� 8:00-Young-Bate, ElliottCarter, Simpson-Gilbert, Ehrhorn-Stern-Reddy, Garrett-Briggs, Kern­Davis,Feb. 28, 3:00-Young-Clark. L. .. rw-renee- Barnes, Sunderland- Parker.Nihley-Ehrhorn .Feb. 28, 8:00-Mehegan - Hancock.Kern - Irel� Smith - Bowman,Scott-Christoph.:March 2. 3:�-fford - Parker, Hall-Stern, Sheldon-Ireland, Clark-Kei·th.,:\iarch 3. 3:00-Elliott - Lawrence •.Got· .fried-Sunderland. Stern-Innes,lldtegan-Garrett.:\laT1ch 3. 8:00 - Bliss - SilbermanKeith .. Young,HaU-Ehrhom . Olristoph - CarterOFFICIAL NOTICES Burton.'POSTPONE TAKING PICTURELaw Lecture-:\Ir. Roger \V. Cooh'y Junior College Councit did not have:-!'l'c:a) k("ttlrcr on Icgal bihliography\\ill gi\ e a series of practical talk!' its Picture taken yesterday·111C )un:or College Council of thi�Typewriters for Sale O!l 1 he l1:-'e of law book� heginn;ng 'Iuarter and the two preceeding yes- lTYPE\\'){ ITERS ior S:11e or Rent- Ihe wl'ek of Fch. 24. In order that tcrday h:\(1 on in; best clothes and ,Special rates to sttlllen!s: bargaim �I r. ("001«:y may be ahle to start work• I !'omiles and was prepared to have itsin re-huilr machines. \V. \Vhlte'l a" �(I()n :'IS he arri"es all stndcn'!' tS S picture taken for the Cap and Gownhead. J(' L:l :lite trcet. \':110 d(,:-,lre to take th�s cour�e are re- . ._______________ I ," �� S I k' I 1900�. As a 1C0n�cqt1ence 0'( the ram. I' (jt'c<;te(1 to mcet .Hr. c l('n' III t lC .WAXTEO-.-\ yOl1ng 111an to do edit- ,. 1 R F"I' Jand the lack of hght, the picture.,ort 100m .on 'ne ay al-tcrnoon. .orial and reportorial work on lea:l- I' I • 1 k' t::-Inng was' postponed until nex.(.). 2T. at 3 0 c OC '.jng city trade journal. Apply to I \\'cdne!'day at ten-thirty ;n front ofManaging Editor Daily Maroon. _.J. P. Hall, Dean Kent. nnINKS INKLIKE .ll CAMELTo load a Conklin Fountalu Pen. just dip it in anyink. press the Crescent-F'iller and see it fill its owntank like a camel elaking its thirst. That's nll thereis to it! No dropper-no mess-no bother. Do itanywhere-any timc.CONKLIN'S F����G PEN"THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT·FILLER"can be filled instantly without the least inconvenience. Youcould fill it with white kid gloves on without danger ofsoiling. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writingqualities of the Conklin-the perfect Iced,LeadIng dealers handle the Conklin. If yours docs not, ordercllrect. Prices, 53.00 und up. Send at once for handsome new catalo�.The Conklin Pe� Co., 310 Manhattan BIdd., Toledo, OhioDO YOU WANT TO STUDY Iin the heart of a gr��� ��:�����i�lt of some of thegreatest mines, ore dressing and smelting plants in the world. and in alive 'College, equipped with tcachcr s, laboratories. and other facilities forgiving you thorough and practical courses in cvervthinz ncrtaining tothe business and profession of Mining?If so, write to thc State School of Mines, University of Utah. SaltLake 'City, for a catalogue and illustrated circulars of information.. Graduate and under-graduate courses.Exp.enses lower than the lowest-elsewhere.Four-year courses in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical. Chemical, andIrrigation Engineering also ginn, (the last in connection with thp. StateAgricultural College).JOHN B. STETSON UNIVERSITY DE LAND ... FLORIDAAffiliated in 18g7 with THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.The President is 3 Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Chi­cago, and eleven members of the Faculty have been students at theUniversity of Chicago. many of them taking degrees. Stetson is IG­cared at DeLand, Florida, the land of flowers. sunshine. blue skiesand balmy ocean breezes. Summer recreations run through tile Win­ter. Cosrly buildings, electric lights. electric bells, cement walks, shellroads, broad avenues, tropical shrubbery an� trees. Biggest registra­tion this year in its history. There are four colleges, five schools, 14buildings and 48 in the Faculty. .Students from the University of Chicago may do their work atStetson during the Wint.er Term, and receive their credits at Chicago.Address, President Lincoln Hulley, Ph.D., LLD., DeLand, Floridci.Hotel Maroon.58TH ST. AND DRE�EL AVE.Under Management of the National Hotel Co. Tel Hyde Park 3739-The BEST Served atPOPULAR PRICES .RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTfR- In ConnectionPhone Hyde Park 1252Fidelity LaundryCLARK & READ, Props.684-686 East 63rd StreetSpecial attention given to student workI. .. A postal or phone �all'will bring wagonWashington Park Bank co":g�:O:.A,e.OFF'! CERS:Wm. D. McKey, Chas. M. Poague, F. C. Bell, L. C. Wagnerl Proprietors.M. c. BUSH. C2sh:er.rHREE PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS.•CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL, ELECTRICAL andSURGICAL GLASS APPARATUSWE MAKE SPECIAL APPARATUSACCORD�NG TO DESCRIPTION.Any Apparatus Made to Orderw. J. BOEHMMANUFACTURER AND IMPORTERPhone Main 2700- 171 E. Randolph St_reet.CHICAGO\I�-. '.THE DAILY IUcR9QN, CHICAGO, SATURDAY, FEBRUIARY 15. 1008..DRAllATIC CLUB ADDS when one throws himself entirely ILLINI CAP'!'URE II:EETMEW TRIUIIPH TO ITS LIST into his role while retaining the poise BY sOORE OF 52 TO 34(Continued from page I)01 his own personality.Paul Harper gave a new reading ufthe part of Micnael, clwosing ,uo por­tray Joseph's brotner as a stuPl(lthe original play of "The London and comic child, 'I'he experimentMerchant," and the imerpolated ad- proved successfulventures of the self-styled "KJnjg�lt HirschI Shaw appeared' as George,of the Bunting Pestle." As the am- uwarf and did a duncult part welt.ateur who wants to show his ability, .&.�Qul lIaV1S, in thea smauest part 01 Althoogh every event proved to betcl<Wg wha, becomes the title rote, Lue play, ...hat 01 the ,tloy, dId some a real fight, lUinois was', in the leadRalph Be.nzies made an unquestion- 01 tue nest work 01 the evening. His throughout �tJe meet, taking the bigable hit. Lalled upon to show great voice and his carriage and gesture end nearly every time where chancesversadlity, portray.ng ah the erno- .111(1 gesture most natural and grace- could have broken either way.tions from bashiulness to fortitude, lui. Foltowing is a. summary, of thefrom sorrow to joy, he performed !t.e; The ptay will be repeated in Man- meet:task successfully, uel hall this afternoon. 35- Yard Dash-May, Hlinois, first;Mi�s ti.arritl vrlmm, as the Citi-(Coatinued fro:n page I)zen s Wife, a novice at the -ar t of �jj;W MAROOhS ENTERED INwatching a play, carried her part }t . .1R;S.1' .R1«i-l.l4ENT MEE!through without a flaw, Her COJl-stant fear for injury to Ute actors.and her many mte, ruptions of the (Continued from page I)ence in a constant uproar.Hilmar Baukhage was givenl-'jay to sympathize with the separate- J..'lr.st Icegrment, Lllinois AthleJic club,ed lovers kept a better trained audi- and Central �. M. C .A. will be theI ; �.: grateful role of' Merrythought, thedrunken boisterous husband who hasspent all the money the family pos­sessed. With his constant singinga.nd his insistence on a song fromeverybody else he livened up every'scene that appr;ached the tragic.Miss Inez Jackson was the heroineof the play, whose road to love didnot run smooth. As Luce she wasdecidedly well received, portrayingin a fully professional man!1er theheart-ache of thIe love-sick maidenand the joy of the girl who has a:last found her hero, Haying I1ttlderthe difficulty of having a farce enact­ed beside her during her most seriouslines. she was )'let able to keep theaudience' with her,Frank Shakelford was given theone heavy pa�, that of Venturewell,3 proud and aristocratic merchant.lie made the most otf his opportuni­ties, and proved an excellent, additionto the, club.Miss Phebe Bell, if it is possible.surpa�sed her best previous efforts.As Mistress' Merryth�t, thestrong-willed yet husband-pecked,,;� •• she gave more to the lines thanwould be demanded by the most crit­ical.Douglas Scott. as) �sper the Lover,�cored ,decidedly. Speaking with a\'o:ce admirably adapted for dramaticwork, and playing with a sincerity"it:ch was not to be doubted, he car­ried him's.elf well through his wholepart.Arthur Bruc'e is well enough knownto Uriiversi'Y audiences not to needany comment. He was seen last ev­ening in a role different irom any hehas hitherto tak�n. and won manyencomiums.To Miss Esther Hall w:t<; assignedthe part of the haughty Pompio.!la,·'beautifu' as Cleopatra_" While thepart is not a long one. yet it proveda winning one well placed in the.. '!'", ,',I.." cast.Alben Henderson in two roles, thespeaker of the Prologue and Tim. theSquire. blossomed forth in a new'jgh�. impro,.jng greatly upon hisprevious efforts. By the other play­us he is especially praised for intro­ducing into the performance someoriginal and e�el1ent f',business"which had not been rehearsed.Carl Di��n was given, as zcfit:,his talent. the leading light comedyrole of Humphrey, a foolish suitor ofthe type so much used in all Eliza­bethan drama. His function in t!'leplay is to bring smiles 'to the faces ')fhis hean'ls, :utd this Dixon did well.His every effort was directed to theaim of his part; and it may be canedthe most artistic form of aC'-ing,;,� ..• 1 the cruet point winners. The outcome otmost of the events is Impossibie topredict, as the meet wil be handicapand ihe number of entries is large.:_arson, Ramey, Taylor, Harlow andLch are expected to do good w6rK. seconded cOlofortably by Schommer,Chicago.Chicago counted in the relay, andalthough jt woutd not have saved the Imeet for the MarQOns, tfbe Ilt:!n.i didnot need it, either, but won easierthan was looked for.Steffen, Chicago, second; Je.nJc£'ns, I1-'nois, third. Tim�:04 2-5.40- Yard H urdte-Jenkins, Illinois,first; Steffen, Olicago, second;Brown, I Ilinois, third. Time-c-orog ·2-5.44o-Yard Run-:Undbe� Illinois ..first; Quig!ey, Chicago, second; Lin�t;tle-, Chicago, third. Time-o:S3 3-5.880- Yard Race-Garret:,t, Chicago,first; Hanley, Illinois, second; Shu­art, Chicago, nhird. Time--2:o5 1-5,I-Mile Run - HEnman, Hlinois,first; Long, Chicago, second; Steffa, IChicago, third. Time-4=432-5.Ia-Mile Run-�ilJer, Illinois, first;�OLLEGE OF EDUCATION Caldwell, Chicago, second; Foreman.IN WINTER INFORMAL Hlinois, third. Time-Io:2S.High Jump-Wlilshburn, IlFnois,'VVhite Valentine Verses for Priz� first; Schommer, Chicago, second;Miss Osmo.herly Winning First Wood, Illinois, third. Height-s feetFaculty Members 'Present. [0 inches. THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE AND ITOItAGE CO .. AKY Ilia..P01e Vault-Jones, Illinois. and Phone Hyde Pam 571 ICimbark Aft. ........The faculty and students of the Dissowa.y, Hlinois, tied. ' Heigh��) The CJeaneat aDd' Bat Kept, ltuap , . ::,. Warehouse in the City •••••College of Education were eneertam- feet 10 inches: Furniture and Pianos Moved, Stored, PacW ..ed by the council of the College in- Shot Put-Madli'gan, Chicago, 'Shipped to an parts of the world. 300 Prieate .....formally yesterday afternoon at a -first., Schommer, Chicago, second; , age Rooms. Large -Parlor l:xclusively.for PiMa, Rooms' for Trunks,:�nd Wheels.' Large K.eoa ..valentine party. One of :thle features MicCoid, Hlinois, third. Distance- Carriaaes. Buggies and Sleigha, Trunk. te •was the writing of valentine verses.';0 feet 10 inches. from all Depots. Local Transfers for BaaIIPfPrizes were awarded ifor the best ei- .. L' db Famiture, Packages, ete., at ahort Goti'Ca. ' ,y"Relay-Won by Hlinois: In erg, Special .tteatioD�aiYen tD UJJiwnb:y Orde&: .�:forts. Miss Osmotherly was the win- Jenkins. Pettigrew, May. 'rime-. A§��JteT of 'the first prize 13.00 �ss· Good- 2=483-5. " " .' , '. ',t'fellow of the second. After light re- �rAlrAill"I'iw++++"ullt'i' 1111 ••• i • f • ',.. f '...... t.IIIIIIII ... I.II .. t .... + .. &� �.��,freshments the rest of the afternoon II II •:a: ::e i:.::a�:�:·en::d�opular MoO'. 0 Co'D'1es'1 a'; I "an . En' d)-�.Among the JDIe'Jllbers olf. tlhe 'faculty Ipresent were the following: �I:ss'�ice, Mrs; Norton, Miss Ra�dotp!l,Miss hymond, Miss Langley, Dr.Norris, Dr. Caldwel1, Miss Pierce,Miss Lackner, Miss Latham, MissRich, Miss Mar..n, Miss C011ins, :Mr.N a.bou rs. Dean BUlt1er's absenc,e wasnmch regretted by himself and thestudents.The guests showed their appreCia..:tio� of the pleasure afforded them hyexpressing the hope that cOtese inf.)r­ma1 gatherings might be more irt­quent. On1y those fai1ed to have a�:ood time who did not come.HAVE SECOND GAIlE WITHPURDUE QUINTET TONIGHTYarsity Five to Take on Boilermak­ers at La Fayette-Sabstitates IIUl7. be used.Purdue wi1l be the opponents of theMaroon basketball five at La Fayetteomght. The Boilermakers played thtVarsity quintet in Bartlett, and weredefeated easily, 53 to I I. ThoughCaptain Schommer's team mates ex­pect a harder game on their oppon­cnt'� floor tonigM� they expect toromp away \\;th the contest \\;thoutmuch difficulty.Dr. Raycroft may, use the lineupthat won from Northwestern, Thurs­day night. He says he was pleased\,;th the work of Hubble, Buhlig, andCleary against ,the Methodists. Cap­tain Schommer at center, Falls anaGeorg:\n at forwards. Page and eith�Harris or Hoffman at guards willprobably start the game. The orhermen wilt get t.b�r chance after theMaroons have the battle. in liand. quality-H. J- Ehrho�Is IIlilt 00 Ulese' priDdples-my n .. is IIY guaranteeREASONABLE PRICEis 'tlJe lowest price consistent 'With . .-.:er, .hi. its�!, .i.,1\' .'.n.r,JIaCl::: ......"SOCIETY BRAND" DRESS FORYOUNG MEN 'is a further devel-opement . than, simply a number ofsmall sizes of men's clothes.'�Vol�It is the result of the demand madeby the intelligent young man who IS"growing iri numbers each year, in every; .town, and whose more advanced ideasof clothes revolt against wearing thekind his father or grandfather wears. IIAnd have you ever considered thei�fluence such clothes have upon yourassociates, and consequently uponyo?r future success. Tl'wbic�iqUe!mallY.1This is. the Label. cag,trailFricaDSOD,,by ;swi1�.!t!::!1-----byY.tall:,1.y'Business BEST ?<�,��.., ......... e: ...;.,",�':da:-'bJ, .' � . �,.1a�sbtotb�itIII:QUALITYTo put the beat .into oar goods in.order that our customers may getthe most out of tbeai is our mottO.-H. P. Hostetta'"I,in'51College Clothes .for College Mendown-to-dalesnappyrig"tt=llteen to thirty.live dollars t1BARTCOURTEOUS TREATMENT C f Clothes HONEST BUSINESS IIETHOD$arree To conduct JOur trade witho\ltThe &lad band and the square deal Reid, to Wear thought of lepJ. relicioas or IOcialc compulsion - to do the riabt thinemake the customer come apin. .or with • feetiDC of .. tilfKtioD in doinclien who clre h.. . D. W. Kobak..'H� A. Hansen.126 CLARK STREET, • Near Madison].1r