.� '.- t:.··;Iutty !lurnntt•r-mile run.............. 4 5. :"::.$Zv;i'VI. No. 86.'! (: CHICAGO, FRIDAY, ·FEBRUARY 1.4,. !908. Price Two CeDts_IS LOoI Dt��. "!II!"''!-.... � "kN161rr OF BURNIN6 PESTL��; ��DY IC�Ic&GO PlCIED II Wli.IIIlMS10IIS BElTEII'e-� W:-:'�t; ;. AFTER. AN ALL NI6HT·1 REHEARSAL·· ��EfBY URRD" IARSI.-" $died .. - �. to .Jecin .�oD.Five Swamped.b70 liaroo... Work Nat ·Week. iD�IIatJet,� .. , 'I(inus Schommer, � 'and.Falls-Score; o!l to 6. Even_ . Coach Friend Con�es Ma­r,oona Chance. U) Beat IwnOia atAn impro"�m�nt in the conduct 0:thb Wash:ngto.n prom that wilt. ilJIIrriI, Hubble and Bab1ic Star -·.CIark·s Playjnc W":na De PaulGame for Freshmen. _I Champaicn Tonight.. .,.'...- carried out, add immea'Surabty to tho·�uen·ss of the f�c:tion. is '.!be nlanannounced yest�.rday by Chai rJlLlrKramer' to. � the: program o� FLU Squad .Will .Be Taken-Most ofEvents Promise to 'Be HardFoue-h,.W 111 !t Coine "to This?• Evcn_t. r h·,c:.,go., Il.ino's,35::r.mJ dash •........ ·... 3 . �)..lo-yard hu.dles: ...•....• 6' j44O-Y:Lrt) nm. �.' • . ..... ... 4�yard run .... _. ..•...... '6 .1z-rnile run ..... '. . . . . • . .. ...3jump ...•.. 0 . 6Pole vault.' .. H •••••••••51J9t put .• � •• '.. . . . . .. ... 8Re,lay::::: .•............ 5 o-• :'ro�al .:.·.�� '. � ·44(,.oldr Friend. w.n ,journeyChampaign 'this: morning withat&"1..r�._.to I;eW­..spcrJ�nkins of Illinois. The latter hascome along (as-t and has a g'Ol'):1 rev­ord in the obs.aee race. He is given-- the preference over Sunderland and� of the. M�ns' though allthree are new men. Brown and Prit­chard of lIIinois are good � thehurdles,The quarter. mile mn should pro'·�·a n��k and neck TUn, th� � chiefeoneenders for the first honors beingmen between whom it is a'most im­possible to choose, Lil1l!bffg of 11-lino;! looks just a trifle fas:oer than�ither Captain Quigley 01' Ut1gle 0(. (Continue. en' ,aae 4) . (Coarillaed 011 pace 4)A tmiversity press dub. has been»rganized at Syracuse to bring to­�ether studenrs who are acti;ely in­.ercsted in newspaper work. TheDaily lfar.oori has been serving' ill"at capacity since 1902. ,,--------�.. �<m.. ·:�DmY, �B1JLIiBri.··DO YOU REllBIIB.t.,, ': ..... #;��;"'t,�;;;". .... 'ODe Year Aco l"octa�' Ph��-.d Litenture Col1e&eWalter S Kellogg ex-'oB died at women' clild ':Pbil�ophy men are .in-his home on Monroe Avenue, ·,,·ited tc{a cb.nce, given by 4er:at�.Work was begun on the Univer- c-oUeg·r�_�·i·t�l·l .• 1 5 ". m. in ;�.Reynolds club.. ... � '-?. ArtS and Science CoUepa at1el in­vued . to an'. i·rif ... iruIIi; \'alenti���adcea'nd:'·�otiLon···fr�_ 4':10.'.6 p. m. in'Lexington hall.. .. ... P8D4it' �. -ProtessOC' Sak­ndram' G. Paa�'o( Centr..e RUidu�o�lege: B�lra�esi �. ���p��'tc:"'� ... p. m. in Cobb "6A on "Hinduism inJ ndia."Geiman eLl!)· meet Ina .,. l4 ' p •. 'J.. -nLexington wiH 'be' addressed by' Dr;Y. Y. Meyer. ; ': .Ma.aematic'1· \":iUb will meet at�:15 p. 'm, in Room 36� Ryerson, .. �tt"\ .. R. Schweitzer will sp�ic- <in "Th'eQuatcmion As An Operator insity filterin� system ..•Three Years Ago Today. HoW· SIIOwiDc '. ·:�'I',.'·', : 8pdDc' JgoI"CIOtbea ,.. . ';. .' •� _" I' .. :_. ". .' ; �I baft' made peat�, , .I �. ",or,.tbe· SpriII, I iea '·.1· �D. \�.deaIrabJe .F•. :,:- :.ric tit ,�.·aew . modaJI.','" ;'. ,.... "�." ... " ... -,. ....-. • Yd'teca to '.T11ir9. Pin DoIIIis •II., :.5�" • ,��. ��e :!:� .1,n ." Clothes)· " :.'. :.' ". .'_ .-".: �II,.... ., •.THE DA1L� MAltO��. 'FiuD� Y FE!I_RYMY 14, 1908. ..._ -:----�,...:__ �;� -;�':H:��\�,� �. �'". '-�-: "'\ ... :v :...�'.:'The Week:�. ()d:. 1. 18920The DaII�' Oct. 1. 1902. A ��ESE INVASIONThe p�e5enl..·(· \)i nine .Tapanese �:'·tdents in the t;1l'\'l!rs�ty nlakes tfue t· .. J It was announced that Jamcc;Sheldon Riiey and Mis� -Ebzab�tlaCas?" would lead the pan-�enen;clball .'.J Five Years Aco Toclay. The' Maroon track team defeated Ithe Illinois team by .a s����_. qf 60to 626. FredHall ran .t�·: ��� �n4:3 •. _ Six ¥ears.�E� ,��� _The Dramatic Club' held its. iraadvantage is considerable of contin­.'in� to break down the barriers be-• 'l'Iae 0tIcIal 8tadeDt PabUC"tloD of tM � ween faculty and students, and t'otJD.1Yen1q of ChJcap. ")roa�ell the real friendship between'tll members of the University.FOWNESGLOWS:' -�[.�. ; : .. :,t.L',t.#�'·, �jA·t��;�ti'�-:�.:.. -'�'_-;",'SOlISst1SO..,pre�ICDtered .. 8eeoIl� IIa1J at'tIIe CIaJce&o. p_tomctl. Sarnse, a graduate of Indiana and�ormer holder of !the world's recordPabUUe4 daI17. ucept 8111UJQ11. IIoD- :11 pole vaulting. has given up ath­dQ8: .... 4 _ � 4� tJanaqaartea 'eties for study.�Michigan DailySarnse always was a peculiar fellowacting the opposite way from his fel­low athletes.LUTHKR D. I'BB.NALD. �II& B4ltor.• oKBS1.'ON ... Q.A.88, Ne .. ICdltol".\lELVlN -J. ADAIIS. Athletic BdItor •.LOUIS 8. BERLIN. B.me. MaDqer.rt en U. Foster,Harry A. Hansen,Jerome Frank,Albert D. Henderson.: Former17The Unlnndq of Chlcaco Weekl�.Founded Footb�ll seaSo.D· runs the wholeear through. When we are not ac­lally p'laying ball, . we are waging�iaer contests to decide hOw it shail'e played.-M.ichigan Daily itiation at the home of Mr. Walker IMcLaury at which. time. M( �art­ley Cushing was introdu�ed as' theGrassman's Extensive -·Algebra.'· � •.D��tic: Club':'�l1. present � "Th.e: -IDfI'Sloaigheld'{be'tnbl:of p�t(t'�tbl':6�,mobas 11; talt�.''''._',.-f..day,tt.ri�Ch�Thi.,)hLind:a�. ti.ed:': &aidi., new coach.A so-called "Studeras": \qtib.. '."_".:House" was being agitated .. by fhl.!.�� I tCnigh.t of the; Burning -Pest;e"- 'at Special�-:.A· B"la.'ck,;:15 v� 10., in l\laridel h�m:"; '. .' '.ANNOuNCE.M;��··'·� .:;. or., Blue Cheviot or-'FrenCh Exams.-niere· will' be. a J;hi'bet Suit with em .evening was the rendering .of sev·· 3pecial Examination in F� J�' 2-, T' '. 'f h 'r' .. eral humorous selections:·' -.�::. 1. 4. 5, and 6 for conditio�ed·�studen.ts: rousers· 0 t e saDie';aturelay; Feb. IS, .:it. 8:30' ar m. iIi ... .• ;. d . ·'aI·;·'" •. ,'�. :obb II ·B:-R .. M� Lov���'-;Dc�lD. .... or,: .. s�rtpe mater,. ,,,',":xpense. All of thQDl hoyteyer.,:1'tf Oratorlcal-Contes�s in UniVJetr-j $Z5 .. � ,um to .'l!heir native OOiUntry and .. id. ,jty oratori�1 contest will meet. Fri-. " . ' •.. '•.. :leir gleanings �f ��wledge to�: be . Jay. Febrna..y '14 alvIO\3G-·q1IKent:.tO'- ., A' proportIonate reduction on all'.CiQ\-anCement.'·. '._ .. ri .IiscI"'s a:iTan·�c!�ts-_::F� M:' Bbh- ','1 • ,.� �'our, faD�., suitin�:s. .," Lj�;�,.111£ SET FoR ·TRIALS.FOR;.� .. chard '. ". . ." . .(!.. " ... ,' ' �, :'j . ..!::�i;:�.·FRESHMAN 'DEBATING TEAM BIacldriars-AII drawings, "fOr' the '., ... . - '. "', '., A parallel with the gradual de- . '::� .. ;-{. . ��Iackfriars post� muM' � . submfttil-d- � . "; ...... �'\�::;��,'::lrease in the number' of Ammc:m 1Iatcb 3 Set as Date to Choose�lIa: �efore Fcbruary 2s.--':'Max Ri�hatdi; ;� �. : :'� :;1'�udents.· .abroad� is found'iD the in- ",' ,....... \bbot. . ;;"! : ..... ;.."._. T�IL8R'Who Will Debate - Northwestelll \.reasing prestige Of collegiate Amer- ': in APril:. : . , ..... \.�:' .jUnior D�luni�'cClass dues' are. . t� . . '�J •iea ';as 2 cosmopolitan schoolroom._ '. :IOW due; .:ln�d '�,boQld be·. left, ':at' . Bo)C. -'.'. iI .... AII. �·,ERRE. MS. SO .... �,the inteilectual mart of the world. .,. 6 F b! Exch lb �'.,'. The fir� of the two prelimi�s 15, :lcu .. 'r -;- :. ange.-" rye,:, ": . .... . m.m'>� ·A&'ma Streeta,.,:, ' .. 'Of th'1s �cho�tlC ftu� .the._c()lnstant to.choose the Freshmen who will ciC:' Meagher, Treas�ez: ... J909-' ,' .. �:�I-:: -,'i :'; .• '...: ;;:'.' ,.,..... ,...,.:.�;...element IS the Japanese� for the gen-. bat N rth -t '11 be �l'd --c.,-I..,' '. Senior' .Prfmi.:-.TIc-.s .. ,fop. the' se,:.� :'.�. . �:!=!�� '.:FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1908. . ., '-C' . .' e 0 wes em WI �: .re.,.- .'.,. '" .. � .. ', .. ::eral �utpouring of the youtb" or Nip.. mary 25. At- thi.; time ti.-;"::"six be.;t "nior Prom can �,be .purc�sed . rcom' �i" .' ..,�(pon� under sllbsidy from the Mikado's mm will be chosen �d a week iatc:ai �Y ��m�r of t�;�rouuW�¢e,;· aDd � .. ':�"'.': .�',; . ,.'.' '. ::'.'(,�Th f th R Id Club gO�'emmenl'7 has been going "M-.t 'for \, '.' h I � " 'ffi • TIl' ork f .',: ";' - L- ", . •, . �.:,�,e success 0 e eynq s.;._ :'� . .' . _:: � . the� wil� be· divid�. in�� !e�_�s .�j t �. n �����.�: ae� :: .. ��lII' , .. � soimTiUNG NEWINB�BW:�'reception to the President Tuesday �r�y years� alre�ted ifor the most part three, and will debarie against each �he cO��.lt�ees :wtlt.�. � ..�� .� �'.' . � � ;�'" �. . ,c; :�,;evening was manife�t fOl .. ards the Umted Stat.es.. ,other: Th.e fin.al team;wiU � .��<!�� ·th�e �ho.plan ,t��d��11 � S�r.S :usallU. R-.::,lQ all who attended. There are now upwards of JOO Jap· at tins tnat. Fiv� manute speec�es "ffiel� tlck�s �ar�., A.I� .. ::•. gram� �qited. .. by .' ,ffenry Chadwick" .� .. >As the one_ ,general ara�s� students studying in the var- will he aUowed' all t!-e candidates ·",t �cur�n,'\ tF.lnance ��t� -. ,.� '�'J '�Fitl���' �o'f �;asebaW'. _ ,Cqnt�JJS ,��opportunity of the year ious colleges and un�versities of th.: both preliminaries. All mel1l who HOLD p'��T �'A"'RIES'·:>j_INr·,� .• : � in�rous .. ·.in_tetesting . reCords .�ftr· ... for the student body , T .wted St te be f' .. �-� jU II. ,a s� anum r ormlOg. matnculated in OctoOer with ,les� '. DECLAMATiON' ccniTEST he,.�tofoce coJl,ate�. including. �:�... bout one and tw()-te;nths per cent 'han seven majors of advanced credit ;-_ '.. . . �f 'of� National League ChampioDshj"'i��f' the Japanese in Ameri� a. per- will be eligibl� for the te;tm. All ---.� ." .. :each'year sinCe 18;6; with' games �;,:'.elltag.: of students unequalled in any men who will �peak are reque'red to Three II� aDd _�omm a,..d -lost and players' who batted -3tX!,- , . Chosen to 'A.ppeai. 'm Semi or. better since 1876. leaders iu eU!i�'�ther foreign eleme,nt in our popn- send their �alnes and the side of the -.ymaJS." ." -I, ••• ;,:', fielding position� and winning pitcheq!.'.ation. In fact ·only one-quarter '01 question on which. they will speak to .- .... : :., yo 'eai:L"y�ar 'from 1876; National.. �>'";nc per cent ofr our total population Bo� 5, Faculty Exchange. The que'3- -,-'--' , .. or �(llerica selections from 1871; C9.�',�.Ire coJlege students., The largest t deb' . -Tile' prelimin:Lii� in t� )unio:.,-. I-: P �tt:"lj5t of, .d�bs� �fli' officers .a�·Ion ated at the preliminaries will. . '. .. . .• - ,,_. dates of admlssloR· Sln<:e 1876;.AJDer,;·.ontingent of these Japanese students be the same as 11lhat for the debate lege declalllliWlOn �'!t�t, ��� .�('J': :can League .r.�cqrds· si�ce. orga-.·;"re situated at New York University. with Northwestern: Resolved, That held yesterday af.tem�. �.:.K'!nt. tiC?n; :World�s ,ch�mpionship rec:ob.fs:�h h· I .J:.' . . th�ater. reSuited 'in' the' �ie:':tj�:l ,.f fr?m '1�,WJth 'Pl3yers� names; �� .10 ere t ere IS a co ony of �v� while the United States should subsidize :ts, ";._ � •. :',. "_. v ...... ._ .ball Field. Day, records; college �.the class �� arc= studt'nts �d fact,;:- .t CorneJl� nine Japanese are oreceiv- m<'""".ha.nt marine. he folloWIng SIX candldaJ�: ords" miscenarieous records' all·tIIety thrown to�ber. ng im�:ruction. Although this is the first llame that Arts' college, Plnit�:'WQI(r.P.'l: L�:- maj� .and· m�rior league re�ords .�,:.'1 • Ea h 'h b 'd' J the f-"hmen 'of ChI'CagO and Non'-, _ eratore, Lulu' E. ';R�de �nd Reno K: 19_b7; list :of ex�ra long gal!les�.The very nature of ,he .elations ;)!. •c o. t e su sa Ized apa.nese • '-" �.• .'. .• ,. '. :'. . ;. . -'" t907; c�mplete. h.1SJOry. of 1907 ID �tweeD instructor and student in the stuciellts has an allowance from the west(."m have met in a f�rensic con- Ree�e, Pflllosophr.;. �v�lm� .tll .. �,.' ... S .b�n ;..and other. mterstmg matter •.. "recitation hall prevents, as d rul� J government of about $900 a year� a test, it' is expected that a number . ..,£ and I. E. FH-gu��.;, Sci_e�ce� �a.�:. A.. G�· SPAtDIRG " BBOI;cordial acquaintance between them. sum which may be increased in spe- the fi�st year men of the University Roberts. .. j 147. \1!abasb' �ft.� Chicago. .... ,:-1 '11 Mr: Blanchard and Mr. Gorsu\ ;Steps in the right direotion are, l.c- cia cases by as much as $750 moroe.WI come out for the team. The .. �, - .�'!' -Bi.ebaD' ... �: Send for SpaY-;s�des the Reynolds Club receptio'u, for special study and trav·el. In all men who are chosen for the team w.n acted as judges. ing's- New ·B.rseb3tJ Catalo'!Qe forthe receptions to the faculty whidi cases an allowance of $100 is made begin preparation ifor the contest :.-:, The successful �did3t�s::wi11 'ap� 199& .Mailed .rree� 4variOUS of the fratemities� dubs anJ for an outfit of American clothin:j meiliately after preliminaries under p�ar f?'f. � se�ond J#�I.� tWo .';�k.�.h�lIs are giving. The principle ;s while, in addition, $350 is allowed for Henry P. Chandlc:l-. C03f:h of thegood, so good that it needs extension. traveling expenses each way to the UniVersity debating .eams.' The con­There is no student organization .·U students to go to study in the West- tc�t with Northwestern is scheduledhumble as not to have the inter:::,! 1.!rr1 sta.tes and $400 to t�e who to COtl'e off April ]8 in Mandell ha.11.and support of some members of the come to el.�'Cr our Eastcrn universi-faculty. There is. then, no organized tics. Thus cach student 'may cost his Remsen to Head Pure Food Com-body of studemi.S which �ould :lOt, home gO\'cmment as high as $2,150 mitteewith advantage to all concerned, en- a ycar. Professor Ira Remsen, of Johntertain from time to time those melll "The presence of the Oriental rep- HOPkins has been asked by Pre5i­bers of the faculty most closely in rcscntatives in America is significant ocnt Roosevelt to head the board oftouch with .the interests of the .)!"- of' Japan's world-wide hunt for eff.- scientists who are to form a consua­ganization. ciency �nd the $r50,000 which the ing committee on the enforcement ofr&ose student organizations which Japanese g�vernment' aMuaJly spend:; the pure fC:X>d and dnlg laws.have given the faculty the opportu- in sending its best students to for-nity for cordial acqaaintance at first eign universities, oomcs back to them. The other scientists besides Prl)f.band are most en�husiastic in wi,ten- in the form oi the most advanced Michelson receiving the Nobel prize:;ing the circle 'of faculty friends. Lay· scientifi<: IC:lrning and the latest ed- for 1907 were Professor E. Buchnerjng entirely aside self-interest. on th� ucational methods. About half of the of Berlin, for research in ferrnenta�student part in haVing the 'Univer51ty Japanese scholars in America are tion, and Professor A. C. Laverah ofruling bodies in bearty sympathy under govcrnment subg;dy while the P::ris. for the discovery of malar:awidl die work of aD ocaaaiuti· ... the rCnWllder are wodWac at their 0_ baciU ....Stanford U.niversity has such 3rge" endowment that it has loanedbout � million d�llars to' the city of,.�an Francisco. At tbe present rate<San F�ancisco will soon be affiliated vnlversity authoritie�.II Ye.:!rs Ago TodayThe Glee a.nd Mandolin Clubs�ave a successful' concert '-3t �b!�tral Music Hall. A feature of. th�W. A. Weaver. . Roberl B. Owen.J. Sidney Salkey� Miss Mamie Lil1y�A. N. PIeffer� Sudhindra Bose�Miss Caroline Dickey,Miss Esther M . .hal�Harvey B. Fuller, Jr. for thc' use of economic and socii>­logical investigators.liavewDiclThUlwillton.iiipt�agailThimpr.ad�dth:IIb�c'huablyrD tllowing: .from the (:">nI�1! Sun per;i.1-dullac:rlptiOD prIce. $3.00' Per �ear; ,LOO eTJt:for a· m60tbL SubscrlptloDa receiYect atthe Maroon 0Ilee. Ell. Ball, or at theFac:ulq Ex� Cobb BalL ."GettingN�tothe Facultyto meet the head of the Universityfaculties in a cordial, 'unofficial . �aythe reception at th� r!eynolds clu!>has proved to be a function whkhdeserVes to ontrank any others of. the. "year.The very SUlCCe:sS of the recepti\)n10 th� President bespeaks the ',ncedtor more opportunities of this· . sort.On all too dew occasions outside Qf aris.IDgbas •sib;� "Feb.··:Feb.: F�",: F�b... �FebF�bFeb:ebFeb*. :-Wheri your mother wants' some-thinl!" •. you ouglit to get 'it' for 'her�She dese�es it .. Get that "ph<i:'o forher, and' get' it at "�oer'�: 'Studi�,243 E. 55th St. There is SJill time;don't put it off and forget it. BORDEN'.� IIiIk, Plaid _ c.-. _-.ad Buttermilk. ,'. j�· AD Bottled ill die CoUlltrJ.BonleD'. CondeD8ed IIilk c... ."·P7-� E. Fo�-.neath 1&.':. ,. '.1C4i.ae,t ••• HJ'de Park 11 .... 7A·· MeAd_lilan.u.I .... It7. _.Fl 0 r' at.- .�. __ .._..IR_"':· .. . V._ Chl�· : ..are senice aJo�war Jane aDd 1Ook-�'while � wear.�=���� ���� �:.:���=:==!:-- ...... : .! ----. th:e- W. A. A • vaudeville will rehearse'·ii¥f{e�:.lIeet at �. IL�C.·.A.·� ." AAu.n ·baa tbi ·�"M,;;·JiI toda. r.W _L- .. . W�·. Or •• i' .rl.;a; t.�:--.t �h Wr��' __ 10 b)' :., -- _...._.. .. �. e &f'neral • A. A. vaudeville•. ' u_.:..::.. ';":"',a, y�, .DdiI'e._�I;;ii-;;;'i.:' ;" !.... bo '11 h W d. :�.'��.!'.;"'.'.. ','.' 'of .�.. , .' _�.�_'.� •. " ---.:. rus WI roe earse next e nes-> y�_ • �' _...' tf:ay 3t • o·clock..·I.'·�i:�dict· � wit.h th� Cmb-aJ -Ch� ReyDOtds dati claJieii�, ; .. Mis� :Juli�. Stern of Kokomo, InJ .•.t� •. c.' .. � polo aod swimming �vCWq �wiO' be a stritUr iDfonDal ';5 v1siti .. g in Beecher,; �(,at the, y. �. C.' A. nataiori� .. &air. acconlia_c to a dccisioit reacbed . ]"OOay:'3t 4 o'clock Miss Floan,,".'C, .•.. r: •.. th" taros 'for die' Varsity water . .,y the ..... �lub: officers,. aka- .. � I'�.f.e�:".·.· �.Cara.',,· �e1. _.i11 add.ress a league meetingi .. ,oa·. e'.: �.�ght. ,.Thoug':' the <lm� dum. was taltal amoOC' .. � :�t the' School of EdtlCation on "Inter-: -�. W3S .def�ed by Coach KDatd- :ituftnts. The aaubers' of' ihc"clu'b �ollegiate Rel¥ions.". k�,s·DJCfl in Bartlett early in the ;Are 'to, come ·1n iDlormal st1te:aad 1 ,The ��ecutive' committees of the VARSITY CAFE PboDe H. P. 439stasOo, the c���.. tonight will be save their' fuU ; �S5 �,.its for lha: rour w;'men's colleges are to meet� ��pi:rite�. �wing to the fact that 5euior 'and� Janior promenades ... ' 1\ with �n Talbot Monday. 55th St. aDd Green.ood Ave.�;of the··Mar®nS· best swim- .vas intended at'6rSt -to have �. io.: I. OPEN ALL DAy.ers will be kept out of "h� events fOrmal' foriDal.: at wlfch" the mcn :ANTMiWPOLoGY CLAssESl�ght. and th�, ,the. meet win be were 10 come in e'VtePing dress, but' J, IN INFORMAL RECEPTIONheld in the opponents" natatoriUm. . .:aniages· were to be clispellged �ith. ;'ilae Varsity's o1QnC'dS will be consid- In order', to fiod the University sea- .Pro�. �tarr IDYitea His Classes torrably w�akened through the absence .iment upon 'the matter, letters were . . II.. Him 44)1ost IDformaDT'of Paul Harper, who wit! be kept out :imtt to the wnOllS f�emities and ' Nest Wednesday EvCDiDg.�Ri. t��'�eet �n.()� .to �ppeU'Hr the womef.'s organizatioos, askiug their;�ric club show, and Und�ay. )pini� 011 'the' subject. .. � an-' \\�hen Proie.;s.'):- Stair invited hit ...... 0 is laid up With a sore"_ It swen," said DiJ.Ie y"erday after- c}asses in "Mexico" and "anthropolo-bas not yet been announced who will .10011, "inciiea1leld tlait a. would be in- gy" to spend n�xt Wednesday' even­r- . 7 ult� ili�Yplace 'o[,�se mea in the .dvisable to give a club fol1D2l this �Ug with, him in Haskell assembly.��. but in the different eveILs jear� The trend 'of the opinion is tjall an even greater burst Of ap-� . tlWi{.2re· enoo&4t': ��Saitutes to' �ve' that the promC!lDdes. offer, enough plause .than frequently greets himChka� a strong' nepreseotation. 'onnality to satisify .• be m�t of us, durin� lecture hours expressed thatTht .. ;�tries iIi: 'ihe'.'.variouS· events, �d that the ReYnOtds club' should all of the ISO invited would be there1n'th Jh� exce·ptbJ.·' �r Harper and :ndea.vor to make its a�rs infor­Lindsay, will be pria.ctica�Y the same ,nal" .a� . tbat which faced' Wisconsin -two"em ago. This: Mil be the last 'IAR� __!��I���.· �.; haid 'practiae . tlie V"3.rsity men will �& .va "" • .-0h:ave"before tbe meet' with Illinois,whicb is sche:du1ed to Come off 'ne�Thursday night, aDd Coaeb Knudson• ill take the showing· of the' mmton_iglit.as a bas�'" fot decidibg'· th�. pttsonnel of tlie team lie will' .,itapirisf the lIIini. '. . .�":.The polo team "has' shown a greatimprovement in both form' and team.odismce. the �. 'Witb:the 'Bad�gm;".� .. a" 'lhObld ,.ba'Vte .) ��"i';�jhe Y; .M::· C: A. sextet by::aJaqte score. The line-ap haS' nat .�c.mnged, tlhough' r Brooks. will prob­ably br��' mto tile game at forwardIII the second halt·' '11 shape to meet· any opponents in SAYS�$TU1iY' OF BIBLEhe .city.· �·Ii·rst�boubi.'Wilt"pr� IS B&COIIING POPUi-u,bly be'· ·cOnte3ttd "this" DlobtJi:: 'With:he, JI�� Park team. Mid then lOCalY. ··M.·· C. . A.,' �ma.ial· � .aibi�:Iub. teams win be met. ""Sh�atd' the��;'sb�w' �p-'well io Its sChedule it .\ .. 11 probably' bay� an opport1ldy t� , .... -. '. -:roSs fOIls ·Wjtld1ie lIiCIiIiQD 'squad �ible .�y "in Amerioan uni\'1Ol''ii-�ER - COLLEGE, ,sCHEDULE8,.'md' wit. h'.p.- icbilf ieam� fmm -th 'COia� ti� is' spreadi.ng rapidly, aacOOling.. to st!atements made last 'night ;n aPaD � of �nJn.· � ',�erence colle� ...... .. < lecui� in Ha'skeU hall by Clayton �.�. Added. '.' Nut year,'nea the men··have bef (ouper, international secretary of th�Owing to the colifus:on. that bas cOD�crmore.))OIisrml"in tIIe'art, ).{. de Y. � C� A., and.� bder in the in:arisen (Jver the da:1Ie:S �or th�. relD3i� lX�uYiere hopes _, mfeni ·trip .at t-:odu�n of ScriptUl"e 'study among. .,e' � eaken. . and . �e : iata--conegia�109 ga�es of � mtra.-UlDiv«sity teams met.. . ID the 'eIaSt. it � the cusi collesre stnclet1ts.ba.!k.�tbaU team��' the rest of ' the "Wholesale ridicule of' the Bib�e :s. �. tom for fendnC sqdads. to ,accompanyS(.hednle is presented below: not �palar in this age," said Yr.,... F� '14�La\V' \.5. Utera:tur� the basketball 'teams 00' their trips, <;:oG.,er iA 'commenting upon the pres-·,:Feb. J"'-Law v·s. ·LI·t-t .. _, and tbe 'bo1lta·-aft:·f�l� or:' . -d' .,•, �.- "''-. after the -bUItit_lr;� ;, By this ent ay altItude toward the Bible.: F��� �Philosophy' vs. smior�'" "IIlgH9O. I would not have "':1(1 themeans th.�·� bl' 'bOth teams. F�Il. .l�.4"r� vs. Science. fol""':ng he once bad if he were l;v·. are .�t1y-tdl&eed:. "... • -,..F��;�Literature �s. Seniors., ing today. Tbe greatest iflliJr.l\\'m�n:Feb. ... 2�-La\V vs. Science. m�t �r;C in Bible study Ii , r�·F�b. 2.f-Law vs. Scie... . TBREB 1IUIfJ?��. �Dg ,is .. �oral stamina. The grea.!e�tFeb. 26-Arts vs. P!ailosOpby� , " TIIDtD· 8AJID eoNCBRT tbing. t� college. men need Ifo learnFeb. 27-J.ite�Ufte vs. Science. - is to make tbeir lives decent. Tl�e ---------------ieb. 28-Law vs. saenc� • ()pia. 'Ia, .,. t'RMIP"' sptem,. wtridl is merely the PULL DB.U8 SUITSHl:c:b' 2-Law vs. Arts... , era. .. ·,; It'<14 •• ' '1' gatherin. of a few men for systemat- 'f0· .....,!fanh' 3-l'hilosophy v�.·iit�ture. Apt! , I wida BoI' 111m -�C; study is the plan which has recei-.r- T. G. SCRAPPNBR a CO.!ki-(h .t-Ans n. Uteratu�. eel madceel sac«ss in a good many of AU' Siaea. Sale Pit.)firth S· . We any .� Bmar CJotbas- emors vs. Scien� The UlliYeriity� .. JbiJd :fav�·hs tt.k.t Q", �e uoiWftities. At Ya.le therelIar-ch' 6-Law vs. Art�. .weekly ·idlfttiu!. �,. ::d� are; 9QO.men studying the Bible after 46 Riftr Street. .Ibrch 9-A rts vs. Seniors. bef�' the �t .. ,adlttie'e "thaf'had t1!is �n. The leaders of: thes4!lIal't'h lo-PhilosOpby n .. Science. yet :ittdldtd ·t"e l'lo"� �;_ � iilre . footbaD, baseball a!ld MAR. 0'0 N.' M"':,. N,lfard1 It-Arts "S� seniors. .l1nder the leadeltsl1ip of Prottssor t� captains; class presid�nlS an,1 Lt)I:a�c,h. JJ�J.aw �s. Philosoph1� 'Blanchard' preseUtect dtc following l��.in the schools."Marth' I&--:I..aw vs' Ph·. h'" In an ·lI1t---- ·tb 'f.' • IOSOP y.· lirognam. .hich was �hasiutkall, �.� ... ". " •• �W.WI a � aroon rc-reeeived tty the .audience: porter, Mr. Cooper said:ICORE CLUB TO GIVB DAlles.' r': Th�'Free Uaai�(5oDR); .. , f� h.OpduI for ft work at this_ r. u·· Ca S University. Already nine fratemit:cst.L. __ ) _. 'D� .. -........c Doi...-_ _. ,.'.. 2. ,-,v�ure- alat . valty .( uperi�-vnaa ". DC .-....w ... tUM;�ioft·C5fChi\, .' .� , have strtrted 10 organize !P'\'lt,I' da!"�(.'sThis Qaarter.. '.. " '. J. Weddmg of tfte w,nds. A. � ,soon as' the movement gets a f;r.n II. • '.... American ... a.ama, .. (�)-.. . . -• The Score club will hold its nnt S. Selrdion hom "The ,Heny (�ting i� will be only a matter .,f a�nn:\1 on Saturday Much I .... !I ! 'Wi�-'" '. .... slJort time unlit nearly eveTY �tudcr.tn��I��cl������i��;;�:�M� ... ' ��re����ooe��� �---�-�-�-�----------------�� ·qu:wr.er and the committftl in'· � Fan,; tfifte-:;lNndilil! �t¥,; weft �ps��dtarge pr� tUt ,th�' snmal'norn 'P�iI!DP"'lIl>'apJl&radM tff�\�� STUDeNTS' LIJNCB 1I00M�ttues plan� 'for the: Octa.'tibn ·selettions. M., Louis'· MQdeli� tbe' noted T:H E M'I K�.·D '0: 'C A r .:.�ill make it more than usually �uc-: From tbe steady inc..., in the F�hCh 1ectarer, . whb . bas been visit-: . L�sfal: As is 'the ·CD.Wom, a mnD'!r iJf)f)iibritj-' of "dIe-"c� it' i, ·ing:" here -this week, 'will 'deliver his 1·2ft E 55 St. ;. ,.•· .. eals··2fki and 'ilp-',� given Thursday before tile' in-I thought cataia tJaat�tIR,. will· be con- '.are 011 '"The Empress Josephine" fIR 1••• 0,. all ·'.·1l . liMed a� a .....,. � ... , ': . .t Michipa � Ilca1a,.. ' - '-,_ .... -.- ............. - ...£- ......... - .......... ------- ... -... -... ---------:; .��.-\. ,,:-' ....:( •... '·.I:·..i•I· . ' ·,t anycost. Professor Starr is notedror his ability in making these even­ings with his classes a real pleasure,and 'anyone who misses the cha'nce\rill not .only miss something really�v��� '�ing to� 'bu� � is rumored.:_nay at50 thus inspire his professorto· exclude' him from the ") percent. who are, foreordained to flunk__., . :. ".'�' the courSe.' Incidentally with the in·A:fter de\-oUng 'two hOlrd"daily, to vitation came the remark that' ilis.he falc:mg"sqGad for' tht;past � .. ;nth 'tmests w�urd be infonned when it�·!lIe·· BeauYi� . say's that tile feels :�s· time to go home. ..:on.fident tbat the team Will 800ft. be ..;.3o�'��iIiIit·r;cSiar .. �. �yacJer CclJmlideiatioD-lIkbipn- � ,JlQBellet: .� •.-t:; ....� iL.eooPtr Tells 'University·Sb.scDta of ProP- ia Forma­'�bf Bible�Stady:a-..... ,_.".l.I �"· ...... ;0:: ... The J;I'UPottheclupIs a111. h'.Iat-tbc oalT ...)u&lo)1 Oat cwp prterIs tbe Dri!;laIOD. 1IlJU.Old ot men kno. this-bUTthetn And weer tbf1ll. The ... earis tb�, and t!at"J' � 01111 A quarter• pair. JtftnemlM r it.,_ __ �71I111i.r .......... , BrightGuare JUde o(,pure .uk •• b.·The . pat&erDa areV DeW, ueluai\'e- Yari-, etT �nough to atWT<' eftI'7bodT. All mf1al perilare ot beA\'T nieke).plated b .....If Tour dealer can't IUpplT TOU, a'pair will be Iftlt upon receipt or price..- . .-._......L L mGEN1IIALERSuccessor to Bender Bros.MfALS 20, AND UPehop Suey aSpecialty DPm DYERS 6 CLEANERSMEN'S TOP COATS AND SUITSCLEANED AND PRESSED.Goods c:aIIed for aDd· delivered.The ·lnigbt of the Burning PestlePraented by. The U.;IIersify of Chicago Dramatic ClubFriday. February 14th, 8:15SatDrday. February 15th .. � :1'5LeollSea� on Sale at Information OfficePrices-75C, SOC. and 25 c:entL Box Seats .. SuoHo·tel Maroon51TH ST.: ARD DREllKl. AVE.�UDder K8naPment of tile Raiiaaal Hotel Co. Tel H7C)e Park 17»'. ..The BEST·Served'at,·. POPULAR-nICKS:RESTAURANT ·AND LUICH COUNTER'.Ia CcmD�' '.".TJIB URIOR BO'lBLAlOJ 'USTA1JBAB'l .111-117 Randolph streetT�E POPULAR PLACETO EATEither before or after the MANICURING SHAMPOOINGEtec:tric Scalp and Facial IIasaageMADAME KAYNOR·SSCALP SPECIALISTTheater•237 E 55th St. Phone H. P. 3286TRAVEL OVER THE-THE-=­BBRSOR OJUnlBS'BA.- THAT'S ALL -40 East RandoJph StreetWHO HAVE BOUGHT OURCOLLEGE CORN£R' CLOTHESARB BUYING 'AGAIN THIS SPRING .COLLBGB aurts' AND OVERCOATS S3SaOOI'�er·6 WDkie ,1"18DarhntSf.T�LGInt· 'Ia.i fItor··- -__ . -. - - �THE DAILY IUdlOON, CHICAGO,a sonumec.. --:......:........IIEET BY NARROW 1lARG1�CHICAGO PICKED 'TO WIN - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY' 14, 1908.ter. Before the Speakn'��ci£;,tlle J'F\=-"·:I�gue bas gi�' ,h'fee: line; th�. is c1: commotion '�n the'· audi.en�e; .�I¥t�·al1 �obscreperous: :cit'iun, maKbs' his' . wa:,: .. .up to the stage and; demands t��U.lte ' ·OONmN'. S. J.'1fNO· PEN�.'play be changed � �tie :'fo hl�lJiidl�� . ,.' . , � . �:fME PENiwlTH THE CRESCENT-FILLER- '.that shall contain a groc=Ci-errant lion : . I, . t_ .. be filled IDStaDtly witho. ut the least incoDvenieDce. Y •. : .a hero, offering his ��p«Dt.tee'· R�a-....w& _,. -c:ou1d'��ll it .with white kid. gloves on without daDgel'lt"for the leading part.'· Ralph is �.V('�l .8QjUng. _ .Be.$Jdes its c;onve�ience, is',the splendld WI'itiIIi;',apparel and put in.:aJl(l-.the··�G.y· toii� .·;,:\.JG�iti-:s.�f the Conk1i�-the �t feed.�tinues, 'HIe confllicts witli th��;origllfur... � dealers haadJo the CoDkliD. If youn doe. Dot.�:plot and the advcntu're'� �f Iili:rph �i�:'-:' 'dli-eCt. PI'icOs;13..OOaadllp.!SeDclat ODCO for bUdsome DeWcataJGc. ....ing rise to many mirth-pr.?vUki�g �it-. .. � COMIi. Pm Co.,:�w,M.Dh.ffa:il·BLW.. To�"�;.uations.. .. . .' .. ,. .,.. :'. j," . • . •'\The story deals with the .�� bulent' : .• :, ., .'\ ..... �_�. .'. '. ' '•Jove aff.ai.�s of o1lei Ja�p.c::r ·.·�lern�1 ..... '........as--1I1-8g····· to' U·.... . 'e��OID'thought, who' loves" his master s.." . ..." '.'.:'daughter Luce. ; Her father, V cnture- .'well, MS chosen al�tl;cr f�r.;. � 'il:':> ;. .daughter in the pe'rt�l .of $ir )�l:il\:' ;:, .:. . FRIDA. y,. F'EBRtJA:�Y 2..phrey.: an adle-pated' fop.··. . .. _.: , ..'. Jasper ha�' domestic trouble» ,·a.'SQ. �'. Tickets '$4 �t1. �dv�n�e�.Ior his P�l'PC�y �oi iti�r : pr�fer s. h'�:i' ' .. , .' .�... .. 1. : ....:., .:..... .•..•. ,. .. I , • • .' '..stupid younger:��ol1, Michael. . ,_ll� : ·S" ',., ":", I .. ' ' .... � 0",..Mmytbought 1t<iS; but. o�e·. 'ol)j�,t :i'I'I' 'On�" a �.:,.��". ' .. n���a���: .;:;.;;:life-to be merry. TIl·$ '. he aC.C.)'.l-· ... . '. .. ..' .: plishes to the Jsorro,,:of :·I.lis wi;fc .an: 1 . :'.. • .. '..., :'Ch��ee;".n.",y laugoobl"���'!'Plic3ti�ns : ... ;��L :ovEi' ��� iletween .Season Wei_\;catt�ed . by' Jasper·s . ill . 'Iu��! 'the '�lnt�r-. '. "" ;_'.:_�_., __ ... �. . ,:' .... :l, 'm';._ 'BI':. �1;'1Iae�, .\,..• .. .1, " ....�.rr..!.\:�.',Scene� London and ,lie n�igh:' : \'enti<;!n' of. R�JPh. and .�he Ci 1z�ns� i,\:!' : . .'. .. ,,' _� '," ';,"� ':': , . 1&".,. '.. � m. ,,�.!borin.g coit.�try except;ng one I ' ... ': 'C l' ( ',: ':.�.: .. -I .'., ., .... f 'terruptinns', tlr�- o'v�rs �re at y.t SUITABLE WEIGHT PO.R: '1'Pasre's lack of training will probab- ��c, whidl.is it •. <eas:ern Molda- ·t'nited.· Merrythough't arid� h::�· .. vik .¥Os't�AN� !},IME OF". 'J'ly tel� aginst him in the two mlie run, \'la. � are more or lea ·reeo. na.:'le.����.�.d H.u.m- '.; ... '�'. . '.' "'� '�". '. YEAD; , . 1 . �:.'. eded M'II 'f Ill' •••••••••••• ,.. A»9•which IS com: to 1 er 0 1- T' HE ··Kn.• ig.ht of the B.ur.n. m� :phrey re�eiv�s a' Severe bc�ting. �\!-, �:-.; .. � ,,,:'. :.,;: :" ' .•. Suit·aPCI EzUa.T�,.,' '.�noise Mll.e; is th� be� dis1lance manPestk; 15 a play w)thm:t : fone the PJ�y is aJ]o�ed� to �l1d'. t!.c LA'FA��Tf.�) :. ... _ d.' •• :):.:: : .'" : ..•. \ •.. �.-I3o' to' ssO. i.: ':�.:. .llIinois has bad in thr.e'e years, and is. play. When the SpeCtCII�O,- ell-:- . Citi2'en insists .-:'h�t.:·Ra:.�li'�Jhall �di�. • IiuJl'1afA�MS.,;�.· ',;�:: ". �,,� dr.ly .. !;itipinellls";�f ·New.:Sslriuc:�in goo� form .thi� year. "Pat" hasters Mandel Hall torugbt he must im� This 'h�"does, to t'h�' �ar$�t. ()(..qlr. '�:/..' :���llJS��: �. , .. � " Woole.ns. for those .. going �ath or.,�g:;i��E����E� :�:;;:;�:�;H:.:::t:: ;��;::i��:�n�:n!�:!�r.�::XS'·::ji.r�����ri�'�';.,,:. ::.: 1���(6rni�" .; ..·age .ove·r either RJedhead or Fossland the Illinois Central � 9=45 o'clock, in tt:n� of ,philosophy. He h��: spent .... Or 'any . South� Pouit�: '.oj Illinois. He .has come up rapidly Cl.arge .9f QQach, Fri!'Jld ... Some .,f milch time·in trnve:ing 't::d .. ,n� .. ·Ticket��Iii� 182 ·�.,«;!ark s� ". .' ..•..•in the two JIlile,_ . .and sh'ould fi:ni�h rhe-athletes wru meet'in the gymna- 'ha� b��n_in� ��.�.���:,;���h�:���n� .;�,�; _,>;: �!.'!(l-: :"��;PO�7��d' ":.' .'.' ..... �, .,.: ';. : ,.; ...... ;,�«;;:>-;c]ose';tc> th� lea:der. �lun ":t 9 _·o'cI�k. The '�en t� be' many' years, preachln.g:-�ndi���'lCls:,. I ��� .• '".. �i-,·.·:· .' :" "'. :,', :.:"' 'I;' '. :':,<._ .�' .: The high jump i� a toss-'up; Wasb- taken' for the meet are: Captain ophy and relig:on>··tasf yitil��e. �vt� !>.�l\¥.1�.(.,�· .. ,; ;";:l:, '-_' :.�j·i· ., ..... '. .i··::'· .. '::�� Y�uM�:i'�t·.burn, tbe Illinois .. slar, and Schommor QiJig!eY, Steffen, �de. Brokaw, 'in England';niI _"�F�5<;�M\';;j:W : ';; �.; ;,�t:t",��,·��, :��.:,3J.' . .I.!I; SaDi ..��.:'are 5 fc:x>t 10 i�b. m'en and the r.e- Hubble, Schommer, Garrett, Sunder- Mandlester,' Newc�Jt;.�:·, ai1!l;1>oothh. ;� th·II;:.�}{�.1·.·· .' �b��tlT p·.'}.1 i II .1 ,;M.�;·' .. ....JacboD.a I at.f h . li'-'- '. E' gI- L .. �' .' � .. ;·:.uJ . t�' t'" ' ,. 'r a' ,.,,,'11' .,q �<# '. .,: •,.' --:- .•• It ; I,,sat 0 t e event appears' � an even .'arid, P�Sues, Lingle, Shuart, 1.101'6111• promment .. n 1.SII.-.,ttt. le�. ',�. a.. v' _,'. ',"" _ ..• ",;' , .',.) , .. , '." ,",.-i .. , _ .. 'IJ. rm.,� '.br .... Jc. Wa·shburn 15- thou"'_ by the . . .•.. �,;.,�:.,..,� ';, ... :: >. � '':'.' �:� .• ;""��':""":!�".'.' • '.' .. �. '. '.�.� •.. 11 •• ".' •. -,,··Iii· �:"( .•.. ,� � ."'.. 19'.... \Vhipp, .LOng; 'Page, Steffii, Jphlin, lectured at- Paris. ... �,. '. l'- •. 1 _ ,tr·� , '. .. ". . ... r .. : . "., ., ," . '. ". _ •. '". IlJJinois sup�., ers ·.to be .able to 'Yo ... ! .'. -1\'f'- N' ._ h' 'M F I' d D :\1" �-dit �me··t() Aih�rica '!�s\ :. :;;'.; �:;:.-:·�.i·.·;a!· '��I(�".- .'.":': ·:�·�·Tv; P··E W. R I:T·E..• '5'.:· :.:' \f1'''0''' � Caldwell, ae eES', C ar an;; 0": ••• .I.1IIjI1 '_'"" ", ... '\._ ... ", • .! .. _._ '. ,.' ,higher than he has gone if pushed. Ian, Cleary, Maddigan and Goes. faU and ·has· spoken 'al severai �£.�:,ur�: ::.>� .. :_.. ::..,=;��:�\�:l�" .... � ;. ·W� :olfu' it .�B� add �::. .:He is conceded fi ... t, with Schommer large cities. ':At M'*' request of. h:s .. ' .. ',.; :'4l;',,···;·"C- fadOri .......-t·to atIHIeDts... ·"f:1second. Illinois has iz:! WIood a man American friends he has 'opene'd .�a � .... '.. .:�thez:s :d�·.� �ieDt typewri�,'''' jbetter than any Maroon, except NOTED HINDU SCHOLAR. school of applied phiJ'OSoPhy a� Ori,' � :',. With. option of baJing:.Schommer, and he should . land .a· '. LECTURES TODAY IN COBB ental psychology at �Ii�ago.' ;.". '. > REN��' �TES. "��:third. without difficulty. . .... FirSt month·· ••. ;.'. � ..... .: .• � •••• $4.00 .' '.OJicago will miss Iddings and:Jac- Professor Pandit to Talk on "Hindll· Diiis REHEARSAL'HOLljS' . ','R��ala :�:; . .:..� : .. ;.: .'_�;.;.�:�-.�.: ' �.��;'.obs in the pole vault. It will. be her : ..... m' India"- wen Versed TILL �'ARLY' ·T.LI, 'I-S" 'M' O'R'NI- iiG- .; _ . Six, mo. itths· -� -- "'., .. '.. -.� •• .; ••. ; ••.• : .... ;. ;.; ... �.;.; �.� '3-:;','�.'.weakness here rather than Illinois' .._....1:0'. _._'�'" •• ",. I.• 'r� MO-Aium·. TYPBWRITBJt COMP"'l(��·���.strenghth that should get �he down r in Lan_e.(Continued from Page i) . . . . .... .!!. . ...25· E. ........ :11. ., :�;staters finst and secorid_ Jones has Profe�sor Sakharam Ganesh Pandit. l'been vaulting II feet cQIlSisteittly and will leCtune this afternoon on "Hm-... . ¥looks like a winner by a cormortable d:.usm in India" in Cobb LectUlr'e hall. his w.ife in front of the ��I� dress.�d ·.i .���':' �- � r�·. "for' Saie;·' . Rooms for Reat.. :,/' imargin. Disosway, rus team mat!c', has at ·1 J). m. Pro!ess')r Pam"t will courtiers, the- stately Pomplona (MISS ' ... � '. �� I ' .. 'FURNISHED ROO M g_..;N".,�4lthe call .for second over :�b:ffen. spe;tk untle-r tlte auspices of the In Esther HaJ!) gazing jealously' at the 'T�P.EWRI'FERS fot Sate or,.JlsIt-... S . 1'" t "'t---.J _. baPCr.llins University;. with' or withOlit '.f'Goes and Cleary of Chicago. ternat.ional club .. He will show in his fortunale L�e (Miss Inez Jackson), peel" -rateS' 0'·:. uueD_; _.,_Maddigan should bring ,the MI3- lecture the every day phifosophy (,f i� the stl'Ol'lg arms of her lover Jasper: i.ri r.e-built m�hiDes. W. White- housekeeping· privil�ges; ..�I'OOt1;S first in t1be shot put. Schorn- the two oondncd mJlion Hindus tha! (Douglas Scott), Karl Dixotl as head, J6 1:.a Salle Street.· light,' heat, hot and cold' ��mer will be the other Chicago heaver. profess Hinduism in India.' He will Humphrey, sorrowfully gazing 'at his :- ..• ;','1" ,; ,. ,1: .• ::.:.! . bath. Call 652' E. 57th S�' �:and he showd get·second. Litt of II· deal with. the main principles of t'te lost lo\'e and rubbing his bruised'-.: . ..'0;'" :':' .. �.....• Sat.;.; ,r'linois is picked for third, being good Hindu th�ught and philosophy anrJ shoulder that has suffered from his � �N,!EI:}.-A .you�g,maD to do ed�t­for 37 feet with the lead ball. incidentally compa're them with 1hos'� c ru e,l fat h e r-i n-Ia\V.that-'�asn'.t orial. and .. reporto{iat work .... �D Jea:l�The relay promises to be close, and of the Christian. All interested ;n .;1 (Frnnk Shackelford),Mistrcss Merry- . 'jng'city t�aj�Jou��I..; Appi7 '·to�.ay decide the meet. Coach Fri('nd concise and correct knowledge of �1.\: thought and her son Michael 'CMiss .. '�a:n��ing� ��i,t.or:.p�iIY· Ma�wiJI run Captain Quigley, Lingle. chief religious beliefs of the OB!ntal . Phoebe Bell and Paul 'Harper) gaz·Garrett and Steffe.n, unless 0J1Ci of reople from an original standpoint, ing on all that remain('d of tlie \"al:these men is tired from ot,her events. will find it vcry profitable to Itl'ar iant Knight of the Pe�tlc where "(.-.in which case -Shuart \vill be used. I'rofc�sor Pandit. lay in his ca.refully arrnng('d cloakAgainst the Maroons will be pitted Hf: graduated from Bombay VIIi finite lifcl('ss before ,them.Lindberg, ��y, -J<".nkins and Petti- \,crsity. \\;th e-spccinJ honor in phiJos-grew. These are all if.a9: me,n, but onhy. He th'l'11 occtlpied the chair of En�lish Dedine' to Hold �e�tthe Maroon quartet should win t"e phiil,sophy and compar�ivc' reli�i�ms The Oxford University Athletic ._race, since it is composed of quarter at Ferguson College, . Bombay. lie Club has declined' the ch�lIeng� I):. h'l h f hIll' .. . The Daily Maroon will' pay .fivp.nnlers, w let ree 0 t e mOIs.,ns was also a professor of philosophy the Intercollevate Amateur AthJ..�t!.: . . ;..•L�_ H . . . . cents per 'copy' (uf the foll9wmg 15-al1e spnnters. :!.nd c:lIglish at Central indu ':01- Assocmtlon of Amcrlca for an .n�( r�JWI'th the r:-ults coming as predict- I"',,,,,, llener .. "'. . I k d fi 'I t' b 'sues of the paper: Dec. 17,. ��. t4,� "n- no:> loi:tJOn� (rae an e,< mee mg ':-�1 ffied,. the' Maroons will win the me� Besides English, which he SPC'3�s twem tcams representing that '�r- �ring thcm to the ar�n, Co ccby a-score of 44 to 42· The teams fluently as his mother tongue, he ganization and !'he Universities' '(,f to-day .. ,.are as evenly matched as can be, and speaks th� On�nta]· languag�'s, Oxford and Cambridge in' l�ondon.:-..�:--01icago is given the pnaferencc in namely, Mararth. i, Gujerati and Hindi. following the Olympic games. The .. . .. J\ .• Show yoW" coJleee' ipirit by s_the score because the chances of luc1c Professor Pandrr is not only we�1 ('nly reason given is "in!'tlpera'l')te Have' you t�ed the. Classified Ads .'"'-=1 1l. -I.I· hI' 'J' I{ -'--� Krilll •• lor the. '..,., 7 _a...... �hnecakiac ber way appear s 19 t Y 'Ycrsed in SaDSkrit Philosoph" es- cI:fficulties"· . '. in.' ,tho e D_a' 7., ar� "("1-(Cootinued from page I)Chicaeo. Either one of the Maroonentries may get first, as boith are run­ning faster thils year than ever. be­fore.The ball mile looks MUooo, withShuart and Garrett entered. He isnot e:cpecting an easy victory, how­ever, because he will be pit/Jed againstHanley, the fast 880 �r of tfte 11-liDOis Freshmen last ye�r.. Hanley'swork so far this year has been at­tracting attention, and he shouldprove a tartar to Shuart and the timeshould be close to the record of theI!1inois track.Hinman of Illinois and Steffa ,ofChicago, t�o old 'time ri�is,meet in the mile hun. Both are: con­siderably better this year than lastyear, when they. ran as Freshmen.Hinman was' the winner then, andlooks a slight favorites on this ac­casion. That the fight for first wi.1I beone of the keenest of the meet is theprediction �f Coach- Friend. Steffais running. tlhe mile in 4:51 at pres­em, which memis 4=46 on the Ilti­noi�' track The Orange and Blue.man is covering tbe distance in 4=46:fiso. Chit'3go. through either }ohlinor l\fcFarland should get third. Spon­sel is the I'Iiaois hope.... CAST AD SYlOPSlS OF ELIZIIl1IIAN PUY 10 BE .PIE-SENTFJ) IYtDBllllTIC CLUB toNi_ .To .load a ConJdfD Fountain Pen, just dip It lila.,Knight of the Burninc' Pestle..A comedy by Beaumont andFletcher to be presented tonightat 8:1'; in Mnndel hail by the Uni-versity of Chieago . Dramatic club.Dramatis ·Personae."Speaker of the Prologue ..••..••..•.........•... A.I B. HendersonA Citizen .- ..... � .... Arthur BruceHiS" WH� ......• e Harriet GrimmRalph , .. J. 'Ralph BenziesVeuturewcll .. Frank ShacklefordSir Humphrey .. Karl Hale DixonMerry thought ;' _ .• •• " •••• of" • Hilmafl R. BaukhageJasper D!o.uglas· Scott�-richacl � .. :. � .. ', Paul HarperTapster (,(orge SimpsonBov .... ,....... ..... Paul DavisCo�rt�ricrs. and gentl�men: Aleck\Vhitiied. Har ernve Long, Rob­erts Owen, Samuel BorchardCharles . Gre;r.Luce, .. daugh ter to V ent-rrewcll , ;, Inez Jackso-,:\lis.tress Merry thought. .. " ...,:� �' Phebe Bell -rsstoryJc;okintnctic. board:. Frida]aat:holW�tb. fi'1beaimua!filecRm:�r• .trot. shielPompi{Jn�, Prince;.;; of l\Io!davia..... : Esther Hall'IiDt�'nfmchua� ..'1114,.Quulena:liar,iiiLift,'adSqu-gilitld.71Pm4Jar,dateof tldeli._.firstP,J.!NabTheon,IUd p.; :.FOR SALE�A scholarship to �pro�inent business college; sdlotarship was obtained. througb at..vertisement; will sell it for �S �:"ce� off. Box M., Daily M��'Office. . ':POSITION open to young wom�n:.three hours a' d�y, in -exchange forroo� and ,.�rd::' 'Ap-ply at· theUniver�ity Em'proyme:nt '!Boreau.. ... ... ·t: W AN.TED-Students to' attend. �glewood Roller. Rink, 6.tJ2 W�worth A � Every. e.veninc, TharJ.·• �_.J.Sat. and SUD. Afternoons tla�the season.nYil'lthou....FOUN,D-A watch.. roon office. ; . Inquire at.,E. V. E. \.. :." . � . ....... -.: ·a�.�=', ..•